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Analysis Report of Majestic Earth Minerals

Procedure: Chloride, fluoride and bromide were determined via Ion Chromatography (I.C.). Ammonium ion was determined by
the Kjeldahl method. Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption (CVAA) spectroscopy was used or mercury. Graphite Furnace Atomic
Absorption (GFAA) spectroscopy was employed for the determination for arsenic, selenium, lead and antimony. All other
elements were determined quantitatively or semi- quantitatively using inductively coupled Plasma Optical Emission
Spectrometry (ICP-OES). Double checks for the majority of elements were also performed by inductively Couple Plasma
Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS). Where necessary, samples were diluted or concentrated before analysis. All amounts listed
are in mg/L (milligrams per liter). Total minerals as determined by evaporation: 15,100 mg/L (anhydrous), 19,000 mg/L
(crystalline hydrates).


Aluminum mg/L 1490 Holmium mg/L 0.0055 Ruthenium mg/L 0.0015
Antimony mg/L 0.185 Indium mg/L 0.005 Samarium mg/L 0.0425
Arsenic mg/L 0.005 Iodine mg/L less than 0.005 Scandium mg/L 0.045
Barium mg/L 0.105 Iridium mg/L 0.005 Selenium mg/L 0.0075
Beryllium mg/L 0.08 Iron mg/L 320 Silicon mg/L 95
Bismuth mg/L 0.0025 Lanthanum mg/L 0.195 Silver mg/L 0.001
Boron mg/L 1.525 Lead mg/L 0.005 Sodium mg/L 82.5
Bromine mg/L 0.055 Lithium mg/L 5.45 Strontium mg/L 1.05
Cadmium mg/L 0.031 Lutetium mg/L 0.0105 Sulfur (sulfate) mg/L 12075
Calcium mg/L 140 Magnesium mg/L 370 Tantalum mg/L 0.003
Carbon mg/L 60 Manganese mg/L 14 Tellurium mg/L 0.015
Cerium mg/L 0.55 Molybdenum mg/L 0.001 Terbium mg/L 0.0175
Cesium mg/L 0.003 Neodymium mg/L 0.375 Thallium mg/L 0.425
Chloride mg/L 140 Nickel mg/L 1.345 Thorium mg/L 0.0025
Chromium mg/L 0.105 Niobium mg/L less than 0.01 Thulium mg/L 0.007
Cobalt mg/L 1.075 Nitrogen (kjeldahl) mg/L 576 Tin mg/L 0.0155
Copper mg/L 0.11 Osmium mg/L 0.0045 Titanium mg/L 0.085
Dysprosium mg/L 0.045 Palladium mg/L 0.001 Tungsten mg/L less than 0.003
Erbium mg/L 0.04 Phosphorus mg/L 0.005 Vanadium mg/L 0.0495
Europium mg/L 0.002 Platinum mg/L less than 0.001 Ytterbium mg/L 0.055
Fluoride mg/L 0.06 Potassium mg/L 8.45 Zinc mg/L 397.5
Gadolinium mg/L 0.075 Praseodymium mg/L 0.0325 Zirconium mg/L 0.105
Gallium mg/L 0.006 Rhenium mg/L 0.002 Yttrium mg/L 190
Germanium mg/L 0.33 Rhodium mg/L 0.00045 Oxygen mg/L
Gold mg/L less than 0.001 Rubidium mg/L 0.0435 Hydrogen mg/L
Hafnium mg/L 0.0015

*The analyses were performed by multiple certified laboratories using samples from multiple production batches and represent
average values. This statement of analysis has been independently reviewed for accuracy by associates of Dr. Gerhard
Schrauzer, PhD, Director of the Biological Trace Elements Research Institute, the Western Analysis Laboratory and Coors
Ceramics Company. Youngevity Majestic Earth Minerals are plant derived colloidal minerals and are not routinely tested by
the United States Food and Drug Administration. Although great care is taken in the processing of this product, Youngevity
Majestic Earth Minerals are plant derived colloidal minerals and as such should be considered a “Natural Living Product”.
Because of this, variation of color, taste and consistency may occur between production batches.
©2006 Youngevity revised 04.06

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