PSU's Protection, LFC
PSU's Protection, LFC
PSU's Protection, LFC
Engineering Academy
Hyderabad Delhi Bhopal Pune Bhubaneswar Bengaluru Lucknow Patna Chennai Vijayawada Visakhapatnam Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
Power Systems
(Economics of Power Generation , Load Frequency Control,
Circuit Breakers & Protective Relays)
Practice Questions
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13. A power plant with a Load factor of 0.5 20. The annual peak load on a 30 MW power
produces energy 16,000 MWh with a M.D of station is 25 MW. The Power station supplies
8000 kW over a time period. For how many loads having maximum demands of
hours has the plant been in operation. 10MW,8.5 MW, 5 MW and 4.5 MW. The
(a) 8000 Hrs (b) 4000 Hrs. annual load factor is 45 %. Find the average
(c) 8760 Hrs. (d) 1000 Hrs. load?
(a) 10250 kW (b) 11250 kW
14. Generating station has a connected load of (c) 14250 kW (d) 16250 kW
40MW and a Maximum demand of 20 MW.
The demand factor is 21. In the above problem, Diversity factor is
(a) 0.7 (b) 0.6 (a) 3.80 (b) 1.02
(c) 0.5 (d) 0.4 (c) 1.12 (d) 1.22
19. In an interconnected system consisting of a 25. The highest point on a load curve represents
nuclear power stations, steam station and (a) Average demand
diesel generating station, which plant can be (b) maximum demand
used as base load plant? (c) Diversified demand
(a) Steam station (d) None
(b) Diesel generation plant
(c) Nuclear power station 26. The order of load factor of a Nuclear power
(d) None of the above. station is
(a) 40 to 50% (b) 50 to 65%
(c) 80 to 90% (d) None
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Bhopal Pune Bubaneswar Lucknow Patna Bengaluru Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
Engineering Publications
3 Economics of Power Generation
27. Capacity factor of a power station is 32. In terms of plant powers Pn and Pm loss
Maximum demand coefficients Bmn, the total transmission loss
(a) PL is
Average demand
Average demand on station (a)
m 1 n 1
B mn Pn (b) P
m 1 n 1
m B mn
Maximum demand on station N N N N
(c) Pm B mn Pn (d) 2P m B mn
Maximum installed capacity of station m 1 n 1 m 1 n 1
Average demand of station
33. In the optimum generator scheduling of
Average demand of station
(d) different power plants, the minimum fuel cost
Iinstalled capacity of station is obtained when
(a) Only the incremental fuel cost of each
28. Major share of power produced in India is plant is the same
through (b) The penalty factor of each plaint is the
(a) Thermal power plants same
(b) Hydro electric power plants (c) The ratio of the incremental fuel cost to
the penalty factor for each plant is the
(c) Nuclear power plants same
(d) Diesel power plants. (d) The incremental fuel cost to each plant
multiplied by its penalty factor is the
29. Essential requirement of peak load plant same
(a) It should be capable of starting quickly
(b) It should be run at high voltage 34. A power plant has a maximum demand of 15
(c) It should run at low voltage MW. The load factor is 50% and the plant
factor is 40%. The operating reserve is
(d) It should be small in size.
(a) 3.0 MW
(b) 3.75 MW
30. Load curve is a graph drawn between (c) 6.0 MW
(a) Load Vs Voltage (b) Load Vs time (d) 7.5 MW
(c) P.F. Vs Load (d) Voltage Vs time
35. The load curve of a system is shown in the
31. Unit commitment is a procedure in which figure. The load factor of the system is
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Bhopal Pune Bubaneswar Lucknow Patna Bengaluru Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
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4 Practice Questions
36. The power generated by two plants 40. The load duration curve for a power station is
are P1 50 MW, P2 40 MW . If the loss as shown in the below figure. The reserve
coefficients are B11 0.001, B 22 0.0025 capacity in the plant at 70% capacity factor is
and B12 0.0005 , then power loss will be 90
(a) 5.5MW
(b) 6.5MW 50
(c) 4.5MW
(d) 8.5MW
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Bhopal Pune Bubaneswar Lucknow Patna Bengaluru Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
