ATSOH Colorized

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Table of Contents

Section Page

Table of Contents 2
Teacher Tips 8
Lesson 1: The Eternal God 12
Lesson 2: Creation of the Earth 18
Lesson 3: Creation of People 26
Lesson 4: Fall of Satan 35
Lesson 5: Beginning of Human Sin 43
Lesson 6: Origin of Death 51
Lesson 7: Promise of a Victor Over Satan 59
Lesson 8: Provision of Clothes 68
Lesson 9: Expelled from the Garden of Eden 76
Lesson 10: The Great Flood 83
Lesson 11: Promises to Abraham 92
Lesson 12: The Lord Provides 100
Lesson 13: Moses Leads His People 108
Lesson 14: The Plagues and the Passover 118
Lesson 15: The Israelites Leave Egypt 127
Lesson 16: The Ten Commandments 135
Lesson 17: Worship in the Wilderness 144
Lesson 18: Bronze Snake 153
Lesson 19: Reign of King David 161
Lesson 20: Prophecies of a Coming Messiah 169
Lesson 21: The Birth of Jesus Christ 176
Lesson 22: Temptations by Satan 184
Lesson 23: Announcement by John the Baptist 192
Lesson 24: Jesus Meets a Religious Leader 200
Adventures in the Story of Hope
Page 2
Table of Contents Teacher Guide
©Copyright 2018 Evangelism and Discipleship
Section Page
Lesson 25: Jesus Meets an Unreligious Woman 208
Lesson 26: Jesus Claims To Be One with God 216
Lesson 27: Teachings About Hell 225
Lesson 28: Miracles of Jesus 233
Lesson 29: Betrayal of Jesus 241
Lesson 30: Jesus Appears Before Unfair Judges 249
Lesson 31: The Crucifixion of Jesus 257
Lesson 32: A Repentant Dying Thief 265
Lesson 33: The Resurrection of Jesus 273
Lesson 34: The Ascension of Jesus 282
Lesson 35: Peter Proclaims the Good News 290
Lesson 36: The Return of Jesus for Believers 298
Lesson 37: The Return of Jesus as King 306
Lesson 38: The Final Doom of Satan 314
Lesson 39: Eternal Punishment for Unbelievers 322
Lesson 40: Eternal Happiness for Believers 329
Lesson 41: The Chronological Bridge to Life: Eight Key Words from the Bible’s Big Story 337

Appendices: 355
Songs 356
Memory Verses 396
Themes 401
Craft Templates 404

Table of Contents
©Copyright 2018 Evangelism and Discipleship
We l c o m e !

It is our great pleasure to introduce you to

Adventures in the Story of Hope, a free download
which can help you tell and teach the greatest story
ever told. These lesson plans, prepared by children’s
teachers on several continents, provide a way for
you to follow a redemptive thread of God’s Big
Story chronologically as you teach 40 Bible events.
Bible memory activities, Bible learning activities,
drama, and a unique activity called “My Story of
Hope” will keep kids engaged and learning as you go.

Our desire is that these twenty Bible events from the Old Testament, twenty Bible events from the New
Testament, and one lesson focusing on the eight elements of the Chrono Bridge, be told and taught to
children around the world, so the curriculum has been provided free of charge. Therefore, we ask that
the pictures, artwork, lesson plan, and related materials not be sold or used for profit in any way. Our
purpose is simple: to provide for teachers around the world a plan to teach God’s Big Story. When chil-
dren are exposed to these stories, they can know the truths from God’s Word, specifically the truth that
God has a plan to redeem men and women, boys and girls to Himself from eternity past.

All of the stories have redemptive value; they point to the person and work of Jesus Christ. Let the stories
develop the plotline as you move through them week by week. The Big story begins wonderfully, goes ter-
ribly wrong, but ends better than one could ever imagine. We are praying that the kids you teach will truly
have adventures in this marvelous story of hope and tell their friends the same story.

©Copyright 2018 Evangelism and Discipleship
Adventures in The Story of Hope
Resources to
The teacher’s guide is divided into five key segments. Each part of the
Te a c h C h i l d r e n teaching process is important and all five should be followed for effective
The Story of Hope teaching.

Study the Lesson (before class)

• Website: www.goodsoil.
com Several days before the class begins, pray and ask
• Teaching Pictures (full God for ability to communicate His truth. Then, study the lesson
color pictures of each so you know what the Scriptures teach.
• Adult guide for The Story
of Hope
Begin the Lesson
A good teacher will want to capture the attention
• Adult guide for The Way
to Joy of his or her students with something that makes them eager
to learn this lesson. This will help the students grasp what
• Adult guide for The Roots you are about to teach them.
of Faith
• Training provided by Good
Soil instructors Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
• Gaining Ground with Good Various learning methods for children will be
Soil by Gil Thomas used. The teacher will want to focus on “what the Bible says.”
• WWQT (Worldwide Quiet Telling the Bible story, songs, Scripture memory, and other
Time) Journal by Jim Cook activities will reinforce the lesson.

• The Story of Hope Kids

• The Story of Hope Kids Review and Close
Leader’s Guide
Seven key questions will be asked for each lesson.
To obtain any of these optional Then, many of these questions will be asked for the next four
resources, contact Good Soil at lessons. So, review of each lesson will happen at the end of that
the above website and we will particular lesson and then for the next four lessons.
be happy to provide whatever
training and materials at a
nominal cost. All materials Apply the Lesson
in this children’s version are to
be used for ministry purposes Good teaching will seek to make each lesson personal
only and are not to be copied to your students. The goal of “apply the lesson” is to hear AND do
or duplicated for profit or what the passage teaches.

Adventures in the Story of Hope

Page 5
Teacher Guide Introduction
©Copyright 2018 Evangelism and Discipleship
General Information
Class Sessions

There are 41 class sessions in this series. Each class session can require from
45-90 minutes of teaching time, depending on what you choose to do and
how much time you give to each activity. The sessions can easily fit into a
standard Sunday School time (45-60 minutes).

Teaching-Learning Style

We strongly believe that people (children, teens, and adults!) learn best when they are having fun. So the
lesson plans for this class are designed to create a learning environment in which students are engaged
directly in learning, are responding interactively with the facilitator and other students, and are enjoying
what they are doing from the beginning of the class until the very end.

Toward those ends, we have created plans which include six learning activities in each lesson (seven when
you realize that the “review” time is divided in two parts). To maintain the energy in the classroom, stu-
dents will be getting up from their seats and participating in a variety of other activities that move them
to other spaces in the room. As much as is possible, plan to teach in rooms (or outdoors!) where you will
have enough space to do these activities.

You may need to adapt some of the activities and time allotments for your situation, but we strongly rec-
ommend you retain the creative interactivity in the instructional methods.

Auxiliary Resources

Each session will incorporate a variety of creative methods, some of which will be greatly enhanced by
Good Soil Evangelism and Discipleship resources which can be purchased from
sources. But many of the learning activities can be done by using household items. Downloading the FREE
leader’s guide for teaching The Story of Hope Kids (
hope-kids-leaders-guide/) will also help you in your preparation to teach your group of children.

ChronoBible Cards
Each set (OT and NT) includes 62 pocket-size cards (4.5” x 3.375”)
for learning and reviewing the content and chronology. One
card for each of 50 key events in 12 major eras.

Teacher Tips
©Copyright 2018 Evangelism and Discipleship
Essential Teaching-Learning Resources
The Story of Hope Kids
The Story of Hope Kids: Discovering the Provision in God’s Plan is a full color adaptation of the
adult-level book. It is visually designed and language level adapted for kids, ages 8-12.

The workbook edition:

• Contains 64 pages
• Has a spiral binding
• Has sufficient space
for students to record
responses to questions

The Bible’s Big Story PowerPoint: 40 Events

(Available on CD or download)
The PowerPoint presentation contains:
• 40+ slides, including event-images for all 40 of
The Story of Hope events
• Bible maps, the tabernacle drawing, a progressive-build
version of the Chronological Bridge to Life, and the Personal
Faith Response slide

The Story of Hope Printed Visuals - Set of 40

• 13 1/2” x 10 3/4” UV coated visuals
• numbered to match sequence of Old and New Testament events
• A set of 105 visuals is also available.

Reflections: The Audio Experience (available on a flash drive)

100+ professionally produced audio narratives (6½ hours of audio
journey through the Bible’s BIG Story), including the 40 audio event-
narratives to be used in this course.

Teacher Tips
©Copyright 2018 Evangelism and Discipleship
Tips for Teaching Adventures in the Story of Hope

1. Although not required, you will be much better 6. Whenever possible, provide
prepared to facilitate this class if you have partici- each student with his/her own
pated in a complete Good Soil Basic Seminar and materials (The Story of Hope
Trainer Certification Workshop. www.GoodSoil. Kids and other instructional
com/training materials such as My Story of
Hope). The Story of Hope Kids
2. Browse through several of the can be used as a review which
lessons prior to beginning the parents use with their children
class, to understand the con- at home. The My Story of Hope book, which they
tent, methodology, instruc- assemble throughout the year, provides the kids
tional resources, and general with a tool they can use to share the stories they
teaching-learning style recom- are learning with others.
mended for this class.
7. If possible, develop a teaching team for facilitat-
3. Make note of any ing this class. Assign “chunks” of each lesson
recommended instructional plan to members of the team. Meet, as a team, to
resources which may need to be discuss how the various teaching-chunks will be
ordered or prepared ahead of coordinated to assure a smooth-flowing, uni-
time for upcoming class sessions. fied class session. Discuss how each instructor
will transition (specifically) to the instructor and
4. Resist the tendency to resort teaching-chunk following his/hers.
to a primary-lecture mode of instruction, even
if it is a “stretch” away from your most com-
fortable teaching style. Take advantage of the
participatory methods suggested in this guide.

8. Use instrumental “activity music” that is appro-

priate for the desired tempo of each activity to
help restore and maintain a good energy level in
the class.
5. Get to know all the students by their first name
and address them by first name throughout the 9. Plan to participate in a Moving Beyond Lecture
class. If students are not familiar with each other, workshop taught by Good Soil personnel either at
create name tags for them to use until every the ABWE offices in Harrisburg, PA, or at a loca-
student knows all the other students in the class. tion near you.
This is important in order to create an open, in-
teractive learning environment in the class. 10. Understand the following chunks that make up
each lesson:

Teacher Tips
©Copyright 2018 Evangelism and Discipleship
Te a c h t h e L e s s o n

As you tell the story, use the tips found in “How to Tell the Story Better.” Creative storytelling will keep the
children engaged and help them learn more. Beside the story in the “Teacher’s Notes” column, you will see
when you should show the visual (either the 10 x 13 teaching visual or the Power Point slide). If using the
teaching visual, hold it for all to see at that point, rotating around the room if class is especially large, and
then set visual to one side. If using the Power Point, show the slide at that moment, let the children digest
the scene, and then turn slide off by hitting the ‘B’ key. The visual should help tell the story, not distract
from it. Visuals shown early will give the story away. Visuals shown for too long—while you are continuing
to tell the story—may draw the attention of the kids away from you, the storyteller. You can always show
the picture again after the story if the children want to see it again, but don’t let a good tool take away from
the story by using it inappropriately.


Music helps us remember anything—including the Bible! We encourage you to sing with your children
every class period “singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord.” Twelve original songs were
written for ATSOH which are excellent to help students recall important people and the sequence of the
biblical events. Two of the songs help the students think through the Bible as a whole (“God’s Big Story”
and “The Chrono Bridge Song”). The other 10 each have a thematic chorus which ties two to six stories
together. Then each verse of those songs tells one of the 40 stories. Important details and/or theological
points are emphasized in those verses. The songs truly do help teach . . . and help children remember . . .
the stories. Follow the instructions given in each lesson to get the most from the music chunk.

Bible Activity
As you tell the stories, you will have many opportunities to help the children visualize them through drama
and Bible learning activities. Be sure to take advantage of these when they are presented (and add your own
as well). Drama helps bring the stories to life, helps children sense what the Bible characters may have been
feeling, and helps students recall the stories long after they have left class. Be sure to do the activities and
talk about the story with your class. We suggest an additional activity: a Bible drill. For each lesson, select
Scripture verses relevant to the content being taught. Make sure every student has a Bible. Explain that each
child is to hold their Bible in the air, announce the Scripture verse, have the children repeat it, and at the
command “go” the children bring their Bibles in front of them and search for the verse. The child who finds
it first, stands and reads it aloud.

M e m o r y Ve r s e
This curriculum includes 40 different memory verse learning activities—one for each event lesson. Before
you begin the activity, read/go over the verse several times. That will help establish the verse in the minds
of the children. Then, by doing the activity, they will have fun and cement the verse in their minds even
more. Teacher Tips
©Copyright 2018 Evangelism and Discipleship
Coloring Book

The coloring pages are based on beautiful full-color,

life-like images developed for Good Soil’s The Story of
Hope and The Bible’s Big Story. If you have difficulty
securing the TBBS teaching visuals and/or the Power
Point, you may want to make copies of the coloring page for your
students, making an extra for you to color ahead of time. Then you can
show your colored picture to the students during the story. As the stu-
dents are coloring, be sure to talk with them about the story. At the location
in the lesson of this Coloring Book icon, a question is included to spark conversation with
the kids as they color. You may want to think of other related questions as well.

My Stor y of Hope

Using simple stick figures, the teacher demonstrates to the class

the storyboard for the day’s story. The children then recreate their
own storyboard. A simple-to-follow sample, which you can copy,
is included in each lesson. Older students can be encouraged to
draw their own stories; younger ones should copy the sample.

This is a wonderful tool to help the children recall the key

events of the story when they tell it to their friends and fam-
ily members. Encourage students to tell the story to one
or more people and have them sign the back of the paper.
Students can bring the papers back, reporting on how many
times they told the story. The students themselves can become
excellent storytellers with practice.

The storyboards they create can then be compiled into their

own “My Story of Hope” book. Your children may keep this
book as a tool to retell the stories in the future.

Lesson 41: Chrono Bridge

The last lesson in Adventures in The Story of Hope teaches the eight essential truths comprising the
Chrono Bridge: God, Man, Sin, Death, Christ, Cross, Faith, Life. Lesson 41 is an abbreviated lesson in this
curriculum, but a five- and an eight- lesson curriculum, The Bridge to Safety, will be available on the Good
Soil website. These lessons will help children understand how they can cross from spiritual death to eternal
life. Creative activities and memory verses will provide material for an hour program for each lesson.
Teacher Tips
©Copyright 2018 Evangelism and Discipleship
How To Tell The Story Better

Consider attending a BibleStorying Workshop! The BibleStorying Workshop equips you to tell stories
(events from God’s Word) effectively. You will learn and polish at least three Bible events, practice telling
those stories, and learn how to use Good Soil resources to share those stories in your personal ministry.

What Will You Gain?

This two-day Bible storytelling workshop will give

you what you need to develop storytelling skills
and resources to do all of the above, getting you
on the road to ministering with Bible stories.
You’ll be exposed to several story boarding tech-
niques and be encouraged to pick the one or two
which are right for you. You’ll work closely with
others as a storying group, learning storytell-
ing and relational skills which can be applied to
your own storying groups in the future. You’ll
also be exposed to several story lists and begin
to understand what stories need to be included
in your own list to be told to your friends and

Biblestorying is More Than Memorizing

As people begin to jump into

the storytelling world, they think they must
memorize Bible stories so they can tell them
accurately “word-for-word.” However, the
orality movement encourages what they call
“detail-for-detail accuracy.” To gain this level
of storytelling ability, one needs to learn Bible
stories through at least one method of story
boarding. The storyteller will also want to join
or start a storying group to practice storytell-
ing skills. Then, depending on the culture of the people,
the storyteller will develop a story list appropriate for his/her target group.

To learn more, visit:

Teacher Tips
©Copyright 2018 Evangelism and Discipleship
1 The Eternal God
Genesis 1:1

THEME: God is very strong.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• Genesis tells us the beginning of everything except God. A beautiful full color picture of
the artwork above is available
• The Bible makes no attempt to prove that there is a God. It takes for purchase as a set through
this fact as self-evident.
• Thirty-two times in thirty-one verses in Genesis 1 God is men- visuals-set-of-40/. This picture
tioned by name. Eleven times, He is referred to by use of personal can be used as you tell the
pronouns. story. You may also want to
post the pictures around your
• Heaven and earth have not existed from all eternity, but had a classroom to visually remind
beginning; nor did they arise from a substance, but were created by your class of previous lessons
God. as you teach ATSOH.

• Elohim -- the Hebrew name of the Supreme Being in this passage, You may want to copy the
means “Strong,” “Mighty.” It is expressive of His omnipotent power. picture (on the last page of this
lesson) for your students be-
• God created -- not formed from any pre-existing materials, but fore you color one of the copies
made out of nothing. yourself to show in class.

• The heavens and the earth -- the universe. This first verse is a gen- ATSOH Visual #1
eral introduction to the Bible, declaring the great and important
truth that all things had a beginning. Read Genesis 1.

• Nothing throughout the wide extent of nature existed or originated

by chance.

• After Genesis 1:1, the rest of Genesis is confined to the earth.

Lesson Number 1 Adventures in the Story of Hope
Page 12 | Lesson Number 1 Creation
Teacher Guide
©Copyright 2018 Evangelism and Discipleship
Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson Below are other verses

that talk about our eternal

God is real, even though you can’t see God. (Hold up a piece of fabric and Psalm 19:1-4 - The heav-
have several kids together blow on the fabric to make it move.) Say: “What ens tell of the glory of
made the cloth move?” (The air we blew out) “Could you see the air?” God. The skies display his
(No) “How do you know there was air coming out of your mouth?” (We marvelous craftsmanship.
saw the cloth move, that is, we saw the result of the air) Say: “The same Day after day they con-
thing is true of God. We can’t actually see God because He is a spirit, but tinue to speak; night after
we can see what God has done; and we know that He is real.” Alternate night they make Him
method: Use a piece of paper, a leaf, or anything that can be easily blown. known. They speak with-
out a sound or a word;
Explain that we can’t fully understand eternity, but that is all right because their voice is silent in the
our God is so great and powerful, He is bigger than anything we can com- skies; yet their message
prehend. Part of this greatness is that He had no beginning, and He has no has gone out to all the
end. earth, and their words to
all the world.

Romans 1:20 - From the

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n time the world was cre-
ated, people have seen
the earth and sky and all
that God made. They can
clearly see His invisible
Te l l T h e S t o r y qualities -- His eternal
power and divine nature.
It’s hard for us to imagine, but at one time nothing existed. There was nothing So they have no excuse
to see or hear. That means you couldn’t go to the beach and swim, or climb a whatsoever for not know-
mountain, hear the roar of a waterfall or even listen to a tiny bird sing. Noth- ing God.
ing existed and there was nothing to do. But no one minded, because there
weren’t any people either! Isaiah 46:9-10 - And do
not forget the things I
Back then, before time began, only God existed. Imagine that—being the only have done throughout
one around. No one to talk to—except yourself. No one with whom you can history. For I am God
take a walk. No one to play games with—you are the only one! How would -- I alone! I am God, and
you like that? there is no one else like
Me. Only I can tell you
Well, God didn’t mind. You see, He is self-sufficient. What does that mean? what is going to happen
It means that He didn’t (and He still doesn’t) need anyone. He is perfect and even before it happens.
perfectly complete in Himself. He can be happy and fulfilled just by existing. Everything I plan will
Now that is perfection. come to pass, for I do
whatever I wish.

Adventures in the Story of Hope Lesson
Creation Lesson Number 1 |Number
Page 131
Teacher Guide
©Copyright 2018 Evangelism and Discipleship
God is also self-existent. Do you know what that means? It means no one Teacher Notes
created Him. We can’t say that about ourselves, can we? Without our moms
and dads, we wouldn’t be here. God existed without anyone else doing any- Ask the children: “What
thing so He could live. He just was. He just…is. are some things you know
God has done that show
Who is this God? In the very beginning of the Bible we see that He is called you He is real? (Possible
Elohim. Elohim means “God is strong.” There is no one anywhere stronger answers: creation, healing
than our God, because Elohim created everything, but no one created Him. the sick, answered prayer,
Only the one true God was there before anything was created. any story from the Bible,
fulfilled prophecy)
As we continue to read the Bible, we see that He is spirit. He doesn’t have a
body. Since He doesn’t have a body, He is not limited by time and space and
matter. Where do your grandparents live? Are you there now? Of course Show teaching visual #1.
not! It would take (x hours, minutes, days) to get there. Because we have
bodies, we are limited by time and space and matter—we can’t be in two
places at once. God can. He is here and with your grandparents…and mine.
He is everywhere.

In another part of the Bible we see—but wait. Let’s not get ahead of our-
selves. We want to learn God’s story starting from the beginning and going
right through to the end. Let’s learn more about God (Elohim) bit by bit as
He reveals Himself in the Bible. For now, we’ll be satisfied knowing that Elo-
him, powerful, self-existent, never-created God, was around before anything

THEME: God is very strong. Let the kids know that

the stanzas all deal with a
part of the story, so next
week they will learn verse
two which will deal with
Music event two in our study.
Also, say, “The chorus (‘Go
and tell the story…’) is a
reminder to us that we are
Go and Tell the Story. Teach the chorus to “Go and Tell the Story” first. The
not learning God’s story
chorus is catchy and fun while the verses have a hymn-like feel to them.
just to know it, but so that
Have the kids sing the chorus a couple of times, then teach the first verse
we will go and tell it to
(about God). Don’t teach the bridge yet (“Hope lost! Such cost...”). The song
others. (This leads in well
is to be sung like this: chorus, verse, chorus. So finish this part by singing the
to “My Story of Hope,” the
chorus, verse one, and then the chorus again.
goal of which is to prepare
the kids to tell the story
to parents, family, and

Creation Adventures in the Story of Hope
Page 14 | Lesson Number 1
Teacher Guide
©Copyright 2018 Evangelism and Discipleship
Teacher Notes
Bible Activity Bean Bag Toss Memory
Verse Activity

This activity helps to emphasize that God is eternal: Together with the class, With masking tape, mark
make a 2-sided list of things that have a beginning (examples: time, people, off a large square on the
the earth, etc. one one side) and things with no beginning (only God on the floor, about 36 inches.
other side). Connect the opposite
corners inside the square
with tape to form an “X.” If
you have space and many
M e m o r y Ve r s e students, make a second
square. Give each section
Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. a number value (1,2,3,4).
A bit of a distance away,
put a line of tape to mark
from where the student
Coloring Book will throw. Divide into
two teams. Each student
The artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the takes a turn throwing a
teacher or by the student. Say: “The letters on this artwork read ‘Elohim’ bean bag into one of the
in the Hebrew language of the Old Testament--the first part of the Bible. sections. (You may make a
Elohim means ‘powerful’ or ‘strong one.’ This is the word that is used for bean bag by putting beans
God in Genesis 1:1.” in a sock and closing it
tight with a rubber band.
Take the long part of the
My Stor y of Hope sock and fold it over the
bean section.) If they can
Beginning with lesson one the children will begin making their own “My say the verse correctly,
Story of Hope” Book. Children love to draw pictures. Using simple stick their team scores the
figures they will recreate the stories as they unfold. Sample storyboards are amount of the section
included for each lesson. We have tried to use as few words as possible on where the bean bag was
the storyboards, but children may want to add words or phrases (remem-
ber to keep these very short!) where they would be helpful. Older children
can be encouraged to create their own storyboards; younger ones may like
to copy the sample or you may just want to have them color the ATSOH
picture included with the lesson. This will be a wonderful tool to help the
children recall the key events of the story when they tell it to their friends
and family members. After a child tells the story to someone, he/she will
ask him/her to sign the back of the paper and return it to the teacher the
following class period. You may want to make a chart where the children
receive a sticker for each time they bring back their signed paper or some
other kind of reward. Encourage the children to tell the story many times.
They will become excellent storytellers! These storyboards will then be
compiled into their own “My Story of Hope” book. Your children will want
to keep these books for years to come.
Adventures in the Story of Hope Lesson
Creation Lesson Number 1 |Number
Page 151
Teacher Guide
©Copyright 2018 Evangelism and Discipleship
Teacher Notes

3 Review and Close


1. Who was the only one who existed before time began? (God.)

2. Does God have a birthday? (No, God has always existed.)

3. Can we see God? (No, God does not have a body. He is spirit.)

4. Where does God live? (God is everywhere; omnipresent.)

5. What does God know? (God knows everything; omniscient.)

6. Is anyone stronger than God? (No, God is the most powerful; omnipotent.)

7. What is the name used for God at the very beginnning of the Bible?
(Elohim – Hebrew word which means powerful one.)

THEME: God is very strong.

Apply the Lesson

Tell children to go home and tell a friend or family member about the most
powerful person they know. It could be somebody who lifts weights, it could
be somebody who exercises a lot, or it could be somebody who is very big.
Why did they choose that person? Now, have children tell a family member
that God is the most powerful Person in the world. He created the whole
universe; He has to be very powerful.

Tell children to draw a picture of God. What does He look like? Have them
explain their picture to you.

Lesson Number 1 Number 1 Creation Adventures in the Story of Hope
Page 16 | Lesson
Teacher Guide
©Copyright 2018 Evangelism and Discipleship
Adventures in the Story of Hope
Page 17
Teacher Guide
©Copyright 2018 Evangelism and Discipleship
2 Creation of the Earth
Genesis 1:1-25

THEME: God made everything.

Study the Lesson (before class) Teacher Notes

• On Day 1, God created light (Genesis 1:3). A beautiful full color pic-
ture of the artwork above
is available for purchase
• On Day 2, God created sky (1:6). as a set through www.
• On Day 3, God created land and vegetation (1:9). ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
This picture can be used
as you tell the story. You
• On Day 4, God created the sun, moon and stars (1:14-18). may also want to post
the pictures around
your classroom to visu-
• On Day 5, God created the fish and birds (1:20-22). ally remind your class of
previous lessons as you
teach ATSOH.
• On Day 6, God created animals (1:24) and humans (1:26).
You may want to copy
the picture (on the last
• On Day 7, God rested.
page of this lesson) for
your students before you
color one of the copies
yourself to show in class.

ATSOH Visual #2

Lesson Number 2 Number 2 Creation Adventures in the Story of Hope
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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review and Game
Review Questions from Lesson 1: The Eternal God Suggestion: Ball Toss
1. Who was the only one who existed before time began? (God.) Toss a ball to a student
who then answers
2. Does God have a birthday? (No, God has always existed.) a question. If he
answers it correctly,
3. Can we see God? (No, God does not have a body. He is spirit.) he can choose who
to toss it to next. If
4. Where does God live? (God is everywhere; omnipresent.) he answers wrong, he
throws it back to the
5. What does God know? (God knows everything; omniscient.) teacher.

6. Is anyone stronger than God? (No, God is the most powerful; omnipotent.)

7. What was God called at the very beginning of the Bible? (Elohim – Hebrew
word, which means “powerful one.”)

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Ask students, “Have you
Introduction to Lesson 2: Creation of the Earth ever made anything?
Have you ever made
The power of God to speak the world into existence has to be incredible. something out of noth-
Discuss with your children that for God to create everything by just speak- ing?”
ing it into existence means that this God is very strong and very powerful.

Te l l T h e S t o r y

Do you remember how we learned last week (yesterday) that God existed
without the help of anyone before anything else was even around? Well, He
decided to create a beautiful world. God spoke:

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(Change voice and inflection to be more ‘god-like.’) “Light!” And light Teacher Notes
appeared. God knew that the light was beneficial. That means that the light
was good, helpful. He separated the light from the darkness. He gave a name
to the light: Day. And He gave a name to the darkness: Night. And there it
was: the first evening and the first morning—Day One of creation.
Then, (changing voice again) “Space!” God spoke again. (Keep special voice
whenever quoting God.) “Space, appear between the waters below and the
waters above.” That’s how God separated the waters on earth from waters
above the earth, and He gave a name to the space: Sky. And there it was: the
second evening and the second morning—Day Two of creation.
God spoke again. “Waters, come together. Dry land, appear.” And it
happened! God gave a name to the land: Earth, and a name to the waters:
Oceans, and He knew that they were beneficial. Then God said, “Grow
out of the ground, plants! All you seed-bearing plants, and all you fruit-
bearing trees with seeds, grow!” And up from the ground, breaking through
the soil came all kinds of beautiful plants with green leaves and all sorts of
colorful flowers. And growing right past the plants up into the sky grew
trees with fruit—so many different shapes and colors! God knew that these
were beneficial, they were good. That was the third evening and the third
morning—Day Three of creation.
Then God said, “Lights, appear! Shine in the sky above and separate Night
from Day. Mark seasons and days and years and give light to Earth.” And it
happened just as He said. God made two main lights—the greater to shine
throughout the day and the lesser to shine throughout the night with all the
shining, twinkling stars—millions and billions of bright stars. He placed
these lights in the heavenly sky to shine on Earth and to separate the light
from the dark. God knew that the lights were beneficial, and the fourth
evening and morning came to a close—Day Four of creation.
Then God said, “Ocean, be filled with fish and all kinds of sea creatures.
Birds, fly through Sky over Earth.” That’s how God created sea creatures—
large and small, and all kinds of birds. From huge whales to tiny plankton,
they appeared and began swimming through the water; some jumped
and splashed as they landed. Large birds and small of all different colors
appeared and began flying through the sky. God knew they were all
beneficial; and He blessed them, saying, “Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Ocean,
sea creatures! Birds, reproduce on Earth.” Evening passed and morning—
Day Five of creation.
Again God spoke: “Earth, generate life—all kinds—cattle and reptiles and
wild animals!” And just like the other times, it happened. Huge animals and
tiny creatures appeared and began moving about on the earth. Their shapes
were oh, so different one from the other. And oh, the sounds they created! Show ATSOH Bible visual
Roaring and neighing and braying and barking and meowing and elephants #2.

Lesson Number 2 Number 2 Creation Adventures in the Story of Hope
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blowing their horns! [Depending on the age of the children, you might ask Teacher Notes
them, “What animal neighs? (horse) What animal meows? (cat) etc.] What a
symphony of praise to almighty God! God created every kind of wild animal
and reptile and bug—large and tiny; and He saw that it was all beneficial. He
called everything He made “very good.”

THEME: God made everything.

Go and Tell the Story
Review the chorus and first verse of “Go and Tell the Story,” and then teach
verse two which relates to the creation event the children learned in this
lesson. Then introduce the “hope lost ...” portion of the song saying, “In
many stories, something goes wrong; there is a crisis that must be solved.”
That is exactly what happened in the Garden, and only God can solve
the problem. Next week we will learn about that, but for now, let’s learn
another part of the song: “Hope lost, such cost, what can be done? Hope
found, grace abounds, God will send Someone!”
Bible Memory Activity:
Write each word for
M e m o r y Ve r s e the memory verse on
a balloon and then pin
all the balloons with
Genesis 2:2 – And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had memory verse words on
done and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. the wall or blackboard.
Each time the children
say the memory verse,
Coloring Book have a child pop one
balloon until all the
balloons are popped
Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the and children can say the
teacher or by the student. “Different parts of God’s creation are seen in this verse by memory.
artwork. How many can you name?”

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My Stor y of Hope

The man and woman are included in this picture. Be sure to tell the children Ask the children to take
that this will be covered in Lesson 3. (1) “Eternal God” is written at the top. their pictures home and
The arrows going out on either side show that God has no beginning or end. tell the story to fam-
(2) Each picture is numbered and shows what God created on that day. Days ily and friends. Each
4, 5 and 6 show how God created the sun, moon, stars and planets as signs, person to whom they
seasons, days and years; birds and fish to fill the sky and sea; and animals tell the story will sign
and people to fill the land. (3) Day 7 at the bottom of the page shows that the back of the picture.
God rested or ceased from creating. When the child brings
Children will draw the whole picture and the teacher can explain that we will the signed paper back
talk about the creation of man and woman in the next lesson. to class, he/she should
receive a small prize as
a reward. The teacher
will keep the pages to
be completed for his/
her “My Story of Hope”

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3 Review and Close


1. What did God use to create everything? (God made everything from nothing.
God used the dust of the earth to form the man and the man’s rib to form the

2. How did God create everything? (He spoke everything into existence. God used the
dust of the earth to form the man and the man’s rib to form the woman.)

3. What did God put in the sky to separate day and night? (Sun – day, moon and
stars – night.)

4. What did God create to fill the sky and the oceans? (Birds and fish.)

5. What did God create to fill the land? (Plants, animals and people introduced in
Lesson 3.)

6. How many days did God take to create the earth? (Six days; on the seventh day He

7. What did God say about his creation after he had finished? (He called it ‘very
good.’) God’s creation is great and magnificent. He is very powerful because He
spoke the world into existence.

THEME: God made everything.

Apply the Lesson

From this lesson we learn that God is powerful and creative. Let children
make their own creation. You can give them any materials that you have
close at hand or they can gather materials of their own. Tell them to make
their own creation, name their creation, then describe their own creation
to the rest of the class. You created something from materials given to you.
God created thousands and thousands of birds, fish, animals, trees, flowers
from nothing. God is all-powerful!

Lesson Number 2 Number 2 Adventures in the Story of Hope
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Adventures in the Story of Hope
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3 Creation of People
Genesis 1:26-31, 2:7-25

THEME: God made man and

woman to be His special friends.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• Man was the last creature that God created. He did not evolve, he was A beautiful full color pic-
created. ture of the artwork above
is available for purchase
• Man was not created in the image and likeness of the beasts.
as a set through www.
• No animal shows any desire to worship.
• No animal shows any consciousness of the judgment to come. the-story-of-hope-print-
• No animal has the hope of immortality beyond the grave. This picture can be used
• No animal ever learned to read and write or admire a beautiful sunset. as you tell the story. You
may also want to post
• God describes the creation of man as “very good.” No other part of the pictures around
creation was described as such. your classroom to visu-
• Only humans were created in God’s image. No other part of creation ally remind your class of
was created in the image of God. God does not have a human form. previous lessons as you
Being created in His image means that humans can experience His teach ATSOH.
nature (such as His love, holiness, justice, truth, and wisdom).
You may want to copy
• God’s purpose in creating human life was for him to rule over the the picture (on the last
rest of creation (Gen. 1:26-28). Because man sinned, all things are page of this lesson) for
not under his rule, but instead are under the lordship of Jesus Christ your students before you
(Hebrews 2:5-8). color one of the copies
• When God breathed into the nostrils of Adam the breath of life (Gen- yourself to show in class.
esis 2:7), man became a living being. This made man a spiritual being
(different from the animals of creation) with abilities to fellowship ATSOH Visual #3
with God, know Him personally, and serve Him.

Lesson Number 3 Number 3 Adventures in the Story of Hope
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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review Questions from Lesson 1: The Eternal God Review and Game Sug-
gestion: Move to the
Who was the only one who existed before time began? (God.) Head of the Class

Does God have a birthday? (No, God has always existed.) Students sit in chairs or
on the floor all facing the
Can we see God? (No, God does not have a body. He is spirit.) same direction. If the
student answers a ques-
Where does God live? (God is everywhere; omnipresent.) tion correctly he moves
up one position. If he
Review Questions from Lesson 2: Creation of the Earth answers incorrectly he
goes to back of the row.
What did God use to create everything? (God made everything from
nothing. Teacher note: God used the dust of the earth to form the man and
the man’s rib to form the woman.)
How did God create everything? (He spoke everything into existence.
Teacher note: God used the dust of the earth to form the man and the man’s
rib to form the woman.)
What did God put in the sky to separate day and night? (Sun – day, moon
and stars – night.)

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Ask students, “What
Introduction to Lesson 3: Creation of People is the most beautiful
place you have ever
The first place Adam and Eve lived was beautiful. Before you read Genesis seen? What do you
2:8-9 aloud, ask the children to listen carefully so they can answer this think Paradise is like?
question: What makes you think the place where Adam and the woman lived Describe Paradise in one
was beautiful? word.”

Te l l T h e S t o r y
Last time we learned about what God made on each of the six days of cre-
ation. Do you remember what He created on the first day? (light, separated
darkness from light) Second? (separated waters above from waters below) Etc.
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What did He create on day six? (all kinds of animals) But the sixth day was Teacher Notes
not over yet. God spoke again, this time to Himself. He said, “Let us make hu-
man beings—male and female—in our image, reflecting our nature (what we
are like) and able to be responsible for the fish in Ocean, the birds in Sky, and
the cattle and all the animals moving about on Earth.”

So the eternal, self-existent, almighty God reached down (kneel down and act
out) and formed Man from the dirt of Earth; then He breathed into his nos-
trils the breath of life. At that moment, Man came alive—a living soul!

Then God planted a beautiful garden in the east with all kinds of trees and
placed Man in the garden to care for it, to work the ground, and to keep it in
order. Then God brought all the animals he made to Man so that he could
name them. Man gave names to all the animals and birds, but Man did not
find a suitable companion for himself.

God spoke again, saying, “It is not proper for Man to be alone. I will make
him a helper, a companion. (Remember that God had already planned to
make human beings—male and female.) So God put Man into a deep sleep.
As he slept, God removed one of Man’s ribs and closed up his flesh. Then God
built up around the rib a beautiful female and presented her to man. The man

“Finally! One who was made from my bone. A being like me! Oh, what shall
I call this one at my hand? She shall be Woman; she was taken from Man.”

The man and woman were totally at ease and comfortable with each other just
as God had made them. God placed these unique beings, that were made in
His image, in the garden and blessed them:

“Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge! Be responsible for the fish in
the sea and the birds in the air and every living thing that moves on the earth.
Look! I have given you every plant and the fruit of all the trees to eat and gain
strength. All the animals shall also eat from all the plants that grow from the

God knew that it was all beneficial and worthwhile. And there it was, evening
and morning—Day Six of creation.

The garden God had planted in the east was a beautiful, protected place called
Eden. The garden had all kinds of wonderful-looking (and tasting!) fruit
trees. Right in the middle of the garden God planted two special trees: the
Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The garden was
well-watered because a river bubbled up and flowed out of the garden, divid-

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ing into four rivers! Imagine the beautiful trees and plants and the crystal- Teacher Notes
clear water flowing through paradise. Wouldn’t this be a wonderful place to

God placed the man and woman He had made in that breath-taking, won-
derful paradise and told them to take care of it. They were in charge! He had
already told them to prosper, reproduce, and fill the earth, taking charge of
it. Now they also had the responsibility of caring for God’s beautiful, special

It’s hard to imagine what it was like or how beautiful the garden was. But
I’m sure that as the man and the woman walked around in the garden, they
were filled with wonder and awe, and their hearts and mouths were filled
with praise to God. I’m sure they enjoyed their work, too, as they took care
of this garden for their Creator.

When God placed man in the garden, He told him to eat of any and all of
the trees—except for one: the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
God told him that if he would eat from that tree, he would die. But think
of it: apples, peaches, mangos, cherries, oranges, lemons, limes, pomegran-
ates, cashews, bananas—and many more—all at hand to enjoy as much as
he wanted! This Eden truly was a paradise. And to add to it, the man and
woman enjoyed a close friendship with their Creator God.

THEME: God made man and

woman to be His special friends.

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Bible Memory Activity
Prepare ahead of time yel-
Go and Tell the Story low cards for each of the
Begin by having the children sing chorus, verse one, chorus, verse two, kids. Explain to the stu-
chorus and bridge of “Go and Tell the Story.” Then teach the third verse dents that they will be the
(about Man’s sin). Finally, sing the whole song from beginning to end. Do not referees to make sure you
teach verses four and five. These will be reserved for later lessons (when they write the verse correctly.
learn of Jesus’ sacrifice and the need for us to respond in faith). They are to rise, hold up
the yellow card and say
“foul” each time that you
M e m o r y Ve r s e write something wrong
in the verse. Display the
verse on the board in the
Genesis 1:27 - So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He correct form. Have the
created him; male and female He created them. students read the verse
several times. Erase the
verse. Begin writing it
Bible Activity again on the board, but
purposefully incorrect.
As soon as the students
Give each child a piece of play dough about the size of an egg. Tell the chil- detect an error, they are
dren to make a clay sculpture of an animal. Give them about 4-5 minutes to stand and hold up their
to work on their project, then give a few children a chance to tell what their yellow card and call out,
project is. Ask them: “Is this alive?” (Kids laugh and say “Of course not!) “foul!” Erase the incorrect
Ask: “Well, have you ever seen a sculpture or statue that was VERY realistic word and begin again.
looking? (Most will say yes) “Some artists are so talented they can make a Continue going through
sculpture that looks EXACTLY like a certain person or animal. Only God the verse several times be-
can create life. Not only that, but when people make sculptures or other art, fore you write it correctly.
they have to start with all the materials. When God created the heavens and Have class repeat verse
the earth, He only SPOKE and it came into being. He is so great and power- with you. Erase it and say
ful that His WORDS make great things happen. When God created Adam, it together one more time.
He only used the dust of the earth.

No Fuss Play Dough

1 cup cold water
2 cups flour
1 cup salt
2 tablespoons cornstarch
2 teaspoons vegetable oil
Food coloring (optional)

Lesson Number 3 Number 3 Creation Adventures in the Story of Hope
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In a large bowl, mix together water, salt, oil and a few drops of food coloring. Teacher Notes
Mix flour and cornstarch and add 1/2 cup at a time, stirring constantly (you
may need a little more or a little less than 2 cups flour so make sure you stir
until it is the right consistency). Cover your hands with flour and knead for a
few minutes.

Coloring Book
Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the teach-
er or by the student. Say, “Humankind – man and woman – were created in
God’s image.”

My Stor y of Hope

(1) God created man from the dust and breathed into him the breath of life.
(2) God placed two trees in the Garden of Eden – The Tree of Life and The
Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God said if you eat from the second
tree you will die (see the words ‘no’ and ‘die’). (3) In the middle was the river
that went out from the garden. (4) Adam named the animals (bottom). (5)
God put Adam to sleep, removed a rib bone and used it to create the woman.
(6) Adam called her ‘woman’ because she was taken out of man (can write
“woman” above the woman).

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Lesson Number 3 Number 3 Adventures in the Story of Hope
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Teacher Notes

3 Review and Close


1. How did God create the man? (He formed him from the dust of the earth.)

2. In whose image did God create the man and woman and how did God give
the man life? (They were created in God’s image and God breathed into the
man the breath of life.)

3. What was the name of the garden where the man and the woman lived?
(The Garden of Eden.)

4. What two special trees did God put in the middle of the garden? (The Tree
of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.)

5. What did God tell Adam he could not do? (Eat from the Tree of the Knowl-
edge of Good and Evil.)

6. What task did God ask the man to do involving the animals? (God asked the
man to name all the animals.)

7. How did God create the woman? (He put the man to sleep and took one of
his ribs to form the woman.)

THEME: God made man and

woman to be His special friends.

Apply the Lesson

God created Adam and Eve to worship and serve Him. What are some
specific ways that you can worship and serve God? How are you trying to be
“His special friends”?

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Adventures in the Story of Hope
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4 Fall of Satan
Ezekiel 28:11-17
Isaiah 14:12-15
Theme: Satan is God’s enemy.
THEME: Satan is God’s enemy.
proud. God

Study the Lesson (before class) Teacher Notes

• Ezekiel did not use the word “king” very much. Apart from King A beautiful full color pic-
Jehoiachin (Ezekiel 1:2) he did not use the title “king” of any of Israel’s ture of the artwork above
monarchs. is available for purchase
as a set through www.
• In verses 11-19, Ezekiel described the king in terms that could not ap-
ply to a man. This “king” had appeared in the Garden of Eden (v. 13),
had been a guardian cherub (v. 14), had possessed free access to God’s ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
holy mountain (v. 14), and had been sinless from the time he was cre- This picture can be used
ated (v. 15). as you tell the story. You
• Ezekiel also told about the orginal beauty of Satan (Lucifer) as God may also want to post
created him in verses 12-15. Nine of the 12 precious stones of the the pictures around
breastplate worn by priests were used by Ezekiel to describe Satan your classroom to visu-
himself. ally remind your class of
previous lessons as you
• When Satan was created by God, he was blameless until wickedness teach ATSOH.
was found in him (verses 14-15).
• From Isaiah 14, Lucifer means “morning star” and implies that Satan You may want to copy
is trying to imitate Jesus Christ, “the bright and morning star.” the picture (on the last
page of this lesson) for
• “I will be like the most High” indicated Satan’s basic strategy: to your students before you
imitate God. color one of the copies
• Pride goes before destruction and a proud spirit before a fall (Prov- yourself to show in class.
erbs 16:18).
ATSOH Bible Visual #4
• Satan will be cast out of heaven (Revelation 12) and will be cast into
hell (Revelation 20:10).

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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review Questions from Lesson 1: The Eternal God Review and Games
Suggestion: Question
Where does God live? (God is everywhere; omnipresent.) Game

What does God know? (God knows everything; omniscient.) Write review questions
(found at the end of
Review Questions from Lesson 2: Creation of the Earth each lesson) on note
cards. On the back of
What did God create to fill the sky and the oceans? (Birds and fish.) each card assign the
question a point value
What did God create to fill the land? (Plants, animals and people from 1 to 5 with 1 being
introduced in lesson three.) the easiest and 5 be-
ing the most difficult.
Review Questions from Lesson 3: Creation of People
Place the cards in their
How did God create the man? (He formed him from the dust of the earth.) 5 respective piles. The
student chooses which
In whose image did God create the man and woman and how did God give kind of question he
the man life? (They were created in God’s image and God breathed into the would like to answer.
man the breath of life.) If he gets it correct, he
keeps the card for his
What was the name of the garden where the man and the woman lived? own points or for his
(The Garden of Eden.) team, depending on the
size of the class and the
What two special trees did God put in the middle of the garden? (The Tree teacher’s objectives. If
of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.) he answers incorrectly,
he places it at the bot-
tom of the pile. The
student or team with the
2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n most points in hand at
the end wins.

Introduction to Lesson 4: Fall of Satan

Tell children to draw a picture of how they would picture Satan. If paper is
unavailable, have the children tell how they picture Satan. After the children
draw their picture, let them describe how they visualized Satan and why.

Say, “Today, we will learn about the creation of Satan and what he is like.”

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Teacher Notes
Te l l T h e S t o r y

Before time, or space, or light, or anything existed, Elohim (Almighty God)—

perfect God with no beginning—decided He would create. In His unlimited
wisdom, He looked ahead through time—which had not yet begun—and de-
signed people and animals and worlds and stars, and made a plan that would
glorify Him and bring great joy to all His created beings.

With His purpose decided, His intentions set, and the plan complete, then
God began to create. And He started with beautiful, highly intelligent (that
means really smart!), spirit-beings we call angels. He created thousands and
thousands and millions and millions of them. He created some with more
power and authority, some with less. Some He created for one purpose, some
for another.

Now, even though they lived in Heaven, these fantastic spirit-beings have
access to earth where they can appear and disappear suddenly. When they
appear, sometimes they appear with wings, other times without. Even though
they can move quickly and are very powerful, angels, since they are created by
God, are under His control. That means they have to do what God tells them
to do or suffer the consequences.

God planned for the angels to serve and worship Him forever. But God
wanted them to worship Him because they loved Him, not because they had
to, so He gave the angels the ability to choose. He wanted them to be able to
choose to obey or disobey.

Now, some time after God created the angels and before the creation of man
and woman, something terrible happened, something that would affect every-
one and every created thing in God’s wonderful universe.

God had made every angel beautiful. But one He created more beautiful than
all the others. His name was Lucifer. At one point God said to Lucifer, “You

Perfect in wisdom, perfect in beauty,

Walking my mountain, performing your duty,
An angel so special, sparkling like gold,
And silver, precious stones--elegance untold.”
How marvelous this angel must have been! We can’t even imagine. But
something happened. Lucifer became proud and corrupt because of his great
beauty. He said,

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“I will ascend to heaven and there I will raise my throne Teacher Notes
Higher than all God’s stars above and I will sit alone!
Presiding over all the gods on that utmost of heights,
I’ll be the brightest of the lights, I’ll be the sight of sights.
I will ascend above the clouds—the very tops of them.
I’ll make myself like the Most High and never bow again!”

So God punished that angel who became known as Satan, the Devil. The
Most High God said, “From the day I created you, you were blameless—until
that day that evil was found in you,” and He drove Satan from His presence.
Many of the angels in heaven chose to follow Satan instead of God.

Satan wanted to rise higher and higher, but God threw him down out of
Show ATSOH #4.
heaven. And one day he will be thrown down to the depths of the pit. God
prepared an eternal fire where Satan and the angels that followed him will be
thrown one day.

Theme: Satan is God’s enemy.

THEME: Satan is God’s enemy.
Satan was
Satan was proud.
proud. God
God threw
Satan out of heaven.

Go and Tell the Story
The Slithery Snake
Say, “We are going to learn a new song today! But first, let’s sing all three
verses we have learned of “Go and Tell the Story.” (Sing them as learned:
chorus, 1st verse, chorus, 2nd verse, chorus and bridge, 3rd verse, chorus.)
Then teach the first verse of “That Slithery Snake.” After the children have
sung it, explain the concept, “Brighter than the Light.” Light is capitalized and
refers to God. Lucifer wanted to be brighter than, he wanted to more glorious
than, God Himself. Sing the verse again. Explain that over the next three
lessons they will be learning a new verse that relates to each event

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M e m o r y Ve r s e Bible Memory Activity
Review the verse with the
Isaiah 14:12 - “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morn- whole group. Using some
ing! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations! motions will be helpful.
After they know the verse,
ask one person to stand
up and say the verse with
Coloring Book you. After reciting the
verse, have the two of
Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the teacher you each choose another
or by the student. Say, “Satan was thrown out of heaven because of his re- person. Repeat the verse
bellion against God. What colors will you use to best show how Satan felt and have the four choose
another friend to repeat
when he was removed from heaven?”
the verse. Continue until
everyone is participating
or you feel they have
Bible Activity learned it sufficiently.

Make a poster showing the superior power of God over Satan. Kids can read
verses for each.

1. God is ____________. 1. holy/evil 1. Satan is _______ and loves sin.

He never sins. (Leviti- 2. bright (Ezekiel 28:15)
cus 19:2) and 2. Isaiah talks about Lucifer’s title
2. In Revelation 22:16, morn- of _____ _____ as he imitates
God is called the ing star/ God’s power, but falls short.
________________ morning (Isaiah 14:12)
___________. star
3. Lucifer, along with many other
3. God created all the 3. good/ angels, _______ against their
_______ angels. (Gen- rebelled Creator and were cast out of
esis 1:31) heaven.
4. every-
4. God is ______ all the where/ 4. Satan can only be in ___ place
time. one at a time. (Job 1:6-7)
5. God has always existed, 5. eternal/ 5. Satan was created by God
even before creation. the lake and will one day be cast into
He is __________. of fire ______ _____ ____ ____ by
God. (Revelation 20:10)

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My Stor y of Hope
(1) God created many angels, but Lucifer (in the middle) was the most beautiful of all. He became proud
and wanted to be like God (can write, “I will be like God”) (2) He was cast (see angel falling) from heaven
(can write “Lucifer was cast from heaven…now called Satan.”)

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3 Review and Close

1. How many angels did God create? (Millions and millions.)
2. Why were angels created? (To worship and serve God.)
3. Did God give the angels the ability to choose to obey or disobey Him? (Yes.)
4. Who was the most beautiful angel of all? (Lucifer.)
5. What was the main reason Lucifer wanted to be like the Most High? (Pride.)
6. What happened to Lucifer after he rebelled against God? (He was cast out
of heaven.)
7. What name do we use for Lucifer today? (Satan.)

Theme: Satan is God’s enemy.

THEME: Satan is God’s enemy.
Satan wasproud.
Satan outofofheaven.

Apply the Lesson

From this story we learn about the beginning of sin. Satan became proud
and rebelled against God. Pride is sin. Anybody, boy or girl, man or woman,
can become proud and rebel against God. Name ways that a kid can become

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5 Beginning of
Human Sin
Genesis 3:1-6
THEME: Satan tempted
Adam and the woman. Adam
and the woman disobeyed God.
Teacher Notes

Study the Lesson (before class)

• The tempter was a serpent or Satan. A beautiful full color pic-

ture of the artwork above
• The temptation to Adam and the woman came in the form of a dis-
is available for purchase
guise and was not expected.
as a set through www.
• Satan is identified as that “old serpent” in other parts of Scripture:
John 8:44; Romans 16:20; 2 Cor. 11:3; 1 Tim. 2:14; Rev. 12:9; Rev. the-story-of-hope-print-
20:2). ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
This picture can be used
• The woman did not know the command of God very well or did not
as you tell the story. You
want to remember it.
may also want to post
• The tempter cast doubt over God’s character, suggesting that He was the pictures around
jealous and holding something back from Adam and the woman your classroom to visu-
(Genesis: 3:5). ally remind your class of
previous lessons as you
• When compared with God’s original commands (Genesis 2:16-17),
teach ATSOH.
the woman weakened, changed, and added to God’s words (Genesis
You may want to copy
• Satan was a liar from the beginning (John 8:44). This is his lie: one the picture (on the last
can sin and get away with it. But death is the penalty for sin; Gen- page of this lesson) for
esis 2:17. your students before you
color one of the copies
yourself to show in class.

ATSOH Bible Visual #5

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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review Questions from Lesson 1: The Eternal God Review and Game
Suggestion: Bible Tic-
Is anyone stronger than God? (No, God is the most powerful; omnipotent.) Tac-Toe

What is the name used for God at the very beginning of the Bible? (Elohim Draw a large tic-tac-toe
– Hebrew word which means powerful one.) diagram on the board
or large paper. Divide
Review Questions from Lesson 2: Creation of the Earth the class into two teams
(‘X’ and ‘O’). Ask the
What did God create to fill the land? (Plants, animals and people first student on Team
introduced in lesson three.) ‘X’ a question. If he
answers it correctly, he
How many days did God take to create the earth? (Six days; on the seventh gets to choose where
day He rested.) to put the ‘X’. Then
ask the first student on
Review Questions from Lesson 3: Creation of People
Team ‘O’ a question. If
What was the name of the garden where the man and the woman lived? a question is missed the
(The Garden of Eden.) opposite team gets to
choose where to put the
What two special trees did God put in the middle of the garden? (The Tree other team’s letter.
of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.)

Review Questions from Lesson 4: Fall of Satan

How many angels did God create? (Millions and millions.)
Why were angels created? (To worship and serve God.)

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 5: Beginning of Human Sin

1. Temptation is Satan’s invitation to give in to his kind of life and give up on

God’s kind of life. Why does Satan want to tempt us?

2. Satan tempted Adam and the woman to sin and he succeeded. How did he
do that?

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Te l l T h e S t o r y

Satan rebelled, wanting to be like God, and he was judged and thrown out of
heaven. Remember that God had created man and woman in His own im-
age and placed them in His garden. They were getting special attention from
God. I’m sure Satan was not happy about this.

Do you remember that God had told man that he could eat from any and all
trees of the garden except for one? Satan developed a plan to use that com-
mand to his advantage. He probably thought, “This is going to be good.” He
was ready to put his plan into action.

Satan appeared to the woman in the form of a serpent and said, “Is it true
that God told you not to eat from any of the trees in the garden?”

The woman replied, “Of course not! God told us we could eat from all but
one of the trees, and that one we can’t even touch or we will die!”

“You won’t die,” the serpent said. “God knows that when you eat from this
tree, you will be able to understand all that is happening just like He does,
and you’ll know everything—like the difference between good and evil.”

The woman listened to the serpent. She looked at the fruit. The fruit looked
tasty. And oh, so beautiful! She thought about what the serpent had said. If
she ate the fruit, could she really know more? Would it make her wise? Could
she know as much as God knew? It made sense to her, so she took a piece of
the fruit and ate it. Then she turned and gave some to her husband, and he
ate it, too.

Satan’s plan succeeded. First he misquoted God, just enough to make Him Show ATSOH #5.
seem unloving. Then he denied that God would--or even could--punish
disobedience as He had promised. Then he suggested that God only gave this
warning because He is selfish and jealous. He was able to get the man and the
woman to disobey God. I imagine he was pretty happy and was eager to see
what God would do about it.

Disobedience—any act of not doing what God commands—is called sin. This
first disobedience of man and woman, which resulted in some really bad con-
sequences, is generally called the “Fall of Man” or simply “The Fall.”

