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Q.6: Answer:
Transparent Substance- Substance through which we can see things clearly is called transparent substance.
Examples are glass, water, air etc.
Translucent Substance- Substance through which we can see things but not clearly is called translucent
substance. Examples are butter paper, frosted glass etc.
Opaque Substance- Substance through which we cannot see anything is called opaque substance.
substance. Examples are wall, tree etc.
Q.7: Answer:
(a) Soluble substance- Substance which can completely dissolve in water is known as soluble substance.
Examples are – milk, ink.
(b) Insoluble substance – Substance which do not dissolve with water is known as insoluble substance.
Q.8 : Answer: Boojho couldn’t pass the thread through the eye of a needle despite having a perfect
eyesight because the fault was on thread, either it was quite thick or the end of thread was split into two.
Q.9 : Answer: At first the cotton boll will float in water because it is light in wright, but then it will slowly
absorb the water and become heavier, eventually will sink.
Q.10 : Answer: Iodine solution turned blue black because the saree worn by Paheli’s teacher must have
contained starch and starch turns blue black when exposed to iodine solution. Paheli’s socks would have
Been free from starch that’s why her socks did not change colour.