Sikagard - 63

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Chemical resistant epoxy protective coating

DESCRIPTION Anti-corrosion coating on steel elements within:

▪ Food processing plants
Sikagard®-63 is a solvent free, two part, total solid, ▪ Sewage treatment works
coloured epoxy resin based high build thixotropic pro- ▪ Chemical and pharmaceutical facilities
tective coating with high chemical resistance. It can be ▪ Beverage facilities
used on many types of structures or elements such as
cementitious, metallic and epoxy resin binder sub- CHARACTERISTICS / ADVANTAGES
strates. The chemical resistant properties provide sur-
face protection from aggressive chemicals that can ▪ Good chemical resistance
cause rapid degradation. ▪ Good temperature resistance
▪ Good abrasion resistance
USES ▪ Solvent free
▪ Low VOC emissions
Chemical resistant protective coating on: ▪ High build
▪ Concrete ▪ Impervious to liquids
▪ Stone ▪ Easy to mix
▪ Cementitious mortars ▪ Applied by brush, roller or airless spray
▪ Renderings
▪ Epoxy cement
▪ Epoxy resin-based products
▪ Steel

Chemical resistant protective lining for:

▪ Silos
▪ Bund linings
▪ Chemical mixing tanks
▪ Chemical containment tanks
▪ Fuel and oil tanks
▪ Sludge tanks
▪ Industrial chemical areas
▪ Sewage, effluent and waste water treatment

Chemical base Epoxy resin
Packaging Part A+B pre-batched 4 kg set
Part A (Coloured resin) 3 kg container
Part B (Hardener) 1 kg container

Shelf life 12 months from date of production

Product Data Sheet

February 2023, Version 02.01

Storage conditions The product must be stored in original, unopened and undamaged sealed
packaging in dry conditions at temperatures between +10 °C and +30 °C.
Appearance / Colour Part A (Resin) Coloured, Liquid
Part B (Hardener) Brownish, Liquid
Selected RAL colours available, please consult with Sika representative for
more details.
Applied colours selected from colour charts will be approximate.
The product uses an aromatic hardener and may change colour after ap-
plication. If final colour is of prime importance, select alternative Sika
Colour uniformity cannot be completely guaranteed from batch to batch.
Do not mix batch numbers in a single area.
For colour matching: Apply colour sample and confirm selected colour un-
der real lighting conditions.
When product is exposed to direct UV exposure (sun, lamp, skylight, etc.),
there may be some discolouration and colour variation, this has no influ-
ence on the function and performance of the coating.
Density Part A+B mixed ~1.5 kg/L
Part A ~1.60 kg/L
Part B ~1.11 kg/L
All density values at +27 °C.
Solid content by weight 100 %

Tensile adhesion strength Concrete > 1.5 N/mm2 (failure in (ISO 4624)

Steel (SA 2.5) > 15 N/mm2 (ISO 4624)

Heat resistance Exposure* Dry Heat

Permanent + 40 ° C
Short-term max. 3 d + 60 ° C
Short-term moist/wet heat* up to + 60 °C where exposure is only occa-
sional (steam cleaning etc.).
*No simultaneous chemical and mechanical exposure.
Chemical resistance Test medium 24 h 7d 42 d 6m
Acetone A A A A
Ethanol 96 % A A A A
Formic acid A A A A
10 %
Acetic acid 20 A A D D
Water A A A A
NaOH 50 % A A A A
Nitric acid 20 D C - -
Hydrochloric D D D D
acid 37 %
Sulphuric acid A D D D
50 %

Product Data Sheet

February 2023, Version 02.01

acc. IS 4631-1968, +30 °C
A = resistant, C = not resistant, D = resistant but with discolouration and/or
loss of gloss

Systems Roller coating (concrete surface):
Primer* 1–2 × Sikagard®-67/ Sikafloor®-161
Coating 2–3 × Sikagard®-63

High build lamination (1.5–2.0 mm):

Primer 1 × Sikafloor®-161 HC
1st lamination layer 1 × Sikagard®-63 + Sika® Fabric-50
2nd lamination layer 1 × Sikagard®-63 + Sika® Fabric-50
Seal coat 1 × Sikagard®-63

Mixing ratio Part A : Part B = 3: 1 (by weight)
Consumption Coating System Product Consumption
Scratch coat (optional) Sikafloor®-161 HC + Refer to PDS
Sika® Quartz 01 IN
Primer Sikagard®-67 / Sika- 0.2–0.4 kg/m2
floor®-161 HC
Roller coating Sikagard®-63 0.3–0.5 kg/m2 per coat,
dependent on substrate
condition and required
coating thickness
Lamination Sikagard®-63 + Sika® 1st layer: 0.7 kg/m2
Fabric-50 2nd layer: 0.6 kg/m2
Seal coat: 0.4 kg/m2
Note: For a theoretical dry film thickness of 100 microns (0.1 mm) approx.
0.15 kg/m2 must be applied.
These figures are theoretical and do not allow for any additional material
due to surface porosity, surface profile, variations in level and wastage etc.
Ambient air temperature +8 °C min. / +35 °C max.
Relative air humidity 80 % max.
Dew point Beware of condensation.
The substrate and uncured applied floor material must be at least +3 °C
above dew point to reduce the risk of condensation or blooming on the
Substrate temperature +8 °C min. / +35 °C max.
Substrate moisture content < 4 % parts by weight
Test method: Sika®-Tramex meter, CM-measurement or Oven-dry-meth-
od. No rising moisture according to ASTM (Polyethylene-sheet).
Pot life Temperature Pot life
+10 °C ~90 minutes
+20 °C ~45 minutes
+30 °C ~35 minutes