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THEME: Satan tempted Bible Memory Activity
Adam and the woman. Adam Make a small fishing pole by
using small a pole or stick,
and the woman disobeyed God. about 24 inches long. Tie a
line or cord on the end and
secure a magnet at the end.
Bring a bucket to fill with
Music water. Have a towel close
for spills. Divide the verse
The Slithery Snake into phrases, (Example: She
took/of its fruit/and ate/
Start by reviewing verse one of “That Slithery Snake.” Then teach verse two. She also gave ... ) this gives
Explain concepts the kids may not understand, such as the following: 8 things to fish for. Have 8
magnets and number them
• “Shun” (to keep away from, take pains to avoid) God told them not to eat with a permanent marker.
from that tree. They should have shunned it. You will put the numbered
magnets in the bucket of
• “Make her like the ‘One.’” Satan had told the woman that she would be
water. As the students fish
like God if she ate of the tree.
and pull out a numbered
• “Adam also did the deed.” Adam disobeyed, also. magnet, give them a portion
of the verse. After all the
Sing both verses again. Sing “Go and Tell the Story” if time pemits. verse phrases are given out,
have them assemble the
verse. They may look up
the verse in the Bible since
M e m o r y Ve r s e they have not reviewed the
verse ahead of time. Say it a
Genesis 3:6b - She took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with few times all together. If you
her, and he ate. have a larger group, prepare
a duplicate fishing pole,
bucket and verse pieces.

Bible Activity Bible Activity

To review the lesson,
Narrator: Adam and the woman had been given a beautiful garden to live in, children will “act out” the
with lovely trees and flowers, animals of all kinds, and lots of good food to story in dramatic fashion.
eat. These were all good gifts from their loving creator, God. God had told The teacher needs to coach
them they could eat from every tree of the garden except for one. If they ate the children all through
from the forbidden tree, God said they would surely die. the process, and practice
several times. The narra-
The scene begins with Adam and the woman walking around in the garden, tor can read his/her part
talking about all the lovely things God has created, especially the wonderful if he/she is old enough, or
fruit trees. (Encourage the children to be creative as they notice things on the narrator can be played
their walk, they love to use their imaginations!) by an adult.

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Narrator: One day, as they were walking through the garden, a beautiful Teacher Notes
serpent appeared and began to talk to them. What they didn’t know was that
Satan, God’s evil enemy, was actually speaking THROUGH the serpent. He
was going to try to trick them into disobeying God.

The serpent, followed closely by Satan, enters the scene. Satan leans over the
serpent (to show it is really Satan who is talking through the serpent) and
says: “Did God really say you couldn’t eat any fruit in the garden?”

The woman (innocently): “Oh no, we can eat from any tree in the garden,
except the one in the middle. God said don’t eat from it, or even touch it, or
we will die.”

Satan (in a very convincing voice): “You won’t die! God knows that the day
you eat from it your eyes will be opened and you’ll be like Him, knowing
good and evil.”

Narrator: The woman looked at the fruit and smiled. She thought about
what Satan had said. Of course she didn’t know it was Satan. She thought
the serpent was her friend. She believed the lies and doubted the words of
God. Then she reaches out her hand and picks the fruit. (If possible, bring
a real piece of fruit to use as a prop. The Bible doesn’t say what the fruit was,
so use whatever is readily available to you.) After taking a bite, she hands it
to Adam. He smiles and takes a bite. Suddenly they look very afraid. (as the
narrator describes the scenario, the characters should do the actions de-

The woman: Oh Adam, what have we done?! I feel so ashamed!

Adam: I feel the same! How could we have doubted what God told us? We
can’t let God see us like this! (Adam and the woman run off the stage, look-
ing scared)

Coloring Book

Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the
teacher or by the student. Say, “Satan, that old serpent, the devil, is shown
in this picture tempting the woman to take the forbidden fruit and she
does that. She sins and disobeys God, even though He clearly and loving-
ly warned Adam and the woman not to eat of the forbidden fruit. As you
color this picture, what do you think the woman is thinking?”

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My Stor y of Hope
We don’t know what Satan looked liked when he first talked to the woman, but because the serpent was
cursed to crawl on his belly, it is possible that he originally had legs. (1) Satan talked to the woman (can
write the words, “you won’t die”). (2) The woman picks the fruit and takes a bite and then (3) gives some to

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3 Review and Close


1. What animal did Satan use to talk to the woman? (Serpent.)

2. What question did Satan ask the woman to begin the conversation and
make God seem unloving? (Did God really say you couldn’t eat from any
tree in the garden?)

3. What lie did Satan tell the woman about eating from the Tree of the
Knowledge of Good and Evil? (You won’t die.)

4. God told the man that he couldn’t eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of
Good and Evil or he would die. What did the woman add to this when she
replied to the serpent? (She said they couldn’t even touch it.)

5. T or F Satan wanted Eve to doubt that God is good, true to His promises
and holy. (True.)

6. What three things made the woman decide to eat the fruit? (Good for
food, beautiful, hoped it would make her wise like God.)

7. How is humankind’s sin in the garden like Satan’s sin in heaven? (They
both wanted to be like the Most High God.)

THEME: Satan tempted

Adam and the woman. Adam
and the woman disobeyed God.

Apply the Lesson

Satan tempts boys and girls to do wrong and sin against God. What are
some ways that Satan tempts you? What can you do to resist the tempta-
tions of Satan?

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6 Origin of Death
Genesis 3:7-13, 5:5

THEME: Sin separated Adam

and the woman from God.

Teacher Notes

Study the Lesson (before class)

• When God speaks of death, He is really speaking about separa- A beautiful full color pic-
tion. Three kinds of death happen as a result of sin: spiritual death, ture of the artwork above
physical death, and an eternal death. is available for purchase
as a set through www.
• The shame that they experienced was a direct result of their sin.
• Adam and Eve tried to cover themselves with fig leaves they had the-story-of-hope-print-
sewn together, but God had a different and better plan to clothe ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
them. This picture can be used
as you tell the story. You
• Every evening, God spoke to Adam and the woman. After they dis-
may also want to post
obeyed, they hid from God, probably because of the great amount
the pictures around
of guilt they felt.
your classroom to visu-
• Adam and the woman were foolish to think that they could escape ally remind your class of
from God. God and Adam had a conversation in which God asked previous lessons as you
who told Adam that he had no clothes. He also asked if they had teach ATSOH.
eaten from the tree. God was not ignorant of these facts, He knew
they had eaten and that they were naked. You may want to copy
the picture (on the last
• God asked Adam what he had done. Adam blamed his wife, who in
page of this lesson) for
turn blamed the serpent for tricking her.
your students before you
• When Adam and the woman sinned, it was not merely that they ate color one of the copies
of the fruit. It was their love of self and their dishonor of God that yourself to show in class.
brought shame on them.
ATSOH Bible Visual #6
• Choosing the created rather than the Creator resulted in sin.

Lesson in the
Number 56 Story of Hope Fall Lesson Number 6 | Page 51
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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review Questions from Lesson 1: The Eternal God Review and Game
Who was the only one who existed before time began? (God.)
Cooperative Story
Can we see God? (No, God does not have a body. He is spirit.) Teacher begins telling
a story from the begin-
Review Questions from Lesson 2: Creation of the Earth ning of this curriculum
(i.e.: “In the beginning
What did God say about His creation after He had finished? (He called it God created the world.”)
‘very good.’) Then the teacher says
Review Questions from Lesson 3: Creation of People ‘next’ and points to child
beside her/him. That
What did God tell Adam he could not do? (Eat from the Tree of the Knowl- child must pick up where
edge of Good and Evil.) the first person left off.
Change the time inter-
What task did God ask the man to do involving the animals? (God asked the vals between students to
man to name all the animals.) keep them guessing!

Review Questions from Lesson 4: Fall of Satan

Did God give the angels the ability to choose to obey or disobey Him? (Yes.)
Who was the most beautiful angel of all? (Lucifer.)
Review Questions from Lesson 5: Beginning of Human Sin

What animal did Satan use to talk to the woman? (Serpent.)

What question did Satan ask the woman to begin the conversation and make
God seem unloving? (Did God really say you couldn’t eat from any tree in
the garden?)

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 6: Origin of Death

Ask, “How could Adam and the woman be so silly as to think they could
hide from an all-knowing God?” Yet we kind of do the same thing when we
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sin. Describe how you, the teacher, tried to hide from God when you sinned, Teacher Notes
or assumed that He would not see you.

Te l l T h e S t o r y

Last time we learned about the Fall—when man and woman disobeyed God
and ate of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. All of a sudden the man
and woman did see something they hadn’t noticed before: they were naked!
And they knew something they hadn’t known before: they were embarrassed
to be walking around like that. They didn’t know what to do, but they tried
plucking fig leaves from a tree and tying them together to make some kind
of clothes for themselves. What they didn’t realize is that big, beautiful, soft,
green leaves shrivel up and die soon after they are no longer attached to the
tree. But that seemed to work for a while.

Then the first man and his wife heard God moving about in the garden in the
cool evening breeze. They quickly hid among the trees of the garden. Show ATSOH #6
“Where are you?” God called out to the man.

“I…uh…I heard You in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked, so I

“Who told you that you were naked? Did you eat the fruit from the tree of
which I told you not to eat?”

“Well, that woman you gave me as a companion—she gave me the fruit, and I
ate it.”

So God asked the woman, “What have you done?”

The woman said, “Serpent tricked me; that’s why I ate it.”

When Adam and his wife disobeyed (sinned) that day, the gradual process
of physical death began to work in their bodies. The Bible tells us later that
Adam lived a total of 930 years, and then he died. He did eventually experi-
ence the penalty of physical death. But on the very day they sinned, Adam
and his wife died spiritually; they were separated from God. Their right rela-
tionship with Him was ruined.

And on that very day when Adam first disobeyed God, sin and death entered
the world and came to all mankind. We all sin and we all die as payment for
our sin.
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THEME: Sin separated Adam Music:
and the woman from God. We get very close to “front
loading” with “…if no
one came.” Don’t deal
with this unless children
Music ask. (Most will not.)
Once the fourth verse
is included, it all makes
The Slithery Snake sense. Since the very next
week they will learn of
Sing the first two verses of “That Slithery Snake,” then teach verse three. the promise of a Satan
Comment, “Not only were their eyes opened and they realized they had Conqueror, and since we
disobeyed God, but they also died that day, not physically, but spiritually.” are not giving away any
Ask students to point out words in this verse that refer to the spiritual death more of the story, we feel
they experienced (guilty, fearful, full of shame). Help them see that physical comfortable allowing this
death would come as well as eternal death. Explain that you will learn about small glimpse into what’s
these in later lessons. coming. If you like, you
could teach only the next
line of the song: “But
Bible Activity the story does not end
there…” and leave the
Discuss these True or False statements with the children. Let them kids hanging. Tell them
answer each question and tell you whether it is True or False. If they they will learn the rest of
answer False, have the children tell you why it is False. the story next week along
with the rest of this song.
The tempter, Satan, will cast doubt on the character of God. He will Bible Activity Answers:
suggest that God is withholding something good from us.
T or F
The tempter, Satan, will not tell us about the consequences of our
disobedience. T or F

The tempter, Satan, will try to minimize who God is and what He T or F
expects from us. T or F
The tempter, Satan, will deceive us into thinking we can become like T or F
T or F
Satan’s promises never come true. T or F
God will always punish sin or disobedience.

Satan wants us to doubt God’s Word and His goodness.

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M e m o r y Ve r s e

Romans 5:12 - Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and Bible Memory Activity
death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned.
Write words of the verse
on a piece of paper using
large letters. Cut the verse
into individual phrases or
Bible Activity words. Hide the strips out
of view around the room.
Review the verse a few
Bring in a cut flower, tree branch, or grass. Plan ahead and cut one a week times. Let the children
before the lesson so it will be totally dead looking, cut another of the same find the pieces. As they
thing 2-3 days before class, and cut the last one the day before class and keep find them, let them gather
it fresh in water until class time. Ask the question: “Which one of these is in front of the room and
the most dead?” (Answer: They are all dead, because they are all cut off place themselves in the
from their source of life) The flower (branch, etc.) that looks fresh is still proper order. Read the
doomed to look like the dried up one, it’s only a matter of time. The same verse aloud.
thing was true when God said to Adam and the woman, “You shall surely
die.” They had been separated from God (their source of life) by sin, so they
were doomed to die, not only physically, but also spiritually. Just like this
branch (or flower), they were “as good as dead” already.

Set up blocks or pieces of wood that can stand up on one end. Set them up
about 2 inches apart, at least 10 blocks, or as many as 30 if you have them (the
effect will be more dramatic with more blocks). Push the first one over, and
see how all the others quickly fall also. Have a child (or teacher) read Romans
5:12. Say: “This first block is like Adam, who sinned at the very beginning of
time. Because of his sin, we are all born as sinners.”

Coloring Book

Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the teach-
er or by the student. Adam and Eve are pictured here after they sinned or
disobeyed God. Color the picture and ask the kids to think about this while
they are coloring: Say, “What do you think Adam and Eve were thinking
and feeling after they sinned against God?” Let the kids color the picture
and discuss this question with you.

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My Stor y of Hope
(1) Right away after eating the fruit, Adam and his wife noticed that they were naked. (2) Adam and the
woman made clothes for themselves from fig leaves. (3) When God came to the garden that evening He
asked, “Where are you?” but Adam and the woman were afraid (can write “afraid” above their heads)
so they hid. (4) (bottom) God asked them, “Have you eaten from the forbidden tree?” (can write these
words). (5) Adam blamed his wife and she blamed the serpent (each one points to the other).

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3 Review and Close


1. What did the man and woman notice after they disobeyed God? (They
were naked.)

2. What did the man and woman use to cover themselves? (Fig leaves.)

3. What did the man and woman do when they heard God coming into the
garden? (They hid.)

4. Why did the man and woman hide when they heard God walking in the
garden? (They were afraid because they knew they had disobeyed God.)

5. What was the man’s excuse for disobeying God? (The woman you gave me
gave me the fruit.)

6. What was the woman’s excuse? (The serpent tricked me.)

7. What kind of death did the man and woman experience immediately after
disobeying God? (Spiritual death.)

THEME: Sin separated Adam

and the woman from God.

Apply the Lesson

When faced with temptation, the best thing to do is to admit to God that
you are being tempted. Think of a Bible verse that will help you face tempta-
tion (James 4:7). If you give in to temptation, confess your sin to God and
He will forgive you (1 John 1:9).

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7 Promise of a
Victor Over Satan
Genesis 3:14-15

THEME: promised to send
promised to
a special
send person who
a special would
who would crush Satan.
crush Satan.
Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• Three punishments were given. The first punishment was for the ser- A beautiful full color pic-
pent. The second punishment was for the woman. The third punish- ture of the artwork above
ment was for Adam. is available for purchase
as a set through www.
• The curse fell upon the serpent for having tempted the woman.
• Adam and his wife chose what they would do (disobey), then God the-story-of-hope-print-
chose what He would do (punish disobedience). ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
• God’s word to the serpent included the concept that the serpent This picture can be used
as you tell the story. You
would be a continual reminder of the sinfulness of man.
may also want to post
• God reminded them of the continual struggle between satanic forces the pictures around
and people. your classroom to visu-
• The serpent will only bruise the heel of the man. However, the “off- ally remind your class of
spring” of the man will crush the head of the serpent. previous lessons as you
teach ATSOH.
• The “offspring” of the serpent includes demons and anyone who
serves the kingdom of darkness. The offspring of the woman would You may want to copy
be someone born from her descendants. the picture (on the last
• Satan would wound the deliverer (you will strike at his heel), but the page of this lesson) for
Seed, Christ, would deliver the fatal blow (He will crush your head). your students before you
color one of the copies
• Adam and the woman’s punishment shows how seriously God views yourself to show in class.
sin of any kind.
• The book of Genesis contains many stories of lives ruined by the ATSOH Bible Visual #7

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Number 7 Story of Hope Fall Lesson Number 7 | Page 59
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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review Questions from Lesson 2: Creation of the Earth Review and Game
Suggestion: Fill in the
What did God use to create everything? (God made everything from Letters/Jumbled Word
nothing. Teacher note: God used the dust of the earth to form the man and
the man’s rib to form the woman.) Print Bible story words
on a white board or large
What did God say about His creation after He had finished? (He called it paper leaving out one or
‘very good.’) more letters.
Review Question from Lesson 3: Creation of People
Let students guess the
How did God create the woman? (He put the man to sleep and took one of missing letters until the
his ribs to form the woman.) word is complete. Or,
write Bible story words
Review Questions from Lesson 4: Fall of Satan arranging the letters
incorrectly. Let students
What was the main reason Lucifer wanted to be like the Most High? (Pride.) guess the word.
What happened to Lucifer after he rebelled against God? (He was cast out of
heaven.) Examples:

Review Questions from Lesson 5: Beginning of Human Sin ndee

What lie did Satan tell the woman about eating from the Tree of the Knowl-
edge of Good and Evil? (You won’t die.) dama
God told the man that he couldn’t eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of
Good and Evil or he would die. What did the woman add to this when she
replied to the serpent? (She said they couldn’t even touch it.) Possible words to use:
God, Lucifer, Satan, the
woman, serpent, blood,
Review Questions from Lesson 6: Origin of Death
death, sin, disobey, tree,
What did Adam and the woman notice after they disobeyed God? (They were creation…and many
naked.) more!

What did Adam and the woman use to cover themselves? (Fig leaves.)

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2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 7: Promise of a Victor Over Satan

Say to students, “When I put my thumb up, you say ‘Oh that’s good!’ Thumb
down, you say, ‘Oh, that’s bad!’”
It was my friend Joe’s birthday last week. (Thumb up)
Not really, you see, everyone forgot. (Thumb down)
Not so bad, everyone felt guilty and decided to throw him a party. (up)
But the party was supposed to be in NY and Joe was in CA. (down)
Not so bad, a friend insisted on flying him to the party. (up)
No that’s bad. The plane ran out of gas halfway there. (down)
Not so bad. There were two parachutes in the plane. (up)
Not really. Joe’s parachute didn’t open. (down)
Not so bad, there was a haystack right below him. (up)
No, that’s bad. A huge pitchfork was sticking up out of the haystack. (down)
Not so bad—he missed the pitchfork! (up)
Not really, you see he also almost missed the haystack. (down)
No, that’s good because it’s the end of my silly story! (up)
In our story today, there was both good news and bad news.

Te l l T h e S t o r y
Man and Woman sinned and God let them know that He knew about it. But
that day wasn’t over yet. God had a few words to say in judgment. He had
to punish the man and his wife because they disobeyed. But it wasn’t all bad
news. In fact, some of it was good news, very good news.

God, the Judge, started by speaking to the snake. Now remember, the snake
is possessed by Satan at this point. God spoke to him:

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“Snake, because of your involvement in this, you are cursed more than all of Teacher Notes
the other animals, tame and wild. You are cursed to slither around on your
belly and eat dirt as long as you live.” Does that mean that snakes had legs
and feet before this? I’m not sure, but it certainly is possible.

As God continues, He seems to be talking to someone else. He seems to

speak directly to Satan within the snake.

“I am declaring war between you and the woman, between your descendant
and her descendant. He will stomp on your head, and you will bruise His
heel.” Show ATSOH #7

Wow! Until now, this had been a very bad day. First of all, Adam and the
woman had disobeyed God’s direct command not to eat from the tree. Then
they had learned that God’s warning about the consequences of disobedience
had been accurate. Even though Satan had tried to convince the woman that
God was keeping something from her, Satan had been the liar and deceiver.
God had been truthful. Now, showing that He loves His people in spite of
the bad things they do, God gives a promise of good news: a future descen-
dant of the woman would strike the victory blow to Satan and spoil his plans
against God and humans.

Even though Adam and his wife may not have understood what all this
good-news promise meant at the time, I’m sure they were encouraged—at
least a little. But the punishment wasn’t over yet. God, the Judge, had to deal
with two more guilty people. That would be less encouraging…

When Adam and his wife took that first bite, they could not have imagined
the trouble they were bringing on themselves and all of creation. They were
about to find out as God spoke His judgment on them. Only in the years
to come would they truly experience the pain and trouble caused by that

After dealing with the serpent, God turned to the woman.

“Because of your choice to disobey, you will experience great pain and suffer-
ing when your babies are born.”

That was enough to have to suffer bringing a baby into the world! But there
was more. God continued.

“You will long and desire to rule your husband, but he will rule over you.”

There it was; the beginning of conflict in marriage. That was God’s punish-

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ment to the woman for disobeying—pain in having babies and wanting to be Teacher Notes
the boss over her husband, but not being allowed. Then He turned to Adam.

“Since you listened to your wife and ate from the tree I told you not to eat
from ...

It’s your fault that the ground is cursed,

Getting food from it will make you thirst!
Thorns and thistles will come up with ease.
But produce food? Get on your knees
And work and sweat—yes, all day long!
Till, sow, harvest, coax plants along,
But still one day you will go down
Into the ground under a mound
Of dirt. That’s where you started out
And there you’ll end, without a doubt.”

Even though God did not curse the man and the woman as he did the snake,
He cursed the ground and all creation with it. Producing food from the
earth was going to be difficult now. When God created the universe and all
that was in it, it was “beneficial,” good. Man’s disobedience upset the earth’s
perfectly balanced system. Now all of creation has to go through a frustrating
time—almost like the birth pains of the woman—waiting for some kind of
redemption, some kind of hope. And that hope would only come through the
promised one.

THEME: God promised to send a special

person who would crush Satan.


That Slithery Snake

Go and Tell the Story
Sing the first three verses of “That Slithery Snake.” Teach verse four. Sing “Go
and Tell the Story.”

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Teacher Notes
M e m o r y Ve r s e

Genesis 3:15 - And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and Bible Memory Activity
between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall
bruise His heel.” Review the verse a few
times, then divide the
children into two or more
teams. Have the teams
form lines across from
Coloring Book a chalk, white board, or
piece of paper on a chair.
Place something to write
Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the with at the board in front
teacher or by the student. Say, “This picture shows the foot of the Satan of each team. Have the
conqueror crushing the head of Satan. When the head of Satan is crushed, first child of each team
what will that do to him?” Let the children color the picture and discuss run to the board and
this question with you. write the first word of the
verse, then run back to
the line. The next child
My Stor y of Hope of the team will write
the next word and it will
continue until the verse
(1) Adam, the woman and Satan look up as God tells them the serpent’s is completed. Allow all
curse will be to crawl on his belly (has no legs). Satan (pictured here as the teams to finish before
serpent) will bruise the heel of a descendant of the woman and the woman’s playing again.
descendant will crush Satan’s head. (2) Adam will have to work hard to get
food from the earth and the woman will have pain in childbirth.

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Teacher Notes

3 Review and Close


1. How did God punish the serpent? (He would have to crawl on his belly
and eat dirt.)

2. What did God say would happen between the woman’s descendant and
Satan’s descendant? (War.)

3. T or F. Satan will bruise the head of a descendant of the woman and the
woman’s descendant will crush Satan’s heel. (False. Satan will bruise the heel
of the descendant of the woman and the descendant of the woman will crush
Satan’s head.)

4. Will this descendant of the woman be a male or female? (Male.)

5. Did the man and woman understand immediately how awful the conse-
quences of their sin were? (No. It would take many years and even then they
would not fully understand it all.)

6. After the woman chose to disobey God, what bad thing did God say she
would experience? (Pain and suffering when her babies were born.)

7. How did God punish the man for his disobedience? (He would have to
work hard to grow food.)

THEME: God promised to send a special

person who would crush Satan.

Apply the Lesson

There is hope for anyone who sins. We learned that God would send a spe-
cial Person to crush Satan. That Satan conqueror would conquer death and
rise from the grave. He has come and conquered death (1 Corinthians 15:1-
4)! If you want to know more, talk with me after class.

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8 Provision
of Clothes
Genesis 3:7, 21

THEME: God killed an innocent

animal to clothe Adam and the
woman; she gets a new name.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• After Adam and the woman rebelled against God, they felt A beautiful full color pic-
guilt and shame. ture of the artwork above
is available for purchase
• Their guilty feelings made them try to hide from God.
as a set through www.
• They tried to cover themselves with fig leaves. They were sure
that God knew everything, but they still tried to hide their the-story-of-hope-print-
guilt. ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
This picture can be used
• When Adam and the woman tried to cover themselves with
as you tell the story. You
fig leaves, they wrongly assumed that this would ease their
may also want to post
feelings of guilt.
the pictures around
• The serpent promised that their eyes would be opened, but your classroom to visu-
what did they see? Not what the serpent had promised. ally remind your class of
previous lessons as you
• The promise of divine enlightment that the serpent had
teach ATSOH.
promised did not happen.
• Satan’s promises don’t come true--at least how we expect! You may want to copy
• Wisdom is never achieved by disobeying God. the picture (on the last
page of this lesson) for
• When God made clothes for Adam and Eve, He was showing your students before you
them that He still loved and cared for them even though they color one of the copies
had rebelled against what He wanted them to do. yourself to show in class.

ATSOH Bible Visual #8

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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review Questions from Lesson 3: Creation of People Review and Game
Suggestion: Yes or No
In whose image did God create the man and woman and how did God give
the man life? (They were created in God’s image and God breathed into the Give each student a
man the breath of life.) card that says ‘yes’ on
one side and ‘no’ on
What did God tell Adam he could not do? (Eat from the Tree of the Knowl- the other. The teacher
edge of Good and Evil.) will then state a Bible
story fact (sometimes
Review Question from Lesson 4: Fall of Satan you will insert wrong
information). You can
What name do we use for Lucifer today? (Satan.) use the review questions
Review Questions from Lesson 5: Beginning of Human Sin to form your Bible story
facts. The students will
True or False. Satan wanted the woman to doubt that God is good, true to His then hold up either the
promises and holy. (True.) ‘yes’ card (if they think
the statement is correct)
What three things made the woman decide to eat the fruit? (Good for food, or the ‘no’ side (if they
beautiful, hoped it would make her wise like God.) think it is wrong).

Review Questions from Lesson 6: Origin of Death Examples:

What did they do when they heard God coming into the garden? (They hid.) The angel guarded the
Garden of Eden en-
Why did the man and his wife hide when they heard God walking in the gar- trance on the west side.
den? (They were afraid because they knew they had disobeyed God.) (no, east)

Review Questions from Lesson 7: Promise of a Victor Over Satan Adam and his wife
killed an animal to
How did God punish the serpent? (He would have to crawl on his belly and
clothe themselves (no,
eat dirt.)
sewed fig leaves to-
What did God say would happen between the woman’s Descendant and
Satan’s descendant? (War.)

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2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 8:Provision of Clothes

Why do you think God would not accept the fig leaves that Adam and the
woman made to clothe themselves?

Describe what you will say to God if He wants you to give an account of your
Te l l T h e S t o r y
You know how husbands and wives sometimes have arguments? Many times
they argue about the same thing over and over again. I wonder how many
times Adam and his wife fought over eating the forbidden fruit, over whose
fault it was. Of course we don’t know, but interestingly enough the very first
thing Adam did after hearing God’s judgment for his disobedience and that
of his wife, was not to argue with her.

Instead, Adam responded in faith to God’s promises. Promises? Yes. God

promised the woman that He would multiply the trouble in her pregnancies. The Hebrew word for the
So Adam’s wife was going to have lots of babies and it was going to hurt to leaf-clothes could be trans-
have them. That was a promise! God had also promised Satan that a descen- lated loin-cloths.
dant of the woman would stomp on his head. Not only would Adam’s wife
have babies, but one day a descendant of hers would deliver them from Satan, The word for the skin-
the death-bringer. Adam responded to this by naming his wife Eve (which clothes that God made
sounds like “life-giver” in the Hebrew language). The one Adam originally -- garments -- refers to
called woman (for she was taken from man) now had a beautiful new name clothing from shoulder to
that would always remind them of God’s promises to give life: 1. in the form knee.
of babies and 2. by providing a Deliverer from death.

Immediately after Adam named his wife Eve, God made clothing for Adam
and Eve out of animal skins. He provided coverings for their guilt and
shame. Remember, Adam and his wife were naked and trying to cover them-
selves with a poor excuse for clothes. Have you ever worn leaves? They don’t
cover very well, and they shrivel up and die pretty quickly! What may have
started out as nice, smooth coverings, before too long were scratchy, crum-
bling, and not covering very well. God, who sees all—inside and out—pro-
vided good, lasting garments; He covered them with real clothes. But those
clothes came with a price. God had to kill an animal. That was the first time Show ATSOH #8
Adam and Eve would have seen blood and death. It must have been fright-
ening for them.
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A small act of faith on Adam’s part was rewarded with provision from God. Teacher Notes
This pattern of man’s faith followed by God’s provision will appear many
times in God’s story. Let’s watch for this, and for the Deliverer, as His story Music
unfolds. To introduce “What They
Needed,” you may want to
A cancer doctor knows the facts about cancer. Maybe you have known ask, “Do you play ‘Hide
someone who actually had cancer. We are all thankful for doctors who and Seek?’ It’s just a fun
know about cancer, its treatments, and possible cures. But there is a big dif- game, right? We even want
ference between knowing about cancer and experiencing the pain of cancer to be found—at least after
as it destroys your body. Satan had said that Adam and Eve would be like a while. No one wants
to stay hidden forever. It
God in knowing good and evil. God knows all about good and evil (like the
gets boring! Well, as we
doctor knows about cancer). Adam and Eve experienced doing wrong and
learned in the Bible event
all the pain that comes with it (like the patient knows, experiences cancer). today, Adam and Eve
hid from God, but they
weren’t playing! They were
ashamed and didn’t want
to talk to God! This song
THEME: God killed an innocent says their hiding was ‘more
than a game!’ Listen.” Then
animal to clothe Adam and the woman; sing or play the first verse
she gets a new name. for the children.
Bible Memory Activity
Put each word on a piece
of paper and scramble
all the words or pieces
of paper. Have childen
Music unscramble the words
by putting them in the
correct order.
What They Needed
Missing Words
The chorus of the song “What They Needed” changes a bit for each verse.
In each event God provides something that Man needed (coverings, On a chalk or white board
banishment, deliverance) because He loves us so much. The chorus brings write the verse to be
that out and ties events eight through ten together. (see Teacher Notes) learned, leaving blanks for
words you have left out.
Along the side list all the
words omitted from the
M e m o r y Ve r s e verse to give them choices.
Ask one student at a time
Genesis 3:21 – Also for Adam and his wife the Lord God made tunics of skin, to write a word in the
and clothed them. proper blank. Repeat until
the verse is completed.
Repeat several times until
all children have the verse
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Bible Activity
1. Bring 2 kinds of leaves: nice & fresh, green, and also old & dried up, brittle.

2. Next, show a piece of leather or animal fur. Ask: “Would this make a bet-
ter pair of pants than the leaves? (or dress or shirt, whatever your class can
relate to). Why? Where did this come from? Talk about how an animal had
to give its life to provide a proper covering for Adam and Eve. This is called
a sacrifice. All through the Old Testament God required that an animal be
killed as a sacrifice to cover the sins of people. If Adam and Eve had not
sinned, the animal would not have died. Sin always has bad consequences.

Coloring Book

Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the teacher
or by the student. Say, “This picture shows the new clothes that God gave to
Adam and Eve. How do you think Adam and Eve felt after God gave them
new clothes? Let the children color the picture and discuss this question
with you.”

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My Stor y of Hope
(1) Adam named the woman ‘Eve’ because she would be the mother of all the living. Then (2) God made
clothes for them from the skin of an animal.

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Teacher Notes

3 Review and Close


1. How did God punish the man for his disobedience? (He would have to
work hard to grow food.)

2. How many children would the woman have (Lots.)

3. Why did Adam name his wife Eve? (He had faith to believe that she
would be the mother of all the living and that through her would come the
provider of the Deliverer from death – Satan conqueror.)

4. What did God use to make clothing for Adam and Eve? (The skin of an

5. Why did God not accept the clothes made out of fig leaves that Adam and
Eve had used to clothe themselves? (Man had made the clothes and man
can’t create his own covering for sin.)

6. T or F. The only suitable payment for sin is the shedding of innocent

blood (True.)

7. Because Adam and Eve had disobeyed God, what did they now have in-
side them? (Sin.)

THEME: God killed an innocent

animal to clothe Adam and the woman;
she gets a new name.

Apply the Lesson

There is hope for anyone who sins. This is the first example in Scripture of
someone or something dying for someone else. If you sense a need to have
your sins forgiven, have your teacher explain 1 Peter 2:24 to you.

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9 Expelled from the
Garden of Eden
Genesis 3:22-24

THEME: God hates sin. God

expelled Adam and Eve from
the garden because of sin.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• Living in the garden of Eden was like living in heaven. It was per- A beautiful full color pic-
fect. If Adam and Eve had not disobeyed, they could have contin- ture of the artwork above
ued to live in the garden of Eden. is available for purchase
as a set through www.
• Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden to bear the punish-
ment of their sin.
• The punishment was meant for man’s good. Although he would be ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
exposed to temporal death, he would not have to experience eternal This picture can be used
death. as you tell the story. You
may also want to post
• To make sure they stayed out of the garden, God put armed guards
the pictures around
at the gate of the entrance.
your classroom to visu-
• The reason why God expelled Adam and Eve from the garden of ally remind your class of
Eden was because of their sin. previous lessons as you
teach ATSOH.
• Adam and Eve were sent to a place of toil, not a place of torment.
• Although Adam had to work the ground for his food, he would still You may want to copy
be able to eat of its fruit. the picture (on the last
page of this lesson) for
• Adam and Eve lost their innocence, but they were not abandoned
your students before you
by God.
color one of the copies
• God was displeased with Adam, but God had mercy on Adam. yourself to show in class.
• The skin which God gave to Adam and Eve always reminded them
of God’s provision for them. ATSOH Bible Visual #9

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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review Questions from Lesson 4: Fall of Satan Review and Game
Suggestion: Tell the Story
What was the main reason Lucifer wanted to be like the Most High? (Pride.) Facts
What happened to Lucifer after he rebelled against God? (He was cast out of Draw 2 to 6 pictures or
heaven.) words on note cards--one
Review Question from Lesson 5: Beginning of Human Sin picture per card. Then
ask a student to tell a Bible
How is man’s sin in the garden like Satan’s sin in heaven? (They both wanted story using all the pic-
to be like the Most High God.) tures/words on the card.

Review Questions from Lesson 6: Origin of Death Example:

What was the man’s excuse for disobeying God? (The woman you gave me Draw a lamb, a serpent,
gave me the fruit.) fruit tree, and man.

What was the woman’s excuse? (The serpent tricked me.) Write the words tree, stars,
fish, sky, plants, animals,
Review Questions from Lesson 7: Promise of a Victor Over Satan and birds.
T or F. Satan will bruise the woman’s descendant’s head and the woman’s de-
scendant will crush Satan’s heel. (False. Satan will bruise the woman’s descen-
dant’s heel and the woman’s descendant will crush Satan’s head.)

Will this Descendant of the woman be a male or female? (Male.)

Review Questions from Lesson 8:Provision of Clothes

What was God’s punishment for Eve? (Pain in childbirth.)

How many children would Eve have (Lots.)

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 9: Expelled from the Garden of Eden

1.Tell some restrictions that are placed on you as a child that are good for you.

2. Did Satan tell Eve the truth in Genesis 3:4 when he told her, “For God
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knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like Teacher Notes
God, knowing good and evil.” Why or why not?

Te l l T h e S t o r y

After God provided coverings for Adam and Eve, He said, “Behold, the man
has become like Us in the sense that he knows about good and evil now. And
he could keep eating from the Tree of Life and live forever—” The fact is that
holy, sinless God knows about sin (the facts) [point to/tap on the temple of
your head]—but since God is holy and can never sin, He has never experi-
enced it. Adam and Eve knew evil by personal experience and were hurt by
it. God knows what sin is. Man did it! I know the stove is hot and I tell my
granddaughter not to touch. But when she touches it, she knows it’s hot!

Adam and Eve’s choice to sin would now drastically affect their life. That’s
why God didn’t finish the sentence above (“Behold, the man has become like
Us in the sense that he knows about good and evil now. And he could keep
eating from the Tree of Life and live forever—”); the horror of Adam and Eve
living forever in their new sinful state was almost unthinkable. Knowing that,
God did something that was at the same time an act of judgment and an act
of mercy: He drove them out of the Garden. Then He set angels as guards
with a flaming, flashing sword to the east of the Garden. God didn’t want
man to eat from the Tree of Life and live forever as sinners, always separated Show ATSOH #9
from God.

Satan had spoken a half-truth when he told Eve she would be like God. When
Adam and Eve disobeyed and their eyes were opened, they became more like
God since they knew the difference between good and evil. But they actually
became less like God because they had experienced evil which permanently
changed them. God is holy and has never sinned. They were created innocent
and had not sinned. Now that was over. Now they were sinners.

THEME: God hates sin. God

expelled Adam and Eve from
the garden because of sin.

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Teacher Notes
What They Needed
Stanza two of “What They Needed” deals with the reason God had to banish
Adam and Eve from the Garden. If they stayed, they could eat from the Tree
of Life and live forever—sounds good, right? But living in a depraved state
of sin forever would not be good. So they are banished. The tension between
Justice and Grace is introduced. God was judging them (they had to leave
the beautiful Garden) and being gracious (keeping them from living forever
in a sorry state) at the same time. The kids will pick up some good theology
if they can grasp the truth of this verse.
Also, sing one or both of the first two songs if there is time. (Note: the
children will be learning eleven or twelve new songs. Keep this in mind as
you move through the lessons. It may be important to take the time to sing
through all or several of them from time to time. You may also want to
incorporate the songs into other venues where the children can enjoy and
remember them (AWANA, Sunday School, Children’s Church, etc.).

Bible Memory Activity

M e m o r y Ve r s e
After reviewing the verse,
Leviticus 19:2b – You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy. announce groups that are
to stand and say the verse
together. For example say:

Bible Activity •All those wearing some-

thing green stand up and
If possible, show a picture of a poison dart frog called “Phyllobates Terribilis” say this verse.
(This highly poisonous frog is found in Colombia, South America.)
•All those who play soc-
Ask: “Have you ever seen a frog like this? The poison of this frog comes cer stand and say this
through its skin, much like a person would sweat. If you touch this frog, verse.
you WILL die! The amount of poison it takes to kill a person of about 150
lbs. is equal to 2-3 grains of salt. That’s not much! Show salt and a glass of •All those who are older
water. Explain: this salt is not poison, but it only takes as much poison as than 2…
this salt weighs to kill an adult, even less for a child. If I put this salt into
a glass and stirred it up, could you even see it?” (no) Demonstrate. “You Include opposites such as:
might not even be able to taste it, since it is such a small amount. Could All those who aren’t wear-
someone lie to you and tell you that this water is perfectly pure?” (yes) If ing something green . . .
you have a willing volunteer, let him/her drink some of the water; if not, the
teacher should do this.

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Lesson point: That’s exactly what sin is like. It looks harmless, even beautiful like this dart frog. But hid-
ing behind the part that shows is deadly poison! Not poison that will kill you physically every time, but
that will separate you from God, your loving creator. The devil is like the person who lies to you and tells
you that it is perfectly all right to do this wrong. After all, everyone else is doing it! IT’S A LIE!!!! Don’t
listen to the enemy of your soul! Believe what God’s word teaches about sin. Sin always has bad conse-

Coloring Book

Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the teacher or by the student. Say,
“This picture shows Adam and Eve being expelled from the Garden of Eden. How do you think they
felt when God told them to leave the garden?” Let the children color the picture and discuss this ques-
tion with you.

My Stor y of Hope

God did not want Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Life (can label two trees “Tree of Life” and “The
Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”) and live forever in their sinful state so He sent them away from
the garden and placed angels and a flaming sword at the east of the garden to guard the way.

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Teacher Notes

3 Review and Close


1. T or F. Because the man and woman had disobeyed God by eating from the
forbidden tree, they now had the knowledge of good and evil from experience.

2. Does God know about sin personally? (No, He knows about the facts of sin
but has never sinned.)

3. What are the two reasons God cast Adam and Eve out of the garden? (He
didn’t want them to keep eating from the Tree of Life and live forever in a
sinful state. They were now contaminated with sin and couldn’t stay in God’s
perfect garden.)

4. God cast the man and the woman out of the garden as an act of both judg-
ment and mercy. How was it an act of mercy? (God did not want His children
to live forever in a sinful state. He had a better plan!)

5. How did God make sure Adam and Eve would never enter the garden again?
(He put angels at the entrance with a flaming sword.)

6. On which side of the garden were the angels standing…east or west? (East.)

THEME: God hates sin. God

expelled Adam and Eve from
the garden because of sin.

Apply the Lesson

Adam and Eve broke their relationship with God and God expelled them
from the Garden of Eden because of that. If you have broken your rela-
tionship with God in any way, you should try to restore (or begin) your
relationship with God by acknowledging your disobedience to Him.

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Adventures in the Story of Hope
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10 The Great Flood
Genesis 6:5-8:22

THEME: The people were

evil. God sent a flood. Noah
trusted and obeyed God.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class) A beautiful full color pic-
ture of the artwork above
is available for purchase
• God was expressing sorrow at the things people had done to them- as a set through www.
selves. They were very corrupt and evil.
• God was not sorry that He had made people but that people were so
rebellious. This picture can be used
• The Bible says that Noah was “righteous” and “blameless” but that as you tell the story. You
does not mean that Noah never sinned. In fact, one of his sins is may also want to post
recorded in Genesis 9:20-21. Noah was a man who loved God and the pictures around
obeyed Him. your classroom to visu-
ally remind your class of
• Noah built a big boat which was six times longer than it was wide, previous lessons as you
exactly what modern day shipbuilders do today. This big boat was as teach ATSOH.
tall as a four-story building.
• Pairs of every animal joined Noah in the boat; seven pairs were taken You may want to copy
of those animals used for sacrifice. Some people have estimated that the picture (on the last
over 125,000 animals could have fit into the boat. page of this lesson) for
your students before you
• Three times Noah sent out a bird to see how things were going on the color one of the copies
earth. yourself to show in class.
• The rains from heaven poured on the earth for 40 days and the
springs of water from under the earth came up creating a massive ATSOH #10
universal flood that covered the whole earth for 5 months.
Notes: for more facts
• For about another 5 months, the waters on the earth ebbed away. about the flood, see page
• All human beings, except the eight in the ark, lost their lives. 88.
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1 Begin the Lesson
Review Questions from Lesson 5: Beginning of Human Sin Review and Game Sug-
gestion: Who Am I?
What lie did Satan tell the woman about eating from the Tree of the Knowl-
edge of Good and Evil? (You won’t die.)
Write the names of all
the Bible characters that
How is man’s sin in the garden like Satan’s sin in heaven? (They both wanted
to be like the Most High God.) have been studied thus
far on small pieces of
Review Question from Lesson 6: Origin of Death paper and place them
in a basket. Ask one
What kind of death did the man and woman experience immediately after student to draw a piece
disobeying God? (Spiritual death.)
of paper, and pretending
to be that person, state
Review Questions from Lesson 7: Promise of a Victor Over Death one fact about him/her.
Did the man and woman understand immediately how awful the conse- The student continues
quences of their sin were? (No. It would take many years and even then they giving facts until some-
would not fully understand it all.) one guesses correctly.
After the woman chose to disobey God, what bad thing did God say she Where Am I? and What
would experience? (Pain and suffering when her babies were born.) Am I? can be played
in a similar manner by
changing the names to
Review Questions from Lesson 8: Provision of Clothes places or objects.
Why did Adam name his wife Eve? (He had faith to believe that she would
be the mother of all the living and that through her would come the provider Example: Who Am I?
of the deliverer from death – Satan conqueror.)
What did God use to make clothing for Adam and Eve? (The skin of an • I am a man from the
animal.) Old Testament.

• I had no brothers or
Review Questions from Lesson 9: Expelled from the Garden sisters.
T or F. Because the man and woman had disobeyed God by eating from the
forbidden tree, they now had the knowledge of good and evil from personal • I named the animals
experience. (True.) (Adam)
Does God know about sin personally? (No, He knows about the facts of sin
but has never sinned.)

Flood Adventures
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2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 10: The Great Flood

Ask, “Have you ever seen where it rained so much that there was a flood?” Let
the children explain their stories.

When God looked at the human race in the time of Noah, what did he see?

Te l l T h e S t o r y

As time passed, men and women did so much evil that people were thinking
bad thoughts and doing wrong things all day and every day. God was grieved
by this and knew He must destroy mankind from the face of the earth. But
there was one man who found favor in God’s eyes. He was so righteous that
other men and women couldn’t find anything wrong with him. His name was
Noah. Noah walked with God; he did what God wanted him to do.

God had a plan. He would flood the earth and wipe out every living crea-
ture on it. But He wanted to save Noah and his family and some animals. So
He gave Noah the exact instructions he needed to make a boat large enough
to carry at least two of every kind of animal on the earth. Noah’s boat had
a capacity of about 40,000 cubic meters. Do you know how big that is? Do
know how big a semi-trailer is? The boat could hold as much as about 1500
semi-trailers! No one made a floating vessel that big again until the mid-19th
century. It could easily carry the required load, and its width and height ratios
made it stable. That’s a big boat! That’s a safe boat.
Show ATSOH #10
Then God said to Noah, “I will bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all
life under the heavens. Everything will die. But I will make a covenant with
you. You and your family will enter the boat with at least two of all the animal
kinds (male and female), and I will keep them alive with you. Take food on
the boat as well for you and for the animals.”

So, Noah built the boat. Finally, one day God said to him, “Go into the boat
with your family.” Then God brought animals to Noah from all over the earth,
and God shut them in. (Notice: as with judgment so with salvation, God takes
the initiative.)

Then deep springs burst up from the ground, and the floodgates of heaven
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opened and poured down. The rain kept coming for forty days so that the Teacher Notes
water rose higher and higher and lifted the boat up and up. The water rose so
much that the highest mountains on earth were covered.

Well, just as God said, every living creature on the earth died—except for
Noah, his family, and the animals on Noah’s boat. Noah, his wife and sons
and their wives—only eight human beings survived.

Then the water went down steadily so that after five months the water was
low enough for the boat to rest on the mountains of Ararat. When the earth
was completely dry, God told Noah to come out of the boat with his family
and the animals so they could multiply and fill the earth again.

Then Noah built an altar to God and sacrificed burnt offerings. God saw
Noah’s worship and smelled the pleasing aroma and said in His heart, “Never
again will I curse the ground for the sinful things its people do even though
their hearts are wicked from childhood. Never again will I destroy all living
creatures with a flood.”

God made a covenant with Noah, his family and descendants, “Be assured, I
will never send a worldwide flood again. Here is the sign of our agreement: I
am putting a rainbow in the clouds. Every time I bring clouds over the earth,
I will see the rainbow and remember our covenant (between you and Me
and everything living) to never again destroy all life with floodwaters.” God
blessed them and told them to prosper, reproduce, fill the earth, and live

So Noah and his wife, their sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and their wives
came out of the great boat. From them came people who scattered over the

THEME: The people were evil. God sent

a flood. Noah trusted and obeyed God.

What They Needed

Sing the first two verses, then teach verse three. This verse is rich in theology.
Note two things: 1. ‘Noah found grace/favor in the eyes of the Lord’ does not

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mean that God was good to him because of something Noah did. We believe Teacher Notes
God (who is sovereign) bestowed favor/grace on Noah simply because
He chose to do so. The line, “But Noah found favor in God’s eyes, who
made him righteous and new” brings this out. Noah’s righteousness and
deliverance were all a result of God’s mercy and grace. 2. Deliverance is what
man needed then and continues to need (because of his wretchedness). But
deliverance (its plan and execution) comes totally from God.
Sing other songs as time permits.

M e m o r y Ve r s e

Genesis 6:8 – But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

Bible Activity

This is a great story for the children to act out. Every child should have a Bible Memory Activity
role to play. How this is set up depends on the size of your class. These are
the characters needed: Write the Bible verse on a
piece of paper and tape it
Noah to the outside of a bottle.
Noah’s wife Let the children sit in a
circle on the floor. The
Hecklers (a few or many, depending on class size) “It” person sits in the
center and spins the
Animals, choose as many as you would like, again based on the size of the
bottle. Whoever the bottle
class. (2 of each kind)
points to when it stops
If you have enough children, assign the 3 sons of Noah and their wives. must read the verse aloud
to the group. That person
Voice of God - best played by the teacher or assistant then becomes “It.”
Read Genesis 6:5-8:22 before you begin. Divide the children into their
various roles.
Read through the story from the Bible as you instruct the children in their
parts. Help them see how Noah built the ark. Walk off the size of the area
that will be considered “safe.” Encourage Noah and his sons to make saw
and hammer sounds as they “build” the ark. Here come the animals! Let
the children ad-lib a little, but be ready to jump in and redirect them if
needed to keep moving forward.
Lesson point: It’s always best to trust God, even if we can’t possibly see a
way out.

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Fa c t s A b o u t t h e F l o o d
1. The ark measured 525 feet in length.

2. The ark held 40,000 cubic meters which is about 500 standard railroad

3. The ark was made of gopher wood. We do not know what gopher wood is
but it had to be highly resistant to water and water rot.

4. The ark had 3 floors filled with rooms and it had only one door.

5. If the average sized animal was the size of a sheep it means the ark could
hold over 125,000 animals.

6. God put a rainbow in the sky as a covenant and promise to remind His
people that He would never destroy all mankind by water again.

7. It rained 40 days and 40 nights.

8. Noah had three sons named Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

9. Noah was 600 years old when he went into the ark.

10. Noah and his family were on the ark for over one year.

11. The ark was the largest floating vessel until the mid-19th century.

12. It took Noah many years to build the ark.

Coloring Book
Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the
teacher or by the student. Say, “This picture shows the rain coming
down on the ark. What do you think those outside the ark were think-
ing at this time?” Let the children color the picture and discuss this
question with you.

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My Stor y of Hope

(1) All the world was evil except for Noah (standing on the ‘evil’ earth) who walked with God. (2) At
least two of every kind of animal and Noah and his wife, Shem, Ham and Japheth and their wives entered
the ark. (3) It rained for forty days and forty nights and all the earth was covered with water. (4) The wa-
ter went down over five months and then the ark landed on Mt. Ararat.

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3 Review and Close


1. Why did God destroy the earth with a flood? (The people were thinking
and doing bad all the time.)

2. Why did God choose Noah out of all the people on the earth to build the
ark? (He found favor in God’s eyes.)

3. Who went into the ark? (Noah and his family – eight people – and at least
two of every kind of animal.)

4. How was the door to the ark closed? (God shut it.)

5. How long did it rain while Noah and his family were in the ark?
(Forty days.)

6. Where did the ark finally land? (On Mt. Ararat.)

7. What promise did God make after the flood? (Never to destroy the earth
by flood again.)

THEME: The people were evil. God sent

a flood. Noah trusted and obeyed God.

Apply the Lesson

Noah honored God by faithfully building the ark even though people made
fun of him. What are some things you could do to honor God in spite of
what other people may say about you?

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11 Promises
to Abraham
Genesis 11:31-12:7
THEME: God called Abraham
to be a great nation and a
blessing to all people.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• Terah, Abraham’s father, left Ur to go to Canaan but settled instead in A beautiful full color pic-
Haran. Terah was a moon-worshipper living in a land where they wor- ture of the artwork above
shipped the moon as a god. God promised to bless Abraham but this is available for purchase
promise had one condition, Abraham had to obey God. as a set through www.
• Abraham, by faith, obeyed and left everything to follow God’s plan.
• Several promises were based on God’s call for Abraham to leave his the-story-of-hope-print-
land. Abraham would be a great nation, Abraham’s name would become ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
great, he would be blessed, he would receive land and many descen- This picture can be used
dants. as you tell the story. You
• Based on Abraham’s obedience, God’s promises were to: bless those may also want to post
who blessed Abraham, curse those who treated Abraham with dishonor the pictures around
or contempt, and bless all the families of the earth through Abraham. your classroom to visu-
• Abraham was told to leave several things: his country, his people, and ally remind your class of
his father’s household, but he was told nothing about the land to which previous lessons as you
he would go. To leave and obey God not knowing where he was going teach ATSOH.
would be difficult.
• Abraham’s obedience is shown in two different ways. First, he left. Sec- You may want to copy
ond, he was a blessing. the picture (on the last
• Abraham’s descendants eventually owned the land of Canaan but Abra- page of this lesson) for
ham owned only a cave in a field when he died (Genesis 23:17-20). your students before you
color one of the copies
yourself to show in class.

ATSOH Bible Visual #11

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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review Questions for Lesson 6: Origin of Death Review and Game
Suggestion: Question
Why did the man and woman hide when they heard God walking in the gar- Game
den? (They were afraid because they knew they had disobeyed God.)
Write review questions
What kind of death did the man and woman experience immediately after (found at the end of
disobeying God? (Spiritual death.) each lesson) on note
cards. On the back of
Review Question for Lesson 7: Promise of a Victor Over Satan each card assign the
question a point value
God always speaks the _________. (Truth.) from 1 to 5 with 1 being
the easiest and 5 be-
Review Questions for Lesson 8: Provision of Clothes ing the most difficult.
Place the cards in their
Why did God not accept the clothes made out of fig leaves that Adam and 5 respective piles. The
Eve had used to clothe themselves? (Man had made the clothes and man can’t student chooses which
create his own covering for sin.) kind of question he
would like to answer.
The only suitable payment for sin is the shedding of innocent _________. If he gets it correct, he
(Blood.) keeps the card. If he
answers incorrectly, he
Review Questions for Lesson 9: Expelled from the Garden places it at the bottom
of the pile. The student
What are the two reasons God cast Adam and Eve out of the garden? (He with the most points
didn’t want them to keep eating from the Tree of Life and live forever in a in his hand at the end
sinful state. They were now contaminated with sin and couldn’t stay in God’s wins.
perfect garden.)

God cast the man and the woman out of the garden as an act of both judg-
ment and mercy. How was it an act of mercy? (God did not want His chil-
dren to live forever in a sinful state. He had a better plan!)

Review Questions for Lesson 10: The Great Flood

What promise did God make after the flood? (Never to destroy the earth by
flood again.)

Why did God choose Noah out of all the people on the earth to build the
ark? (He found favor in God’s eyes.)

Adventures in the Story of Hope Patriarchs Lesson
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2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 11: Promises to Abraham

Do the Bible Activity to introduce the story.

Te l l T h e S t o r y

Even after the flood, man continued to turn against God to such an extent
that before long people were worshiping animals and non-living objects such
as the sun, moon, and stars. Mesopotamia (modern day Iran and Iraq) had
two significant centers of moon worship: Ur and Haran. Ur, located near
where the Euphrates and Tigris rivers flow into the Persian Gulf, was a large,
important city with a massive ziggurat (tower) dominating its landscape.

Terah, a moon-worshiper living in Ur, had three sons: Abram, Nahor, and
Haran. They each married and stayed close to home. Haran’s wife had a son
whom they named Lot. How pleased Terah must have been to have a grand-
son! But Sarai, Abram’s wife, was unable to have children. It seemed that
Abraham would not be providing grandchildren for Terah. Then a worse
tragedy struck: Haran died, leaving his son without a father. Terah took his
grandson, Lot, into his home.

Then one day, Terah decided to leave Ur. He took his son Abram, his daugh-
ter-in-law Sarai, and his grandson Lot with him as he travelled North along
the river to Haran before he settled down. That’s where Terah died, a dedi-
cated old moon-worshiper.

How long would this continue? Would man never turn back to the living God
who created him?

God spoke to a single man, one of Terah’s sons. God spoke to Abram!

“I want you to leave your country, your people, and your family and go to a
land I will show you. I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you; I will
make you famous and through you I’ll bless others. Yes, I will bless anyone
who blesses you and curse anyone who curses you. Yet all peoples of the earth
will be blessed through you.”

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So Abram did as God said; he left. At age seventy-five, he took his wife, his Teacher Notes
nephew Lot, and all the possessions and people he had accumulated in Haran
and went down to Canaan.
Show ATSOH #11
Abram arrived in Shechem, where the Canaanites lived. These people wor-
shiped many gods, some human in form, others half-human, half-animal.
There God appeared to Abram again.

“To your children I will give this land.” So Abram built an altar to God right
there to show his allegiance to the true and living God despite the fact that he
and his wife had no children.

Then Abram moved further south to a place later called Bethel. He settled
there, built another altar to God, and worshiped Him.

Abram’s father and his people were moon-worshipers. In Canaan, people were
worshiping all kinds of false gods. Yet once again God graciously spoke to
someone undeserving. Now Abram would be a light of hope in a dark world;
one man following the true God in a world of false gods.

THEME: God called Abraham to be a great

nation and a blessing to all people.
Bible Memory Activity

Write each word of the

verse on small cards.
Music Learn the verse. Tape one
card on the back of each
God Told Abraham child. The children will
need to help each other
“God Told Abraham” is a shorter song and the only song that covers just two to assemble themselves in
lessons. Therefore, these lessons should be good ones to be able to review the proper order. They should
other songs, possibly more than during any other lesson. line up so that each child
can see the word in front
Sing through each of the other songs in succession. Teach verse one of “God
of them. Have the chil-
Told Abraham.”
dren repeat the verse by
reading cards one at a
M e m o r y Ve r s e time. The first child can
give the reference. Have
them close their eyes,
Genesis 12:3 - I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who change their cards and
curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” play again.

