National Ai Strategy Executive Summary

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AI - Here for Good

A National Artificial Intelligence

Strategy for Ireland
Executive Summary

Prepared by the Department of

Enterprise, Trade and Employment
1 13
Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to machine-based systems, with varying levels of
autonomy, that can, for a given set of human-defined objectives, make predictions,
recommendations or decisions using data. Machine Learning, a subset of AI, is
software which is able to learn from applicable datasets to self-improve, without
being explicitly programmed by human programmers.

AI is part of a suite of digital technologies which will AI is already changing how we learn, work and
play a major role in shaping global competitiveness live: from how we pay for online shopping, to
and productivity over the coming decades, granting using the apps on our phones. That change will
early adopters significant societal, economic and continue to shape our economy and society, as AI’s
strategic advantages. AI and other digital technologies transformative, disruptive technologies are embraced
are also transforming the world of work; in the words by new sectors and future generations.
of one commentary “the future of AI is the future of
work”. Ireland is well-placed to be at the forefront of that
change. As a country we have invested heavily
There are many assumptions and misunderstandings in developing IT talent, entrepreneurship and
about AI and its short- and long-term impacts on the connectivity. We’re also home to many of the world’s
economy and society. Popular narratives, science largest ICT businesses.
fiction, and media hype tend to influence our thinking
about AI but are often unrealistic and lacking in As that transformation happens, computers will
nuance. However, AI offers great opportunities begin to complement or replace specific tasks
to improve our socio-economic performance and otherwise performed by people. Now is the time to
productivity, as well as our environmental and social put safeguards in place to make sure that happens
wellbeing. securely, and in a manner that is fair, transparent and
builds public trust.

This Strategy sets out how Ireland can be an

international leader in using AI to benefit our
economy and society, through a people-centred,
ethical approach to its development, adoption and

AI - Here for Good

A National Artificial Intelligence
Strategy for Ireland
Artificial Intelligence | Executive Summary


This Strategy sets out how Ireland can be an international

leader in using AI to benefit our economy and society, through
a people-centred, ethical approach to its development,
adoption and use.

In recognition of the wide-ranging effect AI will have on our lives, this Strategy
considers AI from a number of perspectives. These are:

Building public trust

Strand 1: AI and society

Strand 2: A governance ecosystem that promotes
trustworthy AI

Leveraging AI for economic and societal benefit

Strand 3: Driving adoption of AI in Irish enterprise

Strand 4: AI serving the public

Enablers for AI

Strand 5: A strong AI innovation ecosystem

Strand 6: AI education, skills and talent
Strand 7: A supportive and secure infrastructure for AI
Strand 8: Implementing the Strategy

A theme that runs through the entire Strategy is Government’s commitment to an

ethical approach to AI and to the secure use of AI and other digital technologies.

Ultimately the ambition of this Strategy is to make sure that AI is here for good.

AI - Here for Good
In recognition of the wide-ranging effect AI will have
on our lives, this Strategy considers AI from a number
of perspectives. These are:
A National Artificial Intelligence
Strategy for Ireland

Leveraging AI for Our Economy

and Society

Building Public Trust

Blocks in Place

• Enterprise Digital Advisory Board

• Workforce that is prepared for AI • GovTech Delivery Board
• Secure data, digital and • AI Ambassador
Artificial Intelligence | Executive Summary
Artificial Intelligence | Executive Summary

1 AI and

Project Ireland 2040 | Investing in Business, Enterprise and Innovation 2018-2027
Strand 1: AI and society

Strand 1: AI and Society

The more people who understand and trust in the potential of AI, the
more who will embrace it. The Government recognises the need to have
meaningful engagement with the public on the development, governance
and use of AI.

