Daily Lesson Log: Department of Education
Daily Lesson Log: Department of Education
Daily Lesson Log: Department of Education
A.Content Standards The learner realizes the rigors of crafting one’s speech.
B.Performance Standards The learner proficiently delivers various speeches using the principles of effective speech delivery.
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives Uses principles of effective Uses principles of effective speech Uses principles of effective speech Uses principles of effective speech
speech writing focusing on: writing focusing on: writing focusing on: writing focusing on:
Write the LC Code for each
• Audience profile • Audience profile • Audience profile • Audience profile
Principles of Effective Speech Principles of Effective Speech Principles of Effective Speech Principles of Effective Speech
Writing Writing Writing Writing
1.Teacher’s Guides/Pages
2.Learner’s Materials Pages Oral Communication in Context Oral Communication in Context Oral Communication in Context Oral Communication in Context
Quarter 2 – Module 3: Quarter 2 – Module 3: Quarter 2 – Module 3: Quarter 2 – Module 3:
Principles of Effective Speech Principles of Effective Speech Principles of Effective Speech Principles of Effective Speech
Writing and Delivery, pp. 1; 5 Writing and Delivery Writing and Delivery Writing and Delivery
3.Textbook Pages
4.Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR) portal
A.Reviewing previous lesson or Review the learners about the Review the learners about the fourth Review the learners about writing Review the learners about writing
presenting the new lesson third principle of speech writing. principle of speech writing. the introduction for a speech. the body of a speech.
B.Establishing a purpose for the The learners will analyze the The learners will analyze the first The learners will do scanning The learners will analyze the last
lesson skipping steps meme template. paragraph of the famous speech of about the three stories told by paragraph of the speech of Steve
Then, ask them how they can Steve Jobs in the Stanford University Steve Jobs in his speech for Jobs. Ask them the message they
connect the image to speech graduation program. graduates of Stanford University. got from the paragraph.
C.Presenting examples/instances of Present “Gettysburg Address” Ask the learners the importance of Ask the learners how Jobs Ask the learners what makes the
the new lesson delivered by Abraham Lincoln. introduction in a speech. arranged his stories in the speech. last paragraph of the said speech
The learners will identify major interesting.
highlights of the said speech.
D.Discussing new concepts and Discuss Outlining and Organizing Discuss writing the introduction of a Discuss writing the body of the Discuss writing the conclusion of
practicing new skills #1 the Speech Content as the fourth speech. speech. the speech.
principle of speech writing.
F.Developing mastery The learners will create an outline The learners will do a draft of the The learners will do a draft of the The learners will do a draft of the
of their speech. introduction of their speeches. body of their speeches. conclusion of their speech.
(Leads to formative assessment)
How can outlining help you How can writing introductions help How can writing the body of a How can writing the conclusion of
organize your thoughts? you to connect to people in a speech can help you to be detailed- a speech help you to be
conversation? oriented? remarkable?
H. Making generalizations and The learners will state their The learners will state their learning The learners will state their The learners will state their
abstractions about the lesson learning takeaways. takeaways. learning takeaways. learning takeaways.
I.Evaluating Learning
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