N°16 2023-12 Summary-Report DSM DelvotestT

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DSM Food Specialities B. V.

ACTALIA - Cecalait
2600 MA Delft Rue de Versailles
The NETHERLANDS 39800 Poligny – FRANCE

NF VALIDATION 102 (AFNOR Certification):

Protocol for validation of methods for the detection and quantification of
veterinary drugs in food products
(Revision n°1: adopted on June 1st, 2017)

Summary report

Delvotest® T kit for the detection of a broad range of

antibiotic residues in raw cows’ milk (individual and
commingled) with visual and instrumental reading
using the Delvo®Scan (ampoule and plates) and the
Delvotest® Accelerator Smart (plates)

Expert Laboratory: ACTALIA Cecalait

Manufacturer: DSM Food Specialties B. V.
Certificate number: DSM 28/02-02/12
Author: Delphine Larose
December 19th, 2023
Version 0
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Renewal study project
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Certification Body:
AFNOR certification

Validation protocol:
NF VALIDATION 102 (AFNOR Certification): Protocol for validation of methods for the detection and
quantification of veterinary drugs in food products (revision n°1: adopted on June 1st, 2017)

Principle of the method:

This method is a standard diffusion test for the qualitative detection of antibacterial substances as
penicillins, tetracyclines, sulfonamides, cefalosporins, macrolides, aminoglycosides, lincosamides in
raw milk.

Qualitative method

Raw cow milk (individual and commingled)

Format of the test:

Ampoule and 96-plate formats

Quinolones are not detected by Delvotest® T

NF Validation – Renewal study project –Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 6
2. DELVOTEST®T ...................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1. Principle of the method................................................................................................................ 6
2.2. Protocol ........................................................................................................................................ 7
3. DELVOTEST® ACCELERATOR SMART (DAS).......................................................................................... 8
3.1. Principle ........................................................................................................................................ 8
3.2. Protocol ........................................................................................................................................ 8
4. RESULTS OF PRELIMINARY STUDY ....................................................................................................... 8
4.1. Characterization of the method performances............................................................................ 8
4.1.1. Determination of detection capability (CCβ) ........................................................................ 9 Materials and methods ................................................................................................... 9 Results .......................................................................................................................... 10 Conclusion of CCβ study ............................................................................................... 10
4.1.2. Test for false positive results ............................................................................................... 12 Materials and methods ................................................................................................. 12 Results........................................................................................................................... 12
4.1.3. Applicability on individual cow milk .................................................................................... 12 Materials and methods ................................................................................................ 12 Results .......................................................................................................................... 13 Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 13
4.1.4. Applicability: Use of DAS for incubation and reading of Plate format ................................ 13 Criterion evaluated ....................................................................................................... 13 Conditions of the study ................................................................................................ 13 Results .......................................................................................................................... 14 Conclusion of the applicability for DAS ........................................................................ 18
4.1.5. Robustness .......................................................................................................................... 18 Materials and methods ................................................................................................ 18 Study performed by ILVO (2012) ........................................................................ 18 Study performed by ACTALIA Cecalait (2021) ..................................................... 18 Results .......................................................................................................................... 19 Study performed by ILVO (2012) ........................................................................ 19 Complement of ILVO’s study performed by ACTALIA Cecalait (2021) ............... 20 Study performed by ACTALIA Cecalait (2021) ..................................................... 20 Conclusion of robustness .............................................................................................. 21
4.2. Practicability ............................................................................................................................... 22

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

4.3. Conclusion of the preliminary study .......................................................................................... 22

5. INTERLABORATORY STUDY ................................................................................................................ 23
5.1. Interlaboratory study in 2013 (ANSES Fougères) ........................................................................ 24
5.2. Interlaboratory study in 2021 (ACTALIA-Cecalait) ..................................................................... 24
5.2.1. Preparation of samples ........................................................................................................ 25
5.2.2. Verification of homogeneity and stability ............................................................................ 26 Homogeneity ................................................................................................................ 26 Stability ......................................................................................................................... 27
5.2.3. Shipment ............................................................................................................................. 28
5.2.4. Exclusion of laboratories ..................................................................................................... 28
5.3. Calculation on both interlaboratory studies (2013 and 2021) ................................................... 30
5.3.1. Specificity, percentage of positive results and sensitivity.................................................... 30
5.3.2. Repeatability........................................................................................................................ 32
5.3.3. Reproducibility .................................................................................................................... 35
5.4. Conclusion of interlaboratory studies (2013 and 2021 studies) ................................................ 38
6. GENERAL CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................... 39
7. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE .............................................................................................................. 41
8. Appendix............................................................................................................................................ 42
Appendix 1: Delvotest® T ampoule version Protocol in the form of a diagram................................ 42
Appendix 2: Delvotest® T plate version Protocol in the form of a diagram ...................................... 43
Appendix 3: Details on antibiotics used in preliminary study ........................................................... 45
Appendix 4: Results of robustness study (2021) ............................................................................... 47
Appendix 5 : Results of preliminary and interlaboratory studies in 2013 (ANSES) ......................... 110
Appendix 6 : Details on antibiotics used in interlaboratory study (2021) ...................................... 112
Appendix 7 : Raw data for homogeneity (2021) .............................................................................. 112
Appendix 8 : Raw data for stability study (2021) ............................................................................. 113
Appendix 9: Results of interlaboratory study in 2021 (ACTALIA Cecalait) ....................................... 115

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

The Delvotest® T method is validated by AFNOR under the brand NF VALIDATION with the certification
number DSM 28/02-02/12. The method is intended for the raw cow milk.
The Table 1 summarizes the different steps of the validation that occurred since the initial validation.

Table 1 : Steps of the validation AFNOR Certification

Date Study
2013 Initial validation study: cow milk + applicability on ewe and goat milks +
(ANSES Fougères) applicability for presence of preservative in milk (azidiol)
First renewal without further study
(ANSES Fougères)
Second renewal according to NF102 (AFNOR Certification): ‘Protocol for
validation of methods for the detection and quantification of veterinary
drugs in food products’ (revision N°1: June 1st, 2017)
2021 New experiments (Determination of detection capability (CCβ) with at least
(ACTALIA Cecalait) 3 batches; Determination of false positive results; Applicability; Robustness;
Practicability; complement of Interlaboratory studies (ILs))
Renewal for raw cow milk (individual and commingled), ampoules and
plates formats, visual and Delvoscan® reading
2022 Extension study: Use of Delvotest® Accelerator Smart (DAS) for incubation
(ACTALIA Cecalait) and reading of Delvotest® T 96-well plate format
Third renewal without further study
(ACTALIA Cecalait)

This document is a renewal study project presenting all the results of the validation studies of the NF
Validation Certification of the Delvotest® T according to NF102 (AFNOR Certification): ‘Protocol for
validation of methods for the detection and quantification of veterinary drugs in food products’
(revision N°1: June 1st, 2017).

2.1. Principle of the method
The Delvotest® T is a qualitative broad spectrum test for the detection of antibiotic residues in raw
milk. The test is based on growth inhibition of Geobacillus stearothermophilus.
The product contains a solid agar medium seeded with standardized number of spores of Geobacillus
stearothermophilus with required nutrients for growth. The medium is colored by the pH indicator
bromocresol purple.
Milk samples are added into the test and are incubated at 64°C ± 2°C. This incubation allows
germination and growth of the bacteria; this will lead to a change in color of the pH indicator to
(partially) yellow. When milk sample contains antibiotics substances at or above the test sensitivity,
growth is inhibited and the color remains (predominantly) purple.
Delvotest® T kit is in two formats according to the number of samples to use (tube or 96-well
microplate formats). Each format has different packaging. The possible incubation/reading are
summarized in the Table 2.

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Table 2: Incubation and reading capabilities of the two test formats

Format of Delvotest®T Incubation Reading

Water bath Visually
Dry incubator (Mini S block heater) Delvo®Scan
Water bath
96-wells Delvo®Scan
Delvotest® Accelerator Smart (DAS)
Delvotest® Accelerator Smart (DAS)
Once a month, the scanner used with the Delvo®Scan software, is calibrated with a colored card.
2.2. Protocol
Test production and protocol have not changed since the first validation in 2013. Protocols were
presented in the form of a diagram in Appendix 1: Delvotest® T ampoule version Protocol in the form
of a diagram and Appendix 2: Delvotest® T plate version Protocol in the form of a diagram.
The steps are the following:
- Preheat the incubation device. The temperature of the dry incubator or water bath should be
set at 64°C ± 2 °C.
- Select the required number of test material. Detach one or more ampoules, or break the plates
in blocks depending on the number of milk sample to analyse. Take care that the aluminum
foil from the remaining tests is not damaged. Remove the aluminum foil from the plate or
perforate the foil of ampoules carefully.
- Add the milk sample. Milk samples should be representative of the milk to be tested and
homogenized. Pipette 0,1 mL of sample in the test. For each sample use a new and clean
pipette. Indicate clearly each test with for example a sample number.
- Incubate the test. When using test in plate, cover the plates using included adhesive foil. The
ampoules and the plates have to be put into the incubator immediately after milk addition.
- Incubate the test plates or ampoules in the preheated dry incubator or water bath. Incubate
the test until the control time already determined.
- Read visually or with Delvo®Scan. The color should be read from the 2/3 part of the ampoule
or from underneath the test plate. Interpretation of results is presented in Table 3;
- For the plate format, the incubation and the reading can be done using the Delvotest®
Accelerator Smart (DAS) device (extension study of 2022).
The control time is the time when blank negative milk sample turns negative. It was determined for
each batch of kit according to DSM good practices by the analyze of 1 negative control provided by
DSM, read every 5 minutes from 2h45 to 3h15 incubation.
To optimize reliability, the manufacturer advises to verify the correct functionality of the test,
operations and incubation with negative control and positive control milk samples available at DSM.
Table 3: Interpretation of results of Delvotest® T

Color of medium Results

Purple (predominantly)
Milk sample contains antibiotics at or above the test sensitivity.
Yellow (partially) The milk analysed does not contain antibiotics or the antibiotic
concentration is below the detection sensitivity of the test.

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk


3.1. Principle
The DAS is an incubator / reader specifically designed to be used with DSM’s Delvotest® T 96-wells
plate format. The DAS is an automated system that maintains the right incubation temperature,
monitors the test color during incubation, ends the incubation at the optimum time and calculates the
test results.

3.2. Protocol
To use the DAS, the steps are the following:
- Switch on the DAS, preheat at 64°C ± 2 °C the incubation device (around 10 minutes) and
configure the settings.
- Take a 96-wells plate and check that the aluminum foil is not damaged. Remove the aluminum
foil from the plate.
- Homogenize milk samples and add 0,1 mL of each one to each well.
- Insert the plate into the DAS. Barcode on the plate, with batch code and product type, is read
directly by the DAS. Close the lid and press “START” on the DAS. A display will show the elapsed
time from the start.
- At the end of the run, the DAS reads the plate and gives “Z-values” for every well.
- The interpretation of results of Delvotest® T is based on Z-values coming from the color of each
well. A threshold value is used to decide between positive (presence of antibiotics) and
negative results. The threshold recommended by DSM for the Delvotest® T is the following:
 Z ≥ -4: Milk sample contains antibiotics at or above the detection sensitivity;
 Z < -4: Milk sample does not contain antibiotics or does contain at a concentration
under the detection sensitivity.


4.1. Characterization of the method performances
In the second renewal study conducted in 2021, all preliminary study was performed again according
to the new rules of AFNOR of 2017.
During this second renewal study, 2 formats of Delvotest® T were studied: ampoules and plates. In the
same time, 2 types of readings were tested: visual and by Delvo®Scan. Milk used were cow
commingled milk.
All incubations of Delvotest® T in plates were done in a water bath at 64°C ± 2°C. For those in ampoules,
DSM Delvotest® Incubators (Mini S block heater) were used at 64°C ± 2°C. All incubations were
performed at ‘control time’.
The Delvo®Scan software used was the version 5.08 (ampoules and plates) with an EPSON V600
scanner with a cut-off equal to 0.
The control time was determined for each batch of kit used in the study.
All pipettings were done with a variable pipette (20 – 200 µL with an accuracy of ± 0,6 µL).
During this second renewal study which required new experiments, an applicability study was
conducted in individual milk.

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

In 2022, a new applicability study was conducted for use the Delvotest® Accelerator Smart (DAS) to
incubate and read the Delvotest® T plate format.

4.1.1. Determination of detection capability (CCβ) Materials and methods

The blank raw cow milk was commingled milk coming from at least 10 animals not treated with
veterinary drugs within the last 8 weeks before milking. The maximum period for the cold storage
(between 0°C and 6°C) of the fresh raw milk was 56 hours. Analyses of composition of milk were
performed for each milk used (fat, protein, somatic cells, total count of microorganisms and pH).
To ensure the absence of antibiotics in the milks used to determine CCβ, the blank raw milk was tested
before using by Delvotest® T and by another test (Bioeasy® β- lactam –tetracycline – Cefalexin – Ref
YRM1008-40) in duplicate. Three blank raw milks of different origin were used.
To determine CCβ, blank raw milk was spiked with different compounds belonging to different drug
families. 42 molecules have been tested with two formats (plates and ampoules). As the quinolones
(sum of enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin) are not detected by Delvotest® T, they were not tested in this
renewal study. Details on antibiotics used are reported in Appendix 3: Details on antibiotics used in
preliminary study.

For each format, results were read visually and by Delvo®Scan. All samples were codified previously
and were analyzed in blind.
At least 3 different batch numbers of the kit have been tested (including a batch close to the
manufacture date and a batch close to the expiry date).
Each compound was spiked separately. For each compound a minimum of 1 level around the test
detection capability was tested:
- If the CCβ values were announced by DSM, in the first time the CCβ announced was tested;
- If the CCβ values were not announced by DSM, in the first time the MRL was tested.

If the CCβ still fails, the concentration tested is increased according to NF 102 rules as follows:
- Range 1 – 10 ppb: increments of 1 ppb
- Range 11 – 20 ppb: increments of 2 ppb
- Range 21 – 50 ppb: increments of 5 ppb
- Range 51 – 250 ppb: increments of 10 ppb
- Range 251 – 500 ppb: increments of 25 ppb
- Range 500 – 1 000 ppb: increments of 100 ppb
- Range 1 000 – 5 000 ppb: increments of 500 ppb.

The number of replicates tested at each level is based on closeness to the MRL according to AFNOR
rules. The number of replicates is given in Table 4.

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Table 4: Number of replicates to test according to the MRL

Number of Performance criterion Maximum

Concentration tested
replicates number of negative results allowed
> MRL 20 1
Close to the MLR (10% below to the MLR) 60 3
Between 50% and 90% of the MLR 40 2
≤ 50% MRL 20 1

Detection capability is defined as the lowest concentration tested giving at least 95% of positive results;
it is the lowest concentration where at least 19 out of 20 tests, 38 out of 40 tests, or 57 out of 60 tests
are positive, respectively.

Detection capability was determined with 3 batches for ampoules (20A09/31, 19L11/31 and 19L18/31)
and 6 batches for plates (19K22/30, 19J18/30, 19J02/30, 20D31/20, 20D16/30 and 20D22/30). The
tests were interpreted visually and by Delvo®Scan. All results (reader values) were collected in a data
base. Results

A summary of the detection capabilities obtained is given in Table 5. Conclusion of CCβ study

On 42 antibiotics tested:
- 25 compounds have a detection capability below or equal to MRL:
 The detection capability of gentamycin is equal to the MRL for both plates and
 The detection capability of oxytetracycline is equal to the MRL for ampoules only;
 The detection capability of tetracycline is equal to the MRL for plates only.
- 16 compounds have a detection capability higher than regulatory limits (4- epioxytetracycline,
chlortetracycline, 4-epitetracycline, 4-epichlortetracycline, sulfamethazine, tilmicosin,
erythromycin A, spiramycin, streptomycin, dihydrostreptomycin, cefquinome,
chloramphenicol, trimethoprim, lincomycin, clavulanic acid and dapsone);
- Doxycycline has no regulatory limit.

Quinolones (Enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin) were not tested since Delvotest® T detection capability is
far above MRL.

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Table 5: Detection capabilities (CCβ, in ppb) determined at control time by Delvotest® T kit in raw cow milk.

MRL =, =,
in Number of positive CCβ < or Number of positive CCβ < or
Drug Compounds milk sample sample
(ppb) > (ppb) >
family detected (ppb) MRL MRL
Visual Delvoscan Visual Delvoscan
reading reading reading reading
Amoxicillin 4 20 /20 20/20 2 < 20/20 20/20 2 <
Ampicillin 4 20/20 20/20 2 < 20/20 20/20 2 <

Penicillin G 4 40/40 39/40 3 < 20/20 20/20 1 <

Cloxacillin 30 20/20 20/20 10 < 20/20 20/20 10 <
Oxacillin 30 20/20 20/20 3 < 20/20 20/20 3 <
Nafcillin 30 20/20 20/20 3 < 20/20 20/20 3 <
Oxytetracycline 100 60/60 60/60 100 = 40/40 39/40 80 <
4-Epioxytetracycline 100 20/20 20/20 600 > 20/20 20/20 800 >

Chlortetracycline 100 20/20 20/20 150 > 20/20 20/20 150 >
4-Epichlortetracycline 100 20/20 20/20 600 > 20/20 20/20 600 >
Tetracycline 100 40/40 40/40 80 < 60/60 60/60 100 =
4-Epitetracycline 100 20/20 20/20 800 > 20/20 20/20 1000 >
Doxycycline * 20/20 20/20 50 * 20/20 20/20 50 *
Sulfamethazine 100 20/20 20/20 125 > 20/20 20/20 125 >
Sulfathiazole 100 20/20 20/20 30 < 20/20 20/20 30 <

Sulfadimethoxine 100 20/20 20/20 40 < 20/20 20/20 40 <

Sulfadiazine 100 40/40 40/40 55 < 20/20 20/20 50 <
Sulfadoxine 100 40/40 40/40 80 < 40/40 40/40 80 <
Tilmicosin 50 20/20 20/20 60 > 20/20 20/20 100 >

Tylosin A 50 40/40 40/40 35 < 40/40 40/40 35 <


Erythromycin A 40 20/20 20/20 160 > 20/20 20/20 200 >

Spiramycin 200 20/20 20/20 1500 > 20/20 20/20 2000 >
Neomycin B 1500 20/20 20/20 140 < 20/20 20/20 140 <

Gentamycin 100 59/60 59/60 100 = 58/60 58/60 100 =

Streptomycin 200 20/20 20/20 700 > 20/20 20/20 1000 >
Dihydrostreptomycin 200 20/20 20/20 700 > 20/20 20/20 800 >
Cephapirin 60 20/20 20/20 5 < 20/20 20/20 5 <
Desacetycephapirin 60 20/20 19/20 2 < 20/20 20/20 2 <
Ceftiofur 100 20/20 20/20 20 < 20/20 20/20 20 <

Desfuroylceftiofur 100 20/20 20/20 45 < 40/40 40/40 80 <

Cefoperazone 50 20/20 20/20 20 < 20/20 20/20 20 <
Cefalexin 100 20/20 20/20 30 < 20/20 20/20 30 <
Cefquinome 20 20/20 20/20 50 > 20/20 20/20 60 >
Cefalonium 20 20/20 20/20 5 < 20/20 20/20 5 <
Cefazolin 50 20/20 20/20 3 < 19/20 19/20 3 <
Chloramphenicol 0,3 a 19/20 19/20 4000 > 20/20 20/20 3500 >
Trimethoprim 50 20/20 20/20 110 > 20/20 19/20 120 >
Dapsone 5b 20/20 20/20 10 > 20/20 20/20 10 >

Lincomycin 150 20/20 20/20 275 > 20/20 20/20 220 >
Rifaximin 60 40/40 40/40 40 < 40/40 40/40 40 <
Pirlimicin 100 20/20 20/20 300 < 20/20 20/20 300 <
Clavulanic acid 200 20/20 20/20 700 > 20/20 20/20 800 >
* No regulatory limit in milk
a MRPL (Minimum Required Performance Limit)

b MMPR (Minimum Method Performance Requirements)

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

4.1.2. Test for false positive results Materials and methods

To ensure the absence of antibiotics in the milks used to determine the false positive rate, the blank
raw milk was tested before using by Delvotest® T and other test (Bioeasy® β-lactam –tetracycline or
Bioeasy® β-lactam – tetracycline – cefalexine) in duplicate.
93 samples of bulk tank commingled milks were tested by Delvotest® T kit with plates and 84 samples
with ampoules. The false positive rate was determined at control time. Results

On 93 samples analyzed with plates and 84 samples with ampoules, no false positive was detected in
blank raw milk from different origin.

4.1.3. Applicability on individual cow milk Materials and methods

10 blank milks from different origins were tested at control time.

At minimum 10 milk samples supplemented with antibiotics were tested. One or two representative
compounds for each antibiotic family were spiked to its CCβ level or above (maximum 20%) (Table 6).
If one sample supplemented with antibiotic was negative, 10 additional samples were tested.
All samples were tested with two formats (ampoules and plates), incubated at control time and read
visually and by Delvo®Scan. All samples were codified to be analysed in blind.

Table 6: List of compounds tested in applicability study on individual cow milk.

MRL in milk CCβ validated for cow milk (ppb)

Antibiotic family Molecules
Ampoules Plates
Amoxicillin 4 2 2
Cloxacillin 30 10 10
Oxytetracycline 100 100 80
Chlortetracycline 100 150 150
Sulfadimethoxine 100 40 40
Sulfadiazine 100 55 50
Tylosin A 50 35 35
Erythromycin A 40 160 200
Aminoglycosides Dihydrostreptomycin 200 700 800
Cephalosporins Cefalexin 100 30 30
Lincosamides Lincomycin 150 275 220

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Results

Results of applicability on individual cow milk are presented in Table 7.

Table 7: Results of applicability on individual cow milk at control time.

Cow milk Individual cow milk

MRL Ampoules Plates Ampoules Plates

Antibiotic family Molecules tested Number Number
milk =, < =, <
(ppb) CCβ CCβ of Applic of Applic
or > or > positive positive
(ppb) (ppb) ability ability
MRL MRL sample sample
Amoxicillin 4 2 < 2 < 10/10 YES 10/10 YES
Cloxacillin 30 10 < 10 < 10/10 YES 10/10 YES
Oxytetracycline 100 100 > 80 < 10/10 YES 10/10 YES
Chlortetracycline 100 150 > 150 > 10/10 YES 10/10 YES
Sulfadimethoxine 100 40 < 40 < 10/10 YES 10/10 YES
Sulfadiazine 100 55 < 50 < 10/10 YES 10/10 YES
Tylosin A 50 35 < 35 < 10/10 YES 10/10 YES
Erythromycin A 40 160 > 200 > 10/10 YES 10/10 YES
Dihydro- >
Aminoglycosides 200 700 > 800 10/10 YES 10/10 YES
Cephalosporins Cefalexin 100 30 < 30 < 10/10 YES 10/10 YES
Lincosamides Lincomycin 150 275 > 220 > 19/20 YES 10/10 YES Conclusion

No difference was observed in CCβ between the results with commingled cow milk and with individual
cow milk. Applicability of the method is verified with individual cow raw milk.

4.1.4. Applicability: Use of DAS for incubation and reading of Plate format Criterion evaluated
The criterion evaluated for this extension study was the raw cow milk without preservative. Conditions of the study
For each batch of Delvotest® T, a control time was determined for the duration of incubation. In this
applicability study, all incubations were performed at control time for visual and Delvo®Scan readings.
The Delvo®Scan software used the version 5.08 with an EPSON V600 scanner and the cut-off between
positive and negative samples is equal to 0.

In other hand, the DAS determine automatically the specific control time for each run of plate.

The raw milk used had 3 different origins (called milk #1; milk #2 and milk #3) and was come from
commingled milk from at least 10 animals not treated with veterinary drugs within the last 8 weeks
before milking. The raw milks were stored at 3°C ± 2°C for a maximum of 56 hours.
Negative status of each milk was checked with DAS and with another method:
 BioEasy® β-lactam – Tetracycline – Cefalexine

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

For each matrix, at least 10 blank milk samples were tested.

One or two representative compounds for each antibiotic family was freshly spiked to CCβ level + 20%
(Table 8). AFNOR rules specify that quinolones (enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin) have to be tested. The
quinolones are not detected by Delvotest® T, therefore they will be not tested in this extension study.

Table 8: List of compounds tested in the extension study.

CCβ (ppb)
MRL in milk Validated
Antibiotics family Molecules to test +20% of CCβ level =
(ppb) on plate format
concentrations tested
(cow milk)
Amoxicillin 4 2 2,4
Cloxacillin 30 10 12
Oxytetracycline 100 80 96
Chlortetracycline 100 150 180
Sulfadimethoxine 100 40 48
Sulfadiazine 100 50 60
Tylosin A 50 35 42
Erythromycin A 40 200 240
Aminoglycosides Dihydrostreptomycin 200 800 960
Cephalosporins Cefalexin 100 30 36
Lincosamides Lincomycin 150 220 264

Ten milk samples supplemented with antibiotics were tested. If all samples are positive then the
applicability is verified. If only one sample supplemented with antibiotic was negative, 10 additional
samples are tested. If all these new samples are positive, the applicability was confirmed otherwise
the applicability was not accepted for the DAS.
Three DAS system were used in parallel:
- DAS 1: Reference 1051 (144)
- DAS 2: Reference 1129 (184)
- DAS 3: Reference 1067 (127).
Results were read:
1. Immediately after the end of the DAS run by the DAS;
2. After being cooled down in cold water (to stop the reaction) with Delvo®Scan reading;
3. For discordant results between the 2 previous readings or expected results, visual reading was
added. Results

All milk used for the study were negative for the natural presence of β-lactam – Tetracycline –
Cefalexine (results of BioEasy® tests not shown).

Global composition of the milks used in this study was presented in Table 9. For the milk #2, the
concentration of somatic cells determined is slightly higher than the AFNOR limits, but considering the
uncertainty of the quantification method, this concentration observed can be considered in conformity
within AFNOR range. For the fat contents of the milk #3 which is lower than the AFNOR range, the
basic fat content of the entire herd (from payment data) is around 35 g/L (representative of the milks

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

produced in Franche-Comté region). In addition, the selection of few animals (10) without any
treatment can provide a bulk milk with some differences in composition (due to individual milks
influence). Therefore, this milk can be considered as in conformity regarding the objective of this study
and taking into account far validation process.

All others parameters are in the AFNOR scope for this milk and this lower content in fats did not affect
results. Therefore, results obtained with these milks were interpreted and included in this study.

Table 9: Global composition of milks used in the extended study.

Total bacterial
Milk Fat Protein Cells/mL pH
count (CFU/mL)
#1 36.2 34.9 179 000 6.86 10 000
#2 37.4 33.2 413 000 6.91 8 000
#3 29.1 33.6 83 000 6.88 43 000
AFNOR Scope 35-45 30-36 < 400 000 6,6-6,9 < 100 000

Results of applicability of the use of the DAS to incubate and read Delvotest® T (96-wells plate format)
for the detection of antimicrobial substances in raw cow milk are presented in Table 10 for each milk
and each DAS tested. No impact of the origin of milk or of the DAS used was observed on the results.

The global results are presented in Table 11. All the tested antimicrobial substances were detected
with the 3 DAS in the 3 milks. No false positive were detected. The applicability was therefore
demonstrated with the CCβ+20% of the initial validation study concerning the microplate format
incubated in water bath and read with Delvo®Scan.

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NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Table 10: Results of applicability study for the use of DAS to detect antimicrobial substances in raw cow milk for each milk
and for each DAS.

