Semester Project1

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Name ID

1. Fikadu Mekidema 0911/11

2. Fikadu Hordofa 0450/11
3. Natinael Zawude 0264/11
4. Morkata Dube 0475/11
5. Namomsa Regasa 0672/11
6. Abrahim Abdi 0941/11

ADVISOR Mr. Ashetu D.

February, 2023


First of all, we would like to thank the almighty GOD for helping us to finish this project
successfully. Next, we would like to give our best gratitude to haramaya institute of
technology to facilitate this project and preparing this project program which would help
our how to identify the problem of water supply on town/location based on the theory we
learn in class and solve practically. We also thank our adviser Mr. Ashetu D. which
facilitate data needed for this project, advised and guided we through following our daily
progress, giving fruitful comments, constructive correction and very useful advice.

Executive Summary

Harar is the capital town of the Harari region in Ethiopia. Due to the rapid population
aggregate growth rate estimated Harar city at 2.9 percent per annum, the old age of the
existing water supply network, depletion of the water source; the network failing to meet
the demand by the population and future development plans which opens the opportunity
for investors to invest in various industries in the city.

The purpose of this project is seeking water resources (ground and surface) with quality
and quantity which meet the demand of the city by making the acceptable design of the
water supply system. The existing water supply is not sufficient. Therefore, additional
water supply is a must. By this case to meet the present and future demand, a new project
has been designed for the next 25 years from 2015 to 2040 and the water supply scheme
will be implemented in two stages. Stage I will cater for demands up to 2025 and Stage
II will cater water for demands up to 2040. The population of the town calculating using
by geometric increased method is 76968 at the end of design period and the required
demand of water for this population is 120 l/s. To satisfy this required water demand of
the town ground water from bore holes is choosing due to its quality, quantity and less
cost than others.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary........................................................................................................................ii

Table of Contents..........................................................................................................................iii

List of Table..................................................................................................................................vii

List of Figure.................................................................................................................................vii


CHAPTER ONE................................................................................................................................1

1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................1

1.1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION.............................................................................................1

1.2 LOCATION AND TOPOGRAPHY.............................................................................................2

1.3 Climate.................................................................................................................................3

1.3.1 Water Source Area........................................................................................................3

1.3.2 Harar Town and the Vicinity..........................................................................................3

1.4 GEOLOGY.............................................................................................................................4

1.5 SOCIO - ECONOMY CONDITION...........................................................................................4

1.5.1 POPULATION PATERN...................................................................................................4

1.5.2 EDUCATION...................................................................................................................4

1.5.3 INDUSTRY......................................................................................................................5

1.6 Problem Statement..............................................................................................................5

1.7 The objective of the project.................................................................................................6

1.7.1 General Objective.........................................................................................................6

1.7.2 Specific Objective..........................................................................................................6

1.8 EXISTING WATER SUPPLY SITUATION..................................................................................7

CHAPTER TWO...............................................................................................................................7

2 POPULATION FORECASTING...................................................................................................7

2.1 Design period.......................................................................................................................7

2.2 Population forecasting.....................................................................................................7

2.3 Methods of population forecasting......................................................................................8

2.3.1 Arithmetic increase method..........................................................................................8

2.3.2 Geometric increase method..........................................................................................9

2.3.3 Incremental increase method.....................................................................................10

CHAPTER THREE...........................................................................................................................12

3.1 WATER DEMAND ASSESSEMENT........................................................................................12

3.2 Types of water demand.....................................................................................................12

3.2.1 Domestic water demand (DWD).................................................................................12

3.2.2 PER CAPITA DOMESTIC WATER DEMAND...................................................................13

3.2.3 Adjustment for Climate and Socio - Economic Condition............................................16

3.2.4 NON-DOMESTIC WATER DEMAND (NDWD)................................................................18

3.2.5 Unaccounted water demand or water losses (UD).....................................................20

3.2.6 Fire demand................................................................................................................21

3.3 Variations of water demand.............................................................................................21

3.3.1 Average Daily Water Demand (ADD)...........................................................................21

3.3.2 Maximum daily demand (MDD)..................................................................................22

CHAPTER FOUR............................................................................................................................24

4.1 SOURCE OF WATER............................................................................................................24

4.2 Types of water Source........................................................................................................24

4.3 Water source selection......................................................................................................25

4.4 Determination of Number of Bore Holes...........................................................................26

4.5 Water Well.........................................................................................................................27

4.5.1 General........................................................................................................................27

CHAPTER FIVE..............................................................................................................................33

5.0 PUMP AND SERVICE RESERVOIRS....................................................................................33

5.1 Pumps................................................................................................................................33

5.1.1 Purpose of pump.........................................................................................................33

5.1.2 Selection of a pump....................................................................................................33

5.1.3 Determination of Pipe size for section pipe................................................................35

5.1.4 Determination of Pipe size form bore hole to chamber collection.............................36

5.1.5 Determination of total dynamic head.........................................................................37

5.2 SERVICE RESERVOIRS.......................................................................................................37

5.2.1 Types of service reservoir Types of Reservoir.............................................................38

5.2.2 Accessories of Service Reservoir.................................................................................38

5.2.3 Determination of storage capacity of reservoir..........................................................39

CHAPTER SIX................................................................................................................................42

6.0 WATER TREATMENTS AND DISTRIBIUTION SYSTEMS........................................................42

6.1 water treatment.................................................................................................................42

6.1.2 Purpose of water treatment.......................................................................................42

6.1.3 Methods of Water Treatment.....................................................................................42

6.2 DISTRIBIUTION SYSTEMS....................................................................................................45

6.2.1 Method of distribution................................................................................................45

6.2.3 Lay out of Distribution system....................................................................................46

6.2.4 Selection of pipe material...........................................................................................47

6.2.5 Pipe Appurtenances....................................................................................................48

6.2.6 Nodal Demand computation.......................................................................................49

CHAPTER SEVEN...........................................................................................................................50

7.0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT...........................................................................50

7.1 General..............................................................................................................................50

7.2 Description of Possible Impact...........................................................................................50

7.2.1 Negative Impacts of the Project..................................................................................50

7.2.2 Positive Impacts of Project..........................................................................................51

7.3 Mitigation of Impacts.........................................................................................................51

7.4 Possible Adverse impacts...................................................................................................51

7.5 Mitigation measures..........................................................................................................51

CHAPTER EIGHT...........................................................................................................................52

8.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION............................................................................52

8.1 Conclusion..........................................................................................................................52

8.2 Recommendation...............................................................................................................52


List of Table
Table 1 given data from CSA counted...........................................................................................4
Table 2 given data from CSA counted...........................................................................................8
Table 3 estimated population for determining percentage error.....................................................9
Table 4 the overall percentage error calculation..........................................................................11
Table 5 the overall summary of population forecasting by 4 methods.........................................11
Table 6 town category grouping.................................................................................................13
Table 7 category of connection profiles (people by mode of service)..........................................14
Table 8 Percentage distribution by each mode of service............................................................14
Table 9 Population estimated by each mode of service................................................................15
Table 10 Per capita demand l/d....................................................................................................15
Table 11 Domestic water demand projection...............................................................................16
Table 12 Adjustment for climate effect........................................................................................16
Table 13 socio economic factor during distribution factor...........................................................17
Table 14 Non domestic demand people correlation of percentage with total population.............18
Table 15 mode of service for non -domestic................................................................................19
Table 16 non-domestic demand...................................................................................................19
Table 17 Unaccounted for water calculations..............................................................................20
Table 18 demand of Uncounted for water loss.............................................................................20
Table 19 demand of Fire demand.................................................................................................21
Table 20 Maximum daily demand factors....................................................................................22
Table 21 Peak hourly factor.........................................................................................................22
Table 22 the overall summary......................................................................................................23
Table 23 storage capacity of reservoir in demand and supply for phase 1...................................39
Table 24 storage capacity of reservoir in demand and supply for phase -2..................................40

List of Figure
Figure 1. topography of Harar city.................................................................................................2

ABREVATION …………………….. above mean sea level

As …………………………… Area of steel

CSA …………………………Central Statistical Authority

DCI …………………………. Ductile cast iron

DF…………………………… Distribution factors

ESA ………………………… Ethiopian Statical Authority

Hrs. ……………………….. Hours

HC……………………………. House connection

HL …………………………… Head loss

Hst ………………………… Total Static Head or lift

Km………………………….. kilo meter X

LPS …………………………Litter per Second

L/s………………………….. Litter per Second

L/d………………………… Litter per day

MDF………………………… maximum day factor

PCD ………………………… per Capital Demand

PVC ……………………….. Pluvial chloride

PHF……………………….. Peak Hour Factor

PT………………………… Public Tap

TDH……………………… Total Dynamic Head

WHO ……………….. World Health Organization

YC …………………… Yard Connection

YSC …………………. Yard Shared Connection



Water is indispensable source of existence and well-being for every living thing.
However, the quantity and quality of water that human being requires is quite different as
compared to the consumption of other living matter. This is because of human beings
need water not only for drinking but also for other purpose such as washing, sanitation,
swimming, industry and the like. Therefore, it is not surprising to look for water from
different source either above the ground as surface water or beneath the ground as sub-
surface water. Some literatures point out that world’s total water resource is around
1.37*108 m3. Of this global water resource, about 92.203% is saline water, which occurs
in the ocean, and only 2.792% is available as fresh water out of which 2.159% is
available as surface water and 0.633% as ground water. From this fresh ground water
storage, 0.31% can be economically extracted with present drilling technology up to the
depth of 0.8kms. The exploitation of water resource from different potential source in
our nation is not to the expected extent. The major constraint factors are less number of
unskilled work force and economic background (Design of Arba Minch Water Supply &
Decentralized Waste water Management, 2010).

