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Benefits of School Cultural Leadership in Dormitory Life in

Student Character Development

Mesta Limbong
Indonesian Christian University

Asnah MN Limbong
Jakarta Open University

Jitu Halomoan Lumbantoruan

Indonesian Christian University

The aim is to determine the influence of Leadership, Culture, and Dormitory Life on Student Character.
The method with mixed sequential explanatory. Data collection techniques with instruments, surveys, and
interviews. The subject is vocational high school and the object is students and teachers. The analysis
technique is a survey of 120 respondents and interviews of 17 respondents. The results found the influence
of leadership, culture and dormitory life on character. Research proves that the three variables together
have a positive and significant effect on student character. Regression tests the effect of the three variables
on the t value X1 = 2.252, X2 = 4.127, and X3 = 2.074, at a significance level = 0.05 and degrees of freedom
42, t table 1.684, then t count is in the area of acceptance of Ha and Ho is rejected, meaning that leadership,
school culture and dormitory life simultaneously have a significant effect on student character. Leadership,
culture and dormitory life are the main elements in building methods in vocational high schools.

Keywords: character, leadership, school culture, boarding life, preventive system


The teacher's ability for self-reflection allows students to choose good and bad and implement it for
themselves and others. Through reflective abilities, students' characters can be developed and developed
into characters that are in everyday life. Education is not enough if it is only measured by academic
achievement or results (Rascón-Hernán et al., 2019). It must be admitted that one of the indicators of
educational success is grades. However, making grades the main key to educational success cannot be
measured by final exam scores alone (Q. Li et al., 2020). As in Indonesia, the national exam has become a
general standard that sets a minimum educational success standard (Bogren et al., 2022). This is a setback
and impacts teaching and learning activities in schools. It will only create students to master, remember,
and repeat learning in class to achieve the values set. This point of view builds students only as imitative
learners or imitators (Vanslambrouck et al., 2019). Students focusing on maximum score results will force
themselves to master facts, principles, and applications (Ryan & Deci, 2020). At the same time, the real

34 Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice Vol. 23(13) 2023

learning is to form a positive character and become a human being who can be useful to others (Panwar et
al., 2020). Characters that must be avoided are detrimental to the future such as cheating to get good,
bullying others, violent behavior, and the nature of studying for corruption (T. M. Li, 2018). Amid this
crisis, Character Education is considered capable of playing a role as a contributor to building and saving
the nation from a multidimensional crisis (Saidek et al., 2016). Character education aims to form effective
habits and habits of students that benefit themselves and others (Tan et al., 2018). Character education also
seeks to educate students to determine values that are useful for life and develop within students so that
they become individuals who are beneficial to society (Valor et al., 2020). Character education is also
potential or harmful tendencies in students and strengthens positive potential in everyday life (Lavy,
2020).The program to strengthen Character Education in Vocational High Schools in Indonesia is focused
on the government and teachers. One of the regions in Indonesia, namely Southwest Sumba Regency, in
the province of East Nusa Tenggara, is committed to building personality, noble character, and skills to live
independently and participate in further vocational education. Schools in West Sumba Regency call it the
Preventive Education Method. This system emphasizes full and comprehensive assistance for students to
avoid moral problems and strengthen their positive values (Gonsalves, 2016).
The application of Character Education in learning is the spirit of the Curriculum which has been
developed into the independent learning curriculum (O’Flaherty & Liddy, 2018). From a brief observation
with several people at the Don Bosco vocational school location in August 2019, there seems to be several
problems related to the quality of education and the character of vocational high school students in
Southwest Sumba, the problem of the low quality of education. From the National Education Survey, the
Province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Southwest Sumba is one area that has a low quality of education
(Hasan et al., 2012). Education in East Nusa Tenggara ranks in the bottom three nationally in Indonesia,
after the Papua and West Papua provinces. In addition, the low quality of education in NTT can also be
seen from many dropouts. According to SUSENAS Education data in 2018, the number of students who
dropped out of school reached 110,040 people (De Vera et al., 2019). Head of the East Nusa Tenggara
Provincial Education Office, Benyamin Lola, said that the factors that influence the low quality of education
in NTT are the competence of educators and facilities to support the teaching and learning process (Tokan
& Imakulata, 2019).
From interviews conducted by researchers with several educators in the District of Tambo laka,
Southwest Sumba, it was revealed that factors often cause the low quality of education; 1) Corruption; the
practice of corruption, collusion, and nepotism seems to have become a culture in the community and
government in the area. 2) Another factor is the low awareness of the need for education. This is indicated
by: low time discipline; Discipline in terms of timing of teaching and learning activities is a common
problem in schools in Southwest Sumba. 3) Environmental factors, where students live, rented houses or
boarding houses that are not conducive to learning; as in general, students who study in secondary
vocational schools located in the City area. This requires students to rent a place to live. The residence
factor can also cause students' concentration and character to be not good. As in general, many are also
found in one residence, some students are male and male. This kind of environment becomes very
vulnerable to juvenile delinquency and free sex behavior which is the beginning of the student's character
to become negative. (Xiang et al., 2018).
From the problems above, researchers need to assume that character educators in vocational high
schools in Southwest Sumba Regency need to be strengthened immediately. There are three variables that
are measured, namely: 1) leadership is carried out in the form of the presence of an educator who provides
motivation and attention. 2) Preventive systems or methods also emphasize a school culture that protects
and is conducive to student character development. 3) Dormitory Life, to support the consistency of
character education, one of which is a boarding-based education system that helps and facilitates the process
of internalizing students' character development. For example, Don Bosco School has dormitories
accommodating 60% male students. The hostel implements the strengthening of character education that
already exists in the school culture so that it is more programmed and integrated.
From the above background, this study aims to: 1) find out the character of students developed by
educators at the Sumba Barat Daya Vocational High School, East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia, 2) find out the

Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice Vol. 23(13) 2023 35

role of educator leadership in influencing the character of students, 3) find out the role of school culture in
influencing the character of students, and 4) knowing the role of the existence of a dormitory in influencing
the character of students.


The research method uses a mixed method, namely quantitative and qualitative, with an Explanatory
Sequential Mixed Method Design approach. Explanatory sequential design is a mixed research method with
a two-phase model, which first collects quantitative data and then collects qualitative data. The design or
explanatory design aims to explain quantitative results with qualitative data (Patel, 2019). The research was
conducted at vocational high schools in Wee Pengali Village, Kota Tambo Laka District, Southwest Sumba
Regency, and East Nusa Tenggara Province. The subject is the Don Bosco Education Foundation
Vocational High School. The object is students who live in dormitories. The mixed methods approach used
is the Explanatory Sequential Mixed Method Design. The explanatory sequential design is a mixed research
method with a two-phase model, which first collects quantitative data and then collects qualitative data.
The design or explanatory design aims to explain quantitative results with qualitative data.


Leadership [X1] (Examples,

Examples, and Life
principles That Are Owned
and Shown In School

School Culture [X2]

(Relations Created, Habits
Practiced And Values Character Students [Y]
Lived In the School

Dormitory Life [X3]

(Practices Of Living
Together, Relationships
and Independence in the
Environment Dormitory)

The population of all vocational high schools in Southwest Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara with a sample
of DON BOSCO vocational high schools in Weepangali Village, Kota Tambo Laka District, Southwest
Sumba, totaling 147 people consisting of 18 teachers and 139 students 139. Collecting data by distributing
questionnaires. The instruments were distributed to students using the simple random sampling method
(Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie, 2021). The questionnaire consists of four indicators that correspond to student
character statements, measure teacher leadership, measure school culture, and measure dorm life. Data or
answers from respondents to the questionnaire are needed to carry out this analysis. The respondents of this

