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Sport and Biodiversity
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This publication has been made possible in part by funding from the International Olympic Committee.
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Citation: IUCN (2018). Sport and Biodiversity. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. viii+24pp.
ISBN: 978-2-8317-1893-4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.CH.2018.04.en
Foreword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
Executive summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Objectives and scope of this guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Biodiversity and ecosystems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 Biodiversity and sport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 The business case for sport and biodiversity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
The construction of new sports venues, the instal- presence of large numbers of spectators, who in-
lation of temporary venues and associated facilities, crease noise, vibration, pollution, waste generation,
and the use and refurbishment of existing venues and traffic. Other risks to biodiversity from sporting
can all impact on biodiversity. The type of risks and events include oil or fuel spills, sewage discharge,
opportunities will vary, depending mainly on the light pollution, increased use of chemicals and fertil-
location of the venue (i.e. whether it is sited in an isers, and increased demand for natural resources.
urban area or in the natural environment, and the
importance of that environment for biodiversity) and To address these potential impacts, developers
on its size. While the impacts may be broader, more should first comply with all legal and statutory re-
severe, and more obvious in a natural, undeveloped quirements relating to biodiversity. Beyond com-
area, where it is often necessary to construct access pliance, the recommended way to manage biodi-
roads, power supply infrastructure, and water and versity impacts effectively is through the mitigation
sewer infrastructure (amongst others), there are also hierarchy of avoidance, minimisation, restoration,
risks to developing in urban areas, where many spe- and offsetting of residual impacts. Preventive mit-
cies make their homes within the built environment. igation measures (avoidance and minimisation) are
always preferable to corrective measures (restora-
The staging of sporting events in both urban and tion and offsets).
natural settings can impact biodiversity through the
Sporting events and their associated facilities can mountain biking, within or partially within pro-
leverage opportunities to promote and support bio- tected areas;
diversity conservation through a variety of activities
and initiatives, including: • raising public awareness about biodiversity
through the use of biodiversity elements as
• enhancing natural habitats in urban environ- mascots or as part of an event’s logo, and the
ments by restoring degraded sites, connecting creation of public exhibits and educational pro-
fragmented habitats, building ‘green’ rooftops grams, as well as through sports commenta-
and living walls, installing man-made habitats tors and individual, high-profile athletes;
for wildlife, increasing the diversity of plant spe-
cies, and incorporating plantings in their project • increasing available knowledge and data by
design that provide additional habitat and ben- sharing biodiversity inventories and baseline in-
efits to local fauna and flora; formation that may be required as part of venue
development with conservation organisations
• increasing the area under protection through and research institutions; and
on-site or off-site protection of natural features;
• generating biodiversity benefits through pro-
• generating funds and increasing awareness jects designed to offset the carbon footprint of
for protected area management by staging a venue or event.
low-impact sporting events, such as running or
The objectives of this guide are to: bidding for sporting events, to planners, architects,
and engineers tasked with choosing the location
• explain what biodiversity is and how it can be and the design and construction or refurbishment
impacted by the construction of sports venues of sports venues; from venue owners/operators to
and the staging of sporting events; regional government officials; and from national and
international sports federations to Local Organising
• present ways of mitigating potential negative Committees (LOCs) responsible for the planning
impacts on biodiversity from sport; and and staging of events.
• highlight the biodiversity opportunities available The topics presented in this guide are relevant
to the sports community. to local and international events, small and me-
ga-events, indoor and outdoor sports, summer
The guide has been written for all sport-related de- and winter sports, temporary infrastructure, refur-
cision makers, from city authorities, who are key bishment of existing venues, and the construction
players in the development of new venues and of new, permanent venues.
Biological diversity, or biodiversity in short, is de- Biodiversity, and the life-sustaining ecological pro-
fined by the Convention on Biological Diversity cesses it enables and maintains, is the basis of innu-
as the ‘.. variability among living organisms from merable ecosystem services that are essential for the
all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine survival of every individual and for the functioning of
and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological society and all its economic activities (see Figure 1).