Engineering Publications
5 Economics of Power Generation
44. The economics of power plant is greatly 02. The cost function of 50 MW generator is
influenced by: given by F(Pi) = 0.02 Pi2 + 53 Pi + 225 Rs/hr
1. Load factor When 100% load is applied, incremental fuel
cost will be
2. Utilization factor
3. Unit capacity 03. The fuel cost of 2 units are as follows.
4.Type of load F1 0.2 P12 30P1 60
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 Rs/hr
F2 0.15 P22 20 P2 80
(b) 1, 3 and 4 Calculate the generation schedule of the each
(c) 1, 2 and 3 unit for Lagrangian multiplier of 120Rs/
(d) 2, 3 and 4 MWhr
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6 Practice Questions
# PL = 5MW
08. The loss coefficients of 2 bus system are B11
= 0.001, B22 = 0.002, B12 = B21 = – 0.0008.
Calculate the loss which are included in the Pd = 45MW
system for a generation schedule of P1 = 150
MW, P2 = 100 MW. (a) 1.21 (b) 1.0
(c) 1.11 (d) 1.31
09. Two power plants interconnected by a tie –
13. In a two plant system, the load is placed at
line have loss coefficient B22 = 10-3 MW-1.
plant 2. For a change of load of 5MW, the
Power is being dispatched economically with
generation change at plant 1 is 8MW. The
plant 1 as 125 MW and plant 2 as 100 MW.
penalty factors are
The penalty factors for plants 1 and 2 are
(a) 1, 1.5 (b) 1.25, 1
(c) 1.6, 1 (d) 1.3, 1
P1 P2
14. A power generating station has a maximum
demand of 1000 MW. The annual load factor
is 75% and plant capacity factor is 60%.
Calculate the reserve capacity
(a) 1 & 1
(a) 250 MW
(b) 1 & 1.25
(b) 500 MW
(c) 1.25 &1 (c) 750 MW
(d) 1.25 & 1.67 (d) 1250 MW
15. The load on the power plant w.r.t time for 24
10. 2
F1 = 0.2 P + 30P1 + 100 Rs/hr Hr are given as
F2 = 0.25 P22 + 40P2 + 150 Rs/hr Time (Hr) 0-6 6-8 8-12 12-14 14-18 18-22 22-24
Load(MW) 40 50 60 50 70 80 40
The load is 130 MW. The generation limits
are 20 P1 80 and 40 P2 100. The The load factor of power station is as
generation schedules are
(a) 0.75 (b) 0.71
(c) 0.60 (d) 0.68
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Bhopal Pune Bubaneswar Lucknow Patna Bengaluru Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
Engineering Publications
7 Economics of Power Generation
16. Power station having Load factor= 70%, 07. Ans: (b)
capacity factor = 50%, used factor = 60% Sol: Operating cost for base load plant should be
maximum demand = 20 MW then annual minimum even though it has high installation
energy production is cost.
(a) 122.8 GWh (b) 198.55 GWh Here operating cost of C2 is 0.015 kWhr
(c) 128.2 GWh (d) 188.82 GWh which is less than that of C1.
