Art Appreciation Finals
Art Appreciation Finals
Art Appreciation Finals
CODE: 067
In a payag spaces overlap, and we Good contenders for this process are
negotiate to share the space. This space is images with interesting skills and these
not just a shelter or a physical space or include heavy cloud captured at
structure but a symbolism of power relations sunset and sunrise.
and social space. It is a symbol of
Spaces in a payag suggests spaces of 2017] there are 7 steps
narratives and memories. Payag is a 1. Craft your Premise
narrative, a story. 2. Roughly sketch scene ideas
3. Interview your characters
4. Explore your Setting
HOW TO PERFORM SOULMAKING? 5. Write your complete outline
BY CRAFTING IMAGES, STORIES, AND 6. Condense your outline
INTEREST FOR PERFORMANCE 7. Put your outline into action
b. Did something in his past If you get stuck, try jumping ahead to the
cause the disaster? next scene you know, and then working
c. What events have shaped backward.
him to make him respond to
the disaster in the way he 6. Condense your outline
does? - After finishing your extended
d. What unresolved issues from outline, you may want to
his past can further condense the most pertinent
complicate the plot's spiral of points into an abbreviated
events? version.
Freehand interview in which you
ask your protagonist a series of 7. Put your outline into action
questions and allow him to answer in - you are feeling prepared and
his own words. eager to get going on your first
4. Explore your Setting - never be afraid to explore new
- Never choose a setting just ideas as they occur.
because it sounds cool or - Remember, your outline is a
because you’re familiar with it. map showing you the route to
- Look for settings that will be your destination, but that doesn't
inherent to your plot. mean it is the only route.