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03-04 D4-P11-01-14



Bahasa Inggris (D4)

SELASA, 10 MEI 2004
Pukul 10.00 – 12.00


Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan – BALITBANG - DEPDIKNAS
03-04 D4-P11-01-14


1. Perhatikan dan ikuti petunjuk pengisian pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan!
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya!
3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 60 butir, setiap butir soal terdiri atas 5 (lima) pilihan jawaban!
4. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau
jumlah soal kurang!
5. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian, bila diperlukan!
6. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian!
7. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, kamus, hp, tabel matematika, atau alat bantu
hitung lainnya!

Listening Section
In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken
English. There are four parts to this section, with special directions for each part.

Questions: 1 to 7
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a dialogue or a question spoken in English,
followed by five responses, also spoken in English. The dialogue or question and the responses
will be spoken just one time. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen
carefully to understand what the speakers say. You have to choose the best response to each
dialogue or question.

Now listen to a sample question.

You will hear:
Man : What do you think of my painting?
Woman : ...
You will also hear:
a. I like painting.
b. What a wonderful painting! Sample Answer
c. Painting is a good hobby.
d. You don’t like painting, do you?
e. I don’t like painting.

The best response to the question is “What a wonderful painting!” Therefore, you should choose
answer (b).

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1. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

2. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

3. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

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Part II
Questions: 8 to 12
Directions : In this part of the test, you will hear three conversations.
After you hear a conversation and the question (s) about it, read the five possible answers and
decide which one would be the best answer to the question (s) you have heard.

8. a. The manager’s car.

b. The manager’s office.
c. The manager’s house.
d. The manager’s address.
e. The manager’s driver.

9. a. Educational institution.
b. Faculty of education.
c. Law institution.
d. Professional lawyer.
e. Faculty of law.

10. a. Jalan Sawo thirteen, Kebayoran Baru.

b. Jalan Sawo sixteen, Kemayoran.
c. Jalan Seno thirteen, Kebayoran Baru.
d. Jalan Jambu thirteen, Kemayoran.
e. Jalan Sawo thirty, Kebayoran Baru.

11. a. A Chinese teacher.

b. A chef.
c. A restaurant manager.
d. A waiter.
e. A hotel manager.

12. a. A magazine.
b. RRI radio.
c. A newspaper.
d. Television.
e. A bulletin.

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Part III
Questions: 13 to 17
Directions : In this part of the test, you will hear three short texts.
After you hear a text and the question (s) about it, read the five possible answers and decide
which one would be the best answer to the question (s) you have heard.

13. a. Unmarried women.

b. Career women.
c. Married women.
d. Women’s position in a company.
e. Women’s lives.

14. a. Position in the company.

b. Satisfaction in career.
c. Having time for children.
d. Career in a company.
e. Marriage and children.

15. a. The next rice harvest.

b. Farmers in Lampung.
c. Rice fields.
d. Possible failure in the next harvest.
e. Farmers in West Java.

16. a. A long drought.

b. The rainy season.
c. Wet fields.
d. Next harvest.
e. Difficult farmers.

17. a. When he was still alive.

b. Soon after he invented the telephone.
c. Before he patented his invention.
d. In 1796.
e. In 1956.

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Part IV
Questions: 18 to 20
Directions: For each question, you will see a picture in your test book and you will hear a
question followed by five statements. The questions and the statements will be spoken just one
time. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what
the speaker says.

When you hear the questions and five statements, look at the picture in your test book and
choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then, on your answer sheet,
find the number of the question and mark your answer.




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Reading Section
In this part of the test, you have to choose the best answer to each question from the alternatives

Text 1

“Men sana in corpore sano”, a healthy body makes a sound mind. More and more
people nowadays are aware of the truth behind this maxim. As a result, they make sports
an integral part of their lives. Some people participate in sports to release energy and
tension, while others do it to make friends. Sports, such as soccer, basketball or boxing,
have become an acceptable way to release energy and aggression. Other sports like golf,
mountain climbing, dancing or bowling can be a means of starting or consolidating
friendships. Most sports offer a constructive escape from the pressures of the everyday life.
In fact, you can change your life if you take up – and keep up – an activity suited to your
character, abilities and lifestyle.
It is important to realize that no matter what kind of exercise you do, you can be sure
that it’s always good for your health and that it’s fun.

