Radiology Technician CTS2.0 NSQF-4
Radiology Technician CTS2.0 NSQF-4
Radiology Technician CTS2.0 NSQF-4
(Duration: Two Years)
Revised in July 2022
(Non-Engineering Trade)
Version: 2.0
Developed By
1. Course Information 1
2. Training System 2
3. Job Role 6
4. General Information 7
5. Learning Outcome 10
6. Assessment Criteria 12
7. Trade Syllabus 16
FIRST YEAR: During this year, the trainee will be able to understand Atomic and nuclear Physics,
Electromagnetic radiation and the production of x-ray, construction of modern x-ray tubes and
interactions of x-ray with the matter. Identify the x-ray circuit and units, operate the console
panel, radiographic grid and beam restricting devices. He will practice radiation protection and
operate radiation measuring devices and understand radiotherapy.
The candidate will be able to assemble general & radiographic anatomy, bones, joints and body
systems using mannequins and skeleton. He will execute the radiographic and darkroom
techniques, perform the radiographic film processing. The trainee will understand the
radiographic contrast media and perform the radiographic positioning and special procedures.
SECOND YEAR: In this year,the trainee will be able to analyze CT patient positioning,
manipulate parameters associated with exposure and processing to produce a required image
of desired quality and also operate MRI scan and perform patient positioning, review protocols
for MRI scanning. They will analyze USG scan patient positioning, preparation, techniques
general care and also analyze working of CR, DR and fluoroscopy system manipulate
parameters associated with exposure and processing to produce a required image of desired
quality. The trainee will interpret the factors, tools and techniques affecting the radiographic
image quality. They will illustrate the general patient care in handling and preparation of
patients during radiological examination.
The trainee will be able to select and plan the radiographic calibration and tube rating charts.
They will perform and understand emergency conditions and their remedy in medical
emergency conditions. Also operation of radiotherapy units and understand basic of human
radiobiology, effects of radiation protection in radiotherapy.
Radiology Technician
The Directorate General of Training (DGT) under Ministry of Skill Development &
Entrepreneurship offers a range of vocational training courses catering to the need of different
sectors of the economy/ Labour market. The vocational training programs are delivered under
the aegis of the Directorate General of Training (DGT). Craftsman Training Scheme (CTS) and
Apprenticeship Training Scheme (ATS) are two pioneer programsofDGT for propagating
vocational training.
Read and interpret technical parameters/ documents, plan and organize work
processes, identify necessary materials and tools;
Perform tasks with due consideration to safety rules, accident prevention regulations
and environmental protection stipulations;
Apply professional skill, knowledge & employability skills while performing jobs.
Perform remedial in medical emergency conditions, undertake radiation protection and
operate radiation measuring devices.
Document the parameters related to the task undertaken.
Can join industry as Technician and will progress further as Senior Technician, Supervisor
and can rise up to the level of Manager.
Can become Entrepreneur in the related field.
Can join Apprenticeship programs in different types of industries leading to a National
Apprenticeship certificate (NAC).
Can join Crafts Instructor Training Scheme (CITS) in the trade for becoming an instructor
in ITIs as applicable.
Can join Advanced Diploma (Vocational) courses under DGT as applicable.
Radiology Technician
Table below depicts the distribution of training hours across various course elements
during a period of two years :
Every year 150 hours of mandatory OJT (On the Job Training) at nearby industry,
wherever not available then group project is mandatory.
Trainees of one-year or two-year trade can also opt for optional courses of up to 240 hours in
each year for 10th/ 12th class certificate along with ITI certification or add on short term
The trainee will be tested for his skill, knowledge and attitude during the period of course
through formative assessment and at the end of the training programme through summative
assessment as notified by the DGTfrom time to time..
a) The Continuous Assessment(Internal) during the period of training will be done by Formative
Assessment Method by testing for assessment criteria listed against learning outcomes.The
training institute has to maintain an individual trainee portfolio as detailed in assessment
guideline. The marks of internal assessment will be as per the formative assessment template
provided on
b) The final assessment will be in the form of summative assessment. The All India Trade Test
for awarding NTCwill be conducted by Controller of examinations, DGT as per the guidelines.