Growing populations and lack of available cost effective supply augmentation options
make reliable estimates of residential water demand important for policy making (Harris
and Dharmaratna, 2010).

Problems of providing safe water supply to the urban poor in developing cities are
increasing with the increase in population. As a result, demand for additional water
sources and infrastructure is growing. Therefore, the provision of safe, clean,
sufficient and potable water has become an important factor to live with. This is the
main responsibility of the water Engineers Especially Water Supply Engineering to
design, construct, operate and maintain the water supply systems. In fact, Harar city is
the shortage/lack of water due to the depletion of water resources (FM Harar 102.3).

Therefore, our project makes safe, clean, sufficient and potable water for the Harar town
based on population density by seeking source from ground (well). The design study

includes a brief assessment of physical and social conditions of infrastructures,
water sources and potentially existing and future water requirements of the town.
Therefore, the study sets out the forecast of water demands throughout the design period
and identification of sources capable of supply in those demands both quantifiable and


Harar City

Harar City is the Administrative center of the Harari Region and one of the oldest towns
in the country. Harar City lies 51 kilometres to the southeast of Dire Dawa. It is located
in the eastern wall of the Great Rift Valley looking over the vast Danakil desert to the
north, the cattle rich savannas to the south and fertile lands of the Harar City Mountains
to the east. It lies between two rivers, tributaries of the Errer, on the southern edge of a
vast plateau. The surrounding mountains divide the Great Rift Valley from the plains of
the Ogaden. The elevation of Harar Town ranges between 1754 to 2098 m.a.s.l ..

Figure 1. topography of Harar city

Harari Region has no Administrative zones or Woreda. The total number of Kebeles of
the city of Harar is19, while the rural parts of the region has 17 farmers ' association

1.3 Climate

Climate is the average state of the atmosphere over an area during a period of time.
Climatic elements include rainfall, precipitation, humidity, temperature, sunshine, wind
and frost, fog, lightning, thunder, flood, drought etc. Climate influences all human
endeavours and thus it is an important resource.

1.3.1 Water Source Area

There is no available weather station data that describes the specific climate condition of
the Hasselisso area, where the deep well exist.

Temperature is even between 17.1 ° C - 20.2 ° C throughout the year. The coolest
season is between June and September, and coincides with large rains accompanied by
thunderstorms. The average annual intensity of precipitation is about 750-1,000 mm.
Harar City is located at an average altitude of 1890 masl. An approximate area coverage
of 1300 hectare of the region has an elevation in the range of 1800-2000m above sea
level and it is mostly the westen part of the region. Whereas, the eastern part of the
region has mostly an elevation in the range 1600-1800m and 1400-1600m which covers
21.4 % and 26.3 % of the region respectively western part of the region. Where, the
eastern part of the region has mostly an elevation in the range 1600-1800m and 1400-
1600m which covers 21.4 % and 26.3 % of the region respectively

1.3.2 Harar Town and the Vicinity

It is amazing however, until recently that Harari region has no regional metrological
service station, to provide us with data that is needed. Climatic element (e.g. Rain) is
utilized in the region and identifies it as a region's resource. In the absence of such
important weather information, it is not possible to say much in this regard except
possibly that the region has moderate climatic conditions.

The hararmeda weather station collects data useful for and the vicinity, however the
frequency of the record within the day and for each month one day for a month and up to
two months for a year. Therefore the information can help only to get glimpse of the area
and cannot be used for engineering design and the various important data are Harar is
very well known and admired for its healthy and favourable weather temperature that

enabled development of the various medeterian and unique fruits and these together with
its weather found to be one factor for the exodus of migrants and settles. Temperature is
even between 17.1 ° C - 20.2 ° C throughout the year. The coolest season is between
June and September, and coincides with large rains accompanied by thunderstorms. The
average annual intensity of precipitation is about 750-1,000 mm. Harar City is located at
an average altitude of 1890 masl. An approximate area coverage of 1300 hectare of the
region has an elevation in the range of 1800-2000m above sea level and it is mostly the
western part of the region. Whereas, the eastern part of the region has mostly an
elevation in the range 1600-1800m and 1400-1600m which covers 21.4 % and 26.3 % of
the region respectively.


Analysis of the groundwater samples of the main aquifer of sandstones and limestones
show that the water is Ca – SO4 – HCO3 type with total dissolved solids 430 to 480 mg/l,
NO3 from nil to 0.6 mg/l and total hardness from 370 mg/l to 500 mg/l.



Harar City According to the result of the recent population census, (2010) the total
population of Harar city is indicated to be 22,669.

Table 1 given data from CSA counted

Year Population

1994 10832

2008 20719

2010 22669

Economic growth and social change can be obtained through education. Education
develops basic skills and abilities and fosters a value system conducive to and in support
of, national development goals both long term as well as immediate. In the Harari

Region, there are seven Kindergartens (KG), 45 Primary and 3 Senior Secondary
Schools. Out of 45 primary schools in the region, the shares of urban and rural areas are
23 and 22 respectively. KG and senior high schools are limited to the urban area. Higher
Education, there are three schools ( Nursing School, Teacher's training institute and
Technical School built by Menschen für Menschen Foundation .

The Primary School (7 - 12 years) in the region there were about 18,823 children (11.7
percent of the total population) of primary age in medium variant projection of CSA.
This figure is projected to reach 42,947 and 46,746 children of primary age in the year
2025 and 2030 respectively.

The Junior Secondary School (age 13 14 years) age of the region is expected to
increase from current 7.118 to 13,752 and 14,856 in the year 2025 and 2030 respectively.

The Senior Secondary School ( age 15 18 years ).age of Harari Region , as projected by
CSA, will increase from 15,064 in 2000 to 27,177 and 29,502 in 2025 and 2030
respectively .

The Future School Age Population : According to CSA medium Variant projection for
the highest proportion will be for population aged 7 - 12 ( primary school ) , followed by
15-18 ( senior secondary ) , and 13-14 ( junior secondary ) respectively .

There are four large - scale industries in Harar: Harar Brewery, Hamaressa Edible Oil
Factory, Babile Mineral Water Factory and Harar Printing Enterprise.

The contribution of small - scale industries to the economic development of the region,
particularly to Harar City, is important. They provide income and employment for a
segment of population. There are about 94 small scale industries, involved in at least
seven different major types of activities.

1.6 Problem Statement

The existing water supply system in Harar town is not meet all water demand due to the
duplication of water resource and also limitation of the resource. This result lack of water
in Harar town. The distribution system of town also additional problem to reach all
considerable area. Which means not service all boundaries of the town.

This result: -

 People travel long distances for fetching water and also buying water by their

 The students in harar not come on time and follow their class due to seeking ,so
this water problems also side effect on educational.

 Decreasing job creativity and income of town.

 Disease caused by lack of water called water washed-disease like trachoma,

hookworm, typhus.

1.7 The objective of the project

1.7.1 General Objective

The main objective of this project is to assess the existing water supply system with
demand and make additional water supply system for implementation that will serve the
design horizon of 25 years reliably and efficiently and to improve the health,
environmental condition of the present and future population of town by providing
adequate water supply.

1.7.2 Specific Objective

 To provide better quality and sufficient quantity of water for the town.

 Assess the discharge of existing borehole with demand and developing new
wells as a long-term.

 Review future water requirements, to ensure the future water requirements

can be adequately supplied.

 To improve the health and hygienic standard of the community.

 To improve the living standard of the community thereby increasing the

awareness towards using safe water.

Significance of the study when this project is completed the society gets enough access
of water as well as improved sanitation facilities with a permissible standard.


Harar town obtain water from four (4) borehole and this borehole doesn’t serve the town
due to the increasing of population and the development of the town, the existing water
supply are not sufficient.


2.1 Design period

The number of years for which the designs of the waterworks have been done is known
as the design period. Mostly waterworks are designed for design period of 20-25 years,
which is a fairly good period. Generally, the design period of the water supply system is
determined by considering the following facts: -

 Funds available for the construction of the project.

