Imaging of Portal Gastroduodenopathy
Imaging of Portal Gastroduodenopathy
Imaging of Portal Gastroduodenopathy
Review Article 177
1 Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Columbia Address for correspondence Rajesh V. Helavar, MD, PDCC,
Asia Radiology Group, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Columbia
2 Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Columbia Asia Asia Radiology Group, Bengaluru 560055, Karnataka, India
Referral Hospital, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India (e-mail:
3 Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Columbia Asia Radiology
Group, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Introduction surfaces of stomach, and drains into the portal vein. At the
esophagogastric junction it also drains lower esophageal veins.1
Portal hypertension is a syndrome of increased pressure The right gastric vein also drains the lesser curvature of the
(>5 mm Hg) in portal venous system resulting from changes stomach into the portal vein. The left gastric vein is one of
in portal resistance plus changes in portal inflow. It is a pro- the important channels for portosystemic collateral through
gressive complication due to chronic liver disease and is the esophageal veins to the azygous venous system. Multiple
responsible for the pathogenesis of most frequent and fatal short gastric veins coursing in the gastrosplenic ligament
complications of cirrhosis such as esophagogastric vari- drain the fundus and greater curvature of stomach to the
ces, ectopic varices, ascites, and hepatic encephalopathy. splenic vein (►Fig. 1).
Bleeding from the esophagogastric varices or ectopic varices The left and right gastroepiploic veins course along the
is the most critical complication of portal hypertension. greater curvature and drain into the splenic and the supe-
rior mesenteric veins, respectively.2The posterior gastric vein
drains the esophagogastric region, courses in retro pancre-
atic location, and drains into the splenic vein.3Portosystemic
Venous Drainage of Stomach communications exist normally and show hepatofugal flow.
The left gastric vein, also known as the coronary vein, courses Onset of portal hypertension leads to increased flow in these
along the lesser curvature of the stomach, drains both the collaterals.2 The second and third parts of duodenum are
published online DOI © 2021. Indian Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology.
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178 Imaging of Portal Gastroduodenopathy Helavar et al.
Fig. 1 Venous drainage of the stomach and duodenum. (Image Credit: Dr Rajaraman V, Columbia Asia Radiology Group).
drained by anterior and posterior venous arcades formed by b. Sinusoidal: Characterized by increased HVPG (primary
their superior and inferior veins. The posterosuperior pan- cause is hepatic cirrhosis).
creaticoduodenal vein drains into the portal vein. The ante- c. Postsinusoidal: Characterized by high FHVP and
riosuperior pancreaticoduodenal vein and both the inferior WHVP, normal RAP, and normal to high HVPG.
pancreaticoduodenal veins drain into superior mesenteric
3. Posthepatic: Characterized by normal or near-normal
vein, gastrocolic trunk, or into the first jejunal trunk.
HVPG, normal or high FHVP and RAP, and high WHVP.
The nonesophagogastric portosystemic collaterals are
superior rectal vein with the middle and inferior rectal Cirrhotic portal hypertension may now be classified
veins, paraumbilical vein with subcutaneous veins in the according to degree of hypertension and state of underlying
anterior abdominal wall, veins of the bare area of the liver cirrhotic disease (compensated vs. decompensated).
with diaphragmatic veins, and right internal thoracic vein.4,5
1. Compensated cirrhosis.
The direction of collateral flow depends on the cause and site
a. Mild portal hypertension: HVPG > 5 mm Hg and
of obstruction. In portal hypertension due to cirrhosis the
< 10 mm Hg.
flow is hepatofugal, whereas in case of extrahepatic portal
b. Clinically significant portal hypertension(CSPH):
venous obstruction (EHPVO) the flow is hepatopetal. This is
HVPG ≥ 10 mm Hg.
not exclusive and combinations can occur5,6
• CSPH without varices.
• CSPH with varices.
Causes of Portal Hypertension
Portal hypertension can arise from any condition interfering 2. Decompensated cirrhosis.
with blood flow at any level within the portal system. Portal
Noncirrhotic portal hypertension is usually classified
hypertension is primarily a complication of cirrhosis, but
according to the underlying etiology. The major noncirrhotic
other conditions may also cause portal hypertension.
conditions include the following:
Portal hypertension may be classified according to the
• Extrahepatic portal vein obstruction (EHPVO).
anatomical location of etiology:
• Splenic vein thrombosis or left-sided portal hyperten-
1. Prehepatic (extra hepatic): Characterized by normal
sion (LSPH).
values for free hepatic venous pressure (FHVP), wedged
• Idiopathic noncirrhotic portal hypertension.
hepatic venous pressure (WHVP), right atrial pressure
• Liver periportal fibrosis from schistosomiasis.