36 Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice Vol. 23(13) 2023

study were mostly students who live in dormitories, teachers who have taught for more than 3 years and
the Principal of the Don Bosco School. The qualitative phase studied quantitative research results for any
unclear or unexpected results that required further explanation by interview. The types of questions used in
interviews are open questions, where the answers do not need to be prepared, so respondents are free to
express their opinions (Pinfield et al., 2020).
Data analysis techniques are descriptive analysis, data normality test, correlation test,
multicollinearities test, and regression analysis. The statistics used to perform this analysis are generally
frequency, average, and total, minimum, maximum. In the descriptive analysis of this research, there are
four steps in data processing which consist of: a) Descriptive analysis of statement items for each variable
is a table describing the frequency value of each item for each question, b) Descriptive analysis of variable
dimensions is a recapitulation of the analysis of statement items classified based on dimensions, c)
Descriptive analysis of dimension recap for each variable is a recap of all dimension values contained in
one particular variable. d) Descriptive analysis of variable recapitulation for one research case is a
recapitulation of each variable involved in one particular case. The Normality test aims to determine the
data distribution on the variables used in the study. The normality test is carried out by knowing that the
samples follow a normal distribution (Drasgow, 2015). The provision for a residual to be said to have a
normal distribution is to check the value of the residually in the Asymp section. Sig. (2-tail). If the value is
> 0.05 (greater than 5%), then it can be concluded that the residuals are normally distributed. Correlation
analysis with the significance level of the two variables has a relationship with the following conditions. 1)
If Sig > 0.05 then Ho is accepted which means there is no relationship, 2) If Sig < 0.05 then Ho is rejected
which means there is a relationship:


Number Correlation Coefficient (r) Relationship Level

1 0,00-0,20 Considered no relationship
2 0,21-0,40 There but low/weak
3 0,41-0,70 Enough
4 0,71-0,90 High / Strong
5 0,91-1,00 Very high/very strong

Linear Regression Analysis tested: Model 1: Leadership Variable (X1) influences Character Variable
(Y), Model 2: School Culture Variable (X2) influences Character Variable (Y), Model 3: Dormitory Life
Variable (X3) influences Character Variable (Y), Model 4: Independent Variables, Leadership (X1), School
Culture (X2) and Dormitory Life (X3) jointly influence Character Variables (Y). Model form, from the
results of the linear regression test using SPSS 24 obtained constant Alpha and regression coefficients with
t-test. Hypothesis: H0: 1 = 0 means that the regression coefficient is not significant, Ha: there is 1 that is not
zero, Ha: 1 0 means the coefficient is significant. Terms of decision making If t count <= t table or probability
> = 0.05 then H0 is accepted. If t count > t table or probability <0.05 then H0 is rejected with the chosen
significance level = 0.05.
Statistical Hypothesis. 1) Hypothesis between Leadership and Student Character, H0: Leadership has
no significant effect on student character, H1: Leadership has a significant effect on student character. 2)
Hypothesis between School Culture and Student Character, H0: School culture has no significant effect on
student character, H1: School culture significantly affects student character. 3) Hypothesis between
Dormitory and Student Character, H0: Dormitory has no significant effect on student character, H1:
Dormitory has a significant effect on student character. 4) Hypothesis between Leadership, School Culture
and Islamic Boarding School Simultaneously against Character, H0: Leadership, School Culture and Islamic
Boarding School simultaneously have no significant effect on Student Character, H1: Leadership, School

Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice Vol. 23(13) 2023 37

Culture and Islamic Boarding School simultaneously have a significant effect on Student Character.
Character of students. 2) Hypothesis between School Culture and Student Character, H0: School culture has
no significant effect on students' character, H1: School culture has a significant effect on students' character.
3) Hypothesis between Dormitory and Student Character, H0: Dormitory has no significant effect on the
character of students, H1: Dormitory has a significant effect on the character of students. 4) Hypothesis
between Leadership, School Culture and Boarding Simultaneously to Character, H0: Leadership, School
Culture and Boarding Schools simultaneously have no significant effect on the Character of Students, H1:
Leadership, School Culture and Boarding Schools simultaneously have a significant effect on the Character.