 The useful Life span of materials that are used in the water supply system.

 Rate of interest on the loans taken to complete the project.

 The anticipated expansion of the population.

While designing and constructing these works, they should have sufficient capacity to
meet the future demand of the town or district for number of years

Based on the above-mentioned facts, 25 years’ design period is considered.

2.2 Population forecasting

After the design period has been fixed, the population of Harar town has to be
determined. The planning of the water supply system of a town or district area is based
on population size and population growth rate. There are a number of factors which
should be taken in to consideration while forecasting population: such as fertility,
mortality, economic activity in and around the project town, availability of potential and
natural resources and etc. The future development of the town mostly depends upon
trade expansion, development industries, and surrounding country, discoveries of mines,
construction of railway stations etc. may produce sharp rises, slow growth, and
Stationary conditions or even decrease the population

2.3 Methods of population forecasting

Table 2 given data from CSA counted

Year Population

1994 10832

2008 20719

2010 22669

2.3.1 Arithmetic increase method

In this method the population is assumed to increase at a constant rate. That is the rate of
change of population is constant (i.e. dP/dt = constant). Thus the population at some year
in the future can be expressed as:

𝑝𝑛 = (𝑝𝑜 + 𝑘𝑛)

Where: Pn= population at Nth year

P0= present population

k= avg. pop. Growth per decades

N=number of decades

Table 3 estimated population for determining percentage error

Year Population Arithmetic Geometric Incremental

increase (K) increase (r %) increase(k’)

1994 10832

2008 20719 9887 91.2

2010 22669 1950 9.4 -7937

Total 11837 100.6 -7937

Average 5919 50.3 -7937

p2015 =p 2010 +k∗0.5

p2015 =22669+5919∗0.5=25628.25
p2020 =28587.5 , p 2025=31546.75 , p2030 =34506 , p 2035=37465.4 , p2040 =40425

(actual population – estimating population)∗100 %

% of error=
actual popuiation

Estimating population of p2010 =p 2008 +k∗n

P2010 = 20719 + 9887 * 0.2 =22696.4

% of error = 0.1%

2.3.2 Geometric increase method

In this method the percentage growth rate (r) per decade is assumed to be constant, and
the increase is compounded over the existing population every decade. Thus the
population at some year in the future can be expressed as:

where: Pn= population at Nth year

Po= present population

r = assumed decade growth rate

N=number of decades

p2015 =p 2010 (1+ )

p2015 =22669(1+ ) =27792

p2020 =34072 , p2025 =34072 , p 2030=52209 , p2035 =62781 , p2040 =76968

(actual population – estimating p opulation)∗100 %

% of error=
actual popuiation
Estimating population of p2010 =p 2008 (1+ )

0.2 (22669 – 23586.6)∗100 %
p2010 =20719(1+91.2 %) =23586.6% of error= =−4.05 %

2.3.3 Incremental increase method

In this method the per decade growth rate is assumed to progressively increasing or
decreasing depending upon whether the average of the incremental increases in the past
data is positive or negative. Thus the population at some year in the future can be
expressed as:

n ( n+1 ) k '
pn= p o+ nk + . where Pn = population at Nth year

k=avg. increase of population of known decades

k’=avg. of incremental increases of the known decades

0.5 ( 0.5+1 )∗−7937

p2015 =22669+0.5∗5919+ =28604.625

p2020= 36524.5, p2025= 46428.625, p2030= 58317, p2035=72189.625, p2040 =¿

(actual population – estimat ing population )∗100 %

% of error=
actual popuiation

Estimating population of p2010 =p o +k∗n+ k ' (n ( n+1 ) )/2

P2010 =

p2010 =20719+9887∗0.2+¿ ¿

p2010 =2079.5

(22669 – 20791.5)∗100 %
% of error= =8.3 %

Table 4 the overall percentage error calculation

year Actual Estimated population

Arithmetic Geometric Incremental
increase increase increase

2010 22669 22696.4 23586.6 20791.5

%error -0.1 -4.05 8.3

From above methods we calculate the percentage error for 4 methods we found that the
least absolute error was found in geometric method so we use this method for forecasting
our population.

Table 5 the overall summary of population forecasting by 4 methods

Year Arithmetic Geometric Incremental

increase increase

2015 25628 27792 28605

2020 28588 34072 36525

2025 31547 41771 46429

2030 34506 51209 58317

2035 37465 62781 72190

2040 40425 76968 78125

Therefore, the population of harar town for the selected design period of 25 years is


While designing the water supply scheme for a town or a city, it is necessary to
determine the total quantity of water required for various purposes. As a matter of fact,
the first duty of the engineer is to determine the water demand of the town, and then to
find out suitable water source from where the demand can be met.

3.2 Types of water demand

3.2.1 Domestic water demand (DWD)

Domestic water demand is the quantity of water required for various domestic usages or
for all household is varying according to the mode of service, climatic
conditions, socioeconomic factors and customs of the people. it includes the water
required for drinking, bathing, lawn sprinkling, gardening, household sanitation in
private building etc.

The total amount of domestic water demand shall be equal to the total design population
multiplied by per capita domestic consumption.

Water supply for population is served by the mode of service which is prevalent to most
Ethiopian towns used to be Classified in to four major categories as follows: -

1. House tap users (HTU) 3. Yard owned Connection (YCO)

2. Public tap users (PTU) 4. Yard shared users (YSU)


The per capita water demand for various demand categories varies depending on the size
of the town, the level of development, the type of water supply schemes, the socio-
economic conditions of the town, cost of water, system of sanitation and climatic
condition of the area.

The basic human water requirement for different use could vary based on the mode of
service to be used and the closeness to water supply facilities.

Table 6 town category grouping

To no of

From no of popn popn Category

Over 250,000 1

80,000 250,000 2

50,000 80,000 3

30,000 50,000 4

20,000 30,000 5

10,000 20,000 6

5,000 10,000 7

2,000 5,000 8

1,000 2,000 9

Less than 1,000 10

These categories are used to determine present and future service levels, as well as
present & future per capital consumption for each of the connection type. Hence, for
harar town the population number at the end of design period i.e. 2040 is 76968 that falls
under category 3 is list in the above table.

Table 7 category of connection profiles (people by mode of service)


type 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030

House 4.30% 4.90% 5.50% 6.20% 7.10% 8.00% 9.10%

Yard 13.60% 15.40% 17.50% 19.80% 22.40% 25.4 28.70%

Yard shared 13.20% 14.90% 16.90% 19.10 21.70% 24.50% 27.80%


Public Tap 51.90% 58.80% 56.10% 51.90 46.90% 41.10% 33.40%


Un-served 17.00% 6.00% 4.00% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 1.00%

Non Domestic 40.00% 40.00% 35.00% 30% 30% 30% 30%

For 40% 38.60% 31.10% 28.00 27.10% 26.90% 26.30%

unaccounted %

Table 8 Percentage distribution by each mode of service

year 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

geometric 27792 34072 41771 51209 62781 76968

House 6.2% 7.1% 8% 9.1% 10.2% 11%

Yard 19.8% 22.4% 25.4% 28.70% 32% 35.3%
Yard shared 19.10% 21.70% 24.5% 27.80% 31.1% 34.4%
Public tap 59.90% 6.90% 41.100% 33.4% 25.7% 18%
UN-served 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00%
Non. 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30%

For 28.00% 27.10% 26.9% 26.30% 25.7% 25.1%

Table 9 Population estimated by each mode of service

year 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

HC 1723 2419 3372 4660 6404 8466
YC 5503 7632 10609 14697 20089 27170
YS 5308 7394 10234 14236 19525 26477
PT 16647 2351 17168 17104 16135 13854
US 834 681 418 512 628 770

Sample calculation

Population served by mode of service=percentage population* total population

Population served by house connection in 2015=6.2% 27792 = 1723

Table 10 Per capita demand l/d

year 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

HC 98 104 110 110 110 110

YC 34 36 38 38 38 38

YS 18 19 21 21 21 21

PT 12 13 14 14 14 14

Table 11 Domestic water demand projection

year 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

HC (l/d) 168854 251576 370920 512600 704440 931260

YC (l/d) 187102 274752 403142 558486 763382 1032460

YS (l/d) 95544 140486 214914 298956 410025 556017

PT (l/d) 199764 30563 240352 239456 225890 193956

TDC (l/d) 651264 697377 1229328 1609498 2103737 2713693

Sample calculation

Projection consumption by mode of service (l/d) = Per−capita consumption population

served by house connection.

Projection consumption by house connection in 2015(l/d) =98 1723 =168854

Domestic consumption in 2015(l/d) = 168854+187102+95544+199764

Total domestic consumption (TDC) in 2015(l/d) = 651264

3.2.3 Adjustment for Climate and Socio - Economic Condition Adjustment for climate
Climate condition is the main factor that affects water demand of the town. Therefore,
the water demand should be adjusting for climatic condition.

