Health7 DLP

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of nutrition for a healthy
life during adolescence
B. Performance The learner appropriately manages concerns and challenges during
Standards adolescence to achieve holistic health.
C. Learning Learning Competency
Competencies/  describe the characteristics, signs and symptoms of
Objectives malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies (N7N-IId-f-23)
 discuss ways of preventing and controlling malnutrition and
micronutrient deficiencies (H7N-IId-f-24)

Upon completion of the lesson, the learners should have been
able to:
 explain the


1. Teacher’s N/A
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s N/A
3. Textbook N/A
Pages/ SLM Pages
4. Additional N/A
Materials from
the LR Portal
5. Other
Learning Resources Health7_Q2_Mod4MalnutritionMincronutrientDefficiency_v2.pdf
A. Reviewing the Preliminary Activities:
previous lesson or  Prayer
presenting the new  Checking of Attendance
lesson (ELICIT)  Drill (Simon Says)
 Class home rules

(Review on the Food Guide Pyramid)

Address: Quezon St., Masbate City

School ID: 302148 Email Add:
Tel.: (056) 333-2255 Fax: (056) 333 – 5353
Right Connection!
Directions: Put the correct number of each food group that
corresponds to its correct position on the food pyramid.

B. Establishing a VIDEO-WATCHING!
purpose for the The teacher will play the commercial jingle of Bear brand
lesson (ENGAGE) Micronutrient deficiency and will ask the students to observe and
answer the questions that follows:

Ask the students the following:

1. What was the video all about?
2. What is/are the result of having micronutrient deficiency?
3. As Grade 7, what will you do to control malnutrition?
(5 mins)
C. Presenting Activity 1: Text Twister
examples/instances Now let’s have another activity that will test your learning about
of the new lesson malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies.
(EXPLORE) Directions: Arrange the letters of each item to know the correct
word(s). A hint is provided below.
1. M L A T R I N U T O N I
 Hint: It is a condition wherein a person is not getting enough of
the right food.
2. M C I R O T U N R E I T N S
 Hint: These are vitamins and minerals that all human need to
maintain strong bodies and mental sharpness, fight off disease
and bear healthy children.
3. M C I R O T U N R E I N T D F E I E I C N C Y
 Hint: Disease caused by deficiencies of vitamins and minerals in
the diet.
4. I D O E N I D F E I C E I C N Y
 Hint: It causes goiter and hypothyroidism.
5. I N O R D F E I C E I N C Y
 Hint: It causes anemia.
D. Discussing new Discussion:
concepts and
practicing new skills Begin the discussion by asking the following questions:
#1  Is eating too much or eating less is considered malnutrition?
 Do you know that there are two types of malnutrition?

Malnutrition refers to a condition wherein person’s energy and

nutrition intake is not enough.
• Eating enough food that does not give the proper amount of
micronutrients, vitamins and minerals to meet the daily
nutritional need, will make you malnourished.
Address: Quezon St., Masbate City
School ID: 302148 Email Add:
Tel.: (056) 333-2255 Fax: (056) 333 – 5353
Do you know that there are two types of malnutrition?

Overnutrition happens when you eat and gets nutritional

requirements beyond the needed and ideal amount.

Ask: What are some symptoms of overnutrition?

Here are some of the signs and symptoms of over nutrition:

o Obesity
o Diabetes
o High blood pressure
o Heart problems
o Difficulty in walking

Undernutrition on the other hand is a condition wherein a person

does not eat or take the daily needed nutrients and nutritional
requirements leading to disease and deficiencies.

Ask: What are some symptoms of overnutrition?

Signs and symptoms of undernutrition include:

o lack of appetite
o tiredness
o irritability
o inability to concentrate
o loss of body fat
o higher risk of getting sick
o longer healing time for wounds
o depression
o breathing difficulties
o low blood pressure

Ask: Why do you believe some adolescents, including yourself,

experience malnutrition?
(The teacher will call some students)

Malnutrition should be attended immediately. Here are some

why adolescents like you are malnourished:
o Poor eating practices/habits
o Poor food choices often influenced by peers
o Becoming conscious of the kinds and amounts of food
they eat (i.e. females tend to eat less because of fear of becoming
o School canteens and cafeterias serving less nutritious
foods (i.e. chips, carbonated beverages, and artificial fruit
o Low intake of iron and vitamin C-rich foods.
o Not fond of drinking milk

E. Discussing new ACTIVITY 2: READY, ACTION!

concepts and
practicing new skills The class will be split into four groups, with each group receiving a
#2 scenario. They will then create a short act/dialogue based on their
assigned scenario. Following their presentations, a member from

Address: Quezon St., Masbate City

School ID: 302148 Email Add:
Tel.: (056) 333-2255 Fax: (056) 333 – 5353
each group will draw conclusions and offer advice regarding their
assigned topic.

