Population Geography
Population Geography
Population Geography
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1 POPULATION GEOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1 POPULATION GEOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1. The distribution of 6.2 bilion people is ex- D. Factors that result in zero population
tremely equal. growth
A. False
A. Animistic
B. True
B. Polytheistic
2. a diagram that shows the distribution of a
C. Monotheistic
population by age and gender
D. none of above
A. population pyramid
B. population distribution 5. When a country provides generous mater-
C. population density nity leave policy, this can be considered an
example of
D. population doubling
A. Anti-natalist policy
3. What are push factors of migration?
B. Anti-immigration policy
A. Factors that attract people to a place
C. Pronatalist policy
B. Factors that push people out of their
D. Pro-immigration policy
home countries
C. Factors that result in negative popula- 6. The average number of people living in a
tion growth square kilometer is called
1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C
D. island
8. All of the following are reasons why peo- A. the control over ideas, inventions, pat-
ple migrate to megacities on the coast, EX- terns of behavior. Television and the In-
CEPT ternet are major diffusers.
A. because, like other cities, coastal B. the limitations of ideas, inventions,
cities have jobs and other opportunities patterns of behavior. Television and the
that many rural areas do NOT have Internet are major diffusers.
B. coastal cities have many jobs in C. the removal of ideas, inventions, pat-
tourism, because people like to visit the terns of behavior. Television and the In-
ocean ternet are major diffusers.
C. coastal cities are the best places to D. the spread of ideas, inventions, pat-
escape natural disasters, especially hur- terns of behavior. Television and the In-
ricanes ternet are major diffusers.
D. there are fishing jobs in coastal cities
13. Communication, disease, and culture are
9. The movement of people from place to examples of:
A. physical factor of population density
A. Migration
B. human factor of population density
B. Immigration
C. Emigration 14. Given a scenario where a country imple-
ments policies to promote family planning
D. Hybernation and control population growth, synthesize
10. A site where two or more rivers join is the potential effects on demographic tran-
called a site. sition, labor force, and social welfare pro-
A. confluence
A. Influence on demographic transition;
B. meeting place impact on labor force; changes in social
C. harbor welfare programs
B. No effect on demographic transition; 19. Number of births per year for every 1,
potential labor force improvements; no 000 people
change in social welfare programs A. birth rate
C. Decreased labor force participation; B. death rate
potential demographic shift; no impact on
C. natural increase
social welfare programs
D. migration
D. Enhanced demographic transition; re-
duced labor force participation; increased 20. One reason the world is growing so
government support for social welfare quickly is because
A. The world has infinite resources for ev-
15. Distribution of population refers to
A. the total number of people divided by
B. Birth rate is higher than death rate
total land area.
C. There are more and more places for
B. the size of population. people to live
C. the arrangement of locations on the D. Death rate is higher than birth rate
earth’s surface where people live.
21. Considering a country with a high pop-
D. an area that can support on a sus-
ulation density in urban areas, what in-
tained basis
frastructure challenge might policymakers
16. The enslavement of Africans who were need to address?
then shipped to the Americas is an ex- A. Insufficient housing availability
ample of cultural change being caused by B. Decreased demand for transportation
C. Low demand for public services
A. assimilation
D. Abundant green spaces
B. migration
22. Which of the following is NOT a stage of
C. labor demographic transition theory?
D. diffusion A. Pre-industrial stage
24. A 25. B 26. D 27. A 28. C 29. A 29. B 29. D 30. B 31. A 32. A 33. C 34. A
34. What are the factors that have led to pop- A. Urb
ulation growth in the last 200 years? B. Air travel
A. Food production, discoveries in medi- C. Monuments
cal science, and improvements in sanita-
tion D. Roads
B. Decrease in birth rate, increase in 39. What is population density?
death rate, and decrease in migration
A. The number of people in a location di-
C. Decrease in food production, decrease vided by the amount of space available
in medical advancements, and increase in
B. The number of births per 1, 000 per
D. Increase in birth rate, decrease in
C. The number of deaths per 1, 000 per
death rate, and increase in migration
35. What is population? D. The number of people who have moved
A. The total number of people who live in into an area
a specified area
40. The BEST definition of Ecumene is:
B. The number of births per 1, 000 per
A. the exact location of something, shown
through an address or map coordinates
C. The number of deaths per 1, 000 per
B. land that is high, such as hills, moun-
tains, and plateaus
D. The number of people who have moved
C. amount of earth’s surface (land) that
into an area
is filled with permanent human settlement
36. The period in the 1700s and 1800s during (towns and cities)
which many countries experienced rapid D. none of above
cultural change as they developed power-
driven machines and fcatories to mass- 41. The number of people on the planet contin-
produced goods is known as the ues increasing.