Human rights and ethical principles are a key AI offers transformative potential for tackling
focus of this Strategy. It is vital that we listen to many societal, environmental and economic
people’s views and embed AI in society in ways challenges. However, for this to be successful,
that respect and promote diversity, inclusion, widespread societal buy-in is required. The
equality and non-discrimination. Government intends to begin the process of
engagement and building trust through the
following actions:

Strong public trust in AI as a force for societal good in Ireland

i. Appoint an AI Ambassador to champion AI as a positive force for the economy and society

ii. Open a conversation with children and young people about AI through Comhairle na nÓg,
the national structure for consultation with children and young people [DETE / DCEDIY]

iii. Promote and expand courses which educate the general public about AI [DFHERIS]

iv. Expand AI for Societal Good Challenge Funds [DFHERIS, SFI / DPER / relevant

v. Include opportunities for AI in climate action as part of the development of future climate
policies [DECC / DFHERIS, SFI / DETE / DoT]

AI - Here for Good

A National Artificial Intelligence
Strategy for Ireland
Artificial Intelligence | Executive Summary
Artificial Intelligence | Executive Summary

A Governance
that Promotes
Trustworthy AI

Project Ireland 2040 | Investing in Business, Enterprise and Innovation 2018-2027
Strand 2: A Governance Ecosystem that Promotes Trustworthy AI

Strand 2: A Governance Ecosystem that

Promotes Trustworthy AI
Ireland is committed to an AI approach which is responsible, ethical and
trustworthy. That will require an agile and appropriate governance and regulatory
environment across three key areas:

Legal Framework: Ethics:

Various pieces of legislation already apply to the AI must support the ethical values of society and
development and use of AI today, and much of protect human rights. To achieve this, the EU has
Ireland’s existing legal framework should be sufficient developed Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI.
to provide for the smooth deployment of AI. However, An ethical approach will be at the forefront of
some legal gaps may require additional regulation and Government’s work to drive AI adoption in the private
work is ongoing across Government to examine and and public sectors, and we will provide a range of tools
address legal gaps for AI. to help in assessing the trustworthiness of AI systems.

At EU level development of a horizontal European Standards and Certification:

regulatory framework for AI is underway. Ireland
is playing an active part in shaping this work, to Compliance tools, such as standards and certification,
develop a framework that ensures the protection of will be used to underpin both legal and ethical
fundamental rights, while fostering innovation and obligations with respect to AI. This work will be
benefiting from the opportunities presented by AI. led by the Top Team on Standards for AI, which
was established in 2020 by the National Standards
Authority of Ireland (NSAI) to develop a standards
and assurance roadmap for AI.

An agile and appropriate governance and regulatory environment for AI

Strategic Actions

i. Continue to play an active part in discussions iv. Publish a Standards and Assurance Roadmap for
at EU level to define a horizontal regulatory AI [DETE-NSAI]
framework for AI [DETE]
v. Investigate the potential and requirements of
ii. Consider an appropriate mechanism for ensuring regulatory sandboxes for AI [DETE-NSAI / DETE-
a coordinated approach by Irish regulators to EI / IDA / DFEHERIS-SFI]
Digital, including AI, as part of the forthcoming
National Digital Strategy [DoT / DETE / DECC D/ vi. Join the Global Partnership on AI [DETE / DFA]
vii. Continue to advocate within multilateral fora for
iii. Examine and promote ways to help businesses an ethical and human rights-based approach to
self-assess the trustworthiness of their AI AI [DFA / other Departments as appropriate]
systems, including through development of case
viii. Consider the implications of AI as part of a
studies and toolkits for SMEs [DETE-EI, IDA /
planned review of equality legislation [DCEDIY]

AI - Here for Good

A National Artificial Intelligence
Strategy for Ireland
Artificial Intelligence | Executive Summary
Artificial Intelligence | Executive Summary

Adoption of
AI in Irish

Project Ireland 2040 | Investing in Business, Enterprise and Innovation 2018-2027
Strand 3: Driving Adoption of AI in Irish Enterprise

Strand 3: Driving Adoption of AI in Irish

AI is already an important productivity driver in a wide range of sectors, including
technology, financial services, agriculture, engineering, healthcare and life sciences.

As we emerge from the pandemic, there is the solutions. Government will also encourage strong
opportunity to reap a productivity dividend from AI interaction between research and industry, as well as
(as well as other digital technologies) in businesses promoting collaboration and spillovers between SMEs
of all sizes and in all sectors. This Strategy aims to and leading-edge technology MNCs.
encourage and help those enterprises, large and small,
to adopt and benefit from AI. An AI Innovation Hub will also be established, as part
of Ireland’s planned programme of European Digital
To achieve that aim, Government will partner with Innovation Hubs, to act as a National First Stop for AI,
Industry to drive widespread adoption of AI across providing expertise and guidance to enterprises on
enterprise through a phased approach of awareness their AI adoption journey.
building, opportunities to experiment with and pilot
Government will also consider the technology
AI applications, assistance with planning and capacity and infrastructure requirements to underpin the
building for AI, and help for implementation of AI widespread and secure adoption of AI by businesses.