complexes of which they are a part; this includes
diversity within species, between species and of Biodiversity loss is occurring at an alarming rate
ecosystems’. across the world’s terrestrial, freshwater, and ma-
Habitat loss,
alteration and
Climate Over
change exploitation
Sport can have negative impacts on biodiversity Throughout the various phases of venue and event
through the need for land area to construct perma- planning and delivery (conception, site selection,
nent and/or temporary sports venues and support design and construction, staging, dismantling, and
facilities. Further adverse impacts on biodiversity closure and venue redeployment), decisions can be
can arise from the demand for natural resources made to conserve biodiversity, by both mitigating
such as water, the generation of high quantities of potential negative impacts and enhancing biodiver-
solid waste and water pollution linked to the use of sity resources. To do so successfully, it is critical to
chemicals and the generation of municipal waste- be aware of the interrelations between biodiversity
water, and high levels of noise and light pollution and sport, and to ask the right questions (see Sec-
triggered by the presence of hundreds to many tion 4) early enough, and continuously, so that iden-
thousands of athletes, spectators, and media, es- tified measures can be more easily and effectively
pecially if in natural areas. However, sport, through integrated in all the phases.
its mass appeal and ever-increasing global reach,
also has the potential to act as a positive force for
biodiversity conservation.
There are many reasons for taking timely action to On the other hand, taking timely and effective ac-
effectively mitigate impacts on biodiversity linked tion to mitigate negative impacts and maximise
to sport, as well as to maximise the opportunities conservation opportunities could lead to:
for biodiversity conservation. Unmanaged or poorly
managed biodiversity impacts can pose a number • accessing project finance and obtaining the
of risks to a sporting event, the most relevant being: necessary planning and environmental approv-
als easier and faster;
• Financial risks: A venue that may negatively
impact biodiversity could encounter problems • a region, city, venue, or federation attracting
accessing project finance. Furthermore, con- future sporting events more easily, due to na-
struction delays related to conflicts with local tional and/or international recognition of best
communities and civil society organisations practice in the sector;
over poor management of biodiversity values
can also lead to important financial costs for • establishing long-term positive engagements
the developers and the organising committee. with civil society organisations, the local com-
munity, and the media that could benefit the
• Regulatory risks: Biodiversity aspects play a overall sports sector and, specifically, the suc-
central role in environmental impact assess- cessful organisation of the event;
ment processes and environmental licensing
by relevant authorities. In addition, failure to • obtaining a social license to operate by ad-
comply with local regulations could lead to dressing civil society’s concerns about the bi-
large fines. odiversity impacts of the venue and sporting
• Operational risks: Inadequately protected or
managed environments can jeopardise the • attracting sponsors that seek to promote sus-
health of athletes and diminish the attractive- tainable products and/or want to associate
ness of events and venues for the local com- their image with the environment and biodiver-
munity, spectators, and media. sity;
• Reputational risks: Poorly managed impacts • contributing to resilient cities and healthy life-
on biodiversity could result in criticism and styles; and
campaigns by the media and civil society. This
could impact an event through lower specta- • working to meet the Sustainable Development
tor attendance, difficulty in obtaining corporate Goals, in particular Goal 14 ‘Life below water’
sponsorships, and perception of a negative link and Goal 15 ‘Life on land’, as well as the Con-
between the biodiversity issue and the event/ vention on Biological Diversity’s Aichi Biodiver-
sports federation. sity Targets.
Biodiversity loss, which is the decline in the diversity The construction of new sports venues and sup-
of plants and animals (at genetic, species, and eco- porting infrastructure such as access roads and
system levels), can be caused by: powerlines; the installation of temporary venues
and their associated facilities, including parking,
• degradation, fragmentation, and loss of habitat; spectator overpasses, temporary seating, public
• introduction of invasive species; toilets, view-points, fencing, communication infra-
• pollution; structure, commercial outlets, etc.; and the staging
• climate change; and of sporting events can all directly or indirectly con-
• over-exploitation of natural resources. tribute to these pressures.
The location and size of a venue will determine the the construction of new venues, especially when a
type of risks, as well as the opportunities, that will large land area and the construction of large and
be faced. Sports venues can be located in urban or complex facilities are involved. Critical habitats, giv-
natural environments, the key difference being that en their significance for biodiversity conservation,
urban environments are generally considered, from a are likely to be most sensitive to these changes. On
biodiversity point of view, as being largely ‘modified the other hand, sports venues in highly modified ar-
habitats’, while natural environments would generally eas may have an opportunity to restore degraded
qualify as either ‘natural habitats’ or ‘critical habitats’ areas as part of their development. Generally, the
(see Box 1). size of a new venue defines the level of impacts in
a particular environment, while the use of existing
Natural habitats are generally more sensitive than venues can avoid land-use-related impacts associ-
modified habitats to the changes associated with ated with the construction of a new facility.