Quantitative Research Phase

The character data produces a mean of 4.65, median of 4.67, mode of 5, variance of 0.274, standard
deviation of 0.523, the largest value of 4.89 and the smallest value of 4.36. Cleanliness score means
students' awareness of cleanliness and environmental health is 4.87, the lowest mean score is obtained on
the quality of achievement dimension, which means students' awareness of achievement and quality of
learning is a score of 4.51. The results of the Leadership Variable Questionnaire with a mean of 4.68, a
median of 4.68, a mode of 5, a variant of 0.24, a standard deviation of 0.49, the largest value is 4.78 and
the smallest value is 4. 60. The responsibility of the educator in implementing learning according to the
task and its competence is 4.77, the ability of educators to provide assistance to students both academically
and socially. The School Culture Variable Questionnaire School Culture Variable Questionnaire results
obtained a mean of 4.58, a median of 4.61, mode 5, variance 0.29, standard deviation 0.53, and the largest
value of 4.84, the smallest value was 4.27. Activities such as joint exams in the hall or using a computer
build student honesty by 4.72; the lowest mean score is obtained on the dimensions of reading culture,
namely reading habits and reading opportunities. The Dormitory Life Variable Questionnaire results
yielded a mean of 4.74, a median of 4.76, a mode of 5, a variance of 0.191, a standard deviation of 0.437,
the most significant value was 4.89 and the smallest value was 4.60. Based on the normality test of the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the Asymp value is obtained. Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.141 greater than 0.05 so the
data is normally distributed? From the Correlation Test between leadership and culture variables, a
significant value or Sig (2-tailed) of 0.00 is obtained, which means it is less than 0.05; this indicates that
the two variables have no relationship.
The correlation coefficient is 0.655, which means it is smaller than 0.70. The relationship between the
influences of the two variables is not high. A significant Sig value is obtained from the Correlation Test
between the leadership and dormitory variables. (2-tailed) of 0.00, which means it is smaller than 0.05, this
shows that the two variables have no relationship. The correlation coefficient is obtained by a value of
0.602, meaning it is smaller than 0.70. The relationship between the two variables is moderate and not high.
A significant value or Sig is obtained from the Correlation Test between culture and dormitory variables.
(2-tailed) of 0.00 which means it is smaller than 0.05, shows that the two variables have no relationship.
The correlation coefficient is obtained by a value of 0.464 which means it is smaller than 0.070. The VIF
value is generated from the three Linear Regression Independent Variables and Character Dependent
Variables, the VIF Value of Leadership is 3.101, School Culture is 2.489, and Dormitory Life is 2.136. The
regression model y = α1 + β1 X1+ ε1, becomes y = 0.804+ 0.821 X1 + ε1. From this equation, it can be seen
that the leadership variable positively contributes to character, meaning that the greater the influence of
leadership, the greater the character built.
From the significance test of the Regression Coefficient or t-test for Constants, a t-count of 1.873 is
obtained. The t-table value with degrees of freedom (df) is 44, and a significance level of 0.05 is 1.684. So,
t-count is 1.873 > t-table is 1.684. So the t value calculated on acceptance of Ha or Ho is rejected. Meanwhile,
on sig. in the table is 0.068, which means the probability is 0.068, then probability > 0.05 then Ho is
accepted. From the t test for leadership, a tcount of 8.961 is obtained in table t with degrees of freedom (df)
44 and a significance level of 0.05, which is 1.684. So, t-count 8.961 > t-table 1.684. So the t value calculated
on acceptance of Ha or Ho is rejected. Meanwhile, on sig. in the table is 0.000, which means the probability

