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Mark Scheme (Results)

January 2020

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National

Extended Certificate – Applied Human

Unit 1: Principles of Applied Human

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January 2020
Publications Code 21325L_2001_MS
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© Pearson Education Ltd 2020
Unit 1: Principles of Applied Human Biology
marking grid

General marking guidance

● All learners must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark the first learner in
exactly the same way as they mark the last.
● Marking grids should be applied positively. Learners must be rewarded for what they
have shown they can do rather than be penalised for omissions.
● Examiners should mark according to the marking grid, not according to their perception
of where the grade boundaries may lie.
● All marks on the marking grid should be used appropriately.
● All the marks on the marking grid are designed to be awarded. Examiners should always
award full marks if deserved. Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if
a learner’s response is not rewardable, according to the marking grid.
● Where judgement is required, a marking grid will provide the principles by which marks
will be awarded.
● When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the marking grid to a learner’s
response, a senior examiner should be consulted.

Specific marking guidance

● The marking grids have been designed to assess learner work holistically.
● Rows within the grids identify the assessment focus/outcome being targeted. When
using a marking grid, the ‘best fit’ approach should be used.
● Examiners should first make a holistic judgement on which band most closely matches
the learner response and place it within that band. Learners will be placed in the band
that best describes their answer.
● The mark awarded within the band will be decided based on the quality of the answer in
response to the assessment focus/outcome and will be modified according to how
securely all bullet points are displayed at that band.
● Marks will be awarded towards the top or bottom of that band depending on how they
have evidenced each of the descriptor bullet poi
Question Answer Additional Mark
number Guidance
1 (a)(i) C node of Ranvier (1)
1 (a)(ii) D speed up impulse transmission
1 (a)(iii) Award 1 mark for each identification and 1 mark for
linked expansion. Up to a maximum of 4 marks.

Sodium potassium pumps

Allow reference
Control sodium and potassium (ion) levels (1)
to ions moving
allow for creation of action potential/restore resting
in/out of cell
potential (1)

allow (4)
description of

Provide energy/ATP (1)
for synthesis of neurotransmitters/active transport (of
ions) (1)
1 (b) brain/spinal cord (1) allow named
part of brain

reject “spine”
Total 7 marks

Question Answer Additional Mark

number Guidance
2 (a) Award 1 mark for each word.

• diaphragm (muscles) (1) allow shorten

• contract (1)
do not allow
• lift/ rise/ move up/increase in volume (1)
just “increase” (3)
2 (b)(i) Award 1 mark for identification and 1 mark for linked
expansion. Up to a maximum of 2 marks.

allow goes up
Increased (respiratory/breathing rate) (1)

To get {more/enough} oxygen (1) ORA
To remove {excess} carbon dioxide (1)
Due to smaller surface area for gas exchange (1) (2)
2 (b)(ii) One from the following:
Dizziness/ cough/ tiredness/ wheezing/
breathlessness/ chest infections
Accept any other reasonable response. (1)
2 (b)(iii) A alveoli (1)
Total 7 marks

Question Answer Additional Mark

number Guidance
3 (a) Y golgi (apparatus/ body) Accept lower
case letters

Z mitochondrion
mitochondria (2)
3 (b)(i) Award 1 mark for identification and 1 mark for
linked expansion. Up to a maximum of 2 marks.

Signalling (1)
Bind to {hormones/neurotransmitters} (1)


(Cell-cell) recognition (1)
Prevents white blood cells from destroying body cells


Stabilise membrane structure (1)
by forming hydrogen bonds with water molecules (1)

Accept any other valid answer

3 (b)(ii) Answers will be credited according to the learner’s
demonstration of knowledge and understanding of
the material, using the indicative content and levels
descriptors below. The indicative content that
follows is not prescriptive. Answers may cover some
or all of the indicative content but learners should be
rewarded for other relevant answers. (6)
• Cell membranes separate cell contents from the
• Selective permeability
• Bilayer formed of phospholipids with hydrophilic
heads and hydrophobic tails

Passive processes
• Passive process/requires no ATP
• Lipid soluble molecules able to pass across
the membrane/dissolve in the lipid layer
• Move from high concentration to low

Facilitated diffusion
• Larger molecules or charged ions travel
through protein pores
• Move from high concentration to low
• Movement of water molecules
• Across partially-permeable membrane
• From high water potential/concentration to
low water potential

Active processes
Active transport
• Requires {energy/ATP}
• Carrier proteins/protein pumps change
• Allows substances to move against the
concentration gradient

Cytosis/bulk transport
• Exocytosis – movement out of the cell
• Use of vesicles that fuse with the membrane
• Endocytosis – movement into the cell
• Molecules adhere to membrane causing
vesicle formation
• Requires energy/ATP
Total 10

Mark scheme (award up to 6 marks). Refer to the guidance on the cover of this document
for how to apply levels-based mark schemes*.
Level Mark Descriptor

Level 0 0 No rewardable material.

