Day 2 - 30-03-2020 Questions and Answers Chapter 2
Day 2 - 30-03-2020 Questions and Answers Chapter 2
Day 2 - 30-03-2020 Questions and Answers Chapter 2
1. Abhishek Giri - hare Krishna Prabhu ji.. Krishna in kurukshetra told Arjuna
that what he wants from Arjuna, how i will get to know what Krishna wants
from me.
a. To conditioned souls like all of us krsna instructs in BG and SB
directly all what he has to say/instruct. But specific what to do in
particular circumstance will be told by Guru who is appointed by lord
to represent Him to help us. According to our particular position and
circumstance true guru will simply repeat Krsna’s instruction in
BG/SB/CC. Arjuna was fortunate to be direct friend of krsna. Our
case we are not qualified to directly associate and get instructions
from Krsna due to our conditionings. Uddhava prays to Krsna in SB
uddhava Gita. SB 11.29.6
naivopayanty apacitià kavayas taveça
brahmäyuñäpi kåtam åddha-mudaù smarantaù
yo 'ntar bahis tanu-bhåtäm açubhaà vidhunvann
äcärya-caitya-vapuñä sva-gatià vyanakti
O my Lord! Transcendental poets and experts in spiritual science
could not fully express their indebtedness to You, even if they were
endowed with the prolonged lifetime of Brahmä, for You appear in
two features—externally as the äcärya and internally as the
Supersoul—to deliver the embodied living being by directing him
how to come to You.
2. Avichal Kedia - how drupada who was in the side of pandavas was a wise
since he didn't stand on his words given to dronacharya whereas devotees
like bhishma was in kauravas.
a. Childhood Dhrupada-Drona friendship broke in very ugly way after
which all activities done by both were done out of REVENGEFUL
ATTITUDE to harm/hurt other party. Drona even taught military
science to pandavas to hurt/humiliate Dhrupada who was Kshatriya.
That enmity continued till end.
b. Devotee like bhishma was on adharama side externally due to his vow
taken long back to protect the throne of hastinapur always and
internally due to will of krsna.
3. Tripada Dash - BG 2.13 - Why is soul called 'self-realized? Does soul has
consciousness, intelligence, emotions or memory? Please clarify.
a. Consciousness is property/symptom of the soul. Just like sunshine in
the room implies presence of sun, also heart oumps at one place
sending blood all over body similarly soul is present in reagion of
heart but is present everywhere in form of consciousness.
b. The subtle body has three faculties: mind, intelligence and false ego.
Emotions and memory are functions of the mind whereas discretion is
function of the intelligence. Soul expresses itself through the subtle
and gross body
4. Tripada Dash -BG2.17 - The atomic soul floats in 5 kinds of air - prana,
apana, vyana, samana, udana. What are these? Kindly explain.
a. This subject matter is not fully related in BG discussion. Following is
brief info about it given by srila prabhupada in SB 3.6.9 purport:
The movements of the body are first generated from the heart, and all the
activities of the body are made possible by the senses, powered by the ten
kinds of air within the body. The ten kinds of air are described as follows:
1. The main air passing through the nose in breathing is called präëa.
2. The air which passes through the rectum as evacuated bodily air is called
3. The air which adjusts the foodstuff within the stomach and which
sometimes sounds as belching is called samäna.
4. The air which passes through the throat and the stoppage of which
constitutes suffocation is called the udäna air.
5. And the total air which circulates throughout the entire body is called the
vyäna air.
a. Subtler than these five airs, there are others also.
6. That which facilitates the opening of the eyes, mouth, etc., is called näga
7. The air which increases appetite is called kåkara air.
8. The air which helps contraction is called kürma air.
9. The air which helps relaxation by opening the mouth wide (in yawning)
is called devadatta air, and
10.The air which helps sustenance is called dhanaïjaya air.
13.himanshu sarwa - hare Krishna prabhuji please explain shloka 2.69 i can't
understand it?
a. SP beautifully explains this verse in his purport which you may have
read already--- “There are two classes of intelligent men. One is
intelligent in material activities for sense gratification, and the other is
introspective and awake to the cultivation of self-realization.
Activities of the introspective sage, or thoughtful man, are night for
persons materially absorbed. Materialistic persons remain asleep in
such a night due to their ignorance of self-realization. The
introspective sage remains alert in the "night" of the materialistic men.
The sage feels transcendental pleasure in the gradual advancement of
spiritual culture, whereas the man in materialistic activities, being
asleep to self-realization, dreams of varieties of sense pleasure, feeling
sometimes happy and sometimes distressed in his sleeping condition.”
b. Basically in simple language, spiritualists sleep early and get up early
morning for doing meditation for spiritual welfare of themselves and
others whereas non spiritualists sleep in the early morning hours after
spending whole night doing something not much useful for them as
well as others.