21. People do sports ....

a. to change their lives
b. as their hobby
c. to lessen the pressure of life
d. as part of their lives
e. to be healthy

22. “Most sports offer a constructive escape from the pressures of the everyday life.”
(Paragraph 1)
The word “escape from” can be replaced by ....
a. hiding from
b. joining to
c. turning off
d. avoidance of
e. changing from

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Text 2

In its search for alternatives to fossil-fuel energy resources, science is looking back in
history – at the windmill. Small windmills once were seen everywhere in rural America,
but most were abandoned with the coming of rural electrification programs in the 1930s.
Now energy shortages and rising petroleum prices have brought renewed interest in putting
the wind to work.
Near Sandusky, Ohio, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is
testing a 30-meter tall experimental steel windmill with two slender 18.6-meter aluminium
blades that look like enormous airplane propellers. NASA’s windmill, designed to whirl at
a steady 40 revolutions per minute even if the wind varies, generates 100 kilowatts of
power – enough to supply the needs of 30 homes. Perhaps the most significant fact about
the NASA experiment is that it is the first large-scale test of windmill technology in more
than 30 years. Some scientists estimate that with enough investment in research and
development, windmills could supply 20 percent of U.S. electrical needs by the year 2000.
The Sandia Laboratories in New Mexico are testing an altogether different device that
looks more like a giant eggbeater than a conventional windmill. Its principal advantage is
that its symmetrical shape catches breezes from any direction.
All designers of new windmills face one very old problem, however: what to do when
the wind dies. One solution would be to use windmills to pump water uphill into storage
reservoirs; when the wind stops, the water would be released to drive hydraulic turbines.
Meanwhile, U.S. ranchers and farmers in the Southwest are so eager to utilize wind
power that New Mexico State University is offering a special course in the operation and
maintenance of windmills built a generation ago.

23. What is the text about?

a. Fossil-Fuel energy sources.
b. The world’s largest windmill.
c. NASA’s experimental windmill.
d. The use of windmills for pumping water.
e. Wind power as an alternative source of energy.

24. The main idea of the second paragraph is : ...

a. Nasa made an experimental windmill.
b. Nasa’s experimental windmill looked like an enormous air plane.
c. Nasa’s experimental windmill could supply U.S. electrical needs.
d. Nasa’s experimental windmill was able to catch wind from any direction.
e. Nasa’s experiment in designing a huge windmill was successful.

25. The farmers in the Southwest who are interested in using wind power will receive benefits
because ....
a. fossil-fuel resources are limited
b. the petroleum price is increasing
c. it can be used to drive hydraulic turbines
d. Nasa has been successful in making a large windmill
e. they’ll be provided with information on how to operate windmills

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26. “Small windmills once were seen everywhere in rural America, but most were abandoned
with the coming of .” (Paragraph 1)
The underlined word means ... completely.
a. left
b. wasted
c. stopped
d. emptied
e. departed

Text 3

27. The main topic of the passages is about ....

a. the total number of victims in Aceh
b. the Free Aceh Movement
c. a gunfight with Free Aceh Movement
d. conflict in Aceh
e. the recent condition of Aceh

28. Which of the following events is TRUE and happened in Bireuen?

a. The fight between civilians and GAM in Biereuen.
b. GAM rebels caused some persons to be injured and killed.
c. The distribution of ID cards to the Aceh police.
d. The donation given by the government.
e. The death of Brigadir Dicky.

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29. Who collected information on particular events which were related to GAM?
a. Aceh Martial Law.
b. The Acehnese.
c. The Aceh Police.
d. Ministry of Social Welfare.
e. The province’s prosecutor.