MRL Tested Number of positive samples

Antibiotics Molecules
in milk concentrations Milk DAS Visual Delvo®
family tested DAS
(ppb) (CCβ level + 20%) reading scan
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
#1 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
Amoxicillin 4 2,4 #2 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
#3 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
#1 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
Cloxacillin 30 12 #2 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
#3 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
#1 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
Oxytetracycline 100 96 #2 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
#3 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
#1 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
Chlortetracycline 100 180 #2 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
#3 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
#1 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
Sulfadimethoxine 100 48 #2 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
#3 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
#1 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
Sulfadiazine 100 60 #2 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
#3 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10

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NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Tested Number of positive samples

Antibiotics family Molecules tested in milk Milk DAS
(CCβ level + Visual
(ppb) Delvo®scan DAS
20%) reading
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
#1 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
Tylosin A 50 42 #2 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
#3 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
#1 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
Erythromycin A 40 240 #2 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
#3 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
#1 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
Aminoglycosides Dihydrostreptomycin 200 960 #2 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 9/10 10/10
#3 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
#1 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
Cephalosporins Cefalexin 100 36 #2 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
#3 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
#1 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
Lincosamides Lincomycin 150 264 #2 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10
1 10/10 10/10 10/10
#3 2 10/10 10/10 10/10
3 10/10 10/10 10/10

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Table 11: Global results of applicability study.

Number of positive samples

MRL in milk DAS
Antibiotics family Molecules tested concentrations Visual
(ppb) Delvo®scan
(CCβ level + 20%) reading Positive Applicability
Amoxicillin 4 2,4 30/30 30/30 30/30 YES
Cloxacillin 30 12 30/30 30/30 30/30 YES
Oxytetracycline 100 96 30/30 30/30 30/30 YES
Chlortetracycline 100 180 30/30 30/30 30/30 YES
Sulfadimethoxine 100 48 30/30 30/30 30/30 YES
Sulfadiazine 100 60 30/30 30/30 30/30 YES
Tylosin A 50 42 30/30 30/30 30/30 YES
Erythromycin A 40 240 30/30 30/30 30/30 YES
Aminoglycosides Dihydrostreptomycin 200 960 30/30 29/30 30/30 YES
Cephalosporins Cefalexin 100 36 30/30 30/30 30/30 YES
Lincosamides Lincomycin 150 264 30/30 30/30 30/30 YES Conclusion of the applicability for DAS

No difference was observed in CCβ between the results obtained with DAS (incubation and reading)
and with Delvo®Scan reading (with DAS incubation). Applicability of the method is verified for the use
of the DAS for the incubation and the reading of results of the plate format.

4.1.5. Robustness Materials and methods Study performed by ILVO (2012)

The different parameters: somatic cells, fat content and protein content have been tested by ILVO lab
in 2012 (Reybroeck, W. and Ooghe, S., 2012). The results were kept for this second renewal study.

Both formats (ampoules and plates) were tested and read visually and by Delvo®Scan. Study performed by ACTALIA Cecalait (2021)

New experiments for evaluation of robustness were conducted during the renewal of 2021.
Sample volumes, time of incubation, temperature of incubation and delay in reading times were
- Sample volume: 110 µL and 90 µL versus 100 µL;
- Incubation time: 3h15 versus control time;
- Incubation temperature: 66°C and 62°C versus 64°C;
- Delay in reading: 15 min after incubation time with test at room temperature and 15 min after
incubation time with test in cold water versus immediately after incubation.

Moreover, different parameters were tested concerning composition of the milk. Parameters are
- pH values: 6 < pH < 6,3 and 7,1 < pH < 7,5 versus 6,6 < pH < 6,9;
- Total bacterial count: TBC > 5.105/mL versus TBC < 1.105/mL;

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

- Frozen milk versus unfrozen milk: frozen milk was thawed overnight at 4°C;
- Milk temperature: cold milk (3 ± 2°C) versus milk at 20 ± 2°C.

Low pH was obtained by addition of lactic acid and high pH by addition of sodium hydroxide. Total
bacterial counts were obtained after maturing of milk during 15 hours at 20°C.

All incubations for the robustness study were performed at control time except for the variation in
incubation time, where incubation time was fixed at 3h15.
Both formats (ampoules and plates) were tested and read visually and by Delvo®Scan.
One or two representative compounds for each antibiotic family were spiked to its CCβ level or above
(maximum 20%). Fresh raw cow milks were used to prepare positive pool samples. For each parameter
tested, samples were tested with:
- At least 3 different blank raw milk samples;
- At least 3 different raw milk samples spiked with antibiotics described in Table 12.

Table 12: List of compounds tested in robustness study.

CCβ validated for cow milk (ppb)

Antibiotic families Molecules MRL in milk (ppb)
Ampoules Plates
Amoxicillin 4 2 2
Cloxacillin 30 10 10
Oxytetracycline 100 100 80
Chlortetracycline 100 150 150
Sulfadimethoxine 100 40 40
Sulfadiazine 100 55 50
Tylosin A 50 35 35
Erythromycin A 40 160 200
Aminoglycosides Dihydrostreptomycin 200 700 800
Cephalosporins Cefalexin 100 30 30
Lincosamides Lincomycin 150 275 220 Results Study performed by ILVO (2012)

Both formats (ampoules and plates) were tested and read visually and by Delvo®Scan.
This study showed that there was a high rate of false positive results for milk with a high somatic
cells count and high fat content:
- 19,1% for a content of somatic cells between 5.105 and 106 /mL;
- 50% for a content of somatic cells >106 /mL;
- 14.9% for a fat content > 6%.

There was no false positive for milk samples with a protein content > 4% and < 3% (Table 13).

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NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Table 13: Conclusion of robustness study by ILVO (2012).

Somatic cells
Somatic cells Fat content Protein content Protein content
between 5.105
> 106/mL > 6% > 4% < 3%
and 1.106/mL
Number of raw
71 69 47 10 13
milk samples
No false No false
Rate of false positive 19,1% 50% 14,9%
positive positive Complement of ILVO’s study performed by ACTALIA Cecalait (2021)

The robustness study conducted by ILVO lab showed high rate of false positive results (negative sample
which gives positive result) when milk composition was out of the scope (somatic cells > 5.105/mL and
fat content > 6%). These parameters (somatic cells and fat content) were not tested in ACTALIA Cecalait
but some data were collected when milk samplings were not in the AFNOR scope for milk composition.

On 144 samples of bulk tank commingled sampling:

- No milk had a fat content higher than 6%;
- Only 3 milks had a level higher than 5.105 somatic cells/mL. These samples were not used in
this study, but blank milks were tested and were all negative (Table 14).

Table 14: Results of blank milk with high somatic cells content.

Somatic cells Ampoules
Dates Plates batches Visual Delvo®scan Visual Delvo®scan
/mL batches
reading reading reading reading
27/04/2020 532 000 20A09/31 19K22/30 - - 6,13 - - 8,34
19L11/31 19J18/30 - - 4,34 - - 10,49
19L18/31 19J02/30 - - 2,23 - - 5,66
25/05/2020 655 000 20A09/31 19K22/30 - - 6,06 - - 5,39
19L11/31 19J18/30 - - 4,6 - - 8,07
19L18/31 19J02/30 - - 1,69 - - 3,42
04/06/2020 1 233 000 20A09/31 19K22/30 - - 5,82 - - 7,00
19L11/31 19J18/30 - - 4,82 - - 8,31
19L18/31 19J02/30 - - 0,85 - - 4,32 Study performed by ACTALIA Cecalait (2021)

Other parameters were tested in ACTALIA Cecalait.

Results of robustness on raw cow milk are presented in Table 15. All the results for ampoules and
plates are presented in Appendix 4: Results of robustness study (2021).

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NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Table 15: Results of robustness study for both formats (ampoules and plates) read visually and by Delvo®Scan.

False False
Robustness test positive negative Conclusion
results results
90 µL NO NO
Sample volume Robust
110 µL NO NO
Incubation time 3h15 NO YES * Not robust *
Incubation 62°C NO NO
temperature 66°C NO NO
15 min at room
Delay in reading temperature Robust
15 min at 4°C NO NO
Low (6,0 < pH < 6,3) NO YES** Not robust**
High (7,1 < pH < 7,5) NO NO Robust
Total bacterial count > 5.105 /mL NO NO Robust
Frozen milk Frozen milk NO NO Robust
Milk temperature 3 ± 2°C NO NO Robust
*: There are false negative for 2 antibiotics (dihydrostreptomycin and lincomycin) on plates format only read visually and by
**: There are false negative for 4 antibiotics (tylosin A, erythromycin, dihydrostreptomycin and lincomycin) on both formats
(ampoules and plates) read visually and by Delvo®Scan. Conclusion of robustness

All robustness study was carried out at the control time of 2h55 for the 2 batches used (20D21/30 and
20D16/30). Only for robustness of incubation time, it was replaced by 3h15.
For all parameters tested, no false positive results were observed.
For 6 parameters tested (sample volume, incubation temperature, delay in reading, total bacterial
count, frozen milk and milk temperature) no false negative was observed.
False negative results were observed for the robustness parameter incubation time (incubation of
3h15 instead of control time of 2h55), on 2 antibiotics (dihydrostreptomycin and lincomycin) and only
with plates format read visually and using Delvo®Scan. Nevertheless, the CCβ of these antibiotics are
higher than the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL).
False negative results were also obtained with incubation at control time of milk samples with low pH
(6 <pH< 6,3) on 4 antibiotics (tylosin A, erythromycin, dihydrostreptomycin and lincomycin) with both
formats (plates and ampoules) read visually and using Delvo®Scan. Nevertheless, during the
detection capability study the pH of the 144 samples tested was never lower than 6,5. We can notice
also that the CCβ of 3 antibiotics of them (erythromycin, dihydrostreptomycin and lincomycin) were
higher than the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL).
During the detection capability study, no difference was detected between different batches including
reagent close to the manufactory or expiry dates. The age of batches for plates and ampoules, has no
impact on the data.

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NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

4.2. Practicability
The practicability of the alternative method was evaluated according to the 12 criteria defined in
AFNOR rules (Table 16).

Table 16: Practicability’s criteria of alternative method (Deltotest ® T kits, ampoule and plate formats)

Communication of Results of expert lab

N° Criteria
Cardboard box with kit
Cardboard box with kit insert in 6 languages
Reagent insert in 6 languages and colorcard for
1 Kit insert
packaging and colorcard for results interpretation
results interpretation (in 5 and 20 packs)
+ adhesive tape
5, 20 or 80 plates of
1 or 4 packages of 25 96 samples divisible
2 Reagent volume Kit insert
ampoules in 6 x 16 samples per
Storage Sense of storage, storage temperature (2- 8°C), away
3 conditions Kit insert from the light, protect from freezing, expiry date and
(+ expiry date) batch number
Instructions for use
4 Kit insert Store unused test back in 2-8°C store
after first use
Equipment or DSM incubator or water bath or Delvotest® Accelerator
5 Kit insert
specific places Smart and or Delvo®scan
Reagent (ready to Delvotest® kits ready to use;
6 use or to Kit insert Delvotest Controls (lyophilized milk reference
reconstitute) samples / specific kit insert)
7 Training time Report Half day including incubation time
Real time of Sample inoculation is very short (few seconds)
8 Report
manipulation Incubation time for raw cow milk : 3h00 ± 15 min
Between 3h00 and 3h30 from the
9 Delay to obtain results Report
beginning to reading
10 Report Laboratory agent
Printing of result report, save CSV and picture file with
11 Results traceability Kit insert Delvo®Scan software / save PDF and CSV files from
Monthly calibration of Delvo®Scan
12 Maintenance Report
DAS calibration every 180 days

4.3. Conclusion of the preliminary study

The rules of AFNOR have been changed in 2017 according to NF102 (AFNOR Certification): ‘Protocol
for validation of methods for the detection and quantification of veterinary drugs in food products’
(revision N°1: June 1st, 2017), so the preliminary study was performed again in the second renewal
study in 2021 according to these new rules.
The Delvo®Scan software used was the version 5.08 (ampoules and plates) with an EPSON V600
scanner with a cut-off equal to 0.

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NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

All incubations of this renewal study were performed at control time except when the incubation
time was tested in robustness (incubation at 3h15).
The results of the preliminary study on Delvotest® T with 2 formats (plates and ampoules) and 2
readings (visual and Delvo®Scan) were:
- No false positive detected with plates and ampoules;
- Detection capabilities determined at control time on 42 antibiotics:
 25 compounds have a detection capability below or equal to MRL;
 16 compounds have a detection capability higher than regulatory limits;
 Doxycycline has no regulatory limit.

Quinolones (Enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin) were not tested since Delvotest® T detection capability is
far above MRL.

- Several parameters tested in the robustness study: sample volume, incubation time,
incubation temperature, delay in reading, pH, total bacterial count, frozen milk, milk
temperature and age of batches.
 No false positive results were observed
 False negative results were observed for 2 robustness parameters:
 Incubation time of 3h15 for dihydrostreptomycin and lincomycin, only on
plates read visually and by Delvo®Scan.
 Low pH for tylosin A, erythromycin, dihydrostreptomycin and lincomycin
by ampoules and plates read visually and by Delvo®Scan.
 In detection capability study, no difference was detected between different batches
for plates and ampoules.
 The robustness study performed by ILVO lab showed high rate of false positive
results when milk composition was not in conformity (somatic cells > 5.105 /mL and
fat content > 6%), but in the samples of the second renewal study performed by
ACTALIA Cecalait no false positive results was detected.
- Applicability on individual cow milk was verified with plates and ampoules, read visually and
by Delvo®Scan.
- Applicability for use the Delvotest® Accelerator Smart to incubate and read plate format was

A first interlaboratory study was conducted by the expert laboratory ANSES Fougères in 2013.

According to the new AFNOR rules of 2017, for a broad spectrum test, 6 antibiotics have to be tested
in an interlaboratory study. Results of the first study were therefore completed in 2021 by ACTALIA
Cecalait as expert laboratory.

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NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

5.1. Interlaboratory study in 2013 (ANSES Fougères)

Nine laboratories participated to this interlaboratory study. The choice of concentration was based on
MRL and the results of phase 1 of preliminary study (sensitivity of reference method and alternative
Each material was prepared in double-blind, codified, such as 56 samples were sent to be analysed by
each laboratory. In addition, 4 negative controls were provided to laboratory to determinate optimum
incubation time: 1 cow milk, 1 ewe milk, 1 goat milk and 1 cow milk with azidiol. Milk samples were
sent frozen. The Table 17 presents the samples prepared for the interlaboratory study.

Table 17: Samples of the interlaboratory study (ANSES Fougères - 2013)

Preservative With azidiol Without azidiol

Antibiotics Penicillin G Penicillin G Cefquinome Tetracycline Tylosin A

MRL 4 4 4 4 20 100 50
Species Cow Cow Ewe Goat Cow
‘Blank’ ‘Blank’ ‘Blank’ ‘Blank’ ‘Blank’ ‘Blank’ ‘Blank’
Concentrations 1 1 1 1 20 40 20
(ppb) 4 4 4 4 80 200 50
6 6 6 6 300 300 300

The results of expert laboratory were:

1- 14 on 14 blank milks were negative (L0);
2- Below the supposed detection limit (L1), 12 on 14 samples were negative;
3- At the supposed detection limit (L2), all samples were positive;
4- Above the supposed detection limit (L3), all samples were positive.
All results of this study are presented in Appendix 5, and were satisfactory.
8 or 9 laboratories were retained for results interpretation. Overall for sensitivity study, results of the
interlaboratory study are similar to results of the preliminary study.
With all these data, two formats of Delvotest® T have been validated:
- Ampoules with visual reading;
- Plates with visual and Delvo®Scan reading.

5.2. Interlaboratory study in 2021 (ACTALIA-Cecalait)

To answer to AFNOR requirements, 3 antibiotics left have to be tested. AFNOR Technical Board asked
to test again Tetracycline (Tetracycline) because the detection capabilities changed compared to the
last study. The 2 antibiotics left were selected for their antibiotic family and for a practicability reason,
because they have the same CCβ for the 2 formats of Delvotest® T (ampoule and plate):
Sulfadimethoxine (Sulfonamide) and Gentamycin (Aminoglycoside).

Before using Delvotest® T (ampoules or plates) for the interlaboratory study, collaborative laboratories
had to determine the control time of each batch of Delvotest® T.

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NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

All analyses were performed at control time. The Delvo®Scan software used was the version 5.08
(ampoules and plates) with an EPSON V600 scanner and the cut-off was equal to 0.

The detection capabilities of antibiotics tested in 2013 (penicillin G, cefquinome and tylosin A) were
equivalent to these obtained in the renewal study in 2021, except for tetracycline (Table 18). Results
of penicillin G, cefquinome and tylosin A of the first interlaboratory study in 2013 were kept and
completed with 3 antibiotics during the new interlaboratory study in 2021 conducted by ACTALIA
Cecalait: tetracycline (tetracycline), sulfadimethoxine (sulfonamide) and gentamycin (aminoglycoside).

Table 18: Detection capabilities determined in 2013 and 2021.

CCβ (ppb)
CCβ (ppb)
determined by determined by
Antibiotic families Antibiotics LMR (ppb)
ANSES in 2013 ACTALIA in 2021
Ampoules Plates Ampoules Plates
Penicillin G 4 4 2 3 1
Cefquinome 20 40 40 50 60
Tetracycline Tetracycline 100 200 200 80 100
Macrolide Tylosin A 50 50 50 35 35

5.2.1. Preparation of samples

Specifications of the blank raw milk:
- Be used within 36 hours after sampling;
- Be stored between 0 and 6°C;
- Contain at least the milk of 10 animals, without treatment during at least 8 weeks before
- Have a milk composition corresponding to AFNOR rules.

The commingled raw cow milk was tested to confirm the absence of antibiotic by:
- 3 BioEasy® tests performed in duplicate:
 BioEasy® β-lactam – Tetracycline – Cefalexine (reference: 763.000008.40);
 BioEasy® Sulphonamide (reference: 763.001024.10);
 BioEasy® Gentamycin (reference: 763.001007.05).
- 2 formats of Delvotest® T (ampoules and plates) in duplicate.

The raw cow milk was sampled the day of samples preparation and its composition was in conformity.

Antibiotic stock solutions were prepared the day of samples preparation. Details of antibiotics used
are presented in Appendix 6 (brand, reference and batch).

For each antibiotic, blank milk was spiked at 4 levels:

- L0: Antibiotic-free sample;
- L1: Sample spiked at 50% of the CCβ;
- L2: Sample spiked at 120% of CCβ;
- L3: Sample spiked at 150% of CCβ.

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The Table 19 presents the list of antibiotics and their concentrations tested with Delvotest® T in
ampoules and plates formats.

Table 19: List of antibiotics tested (ACTALIA Cecalait - 2021)

MRL Delvotest® T CCβ
Antibiotic families Antibiotics levels tested (ppb)
(ppb) format (ppb)
L0 L1 L2 L3
Ampoules and
Sulfonamide Sulfadimethoxine 100 40 0 20 48 60
Ampoules and
Aminoglycoside Gentamycin 100 100 0 50 120 150
Ampoules 80 0 40 96 120
Tetracycline Tetracycline 100
Plates 100 0 50 120 150

The collaborative laboratories also received 2 negative and 1 positive controls:

- The first negative control was provided by DSM Food Specialties in the same time as tests
necessary for this study. It was used to determine the control time of each batch of Delvotest®
T (ampoules and plates);
- The second negative control was milk without antibiotic;
- The positive control was a sample at L3 level of gentamycin. These 2 controls (1 negative and
1 positive) were used to validate the run.

Spiked samples were distributed under agitation in tubes codified in blind duplicates. Milk samples
(samples and controls) were frozen at -80°C for 1 day and then stored at -20°C until the shipment.
To sum up, each laboratory received from ACTALIA Cecalait:
- 1 negative control and 1 positive control to analyze in twice, with 2 formats (ampoules and
plates) and with 2 types of reading (visual and by Delvo®Scan);
- 32 samples to analyze with the 2 formats and with 2 types of reading (visual and by
Delvo®Scan). All laboratories had to perform analyses the same day, 7 days after sending

5.2.2. Verification of homogeneity and stability

Homogeneity and stability of milk samples were verified at control time with 2 formats of Delvotest®
T (ampoules and plates) and interpreted from Delvo®Scan results (Z-values). Homogeneity

Homogeneity was evaluated with 10 samples spiked at L2 level for each antibiotic in duplicate. These
samples were selected randomly during the distribution. For each sample, visual and Delvo®Scan
readings were performed. For each antibiotic, a mean, a standard deviation and a coefficient of
variation were calculated from the Z-values (Delvo®Scan results).

All results were positives. Raw data are presented in Appendix 7. The calculations from Delvo®Scan
results are presented in Table 20. The higher standard deviation is 0,56 and the higher coefficient of
variation is 10,5 %. This suggests that the homogeneity of samples is verified.

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Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Table 20: Control of homogeneity of the samples of the interlaboratory study (ACTALIA Cecalait - 2021)


Antibiotics Gentamycin (120 ppb) Sulfadimethoxine (48 ppb) Tetracycline (96 ppb)

Mean of Z-values 6,21 3,47 4,53

Standard deviation 0,34 0,36 0,38

Coefficient of variation 5,42 % 10,51 % 8,30 %


Antibiotics Gentamycin (120 ppb) Sulfadimethoxine (48 ppb) Tetracycline (120 ppb)

Mean of Z-values 5,83 4,63 5,60

Standard deviation 0,56 0,45 0,47

Coefficient of variation 9,57 % 9,75 % 8,40 % Stability

Samples stability was evaluated with 3 samples spiked at L2 level for each antibiotic. These samples
were analyzed in duplicate at 3 different times: after 24 hours in freezer (T1), the day of samples
shipment (T2) and the day of samples analyses (T3). For each sample, visual and Delvo®Scan readings
were performed. For each antibiotic, a mean of the Z-values was calculated.

Raw data are presented in Appendix 8. The means of Z-values are presented in Table 21 and Figure 1.
All readings (visual and by Delvo®Scan) were positives. A low decrease of Z-values was noticed for all
antibiotics for plates format at the third point of stability (day of sample analysis), but had no impact
because all laboratories performed analyses the same day. This suggests that the stability of samples
is satisfactory.

Table 21: Control of stability based on interpretation of Z-values (not quantitative data)

Gentamycin Sulfadimethoxine Tetracycline
Mean of Z-values
(120 ppb) (48 ppb) (96 ppb)
T0 6,05 3,40 4,47
T1 6,62 4,54 4,95
T2 6,79 4,64 5,07
Gentamycin Sulfadimethoxine Tetracycline
Mean of Z-values
(120 ppb) (48 ppb) (120 ppb)
T0 6,56 5,62 6,14
T1 6,72 6,02 6,66
T2 4,60 4,08 3,87

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Stability of samples


Gentamycine (120 ppb, L2 plate)

Sulfadimethoxine (48 ppb, L2 plate)

Tetracycline (96 ppb, L2 plate)

Gentamycine (120 ppb, L2 ampoule)

Sulfadimethoxine (48 ppb, L2 ampoule)

Tetracycline (120 ppb, L2 ampoule)


1 2 3

Point of stability

Figure 1: Stability of samples of the interlaboratory study (ACTALIA Cecalait - 2021) – Point of stability 1 = after 24 hours
in freezer; Point of stability 2 = the day of samples shipment; Point of stability 3 = day of the sample analyses

5.2.3. Shipment
Frozen samples were sent to the collaborative laboratories on dry ice. Upon receipt, collaborative
laboratories checked the temperature indicator (Giovatemp +2/3°C; reference P2- 3; C.C.F
Technologies) and checked if samples were still frozen.

ACTALIA Cecalait performed analysis on the same samples as collaborative laboratories, but results
were not included in the interpretation of the interlaboratory study. To be in the same conditions of
travel, samples were also kept on dry ice in a package at room temperature.

5.2.4. Exclusion of laboratories

In order to obtain at least 8 valid sets of results, 11 laboratories were in the list of collaborative
On these 11 collaborative laboratories, few days before the interlaboratory study, the laboratory 11
announced that it could not participate.
The collaborative laboratory 10 did not receive its package (was held at customs).
For other participants (including the expert laboratory), milk samples were still frozen at receipt
without temperature alarm.

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According to AFNOR rules, some results can be excluded for interpretation of the interlaboratory
study. In this case, the reason of exclusion has to be explained in the report. Collaborative laboratories
knew the conditions of exclusion in the protocol, which are:
- Discordance in results of controls (if positive control is negative or negative control is positive);
- Non-compliance of storage temperature during the shipment (defrosting of samples) and
during the collaborative laboratory (positive cold storage before the protocol of defrosting);
- Non-compliance of the day analyses (20/04/2021).

In this study, 2 collaborative laboratories were excluded:

- The collaborative laboratory 9 did not respect the protocol of the method. This laboratory did
not determine the control time, as required in the instructions and during the training, and
used an incubation time of 3h15. This over incubation leads to a decrease of Z-values (around
-15 instead of -7/ -6 for blank milk) and by extension a loss of sensitivity;
- The collaborative laboratory 5 had problem with its software for ampoules the day of samples
analyses, despite the fact that the software was correctly installed and was already used
before to determine the control time. For results with ampoules format, only data from visual
reading were interpretable.

To overcome the high number of missing data, the collaborative laboratory 7 kindly accepted to
participate with a second collaborator, on a different set of samples and in the same conditions as
other collaborative laboratories.
All laboratories performed analyses the same day.
Therefore, 9 sets of results were interpreted in this report (including 1 set without results read by
Delvo®Scan on ampoules format).
All information about the shipment, reception of samples and reasons of exclusion are presented in
the Table 22.

For each antibiotic, the results with visual and by Delvo®Scan readings are presented in Appendix 9 for
ampoules and plates formats. Raw data of the expert laboratory are included in these tables and are
consistent to expected results, but were not taken into account for the statistic evaluation (specificity,
selectivity, repeatability and reproducibility).

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Table 22: Conditions of reception and exclusion of collaborative laboratories (ACTALIA Cecalait - 2021)

Alarm of
Collaborative Labs
temperature Receipt dates Reasons of exclusion
laboratories identification
1 1 No 14/04/2021 No
2 2 No 14/04/2021 No
3 3 No 14/04/2021 No
4 4 No 14/04/2021 No
5 5 No 14/04/2021 No
6 6 No 14/04/2021 No
7 No 13/04/2021 No
Collaborator A
9 No 19/04/2021 No
Collaborator B
Software problem,
8 8 No 15/04/2021
no results with ampoules
9 / No 14/04/2021 No determination of the control time
10 / / / Package held at customs
11 / / / Withdrawal of participation before sending

5.3. Calculation on both interlaboratory studies (2013 and 2021)

5.3.1. Specificity, percentage of positive results and sensitivity
Based on these data, several parameters were calculated:

- Specificity (SP, %) of the method, with the following equation:

SP (%) = (1-(P0/N0)) x 100
where P0 is the number of positive results at level L0
N0 is the total of results at level L0

- Percentage of positive results at level L1 (PR1, %), with the following equation:
PR1 (%) = P1/N1 x 100
where P1 is the number of positive results at level L1
N1 is the total of results at level L1
- Sensitivity (SE, %) for each level L2 and L3, with the following equation:
SEL2 (%) = (P2/N2) x 100
where P2 is the number of positive results at level L2
N2 is the total of results at level L2
SEL3 (%) = (P3/N3) x 100
where P3 is the number of positive results at level L3
N3 is the total of results at level L3

- Global sensitivity (GSE, %) for the levels L2 + L3, with the following equation:
GSE (%) = (P/N) x 100
where P is the number of positive results at the levels L2 and L3
N is the total of results at the levels L2 and L3

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Interpretation of global results from both interlaboratory studies of 2013 and 2021 (Table 23 and Table
- Ampoules format:
 Specificity: The specificity was very satisfactory, 100 % obtained for each type of reading.
 Sensitivity: At level L1, positive results were between 39 % and 47 %.
The sensitivity of levels L2, L3 and L2+L3 was very satisfactory, 100 % obtained for each type of reading.

- Plates format:
 Specificity: The specificity was satisfactory (100 % for visual reading and 97 % for
Delvo®Scan reading).
 Sensitivity: At level L1, positive results were between 25 % and 44 %.
The sensitivity at levels L2 and L3 were close to 100 % (L2 > 96% and L3 > 98 %). Therefore, the global
sensitivity was also satisfactory (98 % for visual reading and 97 % for Delvo®Scan reading).

