Climate Change
Climate Change
Climate Change
1 + S
7 O N
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1 CLIMATE CHANGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1 CLIMATE CHANGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1. Which of the following is contributing to 5. Affecting government decision and policy
an INCREASE in carbon dioxide in the at- A. Political Aspect
B. Economic Aspect
A. deforestation
C. Social Aspect
B. photosynthesis
D. none of above
C. oceans
6. What substance that powers cars is the
D. all of the above
cause of pollution?
2. Which type of water is MOST dense? A. Petrol
A. fresh B. Milk
B. salt C. Digestion Max
3. Global warming refers to as? D. Water
A. Climate change 7. Which of the following is not considered to
B. Ecological change be a source of renewable energy?
C. Atmosphere change
D. None of the above
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. C
B. False A. oxygen
B. methane
13. Humus is made up of
C. water vapor
A. organic matter
D. carbon dioxide
B. minerals
18. Climate change causes sea levels to rise.
C. water Over the past 20 centuries, sea levels on
D. rock Earth have increased by
8. C 9. D 10. C 11. C 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. B 16. A 17. A 18. C 19. A
B. Output of Energy
C. Redistribution of Energy
D. Storage of Energy A. Preduce, Peruse and Precycle
B. Deduce, Deuse and Decycle
20. Which cause best completes the flowchart
C. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
A. increase in recycling practices
D. none of above
B. destruction of forests, especially trop-
ical rain forests 25. Wind, rain, humidity, pressure and temper-
C. decreases in pollution ature are elements of weather.
20. B 21. B 22. C 23. E 24. C 25. A 26. C 27. D 28. B 29. C
A. environment
B. reuse
A. climate adaptation
C. toxic
B. weather change
D. waste
C. climate change
D. weather adaptation 36. The atmosphere is considered to be a
A. carbon source
32. The Paris Agreement (2015) agreed to
B. carbon sink
keep global temperature increases below
37. Texas has long, hot summers.
A. 1 ◦ C A. Climate climate
B. 1.5 ◦ C B. Weather ��
A. Kyoto Protocol
C. I will advocate to plant trees so that
carbon monoxide and halogens will be ab- B. Endangered Species Act
sorbed by them. C. Climate Change Act
D. I will continue to use plastic bags when D. Mitigation
buying fruits from the market.
44. Which natural process removes carbon
39. The hole in the ozone was caused by: dioxide from the atmosphere?
A. chlorofluorocarbons A. forest fires
B. carbon dioxide B. volcanic eruptions
C. global climate change C. cellular respiration
D. agriculture D. photosynthesis
40. Which of the following is the bad news 45. Which of these has been described as the
about collocation? biggest cause of climate change?
38. C 39. A 40. B 41. B 42. A 43. A 44. D 45. B 46. C 46. D 47. A
A. work hard water
B. difficult to do B. weaker currents from less dense wa-
C. strengthen ter
D. none of above C. no changes and the currents stay the
59. What factors effect climate?
D. scattered results
A. Latitude
B. Mountains 64. Americans throw away how many plastic
C. Topography bottles every hour?
D. Vegetation
E. All of these effect climate
D. 400, 000 years 71. One of the best ways I personally can help
climate change is to
67. Which greenhouse gases does farming pro-
A. Throw my water bottles in the trash
B. Get a bigger car
A. Methane and nitrous oxide
C. Drive more
B. Carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide
D. Ride a bike
C. Oxygen and nitrogen
72. The most harmful gas in the atmosphere
D. Hydrogen and helium
74. Ozone in the stratosphere 80. Most stars are made of which gases?
A. causes skin cancer
B. prevents DNA repair
C. absorbs UV light
D. destroys CFCs
ing off the warming waters of the Gulf of A. Hydrogen only
Mexico will be less severe and less fre- B. Hydrogen and Lithium
C. Hydrogen and Sodium
A. True D. Hydrogen and Helium
B. False
81. To reduce your carbon footprint, you
76. It was that the company would face should eat food that is
some challenges during the transition.
A. Volume
B. Atmosphere
C. Inevitable
D. Reasonable
77. What is the main idea of the text we read? A. grown in other countries
A. Global warming could cause huge B. yummy
problems for the earth.
C. grown locally
B. Cars are the biggest source of pollu-
D. none of above
C. The North and South Poles are in seri- 82. IF I (HAVE) THE MONEY, I WOULD IN-
D. The earth’s temperature changes for
many reasons.
93. The two main factors that determine the 98. The average temperatures near Earth’s
climate of a region are and surface have gone DOWN about 2*F in the
past 100 years.
A. True
B. False
99. The sharp rise of CO2 in the atmosphere
A. altitude and pressure A. Temperature drop (glaciation)
B. pressure and temperature B. Agricultural revolution
C. temperature and precipitation C. Evolusi species
D. altitude and pressure D. Industrial Revolution
94. What consequences does climate change 100. We are doomed and there is no way to
have? (there may be 1, 2 or 3 correct an- try and stop or help global warming
swers) A. True
A. B. False
101. Which of the following is NOT a human
C. cause of climate change?
D. none of above A. Burning fossil fuels
95. What is the greenhouse effect? B. Power stations producing nitrous ox-
A. The warming of a planet due to
trapped radiation C. Variations in solar energy
B. the heating of a solid, such as a rock D. Deforestation
C. The cooling of Earth due to air pollution 102. What was the substance harming the
Ozone layer?
D. none of above A. SOx
96. What ������ are becoming more �������? B. NOx
A. humans C. Ill
B. droughts D. CFC’s
C. pollution 103. It is an international agreement to pro-
D. individuals tect ozone layer by phasing out the use
of ozone-depleting subtances. It is one of
97. Which human activity contributes the the most sucessful international environ-
MOST carbon dioxide to the atmosphere? mental agreement.
A. Fishing A. Paris Agreement
B. Burning Fossil Fuels B. CITES
C. Breathing C. Kyoto Protocol
D. Farming D. Montreal Protocol
104. Which of the following options are a 109. Starting with the in the late 1800s,
cause of climate change? Qual das human activities have resulted in an in-
seguintes opções é a causa das alterações crease in atmospheric carbon dioxide lev-
114. The amount of water vapor in the air. B. producing large amounts of methane,
A. pervious causing global warming
climate of a region are:
121. What is the amount of carbon released
A. altitude and pressure into the air because of one’s own energy
B. pressure and temperature use called?
C. temperature and precipitation A. carbon sink
D. altitude and pressure
B. carbon footprint
116. Decreasing ocean temperature causes the
density of the water to C. carbon release
A. decrease D. acidification
B. increase
C. stay the same 122. The are a windless zone.
D. fluctuate A. doldrums
117. Yesterday it snowed out, is this an exam- B. prevailing westerlies
ple of weather or climate?
C. polar easterlies
A. weather
B. climate D. jet streams
collecting many different types of informa-
tion about our planet.
A. end
B. conclusion A. yes
137. What is one way to describe climate B. no
141. Which of the following human activities
A. changes in the average global and re- gives off greenhouse gasses?
gional weather patterns
A. Large groups of cattle
B. change in seasonal patterns of a cli-
B. Factories and Power plants
mate zone
C. Cars and trucks
C. changes in the average weather pat-
tern of a city D. Trash in Landfills
D. none of above 142. Which country causes the most pollution?
138. In 2018 several large volcanoes erupted A. India
including the Popocateptl volcano in Mex- B. China
ico, which is still erupting today. It con- C. USA
tinues to pump ash and gas into the at-
mosphere. If nothing else was affecting D. Russia
the climate, how would the global temper- 143. is a thin layer of the atmosphere that
ature be affected by these volcanic erup- absorbs almost all harmful radiation from
tions? the sun.
A. The temperature would lower due to A. ozone layer
the ash reflecting UV radiation
B. The pH of the atmosphere will change
C. acid rain
C. The carbon dioxide that it emits will
D. exhaust fumes
help to raise the temperature
D. Volcanoes only affect plate tectonics, 144. Which of these is NOT a human-caused
not global temperatures increase in global temperature?
A. The addition of recyclable materials
139. Sea and land breezes over a large region
that change direction with the seasons are- B. Deforestation
called C. Farming
A. savannas D. The burning of fossil fuels
155. How does humidity affect air pressure? C. no
D. no
174. Soil is made up of C. agriculture
A. water, dirt, worms, and banana peels D. forestry
B. minerals, air, water, and organic ma-
180. Scientists can extract samples of ancient
air from ice cores
C. air, worms, plants, and headphones
A. True
D. water, worms, walnuts, and watermel-
ons B. False
175. Burning of fossil fuels hasn´t increased 181. What are convection currents?
the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmo- A. Currents formed from cold fluids rising
sphere leading to global warming. and hot ones falling
A. True
B. Currents formed from warm fluids
B. False such as air and water rising and cold ones
C. Not mentioned sinking
D. none of above C. how heat is transferred by direct con-
176. An effect of climate change is stronger
storms. D. Currents of air that cause climate
A. True
B. False 182. Which of the following is an example of
a natural resource?
177. Which of the following can help decrease
global warming? A. Minerals
184. Climates are classified by 189. How are greenhouse gasses harming our
A. plants and animals
C. I don’t know
D. none of above
203. Climate change has which of the follow- 208. Choose all options that are evidence for
ing effects on the weather? climate change
A. Precipitation
B. salinity
C. prevailing winds
D. gravity
205. Increased carbon dioxide causes an in-
crease in global temperatures by trapping 210. Why does deforestation effect climate
more in the atmosphere. change and greenhouse gases?
A. water
B. gases
C. heat
D. water vapor
206. What is happening to the average air
temperatures of Earth?
A. trees are homes for animals
A. Increasing
B. trees/plants are food for animals
B. Decreasing
C. trees/plants remove carbon dioxide
207. How does climate change affect the from the air
D. removing trees changes food webs
A. Extra CO2 in the air makes oceans
more acidic. 211. The heat bounces back
B. Climate change shifts the direction of A. to make electricity.
ocean currents.
B. there will be a meeting of nations.
C. Climate change reduces the level of
C. to space to make the earth cool.
minerals available in the ocean.
D. Burning fossil fuels adds pollution into D. and ice sheets are melting
the ocean. E. I sweat, and I even get dizzy.
212. This is the situation that threatens health, 216. What makes the Sahel region so problem-
property or the environment atic for the people of Chad?
A. DISASTER A. Its temperatures are higher and the
soil is worse than the Sahara
B. Too many people are packed into it and
C. HAZARD the land is only slightly better than desert
D. RISK C. There’s countless terrorist groups that
live there and constantly undermine cli-
213. Read the paragraph shown here and then mate change projects
choose the correct option
D. Uranium was discovered and now ex-
tracting it has taken priority over climate
A. Radio waves
B. Infrared radiation
C. Ultra violet radiation A. Pacific Northwest
D. Gamma rays B. northwest atlantic
220. What is the main greenhouse gas respon- A. Yes, because the particles from Africa
sible for global warming? increase
A. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) B. No
B. Glitter (because it’s fabulous) C. I don´t know
C. Oxygen (O2) D. none of above
D. Helium (He)
224. How do scientist know what the climate
221. Which of the following is the best inter- was like in the past? Select all the correct
pretation of this graph answers.
A. They monitor ice cores.
B. They monitor ocean sediments.
C. The observe / research paintings and
diaries from the past.
D. They monitor current weather.
226. Ireland is expected to get A. change in axial tilt (tilt of Earth on its
A. Warmer and Drier axis)
A. Decreased by 10 degrees
A. electricity
B. Increased by 2 degrees
B. biofuels
C. Decreased by 2 degrees
C. fossil fuels
D. increased by 10 degrees
D. wind power
228. Using evidence from rocks, scientists
233. Which substance is an acid?
have found that from 300 to 290 million
years ago, the amount of methane in the A. Bleach
atmosphere increased. What happened to B. Water
the energy absorbed by Earth’s surface
during this time? During this time, the C. Orange juice
amount of energy absorbed by Earth’s sur- D. Washing powder
234. Why does Mars get so cold compared to
A. stayed at a constant level.
B. changed unpredictably.
A. It is further from the sun
C. increased.
B. It is tilted more away from the sun
D. decreased.
C. It has virtually no atmosphere
229. is a very high position. D. It is more reflective than Earth
A. Aerosol
235. Which of the following is an example of
B. Spray a greenhouse gas?
C. Stratosphere A. Nitrogen
D. Proposes B. Carbon dioxide
237. What does carbon footprint mean? 241. The greenhouse effect is due to
A. the amount of carbon emissions that is A. The absorption and reradiation of in-
A. Starfish
B. Octopus
A. Increase the rate of deforestation. C. Jellyfish
B. Increase the rate of respiration.
D. Seahorse
C. Use more fossil fuels.
D. Plant more trees. 243. Winters in Minnesota frequently experi-
ence temperatures below zero.
239. It is the amount of water vapor in the air.
A. temperature A. Climate
B. humidity B. Weather
C. ocean currents
244. Where are the atmospheric measure-
D. none of above
ments of carbon dioxide taken?
240. is a change in the usual weather
A. Near a large forest
found in a place.
A. Weather B. In Hawai’i, in the midst of the Pacific
B. Climate change
C. none of them C. In the midst of a city
D. none of above D. Antarctica
246. As the Earth warms, increased evapora- events.
tion produces more clouds. Clouds increase C. 3. some gases in Earth’s atmosphere
albedo, reflecting more light away from catch heat.
the Earth. The temperature falls. Rates D. 4. can lead to the increasing of vol-
of evaporation fall. canic eruptions.
A. Positive Feedback Loop E. 5. many counties are focusing on.
B. Negative Feedback Loop 251. A temperate continental climate with
247. According to the graph above, what is the short cool summers and long, bitterly cold
information that you can find? winters is the
A. polar climate
B. subarctic climate
C. humid continental climate
D. tundra climate
252. The greenhouse effect is natural as it
A. The decrease of temperature within helps to sustain (keep) life on earth by
each year after 1880 trapping heat in the atmosphere.
B. In 1900, it recorded the highest tem-
C. The increase of temperature after
D. In 2020, it recorded the lowest temper-
causes for global warming. would be most helpful in reaching sustain-
A. Building more water treatment facili-
B. Planting trees to replace those that
are cut down by logging
C. Using natural gas instead of petroleum
D. Tilling the land to improve the soil qual-
A. True ity
B. False
268. Which BEST explains why is there an in-
264. Refers to abnormal weather caused by crease in CO2?
the warming of the Pacific Ocean
A. Drought caused by El Nino
B. Bagyo (TropicalCyclones)
C. Earthquake
D. Storm Surge
265. Carbon Dioxide is important in our atmo- A. Rapid boost in the by burning of fossil
sphere because it is required for photosyn- fuels
thesis and traps some heat, keeping the B. increase education about climate
Earth warm. However, human produced change
carbon dioxide is a problem because it
C. Population growth leads to exhaling
A. leads to higher global temperatures. more CO2
B. disrupts the natural cycling of other D. CO2 is released by the oceans as they
greenhouse gases. warm
C. add too much carbon dioxide to the
269. Which is a primary energy source used by
power plants to generate electricity?
D. causes uncontrolled photosynthesis.
A. 1970 A. positive
B. negative
B. 2018
C. cannot be determined
C. 2011
D. all of the choices
D. 2015
279. Which of the following is NOT a “Green-
273. Which of the following is a greenhouse house Gas”?
gas? A. Carbon DioxideCO2
A. Oxygen B. MethaneCH4
B. Nitrogen C. Nitrous OxideN2o
C. Helium D. O2
D. Carbon dioxide 280. Too many greenhouse gasses in the atmo-
sphere may block heat from escaping into
274. According to the WHO, what disease
space and trap too much heat next to the
could increase due to rising temperatures?
Earth’s surface causing:
A. HIV A. another ice age
B. Ebola B. global warming
C. Malaria C. earthquakes
D. Covid-19 D. volcanic eruptions
282. what is the consequence of climate
A. global heating
B. global cooling
A. -according to the information I
learned, in recent years, there have been C. global acid
many cases of intentionally burning forest D. global warming
and cutting trees
285. Burning fossil fuels releases aerosols
B. -Climate change that even change in
average weather or change the distribu- A. True
tion of the weather events in an area.In B. False
short, global warming.
C. -Eating more vegetables, fruits, whole 286. How might people with ������� ������� ����?
grains, legumes, nuts and less meat and A. upset
dairy can significantly reduce your envi- B. worried
ronmental impact. Producing plant-based
foods typically results in fewer green- C. positive
house gas emissions and requires less en- D. sad
ergy, land, and water.
287. Which of the following factors that im-
D. -warmer temperatures over time are
pact climate change are HUMAN ACTIVI-
altering weather phenomena and disrupt-
ing the normal balance of natural.This has
a direct effect on human life and all other A. cement production
forms on the earth. B. solar radiation
289. Greenhouse gasses DON’T trap heat into 294. Which word means the whole world?
the Earth.
A. floral
300. increase in global temperature It is com- A. Because it wasn’t really that cold
monly used to compare with the amount
B. because it could have been much
of carbon dioxide gas. Why?
colder if there wasn’t global warming
A. Carbon dioxide is more abundant than
other greenhouse gases. C. Because our President is right when
he says climate change doesn’t exist.
B. Carbon dioxide has a shorter period
of time to remain in the atmosphere than D. Because our temporary weather
other gases. doesn’t look at the overall climate of the
C. Carbon dioxide absorbs radiation bet-
ter than other gases.
305. Why does too much carbon dioxide in the
D. Carbon dioxide reflects radiation bet- atmosphere cause climate change?
ter than any other gas.
A. It cools our planet.
301. Which of the following could be used to B. Blocks out UV rays.
measure changing temperature over time?
C. Lets light escape.
A. Ice core samples
B. Barometer D. Traps heat and warms the planet.
C. Tilt meter 306. How is the average temperature of the
D. Anemometer earth determined?
311. to see something happen 316. How much water does it take to produce
A. witness one bottle of water?
B. overlook
C. slump
D. loom
318. How do scientists collect evidence about 323. Which of these is a carbon sink?
climate? A. Factories
A. using remote sensing from space with B. Landfills
satellites C. Oceans
B. by ground-based measurements of D. none of above
surface temperatures, carbon dioxide con-
centration and sea level 324. True or False? Ocean water expands and
takes up more space as it gets warmer.
C. by collecting “proxy data” from tree
rings, ice cores, and historical records A. True
B. False
D. all of the above
325. Glaciers are melt in:
319. Distance north or south of the Equator is
A. Summer
B. Winter
A. latitude
C. Autumn
B. elevation D. none of above
C. topography
326. What term is used to describe attempts
D. wind pattern to reduce the causes of climate change. An
example may be to reduce the consump-
320. Which of the following is NOT a green- tion of greenhouse gases include reducing
house gas? energy consumption.
A. Carbon dioxide, CO2 A. adaptation
B. Methane (natural gas), CH4 B. mitigation
C. Water vapor, H2O 327. Why do other stars appear so much
smaller than the sun?
D. Nitrogen, N2
329. in wich categories the natural risks can B. Destruction of houses of humans
be classified C. Oxygen creation
B. melting of Arctic sea ice 336. CO2 and other greenhouse gases (GHG)
C. collapse of Amazon rainforest into Sa- reduce the rate at which heat can escape
vannah biome into space.
D. massive release of CO2 from thawing
C. The temperature of the Earth in past 343. The following are examples of renewable
years energy sources except
D. Evidence of volcanic eruptions in past A. Geothermal
B. Coal
339. Which of the following is NOT an effect C. Hydrothermal energy
of climate change.
D. None of the above
A. an increase in wildfires
B. more severe storms 344. The core assumption of anti-globalists is
C. rising sea levels
A. Globalization benefits all equally.
D. in increase in earthquakes
B. Globalization leads to greater global
340. A warm ocean current justice.
A. brings moisture and warms nearby C. Globalization is malign, encouraging
land the rich to become even richer.
B. removes moisture and lowers temper- D. Globalization benefits minorities.
atures on islands
C. sinks deeper into the ocean 345. What do scientists have to measure
changes in Earth’s geologic past?
D. causes tsunamis
A. Direct temperature readings
341. Where does Carbon Dioxide CO2, come B. Climate proxies
C. Eyewitness accounts by cavemen
A. Breathing
D. none of above
B. Burning Fossil Fuels
C. Volcanoes 346. Which of the following is a carbon sink
D. All the Above (check all options)
A. ocean
342. Scientists predict that sea levels will rise
between by 2100. B. soil
C. forest
D. none of above
348. Which of the following processes is NOT 353. What is climate change?
involved in the water cycle?
D. the distance from the sun 355. Which of the following are greenhouse
352. Climate change causes extreme weather
conditions such as:
A. Flooding
B. Heat Waves
C. Hurricanes
D. All of the above A. Carbon dioxide
C. earthquakes
D. landslides 362. Which of the following is a significant con-
tributor to global boiling?
357. Based on the graph, approximately how
A. Planting trees
much did sea ice in the Arctic decrease be-
tween 1979 and 2015? B. Burning fossil fuels
C. Recycling plastic
D. Using renewable energy
366. Which one of these causes droughts? B. 78% oxygen, 21%nitrogen, 0.9% argon,
0.037% carbon dioxide
A. no sun
B. litter
C. no water or snow
A. It reflects greenhouse gases, cooling
D. none of these our planet
B. It absorbs solar radiation, which melts
367. An extinction affects animals and not
plant species.
C. It reflects solar radiation back into
A. True
space, cooling earth
B. False D. It absorbs greenhouse gases, pulling
them out of circulation
368. The ozone layer protects us from
A. Increased atmospheric heat 373. Paleoclimatologists can use tree rings to
study the climate of the past. The size of
B. CFCs the ring can help them determine the
C. UV rays of the year the ring represents.
D. Decreased atmospheric heat A. Precipitation
B. Temperature
369. Which one of these gases is a greenhouse
gas? C. Temperature and Precipitation
A. Oxygen D. Humidity
D. The same as climate. 381. What is one challenge that comes with
using alternative technologies to reduce
376. The gradual increase in the temperature
greenhouse gas emissions?
of the atmosphere is known as
A. Alternative technologies are not yet
A. sunspots
B. global warming
B. Alternative technologies consume
C. ice ages more fossil fuels.
D. arid C. Alternative technologies can be more
expensive than traditional technologies.
377. What gases do volcanoes release when
they erupt? D. Alternative technologies have been
proven not to work very well.
A. Lava and ash
B. Nitrous oxide and methane 382. If you took away the atmosphere’s nat-
ural greenhouse effect, and everything
C. Water vapor and carbon dioxide
else stayed the same, Earth’s temperature
D. none of above would be
378. Which action can reduce the greenhouse
gas emissions caused by driving?
A. taking more trips by car each day
B. driving gasoline-powered automobiles
C. using public transportation
D. living farther from the workplace
C. Chad and the Central African Republic 396. the vertical number line in a coordinate
are countries with high risk resilience plane
D. Mitigation and adaptation strategies A. x-axis
for countries with low risk adaptability
B. y-axis
take “carbon reduction” as an important
goal 397. where is the hole in the ozone layer lo-
391. The greenhouse effect is caused by cated?
A. Greenhouse gases in the lower atmo- A. australia
sphere absorbing solar radiation B. Sri Lanka
B. Greenhouse gases in the lower at- C. antarctica
mosphere absorbing radiation from the
Earth’s surface, and reflecting it back to D. kenya
398. Is climate change always harmful? Select
C. Too much heat in the atmosphere two that apply
D. Too much sunshine reaching Earth A. No, a positive climate change hap-
392. affects the amount of carbon in the at- pened before permafrost in Greenland
mosphere by converting a carbon sink into when there was a temperate forest be-
a carbon source. fore.
A. Cattle ranching B. Yes, like Noah and the flood, it’s al-
ways catastrophic.
B. Deforestation
C. No, Northern hemisphere tempera-
393. Each of the following are types of Alter- ture caused more glacier formation reduc-
native Energy except ing sea levels that made places near the
A. Nuclear Energy sea inhabitable again.
B. Hydropower D. Yes, we will eventually die from carbon
C. Solar Energy monoxide formation causing global warm-
D. Wind Power
399. What is the variation on the Earths orbit
394. What do greenhouse gases do in our at-
A. Milankovitch Cycle
A. They absorb radiation given off by the
Earth B. Milankovitch Cycles
B. They keep all the air within the Earth C. Rosankavich Cycle
C. They block harmful radiation from D. Brian
reaching the Earth
D. They make the Earth cooler 400. carbon dioxide is also known as
A. greenhouse gas
395. Greenhouse gasses basically keep our
earth warm so we can live. B. detritus
A. TRUE C. fossil fuels
B. FALSE D. bluehouse gas
A. Tropical
B. Temperate
C. Polar
B. Climate models
C. Current weather patterns
D. Greenhouse effect
413. Which process does not release CO2 into 417. Select the greenhouse gas(es)
the environment? A. carbon dioxide
A. combustion B. Methane
B. respiration C. Oxygen
C. decomposition D. All of the above
C. Department ofEducation B. The Sun
D. Department of SocialWelfare andDe- C. Electricity from power plants
D. Oil and Gas
427. Why are sea levels rising?
432. What does Climate Change mean?
A. Water heats up and expands
A. weather conditions over a year
B. Increase in rainfall
B. climate conditions daily
C. Heat melts glacier ice
C. the Earth needs help
D. Less animals to drink it
D. temperature, wind and rainfall in a
428. Which of the following is a renewable en- month.
ergy source?
433. What would be three impacts if the
A. Natural gas global conveyor belt shutdown?
B. Coal A. all weather patterns would change
C. Solar power B. oceans become more shallow
D. Petroleum C. increase of anaerobic bacteria & hy-
drogen sulfide
429. CO2 is
D. oceans become a stagnant puddle and
A. a chemical compound
mass extinctions
B. a type of fruit
434. In which year, more number of people
C. a form of energy
lived in urban areas than in rural areas?
