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Tran Thi Mai Hanh*

Date received the article: 02/8/2021

Date received the review results: 03/02/2022
Date published the article: 27/02/2022

Abstract: Digital transformation in society in general and in higher education, in

particular, is inevitable in the current era of information technology development as well
as in response to the global Covid-19 pandemic. The trend of using information technology
to transform the organizational model of operation in traditional higher education brings
practical effects for managers as well as higher education institutions. The combination
of face-to-face instruction in the classroom and the application of the digital environment
creates a learning experience tailored to each individual for better effectiveness. Blended
Learning refers to the integration of traditional face-to-face instruction and online learning
giving participants the best of both worlds.
The purpose of the study is to point out the role and importance of the Blended Learning
model in higher education institutions to improve the quality of education and training,
creating high-quality human resources for society.
Keywords: Blended Learning, e-learning, quality, university education.

I. Introduction the faculty. To achieve a good quality of

learning in higher education institutions,
Nowadays, science and technology
we need to develop a new educational
are continuously and rapidly developing,
strategy, an innovative educational
which significantly impacts the education
program that can combine both the
industry; thus, the innovation of flexible
traditional face-to-face system and the
training methods which can adapt to new online learning system. Therefore,
practical conditions has become essential higher education institutions need to train
to improve the quality of training in higher teachers, students, and administrators to
education institutions. Otherwise, we will use online documents scientifically and
be left behind, and our students will not effectively. With good training, instructors
be able to cope with an ever-changing can guide students to accurately utilize
environment that requires capability and these materials and create an effective
self-instruction under the guidance of study plan to improve the learning

* Faculty of Distance Education – Hanoi Open University

Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion 21

process. In this way, by using a Blended learning methods for the same student to
Learning program, universities will learn the same content in the same course.
improve the quality of training, provide It is “a thoughtful blend of face-to-face
better educational services to students, and online learning experiences” [6]. In
and create better human resources. addition, there are hybrid programs in
which students take some courses in a
The organization of teaching in a
combination of two forms will contribute face-to-face classroom and others online.
Blended Learning is described as a mode
to expanding access to higher education
of instruction that removes the barriers of
for everyone, allowing students to study
anywhere, anytime, as well as meeting the learning time and location.
requirements of pandemic prevention and The Blended Learning model
control. Online and face-to-face teaching combines online and in-person activities
has been applied in higher education for classroom instruction or other teaching
institutions in Vietnam for many years. methods to help students develop new
However, stemming from the practical knowledge and skills that can be applied
situation, higher education institutions to the workplace. Blended Learning is
have identified this as a long-term a rapidly growing trend in traditional
solution; online teaching can supplement educational institutions and other
face-to-face teaching and directly replace institutions. An online learning survey
it in specific cases, and vice versa, direct shows Blended Learning is expanding
teaching, as a necessity, is an opportunity to globally at 46% or higher per year. As
complement the knowledge and practical organizational facilitators, university and
skills for learners through experiments, college instructors become comfortable
practice, internships, and reality. with Blended Learning applications; they
are often highly motivated to explore
II. Theoretical Frameworks
new and more innovative ways of using
2.1. The “Blended Learning” Model Blended Learning for teaching services or
The Blended Learning model training management activities. Besides,
inherited the development of the e-learning a few limitations have also been pointed
model. There are many approaches to out regarding physical conditions such
the concept of “Blended Learning”. as connection network infrastructure, the
According to the English Dictionary, service of the server installed with the
Blended Learning is a learning model learning management system, limited
which combines online learning and bandwidth, difficulty accessing the
traditional learning. This method was network, failed network, as well as the
first studied by Cambridge University in difficulty of students when owning a
teaching foreign languages, then widely network access device,... and they have a
applied in other training organizations [5]. negative impact on the use of the Blended
The term Blended Learning is generalized Learning model.
as the use of traditional classroom teaching In addition, the fact that students
methods along with the use of online have not actively managed their self-study
22 Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion

time well or spent much time on part-time and improve human resources training
jobs or other recreational activities also efficiency.
affects their learning efficiency. Other 2.2. Different levels of the Blended
explanations are due to the inertia of Learning model
learners when they are too familiar with
the traditional way of learning with three The Blended Learning model is
essential characteristics: lack of initiative, a combination of a traditional teaching
lack of self-discipline, and lack of model and an online teaching model with
effective time management skills. This is a specific ratio, this ratio can increase
also a limitation of Vietnamese trained in or decrease depending on the level of
the domestic environment, used to passive application, and currently, there are three
levels to apply the Blended Learning
learning in high school, so they find it
teaching model, including:
challenging to adapt to the university
environment. This limitation, partly - Level 1: The teacher mainly uses
resulting from that the teaching method traditional learning when teaching but
in universities in Vietnam is still slow to provides additional online materials for
innovate, has not kept up with the trend of learners to look up via the Internet.
exploiting high technology in the world. - Level 2: The instructor alternates
Learners were also found to be online lectures with traditional lectures
poorly prepared for e-learning and to accustom learners to online learning.
academic-style competencies. The quality The exchange, discussion, and support
of courses needs to be continuously of learners will be extended through
improved, and lessons must be designed to supporting tools such as Email, Forum,...
be creative, interactive, relevant, student- in addition to face-to-face meetings.
centered, and integrated with instruction. - Level 3: Besides the design of
Teachers must spend a lot of time alternating online lectures for students
investing in lectures to create effective like level 2, learners will be tested and
online learning tutorials, enabling learners evaluated using an online form.
to respond, ask questions, and expand
Based on the three applicable levels
the scope of knowledge. Instructors must
of the Blended Learning model above,
focus on collaborative learning pedagogy,
there are currently 6 Blended Learning
case learning, and project-based learning
models in the world being applied to teach
through online tutorials. However, the
at the university level, including:
outstanding advantages of online learning
methods cannot deny the positive aspects + Face-to-Face Drive model: This
of traditional teaching methods (face-to- is the closest model to traditional
face teaching). Therefore, the Blended classroom training. This approach often
Learning model between online and face- means that not everyone in the class will
to-face methods has also been applied participate in additional online training, as
in many universities in Vietnam to it is mainly aimed at the individual needs
innovate teaching and learning methods of learners who are struggling or want
Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion 23

further education. Using the traditional + Self-blended model: This model

teaching model is the primary; however, allows learners to register for online
information technology is applied courses outside the curriculum. It is
in providing learning materials and suitable for university education and
conducting assessments. Accordingly, encouraging learners to improve their
learners will spend time participating knowledge, expand their expertise, and
in learning, exchanging, and discussing learn more subjects according to their
directly in class while reading documents personal interests.
or performing exercises on the Internet. + Online Driver model: The
This model gives teachers more time to models use the online learning model in
support learners, suitable for classes with teaching and learning entirely. Learners
segmentation or knowledge gap between rely on instructions, lectures, exercises,...
class members. provided by the teacher via the Internet
+ Rotation model: Learners will to study. Questions that need support
alternate between two traditional learning and exchange are conducted online.
models and online learning according to This model is suitable for learners who
a published schedule. This model creates need flexibility in terms of study time
flexibility in teaching and learning, and class schedule, and it can be applied to
teachers can support learners with the undergraduate, graduate, undergraduate,
content of online lessons in traditional work-study,...).
lessons based on learners’ needs. III. Research methodology
+ Flex model: Teachers orientate
3.1. Purposes of the research
and guide learners to actively study
using the online learning model while The study aims to research the
face-to-face lessons will be devoted to theoretical basis of the Blended Learning
exchanging, discussing, and answering model and the levels of the Blended
questions. This model promotes self-study Learning model. Seeing the role and
ability in learners, and they can actively importance of the Blended Learning
arrange study time, study space, and study model in higher education institutions,
duration to suit themselves. universities will improve the quality of
training and education, provide better
+ Online Lab model: During the educational services for students to
duration of the course, learners participate improve the quality of education and
in online learning at specialized computer training, and create high-quality human
labs and, at the same time, are under the resources for society.
management and supervision of course
supervisors. This model helps to reduce 3.2. Methods of the research
pressure on face-to-face classrooms, Bài viết chủ yếu dung hai phương
reducing the number of teaching pháp nghiên cứu: Phương pháp phân tích
participants but increasing the number of định tính dựa trên các tài liệu và phương
supervisors. pháp phân tích định lượng dựa trên phiếu
24 Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion

khảo sát. Trong nghiên cứu này, nguồn tài knowledge transmission easier, and
liệu được thu thập lại qua sách, bài báo training more efficient can lead to better
khoa học, công trình nghiên cứu trong và training quality.
ngoài nước, …để tiến hành phân tích, tổng Blended Learning focuses on
hợp các tài liệu, công trình nghiên cứu có students rather than on teachers; it helps
liên quan, ngoài ra tác giả còn sử dụng students achieve higher academic results,
thống kê toán học để xử lý số liệu, kết quả and it also gives students more learning
điều tra; phân tích vấn đề nghiên cứu possibilities by allowing them to do many
IV. Results and discussion tasks in various places and have a flexible
schedule. In this way, the classroom is no
4.1. The impact of the Blended
longer the only place where students can
Learning model on the quality of higher
learn from the instructor; they can study
on their own outside of the classroom.
Today, learning - using the Internet
- Blended Learning has four main
- has changed the concept of education
by deploying new learning models to
improve the quality of education and + Firstly, the Blended Learning
facilitate the transmission of information model is highly flexible and can manage
to students, encouraging students to both space and time;
engage in learning. In fact, online learning + Second, the Blended Learning
is modeled to the needs of each student model also improves the quality of the
and allows students to be more reflective learning process by encouraging students
of their learning. However, there are some to do learning activities outside the
obstacles to utilizing online materials: classroom such as finding more sources
faculty and students must know how to and references on the Internet and doing
use them, and they all need to be trained research, online quizzes, or tests;
to use online learning tools[8]. In fact, the
advantages of learning using the Internet + Third, it is suitable for each
are the availability, flexibility, cultural student’s need;
exchange, and independence of students: + Fourth, it reduces the cost of
- The Internet can be found almost learning while improving the quality of
anywhere, and it provides students with education and training.
all kinds of information, making them - The Blended Learning model gives
independent of themselves. However, students access to diverse online resources,
students need the training to use online allowing students more opportunities to
tools correctly and effectively. It should interact with other students and with their
be noted that students’ performance is instructors and gain different perspectives.
influenced by the variety of learning In this way, they can enhance their
materials and the quality of training competence, become more engaged in
they receive; in an education system, learning, and be more adaptive to all
providing diverse information, making learning contexts [14].
Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion 25

However, learning and using the Hanoi universities who used the Blended
internet face many challenges such as the Learning model to teach students. The
need for a computer, internet connection, Likert scale is used to measure the impact
and online documents; moreover, many of Blended Learning on the quality of
students do not know how to use specific education.
programs on the Internet which are used as The survey questions are based
traditional learning, and most of the time on research by King, S. and Arnold, K.
students are not trained to communicate (2012) [8], which investigated faculties›
using new learning tools [11]. opinions about the Blended Learning
Furthermore, poor online materials model. However, there have not been
are sometimes provided to students, and studies conducted before on the impact
misuse of good online resources also of Blended Learning on the quality of
causes students and faculty to have a learning in universities in Hanoi. The
negative opinion of their dependence study was formed from the following key
on online resources and their impact on questions:
educational quality [10]. To benefit from Ø How do you understand the
Blended Learning, the course should be concept of Blended Learning?
well structured, instructors and students
Ø How do you think a Blended
should be trained in how to use Blended
Learning system affects your work at
Learning software, and professionals
using the technology should create
Blended Learning hardware and software Ø How does the Blended Learning
for each course. system in universities improve student
Blended Learning increases the
benefits of both traditional and online Ø How do you think a Blended
learning. However, to satisfy the students, Learning course can bring more
the course needs to be well-designed so satisfaction to students?
that students can easily access and use the Ø How should supporting
online materials. Otherwise, students will technologies be used to aid face-to-face
feel dissatisfied and lose the motivation to learning?
learn [3]. Ø What strategies do they consider
To complete this study, the author necessary to improve the quality of higher
surveyed 24 lecturers from several education?
Table: Blended Learning has positive effects on education
Opinions Percentage (%)
Totally disagree 0,43
Quite disagree 0,46
Disagree 23,46
Quite agree 50,43
Totally agree 25,22
26 Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion

The survey result shows that 78% of course can bring more satisfaction to
teachers believe that the Blended Learning students, and 83% of lecturers think that
model does not have a specific definition. supporting technologies should be used
However, all of its definitions contain key properly to assist students with direct
elements: online Learning (Learning using learning. Finally, the result depicts that
the Internet) and traditional learning. On
67% of faculty members believe that the
the other hand, the result demonstrates
“structure” of the university should be
that 79% of the faculty think that the
changed and that IT professionals should
Blended Learning model improves
play an important role in the design of
their work at university. It also reveals
that 74% of faculty agree that Blended the Blended Learning course and address
Learning systems at university improve any problems the lecturers face? Overall,
the quality of learning. Furthermore, 75.65% of lecturers agree that Blended
the result shows that 83% of faculty Learning has a positive impact on the
members think that a Blended Learning quality of higher education.
Blended Learning has positive impacts on education

4.2. Some suggestions to improve experience of the teaching staff about the
the quality of higher education Blended Learning model so that the school
To use the Blended Learning model can have an appropriate implementation
effectively and improve the quality of direction;
higher education, institutions need to: - Organize training to improve the
- Have an incentive policy for the knowledge and capacity of the teaching
implementation of the Blended Learning staff about technology background and
model; teaching methods suitable to the Blended
Learning model;
- Conduct research and general
assessment of the understanding and - Establish and maintain research
Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion 27

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Blended Versus Traditional Course Delivery Email: hanhttm@hou.edu.vn

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