A. Communist Revolution
B. Information Revolution
C. Industrial Revolution
D. Agricultural Revolution
D. migration B. False
38. Which example can promote feelings of na- 42. New York City is an important site.
tional pride? A. harbor
52. Which is [likely to be] more densely popu- 57. What is the primary focus of population
lated? distribution studies in geography?
A. desert A. Tracking population migration patterns
B. coast B. Analyzing age and gender distribution
53. In a densely populated urban area, what C. Examining population growth rates
is a likely consequence for the population D. Mapping the spatial arrangement of
distribution within that region? people
A. Dispersed settlement patterns
58. What is it called when people permanently
B. High population density move from one place to another?
C. Low birth rates A. Population Density
D. Rural migration B. Migration
54. In a region experiencing a demographic 59. What if the following terms refers to early
shift towards an older population, what centers of civilization whose ideas and
impact might this have on healthcare and practices spread to surrounding areas?
social services?
A. language family
A. Decreased demand for healthcare ser-
vices B. ethnic enclave
B. Increased demand for healthcare and C. urban core
social services D. culture hearth
C. No impact on healthcare services
60. Land suited for agriculture is called
D. Decreased need for social services
A. population density.
55. People who have been forced to leave the
B. agricultural density
country they were living in to escape war,
persecution, or natural disaster. C. physiological land.
A. Migrant D. arable land.
B. Immigrant
61. When examining a region with a high pop-
C. Guest Worker ulation growth rate, analyze the potential
D. Refugee challenges it may face in terms of sustain-
ability and resource management.
56. “Push factors”-such as religious persecu- A. Potential resource depletion; strain on
tion or a lack of economic opportunity-are infrastructure
reasons people might decide to from
native country. B. Decreased demand for resources; effi-
cient resource allocation
A. emmigrate
C. No impact on resource management;
B. doubling time abundance of resources
C. zero population growth D. Increased demand for resources; sus-
D. negative population growth tainable resource utilization
62. In the context of population geography, A. emigration, decreased birth rate, nat-
what does the term “population growth” ural disasters
refer to?
A. developed
A. Increased demand for education; po-
B. developing tential challenges in workforce integra-
73. What term refers to the spatial arrange-
ment of people across a particular area? B. Decreased demand for education; effi-
cient workforce development
A. Population Distribution
C. No impact on education systems;
B. Population Dynamics seamless workforce integration
C. Demographic Transition D. Decreased demand for workforce de-
D. None of the above velopment; increased focus on education
74. Humans are most likely to heavily popu- 77. Which factor is NOT typically considered in
late a area. the study of population dynamics?
A. mountaintop A. Birth rates
B. desert B. Death rates
C. river delta C. Economic factors
D. tundra D. Migration patterns
75. Given a scenario where a country’s pop- 78. Which is NOT one of the push factors that
ulation is rapidly urbanizing, synthesize have caused migration?
the potential implications for both popu- A. Lack of job opportunities
lation distribution and demographic transi-
tion within that nation. B. Agricultural decline
80. Which is the positive factor affecting pop- 85. An example of an oasis site would be
ulation density
A. Job Opportunities
B. Religious Persecution
A. Harbor Site
C. Political Corruption
B. Hilltop Site
D. Warfare
C. Fall Line
D. Oasis 92. Which of the following is NOT an impact
migration has had on regions?
88. Define population density and distribution. A. cultural landscape
A. The average number of people in a B. traditions
given unit area and how a population is
C. climate
spread over an area.
D. language
B. The number of houses per square kilo-
metre and urbanisation rates. 93. What is the primary concern of population
C. Where people live on the surface of the geographers when studying population dy-
earth. namics?
