Pah Mix Coa CRM47543 - Lrad2030
Pah Mix Coa CRM47543 - Lrad2030
Pah Mix Coa CRM47543 - Lrad2030
Certified Values:
Certified Raw Material Raw Material
Value Units Purity,% Lot
NAPHTHALENE 2000 ± 58 µg/mL 99.8 LRAD0645
CAS# 91-20-3
2-METHYLNAPHTHALENE 2002 ± 61 µg/mL 97.2 11608EA
CAS# 91-57-6
1-METHYLNAPHTHALENE 2000 ± 61 µg/mL 98.6 LC13481
CAS# 90-12-0
ACENAPHTHYLENE 2000 ± 61 µg/mL 96.5 MKBC3740
CAS# 208-96-8
ACENAPHTHENE 2000 ± 63 µg/mL 99.9 MKCK2310
CAS# 83-32-9
FLUORENE 2000 ± 62 µg/mL 99.2 LRAC8730
CAS# 86-73-7
PHENANTHRENE 2002 ± 67 µg/mL 98.1 LRAC8436
CAS# 85-01-8
ANTHRACENE 2000 ± 61 µg/mL 99.2 LRAC8733
CAS# 120-12-7
FLUORANTHENE 2000 ± 62 µg/mL 98.8 MKCL4099
CAS# 206-44-0
PYRENE, 5000MG, NEAT 2002 ± 63 µg/mL 98.6 LRAC8732
CAS# 129-00-0
BENZO (A) ANTHRACENE 2000 ± 59 µg/mL 99.0 LC21542
CAS# 56-55-3
CHRYSENE 2000 ± 67 µg/mL 99.0 21L74
CAS# 218-01-9
BENZO (B) FLUORANTHENE 2004 ± 62 µg/mL 99.6 LRAC8201
CAS# 205-99-2
BENZO (K) FLUORANTHENE 2000 ± 76 µg/mL 99.0 012019K
CAS# 207-08-9
BENZO(A)PYRENE 2000 ± 63 µg/mL 99.0 SLCD4874
CAS# 50-32-8
INDENO (1,2,3-CD) PYRENE 2000 ± 92 µg/mL 99.5 ER082107-02
CAS# 193-39-5
DIBENZ (A,H) ANTHRACENE 1997 ± 80 µg/mL 99.2 ER032211-01
CAS# 53-70-3
ASSAY Method
Column: SPB-5, 30 m × 0.53 mm I.D., 1.5 µm film thickness
Carrier Gas: H2 Flow Rate: 4.5 mL/min
Inlet Temperature: 250 °C Injection Volume: 1 µL
Injection Mode: 20:1
Temperature Program: 120 °C (Hold 1 min) @ 6 °C/min to 300 °C (Hold 17 min)
Detector: FID Temperature: 320 °C
Elution details:
1 5.08 Naphthalene
2 6.78 2-Methylnaphthalene
3 7.08 1-Methylnaphthalene
4 9.51 Acenaphthylene
5 10.10 Acenaphthene
6 11.90 Fluorene
7 15.30 Phenanthrene
8 15.50 Anthracene
9 19.80 Fluoranthene
10 20.60 Pyrene
11 25.20 Benzo(a)anthracene
12 25.30 Chrysene
13 29.10 Benzo(b)fluoranthene
14 29.20 Benzo(k)fluoranthene
15 30.10 Benzo(a)pyrene
16 34.10 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene
17 34.20 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene
18 35.10 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene
Metrological traceability: Traceable to the SI and higher order standards from NIST through an unbroken
chain of comparisons. The balance used to weigh raw materials is accurate to
+/-0.0001 g and calibrated regularly using mass standards traceable to NIST. All
dilutions were performed gravimetrically. Additionally, individual analytes are
traceable to NIST SRMs where available and specified above.
Associated uncertainty: Ucrm - Uncertainty values in this document are expressed as Expanded
Uncertainty (Ucrm) corresponding to the 95% confidence interval. Ucrm is
derived from the combined standard uncertainty multiplied by the coverage factor
k, which is obtained from a t-distribution and degrees of freedom. The
components of combined standard uncertainty include the uncertainties due to
characterization, homogeneity, long term stability, and short term stability
(transport). The components due to stability are generally considered to be
negligible unless otherwise indicated by stability studies. The mathematical
representation of the Ucrm calculation is as follows:
u CRM 2
u char u hom
ogeneity u stability
Homogeneity assessment: Homogeneity was assessed in accordance with ISO Guide 35. Completed units
were sampled using a random stratified sampling protocol. The results of
chemical analysis were then compared by Single Factor Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA). The uncertainty due to homogeneity was derived from the ANOVA.
Heterogeneity was not detected under the conditions of the ANOVA.
Stability assessment: Significance of the stability assessment will be demonstrated if the analytical
result of the study and the range of values represented by the Expanded
Uncertainty do not overlap the result of the original assay and the range of its
values represented by the Expanded Uncertainty. The method employed will
usually be the same method used to characterize the assay value in the initial