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Bhopal Pune Bubaneswar Lucknow Patna Bengaluru Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
Engineering Publications
9 Economics of Power Generation
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Bhopal Pune Bubaneswar Lucknow Patna Bengaluru Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
Load Frequency Control
Practice Questions
LEVEL-1 Questions 06. The main objective of load frequency
controller is to apply control of:
01. In the integral control of single-area system, (a) Frequency alone
when the system frequency error is reduced (b) Frequency and at the same time of real
to zero power exchange via the outgoing lines
(a) the integral output and the speed (c) Frequency and at the same time of
changer position attain a constant value reactive power exchange via the
(b) the integrator output increases but the outgoing lines
seed changer position remains constant (d) Frequency and bus voltage
(c) the integrator output decreases and the
speed changer position also comes 07. Consider the following statements
down 1. A controls area constitutes coherent
(d) the integrator output decreases but the group of generators
speed changer position moves up. 2. In central AGC of a given control area,
the change in (error) frequency is
02. Single control area fitted with proportional volume control error
plus integral controller is 3. In automatic voltage generation, the
(a) synchronous and unstable zero steady state error can be achieved
(b) synchronous and stable by using PI controller
(c) Non – synchronous and unstable Out of these statements
(d) non – synchronous and stable (a) All are correct
(b) 1 & 3 are correct
03. Load frequency control is achieved by (c) 2 & 3 are correct
properly matching the individual machines (d) 1 & 2 are correct
02. A turbine-generator set has a regulation network to be lossless, the system frequency
constant of 6% on the generator rating of for a total load of 400 MW is
120MVA, 50Hz. The generator frequency (a) 47.5 Hz (b) 48.0 Hz
decreases by 0.01 Hz. The increase in turbine (c) 48.5 Hz (d) 49.0 Hz
output for steady-state operation is:
(a) 0.8 MW (b) 0.4 MW
(c) 0.2 MW (d) 40 MW
03. The main objectives of load frequency control LEVEL-1
in a power system are:
01. Ans: (a)
1. To bring the steady state error to zero
after load change
2. To maintain the net tie-line flow 1 P
Sol: f
3. To maintain voltages on all buses 1
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Bhopal Pune Bubaneswar Lucknow Patna Bengaluru Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
Circuit Breakers
Practice Questions
06. A thyrite lightning arrestor has
LEVEL-1 Questions
(a) Inverse resistance characteristics
01. What is the preferred type of CB to be (b) a gap
installed in extra high voltage ac system?
(a) Bulk oil type CB (c) efficient earthing
(b) Air Blast CB (d) a combination of inverse resistance
(c) Vacuum CB characteristics and gap.
(d) Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) CB.
07. Match List – I with List – II and select the
02. Keeping in view the cost and overall
correct answer using the code given below
effectiveness, the following circuit breaker is
the lists:
best suited for capacitor bank switching
List – I
(a) Vacuum (b) air blast
(c) SF6 (d) oil A. Operating coil
B. Restraining coil
03. The interrupting time of a circuit breaker is
the period between the instant of C. Bias coil
(a) initiation of short circuit and the arc List – II
extinction on an opening operation.
(b) energizing of the trip circuit and the arc 1. Through current
extinction on an opening operation. 2. Differential current
(c) initiation of short circuit and the parting
3. Second harmonic current.
of primary arc contacts.
(d) energizing of the trip circuit and the Codes:
parting of primary arc contacts. A B C
(a) 1 3 2
04. Which property of SF6 as makes it most (b) 2 3 1
suitable for use in circuit breakers? (c) 3 2 1
(a) Higher dielectric strength (d) 2 1 3
(b) Higher Molecular weight
(c) Higher dielectric strength and higher
Molecular weight 08. For which of the following reasons is a
(d) Low Molecular weight differential relay biased to avoid mal-
operation when used for transformer
05. Which of the following reason make HRC protection
fuses preferable in power circuits? (1) Saturation of CTs
1. They have inverse time characteristics. (2) Mismatch of CT ratios
2. They are consistent in performance.
(3) Difference in connection of both Sides
3. They can be selected for proper
discrimination. (4) current setting Multiplier
Select the correct answer by using the codes Select the correct answer using the codes
given below. given below.
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (a) 1 and 4 (b) 1 and 2
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3 (c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 3
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Bhopal Pune Bubaneswar Lucknow Patna Bengaluru Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
Engineering Publications
15 Circuit Breakers
09. The switch that is operated only under no 14. Arc splitters are used in the following circuit
load condition is breaker
(a) AB Switch (b) OCB (a) cross – jet explosion pot OCB
(c) ABCB (d) Isolator (b) plain explosion pot OCB
(c) Single break plain OCB
10. The sequence of operation of isolator, CB (d) Double break OCB
and earth switch while opening a circuit is
(a) earth switch opens, isolator opens, C.B. 15. The rupturing capacity of a circuit – breaker
opens is measured in
(a) ampere (b) volt
(b) earth switch closes, isolator opens, C.B. (c) watt (d) volt-ampere
(c) C.B. opens, isolator opens, earth switch 16. In an inverse definite minimum time,
closes electromagnetic type over-current relay, the
minimum time feature is achieved because of
(d) Isolator opens, earth switch closes, C.B. (GATE-00)
opens (a) Saturation of the magnetic circuit
(b) Proper mechanical design
11. The fault clearing process takes place in the (c) Appropriate time delay element
following order in a circuit-breaker. (d) Electromagnetic damping.