Increased productivity through a step change in AI adoption by Irish enterprise

Strategic Actions

i. Establish an Enterprise Digital Advisory Board to advise and work with Government to drive industry
adoption of AI and other digital technologies including by:

a. Assessing the current spectrum of AI resources available to industry from Government to inform
actions to maximise the potential of the existing infrastructure

b. Developing an AI programme for enterprise of targeted funding and advisory measures for AI

c. Raising awareness among businesses of all sizes of the resources available to help with AI adoption

d. Developing a national AI cluster or platform to drive collaboration between MNCs and SMEs [All
actions above for DETE, EI, IDA, LEOs, SFI]

ii. Consider the best model for a data and AI infrastructure platform to accelerate the onboarding and
adoption of AI in industry [DETE/IDA/EI/DPER-OGCIO]

iii. Establish an AI Innovation Hub, as part of Ireland’s planned programme of European Digital Innovation
Hubs, to act as a National First Stop for AI, providing expertise and guidance to enterprises on their AI
adoption journey [DETE, EI, Digital Europe]

AI - Here for Good

A National Artificial Intelligence
Strategy for Ireland
Artificial Intelligence | Executive Summary
Artificial Intelligence | Executive Summary

4 AI Serving
the Public

Project Ireland 2040 | Investing in Business, Enterprise and Innovation 2018-2027
Strand 4: AI Serving the Public

Strand 4: AI Serving the Public

The public sector has already embedded AI This will be done in a manner that is
into the provision of certain public services, responsible and ethical. Government will lead
and is also piloting AI applications in a range the way and drive growth in AI by purchasing
of areas including agriculture, revenue and and developing ethical and trustworthy AI
health. This has made the delivery of those applications, and by using public procurement
services more efficient and has provided policies to stimulate and encourage industry
useful analytic data that can be applied in the to provide AI based products and services to
formation of future public policies. To achieve government. We want Ireland’s public service
the full potential offered by AI requires a to become a showcase of AI adoption and
coordinated public service-wide, strategic reference site for industry solutions. By doing
approach to the implementation of AI, that so, this will help to build public trust in AI.
is secure and ethical. The GovTech Delivery
Board, which is being established to drive
digital transition in the Public Service, will
consider AI adoption by the Public Service as
part of its work.

Better public service outcomes through a step change in AI adoption by the Irish public sector

Strategic Actions

i. The GovTech Delivery Board will consider the adoption of AI by the Public Service,

a. What appropriate safeguards are needed to ensure a secure system for AI

development and use in the public service

b. The approach to developing and promulgating principles for trustworthy AI which

will apply to all AI developed for and used by the Public Service

c. The development needs for AI talent in the Public Service

d. Opportunities for public procurement of AI, using public purchasing power to drive
innovation and growth in the development of ethical and trustworthy AI

ii. Promote an ‘open’ environment for accelerating and testing AI applications in the Public
Service, e.g. Hackathons and Workshops [DPER]

AI - Here for Good

A National Artificial Intelligence
Strategy for Ireland
Artificial Intelligence | Executive Summary
Artificial Intelligence | Executive Summary

5 A Strong AI

Project Ireland 2040 | Investing in Business, Enterprise and Innovation 2018-2027
Strand 5: A Strong AI Innovation Ecosystem

Strand 5: A Strong AI Innovation Ecosystem

If we want AI to thrive, a strong and supportive ecosystem for AI innovation is
essential. Our ambition therefore is to drive AI innovation through world class
research and development.

