Women of Legend Greece

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Women of Legend [Greece]

Helen 1. Erin disrupts wedding of Peleus and Thetis by throwing and
apple in the middle of the wedding.
2. All goddesses thought they deserved the golden apple.
Greeks believed that:
• most beautiful woman in the world 3. They asked Zeus to judge, who asked the mortal, Paris.
• human race was made
chose Menelaus, of Sparta,
king of only mento 4. They each tried to bribe Paris (youngest prince of Troy).
•bemen didn’t grow old or die and there
her husband → Hera (queen of Gods): power and domination
was no disease
• daughter or hardship
of Zeus and Leda (mortal, → Athena (of wisdom): glory in war and wisdom
first women was created to punish
Tyndareus) → Aphrodite (of love): most beautiful girl in the world
• Tyndareusfor stealing
made allfire
suitors swear an 5. Paris picked Aphrodite, and therefore won Helen.
to wage marked
war ontheanyone
end ofwho
time of 6. Helen was stolen from Menelaus and the Trojan War began
easy and plenty
threatened their for men with Helen
marriage as Menelaus swore an oath to protect their marriage.

SOURCE: Homer, Iliad

1. Iris, disguised as Helen’s sister-in-law, Laudice, brings
Iris: goddess messenger news to Helen – Paris/Menalaus duel
Menelaus: Helen’s husband 2. News causes her to feel longing for Menelaus, parents
Priam: king of Troy; Paris’s father and homeland – taken unwillingly?
Paris: youngest prince of Troy; mortal 3. Elders suggest that though she’s lovely, she causes too
many problems and struggles; objectified by old men as
being beautiful but not worth cost of war and the trouble of people; described as a curse by them
4. Priam says Helen is not to blame in his eyes, the Gods are; asks her about warriors + information
5. Helen says she wishes she hadn’t chosen to leave her home for Paris, would’ve chosen death; answers
Priam’s inquieries/ questions anyways; self-centered? feeling sorry for herself?

SOURCE: Euripides, Helen

Proteus: king of Egypt – has just died
Psamathe: Proteus’s wife; a nymph
Theoclymenus: son of Proteus; now king • Helen is proud of her homeland’s fame
• even Helen herself isn’t aware of her birth story,
1. describes how she was promised to Paris but is aware that there’s different version
2. describes her beauty as misfortune – only brought unhappiness – used by men + Gods all her life
3. explains that Hera was upset she wasn’t picked in the competition, so allowed for Paris’s return to Troy, but
not with a version that was really Helen – therefore, their marriage was invalid/ forbidden. Paris didn’t notice
the ghost version – he’s focused on looks more than personality, and was too busy with war (war is not about
women, but what they represent)

 suggests war wasn’t to do with Helen, but Zeus being worried about human overpopulation
 Helen has a lot of respect for Proteus, similar to, respect for Priam in Homer, Iliad
 Helen comes across as a good, faithful wife, who wants to be chaste
 everything she does is for Menelause and to preserve chastity

1. Women of Legend [Greece]

Pandora: ‘all gifts’

first woman; sent to mankind by Zeus as a punishment
Zeus: king of Gods
son of Kronos; brother of Poseidon, Hades, Hera (wife)
Prometheus: ‘forethought’
a Titan, but sides with the Gods during war, so was
Hermes: messenger of Gods
gift of ‘bitch’s mind and thievish nature’
Athena: goddess of wisdom and war
gift of weaving, crafts, clothes and style
Aphrodite: goddess of love and beauty
gift of ‘charm’ and ‘desire’
Prometheus’s Tricks
1. cow trick
 presented Zeus with two
offerings (finest cuts of beef in
stomach of a cow and cow
bones disguised in a layer of fat
2. fire trick
– which Zeus picked)
 Zeus was furious after the cow trick so hid fire
∴ humans
keep(god of parts
edible metalwork
of + craftsmen) to shape Pandora out of earth and water). Punish
by giving them something they’d welcome  butPrometheus
would turn stole
out toa be
the of Zeus’s
cause fire from
of their destruction.
sacrifice + burn inedible
Many gods contributed by giving various Olympus
gifts to +
her it to
appealing earth
to for mankind
bones and the attractive fat
 Zeus was even angrier + resulted in Pandora
Aphrodite charm, desire ability to manipulate, good company, objectifying, pretty
Zeus her voice, her name use her voice to manipulate and decieve
Hemes bitch’s mind, theivish nature has ability to manipulate and decieve
Athena weaving, crafts, clothing/style staying indoors, domestication, provide for household

SOURCE: Creation of Pandora Vase

 Pandora: stiff; central; passive; unusually depicted face on (usually side profile)
 satyrs: half-men, half-goat; dancing; drinking; sex; represents birth of sexual desire
 Poseidon, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Zeus, Hermes

SOURCE: Hesiod, Works and Days

(an origin story for how women/evil came into the world)

1. Zeus’s revenge: gives men a curse (first description of Pandora); + Pandora was created by the
men will think it’s a gift and welcome it, but it’s destruction/ curse Gods and given gifts in both
2. Pandora represents all women – human in speech and strength but + Aphrodite, Zeus, Hermes, and
divine in beauty Athena present in both
3. Hephaestus made Pandora; gifts given
4. Golden age men lived in ended; all –evils released on
Hephaestus notmankind;
on vase only
hope left in the jar – no satyrs in Hesiod’s version
→ hope isn’t released, as ultimately humans Ares
– Poseidon, have not
no hope?
present in
→ we will always have hope somewhere
Hesiod’s version of an
as it’s not evil?

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