Sporting events held in urban venues or in natu- environments come from many sources, including
ral landscapes can negatively impact biodiversity oil or fuel spills; solid waste generation; the use of
through large numbers of spectators, who increase cleaning products, pesticides or herbicides; dis-
noise, vibration, and lighting, produce large quan- charge of sewage into the water or on land; the
tities of solid waste and wastewater, and generate introduction of invasive species; noise, lighting and
traffic that can increase pollution and road kills of vibration; traffic and road kills; and the need, even
wildlife. Furthermore, outdoor venues in or near ur- temporarily, to erect fencing and communication in-
ban areas that are used for recreation and leisure ac- frastructure, and expand and/or construct new start
tivities are frequently highly managed environments. and finish areas, viewing points, media points, med-
ical stations, refuelling stations, commercial outlets
When a sporting event is staged, there can be a to service the event, and water reserve ponds for
significant increase in management activities, such snowmaking.
as increased cutting of grass, brush, undergrowth,
or borders. The removal of this vegetation (e.g. Spectators can also damage natural habitats
cut grass, fallen leaves, dead wood) can disrupt through the sheer numbers of people trampling
or destroy biodiversity habitats. The application of the grounds. Littering, walking on non-designated
chemical fertilisers, pesticides, and mosquito con- paths and into sensitive areas, and car and bike
trol measures, can further affect, reduce, or limit the parking where not permitted can all have negative
opportunities for species survival in these intensively impacts on biodiversity, such as disturbing breed-
managed environments. ing, nesting, and feeding animals. These behav-
iours in fragile outdoor spaces can impact both
The risks to biodiversity from both summer and win- biodiversity and habitats negatively and, in some
ter sporting events conducted outdoors in natural cases, irreversibly.
In most countries, environmental regulations gov- and offsets (see Figure 3 and Box 2). The mitigation
ern the development of new sports venues or the hierarchy comprises a sequence of actions to ad-
expansion and modification of existing venues. This dress negative impacts on biodiversity. According
guide does not address this topic, except to state to the mitigation hierarchy, wherever possible, im-
that sports organisers should comply with all legal pacts should be avoided. Where avoidance is not
requirements that relate to biodiversity. possible, impacts are to be minimised. These im-
pacts should then be mitigated through restoration
Within and beyond legal compliance, the recom- actions, and, where significant residual impacts still
mended way of effectively managing biodiversity remain, biodiversity offsets should be implemented.
impacts is through what is known as the ‘mitigation Mitigation measures that avoid and then minimise
hierarchy’ of avoidance, minimisation, restoration, impacts are prioritised over measures to correct or
IUCN’s Policy also recognises that there are limits to biodiversity offsetting, and that ‘In certain cir-
cumstances residual impacts on biodiversity (after completing the avoidance, minimisation and reha-
bilitation steps of the mitigation hierarchy) cannot be offset. Additionally, there are some components
of biodiversity for which impacts could theoretically be offset, but with a high risk of failure. Under
these circumstances, biodiversity offsets are not appropriate, and this means that the project as
designed should not proceed.’
Source: IUCN website
Net gain
Residual impacts
actions (ACAs)
Avoided impacts
remedy impacts, given the risks associated with Finally, it is important to involve an ecologist in the
restoration and offsets. For this reason, the utmost planning team for new sports venues and sporting
care should be taken in choosing a suitable loca- events at an early stage, to help identify biodiversity
tion for a new sports venue and/or sporting event. risks and potentially significant impacts that would
Considering modified or degraded sites offers con- need to be mitigated. Failure to do so could result
siderable benefits: the risks of negative biodiversity in delays and eventually additional costs.
impacts are small and opportunities to benefit bio-
diversity conservation are greatest. The objective of
all mitigation measures can either be set to achieve
‘no net loss’ or, even better, a ‘net gain’ of biodi-
3. Maximising opportunities for biodiversity
Sporting events and their associated facilities, in- developers and event organisers, and local com-
cluding access roads, parking areas, etc., can munities. Although a definitive list of opportunities
catalyse biodiversity conservation at a local and does not exist, this section discusses some availa-
global level. Identifying these opportunities can ble options.
help strengthen the relationship between venue
Any sporting event can trigger urban enhancement reverse pre-existing trends that have been dam-
or renewal by restoring degraded sites, connecting aging to urban biodiversity and habitats. Sporting
natural sites and habitats that may have become events may also offer an opportunity to develop ur-
fragmented over time, building ‘green’ rooftops and ban ecological corridors; these open spaces have
living walls, and installing man-made habitats suita- the potential to provide multiple use benefits to ur-
ble for use by animals such as birds and bats. ban dwellers.
