Ielts Speaking - Classs 1-2-3
Ielts Speaking - Classs 1-2-3
Ielts Speaking - Classs 1-2-3
The IELTS Speaking test format is quite simple. It has 3 parts and each part has a
different goal and needs a different approach.
Part - 1
● You will then be asked three-four questions on one topic and three-four
● Spend roughly 10-20 seconds for every answer, and do not worry if you
are interrupted
Part 2 is a long turn where you have 1 to 2 minutes to talk about a topic you will
be given in the test. You have 1 minute to prepare. (cue card)
● You will get a Cue Card. It is also known as the Task Card
● You will get one minute to prepare your answer on the given topic
● This part will analyze your ability to speak confidently on any topic
● You may get a final question if you have not covered two minutes
● The examiner will ask you questions on the topic given earlier
this happens
● When you are interrupted by the examiner, pause and relax. It will
Present - Is/am/are,Have
Past - Was/were, Had - I went to
Future - Will - i’m planning to go / i want to go
Future -
What is more, I really love sea foods so you can say this place
is like heaven for me. I like eating squids , lobsters , carbs and
so on.