(a) Relay contacts close, C.B. contacts
separate and arc extinguish 17. For a round wire, the approximate value of
fusing current is given by (GENCO)
(b) Relay contacts close, the battery supplies
the current to the trip coil, C.B contacts (a) K d 3 (b) Kd 2
separate & arc extinguished. 1
(c) d3 (d) d8
(c) Relay contacts close, the trip circuit of K
C.B. closes, trip coil of C.B. energized,
contacts separate and arc extinguished. 18. The operating time of instantaneous relay is
(d) None of the above.
(a) 0.001 sec (b) 0.01sec
(c) 0.1 sec (d) 1 sec
12. The recovery voltage of a circuit – breaker
comprises 19. Making capacity of a circuit breaker is equal
(a) a Power frequency component only to (SSC-2012)
(b) a high frequency component only (a) 2.55 times symmetrical breaking current
(c) both power frequency and high (b) 1.5 times symmetrical breaking current
frequency components (c) 2 times symmetrical breaking current
(d) a transient component only.
(d) Symmetrical breaking current
13. In D.C. Circuit – breaker arc quenching is
done by 20. If the current is 3000 A, for an I.D.M.T. relay
(a) Zero Current interruption with a plug setting of 50% and C.T. ratio of
(b) Low resistance interruption 400/5, the plug setting multiplier would be
(c) High resistance interruption (IAS-2010)
(d) Normal resistance interruption (a) 7.5 (b) 15.0
(c) 18.75 (d) 37.5
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Bhopal Pune Bubaneswar Lucknow Patna Bengaluru Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
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16 Practice Questions
21. If the fault current is 3000 A for a relay with 25. Match List I with List II and select the correct
a plug setting of 50% and CT ratio of 1000: answer using the codes given below the lists
1, the plug setting multiplier would be (IES-95)
(IAS-2010) List I(Equipment)
(a) 1.5 (b) 3 A. Circuit Breaker
(c) 4.5 (d) 6 B. Lightning Arrester
22. Which is the circuit breaker (CB) preferred C. Governor
for the interruption of high voltage and low D. Exciter
current? (PSC-12) List II ( Function)
(a) Oil CB (b) Air blast CB
(c) Vacuum CB (d) All are correct 1. Voltage control
2. Power control
23. The symmetrical breaking capacity of a 3- 3. Over voltage protection
phase circuit breaker is given by 4. Over current protection
(a) 3 normal voltage rated A B C D
symmetrical current (a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 3 normal voltage rated symmetrical (b) 4 1 2 3
current (c) 4 3 2 1
(c) normal voltage rated symmetrical (d) 2 3 4 1
current factor of safety
(d) None of the above 26. Impulse ratios of insulators and lightning
arresters should be (IES-96)
24. Match List-I (Devices) with List-II (a) both low
(Application)and select the correct answer (b) high and low respectively
using the codes given below the lists : (c) low and high respectively
(IES-94) (d) both high
List – I
A. Microprocessor 27. Breaking capacity of a circuit breaker is
B. Breather usually expressed in terms of
C. Magnetic links (a) Ampere (b) Volts
D. Klydonograph (c) MW (d) MVA
List – II
1. Monitoring surge voltages 28. In a 220 kV system, the inductance and
capacitance up to the circuit breaker location
2. Digital protection
are 25mH and 0.025 F respectively. The
3. Monitoring surge currents
value of resistor required to be connected
4. Power transformer across the breaker contacts which will give
Codes: no transient oscillations, is (IES-01)
A B C D (a) 25
(a) 4 2 1 3 (b) 250
(b) 4 2 3 1 (c) 500
(c) 2 4 1 3 (d) 1000
(d) 2 4 3 1
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Engineering Publications
17 Circuit Breakers
29. Which of the following circuit breakers has 33. The arc voltage in a circuit breaker is:
the lowest voltage range?
