Ethical Communication Activity
Ethical Communication Activity
Ethical Communication Activity
Answer the ff. questions briefly but concise. Thereafter, turn your responses in.
1. What is ethics? Give three.
a. Ethics is a branch of philosophy that "involves systematizing, defending, and
recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior".
c. Ethics deals with values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness
and wrongness of certain actions, and to the goodness and badness of the motives
and ends of such actions.
2. Why do you think there should be ethics in communication? Give three.
a. There should be ethics in communication as this shows and guides how a person
uses language, media and creates relationships that are guided by an individual's
morals and values. These ethics consider being aware of the consequences of
behavior and consequences; it's to “respect other points of view and tolerate
b. There should be ethics in communication as this helps resolve certain issues that
may lead to communication breakdown. For example, ethically and concisely
communicating means speaking in a non-judgmental manner with every recipient,
negating unnecessary conflict, which typically creates a breakdown in
communication and causes misunderstandings. Unnecessary conflict is never
good for any communication, and such conflicts usually result from unethical
communications, with judgmental, accusatory, and overly-critical comments often
being the catalyst for such breakdowns in communication.