(RAP), and hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG).
2. Hepatic (intrahepatic). • Nodular regenerative hyperplasia.
a. Presinusoidal: Characterized by normal FHVP and RAP • Veno-occlusive disease.
and normal or near normal WHVP and HVPG. • Budd–Chiari syndrome.
Journal of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology ISGAR Vol. 4 No. 3/2021 © 2021. Indian Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology.
Imaging of Portal Gastroduodenopathy Helavar et al. 179
Endoscopic Diagnosis of Portal Hypertension Gastric varices: These are supplied by the short gastric
veins and drain into the deep intrinsic veins of the esophagus
As chronic liver disease advances and portal venous pressure and are classified according to the site by Sarin’s classifica-
increases, many portal–systemic collateral routes develop. tion (►Table 2; ►Figs. 3 and 4).9
Esophagogastric varices are part of the clinical manifesta- Ectopic varices: Duodenal varices are often diagnosed at
tions of these portal–systemic collateral routes and can be the time of hemorrhage. They appear as protruded lesions
observed directly beneath the esophageal and/or gastric with erosions or using/oozing of blood at the time of bleed.
mucosa on endoscopic examination. When not bleeding they appear as elevated or tortuous sub-
mucosal lesions that sometimes may be mistaken for submu-
Manifestations of Portal Hypertension in the cosal lesions (►Fig. 5). Majority of the duodenal varices occur
Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract in the bulb.10
Colorectalvarices: The rectum is the region where por-
Following are the manifestations of portal hypertension in tosystemic shunts are prone to develop after the esoph-
the GI tract: agogastric area. The locations of the colorectal varices
1. Varices. are predominantly the rectum (66.7%), the Sigmoid colon
• Esophageal varices. (22.2%), and the cecum (16.7%).10
• Gastric varices.
• Ectopic varices.
• Rectal varices. Imaging of Esophagogastric Varices
2. Portal hypertensive gastropathy, enteropathy, and colop- Esophageal varices are best evaluated with endoscopy but
athy. are commonly seen on barium and computed tomography
3. Gastric antral vascular ectasia. (CT) done for evaluation of portal hypertension, cirrhosis, or
screening for hepatocellular carcinoma.
On double-contrast barium studies esophageal varices
Varices are seen as serpiginous thickening of the folds. Mild fold
Varices are present in about 50% of patients with cirrhosis
and form at the rate of 5–15% per year.7 The risk of varices is
low in patients who have cirrhosis but normal platelet count Table 1 Classification of esophageal varices
or a liver stiffness measured by transient elastography of less Two-size Three-size classification
than 20 kPa.8 classification
Esophageal varices: These are long columns of dilated Small <5 mm Minimally elevated straight veins
veins occurring in the lower third of the esophagus above the above the mucosal surface (grade I).
gastroesophageal junction. Usually four esophageal varices Medium Tortuous veins occupying less than
are formed in the submucosal layer fed by the palisading veins one-third of the lumen (grade II).
that represent the portosystemic anastomosis. Esophageal Large >5 mm Tortuous being occupying more
varices are classified based on the size as depicted in the than one-third of the lumen
(grade III).
►Table 1 (►Fig. 2).
Fig. 2 Esophageal varices. (A) Well-covered white color (arrow) (low risk of bleeding). (B) Thinned-out bluish red color (dotted arrow) with
red wale signs (high risk of bleeding).
Journal of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology ISGAR Vol. 4 No. 3/2021 © 2021. Indian Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology.
180 Imaging of Portal Gastroduodenopathy Helavar et al.
Table 2
Sarin’s type of Description/location
gastric varix
GOV1 Continue from the esophageal varices and
extend on the lesser curve (75% of all gastric
GOV2 Extend beyond the GE junction into the funds
the stomach and are continuous with the eso-
phageal varices (21% of all gastric varices).
IGV1 Occur in the absence of esophageal varices
and occur in the fundus and are tortuous and
IGV2 Occur in the absence of esophageal varices
and occur in the body, antrum, or pylorus.
Fig. 4 Isolated gastric varix (IGV1): Cluster of tortuous dilated sub- Fig. 6 Single-contrast barium study demonstrates serpginous inden-
mucosal vessels (arrow) in the fundus of the stomach. tations by the esophageal varices.