D. a musical instrument
A. 2005
430. Cool air B. 2008
A. Rises C. 2013
B. Sinks D. 2019
C. Is less dense than warm air
435. What is one cause of human-made pollu-
D. Holds more moisture tion?
A. Burning of Fossil Fuels
431. What is the PRIMARY source of energy
for Earth’s Climate Change? B. Volcanic Eruptions
436. Within the carbon cycle, anything that ab- C. Organizing the relocation of citizens to
sorbs more carbon from the atmosphere safer regions
than it releases.
440. Afforestation will increase carbon diox- 445. What is a major contributor to methane
ide and decrease oxygen levels in the at- in the atmosphere?
mosphere. A. Fish
A. True B. Cows
B. False C. Peas
441. Galaxies are classified and named accord- D. Chickens
ing to their
446. According to World Health Organisation,
A. shape how many human deaths per year is con-
B. wavelength tributed by climate change?
C. distance from Earth A. 10, 000
D. cosmic background radiation B. 50, 000
442. What’s the Bangladeshi government do- C. 150, 000
ing to prepare citizens for flooding? D. 500, 000
A. Absolutely nothing since they have so
little money 447. The gas form of fossil fuels is
C. coal C. What?
D. heat D. A change that causes global warming
448. What type of waves do greenhouse
454. oxygen is a gas produced by and used
gases absorb?
A. Gamma waves
A. plants and animals
B. Long wave radiation
B. photosynthesis and carbon dioxide
C. Short wave radiation
C. animals and plants
D. Radio waves
D. carbon dioxide and photosynthesis
449. Which of the follow do not effect the cli-
mate of a region? 455. do we need to spread awareness re-
A. proximity to an ocean garding climate change in order to have a
B. region’s latitude brighter future
C. whether it rained today or not A. yes
D. the region’s elevation B. no
450. Which of the following best describes cli- 456. Soot particles deposited on ice or snow
mate? are called black carbon, and can warm the
A. day to day conditions of the atmo- planet because they decrease the of
sphere at a place in regards to heat, dry- the ice and snow.
ness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.
A. insulation
B. long-term conditions (months/years)
B. reflectivity
of the atmosphere at a place in regards to
heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc. C. albedo
451. Waterwheels and Dams are types of D. temperature
A. Geothermal Energy
457. When the Southern Hemisphere is closer
B. Wind Power to the sun what season is North America
C. Solar Energy in?
D. Hydropower A. Summer
459. refers to the average weather condi- B. Weather averages the weather condi-
tions in a place over many years. tions in a specific place over a long period
of time, while Climate describes the state
470. Which of the following could cause the cli- C. the process that causes our planet to
mate of a planet to change? have earthquakes
A. Volcanic ash from a huge eruption D. all the above
could block sunlight and cool the planet
B. An increase in Greenhouse Gasses 476. Choose the 3 fossil fuels.
C. Both of these are correct A. solar panels
D. none of above B. oil
471. Extreme weather conditions, such as C. coal
floods, forest fires, & hurricanes, are
D. gas
A. climate change 477. Which of the following is a factor that af-
B. precipitation fects climate change?
C. weather A. Greenhouse gases
D. natural disasters B. Rising temperatures
472. When the global temperatures rise, the C. Natural disasters
amount of CO2 D. All of the above
A. Stays the same
B. Rises 478. The seasons are caused by ?
C. Decreases
D. They have no relationship
480. Why are forests important for mitigating 485. materials in the environment that are
climate change? useful to people
A. It’s cheaper than fossil fuels 494. Choose the correct option
B. The sun’s energy would not run out for
billions of years
C. Solar energy recharges batteries
D. All of them
A. temperature
A. Climate
B. change
B. Weather
C. future
C. Global Warming
D. none of above
D. Temperature
495. Where does ocean water have the high-
491. What is the largest carbon sink in the
est density?
A. Subtropics
A. The Amazon
B. The Poles
B. The Oceans
C. Equator
C. The Deserts
D. The Forests D. none of above
492. Choose the correct option 496. Drought means there is a (a)
A. a shortage of rain
B. shortage of money
C. shortage of food
D. none of above
499. Climate change makes hurricanes 504. How is the atmosphere involved in the-
stronger because greenhouse effect?
509. What are empty calories? 515. Select the sources of methane.
A. Zero calorie foods A. Cattle
B. Foods with no nutritional value B. Landfilling of organic material
C. Bad foods C. Burning fossil fuels
burning organic matter
conditions such as:
A. greenhouse gases
A. flooding
B. thermal expansion
B. heat waves
C. conservation
C. cyclone
D. carbon dioxide
D. all of the above
517. This layer keeps us “not too hot in the
511. In earlier times, there was no climate summer” and “not too cold in the winter.”
change. It is only now that we are seeing Scientist call this the effects
climate change. A. greenhouse effect
A. True B. seasonal effect
B. False C. ocean effect
C. Decreased global temperatures and 525. What must people do to adapt to climate
extreme weather events change?
D. it produces radioactive waste 527. How does the government reduce carbon
522. Permafrost helps trees grow.
A. True
B. False
C. Maybe
D. Imma not sure
523. Which agreement allowed for a reduction,
and eventual elimination, of CFC produc-
tion and use? A. Offering financial incentives to reduce
A. Montreal Protocol household energy
B. Kyoto Protocol B. Offer more recycling facilities
C. Paris Agreement C. Changing for single-use plastic bags
D. Yo MaMa D. All of the above
524. What is a renewable resource?
528. Oceans cover approximately what per-
A. A resource you can reuse over and centage of our planet?
A. 15%
B. An object you cannot replace
B. 35%
C. Fossil fuels
C. 50%
D. A resource that has a nearly unlimited
supply D. 75%
529. CO2 and other green house gasses trap B. decrease carbon dioxide emissions
heat in the atmosphere like a warm blan- C. decrease rate of deforestation
ket wrapped around the Earth. This leads
to an increase in Earth’s average surface D. increase in wetland acreage
temperature called:
535. Which of the following is a natural cause
A. global heating of climate change?
B. global cooling A. Carbon dioxide emissions from cars
C. global acid B. Cows emitting methane as they digest
D. global warming food
C. Sunspot activity
530. True or False? “Agriculture is both im-
pacted and impacts climate change.” D. Burning caused by deforestation of the
A. True
B. False 536. Visible light reaches Earth’s surface
while infrared light is trapped as heat.
531. Where does most nitrous oxide emissions Which characteristic of Earth’s atmosphere
come from? causes this to happen?
A. fertilizers A. the hole in the ozone
B. permafrost B. atmospheric pressure
C. livestock C. the greenhouse effect
D. vehicles D. the inversion layer
532. As air pollution continues to be released 537. Which of these is not an observed impact
into the atmosphere, what becomes more of global warming?
depleted, resulting in an increase of ultra- A. Droughts are much more common,
violet radiation on earth? while flooding is much more rare
A. coral reefs B. The range of certain insects, such as
B. rainforests pine bark beetles, is increasing
C. groundwater C. Growing seasons in some regions of
the world are becoming longer
D. ozone layer
D. Glaciers in Greenland, West Antarc-
533. A pattern of weather over long periods tica, and the Andes and Himalayan moun-
of time. tains are shrinking
A. Climate
538. What is measured up and down on the Y
B. Weather axis in the red portion of the graph? (Click
C. Global Warming on the picture to zoom in)
D. Temperature
A. halibut
B. bay
C. sled
D. barrier
A. Radio waves
543. The ocean does not play a role in climate. B. Infrared radiation
A. true C. Ultra violet radiation
B. false D. Gamma rays
D. none of above
C. diseases such as malaria will increase
550. True or False:Use products rich in carbon D. there will be a longer growing season
dioxide. for farmers
554. a natural fuel such as coal or gas, formed
B. MALI in the geological past from the remains of
551. In which layer do virtually all weather living organisms.
phenomena take place? A. Greenhouse Gases
B. Carbon Dioxide
C. Fossil Fuels
D. Ice Cores
552. Increase in which gas is primarily respon- 556. What is the direct cause of rising sea lev-
sible for increased global warming? els?
A. Melting Sea Ice
B. Melting Land Ice
C. Climate Change
D. none of above
brings winds and rain clouds towards Aus- 571. Earth’s average surface temperature has
tralia and southern Asia is called increased about how much over the past
A. the girl 100 years?
566. Climate change is linked to all of the fol-
lowing EXCEPT: 572. All living things on earth are part of
A. longer heat waves A. the biosphere
B. rising sea levels B. the hydrosphere
C. stronger hurricanes C. the atmosphere
D. increased volcanic activity D. the geosphere
567. What does it mean to recycle? 573. Precipitation is very important for a nat-
A. Use again ural environment to stay out of a drought.
What is precipitation?
B. Throw something away
A. Good government policies about wa-
C. waste
D. endanger
B. Responsible water use.
568. What layer does Green House Gasses ef- C. Rain, snow, or ice that falls from the
fect? sky.
A. Troposphere D. A way to clean water so that we have
B. Ionosphere more to drink.
C. Ozone 574. is a gradual increase in average
D. Stratosphere global surface temperatures.
B. Collecting rainwater over the course of 590. What is the definition of CONVECTION
10 years to determine average precipita- A. When heat transfers through waves.
B. When heat transfers from objects that
C. Estimating the growth rate of a tree by are touching.
examining its rings
C. a hot liquid or air that expands, be-
D. These are all examples of proxies comes less dense, and rises or becomes
more dense, and sinks.
585. What is greenhouse effect?
D. Heat traveling from the sun
A. the process by which gasses hold heat
591. According to the data illustrated in this
in the air.
graph, what factors have caused the
B. water vapor and dioxide. global temperature to increase?
C. particles in the atmosphere.
D. heat
B. leeward D. 2100
B. False A. Melt
B. Freeze
598. If the ice-caps melt, will rise.
C. Evaporate
A. the deforestation
B. the coast D. none of above
A. Biosphere
B. Lithosphere
C. Hydrosphere
A. Bedrock D. Cryosphere
606. Which of the following is not considered 611. Made from decomposing plants and ani-
an air pollutant? mals
A. Ground Level Ozone A. Fossil fuels
B. Oxygen B. Fossil fuels
C. Carbon Dioxide C. Renewable energy
D. Sulfur Dioxide
D. Non-renewable energy
607. The following is an animal severely ef-
fected by climate change 612. What do we find in all living things espe-
cially coal and oil?
A. horses
A. cotton
B. camels
B. card
C. polar bears
D. dingoes C. cold
D. carbon
608. What is it?
613. Select all that apply. Which process
releases carbon dioxide into the atmo-
A. Combustion
B. Respiration
C. Photosynthesis
A. polluted clouds
D. Decomposition
B. acid rain
E. Diffusion of CO2 from the ocean
C. species die
D. a power station 614. How will climate change effect us?
615. Since the greenhouse gases have grad- 621. Which graph shows a long steady de-
ually risen, oceans and landmasses is in- crease in global temperature and then a
creasing day by day. dramatic upward spike in global temper-
C. The moon
D. Jupiter
627. What is the main cause of ocean acidifica-
tion? 633. What is the Greenhouse Effect?
A. Industrial pollution
B. Deforestation
C. Carbon Dioxide absorption
D. Volcanic eruptions
628. starve �i è
A. The name of climate change legislation
A. to change that passed by congress
B. to starve B. When you paint your house green to
C. to lose become an environmentalist
D. none of above C. When the gasses in our atmosphere
trap heat and block it from escaping our
629. Check the examples of how to reduce planet
your carbon footprint.
D. When you build a greenhouse
A. Turn off lights when not in room.
634. What happens when the amount of CO2
B. Eat food that comes from your local
in the atmosphere rises?
C. Travel by car as much as possible
D. Recycle instead of throwing everything
in the trash.
E. Use energy efficient lighting.
635. The best way for us to work towards re- 640. A primary reason we know that human
ducing the impact of global warming on our activity is causing an increase in global
civilization is to regulate carbon (and other temperatures is:
643. The main use of fossil fuels by humans is 647. Where does most of the human popula-
to use the thermal energy they contain to tion live?
produce A. Near the ocean
B. Near the mountains
C. In the desert
D. In the forest
648. Which is NOT one way to reduce your car-
bon footprint?
A. Car pool
A. biodiesel
B. Open cans of nitrous oxide in the
B. ethanol woods
C. electricity C. Take a train instead of a plane
D. nuclear power D. Change to energy efficient light bulbs
644. why is climate change important? 649. What did consumers primarily use this
A. the climate gas for that caused the thinning of the
Ozone? Choose all that apply.
B. the earth
A. gasoline
C. Climate change is increasingly recog-
B. coolants
nized as the driver of biodiversity change
with the most rapid increase. C. aerosols
D. the change. D. refrigerants
645. How do stronger wildfires and droughts 650. There have been periods on Earth when
relate to climate change. the climate was colder than the climate is
A. warmer temperatures mean hotter
fires A. true
B. false
B. more evaporation from the ground
makes the soil drier 651. Select the main causes of climate change
C. fires need carbon dioxide to burn A. Burning fossil fuels
D. greenhouse gases reduce the amount B. Deforestation
of water vapor in the air C. Dumping waste in landfill sites
646. What name is given to the current global D. CFCs-from fridges, air fresheners and
agreement among nations to reduce car- plastics
bon dioxide emissions? E. Increasing global population
A. Montreal Protocol
652. Which human activities contribute to
B. Kyoto Protocol greenhouse gas emissions?
C. Earth Summit A. Using renewable energy sources
D. Paris Accord B. Increasing forest cover
C. Reducing carbon emissions 657. Climate change can refer to any change in
D. Burning fossil fuels, deforestation, Earth’s climate-either warming or cooling.
gas emission by different facilities. Costly 668. What is an example of a non-renewable
permits or credits would be required to energy source?
produce more pollution.
A. Geothermal
C. Strict limits would have been set on
B. Hydroelectric
the amount of greenhouse gas emissions
that can be produced by any one facility. C. Biomass
D. Producing greenhouse gases would D. Coal
have been banned. 669. Which of the following is NOT a green-
663. The is the way in which heat is house gas?
trapped close to the surface of the Earth A. methane
by gasses. B. carbon dioxide
A. greenhouse effect C. oxygen
B. fossil fuels D. water vapor
C. heat effect 670. Agriculture may be impacted by flooding
D. global effect or increased droughts.
A. True
664. What is another way to say carbon diox-
ide? B. False
A. AG 671. If we act now we can help our planet
B. AU A. True
C. Ill B. False
D. H2O 672. What is depicted in the photo?
665. Tick the TWO greenhouse gases.
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Methane
C. Oxygen
D. Carbon monoxide
673. The temperature of the world has risen B. There are no positive effects
by what degrees?
C. Nice weather
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
A. winter
679. Since which year started the increase of
B. spring
C. summer
A. 1970
D. fall
B. 1985
676. what are some positive effects on climate
change? (Choose 2) C. 2000
A. Decreased mortality from cold waves D. 1950
684. This is a greenhouse gas.
A. thermosphere
A. Methane
B. stratosphere
B. Oxygen
C. mesosphere
C. nitrogen
D. troposphere D. none of above
681. Why are too many greenhouse gases bad 685. globalisation
for the environment?
A. Melting of glaciers and ice sheets due
to global warming.
B. The growth of closer economic, cul-
tural, and political ties between all coun-
C. Earth’s total greenhouse gas emis-
A. They cause trees to die. sions.
693. CFCs contribute to the destruction of the 699. Which pair below are the two main
sources of air pollution in urban (popu-
A. Greenhouse effect lated) areas?
B. Climate change A. vehicles, volcanoes
C. Ozone layer B. vehicles, industries
D. Rain patterns C. Industries, agriculture
694. The average amount of precipitation an D. All of the above
area receives over several years is
700. This graph demonstrates that:
A. Weather
B. Climate
695. Humans are doing to make greenhouse
effect stronger:
A. Carbon dioxide released into the car.
A. an increase in carbon dioxide often cor-
B. Burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil
relates with an increase in temperature.
and gas.
C. All of above B. an decrease in carbon dioxide often
correlates with an increase in tempera-
D. none of above ture.
696. Changes to the usual patterns climate, in- C. both carbon dioxide concentrate and
cluding more extreme events, as the Earth temperature change randomly over time.
gets warmer.
A. weather change D. none of above
B. climate change
701. A giant chess board is sitting in the bright
C. scientific Sun. How (and why) do the temperature
D. Stormy time of the dark and light squares compare?
697. This Milankovitch cycle is primarily re-
sponsible for change in season throughout
the year.
A. Earth’s equatorial bulge
B. Earth’s obliquity
C. Earth’s precession A. The dark squares would be warmer be-
D. Eccentricity cause they absorb more sunlight.
B. The dark squares would be cooler be-
698. When sea water rises above normal tide cause they reflect more sunlight.
heights in coastal areas.
C. The squares would all be the same
A. high tide
temperature because they’re the same
B. hurricane distance away from the Sun.
C. storm surge D. The light squares would be warmer be-
D. breakwater cause they absorb more sunlight.
702. What kind of organism takes out the 707. The EU has a target of how many degrees
most carbon from the atmosphere? of warming by the end of the century?
703. What sign of global warming is based 708. Materials that completely block the light
on the recorded accounts by people who are called?
described environmental situations in the A. Light
B. Opaque
A. tree ring analysis
C. Transparent
B. Ice core analysis
D. None of the above
C. Phenology
709. Volcanoes can cool the climate by
D. historical accounts
A. increasing wind speeds
704. Talking about sustainable development
B. releasing green house gases
C. releasing ash and particles
A. To talk about development and
progress. D. increasing air pressure.
B. To talk about progress for everyone 710. In the process of the greenhouse effect,
preserving nature. CO2 gas causes
C. To talk about long-term sustainable A. The rise of the earth’s surface temper-
costs. ature
D. none of above B. Decreased O2 gas
705. What do scientists use to collect informa- C. Increase in O2 gas
tion about the Earth’s atmosphere? D. The decreasing temperature of the
A. buckets to measure the rain earth’s surface
B. pencils 711. Is Global Warming an effect of Climate
C. satellites Change?
D. sticks and stones A. Yes
B. No
706. Which of the following is an example of
climate? 712. Rise in water level in oceans and seas due
A. An intense thunderstorm in Houston to melted ice sheets and glaciers causes?
713. The state of the atmosphere with respect 718. Greenhouse is a glass-covered building
to wind, temperature, cloudiness, mois- that absorbs heat from sun to help grow-
ture, temperature, etc., is the ing plants.
A. climate
B. weather
C. temperature
D. air pressure
714. A species immediately impacted by global
warming is the
A. grizzly bear
B. black bear
C. polar bear 719. is a change in temperature, precipita-
tion or other weather pattern over a long
D. panda bear
715. Water consumption when world pop- A. Climate
ulation increases.
B. Weather
A. increases
C. Climate Change
B. decreases D. none of above
716. Choose the best answerWhat is the 720. What do 97% of scientists believe is
meaning of the acronym ENSO? causing climate change?
A. El-Nido Southeast Oscillation A. animals and plants
B. El-Nino Southern Oscillation B. humans
C. European Nation Nation Spanish Orga- C. eco-friendly cars
D. energy conservation
D. Ecosystem and Niche Structure and Or-
ganization 721. How could La Niña affect weather during
the summer in North Carolina?
717. Hunger is caused by:
A. It could decrease wind.
A. war/conflict, population growth,
poverty, weather/climate change, lack of B. It could increase rainfall.
agricultural infrastructure, and poor farm- C. It could decrease rainfall.
ing D. none of above
B. weather/climate change, lack of agri-
cultural infrastructure, poor farming, lan- 722. The city wants to terminate one of the
guages/dialects, and illiteracy sewage treatment plants in an effort to
save money. This would then require
C. poor farming, languages/dialects, il- all sewage to be rerouted to a neighbor-
literacy, war/conflict, and population ing plant. The Environmental Protection
growth Agency is concerned that this would result
D. illiteracy, war/conflict, population in lower water quality for the surrounding
growth, politics, economics, and droughts inlets. Therefore, they begin monitoring
A. Spiral
B. Declining Arctic sea ice
734. Which process removes carbon from the
C. Sea level rise
D. Decreased snow cover
A. Decomposition
730. Possible human solutions for reducing B. Condensation
the impact of global warming and climate
C. Photosynthesis
change are
D. Respiration
A. turn off the electronics/lights when
they are not being used 735. Action to solve the problem of Global
B. use renewable energy in your home Warming
C. plant more trees and plants
D. all of the above
737. Which of these describes weather? 741. Choose the following choices that are
A. Today’s high was 82o true regarding Cap and Trade Policies.
A. energy supply
A. 25 degrees C
B. transport
B. 50 degrees C C. agriculture
C. -18 degrees C D. industrial
D. 0 degrees C 752. The majority of the scientific community
with the conclusions that global warm-
748. India has one of the largest supplies of ing is occurring and that it is largely due to
coal. human actions.
A. True A. Disagrees
B. False B. Agrees
C. Has not come to a consensus
749. We have been recycling plastic containers D. none of above
for 50 years. What percent of plastic con-
tainers are recycled? 753. Molecule with the highest greenhouse
trapping ability
A. 95%
B. 5%
C. 80%
D. 20%
755. The biggest threat to wildlife populations 759. How does CLIMATE CHANGE occur?
is A. because of the heat emitted by the sun
ural greenhouse effect, and everything D. Maldives
else stayed the same, Earth’s temperature
E. Netherlands
would be
A. 10-20◦ F warmer 770. Which biome is characterized by low tem-
peratures and low amounts of rainfall?
B. 30-40◦ F warmer
A. tundra
C. 10-20◦ F cooler
B. desert
D. 50-60◦ F cooler C. temperate deciduous forest
766. choose an image that matches “generat- D. tropical rain forest
ing power”
771. Melting of ice caps due to global warming
A. causes *select all the apply*
B. A. A rise in sea levels
C. B. Cooling of the earth
A. B. Ecology
C. Pollution
D. none of above
A. By saving energy.
B. By creating new industries.
C. By buying more cars.
D. By burning forests.
A. Wet
B. Dry 780. Scientists are using a computer simula-
tion to test ideas about climate on Earth.
775. Naturally present in the form of clouds. Looking at one period of time in the sim-
A. Carbon dioxide ulation, they notice that more energy en-
tered the Earth system than exited. How
B. Water Vapor might the amount of carbon dioxide have
C. Nitrous Oxide changed to cause this, and how would this
have changed the energy in the Earth sys-
D. Oxygen
tem? In the simulation,
776. Solar energy is A. carbon dioxide decreased, leading to
A. Energy from the uneven heating of the more energy in the Earth system and more
earth. energy absorbed by Earth’s surface.
B. Energy from burning fossil fuels. B. carbon dioxide decreased, leading to
less energy in the Earth system and less
C. Energy from the sun.
energy absorbed by Earth’s surface.
D. Energy from turbines.
C. carbon dioxide increased, leading to
777. The Earth’s climate is warmer than 50 less energy in the Earth system and less
years ago energy absorbed by Earth’s surface.
A. True D. carbon dioxide increased, leading to
more energy in the Earth system and more
B. False
energy absorbed by Earth’s surface.
778. Which of the following reduces CO2 in the
781. Climate researchers in Greenland can use
ice core samples to tell them about carbon
A. phytoplankton dioxide in the atmosphere in the past. The
B. tropical rain forests researchers have found an ice core sample
that shows there was a period when car-
C. oceans bon dioxide in the atmosphere decreased.
D. all of the above What happened to the amount of energy
absorbed by the Earth’s surface during this 784. What can cause climate change?
time? A. Food Waste
A. stayed the same B. Fossil Fuels
B. increased C. Melting Glaciers
C. decreases D. Ozone Depletion
D. changed unpredictably 785. When the ice caps melt. What will hap-
pen after?
782. Which of the following is a consequence
of global warming? (Choose all that ap-
A. Seas rising (flooding)
B. Loss of habitat for animals.
C. More severe storms and weather.
D. Increased forest fires and drought.
A. a decrease in the sea level
B. nothing changes
C. an increase in the sea level
D. water evaporates
786. There are large rivers of frozen water is:
A. Lakes
B. Hills
783. What is solar radiation?
C. Glaciers
D. none of above
787. is caused by an increase in green-
house gases in the atmosphere due to
burning of fossil fuels
B. Climate change
C. Paleoclimatology
D. Tree Rings
788. The greenhouse effect is caused by
A. more heat arriving at the Earth from 793. Which greenhouse gas is excessively re-
the sun leased by the combustion of fossil fuels?
C. Does not have an effect on glacial ice A. and causes sea levels to rise because
D. none of above it adds water to the ocean.
790. Which of these is a practice that sustains B. but does not cause sea levels to
or conserves natural resources? rise because the ice displaces the same
amount of ocean water as the melted ice
A. Leaving the TV on all day would displace.
B. Leaving the light switch on all day
C. Burning newspapers 795. Climate change has started, and will con-
D. Recycling cans tinue, to redistribute growing conditions
and fresh water
791. What should we do to Stop Climate
Change? A. TRUE
798. How many oxygen atoms does a 802. Which is NOT an alternative source of
molecule of ozone contain? electricity?
A. solar power
B. hydroelectric power
C. burning natural gas
D. wind power
803. What is climate change?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
807. The greenhouse effect is doing what to 812. refers to the release or discharge of
the oceans? something, often gases or pollutants.
808. Climate change is due to 813. What climate zone do we live in, here in
A. pollution
A. Polar zone
B. global warming
B. Temperate zone
C. deforestation
C. Tropical zone
D. All
D. End zone
809. What are greenhouse gases?
814. Please CHOOSE THREE things that make
A. Gases that cause climate change global warming even worse.
B. Gases that are used to make green col- A. fossil fuel
ored glass
B. fishing
C. Gases that emit green smoke C. deforestation
D. none of above D. farming
810. The line graph represents? 815. Indonesia’s 2030 NDC with international
A. 41%
B. 38%
C. 32%
D. 43%
A. Temperature 816. What is the independent variable?
B. Precipitation
C. Wind Direction
D. none of above
B. lung cancer.
818. What is the measure of distance in de-
C. headaches.
grees north and south from the equator?
