Automatic Control of Air Conditioner Using FUZZY LOZIC
Automatic Control of Air Conditioner Using FUZZY LOZIC
Automatic Control of Air Conditioner Using FUZZY LOZIC
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introduced by Dr. Lotfi Zadeh of UC/Berkeley in the 1960's as a means to model the uncertainty of natural language. In a sense, fuzzy logic resembles human decision making with its ability to work from approximate data and find precise solutions.Fuzzy Logic has been gaining increasing acceptance during the past few years. Nearly every application can potentially realize some of the benefits of Fuzzy Logic, such as performance, simplicity, lower cost, and productivity. EXAMPLES WHERE FUZZY LOGIC IS USED
Temperature control is widely used in various processes. These processes, no matter if it is in a large industrial plant, or in a home appliance, share several unfavorable features. These include nonlinearity, interference, dead time, and external disturbances, among others. Conventional approaches usually do not result in satisfactory temperature control. In this Application Note we provide examples of fuzzy logic used to control temperature situations. fuzzy in These inference several different are examples
Automobile and other vehicle subsystems, such as ABS and cruise control (e.g. Tokyo monorail) FUZZY CONTROLLER FOR AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM A Basic Model Let us start with the simplest air conditioning system, which is shown in Figure 1. The only control target in this system is temperature. There are two adjustment valves to change temperature. Figure 1 Air Conditioning System: Basic Model
Air conditioners Cameras Digital image processing, such as edge detection AIR CONDITIONING
There is a sensor in the room to monitor temperature for feedback control, and there are two control elements, cooling
valve and heating valve, to adjust the air supply temperature to the room. Figure 2 Fuzzy Controller for Air Conditioning System: Basic Model
A Modified Model Figure 2 diagrams a fuzzy controller for an air conditioning system basic model. Rules for this controller may be formulated using statements similar to: If temperature is low then open heating valve greatly Values such as low are defined by fuzzy sets (membership functions). We can use the MF-edit function in FIDE to define the fuzzy sets. Generally, membership functions of fuzzy sets take on a triangular shape because they are effective and easy to manipulate. In the real world, however, it is usually not enough to manage an air conditioning system with temperature control only. We need to control humidity as well. A modified air conditioning system is shown in Figure 3. There are two sensors in this system: one to monitor temperature and one to monitor humidity. There are three control elements: cooling valve, heating valve, and humidifying valve, to adjust temperature and humidity of the air supply.
The two inputs to the controller are measured temperature and humidity. The A fuzzy controller for this modified air conditioning system is shown in Figure 4 three outputs are control signals to the three valves.
But its action, if acting as the only rule for low humidity, will be late when low humidity is already the case. Figure 5 shows a fuzzy controller which employs five sensors to obtain data for temperature control and humidity control in an automobile. A recent industry report on the application of such a controller on a new model automobile indicates this controller outperforms conventional control systems
humidifying valve slightly This rule acts as a predictor of humidity (it leads the humidity value) and is also designed to prevent overshoot in the output humidity curve. We could have used the following rule: If humidity is low then open humidifying valve slightly
substantially. It prevents rapid change of temperature in the car when doors or windows are opened and then closed. It even reacts to weather changes because
interior humidity changes caused by the weather can be detected by sensors. Figure 5 Fuzzy Controller for Air Conditioning System: Advanced Model
CONCLUSION: Air conditioning systems are essential in most of our daily lives. Our expectations of such systems have been raised to demand more than just temperature control, and it is increasingly desirable to apply these systems in varying situations and environments. A comfortable and safe environment is often difficult to define and affected by sometimes contradictory factors. Fuzzy logic control provides an effective and
economic approach this problem. Fuzzy controllers incorporated in the latest model automobiles designed by Japanese auto makers provide control proof in that temperature diverse
environments can be solved. For an engineer, an ideal machine would be one in which human requests are automatically interpreted and responded to by adjusting itself appropriately to variations in the environment. Fuzzy logic can help make this ideal a reality.
Zadeh L.A., Fuzzy Sets, Information and Control, 8 (1965) 338353. Ahmad M. Ibrahim ,Introduction to Applied Fuzzy Electronics, , ISBN 0-13206400-6--Sahelefarda 22:07, 10 January 2007 (UTC)