Journal of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology ISGAR Vol. 4 No. 3/2021 © 2021. Indian Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology.
Imaging of Portal Gastroduodenopathy Helavar et al. 181
thickening might not be distinguishable from esophagitis. vessels are the most common varices seen at imaging. They
Advanced esophageal varices are seen as worm-like filling are seen between the medial wall of the upper stomach, left
defects and may extend up the mid- and upper thoracic lobe of the liver, and lesser omentum. Coronary vein measur-
esophagus (►Fig. 6). Varicoid esophageal carcinoma may ing more than 5 to 6 mm on Doppler or CT is suggestive of
mimic large esophageal varices and can be differentiated as portal hypertension (►Fig. 7).
esophagus with varices is distensible and shows peristalsis.11 Esophageal varices are located within the lower esopha-
Barium esophagography identifies all large esophageal var- geal wall and are formed by dilated subepithelial and sub-
ices (F2, F3), whereas sensitivity is reduced with small esopha- mucosal veins. They are drained by the anterior branch of
geal varices (F1). Esophagography has positive predictive value, the left gastric vein, while the posterior branch of left gastric
negative predictive value, and accuracy of 89%, 83%, and 87%, vein drains paraesophageal collateral vessels. On CT, esoph-
respectively, and can be considered as a useful noninvasive ageal varices are intraluminal protrusions which enhance
method for patients to undergo prophylactic treatment.12 and may be associated with wall thickening (►Fig. 8). Due
CT is a potential tool for noninvasive risk stratification of to their intramural location, these esophageal varices are
esophageal varices. Patients whose esophageal varices mea- detected less often compared with the varices at other loca-
sure more than 5 mm at CT are more likely to have variceal tions (►Fig. 7).13
hemorrhage. Nonesophagogastric varices are known as ectopic vari-
On CT varices are well-defined tortuous structures which ces and are most often located in the duodenum or jejunum
enhance like the adjacent vessels. Coronary venous collateral (►Fig. 9). Gastric varices can be located in the gastric cardia
Fig. 7 (A–C) Contrast CT scan axial, coronal, and oblique coronal reformatted images demonstrate enhancing submucosal esophageal varices
(dotted arrows) and prominent coronary vein (arrow).
Journal of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology ISGAR Vol. 4 No. 3/2021 © 2021. Indian Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology.
182 Imaging of Portal Gastroduodenopathy Helavar et al.
Fig. 8 (A, B) Noncontrast computed tomography demonstrates cirrhotic liver with nodular surface (dotted arrow) and circumferential esoph-
ageal wall thickening which was proven to be esophageal varices at endoscopy.
Fig. 9 (A–C) Axial-contrast computed tomography in a patient with extrahepatic portal venous obstruction demonstrates portal cavernoma
(solid arrow) and ectopic duodenal varices (dotted arrows).
Journal of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology ISGAR Vol. 4 No. 3/2021 © 2021. Indian Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology.
Imaging of Portal Gastroduodenopathy Helavar et al. 183
or fundus and this is consistent with the boundary line of Direct splenic renal shunts occur without intervening gas-
portosystemic shunting. tric component or gastric varices. The splenorenal shunts can
Gastric varices (►Fig. 10) drain via two major pathways, also directly drain into the inferior vena cava. The presenta-
to the azygous vein–superior vena cava through esophageal– tion of these splenorenal shunts is with hepatic encephalopa-
paraoesophageal varices (GOV1) and through the inferior thy rather than GI bleed. These are treated with embolization
phrenic vein into the left renal vein or the inferior vena cava using plugs (►Figs. 14–17).16,17
(IGV1) or both pathways GOV2) (►Fig. 2). The gastric variceal
drainage into the left renal vein can be directly into the left Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy (PHG), Portal
vein or through the left adrenal vein (►Fig. 11).14 Hypertensive Enteropathy (PHE), and Portal
Gastric varices after their formation in the submucosal Hypertensive Colopathy (PHC)18
aspect (intragastric/true varices) and communicate with Changes other than varices are frequently observed in the GI
extragastric/false varices through a fistula. The cranial extra- tract mostly in the stomach and, less commonly, in the small
gastric varices are convoluted and intraperitoneal in the bowel and colon that occur due to vascular congestion in the
lesser sac and as they course down they become retroperito- GI mucosa. These are noninflammatory changes and are clin-
neal and assume a vertical course (►Figs. 11–13).15 ically important as they present as acute or chronic GI hem-
The afferent supply to the gastric varices is from the orrhage. Histologically dilatation and edema of the capillary
splenic vein and in essence this is a splenogastric–renal blood vessels in the mucosal layer and veins in the submuco-
shunt (►Fig. 14). sal layer are characteristic. In the stomach the appearances at
endoscopy can be varied appearing as superficial reddening,
Fig. 10 (A–D) Cirrhotic patient presenting with massive hematemesis. Axial noncontrast, late arterial, portal, and venous phase computed
tomography scans demonstrate gastric fundal varices (arrow) with active contrast extravasation (dotted arrows).