30. In ... people got funds to rebuild their houses.

a. Banda Aceh
b. Aceh Besar
c. Central Aceh
d. Bireuen
e. Pidie

Text 4

Martin : Well it’s been a long time, Barbara. What have you been doing?
Barbara : I’ve been pretty busy. You know, I went into business with my friend, Jean.
Martin : Oh, yes. How’s it going?
Barbara : Pretty well. We get along quite well and the shop is beginning to attract more
Martin : Good. Are you two a partnership?
Barbara : Yes. I’m very pleased about it. We seem to have the right combination.
Jean’s background is accounting. She’s the one who’s good at keeping the books
and ordering stock.
Martin : And you?
Barbara : Well, you know, I’ve always liked talking a lot – I guess I’m rather good with
the customers. I enjoy selling.
Martin : Sounds interesting. I guess it’s not too risky a business.
Barbara : We haven’t had any problems, although I suppose all business can be risky.
Being partners, we’re both liable.
Martin : Did you both put the same amount of money into the business? Or do you mind
my asking?
Barbara : To tell you the truth, we didn’t invest the same amount of capital. But we’ve
combined our resources very well, I think. It seems to be a good deal for both of
Martin : What kind of arrangement do you have for distribution of profits and losses?
Barbara : They are equally shared. We hope to be in business for a long time.

31. The text is about ....

a. marketing
b. accounting
c. cooperatives
d. corporations
e. partnerships

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32. The text mainly discusses about ....

a. Barbara and Jean’s partnership
b. Barbara and Martin’s relationship
c. The distribution of profits and losses
d. Barbara and Jean’s education background
e. Martin’s interest to join the business

33. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?

a. Martin owns a corporation.
b. Jean puts more money in the business.
c. Barbara asks Martin to join the business.
d. Martin is not interested in Barbara’s business.
e. Barbara and Jean share equally the profits and losses.

34. “I guess it’s not too risky a business.”

The underlined word means ....
a. fatal
b. serious
c. hazardous
d. unpleasant
e. significant

35. The followings are about Barbara EXCEPT ...

a. She likes selling.
b. She is an accountant.
c. She is Martin’s friend.
d. She likes talking a lot.
e. She is good with customers.

36. Arrange the following utterances to make a good dialogue between Tom and Romi.
1. Yes, I’m quite sure it will.
2. Do you have any plans to do today?
3. How about going to the landmark building? There’s an agricultural machinery
exhibition there.
4. That’s a good idea. I agree with you, but are you sure, it will be interesting for us?
5. If so, let’s go now.
6. No, why?
The right arrangement is ...
a. 1–6–3–4–2–5
b. 3–4–5–6–1–2
c. 6–5–3–2–1–4
d. 4–3–2–6–3–1
e. 2–6–3–4–1–5

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37. Arrange these sentences to make a good paragraph.

1. You know that you should return the book immediately.
2. Your decision will reflect your personality.
3. At school, you need to talk to your teacher about your latest bad score.
4. Your teacher seems very eager to know how you are going to respond.
5. While you are talking with your teacher, your friend appears and wants you to give back
her book.
The right arrangement is ....
a. 5–1–4–2–3
b. 1–2–4–3–5
c. 2–5–3–1–4
d. 4–5–3–1–2
e. 3–5–1–4–2

38. Mitha : Good morning, sir.

Mr. Harry : Good morning Mit, sit down. This is Mr. Johny. He is one of the judges in the
speech contest attended last week.
Mitha : Oh, I see. How do you do Mr. Johny?
Mr. Johny : ..., Mitha.
a. How are you?
b. Good morning
c. How do you do?
d. You’re welcome
e. It’s all right

39. Farid : Tina, I think you can solve the problem.

Tina : What? Lusi, what did Farid say?
Lusi : He said that ... solve the problem.
a. he thought you could
b. he thinks you can
c. you could
d. he thought I could
e. he thought I can

40. Ade : The match ... when suddenly the supporters of one of the teams threw empty bottles
to the field.
Mika: I think we must learn to discipline ourselves.
a. goes on
b. is going on
c. will go on
d. was going on
e. will be going on

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41. Masdar : More than seventy five percent of the people living in that area have lung and
respiratory system problems.
Otty : You should report this to the police and Health Department.
We use the underlined words to express a/an ....
a. advice
b. complaint
c. annoyance
d. discontent
e. displeasure