38 Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice Vol. 23(13) 2023

is 0.000 > 0.05, then Ho is accepted. From the Model Feasibility Test or F Test, the calculated F value is
80.304. The F value with the residual degree of freedom (df) is 44 as the denominator df and the Regression
df (treatment) is 1 as the quantifier df with a significance level of 0.05, the F table value is 4.062. Because F
count 80.304 > F table 4.062. So, the calculated F value is the acceptance of Ha or Ho is rejected. The significant
value is 0.000, meaning probability <0.05 means Ho is accepted. The coefficient of determination or R-
Square is 0.651, indicating that the proportion of leadership influence is 65.1%. This means that leadership
has a proportion of influence on character of 65.1% while the remaining 34.9% is influenced by variables
that are not in the linear regression model. School culture regression results affect student character. The
regression model y = α2 + β2 X2+ ε2, becomes y = 1.355 + 0.719 X2 + ε2. From this equation, it can be seen
that the school culture variable positively contributes to character, meaning that the greater the influence of
school culture, the greater the character that is built. From the Regression Coefficient Significance Test or
the t-test for constants, a t-count of 4.028 is obtained. T-table value with degrees of freedom (df) 44, t-count,
4.028 > t-table 1.684. So the t value calculated on acceptance of Ha or Ho is rejected. Meanwhile, on sig. in
the table is 0.000 which means the probability is 0.000, then the probability < 0.05 then Ho is rejected. The
school culture t test obtained a tcount of 9.798, in table t with degrees of freedom (df) 44 and a significance
level of 0.05 of 1.684. So t count 9.798 > t table 1.684. So the t value calculated on acceptance of Ha or Ho
is rejected. Meanwhile, on sig. in the table is 0.000 which means the probability is 0.000 > 0.05, then Ho is
accepted. From the Model Feasibility Test or F Test, the calculated F value is 95,997. The F value with the
residual degree of freedom (df) is 44 as the denominator df and Regression df (treatment) 1 as the quantifier
df with a significance level of 0.05, the F table value is 4.062. Because F count 95.997 > F table 4.062. So, the
calculated F value is the acceptance of Ha or Ho is rejected. The significant value is 0.000, meaning
probability <0.05 means Ho is accepted. The coefficient of determination or R-Square is 0.691, indicating
that the proportion of the influence of school culture is 69.1%. That is, school culture has a proportion of
influence on character of 69.1% while the remaining 30.9% is influenced by variables that are not in the
linear regression model.

Dormitory Life Regression Results Affect Student Character

Testing the regression results of the dormitory life variable (X3) on character (Y). The regression model
y = α3 + β3 X3+ ε3, becomes y = 0.793 + 0.813 X3 + ε3. From this equation, it can be seen that the variables
of dormitory life positively contribute to the character, meaning that the greater the influence of dormitory
life, the greater the character that is built. From the significance test of the Regression Coefficient or t-test
for Constants, a t-count of 1.416 is obtained. The t-table value with degrees of freedom (df) is 44, and a
significance level of 0.05 is 1.684. So, t-count, 1.416 < t-table 1.684. So, the calculated t value on acceptance
of Ho and Ha is rejected. Meanwhile, on sig. in the table is 0.164, which means the probability is 0.164, then
probability > 0.05 then Ho is accepted. From the t test of Dormitory Life, a t count of 6,890 was obtained
in table t with degrees of freedom (df) 44 and a significance level of 0.05 of 1,684. So t count 6.890 > t table
1.684. So the t value calculated on acceptance of Ha or Ho is rejected. Meanwhile, on sig. in the table is
0.000 which means the probability is 0.000 > 0.05, then Ho is accepted. From the Model Feasibility Test
or F Test, the calculated F value is 47.475. The F value with the residual degree of freedom (df) is 44 as the
denominator df and the Regression df (treatment) is 1 as the quantifier df with a significance level of 0.05,
the F table value is 4.062. Because F count 47.475 > F table 4.062. So, the calculated F value is the acceptance
of Ha or Ho is rejected. The significant value is 0.000, meaning probability <0.05 means Ho is accepted.
The coefficient of determination or R-Square is 0.525 which indicates that the proportion of influence on
dormitory life is 52.5%. This means that dormitory life has a proportion of influence on the character of
52.5% while the remaining 47.5% is influenced by variables not in the linear regression model.