14.Prashant KV - prabhu ji while doing our material duty like in office how to
remember Krishna, our intelligence is engaged in the office work?
a. Krsna tells arjuna that “mama anusmara yuddhya ca” so we must do
our prescribed duties while remembering krsna like arjuna did. He
killed many soldiers with great anger for pleasure of krsna and
following order of krsna. Duryodhana also killed soldiers which was
not under order of krsna nor for pleasure of krsna. Activity is same
purpose is different.
b. So while in office all people have similar work and surely we must
use our intelligence nicely for work given but we can remember krsna
by various ways like
i. We can have KC atmosphere in office with some photos in
workplace and on laptop, we can have some books like BG to
read during breaks. One can discuss BG during breaks with
some interested people or hear audios/watch videos like what
you are watching now.
ii. We can remember krsna by doing our work for pleasing krsna
and by offering some fruits of our work to krsna.
iii. Most importantly we can give morning time for KC activities
before we go to office by chanting HK and hearing/reading BG.
15.Saikiran P - Hare krishna Prabhuji, Krishna being all knowing why did
arjuna has to guide the direction of chariot in battle field?
a. Initially krsna was taken as friend by arjuna and told that please take
my chariot in between the armies so krsna followed order of friend.
Once arjuna became bewildered and surrendered to krsna and
accepted him a guru (not just friend) then krsna completely took over
all protection of arjuna all throughout battle. So many cases he
protected arjuna who was His devotee from deadly attacks by other
powerful worriors.
20.varun gampa - Hare krishna prabhuji, I have just started reading the
mahabharat by HG Purnapragnya das. I couldn't understand how an exalted
soul like Parashara muni lusted over satyavati. How should we take this?
21.Krk Ravikanth - Was it wrong for Pandu to kill the deer without seeing
although the deer was a sage?
24.radha reddy - Can we kill a mosquito or any animal when it is troubling us?
25.mayura delight - hare krsna prabuji i laugh at my sister when she cry but i
laugh even when i dont want to . How to control it prabuji?
a. Devotees nature is para dukkha dukhi that is he feels genuine pain to
see pain of others and para sukha sukhi means he feels genuine
happiness to see others happy.
b. All of us can try to become devotees in heart gradually by practicing
devotional activities by regularly chanting hare krsna, associating with
other devotees and hearing/reading BG etc. This practice leads to
purification of mind. Gradually you will able to control your mind
which generally forces us to do what we don’t want to do.
26.pradeep reddy - Phrabuji, I heard that kshatriyas will go heaven if they die
on battle field. Is it that their body goes to heaven or the Soul? which ever it
is will be a waste as long as Athma does not gets mukti.
a. Body is machine and cannot work without presence of soul. So if
Kshatriya goes to heaven he will get body which is suitable for
heavenly planets. (just like you need to be qualified by passport and
visa to enter USA and it is difficult! What to speak of going to
heaven) One needs qualification as well as suitable body to go to other
b. That’s perfect understanding, as long as one is not liberated
wandering within maerial world is surely waste of time as it is similar
to changing rooms inside prisonhouse looking for comforts like AC
inside prison house. In prison intelligent man thinks of how to get out.
27.Vrinda - prji why atma go to hellish plant with subtle body, and wat happens
with ATMA there.... and how the subtle body suffer or feel pain ther
a. Tripada Dash - @Vrinda - In last lecture, Prabhuji explained that once
you die, soul in subtle body goes to hell. The material body cannot
tolerate the pain. The subtle body can takes up the pain and
b. Tripad dash pr has answered nicely. Little additional point is - Before
going to hell, the soul is given one special body called “yatana deha”
by which he experiences sufferings for his sins of the past. Pain is felt
by soul through agency of gross/subtle body. ‘Yatana deha’ is kind of
material body which is capable of giving suffering without dying.
This is given in 6th canto of SB ajamila pastime.
28.jagannath reddy - hare krishna prabhuji can u please give me ur mail I'd I
want personal guidance and ur mercy. tq
29.Madhusudan Gupta - Hare Krishna prabhuji. Mira bai was a great devotee
although she was not connected to any sampradaya. is it possible to become
a good devotee if one is not fortunate to get connection with sampradaya?
33.Dolly Foodlux - Hare Krishna pr Pamho can you explain on the fact that the
soul when it becomes free of body it should travel anywhere in the universe
but why is it forced to take another body ..
34.Dr. Naisa Chandrasekhar - Harekrishna prabhuji, how one can remember the
past life? Why we forget the past life?
35.Manibharati Bhattam - What are conditions for the soul to quit body. - like
time duration or presribed duty is completed or body is unfit to stay or no
more debts to others or anything else or all put together which ?
a. As you correctly said there are multiple factors which determine
conditions for the soul to quit body.
b. Destiny has its toll on the soul at the same time how one acts now
determines his future destiny. So this complex mechanism of karma
acts on living entity which wanders in birth, oldage, disease and death.
c. By practice of bhakti sincerely krsna can change karma of living
entity who is trying to become His devotee.