Table 12 Adjustment for climate effect

Group Mean annual rainfall in mm Factor adopted

A 600 or less 1.1

B 601-900 1.05

C 901 or more 1 Adjustment due to socio-economic factor

The table below is recommending to be applying subjectively for town as a factor of
socio economic condition Socio economic factor during distribution and factor

Table 13 socio economic factor during distribution factor

Group Description Factor

A Town enjoying high living standards and with high potential 1.1
for development

B Town having a very high potential for development, but lower 1.05
living standards at present

C Town under normal Ethiopian conditions 1.0

D Advanced rural town 0.9

The socio-economic factor for harar town is selected to be group “B”, with factor 1.05
as the town has high potential for development.

Adjusted factor (AF) = climate factor ∗ socio - economic factor

Adjusted domestic water demand9 (ADD) (l/d) = adjusted factor ∗ total domestic

AF =1.05*1.05 =1.1025

ADD = 1.1025TDC

For harar town demand adjusted = 1.1025TDC

year 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

TDC 651264 697377 1229328 1609498 2103737 2713693

Climate 1.05 1..05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05


Socio- 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05


Adjusted 718019 768858 1355334 1774472 2319370 2991847



Water requirements in these cases depend on such factors as the use of the building,
number of employees and/or residents, number of visitors and other users.

Non – domestic water demand includes commercial water demand and institutional
water demand

Commercial water demand (CWD): - includes water requirement for restaurant, office
building, bus stations, shopping centres, local drinks houses (Tej, Areke, Tella) etc.

Institutional water demand(IWD); - includes water required by schools, hospitals, city

hall, street washing, public park, dispensaries, day-care centers, office blocks and so on.

Population served by category = percentage population total population

 Non Domestic consumption in specific year = school + commercial +

institutional + religious

Table 14 Non domestic demand people correlation of percentage with total population

Category 2006 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

School 5% 6% 6.5% 7.1% 7.3% 7.8% 8% 8.2%
Commercial 12% 12.4% 12.1% 12.5% 12.4% 12.7% 12.8% 13.1%
Institutional 3% 4% 6% 6.6% 7.2% 8% 8.3% 8.9%
Religious 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3%

Table 15 mode of service for non -domestic

Year 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

population 27792 34072 41771 51209 62781 76968

School 6.5% 7.1% 7.3% 7.8% 8% = 8.2%=6311

=1806 = 2419 = 3049 =3994

Commercial 12.1% 12.5% 12.4% 12.7% 12.8% 13.1%=10083

=3363 = 4259 = 5180 = 6504 = 8036

Institutional 6% = 6.6% 7.2% 8% = 8.3% 8.9%=6850

1668 4097
= 2249 = 3008 = 5212

Religious 3% = 3% = 3% = 3% = 3% = 3%=2309
places 834 1022 1253 1536 1883

Non domestic per capital water demand by category

Category School Commercial Institutional Religious place

Water 120 252 585 30


Table 16 non-domestic demand

Year 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

School 216720 290280 365880 479280 602640 757320

Commercial 847476 1073268 1305360 1639008 176792 2540916

Institution 975780 1315665 1759680 2396745 3049020 40072250

Religious 25020 30660 37590 46080 56490 69270


NDC(l/d) 2064996 2709873 3468510 4561113 31326142 43439756

Simple calculation

Non – domestic consumption (NDC) l/d = mode of service * per-capita demand

Non- domestic consumption for school 2015 l/d = 1806*120l/c/d =216720

3.2.5 Unaccounted water demand or water losses (UD)
Defective joints in the main, broken and cracked pipes, defective house connections and
faulty plumbing, an authorized water connection causes the water loss. This allows a
continuous flow of water going to waste. Care full maintenance and universal metering
can minimize this.

Table 17 Unaccounted for water calculations

2006 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2032

31.1% 28.0% 27.1% 26.9% 26.3% 25.53%

Table 18 demand of Uncounted for water loss

year 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

UD 28.0% 27.1% 26.9% 26.3% 25.53% 24.73%


adjusted 718019 768858 1355334 1774472 2319370 2991847

TDC (l/d)

UD (l/d) 201045 208361 364585 466686 585641 718043

3.2.6 Fire demand

The water demand for fire fitting must be considered in design of water supply
distribution systems. This is for fighting fire broke outs in the harar town. The high rate
of water consumption during fire considerably affects the design of distribution system,
and hence while designing public water supply schemes, the rate of fire demand is
sometimes treated as a function of population. The fire hydrants are installed on water
mains at an appropriate location thus to brought control with very high pressure.

 We assumed fire demand for harar town 10% of total domestic demand

Table 19 demand of Fire demand

year 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

FD% 10 10 10 10 10 10

Adjusted 718019 768858 1355334 1774472 2319370 2991847


FD l/d) 71802 76886 135533 177447 231937 299185

3.3 Variations of water demand

In design of water supply system, the variation of water demand is must consider in
order to design supply pipes, service reservoirs, distributor pipes, etc. The use of water
demand is varying in different seasons, in different months of the year, in different days
of the month, in different hours of the day, and even in different minutes of the hour.

3.3.1 Average Daily Water Demand (ADD)

 is taken to be the sum of the demands of domestic, commercial and institutional,
industrial, public and unaccounted & losses for water (UFW).

Simple calculation

Average daily demand (l/d) 2015 = domestic demand + non domestic demand + un-
served + fire demand

Average daily demand (l/d) 2015 = 718019+2064996+201045+71802 = 3055862

3.3.2 Maximum daily demand (MDD)

The water consumption in a year varies day to day due to habits of the consumers,
climatic condition, holidays, etc. The ratio of the maximum daily consumption to the
average day consumption is said to be maximum day factor.

Table 20 Maximum daily demand factors

Town population MDF

0 to 20000 1.3

20001 to 50000 1.25

50001 and above 1.2

Simple calculation

Maxx.daily demand = maxx. Daily demand factors * average daily demand

Maxx. Daily demand (l/d) 2015 = 1.2*3055862 = 3667034.4

3.3.3 Peak hourly demand (PHD)

The peak hour demand is greatly influenced by the living standard of the population and
the size of the town. A peaking factor of the town is selected from the design criteria
associating peaking factor with number of population as stated in the table below.

Table 21 Peak hourly factor

Town population PHF

0 to 20000 2.0

20001 to 50000 1.9

50001 to above 1.7

Simple calculation

Peak hourly demand (l/d) = peak hourly factors * average daily demand

Peak hourly demand (l/d) 2015 = 1.7 * 3055862 = 5194965.4

Table 22 the overall summary

year 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

ADD(l/d) 3055862 3763978 5323962 6979718 34463090 47448831

ADD(m3/d) 3055.862 3763.978 5323.962 6979.718 34463.09 4744.8831

MDF 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2

MDD(l/d) 3667034.4 4516773.6 6388754.4 8375661.6 41355708 56938597.2

MDD(m3/d) 3667.0344 4516.7736 6388.7544 8375.6616 41355.708 56938.5972

MDD(l/s) 42.44 52.27 73.94 96.94 478.65 659.011

PHF 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7

PHD(L/d) 5194965.4 6398677.6 9050735.4 11865520.6 58587253 806630127.7

PHD(m3/d) 5194.9654 6398.6776 9050.7354 11865.5206 58587.253 806630.1277

PHD(l/s) 60.126 74.05 104.75 137.33 678.09 9335.99

Hint: - 1m3 =1000litre 1day = 24*60*60 =86400seconds



To have efficient water supply scheme, we require permanent source of water. The
capacity of the source should be such as to meet all water requirements of the people.
The best available source should be selected for meeting the demand.. Depending on this
demand the designing stage followed. Designing a water supply system starts from the
process of choosing the most suitable water source. Water sources will be selected to
meet the expected total demand for the relevant design period. The location of the raw
water source as well as size and depth requirement will be determined in accordance
with hydrological investigation. The source that should be selected has to be capable of
supplying adequate and potable water for the community of harar town though out the
design period.

4.2 Types of water Source

After knowing the population number and the demand of the town or city the source
should be clearly known in quality as well as quantity.

The source of water supply is generally classified as: -

 Surface water sources

 Ground water sources

 Surface water source: - This types of water source are the place where
we obtain water on the surface of the include lake and oceans, ponds,
rivers, streams, artificial reservoir and etc. Surface sources are entirely
dependent upon climatic influences from year to year. In selecting the source of
water considerations have been given that an adequate quantity of water will be
available, and that the water, which is to be delivered to the consumers, should
be feasible economically and should meet the hydrologic and environmental

 Subsurface water source: Ground water is important source of water
supply which has a number of advantages. They may require no treatment, have
uniform temperature thought out the year, are chapter than impounding resource
and amounts of water available are more certain. Practically speaking they are
not affected by drought in the short run. Ground water is one of the sources for
drinking water supplies and about 80% of the water supply systems in Ethiopia,
use ground water as a source. Groundwater is often clear, free from organic
matter and bacteria due to the filtering effect of soil on water percolating
through it. Groundwater is often better in quality than surface waters, less
expensive to develop for use, and usually provides more adequate supply in
many areas in the country.