Ireland already has strong industry-academic and using AI are connected to each other and to
research credentials built around Science Foundation appropriate support systems.
Ireland (SFI)-run programmes, and many of our
academic researchers are internationally renowned Other important elements of the ecosystem include
for their excellence in AI. As part of this Strategy, we a supportive funding environment, opportunities to
want to build on that reputation, promoting strong connect with international partners, and access to
links between industry, research and academia, testbeds where AI applications can be experimented
so that innovative researchers, enterprises and with and piloted in real world environments.
entrepreneurs that are involved in developing

A strong Irish ecosystem for high-quality and responsible AI research and Innovation

Strategic Actions

i. Conduct a mapping of the AI R&I ecosystem [DFHERIS-SFI]

ii. Identify sectors of opportunity for establishing AI testbeds and experimentation facilities [DETE, EI, IDA
& NSAI / DFHERIS, SFI, Enterprise AI Advisory Board]

iii. Promote Irish participation in international AI R&I programmes and relevant EU funding calls [DFHERIS,

iv. Explore potential mechanisms for all-island cooperation on AI R&I in strategic sectors, for example
through the Shared Island initiative [DFHERIS, SFI/ DoT]

v. Promote Ireland as a centre for talent in AI R&I as part of Global Footprint 2025 [DFHERIS/ DETE/ DFA]

AI - Here for Good

A National Artificial Intelligence
Strategy for Ireland
Artificial Intelligence | Executive Summary
Artificial Intelligence | Executive Summary

6 AI Education,
Skills and

Project Ireland 2040 | Investing in Business, Enterprise and Innovation 2018-2027
Strand 6: AI Education, Skills and Talent

Strand 6: AI Education, Skills and Talent

With one in three jobs in Ireland likely to be disrupted by the adoption of digital
technologies, our workforce needs to be prepared for the impact of AI. Some of the
disruption, however, is likely to be around changes to job roles and tasks, rather than
actual job losses. While AI will lead to some displacement, as with other previous
disruptive technological advances, it will also lead to the creation of new jobs and
higher productivity and incomes. The policy challenge is to ensure that these gains
are shared equitably.

The Government will prioritise policies that ensure prepared for driving and adopting AI, through the
workers can access opportunities to upskill or provision of digital, technical and complementary
re-skill, so as to adapt to these changes. Crucially, skills at all education levels, from primary school
other interventions, including in the labour market upwards, and how we will make Ireland an attractive
regulation and social protection spheres, will be place for international AI talent. In recognition of
needed in order to protect workers’ interests and the importance of cybersecurity, a suite of M.Sc.
ensure that increasing use of AI does not serve to programmes has been developed to build future skills
deepen inequalities. in this area. We will also take steps towards improving
gender balance in AI-related careers, which tend to be
Alongside this, Ireland needs to develop, attract and well remunerated but male-dominated at present.
retain AI talent. In this Strategy, Government has
set out how our workforce and population will be

A workforce prepared for and adopting AI

Strategic Actions

i. Deliver a review in 2021 of the skills implications of AI over the next 5 to 10 years, and the skills-related
actions needed to realise the potential of AI [DETE, EGFSN]

ii. Encourage Higher Education Institutions to take a coordinated approach to delivering AI education and
training informed by the outcome of the EGFSN review [DFHERIS, HEA and HEIs]

iii. Assist employers to expand workplace-focused AI upskilling and reskilling, including through
apprenticeships, SOLAS programmes, Skillnet Ireland training programmes and enterprise partnership
schemes [DFHERIS, Skillnet Ireland, HEA, & SOLAS / DETE, Enterprise AI Advisory Board]

iv. Consider how AI can be incorporated into future policy for digital learning [D/Education]

v. Review the criteria for employment permits for critical AI-related skills, having regard to the research
and analysis of AI skills needs that is undertaken [DETE]

vi. Establish an expert group to develop an action plan to increase the participation of women in reslated
careers [DETE / DFHERIS / D/Education / DCEDIY]

AI - Here for Good

A National Artificial Intelligence
Strategy for Ireland
Artificial Intelligence | Executive Summary
Artificial Intelligence | Executive Summary

A Supportive
and Secure
for AI

Project Ireland 2040 | Investing in Business, Enterprise and Innovation 2018-2027
Strand 7: A Supportive and Secure Infrastructure for AI

Strand 7: A Supportive and Secure Infrastructure

for AI
The building blocks for a healthy AI infrastructure include access to high-quality and
trustworthy data; robust data governance and privacy frameworks; secure high-
speed telecommunication networks; and sufficient computing power and storage