The construction of new permanent venues can There are many other options for improving the habitat
offer an opportunity to bring back to use an exist- in urban spaces, for example incorporating plantings
ing degraded area, such as former landfill sites or that attract pollinators and nectar-feeding insects,
abandoned industrial areas, instead of developing a and adding shelters for birds, bats, and invertebrates
‘green-field’ area (see Box 3). The use of degraded (see Box 4). Trees can be planted along roads to en-
land as a site for multiple new venues was a central courage biodiversity in the built environment. Spe-
part of the strategies for the Sydney 2000 Olympic cies-rich lawns, ornamental trees, and shrubberies
Games, the London 2012 Olympic Games, and the can be established using native species, together
Paris 2024 Olympic Games candidature. Through with plants that provide benefits to other local fauna
such a transformation process, organisers can help and flora. Wetlands can be re-established in areas
It took vision, in Rio de Janeiro, to look at a degraded old quarry site, overrun with 80 percent non-in-
digenous vegetation cover, and see the potential for redesign as a natural golf course with biodiversity
protection and enhancement at the core of its design. But this is just what happened at the Rio 2016
Olympic Games, where an unused quarry site was transformed into a ‘naturalised’ golf course. The
transformation led to a 167-percent increase in vegetation cover and a net increase in biodiversity,
from 118 species found on site before the project to 263 species afterwards. The site was also quickly
recolonized by rare and protected species, including burrowing owls, caiman, capybara, lapwings,
sandpipers, and egrets. To achieve this state, more than 15,000 native plants were transplanted to
the area, and an on-site plant nursery was developed to propagate more than 475,000 plants from
native seeds to stock the site.
Source: Julie Duffus (Interview, July 2017), Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic
Games Rio 2016
With an opportunity to make a real impact on the ecosystem on their doorstep, the team were excited
to help make a difference. The concept was simple: Working with their partners, they would nurture
protected cages of adult oysters at the team base, replicated on pontoons to reproduce and ‘reseed’
the wider fishery.
The oyster cages are now installed, and oysters are successfully establishing themselves back in the
harbour. Dr Joanne Preston of the Institute of Marine Sciences, Portsmouth University, commented:
‘It’s fantastic to see stage one complete. The oysters are in, so we can now start collecting the data to
gain a better understanding into what is happening to the oysters and the ecosystem around them’.
where they might previously have been drained, with fences, to benefit insects and other invertebrates.
drainage features and planting of reed beds and oth- All these are options that can serve the organisers’
er locally appropriate native wetland plants. purposes for their events while at the same time im-
proving urban environments and delivering biodiver-
Increasing the diversity of plant species, grasses, sity, as well as aesthetic, benefits.
and trees can increase the richness of a habitat.
For example, low-growing wildflowers can be in- There are many benefits of working with local con-
troduced into a green field to increase the species servation organisations, which can provide valuable
mix; a grassland habitat can be created around the contributions of knowledge on local biodiversity,
margins of a football pitch, hockey field, or tennis propose suggestions and mitigation recommenda-
courts; and buildings can be partially or completely tions, and take the lead in implementing conserva-
covered with vegetation to create living ‘green’ roofs tion projects (see Box 5). Ideally, these organisations
and/or walls. Instead of a water fountain, ponds should be contacted early in the planning stage, so
can be built; reed beds can be introduced in a water that their input can help shape the design of sports
body to clean the water and attract biodiversity; or venues, rather than later when damage may already
log walls can be used instead of cement walls and have been done.
With a small hole cut into the side, the tennis balls make excellent, waterproof homes. They are at-
tached to poles about a metre off the ground, where the mice can make nests away from birds of prey
and ground predators.
Now, besides Wimbledon, many lawn tennis clubs around the United Kingdom regularly donate their
used tennis balls to local wildlife organisations to help them in their conservation efforts.