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Teacher Notes
Bible Activity
Materials needed: one treat for each child

Play a game called “Hurry up and wait.” Show children a special treat you
have prepared. It can be a snack, toy, whatever you want to choose, but
make sure it is something they will be very excited about. Before the story
of God’s amazing promise to Abraham and Sarah, ask: “Have you ever been
promised something very special and then you had to wait for it?” Today I
have brought _________ (fill in the blank with the treat you have prepared;
for example, let’s say it is cookies). Who would like a cookie? Show treat, let
them see and smell it, but not touch or eat. You will have to wait until later
for the treat. Ask them: “Do you believe I will keep my promise?”

See “Teach the Lesson.” Tell the story about Abraham and Sarah, and God’s
special promise to them.

Bring out the treat 2-3 more times during class and each time, ask “Do you
believe I will keep my promise?” Talk about having faith in a person who is
trustworthy. At the end of class, distribute the treats. Remind the class that
God ALWAYS keeps His promises because He is true and all-powerful. He
has both the character and ability to promise anything, and always comes

Coloring Book
Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the
teacher or by the student. Say, “This picture shows Abraham and his fam-
ily leaving his home. If you had to leave your home, how would you feel?”
Let the children color the picture and discuss this question with you.

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My Stor y of Hope
(1) Terah, Abraham, Sarah and Lot traveled from Ur to Haran where Terah died. (2) God told Abraham
to go to a land that He would show Abraham (only two of the seven promises given to Abraham are in-
cluded here). (3) Abraham, Sarah and Lot went to a place called Shechem in Canaan. (4) God told Abra-
ham He would give him that land, so Abraham built an altar to God.

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3 Review and Close

1. How many sons did Terah have? (Three.)
2. Who did Terah worship? (The moon god.)
3. Terah, his son, Abram (changed to Abraham), Sarai (changed to Sarah),
and his grandson, Lot, moved from Ur. What city did they go to? (Haran.)
4. Did God tell Abram the location of the land where He wanted him to go?
(No, Abraham went out in faith not knowing where he was going.)
5. Name at least two of the seven promises God gave to Abraham. (I will
make you a great nation, I will bless you, I will make your name great, you
will be a blessing, I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse
you, I will bless all peoples through you.)
6. When Abraham arrived in Shechem where the Canaanites lived, what
additional promise did God give to Abraham? (I will give you this land.)
7. How did Abraham respond to God’s promise to give him the land? (He
built an altar to worship God.)

THEME: God called Abraham to be a great

nation and a blessing to all people.

Apply the Lesson:

Apply the Lesson
List the promises on a
board or large sheet of
God made special promises to Abraham. Name a promise that God has paper. Choose children
made in His Word that you can claim. (Assurance of salvation - 1 John 5:13; to find references and
assurance of guidance - Proverbs 3:5-6; assurance of forgiveness - 1 John 1:9; read verses aloud to class.
assurance of victory over sin - 1 Corinthians 10:13; or assurance of answered
prayer - John 16:24). Choose one promise, think about it this week, and
thank God for that promise.

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12 The Lord Provides
Genesis 22:1-18

THEME: God told Abraham

to sacrifice Isaac. God
provided a ram instead.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• God tested Abraham to see if his faith was real. It was only a test. A beautiful full color pic-
• This test came only after Abraham had received the promise from ture of the artwork above
is available for purchase
God that Isaac, and Isaac only, was to be the promised heir through
as a set through www.
whom the nation of Israel and other nations would be blessed.
• God would never expect a father to sacrifice his son. The command the-story-of-hope-printed-
by God for Abraham to sacrifice his son seemed very unreasonable. visuals-set-of-40/. This
However, Abraham instantly obeyed God. picture can be used as
you tell the story. You
• Abraham never expected that God would take his son away from
may also want to post the
him. If Isaac died, God would raise him to life again. Abraham,
pictures around your class-
without question, knew this and was sure that God would protect
room to visually remind
Isaac from danger or permanent harm.
your class of previous les-
• Abraham’s response to Isaac’s question, “Where is the lamb?” reveals sons as you teach ATSOH.
that Abraham had confidence that God would take care of Isaac.
Abraham said, “God will provide the lamb.” (Genesis 22:8, 14) You may want to copy the
picture (on the last page
• “On the mountain of the Lord, it will be provided” (“Jehovah Jireh,”
of this lesson) for your
verse 14), means that God provided a sacrifice in the form of a ram,
students before you color
not a child. God does not hurt children.
one of the copies yourself
• Abraham was the obedient servant who worshipped God at great to show in class.
sacrifice. All throughout the three-day trip and especially at the end
of the trip, God provided. ATSOH Bible Visual #12
• The distance from Beersheba to Mount Moriah was about 50 miles, a
three-day journey.

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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review Questions from Lesson 7: Promises of a Victor Over Satan Review and Game Sug-
gestion: Tic-Tac-Toe
T or F. Satan will bruise the woman’s descendant’s head and the woman’s
descendant will crush Satan’s heel. (False. Satan will bruise the woman’s de- Draw a large tic-tac-toe
scendant’s heel and the woman’s descendant will crush Satan’s head.) on the board or large
paper. Divide the class
Did the man and woman understand immediately how awful the conse- into two teams (‘X’ and
quences of their sin were? (No, it would take many years and even then they ‘O’). Ask the first student
would not fully understand it all.) on Team ‘X’ a question. If
he answers it correctly, he
Review Question from Lesson 8: Provision of Clothes gets to choose where to
put the ‘X’. Then ask the
Because Adam and Eve had disobeyed God, what did they now have inside first student on Team ‘O’ a
them? (Sin.) question. If a question is
missed the opposite team
Review Questions from Lesson 9: Expelled from the Garden gets to choose where to
put the other team’s letter.
How did God make sure Adam and Eve would never enter the garden again?
(He put angels at the entrance and a flaming sword.)

On which side of the garden were the angels standing…north, south, east,
or west? (East.)

Review Questions from Lesson 10: The Great Flood

Who went into the ark? (Noah and his family – eight people – and at least
two of every kind of animal.)

How was the door to the ark closed? (God shut it.)

Review Questions from Lesson 11: Promises to Abraham

How many sons did Terah have? (Three.)

Who did Terah worship? (The moon god.)

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2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 12: The Lord Provides

Can you name someone or something that you love? Something that you
don’t want to lose? (Allow students to respond.)

Suppose God asked you to give up that someone or something for Him. How
would you respond?

Do you ever hesitate to obey God? If so, why?

Te l l T h e S t o r y Memory Hooks
As you say “saddle the
donkey”, do a saddling
Count with me (one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten). Good!
Now, let’s count by fives (five, ten, fifteen, twenty, stop). Almost twenty-five gesture. As you say “two
years passed since God promised Abram he would have a son. I imagine servants”, hold your
Abram began to wonder if it would ever happen. Could he believe God? hands out flat on either
side of your head paral-
A few years later, God told Abram again that he would have a son, and God lel with the floor. As
changed his name from Abram (Revered Father) to Abraham (Father of many you say “his son”, hold
nations). your hand parallel with
the floor in front of
When Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 90 years old, their miracle baby was your chest. (This mo-
born. How excited they must have been! I’m sure they had great times bring- tion, and the last one,
ing up their boy. A few years later God put Abraham through a test. “Abra- show heights of the
ham!” “Here I am.” “Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and servants--taller, and son,
go to Moriah. I want you to offer him to Me as a burnt sacrifice on a moun-
tain I will show you.” Wow! That would be hard. The Bible tells us that early Isaac–shorter. As you
the next morning Abraham started his trip, so we know he obeyed right away, say “knife”, pretend to
but still he must have thought about it all that night. If fact, a later book in the hold up a knife–thumb
Bible tells us that Abraham thought God is able to raise the dead! Maybe this up–and pretend to prick
comforted him some, but still, sacrificing your son would be so hard. your other thumb on the
‘point’.) And when you
Early the next morning Abraham got up, saddled his donkey, called his two say “the fire,” hold hands
servants to go with him, and woke his son Isaac. Then he cut firewood for the in front of you like a
burnt offering, took his knife, and the fire, and the four men started on the bowl (which would hold
journey to the place God had told Abraham about. They walked all day. At
the end of the day they hadn’t reached Moriah, so they made camp and went the coals). Encourage
to sleep. Early the next day, Abraham rose, saddled the donkey, called his two students to say these
servants and his son Isaac, made sure he had his knife, the firewood, and they words every time you do
continued on the trip to the place God had told him to go. They walked all the motions.

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day. At the end of the second day they still hadn’t arrived, so they made camp Teacher Notes
and went to sleep. Early on the third day Abraham got up, saddled his donkey,
called his two servants and his son, grabbed the firewood, his knife, the fire,
and they continued on their journey. On the third day Abraham looked and
saw the place God had told him about. He turned to his servants and said,
“Stay here with the donkey. The boy and I will continue. We will worship the
LORD and we will return.”

Then, he took the firewood and placed it on Isaac’s back, made sure he had
the knife and the fire, and they continued on their way to the place God had
told him about. While they were walking, Isaac asked, “Father?” “Here I am.”
“I have the wood, you have the knife and the fire...but where is the lamb for
the sacrifice?” “God Himself will provide a lamb for the offering.” And the
two continued together to the place God had told him about. When they
reached that place, they stopped. Abraham gathered rocks and built an altar
(act this out slowly with emotion). He arranged the wood on the top of the
altar. Then he tied his son. He picked him up and laid him on the altar. Then
he took his knife. (Breathe deeply.)

“Abraham! Abraham!”

“Here I am.”

“Don’t hurt the boy in any way! Now I know you fear God because you have
not kept back your son, your only son, whom you love.”

Abraham looked up and saw a ram with its horns caught in a bush. He took
the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering to the LORD in the place of his
son. So he called that place, “Yehovah Yireh” (Jehovah Jireh) which means
“The Lord will provide.”

The Angel of the LORD called again to Abraham: “The LORD says, ‘I swear Show ATSOH #12
by Myself, since you have not kept back your son, without a doubt I will
multiply your descendants as the stars of the sky and as the sand of the beach.
Your Descendant will reign over his enemies and through Him I will bless the

After they worshiped the LORD together, Abraham and Isaac came down the
mountain, met the servants and returned home together.

THEME: God told Abraham to sacrifice

Isaac. God provided a ram instead.

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Teacher Notes
Teach verse 2 of “God Told Abraham”.

Sing through each of the other songs in succession. Sing verse one of “God
Told Abraham.” Teach verse two. As with many of these songs, help the
students see how much of the lesson comes out in the lyrics.

Bible Memory Activity:

M e m o r y Ve r s e
In large letters, write
phrases of the verse on
Genesis 22:14 - And Abraham called the name of the place, The-Lord-Will- sheets of paper. On the
Provide; as it is said to this day, “In the Mount of The Lord it shall be provid- floor, tape the papers in
ed.” a mixed up fashion, but
close enough for succeed-
ing words to be reached
in a step. Children should
Bible Activity step on one word at a time
in the proper order to
Explain that we are going to go on a walk, but not just a regular walk. This quote the verse. Let each
will be a “trust walk.” Each person will have a partner, and one of you will child have a turn of hop-
wear a blindfold so you can’t see where you are going. Your partner will lead ping on the verse.
you around, making sure that you do not bump into anything and get hurt.
It is very important that you are a trustworthy friend to your partner. If you
are wearing the blindfold, you need to trust your friend. After a few minutes,
we will switch the blindfold to the other person, and do another short walk. Bible Activity:
Have the children pair up in groups of two. Give each pair of children a
blindfold and help them put the blindfold on their friend. Encourage chil- Materials needed: enough
dren to be a trustworthy friend. blindfolds for 1/2 the
number of children
After the activity, talk about how it felt to trust someone else when you can’t expected in class (bring
see what is ahead. Talk about how both Abraham and Issac had to trust God extras just to be safe)
in their difficult situation. God is always good, always true, always right, even
if we can’t see it at the moment. We trust a friend to lead us around when we
can’t see. How much more should we trust God to lead us through life. He is
our creator and the master of the universe. He can always be trusted!!

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Coloring Book
Artwork at the end of this lesson can be used for coloring, either by the teacher or by the student. Say,
“This picture shows the offering of the ram and Abraham telling Isaac that the Lord has provided a
sacrifice for Himself. What else do you think Abraham is telling his son?” Let the children color the
picture and discuss this question with you.

My Stor y of Hope

(1) God told Abraham to offer his son as a burnt offering. (2) Abraham, Isaac, two servants and a donkey
traveled to the mountains of Moriah. Isaac asked his father about the lamb for sacrifice, but Abraham told
him that God would provide it. (3) Abraham raised the knife to slay his son, but the angel of God called
out to him and Abraham saw a ram caught in the bushes by his horns. (4) Abraham offered the ram as
a burnt offering in place of his son. He called the place “Jehovah Jireh” – God provides (can write these
words above Abraham and Isaac).

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3 Review and Close


1. What did God ask Abraham to do as a test of his faith? (Offer his son Isaac.)

2. What did Abraham tell his servants before he and Isaac started up the
mountain? (We will worship and we will return to you.)

3. What part of his promise to Abraham did God repeat in this story?
(Descendents would be like the stars and sand, his descendent would rule
over his enemies, through him God would bless all nations.)

4. What was Abraham’s answer to Isaac when he asked him, “Where is the
lamb?” (God will provide.)

5. What did God tell Abraham when He stopped him from sacrificing Isaac?
(Now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your only son.)

6. What did God provide for Abraham to offer instead of Isaac? (A ram
caught in the bushes by his horns.)

7. What did Abraham name the place where he offered Isaac? (The Lord Will

THEME: God told Abraham to sacrifice

Isaac. God provided a ram instead.

Apply the Lesson

God provided a ram for a sacrifice. God always provides what we need.
Name three specific ways that God has provided for you.

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13 Moses Leads
His People
Exodus 1:1-14, 3:1-17

THEME: God called Moses in a

special way. Moses obeyed God.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• Moses had been a shepherd in the Midian wilderness for 40 years, but A beautiful full color pic-
now God was calling him to lead Abraham’s descendants out of Egypt. ture of the artwork above
is available for purchase
• As a shepherd, Moses learned to do everything for himself. Now, he
as a set through www.
would have to lean heavily on God.
• God spoke to Moses on Mt. Sanai out of a burning bush. This same the-story-of-hope-print-
mountain is also where God later gave Moses the Ten Command- ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
ments (Exodus 19:1-20:21). This picture can be used
as you tell the story. You
• God spoke to Moses from an unexpected place and Moses listened.
may also want to post
• When Moses took off his shoes, that was an act of worship. It was the pictures around
showing respect for God. Moses was showing God that he was un- your classroom to visu-
worthy. and that God was worthy of his worship and reverance. ally remind your class of
previous lessons as you
• Moses made excuses to God because he felt he was not able to do the
teach ATSOH.
job God had for him. Moses felt like he would have to work alone,
but God had many other resources available to help Moses such as
You may want to copy
miracles and Moses’ brother. When Moses used the resources of God,
the picture (on the last
he was quite effective as a leader. When Moses did not use the re- page of this lesson) for
sources of God, he was quite ineffective as a leader. your students before you
• The Egyptians had many different gods so Moses wanted to know the color one of the copies
name of Who was talking to him. “I AM” spoke to him which tells us yourself to show in class.
of eternal power and His unchangeable character.
ATSOH Bible Visual #13
• God told Moses to tell the people of Israel what he saw and heard.
God is a God who acts and speaks.

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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review Questions from Lesson 8: Provision of Clothes Review and Game
Suggestion: Fill in the
How did God punish the man for his disobedience? (He would have to work Letter/Jumbled Word
hard to grow food.)
Print Bible story words
Because Adam and Eve had disobeyed God, what did they now have inside on a white board or
them? (Sin.) large paper leaving out
one or more letters.
Review Question from Lesson 9: Expelled from the Garden
Let students guess the
After Adam and Eve sinned, they were separated from God ____________ missing letters until the
(spiritually) and ____________ (physically). word is complete. Or
write Bible story words
Review Questions from Lesson 10: The Great Flood arranging the letters
incorrectly. Let students
How long did it rain while Noah and his family were in the ark? (Forty days.) guess the word.

Where did the ark finally land? (On Mt. Ararat.) Examples:

Review Questions from Lesson 11: Promises to Abraham Jer_s_lem

Terah, his son, Abram (changed to Abraham), Sarai (changed to Sarah), and
his grandson, Lot, moved from Ur. What city did they go to? (Haran.) M_ry
Did God tell Abram the location of the land where He wanted him to go?
(No, Abraham went out in faith not knowing where he was going.)

Review Questions from Lesson 12: The Lord Provides

What did God ask Abraham to do as a test of his faith? (Offer his son Isaac.)

What did Abraham tell his servants before he and Isaac started up the moun-
tain? (We will worship and we will return to you.)

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2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n

Introduction to Lesson 13: Moses Leads His People

Today’s lesson focuses on a very difficult task for a man who thought he did
not have very much ability. Have you ever thought that God may be asking
you to do something very hard? If so, what do you think He wants you to do?
Do you listen to God speaking to you through His Word?

Te l l T h e S t o r y

Many years passed. Abraham’s son Issac had a son of his own named Jacob.
Jacob was eventually renamed “Israel” by God. When Jacob (Israel) moved to
Egypt, he brought with him all his other sons (Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Ju-
dah, Issachar, Zebulun, Benjamin, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher) and their
families—seventy people in all. Joseph, a son mistreated by his brothers, was
already there. In the course of time, Joseph, his brothers, and all that genera-
tion died, but God continued to bless the Israelites. There were so many of
them that they filled the land of Goshen.

Living in Egypt meant they were surrounded by false gods again. The Egyp-
tians worshiped 1500 different gods who were not creators but were consid-
ered to have power within nature. Some were part human, some part animal,
and some were other things such as the Nile River. But the Egyptians had one
thing in common: they were all going to die one day. Pharaoh was also con-
sidered a god—half-god while living, but becoming fully god when he died.

The Egyptians created statues (idols) so the gods could live inside them. They
also built temples as houses for their gods. Instead of God caring for people,
people took care of the gods. That’s mixed up! In fact, the role of the priests
was to keep the gods and goddesses happy. How different from the God of the

The Egyptian belief about creation tells the story of their main god. They
taught that long ago, before anyone lived on the earth, an eternal, infinite,
lifeless ocean existed. Then a mound of earth like a pyramid came out of the
ocean, and then the sun god (Ra) appeared. Now he races across the sky every
day. (But he dies or is imprisoned every night.)
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The sun was important to the Egyptians just like the moon was important to Teacher Notes
the Mesopotamians. That’s interesting. When God created the sun and the
moon, he didn’t even name them!

After about 100 years passed since Joseph and Israel moved to Egypt, the
Israelites continued to multiply. A new king came to power who did not
realize all Joseph had done for Egypt. He said to his people, “There are too
many Israelites and they are becoming more powerful than we. If we are not
careful, they will grow even larger and join our enemies to fight against us
and leave the country. Then we won’t have cheap labor anymore! We must
outsmart them.”

So the Egyptians put slave bosses over the Israelites to wear them down with
hard labor. The bosses forced the Israelites to build two store cities for Pha-
raoh: Pithom and Rameses.

But the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and spread. The
Egyptians became even more concerned, so they made their lives miserable
through more work and cruel punishment. Then Pharaoh began killing all
the baby boys, insisting they be thrown in the Nile River.

Life in Egypt became harder and harder for the Israelites. They cried out to
God, begging for help.

One of those Israelite babies was not thrown into the Nile. His parents
decided to hide him from the king’s cruel command. After putting him in a
basket, his mother set it afloat in the Nile, trusting God to protect him. Pha-
Show ATSOH #13
raoh’s daughter found the boy and raised him, naming him Moses. Strangely
enough, one of the boys Pharaoh wanted dead grew up in his own home.

After Moses became a man, he killed an Egyptian whom he had seen beating
a Hebrew (one of his people). Moses fled Egypt and became a shepherd in
the wilderness of Sinai for forty years.

One day, as Moses led his flock near Mount Horeb, he saw a bush on fire that
wasn’t consumed by the fire. He thought it was unusual, so he walked up to
the bush.

“Moses! Moses!” God called from the bush.

“Here I am,” Moses answered.

“Stay where you are. Take off your sandals. You are standing on holy ground.
I am the God your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob worshiped.”

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Moses, afraid to look at God, took off his shoes and covered his face. God Teacher Notes
continued to speak.

“I have seen the misery and oppression of my people in Egypt. I have heard
them beg for help and have come down to rescue them. I will deliver them
out of Egypt and give them the fruitful land of the Canaanites. So go to Pha-
raoh. I am sending you to bring my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt.”

But Moses said to God, “I am nobody special. How can I go to Pharaoh?”

“How? I will be with you! You will know that I am the one who sent you
when you worship Me again on this mountain after you lead My people out
of Egypt.”

Moses asked another question: “If I go to the Israelites in that land of many
gods and say ‘The God of your ancestors has sent me,’ they might ask me
your name. What should I say?”

“I am the eternal God, the self-existent One. Tell the Israelites ‘I Am’ has sent
you. This is my eternal name and the name by which I will be remembered.
Bring the leaders together and tell them that the LORD, the God of your
ancestors, appeared to you and said ‘I have seen your trouble. I promise to
deliver you and bring you to the land of the Canaanites.’”

Moses asked a third question: “What if they don’t believe me or say, ‘God
didn’t appear to you?’”

God asked, “What’s in your hand?”

Moses replied, “A walking stick.”

“Throw it down.”

Moses threw it on the ground. Immediately it became a snake, and Moses

jumped away.

“Pick it up by its tail.” When Moses did, it turned right back into his walking

“Do this so they will believe that the God of their ancestors Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob has sent you.”

Moses went back to Egypt, and with his brother Aaron, called a meeting
of the Israelite leaders. They told the leaders what God said to Moses and

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performed the miracle with the walking stick. The Israelites believed and Teacher Notes
worshiped God because they knew He had seen their suffering and was go-
ing to deliver them.

THEME: God called Moses in a

special way. Moses obeyed God.


Faith Music

Only “Faith” covers six lessons. Note how the theme of faith ties these lessons Each verse has a waltz
together and brings out the importance of faith where it may be overlooked. tempo (3/4), but the
(Moses needed to trust God to go back to Egypt; the Israelites expressed faith chorus changes to
in God by spreading blood on the door frames and following Moses through something more majestic
the sea and desert. In verse five, faith is needed for them to follow the (4), almost triumphant.
sacrificial system and approach God at the Tabernacle. Finally, they needed The verses are short, too,
to look in faith to the bronze serpent if they were to live.) This song ends up so as with “God Told
being a good summary of Israel’s time in the desert. Of course, later (after Abraham,” after the verse
Jesus’s sacrifice has been introduced) you can go back and help the students is learned, there should be
see more meaning in these verses. (See teacher notes.) time to sing other songs.
Teach verse one of “Faith.”
Sing other songs as time
M e m o r y Ve r s e allows.

Exodus 3:14 - And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said,
“Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”

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Bible Activity
Do you remember Moses’ question? (“Who am I?”) (Say to the first student, Bible Memory Activity
“Pass this down: ‘Who am I?’” and allow time for each child to repeat state-
ment to the next child until all have quoted words.) What was God’s answer? Make a larger visual of
(“I will be with you.”) Again, say to the first student, “Pass this down: ‘I the verse so it can be read
will be with you.’” Repeat with Moses’ second question and answer (“What easily. After reviewing the
if they say, ‘What is His name?’” God’s answer: “Tell them ‘I am’ has sent verse a couple times, ask
you.”) for a volunteer who thinks
he knows most of the
What can we learn from this conversation about how God deals with His words. Place the volunteer
children? (He is patient, firm, encouraging.) What are excuses we might behind you and facing
make when we know God wants us to do something? (Make a list of the away from you and the
excuses your class suggests) What does God think of excuses and arguing group.
with Him? Instruct the class that you
are going to point to one
Extra credit assignment (for older kids) Read Exodus 4:1-17 at home. Find word on the Bible verse
3 more times Moses argued with God about this job and find God’s answers visual which they are not
to Moses. You will be able to explain these to the class next week. (You can to say. While repeating
offer a prize as incentive if you wish.) the verse they are not to
say this word but clap in
its place. Once the verse
is complete allow the
Coloring Book child behind you to say
the missing word. Allow
others to have a turn of
Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the teach- standing behind you.
er or by the student. Say, “This picture shows the burning bush and Mo-
ses. How do you think Moses felt when he heard a voice from the burning
bush.” Let the children color the picture and discuss this question with you.

My Stor y of Hope

(1) Moses was tending his father-in-law’s sheep on the far side of the desert
by Mt. Horeb when he noticed a burning bush. (2) When Moses came near,
God called out to him from the bush. He told Moses to take off his shoes
because he was standing on holy ground (see shoes behind Moses). Moses
was afraid to look at God (holds up hand). God told Moses to bring His
people out of Egypt and when Moses was afraid to go, God told Moses that
He would be with him.

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Number 13 Story of Hope Moses Lesson Number 13 | Page 115
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Teacher Notes

3 Review and Close


1. Why were the Israelites living in Egypt and not Canaan (the land God had
promised them)? (They moved there during a famine and the Egyptians
eventually made them slaves.)

2. What was Moses doing when God called him? (Working as a shepherd in

3. How did God appear to Moses when he was taking care of the sheep on
Mt. Horeb (Sinai)? (Through a burning bush.)

4. What happened when Moses got close to the burning bush? (God spoke
to Moses from the bush and told him He was the God of Abraham, Isaac and

5. At Mt Horeb, God spoke through the burning bush. What did God ask
Moses to do? (Go to Pharoah and tell him to let God’s people go.)

6. How did God respond when Moses was afraid to go back to Egypt and
talk to Pharaoh? (I will be with you.)

7. What did God tell Moses to say when the Israelites asked him the name of
the God who had sent him? (I AM has sent you.)

THEME: God called Moses in a

special way. Moses obeyed God.

Apply the Lesson

Moses obeyed God when he heard Him speak. How does God want you
to obey Him? Are you doing what He wants you to do? If not, what do you
need to do to obey?

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14 The Plagues and
the Passover
Exodus 12:1-13, 21-23

THEME: God protected people

who put their faith in Him.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• God sent 9 plagues while the Israelites were living in Egypt, but A beautiful full color pic-
Pharaoh did not let the people of Israel leave Egypt to sacrifice to ture of the artwork above
their God. is available for purchase
as a set through www.
• Finally, after the tenth plague, Pharaoh let the Israelites leave Egypt
so that they could sacrifice to their God.
• The final plague involved the death of firstborn children and ani- ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
mals. This picture can be used
as you tell the story. You
• The community of believers were to slaughter a lamb at twilight
may also want to post
and spread the blood of the slain animal on the sides and top of the
the pictures around
doorposts of the house.
your classroom to visu-
• The lamb was a sacrifice whose innocent blood was shed. ally remind your class of
previous lessons as you
• The people of God knew, that to be spared from death, an innocent
teach ATSOH.
life had to be sacrificed in their place.
• At midnight, an angel from God would look at each house, and if You may want to copy
the doorposts of the house had blood from a slain lamb on them, the picture (on the last
then the angel would pass over that house and spare the firstborn page of this lesson) for
who lived in that house. your students before you
color one of the copies
yourself to show in class.

ATSOH Bible Visual #14

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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review Questions from Lesson 9: Expelled from the Garden Review and Game Sug-
gestion: Cooperative
T or F. Because the man and woman had disobeyed God by eating from the Story
forbidden tree, they now had the knowledge of good and evil from personal
experience. (True.) One student begins tell-
ing a story. When the
Does God know about sin personally? (No, He knows about the facts of sin teacher says ‘next’ the
but has never sinned.) next person must pick up
where the first person left
Review Question from Lesson 10: The Great Flood off. Change the time in-
tervals between students
What promise did God make after the flood? (Never to destroy the earth by to keep them guessing!
flood again.)
Begin telling the story
Review Questions from Lesson 11: Promises to Abraham with Lesson 9.
Name at least two of the seven promises God gave to Abraham. (I will make
you a great nation, I will bless you, I will make your name great, you will be
a blessing, I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you, I
will bless all peoples through you.)
When Abraham arrived in Shechem where the Canaanites lived, what
additional promise did God give to Abraham? (I will give you this land.)

Review Questions from Lesson 12: The Lord Provides

What part of his promise to Abraham did God repeat in this story? (Descen-
dents would be like the stars and sand, his descendent would rule over his
enemies, through him God would bless all nations.)

What was Abraham’s answer to Isaac when he asked him, “Where is the
lamb?” (God will provide.)

Review Questions from Lesson 13: Moses Leads His People

Why were the Israelites now in Egypt and not Canaan (the land God had
promised them)? (They moved there during a famine and the Egyptians
eventually made them slaves.)

What was Moses doing when God called him? (Working as a shepherd in
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2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 14: The Plagues and the Passover

Have you ever had a friend or family member die? Maybe your favorite pet
has died. How did you feel when that special person or animal died? This
story will tell us how the oldest son and animal in each home would lose their
life unless the people listened to and obeyed Moses.

Te l l T h e S t o r y

When 80-year-old Moses walked into 20-year-old Pharaoh Amenhotep’s The names of several
throne room to challenge him to let the Israelites go, they couldn’t have Egyptian gods are given
been more different. Moses was old and maybe a bit weary from chasing in this event. You may
sheep around the desert. Pharaoh was a well-developed athlete in his prime want to list the names on
and ready to take on anything life would throw at him—or so he thought. a flip chart or black/white
board with simple draw-
Yet the contest wasn’t between these two, but between the LORD God and ings that describe each
the supposed gods of Egypt (including Pharaoh himself who was thought (e.g. fish, vegetation, etc.)
to be a god).

Moses told Pharaoh, “The LORD God wants you to let His people go to
worship Him in the desert.”

Pharaoh responded, “Who is this LORD God that I should obey Him?
Forget it!”

He even made their work harder as punishment. Moses did the walking
stick/snake miracle, but Pharaoh stubbornly refused to let the people go.

So God told Moses to take his walking stick and warn Pharaoh that if he
didn’t let them go, he would strike the Nile River—one of Egypt’s gods—
and turn it to blood. It would stink. Fish would die. People would get sick.
Moses warned Pharaoh, but he didn’t listen. So Moses struck the river, and
it all happened as God had said it would, demonstrating God’s author-
ity over Hapi, god of the Nile, over Osiris, god of vegetation (Nile was his
bloodstream), and over Hatmehyt, the fish goddess. This became a pat-
tern. (As you tell the story, write the names of each false god and what they
represented on the board, or a paper attached to the wall if you don’t have a
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Moses insisted that the people be freed and warned of another plague. Pha- Teacher Notes
raoh refused. God brought the plague through Moses, each time showing His
power over the counterfeit gods. Hapi river

After the Nile/blood plague, God afflicted the Egyptians with frogs—every- Osiris vegetation
where! God showed He could bring frogs and take them away, demonstrating
victory of Heket, the frog-headed goddess of birth. Hatnehyt fish

Then came gnats—as thick as dust. Then swarms of flies ruined the land.
Then God sent a plague on all the livestock of the Egyptians and boils on the
people and animals. God sent hail and lightning, ruining all the fields. Then Heket frog
so many locusts came such as had never been seen before or would be seen
again. Each time God was showing His superiority over the counterfeit gods
of Egypt.

Finally, Moses stretched out his hand toward the sky, and God sent total dark-
ness over all Egypt for three days. No one could move. Ra, the sun god, was

This time, Pharaoh called for Moses and said, “Go worship the LORD! Take
your families, but leave your sheep and cattle.” Ra sun

“No!” Moses replied. “We must take our animals to sacrifice to the LORD our

Pharaoh was stubborn. He yelled, “Get out and stay out! I never want to see
you again!”

Moses responded, “Have it your way. You won’t see me again.”

God told Moses about one more plague He would bring on the Egyptians, so
before he left Pharaoh’s presence for the last time, Moses said, “Here is God’s

“At midnight I will pass through Egypt, and every firstborn will die—from
Pharaoh’s son who sits on the throne to the firstborn of the poorest slave girl.
The firstborn of cattle will also die. What loud lament there will be all over
Egypt! And yet, no one will offer the least resistance to Israel when they leave.
In fact, your officials will get on their knees and beg them to leave. This is to
show you the distinction I make between Egypt and Israel.”

Osiris, an important, revered god of Egypt, was the fearsome god of death
and the underworld. With this plague, the LORD God was about to demon- Osiris death
strate that He alone is the true God of life and death.

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God had a related but different message for the Israelites. This is what He Teacher Notes
told Moses: “Tell the whole community of Israel that on the tenth of the
month each family must choose a one-year-old, healthy male lamb without
defect. They will take care of it until the fourteenth of the month when they
will kill the lamb at twilight. Then, dipping a bunch of hyssop (a small tree
branch) in the blood, they must spread the blood on the sides and tops of the
doorframe of the house where they will eat the lamb. They are to eat the meat Show ATSOH #14 when
roasted over a fire along with bitter herbs and bread made without yeast. describing the painting of
And here is how they are to eat it: dressed to travel with staff in hand. Eat it the doorposts and then
quickly. This is the LORD’s Passover. On that night I will pass through Egypt put it away.
and strike down every firstborn and bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt.
I am the LORD. When I see the blood on the doorframes, I will pass over
you. Nothing will happen to you when I strike Egypt.”

So Moses assembled all the leaders of Israel and gave them this message.
Then the people bowed down, worshiped God, and went out to do exactly as
He commanded.

Then it happened. At midnight the LORD struck every firstborn in Egypt.

Pharaoh, his officials, everyone in Egypt got up and cried bitterly because Show ATSOH #14 again
there was not one home where someone had not died. But the Israelites who
expressed faith in God by obeying His word were safe. Their firstborn sons
didn’t die.

Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and said, “Up and out! Leave us, all of
you Israelites! Take your flocks and herds and go worship the LORD as you
asked. Just go. But ask God to be kind to me.”

THEME: God protected people who put

their faith in Him.



Sing verse one of “Faith.” Teach verse two, then sing both together. Sing other
songs as time allows.

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Teacher Notes
M e m o r y Ve r s e Bible Memory Activity
Write the Bible verse,
Exodus 12:13 – Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you word by word in scat-
are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you. tered fashion on a chalk
or white board. Have the
children line up in front
of the board. Ask the first
student to find the first
word and draw an arrow
Bible Activity to the next word repeat-
ing both words. The next
Plagues & Passover student draws an arrow
connecting the third word
If possible, have unleavened bread as a snack in class today. It can be pur- and repeats all three. Con-
chased in some grocery stores, or you can make your own using this simple tinue until all words are
recipe. Explain to the children that the bread was to be unleavened for 2 connected and all children
reasons: have learned the verse.

1. They could not take the time to add yeast and let the bread rise, since they Unleavened Bread
would be making a hasty departure from Egypt.
Simple Recipe
2. Yeast, or “leaven,” represents sin in a person’s life. They were not to be
stained with sin, but be in a right relationship with God. 1 c. flour
3 tbsp. sugar
1/3 tsp. salt
Coloring Book
1/3 c. shortening (or lard,
butter, margarine)
Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the 2 - 2 1/2 tbsp. milk
teacher or by the student. Say, “This picture shows the blood of an ani-
mal being painted on the doorpost of the house. What do you think Sift the flour, sugar and
this family was thinking and feeling as the father did this?” Let the salt. Cut in shortening.
children color the picture and discuss this question with you. Add a little bit of milk at
a time, and only enough
to form into dough. Roll
dough (using floured roll-
ing pin) to 1/4” thick. Cut
in 1/2” squares. Pierce it
with a fork in long rows
from top to bottom of
each piece. Bake at 375
degrees for 15-20 minutes
until done.

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My Stor y of Hope
(1) Moses and Aaron asked Pharaoh to let the Israelites go many times. Pharaoh heardened his heart and
he refused over and over. God sent plagues of water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, death of livestock,
boils, hail, locusts and darkness on the land of Egypt. (2) Then God told all the Israelites to take a healthy
lamb, kill it, paint its blood on their doorposts, and then eat all of the lamb that evening. (3) God killed all
the firstborn in the land of Egypt who did not have the blood of the lamb on their door, including the son
of Pharaoh.

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3 Review and Close


1. Was Pharaoh willing to let the Israelites go when Moses first asked him?

2. How did God convince Pharaoh to let his people go? (He sent ten plagues
on the land of Egypt that demonstrated His power over false gods, and He
destroyed the land.)

3. What was the last (tenth) plague that God sent to the Egyptians? (Death of
the firstborn of children and animals.)

4. What did God tell the Israelites to do to keep their firstborn from dying?
(Put the blood of a healthy, one-year-old male lamb on the doorpost of their

5. What is the name of the feast God told the Israelites to keep to celebrate
their deliverance from death, which was the tenth plague that God sent to the
Egyptians? (Passover.)

6. At midnight on the first Passover, who did God strike dead? (All the first-
born of those who did not put the blood of the lamb on the door.)

7. After the tenth plague, what did Pharoah do? (Sent the Israelites away.)

THEME: God protected people who put

their faith in Him.

Apply the Lesson

The Hebrew people clearly understood that for them to live, an innocent life
had to be sacrificed. God saves people from punishment when they obey
Him and put their faith in Him.

How do you think the Israelites felt when they killed the lamb so they could
live? How would you feel if someone died so you could live?
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15 The Israelites
Leave Egypt
Exodus 14:1-31

THEME: God is mighty to save.

God parted the Red Sea.
God drowned His enemies.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• 600 chariots were bearing down on the Israelites. Each chariot had A beautiful full color pic-
two soldiers in it, one to drive and the other to fight. ture of the artwork above
is available for purchase
• The Israelites were discouraged because they thought they were
as a set through www.
trapped. In front of them was the Red Sea and behind them was
the Egyptian army who were in pursuit of the Israelites. They even
complained to Moses and to the Lord about their desperate circum- ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
stances. This picture can be used
• This is the first time that we hear of the Israelites complaining on the as you tell the story. You
journey to the promised land. It was a problem they did not forsake. may also want to post
the pictures around
• Moses was a man of faith and told the Israelites to stand still and
your classroom to visu-
watch the salvation of the Lord. ally remind your class of
• The Lord told Moses to quit crying out to Him and get moving. previous lessons as you
Prayer was important, but so was action. teach ATSOH.
• With no apparent place for the Israelites to go, God dried up the Red
You may want to copy
Sea for the Israelites to cross.
the picture (on the last
• When the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, the Egyptian chariots tried page of this lesson) for
to cross also. As the sun began to rise, Moses raised his hand and the your students before you
Red Sea waters drowned the Egyptian chariots and their riders. color one of the copies
yourself to show in class.
• When the Israelites saw the crushing defeat of the Egyptian army,
they stood in awe and praised God. They also put their faith in God
ATSOH Bible Visual #15
as well as His servant Moses.

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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review and Game
Review Questions from Lesson 10: The Great Flood Suggestion: Ball Toss

Why did God destroy the earth with a flood? (The people were thinking and Toss a ball to a student
doing bad all the time.) who then answers
a question. If he
What promise did God make after the flood? (Never to destroy the earth by answers it correctly,
flood again.) he can choose who to
toss the ball to next. If
Review Question from Lesson 11: Promises to Abraham he answers wrong, he
throws the ball back to
How did Abraham respond to God’s promise to give him the land? (He built the teacher.
an altar to worship God.)

Review Questions from Lesson 12: The Lord Provides

What did God tell Abraham when He stopped him from sacrificing Isaac?
(Now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your only son.)

What did God provide for Abraham to offer instead of Isaac? (A ram caught
in the bushes by his horns.)

Review Questions from Lesson 13: Moses Leads His People

How did God appear to Moses when he was taking care of the sheep on Mt.
Horeb (Sinai)? (Through a burning bush.)

What happened when Moses got close to the burning bush? (God spoke to
Moses and told him he was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.)

Review Questions from Lesson 14: The Plagues and the Passover

Was Pharaoh willing to let the Israelites go when Moses first asked him?

How did God convince Pharaoh to let His people go? (He sent 10 plagues on
the land of Egypt that demonstrated His power over the false gods, and He
destroyed the land.)

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2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
In our story today, we will
Introduction to Lesson 15: The Israelites Leave Egypt
see the Israelites begin to
do a lot of walking. We
See Teacher Notes for a special “warm up” for this story.
will walk with them, so
let’s get ready. Everybody
Te l l T h e S t o r y stretch as high as you can.
Now, everybody reach
down and touch your toes.
Four hundred thirty years after Israel and his family moved to Egypt, the Hands on your hips. Bend
LORD led them—now a nation of two million—along with others and their forward. Bend to the left
livestock, out of Egypt. They walked from Rameses to Succoth – show this side. Bend to the right
on a map. (Walk with the Israelites.) Walk, walk, walk. side. Lean backwards.
Okay, are you ready a long
But when Pharaoh and his officials realized Israel had left, they said, “What walk? (Start story.)
have we done? We let our slave labor go free!” So Pharaoh prepared his army
with all its chariots and chased after the Israelites. (March with the army.)
March, march, march.

When the Israelites saw Pharaoh and his army marching after them, they
were terrified and cried out to God. (Cry with the Israelites.) “Waaaa!” They
grumbled to Moses, “Weren’t the cemeteries in Egypt large enough that you
had to bring us out in the wilderness to die? Why did you do this? We would
rather be slaves in Egypt than to die out here.” (Grumble with Israelites.)
“Grrrr! Grrr!”

Moses answered the people, “Don’t be afraid. Hang on and you will see the
LORD deliver you in such a way that you will never see these Egyptians
again. The LORD will do the fighting; you won’t have to do anything.”

Then the LORD said to Moses, “Get the people moving. Hold your walking Tell the children to cover
stick up over the sea and divide it (hold up the walking stick). The Israelites their eyes when you say
will walk right through the sea on dry ground. Meanwhile, I will make Pha- “darkness” and put their
raoh and his army stubborn in the chase so that they come in after you. The hands out open on each
Egyptians will know that I am the LORD when I use their army, chariots, side of their faces when
and horsemen to glorify Myself.” you say, “light.” Repeat
the lines several times to
The angel of almighty God had been leading the Israelites. He now went be- emphasize what the Egyp-
hind them, taking the pillar of cloud with him. Now the cloud was between tians and Israelites saw
the Egyptians and the Israelites, bringing darkness to the Egyptians and through the night.
light to the Israelites and separating them throughout the night. So ... the
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Egyp-tians were in the dark, while the Israelites were in the light. The Egyp- Teacher Notes
tians saw darkness and the Israelites saw light. Then Moses lifted his walking
stick over the sea (lift it up), and God, with a thunderous east wind, drove the
sea back. The sea split in two, leaving dry ground in the middle. The Israel-
ites walked through the sea on dry ground with a wall of water on each side.
(Walk with the Israelites.) Walk, walk, walk. Show ATSOH #15

The Egyptians went right in after them. (March with the army.) March,
march, march. God looked down through the pillar of cloud and brought
them into confusion. He clogged up the chariot wheels. The Egyptians began
to shout, “Run from Israel! The LORD is fighting for them against us!” (Yell
like the army.) Aaaah!

On the other side, God told Moses, “Stretch your walking stick (stretch it out)
over the sea so that the water will flow back over the Egyptian army.” Moses
obeyed, the sea returned, and the LORD swept the Egyptians into it. Not one
of the army that pursued Israel into the sea survived. History shows that for
several years after this, the Egyptian army did not go out to show its power
because its power was so greatly diminished on that day.

But the Israelites had passed through the sea on dry ground. The LORD
delivered Israel from the oppression of Egypt that day, leaving Egyptians ly-
ing dead on the shore. When the Israelites saw the tremendous power of the
LORD, they respected Him and trusted in Him and His servant Moses. They
sang a special song of praise to God for His mighty deliverance!

THEME: God is mighty to save.

God parted the Red Sea.
God drowned His enemies.

Faith. Sing verses one and two of “Faith.” Teach verse three. Sing all three
verses together. Sing other songs as time allows.

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Teacher Notes
M e m o r y Ve r s e

Exodus 14:29 - But the children of Israel had walked on dry land in the midst Bible Memory Activity
of the sea, and the waters were a wall to them on their right hand and on their
left. Divide your class into
three groups. Place the
groups in different areas
Bible Activity of the room. One group
will be the LOUD echo,
Dramatic review of the story. After you have told the story of Moses and the one the regular echo and
Israelites crossing the Red Sea, tell the children: Let’s see what it might have one the whisper echo.
FELT like to be there on that day. Who wants to help me act out the story
we just heard? Choose one child to be Moses, and divide the rest of the class The leader will shout
out the verse one short
evenly into Israelites and Egyptians. Go through the story again, and lead
phrase at a time, allowing
the children to play the parts assigned. As you retell the story, talk about fear,
the groups to echo your
doubt, faith, excitement, celebration, etc. Try to help them feel the emotions of words. The “loud group”
the situation, how helpless they must have felt when they saw the sea in front first and “whisper” last.
of them, the army behind them! They were absolutely trapped! No way out! Reassign which group gets
What was their reaction? (They grumbled and accused Moses of failure.) God to do which kind of echo,
fought for them on that day and rescued them! He is stronger than the worst then lengthen the phrase
enemy, and He is greater than our doubts! No one can stand against the power they must repeat.
of God. If you try, you will ALWAYS be defeated!!

Coloring Book

Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the
teacher or by the student. Say, “This picture shows Moses and the Israel-
ites when God parted the Red Sea. How do you think the people of Israel
felt when God parted the Red Sea?” Let the children color the picture and
discuss this question with you.

Bible Activity

Crossing the Red Sea

“In our Bible Verse today, it says that the people crossed the Red Sea. We’re
going to pretend to go across the Red Sea, too.“

• Line the children up at one end of the classroom.

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• You will need 2 children or 2 teachers.

• Have the two children/teachers kneel on the floor, one at each end of the jump rope that is stretched out
on the floor in front of the other children.

• The two children/teachers hold the ends of the rope, but keep it on the floor and keep it still. Have the
children jump over the rope.

• Once all of the children have gone over the rope, you can move it a little and have them jump over it
again. Make sure that it is on the floor so that the children will not get hurt.

My Stor y of Hope

(1) Pharaoh’s army chased after the Israelites and they couldn’t get away because the Red Sea was before
them. They were terrified (see shaking legs). God placed a pillar of fire between them and the Egyptians
and God told Moses to lift up his staff and divide the sea in two. The Israelites walked across on dry land.
(2) When Pharaoh’s army tried to follow them, God told Moses to lift up his staff again and the sea closed
upon them. All of Pharaoh’s army drowned. Moses and the Israelites rejoiced and praised God.

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Teacher Notes

3 Review and Close


1. Why did Pharaoh and his army chase after the Israelites? (God hardened
Pharaoh’s heart and made him sorry he had let all his slave labor go free.)

2. What did the Israelites do when they saw Pharaoh and his army coming?
(They cried out in fear to the Lord and complained to Moses for bringing them
out into the wilderness to die by Pharaoh’s hand.)

3. What did Moses say to the people when Pharaoh’s army had trapped them in
front of the Red Sea? (Do not be afraid. God will fight for you.)

4. What did God tell Moses to do so the Israelites could escape the Egyptians?
(Hold your walking stick up over the sea and divide it.)

5. What did God send to confuse the Egyptian army while the Israelites walked
across the sea? (A pillar of cloud.)

6. What did God tell Moses to do after the Israelites crossed the Red Sea to
keep the Egyptian army from chasing after them? (Stretch out your walking
stick over the sea so the water will flow back over the Egyptian army.)

7. How did the Israelites respond when they saw the Egyptian army drowned
in the sea? (They respected God and His servant Moses.)

THEME: God is mighty to save.

God parted the Red Sea.
God drowned His enemies.

Apply the Lesson

God performed a major miracle when He parted the Red Sea. Do you have
a big problem that you can’t solve by yourself? God performed a miracle for
the Israelites and He can help you. Tell God about your problem and ask
Him to help you.

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16 The Ten
Exodus 20:1-17
THEME: God is holy. God gave
the Ten Commandments. Dis-
obedience to His commands is sin.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• The Ten Commandments were given to Moses by God on two tablets A beautiful full color pic-
on Mount Sinai which is located in the northeastern corner of mod- ture of the artwork above
ern day Egypt (Sinai Peninsula). is available for purchase
as a set through www.
• The Israelites had just come from Egypt where they lived for 430
years. The Egyptians had many gods.
• God expected worship of Him alone according to the first command- ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
ment. This picture can be used
• The Israelites had lived among a people that had many idols. Now, as you tell the story. You
they were to have no idols. Idols were forbidden by God. may also want to post
the pictures around
• God told the Israelites that they should not use the name of God in a your classroom to visu-
careless way. He is holy and His name is holy. ally remind your class of
• God expected the Israelites to worship and rest on one particular day. previous lessons as you
It was called the Sabbath. teach ATSOH.
• The Israelite children were expected to honor their parents. This is You may want to copy
the first commandment that attached a promise to it. the picture (on the last
• The Israelites were expected not to take the life of another innocent page of this lesson) for
human being; they were expected not to commit murder. your students before you
color one of the copies
• The Israelites were not to commit adultery. That is, they were to have
yourself to show in class.
only one wife to live with and sleep with.
• They were not to steal or take anything that did not belong to them. ATSOH Bible Visual #16
• They were not to give false witness. That is, if they went to court and
testified, they were supposed to tell the whole truth.
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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review Questions from Lesson 11: Promises to Abraham

Did God tell Abram the location of the land where he wanted him to go?
(No, Abram went out in faith not knowing where he was going.)
Name at least two of the seven promises God gave to Abraham. (I will make
you a great nation, I will bless you, I will make your name great, you will be
a blessing, I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you, I
will bless all peoples through you.)

Review Question from Lesson 12: The Lord Provides

What did Abraham name the place where he offered Isaac? (The Lord Will

Review Questions from Lesson 13: Moses Leads His People

At Mt. Horeb, God spoke through the burning bush. What did God ask Mo-
ses to do? (Go to Pharoah and tell him to let God’s people go.)

How did God respond when Moses was afraid to go back to Egypt to talk to
Pharaoh? (I will be with you.)

Review Questions from Lesson 14: The Plagues and the Passover

What was the last (tenth) plague that God sent to the Egyptians? (Death of
the firstborn of children and animals.)

What did God tell the Israelites to do to keep their firstborn from dying?
(Put the blood of a healthy, one-year-old male lamb on the doorpost of their

Review Questions from Lesson 15: The Israelites Leave Egypt

Why did Pharaoh and his army chase after the Israelites? (God hardened
Pharaoh’s heart and made him sorry he had let all his slave labor go free.)

What did the Israelites do when they saw Pharaoh and his army coming?
(They cried out in fear to the Lord and complained to Moses for bringing
them out into the wilderness to die by Pharaoh’s hand.)

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2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
The Ten Commandments

Introduction to Lesson 16: The Ten Commandments 1. Exodus 20:3 “You must
not have any other god
What things have your parents told you not to do? What things have your but Me.”
parents told you to do? This lesson will help us understand what God wants us
to do and what He wants us not to do. 2.Exodus 20:4 “You must
not make for yourself an
Te l l T h e S t o r y
3.Exodus 20:7 “You must
not misuse the name of
Three months after crossing the Red Sea, the Israelites arrived in the Desert the Lord your God.”
of Sinai and set up camp facing Mount Sinai (Horeb). Moses went up the
mountain, and God spoke to him again. 4.Exodus 20:8 “Remem-
ber to observe the Sab-
“Tell Israel: You saw with your own eyes what I did to Egypt and how I bath day by keeping it
brought you to Myself as a mighty eagle carries its young. Now if you will holy.”
obey My voice and keep My covenant, I will make you My treasured posses- 5. Exodus 20:12 “Honor
sion. The entire earth and its nations are Mine, but you will be a kingdom of your father and mother.”
priests for Me and a holy nation.”
6. Exodus 20:13 “You
So Moses went back and told the leaders what God had said. The people must not murder.”
responded as one: “Everything God says we will do.”
7. Exodus 20:14 “You
must not commit adul-
So God told Moses, “Get the people ready. Tell them to wash and prepare
themselves for two days. I will come down to the mountain to make My
presence known. Have them stay back. No one is to approach the mountain 8. Exodus 20:15 “You
or he/she will die.” must not steal.”

On the third day came deafening thunder, lightning, smoke all around the 9. Exodus 20:16 “You
mountain, and a loud trumpet blast. The people trembled with fear. The must not testify falsely
mountain was covered in smoke and shook violently because God descend- against your neighbor.”
ed on it as fire. Then God spoke to Moses, establishing His covenant (special
10. Exodus 20:17 “You
agreement) with Israel. He said, “I am the LORD your God who brought
must not covet.”
you out of bondage in Egypt.”
Show ATSOH #16
As part of the covenant, God gave them many laws. The most important of
those laws were ten that are often called the Ten Commandments.

(Teach the Ten Commandments with the hand-motion helps.)

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1. “Do not worship any god except Me.” (Pointer finger on right hand up.) Teacher Notes
2. “Do not make idols that look like anything in the sky or on the earth or
in the waters. Do not bow down to or worship idols.” (Pointer on left hand
bows to pointer on right hand.)

3. (Pointer up) “Father,” (Middle up) “Son,” (Ring up) “Holy Spirit. Don’t
misuse God’s name.” (Use the three fingers to cover your mouth.)

4. “Do not work on the seventh day of the week. That day is mine. Keep it
separate; treat it differently.” (Four fingers up.) “Rest on the Sabbath.” (Use
the four as a pillow.)

5. “Respect your father and mother, and you will live a long time in the land
I am giving you.” (All five fingers of right hand make spanking motion.)
“Honor your father and mother.”

6. (Five up and thumb of other hand up also.) “Do not murder,” while using
thumb to stab chest.

7. (Five up and Pointer and Middle of other hand.) “Husband and wife,
together forever.” (Cross Pointer and Middle).

8. (Five up and three of second hand.) “Do not steal.” (Use five to ‘steal’

9. (Five up on right hand, four on left.) “Do not tell lies about others.” While
(Cover mouth first with right then left so they see 5 + 4 = 9.)

10. “Do not set your heart on anything—house, spouse, slave, ox, donkey—
anything that belongs to someone else.” (All five up on both, reach over and
take imaginary thing.)

Now repeat the motions with me.

THEME: God is holy. God gave

the Ten Commandments. Dis-
obedience to His commands is sin.

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Music Bible Memory Activity

Faith Divide into two groups.

Repeat the verse as follows
Sing verses one, two and three of “Faith.” Teach verse four, then sing all four with each side adding one
verses together. Sing other songs as time allows. word to what the other
group said.

M e m o r y Ve r s e Group 1: Exodus

Group 2: Exodus 20
Exodus 20:3 - You shall have no other gods before Me.
Group 1: Exodus 20:3

Bible Activity Group 2: Exodus 20:3,


Parchment Commandments Group 1: Exodus 20:3,

“You shall. . .”
This activity allows the children to make their own Ten Commandments.
Make a big poster. On the left side list each of the Ten Commandments. On And so on!
the right side show what each commandment tells us about God.

Here are some examples of statements that could go on the right side of the

1. God is exclusive - God alone

2. God will not share His glory - it is His alone

3. God’s name is very special - respect it

4. God’s day is special

5. God set up the family - honor that

6. God shows respect for life - so should we

7. God is pure and self-controlled

8. God is just

9. God is truth

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10. God is satisfied - not wanting more

It is so important that children understand where God’s laws come from. They are not made up to spoil all
the fun in life! They reflect God’s nature and character. God’s laws protect us from harm in many ways! If
you have time, help the children think of how each commandment protects us from harm. Example: #4
- Setting aside a day to worship God helps us restore our strength for the coming week. #5 - Families are
given to protect and care for us. #6 - Obvious protection from evil people seeking to do others harm. #7 -
Protection from disease, etc. In a more general sense, obedience to God’s laws protects us from bitterness,
guilt, and a bad reputation.

My Stor y of Hope

God came down onto Mt. Sinai. There was thunder, lightning, a thick cloud on the mountain and the
sound of a trumpet so loud that all the people trembled. God told Moses to come up the mountain where
He gave him the Ten Commandments (see stone tablets).

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Coloring Book
Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the
teacher or by the student. Say, “This picture shows Moses receiving the Ten
Commandments on two tablets. What would it have been like for Moses
to receive such special instructions from God?” Let the children color the
picture and discuss this question with you.

3 Review and Close


1. God gave the Israelites a whole system of laws to help them know how to
worship and obey Him. What do we call the main part of God’s law? (The
Ten Commandments.)

2. Name one of the three promises God made to the Israelites if they would
obey His commandments (covenant). (They would be His treasured posses-
sion, a kindgom of priests, and a holy nation.)

3. What did God tell Moses would happen to anyone who touched the
mountain from which He spoke? (They would die.)

4. How did the people know that God was on the mountain? (There was
thunder, lightning, smoke and a loud trumpet blast.)

5. When God spoke to the Israelites from the mountain, how did they re-
spond? (They trembled in fear.)

6. Which day of the week did God set apart for rest and why? (The seventh
day. It was the day God rested from his creation work so he blessed it and
made it holy.)