Table 23: Specificity, percentage of positive results, sensitivity and global sensitivity for both interlaboratory studies (2013
and 2021) with Delvotest® T in ampoules format

Delvotest® T formats AMPOULES

Readings Visual Delvo®Scan
Antibiotics P C Ty G S T G S T
Number of positive results (L0) / Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
of results (L0) / 32 / 32 / 32 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 32 / 32 / 32
Specificity per
100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
antibiotic (%)
100,0 100,0
L0 (%)
Number of positive results (L1) / Total 2 2 15 32 28 15 20 13 5
of results (L1) / 32 / 32 / 32 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 32 / 32 / 32
Positive results L1 per antibiotic (%)
6,3 6,3 46,9 88,9 77,8 41,7 62,5 40,6 15,6

Positive results
46,1 39,6
L1 (%)
Number of positive results (L2) / Total 32 32 32 36 36 36 32 32 32
of results (L2) / 32 / 32 / 32 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 32 / 32 / 32
Positive results L2 per antibiotic (%)
100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0

100,0 100,0
L2 (%)
Number of positive results (L3) / Total 32 32 32 36 36 36 32 32 32
of results (L3) / 32 / 32 / 32 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 32 / 32 / 32
Positive results L3 per antibiotic (%)
100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0

100,0 100,0
L3 (%)
Number of positive results (L2+L3) 64 64 64 72 72 72 64 64 64
/ Total of results (L2+L3) / 64 / 64 / 64 / 72 / 72 / 72 / 64 / 64 / 64
Positive results L2+L3 per antibiotic
100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
Global sensitivity L2+L3 (%) 100,0 100,0
P = Penicillin G; C = Cefquinome; Ty = Tylosin A; G = Gentamycin; S = Sulfadimethoxine; T = Tetracycline.

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Table 24: Specificity, percentage of positive results, sensitivity and global sensitivity for both interlaboratory studies
(2013 and 2021) with Delvotest® T in plate format.

Delvotest® T formats PLATES

Readings Visual Delvo®Scan
Antibiotics P C Ty G S T P C Ty G S T
Number of positive
0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0
results (L0) / Total of
/ 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 34 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36
results (L0)
Specificity per antibiotic
100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 94,4 97,2 97,2 100,0 100,0 100,0
Specificity L0 (%) 100,0 97,8

Number of positive
6 11 24 12 28 13 4 8 16 5 16 6
results (L1) / Total of
/ 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36
results (L1)
Positive results L1 per
16,7 30,6 66,7 33,3 77,8 36,1 11,1 22,2 44,4 13,9 44,4 16,7
antibiotic (%)
Positive results L1 (%) 43,5 25,5

Number of positive
32 36 34 36 36 36 34 33 35 36 35 36
results (L2) / Total of
/ 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36
results (L2)
Positive results L2 per
88,9 100,0 94,4 100,0 100,0 100,0 94,4 91,7 97,2 100,0 97,2 100,0
antibiotic (%)
Sensitivity L2 (%) 97,2 96,8

Number of positive
36 36 36 36 34 36 35 34 35 36 36 36
results (L3) / Total of
/ 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36 / 36
results (L3)
Positive results L3 per
100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 94,4 100,0 97,2 94,4 97,2 100,0 100,0 100,0
antibiotic (%)
Sensitivity L3 (%) 99,1 98,1

Number of positive
68 72 70 72 70 72 69 67 70 72 71 72
results (L2+L3) / Total of
/ 72 / 72 / 72 / 72 / 72 / 72 / 72 / 72 / 72 / 72 / 72 / 72
results (L2+L3)
Positive results L2+L3 per
94,4 100,0 97,2 100,0 97,2 100,0 95,8 93,1 97,2 100,0 98,6 100,0
antibiotic (%)
Global sensitivity L2+L3
98,1 97,5

P = Penicillin G; C = Cefquinome; Ty = Tylosin A; G = Gentamycin; S = Sulfadimethoxine; T = Tetracycline.

5.3.2. Repeatability
Two types of repeatability (%) were calculated for each laboratory:
- The comparison between duplicates of the same sample;
- The comparison between two identical samples.

Table 25,Table 26, Table 27 and Table 28 present the repeatability of samples used during the
interlaboratory study performed by ANSES in 2013 and Table 29, Table 30, Table 31 and Table 32 by
ACTALIA Cecalait in 2021.

Repeatability is between 90 % and 100 % for each sample (blank or spiked milks), each format, each
type of reading and each type of repeatability.

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Only repeatability between two identical samples were around 80% for samples spiked with:
- Sulfadimethoxine with Delvo®Scan reading in plate format;
- Cefquinome with visual reading in plate format.

Table 25: Repeatability of blank milk (ANSES, 2013).

(Number of analysis for identical sample /

(Number of analysis for same sample /
Number of total sample)
Number of total sample) x 100 (%)
x 100 (%)
Visual Visual Delvo®Scan Visual Visual Delvo®Scan
AA 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8
AB 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8
AD 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8
AE 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8
AF 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8
AG 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8
AH 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8
Excluded Excluded
AI (1 analysis vs 2) 8/8 8/8 (1 analysis vs 2) 8/8 8/8
AK 8/8 8/8 2/8 8/8 8/8 2/8
Total 64/64 72/72 66/72 64/64 72/72 66/72
Repeatability (%) 100,0 100,0 91,7 100,0 100,0 91,7

Table 26: Repeatability of penicillin G (ANSES, 2013).

(Number of analysis for identical

(Number of analysis for same sample /
sample / Number of total sample) x 100
Number of total sample) x 100 (%)
Labs (%)
Visual Visual Delvo®Scan Visual Visual Delvo®Scan
AA 6/6 6/6 5/6 6/6 6/6 5/6
AB 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6
AD 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6
AE 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6
AF 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6
AG 6/6 6/6 6/6 4/6 6/6 6/6
AH 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 4/6
Excluded Excluded
AI 6/6 6/6 4/6 4/6
(1 analysis vs 2) (1 analysis vs 2)
AK 6/6 2/6 6/6 6/6 4/6 6/6
Total 48/48 50/54 53/54 46/48 50/54 49/54
Repeatability (%) 100,0 92,6 98,1 95,8 92,6 90,7

Table 27: Repeatability of cefquinome (ANSES, 2013).

(Number of analysis for same sample / (Number of analysis for identical sample /
Number of total sample) x 100 (%) Number of total sample) x 100 (%)
Visual Visual Delvo®Scan Visual Visual Delvo®Scan
AA 6/6 6/6 5/6 6/6 4/6 5/6
AB 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6
AD 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 4/6 6/6
AE 6/6 5/6 6/6 6/6 5/6 6/6
AF 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6
AG 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6
AH 6/6 5/6 6/6 4/6 4/6 6/6
Excluded Excluded
AI 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6
(1 analysis vs 2) (1 analysis vs 2)
AK 6/6 4/6 6/6 6/6 4/6 6/6
Total 48/48 50/54 53/54 46/48 45/54 53/54
Repeatability (%) 100,0 92,6 98,1 95,8 83,3 98,1

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Table 28: Repeatability of tylosin A (ANSES, 2013).

(Number of analysis for same sample / (Number of analysis for identical sample /
Number of total sample) x 100 (%) Number of total sample) x 100 (%)
Visual Visual Delvo®Scan Visual Visual Delvo®Scan
AA 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6
AB 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6
AD 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 4/6
AE 5/6 6/6 6/6 5/6 6/6 6/6
AF 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6
AG 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6
AH 6/6 6/6 6/6 4/6 4/6 6/6
Excluded Excluded
AI (1 analysis vs 2) 6/6 6/6 (1 analysis vs 2) 6/6 6/6
AK 6/6 4/6 6/6 6/6 4/6 4/6
Total 47/48 52/54 54/54 45/48 50/54 50/54
Repeatability (%) 97,9 96,3 100,0 93,8 92,6 92,6

Table 29: Repeatability of blank milk (ACTALIA Cecalait, 2021).

Number of analysis for same sample / Number of (Number of analysis for identical sample /
total sample) x 100 (%) Number of total sample) x 100 (%)
Visual Delvo®Scan Visual Delvo®Scan Visual Delvo®Scan Visual Delvo®Scan
ACTALIA 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
1 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
2 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
3 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
4 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Software Software
5 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 3/3
problem problem
6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
7 6/6 6/6 5/5 5/5 3/3 3/3 2/2 2/2
8 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
9 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Total 54/54 48/48 53/53 53/53 27/27 24/24 26/26 26/26
100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0

Table 30: Repeatability of gentamycin (ACTALIA Cecalait, 2021).

(Number of analysis for same sample / Number (Number of analysis for identical sample /
of total sample) x 100 (%) Number of total sample) x 100 (%)
Visual Delvo®Scan Visual Delvo®Scan Visual Delvo®Scan Visual Delvo®Scan
ACTALIA 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
1 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
2 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
3 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 2/3 3/3 3/3
4 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Software Software
5 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 3/3
problem problem
6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
7 6/6 4/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 2/3 3/3 3/3
8 6/6 6/6 6/6 5/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 2/3
9 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Total 54/54 46/48 54/54 47/48 27/27 22/24 27/27 26/27
100,0 95,8 100,0 97,9 100,0 91,7 100,0 96,3

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Table 31: Repeatability of sulfadimethoxine (ACTALIA Cecalait, 2021).

(Number of analysis for same sample / (Number of analysis for identical sample /
Number of total sample) x 100 (%) Number of total sample) x 100 (%)
Visual Delvo®Scan Visual Delvo®Scan Visual Delvo®Scan Visual Delvo®Scan
ACTALIA 6/6 6/6 6/6 5/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 2/3
1 6/6 6/6 6/6 5/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 2/3
2 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 2/3 3/3
3 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
4 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Software Software
5 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 3/3
problem problem
6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 2/3
7 6/6 5/6 6/6 5/6 3/3 2/3 3/3 2/3
8 6/6 6/6 6/6 4/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 2/3
9 6/6 6/6 6/6 5/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 2/3
Total 54/54 47/48 54/54 49/54 27/27 23/24 26/27 22/27
Repeatability (%) 100,0 97,9 100,0 90,7 100,0 95,8 96,3 81,5

Table 32: Repeatability of tetracycline (ACTALIA Cecalait, 2021).

(Number of analysis for same sample / Number (Number of analysis for identical sample /
of total sample) x 100 (%) Number of total sample) x 100 (%)
Visual Delvo®Scan Visual Delvo®Scan Visual Delvo®Scan Visual Delvo®Scan
ACTALIA 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
1 6/6 5/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 2/3 3/3 3/3
2 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
3 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
4 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 2/3 3/3 3/3
Software Software
5 6/6 6/6 5/6 3/3 3/3 2/3
problem problem
6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
7 5/6 6/6 5/6 6/6 2/3 3/3 2/3 3/3
8 6/6 6/6 6/6 4/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 2/3
9 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Total 53/54 47/48 53/54 51/54 26/27 22/24 26/27 25/27
Repeatability (%) 98,1 97,9 98,1 94,4 96,3 91,7 96,3 92,6

5.3.3. Reproducibility
For both interlaboratory studies performed by ANSES and by ACTALIA Cecalait, the reproducibility was
calculated for each level of antibiotic (L0, L1, L2 and L3).

The interlaboratory reproducibility (%) is the ratio of the number of identical and excepted results
(negative for blank samples and positive when antibiotic was added) on the total number of results.
For L1 level, the most frequent results were taken into account, because positive and negative results
were obtained at this level under the detection capability of the method.

Table 33, Table 34, Table 35 and Table 36 present the reproducibility for each format (ampoules and
plates) and for each type of reading (visual and by Delvo®Scan) for the 6 antibiotics.

The reproducibility for blank milk was equal to 100 %, except for 3 antibiotics analyzed in 2013 with
Delvo®Scan reading in plates format (reproducibility higher than 94 %).

L1 level showed a reproducibility between 71 and 77 %. These results can be explained by a level under
the detection capabilities of the method.

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All L2 and L3 levels had reproducibility equal to 100 % for ampoules format with both readings. With
plates format (visual and Delvo®Scan readings), the reproducibility was close to 100% (L2 > 96 %; L3 >
98 %).
The global reproducibility (L1+L2+L3) is between 89 and 92 %. This decrease is due to the low
reproducibility of L1 level.

Table 33: Reproducibility for Delvotest® T in ampoules format with visual reading.

Number of
Sample type (blank Concentrations Total of Reproducibility
Levels identical
milk or antibiotic) (µg/kg) results (%)
L0 (penicillin G) - 32 32 100,0
L0 (cefquinome) - 32 32 100,0
L0 (tylosin A) - 32 32 100,0
Blank milk
L0 (gentamycin) - 36 36 100,0
L0 (sulfadimethoxine) - 36 36 100,0
L0 (tetracycline) - 36 36 100,0
Total (L0) : 204 204 100,0
L1 1 30* 32 93,8
Penicillin G L2 4 32 32 100,0
L3 6 32 32 100,0
L1 20 30* 32 93,8
Cefquinome L2 80 32 32 100,0
L3 300 32 32 100,0
L1 20 17* 32 53,1
Tylosin A L2 50 32 32 100,0
L3 300 32 32 100,0
L1 50 32 36 88,9
Gentamycin L2 120 36 36 100,0
L3 150 36 36 100,0
L1 20 28 36 77,8
Sulfadimethoxine L2 48 36 36 100,0
L3 60 36 36 100,0
L1 40 21* 36 58,3
Tetracycline L2 96 36 36 100,0
L3 150 36 36 100,0
Total (L1) : 158 204 77,5
Total (L2) : 204 204 100,0
Total (L3) : 204 204 100,0
Total (L1+L2+L3) : 566 612 92,5
*: Negative results were taken into account.

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Table 34: Reproducibility for Delvotest® T in ampoules format with Delvo®Scan reading.

Number of
Sample type (blank Concentrations Total of Reproducibility
Levels identical
milk or antibiotic) (µg/kg) results (%)

L0 (gentamycin) - 32 32 100,0
Blank milk L0 (sulfadimethoxine) - 32 32 100,0
L0 (tetracycline) - 32 32 100,0
Total (L0) : 96 96 100,0
L1 50 20 32 62,5
Gentamycin L2 120 32 32 100,0
L3 150 32 32 100,0
L1 20 23 32 71,9
Sulfadimethoxine L2 48 32 32 100,0
L3 60 32 32 100,0
L1 40 27* 32 84,4
Tetracycline L2 96 32 32 100,0
L3 150 32 32 100,0
Total (L1) : 70 96 72,9
Total (L2) : 96 96 100,0
Total (L3) : 96 96 100,0
Total (L1+L2+L3) : 262 288 91,0
*: Negative results were taken into account.

Table 35: Reproducibility for Delvotest® T in plates format with visual reading.

Concentrations Number Total of Reproducibility

Sample type Levels (µg/kg) of results (%)
(blank milk or identical
antibiotic) results
L0 (penicillin G) - 36 36 100,0
L0 (cefquinome) - 36 36 100,0
L0 (tylosin A) - 36 36 100,0
Blank milk
L0 (gentamycin) - 36 36 100,0
L0 (sulfadimethoxine) - 36 36 100,0
L0 (tetracycline) - 34 34 100,0
Total (L0) : 214 214 100,0
L1 1 30* 36 83,3
Penicillin G L2 4 32 36 88,9
L3 6 36 36 100,0
L1 20 25* 36 69,4
Cefquinome L2 80 36 36 100,0
L3 300 36 36 100,0
L1 20 24 36 66,7
Tylosin A L2 50 34 36 94,4
L3 300 36 36 100,0
L1 50 24* 36 66,7
Gentamycin L2 120 36 36 100,0
L3 150 36 36 100,0
L1 20 28 36 77,8
Sulfadimethoxine L2 48 36 36 100,0
L3 60 34 36 94,4
L1 40 23* 36 63,9
Tetracycline L2 96 36 36 100,0
L3 150 36 36 100,0
Total (L1) : 154 216 71,3
Total (L2) : 210 216 97,2
Total (L3) : 214 216 99,1
Total (L1+L2+L3) : 578 648 89,2
*: Negative results were taken into account.

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NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Table 36: Reproducibility for Delvotest® T in plates format with Delvo®Scan reading.

Number of
Sample type (blank Concentration Total of
Levels identical Reproducibility (%)
milk or antibiotic) (µg/kg) results
L0 (penicillin G) - 34 36 94,4
L0 (cefquinome) - 35 36 97,2
L0 (tylosin A) - 35 36 97,2
Blank milk
L0 (gentamycin) - 36 36 100,0
L0 (sulfadimethoxine) - 36 36 100,0
L0 (tetracycline) - 34 34 100,0
Total (L0) : 210 214 98,1
L1 1 32* 36 88,9
Penicillin G L2 4 34 36 94,4
L3 6 35 36 97,2
L1 20 28* 36 77,8
Cefquinome L2 80 33 36 91,7
L3 300 34 36 94,4
L1 20 20* 36 55,6
Tylosin A L2 50 35 36 97,2
L3 300 35 36 97,2
L1 50 31* 36 86,1
Gentamycin L2 120 36 36 100,0
L3 150 36 36 100,0
L1 20 20* 36 55,6
Sulfadimethoxine L2 48 35 36 97,2
L3 60 36 36 100,0
L1 40 30* 36 83,3
Tetracycline L2 96 36 36 100,0
L3 150 36 36 100,0
Total (L1) : 161 216 74,5
Total (L2) : 208 216 96,8
Total (L3) : 212 216 98,1
Total (L1+L2+L3) : 581 648 89,8
*: Negative results were taken into account.

5.4. Conclusion of interlaboratory studies (2013 and 2021 studies)

The renewal interlaboratory study was conducted on raw cow’s milk.

Specificity, sensitivity and global sensitivity were very satisfactory (100% or close to 100%) Percentage
of positive results at L1 level (lower than detection capability) were between 25 and 46%.

Repeatability was between 80 % and 100 %.

The reproducibility for blank milk was equal or close to 100 %.

The global reproducibility (L1+L2+L3) was between 89 and 93 %, due to the low reproducibility of L1

In general, all results were satisfactory, but we can observe that:

- Better results were obtained with Delvotest® T in ampoules than in plates format;
- The results were slightly better with visual reading than with Delvo®Scan.

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The Delvo®Scan software used was the version 5.08 (ampoules and plates) with an EPSON V600
scanner and cut-off equal to 0.
All incubations were performed at control time except when the incubation time was tested in
robustness (incubation of 3h15).
The rules of AFNOR have been changed in 2017, so the preliminary study was performed again in the
second renewal study in 2021 according these new rules.
The results of the preliminary study on Delvotest® T with 2 formats (plates and ampoules) and with 2
readings (visual and Delvo®Scan) are summarized in Table 37, and were satisfactory. The preliminary
study was conducted in commingled raw cow milk and further experiments demonstrated the
applicability of the method to individual raw cow milk.
During the second renewal study conducted by ACTALIA Cecalait, an interlaboratory study was carried
out in 2021 in addition to the one already performed by ANSES expert laboratory in 2013. Global results
of these interlaboratory studies are presented in the Table 38, and were satisfactory.
The applicability study conducted in 2022 in raw cow milk suggested that the Delvotest® Accelerator
Smart can be used for incubation and reading of Delvotest® T plate format.

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NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Table 37: Summary of preliminary study performed in 2021 at control time by visually and by Delvo®Scan readings in raw
cow milk.


False positive (%) 0 0
Detection capability CCβ Amoxicillin (ppb) 2 2 4
CCβ Ampicillin (ppb) 2 2 4
CCβ Penicillin G (ppb) 3 1 4
CCβ Cloxacillin (ppb) 10 10 30
CCβ Oxacillin (ppb) 3 3 30
CCβ Nafcillin (ppb) 3 3 30
CCβ Oxytetracycline (ppb) 100 80 100
CCβ 4-epioxytetracycline (ppb) 600 800 100
CCβ Chloretetracycline (ppb) 150 150 100
CCβ 4-epichlortetracycline (ppb) 600 600 100
CCβ Tetracycline (ppb) 80 100 100
CCβ 4-epitetracycline (ppb) 800 1 000 100
CCβ Doxycycline (ppb) 50 50 a

CCβ Sulfamethazine (ppb) 125 125 100

CCβ Sulfathiazole (ppb) 30 30 100
CCβ Sulfadimethoxine (ppb) 40 40 100
CCβ Sulfadiazine (ppb) 55 50 100
CCβ Sulfadoxine (ppb) 80 80 100
CCβ Tilmicosin (ppb) 60 100 50
CCβ Tylosin A (ppb) 35 35 50
CCβ Erythromycin A(ppb) 160 200 40
CCβ Spiramycin (ppb) 1 500 2 000 200
CCβ Neomycin B (ppb) 140 140 1500
CCβ Gentamycin (ppb) 100 100 100
CCβ Streptomycin (ppb) 700 1 000 200
CCβ Dihydrostreptomycin(ppb) 700 800 200
CCβ Cephapirin (ppb) 5 5 60
CCβ Desacetylcephapirin (ppb) 2 2 60
CCβ Ceftiofur (ppb) 20 20 100
CCβ Desfuroylceftiofur (ppb) 45 80 100
CCβ Cefoperazine (ppb) 20 20 50
CCβ Cefalexin (ppb) 30 30 100
CCβ Cefquinome (ppb) 50 60 20
CCβ Cefalonium (ppb) 5 5 20
CCβ Cefazolin (ppb) 3 3 50
CCβ Chloramphénicol (ppb) 4 000 3 500 0,3 b
CCβ Trimethoprim (ppb) 110 120 50
CCβ Dapsone (ppb) 10 10 5c
CCβ Lincomycin (ppb) 275 220 150
CCβ Rifaximin (ppb) 40 40 60
CCβ Pirlimicin (ppb) 300 300 100
CCβ Clavulanic acid (ppb) 700 800 200
Applicability Individual cow milk Suitable
Robustness Sample volume Robust
Incubation time Robust Not robust d
Incubation temperature Robust
Delay of reading Robust
pH Not robust for low pH e
Total Bact Count Robust
Frozen milk Robust
Milk temperature Robust
Age of batches Robust
a No MRL in milk
b MRPL (Minimum Required Performance Limit)
c MMPR (Minimum Method Performance Requirements)
d There are false negative results for 2 antibiotics (dihydrostreptomycin and lincomycin) on plates only.
e There are false negative results for 4 antibiotics (tylosin A, erythromycin, dihydrostreptomycin and lincomycin).

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Table 38: Results of interlaboratory studies (2013 and 2021) on Delvotest® T.

Delvotest® T format AMPOULES PLATES

Type of reading Visual Delvo®Scan Visual Delvo®Scan
Specificity (L0) 100,0 100,0 100,0 97,8
% positive results (L1) 46,1 39,6 43,5 25,5
Global sensitivity
100,0 100,0 98,1 97,5
Type of repeatability (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)
Blank 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 95,2 93,9

Gentamycin 100,0 100,0 95,8 91,7 100,0 100,0 97,9 96,3

Sulfadimethoxine 100,0 100,0 97,9 95,8 90,7 96,3 100,0 81,5
Tetracycline 98,1 96,3 97,9 91,7 98,1 96,3 94,4 92,6
Penicillin G 100,0 95,8 92,6 92,6 98,1 90,7
Cefquinome 100,0 95,8 92,6 83,3 98,1 98,1
Tylosin A 97,9 93,8 96,3 92,6 100,0 92,6
Reproducibility (L0) 100,0 100,0 100,0 98,1
92,5 91,0 89,2 89,8
(1) : Repeatability of same samples
(2) : Repeatability of identical sample

Reybroeck, W. and Ooghe, S., 2012. ILVO-T&V ‘Validation report of the Delvotest® T’.

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Renewal study project
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Appendix 1: Delvotest® T ampoule version Protocol in the form of a diagram

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Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Appendix 2: Delvotest® T plate version Protocol in the form of a diagram

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NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

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NF Validation – Renewal study project
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Appendix 3: Details on antibiotics used in preliminary study

Compounds detected Supplier Reference Batch number
Sigma-Aldrich A8523-1G 000008566
A8523 108M4891V
Ampicillin Sigma-Aldrich 31591 BCBZ5016

Penicillin G Sigma-Aldrich P3032 059M4827V

Cloxacillin Sigma-Aldrich 46140 BCBW1061
Oxacillin Sigma-Aldrich 46589 BCBT8512
Nafcillin Sigma-Aldrich 32071 BCCC5791
Sigma-Aldrich 46598 BCCC5114
4-Epioxytetracycline Acros organics 25771 A0415682
Chlortetracycline Sigma-Aldrich C4881 069M4122V

4-Epichlortetracycline Acros organics 26823 A0423144

Sigma-Aldrich T3383 049M4834V
Tetracycline 31741 BCBX5586
Sigma-Aldrich 37918 BCBZ7193
4-Epitetracycline BCCB7706
Doxycycline Sigma-Aldrich D3447 109M4082V
Sulfamethazine Sigma-Aldrich S6256 048M4017V
Sulfathiazole Sigma-Aldrich 46902 BCBW1884

Sulfadimethoxine Sigma-Aldrich S7007 059M4032V

Sulfadiazine Sigma-Aldrich S8626 069M4751V
Sulfadoxine Sigma-Aldrich 31736 BCBV7742
Tilmicosin Sigma-Aldrich 33864 BCCB4507

Sigma-Aldrich 33847 BCCD1311

Tylosin A BCBX4839
Sigma-Aldrich E5389 WXBD0760
Erythromycin A
Spiramycin Sigma-Aldrich S9132 MKCG3562
Neomycin B Sigma-Aldrich N6386 036K0078

Gentamycin Sigma-Aldrich 46305 BCCB6394

Sigma-Aldrich 46738 SZBF194XV

S6501 SLBP6412V
Dihydrostreptomycin Sigma-Aldrich D7253 117M4820V
Sigma-Aldrich 43989 BCCC5208
Toronto D288970
Research 16-AKS-79-4
Ceftiofur Sigma-Aldrich 32422 BCCB8697
Research D289980
Desfuroylceftiofur 5-WBZ-57-5
Sigma-Aldrich C4292

Cefoperazone 118M4841V
Cefalexin Sigma-Aldrich 33989 BCBW7031
Cefquinome Sigma-Aldrich 32472 BCBW2550
Cefalonium Sigma-Aldrich 32904 BCBV1595

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Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Cefazolin Sigma-Aldrich C5020 019M4852V

Chloramphenicol Sigma-Aldrich C0378 SLCD7425
Trimethoprim Sigma-Aldrich T7883 019M4019V
Dapsone Sigma-Aldrich A74807 STBJ1870
Lincomycin Sigma-Aldrich 31727 BCBW4661
Rifaximin Sigma-Aldrich 33999 BCBT5109
Cayman 20138
Pirlimicin 0574568
Clavulanic acid Sigma-Aldrich 33454 STBJ0056

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NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Appendix 4: Results of robustness study (2021)

1. Results of robustness study for ampoules
1.1. Influence of protocol
1.1.1. Sample volume Penicillins Amoxicillin
Date : 13/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A17 - -5,22 -
Milk 1 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A2 - -2,4 -
Milk 2 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A20 - -2,96 -
Milk 2 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A3 - -0,41 -
Milk 3 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A23 - -3,63 -
Milk 3 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A9 - -2,28 -

Date : 13/07/2020
Amoxicilline 2 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Amox2 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A3 + 5,14 +
Milk 1 Amox2 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A1 + 7,36 +
Milk 2 Amox2 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A8 + 4,32 +
Milk 2 Amox2 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A8 + 6,53 +
Milk 3 Amox2 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A9 + 3,83 +
Milk 3 Amox2 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A4 + 7,13 + Cloxacillin
Date : 13/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A17 - -5,22 -
Milk 1 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A2 - -2,4 -
Milk 2 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A20 - -2,96 -
Milk 2 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A3 - -0,41 -
Milk 3 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A23 - -3,63 -
Milk 3 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A9 - -2,28 -

Date : 13/07/2020
Cloxacilline 10 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Cloxa10 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A12 + 7 +
Milk 1 Cloxa10 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A6 + 5,88 +
Milk 2 Cloxa10 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A15 + 5,76 +
Milk 2 Cloxa10 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A13 + 6,86 +
Milk 3 Cloxa10 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A18 + 6,12 +
Milk 3 Cloxa10 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A11 + 6,65 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Tetracyclines Oxytetracycline
Date : 13/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A17 - -5,22 -
Milk 1 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A2 - -2,4 -
Milk 2 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A20 - -2,96 -
Milk 2 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A3 - -0,41 -
Milk 3 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A23 - -3,63 -
Milk 3 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A9 - -2,28 -