Level 1 1–2 • Demonstrates isolated knowledge and understanding,
there be major gaps or omissions
• Generic statements may be presented rather than linkages
being made so that lines of reasoning are not present
• Limited explanation which is not logically ordered and with
significant gaps.

Level 2 3–4 • Demonstrates mostly accurate knowledge and

understanding, with few minor omissions/any gaps or
omissions are minor
• Some linkages are made so that lines of reasoning are
partially present
• Displays a partially developed explanation that has a
structure which is mostly clear, coherent and logical with
only minor omissions.
Level 3 5–6 • Demonstrates accurate and thorough/detailed knowledge
and understanding
• Linkages are consistently made so that lines of reasoning
are sustained
• Displays a well-developed explanation that has a structure
which is clear, coherent and logical.

Question Answer Additional Mark

number Guidance

4 (a)(i) A bone marrow

allow named
type/category of
stem cell
4 (a)(ii) White blood cell/lymphocyte/ (1) accept named
examples for white
Red blood cell/ erythrocyte (1)
blood cell for one
mark each
provided answer
“white blood cell”
not given

accept platelet

4 (b)(i) totipotent/omnipotent/ embryonic/pluripotent (1)

4 (b)(ii) Mitosis (1)
4 (c) Award 1 mark for any of the following, up to a maximum
of 3 marks. (3)
Data show an improvement in {over half/53%/the
majority/17} of patients (1) ORA
{Most/9 patients} only experience a mild improvement (1)
Just as likely to see no improvement as to see a significant
improvement (1)

Accept any other reasonable response.

Total 8
Question Answer Additional Mark
number Guidance
5 (a)(i) Award 1 mark for identification and 2 marks for linked
expansion. Up to a maximum of 3 marks.

Cells have antigens (on the cell surface membrane) (1)
(Antigens are) recognised by white blood cell (receptors) (1) ORA throughout
(receptors) have complimentary shape to antigens (1)
{white blood cells/antibodies} recognise antigens/cells as being
“self” (1)
(white blood cells) do not attack the cell (1)
5 (a)(ii) Autoimmune

Accept any named autoimmune disease, e.g. Type 1 diabetes (1)

(mellitus) multiple sclerosis (MS), Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid
5 (a)(iii) Award up to 1 mark for identification and up to 2 marks for ORA for all
linked expansion. Up to a maximum of 3 marks. responses

Allow: There is
Rejection rates are higher when the donor is not related to the
patient (1) always a chance
of rejection

Expansion (3)
Relatives are more likely to have {similar/similarly shaped}
antigens on the cell surface membrane (1)

Organs from relatives are less likely to be recognised attacked by

the immune system of the patient (1)

Level of rejection in non-related donors kept low due to tissue

typing (1)
5 (b) Award 1 mark for identification and 1 mark for linked expansion.
Up to a maximum of 4 marks.

To {prevent/reduce} production of white blood cells (1)
Prevents immune system from attacking/rejecting organ (1)
Effect on health
Immune system cannot respond to/recognise antigens on
Ignore “immune
pathogens (i)
system cannot
fight off disease”
So more likely to develop infections/catch communicable
diseases (1)
Total 11

Question Answer Additional Mark

number Guidance
6 (a)(i) D recessive
6 (a)(ii) heterozygous Allow “carrier” (1)
6 (b) Answers will be credited according to the learner’s demonstration
of knowledge and understanding of the material, using the
indicative content and levels descriptors below. The indicative
content that follows is not prescriptive. Answers may cover some
or all of the indicative content but learners should be rewarded for
other relevant answers.


• pedigree diagram shows that the allele for sickle cell is in

the family
• shows that the allele is recessive
• shows that an unaffected person can act as a carrier
• carriers can be deduced by looking at phenotypes in the
next generation
• unknown male has an affected parent so provides
information about increased risk

Weaknesses (9)

• only phenotype shown

• diagram does not definitively show which people are
• pedigree reporting might not be accurate for previous
• one family’s pedigree diagram does not give information
about the second parent
• other methods, e.g. genetic testing, would give a definite

• it is only possible to use any pedigree diagram to predict
probability of inheriting the disease at each pregnancy
• if the unaffected mother of unknown male X is homozygous
then any child will not inherit the condition
• if the unaffected mother of unknown male X is
heterozygous/a carrier there is a 50% chance of inheriting
the condition
Total 11
Mark scheme (award up to 9 marks). Refer to the guidance on the cover of this document for how to
apply levels-based mark schemes*.
Level Mark Descriptor

Level 0 0 No rewardable material.

Level 1 1–3 • Demonstrates isolated elements of knowledge and understanding, there
will be major gaps or omissions.
• Few of the points made will be relevant to the context in the question.
• Limited evaluation that contains generic assertions, leading to a
conclusion that is superficial or unsupported.
Level 2 4–6 • Demonstrates some accurate knowledge and understanding, with only
minor gaps or omissions.
• Some of the points made will be relevant to the context in the question,
but the link will not always be clear.
• Displays a partially developed evaluation that considers some different
competing points, although not always in detail, leading to a conclusion
that is partially supported.