42. Ramlan : I have four brothers. All of them are very diligent. They work hard and always
get the best in their work.
I’m very proud of them. I want to be like them.
Budi : But it is not easy as you think. You should work hard as they do.
The underlined words express ....
a. pride
b. interest
c. regret
d. sympathy
e. happiness

43. Mrs. Ruli : I heard that the new art gallery will be opened this month.
Mrs. Hadi : Really? …! I’ve been waiting for it so long.
a. What a nuisance
b. It really makes me upset
c. I’m delighted to hear that
d. Oh no
e. I’m fed up with it

44. Teacher : Have you finished doing the exercise, guys?

Students : We are sorry sir. We ... it for half an hour.
The suitable phrase to complete the conversation is ….
a. will have been doing
b. have been doing
c. will be done
d. are doing
e. are done

45. Tidi : Well, Ferdi, do you think you’ll pass?

Ferdi : No, definitely not. I thought the paper was terrible. I haven’t got a hope of getting
The underlined part of the dialogue expresses ....
a. displeasure
b. incapability
c. uncertainty
d. dissatisfaction
e. disappointment

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46. Mary : Auntie, next month you’ll celebrate your 25th wedding anniversary, won’t you?
Auntie : That’s right, it means that we ... for 25 years.
a. will marry
b. will have marrying
c. will have been married
d. have married
e. have been married

47. Adit : What are those workmen doing in your garden?

Nico : Oh, I am having a swimming pool built.
The underlined expression means that ...
a. Nico is the man who is building the swimming pool.
b. Adit helps Nico to build the swimming pool.
c. Nico and the workmen are building the swimming pool.
d. Only Nico wants to build the new swimming pool.
e. The workmen are building the swimming pool.

48. Tika : Why are you sad? We are happy to camp here.
Nunuk : I cannot watch TV. I wish I were at home.
From the underlined words, we can conclude that Nunuk ... at home.
a. is not
b. was not
c. were not
d. was
e. is

49. Ani : I heard that Bob had an accident and was sent to the hospital.
Tio : If he had driven carefully, he wouldn’t have had a crash.
From the dialogue we know that ....
a. Ani took Bob to the hospital
b. Ani and Tio are in the hospital
c. Tio accompanies Bob to the hospital
d. Bob did not drive carefully
e. Bob and Tio are in the hospital to have treatment

50. “Jennifer went to school though she was sick.”

“She ... in bed to have a rest”
a. should stay
b. would be staying
c. must be staying
d. must have stayed
e. should have stayed

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This text is for questions 51 to 53.

The old saying that necessity is the mother of inventon is not entirely true. If such were the
case, one would (51)... many inventions during periods of (52)... times. However, history
shows that most inventions are (53)... when man is not overworked or hungry.

51. a. began
b. predict
c. find
d. expect
e. meet

52. a. easy
b. hard
c. spare
d. leisure
e. free

53. a. found
b. used
c. made
d. operated
e. discovered

54. Defending champion Serena Williams ... a shot to her sister Venus, during the women’s
singles final on the center Court at the All-England Lawn Tennis Championships at
a. attacked
b. returned
c. received
d. defended
e. protected

55. The bomb … the old buliding and demolished it, injuring many people living near by.
a. moved
b. fell
c. blasted
d. bumped
e. dropped

56. “Karapan Sapi is a popular festival in the island of Madura to ... an occasion after the
harvest time.”
a. open
b. prepare
c. celebrate
d. declare
e. entertain

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57. The communication satellite is equipped with radio receivers and transmitters.
The word equipped can be replaced by ....
a. supplied
b. combined
c. organized
d. related
e. operated

58. He supplemented his earnings by taking a night job.

The underlined word means ....
a. increased
b. expanded
c. improved
d. developed
e. widened

59. The family planning which has been imposed nationally has succeeded in stopping the
population growth.
The underlined word means ....
a. implemented
b. dictated
c. prescribed
d. struck
e. established

60. ”After that miserable experience, you would think that I had learned my lesson.”
It means that the experience is ....
a. enjoyable
b. fantastic
c. great
d. not so bad
e. unhappy

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