Ba in Economics

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Detailed Syllabus of B.A (Economics)

(Effective from session 2016-17 onward)
BA 1st Year (Economics)
BECO~101: Micro Economic Theory

Section A
Nature and scope of Economics. Mythology: Micro and Macro Economics, Static and
Dynamic analysis, Positive and Normative Economics.
Theory of Consumer Behavior: Utility Analysis, Indifference Curve Analysis: Consumer's
Equilibrium, Price, Substitution and Income Effects, Normal, Inferior and Geffen Goods. Law
of Demand and the Demand Curve. Elasticity of Demand Price, Income and Cross Elasticity,
Arc and Point Elasticity, Relationship between Elasticity, AR, MR and TR. Factors affecting
Price Elasticity of Demand. Substitute and Complementary Goods, Consumer's Surplus.

Section B
Production Function: Law of Variable Proportions, Three Stages of Production Function, Law
of Returns to Scale. Iso-quant and Iso-Cost. Optimum Factor Combination. Theory of Cost:
Short-run and Long-Run Cost Curves. Market Structures: Determination of Price and Output
in the Short and Long Run under “Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Discriminating
Monopoly. Monopolistic Competition. Excess Capacity.

Section C
Theory of Distribution, Marginal Productivity Theory, Factor Pricing Under Perfect and
Imperfect Competition in Labor Market, Ricardian Theory of Rent, Modern Theory of Rent
and Quasi-rent. Theory of Interest: Classical and Liquidity Preference, Theory of Profit, Risk
and Uncertainty.

Books Recommended:

1. Hal R. Varian: Intermediate Microeconomics WW Norton and Co. Fifth Edition.

2. Lipsey and Crystal: Economics 13ed, Oxford University Press.
3. D. Salvatore: Micro Economics, Harper Collins, 1991.
4. Samuelson and Nordhaus: Economics, McGraw Hill/Irwin; Latest Edition.
5. H.L Ahuja: Advanced Economic Theory, S. Chandand Company, New Delhi.

B. A. 1st , 2nd & 3rd Year (Economics) Page 17

Detailed Syllabus of B.A (Economics)
(Effective from session 2016-17 onward)
BECO~102 : Indian Economy
Section A

Basic Features and Present Position of Indian Economy, Natural Resources, Population:
Demographic Features and Major trends, Concept of Population Dividend, Population
Policy, Human Resource Development. National Income in India: trends and composition.
Agriculture: Role and Importance of Agriculture in the Indian Economy, Land Reforms, And
Growth of Modem Inputs: Irrigation, HYV, Fertilizers. Institutional Credit, microfinance,
Marketing of Agricultural Goods Support Price, Concept of Crop Insurance, Food Security.

Section B

Industry Role: Strategy and Challenges, Growth of MSMEs, Public and Private Sector
Industries. Industrial Finance, Industrial Policy of 1991, New Policy Initiatives for Industrial
Development. New Economic Policy and Disinvestment, Foreign direct investment, Services
Sector in India: IT, Education and Health. Foreign Trade: Size, Composition and Direction;
Recent Trends. Foreign Trade Policy.

Section C

Planning in India: Objectives and Achievements, NITI Aayog, National Development Agenda,
Problems Of Poverty; Unemployment, Inflation And Regional Inequalities; Rural
Development Programmes and Policy; Sectoral Reforms in Infrastructure after 1991.

Books Recommended:

1. S.K. Mishra and V.K. Pure: Indian Economy, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi.
2. Laximinaryan Nathuramka: Bhartiya Arthvvyavastha, Ramesh Book Depot, Jaipur.
3. Government of Indi: Economic Survey (Hindi & English.)
4. Rudra Dattand K.P.M Sundaram: Indian Economy (Hindi, & English), S.Chand, New Delhi.
5. Uma Kapila, Indian Economy since Independence, Academic Foundations.

B. A. 1st , 2nd & 3rd Year (Economics) Page 18

Detailed Syllabus of B.A (Economics)
(Effective from session 2016-17 onward)
BA 2nd Year (Economics)
BECO~201 : Introductory Macro Economics
Section A
~Macroeconomics: Meaning, Subject matter and Importance, Basic tenets of Classical,
Keynesian, New-Classical and New-Keynesian economics, Macroeconomic variables,
Circular flow of Income, National Income: Basic concepts, Measurement, Sectoral Accounts,
Nominal and Real Aggregates.
Money: Functions, Demand and Supply. Quantity Theory of Money: Transaction Approach,
Cash Balance Approach, Keynes' reformulation of the Quantity Theory of - Monev. Inflation:
Meaning and Impact, Theories of Inflation- Demand Pull (Keynesian and Monetarist), Cost
Push, Structural Theories of Inflation.

Section B
Income and Employment Determination: Classical Model and Keynesian Model,
Consumption Function: Psychological Law of Consumption, Determinants of Consumption,
Paradox of Thrift, Investment Function: Determinants of Investment, Marginal Efficiency of
Capital and Marginal Efficiency of Investment, Concept of Multiplier and Accelerator.

Section C
Central Bank: Organizational set-up and Functions of Central Bank (with special reference to
RBI). Commercial Bank: Functions, Modem trends of Commercial Banking. Quantitative and
Qualitative credit control by RBI Money Supply: Meaning & Definition, four measures
(M1,M2,M3, and N). Monetary Policy: Objectives, Targets and Indicators. Transmission
Mechanism, Fiscal Policy: Objectives and Instruments.