Multiple Regression Results of Independent Variables Simultaneously Against Student Character

Testing the results of multiple regression variables Leadership (X1), School Culture (X2), and
Dormitory Life (X3) simultaneously on Character (Y). From the table above, the regression model y = α4 +
β41 X1+ β42X2 + β43X3+ ε4, becomes y = 0.235 + 0.293X1 + 0.409X2 + 0.247X3 + ε4. From these equations,
it can be seen that the variables of leadership, culture and hostel positively contribute. This means that the

Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice Vol. 23(13) 2023 39

greater the influence of leadership, culture and hostel, the greater the character development. From the
significance test of the regression coefficient or the constant test, a tcount of 0.589 is obtained. The t-table value
with degrees of freedom (df) is 42 and a significance level of 0.05 is 1.684. So, t-count, 0.589 < t-table 1.684.
So, the calculated t value on acceptance of Ho and Ha is rejected. Meanwhile, on sig. in the table is 0.164
which means the probability is 0.164, then probability > 0.05 then Ho is accepted. From the t test for
leadership, it was obtained t count of 2.252, in table t with degrees of freedom (df) 44 and a significance
level of 0.05 of 1.684. So, tcount 2.252 > ttable 1.684. So the t value calculated on acceptance of Ha or Ho is
rejected. Meanwhile, on sig. in the table is 0.030 which means the probability is 0.030 > 0.05, then Ho is
accepted. From the school culture t test, a tcount of 4.127 is obtained, in table t with a degree of freedom (df)
of 44 and a significance level of 0.05 of 1.684. So, t count 4.127 > ttable 1.684. So the t value calculated on
acceptance of Ha or Ho is rejected. Meanwhile, on sig. in the table is 0.000 which means the probability is
0.030 > 0.05, then Ho is accepted. The t test for dormitory life obtained a t count of 2.074, in table t with
degrees of freedom (df) 44 and a significance level of 0.05 of 1.684. So, t count 2.074 > ttable 1.684. So the t
value calculated on acceptance of Ha or Ho is rejected. Meanwhile, on sig. in the table is 0.044 which means
the probability is 0.044 > 0.05, then Ho is accepted. It can be concluded that it is meaningful and predictable
not to pass the point (0.0). Because F count is 49.646 > F table 2.872, the calculated F value is the acceptance
of Ha or Ho is rejected. The significant value is 0.000, which means probability < 0.05 Ho is accepted. The
coefficient of determination or R-Square is 0.784, which shows that the proportion of the influence of
Leadership, School Culture, and Dormitory Life is 78.4%. That is, Dormitory Life has a proportion of
influence on the character of 78.4%, while the remaining 21.6% is influenced by variables that are not in
the linear regression model.

Qualitative Research Phase

From the results of the interviews, one of the things that students appreciate at the Don Bosco
Vocational High School is the presence of familiar and pleasant teachers. Students say, "Teachers in
vocational high schools act as friends during recess". A good relationship between teachers and students
helps motivate students to improve their achievement. Aloysius Bili, one of the students, said that the
closeness between educators and students is an opportunity to share experiences in the learning process. A
good teacher is a teacher who teaches seriously, explains, and is easy to understand. The preparation and
ability of an educator to convey teaching are expected. Students argue that learning is ensured to take place
according to plan even though sometimes the teacher in charge of teaching cannot attend. If a teacher is
unable to attend, another teacher usually takes his place. The results of the interviews show that students
appreciate the teacher's willingness to replace other teachers who are not present.