The pattern and marking structure is being notified by DGT from time to time. The learning
outcome and assessment criteria will be the basis for setting question papers for final
Radiology Technician
assessment. The examiner during final examination will also check the individual trainee’s
profile as detailed in assessment guideline before giving marks for practical examination.
For the purposes of determining the overall result, weightage of 100% is applied for six
months and one year duration courses and 50% weightage is applied to each examination for
two years courses. The minimum pass percent for Trade Practical and Formative assessment is
60% & for all other subjects is 33%.
Radiology Technician
Radiology Technician
Radiology Technician
X-ray Technician
Reference NCO-2015:
Reference NOS:
(i) HSS/N9451
(ii) HSS/N 9452
(iii) HSS/N 9453
(iv) HSS/N 9454
Radiology Technician
Radiology Technician
Essential Qualification:
Radiology Technician
Note: Out of two Instructors required for the unit of 2 (1+1), one
must have Degree/Diploma and other must have NTC/NAC
qualifications. However both of them must possess NCIC in any of
its variants.
(iv) Employability Skill MBA/ BBA / Any Graduate/ Diploma in any discipline with Two years’
experience with short term ToT Course in Employability Skills.
(Must have studied English/ Communication Skills and Basic
Computer at 12th / Diploma level and above)
Existing Social Studies Instructors in ITIs withshort term ToT Course
in Employability Skills.
(v) Minimum Age for 21 Years
List of Tools and
As per Annexure – I
Radiology Technician
Learning outcomes are a reflection of total competencies of a trainee and assessment will
be carried out as per the assessment criteria.
1. Apply atomic and nuclear physics concept of Rutherford Bohr Model and relate it
to Thomson’s model of the atom following safety precautions. HSS/N9451
2. Demonstrate Electromagnetic radiation, production of x-ray, construction of
modern x-ray tube, and Interactions of x-ray with matter. HSS/N9452
3. Identify the X-ray circuit and units, radiographic grid and beam restricting devices
and operate the console panel. HSS/N9453
4. Perform radiation protection and operate radiation measuring devices and
understand Radio Therapy. HSS/N9454
5. Assemble General &radiographic anatomy, bones, joints and body systems using
mannequins and skeletons. HSS/N9455
6. Execute the radiographic and darkroom techniques, perform the radiographic film
processing. HSS/N9456
7. Demonstrate the Radiographic contrast media and perform the radiographic
positioning and special procedures. HSS/N9457
15. Analyze the emergency conditions and demonstrate their remedy. HSS/N9465
16. AnalyzeOperation of radiotherapy units and understand the basics of
Humanradiobiology, effects of radiation, protection in radiotherapy. HSS/N9466
Radiology Technician
1. Apply atomic and Identify the basic structure of atom and nuclei.
nuclear physics Perform a presentation on atom.
concept of Rutherford Determine the half-life& decay constant for various radioactive
Bohr Model and relate materials.
it to Thomson’s model Differentiate between the properties of alpha, beta, gamma particles
of the atom following and fusion &fission.
safety precautions.
3. Identify the X-ray Identify the parts of x-ray circuit and unit.
circuit and units, Operate the parts of the control panel.
radiographic grid and Measure the major parameters responsible for the production of x-
beam restricting ray.
devices and operate Identify and use the beam restricting devices.
the console panel. Check and perform the use of grid devices.
HSS/N9453 Select and choose the grid & the Bucky factor.
5. Assemble General Identify the bones, joints, muscles and their types.
&radiographic Analyze the body positions, planes and movements.
anatomy, bones, joints Identify the different body organs and cavities.
and body systems Perform the general radiographic positioning.
using mannequins and Perform and select the darkroom techniques.
skeletons. HSS/N9455
6. Execute the Identify the types of x-ray film, screen and cassettes.
radiographic and Prepare the x-ray film processing chemicals.
darkroom techniques, Perform the use of x-ray film, screen and cassettes.
perform the Execute the handling and storage of radiographic film, screen and
radiographic film cassettes.
