Module 3.2
Module 3.2
Module 3.2
M2794.001800 M A T E R I A L A N D M A N U F A C T U R I N G P R O C E S S E S
Types of operation
Primary working(1차가공) : solid piece of metal(금속괴) → slabs(슬래브),
plates(후판), billets(빌랫).
Secondary working(2차가공) : products from primary working(1차가공품) →
bolts(볼트), sheet metal parts(금속판재품), wire(선재) etc.
Bellows / Blower(풀무)
h0 h1
Reduction in height 100%
h0 h1 h
e1 , 1 ln 0
h0 h1
v v Relative velocity
e1 , 1
h0 h1 between the plates
A0 h0
F YA1 , A1
Work volume
d , K n
F Y f A1 , Work ( volume) Y ( 1 )
K n d K 1n
Y 0
1 n 1
(Yf : Flow stress, Y : Average flow stress)
Boundary conditions : x a, x 0
y Y ' at the edges of the specimen
C Y ' e 2 a / h
p y Y ' e2 (a x) / h
x y Y ' Y '[e 2 ( a x ) / h 1]
pav Y ' 1 : Average pressure
F ( pav )(2a)( width ) : Forging force
Impression-die/closed-die forging(형단조)(1)
Impression-die forging : the workpiece acquires the shape of the die cavities
(impressions) while it is being upset between the closing dies.
Flash(플래쉬) : significant role in the flow of material.
Forces in impression-die forging : depending on its position, F=KpYfA.
Land(랜드부) : controlling the forging load not to be excessive.
Plane strain
F ( K p )(Y f )( A)
Impression-die/closed-die forging(형단조)(2)
Closed-die forging(폐쇄단조) : no flash is formed and the workpiece is completely
surrounded by the dies.
Precision forging(정밀단조), flashless forging(밀폐단조) : the part formed is close to the final
dimensions, high forging load & capacity equipment needed.
Isothermal forging(등온단조), hot-die forging(가열금형단조) : the dies are heated to the same
temperature as the hot blank.
Steel balls by
Steel balls by
Die materials
Tool and die steel(공구강 및 다이
강) containing Cr, Ni, Mo and V.
© Prof. Ahn, Sung-Hoon
Forging equipment
Hydraulic presses(유압프레스)
Mechanical presses(기계프레스)
Screw presses(나사프레스) : for parts requiring precision(turbine blades) and
control of ram speed.
Hammers(해머) : potential energy of the ram is converted to kinetic energy.
Counterblow hammers(카운터블로해머)
Rolling (압연)
The process of reducing the thickness or changing the cross-section of a long
workpiece by compressive forces applied through a set of rolls.
Plate(후판) : t ≥6mm / sheet (박판) : t ≤ 6mm
Wrought structure
(단련 구조)
V f Vr
Forward slip
Defects in rolling
Surface defects
Structural defects
Residual stresses
In the case of small-diameter rolls or
small reductions, plastic deformation
occurs on the surfaces.
→ compressive stresses(surfaces),
tensile stresses(bulk).
In the case of large-diameter rolls or
high reduction, plastic deformation
of the bulk is greater than the
→ tensile stresses(surfaces),
compressive stresses(bulk)
Rolling equipment
Small-diameter rolls are preferable, because the smaller the roll radius the
lower the roll force. However, small rolls deflect under roll forces and have to
be supported by other rolls. The cluster mill, or Sendzimir(다단압연기), is
particularly suitable for cold rolling thin strips of high-strength metals.
Rolling equipment
Extrusion (압출)
Direct extrusion(직접압출) : high friction between billet Indirect extrusion(간접압출) : no friction between
and wall billet and wall, die moves to the billet.
Extrusion ratio, R
Ao L
1 ln ln f
L ln R
Af o
Energy dissipated in
plastic deformation per u Y 1
unit volume
Work ( Ao )( Lo )(u )
Work FLo pAo Lo
p u Y ln (Y )(ln R )
Defects in extrusion
Surface cracking(표면균열)
Too high extrusion temperature, friction, or extrusion speed.
Periodic sticking of the extruded product along the die land.
Extrusion defect(파이프결함)
Surface oxides and impurities drawn toward the center of the billet.
Reduced by modifying the flow pattern, machining the surface of the billet or using a dummy block.
Drawing (인발)
The cross-sectional area of a bar or tube is reduced by pulling it through a converging die.
Rod and wire drawing are usually finishing process.
d Y ln
K n
K 1n
n 1
F Y A f ln
Defects in drawing
Similar to defects in extrusion.
Seams(솔기결함) : longitudinal scratches or folds in the material.