Many of these components are already core strengths on the HSE has demonstrated, there is no room for
for Ireland, including a strong track record in open complacency with respect to cyber security, and the
data, and a commitment to rigorous data protection development of the NCSC will evolve continuously,
standards. Government has put in place legislation to reflect its important mandate. AI technologies can
to allow public bodies to share personal data, which be used as a tool to strengthen cyber security, for
will be overseen by the Data Governance Board. example, through the deployment of active firewalls
Broadband rollout and High Performance Computing or smart antivirus protection.
(HPC) are long-standing Government priorities, on
which substantial progress has been made in recent Under this Strategy, Government will build on
years. these strengths to create world-class data, digital
and connectivity infrastructure for driving AI
A strong national approach to cyber security is a development and adoption in Ireland and to solidify
prerequisite for building and maintaining trust in AI our role as a trustworthy data governance hub. Where
systems. Under Ireland’s National Cyber Security possible, Government will make more public sector
Strategy, Government will protect the security of data openly, safely and securely available and will
the country’s computer networks and associated facilitate the development of trusted data sharing
infrastructure, led by the National Cyber Security mechanisms and research environments to enable
Centre (NCSC). As the 2021 ransomware attack access to data and collaboration across different

A data, digital and connectivity infrastructure which provides a secure
foundation for AI development and use in Ireland

Strategic Actions

i. Building on initiatives such as the EMPOWER program, provide a framework for trustworthy data
governance across the private sector and develop tools and methodologies to apply the framework.

ii. Promulgate standards and guidelines for ethical data sharing within the Public Service [DPER / Data
Governance Board]

iii. Increase the availability of open government data for AI training and testing, including by holding an AI
Open Data Challenge [DPER / CSO]

iv. Identify public sector climate and environmental open datasets to encourage development of AI
solutions for climate action [DPER / DECC, EPA, SEAI]

AI - Here for Good

A National Artificial Intelligence
Strategy for Ireland
Artificial Intelligence | Executive Summary
Artificial Intelligence | Executive Summary

8 Implementing
the Strategy

Project Ireland 2040 | Investing in Business, Enterprise and Innovation 2018-2027
Strand 8: Implementing the Strategy

Strand 8: Implementing the Strategy

The AI Strategy forms an important part of overall digital strategy for Ireland; the
drivers and enablers for AI are very similar to those for other digital technologies.
Therefore, the AI Strategy will be implemented through the framework that
Government is establishing to drive and oversee Ireland’s digital transition, with
specific strategic actions led by nominated Government Departments, State
agencies or other bodies, as set out in the relevant Strands.

An Enterprise Digital Advisory Board will be AI Ambassador will be a member of the Enterprise
established to advise and work with Government Digital Advisory Board and will be supported in
to drive enterprise adoption of digital technologies, their work by the Board and by the Department of
including AI. The Board members will include Enterprise, Trade and Employment.
relevant Government Departments, representatives
from MNCs and SMEs, AI experts, IDA Ireland and
Enterprise Ireland. The Board will be chaired by the Driving Standards in AI
Minister of State for Trade Promotion, Digital and
Company Regulation. The Board will oversee the Government has established a Top Team on Standards
implementation of the enterprise elements of the for AI to expand Ireland’s international leadership
AI Strategy. Government also plans to establish a in AI standards development. Led by the NSAI, the
GovTech Delivery Board, which will lead the digital Top Team is working with academia, industry and
transformation of the Public Service. The Board will regulators to develop a roadmap for AI standards.
consider AI adoption by the public service as part of
its work.
Ongoing Review of Strategy
To reflect the specific complexities of AI, some
additional structures will also be put in place, to This Strategy will be responsive and flexible, in
deliver the objectives of the Strategy. keeping with the rapidly evolving technologies
and the issues it must address. As AI technologies
and applications develop, there may be a need for
Driving Public Trust in AI new approaches and initiatives that we cannot
foresee today. To allow for this responsiveness,
Building public trust in and engagement with AI will Government will develop a detailed action plan, to
be essential to the overall success of the AI Strategy. drive implementation of the Strategy, and this action
Government will appoint an AI Ambassador to plan will be updated each year to address emerging
promote awareness among the public and businesses challenges and opportunities.
of the potential that AI offers, serving as a champion
of AI as a positive force for the economy and
society, and emphasising an ethical approach. The

AI - Here for Good

A National Artificial Intelligence
Strategy for Ireland
Artificial Intelligence | Executive Summary

AI - Here for Good
A National Artificial Intelligence
Strategy for Ireland


Prepared by the Department of

Enterprise, Trade and Employment
73 13

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