Results of School Cultural Regression on the Character of Students

Regression model of student leadership and student character: y= 0.804+0.821X1+∈. The straight-line
equation can be explained as follows: a) The constant of 0.804 above states that if the independent variable
(leadership) is considered constant, then the student's character will increase by 0.804 units, b) the
regression coefficient of Leadership (X1) is worth 0.821. This value states that each addition of the
leadership variable by 1 unit will increase student character (Y) by 0.821 units, c) is an error or other thing
that cannot be explained by the model. If the educator leadership at Don Bosco Vocational School is
increased to 10 units, it can be calculated as follows: y = 0.804 + 0.821 (X), y = 0.804 + 0.821 (10), y =
0.804 + 8.21, y = 9,014 units. As a result, the student's character increased by 9,014 units. Thus, the
educator's leadership has a positive and significant effect on the formation of students' character. The higher
the value of leadership, the more effective it is in building student character (Hu & Broome, 2020).
Based on simple linear regression school culture has a positive and significant effect on the character
of the Don Bosco Sumba Vocational High School students. Based on R2 of 0.691 as indicated by the
correlation coefficient F count > F table (95,997 > 4,062) and a significance level of 5% (0,000 <0.05). This
shows that the character of students is determined by 69.1% of the Cultural variable at Don Bosco

40 Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice Vol. 23(13) 2023

Vocational School, while other independent variables can influence the character of students by 30.9%.
From this analysis it can be concluded that the culture at Don Bosco Vocational School has a positive and
significant effect on student character formation. The higher the school's cultural value, the more effective
it is in shaping student character (Zheng et al., 2020).
This value states that each addition of the dormitory life variable by 1 unit, it will increase the character
of students (Y) by 0.813, c) is an error or other thing that the model cannot explain. If the school culture at
SMK Don Bosco is increased to 10 units, it can be calculated as follows: y = 0,793 + 0,813 (X3), y = 0,793
+ 0,813 (10), y = 0,793 + 8, 13, y = 8.923 units. The result is that the character of students will increase by
8,923 units. From the analysis above, it can be concluded that the dormitory life at the Don Bosco vocational
high school has a positive and significant effect on building students' character. The higher the value of
dormitory life, the more effective it is to build students' character (Deng et al., 2021). The regression model
for leadership, school culture, dormitory life and student character using a mathematical model can be
shown by the following equation: Y=0.235+0.293X1 + 0.409X2+0.247X3+ € The equation of a linear line
can be explained as follows: a) The constant which is 0.235 above states that if the independent variables
(Leadership, School Culture, and Dormitory Life) are considered constant, then the character of students
will increase by 0.235 units, b) 1 is the regression coefficient of Leadership (X1) which is worth 0.293. This
value states that each addition of the Leadership variable by 1 unit, it will increase the character of students
(Y) by 0.293 units, c) 2 is the regression coefficient of School Culture (X2) which is worth 0.409. This value
states that each addition of the School Culture variable by 1 unit, it will increase the character of students
(Y) by 0.409 units, d) 3 is the regression coefficient of Dormitory Life (X 3) which is worth 0.247. This
value states that each addition of the Dormitory Life variable by 1 unit, it will increase the character of
students (Y) by 0.247 units, e) is an error or other thing that the model cannot explain. If the Leadership,
School Culture, Dormitory Life at Don Bosco Vocational School is increased to 10 units, it can be
calculated as follows: y = 0,235 + 0,239 (X1) + 0,409 (X2) + 0,247 (X3), y = 0,235 + 0,239 (10) + 0,409
(10) + 0,247 (10), y = 0,235 + 2,39 + 4,09 + 2,47 y = 9,185 units. The result is that the character of students
will increase by 9.185 units. From the analysis, it can be concluded that leadership, school culture, and
dormitory life together at the Don Bosco vocational high school have a positive and significant effect on
building students' character. The higher the value of these three variables, the more effective it is to build
students' character (Al-Azzam et al., 2020).