Scenario: The Rural Family

Situation: A family living in a rural area in Masbate with limited
access to nutritious food and healthcare. The parents work in
agriculture, and the family struggles with low income. One child in
the family is showing signs of stunted growth due to chronic
malnutrition. Explore the challenges they face in accessing diverse
and nutrient-rich foods, healthcare services, and education on
proper nutrition.

Scenario: Urban Food Desert

Situation: A group of friends living in an urban food desert where
there is a lack of grocery stores with fresh goods. The friends rely on
convenience stores and fast-food outlets for their meals. One of
them is experiencing health issues related to a diet lacking essential
nutrients. Discuss the impact of the local food environment on their
nutritional choices and health outcomes.

Scenario: Cultural Practices

Situation: A family adhering to cultural practices that restrict
certain food choices, leading to nutrient deficiencies. For example,
they may follow a vegetarian diet without sufficient variety or
exclude certain food groups. Explore the cultural influences on
their dietary choices, and discuss how these practices may
contribute to malnutrition and ways to balance cultural traditions
with nutritional needs.

Scenario: Religious Dietary Restrictions

Situation: A family that adheres to specific religious dietary
restrictions, limiting their food choices. The family believes in a diet
that excludes certain food groups, and as a result, they are
experiencing nutritional challenges. Explore the impact of religious
beliefs on their nutritional practices, and discuss how to address
nutrient deficiencies within the framework of their religious

Relevance to the concept – 40%
Originality – 25 %
Creativity – 25 %
Impact of presentation - 10 %
Total: 100 %

F. Developing mastery Activity 3: Complete Me

(Leads to Formative In this activity, your knowledge and understanding about
Assessment 3) malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies will be tested.
Directions: Complete the statement below. Choose your answer in
the box below. Write your answer in your activity notebook.

Address: Quezon St., Masbate City

School ID: 302148 Email Add:
Tel.: (056) 333-2255 Fax: (056) 333 – 5353
1. _________________ is a nutritional problem wherein a person is
getting enough of the right food.
2. ____________ are diseases caused by deficiency of vitamins or
minerals in the diet.
3. ______________ is one of the signs and symptoms of over
4. ______________ is a deficiency that causes night blindness that
eventually leads to permanent blindness.
5. _________________ a program that urges manufacturers of
processed food to fortify their products.
G. Finding practical
application of
concepts and skills in
daily living

1. Which among the types of family has the highest rate in
2. Which among them has the lowest cases of stunting?
3. Compare the percentage in 2013 and 2015, what year has the
highest stunting case?
4. Why do you think poor people have the highest rates of
5. What is the source of this update?

H. Making Ask:
generalization of
concepts and skills in 1. What will you do to protect yourself from the different nutritional
daily living problems?
2. How can you, as a Grade 7 student, figure out and assess ways
to help control malnutrition in your community?
I. Evaluating Learning Multiple Choice!
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your
answers on your activity sheet.

1. The condition wherein a person is not getting enough of the right

food is called.
a. Micronutrient Deficiencies
b. Malnutrition
c. Nutrition
d. Deficiency
2. The vitamins and minerals that all human need to maintain
strong bodies and mental sharpness, fight off disease and
bear healthy children are_______________.
a. Micronutrients
b. Junk Foods
Address: Quezon St., Masbate City
School ID: 302148 Email Add:
Tel.: (056) 333-2255 Fax: (056) 333 – 5353
c. Fruits and Vegetable
d. Bread
3. Which of the following diseases is caused by the deficiencies
of vitamins and minerals in the diet?
a. Micronutrient Deficiencies
b. Malnutrition
c. Nutrition
d. Deficiency
4. Which disease is caused by the lack of Vitamin A?
a. Anemia
b. Night blindness
c. Rickets
d. Goiter
5. The following are signs and symptoms of undernutrition
a. lack of appetite
b. tiredness
c. low blood pressure
d. High blood pressure

J. Additional activities Assignment:

for application or
remediation Directions: On a long bond paper, create a slogan that contains
your reflection about malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies.

Materials Needed:
Bond paper

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
B. No. of learners who
require activities for
C. Did the remedial
lesson/s work? No.
of learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did this
F. What difficulties did I
encounter that my
Address: Quezon St., Masbate City
School ID: 302148 Email Add:
Tel.: (056) 333-2255 Fax: (056) 333 – 5353
/department head
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
that I wish to share
with other teachers?

Prepared by:

Address: Quezon St., Masbate City

School ID: 302148 Email Add:
Tel.: (056) 333-2255 Fax: (056) 333 – 5353

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