GreyhawkRebootedFinal 50

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Greyhawk Rebooted - 576CY

caretakers. The remains of the dead were relatively impoverished Oeridians, the
visible for some period, but the habitations Thundering Horde turned its attention to
and cities were naught but powder and the mountains. For half a century, they
dirt. In a score of years however, the fought, foot by foot, through UnderOerth
whole area became covered by weeds passages, until, as the Twin Cataclysms
and struggling plants, and slowly, as the destroyed the Suel and Baklunish
worms and insects made their way into Empires, the horde of Orcs and Goblinoids
the soil, the land became a steppeland threw down the last High King of the Dwur,
of short grasses and sedges and became and scattered the dwur clans fleeing the
known as the Dry Steppes. The area worst destruction of their homeland. With the
affected appears to be the old Bakluni Axe of the Dwarf Lords lost, they would
homelands of Ghayar which, even to this turn on each other, fighting to establish
day, is avoided by all sentient creatures who would rule, while euroz and jebline
as its ruins are home to foul undead not feasted in the halls of their fathers.
found elsewhere on Oerth.
Many dwur left to begin new lives in other
In retribution, the surviving regions, blending with the colonial clans
elementalists of the Bakluni gathered already living there, whether peacefully
within the stone circles of Tovag Baragu or violently. Greedy and ambitious clan
and conjured a mighty working, bringing leaders in the Crystalmists, meanwhile,
down the terrible Rain of Colourless Fire no longer bound by allegiance to the High
upon the Suloise basin. King, fought with each other for control,
with the trauma of the Devastation being
The Suloise lands were inundated too much for some dwarves to bear,
by a nearly invisible fiery rain which becoming power-mad as a result of what
killed all creatures it struck, burned all they saw.
living things, ignited the landscape with
colourless flame, and burned the very Since then, the dwarves have more
hills themselves into ash, leaving the Sea or less reacted to human settlements
of Dust as a monument to the hubris of following the Great Migrations. Good
Man. Together, the Invoked Devastation dwarves had always been distant allies
and the Rain of Colourless Fire are known with those of the Flan who were of a goodly
as the Twin Cataclysms. weal, and this continued even after the
Aerdy Empire rose to its greatest heights.
Thus ended the Baklunish-Suloise Wars. Led by lords and princes of differing noble
houses, the dwur clans allied with olves
and noniz during the Suel and Oeridian
Fall of the Dwur King migrations, and even joined humans
of reliable disposition to defend their
For thousands of years a High King of the territories.
Dwur had ruled his people from a citadel
in the northern Crystalmists Mountains. Dwur settlement beyond their homeland
The wealth of the mountains, from the began naturally in the Sheldomar Valley
northernmost reaches of the Yatils, down and were concentrated in two areas. In
through the southern Crystalmists, was the west, the Good Hills, already settled
gathered in his citadel. early on by Noniz, became a home for
many Dwur clans who found living above
After forcing the Aerdi and other Oerdian ground not-entirely-unpleasant. These
tribes out of Ull, rather than pursue the became the first of the Hill Dwur. In the

50 Greyhawk Rebooted 576CY is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan WotC Content Policy.

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