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BMP280 Eng

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Thank you very much for purchasing our AZ-Delivery BMP-280 sensor. On
the following pages, we will introduce you to how to use and setup this
handy device.

Have fun!
Installation of the Arduino software:
Before we can start programming, we have to download the Arduino
software from https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software .
After the download and we start the installer and the following screen

We confirm this window with "I Agree" if you accept the license agreement.
In the next window we can choose from where we can start the Arduino
software and if we want to install the USB drivers as well. The best way is to
set the checkmarks as shown in the picture above.
The next step is to specify the installation directory, the default directory
should usually be correct:

And then just wait for the arduino software to install:

Close the installer by clicking on 'Close' button and in the start menu and
desktop there will be a new icon. We start this now:

It starts the Arduino software:

And the programming window appears:

First steps in the Arduino programming software

Before we can start with the sensor kit, we must also define our Arduino
(which you can order separately from us) in the software.
For this we go in Tools and choose:
Tools > Board: > {Select your Arduino here} Arduino/Genuino Uno

In this manual we use an Arduino Uno. But you can use any other Arduino
board. At Tools > Port you only have to enter the Com-Port of your Arduino,
you can read it from the device manager and change it if necessary.

Those were the first basic settings, now we can start programming.
Wiring the sensor

VIN is connected to 3.3V Arduino Red wire

GND is connected to GND Black wire
SCL is connected to SCL Green wire
SDA is connected to SDA Yellow wire
For the sensor we still need a library. We install this via the library
administration: Tools > Manage Libraries

We search for "BMP280" and select the Adafruit BMP280 Library package
from Adafruit and install it.

After a short wait the library is installed:

Additionally the package for the Adafruit sensors is needed:

To add this .zip library to your Arduino IDE, go to Sketch > Include Library >
Add .ZIP library, and add downloaded .zip file.

After that we load the example:

File > Examples > Adafruit BMP280 Library > bmp280test

The i2c address must still be adapted in the Adafruit_BMP280.h file. To do

this, go to the library directory of your Arduino software:
Edit the file with text editor (Sublime text, or similar program) and search for
these lines:

#define BMP280_ADDRESS (0x76)

Upload the sketch code to your Arduino board, and start Serial Monitor by
going to Tools > Serail Monitor.

You've done it, you can now use and program your
sensor in your projects.
Now it is time to learn and make the Projects on your own. You can do that
with the help of many example scripts and other tutorials, which you can
find on the internet.

If you are looking for the high quality products for Arduino and
Raspberry Pi, AZ-Delivery Vertriebs GmbH is the right company to get
them from. You will be provided with numerous application examples,
full installation guides, eBooks, libraries and assistance from our
technical experts.

Have Fun!

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