Date : 13/07/2020
Oxytetracycline 110 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Oxytetra110 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A10 + 4,95 +
Milk 1 Oxytetra110 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A20 + 5,27 +
Milk 2 Oxytetra110 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A4 + 4,48 +
Milk 2 Oxytetra110 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A12 + 5,05 +
Milk 3 Oxytetra110 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A6 + 5,27 +
Milk 3 Oxytetra110 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A5 + 6,51 + Chlortetracycline
Date : 13/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A17 - -5,22 -
Milk 1 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A2 - -2,4 -
Milk 2 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A20 - -2,96 -
Milk 2 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A3 - -0,41 -
Milk 3 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A23 - -3,63 -
Milk 3 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A9 - -2,28 -

Date : 13/07/2020
Chlortetracycline 150 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A1 + 5,82 +
Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A7 + 6,37 +
Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A2 + 5,65 +
Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A15 + 6,07 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A5 + 5,58 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A17 + 6,15 + Sulfonamides Sulfadimethoxine
Date : 13/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A17 - -5,22 -
Milk 1 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A2 - -2,4 -
Milk 2 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A20 - -2,96 -
Milk 2 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A3 - -0,41 -
Milk 3 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A23 - -3,63 -
Milk 3 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A9 - -2,28 -

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NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 13/07/2020
Sulfadimethoxine 40 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadimet40 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A7 + 5,78 +
Milk 1 Sulfadimet40 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A18 + 6,5 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet40 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A14 + 5,73 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet40 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A24 + 5,96 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet40 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A11 + 5,81 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet40 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A25 + 5,73 + Sulfadiazine
Date : 15/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A18 - -5,58 -
Milk 1 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B22 - -4,92 -
Milk 2 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A26 - -4,74 -
Milk 2 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B18 - -5,97 -
Milk 3 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A23 - -3,57 -
Milk 3 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B27 - -4,75 -

Date : 15/07/2020
Sulfadiazine 55 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz55 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A1 + 5,02 +
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz55 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B4 + 5,61 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz55 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A5 + 5,08 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz55 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B11 + 5,01 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz55 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A10 + 5,02 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz55 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B13 + 4,73 +
Date : 20/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 90 µL 5 90µL - A1 - -6,78 -
Milk 1 Neg - 110 µL 5 110µL - B2 - -7,27 -
Milk 2 Neg - 90 µL 5 90µL - A4 - -5,28 -
Milk 2 Neg - 110 µL 5 110µL - B5 - -6,63 -
Milk 3 Neg - 90 µL 5 90µL - A5 - -7,06 -
Milk 3 Neg - 110 µL 5 110µL - B3 - -7,24 -

Date : 20/08/2020
Sulfadiazine 50 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz50 - 90 µL 5 90µL - A2 + 5,22 +
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz50 - 110 µL 5 110µL - B4 + 4,3 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz50 - 90 µL 5 90µL - A3 + 4,72 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz50 - 110 µL 5 110µL - B6 + 4,56 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz50 - 90 µL 5 90µL - A6 + 4,19 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz50 - 110 µL 5 110µL - B1 + 4,05 + Macrolides Tylosin A
Date : 15/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A18 - -5,58 -
Milk 1 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B22 - -4,92 -
Milk 2 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A26 - -4,74 -
Milk 2 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B18 - -5,97 -
Milk 3 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A23 - -3,57 -
Milk 3 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B27 - -4,75 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 15/07/2020
Tylosine 35 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Tylo35 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A15 + 4,22 +
Milk 1 Tylo35 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B5 + 4,5 +
Milk 2 Tylo35 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A7 + 3,33 +
Milk 2 Tylo35 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B2 + 4,62 +
Milk 3 Tylo35 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A2 + 3,83 +
Milk 3 Tylo35 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B6 + 4,69 + Erythromycin A
Date : 15/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A18 - -5,58 -
Milk 1 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B22 - -4,92 -
Milk 2 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A26 - -4,74 -
Milk 2 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B18 - -5,97 -
Milk 3 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A23 - -3,57 -
Milk 3 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B27 - -4,75 -

Date : 15/07/2020
Erythromycine 160 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Erythro160 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A3 + 4,85 +
Milk 1 Erythro160 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B3 + 5,5 +
Milk 2 Erythro160 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A12 + 3,9 +
Milk 2 Erythro160 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B8 + 4,55 +
Milk 3 Erythro160 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A16 + 4,85 +
Milk 3 Erythro160 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B19 + 5,03 + Aminoglycosides : dihydrostreptomycin

Date : 15/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A18 - -5,58 -
Milk 1 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B22 - -4,92 -
Milk 2 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A26 - -4,74 -
Milk 2 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B18 - -5,97 -
Milk 3 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A23 - -3,57 -
Milk 3 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B27 - -4,75 -

Date : 15/07/2020
Dihydrostreptomycine 700 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto700 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A13 + 4,73 +
Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto700 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B14 + 5,68 +
Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto700 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A25 + 3,9 +
Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto700 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B15 + 5,04 +
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto700 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A20 + 4,16 +
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto700 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B24 + 4,99 + Cephalosporins : céfalexine

Date : 15/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A18 - -5,58 -
Milk 1 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B22 - -4,92 -
Milk 2 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A26 - -4,74 -
Milk 2 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B18 - -5,97 -
Milk 3 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A23 - -3,57 -
Milk 3 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B27 - -4,75 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 15/07/2020
Cefalexine 30 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Cefal30 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A21 + 5,67 +
Milk 1 Cefal30 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B21 + 5,6 +
Milk 2 Cefal30 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A27 + 5,21 +
Milk 2 Cefal30 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B26 + 5,61 +
Milk 3 Cefal30 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A24 + 5,54 +
Milk 3 Cefal30 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B25 + 6,29 + Lincosamides : lincomycine

Date : 13/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A17 - -5,22 -
Milk 1 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A2 - -2,4 -
Milk 2 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A20 - -2,96 -
Milk 2 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A3 - -0,41 -
Milk 3 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A23 - -3,63 -
Milk 3 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A9 - -2,28 -

Date : 13/07/2020
Lincomycine 275 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Linco275 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A16 + 2 +
Milk 1 Linco275 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A23 + 3,98 +
Milk 2 Linco275 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A24 + 2,15 +
Milk 2 Linco275 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A27 + 2,97 +
Milk 3 Linco275 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A21 + 3,37 +
Milk 3 Linco275 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A19 + 3,7 +

1.1.2. Incubation time Penicillins Amoxicillin
Date : 20/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 3h15 6 3h15 - A3 - -12,74 -
Milk 2 Neg - 3h15 6 3h15 - A1 - -13,07 -
Milk 3 Neg - 3h15 6 3h15 - A5 - -14,56 -

Date : 20/07/2020
Amoxicilline 2 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Amox2 - 3h15 6 3h15 - A2 + 5,32 +

Milk 2 Amox2 - 3h15 6 3h15 - A8 + 3,69 +
Milk 3 Amox2 - 3h15 6 3h15 - A6 + 4,19 + Cloxacillin
Date : 20/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 3h15 6 3h15 - A3 - -12,74 -
Milk 2 Neg - 3h15 6 3h15 - A1 - -13,07 -
Milk 3 Neg - 3h15 6 3h15 - A5 - -14,56 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 20/07/2020
Cloxacilline 30 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Cloxa10 - 3h15 6 3h15 - A7 + 6,43 +

Milk 2 Cloxa10 - 3h15 6 3h15 - A4 + 5,25 +
Milk 3 Cloxa10 - 3h15 6 3h15 - A9 + 5,15 + Tetracyclines Oxytetracycline
Date : 20/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 3h15 6 3h15 - A3 - -12,74 -
Milk 2 Neg - 3h15 6 3h15 - A1 - -13,07 -
Milk 3 Neg - 3h15 6 3h15 - A5 - -14,56 -

Date : 20/07/2020
Oxytetracycline 110 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Oxytetra110 - 3h15 6 3h15 - A11 + 0,52 +

Milk 2 Oxytetra110 - 3h15 6 3h15 - A10 + 0,38 +
Milk 3 Oxytetra110 - 3h15 6 3h15 - A12 + 0,72 + Chlortetracycline
Date : 19/08/2020

Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Neg - 3h15 4 3H15 - A1 - -14,35 -

Milk 2 Neg - 3h15 4 3H15 - A10 - -12,77 -
Milk 3 Neg - 3h15 4 3H15 - A8 - -15,13 -

Date : 19/08/2020
Chlortetracycline 150 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - 3h15 4 3H15 - A5 + 1,17 +

Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - 3h15 4 3H15 - A16 + 2,64 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - 3h15 4 3H15 - A20 + 3,86 + Sulfonamides Sulfadimethoxine
Date : 24/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Neg - 3h15 5 3h15 - A1 - -16,25 -

Milk 2 Neg - 3h15 5 3h15 - A6 - -14,37 -
Milk 3 Neg - 3h15 5 3h15 - A9 - -14,88 -
Sulfadimethoxine 40 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadimet40 - 3h15 5 3h15 - A7 + 3,21 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet40 - 3h15 5 3h15 - A15 + 2,86 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet40 - 3h15 5 3h15 - A10 + 2,25 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Sulfadiazine
Date : 25/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - E6 - -14,65 -
Milk 2 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - E1 - -15,17 -
Milk 3 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - E3 - -15,22 -

Date : 25/08/2020
Sulfadiazine 55 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz55 - 3h15 4 3h15 - A3 + 0,95 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz55 - 3h15 4 3h15 - A8 + 0,9 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz55 - 3h15 4 3h15 - A14 + 2,29 +
Date : 01/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 3h15 5 3h15 - D7 - -13,15 -
Milk 2 Neg - 3h15 5 3h15 - D8 - -13,75 -
Milk 3 Neg - 3h15 5 3h15 - D9 - -15,72 -
Date : 01/09/2020
Sulfadiazine 60 ppb Validated +20%
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz60 - 3h15 5 3h15-D1 + 5,71 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz60 - 3h15 5 3h15-D2 + 5,36 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz60 - 3h15 5 3h15-D3 + 5,75 + Macrolides Tylosin A
Date : 26/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - A1 - -11,99 -
Milk 2 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - A6 - -13,02 -
Milk 3 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - A9 - -15,35 -
Date : 26/08/2020
Tylosine 42 ppb Validated +20%
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Tylo42 - 3h15 4 3h15 - A12 + 3,66 +

Milk 2 Tylo42 - 3h15 4 3h15 - A14 + 2,15 +
Milk 3 Tylo42 - 3h15 4 3h15 - A15 + 2,19 + Erythromycin A
Date : 25/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - E6 - -14,65 -
Milk 2 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - E1 - -15,17 -
Milk 3 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - E3 - -15,22 -
Date : 25/08/2020
Erythromycine 192 ppb Validated +20%
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Erythro192 - 3h15 4 3h15 - E5 + 1,84 +

Milk 2 Erythro192 - 3h15 4 3h15 - E11 + 2,04 +
Milk 3 Erythro192 - 3h15 4 3h15 - E10 + 2,41 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Aminoglycosides : dihydrostreptomycin

Date : 25/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - E6 - -14,65 -
Milk 2 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - E1 - -15,17 -
Milk 3 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - E3 - -15,22 -
Date : 25/08/2020
Dihydrostreptomycine 840 ppb Validated +20%
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto840 - 3h15 4 3h15 - E14 + 2,85 +

Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto840 - 3h15 4 3h15 - E17 + 3,18 +
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto840 - 3h15 4 3h15 - E20 + 3,38 + Cephalosporins : céfalexine

Date : 26/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - A1 - -11,99 -
Milk 2 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - A6 - -13,02 -
Milk 3 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - A9 - -15,35 -
Date : 26/08/2020
Cefalexine 36 ppb Validated +20%
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Cefal36 - 3h15 4 3h15 - A4 + 4,02 +

Milk 2 Cefal36 - 3h15 4 3h15 - A11 + 5,08 +
Milk 3 Cefal36 - 3h15 4 3h15 - A13 + 4,66 + Lincosamides : lincomycine

Date : 26/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - A1 - -11,99 -
Milk 2 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - A6 - -13,02 -
Milk 3 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - A9 - -15,35 -
Date : 26/08/2020
Lincomycine 330 ppb Validated +20%
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Linco330 - 3h15 4 3h15 - A3 + 1,74 +

Milk 2 Linco330 - 3h15 4 3h15 - A7 + 0,36 +
Milk 3 Linco330 - 3h15 4 3h15 - A10 + 0,61 +

1.1.3. Incubation temperature Penicillins Amoxicillin
Date : 20/07/2020

Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Neg - 62°C 6 62°C - A8 - -1,98 -

Milk 1 Neg - 66°C 6 66°C - A1 - -7,3 -
Milk 2 Neg - 62°C 6 62°C - A4 - -2,64 -
Milk 2 Neg - 66°C 6 66°C - A4 - -5,78 -
Milk 3 Neg - 62°C 6 62°C - A6 - -5,35 -
Milk 3 Neg - 66°C 6 66°C - A8 - -7,02 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date :20/07/2020
Amoxicilline 2 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Amox2 - 62°C 6 62°C - A2 + 7,02 +

Milk 1 Amox2 - 66°C 6 66°C - A5 + 5,67 +
Milk 2 Amox2 - 62°C 6 62°C - A1 + 6,1 +
Milk 2 Amox2 - 66°C 6 66°C - A9 + 5,44 +
Milk 3 Amox2 - 62°C 6 62°C - A14 + 5,82 +
Milk 3 Amox2 - 66°C 6 66°C - A3 + 5,31 + Cloxacillin
Date : 20/07/2020

Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Neg - 62°C 6 62°C - A8 - -1,98 -

Milk 1 Neg - 66°C 6 66°C - A1 - -7,3 -
Milk 2 Neg - 62°C 6 62°C - A4 - -2,64 -
Milk 2 Neg - 66°C 6 66°C - A4 - -5,78 -
Milk 3 Neg - 62°C 6 62°C - A6 - -5,35 -
Milk 3 Neg - 66°C 6 66°C - A8 - -7,02 -

Date :20/07/2020
Cloxacilline 10 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Cloxa10 - 62°C 6 62°C - A3 + 7,78 +

Milk 1 Cloxa10 - 66°C 6 66°C - A12 + 6,33 +
Milk 2 Cloxa10 - 62°C 6 62°C - A11 + 7,09 +
Milk 2 Cloxa10 - 66°C 6 66°C - A15 + 3,53 +
Milk 3 Cloxa10 - 62°C 6 62°C - A13 + 7,31 +
Milk 3 Cloxa10 - 66°C 6 66°C - A14 + 4,27 + Tetracyclines Oxytetracycline
Date : 20/07/2020

Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Neg - 62°C 6 62°C - A8 - -1,98 -

Milk 1 Neg - 66°C 6 66°C - A1 - -7,3 -
Milk 2 Neg - 62°C 6 62°C - A4 - -2,64 -
Milk 2 Neg - 66°C 6 66°C - A4 - -5,78 -
Milk 3 Neg - 62°C 6 62°C - A6 - -5,35 -
Milk 3 Neg - 66°C 6 66°C - A8 - -7,02 -
Date :20/07/2020
Oxytetracycline 110 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Oxytetra110 - 62°C 6 62°C - A12 + 6,15 +

Milk 1 Oxytetra110 - 66°C 6 66°C - A7 + 4,75 +
Milk 2 Oxytetra110 - 62°C 6 62°C - A15 + 4,9 +
Milk 2 Oxytetra110 - 66°C 6 66°C - A13 + 3,77 +
Milk 3 Oxytetra110 - 62°C 6 62°C - A10 + 5,07 +
Milk 3 Oxytetra110 - 66°C 6 66°C - A11 + 4,22 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Chlortetracycline
Date : 22/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - B1 - -4,66 -
Milk 1 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - C2 - -5,95 -
Milk 2 Neg - 62°C 3 62°C - A1 - -3,54 -
Milk 2 Neg - 66°C 3 66°C - A7 - -7,38 -
Milk 3 Neg - 62°C 3 62°C - A4 - -5,63 -
Milk 3 Neg - 66°C 3 66°C - A5 - -7,55 -

Date : 22/07/2020
Chlortetracycline 150 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - 62°C 5 62°C - B9 + 5,99 +
Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - 66°C 5 66°C - C7 + 5,24 +
Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - 62°C 3 62°C - A6 + 6,47 +
Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - 66°C 3 66°C - A2 + 4,61 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - 62°C 3 62°C - A8 + 6 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - 66°C 3 66°C - A8 + 5,15 + Sulfonamides Sulfadimethoxine
Date : 22/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - B1 - -4,66 -
Milk 1 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - C2 - -5,95 -
Milk 2 Neg - 62°C 3 62°C - A1 - -3,54 -
Milk 2 Neg - 66°C 3 66°C - A7 - -7,38 -
Milk 3 Neg - 62°C 3 62°C - A4 - -5,63 -
Milk 3 Neg - 66°C 3 66°C - A5 - -7,55 -

Date : 22/07/2020
Sulfadimethoxine 40 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadimet40 - 62°C 5 62°C - B2 + 5,72 +
Milk 1 Sulfadimet40 - 66°C 5 66°C - C1 + 4,62 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet40 - 62°C 3 62°C - A9 + 6,01 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet40 - 66°C 3 66°C - A9 + 4,75 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet40 - 62°C 3 62°C - A5 + 6,24 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet40 - 66°C 3 66°C - A1 + 5,03 + Sulfadiazine
Date : 24/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - B1 - -4,66 -
Milk 1 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - C2 - -5,95 -
Milk 2 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - B4 - -3,86 -
Milk 2 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - C3 - -6,11 -
Milk 3 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - B6 - -4,34 -
Milk 3 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - C4 - -6,39 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 24/08/2020
Sulfadiazine 55 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Sulfadiaz55 - 62°C 5 62°C - B3 + 5,37 +

Milk 1 Sulfadiaz55 - 66°C 5 66°C - C6 + 4,3 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz55 - 62°C 5 62°C - B5 + 5,03 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz55 - 66°C 5 66°C - C8 + 4,05 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz55 - 62°C 5 62°C - B7 + 5,24 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz55 - 66°C 5 66°C - C11 + 3,9 +
Date : 24/08/2020
Sulfadiazine 50 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Sulfadiaz50 - 62°C 5 62°C - B8 + 4,7 +

Milk 1 Sulfadiaz50 - 66°C 5 66°C - C9 + 3,4 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz50 - 62°C 5 62°C - B11 + 5,33 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz50 - 66°C 5 66°C - C5 + 4,08 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz50 - 62°C 5 62°C - B10 + 4,81 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz50 - 66°C 5 66°C - C10 + 3,61 + Macrolides Tylosin A
Date : 25/08/2020

Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Neg - 62°C 4 62°C - A2 - -4,33 -

Milk 1 Neg - 66°C 4 66°C - B1 - -6,89 -
Milk 2 Neg - 62°C 4 62°C - A6 - -4,52 -
Milk 2 Neg - 66°C 4 66°C - B10 - -6,31 -
Milk 3 Neg - 62°C 4 62°C - A3 - -4,79 -
Milk 3 Neg - 66°C 4 66°C - B7 - -7,06 -
Date : 25/08/2020
Tylosine 35 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Tylo35 - 62°C 4 62°C - A1 + 3,39 +

Milk 1 Tylo35 - 66°C 4 66°C - B2 + 4,49 +
Milk 2 Tylo35 - 62°C 4 62°C - A5 + 3,81 +
Milk 2 Tylo35 - 66°C 4 66°C - B3 + 4,68 +
Milk 3 Tylo35 - 62°C 4 62°C - A4 + 4,3 +
Milk 3 Tylo35 - 66°C 4 66°C - B5 + 6,05 + Erythromycin A
Date : 25/08/2020

Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Neg - 62°C 4 62°C - A2 - -4,33 -

Milk 1 Neg - 66°C 4 66°C - B1 - -6,89 -
Milk 2 Neg - 62°C 4 62°C - A6 - -4,52 -
Milk 2 Neg - 66°C 4 66°C - B10 - -6,31 -
Milk 3 Neg - 62°C 4 62°C - A3 - -4,79 -
Milk 3 Neg - 66°C 4 66°C - B7 - -7,06 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 25/08/2020
Erythromycine 160 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Erythro160 - 62°C 4 62°C - A8 + 4,91 +

Milk 1 Erythro160 - 66°C 4 66°C - B12 + 4,25 +
Milk 2 Erythro160 - 62°C 4 62°C - A10 + 5,5 +
Milk 2 Erythro160 - 66°C 4 66°C - B6 + 5,12 +
Milk 3 Erythro160 - 62°C 4 62°C - A12 + 5,71 +
Milk 3 Erythro160 - 66°C 4 66°C - B8 + 4,72 + Aminoglycosides : dihydrostreptomycin

Date : 25/08/2020

Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Neg - 62°C 4 62°C - A2 - -4,33 -

Milk 1 Neg - 66°C 4 66°C - B1 - -6,89 -
Milk 2 Neg - 62°C 4 62°C - A6 - -4,52 -
Milk 2 Neg - 66°C 4 66°C - B10 - -6,31 -
Milk 3 Neg - 62°C 4 62°C - A3 - -4,79 -
Milk 3 Neg - 66°C 4 66°C - B7 - -7,06 -
Date : 25/08/2020
Dihydrostreptomycine 700 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto700 - 62°C 4 62°C - A15 + 2,43 +

Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto700 - 66°C 4 66°C - B14 + 5,4 +
Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto700 - 62°C 4 62°C - A21 + 2,52 +
Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto700 - 66°C 4 66°C - B19 + 5,35 +
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto700 - 62°C 4 62°C - A18 + 1,86 +
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto700 - 66°C 4 66°C - B15 + 5 + Cephalosporins : céfalexine

Date : 26/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 62°C 4 62°C - B1 - -2,07 -
Milk 1 Neg - 66°C 4 66°C - C4 - -4,19 -
Milk 2 Neg - 62°C 4 62°C - B2 - -3,96 -
Milk 2 Neg - 66°C 4 66°C - C1 - -6,3 -
Milk 3 Neg - 62°C 4 62°C - B3 - -5,81 -
Milk 3 Neg - 66°C 4 66°C - C2 - -7,01 -
Date : 26/08/2020
Cefalexine 30 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Cefal30 - 62°C 4 62°C - B4 + 6,89 +

Milk 1 Cefal30 - 66°C 4 66°C - C3 + 0,11 +
Milk 2 Cefal30 - 62°C 4 62°C - B8 + 6,57 +
Milk 2 Cefal30 - 66°C 4 66°C - C5 + 0,67 +
Milk 3 Cefal30 - 62°C 4 62°C - B6 + 6,4 +
Milk 3 Cefal30 - 66°C 4 66°C - C9 + 0,67 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Lincosamides : lincomycine

Date : 12/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - D8 - -4,09 -
Milk 1 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - E1 - -4,78 -
Milk 2 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - D1 - -4,01 -
Milk 2 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - E6 - -5,48 -
Milk 3 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - D3 - -2,36 -
Milk 3 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - E9 - -5,69 -
Date : 12/08/2020
Lincomycine 275 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Linco275 - 62°C 5 62°C - D4 + 3,29 +

Milk 1 Linco275 - 66°C 5 66°C - E7 + 3,53 +
Milk 2 Linco275 - 62°C 5 62°C - D7 + 4,25 +
Milk 2 Linco275 - 66°C 5 66°C - E2 + 3,74 +
Milk 3 Linco275 - 62°C 5 62°C - D9 + 4,13 +
Milk 3 Linco275 - 66°C 5 66°C - E8 + 3,78 +

1.1.4. Delay of reading Penicillins Amoxicillin
Date : 20/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 4°C 3 4°C - A9 - -9,21 -
Milk 1 Neg - TA 3 TA - A1 - -10,56 -
Milk 2 Neg - 4°C 3 4°C - A11 - -8,68 -
Milk 2 Neg - TA 3 TA - A4 - -9,1 -
Milk 3 Neg - 4°C 3 4°C - A14 - -10,6 -
Milk 3 Neg - TA 3 TA - A9 - -10,38 -
Date : 20/07/2020
Amoxicilline 2 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Amox2 - 4°C 3 4°C - A7 + 4,92 +
Milk 1 Amox2 - TA 3 TA - A2 + 4,67 +
Milk 2 Amox2 - 4°C 3 4°C - A1 + 0,58 +
Milk 2 Amox2 - TA 3 TA - A6 + 4,9 +
Milk 3 Amox2 - 4°C 3 4°C - A12 + 5,34 +
Milk 3 Amox2 - TA 3 TA - A3 + 4,04 + Cloxacillin
Date : 20/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 4°C 5 4°C - C1 - -8,87 -
Milk 1 Neg - TA 5 TA - D2 - -7,19 -
Milk 2 Neg - 4°C 5 4°C - C6 - -6,78 -
Milk 2 Neg - TA 5 TA - D1 - -6,75 -
Milk 3 Neg - 4°C 5 4°C - C5 - -9,4 -
Milk 3 Neg - TA 5 TA - D4 - -7,7 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 20/08/2020
Cloxacilline 12 ppb Validated +20%
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Cloxa12 - 4°C 5 4°C - C11 + 6,8 +
Milk 1 Cloxa12 - TA 5 TA - D11 + 6,49 +
Milk 2 Cloxa12 - 4°C 5 4°C - C12 + 6,75 +
Milk 2 Cloxa12 - TA 5 TA - D13 + 7,07 +
Milk 3 Cloxa12 - 4°C 5 4°C - C13 + 6,72 +
Milk 3 Cloxa12 - TA 5 TA - D12 + 6,87 + Tetracycline Oxytetracycline
Date : 20/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 4°C 3 4°C - A9 - -9,21 -
Milk 1 Neg - TA 3 TA - A1 - -10,56 -
Milk 2 Neg - 4°C 3 4°C - A11 - -8,68 -
Milk 2 Neg - TA 3 TA - A4 - -9,1 -
Milk 3 Neg - 4°C 3 4°C - A14 - -10,6 -
Milk 3 Neg - TA 3 TA - A9 - -10,38 -
Date : 20/07/2020
Oxytetracycline 110 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Oxytetra110 - 4°C 3 4°C - A4 + 3,48 +
Milk 1 Oxytetra110 - TA 3 TA - A14 + 4,02 +
Milk 2 Oxytetra110 - 4°C 3 4°C - A5 + 3,55 +
Milk 2 Oxytetra110 - TA 3 TA - A15 + 3,19 +
Milk 3 Oxytetra110 - 4°C 3 4°C - A6 + 3,27 +
Milk 3 Oxytetra110 - TA 3 TA - A13 + 3,2 + Chlortetracycline
Date : 22/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 4°C 4 4°C - D2 - -7,71 -
Milk 1 Neg - TA 4 TA - C1 - -8,68 -
Milk 2 Neg - 4°C 3 4°C - A6 - -7,76 -
Milk 2 Neg - TA 3 TA - A7 - -8,81 -
Milk 3 Neg - 4°C 3 4°C - A2 - -7,82 -
Milk 3 Neg - TA 3 TA - A3 - -8,53 -

Date : 22/07/2020
Chlortetracycline 150 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - 4°C 4 4°C - B12 + 3,83 +
Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - TA 4 TA - C13 + 3,31 +
Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - 4°C 3 4°C - A4 + 5,96 +
Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - TA 3 TA - A4 + 5,14 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - 4°C 3 4°C - A7 + 5,25 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - TA 3 TA - A5 + 5,01 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Sulfonamides Sulfadimethoxine
Date : 22/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 4°C 5 4°C - C1 - -8,87 -
Milk 1 Neg - TA 5 TA - D2 - -7,19 -
Milk 2 Neg - 4°C 3 4°C - A6 - -7,76 -
Milk 2 Neg - TA 3 TA - A7 - -8,81 -
Milk 3 Neg - 4°C 3 4°C - A2 - -7,82 -
Milk 3 Neg - TA 3 TA - A3 - -8,53 -

