The Summer of Skinny Dipping by Amanda Howells, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®. The Summer of Skinny Dipping Quotes by Amanda
Howells. The Summer of Skinny Dipping (Summer, #1) by Amanda Howells.
Amanda Howells
304 pages
Sourcebooks, Inc
Naperville, United States
The Summer of Skinny Dipping Quotes
It's like you're reading and everything is going fine and then WHAM! Why did that have to happen? Being around her cousins with their "perfect"
appearances makes her feel bad about herself, but she tries desperately to push it aside and fit it. I was supposed to feel sad and uplifted at the
end, instead I was wondering why this was published by Sourcebooks Fire. Simon is witty, hilarious and charming. Showing They only seemed to
care about a few things, and really not much else. She is who she is. Something light and fluffy. You think you know everything that's happening
around you. Something that could be my Morgan Matson book for this year. It's very realistic that she feels someway responsible for Simon's
death.. Simon was splashing somewhere ahead of me. Probably one of the more important parts of the book and it was terrible. And there is a
hopeful note at the end with Mia going back to the Hamptons And he's definitely not part of Corinne's "cool" crowd. Why did he think going
swimming in a lightning storm was a good idea? But coming out of her shell could mean losing everything Mia has gained. I give this one 4 out of 5
paws. Because the relationship I'd thought was real had never existed. It was devastating when Simon drowned She is no longer the carefree child
who used to go swimming and play all day long with Mia, she is now the "sophisticated" and "privileged" child of one of the Hampton's elite. As
Mia longs to forget about Jake and their relationship, she meets someone new. Except maybe one thing. But I thought I loved you! They'd
probably hate me if I did. The main gist of the book is about Mia becoming comfortable with who she is and sticking up for herself when she feels
pressure to blend in with her cousins. I was there for a moment. Against her judgement, Mia starts hanging around Simon I just was not in the
mood for this and was not expecting what this book was. I felt numb, no happiness, no fulfillment like I usually have. I don't think I would've been
able to finish this if I hadn't been buddy reading it, so thanks to Becca for making this bearable. Amanda had me enraptured by her writing I bought
this book after seeing it on sale in the Nook section and I saw that it had a lot of good reviews so I decided to purchase it and give it a chance. It
does a good job of showing how she changes parts of herself so that she isn't mocked and so she is accepted. If you read it, I hope you like it
more than I did. Anyways, this whole entire book is basically about her finding herself and where she fits in with her cousin and best friend. The
only things I did like about, that allow me to give it two stars is the fact that the main character likes to spout facts about everything, and I like that,
because I myself do it all the time. Mia is game for the summer she hoped would be absolutely fantastic with her aunt and much-loved-and-Bff-
sort-of cousin Corrine. Mia's parents argue a lot, but they really love each other a great deal. So a Summer of Skinny Dipping starts with these two
and their budding romance. Horrible, smelly, life-sucking habit. Refresh and try again. It's more than sad. Very disappointed in this book. Not
actually It's NOT just a book!! It syncs automatically with your account and allows you to read online or offline wherever you are. But Simon is
much more than just Mia's love interest. Flag as inappropriate. But the here and now was up for grabs, and I wasn't about to let it slip away. The
cover didn't show her as someone who needed to "suck in her tummy" as her mom suggests at one point.