ERTS 2014 Submission 70
ERTS 2014 Submission 70
ERTS 2014 Submission 70
Faster Development of
AUTOSAR compliant ECUs through simulation
Andreas Junghanns, Jakob Mauss
QTronic GmbH
Alt-Moabit 92, D-10559 Berlin
Michael Seibt
Dassault Systèmes Deutschland GmbH
Joseph-Wild-Str.20, D-81829 München
Abstract - Virtualization allows the simulation of in AUTOSAR Builder, selected software components
automotive ECUs on a Windows PC executing in a or compositions can be exported including an
closed-loop with a vehicle simulation model. This AUTOSAR OS (Operating System) and RTE (Run-
approach enables moving many development tasks Time Environment) as an FMU (Functional Mockup
from road or test rigs and HiL (Hardware in the loop) Unit). FMU [4] is a new exchange format for models
to PCs, where they can often be performed faster and that has been developed in the EU-funded
cheaper. Technical challenge: How to port ECU tasks MODELISAR project (2008 - 2011) and since then
and basic software to Windows PC with reasonable gained considerable acceptance across multiple
effort, so that key development tasks can be performed industries and tools. The FMU can then be imported
on a PC, without the need of accessing real hardware into the virtual ECU tool Silver (QTronic), where it
such as vehicle prototypes, test rigs or HiL facilities. can be co-simulated with vehicle models originating
This paper presents a new solution for the use case of from a wide range of simulation tools, including
ECUs developed within the emerging AUTOSAR Dymola, SimulationX, MapleSim and AMESim.
standard: First, the AUTOSAR authoring tool Vehicle models are again provided as FMUs, or via
AUTOSAR Builder (Dassault Systèmes) is used to proprietary binary export formats, typically Windows
design the application software and system aspects of DLLs. Tools for measurement and calibration such as
a single ECU or an distributed embedded system CANape (Vector Informatik) or INCA (ETAS) can
which is then stored as AUTOSAR XML descriptions. then be connected to the virtual ECU running on PC,
The application code can either be developed in the to directly measure or tune its parameters, like an
AUTOSAR Builder environment or auto-generated by engineer would do in a real car. Virtual ECUs are also
tools such as Embedded Coder (MathWorks), used to move testing activities from test rigs and HiLs
TargetLink (dSPACE) or Ascet (ETAS). Once tested to Windows PC.
ERTS 2014 - Embedded Real Time Software and Systems, Toulouse, 05 - 07.02.2014
Typical applications are [1,2,3,4], where a virtual description, consistency or design rule checks have to
ECU is used to develop the controller for an automatic be applied iteratively. Once this step has been passed,
transmission. For closed-loop simulation, vehicle unit-testing can be performed by simulating single
models can be imported from many simulation tools Software Components (SWCs) or even full
into Silver, including MATLAB/Simulink, Dymola, compositions (CSWCs) that also take a real
SimulationX and MapleSim, e.g. through the FMI AUTOSAR OS and RTE into account. The
(Functional Mockup Interface) format for model application code (which can be manually coded or
exchange [5]. auto-generated) needs to be provided as source or
C code is not always available for implementing a compiled. In addition the test vectors need to be
virtual ECU, for example when all or major parts of defined through a dedicated environment or can be
the ECU have been developed by a supplier and the imported. Everything else, including the OS and the
OEM that is interested in building a virtual ECU has RTE configuration and the Testbench is generated
therefore no access to the C source code. Silver automatically. Once the SWCs or CSWCs have passed
supports such cases with a chip simulator [6, 10]. The the tests in simulation, they can be exported as FMUs
chip simulator takes the binary code for the target including the AUTOSAR OS and RTE.
processor (currently TriCore or PowerPC) and
simulates the execution of the instructions by the
target processor on a Windows PC. Fig 3 shows a screen shot of AUTOSAR Builder, with
an AUTOSAR software component EGS1 (a simple
3. Designing and testing a Virtual ECU controller for a 6-speed automatic transmission)
with AUTOSAR Builder loaded. AUTOSAR Builder provides means to export
An AUTOSAR authoring tool such as AUTOSAR this controller as an FMU for Co-Simulation or Model
Builder allows the modeling of a single ECU or a Exchange [5].
distributed embedded system based on templates
defined by the AUTOSAR standard. To ensure the
validity and completeness of an AUTOSAR
ERTS 2014 - Embedded Real Time Software and Systems, Toulouse, 05 - 07.02.2014
ERTS 2014 - Embedded Real Time Software and Systems, Toulouse, 05 - 07.02.2014