Date : 22/07/2020
Sulfadimethoxine 40 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadimet40 - 4°C 5 4°C - C9 + 5,19 +
Milk 1 Sulfadimet40 - TA 5 TA - D10 + 5,85 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet40 - 4°C 3 4°C - A3 + 6,04 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet40 - TA 3 TA - A8 + 5,39 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet40 - 4°C 3 4°C - A5 + 5,08 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet40 - TA 3 TA - A2 + 4,96 + Sulfadiazine
Date : 20/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 4°C 5 4°C - C1 - -8,87 -
Milk 1 Neg - TA 5 TA - D2 - -7,19 -
Milk 2 Neg - 4°C 5 4°C - C6 - -6,78 -
Milk 2 Neg - TA 5 TA - D1 - -6,75 -
Milk 3 Neg - 4°C 5 4°C - C5 - -9,4 -
Milk 3 Neg - TA 5 TA - D4 - -7,7 -
Date : 20/08/2020
Sulfadiazine 50 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz50 - 4°C 5 4°C - C3 + 3,64 +
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz50 - TA 5 TA - D9 + 4,16 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz50 - 4°C 5 4°C - C8 + 4,05 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz50 - TA 5 TA - D8 + 4,43 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz50 - 4°C 5 4°C - C4 + 3,63 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz50 - TA 5 TA - D6 + 4,1 +
Date : 20/08/2020
Sulfadiazine 55 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz55 - 4°C 5 4°C - C2 + 4,03 +
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz55 - TA 5 TA - D5 + 4,66 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz55 - 4°C 5 4°C - C7 + 4,17 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz55 - TA 5 TA - D3 + 4,43 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz55 - 4°C 5 4°C - C10 + 4,18 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz55 - TA 5 TA - D7 + 3,98 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Macrolides Tylosin A
Date : 25/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 4°C 4 4°C - D2 - -7,71 -
Milk 1 Neg - TA 4 TA - C1 - -8,68 -
Milk 2 Neg - 4°C 4 4°C - D3 - -7,54 -
Milk 2 Neg - TA 4 TA - C3 - -7,35 -
Milk 3 Neg - 4°C 4 4°C - D1 - -8,48 -
Milk 3 Neg - TA 4 TA - C2 - -7,76 -
Date : 25/08/2020
Tylosine 35 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Tylo35 - 4°C 4 4°C - D7 + 2,82 +
Milk 1 Tylo35 - TA 4 TA - C7 + 2,13 +
Milk 2 Tylo35 - 4°C 4 4°C - D4 + 3,29 +
Milk 2 Tylo35 - TA 4 TA - C10 + 2,48 +
Milk 3 Tylo35 - 4°C 4 4°C - D10 + 3,64 +
Milk 3 Tylo35 - TA 4 TA - C8 + 4,18 + Erythromycin A
Date : 19/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 4°C 4 4°C - B1 - -10,66 -
Milk 1 Neg - TA 4 TA - C4 - -10,5 -
Milk 2 Neg - 4°C 4 4°C - B5 - -9,29 -
Milk 2 Neg - TA 4 TA - C5 - -9,6 -
Milk 3 Neg - 4°C 4 4°C - B6 - -11 -
Milk 3 Neg - TA 4 TA - C6 - -10,86 -
Date : 19/08/2020
Erythromycine 160 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Erythro160 - 4°C 4 4°C - B14 + 4,02 +
Milk 1 Erythro160 - TA 4 TA - C14 + 4,55 +
Milk 2 Erythro160 - 4°C 4 4°C - B18 + 3,81 +
Milk 2 Erythro160 - TA 4 TA - C19 + 3,92 +
Milk 3 Erythro160 - 4°C 4 4°C - B19 + 3,26 +
Milk 3 Erythro160 - TA 4 TA - C15 + 3,59 + Aminoglycosides : dihydrostreptomycin

Date : 19/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 4°C 4 4°C - B1 - -10,66 -
Milk 1 Neg - TA 4 TA - C4 - -10,5 -
Milk 2 Neg - 4°C 4 4°C - B5 - -9,29 -
Milk 2 Neg - TA 4 TA - C5 - -9,6 -
Milk 3 Neg - 4°C 4 4°C - B6 - -11 -
Milk 3 Neg - TA 4 TA - C6 - -10,86 -
Date : 19/08/2020
Dihydrostreptomycine 700 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto700 - 4°C 4 4°C - B4 + 1,48 +
Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto700 - TA 4 TA - C11 + 2,27 +
Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto700 - 4°C 4 4°C - B10 + 3,66 +
Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto700 - TA 4 TA - C8 + 2,51 +
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto700 - 4°C 4 4°C - B16 + 3,34 +
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto700 - TA 4 TA - C9 + 3,35 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Cephalosporins : céfalexine

Date : 19/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 4°C 4 4°C - B1 - -10,66 -
Milk 1 Neg - TA 4 TA - C4 - -10,5 -
Milk 2 Neg - 4°C 4 4°C - B5 - -9,29 -
Milk 2 Neg - TA 4 TA - C5 - -9,6 -
Milk 3 Neg - 4°C 4 4°C - B6 - -11 -
Milk 3 Neg - TA 4 TA - C6 - -10,86 -
Date : 19/08/2020
Cefalexine 30 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Cefal30 - 4°C 4 4°C - B3 + 1,72 +
Milk 1 Cefal30 - TA 4 TA - C2 + 0,86 +
Milk 2 Cefal30 - 4°C 4 4°C - B7 + 4,69 +
Milk 2 Cefal30 - TA 4 TA - C3 + 4,01 +
Milk 3 Cefal30 - 4°C 4 4°C - B8 + 3,19 +
Milk 3 Cefal30 - TA 4 TA - C1 + 1,7 + Lincosamides : lincomycine

Date : 12/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 4°C 5 4°C - B1 - -8,26 -
Milk 1 Neg - TA 5 TA - C2 - -8,06 -
Milk 2 Neg - 4°C 5 4°C - B2 - -8,44 -
Milk 2 Neg - TA 5 TA - C5 - -9,34 -
Milk 3 Neg - 4°C 5 4°C - B3 - -5,77 -
Milk 3 Neg - TA 5 TA - C6 - -8,55 -
Date : 12/08/2020
Lincomycine 275 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Linco275 - 4°C 5 4°C - B7 + 1,13 +

Milk 1 Linco275 - TA 5 TA - C3 + 1,16 +
Milk 2 Linco275 - 4°C 5 4°C - B8 + 1,53 +
Milk 2 Linco275 - TA 5 TA - C4 + 1,07 +
Milk 3 Linco275 - 4°C 5 4°C - B9 + 1,77 +
Milk 3 Linco275 - TA 5 TA - C9 + 1,43 +

1.2. Matrix quality

1.2.1. pH Penicillins Amoxicillin
Date : 01/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - weak pH 4 pH-D1 - -13,09 -
Milk 1 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B2 - -5,78 -
Milk 2 Neg - weak pH 4 pH-D8 - -9,99 -
Milk 2 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B13 - -4,45 -
Milk 3 Neg - weak pH 4 pH-D2 - -11,42 -
Milk 3 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B18 - -6,09 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 01/09/2020 Validated +20% weak pH

Amoxicilline 2 ppb and 2,4 ppb Validated high pH
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Amox2,4 - weak pH 4 pH-D22 + 2,69 +

Milk 1 Amox2 - high pH 5 pH fort - B4 + 8,05 +
Milk 2 Amox2,4 - weak pH 4 pH-D23 + 3,29 +
Milk 2 Amox2 - high pH 5 pH fort - B25 + 8,6 +
Milk 3 Amox2,4 - weak pH 4 pH-D24 + 3,47 +
Milk 3 Amox2 - high pH 5 pH fort - B26 + 3,76 + Cloxacillin
Date : 02/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - weak pH 5 pH faible - A1 - -10,6 -
Milk 1 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B7 - -5,16 -
Milk 2 Neg - weak pH 5 pH faible - A13 - -8,43 -
Milk 2 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B8 - -4,79 -
Milk 3 Neg - weak pH 5 pH faible - A15 - -9,72 -
Milk 3 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B27 - -7,79 -
Date : 02/09/2020
Cloxacilline 10 ppb Validated

Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Cloxa10 - weak pH 5 pH faible - A7 + 3,21 +

Milk 1 Cloxa10 - high pH 5 pH fort - B23 + 8,83 +
Milk 2 Cloxa10 - weak pH 5 pH faible - A4 + 3,87 +
Milk 2 Cloxa10 - high pH 5 pH fort - B3 + 8,85 +
Milk 3 Cloxa10 - weak pH 5 pH faible - A9 + 3,39 +
Milk 3 Cloxa10 - high pH 5 pH fort - B21 + 9,13 + Tetracyclines Oxytetracycline
Date : 02/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - weak pH 5 pH faible - A1 - -10,6 -
Milk 1 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B7 - -5,16 -
Milk 2 Neg - weak pH 5 pH faible - A13 - -8,43 -
Milk 2 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B8 - -4,79 -
Milk 3 Neg - weak pH 5 pH faible - A15 - -9,72 -
Milk 3 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B27 - -7,79 -
Date : 02/09/2020
Oxytetracycline 110 ppb Validated

Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Oxytetra110 - weak pH 5 pH faible - A11 + 3,25 +

Milk 1 Oxytetra110 - high pH 5 pH fort - B22 + 5,39 +
Milk 2 Oxytetra110 - weak pH 5 pH faible - A3 + 2,22 +
Milk 2 Oxytetra110 - high pH 5 pH fort - B24 + 4,9 +
Milk 3 Oxytetra110 - weak pH 5 pH faible - A10 + 2,97 +
Milk 3 Oxytetra110 - high pH 5 pH fort - B2 + 4,93 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Chlortetracycline
Date : 02/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - weak pH 5 pH faible - A1 - -10,6 -
Milk 1 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B7 - -5,16 -
Milk 2 Neg - weak pH 5 pH faible - A13 - -8,43 -
Milk 2 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B8 - -4,79 -
Milk 3 Neg - weak pH 5 pH faible - A15 - -9,72 -
Milk 3 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B27 - -7,79 -
Date : 02/09/2020
Chlortetracycline 150 ppb Validated

Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - weak pH 5 pH faible - A16 + 4,14 +

Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - high pH 5 pH fort - B18 + 5,91 +
Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - weak pH 5 pH faible - A23 + 3,74 +
Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - high pH 5 pH fort - B6 + 5,95 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - weak pH 5 pH faible - A21 + 3,99 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - high pH 5 pH fort - B20 + 5,76 + Sulfonamides Sulfadimethoxine
Date : 02/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - weak pH 5 pH faible - A1 - -10,6 -
Milk 1 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B7 - -5,16 -
Milk 2 Neg - weak pH 5 pH faible - A13 - -8,43 -
Milk 2 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B8 - -4,79 -
Milk 3 Neg - weak pH 5 pH faible - A15 - -9,72 -
Milk 3 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B27 - -7,79 -
Date : 02/09/2020
Sulfadimethoxine 40 ppb Validated

Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Sulfadimet40 - weak pH 5 pH faible - A18 + 3,3 +

Milk 1 Sulfadimet40 - high pH 5 pH fort - B10 + 7,8 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet40 - weak pH 5 pH faible - A24 + 4,9 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet40 - high pH 5 pH fort - B16 + 7,53 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet40 - weak pH 5 pH faible - A27 + 2,62 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet40 - high pH 5 pH fort - B9 + 7,54 + Sulfadiazine
Date : 01/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - weak pH 4 pH faible - A1 - -11,21 -
Milk 1 Neg - high pH 4 pH fort - B2 - -5,78 -
Milk 2 Neg - weak pH 4 pH faible - A5 - -10,37 -
Milk 2 Neg - high pH 4 pH fort - B13 - -4,45 -
Milk 3 Neg - weak pH 4 pH faible - A2 - -10,66 -
Milk 3 Neg - high pH 4 pH fort - B18 - -6,09 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 01/09/2020
Sulfadiazine 50 ppb Validated

Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Sulfadiaz50 - weak pH 4 pH faible - A4 + 1,02 +

Milk 1 Sulfadiaz50 - high pH 4 pH fort - B5 + 7,28 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz50 - weak pH 4 pH faible - A6 + 0,93 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz50 - high pH 4 pH fort - B4 + 6,75 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz50 - weak pH 4 pH faible - A9 + 0,38 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz50 - high pH 4 pH fort - B6 + 6,51 +
Date : 01/09/2020
Sulfadiazine 55 ppb Validated

Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Sulfadiaz55 - weak pH 4 pH faible - A7 + 1,5 +

Milk 1 Sulfadiaz55 - high pH 4 pH fort - B3 + 6,38 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz55 - weak pH 4 pH faible - A3 + 1,63 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz55 - high pH 4 pH fort - B7 + 6,83 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz55 - weak pH 4 pH faible - A8 + 1,6 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz55 - high pH 4 pH fort - B1 + 6,55 + Macrolides Tylosin A
Date : 01/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - weak pH 4 pH-D1 - -13,09 -
Milk 1 Neg - high pH 4 pH fort - B2 - -5,78 -
Milk 2 Neg - weak pH 4 pH-D8 - -9,99 -
Milk 2 Neg - high pH 4 pH fort - B13 - -4,45 -
Milk 3 Neg - weak pH 4 pH-D2 - -11,42 -
Milk 3 Neg - high pH 4 pH fort - B18 - -6,09 -
Date : 01/09/2020 Not Validated weak pH
Tylosine 35 ppb and 42 ppb Validated high pH
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Tylo42 - weak pH 4 pH-D11 - -3,3 -

Milk 1 Tylo35 - high pH 4 pH fort - B8 + 6,15 +
Milk 2 Tylo42 - weak pH 4 pH-D5 - -2,25 -
Milk 2 Tylo35 - high pH 4 pH fort - B10 + 7,29 +
Milk 3 Tylo42 - weak pH 4 pH-D9 - -2,34 -
Milk 3 Tylo35 - high pH 4 pH fort - B9 + 6,84 + Erythromycin A
Date : 01/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - weak pH 4 pH-D1 - -13,09 -
Milk 1 Neg - high pH 4 pH fort - B2 - -5,78 -
Milk 2 Neg - weak pH 4 pH-D8 - -9,99 -
Milk 2 Neg - high pH 4 pH fort - B13 - -4,45 -
Milk 3 Neg - weak pH 4 pH-D2 - -11,42 -
Milk 3 Neg - high pH 4 pH fort - B18 - -6,09 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 01/09/2020 Not Validated weak pH

Erythromycine 160 ppb and 192 ppb Validated high pH
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Erythro160 - high pH 4 pH fort - B12 + 6,82 +

Milk 1 Erythro192 - weak pH 4 pH-D13 - -2,21 -
Milk 2 Erythro160 - high pH 4 pH fort - B11 + 6,66 +
Milk 2 Erythro192 - weak pH 4 pH-D4 - -2,22 -
Milk 3 Erythro160 - high pH 4 pH fort - B14 + 7,21 +
Milk 3 Erythro192 - weak pH 4 pH-D12 - -1,6 - Aminoglycosides : dihydrostreptomycin

Date : 01/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - weak pH 4 pH-D1 - -13,09 -
Milk 1 Neg - high pH 4 pH fort - B2 - -5,78 -
Milk 2 Neg - weak pH 4 pH-D8 - -9,99 -
Milk 2 Neg - high pH 4 pH fort - B13 - -4,45 -
Milk 3 Neg - weak pH 4 pH-D2 - -11,42 -
Milk 3 Neg - high pH 4 pH fort - B18 - -6,09 -
Date : 01/09/2020 Not Validated weak pH
Dihydrostreptomycine 700 ppb and 840 ppb Validated high pH
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto840 - weak pH 4 pH-D18 - -2,43 -

Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto700 - high pH 4 pH fort - B21 + 6,62 +
Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto840 - weak pH 4 pH-D14 - -2,9 -
Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto700 - high pH 4 pH fort - B20 + 7,12 +
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto840 - weak pH 4 pH-D19 - -0,83 -
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto700 - high pH 4 pH fort - B24 + 6,76 + Cephalosporins : céfalexine

Date : 01/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - weak pH 4 pH faible - A1 - -11,21 -
Milk 1 Neg - high pH 4 pH fort - B2 - -5,78 -
Milk 2 Neg - weak pH 4 pH faible - A5 - -10,37 -
Milk 2 Neg - high pH 4 pH fort - B13 - -4,45 -
Milk 3 Neg - weak pH 4 pH faible - A2 - -10,66 -
Milk 3 Neg - high pH 4 pH fort - B18 - -6,09 -
Date : 01/09/2020
Cefalexine 30 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Cefal30 - weak pH 4 pH faible - A25 + 2,04 +

Milk 1 Cefal30 - high pH 4 pH fort - B26 + 7,86 +
Milk 2 Cefal30 - weak pH 4 pH faible - A26 + 1,64 +
Milk 2 Cefal30 - high pH 4 pH fort - B25 + 5,35 +
Milk 3 Cefal30 - weak pH 4 pH faible - A27 + 0,31 +
Milk 3 Cefal30 - high pH 4 pH fort - B27 + 8,95 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Lincosamides : lincomycine

Date : 02/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - weak pH 5 pH faible - A1 - -10,6 -
Milk 1 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B7 - -5,16 -
Milk 2 Neg - weak pH 5 pH faible - A13 - -8,43 -
Milk 2 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B8 - -4,79 -
Milk 3 Neg - weak pH 5 pH faible - A15 - -9,72 -
Milk 3 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B27 - -7,79 -
Date : 02/09/2020 Not Validated weak pH
Lincomycine 275 ppb and 330 ppb Validated strong pH
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Linco330 - weak pH 5 pH faible - A17 - -4,33 -

Milk 1 Linco275 - high pH 5 pH fort - B17 + 6,49 +
Milk 2 Linco330- weak pH 5 pH faible - A20 - -3,82 -
Milk 2 Linco275 - high pH 5 pH fort - B12 + 6,75 +
Milk 3 Linco330 - weak pH 5 pH faible - A25 - -4,56 -
Milk 3 Linco275 - high pH 5 pH fort - B14 + 7,03 +

1.2.2. Total Bacteria Count Penicillins Amoxicillin
Date : 02/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C10 - -8,08 -
Milk 2 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C1 - -8,69 -
Milk 3 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C3 - -8,64 -
Date : 02/09/2020
Amoxicilline 2 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Amox2 - high TBC 5 Mat - C2 + 4,43 +
Milk 2 Amox2 - high TBC 5 Mat - C8 + 5,03 +
Milk 3 Amox2 - high TBC 5 Mat - C7 + 4,31 + Cloxacillin
Date : 02/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C10 - -8,08 -
Milk 2 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C1 - -8,69 -
Milk 3 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C3 - -8,64 -
Date : 02/09/2020
Cloxacilline 30 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Cloxa10 - high TBC 5 Mat - C14 + 8,07 +
Milk 2 Cloxa10 - high TBC 5 Mat - C6 + 9,27 +
Milk 3 Cloxa10 - high TBC 5 Mat - C12 + 8,58 + Tetracyclines Oxytetracycline
Date : 02/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C10 - -8,08 -
Milk 2 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C1 - -8,69 -
Milk 3 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C3 - -8,64 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 02/09/2020
Oxytetracycline 110 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Oxytetra110 - high TBC 5 Mat - C17 + 3,74 +
Milk 2 Oxytetra110 - high TBC 5 Mat - C11 + 4,05 +
Milk 3 Oxytetra110 - high TBC 5 Mat - C15 + 3,95 + Chlortetracycline
Date : 02/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C10 - -8,08 -
Milk 2 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C1 - -8,69 -
Milk 3 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C3 - -8,64 -
Date : 02/09/2020
Chlortetracycline 150 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - high TBC 5 Mat - C20 + 5 +
Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - high TBC 5 Mat - C5 + 5,88 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - high TBC 5 Mat - C24 + 5,57 + Sulfonamides Sulfadimethoxine
Date : 02/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C10 - -8,08 -
Milk 2 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C1 - -8,69 -
Milk 3 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C3 - -8,64 -
Date : 02/09/2020
Sulfadimethoxine 40 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadimet40 - high TBC 5 Mat - C25 + 5,72 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet40 - high TBC 5 Mat - C18 + 5,49 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet40 - high TBC 5 Mat - C22 + 5,79 + Sulfadiazine
Date : 01/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - high TBC 4 Mat - C14 - -7,95 -
Milk 2 Neg - high TBC 4 Mat - C1 - -8,11 -
Milk 3 Neg - high TBC 4 Mat - C11 - -7,95 -
Date : 01/09/2020
Sulfadiazine 50 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz50 - high TBC 4 Mat - C4 + 5,47 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz50 - high TBC 4 Mat - C8 + 4,94 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz50 - high TBC 4 Mat - C3 + 5,68 +
Date : 01/09/2020
Sulfadiazine 55 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz55 - high TBC 4 Mat - C5 + 6,03 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz55 - high TBC 4 Mat - C10 + 5,1 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz55 - high TBC 4 Mat - C2 + 5,19 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Macrolides Tylosin A
Date : 01/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - high TBC 4 Mat - C14 - -7,95 -
Milk 2 Neg - high TBC 4 Mat - C1 - -8,11 -
Milk 3 Neg - high TBC 4 Mat - C11 - -7,95 -
Date : 01/09/2020
Tylosine 35 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Tylo35 - high TBC 4 Mat - C12 + 4,42 +
Milk 2 Tylo35 - high TBC 4 Mat - C13 + 3,66 +
Milk 3 Tylo35 - high TBC 4 Mat - C7 + 5,09 + Erythromycin A
Date : 01/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - high TBC 4 Mat - C14 - -7,95 -
Milk 2 Neg - high TBC 4 Mat - C1 - -8,11 -
Milk 3 Neg - high TBC 4 Mat - C11 - -7,95 -
Date : 01/09/2020
Erythromycine A (3 éch) 160 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Erythro160 - high TBC 4 Mat - C17 + 4,88 +
Milk 2 Erythro160 - high TBC 4 Mat - C6 + 5,58 +
Milk 3 Erythro160 - high TBC 4 Mat - C15 + 4,97 + Aminoglycosides : dihydrostreptomycin

Date : 01/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - high TBC 4 Mat - C14 - -7,95 -
Milk 2 Neg - high TBC 4 Mat - C1 - -8,11 -
Milk 3 Neg - high TBC 4 Mat - C11 - -7,95 -
Date : 01/09/2020
Dihydrostreptomycine 700 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto700 - high TBC 4 Mat - C23 + 4,66 +
Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto700 - high TBC 4 Mat - C18 + 4,87 +
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto700 - high TBC 4 Mat - C26 + 5,27 + Cephalosporins : céfalexine

Date : 01/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - high TBC 4 Mat - C14 - -7,95 -
Milk 2 Neg - high TBC 4 Mat - C1 - -8,11 -
Milk 3 Neg - high TBC 4 Mat - C11 - -7,95 -
Date : 01/09/2020
Cefalexine 30 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Cefal30 - high TBC 4 Mat - C25 + 4,1 +
Milk 2 Cefal30 - high TBC 4 Mat - C27 + 4,95 +
Milk 3 Cefal30 - high TBC 4 Mat - C24 + 3,51 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Lincosamides : lincomycine

Date : 02/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C10 - -8,08 -
Milk 2 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C1 - -8,69 -
Milk 3 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C3 - -8,64 -
Date : 02/09/2020
Lincomycine 275 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Linco275 - high TBC 5 Mat - C19 + 2,55 +
Milk 2 Linco275 - high TBC 5 Mat - C26 + 3,76 +
Milk 3 Linco275 - high TBC 5 Mat - C27 + 3,32 +

1.2.3. Frozen milk Penicillins Amoxicillin
Date : 07/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - frozen 3 1-A4 - -7,32 -
Milk 2 Neg - frozen 3 2-B2 - -5,95 -
Milk 3 Neg - frozen 3 3-C8 - -8,02 -
Date : 07/08/2020
Amoxicilline 2 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Amox2 - frozen 3 1-A1 + 4,87 +
Milk 2 Amox2 - frozen 3 2-B4 + 4,76 +
Milk 3 Amox2 - frozen 3 3-C9 + 4,67 + Cloxacillin
Date : 14/08/2020

Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Neg - frozen 3 1-D3 - -4,73 -

Milk 2 Neg - frozen 3 2-E5 - -5,31 -
Milk 3 Neg - frozen 3 3-F2 - -7 -
Date : 14/08/2020
Cloxacilline 30 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Cloxa10 - frozen 3 1-D2 + 6,47 +
Milk 2 Cloxa10 - frozen 3 2-E9 + 6,52 +
Milk 3 Cloxa10 - frozen 3 3-F9 + 5,77 + Tetracyclines Oxytetracycline
Date : 07/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - frozen 3 1-A4 - -7,32 -
Milk 2 Neg - frozen 3 2-B2 - -5,95 -
Milk 3 Neg - frozen 3 3-C8 - -8,02 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 07/08/2020
Oxytetracycline 110 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Oxytetra110 - frozen 3 1-A5 + 4,2 +
Milk 2 Oxytetra110 - frozen 3 2-B6 + 4,28 +
Milk 3 Oxytetra110 - frozen 3 3-C7 + 4,4 + Chlortetracycline
Date : 14/08/2020

Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Neg - frozen 3 1-D3 - -4,73 -

Milk 2 Neg - frozen 3 2-E5 - -5,31 -
Milk 3 Neg - frozen 3 3-F2 - -7 -
Date : 14/08/2020
Chlortetracycline 150 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - frozen 3 1-D9 + 5,92 +
Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - frozen 3 2-E8 + 5,46 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - frozen 3 3-F8 + 5,82 + Sulfonamides Sulfadimethoxine
Date : 07/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - frozen 3 1-A4 - -7,32 -
Milk 2 Neg - frozen 3 2-B2 - -5,95 -
Milk 3 Neg - frozen 3 3-C8 - -8,02 -
Date : 07/08/2020
Sulfadimethoxine 40 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadimet40 - frozen 3 1-A3 + 5,67 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet40 - frozen 3 2-B5 + 5,68 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet40 - frozen 3 3-C3 + 5,63 + Sulfadiazine
Date : 14/08/2020

Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Neg - frozen 3 1-D3 - -4,73 -

Milk 2 Neg - frozen 3 2-E5 - -5,31 -
Milk 3 Neg - frozen 3 3-F2 - -7 -
Date : 14/08/2020
Sulfadiazine 50 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz50 - frozen 3 1-D5 + 4,62 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz50 - frozen 3 2-E3 + 4,5 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz50 - frozen 3 3-F4 + 4,29 +
Date : 14/08/2020
Sulfadiazine 55 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz55 - frozen 3 1-D4 + 4,5 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz55 - frozen 3 2-E2 + 4,75 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz55 - frozen 3 3-F3 + 4,52 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Macrolides Tylosin A
Date : 07/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - frozen 3 1-A4 - -7,32 -
Milk 2 Neg - frozen 3 2-B2 - -5,95 -
Milk 3 Neg - frozen 3 3-C8 - -8,02 -
Date : 07/08/2020
Tylosine 35 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Tylo35 - frozen 3 1-A9 + 4,14 +
Milk 2 Tylo35 - frozen 3 2-B7 + 2,67 +
Milk 3 Tylo35 - frozen 3 3-C1 + 4,27 + Erythromycin A
Date : 14/08/2020

Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Neg - frozen 3 1-D3 - -4,73 -

Milk 2 Neg - frozen 3 2-E5 - -5,31 -
Milk 3 Neg - frozen 3 3-F2 - -7 -
Date : 14/08/2020
Erythromycine A (3 éch) 160 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Erythro160 - frozen 3 1-D8 + 4,94 +
Milk 2 Erythro160 - frozen 3 2-E7 + 4,81 +
Milk 3 Erythro160 - frozen 3 3-F1 + 4,84 + Aminoglycosides : dihydrostreptomycin

Date : 07/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - frozen 3 1-A4 - -7,32 -
Milk 2 Neg - frozen 3 2-B2 - -5,95 -
Milk 3 Neg - frozen 3 3-C8 - -8,02 -
Date : 07/08/2020
Dihydrostreptomycine 700 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto700 - frozen 3 1-A8 + 5,84 +
Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto700 - frozen 3 2-B9 + 5,37 +
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto700 - frozen 3 3-C6 + 5,33 + Cephalosporins : céfalexine

Date : 07/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - frozen 3 1-A4 - -7,32 -
Milk 2 Neg - frozen 3 2-B2 - -5,95 -
Milk 3 Neg - frozen 3 3-C8 - -8,02 -
Date : 07/08/2020
Cefalexine 30 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Cefal30 - frozen 3 1-A7 + 3,89 +
Milk 2 Cefal30 - frozen 3 2-B3 + 4,13 +
Milk 3 Cefal30 - frozen 3 3-C2 + 2,55 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Lincosamides : lincomycine

