propagation-EMT - Wave1

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What is a wave?

A wave is disturbance of a continuous medium that

propagates with a fixed shape at constant velocity.
 In the presence of absorption, the wave will diminish in
size as it moves
If the medium is dispersive , different frequencies travel at
different speed.
In two or three dimensions, as wave spreads out, its
amplitude will decrease.
In standing wave pattern, wave don’t propagates at all.

We will assume, simple case fixed shape and constant

How to represent wave mathematically?
Generate wave by shaking one end of a taut string.
Wave at two different times, t= 0 and again at some
time later t- each point on the wave form simply shifts to
the right by an amount ut, where u is the velocity of
wave. Here f(z,t) represents the displacement of the
string at the point z at time t.


Given the initial shape of the string, g(z)= f(z,0), what is
the subsequent form, f(z,t)?? Evidently, the displacement
at point z, at the later time t, is the same as the
displacement a distance ut to the left ( i. e. at z-ut), back at
time t = 0.
Essence of wave motion

That statement captures (mathematically) the essence of

wave motion. It tells us that the function f(z, t), which
might have depended on z and t in any old way, in fact
depends on them only in the very special combination
z — ut; when that is true, the function f(z,t) represents a
wave of fixed shape travelling in the z direction at speed u.
For example, if A and b are constants (with the appropriate

all represent waves (with different shapes, of course), but

Do not represent wave motion

Small disturbance on the string satisfies below equation

General solution to wave equation

Wave propagate in Wave propagate in

+ve z-direction -ve z-direction
A wave is a function of both space and time. Wave motion occurs
when a disturbance at point A, at time to is related to what happens at
point B, at time t > t0. A wave equation is a partial differential
equation of the second order. In one dimension, a scalar wave
equation takes the form of

where u is the wave velocity. Here medium is source free

(pv = 0, J = 0). Its solutions are of the form:


where f and g denote any function of z — ut and z + ut,

Examples of such functions include z ± ut, sin k(z ± ut),
cos k(z ± ut), and exp(jk(z±ut)) where k is a constant. It
can easily be shown that these functions all satisfy wave

If we particularly assume harmonic (or sinusoidal) time

dependence , the above equation becomes

the time factor inserted, the possible solutions to wave
equation are:



where A, B are real constants.

For the moment, let us consider the solution in below

Taking the imaginary part of this equation, we have

This is a sine wave chosen for simplicity; a cosine wave would

have resulted had we taken the real part of above equation.
Note the following characteristics of the wave in equation:

It is time harmonic because we assumed time dependence

It is time harmonic.
A is called the amplitude of the wave and has the same units as E.
is the phase (in radians) of the wave; it depends on time t
and space variable z.
is the angular frequency and is the phase constant or wave
Number ( in radians/ meters).
Wave takes distance to repeat itself, called wavelength.
T is the time period, , u is speed of wave.
Phase constant/wave no.
Wave moving to the right side
A lossy dielectric is a medium in which an EM wave loses
power as it propagates due to poor conduction. In other
words, a lossy dielectric is a partially conducting medium
(imperfect dielectric or imperfect conductor) with ,
as distinct from a lossless dielectric (perfect or good
dielectric) in which .
Consider a linear,
isotropic, homogeneous,
lossy dielectric medium
that is charge free
(pv = 0). Assuming and
suppressing the time
factor , Maxwell's
equations (see Table
9.2) become
Taking the curl of both sides

Use vector identity

ϒ is called the propagation constant (in per meter) of the
By a similar procedure, it can be shown that for the H field,
Helmholtz 's
equations or
simply vector wave
ϒ is called the propagation constant (in per meter) of the
medium and complex in nature

Adding both
Without loss of generality, if we assume that the wave
propagates along +az and that Es has only an x-component,
This is a scalar wave equation, a
linear homogeneous differential
equation, with solution

where Eo and E'o are constants. The fact that the field must
be finite at infinity requires that E'o = 0. Alternatively,
because denotes a wave travelling along —az whereas
we assume wave propagation along az, E'o = 0. Whichever
way we look at it, E'o = 0.
Inserting the time factor into below equation:

