Women of Legend Greece
Women of Legend Greece
Women of Legend Greece
Helen 1. Erin disrupts wedding of Peleus and Thetis by throwing and
apple in the middle of the wedding.
2. All goddesses thought they deserved the golden apple.
Greeks believed that:
• most beautiful woman in the world 3. They asked Zeus to judge, who asked the mortal, Paris.
• human race was made
chose Menelaus, of Sparta,
king of only mento 4. They each tried to bribe Paris (youngest prince of Troy).
•bemen didn’t grow old or die and there
her husband → Hera (queen of Gods): power and domination
was no disease
• daughter or hardship
of Zeus and Leda (mortal, → Athena (of wisdom): glory in war and wisdom
first women was created to punish
Tyndareus) → Aphrodite (of love): most beautiful girl in the world
• Tyndareusfor stealing
made allfire
suitors swear an 5. Paris picked Aphrodite, and therefore won Helen.
to wage marked
war ontheanyone
end ofwho
time of 6. Helen was stolen from Menelaus and the Trojan War began
easy and plenty
threatened their for men with Helen
marriage as Menelaus swore an oath to protect their marriage.
suggests war wasn’t to do with Helen, but Zeus being worried about human overpopulation
Helen has a lot of respect for Proteus, similar to, respect for Priam in Homer, Iliad
Helen comes across as a good, faithful wife, who wants to be chaste
everything she does is for Menelause and to preserve chastity
1. Zeus’s revenge: gives men a curse (first description of Pandora); + Pandora was created by the
men will think it’s a gift and welcome it, but it’s destruction/ curse Gods and given gifts in both
2. Pandora represents all women – human in speech and strength but + Aphrodite, Zeus, Hermes, and
divine in beauty Athena present in both
3. Hephaestus made Pandora; gifts given
4. Golden age men lived in ended; all –evils released on
Hephaestus notmankind;
on vase only
hope left in the jar – no satyrs in Hesiod’s version
→ hope isn’t released, as ultimately humans Ares
– Poseidon, have not
no hope?
present in
→ we will always have hope somewhere
Hesiod’s version of an
as it’s not evil?