4.3 Water source selection

The process of choosing the most suitable source of water for development into a public
water supply largely depends on the local condition. When a spring of sufficient capacity
is available, this may be the most suitable source of supply. When springs are not
available, or not suited to development, generally the best option is exploring ground
water resources for small supplies.

The selection of the source of water supply to a town or city depends on the following
factors: -

1. Location of the water sources

2. Quantity of water

3. Quality of water

4. The cost of the water supply scheme.

1. Location of the water source.

The source should be as near to the town or city as possible. If the surface and ground
sources both are available to a town, then other deciding factors are also taken into
account. If the surface sources like a river, stream or reservoirs are not in the vicinity of
the area then underground source of water is the only alternative.

2. Quantity of water

The source of water should have ample amount of water to meet up all the demands of
the city as domestic, industrial, fire resistance, public etc, throughout the whole year. It
should also meet the extra quantity of water to be used, in the future if the city is
expanded. It should also be able to meet the maximum demand in dry season (Weather).

3. Quality of Water

The quality of water should be such as which can be easily and cheaply treated. It should
not contain disease germs which may endanger the human life. Therefore, as far as
possible the water of the sources should be whole some, safe and quite free form

4. The cost of the water supply scheme

While selecting the source of water supply project should also be taken into
consideration. The cost depends on many factors as system of supply, ground levels of
the town, distance between source and distribution etc. The water flowing under gravity
will be cheaper than lifting by pumps.

The selection of source of water is done on the above factors, but that source should be
selected which is big in quantity and good in quality at the comparative least cost.

4.4 Determination of Number of Bore Holes

maxx . day demand at year 2040−exiting maxx . daily

Number of bore hole =
demand expected yield

Yield of 15l/s was achieved from each of the 4 wells at starting of design period

Number of bore hole = =10.27=11 no of bore hole is needed

Therefore, we will construct 11 bore holes for this project to satisfy the water demand of
the harar town up to 2040.but the existing bore hole are 4 so it need only 7 no of new
bore hole.

4.5 Water Well

4.5.1 General
A vertical hole dug out or drilled in to the ground to get sub surface water is known as
well. Most of the population in villages depends up on well as source of water supply.
Water treatment methods cannot be applied for small well. However, wells are
disinfected by using the bleaching powder and chlorination etc.

The objective of water well is: -

 To provide water with good quality

 to provide sufficient quantity of water

 to provide water for long time

 to provide water at low cost

Factors Affecting the Quantity of Well Water

The quantity of water available from wells is affected by: -

 Porosity of different layers of earth

 Amount of water stored and absorbed in different layers

 Geological conditions indicating the slope of water bearing stratum

Classification of Wells

Wells are classified according to:

 Nature of aquifer tapped to shallow and deep wells

 Flow conditions: gravity wells and artesian well

 Method of construction: open or dug wells, tube well and driven well
Tube Wells

For obtaining more yield tube wells are commonly used. These wells essentially consist
of blind pipes and strainer pipes, and their supply of water is from large number of
aquifer. Now a day, tube wells are becoming more and more popular for supplying water
to cities, colonies, private estate, factories, Industrial areas etc. The depth of the tube
wells may vary from 50-500m.

The overall advantages of tube wells

 Do not require much space

 Can be constructed quickly

 Fairly sustained yield of water can be obtained even in years of scarcity

rain fall.

 economical when deep – seated aquifer are encountered

 Flowing artesian wells can sometimes be struck

Disadvantage of tube wells

 Requires costly and complicated drilling equipment and machinery

 Requires skilled workers and great care to drill.

Well Development

The development of well have broad objectives: -

 Repairing of damage done during the drilling operation so that the natural
hydraulic properties are restored.

 Altering the basic physical characteristics of the aquifer near the borehole,
so that water will flow more freely to a well

 Well development is the most important for the wells where the formation
material has been disturbed during the construction processes and highly
affected by the drilling activity.

The importance of well development

These are: -

 Remove the filter cake or drill in fluid film that coats the borehole, and
remove much or all of the drilling fluid and natural formation solid that have
invaded the formation.

 Reduce the compaction and intermixing of grain size during drilling by

removing fine material from the pore space.

 Increase the natural porosity and permeability of previously undisturbed
formation near the well by selectively removing the finer fractional of an

 Create a graded zone of sediment around the screen in a naturally

development well, there by establishing the formation so that the well will yield

Methods of well development

In case of rocks the capacity of well can be increased by explosions in the wells which
will increase the cracks and passage through which water in the wells. In the case of
sandy stratum, the yield can be increased by packing gravel around the well. In the
beginning when new well is constructed the water which is drawn contains large quantity
of sand. These sand particles will stick on the mesh of strainer pipe and will decrease the
capacity of the well. Different well development methods have evolved in different
areas, because of the difference of the physical characteristics of aquifer and the type of
drilling methods used.

 Back washing or back blowing: - In this method water is forced in the

reverse direction by means of compressed air pressure. All the sand, clay
material which is stickled around the strainer pipe and chocked it is agitated and
removed. These are then removed by means of pumping and bailing.

 Surging: -it is used to loosen sand and fine materials in the screen and
filter zone. The surging action is created by lifting the water near to the surface
by injecting air in to the well and then shut off the air to allow the water to flow
back through the well and formation. Pumping water with air lift can be used for
cleaning a well from sand and fine materials. Using the air lift means no water,
as would be the case if a submersible or turbine pump is used to clean the well.

 Over pumping: - loose sand materials are removed by pumping the well at
a higher rate than the well will be pumped when put in to service. It has
advantage that much of the fine material brought into the borehole is pumped
out immediately.

 Water jetting: - A maximum development efficiently is developed if water
jetting is combined with simultaneous pumping with air lift, as the loosened
material is not allowed to settle again.

Well Design

Water well has to be designed to get the optimum quantity of water economically from a
given geologic formation. The water requirement for a particular scheme, rural water
supply, agricultural or industrial needs, has to be carefully determined. The choice of
open wells or bore wells and the method of well design depend up on topography,
geological conditions of the underlying strata, and depth of ground water table, rain fall
climate and the quantity of water required.

Types of tube wells

Depending up on the entry of the water through a cavity or a screen, the tube wells can
be broadly classified in to the following categories:

1. Screened wells

2. Screened with gravel pack (gravel packed wells)

3. Cavity wells

Gravel packed wells can be adopted for ground water for harar because gravel packs may
also be applied in coarse formations.

A) Design of gravel pack

Placing gravel around a well screen for gravel treatment or gravel packing is necessary in
well design. The gravel pack is recommended in design for:

 Stabilizing the fine grained aquifers.

 Permitting the flow of water efficiency way.

 Not clogged the screen pipe

Criteria that should be considered in gravel packing:

 The gravel pack material should be clean.

 The grains of gravel pack material should be smooth and round.

 The gravel pack material should be free from suspense material like shale
and gypsum.

 It is should be uniform.

The uniformity coefficient of the gravel pack material must have the value less than 2.5.

Cu = d60 / d10< 2.5

The design parameter of gravel packed wells is as follows

1. Thickness of gravel pack

The gravel envelope should be as thin as possible because a thick envelope does not
materially increase the well yield, nor will it reduce possibility of sand pumping, because
the controlling factor is the ratio of the grain size of the pack material and that of the
aquifer. Too thick gravel pack, instead of giving any advantages, may make the final
development of the well more difficult.

U. S. B. R suggested a range of 10 to 20cm of gravel pack and in no case it should not

exceed about 20cm.Therefore we adopt15cm thickness of gravel pack.

2. Length of gravel packing.

The gravel packing is specifically required around the screen pipes, but since the
material is poured from the ground level in to the bore hole, the pack shall be installed in
the entire depth of the well.

B) Design of well screen

Well screens of many different designs and materials are available. Well screen has
openings or slots through which water from the aquifer flows in to the well. The proper
design of the well screens, and the way it is set in the bore hole, govern a large part of
the hydraulic efficiency and the useful life of the well.

The design of the well screen consists of:

 The length of the screen

 Its location

 percentage of open area

 Size & shape of slots

 The selection of the screen materials

C) Design of length and size of screen

The total length of the screen to be provided for a tube well shall be primarily controlled
by the available thickness of the aquifers. A water well screen is usually a pipe with slots
or openings along its wall. Well screen serves as the intake component of a well and
support and stabilizes the aquifer. In case of confined homogeneous aquifers about 80 to
90% of central portion of the aquifer is selected for screening. Where homogeneous
unconfined aquifer is available generally, lower one third thickness of the well is


5.1 Pumps


A pump is a device that moves fluids (liquids or gases) by mechanical action. Water
pumps are simple devices. The primary function of a pump is to add hydraulic energy to
certain values of fluid. A pump serves to transfer energy from a power source to a fluid,
thereby creating flow or simply creating greater pressures on the fluid. Many types and
sizes of pumps are available, ranging in power from a fraction of one horse power to the
several thousand horse power. There is reliability of the service that will be given, the
first cost of the equipment, and the operating cost.