Product Data Sheet

February 2023, Version 02.01

Waiting time / Overcoating Before applying Sikagard®-63 on Sikafloor®-161 HC allow:
Substrate Temperature Minimum Maximum
+10°C 24 hours 4 days
+20°C 12 hours 2 days
+30°C 6 hours 1 day

Before applying Sikagard®-63 on Sikagard®-63 allow:

Substrate Temperature Minimum Maximum
+10°C 9 hours 3 days
+20°C 5 hours 2 days
+30°C 4 hours 1 day
Note: Times are approximate and will be affected by changing ambient
conditions particularly temperature and relative humidity.
Applied product ready for use Temperature Foot traffic Full cure
+10 °C ~24 hours ~15 days
+20 °C ~18 hours ~9 days
+30 °C ~12 hours ~7 days
Note: Times are approximate and will be affected by changing ambient

BASIS OF PRODUCT DATA with a minimum pull off strength of 1.5 N/mm2.
▪ The substrate must be clean, dry and free of all con-
All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are taminants such as oil, grease, coatings and surface
based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may treatments, etc.
vary due to circumstances beyond our control. SUBSTRATE PREPARATION


Incorrect treatment of cracks
Method Statement: Sikagard®-63 The incorrect assessment and treatment of cracks may
lead to a reduced service life and reflective cracking.
▪ Concrete substrates must be prepared mechanically
User must read the most recent corresponding Safety using abrasive blast cleaning or scarifying equipment
Data Sheets (SDS) before using any products. The SDS or diamond grinding machine to remove cement lait-
provides information and advice on the safe handling, ance and achieve an open textured surface.
storage and disposal of chemical products and con- ▪ Weak concrete must be removed and surface defects
tains physical, ecological, toxicological and other such as blow holes and voids must be fully exposed.
safety-related data. ▪ Repairs to substrate, filling of blowholes/voids and
surface levelling must be carried out using appropri-
APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS ate products from the Sikafloor®, Sikadur® and Sik-
agard® range of materials.
▪ High spots can be removed by grinding.
Strictly follow installation procedures ▪ All dust, loose and friable material must be com-
Strictly follow installation procedures as defined in pletely removed from all surfaces before application
Method Statements, application manuals and working of the product, preferably by brush and/or vacuum.
▪ The concrete or screed substrate has to be primed or
instructions which must always be adjusted to the ac-
levelled in order to achieve an even surface.
tual site conditions.
Mixing Mix full units only
▪ Electric single paddle mixer (300 to 400 rpm)
1. Mix Part A (resin) until the coloured pigment is dis-
Application persed and a uniform colour is achieved.
▪ Squeegee 2. Add Part B (hardener) to Part A.
▪ Short pile roller 3. Mix Part A+B continuously for 2 minutes until a uni-
formly coloured mix is achieved. Note: Avoid excess-
ive mixing to minimise air entrainment.
▪ The concrete substrate must be sound and of suffi- 4. To ensure thorough mixing, pour materials into an-
cient compressive strength (minimum 25 N/mm2) other container and mix again to achieve a smooth

Product Data Sheet

February 2023, Version 02.01

and uniform mix. LOCAL RESTRICTIONS
5. During the final mixing stage, scrape down the sides
and bottom of the mixing container with a flat or Note that as a result of specific local regulations the
straight edge trowel at least once to ensure com- declared data and recommended uses for this product
plete mixing. may vary from country to country. Consult the local
6. Wait for approx 3 minutes before application.
Product Data Sheet for exact product data and uses.
Application in high moisture The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
If > 4 % pbw moisture content, Sikafloor® EpoCem® tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
may be applied as a T.M.B. (temporary moisture barri- products, are given in good faith based on Sika's cur-
er) system. rent knowledge and experience of the products when
IMPORTANT properly stored, handled and applied under normal
Protecting the material after application conditions in accordance with Sika's recommenda-
After application, protect the system from damp, con- tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
densation and direct water contact for at least 24 strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
hours. ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
IMPORTANT particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
Temporary heating legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
If temporary heating is required, do not use gas, oil, from this information, or from any written recom-
paraffin or other fossil fuel heaters. These produce mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
large quantities of both carbon dioxide and water va- user of the product must test the product’s suitability
pour, which may adversely affect the finish. for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
1. For heating, use only electric powered warm air serves the right to change the properties of its
blower systems. products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
COATING OR LAMINATION APPLICATION refer to the most recent issue of the local Product
1. Apply the Product with a stiff brush or a short piled, Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which
solvent resistant roller. will be supplied on request.
2. Back roll the surface in two directions at right angles
with a short pile roller.
3. (For lamination only) The fabric should be embedded
in the ‘wet’ Sikagard®-63 using a special profiled
Note: Maintain a "wet edge" during application for a
seamless finish.
Note: Avoid puddles on the surface during application.
Clean all tools and application equipment with Sika®
Thinner C or suitable solvent immediately after use.
Hardened material can only be removed mechanically.

Sika India Pvt. Ltd. Contact:

620, Diamond Harbour Road Phone: +91 33 2447 2448
Commercial Complex II Fax: +91 33 2397 8688
Kolkata - 700 034
West Bengal, India


Product Data Sheet

February 2023, Version 02.01


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