36.Hare Krishna prabhuji.. Difference between karma yogi and bhakti yogi..
Both of them are doing work for Lord Krishna.
a. Karma yogi – one who is attached to activity and he gives fruits of
activity to krsna. (starting with offering part of fruits to krsna and then
offering all fruits)
b. Bhakti yogi – one who is attached to guru/krsna and is ready to do any
activity to please krsna and nothing else.
c. Today in 3rd chapter you will hear more about this in detail.
37.arvind Gupta - if we don't worry about fruit then how will we give our best
in that work....”if we compare the fruits then we can improvise our quality of
work for better fruits”
a. We should worry about fruits but what is said is we should not be
attached to fruits. Just as cultured mother cooks with great attention
and care to make nice food preparations for pleasure of her
husband/children. Similarly devotee does his duty to get the best
results to please krsna and offer them to krsna so naturally while
doing his duty he is attentive and careful to give best endevors.
b. Your second statement is the “principle” in which most of world is
running but “no one is happy”. So much comparison of fruits,
increased quality of work with technologies etc etc. With best of
efforts for work and if there no involvement of lord anywhere it will
lead to deceit, depression and destruction and nothing else.
c. Today you will hear more about this concept of karmayogi in chapter
43.Kiran Sardana-I have heard our time of death is already fixed. so why are we
so worried about Corona virus and taking so many precautions ? Death will
come via Corona virus or other means if time has come.
a. What you are saying is theoretically correct. It surely applies to person
who has completely realized I am not this body I am spirit soul
servant of krsna.
b. Many of us are not at that platform. So to practice devotional service
(spiritual svadharma) while performing our prescribed duties (material
svadharma) we need our body in proper situation that is good health.
c. So we must take care of our body by being careful about Corona and
don’t neglect to follow rules told by PM and government to harm us
and others.
44. arun thakare-Scriptures say, 1 shud give up I & MINE but Krishna
throughout the GEETA talks about surrendering to I (Himself), sometimes
we r bewildered btwn I & I (Krishna), Why is He clinging so hard to I?How
to explain it to materialists?
a. When people generally refer to I and Mine, they consider body as self.
Such sense of “I” is called false ego and must be given up as it leads to
bondage in material world. But when jiva understands “I” am spirit soul,
part and parcel of Krsna and “My” eternal duty is to engage in his service,
such sense of “I and mine” is called true ego and should not be given up.
b. After giving some nice prasadam to karmies we can tell them humbly
that Krsna is our well wisher and is full of six opulences, he does not need
anything from u, he is happy himself, rather we need Him to be happy truly
and sustainably. Out of concern He is appealing us to surrender to Him just
as a parent has concern for his child. Parent tells child to be under his shelter
because he knows that child when acts independently will end up in trouble,
not knowing what is good/bad for him.
45.sandeep dandu-prji, HK. both in Karma yoga and Niskama Karma yoga we
are offering results to Krsna. then how are they different.?
a. True both offer results to krsna but extent of fruits is different. Today
you will hear details of this concepts in chapter 3. Stay tuned.
b. In short “karma yogi” is attached to activity as well as results of
activity but he give some part of result to lord.
c. Whereas “nishkama karma yogi” is one who is attached to activity
and NOT attached to fruits of act and he gives all fruits to lord.
46.sandeep dandu-prji, Pamho. can u please tell what verses we should reflect
upon or apply while executing the material prescribed duties???
a. Wonderful enquiry. Try your best to chant HK regularly and do
prescribed duties to please krsna
b. Nicely try to understand and read the verse (most improperly
understood verse) and purport given by srila prabhupad and then
meditate on this verse. More verses can be added as you proceed
through remaining BG chapters.
karmaëy evädhikäras te
mä phaleñu kadäcana
mä karma-phala-hetur bhür
mä te saìgo 'stv akarmaëi
You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to
the fruits of action. Never consider yourself the cause of the results of your
activities, and never be attached to not doing your duty.
50.sandeep dandu-prji, HK. when u said that arjuna had material desires, then
why do we quote him as an example of pure devotee?? please clarify. can a
pure devotee like arjun has material desires too?
a. Arjuna being put into such situation was desire of Lord. He wanted to
give this message of Bhagavad Gita through the medium of Arjuna.
Pure devotee doesn’t have material desires. Just as yesterday lecture
analogy of mother teaching daughter in law using daughter was told.
Arjuna is showing symptoms of conditioned souls with material
desires and krsna is instructing all of us through arjuna
a. SB 1.2.13
ataù pumbhir dvija-çreñöhä
svanuñöhitasya dharmasya
saàsiddhir hari-toñaëam
b. SB 1.2.8
dharmaù svanuñöhitaù puàsäà
viñvaksena-kathäsu yaù
notpädayed yadi ratià
çrama eva hi kevalam
The occupational activities a man performs according to his
own position are only so much useless labor if they do not
provoke attraction for the message of the Personality of