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Placement Test B Name:

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Speaking and Listening

Question Possible Answer Score

1. Hello. What did you do yesterday? I (went to school). /1
2. What did you do on the weekend? I (visited my grandmother). /1
3. What did you eat for dinner last night? I ate (noodles). /1
4. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a (doctor). /1
5. What are you going to do this weekend? I’m going to (play basketball). /1
6. How often should you exercise? I/You should exercise (once a week). /1
7. Do you always take a shower before Yes, I do./No, I don’t. I (always) /1
you go to school? take a shower (before I go to bed).
8. What were you doing this morning? I was (sleeping) this morning./This /2
morning, I was (sleeping).
9. Have you been to Australia? Yes, I have been to Australia./No, I /2
haven’t been to Australia.
10. Have you ever ridden a horse? Yes, I have ridden a horse./No, I /2
haven’t ridden a horse.
11. Do you have to study every day? Yes, I do have to study every day./ /2
No, I don’t have to study every day.
12. How long have you lived in your house or I have lived in my (house) for (three /2
apartment? years)/since I was (six) years old/
since (2010).
13. How long have you been studying at your I have been studying at my school /2
school? for (five years)/since (2010).
14. Why did you come here today? I came here today because (my /3
parents want me to study English).
15. What should you do if you want to speak You/I should (study hard). /3
English well?

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Placement Test B Name:
page 2

Reading and Writing

A Number.

1. She played baseball yesterday. 2. He has curly, blond hair.

3. When you go to the beach, always 4. He’s not very good at
put on sunscreen. snowboarding.

B Look and write.

1. 2. 3.

What did he eat yesterday? What did he drink yesterday? What did she do yesterday?
He ate noodles.

4. 5. 6.

What did they do yesterday? What did she do yesterday? What did he do yesterday?


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Placement Test B Name:
page 3

C Write.
What are they going to do next week?

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

1. On Monday, she’s make a movie.

2. On Tuesday, he’s





D Write. blow do will up go

1. Will she make pizzas? Yes, she

2. Will he up the balloons? No, he won’t.

3. Who will put the decorations? David will.

4. What will Jenny ? She’ll make some tea.

5. Will you to the store? Sure.


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Placement Test B Name:
page 4

E Circle. Write the letter.

1. What was he doing yesterday? 2. Was she sleeping this morning?
(A) He’s diving. (A) Yes, she will.
(B) He was diving. (B) Yes, she was.

3. We don’t have any milk. 4. How do you feel?

(A) I’ll get some more. (A) I feel nervous.
(B) Thank you. (B) She feels bored.

5. How did Sally feel yesterday? 6. What will she do on vacation?

(A) She feels sleepy. (A) She’ll sleep late.
(B) She felt sleepy. (B) She sleeps late.


F Read and write.

1. Has Harry ever been to Mexico?
Harry likes to go on vacation. He Yes,
has been to many countries.
2. Has to Italy?
He has been to Mexico and Italy.
He rode horses and went
camping in New Zealand. He 3. He’s horses and

hasn’t been to Australia yet, but in New Zealand.

he plans to go there next year. 4. Has to Australia?



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Placement Test B Name:
page 5

G Unscramble.
1. morning / what / he / was / this / doing

What was he doing this morning?

2. have / of / a / they / clips / lot / paper

3. to / hasn’t / she / Brazil / been

4. Nile / longest / Egypt / the / is / the / river / in

5. book / finished / yet / reading / the / I / haven’t


H Read. Then write the questions.

1. Who Mark Brown?

Mark Brown is a teacher. He
is 24 years old and was born 2. What
in Canada. He has been living 3. When
in the US for six years and has
4. Where
been teaching science for ten
years. He enjoys skiing and 5. How long
snowboarding in his free time.


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Placement Test B Name:
page 6

I Write sentences using if.

reuse paper stay up late study English it rains tomorrow go to the zoo

1. If you reuse paper you’ll help the environment.

2. I’ll carry an umbrella.
3. you’ll see a lot of animals.
4. I’ll be tired tomorrow.
5. you’ll do well on tests.

J Look and write.

What happened before? What happened after? Write a story about the picture.

6 Placement Test B © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.

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