A. latitude D. heart disease.
D. topography
820. Which direction is the graph trending? 825. How is climate change affecting biodiver-
A. down
A. decreasing
B. up
B. increasing
C. no change
C. it is not affecting it
D. Both up and down
D. none of above
821. When the northern hemisphere is tilted
towards the sun, which hemisphere is in 826. Why does climate change happens?
the summer? A. Is a long-term alternation of temper-
A. Northern ature and typical weather patterns in a
B. Southern place
827. All of the following are greenhouse 831. is the average weather in a region
gasses EXCEPT: over a long period of time?
830. What is the change in average air tem- 834. What is the tipping point of climate
perature after a volcanic eruption? change? (the point where we can’t stop
runaway global warming)
A. The average temperature immediately
dropped. Because dust helps prevent ra- A. 1 degree
diation. B. 3 degrees
B. The average temperature increased C. 2 degrees
immediately. This is because carbon diox-
D. .5 degrees
ide absorbs radiation.
C. The average temperature is slowly de- 835. Where is the Great Garbage Patch lo-
creasing. due to the release of energy cated?
A. Positive feedback mechanism mid-20th century is very likely due to the
B. Tipping point observed increase in anthropogenic green-
C. Negative feedback mechanism house gas concentrations.” What does
anthropogenic mean?
D. Unstable state of equilibrium
A. Naturally generated
837. A gas in the atmosphere made of 1 Car-
B. Human generated
bon and 2 oxygen atoms.
C. Unexplained
A. carbon dioxide
B. carbon sink D. none of above
A. methane
B. carbon dioxide
C. CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons)
A. A
D. ozone
B. B
839. What is measured left to right and la-
beled on the X axis? (Click on the picture C. C
to zoom in) D. D
853. Gases in the atmosphere that absorb 859. Are the land-based ice sheets in Green-
earth’s outgoing infrared radiation land and Antarctica continuing to lose mass
A. Greenhouse Gases (ice)?
854. Energy derived from the heat in the inte-
rior of the earth B. core mountain eruption
A. wind energy C. coronal major eruption
B. solar energy D. none of above
C. biofuels 861. In the past 120 years CO2 levels have
D. geothermal energy been increasing
A. True
855. It is the transfer of energy through air
and space by light waves (visible, ultravi- B. False
olet and infrared waves).
862. Where did the energy for fossil fuels orig-
A. radiation inally come from?
B. heat waves A. Animals
C. electric wave B. Plants
D. none of above C. Sun
856. Another term for combustion is D. Photosynthesis
A. Respiratory disease problems from
small dust particles PM 2.5
B. Problems of soil quality deterioration
and chemical accumulation in the food
C. The problem of pollution of water A. weather
sources results in a decrease in the quan- B. climate
tity of aquatic animals.
C. hydrosphere
D. Public health problems due to water
D. temperature
seeping through garbage piles in public
places 878. How many more students own a dog than
a hamster?
873. Our world is getting warmer
B. untrue
875. The Earth’s climate can be influenced by 879. The global temperature before industrial-
a number of naturally-occurring factors. ization.
These include A. more than 0.85 degrees Celsius
A. Volcanic activity B. less than 0.85 degrees Celsius
B. Changes in the sun’s energy output
880. are blown by the wind into rivers or
C. Fluctuations in the Earth’s tilt or orbit seas.
D. All of the above A. fossil fuels
876. The following is considered when calcu- B. greenhouse gases
lating your carbon footprint: C. plastic bags
A. amount of exercise you do per week D. forest fires
A. True
B. False
A. time
B. temperature anomaly
A. Average global temperatures de-
C. carbon dioxide
D. parts per million
B. Average global temperatures increase
C. The Earth’s magnetic field changes di- 888. La Nina will cause the weather in NC to
rection be
D. none of above A. warm and wet
884. An is a bang or a loud sound. B. cold and wet
A. Dim C. cold and dry
B. Explosion D. warm and dry
A. environmental
C. Ozone Depletion
B. psychological D. Greenhouse Effect
C. collective
896. How many years does it take for carbon
D. understandable dioxide in the atmosphere to disperse?
891. How much ice is lost in Greenland each A. 1 year
year? B. 10 years
A. None-nothing to worry about C. 50 years
B. 1 gigatonne (an ice cube with an edge D. 100 years
of 1 km)
897. The green house effect is known as:
C. 256 gigatonnes
A. trapping of the sun’s warmth in a
D. 137 gigatonnes planet’s lower atmosphere
892. Which of the following are NOT green- B. extended periods of rainfall
house gases? (Choose two) C. when a cyclone has formed
A. Carbon dioxide CO2 D. droughts
B. Oxygen O
898. oxygen is a gas produced by and used
C. Water vapor by
D. Nitrogen N2
A. sun spots
912. True or False? “Most of the current cli-
B. air masses mate change has been caused by the vari-
C. seasonal winds ations Earth’s orbit around the sun.”
D. currents A. True
909. Which of the following is NOT a factor B. False
impacting Earth’s climate?
913. In Australia, an invasive plant called
A. Elevation
prickly pear cactus has taken over agricul-
B. Longitude tural land, disrupting its ability to raise
C. Ocean Currents livestock or farm crops. A farmer is trying
to find a way to control the cactus without
D. Proximity to large bodies of water and
using chemicals and has decided to try us-
prevailing wind directions
ing a moth native to the cactus habitat that
910. Which of the following is the best conclu- feeds on cacti. After researching, which of
sion that can be made fro this graph the following discoveries would make the
moth less environmentally friendly than
chemical controls?
A. Moths cost more than chemicals.
B. Moths have a short lifespan and you
need to ask for more than chemicals.
C. The moth has been shown to eat some
plants native to the area if given a choice.
A. atmospheric carbon dioxide levels
have been decreasing since 1960 D. The moth can only eat cacti and would
B. humans have been working hard to de- go extinct on the farm once the cacti are
crease carbon dioxide gone.
C. Hawaii has a lot of carbon dioxide 914. a long period of time when there is a lit-
D. atmospheric carbon dioxide levels tleor no rain
have increased steadily since 1960
A. temperature
911. What are the economic consequences of B. ice cap
climate change?
C. drought
A. Increased tropical diseases such as
malaria. D. heat wave
A. oil rig
B. pylon
C. solar panel
D. power station
923. What does dominion mean? 928. Choose the correct option
A. The creation of Earth
B. Caring for others
C. Becoming vegetarian
D. The idea that humans have control
over the Earth
924. What effect is the melting of glaciers al- A. outskirt
ready havin on sea level?
B. port
A. Sea level is decreasing C. block
B. Sea level is rising D. region
C. Sea level is remaining the same 929. The core assumption of globalists is that
D. none of above A. Globalization does not exist.
B. Globalization is bad for everyone.
925. Which of the following is NOT an effect
of Global Warming? C. Globalization favors the rich.
933. The clothes that you wear on a given day C. Ozone Layer
are determined by your areas D. CFC Layer
944. What makes a species “invasive”? D. All of these
A. species that cannot adapt 949. What are speleothems?
B. making another species leave so that A. The mineral formations in caves
it can move in
B. A debris pile constructed by a woodrat.
C. moving to a new ecosystem where it
C. Indirect measurements of past cli-
does not naturally belong and taking re-
sources from natives
D. Measurements taken from gas bub-
D. taking up too much space
bles trapped in the ice
945. What country is having the biggest prob-
950. During an El Nino year, in NC we will
lem with IDPs moving in massive numbers
likely have what kind of winter?
to major cities?
A. cold and rainy/snowy
A. Bangladesh
B. hot and dry
B. Chad
C. cold and dry
C. Italy
D. no change in weather
D. Maldives
E. Netherlands 951. In the sentence:“The Earth is heating up”.
What is the meaning of “heating up”?
946. Climate Change is
A. get warm
A. Increases in Earth’s temperature only
B. going up
B. Decreases in the amount of precipita-
C. rising sea level
tion everywhere on Earth
D. none of above
C. A longer term change in the usual
weather conditions found in a place 952. Which factor is MOST important in deter-
D. Climatic events caused only by humans minig the density of water?
C. seasonal wind patterns carry warmer
winds during the summer and colder
winds during the winter.
D. the Earth’s orbit becomes more like an
oval to give us different seasons.
B. weather forecaster
980. How long does it take for climate to
C. climatologist change?
D. none of above
A. one year
975. which one is correct:what is human im-
pact on climate change? B. In every decade.
A. make water pollution C. In every hundreds to a thousand
B. continental drift years.
C. global warming D. None of the above
D. save energy
981. Is it weather or climate?
976. Where are the majority of the world’s ice
sheets currently located?
A. Northern Canada
B. The Himalayan and Andes Mountains
C. Northern Russia
D. Antarctica and Greenland
977. The inability of the body to maintain
homeostasis because of high tempera-
tures. A. Weather
A. homeostasis
B. Climate
B. heat stress
C. humidity 982. which country has taken most steps to
D. none of above reduce the carbon foot print
987. If your latitude is close to 90 degrees
North, you live in which zone?
A. Polar Zone
B. Temperate zone
C. Tropical zone
D. End zone
A. China
B. India 988. If the ice caps continue to melt, then there
is less albedo at the poles. This process
C. Norway will continue to melt more ice and have
D. United States less albedo. This is an example of a
A. fruit loops
983. What is one of the best things you can do
to help climate change? B. loop of the loop
C. negative feedback loop
A. Litter
D. positive feedback loop
B. Plant a tree
C. Relax 989. Which of the following best explains why
matter must travel through cycles?
D. none of above
A. There is an unlimited amount of matter
984. When is World Environment Day cele- in the universe, so it can take on any form
brated? at any time
A. being more energy-efficient 996. Human activities can NOT change climate.
B. using renewable sources of energy A. True
994. Which of the following has been at- A. cold and wet
tributed the cause for global climate
change? B. cold and dry
1000. what is climate change? 1005. which of the following will be the de-
scription for the picture?
A. Climate change is a long-term change
in the average weather patterns that have
come to define Earth’s local, regional
and global climates These human-
produced temperature increases are com-
monly referred to as global warming.
B. natural disasters or tsunamis
C. vehicles A. The death coral reef, the temperature
of the ocean is getting warmer and more
D. birds acidic than before. coral and some ani-
Explanation:done mals within the sea cannot live within this
1001. Melting land ice
B. The death coral reef, its die off be-
A. causes sea levels to rise because it cause of Human using fishing grenade to
adds water to the ocean. fish.
B. does not cause sea levels to rise be- C. The death coral reef, its die off be-
cause the water fills the space left by the cause of shortage of food and oxygen.
melted sea ice.
D. none of above
1002. Climate changes every day and it is 1006. This is a solution to Global Warming
never predictable
A. True A.
B. False
1008. The Earth’s average temperature has 1014. Livestock (cattle) contribute signifi-
risen by 0.9oC in the last 100 years cantly to global warming because they
emit , agreenhouse gas, to the atmo-
A. True sphere.
B. False A. Water vapor
1009. Which of the following “Greenhouse B. Carbon Dioxide
Gases” are totally man made? C. Methane
A. ChloroflourocarbonCCl2F2 D. Oxygen
B. MethaneCH4 1015. refers to something that can be used
C. Nitrous OxideN2O to replace or substitute something that is
D. Carbon DioxideCO2 not working or is lost.
A. Proponent
1010. Which is NOT a result of climate
B. Equivalent
C. Backup
A. the melting of ice caps and glaciers
D. Grand scheme
B. the warming of the ocean
C. mass production of crops 1016. What would happen if Earth consis-
tently reflected (radiated) more energy
D. rising sea level from the sun than it absorbed?
1011. Where are we NOT seeing the effect of A. no noticeable effect
climate change? B. the Earth would get hotter
A. rising sea levels C. the Earth would get colder
B. glaciers melting faster D. the Earth’s ozone layer would increase
C. flowers blooming at different times 1017. Methane is produced by
D. less rain in tropical areas A. Cows in large farms
1012. Which of the following are things we B. Factories
can do to reduce carbon dioxide in the at- C. Cars
mosphere? D. Drilling for oil
A. Car pool to school
1018. Trees are so important to our environ-
B. Do not waste electricity ment because they absorb which green-
C. Plant trees house gas?
D. All of the previous
A. Adopt a plant-based diet
B. Traveling by airplane
A. To pursue our plans
C. Cutting down of trees to be used in
furniture-making. B. To minimize its effects
D. Using a defective charger than buying C. To understand it causes
a new one. D. To support government programs
1028. What do warmer temperatures cause? 1033. It snowed yesterday. Is that an exam-
A. melting glaciers ple of what?
A. climate
1038. Increased carbon dioxide may cause 1044. Explain the concept of albedo and its
global warming by trapping more in role in climate change.
the atmosphere.
A. Albedo is the amount of carbon dioxide
A. water in the atmosphere, and it has no effect on
B. gases climate change.
C. heat B. Albedo is the temperature of the
D. ultraviolet radiation Earth’s surface, and it has no impact on
climate change.
1039. Which of these is not a cause of defor-
estation (the clearing of areas of trees)? C. Albedo is the reflectivity of a surface,
and it plays a role in climate change by in-
A. Mining
fluencing the amount of sunlight that is ab-
B. Wildfires sorbed or reflected by the Earth.
C. Agriculture
D. Albedo is the speed of wind on the
D. Tree planting Earth’s surface, and it has no connection
E. Logging to climate change.
1040. to cast forth, gush, or eject strongly 1045. What is the pattern
A. emit
B. spew
C. excoriate
D. allude
1041. There are many geological evidences
that can be used to study paleoclimate, ex-
cept which?
A. polar ice sheets A. As the years increase, the Carbon diox-
B. Ocean sediment ide concentration increases
C. Cove of the sea B. As the years increase, the Carbon diox-
D. sea water temperature ide concentration decreases
1042. Which of the following is not an effect C. As the years decrease, the Carbon
of climate change? dioxide concentration increases
A. Change in weather and climatic pat- D. As the years decrease, the Carbon
tern will not occur dioxide concentration decreases
B. Typhoons are becoming more likely
and dangerous 1046. Which of the following is produced by
1043. All frozen water on Earth is
A. Carbon Dioxide
A. Hydrosphere
B. Water Vapor
B. Lithosphere
C. Cryosphere C. Argon
D. Atmosphere D. Methane
1047. In terms of climate change, what is Italy 1052. Compare/Contrast global warming and
a pioneer in? climate change
1050. Sea breeze happens during the A. Coral because oceans are becoming
when the breeze moves from the cooler more acidic
water towards land. B. Polar bears because the ice they rely
A. day on is melting
B. night C. Ocean Food Chains because phyto-
plankton populations are dropping
1051. Scientists look for clues on the how the
D. All of these are correct
Earth’s climate was at any given time by
using evidence from 1055. What impacts does climate change
A. rocks and fossils have?
B. ice cores A. Ice sheets melting more rapidly
C. trees B. More extreme weather
D. corals C. Warmer oceans
E. all of the above D. All of the above
responsible for the greenhouse effect?
C. wind turbines
A. oxygen D. solar panels
B. water vapor
1062. When there is too much heat on the
C. methane Earth
D. none of above
1065. means to change something, such as 1070. Carpooling, riding your bike or walking
a decision or process, so that it is the op- will INCREASE the amount of carbon diox-
posite of what it was before. ide released.
1069. Does precipitation happen before or af- 1073. Disasters can be natural AND man-
ter condensation? made.
A. True
B. False
1074. The graph shows us that
A. before
B. after
C. during A. the earth temperature is always in-
D. none of above creasing
A. human beings in general
A. is not real.
B. number of people in a particular area
B. causes the Earth to heat up.
C. A measurement of people for a spe-
C. only affects tropical climates. cific area
D. only affects polar climates. D. All the inhabitants of a particular area
1076. What are the main sources of green- 1081. Glaciers have grown and receded over
house gases? the past 2 million years, it is noted that
A. Agriculture, industry, transport, and the most recent ice age was years ago
thermoelectric power plants. A. 1.5 million
B. Hydroelectric power plants, organic B. 25 thousand
farming, and artisanal fishing.
C. 10 thousand
C. Wind power plants, solar power
D. 30 million
plants, electric transport.
D. none of above 1082. Why is Carbon Dioxide considered to be
a Greenhouse Gas?
1077. Methane (CH4)
A. It has a biogeochemical cycle.
A. Greenhouse Gas B. It is created from plants .
B. Not a greenhouse gas C. It is a type of weather that occurs dur-
1078. The final stage of a low mass star is a ing a particular season.
A. Troposphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Mesosphere
A. True D. Thermosphere
B. False
1093. Climate and weather are the same
1088. What do you call the part of the at- thing.
mosphere where molecules escape into A. True
B. False
A. doldrums
1094. Which of the following does the en-
B. ionosphere
hanced greenhouse effect involve?
C. exosphere A. There are more greenhouse gases in
D. dead zone the atmosphere
B. More heat is trapped so global warm- B. the specific condition of the atmo-
ing occurs sphere at a particular place and time
C. Less heat escapes into space C. a complex community of organisms
D. All of the answers and the community’s environment
D. the weather patterns in an area over a
1095. Climate change is accelerated by low
period of several decades
snowfall and less ice coverage.
A. True 1101. A characteristic that helps an organism
B. False live in its environment is called
C. a report that states that the world’s an- 1117. What is an indicator that the overall cli-
nual carbon dioxide emissions would have mate of the Earth is getting warmer?
to drop by 2030
A. Ice caps melting
D. a report that states that the global CO2
emissions is 36.18 B. Palm trees being cut down
1113. Changes to an environment may make C. Volcanoes erupting
it more difficult for an organism to find-
D. Photosynthesis
A. food.
B. shelter.
1118. The handle of a metal spoon warms up
C. water. when it is placed in a hot bowl of soup be-
D. all of the above cause of
D. Desertification 1134. When Earth is farther from the Sun, like
in position 1, it is in
1130. Which of these is an observable impact
of global climate change?
A. Glaciers are shrinking
B. Growing seasons are becoming longer
in some areas
C. The range of insects is increasing A. aphelion
D. all of the above B. ellipses
C. perihelion
1131. What type of weather can be expected
in parts of the United States/Central D. none of above
America during an El Nino year? 1135. How long does it take for plastics to de-
A. Dryer weather teriorate?
B. Decreased evaporation A. 10 years
C. Increased precipitation B. 100 years
D. Cooler temperatures C. 100 years
D. they never go away
1132. The energy we use to function in our ev-
eryday lives can be classified as 1136. What causes urban heat islands?
A. movement of people from farms to
B. lots and lots of people heating their
C. roads and buildings absorb and retain
heat longer than vegetation does
A. Renewable or non-renewable D. soil erosion
B. Natural or non-renewable 1137. What does not pollute the air every-
C. Renewable and Natural day?
D. All of them A. cars
B. factories
1133. The burning of , such as coal, oil, and
natural gas adds Greenhouse gases to our C. recycling
atmosphere warming our atmosphere. D. airplanes
D. There is no trend in this graph.
A. Forests serve as a sink in the carbon
1149. Top three Country that contributed the cycle
most to carbon emission? B. Trees provide building materials
A. India C. Trees are an important food source
B. China D. Leaves of trees reflect all sunlight
away from the Earth
C. United States
D. Japan 1153. Next week the forecast says it will be
E. Russian federation
A. climate
1150. Factorise:3xy2 + 45x5 B. weather
( )
A. 3x y2 + 15x4
1154. The greenhouse effect is beneficial as it
B. math sux helps to sustain life on earth by naturally
C. no to math trapping heat in the atmosphere.
D. no
A. False
B. True
1156. There is nothing that can be done to stop 1161. Wasting less food is a way to reduce
climate change. greenhouse gas emissions.
1166. Which of the following is an example of C. They help the mother polar bear hide
a ‘natural disaster’? from predators.
D. All of the above.
A. the environment bon dioxide.
B. an earthquake C. Use natural gas instead
1176. All of these are green-house gases, ex- 1182. Identify the aim of mitigation strate-
cept gies.
A. CO2
1180. temperature w�ndù 1184. What are the causes of climate change
A. temperature and increased greenhouse effect? Select
all correct choices
B. poverty
C. flood A. burning fossil fuels
D. none of above B. agriculture
1186. Which is NOT a way to decrease your
ecological footprint? A. the hole in the ozone
B. the greenhouse effect
C. atmospheric pressure
D. the inversion layer
1195. Preserve
A. preserve and preserve
B. preservation, conservation
C. polluted
D. none of above
A. Rise in ocean levels
1196. Which of the following is the most com-
mon ozone destroying pollutants? B. Stronger hurricanes
A. Chlorofluorocarbons C. Changes in the amount of rainfall
B. particular matter D. Diversification of animal species
C. Nitrogen dioxide 1200. The condition of Earth’s atmosphere at
D. carbon monoxide a particular time and place.
A. weather
1197. Dead zones are low-oxygen areas that
develop on the seafloor. Scientists B. climate
hypothesize that phytoplankton blooms C. greenhouse effect
cause these dead zones. Phytoplankton D. none of above
blooms occur when excess nutrients are
introduced by pollution from fertilizers, 1201. trap heat from the sun inside earth’s
sewage plants, and the burning of fossil atmosphere.
fuels. Which of the following would most A. Maritime waters
likely cause an increase in these contribu-
tors to dead zones? B. Greenhouse gases
A. Rainfall patterns that increase fresh- C. Ocean tides
water runoff from terrestrial ecosystems D. Atmospheric pressures
B. Replacing coal-fired power plants with 1202. One advantage of solar and wind power
windmills over fossil fuels is that
C. Farming practices that reduce nitrate
and phosphate applications
D. Constructing efficient water-recovery
and treatment plants
B. wind and solar come from natural pro- 1208. IT’S A POSSIBLE SOLUTIONDispose of
cesses and fossil fuels do not. waste correctly?
C. wind and solar are nonrenewable re- A. YES
sources and fossil fuel are renewable. B. NO
D. wind and solar are continuously re-
1209. Climate change is good for the planet.
newable and fossil fuels take millions of
years to be formed. A. True
B. False
1203. Plastic, glass, metal, and paper are all
things you can 1210. “Business as Usual” in the NDC is the
A. reuse same as:
A. Do business safely
B. repurpose
B. Business habits
C. recycle
C. Business development
D. impact
D. Indifference to global warming
1204. Is this weather or climate:It was 105
degrees today 1211. Which of the following best de-
scribesthe motion of the squirrel between
A. climate 5 sand 8 s?
B. weather
1205. How are humans making greenhouse
gases of our own?
A. Burning fossil fuels in our cars
B. with large scale argiculture
C. all of these
D. none of above A. The squirrel’s speed increased.
B. The squirrel’s speed decreased.
1206. A fossil fuel formed from the remains of
plants in a swamp. C. The squirrel’s speed did not change.
A. It can lead to a major increase in 1213. True or False Soil is formed in a short
Greenhouses period of time.
B. It causes climate change and increase A. True
in the global temerature B. False
C. It leads to more factories C. Maybe
D. It causes a major decrease in people D. none of above
1214. Once in the Earth’s atmosphere, and D. the Earth gets colder
absorb the solar energy.
1219. Earth’s temperatures are stable because
A. True
D. none of above
B. False
1216. Global warming refers specifically to an 1221. True or false:Volcanoes release tons of
increase in CO2 and have caused our climate to warm
A. the number of storms on Earth. up in the past, but humans release signifi-
B. precipitation from Earth’s atmo- cantly more carbon then volcanoes.
sphere. A. True
C. temperatures everywhere on Earth B. False
D. Earth’s average surface temperature. 1222. Weather means atmospheric conditions
that occur locally over short periods of
1217. What is the process by which a gas
time-from minutes to hours or days.
changes to a liquid?
A. Percolation
B. Evaporation
C. Condensation
D. Precipitation
1223. At which location are direct sun rays 1228. Bacterias that decompose dead plants
striking Earth in the following diagram? release back into the atmosphere.
A. water
B. nitrogen
A. A C. oxygen
B. B D. carbon
C. C 1229. What Is Climate Change?
D. D A. refers to long-term shifts in tempera-
tures and weather patterns, cause by hu-
1224. What happens when solar energy hits man activities.
clouds in Earth’s atmosphere?
B. refers to long-term shifts in tempera-
A. It can be reflected or absorbed. tures and weather patterns, cause by the
sun’s activity or large volcanic eruptions
B. It can only be reflected.
and human activities.
C. It can only be absorbed.
C. refers to long-term shifts in tempera-
D. It is neither reflected or absorbed. tures and weather patterns, cause by na-
ture like the sun’s activity or large volcanic
1225. Where is the heat that is trapped during eruptions
the greenhouse gas directly coming from?
D. none of above
A. The Sun, directly
1230. What are greenhouse gases?
B. The Ozone Layer
A. Gases from chemical reactions of poi-
C. The Earth, directly sonous substances
D. The moon B. Gases from natural reactions of the
world around us
1226. True or false:Warm air moves away
from the equator, to the poles. Cold air C. Gases that trap earth’s heat
moves from the poles to the equator. D. Gases produced from photosynthesis
A. true 1231. Which layer of the atmosphere do we
B. false live in?
D. Ionosphere
D. none of above
1232. By what year will there be more plastic
than fish in the ocean? 1235. What are the variables?
A. 2050
A. Years and Carbon dioxide Concentra-
B. 2100 tion
C. 2150 B. YearsandAtmospheric pressure
D. 2200 C. YearsandAnnual Cycle
E. 2500 D. none of above
1233. Which of the following gases does not 1236. In which layer of the atmosphere does
trap heat? weather occur?
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Nitrogen
C. Water vapor
D. Methane
Explanation:Heat-trapping greenhouse
gases absorb and emit radiation within
the thermal infrared range. Water vapor,
A. Mesosphere
carbon dioxide and methane are Earth’s
most abundant greenhouse gases. Nitro- B. Thermosphere
gen, which makes up 80 percent of Earth’s C. Stratosphere
atmosphere, is not a greenhouse gas.
This is because its molecules, which con- D. Troposphere
tain two atoms of the same element (ni-
1237. What amount of oxygen is present in
trogen), are unaffected by infrared light.
the atmosphere?