Date : 14/08/2020

Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Neg - frozen 3 1-D3 - -4,73 -

Milk 2 Neg - frozen 3 2-E5 - -5,31 -
Milk 3 Neg - frozen 3 3-F2 - -7 -
Date : 14/08/2020
Lincomycine 275 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Linco275 - frozen 3 1-D6 + 3,89 +
Milk 2 Linco275 - frozen 3 2-E6 + 3,19 +
Milk 3 Linco275 - frozen 3 3-F5 + 3,24 +

1.2.4. Milk temperature Penicillins Amoxicillin
Date : 13/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C7 - -6,88 -
Milk 1 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D1 - -7,53 -
Milk 2 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C21 - -3,46 -
Milk 2 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D10 - -3,9 -
Milk 3 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C19 - -4,25 -
Milk 3 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D3 - -5,05 -
Date : 13/07/2020
Amoxicilline 2 ppb Validated

Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Amox2 - room temperature 6 TA - C1 + 3,34 +

Milk 1 Amox2 - cold 6 4°C - D6 + 5,71 +
Milk 2 Amox2 - room temperature 6 TA - C8 + 4,31 +
Milk 2 Amox2 - cold 6 4°C - D4 + 4,67 +
Milk 3 Amox2 - room temperature 6 TA - C13 + 4,98 +
Milk 3 Amox2 - cold 6 4°C - D7 + 4,4 + Cloxacillin
Date : 13/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C7 - -6,88 -
Milk 1 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D1 - -7,53 -
Milk 2 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C21 - -3,46 -
Milk 2 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D10 - -3,9 -
Milk 3 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C19 - -4,25 -
Milk 3 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D3 - -5,05 -
Date : 13/07/2020
Cloxacilline 10 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Cloxa10 - room temperature 6 TA - C12 + 6,48 +
Milk 1 Cloxa10 - cold 6 4°C - D16 + 6,11 +
Milk 2 Cloxa10 - room temperature 6 TA - C5 + 6,24 +
Milk 2 Cloxa10 - cold 6 4°C - D2 + 5,49 +
Milk 3 Cloxa10 - room temperature 6 TA - C3 + 5,56 +
Milk 3 Cloxa10 - cold 6 4°C - D9 + 5,1 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Tetracyclines Oxytetracycline
Date : 13/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C7 - -6,88 -
Milk 1 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D1 - -7,53 -
Milk 2 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C21 - -3,46 -
Milk 2 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D10 - -3,9 -
Milk 3 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C19 - -4,25 -
Milk 3 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D3 - -5,05 -
Date : 13/07/2020
Oxytetracycline 110 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Oxytetra110 - room temperature 6 TA - C6 + 3,74 +
Milk 1 Oxytetra110 - cold 6 4°C - D11 + 4,9 +
Milk 2 Oxytetra110 - room temperature 6 TA - C23 + 4,39 +
Milk 2 Oxytetra110 - cold 6 4°C - D13 + 4,79 +
Milk 3 Oxytetra110 - room temperature 6 TA - C24 + 4,41 +
Milk 3 Oxytetra110 - cold 6 4°C - D5 + 5,34 + Chlortetracycline
Date : 15/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C28 - -5,14 -
Milk 1 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D29 - -8,14 -
Milk 2 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C30 - -6,63 -
Milk 2 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D28 - -4,85 -
Milk 3 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C29 - -4,08 -
Milk 3 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D30 - -7,33 -
Date : 15/07/2020
Chlortetracycline 150 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - room temperature 6 TA - C27 + 5,45 +
Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - cold 6 4°C - D27 + 5,54 +
Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - room temperature 6 TA - C24 + 5,95 +
Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - cold 6 4°C - D26 + 4,96 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - room temperature 6 TA - C26 + 5,92 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - cold 6 4°C - D21 + 5,44 + Sulfonamides Sulfadimethoxine
Date : 13/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C7 - -6,88 -
Milk 1 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D1 - -7,53 -
Milk 2 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C21 - -3,46 -
Milk 2 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D10 - -3,9 -
Milk 3 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C19 - -4,25 -
Milk 3 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D3 - -5,05 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 13/07/2020
Sulfadimethoxine 40 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadimet40 - room temperature 6 TA - C2 + 5,56 +
Milk 1 Sulfadimet40 - cold 6 4°C - D12 + 6,1 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet40 - room temperature 6 TA - C4 + 5,41 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet40 - cold 6 4°C - D17 + 5,85 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet40 - room temperature 6 TA - C9 + 5,46 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet40 - cold 6 4°C - D22 + 5,3 + Sulfadiazine
Date : 20/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - room temperature 5 Milk TA - E1 - -7,2 -
Milk 1 Neg - cold 5 Milk 4°C - F1 - -6,78 -
Milk 2 Neg - room temperature 5 Milk TA - E4 - -6,45 -
Milk 2 Neg - cold 5 Milk 4°C - F2 - -6,65 -
Milk 3 Neg - room temperature 5 Milk TA - E6 - -7,89 -
Milk 3 Neg - cold 5 Milk 4°C - F3 - -7,32 -
Date : 20/08/2020
Sulfadiazine 50 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz50 - room temperature 5 Milk TA - E2 + 3,93 +
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz50 - cold 5 Milk 4°C - F4 + 4,29 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz50 - room temperature 5 Milk TA - E5 + 4,47 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz50 - cold 5 Milk 4°C - F5 + 4,9 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz50 - room temperature 5 Milk TA - E3 + 4,11 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz50 - cold 5 Milk 4°C - F6 + 4,39 + Macrolides Tylosin A
Date : 15/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C28 - -5,14 -
Milk 1 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D29 - -8,14 -
Milk 2 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C30 - -6,63 -
Milk 2 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D28 - -4,85 -
Milk 3 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C29 - -4,08 -
Milk 3 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D30 - -7,33 -
Date : 15/07/2020
Tylosine 35 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Tylo35 - room temperature 6 TA - C13 + 3,72 +
Milk 1 Tylo35 - cold 6 4°C - D5 + 4,74 +
Milk 2 Tylo35 - room temperature 6 TA - C12 + 3,67 +
Milk 2 Tylo35 - cold 6 4°C - D14 + 4,27 +
Milk 3 Tylo35 - room temperature 6 TA - C4 + 4,38 +
Milk 3 Tylo35 - cold 6 4°C - D11 + 4,69 + Erythromycin A
Date : 15/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C28 - -5,14 -
Milk 1 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D29 - -8,14 -
Milk 2 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C30 - -6,63 -
Milk 2 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D28 - -4,85 -
Milk 3 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C29 - -4,08 -
Milk 3 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D30 - -7,33 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 15/07/2020
Erythromycine 160 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Erythro160 - room temperature 6 TA - C11 + 4,86 +
Milk 1 Erythro160 - cold 6 4°C - D17 + 5,75 +
Milk 2 Erythro160 - room temperature 6 TA - C20 + 4,1 +
Milk 2 Erythro160 - cold 6 4°C - D23 + 4,65 +
Milk 3 Erythro160 - room temperature 6 TA - C16 + 4,43 +
Milk 3 Erythro160 - cold 6 4°C - D16 + 5,15 + Aminoglycosides : dihydrostreptomycin

Date : 15/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C28 - -5,14 -
Milk 1 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D29 - -8,14 -
Milk 2 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C30 - -6,63 -
Milk 2 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D28 - -4,85 -
Milk 3 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C29 - -4,08 -
Milk 3 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D30 - -7,33 -
Date : 15/07/2020
Dihydrostreptomycine 700 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto700 - room temperature 6 TA - C17 + 5,02 +
Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto700 - cold 6 4°C - D22 + 4,69 +
Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto700 - room temperature 6 TA - C21 + 3,18 +
Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto700 - cold 6 4°C - D15 + 4,23 +
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto700 - room temperature 6 TA - C19 + 4,57 +
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto700 - cold 6 4°C - D13 + 4,9 + Cephalosporins : céfalexine

Date : 15/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C28 - -5,14 -
Milk 1 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D29 - -8,14 -
Milk 2 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C30 - -6,63 -
Milk 2 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D28 - -4,85 -
Milk 3 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C29 - -4,08 -
Milk 3 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D30 - -7,33 -
Date : 15/07/2020
Cefalexine 30 ppb Validated +20%
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Cefal30 - room temperature 6 TA - C23 + 5,39 +
Milk 1 Cefal30 - cold 6 4°C - D24 + 5,35 +
Milk 2 Cefal30 - room temperature 6 TA - C25 + 5,57 +
Milk 2 Cefal30 - cold 6 4°C - D19 + 4,06 +
Milk 3 Cefal30 - room temperature 6 TA - C22 + 5,66 +
Milk 3 Cefal30 - cold 6 4°C - D25 + 4,26 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Lincosamides : lincomycine

Date : 13/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C7 - -6,88 -
Milk 1 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D1 - -7,53 -
Milk 2 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C21 - -3,46 -
Milk 2 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D10 - -3,9 -
Milk 3 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C19 - -4,25 -
Milk 3 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D3 - -5,05 -
Date : 13/07/2020
Lincomycine 275 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Linco275 - room temperature 6 TA - C10 + 3,55 +
Milk 1 Linco275 - cold 6 4°C - D24 + 3,42 +
Milk 2 Linco275 - room temperature 6 TA - C20 + 3,31 +
Milk 2 Linco275 - cold 6 4°C - D21 + 3,38 +
Milk 3 Linco275 - room temperature 6 TA - C18 + 4,3 +
Milk 3 Linco275 - cold 6 4°C - D19 + 3,9 +

2. Results of robustness study for plates

2.1. Influence of protocol
2.1.1. Sample volume Penicillins Amoxicillin
Date : 13/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A17 - -5,22 -
Milk 1 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A2 - -2,4 -
Milk 2 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A20 - -2,96 -
Milk 2 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A3 - -0,41 -
Milk 3 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A23 - -3,63 -
Milk 3 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A9 - -2,28 -

Date : 13/07/2020
Amoxicilline 2 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Amox2 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A3 + 5,14 +
Milk 1 Amox2 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A1 + 7,36 +
Milk 2 Amox2 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A8 + 4,32 +
Milk 2 Amox2 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A8 + 6,53 +
Milk 3 Amox2 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A9 + 3,83 +
Milk 3 Amox2 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A4 + 7,13 + Cloxacillin
Date : 13/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A17 - -5,22 -
Milk 1 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A2 - -2,4 -
Milk 2 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A20 - -2,96 -
Milk 2 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A3 - -0,41 -
Milk 3 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A23 - -3,63 -
Milk 3 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A9 - -2,28 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 13/07/2020
Cloxacilline 10 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Cloxa10 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A12 + 7 +
Milk 1 Cloxa10 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A6 + 5,88 +
Milk 2 Cloxa10 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A15 + 5,76 +
Milk 2 Cloxa10 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A13 + 6,86 +
Milk 3 Cloxa10 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A18 + 6,12 +
Milk 3 Cloxa10 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A11 + 6,65 + Tetracyclines Oxytetracycline
Date : 13/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A17 - -5,22 -
Milk 1 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A2 - -2,4 -
Milk 2 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A20 - -2,96 -
Milk 2 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A3 - -0,41 -
Milk 3 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A23 - -3,63 -
Milk 3 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A9 - -2,28 -

Date : 13/07/2020
Oxytetracycline 110 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Oxytetra110 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A10 + 4,95 +
Milk 1 Oxytetra110 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A20 + 5,27 +
Milk 2 Oxytetra110 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A4 + 4,48 +
Milk 2 Oxytetra110 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A12 + 5,05 +
Milk 3 Oxytetra110 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A6 + 5,27 +
Milk 3 Oxytetra110 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A5 + 6,51 + Chlortetracycline
Date : 13/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A17 - -5,22 -
Milk 1 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A2 - -2,4 -
Milk 2 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A20 - -2,96 -
Milk 2 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A3 - -0,41 -
Milk 3 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A23 - -3,63 -
Milk 3 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A9 - -2,28 -

Date : 13/07/2020
Chlortetracycline 150 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A1 + 5,82 +
Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A7 + 6,37 +
Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A2 + 5,65 +
Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A15 + 6,07 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A5 + 5,58 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A17 + 6,15 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Sulfonamides Sulfadimethoxine
Date : 13/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A17 - -5,22 -
Milk 1 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A2 - -2,4 -
Milk 2 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A20 - -2,96 -
Milk 2 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A3 - -0,41 -
Milk 3 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A23 - -3,63 -
Milk 3 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A9 - -2,28 -

Date : 13/07/2020
Sulfadimethoxine 40 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadimet40 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A7 + 5,78 +
Milk 1 Sulfadimet40 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A18 + 6,5 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet40 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A14 + 5,73 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet40 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A24 + 5,96 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet40 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A11 + 5,81 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet40 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A25 + 5,73 + Sulfadiazine
Date : 15/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A18 - -5,58 -
Milk 1 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B22 - -4,92 -
Milk 2 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A26 - -4,74 -
Milk 2 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B18 - -5,97 -
Milk 3 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A23 - -3,57 -
Milk 3 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B27 - -4,75 -

Date : 15/07/2020
Sulfadiazine 50 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz50 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A2 + 5,22 +
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz50 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B4 + 4,3 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz50 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A3 + 4,72 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz50 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B6 + 4,56 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz50 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A6 + 4,19 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz50 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B1 + 4,05 +
Date : 15/07/2020
Sulfadiazine 55 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz55 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A1 + 5,02 +
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz55 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B4 + 5,61 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz55 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A5 + 5,08 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz55 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B11 + 5,01 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz55 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A10 + 5,02 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz55 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B13 + 4,73 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Macrolides Tylosin A
Date : 15/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A18 - -5,58 -
Milk 1 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B22 - -4,92 -
Milk 2 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A26 - -4,74 -
Milk 2 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B18 - -5,97 -
Milk 3 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A23 - -3,57 -
Milk 3 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B27 - -4,75 -

Date : 15/07/2020
Tylosine 35 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Tylo35 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A15 + 4,22 +
Milk 1 Tylo35 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B5 + 4,5 +
Milk 2 Tylo35 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A7 + 3,33 +
Milk 2 Tylo35 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B2 + 4,62 +
Milk 3 Tylo35 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A2 + 3,83 +
Milk 3 Tylo35 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B6 + 4,69 + Erythromycin A
Date : 15/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A18 - -5,58 -
Milk 1 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B22 - -4,92 -
Milk 2 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A26 - -4,74 -
Milk 2 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B18 - -5,97 -
Milk 3 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A23 - -3,57 -
Milk 3 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B27 - -4,75 -

Date : 15/07/2020
Erythromycine 160 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Erythro160 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A3 + 4,85 +
Milk 1 Erythro160 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B3 + 5,5 +
Milk 2 Erythro160 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A12 + 3,9 +
Milk 2 Erythro160 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B8 + 4,55 +
Milk 3 Erythro160 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A16 + 4,85 +
Milk 3 Erythro160 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B19 + 5,03 + Aminoglycosides : dihydrostreptomycin
Date : 15/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A18 - -5,58 -
Milk 1 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B22 - -4,92 -
Milk 2 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A26 - -4,74 -
Milk 2 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B18 - -5,97 -
Milk 3 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A23 - -3,57 -
Milk 3 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B27 - -4,75 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 15/07/2020
Dihydrostreptomycine 700 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto700 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A13 + 4,73 +
Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto700 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B14 + 5,68 +
Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto700 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A25 + 3,9 +
Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto700 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B15 + 5,04 +
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto700 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A20 + 4,16 +
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto700 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B24 + 4,99 + Cephalosporins : céfalexine
Date : 15/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A18 - -5,58 -
Milk 1 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B22 - -4,92 -
Milk 2 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A26 - -4,74 -
Milk 2 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B18 - -5,97 -
Milk 3 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A23 - -3,57 -
Milk 3 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - B27 - -4,75 -

Date : 15/07/2020
Cefalexine 30 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Cefal30 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A21 + 5,67 +
Milk 1 Cefal30 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B21 + 5,6 +
Milk 2 Cefal30 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A27 + 5,21 +
Milk 2 Cefal30 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B26 + 5,61 +
Milk 3 Cefal30 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A24 + 5,54 +
Milk 3 Cefal30 - 110 µL 6 110µL - B25 + 6,29 + Lincosamides : lincomycine
Date : 13/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A17 - -5,22 -
Milk 1 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A2 - -2,4 -
Milk 2 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A20 - -2,96 -
Milk 2 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A3 - -0,41 -
Milk 3 Neg - 90 µL 6 90µL - A23 - -3,63 -
Milk 3 Neg - 110 µL 6 110µL - A9 - -2,28 -

Date : 13/07/2020
Lincomycine 275 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Linco275 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A16 + 2 +
Milk 1 Linco275 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A23 + 3,98 +
Milk 2 Linco275 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A24 + 2,15 +
Milk 2 Linco275 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A27 + 2,97 +
Milk 3 Linco275 - 90 µL 6 90µL - A21 + 3,37 +
Milk 3 Linco275 - 110 µL 6 110µL - A19 + 3,7 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

2.1.2. Incubation time Penicillins Amoxicillin
Date : 20/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 3h15 6 3h15 - A3 - -12,74 -
Milk 2 Neg - 3h15 6 3h15 - A1 - -13,07 -
Milk 3 Neg - 3h15 6 3h15 - A5 - -14,56 -

Date : 20/07/2020
Amoxicilline 2 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Amox2 - 3h15 6 3h15 - A2 + 5,32 +
Milk 2 Amox2 - 3h15 6 3h15 - A8 + 3,69 +
Milk 3 Amox2 - 3h15 6 3h15 - A6 + 4,19 + Cloxacillin
Date : 20/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 3h15 6 3h15 - A3 - -12,74 -
Milk 2 Neg - 3h15 6 3h15 - A1 - -13,07 -
Milk 3 Neg - 3h15 6 3h15 - A5 - -14,56 -

Date : 20/07/2020
Cloxacilline 30 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Cloxa10 - 3h15 6 3h15 - A7 + 6,43 +
Milk 2 Cloxa10 - 3h15 6 3h15 - A4 + 5,25 +
Milk 3 Cloxa10 - 3h15 6 3h15 - A9 + 5,15 + Tetracyclines Oxytetracycline
Date : 20/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 3h15 6 3h15 - A3 - -12,74 -
Milk 2 Neg - 3h15 6 3h15 - A1 - -13,07 -
Milk 3 Neg - 3h15 6 3h15 - A5 - -14,56 -

Date : 20/07/2020
Oxytetracycline 110 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Oxytetra110 - 3h15 6 3h15 - A11 + 0,52 +
Milk 2 Oxytetra110 - 3h15 6 3h15 - A10 + 0,38 +
Milk 3 Oxytetra110 - 3h15 6 3h15 - A12 + 0,72 + Chlortetracycline
Date : 19/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 3h15 4 3H15 - A1 - -14,35 -
Milk 2 Neg - 3h15 4 3H15 - A10 - -12,77 -
Milk 3 Neg - 3h15 4 3H15 - A8 - -15,13 -

Date : 19/08/2020
Chlortetracycline 150 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - 3h15 4 3H15 - A5 + 1,17 +
Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - 3h15 4 3H15 - A16 + 2,64 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - 3h15 4 3H15 - A20 + 3,86 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Sulfonamides Sulfadimethoxine
Date : 24/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 3h15 5 3h15 - A1 - -16,25 -
Milk 2 Neg - 3h15 5 3h15 - A6 - -14,37 -
Milk 3 Neg - 3h15 5 3h15 - A9 - -14,88 -

Date : 24/08/2020
Sulfadimethoxine 40 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadimet40 - 3h15 5 3h15 - A7 + 3,21 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet40 - 3h15 5 3h15 - A15 + 2,86 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet40 - 3h15 5 3h15 - A10 + 2,25 + Sulfadiazine
Date : 25/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - E6 - -14,65 -
Milk 2 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - E1 - -15,17 -
Milk 3 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - E3 - -15,22 -

Date : 25/08/2020
Sulfadiazine 55 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz55 - 3h15 4 3h15 - A3 + 0,95 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz55 - 3h15 4 3h15 - A8 + 0,9 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz55 - 3h15 4 3h15 - A14 + 2,29 +
Date : 01/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 3h15 5 3h15 - D7 - -13,15 -
Milk 2 Neg - 3h15 5 3h15 - D8 - -13,75 -
Milk 3 Neg - 3h15 5 3h15 - D9 - -15,72 -
Date : 01/09/2020
Sulfadiazine 60 ppb Validated +20%
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz60 - 3h15 5 3h15-D1 + 5,71 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz60 - 3h15 5 3h15-D2 + 5,36 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz60 - 3h15 5 3h15-D3 + 5,75 + Macrolides Tylosin A
Date : 26/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - A1 - -11,99 -
Milk 2 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - A6 - -13,02 -
Milk 3 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - A9 - -15,35 -
Date : 26/08/2020
Tylosine 42 ppb Validated +20%
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Tylo42 - 3h15 4 3h15 - A12 + 3,66 +
Milk 2 Tylo42 - 3h15 4 3h15 - A14 + 2,15 +
Milk 3 Tylo42 - 3h15 4 3h15 - A15 + 2,19 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Erythromycin A
Date : 25/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - E6 - -14,65 -
Milk 2 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - E1 - -15,17 -
Milk 3 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - E3 - -15,22 -
Date : 25/08/2020
Erythromycine 192 ppb Validated +20%
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Erythro192 - 3h15 4 3h15 - E5 + 1,84 +
Milk 2 Erythro192 - 3h15 4 3h15 - E11 + 2,04 +
Milk 3 Erythro192 - 3h15 4 3h15 - E10 + 2,41 + Aminoglycosides : dihydrostreptomycin

Date : 25/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - E6 - -14,65 -
Milk 2 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - E1 - -15,17 -
Milk 3 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - E3 - -15,22 -
Date : 25/08/2020
Dihydrostreptomycine 840 ppb Validated +20%
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto840 - 3h15 4 3h15 - E14 + 2,85 +
Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto840 - 3h15 4 3h15 - E17 + 3,18 +
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto840 - 3h15 4 3h15 - E20 + 3,38 + Cephalosporins : céfalexine

Date : 26/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - A1 - -11,99 -
Milk 2 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - A6 - -13,02 -
Milk 3 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - A9 - -15,35 -
Date : 26/08/2020
Cefalexine 36 ppb Validated +20%
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Cefal36 - 3h15 4 3h15 - A4 + 4,02 +
Milk 2 Cefal36 - 3h15 4 3h15 - A11 + 5,08 +
Milk 3 Cefal36 - 3h15 4 3h15 - A13 + 4,66 + Lincosamides : lincomycine

Date : 26/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - A1 - -11,99 -
Milk 2 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - A6 - -13,02 -
Milk 3 Neg - 3h15 4 3h15 - A9 - -15,35 -
Date : 26/08/2020
Lincomycine 330 ppb Validated +20%
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Linco330 - 3h15 4 3h15 - A3 + 1,74 +
Milk 2 Linco330 - 3h15 4 3h15 - A7 + 0,36 +
Milk 3 Linco330 - 3h15 4 3h15 - A10 + 0,61 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

2.1.3. Incubation temperature Penicillins Amoxicillin
Date : 20/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - A8 - -1,98 -
Milk 1 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - A1 - -7,3 -
Milk 2 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - A4 - -2,64 -
Milk 2 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - A4 - -5,78 -
Milk 3 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - A6 - -5,35 -
Milk 3 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - A8 - -7,02 -
Date : 20/07/2020
Amoxicilline 2 ppb Validated

Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Amox2 - 62° 5 62°C - A2 + 8,94 +

Milk 1 Amox2 - 66° 5 66°C - A5 + 7,82 +
Milk 2 Amox2 - 62° 5 62°C - A1 + 8,41 +
Milk 2 Amox2 - 66° 5 66°C - A9 + 6,98 +
Milk 3 Amox2 - 62° 5 62°C - A14 + 8,08 +
Milk 3 Amox2 - 66° 5 66°C - A3 + 6,74 + Cloxacillin
Date : 20/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - A8 - -1,98 -
Milk 1 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - A1 - -7,3 -
Milk 2 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - A4 - -2,64 -
Milk 2 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - A4 - -5,78 -
Milk 3 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - A6 - -5,35 -
Milk 3 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - A8 - -7,02 -
Date : 20/07/2020
Cloxacilline 10 ppb Validated

Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Cloxa10 - 62° 5 62°C - A3 + 7,93 +

Milk 1 Cloxa10 - 66° 5 66°C - A12 + 4,96 +
Milk 2 Cloxa10 - 62° 5 62°C - A11 + 7,68 +
Milk 2 Cloxa10 - 66° 5 66°C - A15 + 4,01 +
Milk 3 Cloxa10 - 62° 5 62°C - A13 + 7,58 +
Milk 3 Cloxa10 - 66° 5 66°C - A14 + 4,29 + Tetracyclines Oxytetracycline
Date : 20/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - A8 - -1,98 -
Milk 1 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - A1 - -7,3 -
Milk 2 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - A4 - -2,64 -
Milk 2 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - A4 - -5,78 -
Milk 3 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - A6 - -5,35 -
Milk 3 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - A8 - -7,02 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 20/07/2020
Oxytetracycline 80 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Oxytetra80 - 62° 5 62°C - A7 + 5,72 +
Milk 1 Oxytetra80 - 66° 5 66°C - A2 + 4,07 +
Milk 2 Oxytetra80 - 62° 5 62°C - A5 + 5,19 +
Milk 2 Oxytetra80 - 66° 5 66°C - A10 + 3,34 +
Milk 3 Oxytetra80 - 62° 5 62°C - A9 + 5,2 +
Milk 3 Oxytetra80 - 66° 5 66°C - A6 + 4,84 + Chlortetracycline
Date : 22/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - B1 - -3,33 -
Milk 1 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - C2 - -7,05 -
Milk 2 Neg - 62°C 4 62°C - A1 - -2,37 -
Milk 2 Neg - 66°C 4 66°C - A7 - -2,82 -
Milk 3 Neg - 62°C 4 62°C - A4 - -2,52 -
Milk 3 Neg - 66°C 4 66°C - A5 - -3,13 -

Date : 22/07/2020
Chlortetracycline 150 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - 62°C 5 62°C - B9 + 6,95 +
Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - 66°C 5 66°C - C7 + 5,74 +
Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - 62° 4 62°C - A6 + 7,11 +
Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - 66° 4 66°C - A2 + 6,35 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - 62° 4 62°C - A8 + 6,84 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - 66° 4 66°C - A8 + 4,82 + Sulfonamides Sulfadimethoxine
Date : 22/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - B1 - -3,33 -
Milk 1 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - C2 - -7,05 -
Milk 2 Neg - 62°C 4 62°C - A1 - -2,37 -
Milk 2 Neg - 66°C 4 66°C - A7 - -2,82 -
Milk 3 Neg - 62°C 4 62°C - A4 - -2,52 -
Milk 3 Neg - 66°C 4 66°C - A5 - -3,13 -

Date : 22/07/2020
Sulfadimethoxine 40 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadimet40 - 62°C 5 62°C - B2 + 4,86 +
Milk 1 Sulfadimet40 - 66°C 5 66°C - C1 + 3,81 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet40 - 62° 4 62°C - A9 + 5,69 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet40 - 66° 4 66°C - A9 + 5,05 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet40 - 62° 4 62°C - A5 + 5,88 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet40 - 66° 4 66°C - A1 + 5,56 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Sulfadiazine
Date : 24/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - B1 - -3,33 -
Milk 1 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - C2 - -7,05 -
Milk 2 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - B4 - -3,86 -
Milk 2 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - C3 - -7,99 -
Milk 3 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - B6 - -2,7 -
Milk 3 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - C4 - -7,28 -
Date : 24/08/2020
Sulfadiazine 50 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz50 - 62°C 5 62°C - B8 + 5,35 +
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz50 - 66°C 5 66°C - C9 + 3,77 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz50 - 62°C 5 62°C - B11 + 5,83 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz50 - 66°C 5 66°C - C5 + 2,82 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz50 - 62°C 5 62°C - B10 + 6,23 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz50 - 66°C 5 66°C - C10 + 4,04 + Macrolides Tylosin A
Date : 25/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - A2 - -5,75 -
Milk 1 Neg - 66°C 4 66°C - C4 - -7,77 -
Milk 2 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - A6 - -3,37 -
Milk 2 Neg - 66°C 4 66°C - C1 - -10,76 -
Milk 3 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - A3 - -5,68 -
Milk 3 Neg - 66°C 4 66°C - C2 - -10,28 -