7. Demonstrate the Identify the difference between ionic and non-ionic contrast media.
Radiographic Perform and select the contrast for appropriate examination and care
contrast media and during contrast injection.
perform the Perform the routine radiographic positioning.
radiographic Select the correct radiographic technical factors and analyze the x-ray
positioning and special film for image quality.
procedures. Perform the radiographic positioning of special patients.
HSS/N9457 Perform the radiographic procedures with appropriate techniques,
patient care and handling.
Read &analyze the specification to ascertain the material
requirement, tools and assembly/maintenance parameters.
Encounter drawings with missing/unspecified key information and
make own calculations to fill in missing dimension/parameters to
carry out the work.
8. Analyze CT patient Perform the patient positioning correctly for a CT scan.
positioning, Illustrate the use of contrast medium in CT.
manipulate parameters Operate CT console for selection of suitable technical factors and
associated with
exposure and
processing to produce Illustrate the radiographic appearance of both normal and abnormal
a required image of conditions.
Radiology Technician
desired quality.
9. Operate MRI scan and Perform the patient positioning correctly for MRI scan.
perform patient Identify the use of contrast medium in MRI scan.
positioning, review Operate MRI console for selection of suitable technical factors and
protocols for MRI protocols.
scanning. HSS/N9459 Illustrate the radiographic appearance of both normal and abnormal
Plan general safety rules in MRI practice.
12. Interpret the factors, Understand radiographic quality, resolution, noise and speed.
tools and techniques Differentiate between the geometric factors affecting radiographic
affecting the quality.
radiographic image Analyze the subject factors affecting radiographic quality.
quality. HSS/N9462 Analyze the tool and technique available to create high quality films.
13. Illustrate the general Execute and schedule patient-load based on emergency or
patient care in appointment priority.
handling and Perform documentation required for medical history, procedures.
preparation of Understand how to manage a patient with contrast media.
Radiology Technician
14. Select and plan the Understand and sketch tube rating charts.
radiographic Assess application of tube rating charts in radiology.
calibration and tube Illustrate the radiographic calibration.
rating charts.
15. Analyze theemergency Plan and perform the first aid in required conditions.
conditions and Perform & operate the BP machine.
demonstrate their Calculate &analyzes the heart rate.
remedy. HSS/N9465 Select & perform the techniques of Bandage & dressings.
Plan & perform the energy treatment, according to the conditions.
Radiology Technician
Professional Skills
Reference Professional Knowledge
Duration (Trade Practical)
Learning Outcome (Trade Theory)
With Indicative Hours
Professional Apply atomic and 1. Demonstrate atomic and Atomic and Nuclear Structure.
Skill 35 Hrs; nuclear physics nuclear structure through Rutherford Bohr Model.
concept of Videos and models (04 Atomic Number. Mass
Professional Rutherford Bohr hrs) Number. Atomic Mass. Binding
Knowledge Model and relate it 2. Understand and sketch of energy, Energy level, Nuclear
12 Hrs to Thomson’s Rutherford’s x-ray binding energy. NP ratio.
model of the scattering experiment and Definition of radioactivity.
atomfollowing relate it to Thomson’s Natural radioactivity.
safety precautions. model of the atom. (11 Radioactive decay. Half-life.
HSS/N9451 hrs) Decay constant. Mean life and
3. Practice and represent their relation. Specific activity.
graphically the energy Properties of Alpha, Beta and
level diagram.(08 hrs) gamma radiations. Properties
4. Illustrate the property of of Radium and its daughter
alpha, beta and gamma products. Radioactivity
radiation, though videos. equilibrium. Units of activity,
(06 hrs) specific gamma ray constant.