Journal of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology ISGAR Vol. 4 No. 3/2021 © 2021. Indian Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology.
184 Imaging of Portal Gastroduodenopathy Helavar et al.
Fig. 11 (A–D) Axial, coronal, and sagittal maximum-intensity projection images in a patient with cirrhosis showing gastric varices in the fun-
dus (short arrow), gastrorenal shunt (long arrow) draining into the left renal vein (dotted arrow). Note the convoluted cranial portion of the
gastric varices and vertical course of the gastrorenal shunt caudally.
Journal of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology ISGAR Vol. 4 No. 3/2021 © 2021. Indian Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology.
Imaging of Portal Gastroduodenopathy Helavar et al. 185
Fig. 13 (A, B) Sagittal illustrations depicting gastrorenal shunt and splenorenal shunt. (A) Gastrorenal shunt: The afferent portal venous feed-
ers comes off the splenic vein (SpV) or portosplenic venous axis. This supplies the gastric varices (GV) that are in turn drained by the gastrore-
nal shunt (GRS) that empties into the left renal vein (LRV). (B) Splenorenal shunt (SRS): The afferent portal venous feeders come off the splenic
vein (SpV) or portosplenic venous axis. The SRS does not supply any varices and does not run through the wall of the gastrointestinal tract
(GIT). The most common efferent drainage is the left renal vein (LRV). The SRS is commonly long and tortuous. Image courtesy: Saad et al. 15
Fig. 14 (A, B) Sagittal illustrations depicting detailed anatomy of the gastric variceal system (GVS). The gastric variceal system is composed
of the afferent portal venous feeders, the central variceal part, and the gastrorenal shunt. The central variceal part has the extragastric or false
gastric varices (F.GV), the intragastric submucosal or true gastric varices (T.GV), and a perforator vein or varix communicating between the
false and true GVs. Image courtesy: Saad et al. 15
Transient gastric perfusion defect sign, which is a tran- Contrast enhancement of the gastric inner layer in the
sient, segmental or subsegmental hypoattenuating mucosa delayed phase could represent gastric mucosal congestion
in the fundus or body of the stomach on arterial phase imag- and when seen in patients with portal hypertension suggests
ing, showing normal attenuation on delayed-phase images PHG.23
(►Figs. 18 and 19) has sensitivity and specificity of 75% PHG needs to be differentiated from GAVE syndrome.
and 88.6%, respectively.22 Distinction between them is extremely important as
Journal of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology ISGAR Vol. 4 No. 3/2021 © 2021. Indian Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology.
186 Imaging of Portal Gastroduodenopathy Helavar et al.
Fig. 15 (A–C) Axial multiplanar reformat and coronal maximum intensity projection images demonstrate large meandering splenorenal shunt
(long arrow). Note the dilated left renal vein (short arrow) with the shunt opening almost parallel into it. Note the absence of gastric fundal varices
(dotted circle).
Fig. 16 (A, B) Venogram obtained during transjugular plug occlusion of the splenorenal shunt showing left adrenal vein (short arrow) and plug
(long arrow) in the caudal part of the splenorenal shunt which opens parallel into the left renal vein (dotted arrow) (same patient as in ►Fig. 10).
Journal of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology ISGAR Vol. 4 No. 3/2021 © 2021. Indian Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology.
Imaging of Portal Gastroduodenopathy Helavar et al. 187
Fig. 17 (A–E) Axial and coronal images in a patient with cirrhosis and portal hypertension demonstrate shrunken liver with surface nodularity
(long arrow) and large, tortuous shunt (short arrows) between the splenic vein and the inferior venacava (dotted arrow). Note the absence of
gastric fundal varices (dotted circle). Also note cholelithiasis.