5.1.1 Purpose of pump

Pumps are used in water works for the following reasons

 To lift raw water from a surface source of supply

 To lift raw water from wells (underground source of supply)

 To deliver treated water to consumer’s taper at desired pressure

 To fill elevated storage tanks (distribution reservoirs)

 To supply fire – pressure for fire hydrants

 To pump chemical solutions

5.1.2 Selection of a pump

Factors affecting the selection of pumps

Before selection of a particular pump, here are various factors which must be kept in
view. Broadly following are the main factors which should be considered while doing
selection of pump for a particular scheme.

 pressure and capacity of liquid being handled

 properties of the flowing liquids

 Initial and maintenance cost

 Pump duty i.e. whether the pump is to transfer the liquid or to meter it

 Availability of spaces, size and position of locating the pump

 Speed of rotation and power required

 Efficiency and depreciation

 Standardization with respect to the types and make of pumps already

available at the site.

 Number of pumping units required.

Each pump has its own operating characteristic that limits its practical application. For
example, in centrifugal pump a small change in pressure difference causes relatively
large change in flow. Positive displacement pump, on the other hand, delivers an almost
constant quantity regardless of pressure fluctuation. Thus, if finite pressures are known
to exist in a particular application then the demand of constant supply liquid would be
met by installing a positive displacement pump the following points may be kept in mind
while selecting any pumping machinery for water works.

Reliability of service: It should be variable and should not fail suddenly and cause

Capacity: It should be capable of pumping required quantity of water

Cost: It should be cheap in initial cost

Power: The power which is used for running pumps should be available easily at low

Maintenance: The maintenance cost of running pumps should be as less as possible.

Efficiency: Pump should have higher efficiency

Centrifugal pumps

Centrifugal pumps are the most important types of variable displacement pump because
of their wide use. It is capable of delivering large quantities of water, against high as well
as low head condition, with good efficiency, combining those features with its other

attributes such as simplicity, completeness, and adaptability to different methods of
driving initiated us to select this type of pump.

The two most commonly used types of centrifugal pumps are: -

 Vertical spindle pump

 Submersible pump

1. Vertical spindle pump: It is frequently used for pumping water form a well. The
driving motor is at the surface and the pump is immersed in water and it must, therefore,
driven by a vertical spindle. This spindle rotates with in tube or sleeve which is held
centrally in the raising main by spindle bearing the pumped water is delivered to surface
via the annular space between the sleeve and the raising main.

2. Submersible pump: The pump is connected directly to an electric motor or

generator sited immediately below it and this motor is capable of running under water.
The modern practice is to allow the winding to be surrounded by water from the well or
as a coolant and also as a bearing lubricant. From the above type harar town done by
submersible pump.

5.1.3 Determination of Pipe size for section pipe

Size of the pipe is determined by considering the discharge from borehole through the
pipe and permissible velocity of the flow in the pipe.

 Diameter of suction pipe for 2040

Velocity in suction pipe, permissible velocity of 0.6 – 1.5 m/s assumed v = 1.2 m/s for
our project. Q design = 15l/sec for single tube well (given)

Q= AV , A=

√ 4∗15∗x 1 o−3 m3 /se
π∗1.2m/ s
=0.126 m=126 mm

adopt pipe size, D = 130mm

Designing velocity depending on given Q (m3 /sec) and D (m)

Q = A*V, V= Q/A

V= 2
=1.13 m/ s

5.1.4 Determination of Pipe size form bore hole to chamber collection

Design of raising main

The raising main are to be designed for a period of 25 years. Economical diameter of
raising main according to Lea commonly used gives;

D =0.97 Q1/2 to 1.22 Q1/2

Where, D = Economical diameter in m.

Q = Discharge through raising main in m3/sec

Calculation of Economical Diameter

D=097 √Q ¿ 1.22 √Q

097 √ 0.015 ¿ 1.22 √0.015 = 0.12 m¿ 0.15 m

Take D = 0.15m =150mm

Velocity in pressure pipe should neither be too small requiring large pipe and / or
causing silting nor too large causing excessive head loss and / or scouring. The velocity
of flow in the pipe should be checked for minimum velocity to be 0.6m/s and maximum
of flow to be 1.5m/s.

Check the velocity: -

V= , Where Q = required discharge of water to be pumped in m3/s

A = area of pumping in m2

π∗¿ ¿ ¿

Therefore, the velocity is OK since it is within the allowable limit i.e. 0.6 to 1.5m/s

5.1.5 Determination of total dynamic head
The total head against which the pump must operate including the total static head and
total head losses.

TDH is represented by the following equation


Where HSt =total static head (i.e. elevation difference between the pumping source &

HLS = head loss in suction pipe

HLD = head loss in raising main (i.e. friction, bend, valve & velocity head).

Sample calculation for one bore hole.

Head loss from bore hole to junction for BH-1

Total head loss due to friction loss

2 gD

Where; f= coefficient of friction. l= length of the pipe in m.

V= average velocity of flow in m/s.

D = internal diameter of the pipe in m.



A reservoir is a man-made lake or large freshwater body of water. Many people think of
a reservoir as a lake and might even use the words interchangeably. However, the key
difference is that reservoirs are artificial and made by humans, while lakes are naturally
occurring bodies of water. Reservoirs are great because they provide a supply of water
for when naturally occurring bodies of water, like lakes or rivers, run dry.

Service reservoirs are entirely man made. They are usually stored in concrete basins
above or below ground. You might be familiar with the large water towers in the
countryside. This water tower is a service reservoir:

Distribution reservoir is also called service reservoir, which are mainly provided for
storing the treated water, for supplying water to the town or city. These reservoirs are
provided for meeting the water demand during breakout of fires, breakdown of pumps,
repair etc. The reservoirs avoid the hourly fluctuations in the water demand. Water
storage requirements should take in to consideration of the peak daily water uses and
maximum hourly demand, the capacity of the normal and stand by pumping equipment,
the availability and capacity of auxiliary power, the probable duration of power failure
and promptness with which repairs can be made, and to furnish water for such
emergencies as firefighting or accidental break downs.

5.2.1 Types of service reservoir Types of Reservoir

There are different types of reservoir depending on;

1) Geometry.

 Circular
 Rectangular
Advantages of circular reservoir over rectangular reservoir;

 The operational process with in the water often requires circular structures
to insure their systems of work are efficient and economical

 Circular tank is geometrically the most economic shape giving the least
amount of walling for a given volume and depth

2) Supports

 Resting on ground
 Resting under ground
 Elevated tanks
Advantages of ground reservoir over underground and / or elevated reservoir

 It is used to avoid active earth pressure on the reservoir wall, so that no

compressive force is develop during reservoir empty condition

 It reduces the excavation cost

 It is used to easily handle the operation and maintenance of accessories

5.2.2 Accessories of Service Reservoir
Following are the accessories of reservoir;

Inlet pipe – required for the entry of water

Outlet pipe– required for the withdrawal of water
Over flow pipe – to prevent the over flow of the reservoir and it collects to the
Float switch – to stop the pump when the tank is full
Float gauge – to show the depth of water in the tank
Wash out pipe – for washing out the suspended impurities in the tank
Man hole – for providing entry and inspection in the tank
Ladder – required for reaching the top and bottom of the tank
Ventilation – for fresh air circulation in tank and steel mesh is necessary for the
entry of fresh air as well as prevents the entry of birds, spiders etc.
Chlorinator – required in case when the water pumps in to the overhead
reservoir from the tube wells.

5.2.3 Determination of storage capacity of reservoir

The total capacity of reservoir is determining by adding the quantity of water required by
various purposes.

Their pumping hours for pumps are 20 hours. The analysis of storage capacity for the
two phases is as follows.

Phase –1 (2015 up to 2025).