Source: Julie Duffus (Interview, July 2017), London Organising Committee for the Olympic and
Paralympic Games (LOCOG)
Sport and sporting events can result in an increase a long-term connection between the event and the
of protected areas, either by promoting the exten- newly created protected area, through funding as
sion of existing protected areas or by leading to the a percentage of the entrance fees or through com-
establishment of new protected areas. This increase mercial sponsorship agreements.
may come as a result of the mitigation hierarchy, if a
biodiversity offset is established, or through on-site On-site opportunities to increase protected areas
protection. The protection and management of an may arise when important habitats are identified
area as a biodiversity offset present opportunities to during the planning process and then formally pro-
ensure a long-term connection between the event tected within the scope of the event development.
and the newly created protected area, and associ- For example, the creation of the Athens 2004
ated positive publicity for the developer or sporting Olympic Rowing Centre provided the city with an
body. Contributions to the funding of ongoing man- opportunity to re-establish a wetland area that had
agement could be generated by using a percent- become severely degraded (see Box 6). The Local
age of the entrance fees for the venue, or through Organising Committee successfully worked with
commercial sponsorship agreements. the Ministry of Public Works to have a small airport
removed, restore the wetland and the adjacent for-
Whereas a biodiversity offset may be considered a est areas, and design and develop the venue as a
one-off action, there can be opportunities to ensure natural lake, rather than an artificial one.
During the planning phase, the habitat and the project were treated as a single system, which was
studied from environmental-ecological, area planning, and social-financial points of view. The aim was
to optimise the design and operations of the project in relation to the habitat, while at the same time
determining measures and interventions for upgrading ecological functions and protecting the habitat.
The final layout of the rowing centre took into account all these parameters, and also met athletic
requirements, as determined by international specifications. The sensitive balance of groundwater,
two newly constructed semi-natural lakes, a wetland, and the maintenance of the sand dune pine tree
forest featured prominently in the design. The whole area, including the rowing centre, has since been
designated as the Shineas National Park, to promote environmental protection as well as recreation
and sports activities. This case is a clear example of how biodiversity enhancement can coexist with
sport and provide lasting positive benefits for all.
Source: George Kazantzopoulos (interview, July 2017), Athens Organising Committee for the Games
(ATHOC) 2004
Low-impact sporting events in the natural land- structure, sport and biodiversity may be compati-
scape, such as running and mountain biking, of- ble, and the event could support the primary pur-
fer real opportunities for marketing and generating pose of the protected area, to ensure biodiversity
funding for conservation through the visibility and conservation.
exposure created by the event.
Because the event should comply with the appli-
With their natural beauty, clean water, and clean cable protection legislation and the zoning of the
air, protected areas offer attractive environments particular protected area, the events concerned
in which to conduct low-impact sporting events. will almost invariably be transient in nature, with no
Depending on the location, the type of habitat, the permanent sports venues or other dedicated sports
size of the event, and existing infrastructure or the infrastructure developed inside the protected areas.
possibility of setting up low-impact temporary infra-
Sporting events can provide a platform for raising Through the multitude of media platforms now
local awareness about the importance of biodiver- available, sporting events are powerful catalysts of
sity and biodiversity conservation (see Box 7 and public awareness and offer the possibility of raising
8). They can also raise global awareness when the the profile of biodiversity-related issues to a wide
event welcomes spectators from around the world. audience.
This area was part of the route for the London Surrey Cycle Classic and the cycling road races of the
London 2012 Olympic Games. During planning, it was identified that spectators along the cycle route
would be one of the major sources of potential impacts to the site.
Ecological surveys conducted with partners helped identify species sensitivity, created new knowl-
edge about the species and their food plants, and provided information for spectator management
planning, as well as for outdoor learning and environmental arts activities to raise awareness among
spectators. These activities included film making, projects to create boxes for dormouse hibernation,
and other initiatives to help spectators understand any restrictions on viewing the race and engage
them in the natural qualities of the sporting event venue.
Source: Julie Duffus (Interview, July 2017), London Organising Committee for the Olympic and
Paralympic Games (LOCOG)
With no natural predators around the Bahamas, populations of lionfish have exploded and, in some
areas, have decimated the reef ecosystem, leading to the collapse of fishing industries and significant-
ly damaging the tourism industry.
In an attempt to control these invasive species, local communities on the Bahamian island of Eleuthera
are using sport to help educate and raise awareness. An annual swimming event in which participants
compete to catch as many lionfish as possible brings together sport and conservation in an effort to
not only reduce the numbers of lionfish on the reefs, but also to educate people on the importance of
preserving the reefs for future generations.
