3 LumbantoruanFinal
3 LumbantoruanFinal
3 LumbantoruanFinal
Mesta Limbong
Indonesian Christian University
Asnah MN Limbong
Jakarta Open University
The aim is to determine the influence of Leadership, Culture, and Dormitory Life on Student Character.
The method with mixed sequential explanatory. Data collection techniques with instruments, surveys, and
interviews. The subject is vocational high school and the object is students and teachers. The analysis
technique is a survey of 120 respondents and interviews of 17 respondents. The results found the influence
of leadership, culture and dormitory life on character. Research proves that the three variables together
have a positive and significant effect on student character. Regression tests the effect of the three variables
on the t value X1 = 2.252, X2 = 4.127, and X3 = 2.074, at a significance level = 0.05 and degrees of freedom
42, t table 1.684, then t count is in the area of acceptance of Ha and Ho is rejected, meaning that leadership,
school culture and dormitory life simultaneously have a significant effect on student character. Leadership,
culture and dormitory life are the main elements in building methods in vocational high schools.
The teacher's ability for self-reflection allows students to choose good and bad and implement it for
themselves and others. Through reflective abilities, students' characters can be developed and developed
into characters that are in everyday life. Education is not enough if it is only measured by academic
achievement or results (Rascón-Hernán et al., 2019). It must be admitted that one of the indicators of
educational success is grades. However, making grades the main key to educational success cannot be
measured by final exam scores alone (Q. Li et al., 2020). As in Indonesia, the national exam has become a
general standard that sets a minimum educational success standard (Bogren et al., 2022). This is a setback
and impacts teaching and learning activities in schools. It will only create students to master, remember,
and repeat learning in class to achieve the values set. This point of view builds students only as imitative
learners or imitators (Vanslambrouck et al., 2019). Students focusing on maximum score results will force
themselves to master facts, principles, and applications (Ryan & Deci, 2020). At the same time, the real
The research method uses a mixed method, namely quantitative and qualitative, with an Explanatory
Sequential Mixed Method Design approach. Explanatory sequential design is a mixed research method with
a two-phase model, which first collects quantitative data and then collects qualitative data. The design or
explanatory design aims to explain quantitative results with qualitative data (Patel, 2019). The research was
conducted at vocational high schools in Wee Pengali Village, Kota Tambo Laka District, Southwest Sumba
Regency, and East Nusa Tenggara Province. The subject is the Don Bosco Education Foundation
Vocational High School. The object is students who live in dormitories. The mixed methods approach used
is the Explanatory Sequential Mixed Method Design. The explanatory sequential design is a mixed research
method with a two-phase model, which first collects quantitative data and then collects qualitative data.
The design or explanatory design aims to explain quantitative results with qualitative data.
The population of all vocational high schools in Southwest Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara with a sample
of DON BOSCO vocational high schools in Weepangali Village, Kota Tambo Laka District, Southwest
Sumba, totaling 147 people consisting of 18 teachers and 139 students 139. Collecting data by distributing
questionnaires. The instruments were distributed to students using the simple random sampling method
(Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie, 2021). The questionnaire consists of four indicators that correspond to student
character statements, measure teacher leadership, measure school culture, and measure dorm life. Data or
answers from respondents to the questionnaire are needed to carry out this analysis. The respondents of this
Linear Regression Analysis tested: Model 1: Leadership Variable (X1) influences Character Variable
(Y), Model 2: School Culture Variable (X2) influences Character Variable (Y), Model 3: Dormitory Life
Variable (X3) influences Character Variable (Y), Model 4: Independent Variables, Leadership (X1), School
Culture (X2) and Dormitory Life (X3) jointly influence Character Variables (Y). Model form, from the
results of the linear regression test using SPSS 24 obtained constant Alpha and regression coefficients with
t-test. Hypothesis: H0: 1 = 0 means that the regression coefficient is not significant, Ha: there is 1 that is not
zero, Ha: 1 0 means the coefficient is significant. Terms of decision making If t count <= t table or probability
> = 0.05 then H0 is accepted. If t count > t table or probability <0.05 then H0 is rejected with the chosen
significance level = 0.05.
Statistical Hypothesis. 1) Hypothesis between Leadership and Student Character, H0: Leadership has
no significant effect on student character, H1: Leadership has a significant effect on student character. 2)
Hypothesis between School Culture and Student Character, H0: School culture has no significant effect on
student character, H1: School culture significantly affects student character. 3) Hypothesis between
Dormitory and Student Character, H0: Dormitory has no significant effect on student character, H1:
Dormitory has a significant effect on student character. 4) Hypothesis between Leadership, School Culture
and Islamic Boarding School Simultaneously against Character, H0: Leadership, School Culture and Islamic
Boarding School simultaneously have no significant effect on Student Character, H1: Leadership, School
Teacher leadership in schools is effective and significantly develops students' character and leadership
has a positive and significant effect on students' character. The mean value of students' answers to
instrument statements on the leadership variable is 4.68. This was confirmed from the results of interviews
that the influence of educator leadership in developing student characteristics such as commitment to duties
and responsibilities, teacher familiarity with students builds trust and good relationships, preparation and
planning in motivating students to learn, achievement and discipline. Discipline while studying at school
has a close relationship between students and teachers, a joint examination system in the hall and
supervision that has succeeded in preventing and reducing the habit of cheating, the presence and assistance
of teachers create a kinship in preventing unwanted things from happening. Life in the hostel has a
significant effect on student character. The pattern of life in the hostel influences the development of student
characteristics such as regular study time and the presence of trainers during study hours who help create a
conducive learning atmosphere, and scheduled activities that train discipline. These three variables together
also have an effective and significant influence on student character development. Through statistical tests
t arithmetic X1 = 2.252, X2 = 4.127, and X3 = 2.074, at a significance level = 0.05 and degrees of freedom
42, t table 1.684, this shows that teacher leadership, school culture, and dormitory life simultaneously have
a significant effect on character student. Students and teachers appreciate this excellent and unique
educational method in the educational environment to apply.
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