Maximum daily demand of the town = 6388.7544m3 /d Hourly demand of the town =
6388.7544 6388.7544
= 266.2m3/hr. pumping rate (for 20hr) = =319.4m3/hr.
24 hr 20 hr

Table 23 storage capacity of reservoir in demand and supply for phase 1

Time Hourly Hourly Adjuste Cumulative Hourly Cumulative Excess

(hr.) factors deman d hourly hourly supply Hourly
d demand demand (m3/hr.) supply Demand Supply
(m3/hr. (m3/hr.) 3
(m /hr.) (m3/hr.)
1 0.25 266.2 66.55 66.55 319.4 319.4 252.9
2 0.25 266.2 66.55 133.1 319.4 638.8 505.7
3 0.25 266.2 66.55 199.65 319.4 958.2 758.55
4 0.25 266.2 66.55 266.2 319.4 1277.6 1011.4
5 0.5 266.2 133.1 399.3 0 1277.6 878.3

6 0.8 266.2 212.96 612.26 0 1277.6 665.34
7 1.65 266.2 439.23 1051.49 319.4 1597 545.51
8 1.35 266.2 359.37 1410.86 319.4 1916.4 505.54
9 1.6 266.2 425.92 1836.38 319.4 2235.8 399.02
10 1.6 266.2 425.92 2262.7 319.4 2555.2 292.5
11 1.6 266.2 425.92 2688.62 319.4 2874.6 185.98
12 1.45 266.2 385.99 3074.61 319.4 3194 119.39
13 1.35 266.2 359.37 3433.98 319.4 3513.4 79.42
14 1.35 266.2 359.37 3793.35 319.4 3832.8 39.45
15 1.4 266.2 372.68 4166.03 0 3832.8 333.23
16 1.45 266.2 385.99 4552.02 0 3832.8 719.22
17 1.5 266.2 399.3 4951.32 319.4 4152.2 798.82
18 1.4 266.2 372.68 5324 319.4 4471.6 852.4
19 1.25 266.2 332.75 5656.75 319.4 4791 865.75
20 1.05 266.2 279.51 5936.26 319.4 5110.4 825.86
21 0.9 266.2 239.58 6175.84 319.4 5429.8 746.04
22 0.7 266.2 186.34 6362.18 319.4 5749.2 612.98
23 0.5 266.2 133.1 6495.28 319.4 6068.6 426.68
24 0.25 266.2 66.55 6561.83 319.4 6388 173.83

Maximum excess surplus = 1011.4m3. Maximum excess demand = 865.75m3

Storage volume is equal to the sum of maximum excess surplus and maximum Demand;
i.e. = (1011.4+865.75) m3 =1877.15m3

Existing reservoir capacity is 400m3

Capacity of new reservoir=1877.15m3– 400 =1477.15m3, Adopt, 1480m3

For phase -2(2025 up to 2040)

Maximum daily demand of the town = 56938.5972m3/d

Hourly demand of the town =56938.5972 /24 =2372.44m3/hr.

Pump rate (for 20hr) =56938.5972 /20 =2846.92m3/hr.

Table 24 storage capacity of reservoir in demand and supply for phase -2

Tim Hourly Hourly Adjuste Cumulati Hourly Cumulativ Excess

e factors demand d hourly ve hourly supply e Hourly
(hr.) (m3/hr.) demand demand (m3/hr.) supply Demand Supply
(m3/hr.) (m3/hr.) (m3/hr.)
1 0.25 2372.44 593.11 593.11 2846.92 2846.92 2253.81
2 0.25 2372.44 593.11 1186.22 2846.92 9693.84 8507.62
3 0.25 2372.44 593.11 1779.33 2846.92 12540.76 10761.43
4 0.25 2372.44 593.11 2372.44 2846.92 15387.68 13015.24

5 0.5 2372.44 1186.22 3558.66 0 15387.68 11829.02
6 0.8 2372.44 1897.95 5456.61 0 15387.68 9931.068
7 1.65 2372.44 3914.52 9371.13 2846.92 18234.6 8863.468
8 1.35 2372.44 3202.79 12573.93 2846.92 21081.52 8507.594
9 1.6 2372.44 3795.90 16369.83 2846.92 23928.44 7558.61
10 1.6 2372.44 3795.90 20165.73 2846.92 26775.36 6609.626
11 1.6 2372.44 3795.90 23961.64 2846.92 29622.28 5660.642
12 1.45 2372.44 3440.03 27401.67 2846.92 32469.2 5067.524
13 1.35 2372.44 3202.79 30604.47 2846.92 35316.12 4711.65
14 1.35 2372.44 3202.79 33807.26 2846.92 38163.04 4355.78
15 1.4 2372.44 3321.41 37128.68 0 38163.04 -1034.36
16 1.45 2372.44 3440.03 40568.71 0 38163.04 2405.67
17 1.5 2372.44 3558.66 44127.38 2846.92 41009.96 3117.41
18 1.4 2372.44 3321.41 47448.79 2846.92 43856.88 3591.91
19 1.25 2372.44 2965.55 50414.34 2846.92 46703.8 3910.54
20 1.05 2372.44 2491.06 52905.40 2846.92 49550.72 3354.69
21 0.9 2372.44 2135.19 55040.60 2846.92 52397.64 2642.96
22 0.7 2372.44 1660.70 56701.31 2846.92 55244.56 1456.75
23 0.5 2372.44 1186.22 57887.53 2846.92 58091.48 -203.95
24 0.25 2372.44 593.11 58480.64 2846.92 60938.4 -2457.76

Maximum excess surplus =13015.24m3 Maximum excess demand = 3710.544m3

Total storage capacity of reservoir = 13015.24m3 + 3710.544m3= 16725.784m3

Existing reservoir capacity = 1480m3 +400m3 =1880m3

New reservoir capacity =16725.784m3–1880m3 = 14845.784m3, adept 14900m3

Capacity of new reservoir =14900m3 –1880m3=13020m3, adept 13100m3


6.1 water treatment


There will be situations where treatment of the water is necessary to render it fit for
drinking and domestic use. The provision of any form of treatment in a water supply
system will require a capital outlay that may be relatively substantial. More important it
will greatly expand the problem of maintaining the water supply system, and the risks of
failure. Some water treatment processes are easier to operate and maintain than other, but
all need regular supervision and attention. When designing a water treatment plant, the
operational and maintain once requirements are key factors that must be considered

6.1.2 Purpose of water treatment

The purpose of water treatment

- To convert the water taken from a ground or surface source, the “row water “in to a
drinking water suitable for domestic use.

- To remove pathogenic organisms: - toxic substances such as heavy metals causing

health hazards.

- To remove suspended maters causing turbidity, iron and manganese compounds

imparting a bitter fester standing laundry and excessive carbon dioxide commanding
concrete and metal pars.

- To eliminate the corrosive properties of water that affects the conduit pipe

To remove the dissolved gasses and color of water softening etc.

6.1.3 Methods of Water Treatment

The common methods/processes of water treatment (water purification) are:

1. Aeration

2. Screening and grit removal

3. Plain sedimentation

4. Coagulation and flocculation

5. Filtration

6. Adsorption

7. Softening

8. Disinfections


The process of killing harmful bacteria from water and making it safe to the consumers is
said to be disinfection. The materials which are used for disinfection of water are called
the disinfectants.

Requirements of Good Disinfectant

1) Destroy bacteria/pathogens within a practicable period of time, over an expected

range of water temperature.

2) Effective at variable compositions, concentration and conditions of water treated.

3) Neither toxic to humans and domestic animals nor unpalatable or otherwise

objectionable in required concentration.

4) Not change water properties

Types of common disinfectant use

 Chlorine (Cl2)
 Chloramines (NH2Cl, NHCl2)
 Chlorine dioxide (ClO2)
 Ozone (O3)
 Ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

Post Chlorination

Usually it refers to the addition of chlorine to the water after all other treatment. The
calcium hypochlorite solution used for this project has 70% of available chlorine

Design discharge =0.04146m3/sec

Chlorine dose required =1.5mg/liter (assumed)

Quantity of chlorine required =1.5*41.46*3600*24 = 5.37Kg/day

Since we have assumed bleaching powder (calcium hypo chlorite) contains 70%
available chlorine, the amount of bleaching powder =5.37*100/70 =7.67kg/day.

Disinfection by Chlorination

Chlorination is the application of chlorine, not only accomplish disinfection, but also
used for taste and odor control. The various chlorine compounds, which are available in
the market and used as disinfectants are:

 Calcium hypo chlorite [Ca (OCl)2] – powder form

 Sodium hypo chlorite [NaOCl] –liquid form

 Free chlorine Cl2- Gaseous form

A. Calcium hypo chlorite [ Ca ( OCl )2] – powder form

Hypochlorite of calcium and sodium are using for chlorination of small water works,
private industry, colony or state. The hypochlorous acid so formed kills the
microorganisms in the water. Calcium hypochlorite should have 70% free chlorine.

B. Sodium hypo chlorite [NaOCl] –liquid form

In filtered water if liquid chlorine is applying at such point where adequate mixing is
work; it is most effective in disinfection.

B. Free chlorine Cl2- Gaseous form

When water is to be treating in large water works, gaseous chlorine is pure and has 100%
available chlorine. The decision to use chlorine gas or sodium hypochlorite is based on:

 Quantity of water to be treated

 Easy to handle, transport and apply

 Cost and availability of chemical

The chlorine dose shall be set (after test) in such a way that the resid

Chlorine demand

Chlorine demand is the difference between the amount of chlorine added to water and
the amount of chlorine remaining at the end of specified contact period. The chlorine
demand for sample of water depends on:

 Nature and concentration of chlorine

 Time of contact

 PH and temperature of water



The system of distribution water to consumers is called distribution system. The main
objectives of a distribution system are:

- To convey the treated water to the consumers with the same degree of purity.

