Ch6 - Waves & Energy Part 1

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 Introduction – Unbounded EM waves
 Time-harmonic fields
 Plane-wave propagation in lossless media
 Wave polarization
 Plane-wave propagation on lossy media
 Current flow in good conductor
 Electromagnetic power density
Introduction – unbounded EM wave
 Time varying electric field produce magnetic
field and vice versa  results in EM waves
propagating through free space and material
 Wave propagate through homogenous
medium without interacting with obstacle or
material interface  unbounded (e.g. light
wave by sun & radio transmission by
 Wave may propagate in both lossless (air and
perfect dielectrics) and lossy (nonzero
conductivity such as water) media.
 Wave produced by localized source  expend
outwardly in form of spherical wave.
 For observer very far away  spherical wave
appear approx uniform plane wave.
Introduction – guided EM wave
 When wave propagates along a
material structure  guided.
 Earth’s surface and ionosphere
constitute parallel boundaries 
guiding shortwave radio
 In transmission line circuit 
associate with voltage difference
between inner and outer
conductor  radial E exist in
dielectric material between
conductors & current flowing
through inner conductor induces
azimuthal H  coupled field
produced EM wave
Electromagnetic Wave Propagation
Waves – mean of transporting energy or information.
Waves – function of both space and time.

  EM waves: radio waves,   Should assume in time

TV signal, radar beams, harmonic.
light rays, etc.  Time-harmonic field –
 EM wave motion in: varies periodically or
sinusoidally with time.
 Free space ()
 Lossless dielectrics ()
 Easily express in phasor.
 Lossy dielectrics ()
 Good conductors () (rectangular) (polar
Waves in General

 Scalar
  wave equation:

  : wave velocity
 Assume harmonic (or sinusoidal) time dependence

 By using separation of variables method and assume

  E: phasor
travel in z-plane:
 Positive z-travel:
 Negative z-travel:
 Summation:

A & B = constant
Characteristic of Wave

 Consider
 Characteristic of the wave:
 It is time harmonic – time dependence of .
 Amplitude of wave A has the same unit as E.
 The phase (in radians) of the wave – depend on time, t and space variable, z.
 The angular frequency, in rad/s while phase constant or wavenumber, in rad/m.
 E varies with time, t and space variable z  plot E as function of t or z.
 Wave takes distance to repeat itself  wavelength
 Wave takes time T to repeat itself  period

  where   𝐴
and 

−  𝐴  𝜆
Waves in General

 A
  wave is a function of both time
and space.
 Though time is arbitrary
selected as reference – wave is
without beginning or end.
 Sign associate with wave
propagation: (-) for wave
propagating in +z direction
while (+) for –z direction.
 Since whereas

Time-Harmonic Fields
 Time-varying
  electric and magnetic fields (E, D, B and H)
and their source ( and J) depend on spatial coordinates
(x,y,z) and time variable .
 If time variation is sinusoidal with angular frequency 
represented by phasor.

  Maxwell’s equations:   Maxwell’s equations in phasor

Maxwell’s equations in phasor
Complex Permittivity

   a medium with conductivity  .
 Assuming no other current flows in the medium:

 Complex permittivity,

 Taking divergence of both sides . By comparing to . Maxwell’s

equation become:


In lossless medium, 
Wave Equation

 Derive
  wave equation for and to obtain expression of and as a function
of spatial variables (x,y,z).
 Taking curl of both sides:

 Curl of the curl of :

 Where is the Laplacian of :
 Since  which is known as homogeneous wave equation for .
 Propagation constant, 
 Wave equation for :
 Wave equation for :
Plane-Wave Propagation in Lossless Media
 The
  properties of an EM wave depend on .
 If the medium is nonconducting ()  wave does not suffer
any attenuation as it travels  lossless.
 In lossless medium, and .
 Wavenumber, 
Uniform Plane Waves

 Electric
  field phasor defined in Cartesian coordinates:

 Substitute :

 Each vector component on left-hand side must vanish:

similar expression apply to and .

 A uniform plane wave is characterized by electric and magnetic fields
that have uniform properties at all points across an infinite plane.
 If this happen to be the x-y plane, then E and H do not vary with x or y:
Uniform Plane Waves

 If
  this happen to be the x-y plane, then E and H do not vary with x or y:
 Similar expression apply to , and . The remaining components of and
are zero: . To prove, consider in z component:

Since . similar result is obtain for .

 Plane wave has no electric field and magnetic-field components along
its direction of propagation.
Uniform Plane Waves
 General form of phasor quantity : Amplitude wave traveling in -z direction
Amplitude wave traveling in +z direction
 Assume only has component along x and associated with wave
traveling in +z direction:
  To find magnetic field :   Resulted in:

 Electric and magnetic fields of a

plane wave are perpendicular:

 Intrinsic impedance of a lossless

Uniform Plane Waves

 In
  general case (in cylindrical and 
 Phase
  velocity of wave:
spherical coordinates)
 Wavelength:
 The instantaneous electric and
magnetic fields:  In vacuum  and

Where c is velocity of light

Where is intrinsic impedance of free

 E(z,t) and H(z,t) exhibit the same
functional dependence on z and t
 in phase.
Example 4
The electric field of a 1 MHz plane wave travelling in
the +z direction in air points along the x direction. If
this field reaches a peak value of 1.2 (mV/m) at t=0
and z=50 m,
1. Obtain expression for E(z,t) and H(z,t)
2. Plot them as a function of z at t=0.

Example 4 – solution
Example 4 – solution
General relation between E & H

  For any uniform plane traveling in

an arbitrary direction denoted by :

 Apply right-hand rule: rotate 4

fingers from direction of E toward
H, the thumb points in the
direction of wave travel .
 Above relations are valid for both
lossless and lossy media.
Wave decomposition

 Uniform
  plane wave traveling in +z
direction may have both x & y

 Associated magnetic field is:

 Using general formula:

 By comparing:
 General formula:
 The wave maybe considered the sum of
two waves, one with electric and
magnetic components.

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