Date : 25/08/2020 Validated 66°C +20%

Tylosine 35 ppb and 42 ppb Validated 62°C
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Tylo35 - 62°C 5 62°C - A1 + 1,35 +
Milk 1 Tylo42 - 66°C 4 66°C - C6 + 4,03 +
Milk 2 Tylo35 - 62°C 5 62°C - A5 + 2,73 +
Milk 2 Tylo42 - 66°C 4 66°C - C8 + 2,94 +
Milk 3 Tylo35 - 62°C 5 62°C - A4 + 2,89 +
Milk 3 Tylo42 - 66°C 4 66°C - C7 + 3,63 + Erythromycin A
Date : 25/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - A2 - -5,75 -
Milk 1 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - B1 - -9,08 -
Milk 2 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - A6 - -3,37 -
Milk 2 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - B10 - -8,32 -
Milk 3 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - A3 - -5,68 -
Milk 3 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - B7 - 7,53 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 25/08/2020
Erythromycine A (6 éch) 200 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Erythro200 - 62°C 5 62°CC - A7 + 5,5 +
Milk 1 Erythro200 - 66°C 5 66°CC - B4 + 1,85 +
Milk 2 Erythro200 - 62°C 5 62°CC - A9 + 5,17 +
Milk 2 Erythro200 - 66°C 5 66°CC - B9 + 2,34 +
Milk 3 Erythro200 - 62°C 5 62°CC - A11 + 5,26 +
Milk 3 Erythro200 - 66°C 5 66°CC - B11 + 3,16 + Aminoglycosides : dihydrostreptomycin

Date : 25/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - A2 - -5,75 -
Milk 1 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - B1 - -9,08 -
Milk 2 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - A6 - -3,37 -
Milk 2 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - B10 - -8,32 -
Milk 3 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - A3 - -5,68 -
Milk 3 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - B7 - 7,53 -
Date : 25/08/2020
Dihydrostreptomycine 800 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto800 - 62°C 5 62°CC - A14 + 1,99 +
Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto800 - 66°C 5 66°CC - B17 + 4,46 +
Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto800 - 62°C 5 62°CC - A17 + 1,96 +
Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto800 - 66°C 5 66°CC - B13 + 4,69 +
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto800 - 62°C 5 62°CC - A19 + 2,54 +
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto800 - 66°C 5 66°CC - B18 + 5,17 + Cephalosporins : céfalexine

Date : 26/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 62°C 4 62°C - B1 - -5,87 -
Milk 1 Neg - 66°C 8 66°C-E5 - -7,25 -
Milk 2 Neg - 62°C 4 62°C - B2 - -6,7 -
Milk 2 Neg - 66°C 8 66°C-E1 - -7,1 -
Milk 3 Neg - 62°C 4 62°C - B3 - -7,77 -
Milk 3 Neg - 66°C 8 66°C-E3 - -6,39 -

Date : 26/08/2020 Validated 62°C

Cefalexine 30 ppb and 36 ppb Validated +20% 66°C
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Cefal30 - 62°C 4 62°C - B4 + 6,88 +
Milk 1 Cefal36 - 66°C 8 66°C-E2 + 4,44 +
Milk 2 Cefal30 - 62°C 4 62°C - B8 + 7,48 +
Milk 2 Cefal36 - 66°C 8 66°C-E6 + 7,96 +
Milk 3 Cefal30 - 62°C 4 62°C - B6 + 7,76 +
Milk 3 Cefal36 - 66°C 8 66°C-E4 + 4,27 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Lincosamides : lincomycine

Date : 12/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - D8 - -0,17 -
Milk 1 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - E1 - -4,85 -
Milk 2 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - D1 - -2,21 -
Milk 2 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - E6 - -5 -
Milk 3 Neg - 62°C 5 62°C - D3 - -1,03 -
Milk 3 Neg - 66°C 5 66°C - E9 - -4,86 -
Date : 12/08/2020
Lincomycine 220 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Linco220 - 62°C 5 62°C - D2 + 3,46 +
Milk 1 Linco220 - 66°C 5 66°C - E4 + 1,72 +
Milk 2 Linco220 - 62°C 5 62°C - D5 + 3,98 +
Milk 2 Linco220 - 66°C 5 66°C - E5 + 2,26 +
Milk 3 Linco220 - 62°C 5 62°C - D6 + 4,62 +
Milk 3 Linco220 - 66°C 5 66°C - E3 + 1,04 +

2.1.4. Delay of reading Penicillins Amoxicillin
Date : 20/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 4°C 5 4°C - A9 - -9,21 -
Milk 1 Neg - TA 5 TA - A1 - -10,56 -
Milk 2 Neg - 4°C 5 4°C - A11 - -8,68 -
Milk 2 Neg - TA 5 TA - A4 - -9,1 -
Milk 3 Neg - 4°C 5 4°C - A14 - -10,6 -
Milk 3 Neg - TA 5 TA - A9 - -10,38 -
Date : 20/07/2020
Amoxicilline 2 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Amox2 - 4°C 5 4°C - A7 + 6,38 +
Milk 1 Amox2 - TA 5 TA - A2 + 8,06 +
Milk 2 Amox2 - 4°C 5 4°C - A1 + 5,13 +
Milk 2 Amox2 - TA 5 TA - A6 + 7,31 +
Milk 3 Amox2 - 4°C 5 4°C - A12 + 6,28 +
Milk 3 Amox2 - TA 5 TA - A3 + 7,04 + Cloxacillin
Date : 13/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C7 - -6,13 -
Milk 1 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D1 - -6,91 -
Milk 2 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C21 - -6,74 -
Milk 2 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D10 - -6,06 -
Milk 3 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C19 - -5,72 -
Milk 3 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D3 - -5,12 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 13/07/2020
Cloxacilline 12 ppb Validated +20%
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Cloxa12 - 4°C 5 4°C - C11 + 6,7 +
Milk 1 Cloxa12 - TA 5 TA - D11 + 7,34 +
Milk 2 Cloxa12 - 4°C 5 4°C - C12 + 6,38 +
Milk 2 Cloxa12 - TA 5 TA - D13 + 6,56 +
Milk 3 Cloxa12 - 4°C 5 4°C - C13 + 6,74 +
Milk 3 Cloxa12 - TA 5 TA - D12 + 5,96 + Tetracyclines Oxytetracycline
Date : 20/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 4°C 5 4°C - A9 - -9,21 -
Milk 1 Neg - TA 5 TA - A1 - -10,56 -
Milk 2 Neg - 4°C 5 4°C - A11 - -8,68 -
Milk 2 Neg - TA 5 TA - A4 - -9,1 -
Milk 3 Neg - 4°C 5 4°C - A14 - -10,6 -
Milk 3 Neg - TA 5 TA - A9 - -10,38 -
Date : 20/07/2020
Oxytetracycline 80 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Oxytetra80 - 4°C 5 4°C - A8 + 3 +
Milk 1 Oxytetra80 - TA 5 TA - A5 + 5,08 +
Milk 2 Oxytetra80 - 4°C 5 4°C - A15 + 2,2 +
Milk 2 Oxytetra80 - TA 5 TA - A10 + 2,74 +
Milk 3 Oxytetra80 - 4°C 5 4°C - A10 + 2,72 +
Milk 3 Oxytetra80 - TA 5 TA - A11 + 3,48 + Chlortetracycline
Date : 22/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 4°C 5 4°C - B1 - -7,71 -
Milk 1 Neg - TA 5 TA - C4 - -5,22 -
Milk 2 Neg - 4°C 4 4°C - A6 - -4,37 -
Milk 2 Neg - TA 4 TA - A7 - -4,56 -
Milk 3 Neg - 4°C 4 4°C - A2 - -4,8 -
Milk 3 Neg - TA 4 TA - A3 - -4,88 -

Date : 22/07/2020
Chlortetracycline 150 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - 4°C 5 4°C - B12 + 4,68 +
Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - TA 5 TA - C13 + 5,36 +
Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - 4°C 4 4°C - A4 + 6,57 +
Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - TA 4 TA - A4 + 5,39 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - 4°C 4 4°C - A7 + 6,21 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - TA 4 TA - A5 + 5,91 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Sulfonamides Sulfadimethoxine
Date : 22/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 4°C 5 4°C - B1 - -7,71 -
Milk 1 Neg - TA 5 TA - C4 - -5,22 -
Milk 2 Neg - 4°C 4 4°C - A6 - -4,37 -
Milk 2 Neg - TA 4 TA - A7 - -4,56 -
Milk 3 Neg - 4°C 4 4°C - A2 - -4,8 -
Milk 3 Neg - TA 4 TA - A3 - -4,88 -

Date : 22/07/2020
Sulfadimethoxine 40 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadimet40 - 4°C 5 4°C - C9 + 4,95 +
Milk 1 Sulfadimet40 - TA 5 TA - D10 + 5,6 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet40 - 4°C 4 4°C - A3 + 5,48 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet40 - TA 4 TA - A8 + 5,18 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet40 - 4°C 4 4°C - A5 + 5,61 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet40 - TA 4 TA - A2 + 4,87 + Sulfadiazine
Date : 15/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - room temperature 5 TA - C28 - -5,27 -
Milk 1 Neg - cold 5 4°C - D29 - -5,71 -
Milk 2 Neg - room temperature 5 TA - C30 - -4,22 -
Milk 2 Neg - cold 5 4°C - D28 - -5,58 -
Milk 3 Neg - room temperature 5 TA - C29 - -4,98 -
Milk 3 Neg - cold 5 4°C - D30 - -4,91 -
Date : 15/07/2020
Sulfadiazine 50 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz50 - 4°C 5 4°C - C2 + 2,36 +
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz50 - TA 5 TA - D5 + 3,69 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz50 - 4°C 5 4°C - C7 + 3,88 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz50 - TA 5 TA - D3 + 5,07 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz50 - 4°C 5 4°C - C10 + 4,91 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz50 - TA 5 TA - D7 + 4,49 + Macrolides Tylosin A
Date : 26/08/2020
Tylosine 42 ppb Validated +20%
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Tylo42 - 4°C 4 4°C - E9 + 3,46 +
Milk 1 Tylo42 - TA 4 TA - D7 + 2,67 +
Milk 2 Tylo42 - 4°C 4 4°C - E7 + 5,09 +
Milk 2 Tylo42 - TA 4 TA - D8 + 3,07 +
Milk 3 Tylo42 - 4°C 4 4°C - E8 + 2,96 +
Milk 3 Tylo42 - TA 4 TA - D9 + 3,71 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 26/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 4°C 4 4°C - E1 - -6,84 -
Milk 1 Neg - TA 4 TA - D1 - -6,45 -
Milk 2 Neg - 4°C 4 4°C - E4 - -6,81 -
Milk 2 Neg - TA 4 TA - D6 - -7,59 -
Milk 3 Neg - 4°C 4 4°C - E6 - -5,91 -
Milk 3 Neg - TA 4 TA - D3 - -6,86 - Erythromycin A
Date : 15/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - room temperature 5 TA - C28 - -5,27 -
Milk 1 Neg - cold 5 4°C - D29 - -5,71 -
Milk 2 Neg - room temperature 5 TA - C30 - -4,22 -
Milk 2 Neg - cold 5 4°C - D28 - -5,58 -
Milk 3 Neg - room temperature 5 TA - C29 - -4,98 -
Milk 3 Neg - cold 5 4°C - D30 - -4,91 -
Date : 15/07/2020
Erythromycine 200 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Erythro200 - 4°C 5 4°C - B13 + 3,79 +
Milk 1 Erythro200 - TA 5 TA - C16 + 3,54 +
Milk 2 Erythro200 - 4°C 5 4°C - B15 + 4,27 +
Milk 2 Erythro200 - TA 5 TA - C18 + 4,8 +
Milk 3 Erythro200 - 4°C 5 4°C - B17 + 4,52 +
Milk 3 Erythro200 - TA 5 TA - C17 + 4,58 + Aminoglycosides : dihydrostreptomycin

Date : 19/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 4°C 5 4°C - B1 - -7,71 -
Milk 1 Neg - TA 5 TA - C4 - -5,22 -
Milk 2 Neg - 4°C 5 4°C - B5 - -5,85 -
Milk 2 Neg - TA 5 TA - C5 - -4,87 -
Milk 3 Neg - 4°C 5 4°C - B6 - -7,07 -
Milk 3 Neg - TA 5 TA - C6 - -5,66 -
Date : 19/08/2020
Dihydrostreptomycine 800 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto800 - 4°C 5 4°C - B2 + 1,53 +
Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto800 - TA 5 TA - C12 + 2,02 +
Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto800 - 4°C 5 4°C - B9 + 4,08 +
Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto800 - TA 5 TA - C10 + 3,81 +
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto800 - 4°C 5 4°C - B11 + 2,67 +
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto800 - TA 5 TA - C7 + 3,27 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Cephalosporins : céfalexine

Date : 19/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 4°C 5 4°C - B1 - -7,71 -
Milk 1 Neg - TA 5 TA - C4 - -5,22 -
Milk 2 Neg - 4°C 5 4°C - B5 - -5,85 -
Milk 2 Neg - TA 5 TA - C5 - -4,87 -
Milk 3 Neg - 4°C 5 4°C - B6 - -7,07 -
Milk 3 Neg - TA 5 TA - C6 - -5,66 -
Date : 19/08/2020
Cefalexine 30 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Cefal30 - 4°C 5 4°C - B3 + 4,78 +
Milk 1 Cefal30 - TA 5 TA - C2 + 6,43 +
Milk 2 Cefal30 - 4°C 5 4°C - B7 + 6,68 +
Milk 2 Cefal30 - TA 5 TA - C3 + 6,48 +
Milk 3 Cefal30 - 4°C 5 4°C - B8 + 5,69 +
Milk 3 Cefal30 - TA 5 TA - C1 + 5,38 + Lincosamides : lincomycine

Date : 26/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - 4°C 4 4°C - E1 - -6,84 -
Milk 1 Neg - TA 4 TA - D1 - -6,45 -
Milk 2 Neg - 4°C 4 4°C - E4 - -6,81 -
Milk 2 Neg - TA 4 TA - D6 - -7,59 -
Milk 3 Neg - 4°C 4 4°C - E6 - -5,91 -
Milk 3 Neg - TA 4 TA - D3 - -6,86 -
Date : 26/08/2020
Lincomycine 264 ppb Validated +20%
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Linco264 - 4°C 4 4°C - E2 + 3,53 +
Milk 1 Linco264 - TA 4 TA - D2 + 2,05 +
Milk 2 Linco264 - 4°C 4 4°C - E5 + 1,98 +
Milk 2 Linco264 - TA 4 TA - D5 + 1,04 +
Milk 3 Linco264 - 4°C 4 4°C - E3 + 2,31 +
Milk 3 Linco264 - TA 4 TA - D4 + 0,77 +

2.2. Matrix quality

2.2.1. pH Penicillins Amoxicillin
Date : 02/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - weak pH 5 pH faible - A1 - -11,14 -
Milk 1 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B7 - -4,58 -
Milk 2 Neg - weak pH 5 pH faible - A13 - -8,55 -
Milk 2 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B8 - -4,2 -
Milk 3 Neg - weak pH 5 pH faible - A15 - -9,04 -
Milk 3 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B27 - -3,25 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 02/09/2020
Amoxicilline 2 ppb Validated

Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Amox2 - weak pH 5 pH faible - A5 + 3,66 +

Milk 1 Amox2 - high pH 5 pH fort - B4 + 11,4 +
Milk 2 Amox2 - weak pH 5 pH faible - A12 + 2,47 +
Milk 2 Amox2 - high pH 5 pH fort - B25 + 11,85 +
Milk 3 Amox2 - weak pH 5 pH faible - A14 + 2,35 +
Milk 3 Amox2 - high pH 5 pH fort - B26 + 12,21 + Cloxacillin
Date : 02/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - weak pH 5 pH faible - A1 - -11,14 -
Milk 1 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B7 - -4,58 -
Milk 2 Neg - weak pH 5 pH faible - A13 - -8,55 -
Milk 2 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B8 - -4,2 -
Milk 3 Neg - weak pH 5 pH faible - A15 - -9,04 -
Milk 3 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B27 - -3,25 -
Date : 02/09/2020
Cloxacilline 10 ppb Validated

Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading

Milk 1 Cloxa10 - weak pH 5 pH faible - A7 + 1,97 +

Milk 1 Cloxa10 - high pH 5 pH fort - B23 + 11,4 +
Milk 2 Cloxa10 - weak pH 5 pH faible - A4 + 1,95 +
Milk 2 Cloxa10 - high pH 5 pH fort - B3 + 10,96 +
Milk 3 Cloxa10 - weak pH 5 pH faible - A9 + 1,59 +
Milk 3 Cloxa10 - high pH 5 pH fort - B21 + 3,46 + Tetracyclines Oxytetracycline
Date : 02/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - weak pH 8 pH-D5 - -9,14 -
Milk 1 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B7 - -4,58 -
Milk 2 Neg - weak pH 8 pH-D9 - -7,85 -
Milk 2 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B8 - -4,2 -
Milk 3 Neg - weak pH 8 pH-D1 - -8,28 -
Milk 3 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B27 - -3,25 -
Date : 02/09/2020
Oxytetracycline 80 ppb and 96 ppb Validated high pH and weak pH +20%
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Oxytera96 - weak pH 8 pH-D11 + 1,96 +
Milk 1 Oxytetra80 - high pH 5 pH fort - B1 + 4,58 +
Milk 2 Oxytera96 - weak pH 8 pH-D14 + 2,5 +
Milk 2 Oxytetra80 - high pH 5 pH fort - B13 + 5,47 +
Milk 3 Oxytera96 - weak pH 8 pH-D10 + 3,44 +
Milk 3 Oxytetra80 - high pH 5 pH fort - B5 + 5,68 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Chlortetracycline
Date : 02/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - weak pH 5 pH faible - A1 - -11,14 -
Milk 1 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B7 - -4,58 -
Milk 2 Neg - weak pH 5 pH faible - A13 - -8,55 -
Milk 2 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B8 - -4,2 -
Milk 3 Neg - weak pH 5 pH faible - A15 - -9,04 -
Milk 3 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B27 - -3,25 -
Date : 02/09/2020
Chlortetracycline 150 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - weak pH 5 pH faible - A16 + 2,99 +
Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - high pH 5 pH fort - B18 + 8,3 +
Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - weak pH 5 pH faible - A23 + 3,37 +
Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - high pH 5 pH fort - B6 + 6,51 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - weak pH 5 pH faible - A21 + 3,46 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - high pH 5 pH fort - B20 + 8,11 + Sulfonamides Sulfadimethoxine
Date : 02/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - weak pH 8 pH-D5 - -9,14 -
Milk 1 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B7 - -4,58 -
Milk 2 Neg - weak pH 8 pH-D9 - -7,85 -
Milk 2 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B8 - -4,2 -
Milk 3 Neg - weak pH 8 pH-D1 - -8,28 -
Milk 3 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B27 - -3,25 -
Date : 02/09/2020
Sulfadimethoxine 40 ppb and 48ppb Validated high pH and +20% weak pH
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadimet48 - weak pH 8 pH-D15 + 0,19 +
Milk 1 Sulfadimet40 - high pH 5 pH fort - B10 + 9,26 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet48 - weak pH 8 pH-D2 + 1,3 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet40 - high pH 5 pH fort - B16 + 10,23 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet48 - weak pH 8 pH-D12 + 2,86 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet40 - high pH 5 pH fort - B9 + 8,97 + Sulfadiazine
Date : 01/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - weak pH 8 pH-D5 - -9,14 -
Milk 1 Neg - high pH 8 pH fort - B2 - -7,47 -
Milk 2 Neg - weak pH 8 pH-D9 - -7,85 -
Milk 2 Neg - high pH 8 pH fort - B13 - -5,43 -
Milk 3 Neg - weak pH 8 pH-D1 - -8,28 -
Milk 3 Neg - high pH 8 pH fort - B18 - -3,35 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 01/09/2020
Sulfadiazine 50 ppb Validated high pH and +20% weak pH
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz60 - weak pH 8 pH-D21 + 1,21 +
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz50 - high pH 8 pH fort - B5 + 9,08 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz60 - weak pH 8 pH-D7 + 0,09 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz50 - high pH 8 pH fort - B4 + 7,26 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz60 - weak pH 8 pH-D20 + 1,28 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz50 - high pH 8 pH fort - B6 + 9,33 + Macrolides Tylosin A
Date : 01/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - weak pH 4 pH-D1 - -11,16 -
Milk 1 Neg - high pH 8 pH fort - B2 - -7,47 -
Milk 2 Neg - weak pH 4 pH-D8 - -9,18 -
Milk 2 Neg - high pH 8 pH fort - B13 - -5,43 -
Milk 3 Neg - weak pH 4 pH-D2 - -10,67 -
Milk 3 Neg - high pH 8 pH fort - B18 - -3,35 -
Date : 01/09/2020 Not Validated weak pH
Tylosine 35 ppb and 42ppb Validated high pH
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Tylo42 - weak pH 4 pH-D11 - -5,38 -
Milk 1 Tylo35 - high pH 8 pH fort - B8 + 8,99 +
Milk 2 Tylo42 - weak pH 4 pH-D5 - -5,47 -
Milk 2 Tylo35 - high pH 8 pH fort - B10 + 9,13 +
Milk 3 Tylo42 - weak pH 4 pH-D9 - -4,33 -
Milk 3 Tylo35 - high pH 8 pH fort - B9 + 9,84 + Erythromycin A
Date : 01/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - weak pH 4 pH-D1 - -11,16 -
Milk 1 Neg - high pH 8 pH fort - B2 - -7,47 -
Milk 2 Neg - weak pH 4 pH-D8 - -9,18 -
Milk 2 Neg - high pH 8 pH fort - B13 - -5,43 -
Milk 3 Neg - weak pH 4 pH-D2 - -10,67 -
Milk 3 Neg - high pH 8 pH fort - B18 - -3,35 -
Date : 01/09/2020 Not Validated weak pH
Erythromycine 200 ppb and 240 ppb Validated high pH
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Erythro240 - pH weak 4 pH-D6 - -4,77 -
Milk 1 Erythro200 - pH high 8 pH fort - B15 + 9,06 +
Milk 2 Erythro240 - pH weak 4 pH-D15 - -3,13 -
Milk 2 Erythro200 - pH high 8 pH fort - B22 + 11,03 +
Milk 3 Erythro240 - pH weak 4 pH-D3 - -4,21 -
Milk 3 Erythro200 - pH high 8 pH fort - B17 + 10,59 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Aminoglycosides : dihydrostreptomycin

Date : 01/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - weak pH 4 pH-D1 - -11,16 -
Milk 1 Neg - high pH 8 pH fort - B2 - -7,47 -
Milk 2 Neg - weak pH 4 pH-D8 - -9,18 -
Milk 2 Neg - high pH 8 pH fort - B13 - -5,43 -
Milk 3 Neg - weak pH 4 pH-D2 - -10,67 -
Milk 3 Neg - high pH 8 pH fort - B18 - -3,35 -
Date : 01/09/2020 Not Validated weak pH
Dihydrostreptomycine 800 ppb and 960 ppb Validated high pH
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto960 - weak pH 4 pH-D16 - -5,65 -
Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto800 - high pH 8 pH fort - B19 + 10,52 +
Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto960 - weak pH 4 pH-D10 - -4,46 -
Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto800 - high pH 8 pH fort - B16 + 10,1 +
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto960 - weak pH 4 pH-D17 - -3,35 -
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto800 - high pH 8 pH fort - B23 + 10,84 + Cephalosporins : cefalexine

Date : 01/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - weak pH 8 pH faible - A1 - -11,04 -
Milk 1 Neg - high pH 8 pH fort - B2 - -7,47 -
Milk 2 Neg - weak pH 8 pH faible - A5 - -9,23 -
Milk 2 Neg - high pH 8 pH fort - B13 - -5,43 -
Milk 3 Neg - weak pH 8 pH faible - A2 - -10,68 -
Milk 3 Neg - high pH 8 pH fort - B18 - -3,35 -
Date : 01/09/2020
Cefalexine 30 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Cefal30 - weak pH 8 pH faible - A25 + 2 +
Milk 1 Cefal30 - high pH 8 pH fort - B26 + 7,86 +
Milk 2 Cefal30 - weak pH 8 pH faible - A26 + 3,32 +
Milk 2 Cefal30 - high pH 8 pH fort - B25 + 8,12 +
Milk 3 Cefal30 - weak pH 8 pH faible - A27 + 3,47 +
Milk 3 Cefal30 - high pH 8 pH fort - B27 + 8,95 + Lincosamides : lincomycine

Date : 02/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - weak pH 8 pH-D5 - -9,14 -
Milk 1 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B7 - -4,58 -
Milk 2 Neg - weak pH 8 pH-D9 - -7,85 -
Milk 2 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B8 - -4,2 -
Milk 3 Neg - weak pH 8 pH-D1 - -8,28 -
Milk 3 Neg - high pH 5 pH fort - B27 - -3,25 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 02/09/2020 Not Validated weak pH

Lincomycine 220 ppb Validated high pH
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Linco264 - weak pH 8 pH-D7 - -6,41 -
Milk 1 Linco220 - high pH 5 pH fort - B11 + 6,98 +
Milk 2 Linco264 - weak pH 8 pH-D4 - -3,49 -
Milk 2 Linco220 - high pH 5 pH fort - B19 + 8,62 +
Milk 3 Linco264 - weak pH 8 pH-D8 - -4,91 -
Milk 3 Linco220 - high pH 5 pH fort - B15 + 8,77 +

2.2.2. Total Bacteria Count Penicillins Amoxicillin
Date : 02/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C10 - -6,99 -
Milk 2 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C1 - -7,98 -
Milk 3 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C3 - -6,77 -
Date : 02/09/2020
Amoxicilline 2 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Amox2 - high TBC 5 Mat - C2 + 8,13 +
Milk 2 Amox2 - high TBC 5 Mat - C8 + 9,77 +
Milk 3 Amox2 - high TBC 5 Mat - C7 + 10,43 + Cloxacillin
Date : 02/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C10 - -6,99 -
Milk 2 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C1 - -7,98 -
Milk 3 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C3 - -6,77 -
Date : 02/09/2020
Cloxacilline 30 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Cloxa10 - high TBC 5 Mat - C14 + 8,34 +
Milk 2 Cloxa10 - high TBC 5 Mat - C6 + 10,02 +
Milk 3 Cloxa10 - high TBC 5 Mat - C12 + 7,91 + Tetracyclines Oxytetracycline
Date : 02/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C10 - -6,99 -
Milk 2 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C1 - -7,98 -
Milk 3 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C3 - -6,77 -
Date : 02/09/2020
Oxytetracycline 80 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Oxytetra80 - high TBC 5 Mat - C4 + 3,57 +
Milk 2 Oxytetra80 - high TBC 5 Mat - C13 + 5,09 +
Milk 3 Oxytetra80 - high TBC 5 Mat - C9 + 2,34 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Chlortetracycline
Date : 02/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C10 - -6,99 -
Milk 2 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C1 - -7,98 -
Milk 3 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C3 - -6,77 -
Date : 02/09/2020
Chlortetracycline 150 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - high TBC 5 Mat - C20 + 5,74 +
Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - high TBC 5 Mat - C5 + 7,06 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - high TBC 5 Mat - C24 + 5,61 + Sulfonamides Sulfadimethoxine
Date : 02/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C10 - -6,99 -
Milk 2 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C1 - -7,98 -
Milk 3 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C3 - -6,77 -
Date : 02/09/2020
Sulfadimethoxine 40 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadimet40 - high TBC 5 Mat - C25 + 3,92 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet40 - high TBC 5 Mat - C18 + 5,32 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet40 - high TBC 5 Mat - C22 + 3,13 + Sulfadiazine
Date : 01/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - high TBC 8 Mat - C14 - -7,86 -
Milk 2 Neg - high TBC 8 Mat - C1 - -8,72 -
Milk 3 Neg - high TBC 8 Mat - C11 - -7,11 -
Date : 01/09/2020
Sulfadiazine 50 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz50 - high TBC 8 Mat - C4 + 4,51 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz50 - high TBC 8 Mat - C8 + 4,79 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz50 - high TBC 8 Mat - C3 + 3,83 + Macrolides Tylosin A
Date : 01/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - high TBC 8 Mat - C14 - -7,86 -
Milk 2 Neg - high TBC 8 Mat - C1 - -8,72 -
Milk 3 Neg - high TBC 8 Mat - C11 - -7,11 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 01/09/2020
Tylosine 35 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Tylo35 - high TBC 8 Mat - C12 + 4,49 +
Milk 2 Tylo35 - high TBC 8 Mat - C13 + 2,41 +
Milk 3 Tylo35 - high TBC 8 Mat - C7 + 4,71 + Erythromycin A
Date : 01/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - high TBC 8 Mat - C14 - -7,86 -
Milk 2 Neg - high TBC 8 Mat - C1 - -8,72 -
Milk 3 Neg - high TBC 8 Mat - C11 - -7,11 -
Date : 01/09/2020
Erythromycine A (3 éch) 200 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Erythro200 - high TBC 8 Mat - C19 + 6,59 +
Milk 2 Erythro200 - high TBC 8 Mat - C9 + 5,58 +
Milk 3 Erythro200 - high TBC 8 Mat - C16 + 5,79 + Aminoglycosides : dihydrostreptomycin
Date : 01/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - high TBC 8 Mat - C14 - -7,86 -
Milk 2 Neg - high TBC 8 Mat - C1 - -8,72 -
Milk 3 Neg - high TBC 8 Mat - C11 - -7,11 -
Date : 01/09/2020
Dihydrostreptomycine 800 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto800 - high TBC 8 Mat - C21 + 6,77 +
Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto800 - high TBC 8 Mat - C20 + 6,25 +
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto800 - high TBC 8 Mat - C22 + 7,42 + Cephalosporins : céfalexine