7. Which commandment comes with a promise? (Respect [honor] your

father and your mother.)

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THEME: God is holy. God gave
the Ten Commandments. Dis-
obedience to His commands is sin.

Apply the Lesson

The Ten Commandments show us the nature and character of God and
how He expects us to live. For instance, He is God alone and He wants us
to know that there are no other gods that we should worship or serve. He
is truthful and honest. He is pure. He does not lie, cheat, or steal. The Ten
Commandments were given to us to show us where we fall short of the na-
ture and character of God. No one can keep all ten commandments all their
life. Which of these commandments do you struggle most to keep?

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17 Worship in the
Exodus 40:17-35

THEME: A sacrifice was needed

to worship a holy God.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• The tabernacle was first built near Mount Sinai about one year after A beautiful full color pic-
the Israelites left Egypt. ture of the artwork above
is available for purchase
• The Israelites stayed in this location for about eight and a half
as a set through www.
months. For at least 80 days, Moses was on Mount Sinai. So, for
about 6 months, Israel was collecting materials needed for the tab-
ernacle. ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
• Seven times in Exodus 40 Moses is said to have built the tabernacle This picture can be used
exactly as the Lord directed. as you tell the story. You
may also want to post
• The two tablets of stone containing the ten commandments that
the pictures around
Moses received from God were placed in the ark.
your classroom to visu-
• The promise of God, “I will dwell among the Israelites and be their ally remind your class of
God” (Exodus 29:45) was fulfilled as the glory of the Lord filled the previous lessons as you
tabernacle (Exodus 40:34). teach ATSOH.
• The tabernacle was God’s home on earth. It is where He showed His
You may want to copy
glory, where sacrifices could be made, and where sins were forgiven.
the picture (on the last
• When the lampstands were ready, they were lit so that the place of page of this lesson) for
worship would not remain in darkness (v. 25). your students before you
color one of the copies
• When the altar was in place, it burned sweet incense which became
yourself to show in class.
an offering to God (v. 29).
• At the laver, Moses washed his hands and feet to prepare himself for ATSOH Bible Visual #17
worship (vs. 30-31).

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1 Begin the Lesson

Review Questions from Lesson 12: The Lord Provides Review and Game Sug-
gestion: Who Am I?
What did God ask Abraham to do as a test of his faith? (Offer his son Isaac.)
Write the names of all the
What did God tell Abraham when He stopped him from sacrificing Isaac? Bible characters that have
(Now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your only son.) been studied thus far on
small pieces of paper and
Review Question from Lesson 13: Moses Leads His People place them in a basket.
Ask one student to select
What did God tell Moses to say when they asked him the name of the God a piece of paper and act
who had sent him? (I AM has sent you.) out that person, stating
one fact about him/her.
Review Questions from Lesson 14: The Plagues and the Passover The student continues
giving facts until someone
What is name of the feast God told the Israelites to keep to celebrate their guesses correctly. Where
deliverance from death, which was the tenth plague that God sent to the Am I? and What Am I?
Egyptians? (Passover.) can be played in a similar
manner by changing the
At midnight on the first Passover, who did God strike dead? (All the first- names to places or ob-
born of those who did not put the blood of the lamb on the door.) jects.

Review Questions from Lesson 15: The Israelites Leave Egypt Examples: Who Am I?

What did Moses say to the people when Pharaoh’s army had trapped them • I am a man from the
in front of the Red Sea? (Do not be afraid. God will fight for you.) Old Testament.

What did God tell Moses to do so the Israelites could escape the Egyptians? • I had an older brother
(Hold your walking stick up over the sea and divide it.) and sister.

Review Questions from Lesson 16: The Ten Commandments • I led the people out of
God gave the Israelites a whole system of laws to help them know how to
worship and obey Him. What do we call the main part of God’s law? (The • (Answer: Moses)
Ten Commandments.)

Name one of the three promises God made to the Israelites if they would
obey His commandments (covenant). (They would be His treasured posses-
sion, a kindgom of priests, and a holy nation.)

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2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 17: Worship in the Wilderness

Have you ever seen a place where people worship? What are some different
things that you have noticed about places where different religions worship?

What would you expect to see at a place where Christians worship?

Te l l T h e S t o r y

God still wanted to “tabernacle” (live with) His people, so He had Moses tell
the people to bring offerings to Him so that they could build a tabernacle
(special tent) according to the pattern He showed Moses. They brought pre-
cious metals, gems, colored yarns, fine linen, animal skins, wood, olive oil,
spices, and incense. If you lived in the desert with Israel, what do you have
that you could have given?

When all the parts of the Tabernacle were made, Moses set up the main
structure of the tabernacle. It was 45 feet by 15 feet and it faced east. The
Tabernacle and its courtyard were now ready for use. God could meet with
His people, and they could have their sins forgiven and forgotten. [*Teacher
note: The following story is fictitious, a parable of sorts that represents what
it might have been like for a Jewish family.]
*This ficitonal story,
Ahira Ben-Enan eagerly walked the lamb from the pen to his family’s tent. which communicates
Today was the day his family’s sins would be forgiven. He threw the tent door the facts of Leviticus 1
aside. “Come on out! I have the lamb. Let’s go over to the Tabernacle,” he and the significance of
called into the tent. the sacrifices made at the
tabernacle, is based on
His wife flashed a big smile and came out holding their newborn baby girl. what a real person who
Then his firstborn, Enan, emerged yawning and stretching his arms, followed lived during the exodus
by little Naphtali. Even though ‘Tali’ was the last one out, he seemed the most (Numbers 1) might have
excited about the sacrifice. As they walked, Tali was full of questions. experienced.

“Abba, why does the lamb have to die?” Change your voice as you
speak for Tali and his
“Well, Tali, God is holy, and…” father.
“What’s holy?”

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“Holy means that God is totally good, without sin. He doesn’t do wrong Teacher Notes
things like we do. Our sins separate us from Him and have a penalty…”
“What’s penalty?”
“Penalty means our sins have to be paid for.”
“How much do sins cost?”

“Well, the payment for sin is death. That means we would have to die to pay
for our sins. But God loves us so much that He allowed us to offer a substitute
to die in our place.”

“S-s-sussitute? (Mispronounce this word as a small child might.) Is that the


“That’s right. I chose this lamb because God said the lamb had to be a male
without defect—the best we have.” Others were also walking toward the Tab-
ernacle. Some carried pigeons. One father led a fine-looking young bull. Tali
tugged on his father’s robe and whispered, “tell them it’s ‘posed to be a lamb,

“Actually, Tali, God wants everyone to come—rich or poor. People can bring
an animal from their herd or flock, but if they can’t afford a lamb, they can
bring a dove or a pigeon.”

They arrived at the Tabernacle, and Aaron motioned for Ahira to come
through the entrance. His family stood just outside and watched quietly
through the open curtain as Ahira knelt down and placed his hand on the
head of the lamb. Then he took his knife and quickly slit the throat of the
substitute. One of Aaron’s sons caught the blood in a bowl and then sprin-
kled it on the altar. They watched as their father skinned the lamb and cut it
into pieces. Then the priests arranged the pieces on the burning fire of the
altar while Father washed the inner parts and the legs. Finally, those were
burned, too. The family understood the seriousness of their sin problem as
they watched this messy, violent death. The walk home was solemn as each
thought about the sacrifice. Tali had only one question. Show ATSOH #17, then
resume story with appro-
“Why did you put your hand on the lamb’s head, Abba?” priate gestures.

“By putting my hand on the head of the lamb, I was identifying our family Kneel and go through
with the lamb. God then accepted the lamb for us so that when it died, it died Ahira’s motions.
as a substitute for us, making us right with God.”

“I’m glad God made a way for us to be forgiven. And I’m glad you obeyed
Him, Abba.”

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(The following story tells about the Day of Atonement. It could be used as Teacher Notes
another way to teach the expiation of sins through sacrifices. DO NOT use
both stories in one session.)

Yom Kippur had arrived. Ahira watched nervously as he waited to do the

task for which he had been chosen. Yom Kippur—Day of Atonement. Ahira
knew that this first Day of Atonement was to be followed by many, many
more. Once a year they were not to work and were to go without eating to
show sorrow for their sins.

He watched as Aaron presented two goats to the LORD at the entrance to the
Tent of Meeting, and one was chosen to die. Aaron turned and motioned to
Ahira, who quickly approached Aaron and took the rope of the other goat.
He then stepped back, pulling the goat with him, and continued to watch.

Aaron slit the throat of the first goat, and his son caught the blood in the
bowl. Then Aaron took the bowl into the Tent of Meeting. Ahira could no
longer see Aaron, but he knew what was happening inside the tent.

Aaron would open the veil and enter the Most Holy Place—something that
would only happen once a year on this day. Once inside, Aaron would sprin-
kle blood on the Mercy Seat and in front of it. He had to do this to purify the
Most Holy Place which was contaminated by the uncleanness and rebellion
of the Israelites.

Aaron stepped back out of the Tent. Ahira breathed in sharply and realized
that he had been holding his breath. He watched as Aaron now sprinkled
blood around the Tent of Meeting. This Tent needed to be purified because
it sat every day in the midst of their uncleanness. Finally, Aaron approached
the altar and purified it, too, with the blood. In fact, the law required that
nearly everything be cleansed with blood. Without the shedding of blood
there was no forgiveness. Now Aaron approached Ahira, who realized it was
time for his part. He stood firm with the second goat.

Ahira watched as Aaron knelt and laid both hands on the head of the goat.
His mouth was moving, but the words—the groaning—were barely audible.
Ahira knew that Aaron was confessing over this goat the wickedness and re-
bellion of the Israelites. He confessed all their sins and put them on the goat’s
head. Not all could see, but Ahira noticed the tears streaming down Aaron’s
cheeks. Ahira, moved by the scene and sensing its importance not only for
Israel but also for himself, felt his own tears coursing down his cheeks. Then
Aaron rose, looked at Ahira, and nodded.

Ahira led the goat out of the courtyard. Everyone watched solemnly as he
walked the goat to the edge of the camp. Ahira continued walking out into
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the wilderness. How far should he go? Ahira wasn’t sure, but he knew he Teacher Notes
was to take the goat into the wilderness and release it. He walked for several
hours. Finally he stopped, knelt down, and untied the rope from the goat’s
neck. He ran his fingers along its back, then gave it a pat, and commanded,
“Go on! Go!”

He watched as the goat bounded up a hill and down the other side, out of
sight, carrying on itself all their sins. Ahira stood there, looking out over the
wilderness where the goat had gone. After a while he lifted his eyes toward
heaven and breathed a prayer of thanks to God for providing a way for him—
for all of Israel—to be made right with God. Then Ahira turned around and
headed back to camp.

THEME: A sacrifice was needed

to worship a holy God.

Music Bible Memory Activity

Divide the verse into
Faith phrases and write the
phrases on construction
Sing verses one, two, three, and four of “Faith.” Teach verse five, then sing all paper circles. Learn the
verses together. Sing other songs as time allows. verse together. On the
timer’s cue, have a student
throw the circles onto a
M e m o r y Ve r s e small area of the floor,
and then put the verse in
order. Record each child’s
Exodus 40:34 – Then the cloud covered the tabernacle of meeting, and the time to assemble the
glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. verse. Repeat to reinforce
the verse.

Bible Activity
Activity: Building a
Materials: Templates (in appendices) of Tabernacle and Tent duplicated one
set per child, scissors, colored markers or crayons, tape, glue stick. “In our Bible Story today,
the people of Israel built a
Directions: Distribute copies of Tabernacle and Tent and instruct children to tabernacle (a place to meet
color them following your example (see photo). Explain that the corners of God) so that they had a
the Tabernacle and the outline of the Tent are to cut following the solid black place to worship God. Let’s
lines. Fold on the dotted lines. Tape the corners of the Tabernacle together. build our own.”
Use a glue stick (or tape) to secure the tent in front of the laver.

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My Stor y of Hope
(1) An Israelite man takes a sacrificial lamb to the tabernacle. Aaron the high priest motions him to come
inside. (2) The man places his hand on the lamb and then slits its throat. It will be sacrificed on the altar.

Coloring Book

Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the teacher or by the student. Say,
“This picture shows the place where the Israelites were to worship God. Do you think they brought
sacrifices to the tabernacle regularly to sacrifice to the Lord?” Let the children color the picture and
discuss this question with you.

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3 Review and Close


1. Name two things that Moses asked the people to bring to build God’s tab-
ernacle? (Possible answers: precious metals, gems, colored yarns, fine linen,
animal skins, wood, olive oil, spices and incense.)

2. Why was the tabernacle built? (To provide a place where God would meet
with His people.)

3. Why would the people go to the tabernacle with sacrifices? (To have their
sins forgiven.)

4. What does it mean when we say God is holy? (He is totally good; without

5. What does God say is the penalty for sin? (Death.)

6. What substitute did God provide to take the penalty for sin? (Animal sacri-
fice – sheep, goat, cow, pigeon or dove.)

7. Why must blood be shed to pay for sin? (Without the shedding of blood,
there is no forgiveness of sin.)

THEME: A sacrifice was needed

to worship a holy God.

Apply the Lesson

As Abraham and Isaac learned, sacrifices are important. Old Testament sacri-
fices had to be made over and over for people to have their sins forgiven.
God does not require sacrifices for sin now. Why do you suppose that is?

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18 Bronze Snake
Numbers 21:4-9

THEME: People were healed if

they believed God and looked at
the bronze snake.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• From Psalm 78, we learn that Israel was complaining because they were A beautiful full color pic-
not faithful to God, did not obey God, and forgot the great miracles ture of the artwork above
God had done for them. is available for purchase
as a set through www.
• The Israelites were probably fatigued as they marched around Edom.
Perhaps this fatigue led to complaining.
• They had enough bread to eat, but they complained that they had none. ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
This picture can be used
• God sent poisonous snakes to punish the Israelites for their complain-
as you tell the story. You
ing and unbelief.
may also want to post
• God had preserved the Israelites from these deadly snakes. But now, the pictures around
because of their complaining, God would not preserve His people any your classroom to visu-
more. ally remind your class of
previous lessons as you
• Moses was told to put a bronze snake on a pole. When the Israelites
teach ATSOH.
just looked at the bronze snake, they would be healed.
• It was not the bronze snake that healed them but looking at the bronze You may want to copy
snake that healed them (obeying God’s word). the picture (on the last
page of this lesson) for
• If they refused to look at the snake, then they would die from the bite
your students before you
of the poisonous snake.
color one of the copies
• Israel realized their sin and confessed their sin to God. yourself to show in class.
• Those who had quarreled against God did not want Him as their best
friend. ATSOH Bible Visual #18

• God made provision for the people so that they would have relief from
His judgment.
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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review Questions from Lesson 13: Moses Leads His People Review and Game Sug-
gestion: Who Am I?
At Mt. Horeb, God spoke through the burning bush. What did God ask Moses
to do? (Go to Pharoah and tell him to let God’s people go.) Write the names of all
the Bible characters that
How did God respond when Moses was afraid to go back to Egypt to talk to have been studied thus
Pharaoh? (I will be with you.) far on small pieces of
paper and place them in
Review Question from Lesson 14: The Plagues and the Passover a basket. Ask one stu-
dent to draw a piece of
After the tenth plague, who sent the Israelites away from Egypt? (Pharaoh.) paper and, pretending to
be that person, state one
Review Questions from Lesson 15: The Israelites Leave Egypt fact about him/her. The
student continues giv-
What did God send to confuse the Egyptian army while the Israelites walked ing facts until someone
across the sea? (A pillar of cloud.) guesses correctly. Where
Am I? and What Am I?
What did God tell Moses to do after the Israelites crossed the Red Sea to keep can be played in a simi-
the Egyptian army from chasing after them? (Stretch out your walking stick lar manner by changing
over the sea so the water will flow back over the Egyptian army.) the names to places or
Review Questions from Lesson 16: The Ten Commandments
Examples: Who Am I?
What did God tell Moses would happen to anyone who touched the mountain
from which He spoke? (They would die.) • I have a brother
named Aaron.
How did the people know that God was on the mountain? (There was thun-
der, lightning, smoke and a loud trumpet blast.) • I have a sister named
Review Questions from Lesson 17: Worship in the Wilderness
• I met God at a burn-
Name two things that Moses asked the people to bring to build God’s taber- ing bush.
nacle? (Possible answers: precious metals, gems, colored yarns, fine linen,
animal skins, wood, olive oil, spices and incense.) • (answer: Moses)

Why was the tabernacle built? (To provide a place where God would meet with
His people.)

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Teacher Notes

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 18: Bronze Snake

Who is afraid of snakes? Raise your hand. This lesson is about snakes. The
people we will study in this lesson were very afraid of snakes. Have you ever
seen a deadly snake? Have you ever been bitten by a snake? This lesson is
also about trust. What do you trust the most?

Te l l T h e S t o r y

God brought His people to the land He had promised to Abraham but they
rebelled! They were afraid of the people in the land, so they refused to trust
God and conquer the land. So they wandered for 38 years in the desert while
the LORD cared for His people, always providing food and water for them.
They never lacked anything. Yet they complained several times. Do you ever

Then finally the LORD sent them north once more. He sent them back
toward Kadesh Barnea where they had rebelled. There, God would prepare
them to enter the Promised Land.

But as they traveled, the people became impatient and complained against
God and Moses again. (Be animated as the people would have in complain-
ing.) “Did you bring us up from Egypt just to let us die out here in the des-
ert? There’s no water! And we hate this miserable food!”

The LORD had had enough. He sent poisonous snakes that bit the people,
and many died. Then some of the people admitted to Moses, “We were
wrong to speak against the LORD and against you. Pray to Him that He will
take these snakes away.”

So Moses prayed for the people, and the LORD answered: “Make a bronze
snake and put it on a pole. Anyone who is bitten can look at the snake and
not die.”

Moses obeyed God, crafting a snake and mounting it high on a pole. Then
everyone who was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake lived. It
was so simple. But faith is simple. They simply had to believe what God said Show ATSOH #18
(“Look at the bronze snake, and live.”) was true.

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Some probably said, “That’s silly, I’m not going to look at the snake!” Teacher Notes
Others may have said, “Oh, I don’t deserve to be healed.”

Still others may have tried to wrap up the snake bite and try to fix it, or go to
doctors, thinking, “I have to do what I can to get this fixed.”

But only those who believed what God said, and looked at the bronze snake in
faith, were healed.

THEME: People were healed if they

believed God and looked at the
bronze snake.

Since the students have been singing this song for five lessons and should
know it quite well, start by teaching the lyrics to verse six. Then go back to Bible Memory Activity
“Go and Tell the Story” and run through all songs, finishing with all six verses
of “Faith.” For this activity you will
need music to play and
a small soft object to
M e m o r y Ve r s e pass. Place the children
in a circle. Instruct them
to gently toss the object
John 3:14-15 – And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so
while the music is playing.
must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not
When the music stops,
perish but have eternal life. the child holding the
object will say the verse.
Bible Activity
Thankfulness activity - Start by asking the question: “Have you ever been
around a person who complained all the time? How much do you en-
joy spending time with a person like that? Are those people usually the
ones who have nothing to be thankful for, and that’s why they complain?”
NO!! They complain because they have never learned to be content. Be-
ing content is a choice we all make, and our ability to be content grows the
more we count our blessings. See how many blessings we can count to-

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day! Give each child a card or piece of paper, and have them write down as Teacher Notes
many things as they can think of to be thankful for. Give children about 5
minutes to work on this. At the end of 5 minutes, let each child share a few
of the things on his/her list. Ask: “Can you think of anything in the whole
world that you would like to have that you don’t have?” Of course! “There
are always things we would like to have, but we can choose to be content by
thinking of and thanking God for the blessings He has given us.”

The Israelites were short on contentment and thankfulness! What did they
have to be thankful for? (Water from the rock, deliverance from the Egyp-
tians, manna from heaven.)

How did they feel when they complained to Moses? (Grumpy, mad.)

How did they feel when the snakes started biting people and killing them?
(Scared, sorry, ashamed.)

Did God give all of them what they deserved? (No, He offered a way of es-
cape from the consequences of their sin.)

Were all of them forgiven? (No, just the ones who turned from their sin and
obeyed God by looking up to the bronze snake.)

Coloring Book
Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the
teacher or by the student. Say, “This picture shows Moses holding up the
bronze snake on a poll. If you were told that you could be healed if you
just looked at the bronze snake, would you? Why? or Why not?” Let the
children color the picture and discuss this question with you.

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My Stor y of Hope
(1) The Israelites complained to Moses asking him why he brought them out of Egypt. To die in the
desert? There was no real food, no water and they were sick of that miserable stuff called manna. (2) In re-
sponse, God sent poisonous snakes to bite the people and many of them died. People repented and asked
Moses to ask God to take the snakes away. (3) Moses followed God’s instructions and made a bronze
snake and put it on a pole. If anyone who had been bitten looked at it and believed what God said, he was

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3 Review and Close

1. How long had the Israelites been wandering in the wilderness since leaving
Egypt? (40 years.)
2. Had God always taken care of His people during that time? (Yes.)
3. Why did God send poisonous snakes to bite the Israelites in the wilderness?
(They weren’t thankful for the things God had provided for them like manna
and water; instead, they chose to complain.)
4. What was the ‘miserable food’ the Israelites were complaining about?
(Manna that God had sent to them faithfully from heaven.)
5. What did the Israelites realize after being bitten by the snakes? (They real-
ized they had sinned against God and asked Moses to pray for them that God
would take the snakes away.)
6. What did God tell Moses to do so the Israelites would be saved from the
bites of the poisonous snakes? (Make a bronze snake and put it up on a pole.
When the people looked at it they would be healed.)
7. Why did God heal the people when they looked at the bronze snake on the
pole? (Because they were sorry for their sin of complaining against God and
had faith to believe that looking at the snake would heal them.)

THEME: People were healed if they

believed God and looked at the
bronze snake.

Apply the Lesson

If you were an Israelite who had been bitten, would you have looked at the
bronze serpent? Why, or why not?

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19 Reign of King David
2 Samuel 7:1-16

THEME: God chose David to be

a king. God will one day send a
Man to be King forever.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• David returned to Jerusalem and enjoyed a time of peace. He had A beautiful full color pic-
fought many wars. During that time of peace, he thought it would be ture of the artwork above
a good idea for the Lord to have a more permanent place to be wor- is available for purchase
shipped. The portable tent was no longer suitable. as a set through www.
• This is the first time that the prophet Nathan appears on the scene.
• David learned from Nathan that his intentions of building a place of ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
worship for God were premature. This picture can be used
as you tell the story. You
• Since the Israelites left Egypt, the Lord had made His residence in a
may also want to post
portable tent and there was no need to change that.
the pictures around
• However, David learned that he would not build a house for God but your classroom to visu-
that God would build a house for him. It would originate with David ally remind your class of
and it would never end. previous lessons as you
teach ATSOH.
• The kingdom and its throne would be a place over which the Son of
David would rule forever.
You may want to copy
• David was aware that a Messiah would follow after him who would the picture (on the last
one day be an Eternal King. page of this lesson) for
your students before you
• As for a literal temple of worship, David would not be allowed to
color one of the copies
build it. However, his son, Solomon, would build it.
yourself to show in class.
• David’s response to God is one of praise as he describes the incompa-
rable majesty of God. He also describes himself as a servant, a term ATSOH Bible Visual #19
which he uses ten times in 2 Samuel 7:19-29.

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Number 19 Story of Hope Monarchy Lesson Number 19 | Page 161
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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review Questions from Lesson 14: The Plagues and the Passover Review and Game Sug-
gestion: Bible Charades
How did God convince Pharaoh to let His people go? (He sent 10 plagues on
the land of Egypt that demonstrated His power over the false gods and de- Stories to act out:
stroyed the land.)
• Painting the blood on
What did God tell the Israelites to do to keep their firstborn from dying? the door
(Put the blood of a healthy, one-year-old male lamb on the doorpost of their
house.) • Moses raising his staff
to part the Red Sea
Review Question from Lesson 15: The Israelites Leave Egypt and walking across

How did the Israelites respond when they saw the Egyptian army drowned in • Giving a sacrifice in
the sea? (They respected God and His servant Moses.) the tabernacle

Review Questions from Lesson 16: The Ten Commandments • A person being bitten
by a snake and look-
Why would the people go to the tabernacle with sacrifices? (To have their sins ing to the bronze
forgiven.) serpent to be healed

Which day of the week did God set apart for rest and why? (The seventh day.
It was the day God rested from His creation work so He blessed it and made it

Review Questions from Lesson 17: Worship in the Wilderness

How many areas did the tabernacle have? (Three: courtyard, holy place, holy
of holies.)

What does it mean when we say God is holy? (He is totally good; without sin.)

Review Questions from Lesson 18: Bronze Snake

How long had the people been wandering in the wilderness since leaving
Egypt? (40 years.)

Had God always taken care of His people during that time? (Yes.)

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2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 19: Reign of King David

If God had big plans for your life, how would you respond? Would you be
willing to be His servant and do what He wanted you to do? That is what
David did. He did not do what he thought he should do. Instead, he did what
God directed him to do.

Te l l T h e S t o r y
Did you ever think, “What is God doing? Has He forgotten His promises?”
Sometimes it’s tempting to think that way, but God is faithful and carries out
His plans.

After the Israelites settled in Canaan, they repeatedly turned away from wor-
shiping God to following false gods. God sent oppressors (Israel’s enemies
who attacked them). The Israelites cried to God for help. He sent deliverers—
judges—who delivered the people from their oppressors, brought them back
to God, and ruled them. Samuel was the final judge of Israel who served the
LORD well and became Israel’s best leader.

When the Israelites begged for a king to rule them like the nations around
them, God told Samuel to give them what they asked for. He sent Saul, a
good-looking Benjamite, who stood head and shoulders above the others, to
Samuel to be appointed as king. Saul started out well, serving God humbly as
king of His people, but he was impatient, acted foolishly, and disobeyed God.
Finally Samuel told Saul, “The LORD has torn the kingdom of Israel from
you (ended the covenant He had made with Saul) and will give it to someone
better.” Then the LORD led Samuel to Bethlehem, to a man named Jesse,
to find the next king. After Samuel met all of Jesse’s sons, God told Samuel,
“David, the youngest, is the one who will be king” and Samuel anointed him
in front of all his brothers.

Years before, Jacob predicted that the scepter (that’s the king’s staff that is a Show ATSOH #19
symbol of his reign) would not depart from Judah. This was more than 1000
years before Israel ever had a king. About 750 years later, Samuel’s mother
prayed, “O LORD, You will give power to Your king and strength to the one
You anoint.” A few decades later, Samuel anointed David, a shepherd youth
from the tribe of Judah, to be king over Israel.

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As a young shepherd on the hills of Bethlehem, David had served the LORD Teacher Notes
and experienced His power by killing wild animals that attacked his sheep.
But it wasn’t until he killed a Philistine giant who was intimidating Israel’s
army that the Israelites learned about him. From that time on, people praised
David’s victories in battle, saying David was better than King Saul. Saul was
jealous of David’s popularity and tried to kill him several times. But David Music
faithfully served Saul, remained loyal to him, and did not kill Saul when he
had opportunity at least two different times. “Sing of the King” is a
festive song that begins
Later, after Saul died in battle, all the tribes of Israel anointed (again) David as with the Israelites singing
king. When he marched on Jerusalem and captured the city, it became known in response to Samuel’s
as the city of David. Then David brought the ark of God to the city, built a first announcement of a
palace, and enjoyed God-given peace for many years. One day David said to king, moves through the
monarchy (specifically
Nathan the prophet, “Something’s wrong! I live in a beautiful house and the
Saul and David’s
ark of God sits in a tent.”
kingships), then turns
mournful as they await
The LORD said to Nathan. “Tell my servant David: ‘Do I need you to build God’s promise of a forever
a house for Me? I don’t need a house. I never asked anyone to build Me one. king from David’s line,
This tent has been fine for Me to dwell with my people. but finally ends exultant
in the realization that
‘Here is what I, the LORD All-Powerful, want you to know: I took you from Jesus is that promised
following sheep around the countryside and made you king over My people. king.
I defeated your enemies and made you one of the most famous people in the
world. I’ve given My people a place to live and peace with their enemies. I will Notes: 1. Explain
establish a house for you. I promise that you and your descendants will be “cling”—to hold tight.
kings. I will choose one of your sons to be king when you die and will make The encouragement was
for the Israelites to hang
him a great ruler. No one will be able to take his kingdom away from him. He
on to the promises even
will build Me a temple. When he does wrong, I will correct him as parents when circumstances
correct their children, but I will never put an end to this covenant like I did made it look like they
with Saul. I guarantee that one of your descendants will always be king.’” wouldn’t get a king. 2.
Notice how the “house” =
THEME: God chose David to be a king. dynasty idea is referred to
in the verse. The teacher
God will one day send a Man to be should have developed
this during the story. If
King forever. not, you have opportunity
here to explain it.

Sing of the King. Teach the chorus and have the children sing through it a
couple of times. Then teach verse one. Then sing the chorus, verse one, and
chorus again. Sing other songs as time allows. See Teacher Notes on previous
page for more instructional helps.

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the Story of Hope
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Teacher Notes
M e m o r y Ve r s e

2 Samuel 7:16 - And your house and your kingdom shall be established
forever before you. Your throne shall be established forever.

Bible Activity
Make harps like David played. Collect small foam trays used in grocery Bible Memory Activity
stores to package items. Cut seven (or however many you want) v-shaped
notches on two opposite sides. Pull a rubber band over the tray until it fits On pieces of paper print
into both opposite notches. Repeat until all notches have rubber bands. the verse in short phrases.
Pretend to strum harps as you sing one stanza of “Sing of the King.” Cut a piece of yarn or
string long enough to
hang the papers from,
leaving enough extra
string/yarn to allow two
students to hold on to
the ends. Place the verse
phrases in a mixed up
order and tape them
to the yarn or string,
spreading them out.
Choose two students to
hold up the yarn with the
verse hanging on it. The
remaining students will
not look at the verse until
Coloring Book they begin. On go, one
child at a time runs to the
reference first, and then
Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the
the first phrase and so on,
teacher or by the student. Say, “This picture shows David ruling as a king.
back and forth, touching
What do you think was the most important thing that David did?” Let the papers until they
the children color the picture and discuss this question with you. complete the verse. They
then run back and tag the
next person. Do this by
teams to see which team
can complete the verse
more quickly, or simply to
give both teams a chance
to play. Same game can be
played by simply taping
the phrases to the wall.

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My Stor y of Hope
King David is ‘remembering’ some of the ways God worked in his life to bring him to the throne of Israel.
(1) David was a shepherd taking care of his father’s sheep. He often sang and played on his harp. (2) David
trusted God and was able to kill the giant Goliath. (3) Samuel anointed David. He would be the next king
of Israel. (4) The prophet Nathan told King David that someone from his family would reign forever.

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3 Review and Close


1. Once the Israelites conquered Canaan and settled in the land, how did
God provide leadership for His people? (He gave them judges.)

2. After the time of the judges, God provided kings for His people. Who was
the first king of Israel? (Saul.)

3. Who was the prophet who anointed Saul and David as king? (Samuel.)

4. Who was Israel’s second king? (David.)

5. From which tribe was David? (Judah.)

6. What did God mean when He said He would establish David’s house for-
ever? (One of David’s descendants would reign forever.)

7. Who did God tell David would build His temple? (David’s son. We find
out later it was his son, Solomon.)

THEME: God chose David to be a king.

God will one day send a Man to be
King forever.

Apply the Lesson

God may choose you to do a special job for Him. It probably won’t be the job
of a king, but it will probably be something very important. What are some
important jobs that you think God has for you to do?

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20 Prophesies of a
Coming Messiah
Isaiah 7:14; 9:1-7; 53
Micah 5:2
THEME: Prophets told about
Jesus 700 years before He
came to earth.
Teacher Notes

Study the Lesson (before class)

• Though Ahaz did not want a sign, God gave him one anyway A beautiful full color pic-
through the prophet Isaiah. The sign was that a boy would be born ture of the artwork above
of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14), he would be raised in a time of national is available for purchase
trouble (v. 15), and while he was still a boy, a two-king alliance as a set through www.
would be broken (v. 16).
• Isaiah 9:6-7 tell us some things that Isaiah wanted us to know about ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
the coming Messiah. This picture can be used
• First, Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. as you tell the story. You
may also want to post
• Second, he would rule over God’s people (“the government shall be
the pictures around
upon his shoulders”).
your classroom to visu-
• Third, he would have names that describe his character or who he ally remind your class of
is. Names such as “wonderful” meaning he would be distinguished; previous lessons as you
“counselor” meaning he would be authoritative. He would also be teach ATSOH.
“mighty God” meaning he would be a powerful God. He would
also be the “prince of peace” meaning he would bring peace. You may want to copy
the picture (on the last
• In his book, Isaiah tells us that the Messiah would suffer for the sins page of this lesson) for
of all people. Isaiah tells us of a lamb who would offer himself as a your students before you
sacrifice for sin. color one of the copies
• The prophet Micah tells us in Micah 5:2 that the birthplace of the yourself to show in class.
Messiah would be in Bethlehem of Ephrathah. This was a tiny town
not far from Jerusalem and very unlikely to have someone impor- ATSOH Bible Visual #20
tant born there.

Adventures in
in the
Hope Division
| Lesson Number 19 Lesson Number 20 | Page 169
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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review Questions from Lesson 15: The Israelites Leave Egypt Review and Game
Suggestion: Chrono-
What did Moses say to the people when Pharaoh’s army had trapped them in logical Order
front of the Red Sea? (Do not be afraid. God will fight for you.)
Put all the Old Testa-
What did the Israelites do when they saw Pharaoh and his army coming? ment Story of Hope
(They cried out in fear to the Lord and complained to Moses for bringing pictures in the right
them out into the wilderness to die by Pharaoh’s hand.) order. The class could
be divided into two
Review Question from Lesson 16: The Ten Commandments groups. Give the first
group pictures 1-10
Which commandment comes with a promise? (Respect [honor] your father and the second group
and your mother.) 11-20.

Review Questions from Lesson 17: Worship in the Wilderness

What does God say is the penalty for sin? (Death.)

What substitute did God provide to take the penalty for sin? (Animal sacri-
fice – sheep, goat, cow, pigeon or dove.)

Review Questions from Lesson 18: Bronze Snake

Why did God send poisonous snakes to bite the Israelites in the wilderness?
(They weren’t thankful for the things God had provided for them like manna
and water; instead, they chose to complain.)
What was the ‘miserable food’ the Israelites were complaining about?
(Manna that God had sent to them faithfully from heaven.)

Review Questions from Lesson 19: Reign of King David

Once the Israelites conquered Canaan and settled in the land, how did God
provide leadership for His people? (He gave them judges.)

After the time of the judges, God provided kings for His people. Who was
the first king of Israel? (Saul.)

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Teacher Notes

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 20: Prophecies of a Coming Messiah

A prophet is a person from God who always tells the truth. His or her proph-
ecies are always correct because they come directly from God. A prophet who
is not correct all the time cannot be from God because this God that we are
talking about is truthful and all knowing. Do you know of any prophets like
this who have always been accurate in what they said or prophesied?

Te l l T h e S t o r y
Even though God sent His prophets (Elijah, Elisha, and others) to proclaim
His word, the Israelites continued to turn away from God. So God sent
prophets who not only spoke His word to the people, but also wrote it down
for them. These prophets told of future judgment for the sins of Israel, Judah,
and other nations, but they also wrote of one who would come to solve the
sin problem once and for all—the Messiah (God’s anointed one).

Many facts about Messiah were revealed in the writings of these prophets.
Let’s look at just a few of these prophecies. Have the children read the verses,
if possible. Show ATSOH #20,
covering the right half and
1. God told Ahaz, king of Judah, to ask for a sign of deliverance from Assyria. only showing the left.
Ahaz was pretending to be humble, so he refused. God decided to give him a
sign anyway. The prophecy given that day gave Ahaz a sign, but also revealed
that the Messiah would come from David’s family and have a unique birth.
(Isaiah 7:13-14)

2. Assyria had put Jerusalem under siege (explain what siege is – cutting off
all food and water supply by surrounding a city). Food was scarce. Would
they survive? A prophecy was given revealing that the Messiah would come
from Bethlehem (House of Bread). Even though Israel would be defeated
by the Assyrians soon and suffer for a time, this promised Messiah would
eventually rule Israel and if anyone like the Assyrians came along during His
reign, He would defeat them. (Micah 5:1-6)

3. The Assyrians, the enemies of God’s people, were threatening Israel and
Judah, but Galilee was one of the worst places. It seemed that they were walk-
ing in darkness. Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah would come and shine a

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great light on those living in the shadow of death. (Isaiah 9:1-5) Teacher Notes
4. In the midst of war and oppression, it appeared as if the kingdom would be
lost forever. The prophecy was given that the Messiah’s kingdom would never
end; He would reign in peace and glory from David’s throne forever (Isaiah
9:6). Show all of ATSOH #20
5. But the most confusing…and exciting…of all, were the prophecies that
spoke of the sufferings of the Messiah and the blessings that would come from
those sufferings:

…He would be disfigured and to cleanse the nations.

marred beyond human likeness…

…He would be pierced… to pay for our rebellion Bible Memory Activity
…He would be crushed… to pay for our sins Write grouped word
phrases of the verse you’re
…He would be punished… to bring us peace learning on small pieces
of paper or small sticky
…He would be wounded… to heal us post-it notes. Make 2 sets.
Divide the group into two
…He would suffer, be crushed, killed… to prolong our days teams. Pick a leader from
each team to stand across
the room to receive the
…His soul would suffer, to justify many and bear their
cards and put them up in
then see the light of life (!) … sins (Isaiah 52-53). order. Provide him with
tape if needed. Hand a
Does that sound like anyone you have ever heard of? Next time, we will get to set of verses to each team
learn about this person. and distribute phrases out
of order. Line up players
on opposite sides of the
THEME: Prophets told about Jesus room. On go, one player
from each group runs to
700 years before He came to earth. the leader and hands him
the verse portion. The
leader sticks the phrase
to the wall. The player
Music hops back to tap the next
player in line. Continue
Sing the chorus and verse one of “Sing of the King.” Teach verse two. Sing until one group has
chorus, verse one, chorus, verse two, and chorus. Notice the prophecies correctly reconstructed
referred to in this verse. Ask the students to point them out: Immanuel— the scripture verse.
God with us (Isaiah 7:14); virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14); Prince of Peace, Mighty Encourage players to help
God (Isaiah 9:6); light in the darkness (Isaiah 9:2). Sing other songs as time each other if they’re stuck
allows. on the verse.

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M e m o r y Ve r s e

Isaiah 53:6 - All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to
his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.

Coloring Book
Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the teacher or by the student. Say,
“This picture shows a prophet sitting down and writing out a message or prophecy from God. What
do you think he was thinking?” Let the children color the picture and discuss this question with you.

My Stor y of Hope
Prophets foretold that (1) the Messiah would be from the line of David, (2) He would come from Bethle-
hem (House of Bread. (3) He would be born of a virgin (unmarried woman), (4) He would shine as a great
light on those living in the shadow of death, (5) His suffering would bring many blessings for all mankind
and (6) He would reign in peace and glory from David’s throne forever.

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Teacher Notes

3 Review and Close


1. What is a prophet? (A person sent by God to give His Word to His people.)

2. What would be the main purpose of the Messiah’s coming? (To solve our sin
problem once and for all.)

3. What would be special about the woman who would be the Messiah’s
mother? (She would be a virgin, an unmarried woman.)

4. Where would the Messiah be born? (Bethlehem, which means house of


5. What did Isaiah say the Messiah would do for those living in the shadow of
death? (He would shine as a great light.)

6. How long will the Messiah’s kingdom last? (Forever.)

7. Why did the Messiah choose to suffer and die? (To provide a way for our
sins to be forgiven.)

THEME: Prophets told about Jesus

700 years before He came to earth.

Apply the Lesson

Isaiah uses four names to describe the Messiah: (1) Wonderful Counselor.
He is the one who gives the right advice. (2) Mighty God. He is the One who
is very powerful. (3) Everlasting Father. He is forever, no beginning or end.
(4) Prince of Peace. He will rule with justice and peace. These four names
have special meaning to us. Which one means the most to you?

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Adventures in the Story of Hope
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21 The Birth
of Jesus Christ
Matthew 1:1-2, 18-25
Luke 2:1-14
THEME: God’s Son was born.
His name was Jesus.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• Luke tells us the exact time of Jesus’ birth. It was during the reign of A beautiful full color pic-
Caesar Augustus. ture of the artwork above
is available for purchase
• A census was taken and each family had to return to the home of
as a set through www.
their ancestors for that census. So Joseph and Mary returned to the
home of Joseph’s ancestors, Bethlehem. Both Mary and Joseph knew
that Jesus was a very special baby. ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
• Both Joseph and Mary were in the royal line of ancestors. This picture can be used
as you tell the story. You
• Jesus was born and placed in a manger, or a place where livestock fed.
may also want to post
• Because there was no room for Mary and Joseph in the hotel, Jesus the pictures around
was most likely born in a cave or a place where animals live. your classroom to visu-
ally remind your class of
• The appearance of the angel terrified the shepherds. The angel re-
previous lessons as you
sponded with a very calming message and told them not to be afraid.
teach ATSOH.
This was good news of great joy. Christ the Lord was just born.
• Then the angel was joined by a great host of angels who also praised You may want to copy
God. the picture (on the last
page of this lesson) for
• After seeing the baby Jesus, the shepherds were the first to tell of the
your students before you
arrival of the Messiah. The shepherds returned praising God, just like
color one of the copies
the angels had done.
yourself to show in class.

ATSOH Bible Visual #21

Arrival Adventures
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Teacher Notes
Review and Games: 20
1 Begin the Lesson Questions

Using papers with the

Review Question from Lesson 1: The Eternal God names, objects and places
from a previous game
Who was the only one who existed before time began? (God.) (place all the papers in a
basket), ask one student
Can we see God? (No, God does not have a body. He is spirit.) to select a piece of paper.
He will then tell the class
Review Questions from Lesson 16: The Ten Commandments he has chosen a person,
place or thing. Children
God gave the Israelites a whole system of laws to help them know how to will then take turns ask-
worship and obey Him. What do we call the main part of God’s law? (The ing yes or no questions to
Ten Commandments.) try to identify the answer.
If after 20 questions no
Name one of the three promises God made to the Israelites if they would one has guessed the cor-
obey His commandments (covenant). (They would be His treasured posses- rect answer, the student
sion, a kindgom of priests, and a holy nation.) tells the answer.
Review Question from Lesson 17: Worship in the Wilderness Example: “thing”
Why must blood be shed to pay for sin? (Without the shedding of blood, Is it in the Old Testa-
there is no forgiveness of sin.) ment? (yes)
Review Questions from Lesson 18: Bronze Snake Did Adam see it? (no)
What did the Israelites realize after being bitten by the snakes? (The people Did Moses see it? (yes)
realized they had sinned against God and asked Moses to pray for them that
God would take the snakes away.) Was he a boy when he
saw it? (no)
What did God tell Moses to do so the Israelites would be saved? (Make a
bronze snake and put it up on a pole. When the people looked at it they Did Moses touch it? (no)
would be healed.)
Was it as big as a house?
Review Questions from Lesson 19: Reign of King David (no)
Who was the prophet who anointed Saul and David as king? (Samuel.) Was it in Egypt? (no)
Who was Israel’s second king? (David.) Was it in Midian? (yes)
Review Questions from Lesson 20: Prophecies of a Coming Messiah Was it the burning bush?
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What is a prophet? (A person sent by God to give His Word to His people.) Teacher Notes
What would be the main purpose of the Messiah’s coming? (To solve our sin
problem once and for all.)

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 21: The Birth of Jesus Christ

Read through the Luke account of the birth of Jesus Christ with the kids.
Have them notice what took place on this first Christmas morning. As you
read, have kids listen for: who was there at the birth, who came after the birth,
where the birth happened, and what everyone did when they saw the baby
Jesus for the first time?

Te l l T h e S t o r y

Remember in our last lesson we talked about prophets?

Isaiah the prophet declared, “Take note and be watching: A young, unmarried
woman will become pregnant and have a son. He will be called Emmanuel”
(Hebrew for “God with us”). When the time was finally right in God’s plan
(more than 600 years later), He sent His messenger, Gabriel, to a village in
Galilee. There he spoke with a young virgin (a girl who has not been mar-
ried) who was promised in marriage to a man named Joseph. They were both
descendants of King David.

“Hello, Special One!” Gabriel greeted her. “God be with you.”

Mary was shocked and shaken.

“Don’t be afraid, Mary. God is blessing you with a special baby! Call him

He will be great; On it He will sit

There is no other One And rule, He alone.
Who comes from the Most High; He’ll rule Jacob’s house,
He’s truly God’s Son. Forever defend
To Him the Lord God His nation, His kingdom
Will give David’s throne. Will never end.
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Amazed and confused, Mary asked, “How will I have a baby? I’ve not had Teacher Notes
relations with a man.”

“The Holy Spirit will come on you, covering you with the power of the Most
High. So the One to whom you give birth will be called the holy Son of God.
Nothing is impossible with God.”

Joseph loved Mary. So when Mary started to show she was pregnant be-
fore they were married, he wanted to cancel the engagement quietly so she
wouldn’t be embarrassed.

But God sent an angel to him in a dream. “Joseph, descendant of David, go

ahead and get married. It’s true Mary is pregnant, but the child was con-
ceived by God’s Holy Spirit. I want you to name the son that will be born
Jesus (which means God saves), because He will save His people from their

When Joseph woke up, he did as he was told in the dream. He went ahead
with his marriage to Mary and determined to name the baby Jesus.

About that time, Caesar Augustus decreed: “Everyone must register in your
hometown.” So Joseph and Mary, being from David’ line, left Nazareth in
Galilee and went to Bethlehem (known as “The City of David”) in Judea.
They had trouble finding a place to stay and ended up in a stable. While they
were there, the baby came! Mary wrapped him in strips of cloth and laid
him in a feeding trough, called a manger.

That night shepherds were looking after their sheep in the field close by.
Without warning, an angel from God showed up in blazing glory. The shep-
herds were paralyzed with fear!

“Don’t be afraid,” the angel told them. “I came to tell you of a great, joyous Show ATSOH #21
event everyone should know about: A Savior who will be Messiah and Mas-
ter of all was born today in David’s city. Look for a baby wrapped in cloths
lying in a feeding trough.”

Amazed, the shepherds said, “God has revealed something special to us.
Let’s get to Bethlehem now to see it.” They ran to the town and found the
baby in the feeding trough with Mary and Joseph at His side. Then they told
everyone they met what the angel had told them about Jesus.

THEME: God’s Son was born.

His name was Jesus.
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Teacher Notes
Sing chorus, verse one,
Sing of the King. Review entire song and sing other songs as time allows. chorus, verse, two, chorus
and then teach verse
three. Help the students
notice again the reference
M e m o r y Ve r s e to the virgin birth, but
also the reference to
Genesis 3:15 (‘through the
Luke 2:11 - For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who woman’s seed’).
is Christ the Lord.
Bible Memory Activity

Bible Activity Divide into two or three

groups. Have the groups
stand in lines at one end
Play a review game - “Which one is missing?” Using small cards (3x5”) or of the room. A teacher/
pieces of paper, write words, or draw a picture of one of the characters in the helper will stand at the
story of the birth of Jesus. (Jesus, Mary, Joseph, inn, manger, star, wise men, other end of the room
shepherds, Herod, etc) Lay them all out on a table, then briefly review the opposite each team. Give
story by using these word or pictures. Have the children close their eyes or the first student in each
turn their backs, then remove one of the cards. Let them guess which one is line a paper plate or coffee
missing, then tell the significance of that part of the story. This can be used as filter and also a light
a game by dividing into teams. You can give one point for telling which one object like a feather/toilet
is missing, and another point for telling what it means to the story. Continue paper. When the teacher
playing as time and attention allows. says “Go,” the students
with the plates walk
carefully to the other side
Coloring Book of the room. If the object
falls from the plate, they
must stop and pick it up.
Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the teacher Once they arrive at the
or by the student. Say, “This picture shows Mary and Joseph with the baby opposite side, they recite
the memory verse to the
Jesus. What do you think Mary and Joseph were thinking as they looked
teacher, and then run
at this very special baby?” Let the children color the picture and discuss this back to their line, giving
question with you. the next student in line
the objects. The team that
finishes first wins.

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My Stor y of Hope

(1) The angel Gabriel told Mary that she would have a son. His name would be Jesus. (2) An angel ap-
peared to Joseph in a dream and told him that Mary’s son was to be called Jesus because He would save His
people from their sin. (3) Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem to be registered. (4) Mary gave birth to
Jesus in a stable. (5) An angel announced the news of Jesus’ birth to some shepherds and suddenly there
were many angels praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest” (can write these words above the

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Lesson Number 21 | Page 181
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Teacher Notes

3 Review and Close

1. When the time was finally right, who did God choose to be the mother of
His son? (A young, unmarried woman from a village in Galilee, a descendant
of King David, named Mary.)
2. How did God let Mary know that she was going to give birth to the Son of
God? (He sent His messenger, Gabriel, to tell her.)
3. How did Joseph (the future husband of Mary and also a descendant of King
David) find out that Mary’s baby was the Son of God? (An angel told him in a
4. What did God want Joseph and Mary to name the baby and why? (Jesus
[God Saves] because He would save His people from their sins.)
5. Why did Joseph and Mary go all the way to Bethlehem when Mary was
pregnant? (The ruler of that day, Caesar Augustus, said everyone must regis-
ter in his hometown. This was the fulfillment of prophecy in Micah 5:2.)
6. Where did Joseph take Mary to have her baby after they arrived in Bethle-
hem? (He took her to a stable because it was the only place they could find.
Many people had come to the city to register.)
7. How did God announce the birth of His son? (He sent an angel to the
shepherds near Bethlehem to tell the great news, and then a whole multitude
of angels appeared and began praising God.)

THEME: God’s Son was born.

His name was Jesus.

Apply the Lesson

The name “Jesus” means “the Lord saves.” That is why Jesus came to earth
- to save people from their sin. No matter how good you are, you are still a
sinner. Only Jesus can save you from the punishment of sin.

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22 Temptations
by Satan
Matthew 4:1-11

THEME: Satan tempted Jesus.

Jesus did not sin.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• After Jesus was baptized, Jesus was led by the Spirit of God into the A beautiful full color pic-
wilderness where He fasted for 40 days. ture of the artwork above
is available for purchase
• After Jesus fasted for 40 days, the devil tempted Him three different
as a set through www.
• The three tests demonstrated that Jesus was without sin and could not the-story-of-hope-print-
sin. ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
This picture can be used
• The first test, verses 3-4, was a test of His Sonship. He was hungry
as you tell the story. You
and the devil tried to convince Him that if He was the Son of God,
may also want to post
He should turn the stones into bread. It was God’s will for Him to be
the pictures around
hungry at that time. Jesus answered with the Word of God by say-
your classroom to visu-
ing that man should live by every word of God (Deuteronomy 8:3). ally remind your class of
When Jesus quoted from Deuteronomy, He was recognizing the iner- previous lessons as you
rancy of the Bible (without error). teach ATSOH.
• In the second test, verses 5-7, Satan tempted Jesus with popularity.
Satan incorrectly referred to Psalm 91:11-12 where it says that the You may want to copy
angels would protect Him. However, Satan left out “in all your ways.” the picture (on the last
That was a glaring error by Satan and Jesus again answered the temp- page of this lesson) for
tation with Scripture, quoting from Deuteronomy 6:16 and telling your students before you
Satan that it would not be right to try to test God. color one of the copies
yourself to show in class.
• The third test, verses 8-11, was a test of the authority of Jesus. If Jesus
bowed down to Satan, He would not have been the sinless Substitute ATSOH Bible Visual #22
on the cross. He would have submitted to Satan, but He did not.
Once again, Jesus answered from Scripture (Deuteronomy 6:13 and
10:20) by saying that God alone should be worshipped and served.

Seclusion Adventures
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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review Questions from Lesson 2: Creation of the Earth Review and Games:
Bible A, B, C’s
What did God use to create everything? (God made everything from
nothing.) First student says ‘A’ and
names a Bible person,
What did God say about His creation after He had finished? (He called it place, or thing that
“very good.”) begins with A, and tells
one fact about it. The
Review Question from Lesson 17: Worship in the Wilderness
next student says ’B’ and
names something that
What does it mean when we say God is holy? (He is totally good; without
begins with ‘B’ and tells
one fact about it. Con-
tinue until all students
Review Questions from Lesson 18: Bronze Snake
have had a turn. The
teacher can keep track
Why did God heal the people when they looked at the bronze snake on the
as the students give
pole? (Because they were sorry for their sin of complaining against God and
had faith to believe that looking at the snake would heal them.)
Review Questions from Lesson 19: Reign of King David Examples:

From which tribe was David? (Judah) ‘A’ – Adam: He was the
first man
What did God mean when He said He would establish David’s house forever?
(One of David’s descendants would reign forever.) ‘B’ – Bronze Serpent:
Moses lifted it up in the
Review Questions from Lesson 20: Prophecies of a Coming Messiah wilderness and when the
What would be special about the woman who would be the Messiah’s moth- people looked at it, they
er? (She would be a virgin, an unmarried woman.) were healed.

Where would the Messiah be born? (Bethlehem, which means house of


Review Questions from Lesson 21: The Birth of Jesus Christ

When the time was finally right, who did God choose to be the mother of his
son? (A young, virgin woman from a village in Galilee, a descendant of King
David, named Mary.)

How did God let Mary know that she was going to give birth to the Son of
God? (He sent His messenger, Gabriel, to tell her.)
Lesson in
in the
Number 22 Story
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Hope Seclusion Lesson Number 22 | Page 185
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Teacher Notes

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 22: Temptations by Satan

The Bible activity for this lesson (page 191) should be done before you tell the

Te l l T h e S t o r y

Lucifer, that most beautiful of angels, became proud and wanted to be like
God. God cast him out of heaven and he became known as Satan, the accuser.

In the garden of Eden he took the form of a serpent and tempted Eve to dis-
obey. God judged him and promised to send one who would defeat him once
and for all. Adam and Eve and all moms and dads, and grandmas and grand-
pas, and boys and girls have been waiting for that special one to come.

Meanwhile, Satan continued to be powerful and had the freedom to tempt

and accuse people through the centuries. He went before God, trying to get
his way, even challenging God. He tempted Job (a famous Bible person in
the Old Testament), King David, and others. Even though God allowed these
opportunities, He rebuked Satan and protected His people from him. Satan
knew Jesus was God’s special promised One so he wanted to try to disqualify
Him by tempting Him to sin.

Jesus had come down from Nazareth in Galilee to the Jordan River where
He was baptized by John. As soon as Jesus came out of the water He saw the
heavens torn apart! Out came the Spirit and a voice. The Spirit looked like a
dove descending on Jesus. The voice said: “I am pleased with you, my dearly
loved Son.”

That’s when it happened. The Spirit, controlling Jesus, led Him into the des-
ert to be tempted by Satan for forty days. Jesus fasted the entire time. (That
means He didn’t eat or drink anything.) At the end of forty days He was
hungry. Satan saw an opportunity. He would tempt Jesus when He was weak
from hunger.

(Do Satan’s voice in a whiny, evil manner.) “You must be hungry. Since you
are God’s Son, make bread out of these stones.” Jesus is God’s Son, God had
said so at His baptism. Satan was tempting Jesus to use His power for Himself,

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not following God’s plan. Teacher Notes
Jesus answered, “God’s Word says, ‘It takes more than just bread to sustain Show ATSOH #22
man’s life.’”

Satan took Jesus to the top of the temple in Jerusalem and said, “If you are
God’s Son, jump! The Bible says that God will protect His own with angels;
even keep Him from stubbing His toe.”

But Jesus answered, “God’s Word says, ‘Do not test the Lord your God.’”

Satan took Jesus and gave Him a glimpse of all the kingdoms of the world at
once. He said, “I will give you authority over all this and the glory that goes
with it. It is at my disposal to give to whomever I wish. Just worship me and
all this can be yours.” God had said He was pleased with His Son. Satan was
was trying to trick Jesus to do wrong so God would be ‘displeased.’

Jesus had had enough. “God’s Word says, ‘Worship and serve the Lord God

Satan was finished. Since he had no more with which to tempt Jesus, he left
Him until another opportunity arose.

Jesus was victorious. Where Adam and Eve failed in similar temptations,
He passed the test, always responding with God’s Word. God showed Satan
(and us) that Jesus couldn’t fall; He wouldn’t fail. He is God’s Son; the one
sent to defeat Satan.