1234. Why is the temperature in a greenhouse A. 10%
warmer than the temperature outside a
B. 21%
C. 35%
A. The heat is not allowed to escape from
the greenhouse D. 41%
1238. What are the social effects of climate 1242. leader l�ngd�o rén
change? A. farmer
A. Creation of environmental refugees B. boss
B. Increased health risks such as heat C. leader
stroke in the UK.
D. none of above
C. Increased forest fires.
D. Rising sea temperatures. 1243. What is weather over a long period of
E. Increased famine in areas that are too
hot and dry to grow food. A. A tropical vacation
B. Weather
1239. Energy from burning organic material.
C. Climate
A. Biomass
D. Science
B. Hydroelectric
C. Geothermal 1244. Which is not a factor that affects cli-
D. Solar
A. altitude
1240. What is the percentage of oxygen in the B. latitude
C. lakes and oceans
A. 78%
D. living organisms
B. 0%
C. 21% 1245. Regions closest to tend to have
warmer year-round climates.
D. 1%
A. Forest Fires
1241. What is the best description that we can B. South Pole
describe by looking at the picture?
C. North Pole
D. the Equator
1254. Recycle
A. reduce
B. Recycling
C. Reuse
A. D. none of above
1256. Starting with the in the late 1800s, 1262. This is when one plate goes under an-
human activities have increased planetary other
A. Revolutionary War
B. Cultural Revolution
C. Industrial Revolution
D. Building of the Sagamore and Bourne
1257. As greenhouse gasses increase, what
happen to heat flow out? A. Transform
B. Subduction
A. increase
C. Divergent
B. same
D. none of above
C. decrease
D. no trend 1263. An example of a marine organism that
needs calcium carbonate
1258. 7-An object that gives off light A. Sharab
A. Reflector B. octopus
B. Light source C. crab
C. Dull D. none of above
D. none of above 1264. The Montreal Protocol called for a reduc-
tion in the use of CFCs. What did we re-
1259. Burning coal, oil and gas release carbon
place them with?
A. IFC’s
A. true
B. false
1260. Check off all the NON RENEWABLE re- D. H2O’s
sources (3)
A. wind 1265. Which of the following is not a conse-
quence of climate change?
B. oil
A. Increased frequency of wildfires
C. water
B. Melting of polar ice caps
D. coal
C. Increased availability of fresh water
E. gasoline D. Ocean acidification
1261. what is EP 1266. Who pollutes more?
A. ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY A. Vlad’s grandmother (Isuf)
C. ECOLOGICAL PSY C. Dacia Slipper
D. EUROPEAN PSY D. A nuclear power plant
1267. Which is a period of dryer weather than C. Explain the Coriolis force and gravity.
D. Explains changes in the tilt of the
1277. What is happening due to the melting of C. the cycle of processes by which water
the ice glaciers? circulates between the earth’s oceans, at-
A. Nothing is happening mosphere, and land.
D. The action of clearing a wide area of
B. The water is getting colder
C. The sea level is rising
1282. Which of the following is NOT an exam-
D. The continents are moving out of place
ple of a greenhouse gas.
1278. Global warming is caused by natural fac- A. water vapor
B. oxygen gas
C. carbon dioxide
B. Falso
D. methane gas
1279. Human plays a big factor in the success 1283. Which surface has the greatest albedo?
of campaign against global warming.
A. Snow
A. True
B. Dark, exposed soil
B. False
C. Areas with dense plant cover
1280. Why is it important to have interna- D. Ocean water
tional cooperation to tackle the climate
change 1284. What is one negative effect of climate
A. No boundary between countries change?
A. It creates too many crops on farms.
B. Countries are not responsible
B. Glaciers grow larger and damage land.
C. Everyone should have responsibility
C. Warmer temperatures make extreme
D. It is a global issue
weather more destructive
1281. What is global warming? D. Scientists will no longer need to keep
track of global temperature.
C. temperature changes over long peri- 1290. At the beginning of the Industrial Revo-
ods of time lution global average CO2 levels were ap-
prox Now they are approx
1289. Does this dark asphalt road reflect or A. sea levels rising
absorb light? B. people getting rich
C. new countries are forming
D. glaciers melting
1294. The less ice on the planet the (a) likely 1299. IF CARS PRODUCE MORE GAS EMIS-
global warming will occur SION, IT (HAVE) AN EFFECT ON CLI-
A. a more MATE CHANGE.
B. less
C. it does not have an effect
D. none of above
1295. What are the impacts of climate
A. the environment is becoming hotter A. WOULD HAVE
B. rising of the sea level
C. melting of ice caps in a polar region
D. all of the above
1296. What are some predictions about local
changes brought on by global warming? 1300. Refer to the graph, which of the follow-
ing descriptions about global average tem-
perature is/ are correct?
A. The global average temperature has
gone up by around 0.8 ◦ C since 1880.
B. The global average temperature fluctu-
ated throughout the period.
A. More severe thunderstorms C. The rate of increase in the global aver-
B. Days warming faster than nights age temperature was high since 1980.
C. Rising sea levels D. none of above
D. All of the above
1301. What are examples of renewable en-
1297. Which greenhouse gas is produced by ergy sources? (2 answers needed)
A. Solar
A. Carbon Dioxide
B. Wind
B. Methane
C. Water Vapor C. Coal
D. Nitrous Oxide D. Gas
A. Greenhouse gases in the lower atmo- B. Growing water demand and growing
sphere absorbing solar radiation water supply
B. Greenhouse gases in the lower at- C. Reducing water demand and reducing
mosphere absorbing radiation from the water supply
Earth’s surface, and preventing much of
D. Reducing water demand and growing
it escaping into space
water supply
C. Too much heat in the atmosphere
D. Too much sunshine reaching Earth 1313. One indicator of global warming is that
sea levels are dropping in many parts of
1308. Human activities add greenhouse gases the world.
to the atmosphere, therefore we are car-
bon A. True
A. sinks B. False
1314. Why does too much carbon dioxide in 1318. What causes climate change?
the atmosphere cause climate change?
A. The increase in greenhouse gases
B. The decrease in greenhouse gases
A. It cools down our planet.
B. It blocks out UV rays. 1319. The World Health Organization (WHO)
has warned that the health of mil-
C. It traps heat and warms up our planet. lions could be threatened by increases in
D. It lets sunlight escape. malaria, water-borne disease and malnu-
1315. In the past, refrigerators, aerosol spray
propellants and cleaning solvents were all A. False
sources of a greenhouse gas known as B. True
A. carbon dioxide
B. methane 1320. Which layer has the Ozone?
C. chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) A. Stratosphere
D. nitrous oxide B. Mesosphere
1316. It is the atmospheric condition involving C. Thermosphere
hot or cold, rainy or dry, cloudy or clear
D. none of above
sky and stormy or calm in a short period
of time.
1321. (7-8) What are the most common cli-
A. climate mates experiences in the Philippines?
B. weather
C. season A.
D. none of above
1317. A glacier is
A. a large river that slowly flows towards B.
the ocean
B. a cave inside a mountain that contains
stalactites and stalagmites C.
C. a large body of ice that does not move
across the earth’s surface
D. a large body of ice and snow that D.
slowly moves towards the ocean
C. to recycle are called
D. fly A. helium gas
B. greenhouse gas
1335. What are greenhouse gases?
A. gases that cause climate change C. Citgo Gas Station gas
1336. When Earth is closer to the Sun, like in 1340. Which is NOT a effect of an increase in
position 2, it is in global temperatures?
A. Rise in ocean levels
B. Stronger hurricanes
C. Changes in the amount of rainfall
D. Diversification of animal species
A. aphelion
1341. When the sun’s warmth is trapped in
B. ellipses the troposphere along with gases, is called
C. perihelion
D. none of above A. Greenhouse Effect
1355. Which layer of the sun do we see? 1360. Natural gas is an example of
A. chromosphere A. Unlimited resources
B. photosphere B. Renewable resources
C. corona C. Renewable energy
D. core D. Nonrenewable resources
1356. Which is a the primary energy source 1361. Which is a true statement?
used by power plants to generate electric- A. Humans depend on oxygen, plants de-
ity in the United States? pend on carbon dioxide
A. coal B. Plants produce carbon dioxide
B. wood C. Humans depend on carbon dioxide,
C. gasoline plants depend on oxygen
1365. What is the main gas responsible for 1369. The greenhouse effect warms the Earth
causing global warming? by:
1374. How many gigatons of CO2 a year con- 1378. What does the UN programme REDD
tribute to the food we waste? stand for?
A. 3, 4
B. 6, 4
C. 5, 4
D. 4, 4 A. Ratifying Emissions for the Determina-
tion of International Declarations
1375. What are the impacts of climate
B. Recognised Executive for Drought and
A. Ocean Acidification
C. Reducing Emissions from Deforesta-
B. Smog tion and Forest Degradation
C. Coral Bleaching D. Realising that Everything is a Dreadful
D. Answer 2 &3
E. Answer 1 &2 1379. Sectors that do not contribute to carbon
emissions in the atmosphere are
1376. Which of the following anthropogenic A. Education
activities is most closely associated with
depletion of the stratospheric ozone B. Industry
layer? C. Transportation
D. Energy
A. Flooded cropland
B. Garbage incineration
A. an outlier
C. Mining of talc
B. proof that global warming is a myth
D. Disposal of refrigerators and air condi- C. evidence against climate change
D. none of above
E. None of these
1381. In what decade did scientists first warn
1377. A lot of rain can cause that global warming was occuring
A. landslides A. 60s
B. hurricanes B. 70s
C. earthquakes C. 80s
D. droughts D. 90s
1382. Climate change will cause deserts to de- D. Long term changes in weather
crease in size.
1388. Which of these options can you recycle?
B. False
A. ozone
B. radiation
C. greenhouse effect
D. evaporation
A. Memphis, TN
1417. Sometimes the hot air makes great big
B. Daly Waters, Australia storms called
1413. Climate includes the
A. temperature and rain of a region
B. temperature and the number of sunny
days of a region
C. Temperature, precipitation and wind
patterns of a region
D. Precipitation and nmber of sunny days A. Sun
of a region B. Cycles
1414. What is the ozone layer? C. Cyclones
A. A layer of methane in a building D. Stools
B. a layer of cake 1418. What is Biomass energy?
C. A layer of water where the pressure is A. Plant or animal material used as fuel
so high, air cannot go into the water to produce electricity and/or heat.
D. A layer of ozone in the upper atmo- B. Energy that we harness from the sun
sphere that absorbs most of the UV light by using solar panels.
that comes into our atmosphere. C. Energy that comes from moving water.
1415. Which of the following are indicators of D. Energy that we get from using wind tur-
climate change?[mark all correct answers] bines.
A. Decrease in glaciers 1419. What are petroleum products used for?
B. Decrease in snow cover A. Making plastics
C. Decrease in sea ice B. Cooking oil
D. Decrease in ocean heat content C. car fuel
E. Increase in temperature over land and D. Lubricating motor vechicles
1420. Powerful computers are required to per-
1416. The efeccts of the climate change can be form the calculations for scientists to de-
senses in: velop climatic
A. In the environment A. models
B. In the marine environment B. patterns
1433. The land on the side of the mountain
range is in the rain shadow.
A. Cold
B. westward
C. Cloud covered
D. leeward
A. 26, 000 years
1434. Clues to ancient climates were like come
from B. 40, 000 years
A. ice cores C. 100, 000 years
B. fossil tree rings D. 400, 000 years
C. plant pollens 1440. T/F:Water vapor is a greenhouse gas
D. all of the above
1435. What is not a greenhouse gas?
A. Methane
B. Nitrous oxides
C. Oxygen
D. Water vapor A. True
B. False
1436. Climate change is happening because
1441. Increase in which gas is primarily re-
A. human activities sponsible for increased global warming?
B. the ozone A. Carbon dioxide
C. it’s just a natural cycle of the planet B. Water vapor
D. the earth is getting closer to the sun C. Methane
1437. What causes acid rain? D. Nitric oxides
A. High concentrations of sulfuric or ni- 1442. True or False:Aladdin uses modern tools
tric acid from pollution and weaves a new magic:builds bridges,
B. Fertilizer use ships, towers and high-rise buildings.
C. Pesticide use A. False
D. CFCs B. True
1443. Which country is the second largest 1449. What country has been an innovator
emitter of carbon dioxie? when it comes to experimenting with a
wide variety of crops in salty soil/water?
1457. Which gas causes climate change?
A. carbon dioxide
B. hydrogen sulfide
1462. The man-made climate change is a very D. An Ice Age is a period of time of
scary real thing. Over the last several low temperatures, with glaciers and ice
decades the global temperature has been sheets expanding from the poles of the
A. The Earth would be the same
B. The Earth would be warmer
C. The Earth would be colder
D. The Earth would get smaller
A. True
B. False 1478. one of greenhouse gasses
1473. What is the overall purpose of photo- A. oxygen
synthesis? B. carbon dioxide
A. To use energy from the sun to produce C. nitrogen
food for the plant
D. chlorine
B. To use energy from the sun to produce
oxygen for animals to breathe 1479. Which biome is characterized by per-
C. To break down food in order to pro- mafrost?
duce energy (ATP) A. Taiga
D. To break down food in order to pro-
B. Tundra
duce carbon dioxide
C. Temperate Deciduous Forest
1474. Which of the following gases DOES NOT
trap heat? D. Savanna
1481. What two factors are affecting the 1487. UV rays can cause obvious short term
oceans due to climate change? damage, such as sunburn, as well as long
term damage that accumulates with each
1492. What are some effects of climate 1497. Which of the following is an example of
change? a greenhouse gas?
A. Carbon Dioxide
B. Nitrogen
C. Oxygen
D. Neon
1498. What greenhouse gas do volcanoes re-
A. Glaciers and ice sheets melting lease into our atmosphere that is at-
B. Seas rising tributed to climate change?
C. Storms getting stronger A. Nitrogen
D. All of them B. Carbon
1493. Rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls to or C. Carbon Dioxide
condenses on the ground. D. Methane
A. Condensation
1499. Fill in the blank with the appropriate
B. Rains vocabulary word. Tornadoes, hurricanes,
C. Shower and blizzards are natural
D. Precipitation A. devastations
B. disasters
1494. Why are forests important in reducing
climate change? Trees C. emissions
A. use Carbon Dioxide to make food D. none of above
B. provide building materials 1500. Why should you be concerned with the
C. are an important food source size of your carbon footprint?
D. reflect all sunlight away from the Earth A. Sometimes its hard to find shoes that
are the right size.
1495. One impact that we can see in our daily
B. If we don’t decrease greenhouse gas
life regarding climate change is
emissions Earth will continue to cool.
A. Sea Salt production becomes rare
C. Greenhouse gases are becoming
B. Extreme weather causing natural dis- scarce in Earth’s atmosphere.
D. Increases in greenhouse gases in the
C. Difficulties to find fuel and gas atmosphere are contributing to global cli-
D. Frozen sea mate change.
1496. What happen if humans keep cutting the 1501. Measuring the amount of ice stored in
trees in the forest? glaciers is collecting data in the
A. many animals will lose their homes A. atmosphere
B. we can make more house B. cryosphere
C. animals will be happy C. hydrosphere
D. we need to put more animals to zoo D. biosphere
1502. What has the highest albedo? 1508. Why does the deep ocean do such a won-
A. the oceans derful job of holding Carbon dioxide?
A. greenhouse gases
B. ozone gases
C. solar gases
A. Did the area of the tree experience
D. stomach gases warm temperatures and a lot of precipita-
1506. Were the scientist happy to find the hot
spots? B. What is the age of the tree?
A. Yes C. Did the climate of the area where the
tree is located change?
B. No
D. All of the above.
1507. Which kind of events create gases that
warm the planet? 1511. � � z�inàn is a synonym of
A. artificial A. � nan
B. oceanic B. disaster z�ihài
C. natural C. risk f�ngxi�n
D. none of them D. none of above
1512. The role of bacteria in the carbon cycle 1516. Cool currents bring temperatures
is and warm currents bring temperatures
A. Breakdown of organic compounds
B. Chemosynthesis
C. Photosynthesis
D. Assimilation of nitrogen compounds
1513. What is happening in the Tar Sands in
Alberta Cananda A. cool, warm
A. oil is being extracted, forests cut down B. warm, cool
B. forests are cleared, palm oil crops are C. cool, cool
being planted for use in processed foods D. warm, warm
and cosmetics
C. glacial ice is melting 1517. The average, year-after-year condi-
tions of temperature, precipitation, winds,
D. coral reefs are being bleached and clouds in an area:
1514. Without the greenhouse effect, Earth’s A. Tropical Zone
atmosphere would be to support life. B. Climate
C. The boy
D. The girl
B. ecosystems:the poles are melting and 1520. Which best describes El Niño?
many animals are running out of house- A. The water in the Pacific Ocean gets
shumans:cities are being destroyed by warmer than normal and causes fewer
tsunamis, earthquakes, tornadoes hurricanes to form.
C. humans:cities are being destroyed by B. The water in the Pacific Ocean gets
tsunamis, earthquakes, tornadoes colder than normal and causes more hur-
D. none of above ricanes to form.
C. The water in the Pacific Ocean gets 1525. Which of these is likely to result from
colder than normal, and the flow of the jet global warming?
stream is disrupted.
D. none of above
C. humans have been working hard to de- 1534. Glacier burst happened in which state?
crease carbon dioxide levels A. Uttarakhand
D. atmospheric carbon dioxide levels B. Maharashtra
have increased steadily since 1960
C. Bihar
1529. What’s the relationship between global D. Karnataka
warming and climate change? E. Uttar Pradesh
A. they are unrelated
1535. What conference was organized by the
B. they are the same United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC) to discuss differ-
C. it is a consequence ent concrete ways to prevent ongoing cli-
D. they are synonyms mate change in the world?
A. Paris Climate Change Conference
1530. Human activity is the main reason why
B. Paris Climate Change Organization
we have Climate Change today
C. European Climate Change Organiza-
A. True tion
B. False D. none of above
1531. Which of the following is a proxy indi- 1536. Low pressure consists of warm, moist
cator used to study climate change? air. At night, the sea is a low pressure
A. Ice core samples
A. True
B. Sediment core samples
B. False
C. Tree core samples
1537. Which kind of climate changing activities
D. All of these can be used as indirect ev- can be considered as artificial
idence to climate change
A. volcanic activity
1532. What percentage of water is clean and B. thunderstorms
accessible drinking water? C. factories
A. 5% D. transport
B. 3% 1538. Through research and data, scientists
C. 2% have found that Earth’s temperature has
D. <1%
A. increasing
1533. What is the global temperature changes B. decreasing
doing to certain animals?
1539. What are the 3 main fossil fuels?
A. increasing food source
A. Coal, Oil, and Gasoline
B. decreasing habitats B. Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas
C. increasing access to water sources C. Electricity, Gasoline, Petroleum
D. none of above D. Coal, Oil, Non-renewable Resources
1551. What has climate change caused? 1556. Climatologists get clues about the cli-
A. ICE CAPS MELTING mate of the past by studying what? There
is more than one answer.
A. Rocks
A. Bad weather
1557. What are the steps that we can take to
B. Heat waves
reduce Global Warming
C. Rising sea level
A. Recycle
D. There are nun
B. Use of Renewable Energy
1553. Which of the following is not a green-
house gas? C. cutting of trees
A. Carbon dioxide D. Use digital media instead of paper
B. Methane
1558. The area of human activity responsible
C. Nitrous oxide for the highest greenhouse gas emissions
D. Helium is
1560. Which of the following is NOT a green- 1564. What is the cause of rising surface tem-
house gas? peratures of the Pacific Ocean, drought in
the western United States, and flooding on
1569. The process by which gases in the atmo- and CO2 gases.
sphere absorb and radiate energy as heat B. Process A causes the amount of O2
back to Earth. gas to increase but CO2 to decrease.
C. Process B causes the amount of O2
and CO2 gases to decrease.
D. Process B causes the amount of O2
gas to increase but CO2 to decrease.
A. Combat climate change and its impacts 1583. What is the greenhouse affect?
B. Help people consume less food A. Trapping of radiation by the atmo-
1579. The overall climate of the Earth is get- 1585. Humans, animals, and plants are all af-
ting fected by climate.
A. warmer
B. colder
1580. Hot weather makes it easier for disease
to spread
A. True
B. False A. True
1581. The main human activity that releases B. False
greenhouse gases is
1586. Organisms that do not decompose can
A. using public transportation and there be buried and become what?
by reduce the affects of greenhouse
B. texting on cellphones
C. burning fossil fuels
D. eating meat
1582. Rice fields and agriculture are sources of
which greenhouse gas?
A. Methane A. water
B. Carbon Dioxide B. nutrients
C. Nitrous Oxide C. air
D. Water Vapour D. fossil fuels
1587. What are some things people can do to C. Rain and Snow
reduce the amount of carbon released into
D. When water falls from the sky
the atmosphere?
A. Take public transportation or carpool 1593. Scientists have tracked temperature
and carbon dioxide levels and noticed that
B. Turn off the lights and unplug electron-
ics when possible
A. when temperatures increase, carbon
C. Plant trees and other plants
dioxide levels decrease
D. All of the answers are correct
B. when temperatures decrease, carbon
1588. Energy that uses heat that comes from dioxide levels increase
within the Earth is called C. when temperatures increase, carbon
A. Geophysical dioxide levels increase
B. Geography D. none of above
C. Geothermal
1594. The graph below shows CO2 emissions
D. Geographic and temperatures from 1909 to 1949.
What conclusion is best supported by the
1589. Carbon in the atmosphere is most of- graph?
ten found as which of the following com-
A. A stratospheric ozone
B. B carbon monoxide
C. C fossil fuel
D. D carbon dioxide
B. Solar Power
A. The USA
C. Burning gasoline
B. China
D. Burning natural gas
C. Malaysia
D. Russia 1611. Which of the following activities does
NOT release greenhouse gases into the at-
1607. Ocean acidification begins with mosphere?
A. pollution from ships A. Burning fossil fuels
B. carbon dioxide released from combus- B. Riding a bike
C. Growing rice
C. dumping of waste from cities into the
ocean D. Raising livestock (farm animals)
D. none of above 1612. All of the following are causes of Global
Warming except
1608. Who keeps the Earth warm?
A. The Sun
A. Rotation of the Earth
B. The greenhouse gases
B. Deforestation
C. Both of them
C. Increases in Greenhouse Gases
D. None of them
D. Burning Fossil Fuels
1609. The long-term heating of Earth’s climate
system observed since pre-industrial pe- 1613. Alternative Energy avoids the use of Nu-
riod (between 1850 and 1900) due to hu- clear Power and
man activities, primarily fossil fuel burn-
A. Electricity
ing, which increases heat-trapping green-
house gas level in Earth’s atmosphere. B. Solar Panels
A. Global Warming C. Fossil Fuels
B. Climate Change D. Water
1614. How can global warming cause sea lev- 1618. Which of the following are Greenhouse
els to rise? Choose the best answer. gases?
A. True
B. False
1634. Which of these countries emits the most B. cloud cover and precipitation
carbon dioxide? C. temperature and precipitation
A. China D. none of above
1639. The average height of the ocean in a par-
ticular place is the
D. Russia
A. Nearby Sea Level
1635. How can warming cause sea levels to
B. Closeby Ocean Level
C. Local Sea Level
A. Melting glaciers and ice sheets add wa-
ter to the ocean D. none of above
1640. What is a natural resource? 1645. If the world temperature rises too much,
A. substances made by humans with one of the mostdramatic results of global
things from nature warming will be that:
time to replenish
1641. site where continuous CO2 records have A. some areas will actually get forever
been maintained since 1958 cold making themuncomfortable to live in
A. Mount Loa, Hawaii B. warmer weather all over the world will
B. computer model boost tourism
C. carbon dioxide C. glaciers will melt, the sea level will
D. global warming rise and a lot of coastalregions will drown
E. zooplankton
D. none of above
1642. Global air temperatures near Earth’s
surface rose degrees Fahrenheit in the 1646. How do we know that climate change is
last century. occurring?
A. 1.5
A. Many animals died
B. 1.7
B. There were many criminal cases
C. 2.0
C. The earth’s temperature is warming
D. 2.5
D. The world economy is increasing
1643. In the past, refrigerators and air condi-
tioners were all sources of a greenhouse 1647. TYPE 4 climate description in the Philip-
gas known as pines.
A. carbon dioxide
A. November to April-dry season
B. methane
B. June to September-wet season
C. chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)
C. All of the above
D. nitrous oxide
D. None of the above
1644. greenhouse effect
A. A higher concentration of gases such 1648. What causes the ice bubbles found in
as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. samples by scientists?
B. It has been affecting the Amazon area A. lava
and other tropical areas for decades.
B. oxygen
C. Melting of glaciers and ice sheets due
to global warming. C. methane
D. none of above D. carbon dioxide
1649. How can people reduce gas emissions? 1654. What Is the reason of today’s Climate
(Check all that apply) Change?
B. False
1660. Which of the following activities con- A. The speed of change
tribute the most to carbon emissions glob- B. Type type of change
C. The severity of change
A. Energy Supply
D. The lack of change
B. Transport
C. Agriculture 1666. What’s the purpose of a green tax when
it comes to climate change?
D. Forestry
A. To punish businesses that are too eco-
1661. Before the FloodCows produce , friendly
which is a powerful greenhouse gas.
B. To fund projects that would speed up
A. carbon dioxide greenhouse gas emissions
B. methane C. To tax tourists in order to fund eco-
C. ozone friendly projects
D. chlorofluorocarbon D. To force countries that aren’t eco-
friendly to change their ways
1662. 9-Early goal of SDGs works separately?
A. True 1667. What do you notice when you get into
a car that has been sitting in the Sun for a
B. False while?
1663. What is Arctic (or polar) amplification? A. the inside of the car is hotter than the
A. the phenomenon that temperature outside
near the poles is increasing at a higher B. the inside of the car is cooler than the
rate than at lower latitudes outside
B. the intensification of the polar jet C. the car is not affected
stream due to melting ice caps
D. none of above
C. the increased productivity of Arctic
ecosystem due to increased upwelling 1668. What is a disadvantage of wind power?
