Wk4 Instruments
Wk4 Instruments
Wk4 Instruments
Research Instruments
A. Questionnaire
A series of questions designed to elicit information, which is filled in by all participants in the
sample. This can be gathered either by oral interview or by written questionnaire. This is the most common
type of research instrument.
Advantages of a Questionnaire
1. Relatively simple method of obtaining data.
2. Less time is consumed.
3. Researcher is able to gather data from a widely scattered sample.
Disadvantages of a Questionnaire
1. Responses to a questionnaire lack depth.
2. Respondent may omit or disregard any item he chooses.
3. Some items may force the subject to select responses that are not his actual choice.
4. Length of the questionnaire is limited according to the respondent’s interest.
5. Printing may be costly especially if it is lengthy.
6. Data are limited to the information that is voluntarily supplied by the respondents.
7. Some items can be misunderstood.
8. The sample is limited to those who are literate.
Techniques for Developing Questionnaire
1. Researcher may read literatures about the topic look through available questionnaires or
obtain help from experts.
2. Open - ended questions are preferable than closed questions since they
reflect respondent’s attitudes, feelings, which are expressed in his own words.
3. If yes - no questions are used; additional information may be gained by leaving space for
respondent’s own idea.
4. The possibility of a middle ground statement is also important.
5. Every item in a questionnaire should relate to the topic under study.
5. Rating questions - The respondents are asked to judge something along an ordered dimension.
This is typically bipolar in nature, with the end points specifying the opposite extremes of a
Example: On the scale of 1 to 5 where 1 means strongly disagree and 5 means strongly agree, the
Health Center in Barangay A provides you the necessary services.
5 - Strongly agree
4 – Agree
3 - Uncertain
2 – Disagree
1 - Strongly disagree
B. Interview
This involves either structure or unstructured verbal communication between the researcher
and subject, during which information is obtained for a study.
Types of Interview
1. Unstructured Interviews - more conversational, long sometimes (hours) and conducted in a usual
situation. This allows the researcher flexibility in questioning the subject.
2. Structured Interviews - always operates within formal written instrument referred as interview
schedule. Researcher designed the questions to be asked prior to interview including the order
of the questions. The questions are asked orally in either face to face or telephone format.
Advantages of Interview
1. Data from interview are usable
2. Depth of response can be assured
3. In an exploratory study, the interview technique provides basis for the formulation of
4. Clarification is possible
5. No items are overlooked
6. Higher proportion of responses is obtained
7. Greater amount of flexibility is allowed
Disadvantages of Interview
1. Time element
2. Biases may result
3. Costly
C. Observation
Observation is another method of collecting data that is frequently used in qualitative research.
However, it can be used in quantitative research when the observable characteristics are quantitative in
nature (e.g. length, width, height, weight, volume, area, temperature, cost, level, age, time, and speed)
Observation allows the researcher to observe the actual event or phenomenon. It has greater
flexibility in the observation method. However, observation may lack participant validity and may be
prone to the Hawthorne effect phenomenon. Furthermore, it is more exhausting and time-consuming
especially when observations need to be conducted for many years).
Forms of Observation
1. Controlled Observation. It is usually used in experimental research and is done under
a standard procedure. It provides more reliable data (obtained through structured and well-defined
process). The procedure can be replicated, and the data are easier to analyze. Lastly, the observer
performs a non-participant role (i.e. does not interact with the participants).
2. Natural Observation. It is carried out in a non-controlled setting. It has greater
ecological validity (i.e. flexibility of the findings to be generalized to real-life contexts). It also responds
to other areas of inquiry not initially intended by the researcher. Its major limitation is its strength to
establish a causal relationship due to the presence of extraneous variables which can affect the
behavior of the participants
3. Participant Observation. It allows the observer to become a member of the group or
community that the participants belong to. It can be performed covertly (i.e. participants are not
aware of the purpose behind the observation. It can be done also overtly, wherein participants know
the intention or objectives of the observation
Observational Description
Complete Observe the spontaneous natural behavior of the participants with as few external
observer factors affecting it as possible. The observer is neither seen nor noticed by the
participants. The participants are less prone to the Hawthorne effect.
Observer as Researcher does not prioritize recording spontaneous or natural behavior with as
participant few external factors affecting it as possible. The observer is known and recognized
by the participants as part of their group or community but has limited interaction
with them.
Participant as Researcher does not primarily aim to capture spontaneous or natural behavior. The
observer observer is considered a researcher and not a member of the group or community
which is being investigated. However, the observer is fully engaged with the
Complete Researcher is to observe the spontaneity or natural behavior of the participant with
participant as few external factors affecting it as possible. Taking this role raises ethical issues
about possible deception. He acts like an “undercover” member of the community.
He is fully involved with the participants who are unaware that they are being
Advantages of Observation
1. Produces large quantities of data w/ relative case.
2. All data obtained from observation are usable.
3. Relatively inexpensive.
4. All subjects are potential respondents.
5. Subjects are usually available.
6. The observation technique can be stopped or begun at any time.
7. Observation may be recorded at the time they occur eliminating bias because of recall.
Disadvantages of Observation
1. Accurate prediction of a situation or event to be observed is unlikely.
2. Interviewing selected subjects may provide more information, economically, than waiting for
the spontaneous occurrence of the situation.