The event then goes a step further by holding a cookery class for all athletes and spectators, so that
local community members can learn how to prepare and eat the fish, in the hopes that local fishermen
will start fishing for the destructive invasive lionfish.
It is important that the biodiversity messaging is for its survival and the protection of its habitat.
relevant to the particular sport, sporting event, or Some examples include:
spectator constituency. It should be about biodi-
versity and the related threats, and linkages with • All 18 of Florida Atlantic University’s sports
other sustainability issues such as heathy living, teams are known as the Owls, and the bird,
with the aim of generating support and/or chang- which is traditionally associated with wisdom
ing behaviour and associated impacts. This is and determination, serves as the university’s
where partnerships with local conservation organi- mascot. Since 1971, the school’s campus in
sations and action groups can be beneficial. Boca Raton, Florida, has been the site of a
designated Burrowing Owl sanctuary. This par-
The use of biodiversity elements represented as ticular bird is listed as a ‘Species of Concern’
mascots, included on event tickets or staff uni- in Florida.
forms, or as part of the event’s logo, can have a
powerful impact when associated with the right • Karak was the mascot for the 2006 Common-
messaging. It is important to note, however, that wealth Games. He was modelled on a red-
the elements selected should be associated with tailed black cockatoo, a threatened species in
the actual site of the event, or the local area, so the host country, Australia.
that a real and logical communications narrative
can be developed. The mascot needs a relevant • Fuleco the Armadillo was the official mascot of
and simple conservation message to be effective. the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. Fuleco is
Mascots appeal most when they evoke empathy a Brazilian three-banded armadillo, a species
by giving their characters human-like physical and of armadillo that is native to Brazil and catego-
behavioural features; empathy is essential to pro- rised as a Vulnerable Species in the IUCN Red
mote concern for animals and species. Beyond List of Threatened SpeciesTM. The name is a
being seen as representative of a team and bring- combination of Futebol (‘football’) and Ecologia
ing luck, a mascot should help teach more about (‘ecology’).
the species and its natural habitat and advocate
When natural sites are selected for sporting events, that often do not have the means to collect such
it is rare to know in advance exactly what animal a wealth of data (i.e. universities, research centres,
and plant species exist in and around the area, and non-governmental organisations). Venue develop-
specifically where they are located. The biodiversity ers and local organising committees have a great
inventories and baselines often required as part of opportunity to support future conservation by mak-
the venue planning and development authorisation ing these data publicly available.
process are therefore sources of new knowledge on
an area for biodiversity conservation organisations
As for any human activity, sporting events, even example, forest-based carbon offset projects offer
the best designed and well-managed, should strive good opportunities to achieve carbon neutrality by
to offset the greenhouse gas emissions generated addressing land degradation, a leading cause of
through the activities of the planning and staging global climate change, and also provide a suite of
phases. In selecting a carbon offset project, sports co-benefits, such as supporting local communities
organisers could prioritise projects that would also by ensuring the continued delivery of important eco-
generate biodiversity co-benefits. system services that intact forests provide. Forest
carbon projects also provide direct employment
Generally, land-management projects aim to deliv- for community members and generate income and
er net positive benefits for climate change mitiga- support for social and economic development initi-
tion, for local communities, and for biodiversity. For atives.
1. Determine if the • Is the event going to use existing venues or will new venues be
venue(s) and the built?
event(s) could have an • Has an ecologist (or biodiversity specialist) been appointed as part
impact on biodiversity of the planning and design team?
• In relation to new venues, is there a detailed map of the
distribution of the local biodiversity values, such as protected
areas, key biodiversity areas, or habitats of threatened species or
• Are the venues located or being built in World Heritage Sites or
protected areas?
• Is the area to be affected likely to have any ‘critical habitat’ (see
Box 2)?
• Have the costs of these impacts on the community been
• Have the costs of mitigating the impacts on biodiversity been
• Have the benefits of mitigating the impacts on important
ecosystem services provided by the affected biodiversity been
3. Understand the • Has a detailed baseline survey of the biodiversity in the area been
biodiversity impacts conducted, to identify important biodiversity?
of the venue and • Have pre-existing threats to biodiversity, which may be made
sporting event worse by the venue or event, been identified?