(a) SF6 circuit breaker (a) in phase with the arc current
(b) Air-blast circuit breaker (b) lagging by 90o with arc current
(c) Tank type oil circuit breaker
(d) Air-break circuit breaker (c) leading by 90o with arc current
(d) lagging by 45o with arc current
30. Which of the following statements are
(1) Using SF6 gas at low pressure and low LEVEL-2 Questions
velocity, the current chopping can be
minimized 01. The inductance and capacitance of a line are
(2) SF6 breaker is silent in operation and respectively 1.0 H and 0.01 F. If the
moisture ingression in to the gas cycle instantaneous value of interrupted current is
is almost nil 10A, the voltage across the breaker contacts
(3) SF6 breaker performance is affected due will be
to variation in atmospheric conditions
(a) 125 kV
(4) SF6 breaker have been developed for
voltage ranges from 115kV to 500 kV (b) 100 kV
ratings and with interrupting time of 3 (c) 75 kV
cycles & less (d) 66 kV
(a) 1, 2, 3 only (b) 1, 2, 4 only
(c) 1, 3, 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3, 4 02. In connection with the extinction in circuit
breaker, resistance switching is employed
31. The restriking voltage of a circuit breaker where in a resistance is placed in parallel
with resistance switching is shown below with the poles of the circuit breaker as shown
then the value of resistance is in the figure. This process introduces
damping in the LC circuit. For critical
damping, the vale of ‘r’ should be equal to
1 L 1 L
(a) R (b) R
2 C 2 C e C Fault
1 L
(c) R (d) R=0
2 C
03. Three sections of a feeder are provided with 07. For differential protection of power
circuit breakers CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4, CB5 transformer (delta-delta) the current
and CB6. For a fault F as indicated in figure. transformers will have
F (a) Delta-delta connection
(b) Star-delta connection
CB1 CB2 CB3 CB4 CB5 CB6 (c) Star-star connection
(d) Delta-star connection
(a) CB5 must be set to trip after CB1trips.
(b) CB5 must be set to trip after CB3 and CB4
(c) CB5 must be set to trip after CB2 trips.
(d) CB5 must be set to trip before CB1,
CB2, CB3 and CB4 trip. 01. Ans: (d)
Sol: The extra high voltage circuit breaker is
04. Resistance switching is normally employed in sulphur hexafluoride (SF6).
02. Ans: (a)
(a) All breakers Sol: The best suitable for capacitor bank
(b) Bulk oil breakers switching is vacuum circuit breaker.
(c) Minimum oil breakers
(d) Air blast circuit breakers 03. Ans: (b)
Sol: The interrupting time of a circuit breaker is
05. In a 220 kV system, the inductance and the period between the instant of energizing
capacitance up to the circuit breaker location of the trip circuit and the arc extinction on an
are 25mH and 0.025F respectively. The opening operation.
value of resister required to be connected
across the breaker contacts which will give 04. Ans: (c)
no transient oscillations, is Sol:
(i) The current chopping tendency is
(a) 25 (b) 250
minimized by using the gas SF6 at low
(c) 500 (d) 1000 pressure and low velocity.
(ii) The closed circuit gas cycle and low
06. When high rate of rise of recovery voltages velocity operation eliminates the
are expected in networks consisting of moisture problem and gives noiseless
generators, transformers, reactors and lines, operation of the breaker.
circuit breakers with shunt resistance are (iii) Because of the outstanding arc
employed. To ensure exponential build up to quenching properties of SF6, the arcing
50 Hz recovery without overshoot, the time is small and therefore, contact,
resistance connected is, (L is the inductance erosion is less.
of the line and capacitance from line to (iv) The circuit breaker performance is not
ground is C) affected due to the atmospheric
(a) LC (b) LC conditions.