Level 3 7–9 • Demonstrates mostly accurate and thorough/detailed knowledge and

• Most of the points made will be relevant to the context in the question,
and there will be clear links.
• Displays a developed and logical evaluation that clearly considers
different aspects and competing points in detail, leading to a conclusion
that is fully supported.
Question Answer Additional Mark
number Guidance
7 (a)(i) A cystic fibrosis (1)
7 (a)(ii) Award 1 mark for identification and 1 mark for linked expansion.
Up to a maximum of 4 marks.

nutritional imbalance (1)

Allow specific
affects the composition of the plasma membrane (1)

physical trauma (1)

can break the cell membrane (1)


extremes of temperature (1) (4)

cause proteins in the cell membrane to denature (1)


immune response (1)

causes damage to the cell membrane by white blood cells (1)


damage from pathogens (1)

toxins/physical damage disrupt the membrane (1)

Accept any other reasonable response.

7 (a)(iii) Award 1 mark for identification and 3 marks for linked expansion.
Up to a maximum of 4 marks.

There is an imbalance in ion concentration (1)

Expansion (4)
Sodium (ions) not removed (1)
Too many potassium ions pumped in (1)
Increased ion concentration inside cell (1)
Water moves into the cell through osmosis (1)
Increased water causes cell to swell (1)
7 (b)(i) change from one differentiated cell type to a different
differentiated cell type

Accept any other reasonable response.

7 (b)(ii) Award 1 mark for identification and 2 marks for linked expansion.
Up to a maximum of 3 marks.
Damage to DNA may causes mutations (1)
description of

(mutations in) tumour suppressor genes/ protooncogenes/genes Accept
which regulate the cell cycle (1) “oncogenes”

Damaged cells divide uncontrollably/more often (1)

Damaged cells do not undergo programmed cell death/ apoptosis

Total 13

Question Answer Additional Mark

number Guidance
8 (a) B coronary artery (1)
8 (b)(i) Award 1 mark for each logically ordered point. Up to a
maximum of 3 marks.

DNA taken from patient through swab/blood sample (1)

DNA is sequenced (1) (3)
(DNA sequence is) read in the lab (1)
Accept genes
(DNA sequence) checked against
checked for
alleles for CHD (1)
CHD for 1 mark
8 (b)(ii) Answers will be credited according to the learner’s
demonstration of knowledge and understanding of the material,
using the indicative content and levels descriptors below. The
indicative content that follows is not prescriptive. Answers may
cover some or all of the indicative content but learners should
be rewarded for other relevant answers.

Accept other appropriate responses.

Prevent CHD from developing

• CHD is caused by narrowing of the arteries providing

blood to the heart muscle (9)
• atherosclerosis is the formation of fatty material in the
• may cause partial or complete blockage of the arteries
• blocking of the artery prevents tissues it supplies from
receiving any oxygen
• if the blockage is it may cause a section of the heart
muscle to die – preventing correct function
• reducing saturated fat reduces the chance of narrowing
arteries as reduces levels of cholesterol/LDL
• smoking increases the risk of atherosclerosis/damage to
the arteries/reduces oxygen carrying capacity of red
blood cells
• quitting smoking reduces the chance of artery wall
being damaged

Reduce the symptoms of CHD.

• Low salt diet reduces blood pressure

• increasing exercise will strengthen circulatory
system/make heart more efficient/reduces blood
• regular exercise may reduce body mass and thus load
on cardiovascular system
• high blood pressure is a risk factor as it may damage
the artery walls
• reducing blood pressure means less strain put on
• narrowing of blood vessel causes chest pain (angina)
• taking blood thinning medication reduces the chance of
a blood clot forming/reduces chest pain
• blood clots can lead to heart attacks by preventing
blood flow through a narrowed coronary artery

Total 13

Mark scheme (award up to 9 marks) refer to the guidance on the cover of this document for how to
apply levels-based mark schemes*.
Level Mark Descriptor

Level 0 0 No rewardable material.

Level 1 1–3 • Demonstrates isolated elements of knowledge and understanding, there
will be major gaps or omissions.
• Few of the points made will be relevant to the context in the question.
• Limited discussion that contains generic assertions rather than
considering different aspects and the relationship between them.
Level 2 4–6 • Demonstrates some accurate knowledge and understanding, with only
minor gaps or omissions.
• Some of the points made will be relevant to the context in the question,
but the link will not always be clear.
• Displays a partially developed discussion that considers some different
aspects and some consideration of how they interrelate, but not always in
a sustained way.

Level 3 7–9 • Demonstrates mostly accurate and detailed knowledge and

• Most of the points made will be relevant to the context in the question,
and there will be clear links.
• Displays a well-developed and logical discussion that clearly considers a
range of different aspects and how they interrelate, in a sustained way.

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