D. the migration of the polar front due to A. We have too many rainy days in US
stronger pressure contrasts
B. It is not always windy in some places
1664. Which type of water is MOST dense? C. Companies charge too much to make
A. cold the wind blow
B. warm D. The sun is not always out
1669. Earth’s ozone layer is 1674. What are the products of combustion?
A. has been thickening over the past sev- A. Hydrogen + oxygen
B. A. Hawaii has a lot of carbon dioxide
B. atmospheric carbon dioxide levels
have increased steadily since 1960
C. humans have been working hard to de-
crease carbon dioxide levels
D. atmospheric carbon dioxide levels
have decreased steadily since 1960
1683. How many percent of our food is im-
ported to singapore?
A. 98%
B. 20%
1679. Which of the following answer choices
does not contribute to indoor air pollution? C. 75%
A. radon D. 90%
B. carbon monoxide 1684. Source of energy that will not run out
like wind or solar energy.
C. asbestos
A. renewable energy
D. dust
B. fossil fuels
E. all answer choices contribute to indoor
air pollution C. carbon source
D. Ill
1680. What are endangered species?
A. Species that are living in big numbers. 1685. How does El Niño affect weather in
B. Species that only live in water.
A. leads to a warm and wet winter
C. Species that only live on land.
B. Leads to a cooler and wetter winter
D. Species which exists in small numbers.
C. Does not affect our winter
1681. What is an effect of global warming? D. Leads to a colder and dryer winter
A. melting glaciers and rising sea levels
1686. The side of the mountain gets a lot
B. population is increasing of precipitation.
C. more forest areas A. windward
D. all of the above B. leeward
1688. How is the burning of fossil fuels re- 1691. Look at the picture! How can we save
lated to global warming? the ocean?
C. 0%
D. Less than 1%
A. threatened
1697. Reflectivity
B. keystone
A. Input of Energy
C. endangered
B. Output of Energy
D. least concern
C. Redistribution of Energy
E. invasive
D. Storage of Energy
1694. How can businesses reduce carbon emis-
sions? 1698. The disadvantage of desalination water
is that
A. It is expensive and produces briny
A. climate
B. global warming A. True
C. infrared radiation B. False
D. none of above
1701. The amount of precipitation an area re- WILL PROTECT THE PLANET ABSORBING
ceives in a day is CARBON DIOXIDE.
A. Weather
B. Climate
1702. zdfbnzdfnbdfn
A. dfbd
B. df
C. dvnd
D. gmo
1703. What is not an examplesof how humans
mitigate the effects of natural disasters. B. PROTECT
A. Choosing appropriate building mate- C. WOULD PROTECT
rial. D. NONE OF THEM.
B. Having a way to safety proof your
house. 1707. Which weather conditions are associ-
ated with El Nino?
C. Leave the area in times are natural
hazards. A. increased temperature, increased pre-
D. Putting your house on stilts or far
enough away from sea level. B. decreased temperature, increased
1704. Without the Greenhouse Effect the C. increased temperature, decreased
Earth would be too precipitation
A. warm D. decreased temperature, decreased
B. cold precipitation
1708. What has happened with global temper- B. New York Protocol
atures over time? C. Paris Protocol
A. decreased
D. Tokyo Protocol
B. stayed constant
1714. The atmosphere is a system, where a
C. increased
change in one part of the atmosphere will
D. none of above cause affects in other parts of the atmo-
1709. Carbon dioxide is the most abundant of
these: A. True
A. feedback loops B. False
B. greenhouse gases 1715. How will climate change affect the sea
C. particulate matter life? Choose TWO answers.
D. fossil fuels A. acid rain may harms the sea life
1711. The ocean can absorb CO2 from the at- A. Evaporation
B. Condensation
A. True
C. Precipitation
B. False
D. Runoff
1712. Which of these greenhouse gasses
(GHG) is not naturally occurred? 1717. One of the GOVERNMENT AGENCIES RE-
SPONSIBLE FOR Disaster Response
A. methane
B. Ill A. Department of Interiorand Local Gov-
B. Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical
D. N2O andAstronomical ServicesAdministartion
1713. international limits on CFC production C. Department ofEducation
toprotect the ozone layer D. Department of SocialWelfare andDe-
A. Montreal Protocol velopment
1718. Which greenhouse gas is present in the 1724. what is the term given for the waste
greatest abundance? and remains of dead organisms?
1719. What is the main gas responsible for 1725. What is the name of the international
causing global warming? agreement committing parties to phasing
out ozone depleting substances and phas-
A. Oxygen
ing down hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)?
B. Hydrogen
A. Vienna Protocol
C. Helium
B. Montreal Protocol
D. Carbon dioxide
C. Paris Agreement
1720. There are many indicators (proxies) D. Antarctic Convention
used to link paleoclimate except which
one? 1726. Impact DOES NOT mean to
A. The amount of rain that falls each year A. change
B. Oxygen content in ocean sediments B. affect
C. Quantity of carbon isotopes found in C. influence
the annual rings of pine trees. D. leave alone
D. Sea inlets found on the coast after sea 1727. Climate scientists are working on a com-
erosion. puter simulation to help them understand
1721. Pollutants that are released into the air. Earth’s climate. Looking at one period of
time in the simulation, they see that more
A. Carbon Dioxide energy entered the Earth system than ex-
B. Hydrogen ited. How could the amount of methane
C. Emissions have changed to cause this, and what ef-
fect would this have on energy in the Earth
D. Greenhouse Gases system?
1722. What is the average weather for a par- A. Methane increased, leading to more
ticular time and region called? energy in the Earth system because more
A. drought exiting energy was redirected (bounced)
back toward Earth.
B. weather
B. Methane increased, leading to more
C. emissions energy in the Earth system because more
D. climate energy was trapped by gases and held in
the atmosphere.
1723. The greenhouse effect traps heat within
the troposphere. C. Methane decreased, leading to less en-
ergy in the Earth system because less exit-
A. TRUE ing energy was redirected (bounced) back
B. FALSE toward Earth.
increase deaths. A. Greenhouse Gases
B. Health in Europe, deaths released to
B. Elemental Gases
colder weather in winter will decrease.
C. Noble Gases
C. Warmer river temperatures will affect
marine wildlife and disrupt the food web. D. none of above
D. Around 70% of Asia may be at in- 1734. Does not allow water to pass through.
creased risk of coastal flooding.
A. impervious
1729. What area of earth receives the most
B. pervious
solar radiation?
A. the equator C. homeostasis
1730. The main difference between El Nino 1735. How is the rise in global temperature
and a La Nina is that La Nina is than El affecting coral reefs?
A. warmer
B. cooler
C. stronger
D. weaker
1737. The greenhouse effect can have an im- 1741. Which of the following has the greatest
pact on global warming. One effort that contribution to climate change?
can be done to reduce the occurrence of the
A. Precipitation
B. Temperature
1746. an agreement that attempted to regu- 1753. All of the following are true EXCEPT “
late greenhouse gas emissions “.
A. Kyoto Protocol A. 1. The greenhouse effects can cause
B. Nature Conservancy colder world’s temperature.
C. CITES B. 2. People need to change their behav-
D. sustainability iors to decrease world’s heat.
C. 3. Deforestation can lead to increase
1747. Are Climate Change and Global Warm-
to flooding.
ing the same?
A. Yes, they are. D. 4. Burning fossil fuel causes the in-
creasing of air pollution.
B. No, they are not.
E. 5. Many human’s behaviors cause
1748. We use to generate electricity. world’s climate changes.
A. chewing gum
1754. A natural process in which certain gases
B. crickets
in the atmosphere keep heat near the sur-
C. coal face of the Earth and prevent it from radi-
D. Hillary Clinton ating into space.
1766. Have infectious diseases increased due 1769. Which of the following is a natural cause
to global warming? of long term climate change?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Maybe
D. none of above
1767. The graph below shows CO2 emissions
and temperatures from 1909 to 1949.
What conclusion is best supported by the A. Burning Fossil Fuels
B. Milankovitch Cycles
C. Deforestation
D. All of them
1770. What can you do to help decrease global
warming and the amount of greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere?
A. raising more cows for food
A. There is no relationship between car- B. increasing the use of cars
bon dioxide concentrations and tempera-
tures C. Keep your air conditioner on high.
1773. During years, ocean temperatures 1779. Which of the following is NOT a way sci-
are higher than usual in the tropical Pacific entists estimate past temperatures?
A. earthquake
A. from the air they breathe
B. storm
B. from the water they drink
C. flood
C. from the food they eat
D. from the Sun D. volcano
1786. Which statement is true about 1791. True or False:We’ve produced more plas-
weather? tic in the last 10 years than in the last cen-
A. Is what conditions of the atmosphere
over a short period of time. A. True
B. Is how the atmosphere “behaves” B. False
over relatively long periods of time.
1792. Carbon dioxide levels in the air have
1787. A measure of how reflective a surface changed throughout earth’s history. The
is, used to determine how much of the difference today is how the change is
Sun’s energy is reflected back into space happening.
is known as:
A. rapidly
A. albedo.
B. slowly
B. radiation.
C. wide spread
C. refraction.
D. diffusion. D. none of above
1788. It refers to the use of economic or con- 1793. As the ocean becomes more acidic, the
sumer goods and resources. pH of the water
A. consumption A. increases
B. production B. decreases
C. generation
1794. Anthropogenic climate change is a result
D. none of above of humans putting more into the atmo-
1789. Smog is an example of pollution.
A. land A. oxygen
B. water B. heat
C. air C. greenhouse gases
D. noise D. none of above
1795. Extremely cold winters and summers. 1800. Earth’s first atmosphere was mostly
made of
A. polar climates
1805. Climate is measured over what length 1809. The process of the earth heating up is
of time? known as:
A. Hi-Low pressure system
B. Carbonaro Effect
C. Global warming
D. Weather conundrum
1810. What does not usually cause climates to
A. Weeks change in a major and meaningful way?
B. Days A. Humans
C. A year B. A long-term warming or cooling trend
would cause changes in climate.
D. Long period of time
C. A long-term trend in the temperature
1806. What is the temperature in 2050 that of the ocean
we are not supposed not to pass?
D. none of above
A. 2 ◦ C
B. -20◦ C
C. 10◦ C
D. -1◦ C
1807. The annual up & down fluctuation in car- A. CO2 (Carbon Dioxide)
bon dioxide concentration can best be ex- B. CH4 (Methane)
plained by the C. N20 (Nitrous Oxide)
A. use of fossil fuels D. none of above
B. volcanic activity
1812. Under the Kyoto protocol, the first in-
C. deforestation ternational climate change treaty, how
D. seasonal photosynthesis much, on average, did industrialised na-
tions pledge to reduce their annual green-
1808. Which country emits the most green- house gas emissions by?
house gases?
A. India
B. China
C. The United States
D. The United Kindom
D. Along rivers
D. none of above
B. Increase
1821. The less ice on the planet the likely C. Decrease
global warming will occur. D. none of above
A. more
1825. Out of the choices below, which form of
B. less energy makes the most pollution?
A. Hydroelectric
1822. What is the direct cause of rising sea
levels? B. Geothermal
C. Fossil Fuels
A. Melting Sea Ice
D. none of above
B. Melting Land Ice
1826. An increase in atmospheric CO2
C. Climate Change
A. causes temperatures to rise and sea
D. Incfeased Precipitation level to fall
1823. Which of the following is NOT a green- B. causes temperatures to rise and sea
house gas? level to rise
C. causes temperatures to fall and sea
level to fall
D. causes temperatures to fall and sea
level to rise
Explanation:An increase in atmospheric
CO2 causes temperatures to rise and sea
level to rise
A. recycle and reduce landfill waste 1834. What happens in the rainforest climate
B. buy local food and goods during global warming?
C. No difference B. correlation
A. The angle of insolation is at its great- 1844. The main consequences of climate
est during the summer months in the change are:
northern hemisphere. A. The increase of temperature, the melt-
B. The angle of insolation is at its least ing and the increase of the sea water’s
during the summer months in the north- level.
ern hemisphere. B. The extinction of plants and animal
C. The angle of insolation is at its great- species.
est during the winter months in the north- C. All previous options.
ern hemisphere.
D. none of above
D. The angle of insolation is at its great-
est during the winter months in the south- 1845. Warming seas will
ern hemisphere. A. Increase the number of storms
1840. A storm caused by strong rising air cur- B. Decrease the number of storms
rents and characterized by thunder and C. The number if storms will stay the
lightning and usually heavy rain or hail. same
A. Thunderstorms and heavy rains. D. none of above
B. Typhoons
1846. What will happen to Earth if the amount
C. Tornadoes of greenhouse gases keeps increasing?
D. none of above A. Nothing, the Earth does not change
1841. What affect does adding more CO2 into B. CO2 levels will decrease
the atmosphere have on the oceans? C. Lake sediments will stop forming
A. It makes them more acidic. D. CO2 will warm the Earth like a coat
B. It makes them more basic or alkaline work on a winter day
C. It makes them colder 1847. means to insert, add, or bring in.
D. It make them wetter A. Permanent
1842. Which is an example of climate? (SE- B. Guard
LECT 2) C. Inject
A. There is a tornado advisory is Kansas D. The tropics
B. The dry season is from July- 1848. The enhanced greenhouse effect leads to
September every year global warming.
C. A storm is coming in from the west
D. It is usually hot in August
1843. Which of the following is home to more
than half of the world’s land animals?
A. Thunder
B. Traction
C. Savannah A. True
D. Rainforests B. False
1849. Name a continent that will have summer 1854. Choose the best answer:What causes a
when the Northern hemisphere is in winter threat to earth’s energy balance and leads
(Select all that apply) to global climate change?
1860. The trapping of thermal energy in the 1865. Which agreement sought to fix the hole
atmosphere when solar energy that was in the Ozone?
absorbed by Earth is re-radiated into the A. Kyoto Protocol
atmosphere is called the
B. Rio Protocol
A. carbon dioxide
C. Montreal Protocol
B. greenhouse effect
D. Doha Protocol
C. air pollution
1866. Heat transferred from beneath the sur-
D. ozone layer
face of Earth and used to produce energy
for human use is
1861. Harmful substances in air, water, or soil
are called
A. pollutants
B. particles
1863. What are efects of global warming? 1867. It snowed for three days last week.
A. A rise in sea level. A. Climate climate
B. Industry development. B. Weather ��
C. Spread of tropical diseases. 1868. Which is the correct definition for adap-
D. Habitat loss or change faster than ani- tation?
mals can adapt. A. Responding to the changes that cli-
mate change brings
1864. This is an example of a proxy indicator,
B. Reducing the causes of climate change
which is a type of indirect evidence that sci-
entists use to study what the atmosphere 1869. What is the greenhouse effect?
was like in the past.
A. A natural process where gases trap
A. temperatures falling with a decrease heat in the atmosphere.
in CO2
B. A man-made process where gases
B. temperatures rising with an increase trap heat in the atmosphere.
in CO2
C. A natural process where the ocean
C. scientist’s use of ice cores to compare traps heat in the atmosphere.
past current climates to past climates
D. A man-made process where the ocean
D. none of these traps heat in the atmosphere.
1870. One property of soil is it’s 1874. Throughout Earth’s history, the planet
has cycled through times of being covered
A. worms
by frozen glacial sheets during
A. Extreme coldness or wetness.
B. The increase in the world‘s tempera-
ture. C.
C. A change in the world‘s normal climate
D. none of above
1873. Select all that apply.You can help de- D. wash away
crease your carbon footprint by 1877. Why does land heat up and cool down
A. buying and eat locally-produced food faster than water?
B. using public transport
C. decreasing your water and electricity
D. recycling
E. all of the above
A. Water has a higher albedo to reflect 1883. Why do we want to use more renew-
the heat. able energy sources?
B. Water does not heat up fast, but holds A. They emit more carbon dioxide
heat well.
B. They will go away if we don’t use them
C. Land has a lower specific heat and
C. They emit less carbon dioxide
does not take as much energy to heat.
D. They are easier to create
D. All are correct.
1878. It is the ability of the system, commu- 1884. Will climate change impacts be the same
nity or society to deal with the impact of in all locations on Earth?
the hazard
1879. Earth is currently experiencing
A. a warming trend
B. a cooling trend
A. The results are the same across the
C. a period of unchanging climate globe
D. an ice age
B. There is no scientific evidence to sup-
1880. What is this a diagram of? port an answer
C. The impacts will vary
A. Climate
B. Weather
1882. a.The greenhouse effect is cooling of the
Earth’s surface and the air above it.
A. True
B. False A. California gets colder.
1888. Which energy solution has the least 1893. Causes of climate change:
amount of recycling because the cost of A. cutting down forests
manufacturing is lower?
B. using transportation
A. Electric Vehicles
C. greenhouse gas
B. Hydroelectric
C. Solar D. all of them
ble with the new biofuel
C. Less than 1, 000 years ago
D. Because burning fossil fuels adds CO2
D. 15, 000 to 10, 000 years ago
to the atmosphere faster than it can be re-
moved 1902. Identify the social problems that can oc-
cur in countries due to global warming and
1898. is the average long-term (30+
climate change.
years) atmosphere conditions for a specific
region. It includes temperature, air pres- A. Lead to a loss in ecosystem services.
sure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, B. Coastal flooding, caused by the melt-
cloudiness, and winds. ing of the polar ice caps will lead to the
A. Weather loss of propetries, land, and businesses.
B. Climate C. The melting of the ice caps of the poler
regions will create new oppertunities for
C. Forecast
D. Global Warming
D. The increase in the accessability of
1899. which of the following is not a green- new resources
house gas?
1903. How is global warming causing an in-
A. methane crease in global sea level?
B. carbon dioxide A. Warming temperatures are melting ice
C. ozone caps
D. oxygen gas B. Warming temperatures are causing
water molecules to get smaller
1900. A balanced energy budget means that:
C. the continents are sinking due to
A. the Earth releases the same amount of global warming
energy that it receives.
D. Warming temperatures are causing
B. the Earth creates more energy than it more people to go to the beach and in-
uses. creasing the volume of the water because
C. the Earth receives more energy than it of their large bodies
1904. The maximum population size of a
D. The Earth creates the same amount of species that the environment can sustain
energy that it releases. indefinitely, given the food, habitat, wa-
1901. Based on the data shown, when would ter and other necessities available in the
you find evidence of glacier retreat and the environment.
beginning of agriculture? A. sparse population
B. Glaciers C. Troposphere
C. Polar blocks D. Ionosphere
D. Icies
1920. Climate change is real and the cause is
1915. Coal, oil and gas are human activities.
A. fossil fuels A. True
B. greenhouse gases
B. False
C. methane
D. renewable resources 1921. What is the greenhouse effect?
1916. Two ways that humans release green- A. The warming of a planet due to
house gases into the atmosphere are by trapped radiation (heat).
and by B. The cooling of Earth due to air pollu-
A. eating beef / using coal tion.
B. reforestation / using fossil fuels C. The heating of a solid, such as a rock.
C. burning fossil fuels / deforestation D. The warming of a planet due to
D. none of above trapped air pollution
1917. Annual rainfall in Singapore has over 1922. The Keeling curve, shown to the right,
the past few years. is a measurement of atmospheric carbon
A. Decreased dioxide taken since the late 1950s. Why
do the measurements oscillate? Select
B. Increased two.
C. Both
D. No change
A. CO2 emissions
B. greenhouse gases
C. climate change
D. none of above
1931. CFCs alter the natural formation of 1937. The variety of life in the world or in a
ozone by: particular habitat or ecosystem.
A. breaking up ozone and reducing the A. heat stroke
amount of O2 needed to form ozone
B. pervious
B. bonding with O3
C. biodiversity
C. preventing UV radiation to strike
D. none of above
D. none of above 1938. Where does carbon dioxide in the atmo-
sphere go?
1932. Which of the following is a greenhouse
gas? A. It is used by plants for photosynthesis
and is absorbed in water
A. Carbon Monoxide
B. It is used for respiration in animals
B. Nitrogen Dioxide
C. It is used by factories
C. Carbon Dioxide
D. Argon D. none of above
1933. Global warming is known as the gradual 1939. How plants get the nitrogen they need
increase in of the atmosphere. A. from the air
A. precipitation B. from the soil or water in which they live
B. sun spots C. from the Sun
C. temperature D. from broken down rocks
D. ocean currents
1940. Air temperature as you walk up a
1934. Which of the following does NOT affect mountain
the climate of an area?
A. Decreases
A. latitude
B. Increases
B. altitude
C. Remains unchanged
C. longitude
D. Thins out
D. oceans
1941. Which of the following would not be a
1935. True or FalseA possible solution to cli-
good alternative for slowing down green-
mate change is to cut down trees and other
house gas emissions.
A. Eating food locally sourced
A. True
B. False B. Using more green energy
C. Using more heat and air conditioning
1936. What is the definition of climate? in your home
A. The condition of the air around the
D. Planting more trees
B. The rainforest 1942. Methane is a greenhouse gas.
C. The pattern of weather over time A. True
D. How hot it is in a certain place B. False
D. what you eat for breakfast
A. Stratosphere B. propane
B. Troposphere C. oxygen
C. Exosphere D. carbon
C. The gases that cool Earth’s surface A. temperature and pressure
B. temperature and precipitation
D. The gases in Earth’s atmosphere that
C. pressure and precipitation
trap heat below.
D. location and animals
1971. Which one of these is NOT a greenhouse
gas? 1977. A gradual increase in the average tem-
A. CO2 perature of Earth’s atmosphere:
B. N 2 O A. Global Warming
C. CH 4 B. Greenhouse Gas
D. H 2 SO4 C. The boy
Explanation:H2SO4 is not a greenhouse
D. Climate
gas. It is sulfuric acid.
1972. Which of the following things can 1978. What is an example of renewable en-
‘erupt’? ergy sources?
A. a volcano A. Solar
B. a desert B. Coal
C. an ocean C. Natural Gas
D. a valley D. Oil
1973. Which one of the following is NOT a 1979. 90% of the sun is
greenhouse gas?
A. oxygen
A. methane
B. helium
B. carbon dioxide
C. nitrogen
C. water vapor
D. hydrogen
D. nitrogen
1974. A gas produced by animals during respi- 1980. What should governments do to help
ration that plants use for photosynthesis. prevent acid rain? They can
1981. What greenhouse gas does cattle, land- 1986. What is climate change?
fills, and mining produce? A. The major changes in factors used to
crease, temperatures decrease. creased
C. Carbon dioxide concentrations have no C. increased steadily
affect on climate D. stayed about the same
D. As carbon dioxide concentrations in-
crease, temperatures become more ran- 1997. Elevation and the presence of features
dom. such as mountains and rivers make up an
1993. The main human activity that releases
greenhouse gases is A. topography.
A. using bottled water B. thermohaline.
B. burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural C. sequestration.
D. greenhouse effect.
C. texting on cellphones
D. eating meat 1998. Death caused by heat is becoming less
1994. What is the clearing of forests called
A. True
A. Deforestation
B. False
B. Declutter
C. Saving 1999. Which of the following places has
D. None warmed the most, over the past 100
1995. This image is an example of the ab-
A. Marrakech, Morocco
stract “layer model” for understanding
the greenhouse effect. What does the B. Basra, Iraq
pane of glass represent in this model?
C. Vancouver, Canada
D. Svalbard, Norway
steady but gradual increase, while long- D. Atmospheric Gases
term CO2 levels fluctuate during a given
year. 2015. Global warming leads to changes in the
climate, including
B. Both long-term and short-term data
on CO2 show that these levels are on a A. storm and flood
steady increase. B. sea level rise
C. Long-term CO2 levels have been on a C. drought
steady but gradual increase, while short-
D. all answer are correct
term CO2 levels fluctuate during a given
year. 2016. Solar power to make elecricity.
D. Long-term CO2 levels are increasing, A. are used
while short-term CO2 levels are on the de- B. is used
C. used
2011. Which of the following (multiple an- D. uses
swers) are considered to be greenhouse
gases? 2017. Which is the consequence of the climate
A. Carbon Dioxide
B. Water Vapor
C. Argon
D. Methane
A. True
B. False
C. The average rainfall during Spring in 2031. Albedo is the amount of solar radiation
Michigan is 14 inches. A. radiated back into space
D. The temperature in Michigan in the B. absorbed by Earth’s surface
month of May ranges from 73 degrees to
91 degrees Fahrenheit. C. carried by heat into the atmosphere
D. reflected by an object’s surface
2026. Wind is created by
2032. an increase in average globaltempera-
A. Convection currents
B. Precipitation
A. threat
C. Ozone
B. sea level
D. Greenhouse gases
C. climate change
2027. What is the Greenhouse effect? D. flood
A. When the gases in our atmosphere 2033. Fill in the blank: & increase the
trap heat and block it from escaping our amount of CO2 in the air
A. Producers
B. When you paint your house green to
become an environmentalist B. Consumers
C. the arctic ice has melted and they have 2045. what does climate change mean, change
a harder time reaching seals in?
D. none of above
in her goal? A. Methane and Flourine
A. Purchasing meats packaged at the lo- B. Carbon Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide
cal supermarket, but trucked in from out C. Carbon Dioxide and Methane
of state
D. Methane and Nitrous Oxide
B. Purchasing fresh fruits and vegeta-
bles at the local supermarket that were 2051. What is climate?
shipped from out of state
C. Purchasing fresh fruits and vegetables
from the local farmer’s market
D. None of these choices will reduce her
carbon footprint
2047. Which of the following is NOT a natural A. The average weather patterns in a lo-
cause of climate change? cation over a long period of time.