- To deliver sufficient quantity of water for domestic, industrial and for emergency
cases like firefighting.

- To deliver water to the consumers with the required rate of flow & pressure head.

A good distribution system is one which fulfills the above criteria and which is also
economical easy to maintain & operate and water tight to the allowable extent. There are
various types of distribution system depending up on the method of distribution. The
adoption of one system or the other depends up on the relative elevation of the principal
elements of the scheme & the topography of the city.

6.2.1 Method of distribution

For efficient distribution, it is required that water should reach to every consumer with
required rate of flow. Therefore, some pressure in pipe lines is necessary which should
force the water to reach at every place. Depending on the methods of distribution, the
distribution system is classified as follows

I. Gravity system

II. Pumping system

III. Dual system or combined gravity and pumping system

1. Gravity system: This is the most reliable method of distributing water when there is
some ground level sufficiently above the distribution system (city). The adequate
pressure of distribution is maintained by gravity force only. Te reliability of this system
depends up on the size & vulnerability to accident of the main conduit joining the source
& the city.

2. Pumping system. In this system water is directly pumped in the mains. Since the
pumps have to work at different rate in a day, the maintenance cost increases. It is
preferred to have number of pumps and only the required numbers may work at various
times to meet the varying demand, in place of providing pumps of variable speed.

3. Combined gravity and pumping system: this method is the combination of the
above two. In this system the pump is connected to the mains as well as to an elevated
reservoir. When the demand increases it is satisfied by flow from the pump and the
reservoir. Since this system requires uniform rate of pumping and also meets the varying

 From the above systems mentioned, dual system is adopted for harar town water
6.2.3 Lay out of Distribution system
Generally, there are four different layout of distribution systems. Depending up on their
layout and direction of supply, they are classified as follows;

I. Dead-end or tree system

II. Grid-iron system

III. Circular or ring system

IV. Radial system

1. Dead end or tree system: - In this system a main starting from the reservoir is laid
along the main road and sub mains are taken off from it along roads joining the main
road. Branches and distributors are taken off from the sub main along streets and lanes
joining the road service connections are made from these braches.

This system is suitable for towns develops in irregular manner and has the advantages of
cheap initial cost, simple design calculation and easy extension of the system when
desired. The main disadvantages of this system are: the supply will be cut off if repair

work is carried on the main or sub mains, there are dead ends which may contaminate the
supply and it is difficult to meet the fire demand during repair

2. Grid-iron system (looped network)

This system is also known as reticulated system and is most convenient for towns having
rectangularor layout of roads. Actually, this system is an improvement of dead end
system. All the dead ends are interconnected with each other and water circulates freely
throughout the system. Main line is laid along the main road. Sub mains are taken in both
the directions along other minor roads and streets. From these sub main braches are taken
and are interconnected. This system removes all the disadvantages of the dead-end

3. Ring or circular system: - In this system the supply main is laid around the
distribution district (town). The town is divided in to a number of square districts and
around each district sub-mains are laid. The branches are taken from the sub-main and
are interconnected. This system is used only in well planned cities. It is main advantage
is that water can reach the consumer very quickly.

4. Radial system. In this system, the road should be laid out radially from a center.
Actually, this is a reverse of ring system and water flows towards outer periphery from
one point. The entire district is divided in to various zones and one reservoir is provided
for each zone, which is placed in the center of the zone. The water lines are laid radially
from it. This system gives quick service, without much loss of head. The design
calculations are also simple.

 Among the above mentioned layout of distribution system, grid-iron system (loop
network) is adopted for harar town. Because of the town having rectangular
layout of roads.

6.2.4 Selection of pipe material

Pipes are made from different materials like cast iron, wrought iron, asbestos, steel,
plastic etc. so that the material should be selected keeping in mind the following points.

 Ductile Cast iron (DCI)

 Galvanized steel pipe (GI)
 Asbestos cement pipe (AC)
 PVC pipe (Poly vinyl chloride)
 HDPE(high density polyethylene

For use in transmission and distribution systems, depending on many technical factors
the choices of pipe material should possess the following characteristics;-

 The material should both resistance to internal and external corrosion

 The pipe material ability to resist impact loads to water flow, suitable for
loading and joining facilities.

 Cost of pipe must be inexpensive, which depends on;-

 Carrying capacity of pipe 0
 Maintenance cost
 Durability

Among the above mentioned types of pipes, PVC pipe (Poly vinyl chloride) and HDPE
pipe is adopted for distribution main for harar town water supply project based on the
fulfillment of the above selection criteria.

6.2.5 Pipe Appurtenances

Appurtenances are different devices used for controlling the flow of water, for
preventing leakage and other similar purposes in the distribution system. The following
appurtenances are used for this distribution system.

Air valves: - an air valve should be located at every peak point of the distribution or
main pipe work to effect a complete release of gas bubbles, which bring about resistance
to flow conditions.

Fire hydrants:-this is installed on the main line and distribution system so as to break
the fire break at any instant. They are generally provided at all junctions of roads at 100
to 130m apart at place where fire break out is expected.

Water meter: - In any distribution system metering is very important because, the
measurements of water volume which helps to calculate the volume of water produced
and distributed to the users. It also helps for billing purpose.

Trust block: - the blocks are used to resist pressure applied by water and over burden
load. The blocks are constructed from concrete materials and usually placed at end points
of the pipe lines.

Valves: - they are installed at necessary points so as to control the flow of water for
pressure regulation, for emergency work in the system.

Flushing devices:-mostly located at low points in the pipe line for washing of the system
in a long time.

6.2.6 Nodal Demand computation

The nodal demand of the town was calculated based on land use. In this method the town
was divided according to land use and using average day demand a demand to area ratio
is calculated for the three types of land use i.e. domestic, public and industrial. The nodal
demand of each junction is then calculated by multiplying the corresponding demand
area ratio with the area the node is supposed to serve.


7.1 General

It is obvious that environment is every complicate system consisting of physical,

biological and socio economical system, and then construction of harar water supply
results in a variety of impacts : Both beneficial and adverse on environment. The
negative impact could be improved if an effective environmental impact assessment
(EIA) is implemented at an early age of project planning and design. If however a
development is not assessed for its likely impact, it may cause serious social and health

The most common adverse impacts on the environment due to water resource
development projects are

• Water borne diseases

• Land subsidence
• Deforestation in the u/s area of the project(storage area)
• Sedimentation of reservoir(cause flooding)
• Bird mitigation, wild life destruction
• Displacement of people

7.2 Description of Possible Impact

7.2.1 Negative Impacts of the Project

The adverse effects could possibly occur due to the implementation of this project

 Obstacle for traffic during construction

 Pollution of fresh quality water
 Flora fauna
 Public disturbance and safety
 Air pollution and public health wizard

7.2.2 Positive Impacts of Project

 General improvement of water supply situation and living standard of population

 Solves shortage of water supply in town
 Assuming an adequate supply of water in quality as well as in quantity for
 Control the problem of water related diseases.
 It saves time energy in collect-ion of drilling water.
 For conveyance of new industries and factories

7.3 Mitigation of Impacts

When such a project is implemented for the benefit of the community it could also have
adverse effects. It should be assessed and measures have to be taken. Now some of the
adverse effects and their corresponding mitigation measures are suggested.

7.4 Possible Adverse impacts

 loss of agricultural and grazing land due to project

 Reduction of flow for irrigation
 obstacle of traffic due to construction

7.5 Mitigation measures

 provides another plot of land to compensate the losses

 maintenance for the damage road
 Proper scheduling of project


8.1 Conclusion

It is not mystery for many of us as water is life. So water has to be supplied in

technological way to conserve it and to satisfy the consumers in quantity and quality as
well. The existing water supply system of Harar town will not satisfy the future demand.
This is happened due to the relation that the life time of the past system has exceeded its
design period and the demand of the town increases in accordance with growth of
population. So that the water supply scheme should be expanded by constructing
additional reservoirs, boreholes, with its electromechanical parts together with improving
the distribution systems proposed in this project paper. For the design, the population is
projected using Geometric increase method and the water demand throughout the project
is estimated by categorizing according to the level of service to be provided. To identify
the potential source of water for Harar town Finqile borehole can be considered to be a
possible source of Ground water

8.2 Recommendation

In order to maintain the project for its design period every components of the structure
should be constructed under the supervision of qualified personnel.
After the completion of the project, in order to deliver better service to the consumers the
office should be organized with good quality civil servants, office, work shop facilities
and different types of vehicles to facilitate the work for operation, maintenance and
The quality of water should be checked frequently. The dosage of chemicals that are
necessary for the treatment of water must be according to WHO and the Ministry of water
resource standards.


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