A sketch of |E| at times t = 0 and t = t is portrayed in
below figure , where it is evident that E has only an x-
component and it is travelling along the +z-direction.
we obtain H(z, t) either by taking similar steps

 is a complex quantity known as the intrinsic

impedance (in ohms) of the medium
of 
that as the wave propagates along az, it decreases or
attenuates in amplitude by a factor , and hence  is
known as the attenuation constant or attenuation factor of
the medium. It is a measure of the spatial rate of decay of the
wave in the medium, measured in Nepers per meter (Np/m)
or in decibels per meter (dB/m). An attenuation of 1 Neper
denotes a reduction to of the original value whereas an
increase of 1 Neper indicates an increase by a factor of e.
E and H are out of phase by , at any instant of time due to
the complex intrinsic impedance of the medium. Thus at any
time, E leads H (or H lags E) by .

The ratio of the magnitude of the conduction current density Js to

that of the displacement current density Jd in a lossy medium

is called loss tangent of the lossy medium.

Loss angle of lossy medium

A medium is said to be a good ( lossless or perfect) dielectric if

is small ,

a good conductor if is large

It is clear that
The characteristic behaviour of a medium depends not only on
its constitutive parameters but also on
the frequency of operation. A medium that is regarded
as a good conductor at low frequencies may
be a good dielectric at high frequencies.
Waves in lossless dielectric medium

No loss of power by waves

Electric field E and magnetic field H are in time phase
with each other
Waves in Free space

No attenuation
of wave’s amplitude

c is the speed of light in a vacuum. The fact that EM wave

travels in free space at the speed of light is significant.
It shows that light is the manifestation of an EM wave.
In other words, light is characteristically electromagnetic.
Intrinsic impedance of free space
Both E and H fields (or EM waves) are
everywhere normal to the direction
of wave propagation, ak. That means,
the fields lie in a plane that is
transverse or orthogonal to the
t=0 direction of wave propagation. They
form an EM wave that has no electric
or magnetic field components along
the direction of propagation; such a
wave is called a transverse
electromagnetic (TEM) wave.

Each of E and H is called a uniform plane

wave because E (or H) has the same
magnitude throughout any transverse
plane, defined by z = constant. The
direction in which the electric field points
is the polarization of a TEM wave z=0
Waves in Good conductors

Thus E leads H by
Therefore, as E (or H) wave travels in
a conducting medium, its amplitude
is attenuated by the factor
The distance , through
which the wave amplitude
decreases by a factor
For good conductor

(about 37%) is called skin depth or penetration

depth of the medium; that is,
The skin depth is a measure of the depth to which
an EM wave can penetrate the medium.
The phenomenon whereby field intensity in a
conductor rapidly decreases is known as skin effect
Energy can be transported from one point (where a transmitter is located) to another point
(with a receiver) by means of EM waves. Example: from the Sun to our skin.

The rate of such energy transportation can be obtained from Maxwell's equations:
Using Gauss divergence theorem
In a simple medium, whose constitutive parameters
, , and  do not change with time, we have
Rearranging terms and taking the volume integral of
both sides
The above equation is referred as Poynting’s theorem. The various terms in the equation
are identified using energy-conservation arguments for EM fields. The first term on the
right-hand side of above equation is interpreted as the rate of decrease in energy stored in the
electric and magnetic fields. The second term is the power dissipated due to the fact that
the medium is conducting ( # 0). The quantity E X H on the left-hand side of above equation
is known as the Poynting vector in watts per square meter (W/m2); that is,
It represents the instantaneous power density vector associated with the EM field at a given
point. The integration of the Poynting vector over any closed surface gives the net power
flowing out of that surface.

Poynting's theorem states that the net power flowing out of a given volume v equal to the
time rate of decrease in the energy stored within v minus the conduction losses.

Illustration of power balance

for EM fields.
Again, if we assume that
To determine the time-average Poynting vector
which is of more practical value than the instantaneous Poynting
vector , we integrate the above equation over the period
T=2/ω ; that is

For the present case:

The total time-average power crossing a given surface S is given by
Problem: In a nonmagnetic medium

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