A. volcanic eruptions B. The temperature for one day of the
B. combusting fossil fuels year.
C. ocean circulation C. The amount of precipitation during one
D. weathering and erosion week of the year.
D. none of above
2048. Carbon dioxide and other gases
heat. 2052. The Effect is caused by Earth’s rota-
A. track tion.
B. trap
A. Ocean Current
B. Hurricane
C. Climate
D. Coriolis
2057. Shown here are two maps of China. The D. increase the temperature of the earth
first map show the population density of so that it is comfortable to live in
the human population within the country,
2060. The is a process by which the atmo-
the second shows the the concentration
sphere reradiates infrared radiation back
of particulate matter. New technologies
to Earth’s surface and thereby warms
were recently implemented in order to curb
Earth’s surface and lower atmosphere.
(slow down) emissions from vehicles and
factories, which of the following pieces of A. greenhouse effect
data would be best to collect over the next B. climate change
5 years in order to monitor and report the
effectiveness of these new technologies to C. prevailing winds
the local government? D. The boy
2061. What is the most abundant type of 2066. How do Chlorofluorocarbons break up
greenhouse gas? ozone
A. Chlorofluorocarbons break up into
chlorine by the sun’s ultraviolet rays
and chlorine brakes ozone into Oxygen
B. Chlorofluorocarbons don’t break up
A. carbon dioxide
B. methane 2067. What gas cause extra heat to the
C. nitrous oxide
D. none of above A. Oxygen.
2072. Which climate zone is found at the green 2076. What refers to the increase in the
smiley? average temperature of the Earth’s at-
mosphere due to elevated greenhouse
gas concentrations, heightening the green-
house effect?
A. Greenhouse warming
B. Global warming
C. Earth warming
D. Heat release
2077. Climate differs in regions of the world
that receive different amounts of
A. weather
A. Tropical B. tornadoes
B. Temperate C. sunlight
C. Polar D. emails
D. none of above 2078. Fossil Fuels (choose ALL that apply)
2073. What is one way that carbon enters the A. considered nonrenewable resources
atmosphere? B. cause pollution in the atmosphere
A. Sunlight C. are renewable resources
B. Vehicle emissions/Exhaust D. oil, coal and natural gas
A. Coral Bleaching is the process that
B. Decreases
causes corals to grow bigger
C. Stays the same
B. Coral Bleaching is the process that
causes corals to die. D. none of above
2088. What are the reasons that lead to the 2094. What can individuals do to support cli-
ASEAN region’s vulnerability? mate justice in their daily lives?
D. none of above
A. combustion 2105. What are the result from global climate
B. respiration change?
C. photosynthesis A. we will have more animals
D. decomposition B. trees will die
C. more water in the sea
2100. It snowed for three days last week.
D. ice loss, accelerated sea level rise,
A. Climate and longer, more intense heat waves.
B. Weather
2106. What is the balance between incoming
2101. Which device is used to measure atmo- shortwave solar radiation and longwave
spheric pressure? terrestrial radiation called?
A. Bolometer A. homeostasis
B. Barometer B. radiative equilibrium
C. Manometer C. climate forcing
2108. What did Elon Musk (crazy as he seems B. Alteration in ocean salt levels would
at times) suggest? cause loss of species and unbalanced pop-
ulations in marine food webs
2109. Can change rapidly, within even less 2112. Climate change means the climate of
than an hour some parts of our world is changing.
A. Climate A. True
B. Weather B. False
2110. Why are forests important in reducing 2113. This image shows the effect of:
climate change? Trees
2116. Without the Greenhouse Effect the also a higher risk of drought in inland ar-
Earth would be eas.
A. warm 2119. What is the real cause of our sea levels
B. cold rising?
A. Our use of fossil fuels
2117. A greenhouse gas that protects humans
from UV rays B. the sun getting hotter
A. carbon dioxide C. People not caring
B. nitrogen D. More ice being made
2123. Does a large volcanic eruption cause 2128. Identify an economic consequence of cli-
global warming or global cooling? mate change.
C. The volume of ice lost from Australia is 2138. Newtok resident said that before they
134 billion tonnes per year. built a seawall to prevent erosion and
D. The Earth’s average temperature has flooding. What kind of strategy is men-
decreased by approximately 2 degrees tioned above?
celsius over the last 100 years. A. Mitigation
2133. What is global warming? B. Relocation
A. the depletion of fossil fuels C. Collocation
B. the process of harnessing wind energy D. Do Nothing
C. the rise of the average temperature of
the planet due to the thickening of the at- 2139. Much of the ice on Earth occurs in
mosphere glaciers in mountains, arctic sea ice, and
D. the process of using sunlit fo energy ice sheets that cover and
A. Canada / Arctic Circle
2134. Sea levels have risen 8 inches in the
past 100 years. B. Greenland / Iceland
A. in C. Alaska / Antarctica
B. by D. Greenland / Antarctica
2135. When did climate change (CO2 in the at-
mosphere) increase significantly? 2140. Which of the following gases, released
by animals as a waste product of digestion,
A. 1800s Industrial Revolution ���� can add to global warming?
B. 1600s Industrial Revolution Industrial
A. Carbon Dioxide
B. Methane
2136. Which of these is true about the ocean?
Check all that apply. C. Chlorofluorocarbon
A. It absorbs and stores carbon. D. Nitrogen
B. It absorbs and moves heat.
2141. Caused by nitrogen and sulfur released
C. It impacts climate and climate change into the atmosphere from the burning of
D. It does NOT impact climate and cli- fuels.
mate change.
A. Acid Rain
2137. What is happening in the Canadian Baf- B. Deforestation
fin Islands and Greenland?
C. Biodiversity
A. oil is being extracted, forests cut down
B. forests are cleared, palm oil crops are D. Desertification
being planted for use in processed foods
and cosmetics 2142. Is Global warming the main cause of
weather changes
C. glacial ice is melting at a rate of 30 feet
in 5 years A. Yes
D. coral reefs are being bleached B. No
2143. Which of the following has caused re- B. The trade winds blow softly, creating
peating 100, 000-year cycles of ice ages El Niño.
in the past?
2152. Why is the greenhouse effect important 2156. Today is much colder than yesterday!
to us?
A. Without it we would all be a frozen ball
of ice
B. It traps enough heat in the atmo-
sphere to keep us warm
C. A small amount of greenhouse gas is
necessary for life to exist
D. All of these A. Weather
B. Climate
2153. Which homonuclear diatomic atoms
make up 90% of the atmosphere?
2157. Changes in air pressure, temperature,
A. ear, ear humidity, and wind over a long period of
B. Neon, Ne and Argon, Ar time is
A. The way gasses in the atmosphere A. climate change only occurs along the
trap some heat from the sun equator
B. The process of evaporation of gases B. previous changes in climate were dra-
matic but very short-lived.
C. The use of the gases for the production
of oil C. human-made chemicals such as CFCs
do not influence global warming.
D. none of above
D. global warming is a consequence of cli-
2155. The Environmental Protection Agency is mate changes.
responsible for ensuring clean air and wa-
ter. One of the actions they take is to 2159. What is Climate Change?
sample water quality, such as the amount
A. melting glaciers
of dissolved oxygen in the water. When
sewage or animal waste enter into water- B. heat
ways, it reduces the oxygen levels. What C. The average long term change in the
would be a consequence of reduced dis- climate over the earth
solved oxygen?
D. green house gases
A. loss of plants
B. loss of biodiversity, especially fish 2160. Scientists have been able to gather a lot
of information from Earth-orbiting
C. bioaccumulation of toxins
A. satellites
D. evolution of species that can tolerate
low oxygen levels B. rockets
B. nitrogen and oxygen B. 2020
C. water vapor and argon
C. Both 2016 and 2020
D. oxygen and carbon dioxide
D. None of the above
2171. What is a major cause of coral bleach-
2175. The sun’s rays are most direct near the
A. True
B. False-near the poles
C. False-at high altitudes
D. False-far from the ocean
D. Ocean warming causes seawater vol- reacts with oxygen to produce carbon
ume to expand > Antarctic continental dioxide.
glaciers melt > Greenland glaciers melt
2191. Warming that results when solar radia-
2188. CO2 is tion is trapped by the atmosphere.
A. climate
B. weather
C. greenhouse effect
D. none of above
2205. The effects of climate change are ALL 2210. The average weather conditions in an
negative. area over a long period of time.
A. True A. weather
B. False B. climate
C. greenhouse effect
2206. Climate change is causing RISING SEA D. none of above
2211. Elephants for their ivory.
A. True
A. are hunted
B. False
B. is hunted
2207. Which is not an end stage of a star? C. hunted
A. black giant D. hunt
2209. Oceans are important to our environ- A. When human actions cause a change
ment and atmosphere because (Choose in levels of greenhouse gases in the atmo-
all that apply) sphere
B. A warming of the Earth caused by
gases that occur naturally in the atmo-
C. The effect of sunspots on the Earths
D. none of above
A. They absorb heat and carbon dioxide. 2214. Air pollution currently kills people
B. They hold 97% of the world’s water per year.
2215. To means to examine, study, or an- 2221. Which of the following sets of evidence
alyze something closely. supports global warming?
D. UN Climate Doctrine
D. Nitrous oxide.
2227. Phased out in the 1980s because they
were found to be depleting the ozone 2232. 8-Sustainable development goals
layer. (SDGs) of global health agenda:-
A. X
A. Renewable energy
B. Y
B. Non-renewable energy
C. Z
D. none of above 2242. How can global warming cause sea lev-
els to rise? Choose the best answer.
2238. Coal is formed from
A. by causing it to rain more often
A. rocks
B. by creating bigger and more powerful
B. a factory hurricanes
C. remains of small organisms that lived
C. by increasing the number of undersea
many millions of years ago in our oceans
volcanic eruptions
D. plant remains along with heat and
D. by melting glaciers and ice caps
2239. It always seems to snow a lot in Jan- 2243. Climate change refers to long term
uary. changes in
A. 10x normal rates
B. 100x normal rates
C. 1000x normal rates
D. 1/2 normal rates A. Typhoon/Hurricane��/��
B. Tornado tornado
2245. Which are effects of UV radiation on liv-
ing organisms? select ALL that are true. 2249. How much has sea level risen since
A. It can denature proteins in the eye and 1900 (global average)?
cause foggy vision or blindness. A. 10 cm
B. It can cause mutation in DNA. B. 32 km
C. It can disrupt food chains by causing C. 21 dm
harm to photosynthetic organisms.
D. 21 cm
D. It can stimulate the production of vita-
min D. 2250. Which of the following is not considered
as the cause of natural climate change?
2246. Why is the North Pole warming faster
than other parts of Earth? A. Volcanic Eruption
B. Burning of Coal
C. Changes in the Sun’s Energy
D. Changes in the Earth’s Orbit
B. The temperature of the ocean is de- 2256. Which of the following is not a green-
creasing in the ocean and the pH is in- house gas?
creasing making the ocean more basic.
A. Carbon Cycle is the process in which 2266. This graph demonstrates that:
carbon atoms continually travel from the
atmosphere to the Earth and then back
into the atmosphere
B. Carbon cycle is the pressure differ-
ence in the air
C. All of the above
D. none of above
2269. Scientists observe the thickness of a 2273. After a supernova, the core can collapse
tree’s to learn about past climate con- into a neutron star, or if massive enough
ditions. even a
2270. Selecciona las respuestas correctas 2274. Increased in greenhouse gases may
(3)To prevent the climate change we have cause global warming by trapping more
to: in the atmosphere
A. water
B. heat
C. gases
D. water vapor
A. reduce
2275. What are some ways that individuals
B. contaminate can reduce their carbon footprint and con-
tribute to fighting climate change?
C. reuse
A. Using public transportation or walk-
D. recycle
ing/biking instead of driving alone
2271. Select the two major greenhouse gases B. Using energy-efficient appliances and
light bulbs
A. Water vapor
C. Reducing meat consumption
B. Carbon dioxide
D. All of the above
C. Nitrogen oxide
D. Sulfur dioxide 2276. Taking out the bottom of the food chain
is like taking the wrong block in
2272. When fossil fuels burn, they produce
A. atmosphere A. Jenga
B. temperature B. Tetris
C. carbon dioxide C. LEGO
D. climate D. Lincoln Logs
2278. What activity releases methane into the
A. 70 mm
B. 50 mm
C. 60 mm
A. transportation
D. 30 mm
B. agriculture/farming
C. factories 2283. Climate change is causing the Ice melting
at a faster rate
D. deforestation
A. True
2279. The three most common greenhouse
B. False
gases are
A. Ozone, Nitrogen, and Oxygen 2284. What is “ the natural process of
the warming of the Earth from the ability
B. Oxygen, Water Vapor, and Carbon
of Earth’s atmosphere to trap energy radi-
ated from Earth’s surface”?
C. Methane, Water Vapor, and Nitrogen
A. Carbon Cycle
D. Methane, Water Vapor, and Carbon
B. Climate Change
C. Greenhouse Effect
2280. What is an example of a renewable re-
D. Hydrosphere
A. Coal 2285. Look at the figure. Considering the in-
formation given regarding Leadville and
B. Oil
Burlington, why is it colder inLeadville?
C. Wind Energy
D. Natural Gas
2288. The keynote speaker in the Round 2292. In what year was the Paris Climate Ac-
Square event to be held on 8th of June is cord drafted?
from which country?
A. India
B. Australia
C. Japan
D. South Korea
2289. Climate is the general weather pattern
over a period of time.
A. 2010
A. short
B. 2015
B. long
C. 2013
2290. Increase in the burning of fossil fuels D. 2018
and deforestation has lead to carbon diox-
ide increasing in the atmosphere. This is 2293. What is a greenhouse gas?
leading to
A. gases such as CO2 and methane that
A. greenhouse effect and weather absorb radiation from the sun and trap the
change heat in the atmosphere
B. greenhouse effect and reduction of B. a gradual increase in temperature of
pollution the Earth’s atmosphere caused by gases
C. greenhouse effect and cooling of tem- and pollutants
peratures C. a change in the region’s weather con-
D. greenhouse effect and climate change ditions
2294. True or False? The greenhouse effect is 2300. Who is at risk of climate change?
one of the things that makes Earth a com- A. Children
fortable place to live.
B. Adults
A. True
C. The elderly
B. False
D. Everyone
2295. What areas of earth receive the least
concentrated amount of solar radiation? 2301. The heat can warm up the sea, causing
A. the equator the corals to
B. the poles A. lose colour and die, and the fish to go
2296. Climate change refers to an increase in
average global temperatures. B. grow bigger
A. TRUE 2302. What is the relationship between car-
B. FALSE bon dioxide and temperature in our atmo-
2297. Which galaxy, Because of little gas, no
new stars are forming. A. When carbon dioxide levels go up, the
temperature goes up.
A. elliptical
B. There is no relationship.
B. spiral
C. irregular C. When carbon dioxide levels go up, the
temperature goes down.
D. regular
D. When carbon dioxide levels go down,
2298. So far, most of the strongest impacts of the temperature goes up.
climate change have been observed in
A. all latitudes equally 2303. This is the periodic shifts in the earth’s
orbit and tilt which change the distribu-
B. southern latitudes tion and intensity of sunlight reaching the
C. the tropics earth’s surface.
D. northern latitudes A. Milankovitch cycle
2299. Humans have the ability to cause tem- B. Coriolis effect
perature change. C. Kyoto Protocol
D. none of above
2305. The most abundant greenhouse gas is 2310. The hottest season in Kentucky is sum-
2307. How do carbon emissions lead to global 2312. was the warmest year on record.
A. By trapping the sun’s heat in the atmo-
B. By causing very hot volcanic eruptions.
C. Rocks become richer in carbon as time
goes by.
A. True
D. By increasing the amount of carbon in
the earth’s crust B. False
2308. Match the text and the correct word. An 2313. As the temperature decreases the pres-
energy-rich substance type of fuel that is sure in decrease.
created from dead plant and animal mate- A. True
rial trapped between layers of rock deep B. False
within the Earth
A. Precipitation 2314. NO dry season with a very pronounced
maximum rain period.
B. Climate
C. Fossil fuel
D. none of above
2309. Streams of water called ocean move D. none of above
warm or cold water, warming or cooling
the nearby land. 2315. In which country has rainfall decreased?
A. currents A. Brazil
B. climates B. Spain
C. seasonal winds C. Venezuela
D. rivers D. none of above
2316. Fill in the blank:Studies have shown 2320. Why are forests important for mitigat-
that Americans spend % of their day ing climate chang
A. Trees provide building materials.
A. 50
B. Trees are an important food source.
B. 90
C. Forests serve as a sink in the carbon
C. 10 cycle.
D. 100
D. Leaves of trees reflect all sunlight
away from the Earth.
2317. Carbon cycles through the Earth system.
During photosynthesis, carbon is 2321. What evidence is there to support global
A. A released from wood as carbon diox- warming is occurring?
ide when wood is burned
A. sea level rising
B. B released by organisms as carbon
B. Increase in carbon dioxide in the atmo-
C. C broken down and released from the
C. Declining arctic sea glaciers
remains of living organism
D. D converted by organisms from a gas D. all answers are correct
to sugars and carbohydrates
2322. As temperatures rise, heat waves will
2318. How does global warming affect sea become a bigger problem. This is an issue
levels? because:
2333. In general, what happens to the climate B. They move to other habitats.
(of the Earth) if more greenhouse gases
C. They stay in their natural habitat.
are released (through human activities and
natural occurrences) into the atmosphere? D. They gather different kinds of food.
A. Average temperature goes up
2339. What effect is global climate change
B. Average temperature goes down having on the world’s oceans?
C. Average temperature remains the A. It is causing more cases of coral
same bleaching
D. None of the above B. It is causing ocean acidification
2334. What are fossil fuel for? CHOOSE C. Both of the previous
D. none of above
A. coal for electricity
B. oil for gasoline 2340. Are Milankovitch Cycles, named after
Serbian scientist Milutin Milankovitch?
C. natural gas for cooking
A. True
D. cow gasses for farming
B. False
2335. Select the 2 types of factors involved in
climate change 2341. What kinds of changes might we expe-
A. Internal rience due to climate change?
B. External A. warmer average global temperatures;
C. Earthly B. changes in precipitation patterns
D. None of the above C. more frequent and extreme storms
2336. Factories burning coal leads to D. increasing floods and coastal erosion
A. industrial smog E. all the above
B. photochemical smog 2342. is the weather measured over a long
C. breakdown of ozone layer period of time.
D. greenhouse gas effect A. Weather
2337. The patterns that weather forms in an B. Climate
area over seasons and years is known as C. Atmosphere
that region’s
D. none of above
A. Weather
B. Season 2343. which of the following is an effect of
C. Climate gobal climate change
2344. The greenhouse effect is a natural pro- 2349. What are examples of renewable en-
cess ergy sources? Select ALL that apply.
D. Weather changes, while climate does not related
C. Extreme weather events have been de-
2355. Check the effects of climate change(3) creasing
A. Chemical Equilibrium
A. a better Earth for humans
B. Chemical Balance
B. increased temperatures
C. Chemical Constant
C. decreased biodiversity
D. Chemical Reaction
D. sea level rise
2372. What are the ways to reduce climate
change? c 2377. The Earth’s atmosphere acts like a
greenhouse that traps heat from the sun.
A. a walk
A. true
B. b ride a bike
C. c save energy B. false
2388. Which of the following types of water 2393. Which process converts carbon in the
has the greatest density? form of sugar into carbon dioxide gas?
A. Warm A. Bioremediation
B. Cool B. Photosynthesis
C. Fresh (not salty)
C. Respiration
D. none of above
D. Transpiration
2389. Aerosols can reflect sunlight back into
space preventing it from reaching earth 2394. The greenhouse effect is necessary for
over time cooling climate life on Earth
A. True A. True
B. False B. False
2390. Which of the following will have the
2395. Why does riding your bike or walking
least impact on global sea level rise?
instead of driving a car help to prevent cli-
A. Arctic sea ice melting mate change?
B. Antarctic land ice melting A. Cars produce heat, which makes the
C. Greenland ice sheet melting planet warmer
D. Thermal expansion of the oceans. B. Riding bikes takes carbon dioxide out
of the air because we breathe in carbon
2391. Which ocean current brings warm, salty dioxide when we exercise
water to Europe?
C. Cars burn fuel which puts carbon diox-
A. Gulf stream
ide into the atmosphere-the less we drive,
B. Antarctic circumpolar the less carbon dioxide we produce
C. Indian D. none of above
D. Australian
2396. Earth is becoming
2392. As global warming continues, the inten-
sity of what type of storm that hits coast- A. hotter
lines is predicted to increase? B. colder
C. younger
D. more interesting
C. Tsunamis C. wood
D. Earthquakes D. batteries
2398. The highest gaseous pollutant is 2403. High up in the mountain ranges of Hi-
malayas and Hindu Kush there are large
rivers of frozen water called?
ter if the world was warmer
A. Yes D. Global temperature started rising
B. No when CO2 levels started rising
2407. The main way carbon dioxide is ab- 2411. Climate or Weather:winters in Min-
sorbed nesota frequently experience tempera-
tures below zero.
A. Climate
B. Weather
D. An area where a lot of waste materials C. gases in the earth’s atmosphere get
are dumped trapped and make the earth colder
E. The weather patterns of a place D. gases in the earth’s atmosphere es-
2423. I think climate change is real cape into space
C. trees absorbs the sun’s energy with- 2436. Select ALL the human causes of climate
out radiating back into the atmosphere change.
A. Volcanic Eruptions
2440. Do we need greenhouse gases on Earth?
A. Yes-they keep the Earth warm A. melting
B. Yes-they keep all the gases on our
B. freezing
C. constant
C. No-they only cause terrible climate
change D. none of above
D. No-they only block some of the Sun’s
2444. Is almost constant.
A. Weather
2441. Without the Greenhouse Effect the
B. Climate
Earth would be
A. warm 2445. True or FalseA potential consequence of
B. cold climate change is more extreme weather.
C. dead A. True
2442. What are the effects of global warming 2446. Which of these are ways that climate
on polar bears? change affects the ocean?
A. Loss of sea ice threatens the bear’s A. Makes oceans warmer
main prey, seals, which need the ice to B. Makes oceans less acidic
raise their young. Therefore, many died
because of starvation C. Makes oceans more acidic
B. They have to swim farther to find sta- D. Makes oceans contract due to warmer
ble ice. This leaves them very tired. temperature
C. They have to escape from the hot 2447. Too many greenhouse gasses in the at-
weather. mosphere may block heat from escaping
D. none of above into space and trap too much heat next to
the Earth’s surface causing
2443. . Katya has a map of a glacier. Katya
uses the map to learn how the length of A. ice age
the glacier has changed over time. She B. volcanoes
records what she has learned in the ta-
C. earthquakes
ble.Use the table to complete the sen-
tences.The glacier is over time. D. global warming
B. climate A. Hot
B. Mild
2450. What is another term for enhanced
C. Cold
greenhouse effect?
D. none of above
A. global cooling
B. global freezing 2455. Identify a mitigation strategy.
C. Carbon dioxide Gases
C. No rain but low temperature and
D. Global Warming
low rainfall in certain areas lead
to lots of water in the air and 2461. Scientists believe this to be the major
soil.������������������������������ cause of global warming
A. heat transfer
D. Lots of rain and the average
temperature in certain areas lead B. increased nitrogen levels
to a lot of water in the air and C. increased carbon dioxide levels
soil.��������������������������� D. the use of radiation
2458. What is the name of the ocean currents
2462. What’s the main reason of countries
that are caused by a difference in temper-
that heavily depended on industrial activ-
ity to refuse global treaty in environment?
A. Because it may damage their economy
B. They don’t believe in climate change
C. Only developed countries got the ben-
efit from the treaty
D. The impossibility to prevent climate
A. hot water
B. surface currents
2463. to notice or see
C. convection currents
A. loom
D. hurricanes
B. reel
2459. Select the correct answers (3)The cli-
mate change causes changes in: C. observe
D. shift
2475. All of these graphs reveal scientific evi- 2477. Why do coral luminesce?
dence for climate change. Which graph has A. A natural sunscreen that is a form of
the most significant increase of change in life
a short period of time?
B. A natural sunscreen that is the first
stage in coral death
C. Because a human touched it
D. The moon drawing out the color
2478. This is when too much carbon dioxide is
trappedand does not allow the heat from
the sun to escape.
A. greenhouse effect
B. microwave
A. C. campfire
D. none of above
2482. How has farming affected climate 2487. Which of the following statements is
change? correct?
2491. Who manufactured the new model of C. Marine life dying due to rising temper-
steam engine? atures in the ocean and salinity issues
A. James Watt from melting ice caps
A. Heat waves and powerful storms
B. Cooler temperatures
C. Birds flying farther south for the win-
D. More ice sheets forming
2501. Combustion is another word for C. Energy sources that when burned, are
A. a train released into the atmosphere in the form
of greenhouse gases and make the Earth
2502. To something means to limit it to a 2506. Where was the Climate Change confer-
particular area. ence held in 2021?
A. Localize
B. Parade
C. Aircraft
D. Manipulation
2509. Which has the highest heating power? 2514. Ice cores from these locations show that
Earth’s climate responds to changes in
A. N2O
greenhouse gas levels.
B. Ill
A. Greenland
C. CH4
B. Antarctica
D. H2O
C. Tropical mountain glaciers
2510. Which is NOT one of the man made
D. Purity Dairies
causes of Climate Change?
A. Factories sending pollution into 2515. are noticeable changes in the cli-
Earth’s atmosphere. matepattern that take place over periods
B. Increasing numbers of sunspots send- of time.
ing more energy to Earth’s surface. A. Weather
C. Cows from the agricultural industry B. Climate changes
sending methane into the atmosphere.
C. Atmosphere
D. Burning fossil fuels and adding carbon
dioxide to the atmosphere. D. none of above
2511. One thing people in the United States 2516. Which gas is essentially released when
could do to reduce air pollution is we burn fossil fuel?