Books Recommended:

1. Suraj B. Gupta: Monetary Economics, S. Chand and Co. Ltd.

2. Rana and Verma: Macroeconomic Analysis, Vishal Publications.
3. G.S. Gupta, Macro Economics, Theory and Application, 4h Ed, McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
4. D. Salvatore: Micro Economics, Harper Collins, 1991.
5. Richard T. Froyen, Macroeconomics, Theories and Policies, (X Edition), Adapted by Pearson

B. A. 1st , 2nd & 3rd Year (Economics) Page 19

Detailed Syllabus of B.A (Economics)
(Effective from session 2016-17 onward)
BECO~202 : History of Economic Thought

Section A

Surds, Indices, Quadratic Equation, Logarithms, Permutation and Combination, Binomial

Theorem, Arithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Harmonic Progression,
Analytical Geometry: Straight Line, Parabola and Hyperbola, Matrices and Determinants,
Solution of simultaneous equations by Cramer's rule and Matrix Inverse Method;
Differentiation - Simple arid Partial (involving two independent variables), Unconstrained
and Constrained Maxima and Minima; Simple Integration, Applications in Economics
(Elasticity, Average, Marginal concepts).

Section B

Statistics- definition, nature and importance, Use and relevance of statistical methods,
Census and Sample survey, Methods of data collection and tabulation, Diagrammatic and
Graphical representation of data; Measures of Central Tendency: Arithmetic Mean, Mode
Median Geometric Mean Harmonic Mean. Concept and Measures of Dispersion and
Section C

Simple Correlation; Karl Pearson and Rank Correlation, Regression analysis, Fitting of linear
regression lines using Least Square Method, Analysis of Time Series, Determination of trend
by straight line trend equation, Index numbers, Interpolation (Binomial Expansion and
Newton's method), Association of Attributes.

Books Recommended:

1. S.P. Gupta. Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.
2. Salvatore, D. Mathematics and Statistics. Schaum's Series, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. B.C. Mehta and G.M.K. Madnani, Elementary Mathematics for use in Economics,
Laxmi Narain Agarwal, Agra.
4. M.R. Speigal, Theory and Problerns of Statistics. MCGraw Hill Book, London.

B. A. 1st , 2nd & 3rd Year (Economics) Page 20

Detailed Syllabus of B.A (Economics)
(Effective from session 2016-17 onward)
BA 3rd Year (Economics)
BECO~301 : International Trade, Development & Public Economics

Section A

Features of international trade. Gains from trade, Trade theories - Adam Smith, Ricardo,
Haberler. Mill and I-I- 0 Theory (elementary treatment). Free trade arid Protection. Foreign
exchange market and Exchange rate, Balance of Trade and Balance of Payment – definition
and structure, international Monetary Fund, international Bank for Reconstruction and
Development, international Finance Corporation, Asian Development Bank, WTO – scope
and impact.

Section B

Economic growth and Development - factors affecting economic growth. Development and
Under Development. Measures of Development. Lewis theory of unlimited supply of
labour. Balanced V/S Unbalanced Growth Model. Harrod-Domar & Solow's Model. Concept
of Poverty and Inequality.

Section C

Nature and scope of public finance. Role of Government in the economy. Optimal
Budgeting. Public goods and Private goods. Public Revenue - Canons of Taxation. Incidence,
Impact and shifting of Taxation. Direct and indirect Taxation. Public Expenditure - Canons of
Public Expenditure, Classification and Effect. on Production and on Distribution. Public Debt
- Meaning. Objectives, Burden and Theories of Public Debt. Fiscal Policy - Meaning,
Objectives and Anti Inflationary Policy.

Books Recommended:
1. S. Ganguli : Public Finance, The World Press Pvt. Ltd.
2. D. Salvatore : International Economics.
3. Debraj Ray : Development Economics, Oxford University Press.
4. D. Salvatore : International Economics.
5. A. P. Thirwal. Growth and Development, Macmillan.

B. A. 1st , 2nd & 3rd Year (Economics) Page 21

Detailed Syllabus of B.A (Economics)
(Effective from session 2016-17 onward)
BECO~302 : Environmental Economics
Section A

Environmental Economics: An Introduction; Review of Microeconomics and Welfare

Economics; The Theory of Externalities: Pareto Optimality and Market Failure in the
Presence of Externalities; Property Rights and the Coase Theorem; Sustainable
Development: Concepts and Measurement.

Section B

Development and Environment: The Environment Kuznets Curve; Trade and Environment;
Environmental Problems; Trans-boundary Environmental Problems: Global Warming and
Climate Change; Methods of Environment Valuation: Hedonic Pricing, Contingent Valuation
Method and Travel Cost Method

Section C

International Environmental Policy: Conventions and Treaties, UN Effort to Protect the

Environment, Stockholm, Rio. Johansberg, Agenda 21, OECD Environmental Committee
Report, Kyoto. Convention on Biodiversity. Paris Climatic Conventions; Environmental
Governance in India; WTO and Environment.

Books Recommended:

1 Robert N. Stavins (ed.), Economics of the Environment: Selected Readings, W. W.Norton, 51h
edition, 2005.
2 Maureen L. Cropper and Wallace E. Oates, 1992, "Environmental Economics. A Survey", Journal of
Economic Literature, Volume 30, pp. 675-740.
3 Charles Kolstad, Intermediate Environmental Economics, Oxford University Press, 2"" edition, 2010.

B. A. 1st , 2nd & 3rd Year (Economics) Page 22

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