Fig. 18 Mild portal hypertensive gastropathy (PHG) in a 47-year-old Fig. 19 Mild portal hypertensive gastropathy (PHG) in a 47-year-old
man. Contrast enhanced computed tomography shows multifocal man. Contrast enhanced computed tomography shows multifocal
hypoattenuating mucosa (arrows) in the fundus and body of the hypoattenuating mucosa (arrows) in the fundus and body of the
greater curvature on (A) arterial phase, which returns to normal greater curvature on (A) arterial phase, which returns to normal
attenuation on (B) portal and (C) delayed phase images. Gastric attenuation on (B) portal and (c) delayed phase images. Gastric
endoscopy (D, E) shows a mosaic or snakeskin-like appearance in the endoscopy (D, E) shows a mosaic or snakeskin-like appearance in the
fundus and body. Image courtesy: Kim et al. 22 fundus and body. Image courtesy: Kim et al. 22
Journal of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology ISGAR Vol. 4 No. 3/2021 © 2021. Indian Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology.
188 Imaging of Portal Gastroduodenopathy Helavar et al.
treatment differs. PHG responds to a reduction in portal the vein or compressing it, and postdistal pancreatectomy.
pressures while GAVE syndrome does not. GAVE syndrome Lymphoproliferative disease can also cause nonthrombotic
typically occurs in noncirrhotic patients and is limited to the left-sided portal hypertension.24
antrum and pylorus, whereas classic PHG exclusively involves As a result of splenic vein obstruction, the short gastric
the fundus and body. veins route the splenic venous flow to the stomach leading to
formation of collaterals in the gastric fundus.
Left-Sided Portal Hypertension There are no guidelines for management of patients with-
out GI bleed. Patients presenting with GI bleed are treated
Left-sided portal hypertension accounts for ~5% of portal
with endoscopic glue injection. Splenectomy is the defini-
hypertension cases. Portal hypertension generally devel-
ops due to thrombosis of portal vein but can also develop tive surgical treatment for left-sided portal hypertension.25-27
due to compression over the vein. Most common causes of Splenic artery embolization for the treatment of left-sided
splenic vein thrombosis leading to left-sided portal hyper- portal hypertension has been used with success, especially
tension include pancreatitis (►Fig. 20), pancreatic and in patients who are poor surgical candidates, or as a bridge
nonpancreatic tumor (►Fig. 21) either directly invading to surgery.27,28
Fig. 20 (A–D) Axial MPR and axial, sagittal, and coronal MIP images demonstrate multiple intra- and peripancreatic fluid collections (short
arrows) with nonvisualization of the splenic vein and fundal gastric varices (arrows).
Journal of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology ISGAR Vol. 4 No. 3/2021 © 2021. Indian Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology.
Imaging of Portal Gastroduodenopathy Helavar et al. 189
Fig. 21 (A–C) Axial and coronal maximum intensity projection images from venous phase CT demonstrates a large pancreatic mass (arrow)
encasing the splenic vein (not seen here) with resultant gastric fundal varices (dotted arrow) and omental collaterals (short arrow). Also seen
is a right lobe liver metastasis (dotted circle).
Journal of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology ISGAR Vol. 4 No. 3/2021 © 2021. Indian Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology.
190 Imaging of Portal Gastroduodenopathy Helavar et al.
Primary Prophylaxis not recommend primary glue injection to the gastric varices
This refers to treatment of the varices prior to the onset but should continue medical prophylaxis and explore inter-
of bleeding. Guidelines recommend pharmacologic pro- ventional radiological procedures. However, prophylactic
phylaxis with nonselective β-blockers or endoscopic glue injection as a primary prophylaxis is used in patients
treatment. The nonselective β-blockers used are nado- undergoing prophylactic esophageal variceal band ligation
lol, propranolol, and carvedilol. The dose of the drugs are (EVL) and in those who have bled from esophageal varices.
titrated to maximum tolerated dose needed to achieve a This is because of a theoretically obliteration of the esoph-
resting heart rate of 55 to 60 beats per minute, a drop in ageal varices that increases the risk of bleeding from gastric
HVPG of at least 10% from baseline, or <12 mm Hg with varices. The use of cyanoacrylate glue injection to duodenal
chronic treatment. and rectal varices for the treatment of ectopic varices has
Endoscopic treatment is recommended for medium- to shown good results. transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic
large-size varices, intolerance to nonselective β-blockers, or shunt is recommended for prevention of rebleeding.
the presence of high-risk stigmata. PHG is a distinct entity and an important cause of GI
Esophageal varices are treated by endoscopic band liga- bleeding. During acute bleeding the gastropathy is managed
tion rather than sclerotherapy as the latter is associated with with vasoactive drugs like octreotide, terlipressin, and endo-
higher risk of complications. In general patients need three scopic methods like argon plasma coagulation (APC) and
to four sessions for eradication of the varices (►Fig. 22). hemospray. Guidelines recommend nonselective β-blockers.