A. drive their cars more. A. Oxygen
B. burn more fossil fuels. B. Nitrogen
C. use more public transportation. C. Carbon dioxide
(Which would mean less vehicles on road)
D. Both oxygen and carbon dioxide is re-
D. build more factories. leased.
2512. Brylle is a life guard at the beach. Be- 2517. Which of the following are considered
cause it is now winter, he is currently not causes of weather?[mark all correct an-
working and looking for another job. swers]
A. Frictional Unemployment A. Latitudinal Location
B. Seasonal Unemployment
B. seasons
C. Structural Unemployment
C. landforms
D. Cyclical Unemployment
D. wind and ocean currents
2513. Something that might happen because
of global warming is 2518. What are green house gasses?
A. they were the same density 2529. Prevails over a small area.
B. they had different colors of dye A. Weather
C. they had different amounts of salt B. Climate
D. they were frozen for different lengths
of time 2530. What is an example of the Greenhouse
2527. What is the tropical cyclone map of the
A. Baking pies on a metal tray
North Pacific?
B. Steam rising from boiling water
C. Becoming hot inside of a car in a hot
A. day
D. Stepping on hot pavement and burning
your feet
2534. What country’s government has hardly D. natural fuel formed from the remains
been involved at all in organizing a climate of living organisms; petroleum (oil, coal,
change response? and natural gas)
2544. An example of a climate change mitiga- B. The heating of a solid, such as a rock.
tion strategy is
C. The cooling of Earth due to air pollu-
A. mandating more fuel efficient vehicles tion.
B. building structures to protect from ris- D. none of above
ing sea levels
2549. What wind belt represents the trade
C. species migration
D. using drought resistant crops
A. 30 degrees to 60 degrees
2545. In most areas of the world today B. 30 degrees north to 30 degrees south
A. people are richer than ever in human C. 60 degrees to 90 degrees
D. none of above
B. people are smarter than ever in human
history 2550. What are the the 3 types of galaxies?
C. people weigh more than ever in human A. Spiral Galaxies, Irregular Galaxies,
history and Elliptical Galaxies
D. people live longer than ever in human B. Spiral Galaxies, Irregular Galaxies,
history and Elliptical Galaxies
2546. The is a natural process that warms C. Milky Way, Elliptical Galaxies, and Spi-
the Earth’s surface. ral Galaxies
A. greenhouse gas D. Milky Way, Elliptical Galaxies, and Ir-
B. greenhouse effect regular Galaxies
C. contaminate 2551. Which is an example of a sustainable
D. extinction practice?
A. Mowing your lawn
2547. Which environment is this image
B. planting more trees when some are
cut down
C. Using oil instead of natural gas
D. Having more cattle to take care of the
grass and weeds
B. wetland A. TRUE
C. river B. FALSE
D. lake 2553. Another big concern is the in sea lev-
els, also caused by climate change.
2548. What is the greenhouse effect?
A. rise
A. The warming of a planet due to
trapped radiation. B. raise
A. Deforestation A. conduction
B. Fertilizers B. convection
C. Sea level rise C. radiation
D. Fossil fuel burning D. none of above
2565. (adj.) of, relating to, or involving the 2570. If all the ice were to melt how much
entire world; comprehensive. would the ocean levels rise?
A. Global A. 70 feet
B. Atmosphere B. 7 meters
C. Climate Change C. 700 feet
D. Ice Cores D. 70 meters
2566. How old are the oldest ice cores? 2571. What is the most dramatic result of de-
A. 80, 000 years
B. 800, 000 years
C. 8, 000, 000 years
D. 80, 000, 000 years
2574. What is climate change primarily caused 2579. For the reaction N2 + O2 <=> 2NO
by? If O2 is removed, the concentration of N2
2575. Which definition best describes global 2580. What is the Albedo Effect?
warming? A. Ability to absorb light
A. a long-term change in the Earth’s cli- B. Ability to reflect back light
C. Ability to retain heat
B. a long-term increase in the Earth’s av-
D. Heat
erage temperature
C. a long-term change in the climate of a 2581. In which century the Industrial Revolu-
region or a city tion started?
D. solar heat that is radiated out into A. 19th
space B. 20th
2576. (12-15) check the things that you can C. 21 st
do at home to help lessen climate change. D. 18th
A. Waste less food 2582. Why are they called, “Greenhouse
B. Eat less factory-farmed red meat Gases”?
C. Conserve energy and water A. They are all made of Carbon
D. Open dialogue B. They all release Hydrogen
E. Do not volunteer C. They absorb and release infrared en-
2577. Possible human solutions for limiting
D. They do not absorb infrared energy
global warming and climate change are
2583. Extinct means
A. being more energy-efficient A. something that no longer exists
B. not wasting food B. something in need of protection
C. recycling C. something rare
D. all of the above D. something in abundance
2578. Climates are classified according to two 2584. All of the following are known as heat-
major factors: and trapping gases, EXCEPT:
A. elevation and precipitation A. Carbon Dioxide
B. latitude and temperature B. Methane
C. elevation and latitude C. Nitrous Oxide
D. precipitation and temperature D. Oxygen
B. Animals decayed matter emits too
much carbon dioxide.
C. Animals are consuming too much gas.
D. Animals produce methane when they
A. Yes, it is are digesting food.
2594. When the ocean gets warmer, it dis- A. Make a cup of tea
solves less carbon dioxide. This means the B. Using less items that run on fossil fu-
atmosphere will have more carbon dioxide
A. Yes
B. No
A. Jan C. exosphere
B. Feb D. troposphere
C. Nov 2606. Gases being released into the air
D. Dec A. mitigation
2602. What does the burning of fossil fuels B. emission
contribute to? C. trend
A. The Ice age D. climate
B. the greenhouse effect
2607. An iron is placed on your clothes to
C. The depletion of the Ozone smooth out the wrinkles. The iron trans-
D. Increasing wealth in the middle east fers heat to your clothes through
A. Canada
B. United States
C. The whole world
A. ozone D. Option A
B. mesosphere E. North Korea
2609. How does heat energy from the sun 2614. Match the text and the correct
reach Earth? word.Taking actions in order to decrease
the amount of greenhouse gases in the
D. Feeling like everything is spinning or 2623. What is the 2nd largest source of U.S.
that you cannot balance greenhouse gases?
E. To let something come out of a place A. agriculture
where it is trapped/kept B. electricity generation
2619. How does Earth’s past climates compare C. transportation
to today’s? D. deforestation
A. the climate is exactly the same
2624. According to this graph, what is the
B. the past has always been warmer most common greenhouse gas?
C. the past has always been colder
D. climates have been warmer at some
times and colder at other times
A. Flourinated Gases
B. Nitrous Oxide
A. The greenhouse effect is the process
that traps heat in the earth’s atmosphere C. Methane
so the earth doesn’t get too cold D. Carbon Dioxide
B. the greenhouse effect isn’t real 2625. Which shows the effect of climate
C. None of the above change on human health? It
D. Process that makes the earth cold, or A. causes illnesses such as heat stress
else it would be too hot B. increases respiratory illnesses such
as asthma
2621. Which fossil fuel type generates the
most grams CO2 per kilowatt-hour? C. helps to spread diseases such as
dengue fever
A. Natural gas
D. all of the above
B. Oil
C. Coal 2626. The weather is
D. none of above
D. none of above 2633. Where does ocean water have the high-
est salinity?
2628. What is the biggest danger posed by
global warming to people living in coastal A. Subtropics
areas? B. The Poles
A. increased precipitation C. Equator
B. increased acidity of sea water D. none of above
C. lack of carbon dioxide in the atmo-
sphere 2634. Which one of the following activities
doesn’t cause climate changes rapidly?
D. rising sea level
A. Famine
2635. These are indicators for a warming
B. Homelessness
C. Drought
A. Species migrating poleward and up-
D. Deforestation ward
2631. Which of these could increase average B. the longest day and shortest nights
global temperatures? C. spring coming earlier
A. increased use of fossil fuels D. frequent appearance of the super-
B. increased ocean plants moon
increase in greenhouse gas emissions? A. Any of the gasses that cause the earth
to heat up
A. Carbon Dioxide
B. A path followed by a planet or object
B. Methane
as it moves around another planet/object
C. Nitrous Oxide
C. A country considered as a group of
D. Water Vapor people with similar language, culture, and
2638. What two factors are primarily used to history
describe climate? D. An area where a lot of waste materials
A. temperature and density are dumped
B. temperature and precipitation E. To let something come out of a place
where it is trapped/kept
C. precipitation and density
D. winds and humidity 2643. What are some possible solutions to cli-
mate change
2639. all of the following are greenhouse
gases except A. Use less energy
A. oxygen B. Choose renewable energy sources
B. carbon dioxide C. Plant trees and other plants
C. water vapor D. Recycle and reuse items
D. methane
2644. What can scientists use to study how
2640. Which is the most efficient lightbulb? Earth’s climate and atmosphere have
A. Fluorescent changed over time?
B. LED A. Ice cores
C. CFL B. Index fossils
D. Flood lights C. Law of Superposition
2641. One solution to decreasing global tem- D. Radioactive dating
peratures is to use
2645. The Fujita scale (F0-F5) that ranks a
tornado by it’s strength has been around
since the 1960’s.
A. True
B. False
2646. On average, species move towards 2652. Which decade was the link between hu-
the North/South poles every ten years to man activities and global warming discov-
avoid heat. ered?
B. seawater with lower pH
C. Rising Sea Levels
D. Increase Coral Growth
A. thirty
B. three
B. C. thirteen
D. none of above
2664. What is the term used to describe the A. the denser ceanic crust is subducting
long-term average weather patterns in a under the less dense oceanic crust
particular area?
2674. Countries whose largest emissions are 2679. Which of the following is a renewable
caused by deforestation: resource?
A. China and India A. coal
B. Germany and Finland B. water
2675. All animals exhale which type of gas? perature to tend to increase?
A. Carbon dioxide A. An increase in nitrogen gas
B. oxygen B. volcanic eruption
C. nitrogen C. Decrease in the greenhouse gas ozone
in the stratosphere.
D. sulfur dioxide
D. increase in aerosols
2676. Evidence supports the idea that in-
2681. How do we produce carbon?
creases in carbon dioxide and methane in
Earth’s atmosphere are major contributors
to global warming. This is based primar-
ily on the fact that carbon dioxide and
methane are excellent absorbers of
A. gamma rays
B. visible light
C. infrared radiation
A. Factories
D. microwaves
B. Car
2677. Which of these is not mentioned in the C. Cooking
D. All of the above
A. Water shortages
2682. What is a natural sources of greenhouse
B. Solar power gas emissions
C. Nitrogen dioxide A. Cars
D. The polar bears will die as a result of B. Airplanes
the climate change C. Volcanoes
2678. The average climate over the entire D. Coal power plants
planet is called
2683. Climate Change will cause
A. Global Climate A. More intense tropical storms
B. Global Weather B. Less intense tropical storms
C. Weather C. no more storms
D. Climate D. none of above
2684. Which of these things is a greenhouse 2688. Which of the following best describes
gas? the impact that solar radiation has on
Earth’s Climate?9. Which of the following
C. A unit of measurement for concentra- 2696. Which zones are polar zones?
tion. Commonly used for small values,
ppm measures the amount out of a million.
It can be used to measure the concentra-
tion of substances mixed in gases, liquids,
or solids.
D. A red ball
A. Zones A and B
B. Zones A and E
C. Zones E and D
2692. Which of the following is NOT a natural D. Zones A, E, and C
air pollutant?
2697. Which of the following is not a minor
A. Debris from forest fires greenhouse gas?
B. Gases escaping volcanoes A. Ozone
C. Burning fossil fuels B. Nitrogen oxide
D. Dust blown by the wind C. Methane
D. Oxygen
2693. The enhanced greenhouse effect is the
increase in global temperatures due to an 2698. Which of the following is an indication
increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases. of global warming?
A. True A. Rising sea level
B. False B. Moderate waves on the ocean
C. Constant erosion
2694. How are Polar bears being effected by
D. Decrease in global temperature
climate change?
A. they are enjoying the beach 2699. In the future, how do scientists predict
Earth’s temperature?
B. There is less ice which means there
habitat is being destroyed A. Increased
B. Decreased
C. they are having a great time
C. Constant
D. Polar bears are excited
D. none of above
2695. Global warming is thought to be increas-
2700. Coral bleaching occurs when:
ing the temperature of the oceans and the
lower atmosphere. How will this affect A. to many people dumping bleach in the
the amount of moisture in the air? ocean
A. It will increase moisture. B. Coral loses its color because of the dy-
ing algae
B. It will have no effect on moisture.
C. Boats dumping waste and gasoline in
C. It will decrease moisture. the ocean
D. Higher ocean temperatures do not af- D. an increase in fish activity around the
fect the development of hurricanes coral
2701. An average atmospheric condition. 2707. What evidence is there to support that
A. Climate Global Warming is occurring?
2713. “Our state has experienced the worst 2719. Limited levels of carbon dioxide and
drought since records began more than methane are recommended to be in the at-
120 years ago.” mosphere to retain heat.
A. climate A. True
B. weather B. False
A. Ultraviolet rays
B. Visible light
C. Both
D. None of the above
2723. When the core of a Red Supergiant col- 2728. Scientists observe the thickness of a
lapses, a bright event known as a oc- tree’s to learn about past climate con-
curs. ditions.
2724. What can the fossil record tell us? 2729. Is sun causing Global Warming?
A. yes
A. history of life on Earth
B. no
B. groups of organisms changed over
long periods of time 2730. The changing precipitation patterns and
C. Information about the past climate of increase in forest fires and extreme
our Earth weather is known as
D. information about the past environ- A. climate change
ments and changes of the Earth’s surface B. global warming
E. all of these are correct C. climate
D. weather
2725. What are examples of non-renewable
energy sources? 2731. A climate pattern that describes the un-
A. Geothermal usual warming of surface waters in the
eastern tropical Pacific Ocean.
B. Hydro
A. Global Warming
C. Oil
B. The boy
D. Hydro
C. Climate Change
2726. Which of the following is a significant D. Greenhouse Effect
cause of climate change?
2732. Globally, which of the following eco-
A. Deforestation
nomic sectors emits the largest percentage
B. Volcanic activity of greenhouse gas emissions?
C. Moon phases
D. none of above
A. Increase
B. Decrease
A. nothing
C. Stay the same
B. freezing
D. none of above
C. moving
2734. Select the correct answer The picture
D. melting
shows (sample):
2739. True or False:Volcanic eruptions can
cause the climate to cool.
A. True
B. False
A. True B. No
2745. The of a container determines its ca- 2749. It is a continuous period of dry weather,
pacity, size, or extent. when an area gets less than its normal
A. Volume amount of rain, over months or even
B. Atmosphere
A. Flood
C. Inevitable
B. Drought
D. Reasonable
C. Hurricanes
2746. When making an argument about how D. none of above
climate change is affecting the ice cover on
Earth, which of the following would be the 2750. The colorless, odorless gas that is re-
least effective type of evidence to support leased when carbon is burned is called
your argument? A. global warming
A. data tracking the amount of snowfall B. carbon dioxide
for the last 50 years
C. greenhouse gas
B. data tracking the surface temperature D. cause & effect
for the last 200 years
C. data tracking carbon dioxide levels for 2751. What is the most abundant gas in the
the last 100 years atmosphere?
A. increased carbon dioxide may cause 2756. What effect can an ocean have on the
plants to grow rapidly climate?
B. this may cause a loss in the amount of A. Rushing water from tides cools the
energy reaching the Earth from the Sun land.
C. this may contribute to a gradual warm- B. There is no influence on climate from
ing of the atmosphere an ocean.
D. this may contribute to a rapid cooling C. Ocean winds can carry moisture with
them and can bring rain and fog over in-
of the oceans
land areas.
2753. What animals are affected positively by D. Warm ocean air causes a dry climate.
climate change?
2757. What historical event is considered the
starting point for global warming?
A. President Barack Obama’s presidency
B. The Paris Climate Agreement
C. The Industrial Revolution
D. President Donald Trump’s presidency
A. Whaleshark
B. Sea Stars 2758. What is causing climate change?
C. change from A. Humans
2761. Which of the following is an example of 2765. Which type of organism is most im-
greenhouse gas? pacted by climate change?
A. Oxygen
B. carbon dioxide (CO2)
C. methane
D. nitrous oxide
D. none of above
2767. How much UV radiation does the ozone
2764. Which of the gases is NOT a greenhouse
layer normally filter out?
A. 99%
B. 10%
C. 50%
D. 0%
2770. Which of these is an effect of climate D. didn’t damage wouldn’t start
change? 2774. Which of the following words can be
A. Sea level rises. used to describe a ‘jungle’?
B. Droughts.
C. Mountains.
D. Oceans.
A. canyon
B. prairie
C. rainforest
B. D. hurricane
C. insulate
D. protect
A. Drought caused by El Nino C. Greentree impacts
B. Bagyo (TropicalCyclones) D. Weather implications
C. Earthquake
2793. Global annual temperature has been
D. Storm Surge steadily increasing.
2789. How does petroleum form A. True
B. False
2794. Where are the extra greenhouse gases
coming from?
A. burning fuels
B. using cars and other vehicles
C. clearing forests
A. build up of layers of trees and leaves D. mining
B. build up of once-living aquatic organ- E. raising livestock
isms underneath pressure and heat.
2795. Extreme weather like intense hurri-
C. Build up of different rocks canes and droughts is due to
D. It’s formed from gasses in the air A. climate change
2790. All of the following are parts of the Ital- B. deforestation
ian Green New Deal EXCEPT C. hydroelectric power
A. Money for citizens that get rid of gas D. moon phases
powered vehicles
2796. Review the image and answer the fol-
B. Offering subsidies to stores that set up
lowing question.In the western United
Green Corners with no plastic
States, most rain shadows occur on what
C. Increased funding for specific lanes side of the mountain ranges?
for green transportation
D. Fining citizens that have more than one
gas powered vehicle
A. The west side of the mountain 2800. Choose all of the leading contributors
B. The Southern Part of a mountain of carbon dioxide that are contributing to
global warming.
A. Creating ideal temperatures for grow-
A. In the atmosphere
ing plants.
B. Function of the atmosphere that al- B. In our Oceans
lows the heat released by the earth to be C. Barried in the ground
lost to space. D. In living organisms
C. Function of the atmosphere that pre-
vents meteorites from entering terrestrial 2811. Which season is taking place in the
space. Northern Hemisphere in Position 1?
D. none of above
2816. What can we do to prevent global 2821. What is the difference between
warming? Choose three options. weather and climate?
A. Weather takes a long time to change
and climate changes quickly
B. Weather is about the conditions out-
side right now and climate refers to
weather over a longer period of time
C. weather is only about precipitation
and climate is about precipitation and tem-
A. drive more cars D. weather changes daily and climate
B. plant a tree never changes
C. Italy
D. Maldives
A. breathing E. Netherlands
B. burning fossil fuels
2827. Incoming solar radiation is called
C. transportation
A. mitigation
D. factories
B. insolation
2823. Vast areas filled with very cold gas dust C. sun spots
between stars is known as
D. climate
2828. What is a solution to the climate change
wherein we must change our behaviors
in response to the changing environment
around us?
A. conservation
A. one big empty area in space. B. coercion
B. “cosmic fluff.” C. mitigation
C. the interstellar medium. D. adaptation
D. the interstellar void. 2829. Which of the following is the best con-
clusion that can be made from this graph?
2824. the state of the atmosphere, describing
for example the degree to which it is hot
or cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear
or cloudy
A. Season
B. Climate
C. Weather
A. atmospheric carbon dioxide levels
D. none of above
have been decreasing since 1960
2825. Sea and land breezes over a large region B. Hawaii has a lot of carbon dioxide
that change direction with the seasons are C. humans have been working hard to de-
called crease carbon dioxide levels
A. savannas D. atmospheric carbon dioxide levels
B. prevailing westerlies have increased steadily since 1960
C. It is a process by which greenhouse winter
gases allow the sun’s light to penetrate C. A glass house that is used to grow
the atmosphere but stop the heat from es- plants
caping. D. The trapping of the sun’s warmth in the
D. It is a process by which prevailing atmosphere
winds bring moisture to the land, to the
prevailing wind direction. 2846. Depends on latitude, distance to the sea,
vegetation, presence or absence of moun-
2840. Which are the 2 main sources of air pol- tains, and other geographical factors.
lution in urban areas? A. Climate
A. Vehicles B. Weather
B. Industries
2847. Do you like our presentation?
C. Volcanoes A. Yes
D. Agriculture B. No
2841. Air Pollution 2848. Extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
A. air pollution is dissolved in the oceans and causes an
increase in the ocean’s
B. air conditioning
A. Salinity
C. climate
B. Acidity
D. weather
C. Biodiversity
2842. Animal extinction is an effect of climate D. none of above
change and global warming.
2849. What does the red line represent?
A. True
B. False
2850. Which fossil fuel produces the most car- A. higher CO2=higher temperature
bon dioxide?
B. there is no correlation
A. Coal
2861. If the amount of energy coming from the 2866. If the temperature of the earth’s surface
Sun doubled, what would happen to the increases more than ( ) C◦ it is consid-
temperature of the Earth if all else was ered a serious increase
kept constant? A. 0.5 C◦
A. It would be halved B. 1C◦
B. It would be doubled C. 1.5 C◦
C. It would stay the same D. 2 C◦
D. none of above 2867. what human activities lead to an in-
2862. What is the picture above? crease in the amount of greenhouse gases
and therefore lead to climate change?
A. burning fossil fuels for energy
B. transportation (cars, planes, trains)
C. farming
D. all of the above
2868. What is the thermal equilibrium temper-
A. Polar bears ature of the earth?
B. Earth A. -18o C
C. Sun B. +10o C
D. Flood C. 0o C
2863. The following are Greenhouse Gases: D. +18o C
A. Carbon Dioxide 2869. One of the consequences of climate
B. Methane change is weather.
A. extreme
C. Salt
B. extremity
D. Phosphorus
E. Water vapor 2870. The allows most of the visible light
from the Sun to pass through and reach
2864. Why do organisms need nitrogen? Earth’s surface.
A. to allow us to use oxygen
B. to build muscle tissue
C. to protect the blood supply
D. all of the above
2871. The Kia car maker just replaced Juan 2876. What are the three types of power
with a robot that can do the job 5 times plants used to produce geothermal en-
as fast. Tyrone is now unemployed. ergy?
helps to sustain (keep) life on earth by B. when fuel is burnt
trapping heat in the atmosphere.
C. when plants grow
D. none of above
2882. How does the Earth maintain cool? 2886. What is climate in Southern California
A. mild rainy winters and dry summers
B. hot and humid with consistent precipi-
C. warm to cool summers and cold win-
D. dry with a large variety in temperature
B. Wars between different countries 2895. Which of the following is a similarity be-
tween the tundra and the desert?
C. Global warming
D. Oil spills
A. low temperatures
B. high temperatures
C. low precipitation levels
D. permanently frozen ground
2896. Which is measured in a short period of
time at a certain time and place?
2892. Why are greenhouse gases like CO2 and A. Climate
methane important to Earth’s climate? B. Weather
B. stratosphere
A. C. mesosphere
D. thermosphere
2914. Which of the following are negative im- 2918. Which is NOT correct about greenhouse
pacts of burning fossil fuels? effect?
A. The effect is caused by trapped
A. They contribute to environmental warmed air in the Earth’s atmosphere.
degradation and pollution
B. Greenhouse gases absorb and emit ra-
B. They harm local communities
diation back to earth.
C. They contribute to human health prob-
C. The effect leads to rising temperature
on the earth’s surface.
D. All of the above
D. The effect is beneficial to human if
2915. A change in the pattern of weather in an there is not too much greenhouse gases.
area over long periods of time.
2919. Are fossil fuels good for the planet?
A. Climate
A. Yes.
B. Weather
B. No.
C. Global Warming
D. Global Climate Change 2920. Which type of organism will have issues
reproducing due to rising temperatures in
2916. What are the consequences of climate the ocean? Use the provided graph for in-
change? formation.
A. The winters will be wetter and rainfall
events will become extreme.
B. People will still not worry about the cli-
mate change
C. No one will plant trees
D. Trees will be chopped down more often
A. wind turbine
B. pylon
A. Northern latitudes
C. solar panel
B. The tropics
D. power station
C. Southern latitudes
2923. What is our goal as a world to save the D. All latitudes equally
A. Don’t use as much plastic 2928. Waste
A. greenhouse effect.
2935. These are the two most abundant gases
B. alternative energy search. in our atmosphere, combining to equal
C. population explosion. 99% of the atmospheric composition.
A. Nitrogen and carbon dioxide
D. carbon footprint.
B. Carbon dioxide and oxygen
2931. If you live near the ocean, in a marine
C. Oxygen and nitrogen
climate, what kind of winters would you
expect? D. Nitrogen and argon
A. Harsh, extreme winters 2936. The diagram represents solar energy
B. Mild winters that is absorbed by Earth’s land and wa-
ter surfaces and is changed into heat that
C. No winters at the beach. radiates back into the atmosphere.What is
D. none of above this process called?
A. ozone
B. radiation
A. The plants C. greenhouse effect
B. The high production of Carbon Dioxide D. evaporation
C. The waste of water 2937. Scientists believe that the Amazon rain-
D. Hunting animals forest creates % of the earth’s oxy-
2933. Natural cooling cycles of the Earth are
A. interglacial periods
B. ice ages
C. global warming
D. polar vortexes
B. oil and gas 2945. When was the first news of the ozone
hole first published?
C. ground
A. 1965
D. fire
B. 1974
2939. go up shàngzh�ng C. 1985
A. go up (as in price or water level) D. 1994
B. fall (as in price or water level) 2946. As temperature increase, sea ice also in-
2940. What does CFC stand for?
A. True
A. Chelsea Football CLub
B. False
B. Chloroflurocalcium
2947. The main cause of air pollution is the
C. Chlorofluorocaserole of fossil fuels.
D. Chlorofluorocarbons A. dispersing
B. breaking
2941. Do you know anything about climate
change? C. freezing
A. Yes D. burning
A. Coal A. September
B. Obsidion B. August
C. Granite C. December
D. Oil D. April
2950. Increased greenhouse gases in the atmo- 2954. Greenhouse gases are like
sphere has made the Earth
A. lots of trees.
A. hotter
B. a blanket covering the Earth.
B. cooler
C. and ice sheets are melting
C. lighter
D. I sweat, and I even get dizzy.
D. heavier
E. to space to make the earth cool
2951. Click the true statements
2955. An increase in greenhouse gases such as
A. Deforestation is the large scale cutting Carbon Dioxide that help trap heat in the
and burning of forests atmosphere leads to which effect?
