1 The Land of Hiatum 1 The First Blood War . . . . . . . . . . 2
Before the Arrival of the Nomai . . . 1 The Second Blood War . . . . . . . . 2
The Orcs and the Dwarves . . . . . . 1 The Chasm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
The arrival of the Nomai . . . . . . . 1
N the heart of Hiatum lies The Chasm, a T HE ARRIVAL OF THE N OMAI
colossal pit stretching across the breadth
of a nation, its depths unknown and Led by a man called Victario, three hundred
unfathomable. Within its expanse dwells ships belonging to the wandering mercenary
creatures of terror, alongside remnants of tribe Nomai, had set sail for the land of Hiatum.
civilizations long past. Their aim was to land upon the shores of the
Chasm and explore the treasures held beneath.
There are none who can say with certain Their journey was not without challenges, since
knowledge when the chasm appeared at the not only was it the longest voyage the crew had
heart of Hiatum, yet this has not stopped undertaken, they had arrived at the land of
learned men from seeking the answer. We can be Hiatum via the treacherous waters and
certain that the world was far more primitive, a darkened paths of Dragonmoss, where lurking
barbarous place of tribes of fiends, primitive horrors awaited beneath the cover of night.
humans, undead living directly from the land
with no knowledge of the working of metal or the With ships torn apart by vines and mounds,
taming of beasts. What little is known to us of sails pelted by rocks and acid, and their hulls
those days is contained in the oldest of texts: the burned by dragonfire, the Nomai fleet descended
tales written down by Dwarven Scholars, by the into chaos. More than a hundred ships crashed
Glimmerfolk, or by the Kanui. and burned that night. Amidst the wreckage,
under Admiral Escall’s leadership, half the fleet
sought refuge on a nearby island where they’d
B EFORE THE A RRIVAL OF THE build the city of Hearthome. The rest plunged
headlong into the mainland into a conflict now
N OMAI known as the First Blood War. Only Victario’s
ship The Silence had disappeared into the
The original inhabitants of the land thought to
night with none having seen its demise nor
be today are the Kanui tribes who’d settled
anyone belonging to its crew.
along the southern forests and the Glimmerglen
Gnomes who’d live northwards towards the
An excerpt from the book "Victario’s Influence:
frozen peaks. In the southernmost reaches of
Escall’s Account"
Hiatum, new people crossed a strip of land that
bridged the sea and connected the yet sourthern
lands with the land in which the Kanui and In a dimly lit tavern, Old man Vikton’s words hung heavy in
Gnomes lived. It was through here that the the air like a shroud of impending doom.
Dwarves and the Orcs (not together) arrived at
Hiatum. Why these people left their homelands "The Chasm is cursed," he uttered, his eyes reflecting the
is lost to all knowing, but when they came, they flickering flames of the hearth. "Several expeditions have
came in force. been sent, yet not a single ship headed for the chasm has
ever returned back."
T HE O RCS AND THE D WARVES "Expeditions have been made, yet none by us," Victario
retorted. "Surely you don’t mean some tiny expeditions
The Orcs brought with them fierce discipline and compare at all to us in numbers and strength? Tell me,
military training, whereas the Dwarves Vikton, if any such ’expedition’ sailed against us, would they
brandished fierce resilience and the art of be able to sink even one ship, let alone three hundred?”
advanced metal working. With superior strength
and technology the Kanui settlements fell to Victario had a certain charisma, as I would soon discover to
both the Orcs and Dwarves and fell to being my dismay during the crownsmoot. Five and Ninety people
ensalved. had pledged their votes for me while five and nine thousand
for him. While I promised stability and safety, Victario
The dwarves settled on the resource rich promised conquest and riches beyond imagination. He’d
volcanic mountain region of Karldihn whereas have promised to pluck a skull out from Zaros’ deathly
the Orcs made their place in the fertile amulet, only he’d captured the hearts of the fleet long
grasslands of Orgrimmar. Orcs and Dwarves before. It was a bitter pill to swallow knowing even some of
have since fought countless wars and skirmishes my own crew had voted against me.
each for control over what the other possessed.