5. Relate the half-life of Fusion and fission. (12 hrs)
different radioactive
material by the help of
decay curve.(06 hrs)
Radiology Technician
Radiology Technician
Professional Skills
Reference Professional Knowledge
Duration (Trade Practical)
Learning outcome (Trade Theory)
With Indicative Hours
Professional Analyze CT 61. Prepare the room, CT-SCAN:
Skill 120 Hrs; patient apparatus and Principle, equipments,
positioning, instruments for CT scan. Generation, scan parameters,
Professional manipulate (08 hrs) Image reconstruction, Image
Knowledge parameters 62. Set up the CT scan display, Image Quality,
36Hrs associated with machine and preparation artefacts, control console etc.
exposure and of the patient for the
processing to procedure. (08 hrs) Recent in advancement in CT:
produce a 63. Position the patient PET-CT
required image of correctly for the following SPECT
desired quality. CT positions: CT-Biopsy
HSS/N9458 i) Supine CT-Angiography
ii) Prone CT-Special Procedures
iii) Lateral (36 hrs)
iv) Oblique(12 hrs)
Radiology Technician
Professional Operate MRI scan 73. Prepare the room, MRI- SCAN:
Skill 60 Hrs; and perform apparatus and Basic physics, principles, NMR,
patient instruments for MRI Scan. Image processing and display,
Professional positioning, (08 hrs) safety, artifacts.
Radiology Technician
Knowledge review protocols 74. Set up the MRI scan MRI Recent Advancements:
22Hrs for MRIscanning. machine and preparation Dynamic MR
HSS/N9459 of the patient for the MR Angiography
procedure. (08 hrs) MR Urography
75. Understand the MRI MR Venography
components.(08 hrs) MRCP
76. Execute the use of PET MRI
contrast material for an Cardiac MR
MRI scan and how to (Basics only) (22 hrs)
administer them under
supervision of a
radiologist. (08 hrs)
77. Illustrate the radiographic
appearance of MRI both
normal and common
abnormal conditions.(12
78. Plan and perform the MRI
safety. (06 hrs)
79. Understand the MRI,
recent techniques. (10
Professional Analyze USG 80. Prepare the room, USG:
Skill 60 Hrs; scans patient apparatus and Physics, basic principle,
positioning, instruments for USG scan. Techniques, equipments
Professional preparation, (10 hrs) Processing, Piezo-electricity.
Knowledge techniques, 81. Select and perform the Application safety.
22Hrs general care. appropriate USG Ultrasonography Recent
HSS/N9460 techniques.(08 hrs) Advancement:
82. Documentation required 3-D/4-D USG
of medical history of Doppler
patient, procedure Colour Flow Imaging
undertaken and Doppler
reports.(17 hrs) US Guided Biopsy
83. Plan and perform the care (Basics only)
of USG equipments Mammography: tube
(transducer). (17 hrs) techniques, patient care,
84. Illustrate the techniques recent advancement. (22 hrs)
and general patient care
Radiology Technician
Radiology Technician
Radiology Technician
Learning outcomes, assessment criteria, syllabus and Tool List of Core Skills subjects
which is common for a group of trades, provided separately in /
Radiology Technician
1. Model/ Diagram of
i) Van de Graff Generator 1 no.
ii) Linear accelerator 1 no.
iii) Betatron
iv) Cyclotron 1 no.
v) Geiger Muller Counter 1 no.
vi) Scintillation Counter 1 no.
vii) Safety precaution chart
1 no.
viii) Human Organs
ix) Telecobalt Unit 1 no.
1 no.
2. Pocket Dosimeter 20 nos.
3. TLD Badges 20 nos.
4. Continuation monitor 2 nos.
5. X-ray Unit 500 MA, 80 KVP 1 no.
6. Darkrooms facility 1 no.
7. G.M B. V counting set up 1 no.
8. Gamma Survey meter Range 0-20m R/hr or 0-100 1 no.
9. Jacket and Shoes 20 nos.
10. Fire Extinguisher 1 no.
11. Lead Bricks 12 nos.
1. Internet facility is desired to be provided in the class room.
Radiology Technician
Radiology Technician