THEME: Satan tempted Jesus.

Jesus did not sin.

There is no new song for this lesson. Take this opportunity to sing through
all of the songs—possibly in order. The students should be able to follow
the story from the beginning to this point.

Lesson in the
Number 22 Story of Hope Seclusion Lesson Number 22 | Page 187
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Teacher Notes
M e m o r y Ve r s e

Matthew 4:4 - But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by Bible Memory Activity
bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’”
Print the verse with the
letters written backwards
on a piece of paper. Check
Bible Activity by looking through a mir-
ror to make sure it is done
Lesson illustration: Before telling the story of the temptation of Christ, show correctly. Make enough
the children Hebrews 4:12 which refers to the Word of God as a sharp sword. papers for the amount
Say: Jesus used the Word of God to combat the attacks of Satan. Ahead of groups you will have.
of time, cut out four “swords” from cardboard or poster board (an old, large Group the students, giving
cardboard box is a good source.) On 3 of the swords, carefully print the them the verse written
words of Jesus from Scripture when He answered the attack of Satan. (Mat- backward, a mirror, and
thew 4:4, 4:7, 4:10). Leave the last sword blank. As you tell the story of a blank sheet of paper to
the temptation, after telling what the devil said to Jesus, pull out the sword write it out correctly. The
(Scripture verse) that Jesus used to fight against the attack of Satan. After you first team to finish jumps
finish the story, ask this question: “What about you?” What will you do up, then the next until
when Satan comes to tempt you to sin? (Give an illustration of temptation everyone is finished and
that fits the age and life experience of your students, for example: You see a standing. Ask each group
plate of cookies on the counter, but Mom said you can’t eat them, they are for to say the verse.
guests that are coming over this evening. You know you could slip one out
and she would never know. And besides, Satan tells you in your heart that it’s
really not fair that she won’t let you have just one little cookie.) You ask your
class: “What are you going to do? Satan is tempting you to sin!” At that
point, you pull out the blank sword. Looking shocked, you say: “What???
You haven’t learned any Bible verses that can help you? Satan is telling
you a lie, and you are weak and vulnerable to disobey because you have not
armed yourself with the weapons you need to defeat Satan. Does anyone
know a Bible verse that could help you in this situation?” (Allow children
to respond, and give positive feedback to those who try to quote a Bible verse,
even if it is not perfect.) Jesus was victorious, and He wants us to be victori-
ous over Satan through His powerful word, the Bible.

Coloring Book

Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the teach-
er or by the student. Say, “This picture shows Satan tempting Jesus. How
does Jesus’ response to Satan’s temptations differ from Eve’s response?”
Let the children color the picture and discuss this question with you.

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My Stor y of Hope

(1) John baptized Jesus in the Jordan River. A dove came and God said, “This is my Son, whom I love; I am
well pleased with Him.” (Can write, “This is My Son” above Jesus.) (2) Satan told Jesus to turn the stones
to bread, but Jesus responded with Scripture. (3) Satan told Jesus to jump from the top of the temple, but
Jesus responded with Scripture. (4) Satan told Jesus to worship him and he would give Jesus all the king-
doms of the world, but Jesus responded with Scripture. Jesus never sinned.

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Teacher Notes

3 Review and Close

Questions Bible Activity, Lesson 23

1. How long did Jesus fast in the wilderness before Satan came to tempt Him? (See description in the
(Forty days.) following lesson.)

2. How many times did Satan try to get Jesus to sin? (Three.) Explain to children that
there will be a “Show and
3. Why didn’t Jesus use His power to turn the stones to bread? (It would have Tell” during the next les-
meant using His power for Himself and not following God’s plan.) son. Ask them to bring
something that means a
4. Why did Satan ask Jesus to jump from the top of the temple? (He wanted lot to them to show in the
Jesus to test God by doing something foolish.) next class.
5. Why wouldn’t Jesus agree to worship Satan in exchange for control over all
the kingdoms of the world? (God says to worship only Him.)

6. In each temptation, how did Jesus respond? (He quoted Scripture – God’s

7. What did Satan do when he realized he could not get Jesus to sin –do
wrong? (He left him to wait for another opportunity to tempt Him.)

THEME: Satan tempted Jesus.

Jesus did not sin.

Apply the Lesson

Jesus was tested by the devil to do wrong. Jesus did not give in to those temp-
tations. When tempted to do wrong, we should resist temptations. How did
Jesus do that? How will you resist the temptation to sin?

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23 Announcement by
John the Baptist
John 1:29-34, 2:1-18
THEME: Jesus is the Lamb of
God Who takes away the sins
of the world.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• John saw Jesus and said that He took away the sins of the world. John A beautiful full color pic-
was referring to Old Testament sacrifices such as those found in Le- ture of the artwork above
viticus 16 where a goat was the sin offering on the Day of Atonement. is available for purchase
as a set through www.
• John may have been referring to the Passover Lamb from Exodus 12.
Isaiah also made mention of this in Isaiah 53:7.
• John the Baptist saw Jesus Christ as the sacrifice for the sins of the ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
world. John may have been thinking about Isaiah 53:12. This picture can be used
as you tell the story. You
• The invisible Holy Spirit descended in a visible body as a dove who
may also want to post
had come from heaven.
the pictures around
• John had been told by God that when this sign of the dove occurred, your classroom to visu-
it would be the One who would baptize with the Holy Spirit. So when ally remind your class of
John saw Jesus again after the baptism, he declared ... “Behold the previous lessons as you
Lamb of God.” teach ATSOH.
• It probably wasn’t until the baptism of Jesus by John that John recog-
You may want to copy
nized Jesus as the Messiah who was prophesied in the Old Testament.
the picture (on the last
• From Luke 1:36, it is probable that John and Jesus were related. How- page of this lesson) for
ever, it was not until this event that John recognized Jesus as God. your students before you
color one of the copies
• John’s testimony was clear. This was the Son of God. The King who
yourself to show in class.
had been prophesied in 2 Samuel 7:13 was now present.
• The messianic King is uniquely the Son of God (Psalm 2:7). ATSOH Bible Visual #23

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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson Review and Games:

Question Game
Review Questions from Lesson 3: Creation of People
Print names, objects
In whose image did God create the man and woman and how did God give and places from previ-
the man life? (They were created in God’s image and God breathed into the ous lessons onto slips
man the breath of life.) of paper. Place them
in a basket. Ask one
What did God tell Adam he could not do? (Eat from the Tree of the Knowl- student to draw a piece
edge of Good and Evil.) of paper. He will then
tell the class he has
Review Questions from Lesson 18: Bronze Snake drawn a person, place
or thing. Children will
Why did God send poisonous snakes to bite the Israelites in the wilderness? then take turns asking
(They weren’t thankful for the things God had provided for them like manna yes or no questions
and water; instead, they chose to complain.) to try to identify the
answer. If, after 20
Why did God heal the Israelites when they looked at the bronze snake on the questions, no one has
pole? (Because they were sorry for their sin of complaining against God and guessed the correct an-
had faith to believe that looking at the snake would heal them.) swer, the student tells
the answer.
Review Question from Lesson 19: Reign of King David
Examples: “thing”
Who did God tell David would build His temple? (David’s son. We find out
later it was his son, Solomon.) Is it in the Old Testa-
ment? (yes)
Review Questions from Lesson 20: Prophecies of a Coming Messiah
Did Adam see it? (no)
What did Isaiah say the Messiah would do for those living in the shadow of
death? (He would shine as a great light.) Did Moses see it? (yes)

How long will the Messiah’s kingdom last? (Forever.) Was he a boy when he
saw it? (no)
Review Questions from Lesson 21: The Birth of Jesus Christ
Did Moses touch it?
How did Joseph (the future husband of Mary and also a descendant of King (no)
David) find out that Mary’s baby was the Son of God? (An angel told him in
a dream.) Was it as big as a
house? (no)
What did God want Joseph and Mary to name the baby and why? (Jesus
[God Saves] because He would save His people from their sins.) Was it in Egypt? (no)

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Review Questions from Lesson 22: Temptations by Satan Teacher Notes
How long did Jesus fast in the wilderness when Satan came to tempt Him?
(Forty days.)

How many times did Satan try to get Jesus to sin? (Three.)

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n

Introduction to Lesson 23: Announcement by John the Baptist

Use Bible Activity, that appears later in the lesson, before you tell the story.

Te l l T h e S t o r y

Even though Jesus grew up in a small town, supposedly the son of a simple
carpenter, there were signs that He was special; that He was the unique
God-sent Messiah. A few years after His death, a man would write that Jesus
existed with God before time began; that He actually was the Creator-God
who gives life to men, lights their way, and overpowers darkness. This man
saw Jesus as God taking on a human body and coming to earth to live with
mankind. Hundreds of years earlier, the LORD God was with His people,
Israel, in the desert and they saw His glory through the cloud and the fire.
Now He had come in human form to live with people and some saw Him as
the Son of God. But many—even His own people—did not recognize Him for
who He was.

One man did recognize Him as God, and told others about Him. His name
was John the Baptist. God sent John for this very purpose: to be a witness
that Jesus was the light that overpowers the darkness. But John hadn’t always
known who Jesus was. He had an experience that convinced him. Listen to
his story.

One day John was in Bethany on the East side of the Jordan River talking
with some priests who had been sent by the Jewish leaders to question him.
Among other things, he said, “One is coming after me who is better than I
because He existed before me.”

“Are you the Messiah?”

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“No.” Teacher Notes
“Then are you Elijah returning to us before the day of the Lord as Malachi
“I am not.”
“Are you ‘The Prophet’ Moses told our fathers about?”
“Well then, who? We need an answer for those who sent us! Who are you?”
“I am the one Isaiah spoke of when he declared that there would be a voice
crying out in the desert, ‘Prepare the way of the Lord.’”
The next day Jesus approached John. When John saw Him, he lifted his voice,
“Look! Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! He is
the One I spoke of when I said ‘One is coming after me who is better than I
because He existed before me.’ Even though my purpose in baptizing with
water was to reveal the Messiah to Israel, I hadn’t recognized Jesus as that
Messiah. But after I baptized Him, I saw the Spirit come down out of heaven
in the form of a dove and remain on Him. I still may not have realized what
was happening but the One who sent me to baptize with water told me, ‘The
man on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain is the One who baptizes
with the Holy Spirit.’ Listen! With my own eyes I have seen it. I can testify
without a doubt to you: This is the Son of God.”

THEME: Jesus is the Lamb of God Who

takes away the sins of the world.

As with “What They Needed,” this song “Look,” tells a story with each verse
and then each chorus is a little different, emphasizing the truth about Jesus
that comes out in that event. The verse is a lilting 6/8 which changes to a
sit-up-and-notice 4/4 on the chorus: “Look!” Point out to students that this
Lamb is fulfilling God’s promises. The phrase “as Abraham’s descendant,
He brings blessings, He’s the One!” not only refers to the promises made to
Abraham, but also to the promise in Genesis 3:15, the promise about the
Satan Conqueror. A fourteen-year-old boy going through The Story of Hope
with me reached this lesson (John the Baptist’s declaration) and blurted out,
“He’s the One! He’s the One God promised back in Genesis!” and became
the inspiration for that line of the song. Teach the first verse and chorus of
“Look!” Sing previous songs as time allows.

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M e m o r y Ve r s e

John 1:29 - The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Be- Bible Memory Activity
hold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”
Display the Bible verse
and repeat several times.
Have the students do
Bible Activity the verse in each of the
following ways:
Plan ahead for this activity. On the previous lesson day, tell the children that
At a normal pace while
next time we will be having a “show and tell” session. They are to bring in
one special thing and they will have one minute to tell everyone about their
special object. Depending on the size of the class, you may need to allow In fast forward while
only a few students to bring something so this doesn’t use up all your lesson jogging in place
In a whisper while
As the children tell about their chosen object, notice how excited they are to tiptoeing
share with the class something that means a lot to them. At the end of the Shouting while marching
“show and tell” time, say: Today we are going to learn about a man who was
very excited to tell everyone about a special person. That special person was In slow motion while
Jesus! The man who was introducing Jesus was called John, and this was his jogging in slow motion
greatest job, to tell everyone about Jesus. Why were you so excited to share
In a normal voice while
with the others when it was your turn? (Because the object was very special
walking backward
to them). Is Jesus that special to you? Let’s see what John had to say about
this most special person…

Coloring Book

Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the teach-
er or by the student. Say, “This picture shows John recognizing Jesus as the
Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world. How did John
know that Jesus would take away the sins of the world?” Let the children
color the picture and discuss this question with you.

My Stor y of Hope
(1) John was in Bethany on the east side of the Jordan River. Some priests
sent by the Jewish leaders asked him, “Who are you?” (2) The next day when
John saw Jesus coming toward him he said, “Look! The Lamb of God!

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3 Review and Close

1. What did God send John the Baptist to do? (To prepare the way for the coming of Jesus Christ, the One
whose light would overpower the darkness.)

2. Why did John say Jesus was better than he was? (Jesus existed before Him.)

3. When the priests asked John who he was, which prophet did he say had spoken about him? (Isaiah.)

4. What came down from heaven and rested on Jesus after his baptism? (A dove.)

5.Why was the sign of the dove resting on Jesus important to John? (God told John that the Spirit would
come down and rest on the One God had sent. The Spirit, in the form of a dove, rested on Jesus. Up until
then he had not recognized who Jesus really was.)

6.When John saw Jesus approaching him at the river one day after he had baptized Jesus, what amazing
words did he say about Jesus? (“Look! Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” Re-
member what we studied about sacrificial lambs taking away sins?)
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7. John baptized with water. With what did Jesus baptize? (Holy Spirit.) Teacher Notes

THEME: Jesus is the Lamb of God Who

takes away the sins of the world.

Apply the Lesson

Show ATSOH Bible Visual #7: God promised Adam and Eve He would send
a special person who would crush and defeat Satan for tricking them into
disobeying God.

Show ATSOH Bible Visuals #8: God said that the only suitable payment for
sin is the shedding of innocent blood—sacrificing an animal, so God killed
an innocent animal to give clothes to Adam and Eve to cover the nakedness
exposed by their sin.

Show ATSOH Bible Visual #12: Years later, God told Abraham to sacrifice
Isaac, but then provided a ram instead when God saw Abraham’s obedience.

Show ATSOH Bible Visual #17: Through Moses, the Israelites learned that a
sacrifice was needed to worship a holy God and to cover their sins.

Show ATSOH Bible Visuals #20: Years later, prophets told about Jesus 700
years before He came to earth. He would come to suffer and solve our sin

Show ATSOH Bible Visual #23: When John saw Jesus, he said Jesus is the
Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world.

Jesus was Abraham’s descendant, promised by God, as the One who would
bring God’s blessings to the world—the forgiveness of sin.

Teacher: Students should experience awe in how God kept His promises,
and marvel that Jesus is the Lamb of God who would take away the sin of the
world. Encourage students to pray silent “thank You” prayers to God for His
faithfulness in sending Jesus to become the Lamb of God.

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24 Jesus Meets a
Religious Leader
John 3:1-18
THEME: The religious man
needs to be forgiven of his sin.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• Nicodemus represented the most respected people in the nation. He A beautiful full color pic-
was a teacher, a Pharisee, and a member of the Sanhedrin (the Jewish ture of the artwork above
ruling council). The Sanhedrin was responsible for religious decisions is available for purchase
while under Roman law. as a set through www.
• Two Sanhedrin members who are spiritually sensitive are Joseph of
Arimathea (19:38) and the Rabbi Gamaliel (Acts 5:34-39; 22:3).
• The Sanhedrin put Jesus on trial (Luke 22:66). Later, Nicodemus This picture can be used
challenged the Pharisees for condemning Jesus without hearing Him as you tell the story. You
(John 7:50-51), and he helped Joseph of Arimathea bury Jesus (19:39- may also want to post
40). the pictures around
• John does not tell us why Nicodemus came to Jesus at night. But, we your classroom to visu-
can probably assume that Nicodemus did not want any distractions ally remind your class of
from the crowds who were always around Jesus. It is also probable previous lessons as you
that he came to Jesus at night because he did not want others to know teach ATSOH.
of his interest in Jesus’ religious views.
You may want to copy
• “To be born again” literally meant “to be born from above” or to have the picture (on the last
a spiritual transformation out of the kingdom of darkness and into the page of this lesson) for
kingdom of God. your students before you
• Jesus told Nicodemus that to enter the kingdom of God he had to color one of the copies
repent in order to be born again. Repentance refers back to John the yourself to show in class.
Baptist’s ministry of baptism by water, an evidence of repentance.
ATSOH Bible Visual #24
• Nicodemus wanted to know how this transformation took place and
Jesus responded by telling Nicodemus the story of the bronze snake
on a pole, Numbers 21:4-9. It was simply by faith now as it was then.
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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson Review and Games: Yes

or No
Review Questions from Lesson 4: Creation of People
Give each student a card
What was the main reason Lucifer wanted to be like the Most High? (Pride.) that says ‘yes’ on one side
and ‘no’ on the other.
What happened to Lucifer after he rebelled against God? (He was cast out of The teacher will then state
heaven.) a Bible story fact (some-
Review Questions from Lesson 19: Reign of King David times you will insert
wrong information). You
From which tribe was David? (Judah.) can use the review ques-
tions to form your Bible
What did God mean when He said He would establish David’s ‘house’ for- story facts. The students
ever? (One of David’s descendants would reign forever.) will then hold up either
the ‘yes’ card (if they
Review Question from Lesson 20: Prophecies of a Coming Messiah think it is correct) or the
‘no’ side (if they think it is
Why did the Messiah choose to suffer and die? (To provide a way for our sins wrong).
to be forgiven.)
Review Questions from Lesson 21: The Birth of Jesus Christ
Angels guarded the Gar-
Why did Joseph and Mary go all the way to Bethlehem when Mary was preg- den of Eden entrance on
nant? (The ruler of that day, Caesar Augustus, said everyone must register in the west side. (no)
his/her hometown. This was the fulfillment of prophecy in Micah 5:2.)
Jesus quoted Scripture
Where did Joseph take Mary to have her baby after they arrived in Bethle- when Satan tempted Him.
hem? (He took her to a stable because it was the only place they could find. (yes)
Many people had come to the city to register.)

Review Questions from Lesson 22: Temptations by Satan

Why didn’t Jesus use His power to turn the stones to bread? (It would have
meant using His power for Himself and not following God’s plan.)

Why did Satan ask Jesus to jump from the top of the temple? (He wanted
Jesus to test God by doing something foolish.)

Review Questions from Lesson 23: Announcement by John the Baptist

What did God send John the Baptist to do? (To prepare the way for the com-

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ing of Jesus Christ, the one whose light would overpower the darkness.) Teacher Notes
Why did John say Jesus was better than he was? (Jesus existed before Him.)

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n

Introduction to Lesson 24: Jesus Meets a Religious Leader

Use the Bible activity on page 207 before you tell the story.

Te l l T h e S t o r y
The Passover, the highlight of the Jewish calendar, had come and Nicodemus
should have been pleased and excited. After all, this would be one more op-
portunity to look good to God—and he was well on his way. He believed, as
all good Pharisees did, that the two things you had to do to please God were
to be born into a Jewish family (or convert to Judaism) and to keep the Law
and traditions. He was not only a Jew, but as part of the Sanhedrin, he was a
ruler of the Jews! And Passover—one more chance to gain favor with God—
had arrived. So why was he unhappy?

It was this new teacher, Jesus. Nicodemus wondered about Him. Could He be
the Messiah? Some things just didn’t seem to make sense, like when people
asked Jesus for a sign. Jesus’ answer was confusing: “Destroy this temple, and
in three days I will raise it up.” Nicodemus had watched the building of the
temple for forty-six years—nearly his entire life—and this man would raise it
in three days?

People came to Jesus at the Passover Feast, ‘believing’ in Him only because of
His miracles. And yet Jesus was not impressed by them. It’s as if He could see
their hearts; as if He knew they simply liked the miracles, but were not truly
placing their trust in Him.

Nicodemus had to see Jesus; he had to have his questions answered: Are you
the Messiah? Are we missing something? How does someone truly get into
the kingdom of God? But he couldn’t be seen with Jesus, not as a member of
the Sanhedrin (the Jewish rulers). So he met Jesus at night.

“Teacher, we know that you come from God or else you couldn’t do these Show ATSOH #24
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Even though Nicodemus didn’t ask the questions rolling around in his mind, Teacher Notes
Jesus knew what he was thinking, and He answered his questions.

“This is the truth: to see God’s kingdom, you need to experience a second

“How can I, a grown man, get into my mother’s womb again to be born?”

Nicodemus was thinking about his belief that he had to be physically born
into a Jewish family. But Jesus was talking about a spiritual birth; about God
giving mankind a new heart and a new spirit. Nicodemus didn’t get it.

Jesus continued. “Even you, a teacher of Israel, don’t understand these things.
People only talk about what they know; they tell others what they see and
understand. I know what I’m talking about, but you people don’t believe Me. I
explain truths about heaven with stories from the earth, and you don’t under-
stand. What else can I do? I have come from heaven to make this truth clear.”

“Just like Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so the Son of Man must
be lifted up so that those who believe in Him may live. God loved the world
so much that He gave His unique Son so that those who believe won’t be lost,
but will have eternal life. God didn’t send His Son into the world to condemn
people; He sent Him to save them through Him. But while anyone who does
not believe is already condemned, those who believe are saved from condem-

That night Nicodemus learned that it is not by being born or keeping the Law
that a person can enter into God’s kingdom. Instead, Nicodemus needed to
believe; to let God’s Son be his substitute and give him a new heart and a new

THEME: The religious man

needs to be forgiven of his sin.



Have the students sing verse one and chorus of “Look!” Teach the second
verse and chorus. Sing previous songs as time allows.

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Teacher Notes
M e m o r y Ve r s e
Bible Memory Activity

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, Divide the verse into
that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. smaller sections and give
a motion to act out the
Bible Activity For God (point up)
So loved (cross hands
Discussion starter: Citizenship in God’s kingdom
over chest)
Bring in a flag of your country, or a picture of the flag. Ask the children: The world (make a circle
“What does it take to become a citizen of (fill in country name)? Make sure with both hands starting
to “do your homework” and find out what it takes to do this! Who sets up at the top)
the rules for what it takes? The leaders, or the foreigners wanting to get in
and live here? That He gave (put out
both hands like you are
giving something)
What if people came into this country and demanded to be made citizens on
their own terms? What if they wore a flag around their shoulders? Would His only begotten Son
they become citizens of _______ because they had a flag on? Of course not! (hold hands like your
They have to follow the rules set up, or they will never become (example: holding a baby)
Japanese) citizens.
That whoever believes in
Who do you think makes the rules about what it takes to be a part of God’s Him (point out to people)
kingdom? Of course, God does! Yet many people think they can make up Should not perish (cross
their own way to be in God’s kingdom! They think if they look a certain way your hands in front of
on the outside, or follow a set of rules set up by men, they will be pleasing to you, then uncross and
God. Not so! In today’s Bible story you will learn what Nicodemus needed to bring to your side)
be in God’s kingdom.
But have everlasting life.
(raise both hands and
point to heaven)
Coloring Book

Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the teach-
er or by the student. Say, “Jesus was talking to a religious leader at night.
Why do you think this man came to Jesus at night?” Let the children color
the picture and discuss this question with you.

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My Stor y of Hope

(1) Nicodemus, a Pharisee, went to talk to Jesus at night. (2) Jesus told him that he must be born again.
Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up.

3 Review and Close


1. Who was Nicodemus? (A man of the Pharisees; a ruler of the Jews—Sanhedrin.)

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2. Why did Nicodemus really want to talk to Jesus? (Jesus’ words, actions Teacher Notes
and miracles had raised many questions in his mind. He wanted to know if
Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah.)

3. Why did Nicodemus come to talk to Jesus at night? (Because he was afraid
the other Jewish believers might not like seeing him talk to Jesus.)

4. What did Jesus mean when He told Nicodemus he needed to be born

again? (Jesus was talking about a spiritual birth - giving man a new heart
and spirit.)

5. Why did Jesus say He would be lifted up just as Moses lifted up the serpent
in the wilderness? (When the Israelites looked at the serpent and believed,
they would be healed. Jesus would also be lifted up on a pole [cross] and
those who believed in Him would be healed [sins forgiven].)

6. What did Jesus say would be given to anyone who believed in the Son of
God? (Eternal life.)

7. What did Jesus say about anyone who does not believe in the Son of God?
(He/she is condemned.)

THEME: The religious man

needs to be forgiven of his sin.

Apply the Lesson

Nicodemus came to Jesus at night because he was afraid of what others might
think. Are you afraid of what others might think about you if they knew you
believed in Jesus? How do you act when people learn you believe in Jesus?

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25 Jesus Meets an
Unreligious Woman
John 4:3-12

THEME: The non religious woman

needs to be forgiven of her sin.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• Now that Jesus had begun His public ministry, there was some opposi- A beautiful full color pic-
tion to His message. However, it was not the right time, yet, for Jesus ture of the artwork above
to confront those who opposed Him. So, Jesus travelled from Jeru- is available for purchase
salem to Galilee. He went through Samaria which was the shortest as a set through www.
route, but not the only route.
• Samaria was a separate political state under the Roman empire. The
races were mixed and their religion included many forms of worship.
This picture can be used
• Jesus came to the village, Sychar, which is located between Mount Ebal as you tell the story. You
and Mount Gerazim. may also want to post
• This meeting happened at the sixth hour which would be noon. the pictures around
your classroom to visu-
• While His disciples were in town buying food, Jesus did a surprising ally remind your class of
thing. He talked to a Samaritan woman. The woman was shocked previous lessons as you
that a Jewish man would ask a drink from her. This is because most teach ATSOH.
Jewish men of that day would rather go thirsty than talk to or accept
anything from a Samaritan woman. You may want to copy
• Having captured her attention, Jesus caused her to be curious when he the picture (on the last
talked of “living water.” page of this lesson) for
your students before you
• This plot of land was probably bought by Jacob and given to Joseph color one of the copies
many years before. But now, the Samaritan woman asked Jesus if He yourself to show in class.
was greater than Jacob. She considered Jacob to be the father of her
religion, even though she lived a sinful lifestyle. ATSOH Bible Visual #25
• Jesus told her how to become a true worshipper of God.
• Jesus acknowledged that He was greater than Jacob and that He is the
living water which anyone can have who puts their faith in Him.
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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson Review and Games: Who

Am I?

Review Questions from Lesson 5: Beginning of Human Sin Write the names of all
the Bible characters that
What lie did Satan tell the woman about eating from the Tree of the Knowl- have been studied thus
edge of Good and Evil? (You won’t die.) far on small pieces of
paper and place them in
How is man’s sin in the garden like Satan’s sin in heaven? (They both wanted a basket. Ask one stu-
to be like the Most High God.)
dent to draw a piece of
paper and, pretending to
Review Questions from Lesson 20:
be that person, state one
The Messiah’s kingdom will last __________. (Forever.) fact about him/her. The
student continues giv-
The Messiah would __________ (suffer) and _______ (die) for our sins. ing facts until someone
guesses correctly. Where
Review Question from Lesson 21: The Birth of Jesus Christ Am I? and What Am I?
can be played in a similar
How did God announce the birth of His son? (He sent an angel to the manner by changing the
shepherds near Bethlehem to tell the great news. Then a whole multitude of names to places or ob-
angels appeared and began praising God.) jects.

Review Questions from Lesson 22: Temptations by Satan Examples: Who Am I?

Why wouldn’t Jesus agree to worship Satan in exchange for control over all • I am a man from the
the kingdoms of the world? (God says to only worship Him.) Old Testament.

In each temptation, how did Jesus respond? (He quoted Scripture – God’s • I had an older brother
Word.) and sister.
Review Questions from Lesson 23: Announcement by John the Baptist

When the priests asked John who he was, which prophet did he say had spo-
ken about him? (Isaiah.)

What came down from heaven and rested on Jesus after his baptism? (A

Review Questions from Lesson 24: Jesus Meets a Religious Leader

Who was Nicodemus? (A man of the Pharisees; a ruler of the Jews – Sanhe-

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Number 22 Story of Hope Seclusion Lesson Number 25 | Page 209
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Why did Nicodemus really want to talk to Jesus? (Jesus’ words, actions and Teacher Notes
miracles had raised many questions in his mind. He wanted to know if Jesus
was the long-awaited Messiah.)

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n

Introduction to Lesson 25: Jesus Meets an Unreligious Woman

The Bible activity should be used before you tell the story.

Te l l T h e S t o r y

One day Jesus went from Judea to Galilee. To make this trip Jews normally
crossed the Jordan, travelled north, then crossed the Jordan again to arrive
in Galilee. (Show the way on a map and point to Samaria.) In this way they
avoided Samaria. The Jews and Samaritans had been unfriendly for many
years, and disliked each other.

But Jesus loved all people. He didn’t let prejudices affect His actions. He was
determined to go through Samaria on this day to reach Galilee. About noon, Show ATSOH #25
tired from the trip, He stopped outside Sychar and sat by a well Jacob had dug
many years before. A woman from the town, a despised Samaritan, came to
draw water. Jesus asked her for a drink.

(Show surprise in your voice, face, and actions as you do the woman’s part.)
“You, a Jew, are asking for a drink from me, a Samaritan?”

(Change your voice and demeanor and face ‘the woman’ to do Jesus’ part.) Change your voice back
“If you understood who it is asking for a drink and what He has to offer, you and forth as you do the
would have asked and He would have given you living water.” dialogue between the
Samaritan woman and
“How, sir? You have no way to draw water from this deep well. Certainly you Jesus.
are not greater than our father Jacob who gave us this well! He drank from it
and provided water for his family and livestock.”

“Everyone who drinks water from this well will be thirsty again, but those
who drink from the water I offer will have their thirst quenched forever. The
water I give will become a fountain of water springing up to eternal life.”

“Oh, give me some of that water! Then I will never be thirsty or have to come
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here to draw water.” Teacher Notes
“Go get your husband.” “I don’t have a husband.”

“Good answer. You’ve been married five times, and you are living with some-
one now that you are not married to.”

“Sir, you must be a prophet from Israel. Our ancestors worshiped here on this
mountain, but your people say all must worship in Jerusalem.”

“Listen, woman, the time is coming when the Father will be worshiped nei-
ther here nor in Jerusalem. Your people worship in ignorance, but we worship
the God we know will bring salvation through the Jews. Soon, even now, true
worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth. Those are the type of
worshipers God seeks, for He is spirit, and those who would worship Him
must worship in spirit and truth.”

“I know Messiah, the One called Christ, will tell all about these things when
He comes.” (Matter-of-factly) “I am He.”

The woman left her jar and ran to town. (Shout) “Come, see a man who was
able to tell me everything about myself! Could He be the Christ?”

People came to Jesus at the well. Many Samaritans from Sychar believed in
Jesus because of the woman’s story. They asked Jesus to stay, so He did for two
days, and many more believed. Then they told the woman, “We no longer
believe because of what you said. We heard Jesus ourselves and know without
a doubt that He is the Savior of the world.”

THEME: The non religious woman

needs to be forgiven of her sin.


Have the students sing verses one and two with their choruses of “Look!”
Then teach verse three. The “Look!” in this verse comes from the text where
Jesus tells the disciples to lift up their eyes and look to the harvest which is
already white. Explain that Jesus very well could have been referring to the
white headdresses and clothing of the people on their way out to see Him.

Lesson in the
Number 22 Story of Hope Seclusion Lesson Number 25 | Page 211
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He immediately talks about the disciples sharing in a harvest of which they Teacher Notes
had not worked (the woman, Jesus, and the prophets had prepared the way). Bible Memory Activity
On 13 plastic cups stick
M e m o r y Ve r s e paper with grouped words
of the verse on them. Ex.
(But whoever drinks) (of
John 4:14 - But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never the water) (that I shall
thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of give him) (will never
water springing up into everlasting life. thirst.) (But the water)
(that shall I shall) (give
him) (will become) (in
Bible Activity him) (a fountain) (of
water) (springing up)
(into everlasting life.)
Bring 2 water bottles to class, but instead of clean water, fill one of the bottles
with sand, dirt, or small stones. If water bottles are not available, use 2 cups, Mix up the word-cups
on a flat surface. Let
or drinking glasses. Hide the 2 bottles so that the children can’t see what
the student take turns
is inside. One of the bottles has drinking water, the other has sand or dirt.
arranging the cups to
Tell the children: “Today we are going to use our imaginations to go on a form the verse. This can
long hike. It’s a hot day, so let’s get started!” Have the class stand up, walk be done as a group or
in place, and talk about what you are doing. (Possible comments could be: individual project.
Wow! This hill is really steep, climb up carefully! Here comes a wolf, run
fast to get away! OK, now we can walk again, I wonder how far we’ve come,
maybe 2 miles?, etc.) After a few minutes, have the class sit back down, and
say: “What do you think we might want at the end of this long hot walk?”
Answer: (Water!) “Oh good, I brought along just the thing.” Pull out the
bottle filled with sand, watch the reactions of the kids! “Oh no, what are we
going to do now? I’m SOOOO disappointed! But wait! I have another
bottle, let’s see”… bring out the bottle of water. (if possible, have small
drinking cups so you can give each child a cup of water) “This water tastes
so good right now, but before too many hours have passed, our bodies will
need more water. Physical thirst is a natural thing that never goes away
as long as we are alive. Let’s hear about a very interesting conversation
between Jesus and a woman of Samaria that is found in God’s word, the

Coloring Book
Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the teach-
er or by the student. Say, “This picture shows Jesus talking to the woman
by the well. Do you think either Jesus or the woman felt awkward about
this conversation? Why? or Why not?” Let the children color the picture
and discuss this question with you.

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My Stor y of Hope
(1) Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman about ‘living water’. He told her that a day was coming when she
would worship the Father neither in Jerusalem nor on Mt. Gerizim (see mountain in the background).
Jesus told her, “True worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth.” (2) When Jesus told the
woman that He was the Messiah, she left her water jar, ran into town (Sychar) and told the people to come.
(3) After Jesus taught the people of Sychar for two days, the people said, “We believe that Jesus is the Savior
of the world.”

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Number 22 Story of Hope Seclusion Lesson Number 25 | Page 213
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Teacher Notes

3 Review and Close

1. Why did the Jews hate the Samaritans? (They were a mixed people who
did not follow the entire Old Testament Law and they did not worship at the
temple in Jerusalem.)

2. Why was Jesus willing to talk to this hated Samaritan woman? (Jesus loved
all people and He didn’t let what other people thought affect His actions.)

3. What did Jesus ask the Samaritan woman to give Him? (A drink from the

4. What was the living water Jesus offered to the Samaritan woman? (Spiritual
water that leads to eternal life.)

5. Who did the Samaritan woman think Jesus was when He told her about her
sinful past? (She thought He was a prophet.)

6. How did the Samaritan woman respond when Jesus told her He was the
Messiah? (She left her water jar and ran into town to tell everyone the won-
derful news.)

7. What did the people from Sychar say after Jesus taught them for two days?
(Now we know for ourselves that Jesus is the Savior of the world.)

THEME: The non religious woman

needs to be forgiven of her sin.

Apply the Lesson

The sinful woman came from a race that many people hated. She was also
known as a really bad woman. Everyone needs Jesus, even if they are hated
by some people. Who do you know that some people do not like that you can
share the Good News with? How can you show that person that God loves
him/her? What can you tell that person about Jesus?

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26 Jesus Claims To
Be One With God
John 5:16-18,
8:48-59, 10:22-33
THEME: Jesus taught that
He was one with God.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• Jesus did many good things on the Sabbath such as healing an invalid A beautiful full color pic-
in John 5:1-15. ture of the artwork above
is available for purchase
• Because this took place on the Sabbath, some men began to oppose
as a set through www.
Jesus. In response to their opposition, He told them that He and His
Father were always working. This made those who opposed Jesus even
more upset, so much so that they wanted to kill Him.
• Jesus claimed to be one with the Father and since His opposition This picture can be used
claimed to believe the Father, His opposition had two choices: 1) be- as you tell the story. You
lieve Jesus, or 2) accuse Him of blasphemy. may also want to post
• In John 8:48, those opposing Jesus said that He was a Samaritan. This the pictures around
was a term they used to belittle Him as most Samaritans were not your classroom to visu-
highly regarded. ally remind your class of
previous lessons as you
• When accused, Jesus did not seek to justify Himself. Rather, He chose teach ATSOH.
to let the Father be His judge. If the people falsely accused Him, the
Father would vindicate Him and make their charges seem senseless. You may want to copy
• Jesus claimed that whoever paid attention to His word would not see the picture (on the last
death. Therefore, He taught that He had power over death. page of this lesson) for
your students before you
• By acknowledging that God was His Father, Jesus taught that He was color one of the copies
equal with God or had the same essential nature as God. yourself to show in class.
• In John 10, Jesus taught that He had the power to keep anyone who
believed in Him from eternal separation. ATSOH Bible Visual #26
• He offered security to frail sheep so they would never be lost.
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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review and Games:
Move to the Head of the
Review Questions from Lesson 6: Origin of Death Class
Why did the man and woman hide when they heard God walking in the gar- Students sit in chairs or
den? (They were afraid because they knew they had disobeyed God.) on the floor all facing the
same direction. If the
What kind of death did the man and woman experience immediately after student answers a ques-
disobeying God? (Spiritual death.) tion correctly he moves
up one position. If he
Review Questions from Lesson 21: The Birth of Jesus Christ answers wrong he goes to
back of the row.
What did God want Joseph and Mary to name the baby and why? (Jesus
[God Saves] because He would save His people from their sins.)

Why did Joseph and Mary go all the way to Bethlehem when Mary was preg-
nant? (The ruler of that day, Caesar Augustus, said everyone must register in
his/her hometown. This was the fulfillment of prophecy in Micah 5:2.)

Review Question from Lesson 22: Temptations by Satan

What did Satan do when he realized he could not get Jesus to sin, to do
wrong? (He left him to wait for another opportunity to tempt Him.)

Review Questions from Lesson 23: Announcement by John the Baptist

Why was the sign of the dove resting on Jesus important to John? (God told
John that the Spirit would come down and rest on the One God had sent. The
Spirit in the form of a dove rested on Jesus. Up until then he had not recog-
nized who Jesus really was.)

When John saw Jesus approaching him at the river one day after he had
baptized Jesus, what amazing words did he say about Jesus? (“Look! Here is
the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” Remember what we
studied about sacrificial lambs taking away sins?)

Review Questions from Lesson 24: Jesus Meets a Religious Leader

Why did Nicodemus come to talk to Jesus at night? (Because he was afraid
the other Jewish believers might not like seeing him talk to Jesus.)

What did Jesus mean when He told Nicodemus he needed to be born again?
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(Jesus was talking about a spiritual birth - giving man a new heart and a new Teacher Notes

Review Questions from Lesson 25: Jesus Meets an Unreligious Woman

Why did the Jews hate the Samaritans? (They were a mixed people who did
not follow the entire Old Testament Law and they did not worship at the
temple in Jerusalem.)

Why was Jesus willing to talk to this hated Samaritan woman? (Jesus loved all
people and He didn’t let what other people thought affect His actions.)

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 26: Jesus Claims To Be One with God
Bible activity on page 223 should be used before you tell the story.

Te l l T h e S t o r y

Some people, like John the Baptist, noticed things about Jesus that made Him
very special. Some believed He was Messiah, specially sent from God. Others

One Sabbath Jesus visited the beautiful Bethesda Pool near the Sheep Gate in
Jerusalem. Many blind, lame, and paralyzed people lay in the shelter around
the pool. One of them had been unable to walk for 38 years.

Jesus spoke to the man. “Get up, roll up your mat, and walk.” Immediately the
man was healed. He rolled up his mat and walked around.

Jewish leaders saw the man carrying his mat on the Sabbath. They told him,
“It is against the law for you to carry your mat on the Sabbath.”

Now it wasn’t really against the Law that Moses had received from God. It was
against what they taught (that went far beyond the original law), but the man
who was healed didn’t know the difference. He answered the Jews. “I’m just
carrying my mat because the man who healed me told me to roll it up and

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“Who told you that?” they asked. Teacher Notes
The man didn’t know. A crowd had gathered and Jesus had slipped away.
Later Jesus found the man in the temple. “Look how you can walk now! Live
right so nothing worse happens to you.”

Then the man went and told the Jewish leaders Jesus was the one who had
healed him. That’s why the leaders were persecuting Him—for healing people
on the Sabbath. Jesus told them, “Listen. My Father works every day and so Hanukkah
do I.” After that, the Jewish leaders wanted to kill Him even more, not only
for breaking the Sabbath, but because He called God His own Father and Hanukkah is celebrated by
made Himself equal with God. Jews to remember when
the Temple was reclaimed
by the Maccabees in 139
Another time the Jewish leaders were insulting Jesus. He answered them. “If
BC. The oil for lighting
anyone keeps My word, he will never see death.” the temple menorah did
not run out for eight days
“Now we know you are crazy!” Abraham died along with all the prophets, during that event. The
but You say anyone who keeps Your word will not die. Are You greater than rabbis said those eight
Abraham, who died? And the prophets, who died? Who do You think You days should be a holiday
are?” so the next year, 128 BC,
Hanukkah was celebrated
“Abraham rejoiced that he would see My day. He saw my coming and was by Jews for the first time
glad.” and has continued as a
Jewish holiday since that
“What? You are not even fifty years old, and You have seen Abraham?” time.

“Listen to me: before Abraham was, I am.”

The Jews considered this a blasphemous claim to be God. Their law said He
should be stoned! So they picked up stones to throw at Jesus, but Jesus hid
himself and left the temple.

Later, during Hanukkah, Jesus was walking in the temple. The Jewish leaders Show ATSOH #26
gathered around and asked, “How long will You keep us in suspense? If You
are the Christ, tell us in plain language.”

“I told you, but you don’t believe. I and the Father are one.” Twice more that
day they picked up stones to kill Him. They tried to grab Him, but He es-

THEME: Jesus taught that

He was one with God.

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Teacher Notes

Sing all of “Look!” teaching the fourth verse. Here again, the “Look!” is turned
around, this time to the crowd who are picking up stones to stone Jesus. It
is a ‘look’ of horror as we realize they have rejected Jesus and, angry at Him
for declaring He is God, they try to kill Him. The original chorus (“Look, the
Lamb of God”) is repeated at the end to bring continuity and remind us that
Jesus, who is One with the Father, is also the Lamb who takes away the sin of
the world.

M e m o r y Ve r s e
Bible Memory Activity

John 10:28 - And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither After reviewing the verse
shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. several times, have the
students form a circle
and choose one person
to be in the center. Give
Bible Activity the center person a
simple object to place on
Say, “Have you ever met a famous person?” (Allow children to answer) the floor to guard from
There is a TV show in America called “Undercover Boss.” This is how the others. The outer
it works: The president or owner of a very large company decides to see circle students will try to
capture the object without
what it is like to work an ordinary job in his company instead of sitting in
being touched by the
his expensive office in the big city. For example, it might be the owner of
center person. Several
McDonalds that would “get hired” as a person that makes the hamburgers students trying at the
at a local McDonald’s restaurant. Of course, none of the people who work same time should allow
there even know the name of the owner of the company; they just got a job one to capture the object
flipping burgers to make some money. This boss works alongside these without being touched.
ordinary people, pretending to be an ordinary worker himself. He talks to Whoever captures
the other workers, asks them what they think of working here, etc. Imagine the object will say the
their surprise when, at the end of this “experiment,” they find out who was verse and then have the
working with them! Did they have any idea who this person was? Maybe opportunity to be guard.
they saw clues along the way, if they were paying attention, but maybe they Repeat as desired.
were totally unaware! Now what if you found out that God Himself was
living and walking with you? Let’s see what happened in that very situa-
tion, as we read God’s Word today.

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My Stor y of Hope

(1) Jesus told a lame man to pick up his mat and walk. (2) Some Jewish leaders saw the man carrying his
mat and were shocked because it was against their law to carry things on the Sabbath. (3) Jesus told some
Jewish leaders, “Before Abraham was, I am!” They picked up stones to stone him. (4) Jesus told some Jew-
ish leaders, “My Father and I are one.”

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Teacher Notes
Coloring Book
Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the teacher
or by the student. Say, “This picture shows Jesus teaching the people that
He was one with God. Do you think this was an easy teaching for them
to understand? Why? or Why not?” Let the students color the picture and
discuss this question with you.

3 Review and Close


1. Why were the Jewish leaders persecuting Jesus after He healed the man at
the Bethesda pool? (Because He healed someone on the Sabbath, a day of

2. What was the Jewish leaders’ response when Jesus called God His Fa-
ther, making Him equal with God? (They wanted to kill Him because they
thought He was merely a man claiming to be equal with God.)

3. What did the Jewish leaders think about Jesus when He said, “If anyone
keeps my Word, he will never see death?” (They thought He was crazy.)

4. What did Jesus say Abraham felt about His coming? (He was glad.)

5. What did the Jewish leaders try to do when Jesus said, “Before Abraham
was, I AM?” (They tried to stone Him.)

6. What did Jesus say about His relationship with His Father? (My Father and
I are one.)

7. The Jewish leaders tried to stone Jesus several times for what they thought
was blasphemy against God. Why weren’t they able to do it? (Jesus was able
to slip away.)

THEME: Jesus taught that

He was one with God.

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Teacher Notes

Apply the Lesson

Anyone who reads the Bible will sometime have to ask the question, “Is Jesus
really God?” Jesus claimed to be God. To have faith in Jesus Christ, we must
believe that He is God. If you don’t believe He is God, why don’t you believe
what Jesus said about Himself? If you do believe, what is the strongest reason
for you to believe that Jesus is God?

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27 Teachings about Hell
Mark 9:42-48
Luke 16:19-31
THEME: Worms and fire
are forever. Repent!

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• Jesus strongly warned people not to turn others away from believing A beautiful full color pic-
in God. ture of the artwork above
is available for purchase
• The punishment for turning away from God would be very severe.
as a set through www.
• The reference to hell is a picture of a garbage dump where there was
continual fires and maggots or worms. It is a picture of excruciating the-story-of-hope-print-
pain and suffering. ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
• The worms represent internal torment and the fire represents exter- This picture can be used
as you tell the story. You
nal torment. Hell is a place of unending torment for the unbeliever.
may also want to post
• The rich man in Luke 16 was in great torment as he experienced the the pictures around
flames of hell. He even wanted Abraham to warn his brothers about your classroom to visu-
the reality of this horrific place. ally remind your class of
• Jesus’ response was quite simple: to avoid the place of eternal tor- previous lessons as you
teach ATSOH.
ment, hell, one should listen to and pay attention to the Scriptures.
You may want to copy
the picture (on the last
page of this lesson) for
your students before you
color one of the copies
yourself to show in class.

ATSOH Bible Visual #27

Adventures in the Story of Hope Opposition Lesson Number 27 | Page 225
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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson Review and Games: Ball

Review Questions from Lesson 7: Promise of a Victor Over Satan
Toss a ball to a student
T or F. Satan will bruise the woman’s descendant’s head and the woman’s de- who then answers a ques-
scendant will crush Satan’s heel. (False. Satan will bruise the woman’s descen- tion. If he answers it cor-
dant’s heel and the woman’s descendant will crush Satan’s head.) rectly, he can choose who
to toss it to next. If he
Did Adam and Eve understand immediately how awful the consequences of answers wrong, he throws
their sin were? (No. It would take many years and even then they would not it back to the teacher.
fully understand it all.)

Review Questions from Lesson 22: Temptations by Satan

How long did Jesus fast in the wilderness when Satan came to tempt Him?
(Forty days.)

In each temptation, how did Jesus respond? (He quoted Scripture – God’s

Review Question from Lesson 23: Announcement by John the Baptist

John baptized with water. With what did Jesus baptize? (Holy Spirit.)

Review Questions from Lesson 24: Jesus Meets a Religious Leader

Why did Jesus say He would be lifted up just as Moses lifted up the serpent in
the wilderness? (When the Israelites looked at the serpent and believed, they
would be healed. Jesus would also be lifted up on a pole [cross] and those who
believed in Him would be healed [sins forgiven].)

What did Jesus say would be given to anyone who believed in the Son of God?
(Eternal life.)

Review Questions from Lesson 25: Jesus Meets an Unreligious Woman

What did Jesus ask the Samaritan woman to give Him? (A drink from the

What was the living water Jesus offered to the woman? (Spiritual water that
leads to eternal life.)

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Review Questions from Lesson 26: Jesus Claims To Be One with God Teacher Notes
Why were the Jewish leaders persecuting Jesus after He healed the man at the
Bethesda pool? (Because He healed someone on the Sabbath - a day of rest.)

What was the Jewish leaders’ response when Jesus called God His Father,
making Him equal with God? (They wanted to kill Him because they
thought He was merely a man claiming to be equal with God.)

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 27: Teachings About Hell

Have you ever been punished? What do you think would be the worst kind
of punishment for something you or someone else has done?

Te l l T h e S t o r y
Jesus healed many people as He moved around Palestine. He claimed to be
God on several occasions. He preached about God’s love and forgiveness.
But He also taught about hell more than anyone else in the Bible. As God’s
Son, He understood what hell was really like more than anyone could, and
He loved people more than anyone else. One day, after telling several stories
about God’s love and forgiveness, Jesus told this story: ATSOH Bible Visual #27
A rich man wore the finest clothes money could buy and ate like a king every
day. (Run your hands over your sleeves as if they are fine clothes. Act ‘puffed
up’ like the rich would.) Living in the street outside the walls of the rich
man’s mansion, a poor beggar named Lazarus lay covered with sores. (Get
down on the floor, act as if your clothes are now tattered, you are suffering.)
As the dogs licked at Lazarus’ sores, he hoped to eat at least whatever fell
from the rich man’s table.

When the poor man died, angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich
man also died and was buried.

From Hades, in constant torment, the rich man looked and saw Abraham
and Lazarus far away. He cried out!

(Now, get down low as if you are the rich man in Hades. Look up to a corner
where Abraham would be.) “Father Abraham, have mercy on me! Let Laza-

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rus dip the tip of his finger in water and come cool my tongue. I am in agony Teacher Notes
in these flames!”

(Stand up tall, look down to where the rich man would be; speak calmly and
dignified, but lovingly.)

“Child, don’t you remember that while you lived, you had everything you
needed and Lazarus suffered hard times? Now he is comforted here and you
are in agony. But even if someone from here wanted to go there or if someone
there wanted to come here, it is impossible because a huge gulf that no one
can cross is in place between us. (Crouch down low, in anguish, plead for your

“Then please, send Lazarus to warn my five brothers so they can escape this
terrible place.”

(Abraham, again higher up.) “The Word of God gives clear warning. Let them
listen to it.”

(Down low.) “But, Father Abraham, if someone comes back from the dead to
warn them, they will repent.”

(Up high.) “No, if they aren’t convinced by God’s Word, then they won’t be
convinced by someone coming back from the dead.”

(Standing normally, finish the story as yourself.)

Jesus spoke of this future place of torment many times and in vivid detail. He
spoke of darkness; weeping; gnashing of teeth; an unquenchable, eternal fire;
and where the worm does not die. He used the well-known Valley of Gehenna
(a perpetually burning maggot-infested garbage dump southwest of Jerusa-
lem) as a stark illustration of hell. He spoke with conviction of its reality and
encouraged people to repent to avoid going there.

THEME: Worms and fire

are forever. Repent!

Final Days

The catchy chorus about Jesus’ final days (each of these events is alluded to

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in the chorus) introduces the short story line of each verse. Teach the chorus Teacher Notes
and first verse of “Final Days.” Sing other songs as time allows.
Bible Memory Activity
Write the Bible verse to be
M e m o r y Ve r s e learned on a board for all
to see. Let one student at a
time erase one important
Matthew 25:41b – Depart from Me you cursed, into the everlasting fire pre- word. Repeat the verse
pared for the devil and his angels. after each student erases
a word. Continue until all
words are erased and the
Bible Activity verse is learned.

This is a good lesson to act out as a drama. Choose one student to be Abra-
ham, Lazarus, Rich man, angels, 5 brothers, people in heaven, people in hell.
(Involve all students) After telling the story, have students act it out. If pos-
sible, have some “props” to use – simple clothing to represent wealth (for the
rich man); poverty (such as rags to tie around Lazarus’ “sores”); red, orange,
and yellow paper to wave (representing the fire of hell). Use your imagina-
tion, and encourage the kids to be creative in their drama and use of props.
The teacher should be the narrator, filling in the gaps to keep the story mov-
ing along. As the narrator tells the story, the children play the part being
described. Remind the children that hell is a real place with real suffering.

Coloring Book
Artwork on the following page can be used for coloring, either by the teacher
or by the student. Say, “This picture shows Jesus explaining hell to reli-
gious leaders. Do you think they knew He was talking about them?” Let
the children color the picture and discuss this question with you.

My Stor y of Hope
(1) A rich man (see left of gate) who lived in luxury had a poor man named
Lazarus (see right of gate) living outside his gate. Dogs came and licked Laza-
rus’ sores. (2) The poor man died and went to Abraham’s side. The rich man
also died and went to hell. The rich man asked Abraham to send Lazarus
to bring him water because he was in agony in the flames (can write, ‘please
send Lazarus’ above the rich man). But there was a big gap between them and
Lazarus could not go to him.

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3 Review and Close

1. Describe the rich man in the story Jesus told about the rich man and Lazarus. (He was dressed in purple
and fine linen and lived in luxury every day.) Describe Lazarus. (He was a poor beggar who lived in the
street, he was covered with sores, and didn’t have enough to eat.)

2. Where did Lazarus go when he died? (To Abraham’s side.) The rich man? (To Hades.)

3. What did the rich man ask Abraham to do to help him after he had died and gone to hell? (Let Lazarus
dip the tip of his finger in water and come cool his tongue because he was in agony in the flames. Hell is a
place of conscious suffering.)

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4. Why did Abraham say that it would be impossible for Lazarus to go to Teacher Notes
him? (A huge gap separated them. No one can escape hell.)

5. What did the rich man ask Abraham to do for his family? (Send Lazarus
to warn his five brothers who were still alive so they wouldn’t have to go to

6. Why did Abraham say that even if Lazarus came back from the dead, his
brothers would not believe? (They had not been convinced by God’s Word.)

7. Name at least two of the words or phrases Jesus used to describe hell.
(Darkness, weeping, gnashing of teeth, fire that never dies, where the worm
does not die.)

THEME: Worms and fire

are forever. Repent!

Apply the Lesson

The rich man kept his wealth for himself and did not share it. He also did not
believe God’s Word and repent, or turn to God from his sinful, selfish life.
If you would like to turn to God and repent, or turn away from your sin, as
Lazarus did, and be assured of being with God after you die, please come talk
to me after class.

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28 Miracles of Jesus
Matthew 4:23-24
John 11:1-45

THEME: Jesus Christ has

power over death.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• Jesus not only preached, He did many miracles. His miracles became A beautiful full color pic-
known all over the country of Israel, even to neighboring countries. A ture of the artwork above
miracle is an event that cannot be explained by any law of nature. is available for purchase
as a set through www.
• When Jesus healed the people, it authenticated His role as a prophet.
• The miracles of Jesus were supposed to lead a person to repentance the-story-of-hope-print-
from his/her sins, not just better health. ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
• Large crowds began to follow Jesus because of His miracles. This picture can be used
as you tell the story. You
• Lazarus was a special friend of Jesus who lived in Bethany, located may also want to post
near Jerusalem. You can read about Lazarus in just two chapters in the the pictures around
Bible, John 11 and 12. your classroom to visu-
• Lazarus had become very sick and his sisters, Mary and Martha, sent ally remind your class of
for Jesus. They knew Jesus could heal their brother because they saw previous lessons as you
Him heal many other people. Jesus and His disciples were not near teach ATSOH.
You may want to copy
• However, when Jesus got the word that Lazarus was sick, He did not the picture (on the last
come immediately. He delayed for two days and said that this sickness page of this lesson) for
was for the glory of God. your students before you
• Mary and Martha did not understand His delay of two days. During color one of the copies
that time, Lazarus died. By the time Jesus got to Bethany, Lazarus had yourself to show in class.
been dead for four days.
ATSOH Bible Visual #28
• Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead when He arrived and told the fam-
ily of Lazarus that “I am the resurrection and the life.” They knew that
Jesus had power over sickness, even death.
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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson Review and Games:

Bible Tic-Tac-Toe
Review Questions from Lesson 8: Provision of Clothes
Draw a large tic-tac-toe
Why did God not accept the clothes made out of fig leaves that Adam and on the board or large
Eve had used to clothe themselves? (Man had made the clothes and man paper. Divide the class
can’t create his own covering for sin.) into two teams (‘X’ and
‘O’). Ask the first student
Because Adam and Eve had disobeyed God, what did they now have inside on Team ‘X’ a question. If
them? (Sin.) he answers it correctly, he
gets to choose where to
Review Questions from Lesson 23: Announcement by John the Baptist put the ‘X’. Then ask the
first student on Team ‘O’
When John saw Jesus approaching him at the river one day after he had a question. If a question
baptized Jesus, what amazing words did he say about Jesus? (“Look! Here is is missed, the opposite
the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” Remember what we team gets to choose where
studied about sacrificial lambs taking away sins?) to put the other team’s let-
John baptized with water. With what did Jesus baptize? (Holy Spirit.)