• Has an environmental impact assessment been planned or
conducted for new venues and events, to identify potentially
significant negative impacts and ways to mitigate them?
Biological diversity: The variability among living Direct impacts: An outcome directly attributable to
organisms from all sources including, inter alia, ter- a defined action or project activity (often also called
restrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems and primary impact). (Glossary (2012), BBOP)
the ecological complexes of which they are part;
this includes diversity within species, between spe- Ecosystem: A dynamic complex of plant, animal,
cies, and of ecosystems. (Convention on Biological and micro-organism communities and their non-liv-
Diversity, 1992) ing environment interacting as a functional unit.
(Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992)
Biodiversity loss: Biodiversity loss is usually ob-
served as one or all of: (1) reduced area occupied Ecosystem approach: The ecosystem approach
by populations, species, and community types, (2) is a strategy for the integrated management of land,
loss of populations and the genetic diversity they water, and living resources that promotes conser-
contribute to the whole species, and (3) reduced vation and sustainable use in an equitable way.
abundance (of populations and species) or condi- (Convention on Biological Diversity, 2010)
tion (of communities and ecosystems). The likeli-
hood of any biodiversity component persisting (the Ecosystem services: The benefits people obtain
persistence probability) in the long term declines from ecosystems. These include provisioning ser-
with lower abundance and genetic diversity and re- vices such as food, water, timber, and fibre; regu-
duced habitat area. (Glossary (2012), BBOP) lating services that affect climate, floods, disease,
wastes, and water quality; cultural services that
Biodiversity offsets: Biodiversity offsets are meas- provide recreational, aesthetic, and spiritual ben-
urable conservation outcomes resulting from ac- efits; and supporting services such as soil forma-
tions designed to compensate for significant resid- tion, photosynthesis, and nutrient cycling. (Glossary
ual adverse biodiversity impacts arising from project (2012), BBOP)
development after appropriate mitigation measures
have been taken. The goal of biodiversity offsets Habitat: The place or type of site where an organ-
is to achieve no net loss and preferably a net gain ism or population naturally occurs. (Convention on
of biodiversity on the ground, with respect to spe- Biological Diversity, 1992)
cies composition, habitat structure, and ecosystem
function, and people’s use and cultural values as- Indirect impacts: Impacts triggered in response
sociated with biodiversity. (Glossary (2012), BBOP) to the presence of the project, rather than being
directly caused by the project’s own operations;
Cumulative impact: The total impact arising from sometimes called secondary or induced impacts.
the project (under the control of the developer); oth- (Glossary (2012), BBOP)
er activities (that may be under the control of oth-
ers, including other developers, local communities, Invasive Alien Species: An invasive alien species
government); and other background pressures and (IAS) is a species that is established outside of its
trends which may be unregulated. The project’s im- natural past or present distribution, whose intro-
pact is therefore one part of the total cumulative im- duction and/or spread threaten biological diversity.
pact on the environment. The analysis of a project’s (Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992)
incremental impacts combined with the effects
of other projects can often give a more accurate Key Biodiversity Areas: KBAs are sites contributing
understanding of the likely results of the project’s significantly to the global persistence of biodiversity.
presence than just considering its impacts in isola- (A global standard for the identification of Key Bio-
tion. (Glossary (2012), BBOP) diversity Areas: version 1.0, IUCN, 2016)
A Cross-Sector Guide for Implementing the Mitigation Hierarchy (2015), Cross Sector Biodiversity
Initiative. http://www.csbi.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/CSBI-Mitigation-Hierarchy-Guide-
Biodiversity for Business: A guide to using knowledge products delivered through IUCN (2014), IUCN.
Costanza, R, R de Groot, P Sutton, S van der Ploeg, S J. Anderson, I Kubiszewski, S Farber, R. K Turner
(2014), Changes in the global values of ecosystem services, Global Environmental Change 26 (2014)
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Cultural and Spiritual Value of Biodiversity (1999), United Nations Environment Programme, http://staging.
Hardner, J, RE Gullison, S Anstee, and M Meyer. (2015), Good Practices for Biodiversity Inclusive Impact
Assessment and Management Planning, Prepared for the Multilateral Financing Institutions Biodiversity
Working Group. https://publications.iadb.org/bitstream/handle/11319/7094/Good_Practices_for_
Human Rights Indicators – A Guide to Measurement and Implementation (2012), Office of the United
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