The Role of School Culture in Building Students’ Character

The form of school culture that developed at Don Bosco Vocational School. The key to the success of
the preventive system is the existence of the term mentoring. The presence in question is the presence of
educators in the lives of students at school. Educators attend to and guide students while they are at school.
Wherever students are, they can always feel the presence of an educator or mentor. Students in vocational
high schools feel the presence or help of educators from the moment they enter the school gate until they
leave the gate. The qualifications of conducive school culture for the formation of student character are as
follows: 1) The school culture at Don Bosco Vocational School effectively motivates students to learn and
actively participate in learning, 2) The educational method also develops a disciplined culture of learning
activities. 3) Implementing practical and theoretical learning at Don Bosco Vocational School is balanced.
4) School culture at Don Bosco Vocational High School provides opportunities for students to develop a
good personality and interpersonal relationships, 5) School culture at vocational high schools is developed
using the Don Bosco educational method to train students to respect time and train to develop time
management, 6) Examination system and teacher supervision is effective enough to eliminate the habit of
cheating students. 7) Students are also made aware of the meaning of honesty. They try to be honest in all
their actions, both inside the classroom and in interactions outside the classroom, 8) The presence of
educators outside class activities such as breaks and other non-formal activities is able to create good
relations between students and educators, 9) readiness of teachers to replace when the teacher is not present,
10) the morning message opportunity given before the lesson begins is able to effectively build students'
awareness of goodness and truth, 11) Mutual respect between students and educators builds a family
atmosphere in the school environment, 12) A comfortable and conducive environment helps students to can

Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice Vol. 23(13) 2023 41

do learning. This aligns with the theory (Romero & O’Malley, 2020) that a good school cultural
environment will produce positive values for students.

The Role of Dormitory Life in Shaping the Character of Students

Don Bosco Vocational School is integrated with boarding houses in the surrounding environment.
Schools with dormitories and boarding education, require a holistic approach, especially in understanding
students. The dormitory is not enough just to provide facilities and academic facilities for living. The
students feel helped by the hostel's existence, especially by living in the dormitory. In interviews with
students, many of them found that the existence of a hostel helped them develop themselves both in terms
of study and life. The following are important points conveyed by students: a) Life in the hostel, especially
scheduled study times, encourages students to study, both independently and in groups, b) Life in the hostel
trains students to be disciplined. The presence of educators and programs in the dormitory helps students
who live in the dormitory to obey and comply with the rules made for the common good, c) Life in the
hostel develops the ability to relate between individuals, d) living in the hostel also helps students to
organize, respect, and use the allotted time productively. The schedule made in the hostel is a means for
students to share their time in a balanced way and also learn to live in an orderly, effective and efficient
manner, e) Life in the hostel trains students to work. Students are invited to work both for cleaning the
dormitory environment and caring for livestock and boarding gardens to train them to be productive and
accustomed to manual work, f) Life in the dormitory also helps students to develop themselves, g) Life in
the hostel also helps students to develop faith in God Almighty, h) Life in the hostel trains students to live
independently. Students are trained to live independently in the sense of not depending on their parents to
manage their lives, i) Living in a dormitory trains students to pay attention to the cleanliness of their
environment and themselves. This is in line with the theory (Parry et al., 2021) that students trained in
dormitories to be independent will be able to solve their own problems and help others.


Teacher leadership in schools is effective and significantly develops students' character and leadership
has a positive and significant effect on students' character. The mean value of students' answers to
instrument statements on the leadership variable is 4.68. This was confirmed from the results of interviews
that the influence of educator leadership in developing student characteristics such as commitment to duties
and responsibilities, teacher familiarity with students builds trust and good relationships, preparation and
planning in motivating students to learn, achievement and discipline. Discipline while studying at school
has a close relationship between students and teachers, a joint examination system in the hall and
supervision that has succeeded in preventing and reducing the habit of cheating, the presence and assistance
of teachers create a kinship in preventing unwanted things from happening. Life in the hostel has a
significant effect on student character. The pattern of life in the hostel influences the development of student
characteristics such as regular study time and the presence of trainers during study hours who help create a
conducive learning atmosphere, and scheduled activities that train discipline. These three variables together
also have an effective and significant influence on student character development. Through statistical tests
t arithmetic X1 = 2.252, X2 = 4.127, and X3 = 2.074, at a significance level = 0.05 and degrees of freedom
42, t table 1.684, this shows that teacher leadership, school culture, and dormitory life simultaneously have
a significant effect on character student. Students and teachers appreciate this excellent and unique
educational method in the educational environment to apply.

42 Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice Vol. 23(13) 2023


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