Date : 01/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - high TBC 8 Mat - C14 - -7,86 -
Milk 2 Neg - high TBC 8 Mat - C1 - -8,72 -
Milk 3 Neg - high TBC 8 Mat - C11 - -7,11 -
Date : 01/09/2020
Cefalexine 30 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Cefal30 - high TBC 8 Mat - C25 + 6,4 +
Milk 2 Cefal30 - high TBC 8 Mat - C27 + 6,81 +
Milk 3 Cefal30 - high TBC 8 Mat - C24 + 5,47 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Lincosamides : lincomycine

Date : 02/09/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C10 - -6,99 -
Milk 2 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C1 - -7,98 -
Milk 3 Neg - high TBC 5 Mat - C3 - -6,77 -
Date : 02/09/2020
Lincomycine 220 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Linco220 - high TBC 5 Mat - C16 + 1,56 +
Milk 2 Linco220 - high TBC 5 Mat - C21 + 0,47 +
Milk 3 Linco220 - high TBC 5 Mat - C23 + 1,16 +
2.2.3. Frozen milk Penicillins Amoxicillin
Date : 07/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - frozen 4 1-A4 - -4,71 -
Milk 2 Neg - frozen 4 2-B2 - -5,26 -
Milk 3 Neg - frozen 4 3-C8 - -8,02 -
Date : 07/08/2020
Amoxicilline 2 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Amox2 - frozen 4 1-A1 + 7,48 +
Milk 2 Amox2 - frozen 4 2-B4 + 7,83 +
Milk 3 Amox2 - frozen 4 3-C9 + 7,81 + Cloxacillin

Date : 14/08/2020
Cloxacilline 10 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Cloxa10 - frozen 4 1-D2 + 5,86 +
Milk 2 Cloxa10 - frozen 4 2-E9 + 6,52 +
Milk 3 Cloxa10 - frozen 4 3-F9 + 5,77 + Tetracyclines Oxytetracycline
Date : 07/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - frozen 4 1-A4 - -4,71 -
Milk 2 Neg - frozen 4 2-B2 - -5,26 -
Milk 3 Neg - frozen 4 3-C8 - -8,02 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 07/08/2020
Oxytetracycline 80 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Oxytetra80 - frozen 4 1-A2 + 4,35 +
Milk 2 Oxytetra80 - frozen 4 2-B1 + 2,41 +
Milk 3 Oxytetra80 - frozen 4 3-C5 + 4,14 + Chlortetracycline

Date : 14/08/2020
Chlortetracycline 150 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - frozen 4 1-D9 + 5,92 +
Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - frozen 4 2-E8 + 5,46 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - frozen 4 3-F8 + 5,82 + Sulfonamides Sulfadimethoxine
Date : 07/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - frozen 4 1-A4 - -4,71 -
Milk 2 Neg - frozen 4 2-B2 - -5,26 -
Milk 3 Neg - frozen 4 3-C8 - -8,02 -
Date : 07/08/2020
Sulfadimethoxine 40 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadimet40 - frozen 4 1-A3 + 5,4 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet40 - frozen 4 2-B5 + 5,5 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet40 - frozen 4 3-C3 + 5,3 + Sulfadiazine

Date : 14/08/2020
Sulfadiazine 50 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz50 - frozen 4 1-D5 + 4,62 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz50 - frozen 4 2-E3 + 4,5 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz50 - frozen 4 3-F4 + 4,29 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Macrolides Tylosin A
Date : 07/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - frozen 4 1-A4 - -4,71 -
Milk 2 Neg - frozen 4 2-B2 - -5,26 -
Milk 3 Neg - frozen 4 3-C8 - -8,02 -
Date : 07/08/2020
Tylosine 35 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Tylo35 - frozen 4 1-A9 + 3,31 +
Milk 2 Tylo35 - frozen 4 2-B7 + 1,84 +
Milk 3 Tylo35 - frozen 4 3-C1 + 2,71 + Erythromycin A

Date : 14/08/2020
Erythromycine A (3 éch) 200 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Erythro200 - frozen 4 1-D1 + 4,37 +
Milk 2 Erythro200 - frozen 4 2-E4 + 3,34 +
Milk 3 Erythro200 - frozen 4 3-F7 + 4,59 + Aminoglycosides : dihydrostreptomycin
Date : 07/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - frozen 4 1-A4 - -4,71 -
Milk 2 Neg - frozen 4 2-B2 - -5,26 -
Milk 3 Neg - frozen 4 3-C8 - -8,02 -
Date : 07/08/2020
Dihydrostreptomycine 800 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto800 - frozen 4 1-A6 + 5,08 +
Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto800 - frozen 4 2-B8 + 4,71 +
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto800 - frozen 4 3-C4 + 4,89 + Cephalosporins : cefalexine
Date : 07/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - frozen 4 1-A4 - -4,71 -
Milk 2 Neg - frozen 4 2-B2 - -5,26 -
Milk 3 Neg - frozen 4 3-C8 - -8,02 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 07/08/2020
Cefalexine 30 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Cefal30 - frozen 4 1-A7 + 6,42 +
Milk 2 Cefal30 - frozen 4 2-B3 + 5,35 +
Milk 3 Cefal30 - frozen 4 3-C2 + 5,53 + Lincosamides : lincomycine
Date : 14/08/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - frozen 4 1-D3 - -5,91 -
Milk 2 Neg - frozen 4 2-E5 - -6,54 -
Milk 3 Neg - frozen 4 3-F2 - -7,17 -
Date : 14/08/2020
Lincomycine 220 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Linco220 - frozen 4 1-D7 + 2,05 +
Milk 2 Linco220 - frozen 4 2-E1 + 0,49 +
Milk 3 Linco220 - frozen 4 3-F6 + 1,74 +
2.2.4. Milk temperature Penicillins Amoxicillin
Date : 13/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C7 - -6,13 -
Milk 1 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D1 - -6,91 -
Milk 2 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C21 - -6,74 -
Milk 2 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D10 - -6,06 -
Milk 3 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C19 - -5,72 -
Milk 3 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D3 - -5,12 -
Date : 13/07/2020
Amoxicilline 2 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Amox2 - room temperature 6 TA - C1 + 8,73 +
Milk 1 Amox2 - cold 6 4°C - D6 + 9,55 +
Milk 2 Amox2 - room temperature 6 TA - C8 + 8,29 +
Milk 2 Amox2 - cold 6 4°C - D4 + 8 +
Milk 3 Amox2 - room temperature 6 TA - C13 + 9,15 +
Milk 3 Amox2 - cold 6 4°C - D7 + 8,63 + Cloxacillin
Date : 13/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C7 - -6,13 -
Milk 1 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D1 - -6,91 -
Milk 2 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C21 - -6,74 -
Milk 2 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D10 - -6,06 -
Milk 3 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C19 - -5,72 -
Milk 3 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D3 - -5,12 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 13/07/2020
Cloxacilline 10 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Cloxa10 - room temperature 6 TA - C12 + 7,33 +
Milk 1 Cloxa10 - cold 6 4°C - D16 + 8,49 +
Milk 2 Cloxa10 - room temperature 6 TA - C5 + 6,69 +
Milk 2 Cloxa10 - cold 6 4°C - D2 + 5,96 +
Milk 3 Cloxa10 - room temperature 6 TA - C3 + 7,24 +
Milk 3 Cloxa10 - cold 6 4°C - D9 + 7,25 + Tetracyclines Oxytetracycline
Date : 13/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C7 - -6,13 -
Milk 1 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D1 - -6,91 -
Milk 2 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C21 - -6,74 -
Milk 2 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D10 - -6,06 -
Milk 3 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C19 - -5,72 -
Milk 3 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D3 - -5,12 -
Date : 13/07/2020
Oxytetracycline 80 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Oxytetra80 - room temperature 6 TA - C17 + 4,73 +
Milk 1 Oxytetra80 - cold 6 4°C - D8 + 5,29 +
Milk 2 Oxytetra80 - room temperature 6 TA - C14 + 4,51 +
Milk 2 Oxytetra80 - cold 6 4°C - D18 + 5,6 +
Milk 3 Oxytetra80 - room temperature 6 TA - C16 + 5,05 +
Milk 3 Oxytetra80 - cold 6 4°C - D14 + 3,97 + Chlortetracycline
Date : 15/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C28 - -5,27 -
Milk 1 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D29 - -5,71 -
Milk 2 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C30 - -4,22 -
Milk 2 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D28 - -5,58 -
Milk 3 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C29 - -4,98 -
Milk 3 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D30 - -4,91 -
Date : 15/07/2020
Chlortetracycline 150 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - room temperature 6 TA - C27 + 5,78 +
Milk 1 Chlortetra150 - cold 6 4°C - D27 + 5,46 +
Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - room temperature 6 TA - C24 + 6,41 +
Milk 2 Chlortetra150 - cold 6 4°C - D26 + 5,35 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - room temperature 6 TA - C26 + 6,67 +
Milk 3 Chlortetra150 - cold 6 4°C - D21 + 5,8 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Sulfonamides Sulfadimethoxine
Date : 13/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C7 - -6,13 -
Milk 1 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D1 - -6,91 -
Milk 2 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C21 - -6,74 -
Milk 2 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D10 - -6,06 -
Milk 3 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C19 - -5,72 -
Milk 3 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D3 - -5,12 -
Date : 13/07/2020
Sulfadimethoxine 40 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadimet40 - room temperature 6 TA - C2 + 6,78 +
Milk 1 Sulfadimet40 - cold 6 4°C - D12 + 6,25 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet40 - room temperature 6 TA - C4 + 6,39 +
Milk 2 Sulfadimet40 - cold 6 4°C - D17 + 7,29 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet40 - room temperature 6 TA - C9 + 6,53 +
Milk 3 Sulfadimet40 - cold 6 4°C - D22 + 6,52 + Sulfadiazine
Date : 15/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C28 - -5,27 -
Milk 1 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D29 - -5,71 -
Milk 2 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C30 - -4,22 -
Milk 2 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D28 - -5,58 -
Milk 3 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C29 - -4,98 -
Milk 3 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D30 - -4,91 -
Date : 15/07/2020
Sulfadiazine 50 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz50 - room temperature 6 TA - C3 + 3,79 +
Milk 1 Sulfadiaz50 - cold 6 4°C - D1 + 4,44 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz50 - room temperature 6 TA - C1 + 4,51 +
Milk 2 Sulfadiaz50 - cold 6 4°C - D4 + 4,26 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz50 - room temperature 6 TA - C14 + 4,7 +
Milk 3 Sulfadiaz50 - cold 6 4°C - D8 + 5,42 + Macrolides Tylosin A
Date : 15/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C28 - -5,27 -
Milk 1 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D29 - -5,71 -
Milk 2 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C30 - -4,22 -
Milk 2 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D28 - -5,58 -
Milk 3 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C29 - -4,98 -
Milk 3 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D30 - -4,91 -

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Date : 15/07/2020
Tylosine 35 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Tylo35 - room temperature 6 TA - C13 + 2 +
Milk 1 Tylo35 - cold 6 4°C - D5 + 2,7 +
Milk 2 Tylo35 - room temperature 6 TA - C12 + 2,85 +
Milk 2 Tylo35 - cold 6 4°C - D14 + 1,82 +
Milk 3 Tylo35 - room temperature 6 TA - C4 + 2,74 +
Milk 3 Tylo35 - cold 6 4°C - D11 + 2,98 + Erythromycin A
Date : 15/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C28 - -5,27 -
Milk 1 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D29 - -5,71 -
Milk 2 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C30 - -4,22 -
Milk 2 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D28 - -5,58 -
Milk 3 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C29 - -4,98 -
Milk 3 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D30 - -4,91 -
Date : 15/07/2020
Erythromycine 200 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Erythro200 - room temperature 6 TA - C5 + 4,85 +
Milk 1 Erythro200 - cold 6 4°C - D7 + 5,32 +
Milk 2 Erythro200 - room temperature 6 TA - C7 + 5 +
Milk 2 Erythro200 - cold 6 4°C - D10 + 4,92 +
Milk 3 Erythro200 - room temperature 6 TA - C8 + 5,45 +
Milk 3 Erythro200 - cold 6 4°C - D6 + 5,08 + Aminoglycosides : dihydrostreptomycin

Date : 15/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C28 - -5,27 -
Milk 1 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D29 - -5,71 -
Milk 2 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C30 - -4,22 -
Milk 2 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D28 - -5,58 -
Milk 3 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C29 - -4,98 -
Milk 3 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D30 - -4,91 -
Date : 15/07/2020
Dihydrostreptomycine 800 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto800 - room temperature 6 TA - C15 + 4,32 +
Milk 1 Dihydrostrepto800 - cold 6 4°C - D12 + 4,28 +
Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto800 - room temperature 6 TA - C10 + 4,36 +
Milk 2 Dihydrostrepto800 - cold 6 4°C - D18 + 3,58 +
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto800 - room temperature 6 TA - C18 + 4,69 +
Milk 3 Dihydrostrepto800 - cold 6 4°C - D20 + 5,04 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk Cephalosporins : céfalexine

Date : 15/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C28 - -5,27 -
Milk 1 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D29 - -5,71 -
Milk 2 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C30 - -4,22 -
Milk 2 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D28 - -5,58 -
Milk 3 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C29 - -4,98 -
Milk 3 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D30 - -4,91 -

Date : 15/07/2020
Cefalexine 30 ppb and 36 ppb Validated +20% 4°C
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Cefal30 - room temperature 6 TA - C23 + 7,43 +
Milk 1 Cefal36 - cold 6 4°C- D3 + 6,88 +
Milk 2 Cefal30 - room temperature 6 TA - C25 + 6,99 +
Milk 2 Cefal36 - cold 6 4°C- D1 + 6,28 +
Milk 3 Cefal30 - room temperature 6 TA - C22 + 7,1 +
Milk 3 Cefal36 - cold 6 4°C- D6 + 7,23 + Lincosamides : lincomycine
Date : 13/07/2020
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C7 - -6,13 -
Milk 1 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D1 - -6,91 -
Milk 2 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C21 - -6,74 -
Milk 2 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D10 - -6,06 -
Milk 3 Neg - room temperature 6 TA - C19 - -5,72 -
Milk 3 Neg - cold 6 4°C - D3 - -5,12 -
Date : 13/07/2020
Lincomycine 220 ppb Validated
Samples Batch Code Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Milk 1 Linco220 - room temperature 6 TA - C11 + 2,68 +
Milk 1 Linco220 - cold 6 4°C - D15 + 4,17 +
Milk 2 Linco220 - room temperature 6 TA - C15 + 2,37 +
Milk 2 Linco220 - cold 6 4°C - D20 + 2,18 +
Milk 3 Linco220 - room temperature 6 TA - C22 + 1,35 +
Milk 3 Linco220 - cold 6 4°C - D23 + 6,95 +

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Appendix 5 : Results of preliminary and interlaboratory studies in 2013 (ANSES)

Detection capabilities of antibiotics on raw cow milk.

Antibiotic AMPOULES
Antibiotic in milk
family (ppb) Visual reading Delvoscan reading
Penicillin G 4 ≤4 ≤2 ≤2
Amoxicilline 4 >6 ≤4 ≤4
Ampicilline 4 ≤6 ≤4 ≤4
Cloxacilline 30 ≤ 30 ≤ 30 ≤ 30
Cefquinome 20 ≤ 40 ≤ 40 ≤ 40
Cefalonium 20 ≤ 30 ≤ 30 ≤ 30
Cefapirine 60 ≤ 15 ≤ 15 ≤ 15
Ceftiofur 100 ≤ 20 ≤ 20 ≤ 20
Tetracyclines Tetracycline 100 ≤ 200 ≤ 200 ≤ 200
Macrolides Tylosin A 50 ≤ 50 ≤ 50 ≤ 50
Aminoglycosides Gentamycine 100 ≤ 80 ≤ 100 ≤ 100

Results of interlaboratory study on raw cow milk for ampoules.

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Results of interlaboratory study on raw cow milk for plates (visual reading)

Results of interlaboratory study on raw cow milk for plates (Delvo®Scan)

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Appendix 6 : Details on antibiotics used in interlaboratory study (2021)

Antibiotic Brand Reference Batch
Tetracycline Sigma-Aldrich T7660-5G 0000115278V
Gentamycin Sigma-Aldrich G1914-250MG 0000110726
Sulfadimethoxine Sigma-Aldrich S7007-10G 059M4032V

Appendix 7 : Raw data for homogeneity (2021)

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Appendix 8 : Raw data for stability study (2021)

T1 = after 24h in freezer
1st analysis 2nd analysis 1st analysis 2nd analysis
Samples Code Samples Code
Visual Visual Visual Visual
Z-values Z-values Z-values Z-values
reading reading reading reading
Ctrl - Ctrl - - -6,63 - -6,51 Ctrl - Ctrl - - -7,5 - -8,19
Ctrl + Ctrl + + 5,97 + 7,06 Ctrl + Ctrl + + 6,82 + 6,09


1st analysis 2nd analysis 1st analysis 2nd analysis
Samples Code Samples Code
Visual Visual Visual Visual
Z-values Z-values Z-values Z-values
reading reading reading reading
S1-G01 81 + 6,17 + 7,3 S1-G01 81 + 6,13 + 6,69
S1-G02 82 + 5,52 + 6,03 S1-G02 82 + 6,79 + 6,6
S1-G03 83 + 5,57 + 5,68 S1-G03 83 + 6,37 + 6,78


1st analysis 2nd analysis 1st analysis 2nd analysis
Samples Code Samples Code
Visual Visual Visual Visual
Z-values Z-values Z-values Z-values
reading reading reading reading
S1-S01 87 + 2,66 + 3,2 S1-S01 87 + 5,76 + 5,96
S1-S02 88 + 3,7 + 3,4 S1-S02 88 + 5,05 + 5,77
S1-S03 89 + 3,46 + 3,97 S1-S03 89 + 5,63 + 5,55


1st analysis 2nd analysis 1st analysis 2nd analysis
Samples Code Samples Code
Visual Visual Visual Visual
Z-values Z-values Z-values Z-values
reading reading reading reading
S1-Ta01 93 + 4,69 + 4,95 S1-Tm01 99 + 5,69 + 5,5
S1-Ta02 94 + 4,01 + 4,91 S1-Tm02 100 + 6,03 + 5,94
S1-Ta03 95 + 3,56 + 4,67 S1-Tm03 101 + 6,69 + 6,98

T2 = day of shipment
1st analysis 2nd analysis 1st analysis 2nd analysis
Samples Code Samples Code
Visual Visual Visual Visual
Z-values Z-values Z-values Z-values
reading reading reading reading
Ctrl - Ctrl - - -9,72 - -10,31 Ctrl - Ctrl - - -4,67 - -7,46
Ctrl + Ctrl + + 6,72 + 6,82 Ctrl + Ctrl + + 5,84 + 6,39


1st analysis 2nd analysis 1st analysis 2nd analysis
Samples Code Samples Code
Visual Visual Visual Visual
Z-values Z-values Z-values Z-values
reading reading reading reading
S2-G01 1 + 6,57 + 6,39 S2-G01 1 + 5,77 + 6,68
S2-G02 2 + 6,71 + 6,63 S2-G02 2 + 6,51 + 7,08
S2-G03 3 + 6,73 + 6,66 S2-G03 3 + 6,96 + 7,31


1st analysis 2nd analysis 1st analysis 2nd analysis
Samples Code Samples Code
Visual Visual Visual Visual
Z-values Z-values Z-values Z-values
reading reading reading reading
S2-S01 7 + 4,74 + 4,62 S2-S01 7 + 6,84 + 6,62
S2-S02 8 + 4,37 + 4,44 S2-S02 8 + 5,57 + 5,67
S2-S03 9 + 4,39 + 4,66 S2-S03 9 + 5,38 + 6,01


1st analysis 2nd analysis 1st analysis 2nd analysis
Samples Code Samples Code
Visual Visual Visual Visual
Z-values Z-values Z-values Z-values
reading reading reading reading
S2-Ta01 13 + 4,96 + 4,79 S2-Tm01 19 + 6,07 + 6,6
S2-Ta02 14 + 4,78 + 4,91 S2-Tm02 20 + 6,53 + 7,48
S2-Ta03 15 + 5,02 + 5,25 S2-Tm03 21 + 6,26 + 7,03

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

T3 = day of sample analysis
1st analysis 2nd analysis 1st analysis 2nd analysis
Samples Code Samples Code
Visual Visual Visual Visual
Z-values Z-values Z-values Z-values
reading reading reading reading
Ctrl - Ctrl - - -10,88 - -9,345 Ctrl - Ctrl - - -8,3 - -10,68
Ctrl + Ctrl + + 6,38 + 6,05 Ctrl + Ctrl + + 5,39 + 5,35


1st analysis 2nd analysis 1st analysis 2nd analysis
Samples Code Samples Code
Visual Visual Visual Visual
Z-values Z-values Z-values Z-values
reading reading reading reading
S3-G01 33 + 6,77 + 6,93 S3-G01 33 + 3,78 + 4,65
S3-G02 34 + 6,66 + 6,56 S3-G02 34 + 4,14 + 5,05
S3-G03 35 + 7,09 + 6,71 S3-G03 35 + 4,52 + 5,44


1st analysis 2nd analysis 1st analysis 2nd analysis
Samples Code Samples Code
Visual Visual Visual Visual
Z-values Z-values Z-values Z-values
reading reading reading reading
S3-S01 39 + 4,28 + 5,27 S3-S01 39 + 4,56 + 3,74
S3-S02 40 + 4,24 + 5,03 S3-S02 40 + 4,5 + 4,3
S3-S03 41 + 4,69 + 4,31 S3-S03 41 + 3,23 + 4,14


1st analysis 2nd analysis 1st analysis 2nd analysis
Samples Code Samples Code
Visual Visual Visual Visual
Z-values Z-values Z-values Z-values
reading reading reading reading
S3-Ta01 45 + 4,57 + 5,55 S3-Tm01 51 + 3,9 + 4,77
S3-Ta02 46 + 5,21 + 4,85 S3-Tm02 52 + 4,05 + 0,58
S3-Ta03 47 + 5,55 + 4,66 S3-Tm03 53 + 4,47 + 2,15

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Appendix 9: Results of interlaboratory study in 2021 (ACTALIA Cecalait)

Number of positive results obtained with Delvotest® T in ampoules format for gentamycin

Levels Levels
Labs Labs
L0 L1 L2 L3 L0 L1 L2 L3
ACTALIA 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 ACTALIA 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
1 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 1 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4
2 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 2 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4

3 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 3 0/4 2/4 4/4 4/4

4 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 4 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4
5 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 5 Software problem
6 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 6 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
7 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 7 0/4 2/4 4/4 4/4
8 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 8 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4
9 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 9 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
Total of Total of
positive 0/36 32/36 36/36 36/36 positive 0/32 20/32 32/32 32/32
results results

Number of positive results obtained with Delvotest® T in ampoules format for sulfadimethoxine
Levels Levels
Labs Labs
L0 L1 L2 L3 L0 L1 L2 L3
ACTALIA 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 ACTALIA 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
1 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 1 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4

2 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 2 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4

3 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 3 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
4 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 4 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4
5 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 5 Software problem
6 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 6 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
7 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 7 0/4 1/4 4/4 4/4
8 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 8 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4
9 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 9 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
Total of Total of
positive 0/36 28/36 36/36 36/36 positive 0/32 13/32 32/32 32/32
results results

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Number of positive results obtained with Delvotest® T in ampoules format for tetracycline
Levels Levels
Labs Labs
L0 L1 L2 L3 L0 L1 L2 L3
ACTALIA 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 ACTALIA 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
1 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 1 0/4 1/4 4/4 4/4
2 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 2 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
3 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 3 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4

4 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 4 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4

5 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 5 Software problem
6 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 6 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
7 0/4 3/4 4/4 4/4 7 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
8 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 8 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4
9 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 9 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
Total of Total of
positive 0/36 15/36 36/36 36/36 positive 0/32 5/32 32/32 32/32
results results

Number of positive results obtained with Delvotest® T in plates format for gentamycin
Levels Levels
Labs Labs
L0 L1 L2 L3 L0 L1 L2 L3
ACTALIA 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 ACTALIA 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
1 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 1 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
2 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 2 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4

3 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 2 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4

4 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 4 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4
5 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 5 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
6 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 6 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
7 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 5 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
8 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 8 0/4 1/4 4/4 4/4
9 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 9 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
Total of Total of
positive 0/36 12/36 36/36 36/36 positive 0/36 5/36 36/36 36/36
results results

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023
NF Validation – Summary Report
Delvotest®T – Detection of veterinary drugs – raw cow milk

Number of positive results obtained with Delvotest® T in plates format for sulfadimethoxine
Levels Levels
Labs Labs
L0 L1 L2 L3 L0 L1 L2 L3
ACTALIA 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 ACTALIA 0/4 0/4 3/4 4/4
1 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 1 0/4 0/4 3/4 4/4

2 0/4 0/4 4/4 2/4 2 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4

3 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 3 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
4 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 4 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4
5 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 5 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4
6 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 6 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
7 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 7 0/4 3/4 4/4 4/4
8 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 8 0/4 2/4 4/4 4/4
9 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 9 0/4 3/4 4/4 4/4
Total of Total of
positive 0/36 28/36 36/36 34/36 positive 0/36 16/36 35/36 36/36
results results

Number of positive results obtained with Delvotest® T in plates format for tetracycline
Levels Levels
Labs Labs
L0 L1 L2 L3 L0 L1 L2 L3
ACTALIA 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 ACTALIA 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
1 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 1 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
2 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 2 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
3 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 3 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4

4 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 4 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4

5 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 5 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
6 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 6 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
7 0/2* 1/4 4/4 4/4 7 0/2* 0/4 4/4 4/4
8 0/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 8 0/4 2/4 4/4 4/4
9 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4 9 0/4 0/4 4/4 4/4
Total of Total of
positive 0/34 13/36 36/36 36/36 positive 0/34 6/36 36/36 36/36
results results
*: Exclusion of sample “26PLA” for the collaborative laboratory n°7 because they noticed a problem with this sample
during the experiment.

NF Validation – Summary report – Delvotest® T - December 2023

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