Review Question from Lesson 24: Jesus Meets a Religious Leader

What did Jesus say about anyone who does not believe in the Son of God?
(He/she is condemned.)

Review Questions from Lesson 25: Jesus Meets an Unreligious Woman

Who did the Samaritan woman think Jesus was when He told her about her
sinful past? (She thought He was a prophet.)

How did the Samaritan woman respond when Jesus told her He was the
Messiah? (She left her water jar and ran into town to tell everyone the won-
derful news.)

Review Questions from Lesson 26: Jesus Claims To Be One with God

What did the Jewish leaders think about Jesus when He said, “If anyone
keeps my Word, he will never see death?” (They thought He was crazy.)

What did Jesus say Abraham felt about His coming? (He was glad.)

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Review Questions from Lesson 27: Teaching About Hell Teacher Notes
Describe the rich man in the story Jesus told about the rich man and Lazarus.
(He was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day.) De-
scribe Lazarus. (He was a poor beggar who lived in the street, he was covered
with sores, and didn’t have enough to eat.)

Where did Lazarus go when he died? (To Abraham’s side.) The rich man? (To

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n

Introduction to Lesson 28: Miracles of Jesus

Use the Bible activity before you tell the story.

Te l l T h e S t o r y
Jesus performed many miracles to demonstrate that He was the Son of God Tell The Story
as John had said. He healed the sick, caused the blind to see, and the lame to
walk. Many of these miracles He did for strangers in the crowd, but some- You can have the students
times He did miracles for His friends. act out each sickness–
hand on stomach for sick,
Lazarus, Mary and Martha, a brother and sisters living in Bethany, were good hand covering eyes for
friends of Jesus whom He loved very much. Lazarus became sick so his sisters blind, down on knees for
sent a message to Jesus: “Lord, one you love is sick.” Jesus told the messenger, lame.
“Don’t worry, this illness will not leave Lazarus dead. He is sick so that God
will be glorified as He glorifies His Son through this event.” So Jesus stayed Change your voice when
where He was two more days after He received the message. Finally, Jesus said moving from disciples to
to the disciples, “It’s time to go to Judea. Our friend Lazarus sleeps now, but I Jesus to Martha.
will wake him up.”

(As disciples) “Lord, if he is able to rest and sleep, he must be getting better!”

But Jesus had used the word ‘sleep’ as a picture to introduce what would hap-
pen to Him – His death. (Now Jesus) “Lazarus is dead.

For your sake I am glad I was not there, so you may believe. Let’s go.”

By the time Jesus arrived Lazarus had been dead and buried four days and
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many Jews from Jerusalem (only about two miles from Bethany) were present Teacher Notes
trying to console the sisters. When Martha heard Jesus was close, she ran to
meet Him.

(Martha, kneeling.) “Master, if only you had been here, my brother would not
have died. But I am convinced that whatever You ask of God, He will grant it.”

(Jesus, standing.) “Your brother will rise again.”

(Martha, confused.) “I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.”

(Jesus) “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live,
even if he dies. Everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you

(Martha) “Yes, Master. I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God, sent
into the world.” Then she left to get her sister. “Mary, the Teacher has arrived
and is asking for you.” Mary came and fell at Jesus’ feet and also said, “Master,
if You had been here, my brother would not have died.”

Jesus was quite disturbed when He saw her crying and the Jews with her cry-
ing, too.

“Where have you laid him?”

“Master, come and see.” they replied.

Jesus was deeply affected and cried with them. When He reached the cave with
the stone in front of it, that served as a tomb, Jesus said, “Move the stone.”

(Martha confused) “But Master, it’s been four days. I’m sure there will be a
strong odor.”

(Jesus) “Didn’t I tell you through the messenger that if you believed you would
see God glorified in this?”

So they moved the stone. Then Jesus looked to heaven and said, “Father, thank
You for hearing me as you always do. I am speaking aloud so that those stand-
ing here might believe that You sent me.” Then, focusing on the tomb, Jesus
shouted, “Lazarus, come out here.”

With hands and feet still bound in linen burial strips and face wrapped in a
cloth, the one who had died came out!

(Jesus) “Free him from those grave clothes.”

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When they saw what Jesus did, many Jews who had accompanied Mary be- Teacher Notes
lieved in Jesus, but others went and told the Pharisees. So the leading priests Show ATSOH #28
and the Pharisees called the Council together. “What can we do now? Since
this man performs miracles like this, everyone will believe in Him, and the
Romans will take away our position as leaders of the nation.” From then on
they made plans to kill Him.

But Jesus continued to travel about. Six days before the Passover, He returned
to Bethany. Martha served a dinner and Lazarus, along with others, ate with
Him. A large crowd heard Jesus was there and came. They wanted not only to
see Jesus, but Lazarus, too, since he had died and now lived. Now the leading
priests planned to kill Lazarus also, because many of the Jews believed in Jesus
after seeing and talking with Lazarus.

THEME: Jesus Christ has

power over death.

Final Days
Bible Memory Activity
Sing the chorus and verse one of “Final Days,” then teach verse two. Sing both
verses and other songs as time allows. Place the students in
two groups and have
them face each other,
M e m o r y Ve r s e while still sitting in their
chairs. Have group 1
stand up and say the first
John 11:25 - Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who be- word. Then have group
lieves in Me, though he may die, he shall live.” 2 stand up and say the
second word. Group 1
will sit down and say the
Bible Activity third followed by group 2
sitting down and saying
the fourth. Continue
Has someone you knew well died and gone to heaven? (Teacher can share standing and sitting until
an experience of losing a family member or friend.) Allow children time to you finish saying the
share. How did YOU feel when you lost that person who meant so much verse. Give this activity a
to you? What did you think? Five minutes after your special person was in couple tries to see if you
the presence of God, how do you think he/she felt? What do you think they can get a good rhythm
were thinking? What a big difference in perspective! (Explain the meaning going.
of perspective: it’s HOW you see a certain thing. Two people can both look
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at the same event, and see two totally different things, all based on different perspectives.) Talk about the
difference between being in heaven and being on earth. In today’s story, we will learn how very differently
Mary, Martha, Jesus and Lazarus viewed a situation. Let’s join them!

After the lesson, re-visit this discussion. Ask the children: “What were Mary and Martha thinking and
feeling? What was Lazarus most likely thinking and feeling? What was Jesus thinking? Who had the
accurate view of Lazarus’ death and coming back to life? What SHOULD have been Mary and Martha’s
response? Why?

My Stor y of Hope
(1) Jesus received the message that His good friend Lazarus was sick. (2) Two days later, Jesus and His fol-
lowers went to Bethany where Lazarus lived (can write ‘two days later’ above Jesus and His disciples). (3)
Jesus cried with Mary, Lazarus’ sister. (4) Jesus told Lazarus to come out of the tomb and Lazarus obeyed.
He was wrapped in strips of linen (grave clothes).

Coloring Book
Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the teacher or by the student. Say,
“This picture shows Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. How surprised do you think the sisters of
Lazarus were when Lazarus came back to life?” Let the children color the picture and discuss this ques-
tion with you.

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3 Review and Close


1. What news did Jesus receive about His good friend Lazarus? (He is sick.)

2. Why did Jesus tell His disciples not to worry about Lazarus’ illness?
(Because Lazarus was sick so that God would be glorified.)

3. Jesus knew when He left for Bethany (Lazarus’ home town) that Lazarus
was already dead. Why did He tell His disciples that He was glad He hadn’t
been there when he died? (So that they would believe.)

4. What did Jesus mean when He said that anyone who believes in Him will
live, even if he dies? (Jesus was talking about eternal life for all who believe in

5. When the stone had been removed from the tomb, what did Jesus say?
(Lazarus, come out here.)

6. When Lazarus was raised to life many Jews believed. What did the others
who were there do? (They told the Jewish leaders what had happened.)

7. Why did Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead make the Pharisees want to
kill Jesus even more? (They thought after this great miracle that everyone
would believe in Jesus and the Romans would take away their positions as
leaders of the nation.)

THEME: Jesus Christ has

power over death.

Apply the Lesson

Jesus is powerful and can do extraordinary things like raise people from the
dead. Name another miracle Jesus performed. As children name miracles,
say for each, “Jesus had power over ____” (sickness, death, wind/waves, etc
— whatever correlates with miracle that student mentions). Jesus has the
same power today to help you in whatever difficult situation you experience.
You can ask Him to help you.

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29 Betrayal of Jesus
Matthew 26:1-56

THEME: Judas betrayed Jesus.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• There was a deliberate plot to kill Jesus. Without this plot, there A beautiful full color pic-
would have been no charges brought against Jesus. ture of the artwork above
is available for purchase
• Matthew and Mark record this story to have happened right after the
as a set through www.
last supper. The contrast is obvious: the devotion of Mary and the
betrayal by Judas.
• Judas probably betrayed Jesus because he expected a political over- ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
throw of the Roman government. Judas was the treasurer for the This picture can be used
group of disciples. When he realized Jesus would not establish His as you tell the story. You
kingdom as Judas expected, Judas chose to betray Jesus for 30 pieces may also want to post
of silver. the pictures around
your classroom to visu-
• Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss in the garden, a sign to the Roman
ally remind your class of
soldier that this was Jesus whom they should arrest. previous lessons as you
• Judas pointed out Jesus not because it was hard to recognize Jesus, teach ATSOH.
but because Judas would become the formal accuser in a trial of law.
You may want to copy
• Peter cut off the ear of one of the Roman soldiers, Malchus. Peter
the picture (on the last
was trying to prevent defeat. However, Peter did not realize that
page of this lesson) for
Jesus had to die to gain victory. your students before you
• The kingdom of God was not to go forward with swords but with color one of the copies
faith and obedience. yourself to show in class.
• The religious leaders could have arrested Jesus anytime but they
ATSOH Bible Visual #29
chose to do it at night because the crowds were usually gone by then.
• The Jewish council recommended death which was approved by the
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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson Review and Games:Who

Am I?
Review Questions from Lesson 9: Expelled from the Garden of Eden
Write the names of all
T or F. Because the man and woman had disobeyed God by eating from the the Bible characters that
forbidden tree, they now had the knowledge of good and evil from personal have been studied thus
experience. (True.) far on small pieces of
paper and place them in
Does God know about sin personally? (No, He knows about the facts of sin a basket. Ask one stu-
but has never sinned.) dent to draw a piece of
paper and, pretending to
Review Questions from Lesson 24: Jesus Meets a Religious Leader be that person, state one
fact about him/her. The
What did Jesus mean when He told Nicodemus he needed to be born again? student continues giv-
(Jesus was talking about a spiritual birth - giving man a new heart and a new ing facts until someone
spirit.) guesses correctly. Where
Am I? and What Am I?
What did Jesus say would be given to anyone who believed in the Son of God? can be played in a similar
(Eternal life.) manner by changing the
names to places or ob-
Review Question from Lesson 25: Jesus Meets an Unreligious Woman jects.

What did the people from town say after Jesus taught them for two days? Examples: Who Am I?
(Now we know for ourselves that Jesus is the Savior of the world.)
• I am a man from the
Review Questions from Lesson 26: Jesus Claims To Be One with God Old Testament.

What did the Jewish leaders try to do when Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, • I had an older brother
I AM?” (They tried to stone Him.) and sister.

What did Jesus say about His relationship with His Father? (My Father and I • My mother placed me
are one.) in a basket in the Nile
River when I was a
Review Questions from Lesson 27: Teaching About Hell baby. (Moses)

What did the rich man ask Abraham to do to help him after he had died and
gone to hell? (Let Lazarus dip the tip of his finger in water and come cool his
tongue because he was in agony in the flames. Hell is a place of conscious suf-

Why did Abraham say that it would be impossible for Lazarus to go to him?

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(A huge gap separated them. No one can escape hell.) Teacher Notes
Review Questions from Lesson 28: Miracles of Jesus

What news did Jesus receive about His good friend Lazarus? (He is sick.)

Why did Jesus tell His disciples not to worry about Lazarus’ illness? (Because
Lazarus was sick so that God would be glorified.)

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n

Introduction to Lesson 29: Betrayal of Jesus

Use the Bible activity before telling the story.

Te l l T h e S t o r y
We live in a world of people, creatures, and things we can see, touch and hear.
We call it the visible or natural world. But God, who is invisible, influences
our world. In fact, God’s angels and Satan and his demons are invisible and
also influence our world often in ways we usually don’t see or perceive. But
Jesus was aware of the invisible, supernatural world. He knew His time to die
was approaching; Satan was working hard to make it happen.

As the Passover drew near once again, the leading priests were trying to figure
out how to kill Jesus without upsetting the crowd. Satan entered into Judas
(one of Jesus’ twelve closest followers) and influenced him to contact the
priests and betray Jesus to them when the crowds of people were not around.
They were happy to pay Judas for this, so Judas left and looked for a time
when he could turn Jesus over to the priests.

On the night of the Passover meal, Jesus wrapped Himself in a towel and
performed the most meaningful act of love and service in Jewish culture: He
washed His followers’ feet—including Judas’—and explained why that act was
important. As Jesus finished, He said, “If you understand what I do you will
happily do it, too. But, of course, not all of you will.” Then Jesus quoted part of
Psalm 41, saying, “He who ate My bread has lifted his heel against Me.” As Je-
sus continued, He was more and more troubled. Finally He stated clearly, “It’s
true, one of you will betray Me.” Later He even said, “The betrayer is the one
to whom I give this piece of bread I have dipped,” and He gave it to Judas.

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At that point, Satan entered into Judas again, and Jesus told him to “do it Teacher Notes
quickly.” Judas was in charge of keeping the money for the group, so everyone
thought Jesus was talking about paying for the meal or giving money to the
poor. As soon as Judas received the bread, he went out into the night.

Later Jesus led His followers across the Kidron Valley to ‘Olive Press Garden’
on the Mount of Olives where He told them, “Pray that you won’t give in to
temptation.” Then He Himself went a little farther to pray. Jesus prayed ear-
nestly, “Father, deliver Me from this coming suffering and separation from
You, but only if it accomplishes Your will.” Three times He prayed these words
in agony, His perspiration falling to the ground like huge drops of blood.
Show ATSOH #29
Judas knew where Jesus and His disciples would be. He led armed soldiers,
officers, leading priests and Pharisees to the garden with torches and lanterns.
Then he kissed Jesus as a signal to the soldiers. Jesus, fully aware of what was
about to happen to Him, stepped forward and asked, “Who are you looking
for?” They answered, “Jesus of Nazareth.”

Jesus, with all the power of the Old Testament name for God behind him,
answered, “I am” and they fell backwards to the ground! He asked them again,
“Who are you looking for?” and again, they said, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Jesus
answered, “I told you that I am. If I am the one you want, let these men go.”

Peter had brought a sword. He drew it wildly now and cut off the right ear of
Malchus, the high priest’s servant. Jesus healed the man’s ear and said to Peter,
“Put your sword away. I accept the suffering the Father has planned for Me.
Don’t you realize that I could call to my Father and He would immediately
send Me more than 50,000 angels?”

Turning to the mob led by the priests, He said, “You come after Me with
swords and clubs as if I were a robber? I was in the temple day after day and
you never touched Me. This is the time you chose, night; and this is the power
you chose, the power of darkness.”

Many other times Jesus had simply disappeared from the Pharisees when they
tried to kill Him. Now it was time. He willingly gave Himself to the soldiers
because He willingly gave Himself to do God’s will.

THEME: Judas betrayed Jesus.

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Teacher Notes

Final Days

Sing choruses and verses one and two of “Final Days.” Then teach verse three.
The colloquial ‘Went to make his deal,’ and the paraphrase ‘Jesus said, “Why
come, sirs,”’ should be easily understood by the children, but feel free to
explain, if necessary.

M e m o r y Ve r s e
Matthew 26:56 - But all this was done that the Scriptures of the prophets Bible Memory Activity
might be fulfilled. Then all the disciples forsook Him and fled. Write the verse on a
small sheet of paper with
the words in incorrect
Bible Activity order. Learn the verse.
Give each child a copy
If possible, bring a children’s dictionary to class. Also bring at least six small of this scrambled verse
treats, but keep them a secret! Before class, write each of the following words along with scissors, glue,
on a separate piece of paper or card: betray, humility, treasurer, agony, dark- and another full sheet of
ness, submit. Ask for volunteers to choose a card, then look up the word that paper. Have the children
is on the card. They should then read the definition to the class. The teacher cut the words out, put
(or student if they are able to do this) should write the definition of each word them in the correct order,
on its respective card. After defining these words, say: we are going to listen and glue them to the full
for each of these words (or ideas) during the story today. When you hear one sheet.
of these words either said, or described, hold up the card with that word on it.
Once the story is finished, go back and talk about each of these key words and

Coloring Book
Artwork at the end of this lesson can be used for coloring, either by the
teacher or by the student. Say, “This picture shows Jesus being betrayed
with a kiss by Judas. Why did Judas do such a bad thing?” Let the children
color the picture and discuss this question with you.

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My Stor y of Hope
(1) Judas received thirty pieces of silver from the leading priests to betray Jesus (can write ‘Judas’ and ‘thirty
pieces of silver’). (2) Jesus gives a morsel of bread to Judas identifying him as His betrayer. (3) Jesus prays
at Gethsemane (can write ‘Gethsemane’). (4) Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss as the Roman soldiers looked

3 Review and Close


1. Did Jesus know that Judas and the leading priests were plotting His death at the time of the Passover
meal? (Yes.)

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2. What did Jesus do during the Passover meal to show that Judas would be Teacher Notes
His betrayer? (He said the one to whom He gave the bread is the one who
would betray Him.)

3. What did Jesus mean when He held up the cup and said, “This is My blood
of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins?”
(Jesus was predicting that His body would be broken and His blood would
be shed just as John the Baptist had said that Jesus was the Lamb of God who
takes away the sin of the world.)

4. Where did Jesus and His followers (except Judas) go after the Passover
meal? (They went to “Olive Press Garden” to pray.)

5. What signal did Judas use to show the soldiers which man was Jesus?
(Judas told them the one he kissed is Jesus.)

6. Did Jesus have the power to resist arrest that night? (Yes, He told Peter He
could call 50,000 angels to come and help Him.)

7. Why did Jesus go willingly with the soldiers? (He willingly submitted Him-
self to do God’s will.)

THEME: Judas betrayed Jesus.

Apply the Lesson

Judas claimed to be a follower of Christ, but really only pretended to follow

Him. Are you a committed follower, or a pretend follower? If you really want
to follow Jesus with your whole life, please come talk to me after class.

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30 Jesus Appears
Before Unfair Judges
Matthew 27:1-24

THEME: Jesus was innocent

but the crowds shouted,
“Crucify Him!”

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• The Jewish religious leaders had to convince the Roman authori- A beautiful full color pic-
ties to crucify Jesus because they did not have the authority to do it ture of the artwork above
themselves. is available for purchase
as a set through www.
• To be sentenced to die, Jesus had to be brought before the Roman
governor, Pilate. Pilate governed from Caesarea but happened to the-story-of-hope-print-
be in Jerusalem for a special occasion. Pilate had one accusation ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
brought against Jesus, that He claimed to be the King of the Jews. This picture can be used
The Jews arrested Jesus for blasphemy but that charge meant noth- as you tell the story. You
ing to the Romans. If Jesus called Himself a King, then the Romans may also want to post
would act. the pictures around
• Judas realized that he had betrayed Jesus but by that time it was too your classroom to visu-
late. He decided to get rid of the money which only reminded him of ally remind your class of
his sinful actions. previous lessons as you
teach ATSOH.
• When Pilate asked Jesus if He was the King of the Jews, the answer
came back positive. Pilate realized that this King was no threat to the You may want to copy
Roman empire and tried to release Jesus. However, the crowd would the picture (on the last
have nothing to do with Pilate’s suggestion to release Jesus. page of this lesson) for
• Because it was Passover, it was a custom to release a criminal. A no- your students before you
torious criminal named Barabbas and Jesus were the possibilities for color one of the copies
a release. Pilate thought the Jewish people would pick Jesus whom yourself to show in class.
they loved. However, the crowd wanted nothing to do with Jesus and
shouted “Crucify Him!” When Pilate wanted further confirmation ATSOH Bible Visual #30
from the crowd, they only shouted louder “Crucify Him!”
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1 Begin the Lesson

Review and Games:
Chronological Order
Review Questions from Lesson 10: The Great Flood
Play a game with the kids.
Why did God want to destroy the earth with a flood? (The people were think- Have them arrange all 30
ing and doing bad all the time.) ATSOH pictures in order.

What promise did God make after the flood? (Never to destroy the earth by
flood again.)

Review Questions from Lesson 25: Jesus Meets an Unreligious Woman

What was the living water Jesus offered to the Samaritan woman? (Spiritual
water that leads to eternal life.)

How did the Samaritan woman respond when Jesus told her He was the Mes-
siah? (She left her water jar and ran into town to tell everyone the wonderful

Review Question from Lesson 26: Jesus Claims To Be One with God

The Jewish leaders tried to stone Jesus several times for what they thought was
blasphemy against God. Why weren’t they able to do this? (Jesus was able to
slip away because it wasn’t yet time for Him to die.)

Review Questions from Lesson 27: Teaching About Hell

What did the rich man ask Abraham to do for his family? (Send Lazarus to
warn his five brothers who were still alive so they wouldn’t have to go to Ha-

Why did Abraham say that even if Lazarus came back from the dead, his
brothers would not believe? (They had not been convinced by God’s Word.)

Review Questions from Lesson 28: Miracles of Jesus

Jesus knew when He left for Bethany (Lazarus’ home town) that Lazarus was
already dead. Why did He tell his disciples that He was glad He hadn’t been
there when he died? (So that they would believe.)

What did Jesus mean when He said that anyone who believes in Him will
live, even if he dies? (Jesus was talking about eternal life for all who believe in
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Review Questions from Lesson 29: Betrayal of Jesus Teacher Notes
Did Jesus know that Judas and the leading priests were plotting His death at
this time? (Yes.)

What did Jesus do during the Passover meal to show that Judas would be His
betrayer? (He said the one to whom He gave the bread is the one who would
betray Him.)

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 30: Jesus Appears Before Unfair Judges

What do you think it would be like to be convicted of a crime that you never
committed? On top of that, penalty for that crime was death. That is what
happened to Jesus.

Use the Bible Activity before telling the story.

Te l l T h e S t o r y
It was a terrible, mixed up night. The perfect, pure, innocent Son of God
appeared before sinful men in trial after trial. After the mob of soldiers and
religious leaders arrested Jesus and tied him up, they took Him to Annas, the
head of the high priestly family. He and his five sons had been high priest and
now his son-in-law had that position, but Annas had the final word. He ques-
tioned Jesus and sent Him to his son-in-law, Caiaphas, the acting high priest.

All the leaders were there trying to get people to lie about Jesus so they could
kill Him, but none of them could agree. Finally, they got two people to say the
same thing. Caiaphas said to Jesus, “I ask you in God’s name, tell us if you are
the Christ, the Son of God.”

Jesus answered simply, “You said it.” But then He added, “Listen, from now on
you will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds seated at God’s right hand.”
Jesus was claiming to be the Son of Man (the Messiah) described in Daniel 7,
and they were furious! Caiaphas, tore his clothes, yelling, “He is claiming to
be God! Why do we need any other witnesses? You all heard His blasphemy!”
Then he called for a vote. While they spit on Him, struck, and slapped Him,
the vote came in: “He deserves death.”

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But they couldn’t kill Jesus legally, so the entire group brought Him to the Teacher Notes
governor of the Roman province of Judea, Pontius Pilate. They needed to
prove Jesus had broken the law and deserved to die. So they told Pilate, “Jesus
told Jews not to pay taxes and claimed He was king instead of Caesar.” Pilate
asked Jesus, “Are you king of the Jews?” Like before, Jesus answered, “You said

But Pilate told them, “I find no guilt in this man.” Frantically, the Jews replied,
“He stirs up the people with His teaching all over Judea, from Galilee to here.”
When Pilate learned that Jesus was from Galilee (Herod’s territory) he sent
Him off to be judged by Herod, who was visiting Jerusalem at the time.

Now since Herod had wanted to see Jesus for a long time, he was delighted
that Pilate sent Him over. He was hoping Jesus would do some miracle. He
asked question after question of Jesus, but Jesus didn’t answer even a word.
All the while the Jewish leaders accused Him harshly. Herod was offended at
Jesus’ lack of answers so he mocked Him. His soldiers joined in and dressed
Jesus in kingly clothing and sent Him back to Pilate for Jesus’ fifth trial that

Pilate called Jesus’ accusers before him and said, “You said this man disturbed
the peace. In your presence I examined Him and found your charge untrue,
as did Herod, who sent Him back to me. It is clear to me that He is innocent,
and certainly does not deserve to die. I’ll just warn Him with a good whipping
and let him go.” Show ATSOH #30

The accusers went crazy: “Get rid of Him! Give us Barabbas!” (Barabbas
had been imprisoned for rioting and murder.) Pilate couldn’t understand
this crowd and tried to release Jesus again. “Crucify! Crucify Him!” the mob
shouted back at Pilate.

“But for what crime? He doesn’t deserve to die. I’m warning Him and let-
ting Him go,” Pilate tried the third time. But the mob, not to be quieted, kept
demanding crucifixion and finally wore Pilate down. He saw he was get-
ting nowhere and that a riot was about to break out, so he gave them what
they wanted: a murderer set free and an innocent man who would be cruci-
fied. (Pilate pardoned Barabbas and had Jesus whipped and handed over for
crucifixion.) Then he washed his hands in view of the crowd, saying, “The
responsibility of this man’s death is not on me; it’s totally on you.” The crowd
responded, “We take the blame for His blood, as will our children.

THEME: Jesus was innocent but the

crowds shouted, “Crucify Him!”
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Final Days

Sing the first three verses of “Final Days” and then teach the final verse. Sing
the entire song and any others as time allows.

M e m o r y Ve r s e

1 Corinthians 5:7 - Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new Bible Memory Activity
lump, since you truly are unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover, was
sacrificed for us. Make a cross out of
construction paper.
Learn the Bible verse. The
students will then need
to sit in chairs in a circle.
Bible Activity Everyone must close
their eyes. Place the cross
Ask the children: “Have you ever been accused of something that you didn’t under a chair. Children
do? (Allow time to respond.) How did that make you feel? When Jesus was open their eyes. The
accused of doing wrong, was He guilty? (No) Had Jesus ever done any- student who has the cross
thing wrong? (No) Did He try to argue with His accusers? Why not? Let’s has a chance to say the
see what that might have felt like. Choose one child who volunteers to be verse. If the child can say
the “accused.” The teacher will lead the “accusing” of the volunteer. Tell the the verse, he or she gets
class that anyone who wants to may bring an accusation, but the volunteer is to place the cross under
someone else’s chair.
not to answer in his/her defense. Possible accusations: “Joe stole some food
Continue until everyone
from the market” or “Mary got in trouble at school for hitting someone, and
gets a turn. Variation: A
I think we should tell her parents” (Be creative, and get the other kids to join coin or other token may
in on each accusation – such as “yes, I saw him do it!” or “that’s not all she be used in the place of a
did, I know something even worse!” After the volunteer has been accused of cross.
2-3 things, ask for a different volunteer to be accused. Let several children
have a turn. If you run short of volunteers, let the kids accuse you (teacher)
of a few things. Emphasize that it is hard to not defend yourself when you
know you have done nothing wrong.

Say: “We were just playing a game here, with no consequences.” How
much harder would it be if this had been REAL? What if you were accused
and you knew you would get a really bad spanking if the teacher believed
the story? Or what if you were on trial in a court and the punishment was
death? That would be a different story! Jesus is an amazing example to us
in this Bible story. Let’s see what happened…..

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Coloring Book
Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the teacher or by the student. Say,
“This picture shows Jesus before Pilate with the crowd in the background. What would you have done
if you were in the crowd?” Let the children color the picture and discuss this question with you.

My Stor y of Hope
(1) Jesus faced five trials the night of his arrest. First with Annas who believed He was guilty, but sent Him
to Caiaphas who accused Him of blasphemy. He sent Him to Pilate who believed Jesus was innocent, so he
sent Him to Herod. He mocked Jesus and sent Him back to Pilate. (2) Pilate washed his hands in front of
the crowd to show that he was not guilty of Jesus’ blood as the crowd shouted, “Crucify Him!” (3) Jesus was

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3 Review and Close


1. After Jesus was arrested the Sanhedrin got people to speak against Jesus.
Were they telling the truth? (No.)

2. When Caiaphas asked Jesus if He was the King of the Jews, what did Jesus
say? (Yes, it is as you say.)

3. What did Caiaphas do when Jesus told him that from now on he would see
the Son of Man coming on the clouds seated at God’s right hand? (He tore
his robes and accused Jesus of blasphemy.)

4. When Jesus was brought before the Roman governor Pilate, did he think
Jesus was guilty? (No, he didn’t think that Jesus was guilty of any crime.)

5. What did Herod and his soldiers do when Jesus was brought before them?
(They mocked Him and dressed Him in royal clothes.)

6. What did the crowd say when Pilate told them he wanted to let Jesus go?
(They shouted “Crucify Him, crucify Him.”)

7. Name at least two reasons that show that Jesus did not have a fair trial?
(Possible answers: the Jewish leaders determined that Jesus would be put
to death before the trial started, they got witnesses to lie about Jesus, they
accused Him of different crimes when they brought Him before the Roman

THEME: Jesus was innocent but the

crowds shouted, “Crucify Him!”

Apply the Lesson

The Jewish leaders were trying to influence the Roman government that Jesus
was a rebel and not a king. Jesus was unfairly accused by the Jewish leaders.
How does this make you feel? When you hear people make fun of Jesus today,
or use His name as a swear word, what can you do? What are you doing to
show that Jesus is King in your life?
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31 The Crucifixion
of Jesus
Luke 23:26-38
I Corinthians 5:7

THEME: Jesus died on a

cross for our sins.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• Crucifixion was a common way to put a criminal to death. However, A beautiful full color pic-
it was a cruel and usually slow method. A Roman citizen could not ture of the artwork above
be crucified. Crucifixion was reserved for the worst criminals. is available for purchase
• Simon, from northern Africa, was forced to carry the cross when as a set through www.
Jesus could not.
• Jesus forgave those who were killing Him (Luke 23:34) and He for- ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
gave one who was killed with Him (Luke 23:43). This picture can be used
• From the sixth hour, noon, until the ninth hour, 3 p.m., there was as you tell the story. You
darkness on the earth. may also want to post
the pictures around
• The curtain in the Temple tore in two, from top to bottom. This was your classroom to visu-
symbolic, indicating that the common person now had free access to ally remind your class of
the presence of God. previous lessons as you
• Luke verifies that Jesus gave His life, it was not taken from Him. teach ATSOH.
• A Roman soldier called Jesus a righteous man and that Jesus was not
You may want to copy
guilty of the crimes He was charged with. The Roman soldier praised
the picture (on the last
page of this lesson) for
• Luke notices that many people who observed the death of Jesus your students before you
mourned for Him. color one of the copies
• No gospel writer records any instance of any woman who opposed yourself to show in class.
ATSOH Bible Visual #31
• Jesus was crucifed on Golgotha, probably a hill outside Jerusalem
along a main road.
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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review Questions from Lesson 11: Promises to Abraham Review and Games:
Bible Charades
Did God tell Abraham the location of the land where He wanted him to go?
(No, Abraham went out in faith not knowing where he was going.) Ask one student to
choose a Bible story (or
Name at least two of the seven promises God gave to Abraham. (I will make part of a story) and act
you a great nation, I will bless you, I will make your name great, you will be a it out while the other
blessing, I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you, I will students try to guess
bless all people through you.) which story it is.
Review Questions from Lesson 26: Jesus Claims To Be One with God

What was the Jewish leaders’ response when Jesus called God His Father, mak-
ing Him equal with God? (They wanted to kill Him because they thought He
was merely a man claiming to be equal with God.)

What did Jesus say about His relationship with His Father? (My Father and I
are one.)

Review Question from Lesson 27: Teaching About Hell

Name at least two of the words or phrases Jesus used to describe hell. (Dark-
ness, weeping, gnashing of teeth, fire that never dies, where the worm does not

Review Questions from Lesson 28: Miracles of Jesus

When the stone had been removed from the tomb, what did Jesus say? (Laza-
rus, come out here.)

When Lazarus was raised to life, many Jews believed. What did the others do?
(They went and told the Jewish leaders what had happened.)

Review Questions from Lesson 29: Betrayal of Jesus

What did Jesus mean when He held up the cup and said, “This is My blood of
the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins?” (Jesus
was predicting that His body would be broken and His blood would be shed
just as John the Baptist had said that Jesus was the Lamb of God who takes
away the sin of the world.)
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Where did Jesus and His followers (except Judas) go after the Passover meal? Teacher Notes
(They went to “Olive Press Garden” to pray.)

Review Questions from Lesson 30: Jesus Appears Before Unfair Judges

After Jesus was arrested, the Sanhedrin got two witnesses to __________ (lie)
about Jesus.

When Caiaphas asked Jesus if He was the King of the Jews, what did Jesus say?
(“Yes, it is as you say.” As a descendant of Judah and David, Jesus was qualified
to be the King of the Jewish people.)

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 31: The Crucifixion of Jesus

People use the cross for different reasons. Some people use the cross for jew-
elry. Some people use the cross for religious reasons. What does the Chris-
tian cross mean to you?

Te l l T h e S t o r y
After five trials, Pilate’s soldiers took Jesus into the governor’s palace and
called the leaders together. Stripping Jesus of His clothing, they dressed Him
in bright red. They made a crown from thorns and put it on His head. They
put a hollow stick in His hand to serve as a scepter. Then bowing down to
Jesus, they said to Him, “Honor to You, King of the Jews!” Then they spit on
Him and hit Him on the head with the ‘scepter.’ When it was no longer fun,
they removed the red toga, replacing it with His own clothes, and took Him
out to be crucified.

When a person was going to be crucified, they had to carry their own cross.
Jesus began to carry the heavy crossbeam to the crucifixion site. He was so
weak from the beatings that He fell under the heavy load. The soldiers found
a man named Simon and made Him carry the cross. When they arrived at
‘Skull Hill,’ they offered Jesus a mixture of wine and perfume as a pain killer.
When He had tasted what it was, Jesus refused it.

The soldiers nailed Jesus to the cross along with two criminals, one on His
right, the other on His left. While waiting for them to die, the soldiers passed
the time gambling for Jesus’ clothes.

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They wrote the ‘criminal charge’ against Him and posted it on the cross above Teacher Notes
His head: This is Jesus, the King of the Jews. People passing by shook their
heads and made fun: “Oh, You can tear down the Temple and rebuild it in
three days? Let’s see some of that power! Son of God, are You? Then come on
down from the cross!”

The leading priests and religious men joined in the mockery: “He saved oth-
ers, but He can’t save Himself! The King of Israel could get Himself off the
cross. We would believe in Him if He did that! He trusted in God. Let’s see if
God will rescue Him now; if He even wants Him! After all, He claimed He was
God’s Son, didn’t He?”

Crowds of people, religious leaders, soldiers all made fun of Jesus. If that
wasn’t enough, the two criminals being crucified with Him joined in, too.
Show ATSOH #31 while
Mocked. Pierced hands and feet. going through these de-
Rejected. Dying with criminals.
Lifted up. Forsaken, despised, naked.
Beaten. Rejected by God. Bible Memory Activity
Heads shaking. “He trusts God, let Him deliver!” Print memory verse on
People amazed. board (chalk, marker or
These are descriptions of Jesus at His death. These are also prophecies David poster). Read verse aloud,
and Isaiah wrote in Psalm 22 and Isaiah 52 and 53 about the Messiah who was first as a group, then boys
to come. Jesus fulfilled these prophecies in His horrible, painful, humiliating only, followed by only
death that day on the cross. girls. Explain key words.

Ahead of time, divide

THEME: Jesus died on a verse into short groups
of words/phrases: For
cross for our sins. Christ/also suffered/
once for sins, /the just/
for the unjust, /that He/
might bring/us to God, /
being put/to death/in the
Music flesh/but made alive/by
the Spirit. (Note: to help
Something to Proclaim children remember their
words/phrases, you can
Teach verse one of “Something to Proclaim.” Notice that the crucifixion is de- print them on small cards
clared to be the act of crushing the serpent’s head. Be sure to help the students and give to the children
catch that. Notice also, that the first verse proclaims the resurrection already— who can then read them
a little bit of frontloading (exposing something before it happens). Teach the or show them as they say
song, but don’t emphasize the resurrection part until lesson thirty-three. the words/phrase.)

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Teacher Notes
M e m o r y Ve r s e Bible Memory Activity
1 Peter 3:18 - For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust,
Walk among children and
that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive
select 13 to participate in
by the Spirit.
activity. As you approach
each of these children,
whisper one phrase in
Bible Activity their ear and tell them
to remember the words
“Show and Know.” Bring in as many objects as you can to “show” the chil- (or give them the card
dren, so they will “know” what really happened on the day of Jesus’ cruci- with their words/phrase).
fixion. Example – 6” long nails, a crown of thorns made from a thorny bush Cover or erase verse on
such as a rose bush, dirty rags, a leather whip if you can find or make one, a board.
hollow stick that could be used to beat a criminal. Talk about each item and
help the children understand the horrible punishment that Jesus willingly When all 13 kids have
took in our place. been told/given their
phrases, call the child with
the first phase of the verse
to the front and have him
My Stor y of Hope say his phrase. Ask, “Who
has the next phrase?” That
(1) The Roman soldiers dressed Jesus in a bright red robe and placed a crown child stands beside the
of thorns on His head. They pretended to worship Jesus and beat Him with first and says his phrase.
rods. (2) Simon of Cyrene (can write his name) was forced to carry the Follow through in similar
heavy crossbeam of Jesus’ cross up the hill. (3) Jesus was hung on a cross be- manner until all 13 kids
tween two criminals. A sign was placed above His head that read ‘This is the have said their phrases.
King of the Jews’. The soldiers gambled for Jesus’ clothes and Jews mocked
Him as He hung on the cross (can write ‘He saved others, but He can’t save The rest of the class listens
Himself ’). to see if the verse is said
correctly as each child
says his phrase. If it is not,
children listening must
say what the next phrase
should be and the child
who has that phrase must
move to the correct spot.
Continue until the verse
is quoted in the correct

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Coloring Book
Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the teacher or by the student. Say,
“This picture shows Jesus on the cross. Why did Jesus have to die?” Let the children color the picture
and discuss this question with you.

3 Review and Close


1. Who was made to carry Jesus’ cross? (Simon of Cyrene.)

2. When Jesus was crucified, what did the soldiers offer Jesus to relieve the pain? (A mixture of wine and
perfume.) Did Jesus accept it? (No.)
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3. Who else was crucified with Jesus? (Two criminals.) Teacher Notes
4. While waiting for the three men on the cross to die, how did the soldiers
pass their time? (They gambled for Jesus’ clothes.)

5. What did the sign hanging above Jesus’ head say? (This is Jesus, King of
the Jews.)

6. What prayer did Jesus pray for those who took part in His crucifixion?
(Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.)

7. What did Jesus’ enemies do as they watched Him dying on the cross?
(They mocked Him: “He saved others, why can’t He save Himself?”.)

THEME: Jesus died on a

cross for our sins.

Apply the Lesson

God says that everyone has sinned (Romans 3:23) and that the punishment
or payment for sin is death (Romans 6:23). God sent His Son, Jesus, to take
the punishment we deserve for our sin—to die on the cross in our place so
we would not have to be punished for our sin. Jesus’ death paid for our sin
—every sinful act we have ever done, every sinful word we have ever said,
and every sinful thought we have ever had—when He died on the cross.
God accepted Jesus’ death because Jesus is God’s perfect sacrifice to pay for
our sin.

Do you believe you have sinned? That your sin separates you from God? Do
you believe that the right punishment for your sin is to be separated from
God eternally in Hell? Do you believe Jesus died and was punished for your
sin? Do you understand that the only way for God to forgive your sin is to
trust what Jesus did for you on the cross when He died for your sin?

If you have not accepted what Jesus did for you on the cross, and have not
told God you are sorry for your sin before this, but want to tell God now
that you believe Jesus died for your sin, please come see me after class so
that I can help you pray and tell God you want to trust in what Jesus did for
you on the cross.

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32 A Repentant
Dying Thief
Luke 23:39-47

THEME: Jesus Christ

forgave a guilty man.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• Luke’s gospel contains the word “sinner” more than all the other A beautiful full color pic-
gospels combined. It is found in Matthew five times, Mark also uses ture of the artwork above
“sinner” five times, John uses it four times, but Luke uses the word is available for purchase
“sinner” sixteen times. At the cross, there was a sinner who wanted as a set through www.
• Two sinners were nailed to the cross and Jesus was on a cross be-
tween them. One of the sinners hurled malicious insults at Jesus and This picture can be used
blasphemed Jesus or reviled Him. as you tell the story. You
• The other sinner recognized that Jesus was God, Luke 23:40. That may also want to post
sinner, a thief, made a magnificent confession. And here, on the the pictures around
cross, Jesus could display that salvation does not happen because a your classroom to visu-
person is good. Obviously, this sinner was not good. ally remind your class of
previous lessons as you
• Jesus also showed that salvation is not a matter of doing good works. teach ATSOH.
This sinner obviously had no time left for good works and could not
earn the grace of God. You may want to copy
• Jesus immediately answered the thief on the cross. On that day, the the picture (on the last
thief would join Jesus in glory. Forgiveness was full and complete. It page of this lesson) for
was not earned. your students before you
color one of the copies
• Jesus offered His assurance that this would happen. It was not yourself to show in class.
merely a kind response to a dying request. It was the assurance that
God could and would offer forgiveness when anyone, such as a thief, ATSOH Bible Visual #32
would only ask.
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1 Begin the Lesson

Review Questions from Lesson 12: The Lord Provides Review and Games:
Bible Story Facts
What did God ask Abraham to do as a test of his faith? (Offer his son Isaac.)
Draw 2 to 6 pictures or
What did God tell Abraham when he stopped him from sacrificing Isaac? words on a note card.
(Now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your only son.) Then ask a student to
tell a Bible story using
Review Questions from Lesson 27: Teaching About Hell all the pictures/words
on the card.
Why did Abraham say that even if Lazarus came back from the dead, his
brothers would not believe? (They had not been convinced by God’s Word.)

Name at least two of the words or phrases Jesus used to describe hell. (Dark-
ness, weeping, gnashing of teeth, a fire that never dies, where the worm does
not die.)

Review Question from Lesson 28: Miracles of Jesus

Why did Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead make the Pharisees want to kill
Jesus even more? (They thought after this great miracle that everyone would
believe in Jesus and the Romans would take away their positions as leaders of
the nation.)

Review Questions from Lesson 29: Betrayal of Jesus

What signal did Judas use to show the soldiers which man was Jesus? (Judas
told them the one he kissed is Jesus.)

Did Jesus have the power to resist arrest that night? (Yes, He told Peter He
could call 50,000 angels to come and help Him.)

Review Questions from Lesson 30: Jesus Appears Before Unfair Judges

What did Caiaphas do when Jesus told him that from now on he would see
the Son of Man coming on the clouds seated at God’s right hand? (He tore
his robes and accused Jesus of blasphemy.)

When Jesus was brought before the Roman governor Pilate, did he think
Jesus was guilty? (No, he didn’t think that Jesus was guilty of any crime.)

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Review Questions from Lesson 31: The Crucifixion of Jesus Teacher Notes
Who was made to carry Jesus’ cross? (Simon of Cyrene.)

When Jesus was crucified, what did the soldiers offer Jesus to relieve the
pain? (A mixture of wine and perfume.) Did Jesus accept it? (No.)

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 32: A Repentant Dying Thief

Has anyone ever wronged you and you were not willing to forgive them?
Tell us about one situation in which you were wronged or treated unfairly.
What was your response?

Use the Bible Activity before telling the story.

Te l l T h e S t o r y

The day innocent Jesus was crucified between two guilty criminals, one of the
thieves mocked Him.

“You aren’t much of a Messiah! Come down from there! Save us, too!”

The other criminal said to the first thief:

“You still don’t fear God, do you? We’re hanging here—both of us—receiv-
ing punishment we deserve. This man is suffering the same as we are, without
having done any wrong.” (Turning to Jesus) “Jesus, remember me when You
enter Your kingdom.”
Show ATSOH #32
(Jesus) “Oh, I will. Today you join Me in paradise.”

How could this be? A sinful, evil man expresses a simple faith as he is dy-
ing for his crimes and he gets to go to heaven? When New Testament writers
looked back on this event, they wrote, “God proved His love for us, sinful,
useless people, by sacrificing His Son...God put all of our wrong doings on
Him—the one who never did anything wrong—so we could have a right
relationship with God…He carried our sins to death on that cross, taking sin
out of the way so we could live proper lives. He healed us with His wounds.
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He brought us to God by making sure the payment for sin was cared for; the Teacher Notes
innocent paying the guilty ones’ punishment.”

At noon darkness settled over everything until about 3:00 pm. The sun went
dark. Jesus’ voice could be heard groaning deeply and crying out loudly, “Eli,
Eli, lama sabachthani?” Can you say this? (Repeat the question and get the
children to say this phrase.) Do you know what those words mean? They
mean, “My God, my God, why have You forsaken Me?”

All this happened on a hill outside town. In town, many people still went
about their normal day. Merchants sold their goods. Customers bought
them. Priests were at work in the temple. A thick curtain hung in the temple
blocking the entrance into the Holy of Holies. The curtain was God’s way
of protecting men from death; the consequence for sinful man entering the
presence of Holy God. At this point, that thick, tall curtain tore from top to
bottom, ripping into two pieces! The earth seemed to tremble under a huge,
invisible weight. Rocks split in two. Tombs opened up and many believers,
dead and buried, rose from the dead.

Then, Jesus called loudly, “Father, I give You my life!” (Breathe out slowly.)
and breathed no more.

The captain of the guard—everyone there—observed the earthquake and all

the events surrounding Jesus’ death. They were amazed. The captain ex-
claimed, “This must be the Son of God!”

Joseph, from the town of Arimathea, was a good man. He had a good heart.
He lived expectantly, watching for God’s kingdom. Although he was a mem-
ber of the Sanhedrin (some of the people who wanted to kill Jesus), he had
not agreed with the council in killing Jesus. Joseph went to Pilate and asked
for Jesus’ body. He took Jesus’ body down from the cross, wrapped it in a
linen cloth, and buried it in a brand new tomb carved out of solid rock.

The Sabbath (resting day) was about to begin, so women, who were friends of
Jesus and who had helped Joseph, saw where the body was placed and went
home to prepare spices and perfumes for Jesus’ burial. Then during the Sab-
bath they faithfully rested. They waited until Sunday to treat the body for its
final burial.

THEME: Jesus Christ

forgave a guilty man.

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Bible Memory Activity
On a board write, then
Something to Proclaim review, the verse several
times together. Erase
Sing the first verse and chorus of “Something to Proclaim,” then teach the the verse, then write the
second verse that deals with the thief on the cross. Sing other songs as time words in random order
permits. over the board. Let a
student choose the correct
first word and write it on
the board leaving space
M e m o r y Ve r s e below for students to
rewrite the verse correctly.
Choose someone else to
Luke 23:42 - Then he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into write the next word and
Your kingdom.” continue until the entire
verse is written correctly.

Bible Activity

Bring in a variety of different keys, and (if possible) a lock that fits one of
them. Choose keys that look different from each other. Show the keys to the
class, then ask: “What are things that people think are the key to open the
way to someday having a home in heaven?” Possible answers: doing good
things, being baptized, going to church, being a good person, giving money
to charities, etc. Explain that just like a lock has only one key that will open
it, the key to heaven is only one truth, which is found in God’s word, the
Bible. Tell the first part of the story, about the thief on the cross being prom-
ised a home in heaven with Jesus. After telling the Bible lesson, refer back to
the answers that were given at the beginning of the Bible Activity. “Did the
thief on the cross do any good things (mention some good things they could
relate to, such as visiting sick people in the hospital, helping feed hungry
people, etc.) Hold up the first key and say: “That must not have been the key
to heaven.” Did he go to church? No. Did he get baptized? No. Each time,
hold up another key and say: “That must not have been the key to heaven.”

So then, if none of these things are the keys to heaven, what DID the thief on
the cross do? Go back and re-read the passage and help the children see that
it was his repentance and faith in Jesus that was the key to having a home in
heaven. If you have a lock that fits one of the keys, show it at this time, and
say: “Just like this key is the only one that will open this lock, repentance
(being truly sorry for your sins) and faith in Jesus is the only thing that God
will accept. There is no other way!

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Coloring Book

Artwork on the following page can be used for coloring, either by the teacher or by the student. Say, “This
picture shows the thief on the cross as Jesus forgave him. Why did Jesus forgive the thief?” Let the
children color the picture and discuss this question with you.

My Stor y of Hope

(1) One criminal mocked Jesus, but the other asked Him to remember him when He entered His kingdom
(can write ‘remember me when You enter Your paradise’). (2) At noon darkness settled over everything.
(3) The curtain in the temple was torn in two. There was a great earthquake and rocks spit in two, tombs
were opened and many believers rose from the dead. (4) The captain of the guard cried out that Jesus was
the Son of God. (5) Joseph of Arimathea placed Jesus’ body in a new tomb (can write ‘Joseph of Ari-

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3 Review and Close


1. Jesus was crucified between two criminals. What did the first criminal do to
Jesus? (He mocked Him: “You aren’t much of a Messiah! Come down from there.
Save us too!”)

2. What did the criminal on the other side of Jesus say to the first criminal? (He
scolded him for talking like that to Jesus.)

3. What did one of the criminals crucified with Jesus ask Jesus to do? (Remember
me when You enter Your kingdom.)

4. How could Jesus tell this man he would be in paradise when he was a con-
demned criminal? (Jesus’ innocent blood paid the penalty for this man’s sins as
well as anyone who believes on Him as the criminal did.)

5. What did Jesus cry out to His Father from the cross? (My God, My God, why
have You forsaken Me?)

6. What happened to the temple curtain enclosing the Holy of Holies as Jesus
neared death? (It tore in two.)

7. Who took Jesus’ body down from the cross and placed it in a brand new tomb?
(Joseph of Arimathea.)

THEME: Jesus Christ

forgave a guilty man.

Apply the Lesson

God says that everyone has sinned (Romans 3:23) and that the punishment
or payment for sin is death (Romans 6:23). God sent His Son, Jesus, to take
the punishment we deserve for our sin—to die on the cross in our place so
we would not have to be punished for our sin. Jesus’ death paid for our sin —
(continued at the end of lesson 31).

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33 The Resurrection
of Jesus
Luke 24:1-12, 36-43
THEME: Jesus rose from
the dead. Jesus has power
over death.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• The women brought spices to the tomb as a symbol of respect. A beautiful full color pic-
ture of the artwork above
• When the women got to the tomb, they found the large stone rolled
is available for purchase
away from the entrance and the body missing. Two men dressed in
as a set through www.
gleaming clothes, certainly angels, appeared to them and told them
that Jesus Christ had risen from the dead, just as He said He would.
• The women reported back to the apostles what they had seen and ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
heard, but the apostles did not believe the women. This picture can be used
• While the women remembered what Jesus said, the men didn’t. In as you tell the story. You
fact, Peter ran to the empty tomb and when he got there, he won- may also want to post
dered how this could happen. the pictures around
your classroom to visu-
• Then, Jesus appeared on a road to two people. He did not have an ally remind your class of
imaginary body, like a ghost, because the disciples could touch Him previous lessons as you
and He ate food. Yet, He did not have a body like ours because He teach ATSOH.
was able to appear and disappear. He had a glorified, perfect body
which is immortal. You may want to copy
• When Jesus rose from the dead, He did what no other person had the picture (on the last
ever done or will ever do. He conquered death. This is proof that He page of this lesson) for
is the great “Satan crusher” of Genesis 3:15. your students before you
color one of the copies
• When Jesus rose from the dead, He showed His followers all the facts yourself to show in class.
from the Old Testament that He was indeed the Messiah.
• Because of His death and resurrection, the message of repentance ATSOH Bible Visual #33
and forgiveness was to be proclaimed to the world by those who
believed His message.
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1 Begin the Lesson

Review and Game:
Twenty Questions
Review Questions from Lesson 13: Moses Leads His People
Using the names, objects
What did God ask Moses to do through the burning bush at Mt. Horeb? (Go and places from a previ-
to Pharoah and tell him to let God’s people go.) ous game (place them
all in the basket) ask one
How did God respond when Moses was afraid to go back to Egypt and talk to student to draw a piece of
Pharaoh? (I will be with you.) paper. He will then tell
the class he has drawn a
Review Questions from Lesson 28: Miracles of Jesus person, place or thing.
Children will then take
Jesus knew when He left for Bethany (Lazarus’ home town) that Lazarus was turns asking yes or no
already dead. Why did He tell His disciples that He was glad He hadn’t been questions to try to iden-
there when He died? (So that they would believe.) tify the answer. If after
20 questions no one has
What did Jesus mean when He said that anyone who believes in Him will guessed the correct an-
live, even if he dies? (Jesus was talking about eternal life for all who believe in swer, the student tells the
Him.) answer.
Review Question from Lesson 29: Betrayal of Jesus Suggestions –People:
Joseph, Mary, Jesus, John
Why did Jesus go willingly with the soldiers? (He willingly submitted Him- the Baptist, Nicodemus,
self to do God’s will.) the Samaritan woman,
the rich man, Lazarus,
Review Questions from Lesson 30: Jesus Appears Before Unfair Judges Judas, Peter. Places:
Bethlehem, stable, shep-
What did Herod and his soldiers do when Jesus was brought before them? herd’s field, Jordan River,
(They mocked Him and dressed Him in royal clothes.) the temple, Nazareth,
Jerusalem, Samaria,
What did the crowd say when Pilate told them he wanted to let Jesus go? tomb. Things: well,
(They shouted, “Crucify Him, crucify Him.”) cross, manger (feeding
Review Questions from Lesson 31: The Crucifixion of Jesus

Who else was crucified with Jesus? (Two criminals.)

While waiting for the three men on the cross to die, how did the soldiers pass
their time? (They gambled for Jesus’ clothes.)

Review Questions from Lesson 32: A Repentant Dying Thief

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Jesus was crucified between two criminals. What did the first criminal do to Teacher Notes
Jesus? (He mocked Him: “You aren’t much of a Messiah! Come down from
there. Save us too!”)

What did the criminal on the other side of Jesus say to the first criminal? (He
scolded him for talking like that to Jesus.)

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 33: The Resurrection of Jesus

What does the word “resurrection” mean? To raise from the dead or bring back
to life. That would take great power for that to happen.

Use the Bible Activity before telling the story.

Te l l T h e S t o r y

Early Sunday morning, Mary Magdalene, Joanna (James’ mother), and some
other women brought the spices they had prepared to the tomb. They knew
that there was a huge stone in front of the tomb, too big for several strong men
to move. How would they be able to get in and put the spices on Jesus’ body?
When they got to the tomb, the stone had been rolled away! They walked right
in! But when they didn’t find their Master’s body inside, they were confused.

All of a sudden, two men in brilliant white clothing appeared. The women
were so afraid, they fell down in front of the angels.

“Why look for the Living One in a tomb? You won’t find Him here. He is
alive, risen from the dead! Don’t you remember? He told you back in Galilee
that He had to be killed on a cross by evil men and in three days rise.” They
did remember, so they left and told the disciples and everyone else the news.
The women kept trying to convince the apostles, but the men didn’t believe
a word. They thought the women were crazy! Finally, John and Peter jumped
up and ran to the tomb. They crouched down and looked in. They saw grave
clothes, but nothing else. They left confused, not sure of what had happened.

Mary went back to the tomb, too. Eyes filled with tears, she saw someone she
thought to be the gardener, but when the man said, “Mary,” she knew it was show ATSOH #33
Jesus. “Teacher!” she cried.
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“Now don’t hold on to me. Soon I will be going up to the Father. Go tell My Teacher Notes
disciples this: ‘I am going up to My Father who is your Father, My God who is
your God.’”

So Mary told the disciples, “I saw the Lord!” and told them everything He said
to her.

That same day two of the disciples were walking the seven-mile trip to Em-
maus village. As they walked, they were talking about all the recent tragic
events. Jesus came up to them in the middle of their conversation and walked
beside them, but He kept them from recognizing Him.

