Ethical Communication Activity

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Ethics in Communication

Purposive Communication Course Subject (Eng11)

Kalinga State University – College of Engineering and Information Technology
Activity on Ethics in Communication

Answer the ff. questions briefly but concise. Thereafter, turn your responses in.
1. What is ethics? Give three.
a. Ethics is a branch of philosophy that "involves systematizing, defending, and
recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior".

b. Ethics is a system of moral principles.

c. Ethics deals with values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness
and wrongness of certain actions, and to the goodness and badness of the motives
and ends of such actions.
2. Why do you think there should be ethics in communication? Give three.
a. There should be ethics in communication as this shows and guides how a person
uses language, media and creates relationships that are guided by an individual's
morals and values. These ethics consider being aware of the consequences of
behavior and consequences; it's to “respect other points of view and tolerate

b. There should be ethics in communication as this helps resolve certain issues that
may lead to communication breakdown. For example, ethically and concisely
communicating means speaking in a non-judgmental manner with every recipient,
negating unnecessary conflict, which typically creates a breakdown in
communication and causes misunderstandings. Unnecessary conflict is never
good for any communication, and such conflicts usually result from unethical
communications, with judgmental, accusatory, and overly-critical comments often
being the catalyst for such breakdowns in communication.

c. There should be ethics in communication as this helps to enhance credibility,

improve the decision-making process and allow for trust between the two
parties. Ethics provide the groundwork for right and wrong, allowing two parties to
communicate with a basic understanding of what is expected.
3. What problems can arise when people are not ethical in their communication
practices? Give four.
The following problems may arise when people are not ethical in their
communication practices:
a. Toxic relationships. Ethical communication promotes healthy relationships by
being truthful and honest while in unethical communication, a toxic relationship will
arise founded in dishonesty and lies. With unethical behavior one may be lying or
talking about a friend behind his back or manipulating information.

b. Misunderstanding. Problems may arise when someone is not listening actively

when someone is talking. In order for communication to be effective, it is necessary
for the recipient to pro-actively listen to the speaker, and to not just hear what they
want to hear, or to hear only parts of the conversation. This also means asking
questions when any point is not completely understood, for the sake of clarification.
Since one is practicing unethical behavior effective communication is uncertain.

c. Ineffective Communication. When people are being unethical in communication

the speaker will be rude, impolite and unprofessional, and insensitive. The
unethical communicator will not know the importance of delivering a message. The
tone is one of the most critical facets of communication. with the speaking being
unethical and uses an inappropriate tone, the listener may miss the meaning
altogether if the tone is wrong, which can lead to unnecessary confrontations that
decrease business productivity.

d. Cessation of Interaction. When people are being unethical in communication,

they will be speaking in a judgmental manner with every recipient, allowing
unnecessary conflict, which typically creates a communication breakdown and
causes misunderstandings, and worse it may cause cessation of interaction.
Unnecessary conflict is never good for any communication, and such conflicts
usually result from unethical communications, with judgmental, accusatory, and
overly-critical comments often being the catalyst for such breakdowns in

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