C. anthropology A. snow
B. water
D. none of above
C. conflict
90. Sparsely populated areas such as the coun-
D. monsoons
try side
A. Urban areas 95. The number of deaths compared to the to-
tal number of people in a population
B. Rural areas
A. death rate
C. Suburbs
B. doubling time
D. Urbanization
C. population decline
91. Which of the following is a PULL factor? D. birth rate
96. Geographers divide the world into , B. The number of births per year for ev-
which are areas in which people share simi- ery 1, 000 people
lar way of life, including language, religion,
A. Population Distribution
B. Population Density
104. Evaluate the role of cultural factors in in- 108. What are the advantages and disadvan-
fluencing population dynamics, considering tages of living in urban areas?
how cultural norms and practices may im- A. Limited job opportunities, lack of
pact birth rates, death rates, and migra- amenities and services, lack of cultural di-
tion patterns. versity and entertainment options
A. Cultural norms impact birth rates and B. Advantages:better job opportunities,
death rates; potential effects on migra- access to amenities and services, cultural
tion patterns; cultural diversity diversity, and entertainment options. Dis-
B. No impact of cultural factors on pop- advantages:higher cost of living, pollution,
ulation dynamics; stable birth and death overcrowding, and increased stress lev-
rates; uniform migration patterns els.
C. Cultural practices impact migration C. Less access to job opportunities, lim-
patterns; no effect on birth and death ited amenities and services, lack of cul-
rates; cultural assimilation tural diversity and entertainment options
D. Cultural diversity influences migration D. Lower cost of living, cleaner environ-
patterns; potential effects on birth and ment, less crowded, and lower stress lev-
death rates; cultural norms els
105. Oil, arable land (land good for farming), 109. How are people spread out on the earth’s
and water are considered: surface?
A. Economic A. evenly
114. Damascus, Syria developed into a city be- B. The pyramid demonstrates a decreas-
cause of its location ing population
A. in an oasis C. The pyramid demonstrates a slow,
steady population growth
B. on a fall line
D. The pyramid demonstrates no growth
C. on a hill in population size
D. on an island
118. The information revolution has slowed
115. What is Monotheistic? cultural change because people around the
world are exposed to ideas and traditions
from around the world.
A. true
B. false
121. How does a population pyramid help gov- 126. By when will the population stop grow-
ernments? ing?
A. They can decide which people are A. 9 Billion people 2050
more important. B. 7 Billion people 2040
B. They can guess how many people C. 11 Billion people 2065
there will be in their country
D. 9 Billion people 2040
C. They can monitor everyone in their
country 127. What are the challenges of rapid popula-
tion growth?
D. They can make policies which can bet-
ter prepare the country for the way the A. Increased access to resources
country will look in the future. B. Decreased food production
C. Decreased population density
122. Which of the following is a pull factor?
D. Decreased urbanization
A. A cold and wet climate
B. Few job opportunities 128. Population growth and the number of
population on the earth means the same
C. Good lifestyle (both are synonyms)
D. Poor food
139. The count of the number of inhabitants of 144. Which land region of Europe stretches
a country at a given time is a from the Scandinavian Peninsula to the
A. Municipal Register countries of Spain and Portugal & is made
up of hills, plateaus, and mountains?
B. civil registration
A. Alpine region
C. general population census
D. none of above B. Central Uplands
C. Northern European Plain
140. Choose the correct option
D. Western Uplands
158. This population pyramid shows 162. A drought begins in India. The drought
(HINT:Think about the age of the most peo- causes a famine and people go hungry.
ple in the country and what that tells us Thousands of people begin to leave the
about the birth rate.) country to find a better life. In this ex-
ample, drought is a
A. Pull factor
B. Push factor
C. Proimmigration policy
D. Anti-immigration policy
B. Abundant resources; efficient infras- 170. Which land region of Europe consists of
tructure; improved environmental sus- several mountain ranges, including the
tainability Alps?
B. natural, political and economic causes west of the Alps & separate the countries
C. natural, political and personal causes of Spain and France?
D. none of above A. Balkan
B. Caucasus
176. Which of the following statements best
defines population? C. Pyrenees
D. Apennines
A. The total number of people living in an
area 182. Which city is built at a site where rivers
B. Where people are living and how narrow?
spread out or close together they are A. Sacramento
C. The average number of people living in B. Quebec
a certain area C. Athens
D. none of above D. Hong Kong
177. Negative population growth causes a 183. If a person arrives in a country and asks
shortage in for safety, what are they called?
A. workers A. Refugee
B. food B. Asylum seeker
C. Immigrant
C. energy
D. Migrant
D. technology
184. developed into a city because of its
178. What is a separator of countries or states role as a supply station for ships.
defined along physical geographic features
A. Jerusalem
such as mountains and rivers called?
