Tema 12 Blended Learning
Tema 12 Blended Learning
Tema 12 Blended Learning
Additional Resources 10
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Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE Unidad de Educació n a Distancia
It is a good opportunity to acquire digital skills and digital literacy and online
learning skills. Teachers must be the first ones to be digital literate, so they can
help their students to manage and reach the objectives by using all these tech
tools. However, it is important to keep in mind that this approach is more
focused on academic outcomes rather than use of tech. The technology just
facilitates the online or face to face component. Academic Outcome is the key.
There is a huge variety of free material available on the web. These Free
webpages and books can offer useful information to students, teachers must
know how to make students get full advantage of these sites. However, if there
is the need to get much more information, there are paid sites which provide the
whole required information.
As classes are video recorded and then uploaded, students who missed the
sessions either online or face-to face, have the chance to check them as many
times as they want to finally understand them.
Opposite to what happens on on-site classes due to the limited spaces. One
online session can reach lots of students, overcoming distances and time
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Adult education.
Adults and youngsters generally have clear goals on why they study. Blended
Learning is more effective in adult teaching. Teachers can ask their adult students to
watch videos, if there are students who stuck, teachers can watch with them and keep
explaining the content as the video lasts. It is important to know that online material
don’t replace face to face instruction.
The use of any kind of chats will create better interpersonal relationships, it is a
good way to boost writing, and teachers can provide feedback and realize needs and
interests’ students have. The most used social network used by adults is Facebook, so
take advantage of the free apps like private groups, where it is possible to offer free
and private lessons and just ask people in this group to attend them.
Figure 1
Note: How adult education teachers use blended learning. Taken from: Coalition on
Adult Basic Education, Blended Learning for Adult Education [video]. Rosen, 2017
1.2. Instructional Models
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Small group work. Students are given tasks to solve in a collaborative way.
Teachers must be monitoring the groups all the time. As they check each
group’s performance directly, it is possible to know students deeply. They can
meet their needs, provide feedback and strengthen the relationships among
themselves along with the teacher.
Electronics and software use. Once the groups have developed tasks engage
students to access online tools to develop exercises, practice games with
content, design content in different apps suggested by teachers and even from
students themselves, and for assessment they can also take tests.
Feedback from data. The results arising from online practices will give teacher
feedback on what to improve, omit, and measure good work of this blended
b) Flipped classroom. Students are assigned topics to read or watch, and then
analyze their content by preparing reflections and questions. According to (Awaad,
2019) “Students are aware of exactly what they will be studying, they come
prepared with a basic understanding of the topic, and they come ready to dive right
in. Students thus have a new sense of ownership over their learning”. High order
skills are practiced here since students will be able to: analyze, research, compare,
contrast, summarize, judge, and even conclude among others.
c) Flexibility. According to (Maxwell, 2016) “Flex Models gives students and teachers
more control over how they use their time: teachers have time to work individually
with students because they are generally not longer standing in front of a class
delivering content, and students can move through the lessons and materials at
their own pace.” Therefore, it is necessary to encourage students to be responsible,
organized with their time to carry out all activities.
Students will receive teachers’ support, by face-to-face means, when they need
it. The teacher will always be on the brick-and-mortar institution.
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How students can get their best using technology and space when flexibility is present.
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receive face to face instructions just when necessary or in case they have doubts
or questions. This is generally targeted to students who have a full-time job or the
ones who are coursing more than one majors.
Figure 3
Note: Key features of Enriched Virtual model. Taken from: PDST Digital Technologies
Team, Technology, Enriched Virtual Models [video]. 2020
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Consider the use of own platforms. All teachers should have an own easy
navigable platform, especially in this time where COVID 19 pandemic has turned
out in worldwide students taking virtual classes. When working on these platforms,
students are provided with a code for them and join to the class. On these pages,
students can work at their own pace along with their teachers. The management
system and content stuff must be the same as the one teachers handle in face to
face class.
According to (Kary, 2020) “It is important to use programs that allow students to
constantly be engaging with the content of a live video lesson, and programs that
are effective for promoting interactivity”. Look for innovative material which attracts
students’ attention, and hence their active participation. This way, it is possible to
monitor each student’s progress either in class or online, with the material posted
by the teacher. Individual feedback must be provided in case any student is not
progressing properly. Feedback must also be present in terms of praising when
positive outcomes are gotten. Group feedback must be done in a synchronic
activity so that, there can be interaction among all the students and the teacher.
Some examples of online platforms designed for teachers with a free version
Use curated contents or videos. On these platforms teachers will post curated
video or contents. This is a compilation of selected information created by others,
which teachers can find useful to share with their students. To get this, it is crucial
to follow these steps:
o Teachers research contents which they consider useful.
o They add their own information and connect it with other pieces of work to
make them more meaningful.
o Share it online.
o Mention the credits of the original researchers.
Use online formats. Create an online format where students can see your content
and exercises to practice. Students need to solve these tasks, if the answer is right,
post the process, from the beginning on how they developed them and right then,
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post an own similar exercise. Ask the teacher to review this for approval so that,
classmates solve them based on the process previously posted. They will keep on
navigating until finishing the number of tasks required. They can also work
collaboratively by analyzing the curated videos posted by the teacher on his / her
platform. Students can work at their own pace; high achievers can work deeper and
faster. The most important is that they not only reinforce what they have learnt, but
also give and receive feedback from each other. This is an ideal way to prioritize
collaboration. Remember that there are always shy students who may feel
embarrassed to make questions, so activate online chats to be in constant touch.
Create discussion about Mindset. This idea is so fruitful since it evidences the
way students perceive life and how they act according to such perceptions. At
doing so, it is possible to get to know each other and anticipate the way in which
everyone will work. These techniques can boost students practice on mindset.
o Set topics about students’ generations, and interest like culture, music,
trends, and controversial issues. Provide short videos, facilitate discussions
about them, and realize how perceptions vary from one another. What
would happen if they decided to have a different point of view?
o Group students define what the common mindset among the members is
and then, each group will show this on a canva presentation and why they
consider this important.
o Elicit reflections on how mindset can change the way students perform and
analyze content they receive.
o Once finished, ask them to post their final thoughts on social websites for
people to provide feedback. Remember to teach students to learn polite and
encouraging speech.
Additional Resources
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Awaad, A. (April de 2019). Blended Learning Universe. Obtenido de Students Harness the Skill
of Preparedness through Blended Learning:
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Bersin, J. (2004). The Blended Learning Book: Best Practices, Proven Methodologies, and
Lessons Learned. San Francisco CA.: John Wiley & Sons.
Kary, S. (2020). New EdTech Classroom. Obtenido de 5 Tips to Prepare for Blended Learning:
Maxwell, C. (February de 2016). Blended Learning Universe. Obtenido de A Deeper Look at the
Flex Model: https://www.blendedlearning.org/a-deeper-look-at-the-flex-model/
Rosen, D. J. (2017). Coalition on Adult Basic Education. . Obtenido de Blended Learning for
Adult Educators: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7zh_Wp21bQ
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