Gastric varices are treated with injection of cyanoacrylate Refractory cases require TIPS or surgical shunts as a salvage
glue into the varices (►Fig. 23). The Baveno consensus does therapy.
Fig. 22 (A) Endoscopic findings before treatment. (B) Just after treatment session. (C) Just before the third treatment session. (D) One year
after the eradication which shows post esophageal variceal band ligation (EVL) scar marks (arrow).
Journal of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology ISGAR Vol. 4 No. 3/2021 © 2021. Indian Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology.
Imaging of Portal Gastroduodenopathy Helavar et al. 191
Fig. 23 (A) Endoscopic findings before treatment. (B) One week after injection of glue. (C) Three weeks after injection of glue. (D) One year
after injection of glue.
GAVE is another distinct entity that can be observed in cir- Czech Republic) that causes a tamponade effect in the esoph-
rhotics and is an important cause of bleeding. APC is effective agus have been used as a bridge to more definitive therapy.
and may require multiple sessions spaced 3 to 6 weeks apart.
Recurrence is a norm after APC as the deeper submucosal ves- Secondary Prophylaxis
sels may not be obliterated by APC and hence EVL of the lesions This refers to treating varices after an index bleeding has
has shown to be more effective in the treatment of GAVE. occurred with a view to obliterate varices and prevent
rebleeding episodes. Consensus guidelines recommend
Acute Variceal Bleeding follow-up endoscopy in 3 to 4 weeks after index bleeding
Acute esophageal variceal bleeding is tackled by either endo- and thereafter at 1- to 3-month intervals till the varices are
scopic sclerotherapy (ES) by injecting a sclerosant agent like eradicated. The average eradication time in ~3 to 4 sessions.
ethanolamine oleate intra/paravariceal or either by EVL.
Comparison between ES and EVL has shown that EVL is supe-
Interventional Management of Gastric Varices
rior than ES. Newer modalities like hemospray (a nano pow-
der) licensed for use in nonvariceal upper GI bleeding have TIPS procedure involves creating an artificial channel
proven to be safe and effective in preliminary studies for use between the hepatic vein and the portal venous system
as a bridge to more definitive therapy. In treatment failure with a stent graft, with the aim to reduce the portal pres-
balloon tamponade using a Sengstaken–Blakemore tube, sure and in turn reduce the variceal bleed. TIPS could be per-
a Minnesota tube, or even a specially designed esophageal formed alone or combined with obliteration/embolization of
stent (Danis Ella-SX stent, ELLA-CS, s.r.o., Hradec Kralove, refractory or recurrent esophageal varices (►Fig. 24), acute
Journal of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology ISGAR Vol. 4 No. 3/2021 © 2021. Indian Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology.
192 Imaging of Portal Gastroduodenopathy Helavar et al.
Fig. 24 (A, B) Venogram obtained during a TIPS procedure from a pigtail catheter in the superior mesenteric vein showing esophagogastric
collaterals (arrow) which were not visualized after creation of a TIPS.
esophageal variceal bleeding, and refractory bleeding gastric important complications arising from portal hypertension.
varices.29,30 Complications of TIPS include hepatic encepha- Endoscopy is the first-line modality to diagnose PHG and
lopathy due to shunting portal blood.31,32 varices. Imaging plays an important role in assessing the
Balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration presence of varices, delineating the anatomy, and select-
(BRTO) involves accessing the left renal vein and the gastrorenal ing patients for suitable treatment. Medical, endoscopic,
shunt, inflating a balloon in the gastrorenal shunt, progressing and interventional modalities are used to treat these
tip of a microcatheter through the shunt as close to gastric vari- conditions.
ces as possible, and obliterating the gastric varices by instilling a
combination of sclerosant foam (sodium tetradecyl sulfate, air, Conflict of Interest
lipiodol) (►Fig. 12).33-35 Modifications to the BRTO procedure None declared.
with the use of vascular plugs/coils (plug assisted retrograde
transvenous obliteration/coil Assisted retrograde transvenous
obliteration) are also practiced and are effective.36
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