He asked, “What are you talking about so intently as you walk?”

They stopped and just stood there, looking like they had lost their best friend.
Then one of the two, Cleopas, said, “Are you the only one who hasn’t heard
what’s been going on around here lately?”

“What has happened?”

“Jesus the Nazarene was a prophet from God. He did and said amazing things
because God blessed Him. All the people loved Him! But our high priests and
leaders betrayed Him, sentenced Him to death, and crucified Him. We had
hoped He was the Messiah and would deliver Israel. This is the third day since
they killed Him and now we are really confused! Some of our women went to
the tomb this morning and couldn’t find His body. They returned with a story
about angels who said Jesus was alive. Others went to see if it was true and
found the tomb empty as the women said, but—no Jesus.”

Jesus responded: “Can’t you see? Can’t you understand? Can’t you believe the
prophets? Didn’t the Messiah have to suffer and be glorified?” Then He ex-
plained everything the Scriptures taught about His life and ministry, starting
with Moses’ books (at the beginning) and going through the Prophets’ books
(the end of God’s revealed word at that time).

Arriving at the entrance to Emmaus, Jesus acted as if He was going on to the

next town. The friends objected.

“Stay and eat with us. It’s late; daylight is gone.” So Jesus went in and sat down
at the table with them. He took the bread; blessed, broke, and gave it to them.
That’s when they recognized Him! But as soon as they knew it was Jesus, they
saw Him no more—He disappeared.

Then the two of them couldn’t stop talking. “Wasn’t that amazing?” “My heart
was burning when He revealed the meaning of the Scriptures.” “Mine, too…”
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THEME: Jesus rose from the dead.
Jesus has power over death.

Final Days

Something to Proclaim

Sing “Final Days” and then sing the first two verses and choruses of
“Something to Proclaim” as was done in the last session. Do not move on to
the third verse. Instead, sing the first three verses of “Go and Tell the Story”
and teach verse four which ties Jesus’ birth and resurrection back to the ‘hope Bible Memory Activity
lost’ in Genesis. This time, teach the bridge with a different lyric: “Hope lost,
such cost, what can be done? Hope found, grace abounds through God’s Write the memory verse
Son!” This lyric is set apart until this lesson. on the board and have
the students read it aloud
together. Next, erase one
M e m o r y Ve r s e or two words from the
text and have the children
repeat the verse, filling in
Luke 24:6 - He is not here, but is risen! Remember how He spoke to you when the blank word as they go
He was still in Galilee. along. Keep erasing one
or two words each time,
until all the words are
Bible Activity

As Christians, we celebrate one day of the year more than any other. Do you Bible Activity
know what day that is? Easter! Easter is the day when Jesus rose from the
dead. A rich man named Joseph asked to bury the body of Jesus. Friends Supplies needed: a stick
brought spices to take care of the burial customs. The Jewish custom at that or pen or pencil, and a
time was to take strips of linen and wrap them around the body of a dead band-aid or stiff cloth to
person, and then the burial spices were poured over the strips of linen and wrap around the stick
hardened in place like a plaster cast would on a broken arm today. Hold up
the stick (or pencil) and say, let’s pretend this stick is an arm or leg. If you
have a band-aid, wrap it around the stick with the sticky side OUT so that it
doesn’t stick to the stick. Tell the Bible story and, when you get to the part
where the disciples found the grave clothes empty, slip the bandage off the
stick and hold it up so they can see the hollow area where the stick used to
be. The clothes were there, but Jesus was gone, He had risen!!

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My Stor y of Hope

(1) The women bowed before the two men in white at Jesus’ open tomb. (2) The women ran back to tell Je-
sus’ followers the news (can write, ‘He’s alive’). (3) Peter ran to the tomb to see for himself. (4) Mary went
back to the garden and met Jesus (can write, ‘Mary’). (5) Mary told the disciples, “I saw the Master!” (can
write these words). (6) Jesus talks to two people on the road to Emmaus.

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Coloring Book
Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the teacher
or by the student. Say, “This picture shows Jesus after He rose from the
dead. How did the large stone by the grave get rolled away?” Let the chil-
dren color the picture and discuss this question with you.

3 Review and Close


1. What did the women find when they went to the tomb early Sunday morn-
ing? (The tomb was empty.)

2. What did they do when they realized Jesus was alive? (They went and told
the eleven disciples and everyone else.)

3. Which of Jesus’ followers went to the tomb to see if it was really empty?
(Peter and John.)

4. What did Jesus say to Mary when she saw Him later at the tomb? (I am go-
ing up to my Father who is your Father, my God who is your God.)

5. Why didn’t the two men on the road to Emmaus recognize Jesus? (He kept
them from recognizing Him.)

6. How did Jesus explain to the men on the road to Emmaus why the Messiah
had to suffer and be glorified? (He started at the beginning with the books of
Moses and the prophets and used them to explain His life and ministry.)

7. What happened right after the two people on the road to Emmaus recog-
nized Jesus? (He disappeared.)

THEME: Jesus rose from the dead.

Jesus has power over death.

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Apply the Lesson

Jesus Christ rose from the dead and we should put our faith in Him. Those
who saw Jesus after He rose from the dead turned the world upside down.
Because of their faith that Jesus had conquered death and rose from the dead,
followers of Jesus told everyone how Jesus lived, died and rose again so all
could be forgiven of their sin. If you believe that Jesus has risen from the
dead, and have put your faith in Him, what do you think God wants you to

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34 The Ascension
of Jesus
1 Corinthians 15:3-8
Acts 1:6-11

THEME: Jesus returned to heaven

to prepare a place for believers.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• Psalm 16:10 and Isaiah 53:8-10 verify that Jesus Christ had to die for A beautiful full color pic-
our sins and be raised from the dead. ture of the artwork above
is available for purchase
• The gospel is clearly stated in these verses: Jesus Christ died for our
as a set through www.
sins, was buried, and rose again.
• The fact that He was buried verified His death. The fact that He was the-story-of-hope-print-
seen by others verified His resurrection. ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
• The 500 brothers mentioned in 1 Corinthians 15 as having seen Jesus This picture can be used
were those who received the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 as you tell the story. You
and Acts 1:3-11. Since most of these were still alive when Paul wrote may also want to post
1 Corinthians, they could authenticate the resurrection and ascension the pictures around
of Jesus. your classroom to visu-
ally remind your class of
• Paul (Acts 9:3-6) and James (John 7:5 and Acts 1:13-14) probably previous lessons as you
both came to faith in Christ because of resurrection appearances by teach ATSOH.
Jesus. The resurrection of Jesus was not just a theoretical appearance
by those who wanted to have faith in Jesus. You may want to copy
• The people who believed in God were told to make disciples of all the picture (on the last
the nations (Matthew 28:18-20). However, they were to wait for the page of this lesson) for
power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8). The power of God was reserved your students before you
for those who would work for Him. color one of the copies
yourself to show in class.
• The disciples wanted to know when His kingdom would come to
earth. But Jesus wanted His discples to be witnesses of Him first. The ATSOH Bible Visual #35
kingdom would come later, working for Him was a priority.
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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review and Games: Yes
or No
Review Questions from Lesson 14: The Plagues and the Passover
Give each student a card
How did God convince Pharaoh to let His people go? (He sent ten plagues that says ‘yes’ on one side
on the land of Egypt that demonstrated His power over the false gods, and He and ‘no’ on the other.
destroyed the land.) The teacher will then state
a Bible story fact (some-
What did God tell the Israelites to do to keep their firstborn from dying? times inserting wrong
(Put the blood of a healthy, one-year-old male lamb on the doorpost of their information). Use the
house.) review questions to form
your Bible story facts.
Review Questions from Lesson 29: Betrayal of Jesus The students will then
hold up either the ‘yes’
What did Jesus mean when He held up the cup and said, “This is my blood card (if they think it is
of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins?” correct) or the ‘no’ side (if
(Jesus was predicting that His body would be broken and His blood would they think it is wrong).
be shed just as John the Baptist had said that Jesus was the Lamb of God who
takes away the sin of the world.) Examples:
Where did Jesus and His followers (except Judas) go after the Passover meal? The angels guarded the
(They went to “Olive Press Garden” to pray.) Garden of Eden entrance
on the west side. (no,
Review Question from Lesson 30: Jesus Appears Before Unfair Judges east)
Name at least two reasons that show that Jesus did not have a fair trial? (Pos- Jesus rose from the dead
sible answers: the Jewish leaders determined that Jesus would be put to death after three days. (yes)
before the trial started, they got witnesses to lie about Jesus, they accused Him
of different crimes when they brought Him before the Roman governor, they
demanded that Jesus be crucified even when Pilate declared Him innocent,
they wanted to see a known criminal released rather than Jesus.)

Review Questions from Lesson 31: The Crucifixion of Jesus

What did the sign hanging above Jesus’ head say? (This is Jesus, King of the

What prayer did Jesus pray for those who took part in His crucifixion? (Fa-
ther, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.)

Review Questions from Lesson 32: A Repentant Dying Thief

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What did one of the criminals crucified with Jesus ask Jesus to do? (Remem- Teacher Notes
ber me when You enter Your kingdom.)

How could Jesus tell this man he would be in paradise when he was a con-
demned criminal? (Jesus’ innocent blood paid the penalty for this man’s sins
as well as anyone who believes on Him as the criminal did.)

Review Questions from Lesson 33: The Resurrection of Jesus

What did the women find when they went to the tomb early Sunday morning?
(The tomb was empty.)

What did they do when they realized Jesus was alive? (They went and told the
eleven disciples and everyone else.)

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 34: The Ascension of Jesus

Jesus appeared several times to many people. At one time, to over 500 all at
once. What would you have said if you were one of those people? Would you
be a person who believed, or would you doubt what you saw?

Te l l T h e S t o r y

After His death, Jesus appeared to His followers several times in different set-
tings over a period of forty days, proving over and over the truth of His resur-
rection. At times He spoke one-on-one with friends. At times He ate meals
with them and talked about the kingdom of God. As they met and ate meals
together, He told them to stay in Jerusalem and wait for the Father’s promise.
“I told you about this promise before. John baptized with water; very soon
you will be baptized by the Holy Spirit.”
The last time they were together, Jesus’ followers stood around Him on a hill
outside of Jerusalem. They asked Him, “Master, now are You going to restore
Israel’s kingdom? Is this the time?”
“That’s not something you need to know. The timing is all up to the Father.
But you will receive something special: the power of the Holy Spirit. When
He comes upon you, you will have the ability to be witnesses of what I did
and will continue to do. You will be my message carriers not only to people
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in Jerusalem, but all over Judea, next door in Samaria, around the world and Teacher Notes
back again!”
show ATSOH #34
Jesus finished talking. He began to rise. His followers looked on, amazed! He
continued to rise up into the sky, and before long, clouds covered Him. His
Mercy: God holds back
followers just stared up at the clouds. Would He appear again? Would He
punishment from those
come back down? They weren’t sure what to think.
who deserve it.
Jesus passed into and through the clouds right up into heaven. Although
Jesus’ followers on the Mount of Olives were confused, Jesus must have been Grace: God shows good-
greeted with shouts and songs of praise as He returned to heaven. ness to those who don’t
deserve it.
On that day Jesus began a new ministry as High Priest forever in heaven.
Knowing what it was like to be a man with weaknesses and testing, having
experienced it all—all but the sin—Jesus could be the one and only mediator
between God and man. He was perfect man and holy God. That’s why we can
come to Him confidently to receive His mercy and grace.
Back on earth, Jesus followers looked back and forth across the sky, eyes
searching the clouds for another glimpse of Jesus. They didn’t want to leave.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, two men in white stood beside them and spoke to
Bible Memory Activity
“O Galileans, why are you gazing at clouds? Jesus has gone to heaven—you
saw it happen! But one day He will return just like you saw Him go.” So His Trace your foot on a piece
followers left the Mount of Olives and walked the half mile back to Jerusa- of paper. Make copies of
lem. the footprint so you have
one for each word of the
memory verse. Print each
THEME: Jesus returned to heaven to word of the memory verse
prepare a place for believers. on a footprint. Arrange
the prints in a trail (in
order), so that each child
can step on the word and
say it. Read the whole
Music verse while following the
trail. You will want to tape
Something to Proclaim, Go and Tell the Story the footprints to the floor
so that they do not move
Sing the first two verses of “Something to Proclaim” and then teach verse as multiple children step
three. Notice that the resurrection and the ascension are both in this verse. on them. If you plan to
Sing “Go and Tell the Story” with the four verses again as last time. use this memory again,
you can laminate the
M e m o r y Ve r s e footprints for durability.

1 Corinthians 15:3 - For I delivered to you first of all that which I also re-
ceived: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures.

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Teacher Notes
Bible Activity

Bring in a history book, if possible. Look at a historical event with which

your children would be familiar. (Example: a political leader’s life, a war
in your country that happened many years ago, even a sporting event that
happened before the children were born, as long as it is something that is
accepted as fact by your students.) Give some facts about the event you have
chosen, and then ask the children: Are these facts true or false? (True.)
How do you know? (It is in the history books, records.) How do you know
that the authors of this book got it right? (You have to trust them: they
may have been there.) Could you write a book about this event yourself?
(You could, but you would have to do research to make sure you got the
facts right.) How about something that happened at school in your class
yesterday? Could you write a story about that? (Yes.) Which one would
be easier? (The event at school.) Why? BECAUSE YOU WERE THERE!!
People that are eyewitnesses to an event are the most believable. Let’s count
up how many people in the Bible were eyewitnesses when Jesus went back to
heaven. (Read 1 Corinthians 15:3-8.)

Coloring Book
Artwork on the following page can be used for coloring, either by the teacher
or by the student. Say, “This picture shows Jesus when He was ascending
to His heavenly Father. What do you think the people who saw this were
thinking?” Let the children color the picture and discuss this question with

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My Stor y of Hope
(1) After His resurrection, Jesus ate meals with His friends. (2) Jesus rose up to heaven as His followers
watched. (3) He now sits at the right hand of God. (4) Two men in white asked Jesus’ followers why they
were staring up at the clouds. They told the people that one day Jesus would come back just as they saw
Him go. (Can write, ‘Why are you staring up at the clouds? Jesus will come back just as you saw Him go.’)

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Teacher Notes

3 Review and Close

1. How many days did Jesus stay on the earth after His resurrection? (Forty

2. John baptized with water. With what did Jesus baptize? (Holy Spirit.)

3. Once the Holy Spirit had come upon the followers, what did Jesus say His
followers would have the ability to do? (Be witnesses of what Jesus did and
would continue to do. They would be God’s message carriers throughout the

4. From which mountain did Jesus rise up to heaven? (Mount of Olives.)

5. On the day Jesus left the earth, what was His new ministry? (High Priest –
mediator between God and man.)

6. Jesus was a man who lived a perfect life, but He was more than a man.
What was/is He? (God.)

7. What did the two men in white say to Jesus’ followers after He left the
earth? (He will return!)

THEME: Jesus returned to heaven to

prepare a place for believers.

Apply the Lesson

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a historical fact witnessed by over 500

people. The resurrection gave them great hope over their fears and doubts.
Jesus Christ had gone to heaven to prepare a place for them and all believers.
How does the resurrection of Jesus give you hope over any fears and doubts
you have?

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Adventures in the Story of Hope
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35 Peter Proclaims
the Good News
Acts 2:22-36

THEME: The disciples of Jesus

told other people why they
should trust Jesus.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• Peter told other people that the miracles of Jesus were God’s way of A beautiful full color pic-
verifying that Jesus is God. ture of the artwork above
• The crucifixion of Jesus was not an accident. It was God’s plan to is available for purchase
have Jesus die on the cross for the sins of all humans. as a set through www.
• Death could not keep its grip on Jesus and He conquered death. This the-story-of-hope-print-
was another sign that Jesus was the Messiah. Peter told others that ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
death could not stop Jesus. This picture can be used
• The body of Jesus was not left to rot in a grave. It was resurrected and as you tell the story. You
glorified. This verified the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. may also want to post
the pictures around
• The prophecy of Psalm 16:8-11 verified the resurrection and ascen- your classroom to visu-
sion of Jesus. ally remind your class of
• The presence of “David’s tomb” in Acts 2:25-31 emphasizes that Da- previous lessons as you
vid was talking about someone else’s resurrection, not his own. teach ATSOH.
• The witnesses (verse 32) verified the resurrection and ascension of
You may want to copy
the picture (on the last
• The supernatural events (verse 33) of Pentecost verified the resurrec- page of this lesson) for
tion and ascension of Jesus. your students before you
• The resurrection and ascension of Jesus verified that Jesus is David’s color one of the copies
greater Son (Psalm 110:1; Acts 2:34-35). yourself to show in class.

• The apostles spoke of seeing the resurrected Christ five different ATSOH Bible Visual #35
times; (v. 32; 3:15; 5:32; 10:39-41; 13:30-31).
Apostles Adventures
Adventures in
in The Story of
the Story of Hope
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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review Questions from Lesson 15: The Israelites Leave Egypt Review and Games: Fill
in the Letters/Jumbled
What did the Israelites do when they saw Pharaoh and his army coming? Words
(They cried out in fear to the Lord and complained to Moses for bringing
them out into the wilderness to die by Pharaoh’s hand.) People: Joseph, Mary,
Jesus, John the Baptist,
What did Moses say to the people when Pharaoh’s army had trapped them Nicodemus, the Samari-
in front of the Red Sea? (Do not be afraid. God will fight for you.) tan woman, the rich man,
Lazarus, Judas, Peter.
Review Questions from Lesson 30: Jesus Appears Before Unfair Judges Places: Bethlehem,
stable, shepherd’s field,
What did Caiaphas do when Jesus told him that from now on he would see Jordan River, the temple,
the Son of Man coming on the clouds seated at God’s right hand? (He tore Nazareth, Jerusalem,
his robes and accused Jesus of blasphemy.) Samaria, tomb. Things:
well, cross, manger (feed-
Name at least two reasons that show that Jesus did not have a fair trial? ing trough)
(Possible answers: the Jewish leaders determined that Jesus would be put
to death before the trial started, they got witnesses to lie about Jesus, they Print Bible story words
accused Him of different crimes when they brought Him before the Roman on a white board or large
governor, they demanded that Jesus be crucified even when Pilate declared paper leaving out one or
Him innocent, they wanted to see a known criminal released rather than more letters.
Let students guess the
Review Question from Lesson 31: The Crucifixion of Jesus missing letters until the
word is complete. Or
What did Jesus’ enemies do as they watched Him dying on the cross? (They write Bible story words
mocked Him: “He saved others, why can’t He save himself?”.) arranging the letters
incorrectly. Let students
Review Questions from Lesson 32: A Repentant Dying Thief guess the word.

What did Jesus cry out to His Father from the cross? (My God, My God, Examples:
why have You forsaken Me?)
What happened to the temple curtain enclosing the Holy of Holies as Jesus slemjerua
neared death? (It tore in two.)
Review Questions from Lesson 33: The Resurrection of Jesus yram

Which of Jesus’ followers went to the tomb to see if it was really empty?

Adventures inthe
Hope Apostles
Teacher Guide Lesson Number 35 | Page
Page 291

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(Peter and John.) Teacher Notes
What did Jesus say to Mary when she saw Him later at the tomb? (I am going
up to my Father who is your Father, my God who is your God.)

Review Questions from Lesson 34: The Ascension of Jesus

How many days did Jesus stay on the earth after His resurrection? (Forty

John baptized with water. With what did Jesus baptize? (Holy Spirit.)

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 35: Peter Proclaims the Good News

Use the Bible activity to introduce the lesson.

Te l l T h e S t o r y

Fifty days after Jesus’ death and resurrection, Jerusalem was busy again with
Jews from many different areas, who all spoke different languages. The special
feast of Pentecost had come and faithful Jews from all over the Mediterranean
world had come to Jerusalem to celebrate.

Jesus’ followers were all together in one place. Suddenly, just as Jesus prom-
ised, the Holy Spirit came upon each of them with a sound like a mighty wind
filling the building and what looked like tongues of fire over their heads. The
Holy Spirit enabled them to speak different languages.

The Jews who were celebrating the feast heard the sound and came running.
Arriving at the house, they each heard their language being spoken and were
amazed. Heads spinning, confused and bewildered, they spoke with each
other: “Aren’t these all Galileans? How can we be hearing them talk in our
own language? They’re speaking our languages, describing God’s mighty
works! What’s going on here?”

Some didn’t seem to understand any of what was spoken (possibly those from
Jerusalem who spoke only Greek or Hebrew), so they joked, “They are drunk
on cheap wine.”

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Then the disciples stood up in front of the crowd. Peter stepped forward and Teacher Notes
quoted from the prophet Joel. He explained they were not drunk, but that the
Spirit of God was working in ways they had not seen before, but would be
common in the future. He went on: show ATSOH #35

“Listen carefully, Israel. The miracles and signs God did through Jesus the Review and Games: Fill
Nazarene are common knowledge; they show God’s working through Him. in the Letters/Jumbled
But according to God’s plan, He was betrayed by men who had their own Words
ideas about law, they handed Him over to you, and you killed Him, nailing
Him to a cross. But God freed Him from death’s grip; death couldn’t hold People: Joseph, Mary,
Him. David prophesied about Jesus’ death on the cross in Psalm 16:8-11 and Jesus, John the Baptist,
Psalm 110:1. (Look up these verses and read them, or have the children read, Nicodemus, the Samari-
if possible.) tan woman, the rich man,
Lazarus, Judas, Peter.
“Make sure you understand this: God made Jesus (the Man you killed on a Places: Bethlehem,
cross) the Master and Messiah.” The Holy Spirit used Peter’s message to get stable, shepherd’s field,
their attention. They knew he was right so they asked, “Brothers, what should Jordan River, the temple,
we do now?” Nazareth, Jerusalem,
Samaria, tomb. Things:
Peter answered, “It’s time for a change. Turn from your old ways to God. Then well, cross, manger (feed-
be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, to show your genuine faith in Him. ing trough)
Your sins will be forgiven and you’ll receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” How
exciting it must have been for Peter and the others when about three thou- Print Bible story words
sand believed and were baptized that day! on a white board or large
paper leaving out one or
THEME: The disciples of Jesus more letters.

told other people why they Let students guess the

missing letters until the
should trust Jesus. word is complete. Or
write Bible story words
arranging the letters
incorrectly. Let students
Music guess the word.

Something to Proclaim
Since Peter was proclaiming about Jesus’ death and resurrection, this story slemjerua
inspired the idea to put all of these events into one song about the proclama-
tion. Sing the entire song, “Something to Proclaim,” including the final verse M_ry
and the repeated chorus, “We have something to proclaim” after “He (Peter) yram
had something to proclaim. This brings it back to our personal responsibil-
ity to proclaim.

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Teacher Notes
M e m o r y Ve r s e Bible Memory Activity
Make a dice out of an old
Acts 2:36 - Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has box. Cover the sides and
made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ. write actions on each of
the sides instad of dots
on the dice. Examples:
jumping jacks, hold your
Bible Activity tongue, say it fast, spin
around, stand on one
Give each student a small card or piece of paper. Ask this question: “What foot, etc. Kids roll the
is the best news you could possibly think of?” Write your answer on your die and then have to say
card. (Get class started by suggesting some ideas, if needed, such as the cure (or read) the verse while
for a disease, end of a war, favorite sports team won the big game, etc.) Now doing whatever the dice
just think if that news were really true, and you were the first to know about tells them to do.
it! What would you want to do? (Tell people.) Allow time for the children
to share what is on their paper. How exciting to be able to share wonderful
news with other people! That’s exactly how Peter felt so many years ago.

Coloring Book
Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the teach-
er or by the student. Say, “This picture shows Peter telling other people
about Jesus. Do you think they believed what Peter told them?” Let the
children color the picture and discuss this question with you.

My Stor y of Hope

(1) Jesus’ followers were all together in one place in Jerusalem (can write
‘Jerusalem’) when suddenly, the Holy Spirit came upon them with a strong
wind and what looked like tongues of fire on their heads. They began to speak
in different languages. (2) The Jews that were in Jerusalem to celebrate the
feast heard the sound and came running. (3) The people were surprised to
hear Jesus’ followers speaking their own language and some thought they were
drunk, but Peter told them that this was the work of the Holy Spirit. (4) Three
thousand believed and were baptized that day.

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3 Review and Close

1. What happened to Jesus’ followers on the day of Pentecost when many people were in Jerusalem cel-
ebrating the Jewish Feast of Pentecost? (They heard a great wind and saw what appeared to be tongues of
fire resting on their heads. The Holy Spirit had come upon them.)

2. What miraculous thing were Jesus’ followers able to do when the Holy Spirit came upon them? (They
were able to speak in many different languages.)

3. The people thought Jesus’ followers were drunk when they heard them speaking in many languages.
What did Peter say was really happening? (This was the Spirit of God working in them.)

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4. How did Peter explain Jesus’ betrayal, death on the cross, and resurrection Teacher Notes
from the dead? (It had all been part of God’s plan as prophesied by David. It
was impossible for Jesus to be held by death’s power.)

5. What two things did Jesus become through His death and resurrection?
(Master and Messiah.)

6. How did Peter respond when the people asked, “What should we do? (Turn
from your old ways to God and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.)

7. How many people were saved and baptized on the day of Pentecost after
Peter’s message? (About three thousand.)

THEME: The disciples of Jesus

told other people why they
should trust Jesus.

Apply the Lesson

Because the followers of Christ firmly believed that Jesus had risen from the
dead, they told other people about him. They encouraged people to put their
faith in Jesus Christ. Give each child a piece of paper and pencil. Ask them to
write down three names of friends who need to hear about Jesus Christ and
put their faith in Him. Encourage the children to pray for their friends and
try to share Christ with them. (Note: suggest ways children can share their

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Adventures in the Story of Hope
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36 The Return of
Jesus for Believers
John 14:1-3
1 Thess. 4:13-18
THEME: Jesus will return for
those who have believed in Him.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• A major concern that the church at Thessalonica had was they want- A beautiful full color pic-
ed to know what happened to believers who had passed away or died. ture of the artwork above
is available for purchase
• The church at Thessalonica had just been started and was under at-
as a set through www.
tack for what they believed.
• Paul responded to the concerns of the people in this church: he did the-story-of-hope-print-
not want them to be ignorant. Surely, God wanted these believers to ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
know what would happen to their loved ones. This picture can be used
• There is absolutely no hope for those who are unbelievers. But, there as you tell the story. You
is great hope for those who are believers. In fact, believers are to may also want to post
encourage each other about this blessed hope that one day those of us the pictures around
who know Christ will be with Him in heaven. your classroom to visu-
ally remind your class of
• “Those who have fallen asleep” is not teaching a semi-conscious de- previous lessons as you
parture. Sleep is used to describe those who have departed from this teach ATSOH.
• Departed believers are with the Lord. No one has to wonder where You may want to copy
they are. the picture (on the last
page of this lesson) for
• Those believers who are living on the earth when Jesus Christ returns your students before you
will immediately rise to the clouds to be with the Lord when He color one of the copies
comes. yourself to show in class.
• When the Lord comes back, He will issue a loud command accom-
panied by the sound of a trumpet. The dead in Christ will rise first, ATSOH Bible Visual #36
then those who are alive with follow.
Church Adventures in The Story of
the Story of Hope
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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review and Games: Co-
operative Story
Review Questions from Lesson 16: The Ten Commandments
Teacher: you may choose
God gave the Israelites a whole system of laws to help them know how
to have the students tell
to worship and obey Him. What do we call the main part of God’s law?
The Story of Hope begin-
(The Ten Commandments.)
ning with lesson 21 (Birth
of Jesus) or begin at a
Name one of the three promises God made to the Israelites if they would
later lesson, such as les-
obey His commandments (covenant). (They would be His treasured posses-
son 29 (Betrayal of Jesus)
sion, a kindgom of priests, and a holy nation.)
and continue through the
previous lesson (Peter
Review Questions from Lesson 31: The Crucifixion of Jesus
Proclaims the Good
What did the sign hanging above Jesus’ head say? (This is Jesus, King of the

What prayer did Jesus pray for those who took part in His crucifixion?
(Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.)

Review Question from Lesson 32: A Repentant Dying Thief

Who took Jesus’ body down from the cross and buried it in a brand new
tomb? (Joseph of Arimathea.)

Review Questions from Lesson 33: The Resurrection of Jesus

Why didn’t the two people on the road to Emmaus recognize Jesus?
(He kept them from recognizing Him.)

How did Jesus explain to the people on the road to Emmaus why the Mes-
siah had to suffer and be glorified? (He started at the beginning with the
books of Moses and the prophets and used them to explain His life and

Review Questions from Lesson 34:

Once the Holy Spirit had come upon the followers, what did Jesus say His
followers would have the ability to do? (Be witnesses of what Jesus did and
would continue to do. They would be God’s message carriers throughout the

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From what mountain did Jesus rise into heaven? (Mount of Olives.) Teacher Notes
Review Questions from Lesson 35:

What happened to Jesus’ followers on the day of Pentecost when many people
were in Jerusalem celebrating the Jewish Feast of Pentecost? (They heard
a great wind and saw what appeared to be tongues of fire resting on their
heads. The Holy Spirit had come upon them.)

What miraculous thing were Jesus’ followers able to do when the Holy Spirit
came upon them? (They were able to speak in many different languages.)

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson Lesson 36:

Use the Bible activity to introduce the lesson.

Te l l T h e S t o r y

The night before Jesus died, He told His followers He would be leaving, but
would also come back, and take His followers with Him: “I know you are
afraid, but don’t be! You trust God. Now trust Me. There is plenty of room for
you in My Father’s home, you can be sure of that. But I’m going now to get
your rooms ready. Then I’ll come back and get you so you can be with Me.”

Over the next few days, Jesus died on a cross, was buried, and rose again. For
forty days after that, He talked, ate, and walked with His followers until He
went up to heaven.

So now we wait. Jesus’ helpers wrote about “waiting for our blessed hope,”
God’s “Son from heaven,” the “Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.” But what does
that mean, to wait?

I remember waiting with my sister for our father to come home from work.
We would always wait for him to eat supper together. Sometimes I was lazy.
I would wait sprawled out on the couch, watching television. But as soon as I
heard my father coming up to the house, whistling as he came, I would jump
up, turn off the TV, straighten what I could as quickly as I could and greet him
cheerily as he walked in the door—not the best type of “waiting.” However,
when I was eager for his arrival because we had something planned, I would

Church Adventures in the Story of Hope
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be up around the house, getting ready and eagerly waiting. This is the kind of Teacher Notes
waiting Jesus expects of us.

But it’s been over 2000 years since Jesus said He would return. Does He really
expect us to be about His work, eagerly looking for His return? Well, how
many years passed from the time when Isaiah spoke of Immanuel coming
to earth until Jesus was born? (700 years.) Or, between the time David wrote
Messianic Psalms until the Messiah came? (1000 years.) How many years
went by between God’s promise to Abraham that all nations would be blessed
by his Descendent and the promise was fulfilled? (More than 2000 years.)
Or, from when God first promised a Satan-Conqueror until Jesus went to
the cross? (Thousands of years!) One of Jesus’ followers, Peter, helps us un-
derstand as he writes: “Don’t forget, friends: for God, one day is as good as a
thousand years, a thousand years as a day. God isn’t ‘taking His time in fulfill-
ing His promises.’ His timing is perfect.”

But while we are waiting, some of our friends and family are dying. What
about them? Jesus’ followers asked that question. Paul, one of Jesus’ mes-
sengers, remembered Jesus had said the night before He died that He would
leave, but He would come back to take believers with Him. Later, Paul wrote:

“Don’t worry about those who have died while waiting. We don’t cry like
those who don’t have hope. In fact, they will be ahead of us. Since Jesus died
and rose again, we believe that Jesus will bring with Him those who have
already died believing. At the end of the age, Jesus will descend from heaven
with a loud shout. As He comes down from heaven, the dead will be raised
first. Then we who are still living will catch up to them in the clouds to meet
our Lord Jesus. What a wonderful day that will be! We can encourage each
Show ATSOH #36
other with this message. Adam’s sin brought death. Jesus’ life, death and resur-
rection brought life. Because of Jesus, we won’t all die. On that day when Jesus
comes, the dead, rotting bodies of believers will become new ones that will
never die. In a flash our bodies will be transformed from fragile, sinful bodies
to pure, perfect bodies.

THEME: Jesus will return for

those who have believed in Him.

What the Future Holds
Adventures in the Story of Hope Church Lesson Number 36 | Page 301
Teacher Guide
©Copyright 2018 Evangelism and Discipleship
Since verse one of the next song, “What the Future Holds” deals with both Teacher Notes
lessons thirty-six and thirty-seven, use this song time as a review of several of
the songs, possibly singing through all of them right from the beginning. Tell Bible Memory Activity
the kids that in two weeks they will learn another new song.
Prepare six small pieces
of paper, two with the
M e m o r y Ve r s e number 1, two with the
number 2, and two with
the number 3. Fold the
papers so the numbers
1 Thessalonians 4:13 - But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, con- do not show. Put them in
cerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no a basket for students to
hope. draw from later. Write
the words of the verse on
Bible Activity the board, and have an
eraser ready.

Have you ever been at home while your parents were at work or had gone Repeat the verse a
somewhere for a few hours? Let’s imagine that you are home on a Saturday couple times. Then let a
afternoon and your mom told you that you had a few jobs to do while she student select one of the
was gone. (Make up a list of jobs that would be appropriate for your class.) numbered papers. The
Not only that, she said that you must complete all the jobs before you are number indicates he may
allowed to play any games, watch TV, read a book, or anything else. You erase that many words.
Then have the class say
know that she will be gone ALL afternoon because she has lots of shop-
the verse, but when they
ping to do, and also she is going to visit your grandmother for a while. You
get to an erased word,
think: “there is a TV show I really want to watch, and if I do ALL these jobs they should all stand and
first, I will miss it. I could do some of the jobs, just until time for the show, say it.
and after the show I will finish the jobs.” So, even though your mother has
given you very specific instructions, you decide that you know best, and you Let another student
do one job, then sit down to watch TV. The program lasts for an hour, so choose a numbered paper,
you should have plenty of time before your mom gets home. All of a sud- erase additional words,
den, when the show is only half over, you hear the front door open, and in and repeat the process
walks your mom! Oh, no! There you are, watching TV, and most of your of saying the verse and
jobs still are unfinished! Imagine the surprise and disappointment on your standing for missing
mom’s face when she realizes you have disobeyed her. Then imagine YOUR words. Continue until
surprise and disappointment to hear what she has to say: “I’m so sorry that all words are erased or
there are no papers left to
you have disobeyed me and not finished your work. I’m also sorry that you
will not be able to go over to your best friend’s house for the rest of the day.”
“What? I didn’t know about that!” “I know you didn’t,” says your mom. “I
saw his/her mom at the store and she invited you to come over. They are
having a big party with lots of food, games, and later they are going swim-
ming. I told her that I would come right home to get you, and then go visit
grandma afterwards. But since you chose to disobey, now you will have to
stay here and finish your jobs.”

If only you had known when your mom would return, you would have been

Church Adventures in the Story of Hope
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ready! But wait! You should have been ready anyway, because you had your instructions. That is a little
bit like Jesus’ return to earth someday. Listen. (Begin to tell the story.)

Coloring Book
Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the teacher or by the student. Say,
“This picture shows Jesus returning for believers. What do you think it will be like when Jesus takes
believers to heaven?” Let the children color the picture and discuss this question with you.

My Stor y of Hope

Jesus will return from heaven for all believers with a thunderous command and the sound of a trumpet, the
dead will rise first (the larger people came from the graves on the left). Then all who are still living will go
to meet Him in the air.

Adventures in the Story of Hope Church Lesson Number 36 | Page 303
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Teacher Notes

3 Review and Close

1. The night before Jesus died, what did He tell His followers He was going to
do after He left them? (Get our rooms ready for us with the Father.)

2. Just before Jesus ascended to heaven He asked His followers to wait for His
return. What do we sometimes call this “waiting”? (The Blessed Hope.)

3. How does Jesus want us to wait? (Eagerly, looking for His return as we are
busy doing His work.)

4. About how many years has it been since Jesus rose to heaven? (About

5. Has Jesus forgotten His promise to return for all believers? (No, a thou-
sand years is as one day to Jesus and He will return, just as He fulfilled all His
other promises, in His perfect time.)

6. How does Paul describe Jesus’ return for believers? (We will hear a shout
along with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first followed
by those who are alive.)

7. On that glorious day when Jesus returns for believers, how will our bodies
be changed? (From fragile, sin cursed bodies to pure, immortal bodies.)

THEME: Jesus will return for

those who have believed in Him.

Apply the Lesson

Up until now, we have studied Bible history. But now we move from Bible
history (past events) to Bible prophecy (future events). The final five events of
Adventures in The Story of Hope take place in the future. How does God want
you to live while you wait for Jesus to return?

Church Adventures in the Story of Hope
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Adventures in the Story of Hope
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37 The Return of
Jesus as King
Revelation 19:11-19,
THEME: Jesus will return to
rule the earth with those
who have believed in Him.
Teacher Notes

Study the Lesson (before class)

• The second coming of Christ to the earth is a well established doc- A beautiful full color pic-
trine throughout Scripture (Pss. 2:1-9; 24:7-10; 96:10-13; 110; Isa. ture of the artwork above
9:6-7; Jer. 23:1-8; Ezek. 37:15-28; Dan. 2:44-45; 7:13-14; Hosea 3:4-5; is available for purchase
Amos 9:11-15; Micah 4:7; Zech. 2:10-12; 12; 14:1-9; Matt. 19:28; as a set through www.
24:27-31; 25:6, 31-46; Mark 13:24-27; Luke 12:35-40; 17:24-37; 18:8;
21:25-28; Acts 1:10-11; 15:16-18; Rom. 11:25-27; 2 Thes. 2:8; 2 Peter the-story-of-hope-print-
3:3-4; Jude 14-15; Rev. 1:7-8; 2:25-28; 16:15; 22:20). ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
This picture can be used
• The second coming is a literal event that has not taken place yet. as you tell the story. You
• The rapture, which was talked about in the last lesson, is not the same may also want to post
as this event. None of the details of the second coming are the same the pictures around
as those of the rapture. In the rapture, Christ is never said to come your classroom to visu-
to the earth. The passages of the second coming have Christ actually ally remind your class of
setting His feet on the earth and ruling from the earth. previous lessons as you
teach ATSOH.
• The white horse is symbolic of coming triumph. The rider of the
horse is named Faithful and True. It could only be the Lord Jesus. You may want to copy
• The eyes of Jesus are like blazing fire and tell us that He is coming to the picture (on the last
judge sin. The many titles and crowns that He is wearing means that page of this lesson) for
He has the authority to judge sin. your students before you
color one of the copies
• When Christ returns to the earth, He will lock up Satan for one thou- yourself to show in class.
sand years so that Satan will not deceive the nations anymore.
• Satan will be unbound for a brief period of time at the end of Christ’s ATSOH Bible Visual #37
rule on earth with believers.

Tribulation Adventures
Adventures in
in The Story of
the Story of Hope
Page 306 | Lesson Number 37 Teacher Guide
©Copyright 2018 Evangelism and Discipleship
Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review and Games:
Review Questions from Lesson 17: Worship in the Wilderness Move to the Head of the
What does God say is the penalty for sin? (Death.)
Students sit in chairs or
Why must blood be shed to pay for sin? (Without the shedding of blood, on the floor all facing the
there is no forgiveness of sin.) same direction. If the
student answers a ques-
Review Question from Lesson 32: A Repentant Dying Thief tion correctly he moves
up one position. If he
Who took Jesus’ body down from the cross and buried it in a brand new answers wrong he goes to
tomb? (Joseph of Arimathea.) back of the row.

What did one of the criminals crucified with Jesus ask Jesus to do? (Remember me
when You enter Your kingdom.)

Review Question from Lesson 33: The Resurrection of Jesus

What happened right after the two men on the road to Emmaus recognized
Jesus? (He disappeared.)

Review Questions from Lesson 34: The Ascension of Jesus

On the day Jesus left the earth, what was His new ministry? (High Priest –
mediator between God and man.)

6. Jesus was a man who lived a perfect life, but He was more than a man.
What was/is He? (God.)

Review Questions from Lesson 35: Peter Proclaims the Good News

The people thought Jesus’ followers were drunk when they heard them
speaking in many languages. What did Peter say was really happening? (This
was the Spirit of God working in them.)

How did Peter explain Jesus’ betrayal, death on the cross, and resurrection
from the dead? (It had all been part of God’s plan as prophesied by David.
It was impossible for Jesus to be held by death’s power.)

Review Questions from Lesson 36: The Return of Jesus for Believers

Adventures inthe
Hope Tribulation
Guide Lesson Number 37 | Page
Page 307
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The night before Jesus died, what did He tell His followers He was going to do Teacher Notes
after He left them? (Get our rooms ready for us with the Father.)

Just before Jesus ascended to heaven He asked His followers to wait for His
return. What do we sometimes call this “waiting”? (The Blessed Hope.)

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 37: The Return of Jesus as King

Use the Bible activity to introduce the lesson.

Te l l T h e S t o r y

God’s prophets often spoke and wrote about “The Day of the Lord” referring
to a long period of time of God’s judgment and setting up of His Kingdom on
earth. We use ‘day’ in a similar manner. My father would say, “In my day…”
and go on about something back in the ‘good old days.’ When speaking about
the late 1700’s we might say, “In George Washington’s day people didn’t have
The Day of the Lord begins with the Great Tribulation and continues for
many years after that (through the Millennium). But after the Great Tribula-
tion and before the millennial reign of Christ, something will happen that
is described in the Bible as “on that day.” That’s when Jesus will come “with
power and great glory.” Listen: (Tell the story, looking up and pointing. Fol-
low “the action” with your eyes. Use hands to gesture. Ex. “filling the sky” -
Show ATSOH #37
spread arms.)
“Look, the heavens are opening! A rider called “Faithful and True” is coming
to earth on a white horse with His armies to judge and make war. No one can
miss it—He and His armies are filling the sky! This is the King of Kings and
Lord of Lords, the Word of God who died and rose from the dead. His eyes
are blazing! He sees right through to our hearts.
“But look, He is coming to protect the inhabitants of Jerusalem. He is open-
ing a fountain to wash them clean from sin. He is fighting their enemies—the
godless nations who fought against Jerusalem—and His people will share in
the victory of the battle.
“High in the sky against the sun, a winged creature—I guess it’s an angel—is
calling out: ‘Come to God’s great supper! Feast on kings and leaders of all
Tribulation Adventures in the Story of Hope
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sizes and their horses.’” To whom is he calling? The birds? Teacher Notes
Now there will be a bad man serving Satan on earth—a world leader during
the time of the Great Tribulation— who has gathered his army from among Bible Memory Activity
all the kings and armies of the earth. They plan to fight against Jesus! Use six pieces of paper
for this method. On page
“But Jesus speaks and the nations are struck down! The beast and his false one print the words of the
prophet are captured and thrown into the Lake of Fire. All the rest are slain verse large enough to fill
by the word of the one called “Faithful and True.” Now come the birds. They the page. On page two re-
are feasting freely on the flesh of the armies of the beast.” duce the size of the letters
“Oh, the earth is shaking—it’s an earthquake! Act like it is difficult to stand. a little. Continue reducing
The mountain to the east of Jerusalem is splitting in two! Half of the moun- the size of the letters on
tain is moving to the north and half to the south. Look! King Jesus is de- each page until the letter-
scending on His horse to what is left of the Mount of Olives. He’s climbing ing on the sixth page is
down from His horse and standing before His conquered enemies. What very little. To do this with
shouts of victory from His hosts! What a day! The Son of Man has come in a computer, simply change
power and great glory! the font size, starting at
about 78 and ending close
to ten.
THEME: Jesus will return to
rule the earth with those Use the page with the larg-
est print as you introduce
who have believed in Him. and explain the verse.
When you reach the step
where you are to repeat
Music the words ask the students,
“How’s your vision? I’m
going to give you an eye
Teach verse 1 of “What the Future Holds.” test.” Let them stand up
and read it together. Then
they sit down. While
M e m o r y Ve r s e showing the second largest
print say, “Stand up if you
can read this!” They will!
Revelation 19:11a - And I saw heaven opened and, behold, a white horse; and
Let them be seated, show
He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True.
the next smallest size and
say a bit skeptically. “Stand
Bible Activity if you can read this!” Re-
peat this process until you
get to the smallest letter-
Before class, make 3 signs. On the first sign, in big letters, write “Wellington.” ing. The children will have
On the second write “defeated.” On the third, write “Napoleon.” Give the learned the words and
signs to 3 different children, and instruct them as to when they should hold thoroughly enjoy thinking
up their sign. that they’re fooling you by
“reading” the small print.
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Page 309
Say this: “The year was 1815, and France was fighting with much of Europe Teacher Notes
for domination. There was a fierce battle between the army of Wellington
and the army of Napoleon. This battle would prove to be the biggest turning
point of the war. On the one side, the European allied nations were trying
to hold on to the land they called their own. On the other hand, Napoleon
was still on the offensive. The battle was long and hard, and on the other side
of a river where the battle was taking place, a group of people waited to find
out what the outcome of the battle had been. The signal would come from
flashes of light that were sent in a code. Finally the signal started to come
through! One by one the letters were spelled out: ‘W-e-l-l-i-n-g-t-o-n’ (Have
the first child hold up his/her sign.) “Here comes the next word! ‘D-e-f-e-a-
t-e-d’ (Have the second child hold up his sign.) Just then a thick fog settled
in over the river, and no more lights could be seen. OH NO! Wellington had
been defeated, they thought. It’s all over. Napoleon will come and take us
as prisoners and there is no one to defend us! But wait! The fog had lifted,
and the signal came again: ‘W-e-l-l-i-n-g-t-o-n’ (Have the first child hold up
his sign.) “Here comes the next word! “D-e-f-e-a-t-e-d” (Have the second
child hold up his sign.) ‘N-a-p-o-l-e-o-n’ (Have the third child hold up his/
her sign.) YES! Wellington had DEFEATED Napoleon!! The whole mean-
ing changed when they saw the rest of the message! At first, they thought
that Wellington (their leader) had been defeated by Napoleon, but then they
learned the end of the message, THEY HAD WON!”

Many times, it looks like Satan is winning in this sinful world, but don’t give
up. Don’t be fooled! We know the end of the message from God’s word –
God Wins!

Coloring Book
Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the
teacher or by the student. Say, “This picture shows Jesus returning to earth
on a white horse. Watching Jesus Christ rule the earth will be great, won’t
it? Why will this be a great event?” Let the children color the picture and
discuss this question with you.

My Stor y of Hope
(1) Jesus, called Faithful and True, is coming to earth on a white horse with
His armies to fight the godless nations who fought against Jerusalem. High in
the sky against the sun, a winged creature is calling out, “Come to God’s great
supper!” (2) An earthquake splits the Mount of Olives east of Jerusalem in
two as King Jesus comes down on His horse.

Tribulation Adventures in the Story of Hope
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3 Review and Close

1. What is the Day of the Lord? (A period of time of God’s judgment and the setting up of His kingdom on

2. When will the Day of the Lord begin and end? (It will begin at the Great Tribulation and end after the
millennium – thousand year reign of Christ.)

3. In what two ways will Jesus return before the millenium? (With power and glory.)

4. When Jesus returns, He will be called by what two names? (Faithful and True.)

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Page 311
5. When Jesus returns to the earth, He will protect the people living in what Teacher Notes
city? (Jerusalem.)

6. In the great battle against Satan, where will the beast and the false prophet
be thrown? (The lake of fire.)

7. What will split the Mount of Olives when Jesus comes to stand once more
in the holy city of Jerusalem? (Earthquake.)

THEME: Jesus will return to

rule the earth with those
who have believed in Him.

Apply the Lesson

Jesus will return to the earth to rule with those who have believed on Him. If
Jesus counted on you today, what are two or three things He could depend on
you to do now so that people you know will be among those who have be-
lieved in Jesus and return to earth with Him?

Tribulation Adventures in the Story of Hope
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Adventures in the Story of Hope
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38 The Final
Doom of Satan
Revelation 20:7-10

THEME: Satan will be cast

into the lake of fire forever.

Teacher Notes

Study the Lesson (before class)

• The millenium, the rule and reign of Jesus Christ on earth for 1000 A beautiful full color pic-
years, will follow His second coming to earth. It will be a time of great ture of the artwork above
blessing. is available for purchase
as a set through www.
• At the end of the 1000 years, Satan will be loosed from his prison and
he will try to deceive the nations into following him instead of Jesus
• Satan’s release will produce a worldwide rebellion against the earthly This picture can be used
rule of Jesus Christ. The armies involved in this last battle are so large as you tell the story. You
in number that they are described “like the sand on the seashore.” may also want to post
• Many will profess salvation in Jesus Christ during His 1000 year reign. the pictures around
But when Satan is released, the shallowness of their profession will your classroom to visu-
cause them to be deceived. ally remind your class of
previous lessons as you
• In this final battle, nations will come from all directions. Gog and Ma- teach ATSOH.
gog may be a reference to those who will lose the battle.
• The armies will surround the city which God loves, Jerusalem. The You may want to copy
result is immediate fire coming down from heaven. the picture (on the last
page of this lesson) for
• After Satan’s followers are destroyed, Satan and his angels will be your students before you
thrown into the Lake of Fire. In the Lake of Fire, they will experience color one of the copies
eternal torment. yourself to show in class.
• The lake of burning sulfur is not annihilation because the beast and
the false prophet are there and have been there for about 1000 years ATSOH Bible Visual #38
after their final judgment.
Judgment Adventures in the Story of Hope
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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review and Games:
Who’s Am I?
Review Questions from Lesson 18: Bronze Serpent
Write the names of all
Why did God send poisonous snakes to bite the Israelites in the wilderness? the Bible characters that
(They weren’t thankful for the things God had provided for them, like manna have been studied thus
and water; instead, they chose to complain.) far on small pieces of
paper and place them in
What was the ‘miserable food’ the Israelites were complaining about? (Man- a basket. Ask one stu-
na that God had sent to them faithfully from heaven.) dent to draw a piece of
paper and, pretending to
Review Questions from Lesson 33: The Resurrection of Jesus be that person, state one
fact about him/her. The
What did Jesus say to Mary when she saw Him later at the tomb? (I am going student continues giv-
up to My Father who is your Father, My God who is your God.) ing facts until someone
guesses correctly. Where
How did Jesus explain to the men on the road to Emmaus why the Messiah Am I? and What Am I?
had to suffer and be glorified? (He started at the beginning with the books of can be played in a similar
Moses and the prophets and used them to explain His life and ministry.) manner by changing the
names to places or ob-
Review Question from Lesson 34: The Ascension of Jesus jects.

What did the two men in white say to Jesus’ followers after He left the earth? Examples: Who Am I?
(He will return!)
• I am a man from the
Review Questions from Lesson 35: Peter Proclaims the Good News Old Testament.

What two things did Jesus become through His death and resurrection? • I had an older brother
(Master and Messiah.) and sister.

How did Peter respond when the people asked, “What should we do? (Turn
from your old ways to God and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.)

Review Questions from Lesson 36: The Return of Jesus for Believers

How does Jesus want us to wait? (Eagerly, looking for His return as we are
busy doing His work.)

About how many years has it been since Jesus rose to heaven? (About 2000.)

Review Questions from Lesson 37: The Return of Jesus as King

Adventures in the Story of Hope Judgment Lesson Number 38 | Page 315
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What is the Day of the Lord? (A period of time of God’s judgment and the Teacher Notes
setting up of His kingdom on earth.)

When will the Day of the Lord begin and end? (It will begin at the Great
Tribulation and go through the millennium – thousand year reign of Christ.)

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 38: The Final Doom of Satan

The Bible records for us the beginning of the world and the end of the
world. In the beginning, it appears that Satan is victorious. In the end, he is
defeated definitively. Based on what you have learned during our stories, tell
us whether you are a follower of Satan or a follower of God? How does one
become a follower of God?

Use this Bible Activity before telling the story.

Te l l T h e S t o r y
See if you can figure out who I am describing:

From pure and innocent to evil and deceiving. From unequaled beauty to
appearance of beauty, but truly devilish ugliness. From worshiping God and
seeing His glory to suffering eternal torment in the Lake of Fire.

That’s Satan, from beginning to end. God created him as one of the smartest,
most beautiful, creatures of all. But he became proud; he wanted to be like
God; he wanted to take God’s place. So he was thrown out; cast down from
his high position, taking other angels with him. At that point God prepared a
place of eternal fire for him and his followers.

Then Satan began to tempt mankind. He started with Eve in the Garden and
won’t quit until God judges him once and for all. After Satan tempted Eve in
the form of a serpent, God cursed him and declared war between Satan and
the woman. He told Satan that a descendant from the woman would deal the
crushing death blow to him.

That one Who would conquer Satan came, born of a woman in Palestine at
just the right time. His name was Jesus. He didn’t fail when tempted by Satan.

Judgment Adventures in the Story of Hope
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He completely and perfectly resisted all of Satan’s temptations. These tempta- Teacher Notes
tions were designed specifically for Jesus, and were aimed directly at Him.
Many times during His life on earth Jesus showed that He was more powerful
than Satan and his demons by casting them out of people they possessed.

Then, on an historic day outside Jerusalem, Jesus dealt the crushing deathblow
that the prophets had told about hundreds of years earlier. He gave His life to
free all mankind from Satan’s power. That’s why He came to earth: to put an
end to Satan’s works. You see, since we are made of flesh and blood, it makes
sense that Jesus took on flesh and blood; became a man. His death was the
only way to rescue us. By dying, He cancelled out any power Satan had over
death and freed us from death.

During the Millennium (the 1,000 years when Jesus will reign on earth), Satan
will be bound. Imagine that, bound for one thousand years and not able to
influence mankind during that time. How wonderful that will be!

But at the end of that time, Satan will be let loose one last time. Think of it: he
will certainly be frustrated and angry and ready to attack with one thousand
years’ worth of evil plans and revenge. In a moment he will soar from his pris-
on to launch his plan to deceive the nations—what he had done for centuries
before. Satan will search all over the earth for people who would be enemies of
God. He will convince them to go to war against God, gathering the greatest
human army ever—millions and millions of them. They will attack Jerusalem.

But as soon as Satan and his army arrive, fire will come from Heaven and burn Show ATSOH #38
up the armies. From among the smoldering, stinking bodies, Satan, the one
who deceived them, will be whisked away and thrown into Fire and Brimstone
Lake, where his servants, the Beast and False Prophet, will already be suffering.
There they will continue in agony forever.

THEME: Satan will be cast

into the lake of fire forever.

What the Future Holds

Teach the chorus and first verse of “What the Future Holds.” The chorus asks
the question, “What does the future hold for believers, unbelievers, and the
world?” which began to be dealt with in the previous lesson (believers). After
learning this new song, review other songs as time allows.
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Teacher Notes
M e m o r y Ve r s e Bible Memory Activity
Learn the verse in
Revelation 20:10 - The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire phrases. Have the
and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be students form a circle
tormented day and night forever and ever. and give a soft ball or
object to someone to
begin the game. The first
person will say the first
Bible Activity phrase and toss the ball
to someone else. The
Have you ever gone fishing? How do you know what kind of bait to put on second student says the
your hook? (The point you need to get the children to see is that you have to first phrase and adds the
use bait that is appealing to the fish you want to catch – worms, other little second phrase, and then
fish, etc.) Expert fishermen know just the right bait that will “catch” the fish tosses the ball to another
to repeat the process until
they want. What if you put a piece of valuable jewelry on the hook? Would
the verse is completed.
the fish really want to bite it? How about a bottle of wine? Do you think they Repeat several times.
would go for that? (Of course not!) But what if, instead of you going fish-
ing, it was the devil looking to “Catch” someone, and that someone was not a
fish, but a person? What kind of “bait” would the devil use? Not a worm, for
sure! He would choose something that would tempt the person, like expen-
sive jewelry, or alcohol, or fame, or something else. From the beginning of
time, when he tempted Adam and Eve in the garden, he has been a deceiver,
and even at the end of time, he hasn’t changed his ways. Let’s see what that
old serpent is up to at the end of time.

Coloring Book
Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the teach-
er or by the student. Say, “This picture shows Satan experiencing eternal
punishment in the Lake of Fire. What part of Scripture did we first learn
about Satan or Lucifer?” Let the children color the picture and discuss this
question with you.

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My Stor y of Hope

(1) Lucifer wanted to be like God. (2) He lied to the woman and convinced her to eat from the Tree of the
Knowledge of Good and Evil. (3) Jesus resisted the temptations by Satan. (4) Jesus set all mankind free
from Satan’s power when He died on the cross. (5) Satan will be bound for one thousand years. (6) After
the millennium Satan will gather the largest army ever and lay siege to Jerusalem. (6) But he will be de-
feated and cast into the Lake of Fire forever.