3. The presence of an observer gives the subjects a quality normally absent.
4. Observed events are subject to biases.
5. Extensive training is needed.
D. Records
A record refers to all the numbers and statistics that institutions, organizations and people keep
as a record of their activities. Example: Census data, Educational records, Hospital/clinic records
Advantages of Records
1. Records are unbiased
2. Records often cover a long period of time
3. Inexpensive
Disadvantages of Records
1. All the researcher can have what is there. If the record is incomplete, there is no way it can
be completed.
2. No one can be sure of the conditions under which the records were collected.
3. There is no assurance of the accuracy of the records.
E. Survey
Non-experimental type in which the researcher investigates a community or a group of people.
Another name is FORMULATIVE OR EXPLORATORY research.
Google Forms are free online forms that allows the researcher to construct, administer, and analyze
List all procedures, preferably in chronological order, which will be employed in the study. Point out any
procedures that are considered experimental. Clearly explain technical and medical terminology using
non-technical language. Explain all procedures using language that is appropriate for the expected
reading level of participants.
State the amount of time required of participants per session, if applicable, and for the total duration of the
If audio taping, videotaping, or film procedures are going to be used, provide information about the use
of these products.
You may decline to answer any or all questions and you may terminate your involvement at any time if you
List the benefits you anticipate will be achieved from this research. Include benefits to participants, others,
or the body of knowledge. If there is no direct benefit to the participant, state so. For example, “There will
be no direct benefit to you for your participation in this study. However, we hope that the information
obtained from this study may….
Here you will let the participant know if there will be any fees attached to their inclusion in the study.
Will they have to pay for the materials, supplies, transportation, etc.
Example: There is no cost for participating in this study. Any medical
expenses resulting from participation in this study will not be reimbursed by the investigators.
Here you will let the participant know QUARTER
if there will 2;
any fees6attached
AND 7 to their inclusion in the
study. Will they have to pay for the materials, SHEETS
supplies, 5 AND 6 etc.
Example: There is no cost for participating in this study. Any medical
NAME: ___________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION: ____________
expenses resulting from participation in this study will not be reimbursed by the investigators.
a. Follow the instructions given for each activity.
b. responses
Answer ontoa this [survey]
separate willofbepaper.
sheet anonymous. Please do not write any identifying information
on your [survey]. OR For the purposes of this research study, your comments will not be
Lesson: Collecting
anonymous. Every Data
effort Using
will beAppropriate
made by the Instruments
researcher to preserve your confidentiality including
Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Write the letter of your correct answer on your
the following:
answer sheet.
State measures taken to ensure confidentiality, such as those listed below:
1. This involves either structure or unstructured verbal communication between the researcher
and subject, during which information is obtained for a study.
a. Assigning code B.
A. Questionnaire names/numbers
Interview for participants that will be used
C. Observation on all research
D. Survey
2. notes and documents
What is the type of closed-ended question that requires the respondent to make a choice
betweenb.two Keeping
such interview
as yes/no,transcriptions,
male/female, andorany other identifying participant
information in a locked file cabinet in the
A. Dichotomous Question B. Multiple question C. Cafeteria Question personal possession of theD.researcher.
Rank- Order Question
3. What is the type of closed-ended question where respondents are asked to
choose a data will be
response keptthe
from confidential
“most” to except in cases where the researcher is legally obligated
the “least”.
to A. Dichotomous
report QuestionThese
specific incidents. B. Multiple
may notQuestion D. Rank-
be limited to, incidents ofOrder
and4. suicide
A risk.
data collection instrument that has a series of questions designed to elicit
information, which is filled in by all participants in the sample.
8. VOLUNTARY A. Questionnaire
PARTICIPATIONB. Interview C. Observation D. Survey
5. An instrument that is non-experimental type in which the researcher
Your participation in this study is voluntary. It is up to you to decide whether or not to take partinvestigates a in
community or a group of people. Another name is formulative or exploratory research.
this study. If you decide to take part in this study, you will be asked to sign a consent form. After
A. Questionnaire B. Interview C. Record D. Survey
you sign the consent form, you are still free to withdraw at any time and without giving a reason.
6. It refers to all the numbers and statistics that institutions, organizations and people keep
as a record fromofthis study
their will not affect
activities. Example:the relationship
Census data, you have, if any, with
Educational the researcher.
records, If
you withdraw from the study before data collection is completed, your data will be returned to you
or destroyed. A. Questionnaire B. Interview C. Observation D. Survey
7. The following are advantaged of interview EXCEPT:
Data from interview are usable C. Biases may result
Any further questions you have about this study will be D.
Depth of response can be assured Greater by
answered amount of flexibility is allowed.
the researcher.
8. It allows the researcher to observe the actual event or phenomenon
A. Questionnaire
10. AUTHORIZATION B. Interview C. Observation D. Survey
I have read and understood this consent form, and I volunteer to participate in this research study. I
9. A form of observation that allows the observer to become a member of the group or
understand that I will receive a copy of this form. I voluntarily choose to participate, but I understand
community that the participants belong to.
that my consent does not take away any legal rights in the case of negligence or other legal fault by
A. Controlled Observation C. Participant Observation
anyone who is involved in this study. I further understand that nothing in this consent form is
B. Natural Observation D. Complete Observation
intended to replace any applicable laws.
10. A document that provides the participants with the information they need in
deciding whether they will participate or not in your study.
A. Informed Consent Form C. Enrollment Form
B. Signature
FormPrinted Name D. Study Form