(v) Electrical clearances are drastically
L L reduced due to high dielectric strength
(c) 0.5 (d)
C C of SF6
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19 Circuit Breakers
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Bhopal Pune Bubaneswar Lucknow Patna Bengaluru Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
Protective Relays
Practice Questions
LEVEL-1 Questions List – II
1. Distribution feeder protection
2. Long transmission Line protection
01. The relay which is having capability of
3. Transformer protection
anticipating the possible major fault in a
4. Protection of alternators against
transformer is
unbalanced loading
(a) Over current relay Codes:
(b) Differential relay A B C D
(c) Buchholz relay (a) 4 3 1 2
(d) Over fluxing relay. (b) 1 2 4 3
(c) 4 2 1 3
(d) 1 3 4 2
02. Match list – I (Equipments) with List – II
(Applications) and select the correct answer
04. Match List – I (Relay) with List – II
List – I
(Protected power system component) and
A. Metal oxide arrester select the correct answer using the code given
B. Isolator below the lists:
C. Auto-recloser List – I
D. Differential relay A. Distance relay
B. Under frequency relay.
List – II C. Differential relay
1. Protects generator against short circuit D. Buchholz relay
faults. List – II
2. Improve transient stability 1. Transformers
3. Allows C.B for maintenance 2. Turbines
4. Provides protection against surges 3. Bus bars
Codes: 4. Shunt capacitors.
A B C D 5. Alternators
(a) 4 3 2 1
6. Transmission lines
(b) 3 4 1 2
(c) 4 3 1 2 Codes:
(d) 3 4 2 1 A B C D
(a) 6 5 3 1
03. Match List – I (Types of relays) with List – II (b) 3 1 4 2
(Protective schemes) and select the correct (c) 6 1 3 2
answer (d) 3 5 4 1
List – I
05. The type of CT connection it is employed for
A. Negative – sequence relay
the protection of star – delta connected 3-
B. Harmonic – restraint differential relay phase transformer is
C. over – current relay with time delay (a) Delta - delta (b) Star - star
D. Mho relay (c) Star - delta (d) Delta – star
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23 Protective Relays
06. Match List – I (Type of Fault) with List – II 10. Match List – I with List – II and select the
(Type of protection) and select the correct correct answer using the code given below
answer using the code given below the lists: the lists:
List – I (Type of Tr. Lines)
List – I A. Short line
A. External phase fault B. Medium line
B. Faults between phases. C. Long
C. Phase to earth fault List – II (Type of distance relay preferred)
1. ohm relay
2. Reactance relay
List – II 3. Mho relay
1. Differential protection Codes:
2. Earth fault relay A B C
3. Over – current protection (inversion time (a) 1 2 3
delay o/c relay) (b) 3 2 1
4. Thermal relay (c) 2 1 3
(d) 3 1 2
A B C 11. The transmission line distance protection
(a) 3 1 2 relay having the property of being inherently
(b) 4 2 1 directional is
(c) 3 2 1 (a) Impedance relay (b) Mho relay
(d) 4 1 2 (c) Ohm relay (d) Reactance relay
07. How many relays are used to detect inter 12. Reactance relay is normally preferred for
phase fault of a 3-phase system? protection against
(a) One (b) Two (a) earth faults
(c) Three (d) Six (b) phase faults
(c) open circuit faults
08. Which is the main relay for protecting upto (d) none of these
80% - 90% of the transmission line-length in
the forward direction? 13. Which of the following relays is used for the
(a) Directional over-current relay protection of a series compensated EHV line.
(b) Mho relay (a) Impedance relay
(b) Reactance relay
(c) carrier – current protective relay
(c) Mho relay
(d) Impedance relay. (d) static distance relay/Micro processor
based relay
09. Which relay is used to detect and protect
internal faults of a transformer? 14. What are the typical values of percentage bias
(a) Buchholz relay of differential values used for generator and
(b) Directional relay transformer protection?
(c) Thermal relay (a) 5% and 20% respectively
(d) Distance relay (b) Both 5%
(c) Both 20%
(d) 20% and 5% respectively.