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Teacher Notes

3 Review and Close


1. At the beginning of time God created a beautiful, very smart creature to

serve and worship Him. What was the creature’s name? (Lucifer.)

2. Why did God cast Lucifer from heaven? (He became proud and wanted to
be like God.)

3. Lucifer (now Satan) tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. God
cursed him and declared war between him and the woman. What would her
Descendant do to Satan? (Crush him.)

4. Many years later Eve’s Descendant crushed Satan when He gave His life on
the cross to free all mankind from Satan’s power. What was His name? (Jesus.)

5. What will God do to Satan during the millennium? (He will be bound, un-
able to tempt anyone to sin.)

6. God will release Satan at the end of the millenium. What will Satan
convince God’s enemies to do? (Go to war against God.)

7. God will burn His enemies up with fire. What will happen to Satan?
(He will be cast into the Lake of Fire forever.)

THEME: Satan will be cast

into the lake of fire forever.

Apply the Lesson

Near the end of the millennium when Jesus rules on earth, Satan will try one
more time to lead a rebellion against God. But from this story in the Bible, we
learn that Jesus is the great Satan Crusher and Satan is defeated. But before this
happens, Satan is now trying to get everyone, including you, to rebel against
God. What are three things you can do to not follow Satan’s efforts to lead you
away from God?
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Adventures in the Story of Hope
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39 Eternal Punishment
for Unbelievers
Revelation 20:11-15
THEME: Unbelievers will be
cast into the lake of fire forever.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• The events of the Great White Throne judgment clearly follow the A beautiful full color pic-
1000 year reign of Christ; Revelation 20:1-6. ture of the artwork above
is available for purchase
• The Great White Throne is different than the throne mentioned 30
as a set through www.
times in Revelation. The purpose of the Great White Throne is to
judge the dead. All people will stand before God at this throne.
• From other Scriptures, we know that dead believers have been judged ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
at the Bema Seat and are now with the Lord. This picture can be used
as you tell the story. You
• Old Testament saints have been raised and will not be judged. There-
may also want to post
fore, we must conclude that the Great White Throne is to judge the
the pictures around
wicked dead.
your classroom to visu-
• Their works will be the basis for their judgment. Their works will not ally remind your class of
save them, but will demonstrate their lost state, deserving of punish- previous lessons as you
ment. teach ATSOH.
• According to verse 5, the wicked dead will not be raised until after the
You may want to copy
1000 years. They will have no part in the first resurrection.
the picture (on the last
• The teaching of eternal punishment is clear in Scripture. Unbelievers page of this lesson) for
will be cast into the Lake of Fire forever where Satan and his angels your students before you
already are. color one of the copies
yourself to show in class.
• The teaching of Scripture shows two possiblities: spending eternity in
heaven with the Lord Jesus Christ or suffering in the Lake of Fire with
ATSOH Bible Visual #39
Satan. There is no other option.
• Satan’s power will not last forever. He will be doomed eternally.
Those who are not believers will also suffer eternal punishment.
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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson Review and Game:

Bible A,B,C’s

Review Questions from Lesson 19: Reign of King David First student says ‘A’ and
names a Bible person,
From which tribe was David? (Judah.) place, or thing that
begins with A, and tells
What did God mean when He said He would establish David’s ‘house’ for- one fact about it. The
ever? (One of David’s descendants would reign forever.) next student says ’B’ and
names something that
Review Questions from Lesson 34: The Ascension of Jesus begins with ‘B’ and tells
one fact about it. Con-
Once the Holy Spirit had come upon the followers, what did Jesus say His tinue until all students
followers would have the ability to do? (Be witnesses of what Jesus did and have had a turn.
would continue to do. They would be God’s message-carriers throughout the
world.) Examples:

On the day Jesus left the earth, what was His new ministry? (High Priest – ‘A’ – Adam: He was the
mediator between God and man.) first man

Review Question from Lesson 35: Peter Proclaims the Good News ‘B’ – Bronze Snake:
Moses lifted it up in the
How many people were saved and baptized on the day of Pentecost after wilderness and when the
Peter’s message? (About three thousand.) people looked at it, they
were healed.
Review Questions from Lesson 36: The Return of Jesus for Believers

Has Jesus forgotten His promise to return for all believers? (No, a thousand
years is as one day to Jesus and He will return, just as He fulfilled all His
other promises, in His perfect time.)

How does Paul describe Jesus’ return for believers? (We will hear a shout
along with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first followed
by those who are alive.)

Review Questions from Lesson 37: The Return of Jesus as King

In what two ways will Jesus return before the millenium? (With power and

When Jesus returns, He will be called by what two names? (Faithful and
Adventures in the Story of Hope Judgment Lesson Number 39 | Page 323
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Review Questions from Lesson 38: The Final Doom of Satan Teacher Notes
At the beginning of time God created a beautiful, very smart creature to serve
and worship Him. What the creature’s name? (Lucifer.)

Why did God cast Lucifer from heaven? (He became proud and wanted to be
like God.)

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 39: Eternal Punishment for Unbelievers

Wear a robe and hold a gavel. Ask: “Have you ever been in a courtroom?
Have you seen a TV show with courtroom scenes? The judge sits behind a
big desk. It is a little scary—especially when you realize he has the authority
to put someone in prison or free them. Our Bible story today tells of a very
scary courtroom scene where Jesus is the judge.”

Te l l T h e S t o r y

One of Jesus’ followers, John, lived a long time and told lots of people about
Jesus in many places. When he was old (about 95 years old!), people that
didn’t believe his message put him in prison on an island called Patmos.
While he was a prisoner, God gave John a peek into the future through a
fascinating vision; it was as if he was taken to heaven. He could see what was
going to happen there and what was going to happen on earth—as if he was
watching it happen right in front of his eyes! He wrote it all down in a book.
Part of his vision included what would happen after Satan was thrown in the
Lake of Fire. His book says this:

“I was in God’s throne room and saw a great big white throne and the risen
Jesus—to Whom God had given all authority to judge—seated on it. Earth
and sky ran from His presence, but could find no place to hide.

“Then I saw Sea giving up all who had died there. Death and Hell turned Show ATSOH #39
their dead over, also. I saw all who had died, important people and not-so-
important people, stand before that throne! Books were opened, including
the most important one: the Book of Life. The dead were judged by what
they had done as recorded in the books.

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Then Death and Hell were thrown into The Lake of Fire. This is the second Teacher Notes
death. Anyone whose name was not found written in the Book of Life was
thrown into the Lake of Fire.”

All those who refuse to know God (by not believing the Good News of Jesus
and trusting Him) will suffer for what they’ve done. Their punishment will
be eternal separation from Jesus and His awesome power. If they refuse Him
when they have the opportunity, they will forever be separated from Him.

Listen carefully; this is so important: anyone who believes Jesus and believes
the Father who actually put Him in charge, has real, lasting life and will not
be condemned to the second death. These believers have passed from the
world of the dead to the world of the living. In our final story we will learn
about their future.

THEME: Unbelievers will be

cast into the lake of fire forever.

Use the song time to review several of the kids’ favorites they have learned on
their Adventure through the Story of Hope.

M e m o r y Ve r s e

Revelation 20:15 - And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast Bible Memory Activity
into the lake of fire.
Have the students look
up the verse in their
Bible Activity Bibles, then practice say-
ing it several times. Have
Find out what is the average lifespan for a person in the country in which them close their Bible
you live. Let’s say, for example that it is 60 years. Bring in 60 small stones, or and answer who, what,
other object that will each represent one year. Ask: “How many years do you why and when.
expect to live?” (Allow children to answer.) Explain: “These stones repre-
sent the average number of years a person will live in ___________ (name
your country).” Each of these years is like money, which can be spent. How
will you spend your years? Your years are divided into months, weeks, days,
hours and minutes. How are you spending your minutes? Once you spend a

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minute, you can never get it back to spend again. If this whole room was filled with bags of stones, and all
those years were added together, it would not even be one inch on the line of eternity that goes on forever
and forever. Where will you be for all those years? In heaven with God, which is the most awesome place
you could imagine? Or in hell, with the devil and his angels, tormented in the flames forever? Is your
name written in God’s book? If not, you will not be in heaven! (Give the gospel here and invite children
to respond)

My Stor y of Hope
(1) When John (bottom left corner) was exiled to the island of Patmos (can write Patmos by John), God
showed him a vision of the future. (2) In God’s throne room (top), John saw Jesus seated on a great white
throne. The sea, death and hell gave up all their dead to be judged. Books were opened including the
Book of Life and all were judged for what they had done according to what was written in the books.
(3) Anyone whose name was not found written in the Book of Life was thrown into the Lake of Fire. All
believers have passed from the world of the dead to the world of the living.

Coloring Book
Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the teacher or by the student. Say,
“This picture shows one person before the Great White Throne. What would you say to God if you
were to stand before Him?” Let the children color the picture and discuss this question with you.
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Teacher Notes

3 Review and Close


1. Who was John? (One of Jesus’ followers.)

2. When John was about 95 years old, people who didn’t believe his message
put him in prison on what island? (Patmos.)

3. While he was on the island, what vision did God give to him? (A vision
from heaven.)

4. What did John first see in his vision? (He saw Jesus—to whom God had
given all authority to judge—seated on a great white throne.)

5. Who did Jesus judge first? (Those who had already died.)

6. What happened to those people whose names had not been written in the
Book of Life? (They were thrown into the Lake of Fire.)

7. What will God give to anyone who believes in Him? (Eternal life.)

THEME: Unbelievers will be

cast into the lake of fire forever.

Apply the Lesson

Near the end of earthly time, unbelievers will stand in front of God to be sen-
tened to eternal punishment for their sins. How can you escape this punish-

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Adventures in the Story of Hope
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40 Eternal Happiness
for Believers
Revelation 21:1-22:5
THEME: Everyone who has
trusted Jesus will enter an
eternal paradise with God.

Teacher Notes
Study the Lesson (before class)

• After God’s great judgment, He will create a new heaven and a new A beautiful full color pic-
earth. (Romans 8:18-21; 2 Peter 3:7-13) ture of the artwork above
is available for purchase
• The new Jerusalem is where God will live among His people. As Jesus
as a set through www.
Christ once lived on earth, God Himself will choose to make the new
Jerusalem His royal dwelling place.
• God has planned that those who live eternally with Him will not ed-visuals-set-of-40/.
know any kind of sickness, pain, or sorrow. Only joy and happiness This picture can be used
will be present in the eternal glories of His presence. as you tell the story. You
• Those who have been faithful through trials and testing will be re- may also want to post
warded by God. the pictures around
your classroom to visu-
• The new Jerusalem is as tall as it wide and long. With its design and ally remind your class of
with its Designer, it will be a perfect place to live forever. The special previous lessons as you
walls and the special gates will be magnificent to look at and glorious teach ATSOH.
in their appearance.
• God’s glory will illuminate the city making it a place of holiness and You may want to copy
righteousness. The city will be complete without sin and evil. the picture (on the last
page of this lesson) for
• Only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life will your students before you
live in the new Jerusalem. That is, only those who have put their faith color one of the copies
in the Lord Jesus Christ will live there. yourself to show in class.
• There is no need for a temple or a church for the Lord Himself will be
present there. ATSOH Bible Visual #40
• There is no need for the sun or the moon for the Lord Himself will
provide the light.
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Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson

Review and Games:
Review Questions from Lesson 20: Prophecies of a Coming Messiah Chronological Order

What would be the main purpose of the Messiah’s coming? (To solve our sin Give the students the
problem once and for all.) Story of Hope pictures
and have them arrange
Why did the Messiah choose to suffer and die? (To provide a way for our sins them chronologically
to be forgiven.) or write the names of
key characters on pieces
Review Questions from Lesson 35: Peter Proclaims the Good News of paper and have the
students put them in the
What two things did Jesus become through His death and resurrection? order that they lived on
(Master and Messiah.) this earth.

How did Peter respond when the people asked, “What should we do? (Turn
from your old ways to God and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.)

Review Question from Lesson 36: The Return of Jesus for Believers

On that glorious day when Jesus returns for believers, how will our bodies be
changed? (From fragile, sin cursed bodies to pure, immortal bodies.)

Review Questions from Lesson 37: The Return of Jesus as King

When Jesus returns to the earth, He will protect the people living in what
city? (Jerusalem.)

In the great battle against Satan, where will the beast and the false prophet be
thrown? (The Lake of Fire.)

Review Questions from Lesson 38: The Final Doom of Satan

Lucifer (now Satan) tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. God
cursed him and declared war between him and the woman. What would her
Descendant do to Satan? (Crush him.)

Many years later Eve’s Descendant crushed Satan when He gave His life on the
cross to free all mankind from Satan’s power. What was His name? (Jesus.)

Review Questions from Lesson 39: Eternal Punishment for Unbelievers

Restoration Adventures in the Story of Hope
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Who was John? (One of Jesus’ followers.) Teacher Notes
When John was about 95 years old, people who didn’t believe his message put
him in prison on what island? (Patmos.)

2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n
Introduction to Lesson 40: Eternal Happiness for Believers

This story, The Story of Hope, can have a very happy ending for you. Do you
want to know how to have that happy ending?

Te l l T h e S t o r y

Down through the ages people have been waiting, longing to be free from
their sinful bodies and live forever with God. They have eagerly anticipated
this ever since sin first entered the world.

It was literally paradise for Adam and Eve to live in the Garden. But sin
contaminated God’s perfect world. Over the years, God made it clearer and
clearer to fallen people that He had a plan and would not give up on having
righteous men and women live on a perfect earth. Many along the way came
to understand this and submitted to God’s plan, trusting in His Word alone,
and not in anything they could try on their own.

Abraham was one of those. In all his travels he kept his eye on an unseen city
designed and built by God Himself. Abraham’s wife, Sarah, and then Isaac
and Jacob had the same goal. All of them kept believing and didn’t turn back
when the road got difficult. They continued to look for a better country than
anything they had seen on earth; a heavenly country. God will honor them;
He has a City waiting for them. Many more were pioneers, blazing the way,
looking forward to the day God would reveal His City.

Where is this City? It’s not on Mount Sinai. In fact, it’s not even in Israel. This
is the City where the living God lives and judges. It’s the City which we enter
only through Jesus’ sacrifice. Where is it?

After Satan is thrown into the Lake of Fire, God’s special City, the New Jeru-
salem, will come down from Heaven, brand new, and glorious, prepared for
God as a bride for her husband. A loud voice will come from the Throne:

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©Copyright 2018 Evangelism and Discipleship
“Look! Look! God is moving in, making His home with men and women! Teacher Notes
He will wipe away the tears of His people. Death, tears and pain are finished;
Show ATSOH #40.
gone for good. All the old is gone. I’m making everything new. And this New
City is what My Children, the faithful, will inherit. But murderers, idol-wor-
shippers, liars—all who are not trusting Jesus—are destined for the Lake of
Fire; second death!”

What is the City like? It will shimmer like a precious gem, filled with light.
The foundation will be decorated with every precious gem imaginable. The
high, majestic walls of jasper will have twelve gates each made from a single
pearl, an angel positioned at each. (By the way, the gates will never be shut.)
The City will be as tall as it is wide and long—2200 kilometers (1367 miles)
long, wide and high.

Main Street will be of pure gold, clear as glass. There will be no Temple, for
the Lord God and the Lamb are its Temple. God’s Glory serves as the sun
for the City; the Lamb for its street lights! There will never be night! All the
nations will walk in its light. Earth’s kings will bring the splendor, glory, and
honor of the nations into the City.

At the center of the City is God’s Throne (and the Lamb’s). God’s glory will
provide all the light anyone will ever need. Flowing crystal bright from the
Throne right down the middle of Main Street will be the Water-of-Life River.
The Tree of Life will be planted on each side of the River, producing twelve
kinds of fruit, a ripe fruit each month. Its leaves will heal the nations.

Who will enter the City? Nothing dirty, sinful, or deceiving will get into the
City. Only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life will get
in. These servants of God will look on His face and worship Him, ruling with
Him forever.

THEME: Everyone who has

trusted Jesus will enter an
eternal paradise with God.

Restoration Adventures in the Story of Hope
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Teacher Notes
Bible Memory Activity
Review the verse in
What the Future Holds phrases, including the
reference. Have the
Go and Tell the Story students sit in a circle, and
call out one child’s name.
Start with the first verse of “What the Future Holds” and then teach the That student will say the
second verse. Then, sing “Go and Tell the Story, adding the final verse about reference (Rev 22:5). The
faith. student to the left must
say the first phrase of
the verse (There shall be
M e m o r y Ve r s e no night there), and the
student to their left must
say the next (They need
Revelation 22:5 - There shall be no night there: they need no lamp nor light of no lamp). Continue until
the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. And they shall reign forever and the verse is complete.
ever. Do this several times so
everyone has a chance to
say part of the verse.
Bible Activity
Have a child look up and read I Corinthians 2:9, if possible. If your children
are too young, the teacher should read this verse out loud. Then ask the fol-
lowing questions: (After each question, allow 3-4 children to give an answer,
then say together: “Heaven will be better than that!”)

1. What is the most beautiful city in the world?

2. What is the best tasting food you have ever had?
3. What is the most beautiful music you have ever heard?
4. What is the best weather to enjoy?
5. What is the happiest thing on earth that you most enjoy doing?
The Bible teaches that we can’t even imagine how wonderful heaven will be!
It sure is fun to imagine it, though!
Let’s make a list of things that the Bible says will NOT be in heaven….
Sin, sadness, tears, death, pain (all the bad stuff)

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Coloring Book
Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring, either by the teacher or by the student. Say,
“This picture shows people who are enjoying the special place called heaven. What are two or three
things that seem special to you about heaven?” Let the children color the picture and discuss this ques-
tion with you.

My Stor y of Hope

(1) While he lived, on the earth Abraham, (bottom) lived in tents because he was looking for a heavenly
city whose designer and builder is God. (2) The New Jerusalem (top) will be filled with the light of God’s
glory. Its gates will never be shut and the Water-of-Life River will flow right down the middle of the main

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Teacher Notes

3 Review and Close

1. What two things has mankind been longing for ever since the first man
and woman were cast from the perfect Garden of Eden? (To be free from
the body of sin and live forever with God.)

2. God has a plan to live with men and women. Where? (On a perfect

3. Where is the perfect city that God is preparing for all those who believe?
(The perfect city, New Jerusalem, will come down from heaven and God
will make His home among mankind.)

4. From what will the streets of New Jerusalem be made? (Gold.)

5. Why will there be no temple in New Jerusalem? (God and the Lamb,
Jesus, are its temple.)

6. Why will there be no sun? (The glory of God will be the sun and the
Lamb will be the street lights.)

7. Who will be able to enter New Jerusalem? (Those whose names are
written in the Lamb’s book of life.)

THEME: Everyone who has

trusted Jesus will enter an
eternal paradise with God.

Apply the Lesson

There is a very beautiful place for believers who have trusted Christ. There
will be no sin there and believers will live there with God forever. How does
this make you feel? What does knowing this make you want to do?

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Adventures in the Story of Hope
Page 336
Teacher Guide
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41 The Chronological Bridge to Life: Eight
Key Words from the Bible’s Big Story

THEME: The Bible’s Big

Story of Redemption is
God’s Story of Hope
Teacher Notes

Study the Lesson (before class) Use the full color pictures that
you have used throughout
previous lessons in Adventures
in the Story of Hope, as in-
• The Bible’s Big Story of Redemption has given us eight basic sum- structed in the lesson.
mary truths that are found throughout the entire Bible. This lesson
will focus on these truths. Purchase The Chronological
Bridge to Life visuals from
• At least one of these eight basic truths has been contained in every These
lesson of this curriculum. Many times, more than one truth is eight laminated teaching
contained in each of the 20 Old Testament and 20 New Testament visuals (double-sided 13.5” x
stories. 10.75”) summarize the Bible’s
BIG Story of Redemption
• These eight truths will give us an overview of God’s story of Hope. focusing on eight essential
1. God always existed and is very powerful.
You may choose to divide Les-
2. God created man and woman to be His special friends. son 41 in half and teach it in
two sessions in order to cover
3. God’s special friends disobeyed God. They sinned.
all the content thoroughly. To
4. God punished that sin and punishes all sin with eternal death. do this, teach the first four
ChronoBridge words (God,
5. God sent His one and only Son, Jesus Christ. Man, Sin, Death) in the first
lesson, and the last four Chro-
6. Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for our sins. noBridge words (Christ, Cross,
7. God expects us to put our faith in who Jesus is and what He did. Faith, Life) in the second les-
8. If we put our faith in Christ, He will give us eternal life.

Eight Summary
Lesson in the
Number 56 Story of Hope Truths Lesson Number 41 | Page 337
Teacher Guide
©Copyright 2018 Evangelism and Discipleship
Teacher Notes

1 Begin the Lesson Review and Games:

Knowledge Bee

Review Questions from Lesson 1: The Eternal God Announce this game by
asking: “Have you ever
Who was the only one who existed before time began? (God.) been in a spelling bee?
This game is like that. You
What is the name used for God at the very beginning of the Bible? (Elohim will be divided into two
– Hebrew word which means powerful one.) teams that stand on either
side of the room. I have a
Review Questions from Lesson 3: Creation of People list of 33 questions from
the 40 lessons we just
How did God create the man? (He formed him from the dust of the earth.) studied.” Select one child
from each team and say:
In whose image did God create the man and woman and how did God give “I am thinking of a num-
the man life? (They were created in God’s image and God breathed into the ber between one and ten.
man the breath of life.) What is that number?”
The team of the child who
How did God create the woman? (He put the man to sleep and took one of says the correct number,
his ribs to form the woman.) or a number closest to the
number you had in mind,
Review Questions from Lesson 5: Beginning of Human Sin begins the bee.

What animal did Satan use to talk to the woman? (Serpent.) Ask the question of the
first team. If the answer
What lie did Satan tell the woman about eating from the Tree of the Knowl- is correct, ask the second
edge of Good and Evil? (You won’t die.) question of the opposing
team. Go back and forth.
T or F. Satan wanted Eve to doubt that God is good, true to His promises If an answer is incorrect,
and holy. (True.) ask the question of the
other team. You may keep
Review Questions from Lesson 6: Origin of Death points to see which team
answers the most ques-
What did the man and woman use to cover themselves? (Fig leaves.) tions correctly.

Why did the man and woman hide when they heard God walking in the
garden? (They were afraid because they knew they had disobeyed God.)

What kind of death did the man and woman experience immediately after
they disobeyed God? (Spiritual death.)

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Review Questions from Lesson 7: Promise of a Victor over Satan Teacher Notes
How did God punish the serpent? (He would have to crawl on his belly and
eat dirt.)

T or F. Satan will bruise the head of the descendant of the woman and the
woman’s descendant will crush Satan’s heel. (False. Satan will bruise the heel
of the descendant of the woman and the woman’s descendant will crush
Satan’s head.)

After the woman chose to disobey God, what bad thing did God say she
would experience? (Pain and suffering when her babies were born.)

How did God punish the man for his disobedience? (He would have to work
hard to grow food.)

Review Questions from Lesson 8: Provision of Clothes

Why did God not accept the fig leaves that Adam and Eve made to clothe
themselves? (Man made them and man can’t create his own covering for

What did God use to make clothing for Adam and Eve? (The skin of an

T or F. The only suitable payment for sin is the shedding of innocent blood.

Because Adam and Even had disobeyed God, what did they now have inside
them? (Sin.)

Review Questions from Lesson 17: Worship in the Wilderness

Why would the Israelites go to the tabernacle with sacrifices? (To have their
sins forgiven.)

What does God say is the penalty for sin? (Death.)

Why must blood be shed to pay for sin? (Without the shedding of blood,
there is no forgiveness of sin.)

Review Questions from Lesson 21: The Birth of Jesus Christ

When the time was finally right, who did God choose to be the mother of

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His Son? (A young, unmarried woman from a village in Galilee, a descen- Teacher Notes
dant of King David, named Mary.)

What did God want Joseph and Mary to name the baby and why? (Jesus
[God Saves] because He would save His people from their sins.)

Review Questions from Lesson 26: Jesus Claims to be One with God

How did the Jewish leaders respond when Jesus called God His Father, mak-
ing Him equal with God? (They wanted to kill Him because they thought He
was merely a man claiming to be equal with God.)

What did Jesus say about His relationship with His Father? (My Father and I
are one.)

Review Questions from Lesson 28: Miracles of Jesus

Jesus knew when He left for Bethany (Lazarus’ home town) that Lazarus was
already dead. Why did He tell His disciples that He was glad He hadn’t been
there when Lazarus died? (So that they would believe.)

What did Jesus mean when He said that anyone who believes in Him will
live, even if he dies? (Jesus was talking about eternal life for all who believe
in Him.)

Why did Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead make the Pharisees want to kill
Jesus even more? (They thought after this great miracle that everyone would
believe in Jesus and the Romans would take away their positions as leaders
of the nation.)

Review Questions from Lesson 31: The Crucifixion of Jesus

When Jesus was crucified, what did the soldiers offer Jesus to relieve the
pain? (A mixture of wine and perfume.) Did Jesus accept it? (No.)

What did the sign hanging above Jesus’ head say? (This is Jesus, King of the

What prayer did Jesus pray for those who took part in His crucifixion? (Fa-
ther, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.)

Review Questions from Lesson 32: A Repentant, Dying Thief

Jesus was crucified between two criminals. What did the first criminal do to

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Jesus? (He mocked Him. “You aren’t much of a Messiah! Come down from Teacher Notes
there. Save us too!”)
If you have obtained the
What did the other criminal, who was crucified with Jesus, ask Him to do? ChronoBridge visuals
(Remember me when you enter Your kingdom.) recommended at the
beginning of this lesson
How could Jesus tell this man he would be in paradise when he was a con- under Teacher Notes/
demned criminal? (Jesus’ innocent blood paid the penalty for this man’s sins Study the Lesson, display
them as you teach the
as well as anyone who believes on Him as this criminal did.”
following lesson. Or, use
the flashcard visuals that
Review Question from Lesson 33: The Resurrection of Jesus you used throughout this
“Adventures in the Story
What did the women, who went to Jesus’ tomb, do when they realized Jesus of Hope” series. You will
was alive? (They went and told the eleven disciples and everyone else.) be instructed when to use
the appropriate visual.
Review Question from Lesson 40: Eternal Happiness for Believers You may also want to
use the ChronoBridge
Who will be able to enter the perfect city, the New Jerusalem, which God is boxes mentioned in the
preparing? (Those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.) Bible Activity section
later in this lesson. If you
have Reflections from
God’s Story of Hope, a
2 Te a c h t h e L e s s o n coffee table book which
unfolds the storyline
of the Bible through 50
Old Testament and 50
New Testament events—
from Genesis through
Revelation (https://www.
story-of-hope/), you
will find the narratives
throughout helpful in
telling the stories within
this lesson.
Introduction to Lesson 41: The Bridge to Life
Have you ever walked through the woods and come to a stream? If the
stream is not very wide, you can jump over it. But if the stream is too wide,
what do you do? You look for some way to cross the stream. How could you
cross the stream? (Allow students to respond. Answers might be: look for
rocks that are sticking above the water and jump from one to another until
you cross the stream. Look for a tree that might have fallen across the stream
and use it like a bridge. Look for a sturdy vine hanging from a nearby tree,
grab hold of it and swing out over the stream to the other side.) There may
be several ways to cross a stream, but there is only one way to get to heaven.

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Teacher Notes
Te l l T h e S t o r y This lesson is different
from the previous 40
lessons. Students will use
The Bible is a wonderful book full of true stories. We have already learned their Bibles throughout
forty of these stories from the Old and New Testaments, but there are many, your teaching. Divide
many more stories in the Bible that make up God’s BIG story. The one main students into groups of
two or three, making
story that runs from Genesis (the first book in the Bible) to Revelation (the
sure each group has a
last book of the Bible) is about how God created a wonderful world, but man
Bible. From the chart
ruined it when he sinned by disobeying God and was then punished. From at the beginning of this
that time on God had a plan to redeem mankind from his sin and make a way lesson (enlarged at end of
for all who are redeemed to live with Him in heaven forever. lesson), print Scripture
references (as many
We are going to use a bridge to tell this one main story—a bridge that has per category as you feel
eight sections. Each section of this Bridge to Safety tells a different part of the necessary or time allows),
story and shows how a person can go from spiritual death to eternal life. onto slips of paper, one
reference per paper. There
GOD are multiple references for
most categories. You may
From the first words of the Bible, we learn about God. select only one reference
from each category, or
Who is God? He is called Elohim in the very beginning of the Bible. The use all the references
Hebrew letters in the visual spell Elohim. In Genesis 1:1, Elohim is the plural depending on class size
form of god in Hebrew, and used in the plural form with singular verbs, most and time allotment. For
example, when teaching
often refers to the supreme God. Many times the Hebrew uses Elohim with a
about God, distribute the
plural verb referring to many gods. (This singular/plural verb concept can be papers to the groups and
seen in these examples: “The deer is crossing the road.” The deer are crossing ask the students to find
the road.” Or, “The sheep is bleating.” “The sheep are bleating.”) When refer- their reference, read it
ring to the Creator God of the Bible, the singular verb is most always used. and be prepared to share
Elohim is the supreme God and is so special that one has to use the plural to it. Do this each time you
refer to Him. teach the next word in the
ChronoBridge. You will
Note to Teacher: At this point, distribute slips of paper to the groups of be prompted when this is
students. It’s okay if more than one group has the same Scripture reference. to be done.
Explain that each group will look up their reference, read it together, and be
prepared to explain it to the class when called upon. Allow time for children Show “God” visual from
to accomplish this assignment, but no more than two-three minutes. the Chronological Bridge
to Life visuals, or visual
God has always existed. [Ask groups with scripture reference(s) about “Eternal” #1 ATSOH— Hebrew
to read their verse(s) aloud. Comment about what is read.] No one did any- Elohim, or the “God” box
thing to create God; He had no parents. He always was and always will be. He from the Bible Activity.
was around before anything else existed.

God is holy. [Ask groups with scripture reference(s) about “Holy” to read their

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verse(s) aloud. Comment about what is read.] God is without any sin at all. Teacher Notes
That means He is perfect.

He is the creator who created the world and everything in it. [Ask groups with
scripture reference(s) about “Creator” to read their verse(s) aloud. Comment
about what is read.] God is all-powerful.

God is spirit. [Ask groups with scripture reference(s) about “Spirit” to read their
verse(s) aloud. Comment about what is read.] God doesn’t have a body, so He
isn’t limited by time and space and matter.

God gave people commands to obey. But people disobeyed God’s commands.
[Ask groups with scripture reference(s) about “Punish” to read their verse(s)
aloud. Comment about what is read.] God is a fair Judge who must punish

[Show the complete ChronoBridge visual and point to the word “God” on the
bridge.] From the Bible we learn that only one true, eternal God exists, that
He is our all-powerful Creator and fair Judge, and that we must answer to
Him for all that we do. Do you believe this?

MAN Show “Man” visual from

the Chronological Bridge
The next block on our bridge says “Man.” The Bible tells us that God is the to Life visuals, or visu-
creator of all things. God created light and darkness (day and night), space als #2 and #3 ATSOH—
(sky), dry land (earth), waters (oceans), plants and trees, sun and moon and Creation and Man and
stars, creatures in the seas and all kinds of birds. Then God made man from Woman in the garden, or
the dirt of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. Man the “Man” box from the
became a living being. God prepared a beautiful garden with all kinds of Bible Activity.
beautiful trees and flowers and told Man to take care of this wonderful place.
Because God did not want Man to be alone, but to have someone like him to
live with, God made Woman using one of the Man’s ribs.

Man is created by God. [Ask groups with scripture reference(s) about “Created
by God” to read their verse(s) aloud. Comment about what is read.] God has
made us in His image. Since God is Spirit, we cannot see Him, so saying we
are made in His image means we are like the part of God that cannot be seen,
such as: • Man is given the ability to reason and choose. This shows God’s
intellect. • Man was created innocent and reflected God’s holiness. • Man was
created for fellowship. This shows God’s love. He created woman because it
was not good for man to be alone. God made man different from the animals
because man was to have control over the animals.

Man is loved by God. [Ask groups with scripture reference(s) about “Loved by
God” to read their verse(s) aloud. Comment about what is read.] God loves
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us and wants us to enjoy Him. We can enjoy God by learning all about Him Teacher Notes
through reading our Bible. God even loves us when we disobey Him. Let’s
talk more about this.

We are to obey God. [Ask groups with scripture reference(s) about “We are
to obey God” to read their verse(s) aloud. Comment about what is read.] God
gives us the responsibility to obey Him. He’s made us so that we can choose
to disobey Him if we want. But we need to know that God deserves that we
obey Him completely. And when we disobey, well, remember what we said
about man being loved by God? He loves us when we disobey Him! But He
hates our sin.

[Show the complete ChronoBridge visual and point to the word “Man” on the
bridge.] From the Bible we learn that we are made and loved by God and that
God deserves our full obedience. Do you believe this?
Show “Sin” visual from the
SIN Chronological Bridge to
Life visuals, or visual #5
The next block on our bridge says “Sin.” God had created and loved Adam ATSOH— Woman taking
and Eve, and provided them with all they needed, but they rebelled against fruit in the garden, or the
Him! [Ask groups with scripture reference(s) about “Adam and Eve Rebelled” to “Sin” box from the Bible
read their verse(s) aloud. Comment about what is read.] God had given Adam Activity.
and Eve one rule: they could eat from all the trees in the Garden of Eden ex-
cept one. They were not to eat from one tree called the Tree of the Knowledge
of Good and Evil. But they chose to listen to what Satan said about that tree
and disobey God by eating its fruit.

Disobeying God is sin. [Ask groups with scripture reference(s) about “Disobey-
ing God is sin” to read their verse(s) aloud. Comment about what is read.] The
first man and woman failed to obey God and the Bible calls this “sin.” Adam
and Eve’s sin ruined their perfect relationship with God.

All have sinned. [Ask groups with scripture reference(s) about “All have Sinned”
to read their verse(s) aloud. Comment about what is read.] Everyone who has
lived since Adam and Eve has inherited their sinful nature. That means that
everyone has sinned.

God must punish sin. [Ask groups with scripture reference(s) about “God must
punish sin” to read their verse(s) aloud. Comment about what is read.] Because
God is holy (without any sin at all) and is a fair Judge, He must punish sin.
God has said that the punishment for sin is death.

[Show the complete ChronoBridge visual and point to the word “Sin” on the
bridge.] From the Bible we learn that we have sinned against God and deserve

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His righteous punishment. Do you believe this? Teacher Notes
DEATH Show “Death” visual from
the Chronological Bridge
The next block on our bridge says “Death.” God had said that death would be to Life visuals, or visual #6
the consequence for sin. [Read Ezekiel 18:20a: “The soul that sins, it shall die.”] ATSOH— Adam and Eve
hiding in the garden, or
Adam and Eve died spiritually the moment they sinned. [Ask group with the “Death” box from the
Bible Activity.
scripture reference about “Adam and Eve died spiritually” to read their verse
aloud. Comment about what is read.] When Adam and Eve died spiritually
they became separated from God. They were used to walking and talking
with God in the Garden of Eden (hold up both hands with pointer fingers
upright and side by side, making hands “walk”). But when they disobeyed
God, their sin separated them (with pointer fingers upright, move hands
apart). God is holy and cannot look on sin. All people since Adam and Eve
are born spiritually dead—separated from God.

Adam and Eve also died physically. [Ask group with scripture reference about
“Adam and Eve died physically” to read their verse aloud. Comment about what
is read.] God had made Adam from the dust of the ground. Now God told
Adam and Eve that their bodies would return to dust when their bodies died.
Their human spirit would separate from the body.

Physical death is not the end. [Ask group with scripture reference about “Physi-
cal death is not the end” to read their verse aloud. Comment about what is
read.] After a person dies, he or she will appear before God, the just and fair
Judge. People will suffer eternal death and conscious punishment when they
do not choose God’s provision for sin.

[Show the complete ChronoBridge visual and point to the word “Death” on the
bridge.] From the Bible we learn that we are facing God’s judgment and can-
not escape it on our own. Do you believe this?

CHRIST Show “Christ” visual

from the Chronological
The next block on our bridge says “Christ.” Soon after Adam and Eve sinned, Bridge to Life visuals, or
while they were still in the Garden of Eden, God promised to send Someone visual #23 ATSOH— John
who would conquer Satan. God would make a way for Adam and Eve, and all baptizing Jesus, or the
who lived after them, to have fellowship with Him. Throughout the Old Tes- “Christ” box from the
tament, God revealed who this person would be and that through His death Bible Activity.
forgiveness of sins would be provided for all who would trust Him.

God kept this promise and sent His Son, Jesus, to rescue us from judgment.
[Ask groups with scripture references about “God sent His Son” to read their

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verses aloud. Comment about what is read.] Teacher Notes
At Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus. He was born of a virgin whose
name was Mary. [Ask groups with scripture references about “Jesus was born
of a virgin” to read their verses aloud. Comment about what is read.] The word
“virgin” means that a woman has never been intimate with a man to have a
baby. The baby Mary had was brought about through the power of God, the
Holy Spirit.

Jesus grew and lived a perfect life. One day before Jesus began His ministry,
He went to the Jordan River where John was baptizing people. When John
saw Jesus he said, “Look! Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin
of the world!” Then John saw what God had told him earlier: “the One on
whom you see the Spirit descend and remain is the One who baptizes with
the Holy Spirit.” When John baptized Jesus, John saw the Spirit of God come
from above in the shape of a dove and land on Jesus. Then John heard a voice
from heaven saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
After this Jesus began His ministry and showed that He is God through the
claims He made about being God and through the many miracles He per-
formed. [Ask groups with scripture references about “Jesus lived a perfect life”
to read their verses aloud. Comment about what is read.]

The Bible teaches that Jesus is both God and man. [Ask groups with scripture
references about “Jesus is both God and man” to read their verses aloud. Com-
ment about what is read.] Jesus is truly unique and the only way to eternal
life. [Teacher: read John 14:6.]

[Show the complete ChronoBridge visual and point to the word “Christ” on the
bridge.] From the Bible we learn that Jesus Christ is the perfect Son of God
and the perfect Son of Man, the only way to eternal life. Do you believe this?

CROSS Show “Cross” visual from

the Chronological Bridge
The next block on our bridge says “Cross.” God instructed the Jews in the to Life visuals, or visual
#31 ATSOH— Jesus on
Old Testament to make animal sacrifices so that sin could be forgiven. [Ask
the cross, or the “Cross”
groups with scripture references about “God established sacrifices” to read their box from the Bible
verses aloud. Comment about what is read.] In Old Testament times an animal Activity.
had to be killed as a sacrifice for a person’s sin. Its blood was shed so the per-
son’s sin could be forgiven.

God sent Jesus to be the one perfect and final sacrifice for sin. [Ask groups
with scripture references about “God sent Jesus to be the one perfect sacrifice for
sin” to read their verses aloud. Comment about what is read.] Animal sacrifices
were no longer needed because Jesus, the Lamb of God, became our once-

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and-forever sacrifice when He died on the cross. Teacher Notes
Jesus willingly died on the cross in our place to rescue us from death (the
punishment for our sin) and give us eternal life. [Ask groups with scripture
references about “Jesus died on the cross for our sin” to read their verses aloud.
Comment about what is read.] After a mock trial before Pilate, Jesus was
taken by soldiers and led outside the city of Jerusalem where He was nailed to
a cross between two thieves. The Jews’ priests and religious scholars mocked
Jesus as He hung on the cross saying things like “He saved others, but He
can’t save Himself.” Jesus could have come down from the cross, but He
stayed there to take the punishment that all people deserve for their sin.

Before sunset that day, Jesus’ friends took His body from the cross and buried
Him in a new tomb. Three days later, Jesus rose from the dead and came out
of the tomb. He was alive again! This showed that God had accepted Jesus’
sacrifice as payment for our sins. [Ask groups with scripture references about
“Jesus rose from the dead” to read their verses aloud. Comment about what is

[Show the complete ChronoBridge visual and point to the word “Cross” on the
bridge.] From the Bible we learn that Jesus Christ, God’s Son, died for our
sins and rose from the dead to rescue us from death and give us eternal life.
Do you believe this?

FAITH Show “Faith” visual from

the Chronological Bridge
The next block on our bridge says “Faith.” Jesus Christ offers eternal salva- to Life visuals, or visual
tion. No one could ever work for it or earn it. [Ask groups with scripture #32 ATSOH— Jesus and
references about “Jesus Christ offers eternal salvation” to read their verses aloud. thief on crosses, or the
Comment about what is read.] One of the two thieves, who hung on crosses “Faith” box from the Bible
on either side of Jesus, placed his faith in Jesus simply by saying “Jesus, re- Activity.
member me when You enter Your kingdom.” He believed in Jesus. He didn’t
do anything to earn his way into heaven. And Jesus said to him, “Today you
will join Me in paradise.”

God showed us how much He loved us when He provided the only way to
pay our punishment for sin. It was through the death of His Son on the cross.
[Ask groups with scripture references about “God provided the way to pay our
punishment” to read their verses aloud. Comment about what is read.]

Because Jesus was punished for sin, instead of us, God offers salvation as a
free gift to us. Jesus died so we wouldn’t have to die and be punished by death
for our sin. [Ask groups with scripture references about “God offers salvation
as a free gift” to read their verses aloud. Comment about what is read.] A gift is

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free and you don’t work for it. When a gift is offered, you simply take it. Teacher Notes
God promises to forgive us if we repent. That means that we quit trusting the
good things we do thinking they will get us to heaven. God promises to for-
give us if we believe (or trust) in His Son, Jesus Christ, alone to save us. Noth-
ing else will save us, only believing what Jesus did for us when He died on the
cross and rose again. [Ask groups with scripture references about “God promises
to forgive us” to read their verses aloud. Comment about what is read.]

[Show the complete ChronoBridge visual and point to the word “Faith” on the
bridge.] From the Bible we learn that we must trust in Jesus’ death on the cross
as the only satisfactory payment for our sin. We must stop trusting in other
things to save us. Do you believe this?
Show “Life” visual from
the Chronological Bridge
to Life visuals, or visual
The next block on our bridge says “Life.” When we accept Jesus as our Savior, #40 ATSOH— heaven, or
God promises to give us spiritual life here and now and eternal life forever the “Life” box from the
with Him. [Ask groups with scripture references about “We pass from spiritual Bible Activity.
death to spiritual life” to read their verses aloud. Comment about what is read.]
We pass from spiritual death [show ChronoBridge visual and point to “spiritual
death,” then “eternal life”] to eternal life.

This new spiritual life God gives is eternal; it will never be taken away from us.
[Ask groups with scripture references about “This new spiritual life God gives is
eternal” to read their verses aloud. Comment about what is read.]

We now have new desires. [Ask groups with scripture references about “We have
new desires” to read their verses aloud. Comment about what is read.] We want
to love, obey, worship and serve God from our hearts, not because we have to.

God says that our names are recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life. [Ask groups
with scripture references about “Our names are recorded in the Lamb’s Book of
Life” to read their verses aloud. Comment about what is read.] And, when we
die, we go into God’s presence.

There we will enjoy life eternally. [Ask groups with scripture references about
“We will enjoy life forever on a new Earth” to read their verses aloud. Comment
about what is read.] God will restore Earth and it will be beautiful, sinless and
pain free!

[Show the complete ChronoBridge visual and point to the word “Life” on the
bridge.] From the Bible we learn that Jesus alone has power over death and
that He gives eternal life to those who trust only in Him for the forgiveness of

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sins. Do you believe this? Teacher Notes
Give an invitation: You might say, “If you have never believed what Jesus
did for you when He died on the cross, but you have believed what I taught
today about God, Man, Sin, Death, Christ, Cross, Faith, and Life, you can tell
God today that you believe and want to be forgiven of your sin. Come see me
after class and we can talk about what you can do to be forgiven.” [If you have Bible Memory Activity
“The Story of Hope-Kids,” use the last page, “My Personal Faith Response,” to
lead any children to placing their faith in Christ.] Most children have mem-
orized John 3:16, but they
may not have learned
verses 17 and 18.
THEME: The Bible’s Big Story of
Use the same two teams
Redemption is God’s Story of Hope from earlier in this lesson:
one will be Verse 17 team,
the other Verse 18 team.
Print verse 17 on the
Music marker or poster board;
print verse 18 separately
on the marker or another
• God’s Big Story poster board. If using
poster board, place verse
• Chrono Bridge Song 17 before one group and
verse 18 before the sec-
• Go and Tell the Story
ond group, but so every-
Sing all three, or select one your students particularly like, or you have time one can see both verses.
to sing. As a group, quote John
3:16, then read verses
17 and 18 together. You
M e m o r y Ve r s e may do this a couple of
times. Turn to Verse 17
group and explain that
John 3:16-18 – For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten they will repeat the verse
Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting with each child saying the
life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but next word in order of the
that the world through Him might be saved. He who believes in Him is not verse. Turn to Verse 18
condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he group and have them do
has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. likewise. Challenge the
groups to say the verse in
different ways: whisper
each word, say words
loudly, and after several
times through, with their
eyes closed.

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Bible Activity

Secure or purchase ten cardboard boxes, all the same size. These may be small
(4” x 4” x 4”) or larger (12” x 12” x 12”). Tape each box so there is no open-
ing. Print the following words on the front of the boxes, one per box, in bold
print, changing the color of each word: God, Man, Sin, Death, Christ, Cross,
Faith. Life. You may add pictures, if you desire: a circle for God (no beginning
or end), a figure or silhouette of a person, a heart with black smudges on it, a
tombstone, the manger and Christ child, a cross, a person kneeling in prayer,
and scene of heaven. On the two remaining boxes, print “Spiritual Death”
on one box and “Eternal Life” on the other box. As an aid to remember what
each of the eight words represent, print key points from The Story of Hope-
Kids or the ChronoBridge visuals on sheets of paper and attach to the back of
each box (see photo example for “Man”).

After teaching the Lesson, use these boxes to review the Eight Key Words
from the Bible’s BIG Story. Place the boxes in a line facing the students:
Spiritual Death, God, Man, Sin, Death, Christ, Cross, Faith, Life, Eternal Life.
If using the smaller boxes, you can use a boy/girl doll and “walk” the figure
across this “bridge” as you talk about key points from the lesson. Or, you can
ask the students to relay what they learned and have them “walk” the figure
across. If you chose to use larger boxes, place the ten boxes in a line and, be-
fore hand, measure the length of the “bridge.” Purchase a piece of board that
will run the length of all ten boxes and that also will cover the width of the
boxes. If the boxes are sturdy enough (corrugated cardboard), a student can
walk this bridge, and as he crosses, he states one fact he learned from each of
the eight key words (see photo).

If you have the students “walk” the bridge, and you know they have made the
decision to believe in Christ, when they reach the “Faith” box, ask them to
share when and how they placed their faith in Christ.

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Coloring Book

Artwork at the end of the lesson can be used for coloring by the student. Say, “This picture shows what
a person must believe in order to cross from spiritual death to eternal life. Can a person believe just
a few of these important Bible truths?” Let the children color the picture and discuss this question with

My Stor y of Hope

Draw the bridge and print the eight key Bible words that make up the Bridge to Life: God, Man, Sin, Death,
Christ, Cross, Faith, and Life. Print “Spiritual Death” on the left side of the bridge and “Eternal Life” on the
right side. Draw a picture of a person walking across the bridge. For younger children, copy the drawing for
their notebook.

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M e m o r y Ve r s e s

Lesson Memory Verse

Lesson 1: The Eternal God Genesis 1:1 – In the beginning God created the
heavens and the earth.

Lesson 2: Creation of the Earth Genesis 2:2 – And on the seventh day God ended His
work which He had done and He rested on the sev-
enth day from all His work which He had done.

Lesson 3: Creation of People Genesis 1:27 – So God created man in His own image;
in the image of God He created him; male and female
He created them.

Lesson 4: Fall of Satan Isaiah 14:12 – How you are fallen from heaven, O
Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to
the ground, you who weakened the nations!

Lesson 5: Beginning of Human Sin Genesis 3:6b – She took of its fruit and ate. She also
gave to her husband with her, and he ate.

Lesson 6: Origin of Death Romans 5:12 – Therefore, just as through one man sin
entered the world, and death through sin, and thus
death spread to all men, because all sinned.

Lesson 7: Promise of a Victor Over Satan Genesis 3:15 – And I will put enmity between you and
the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He
shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.

Lesson 8: Provision of Clothes Genesis 3:21 – Also for Adam and his wife the Lord
God made tunics of skin, and clothed them.

Memory Verses Appendices Adventures in the Story of Hope

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Lesson 9: Expelled from the Garden of Eden Leviticus 19:2b – You shall be holy, for I the Lord your
God am holy.

Lesson 10: The Great Flood Genesis 6:8 – But Noah found grace in the eyes of the

Lesson 11: Promises to Abraham Genesis 12:3 – I will bless those who bless you, And
I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the
families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Lesson 12: The Lord Provides Genesis 22:14 – And Abraham called the name of the
place, The-Lord-Will-Provide; as it is said to this day,
“In the Mount of The Lord it shall be provided.”

Lesson 13: Moses Leads His People Exodus 3:14 – And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I
AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children
of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”

Lesson 14: The Plagues and the Passover Exodus 12:13 – Now the blood shall be a sign for you
on the houses where you are. And when I see the
blood, I will pass over you.

Lesson 15: The Israelites Leave Egypt Exodus 14:29 – But the children of Israel had walked
on dry land in the midst of the sea, and the waters
were a wall to them on their right hand and on their

Lesson 16: The Ten Commandments Exodus 20:3 – You shall have no other gods before

Lesson 17: Worship in the Wilderness Exodus 40:34 – Then the cloud covered the tabernacle
of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the taber-

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Lesson 18: Bronze Snake John 3:14-15 – And as Moses lifted up the serpent in
the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted
up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish
but have eternal life.

Lesson 19: Reign of King David 2 Samuel 7:16 – And your house and your kingdom
shall be established forever before you. Your throne
shall be established forever.

Lesson 20: Prophecies of a Coming Messiah Isaiah 53:6 – All we like sheep have gone astray; we
have turned, every one, to his own way; and the Lord
has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.

Lesson 21: The Birth of Jesus Christ Luke 2:11 – For there is born to you this day in the
city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

Lesson 22: Temptations by Satan Matthew 4:4 – But He answered and said, “It is writ-
ten, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every
word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’”

Lesson 23: Announcement by John the Baptist John 1:29 – The next day John saw Jesus coming to-
ward him, and said, “Behold! The Lamb of God who
takes away the sin of the world!”

Lesson 24: Jesus Meets a Religious Leader John 3:16 – For God so loved the world, that He gave
His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him
should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Lesson 25: Jesus Meets an Unreligious Woman John 4:14 – But whoever drinks of the water that I
shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I
shall give him will become in him a fountain of water
springing up into everlasting life.

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Lesson 26: Jesus Claims To Be One With God John 10:28 – And I give them eternal life, and they
shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them
out of My hand.

Lesson 27: Teachings about Hell Matthew 25:41b – Depart from Me you cursed, into
the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his

Lesson 28: Miracles of Jesus John 11:25 – Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection
and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may
die, he shall live.”

Lesson 29: Betrayal of Jesus Matthew 26:56 – But all this was done that the Scrip-
tures of the prophets might be fulfilled. Then all the
disciples forsook Him and fled.

Lesson 30: Jesus Appears Before Unfair Judges 1 Corinthians 5:7 – Therefore purge out the old
leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you truly
are unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover, was
sacrificed for us.

Lesson 31: The Crucifixion of Jesus 1 Peter 3:18 – For Christ also suffered once for sins,
the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God,
being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the

Lesson 32: A Repentant Dying Thief Luke 23:42 – Then he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember
me when You come into Your kingdom.”

Lesson 33: The Resurrection of Jesus Luke 24:6 – He is not here, but is risen! Remember
how He spoke to you when He was in Galilee.

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Lesson 34: The Ascension of Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:3 – For I delivered to you first of all
that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins
according to the Scriptures.

Lesson 35: Peter Proclaims the Good News Acts 2:36 – “Therefore let all the house of Israel know
assuredly that God has made this Jesus, whom you
crucified, both Lord and Christ.”

Lesson 36: The Return of Jesus for Believers 1 Thessalonians 4:13 – But I do not want you to be
ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen
asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope.

Lesson 37: The Return of Jesus as King Revelation 19:11a – And I saw heaven opened and,
behold, a white horse; and He that sat upon Him was
called Faithful and True.

Lesson 38: The Final Doom of Satan Revelation 20:10 – The devil, who deceived them, was
cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast
and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented
day and night forever and ever.

Lesson 39: Eternal Punishment for Unbelievers Revelation 20:15 – And anyone not found written in
the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.

Lesson 40: Eternal Happiness for Believers Revelation 22:5 – There shall be no night there: they
need no lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord God
gives them light. And they shall reign forever and ever.

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Lesson Theme
Lesson 1: The Eternal God God is very strong.
Lesson 2: Creation of the Earth God made everything.
Lesson 3: Creation of People God made man and woman to be His special friends.
Lesson 4: Fall of Satan Satan is God’s enemy. Satan was proud. God threw
Satan out of heaven.
Lesson 5: Beginning of Human Sin Satan tempted Adam and the woman. Adam and the
woman disobeyed God.
Lesson 6: Origin of Death Sin separated Adam and the woman from God.
Lesson 7: Promise of a Victor Over Satan God promised to send a special person who would
crush Satan.
Lesson 8: Provision of Clothes God killed an innocent animal to give clothes to
Adam and the woman.

Lesson 9: Expelled from the Garden of Eden God hates sin. God expelled Adam and Even from
the garden because of sin.
Lesson 10: The Great Flood The people were evil. God sent a flood. Noah trusted
and obeyed God.
Lesson 11: Promises to Abraham God called Abraham to be a great nation and a
blessing to all people.
Lesson 12: The Lord Provides God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. God
provided a ram instead.

Lesson 13: Moses Leads His People God called Moses in a special way. Moses obeyed God.

Lesson 14: The Plagues and the Passover
God protected people who put their faith in Him.
Lesson 15: The Israelites Leave Egypt
God is mighty to save. God parted the Red Sea. God
drowned His enemies.

Lesson 16: The Ten Commandments God is holy. God gave Ten Commandments. Disobe-
dience to His commands is sin.

Adventures in
in the
Hope Appendices
Themes | Page
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©Copyright 2018 Evangelism and Discipleship
Lesson Theme

Lesson 17: Worship in the Wilderness A sacrifice was needed to worship a holy God.

Lesson 18: Bronze Snake People were healed if they believed God and looked at
the bronze snake.

Lesson 19: Reign of King David God chose David to be a king. God will one day send
a Man to be King forever.

Lesson 20: Prophecies of a Coming Messiah Prophets told about Jesus 700 years before He came to

Lesson 21: The Birth of Jesus Christ God’s Son was born. His name was Jesus.

Lesson 22: Temptations by Satan Satan tempted Jesus. Jesus did not sin.

Lesson 23: Announcement by John the Baptist Jesus is the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of
the world.

Lesson 24: Jesus Meets a Religious Leader The religious man needs to be forgiven of his sin.

Lesson 25: Jesus Meets an Unreligious Woman The unreligious woman needs to be forgiven of her

Lesson 26: Jesus Claims To Be One With God Jesus taught that He was One with God.

Lesson 27: Teachings about Hell Worms and fire forever. Repent!

Lesson 28: Miracles of Jesus Jesus Christ has power over death.

Lesson 29: Betrayal of Jesus Judas betrayed Jesus.

Lesson 30: Jesus Appears Before Unfair Judges Jesus was innocent, but the crowds shouted, “Crucify

Lesson 31: The Crucifixion of Jesus Jesus died on a cross for our sins.

Lesson 32: A Repentant Dying Thief Jesus Christ forgave a guilty man.

Lesson 33: The Resurrection of Jesus Jesus rose from the dead. Jesus has power over death.

Appendices Adventures in the Story of Hope

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Lesson Theme

Lesson 34: The Ascension of Jesus Jesus returned to heaven to prepare a place for believ-

Lesson 35: Peter Proclaims the Good News The disciples of Jesus told other people why they
should trust Jesus.

Lesson 36: The Return of Jesus for Believers Jesus will return for those who have believed in Him.

Lesson 37: The Return of Jesus as King Jesus will return to rule the earth with those who have
believed on Him.

Lesson 38: The Final Doom of Satan Satan will be cast into the Lake of Fire forever.

Lesson 39: Eternal Punishment for Unbelievers Unbelievers will be cast into the Lake of Fire forever.

Lesson 40: Eternal Happiness for Believers Everyone who has trusted Jesus will enter an eternal
paradise with God.

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Craft Template - Lesson #17

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Craft Template - Lesson #17

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