B. Samarkand
A. Natural Boundary
C. Cape Town
B. Demographic Transition Model
D. Varanasi
179. The tool to graphically represent the pop-
185. These are reasons why someone leaves
ulation structure is
a place they were living
A. the bar diagram A. Push Factors
B. the population pyramid B. Pull Factors
C. the population map C. X Factors
D. none of above D. Human Factors
C. How the population is divided into 199. Technology & transportation are consid-
male and female ered what type of resources?
D. What percentage of the population is A. Movement
in each age cohort
B. Industrial
195. Where do the majority of people on Earth C. Capital
D. Cultural
A. Asia
B. Africa 200. the movement of people from place to
C. Europe
A. birth rate
D. North America
B. death rate
196. Which area is most likely to have the
LOWEST population density? C. natural increase
214. Which of the scenarios below might cause C. space travel, crop improvements and
the total population of a country to de- the emergence of the working class
crease? D. none of above
A. Drought leading to a lack of food
218. Analyze the effectiveness of demo-
B. Better nutrition and healthcare graphic transition theory as a framework
C. Pronatal policies for understanding population changes in
D. An increase in immigration to the coun- both developed and developing countries,
considering its applicability and limita-
215. Assess the effectiveness of policies A. Effective in developed countries; lim-
aimed at promoting population control and ited applicability in developing countries;
family planning in addressing overpopula- shortcomings in addressing specific de-
tion issues, considering their social, eco- mographics
nomic, and ethical implications.
B. Applicable in both developed and de-
A. Effective in controlling population veloping countries; comprehensive in ad-
growth; potential social and economic dressing demographic shifts
benefits; ethical concerns
C. Limited applicability in developed coun-
B. Ineffective in controlling population tries; effective in addressing specific
growth; potential social and economic demographics; applicable in developing
drawbacks; no ethical concerns countries
C. Limited effectiveness in controlling D. Effective in developed countries; lim-
population growth; potential social bene- ited applicability in developing countries;
fits; no ethical concerns shortcomings in addressing overall popu-
D. Effective in promoting population lation trends
growth; potential social and economic
219. Relatively few people live at , but
benefits; no ethical concerns
there are significant examples of people
216. This is a law that was created in the 70s living near coast and rivers.
to reduce the number of children born in A. high elevations (highlands)
the country It no longer exists.
B. desert
A. China’s One-Child Policy
C. wet
B. India’s One-Child Policy
D. polar regions
C. America’s Have-Fewer-Kids Policy
E. all are correct
D. United Kingdom’s One-Child Policy
220. Predict the future population growth of
217. Three causes of the Industrial Revolution this country.
A. technological development, the devel-
opment of means of transportation and
the development of the internet
B. the development of means of trans-
portation, the increase in agricultural pro-
duction and the increase in population
A. Negative Growth (the population will 224. Considering a country with a predom-
shrink) inantly young population, what demo-
graphic challenge might this pose for poli-
229. All of the following are facts about where 234. Which of the following is NOT a hilltop
most humans on earth live, EXCEPT site?
A. Almost 90% of all people live north of A. Athens
the equator.
B. Jerusalem
B. Most people live in areas near or on
mountains C. Rome
C. About two-thirds of world population
D. Paris
lives within 300 miles of the ocean.
D. Most people live in areas close to sea 235. Considering the principles of population
level. dynamics, synthesize the potential conse-
230. Which phrase best completes the title of quences of a country with high birth and
this list? death rates compared to a country with
low birth and death rates.
A. High dependency ratio, potential
strain on healthcare, and slower eco-
nomic growth vs. lower dependency ra-
tio, potential aging population, and stable
A. Free trade regions
economic growth
B. Urban areas
B. Rapid urbanization, increased infras-
C. Integrated neighborhoods
tructure development, and potential en-
D. Regional conservation areas vironmental challenges vs. slow urban-
231. When a person moves OUT of a country, ization, decreased infrastructure develop-
this is considered ment, and environmental sustainability
B. Culture
236. In a society where birth rates remain high
233. Which concept in population geography and death rates decline, what stage of de-
explains the transition from high birth and mographic transition theory is this indica-
death rates to low birth and death rates tive of?
in a society?
A. Pre-industrial stage
A. Population Distribution
B. Transitional stage
B. Population Dynamics
C. Demographic Transition C. Post-industrial stage
D. None of the above D. Agricultural stage
237. ? , a group that shares a lan- B. Decreased demand for healthcare; ef-
guage, customs, and common heritage. ficient labor force; enhanced social ser-
D. Increased population in rural areas; 243. What is a system for describing city
decreased urbanization challenges growth in terms of distinctive zones that
develop from the central city outward in
240. Evaluate the potential societal impacts of circles?
a country with a rapidly aging population, A. Demographic Transition Model
considering factors such as healthcare, la-
bor force, and social services. B. Concentric Zone Model
A. Increased demand for healthcare; po- 244. the model that uses birthrates and death
tential labor shortages; strain on social rates to show how populations in coun-
services tries or regions change over time.