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24 Practice Questions
15. Match List – I with List – II and select the 19. Protection scheme used to detection of loss of
correct answer using the code given below excitation of a very large generating unit
the lists: feeding power into a grid employs
(a) under voltage relay
List – I (Protection scheme)
A. Differential protection (b) offset Mho relay
B. Buchholz protection (c) under frequency relay
C. Earth fault protection (d) percentage differential relay
D. Thermal protection
20. In the protection of transformers, harmonic
List – II (Type of faults) restraint is used to guard against
1. Phase to phase and phase to ground (GATE-01)
2. Phase to ground
3. Short circuit (a) Magnetizing inrush current
4. Inter – turn (b) Unbalanced operation
5. Over loading (c) Lightning
(d) Switching over-voltages
21. A negative sequence relay is commonly used
(a) 1 4 2 5
to protect (GATE-11)
(b) 5 2 3 1
(c) 1 2 3 5 (a) An alternator
(d) 5 4 2 1 (b) A transformer
(c) A transmission line
16. A relay most likely to operate on power
swings is (d) A bus bar
(a) over current relay
(b) Inverse definite Minimum time relay. 22. Mal-operation of differential protection of
(c) Mho relay transformers due to magnetizing inrush
(d) Reactance Relay current is prevented by (IAS-2010)
(a) setting the current of the relay higher
17. For reducing tower footing resistance, it is than the maximum value of inrush
better to employ current
(a) chemical and counter poise (b) keeping the time-setting long enough
(b) chemical and ground rods for the inrush current to fall to a value
(c) ground rods and counter poise below the primary operating current of
(d) chemical, ground rods and counter poise. the relay
18. The reactance relay is essentially (c) bypassing the inrush current from the
(a) an over-voltage relay with current operating coil of the relay
restraint. (d) filtering the third harmonic content of
(b) an over – current relay with directional the inrush current flowing through the
restraint. operating coil and passing through the
(c) a directional relay with voltage restraint. restraining coil
(d) a directional relay with current restraint.
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Bhopal Pune Bubaneswar Lucknow Patna Bengaluru Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
Engineering Publications
25 Protective Relays
23. Match List-I (Power system components) 27. Consider the following statements. Which of
with List-II (Relaying schemes) and select these statements are correct?
the correct answer using the codes given 1. Reactance relays are preferred for
below the Lists: (IAS-10) ground fault relaying
List-I (Power system Components) 2. Impedance relays are most suitable for
A. Power Transformer protecting long transmission lines
B. Transmission Lines 3. Mho relays are best suited for long
transmission line protection
C. Alternator
4. Reactance relays are widely used for
List-II (Relaying schemes) protection of Medium transmission lines
1. Differential relaying (TSNPDCL-15)
2. Distance relaying (a) All of them (b) 1 and 3
(c) 2 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 4
A B C 28. For protection of parallel feeders fed from
(a) 1 1 2 one end the relays required are :
(b) 2 1 1 (HMWS-15)
(c) 1 2 1 (a) Directional relays at both the ends
(d) 2 1 2 (b) Non-directional relays at both the ends
(c) Directional relays at the source end and
24. If the fault current is 2000 A, the relay setting non-directional relays at the load end
is 50% and CT ratio is 400: 5, then what is (d) Non-directional relays at the source end
the plug setting multiplier? and directional relays at the load end
(a) 25 (b) 15 LEVEL-2 Questions
(c) 50 (d) 10
01. For the protection of a very long extra high
25. A relay has a rating of 5A, 2.2 sec IDMT and voltage line, the protective relay used is
a relay setting of 125% TMS=0.6. It is (a) Over current with extremely inverse
connected to a supply circuit through a C.T. characteristics
400/5 ratio. The fault current is 4000A. The (b) Percentage differential relay
pick up current of the relay is (c) Reactance type distance relay
(APPSC-12) (d) Mho type distance relay
(a) 6.25A (b) 5A
02. If the fault current is 2 kA, the relay setting is
(c) 8A (d) 2.2A 50% and the C.T. ratio is 400/5, then the plug
setting multiplier of a relay will be
26. Under voltage relays are mainly used for (a) 5 (b) 7 (c) 8 (d) 10
(a) Motor protection 03. An over current relay having a current setting
(b) Transformer protection of 125% is connected to a supply circuit
through a current transformer of ratio 400/5.
(c) Transmission line protection
The pick –up value will be
(d) All the above (a) 6.25A (b) 500A
(c) 100A (d) 80A
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Bhopal Pune Bubaneswar Lucknow Patna Bengaluru Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
Engineering Publications
26 Practice Questions
04. An over-current relay, having a current 07. In a 3-step distance protection, the reach of
setting of 12.5% is connected to a supply the three zones of the relay at the beginning
circuit through a current transformer of ratio of the first line typically extends upto
400/5. The pick-up value is (a) 100% of the first line, 50% of the
(a) 0.625 A second line and 20% of the third line.
(b) 10 A (b) 80% of the first line, 50% of the second
(c) 12.5 A line and 20% of the third line.
(d) 15 A (c) 80% of the first line, 20% of second
line and 10% the third line.
05. The plug setting of a negative sequence relay (d) 50% of first line, 50% of second line
is 0.2 A. The current transformer ratio is 5:1. and 20% of the third line.
The minimum value of line to line fault
current for the operation of the relay is 08. Consider the problem of relay co-ordination
1 for the distance relays R1 and R2 on adjacent
(a) 1A (b) A lines of a transmission system figure. The
zone 1 and zone 2 settings for both the relays
0.2 are indicated on the diagram. Which of the
(c) 1.732 A (d) A
1.732 following indicates the correct time setting
for the zone 2 of relays R1 and R2
06. A two machine power system in shown Zone2(R2)
below. Transmission line XY has positive Zone1(R2)
sequence impedance of Z1 and zero
sequence impedance of Z0
R1 R2
. F
An ‘a’ phase to ground fault with zero fault (a) TZ2R1 = 0.6s, TZ2R2 = 0.3s
impedance occurs at the centre of the (b) TZ2R1 = 0.3s, TZ2R2 = 0.6s
transmission line. Bus voltage at X and line (c) TZ2R1 = 0.3s, TZ2R2 = 0.3s
current from X to F for the phase ‘a’, are
(d) TZ2R1 = 0.1s, TZ2R2 = 0.3s
given by Va Volts and Ia Amperes,
respectively. Then, the impedance measured
by the ground distance relay located at the 09. A three-phase 11/66 kV, delta star
terminal X of line XY will be given by transformer, protected by Merz-price scheme
has CT ratio of 400/5 on L.T. side. Ratio of
(a) Z1/2 C.T. on H.T. side will be equal to
(b) Z0/2 (IES-EE-99)
(c) (Z0 + Z1)/2 (a) 1:23
(b) 23:1
(d) Va/Ia
(c) 23: 3
(d) 3 :23
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Bhopal Pune Bubaneswar Lucknow Patna Bengaluru Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
Engineering Publications
27 Protective Relays
10. An active power restrained over current relay Differential relay Protects generator
will have characteristics in RX Plane as against short circuit
X faults.
03. Ans: (a)
Operates Sol: Negative – sequence relay Protection of
R alternators against unbalanced loading
Harmonic – restraint differential relay
(b) X Transformer protection
Operates Over – current relay with time delay
R Distribution feeder protection
Mho relay Long transmission Line
Operates X
04. Ans: (a)
Sol: Distance relay Transmission lines
Under frequency relay. Alternators
R Differential relay Bus bars
Buchholz relay Transformers
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Bhopal Pune Bubaneswar Lucknow Patna Bengaluru Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad
Engineering Publications
29 Protective Relays
26. Ans: (a) 01. (d) 02. (d) 03. (a) 04. (a)
Sol: Under voltage protection is necessary for 05. (c) 06. (d) 07. (b) 08. (a)
generator, motor, transformer and
transmission lines to avoid the fall in voltage 09. (b) 10. (b)
below the minimum prescribed value.
ACE Engineering Publications Hyderabad Delhi Bhopal Pune Bubaneswar Lucknow Patna Bengaluru Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kolkata Ahmedabad