A. demographic transition model 249. The reasons why people migrate are col-
lectively called
B. demographic terrain model
A. Push/Pull factors
C. doubling time model
B. Immigration
D. population transition model
C. Emigration
245. Government actions that are designed to D. Nomadic
reduce the number of people that have chil-
dren. 250. What is the term for a group of people
who share common ancestry, language, re-
A. Anti-Natal Policies ligion, customs, or places of origin?
B. Anti-baby policies A. ethnic group
C. Pro-natal Policies B. language family
D. Pro-child policies C. culture region
D. ethnic enclave
246. The place where cultures first devel-
oped and from which ideas and traditions 251. Geographers and historians study cul-
spread outward is called what? ture hearths because they are the centers
where the world’s first civilizations arose.
A. Cultural Diffusion
A. true
B. Culture Hearth
B. false
247. What is the demographic transition
252. In a region experiencing a decline in both
birth and death rates, what is a potential
A. A diagram that shows the distribution implication for the age structure of the pop-
of a population by age and gender ulation?
B. The model that uses birthrates and A. A higher proportion of elderly individu-
death rates to show how populations in als
countries or regions change over time B. A higher proportion of youth
C. The average number of people living C. A balanced age distribution
on a square mile or square kilometer of
D. No significant change in age structure
D. The variations in population that occur 253. Which of the follwoing does NOT influ-
across a country, a continent, or the world ence growth rates?
A. Hygiene
248. All of the European mountain chains pro-
B. Climate
vide natural resources for industries and
mineral resources, such as C. Education
A. copper D. Urbanization
256. What is population distribution? 261. The data of people who are born and die
are collected in
A. The number of males and females in a
given area or region A. general population censuses
B. The average age of people in a given B. the statistical institutes
area or region C. civil records
C. The number of people in a given area D. none of above
or region
D. Pattern of where people live within a 262. Given a scenario where a country expe-
given area or region riences a significant increase in birth rates
and a decrease in death rates due to im-
257. The spread of information, material, and proved healthcare, which phase of demo-
non-material characteristics from one cul- graphic transition theory does this repre-
ture to another is called what? sent?
A. Cultural Diffusion A. Pre-industrial stage
B. Urban Sprawl B. Transitional stage
263. A(n) is a person who has left his or 268. Evaluate the economic consequences of a
her home country due to crisis, such as war country with a high dependency ratio, ex-
or famine. amining its potential effects on productiv-
ity, government expenditure, and social
A. refugee welfare programs.
B. emigrant A. Potential strain on social welfare pro-
C. immigrant grams; decreased economic productivity;
D. resident alien increased government expenditure
B. Increased economic productivity; effi-
264. Which is a pilgrimage site for Muslims? cient government expenditure; enhanced
A. Jerusalem social welfare programs
B. Xi’an C. No impact on economic productivity;
C. Mecca stable government expenditure; reduced
demand for social welfare programs
D. Varanasi
D. Decreased social welfare programs;
265. How does the demographic transition increased economic productivity; reduced
model explain change over time in the pop- government expenditure
ulation of a country or region?
269. What has MOST helped humans live far-
A. by tracking life expectancy ther from natural resources?
B. by measuring the annual number of
live births per 1, 000 people
C. by tracking birthrates and death rates
D. by measuring the immigration rate
266. Which aspect of population geography
involves the study of birth rates, death
rates, and migration patterns?
A. Population Distribution A. Migration
B. Population Dynamics B. Industrialization
C. Demographic Transition C. Weather Patterns
D. None of the above D. Cultural Diffusion
267. One way that immigration can negatively 270. Industrialization changes where humans
impact a host country is live by:
A. Requiring support from government A. Stopping people from living in different
services, like welfare climate regions
B. Providing a larger workforce and fuel- B. Causing the decline of cities
ing the economy. C. Allowing people to live farther from
C. “Brain drain” (losing people with natural resources
higher education) D. Allowing migration to rural areas
A. Physiological factors
B. Emotional
C. Political factors
D. Physical factors
A. Cultural distribution
275. Push Factors B. Physical distribution
C. Population distribution
D. Economic distribution
C. 20-25 billion
280. Given a scenario where a country expe- D. never
riences a significant influx of international
migrants, analyze the potential impacts on 284. People migrate within a country or re-
cultural diversity and social integration. gion. These factors are called “push” and
“pull” factors. What is “Pull Factor”
A. Increased cultural diversity; potential
challenges in social integration
B. Decreased cultural diversity; en-
hanced social cohesion
C. No impact on cultural diversity; seam-
less social integration
D. Decreased social integration; poten- A. *things that draw or attract people to
tial cultural assimilation another place.
B. Lack of Job Opportunities
281. The crude death rate is the total number
C. * things that cause people to leave
of deaths for every 1, 000 people alive in
their homeland.
a place in a given year.
D. Good job Opportunities
B. FALSE 285. What is the birth rate?
A. The number of births per 1, 000 per
282. What is population distribution? year
A. Pattern of where people live within a B. The number of deaths per 1, 000 per
given area or region. year
B. The number of males and females in a C. The number of people who have moved
given area or region. into an area
D. The number of people who have moved
C. The average age of people in a given
away from an area
area or region.
D. The number of people in a given area 286. In a region with a high dependency ra-
or region. tio, analyze the potential challenges it may
face in terms of economic productivity and
283. According to the United Nations, at what social welfare programs.
number is world population expected to A. Potential strain on social welfare pro-
plateau? grams; decreased economic productivity
288. Assess the impact of international migra- 292. the variations in population that occur
tion on the cultural diversity and social fab- across a country, a continent, or the world
ric of a receiving country, considering both A. population pyramid
positive and negative aspects of cultural
B. population distribution
C. population density
A. Increased cultural diversity; potential
challenges in social integration; enhanced D. population doubling time
cultural exchange
293. What is the natural increase in demogra-
B. Decreased cultural diversity; seam- phy?
less social integration; reduced cultural
A. its the decrease of a population
B. its the increase in natural bureaucra-
C. No impact on cultural diversity; ef-
ficient social integration; increased cul-
tural assimilation C. its the growth of a population
D. Decreased social integration; poten- D. its the natural way people increase in
tial cultural assimilation; reduced cultural wealth
294. the growth of a population; the differ-
289. Most humans live of the equator, in ence between birthrates and death rate
the hemisphere. A. birth rate
A. south, northern B. death rate
B. south, southern C. natural increase
C. north, northern D. migration
D. north, eastern
295. What is it called when a person moves
290. What is urban sprawl? within a country?
C. Areas of high and low population den-
sity in a country
D. Where people live
A. Straits
A. True B. Money
B. False C. Oil
D. Religion
307. What is urbanization?
A. The number of people living on a 311. Religion is not considered part of culture
square mile or square kilometer of land because beliefs vary in different parts of
the world.
B. The variations in population that occur
across a country, a continent, or the world A. true
D. The movement of people from rural vil- 312. These are programs designed to help peo-
lages to cities ple with children with the costs of child
308. Europe forms the western peninusla of
Eurasia, the landmass that includes Europe A. Child Subsidies
and what other continent? B. Child Assistance
A. North America C. Child Endangerment
B. Asia D. none of above
313. A policy to make it easier for people to 318. Evaluate the potential consequences of a
move into a country is called country with a predominantly young popu-
lation for its education systems and future
A. Anti-natal policy
workforce development.
B. Pronatal policy A. Increased demand for education; po-
C. Anti-immigration policy tential challenges in workforce integra-
tion; potential economic benefits
D. Pro-immigration policy
B. Decreased demand for education; ef-
314. What is zero population growth? ficient workforce development; potential
economic drawbacks
A. The number of years it takes for a pop-
ulation to double in size C. No impact on education systems;
seamless workforce integration; poten-
B. The growth rate of a population tial economic stability
C. The model that uses birthrates and D. Decreased demand for workforce de-
death rates to show how populations in velopment; increased focus on education;
countries or regions change over time potential economic growth
D. The birthrate and death rate are equal, 319. Much of the earth’s landscape is inhos-
resulting in no population growth pitable.
315. What is an example of how a high human
population density can affect that popula-
tion’s health?
A. Diseases are likely to disappear
B. Diseases are likely to travel very
quickly throughout the population
C. Diseases are likely to travel less A. True
quickly throughout the population B. False
D. none of above 320. Does this population growth chart most
likely show a developed or a developing
316. The average number of people living in an country?
A. population distribution
B. population density
C. urbanization
D. population rate