B. Deforestation makes up 25% of the A. The CO2 Effect
CO2 released by human activity
B. The Warming Effect
C. Deforestation decreases CO2 in the at-
mosphere because plants remove CO2 in C. The Greenhouse Effect
photosynthesis D. The Gas Effect
D. When trees are burned, CO2 is added
2956. Which climate change impact affects
to the atmosphere
most people in the world?
2952. Permanent deforestation can contribute A. heat waves
to potential global warming by:
B. water stress
A. A decreasing atmospheric CO2 levels.
C. nitrogen leaching
B. B decreasing atmospheric N2 levels.
D. habitat degradation
C. C increasing atmospheric CO2 levels.
D. D increasing atmospheric N2 levels. 2957. What natural process does NOT con-
tribute to “Greenhouse Gases”?
2953. Bangkok has a tropical wet and dry cli- A. Volcanoes
mate. What is the warmest month in
Bangkok? B. Large Herbivore Waste
C. Forest Fires
D. Photosynthesis
C. texting on cellphones
D. eating meat
A. 1
B. 2
A. Methane C. 3
D. 4
B. Carbon Dioxide
2963. The area of greatest warming has been
C. Steam in the
D. Air A. Arctic
B. Equator
2961. Which of the following is NOT apart of C. Europe
the greenhouse effect?
D. North America
A. Nitrogen
2964. Hundreds of millions of years ago,
B. Carbon Dioxide nearly the whole planet was covered with
C. Water Vapor A. lush vegetation
D. Methane B. ice
C. water
2962. Which diagram best represents the rela- D. desert
tive wavelengths of visible light, ultravio-
let energy, and infrared energy? (Use esrt 2965. If ice in the artic melts, oceans will dis-
pg 14) appear.
B. poverty rate
C. poverty threshold ing?
D. none of above
A. True
B. False
global health? A. frequent and intense drought
A. True B. storms
B. False C. heatwaves
2982. Why does cutting down trees increase D. rising sea levels
global warming? E. All above
A. Trees soak up carbon dioxide. 2987. Which of the following greenhouse gas
B. Trees absorb the sun’s energy without is released when coal is burned?
radiating back into the atmosphere. A. sulfur dioxide
C. Trees provide shade which counter- B. carbon dioxide
acts global warming.
C. methane
D. Trees drain greenhouse gases like
D. ethane
methane from soil.
2988. Coal, oil and natural gas are forms of
2983. Which of these are greenhouse gases?
A. oxygen
A. Dinosaurs
B. carbon dioxide
B. things
C. hydrogen
C. Donald Trump
D. potassium
D. fossil fuels
2984. The global conveyor belt
2989. How certain is it that humans are the
A. Is the wind pattern around the globe main cause of climate change?
carrying warm air
B. Is the water current carrying cold and
warm water around the globe
C. Is the stream of water that makes
Eastern Europe warmer in winter than at
any other region of the same latitude
D. none of above
3001. What is climate change? 3007. means to use something old to make
A. Climate change is change in the cli- something new.
mate A. reduce
B. Climate changes the climate B. reuse
C. Climate change is a impact on the cli- C. recycle
D. none of above
D. none of above
3008. The is the air that surrounds the
3002. Which of the following gases is NOT a
Earth’s surface.
greenhouse gas?
A. Volume
A. carbon dioxide
B. nitrogen B. Atmosphere
3003. Match the text and the correct word. 3009. Read the following two sen-
A colorless, odorless gas that is released tences:Sentence 1:Greenhouse gases are
from the burning of fossil fuels, such as important for life on earth.Sentence 2:The
coal, oil, and natural gas more the amount of greenhouse gases, the
A. Carbon dioxide better it is for our earth.
3012. Which of the following are examples of A. lower levels of ozone in the atmo-
greenhouse gases? sphere
A. 10 years
B. 100 years
C. 1000 years
D. 10, 000 years
3021. Which of the following is NOT evidence
of global warming? C. cold summer and cold winters
A. Sea level rising D. extreme summers and extreme win-
B. Less Water Vapor in the Air ters
C. Loss of Arctic Sea Ice 3027. Which is NOT an example of a green-
D. More extreme weather events house gas?
A. Nitrous oxide
3022. More than half of the breathable oxy-
B. Methane
gen in the world comes from ?
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Nitrogen dioxide
3028. The figure below shows the changes
in carbon dioxide emissions in the United
States, the European Union, China, and
India (not in order) from 1990 to 2018.
Figure 1 shows the total emissions, and
A. The forests Figure 2 shows the per capita emissions.
B. Lakes Please judge based on the population, eco-
nomic development profile and environ-
C. The oceans
mental awareness of each country, which
D. Clouds country is A, B, C and D in order?
3023. What is Greenhouse effect?
A. Harmful gases released by industries
B. trapping of heat close to the surface of
the Earth
3029. The most direct radiation from the Sun 3035. All of these graphs reveal scientific ev-
is located where on Earth? idence for climate change. Which graph
shows trends in CO2?
3037. This describes day-to-day changes to
the atmosphere that affects temperature
and the environment around living organ-
A. Weather
B. Climate
3038. If the climate changed enough, A. Covers more area than it did 30 years
B. Declined, but has recovered to where
it was 30 years ago
C. Has completely disappeared in the
D. Covers less area than it did 30 years
A. a lot of areas would become unbear- ago
ably hot, which wouldlead to animal and
people extinction 3042. Which of the following are major
sources of methane? Choose TWO correct
B. the Earth would lose all of its liquid wa- options.
ter supplies
A. Cows
C. we could try to do the same with other
planets to makethem suitable for living B. Burning fossil fuels
D. none of above C. Deforestation
3039. A large variety D. Rice paddy fields
A. Adapt
3043. Why do some countries contribute more
B. Gas carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than
C. Habitat others?
D. Diversity A. They are lazy.
3040. What is true about all the minerals B. They do not know the other options
mined from the Earth? C. They do not have the resources to
A. They can be recycled switch to a more green way of living.
B. Once they are gone, they are gone for- D. They do not care about the environ-
ever ment.
B. there are too many fish in the ocean. 3051. Manifestations of climate change are
C. more water is being created in the at- A. high temperature
B. sea level rise
D. none of above
C. Rainfall increases and decreases er-
3048. How much did CO2 increase from 2012-
2013? D. all
3052. A is the side of the mountain. A. The whale populations are bouncing
back very successfully and are unaffected
by Japan and Norway continuing to whale.
B. The whale populations are not re-
bounding as quickly as they might if all of
the countries agreed not to hunt whales.
C. The whale populations have mutated
A. leeward into new kinds of organisms.
B. eastward D. The whales are getting better at avoid-
C. westward ing capture.
D. windward 3056. what is pressure syteam mean
3053. Which of these statements about the A. warm air rising or cold air sinking com-
greenhouse effect is true? bined with the spinning of the earth.
A. It is caused by people. B. A funnel shaped thing
B. It is natural and people have had little C. low pressure pull in water vopor
effect on it. D. none of above
C. It is natural and people have in-
3057. Albedo can best be described as
creased/enhanced it.
A. the temperature at the equator
D. It is natural and people have de-
creased it. B. the amount of solar radiation ab-
3054. What happens to ozone molecules when
C. the amount of solar radiation reflected
they absorb UV light?
D. the air pressure during El Nino
A. ozone is produced
B. ozone is destroyed 3058. A compound that are given off by hu-
mans and taken in by plants for photosyn-
C. ozone remains the same
D. ozone turns into chlorine
A. O
3055. Whaling was a very profitable profes- B. Ill
sion until whale populations crashed. The
C. N
global community came together to enact
a ban on whaling. However, Japan and D. CO
Norway have not agreed to stop whaling.
3059. Currently, about 10% of Earth is cov-
Which of the following is the most likely
ered with ice all year-round. If this ice
consequence of their decision?
melts, what could happen to Earth’s tem-
A. decrease in temperature
B. rise in sea level
C. increase in temperature
D. rise of zombie polar bears
3060. What do you know about climate A. Driving automobiles more and putting
change? more CO2 into the air.
3069. Choose effects of the climate change 3074. A greenhouse stays inside, even dur-
A. Changes in infectious diseases ing winters.
B. Extreme weather and disasters
C. Increasing allergens
D. Warm weather in all seasons.
3070. Which of these factors is a natural rea-
soning for a hot climate?
A. colder
A. Living in a state that borders Canada
B. the same
B. Living in a city with a lot of factories
that burns a lot of fossil fuels C. warmer
C. Living in a state that borders Mex- D. none of above
ico/lies along the equator
D. Living in a state that is cold 3075. 97% of climate scientists agree that
climate-warming in the past century
3071. Galaxies are composed of (best an- are likely caused by human activities.
A. tracks
A. stars
B. trends
B. stars and gas
C. stars, dust, and gas 3076. what part of the plants makes food for
the plant
D. stars, dust, and gas held together by
gravity A. fruit
3079. Toxins accumulate in the tissues of or- 3084. what is climate change?
ganisms as they pass through a food
A. change in temperature, precipitation,
3088. Which term refers to the wobble of the B. Absorbing it into the oceans
earth’s axis? C. Photosynthesis and respiration
A. precession D. All of these processes move carbon
B. eccentricity
3093. Increase in carbon emissions helps with
C. obliquity climate change. (True/False)
D. axial tilt A. True
3089. The Earth formed years ago. B. False
A. 4.6 3094. Temperature change in the water causes
B. 4.6 million coral bleaching.
C. 4.6 billion A. True
D. 4.6 trillion B. False
3090. Climographs include info such as: 3095. Why do Scientist use Models like the
Greenhouse Model to describe Scientific
A. elevation and precipitation Phenomenon.
B. latitude and temperature A. It is easy to describe
C. elevation and latitude B. Models make it more difficult to under-
D. precipitation and temperature stand scientific Phenomenon
C. Difficult concepts like Climate change
3091. what is climate change?
are made easier to understand using a
D. Models don’t have the limitations that
specific descriptions have.
3092. The Carbon Cycle naturally moves car- 3098. If a population grows larger than its en-
bon on earth by vironmental carrying capacity, then
A. Releasing it from rocks A. death rate may rise.
B. death rate may fall significantly. 3104. New fuels are being produced by con-
C. birth rate may rise significantly. verting corn and grasses into compounds
containing alcohols that can be broken
3108. What is the primary source used to de- 3113. What is a drought?
termine the amount of carbon dioxide in
A. Long period of time without rain fall
the atmosphere years ago?
B. flooding
A. ocean data
B. ice core samples C. A lot of food
Pacific Ocean. There is a maximum wind
3109. Man-made causes mainly refers to speed around the center of 120 Km/hr
greenhouse gases and the direction of air movement is blow-
ing towards the center of the storm. As
shown in the picture from the tropical cy-
clone data in the table. What type of
storm is this? And born in which hemi-
A. True
B. False
3111. The ozone layer is located in the D. Cyclones occur in the southern hemi-
A. Mesosphere
B. Stratosphere 3115. Which of these are the greenhouse
C. Exosphere
D. none of above A. nitrous oxide
B. water vapor
3112. Formally the 4th largest sea in the
world, it is now disappearing. C. carbon dioxide
A. an energy cone
B. a food chain
C. a power pyramid
D. a nutrition web
3123. Which are the main methane emitters? 3129. Which of these is not a greenhouse gas?
A. The decomposition of organic matter
B. Livestock production of cattle, buffalo,
sheep, and goats
C. Rice cultivation or waste management
D. Deforestation, which releases se-
questered carbon into the air
3124. Australia is both a country and a conti-
A. Water vapor
A. True
B. Nitrogen trifluoride
B. False
C. Methane
3125. “We just got three feet of snow in
March! So much for global warming!” D. Chlorofluorocarbons
A. climate E. Argon
B. weather
3130. What follows is NOT the impact of
3126. Which of the following shows the effect global warming on ecosystems are
of climate change?
A. Loss of habitat for species
A. Energy Consumption
B. Deforestation B. A break in a foodchain
C. Rising temperature C. The occurrence of ecosystem balance
D. Transportation D. Disruption of interaction patterns be-
tween living organisms
3127. Increasing quantities of CO2 (Carbon
Dioxide) in the atmosphere will cause air
temperatures to be 3131. A permanent atmospheric gas that does
not contribute to the greenhouse effect.
A. Oxygen
B. Chloroflurocarbons (CFCs)
C. Nitrous Oxide
D. Methane
A. warmer
B. cooler 3132. The average global temperature has
during the 20th century.
3128. Why do scientist study ice cores?
A. remained the same
A. They contain ancient atmospheres
trapped in bubbles in the ice. B. increased every year
B. They are great for slurpees! C. risen some years and fallen others, but
C. They are cool! has increased overall
D. They record past extinction events D. none of above
3133. The main current that flows around 3139. It is illegal for politicians in America to
Earth in a 1, 000 year cycle is known as receive funds from oil companies or those
the companies which are involved in fossil fu-
B. False B. Thermosphere
C. Exosphere
3136. Selecciona la respuesta correcta Select
the correct answer to complete the sen- D. Stratosphere
tenceThe has been affected. 3141. 97% of scientists believe what is caus-
ing climate change?
A. Animals and Plants
B. Eco-Friendly Cars
A. agriculture C. Humans
B. tourism D. Conservation of energy
3137. What does not produce carbon dioxide? 3142. The hurricane the town. All the
buildings were destroyed.
A. Photosynthesis
A. devastated
B. Burning Fossil Fuels
B. interrupted
C. Animal respiration
C. concerned
D. Plants decaying
D. none of above
3138. A layer on earth which has function as
“blanket” of the earth is 3143. What happens when energy hits sulfur
A. Hydrosphere
A. When energy hits sulfur dioxide, more
B. Biosphere energy is created.
C. Atmosphere B. Sulfur dioxide traps some energy and
D. Biome holds it in the atmosphere.
B. Climate is an average of temperatures
over a long period of time, weather takes
place in one day.
C. Climate is an average of temperatures
over a long period of time, weather takes
place in one day.
D. Weather is affected by global warning,
A. Clouds climate is not.
B. Oceans
3150. This refers to the high probability of ex-
C. Sun periencing the serious effects of the haz-
D. Plants ard
3145. The 4 main factors that influences cur- A. VULNERABILITY
rents wordwide are B. RESILIENCE
A. Wind
B. Earth’s rotation 3151. Why are forests important for mitigat-
ing climate change?
C. Density difference
D. The Land
E. Ocean Life
3148. Something that might happen because B. Trees provide building materials
of global warming is C. Trees are an important food source
A. melting polar ice caps D. Leaves of trees reflect all sunlight
B. more reflected sunlight off the ice pack away from the Earth
3153. When the earth originally formed, it 3158. What is the definition of ‘Greenhouse
was very cold. Effect’?
A. true A. Gases that increase Earth’s tempera-
B. false ture
B. When the gases in Earth’s atmosphere
3154. Choose the best answer Which of the
trap heat from the Sun and keep the
following can help decrease global warm-
planet warm
A. Eat more ice cream C. The pattern of weather that occurs
over time
B. Keep your freezer door open
D. When our climate changes
C. Keep your air conditioner on high
D. Turn off your lights when you’re not us- 3159. All of the following are negative con-
ing it sequences of enhanced greenhouse gas ef-
3155. Anything that acts to absorb carbon
from atmosphere is called as carbon sink A. Decreased temperatures
and therefore can act as carbon sink. B. Increased UV insolation
A. animals C. Melting glaciers and ice caps
B. trees D. Increases to sea levels
C. air
3160. The Greenhouse Effect happens because
D. humans
people cause pollution, and, therefore, Car-
3156. IF I WAS THE PRESIDENT, I (PUT) bon Dioxide.
3161. Human activities are the levels of C. Republic Act 6969:Philippine Toxic
the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear
A. increasing Waste Act
D. none of above
B. decreasing
C. maintaining 3166. if there is a fire in a forest, there will
be less in the environment?
D. fluctuating
3162. to refer casually or indirectly to a topic,
person, event, etc.
A. spew
B. allude
A. nitrogen
C. tout
B. oxygen
D. excoriate
3167. the process of drawing a conclusion on
3163. Choose the two human activities that the basis of evidence
emit the most CO2 into the atmosphere A. Reasoning
A. Planting trees and heating your home B. Claim
B. Industry and planting trees C. Evidence
C. Burning fossil fuels and volcanoes D. none of above
D. Driving cars and electricity 3168. If all of the chemicals causing ozone de-
pletion are completely stopped being emit-
3164. What are three advantages of geother- ted into the atmosphere, how long will it
mal energy? take for the ozone to recover?
A. Eco-friendly, widely available, creates A. 6 years
B. 60 years
B. Cheaply utilized, no potential emis- C. 600 years
sions, surface stability
D. 6000 years
C. Highly efficient, extraction without fos-
sil fuels, low risk 3169. c. We can reduce carbon footprint by
cutting down trees.
D. Stronger, faster, better than ever
A. True
3165. This law provides the legal basis to B. False
manage, prevent, and monitor the impor-
tation, creation, processing, distribution, 3170. There are many fossil fuel sources. In
use, transfer, and disposal of toxic and terms of carbon emissions, the type of fuel
hazardous wastes and chemicals. that emits the least is
A. Coal
A. Republic Act 9275:Philippine Clean Wa-
ter Act of 2004 B. Petroleum
B. Republic Act 9279:Climate Change Act C. Natural Gas
of 2009 D. none of above
3171. Trees are so important to our environ- 3175. True or False:The sun naturally goes
ment because they absorb (sink) which through cycles that cause the amount of
greenhouse gas? energy that reaches Earth’s surface to
D. Increase in the number of trees in the C. Riding bikes and using solar energy
planet D. Competing in the Olympics
3180. What greenhouse gas comes from land- 3185. A lot of films in Hollywood last
fills and cows? year.
A. Methane A. is made
B. Carbon Dioxide B. were made
C. Nitrogen Gas C. are made
D. Hydrogen Gas D. was made
3181. What helps to trap heat on planet 3186. What Causes Air Pollution?
Earth? Choose the best answer.
A. Air pollution in the form of carbon diox-
A. Magnetic Field ide and methane raises the earth’s tem-
B. Atmosphere perature.
C. We are releasing CO2 into the atmo- 3193. The greenhouse effect
sphere at alarming rates. A. makes life on Earth possible because
Earth would be too cold without it
D. Human activities burn fossil fuels and
this is leading to global warming. B. needs to be eliminated for survival
C. did not exist until fossil fuels were
D. makes life on Earth possible because
Earth would be too hot without it
3194. How do your actions affect your Carbon
A. We rarely produce any carbon in the
3190. In the 1800’s what human activity
caused CO2 levels to begin to increase? B. What you do does not affect the atmo-
A. New factories were being built that
burned fossil fuels C. It is a number of gases that are in the
B. The US civil war caused more carbon
D. Certain things you do give off more car-
bon that goes into the air.
C. Scientists figured out how to clean up
carbon dioxide in the air 3195. Which would you expect to have the
lowest albedo?
D. It did not increase
dioxide to make food
B. Fossil fuels release carbon dioxide into C. Eat less meat
the air when they are burned D. All of the above
C. It is considered a green house gas 3202. When did humans begin building things
D. all of the above that damage the environment?
3205. Which of the following is TRUE about cli- 3209. what is the process that occurs in label
matic changes today? B?
B. Average to do so.
A. carbon offset
C. Drought
B. carbon footprint
D. Blame
C. carbon tax
3214. A colorless, odorless gas produced by D. carbon sequestration
burning carbon and organic compounds and
by respiration. It is naturally present in 3219. What is the definition of “Greenhouse
air (about 0.03 percent) and is absorbed Effect?”
by plants in photosynthesis.
A. Gases that increase Earth’s tempera-
A. Methane ture
B. Oxygen B. when the gases in Earth’s atmosphere
C. Hydrogen trap heat from the Sun and keep the
planet warm
D. Carbon Dioxide
C. the pattern of weather that occurs
3215. What are 3 facts about climate change? over time
A. Most of the increase in global temper- D. When our climate changes
atures since 1950 has been caused by hu- 3220. Which of the following states a climate?
man activity.
A. The wind is blowing my hair today
B. Global temperatures have increased
by about 1◦ Celsius in the past century. B. The rain feels good on my face right
C. The average temperature of the Earth
is determined by the greenhouse effect. C. Sea ice has been thinning over time
3231. Where have some of the strongest and and Y in his table with words. Which are
earliest impacts of global warming oc- the best words for him to use?
A. in the tropics
B. in the northern latitudes
C. impacts of global warming are dis-
tributed equally all over the planet
A. X:Volcano eruptions Y:Burning fuels
D. none of above
B. X:Burning fuels Y:Volcano eruptions
3232. Where do you think most of the excess
C. X:Affects weather Y:Does not affect
heat is absorbed?
D. X:Does not affect weather. Y:Affects
B. war
C. earth’s orbital deviation
A. carbonization
B. combustion
C. deforestation
D. fossilization A. not something we should worry about.
3243. choose multiple answers:what the natu- B. something that happened long ago.
ral causes can keep climate change? C. a serious global issue.
A. mountain building process D. none of above
3247. What is CO2? 3252. When a nebula heats up, a “baby” star
forms in the middle. It is called a
A. supernova
B. supergiant
C. white dwarf
D. protostar
A. Carbon 3253. Which of the following best describes
B. Oxygen
A. day to day conditions of the atmo-
C. Carbon dioxide sphere at a place in regards to heat, dry-
D. A type of fizzy drink ness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.
3257. Climate or Weather:a tornado warning 3262. The following human activities produce
was issued for Kansas City this morning. greenhouse gases EXCEPT:
E. Nitrous Oxide
3267. Which of the following are NOT green-
house gases?
A. Carbon Dioxide
B. Methane
C. Nitrogen D.
D. Nitrous Oxide
E. Carbon Monoxide 3270. Natural warming cycles of the Earth are
3268. what does climate change mean?
A. interglacial periods
B. ice ages
C. global warming
D. polar vortexes
3275. Earth’s climate can be affected by nat- D. Damage to the ozone layer
ural factors such as changes in volcanic
activity, solar output and Earth’s orbit 3278. Why is it important to care about cli-
around the sun. Climate change can also be mate change?
caused by human activities such as burning A. It is important to care about climate
fossil fuels and the conversion of land for change as it effects all of us.
forestry and agriculture. The increase of
which greenhouse gas due to human activ- B. It is important to care about climate
ity has had the greatest impact on global change because a lot of animals are los-
climate in the past century? ing their habitats
other organisms.
C. Greenhouse effect
B. The water becomes better able to sup-
D. Acidification
port aerobic organisms.
C. The algae provide food for fishes and 3284. A weakness of the Paris Agreement.
other organisms, leading to decreased al- A. Nations cannot be forced to accom-
gae populations. plish the requirements of the agreement.
D. The extra nitrogen provides additional B. Poor nations don’t like the agreement
food for the other organisms, increasing as they need to pay the richer nations.
their population. C. The agreement will make the world too
cold again
3280. Who are responsible for taking action
on Climate Change? D. many nations believe climate change is
a hoax
A. Ordinary citizens
3285. This is a picture of:
B. Scientists
C. Government
D. none of above
3288. By how many degrees Fahrenheit has 3292. A strip mining company wants to lease
the temperature increased? some land that is currently part of a na-
tional park. They promise to reclaim the
3291. about 10, 000 years ago, nearly the A. Government of U.S.A.
whole planet was covered with what? B. Government of El Salvador
A. lush vegetation C. Individual People
B. ice D. NASA
C. water
3296. What adaptation do desert snakes have
D. desert that helps them retain water?
B. scales 3302. Weather
3316. What does the first map show? 3320. When people have unequal living stan-
A. Rainfall dards is called
B. Temperature A. absolute poverty
C. Pollution B. relative poverty
D. none of above
3321. One effect of Global Warming is
3317. The Earth periodically undergoes a se- drought.
ries of 3 changes called Milankovitch Cy-
cles that affect the amount of global solar
radiation received. What are they? B. TRUE
A. Change in tilt from 21.5 to 24.5 de-
grees every 41, 000 years 3322. International agreement such as the Ky-
oto Protocol is an example of
B. The magnetic field switches every 10,
000 years A. a mitigation strategy
C. The orbit of the earth around the sun B. an adaptation strategy
varies every 100, 000 years
C. a cause of the enhanced greenhouse
D. The Direction of the tilt of the earth or effect
progression changes every 23, 000 years
D. a way to measure how the climate is
E. The direction the earth spins changes changing.
every 41, 000 years
3318. The majority of future sea level rise will 3323. Measuring the migration patterns of
be due to which of the following? birds such as this Common Yellowthroat
Warbler is collecting data from which
A. melting of ice in the ocean sphere on Earth?
B. thermal expansion of the ocean
C. melting of ice on land
D. increased rainfall
3319. There are many different types of pollu-
tion. What description describes air pollu-
A. Toxic gases or chemicals are sus-
pended in air.
A. Hydrosphere
B. Harmful chemicals or substances are
found in bodies of water. B. Biosphere
C. Solid or liquid waste that causes land C. Atmosphere
degradation and alters soil composition.
D. Cryosphere
D. Pollution caused by the large amount
of light produced by most urban and other 3324. What is climate change?
heavily-populated areas.
A. Impact on the climate
E. Pollution caused by human-made
noises that are either loud or disruptive B. Change on the climate
3328. Deep ocean currents impact the Earth’s 3334. Choose the correct statement:
climate. These currents are driven by: A. Global warming happens because of
A. Wind both natural and human activities.
B. Global warming happens only because 3340. Which of the following have been
of human activities. changed or altered due to climate change?
A. droughts
3335. What is the greenhouse effect?
B. flooding
A. The warming of a planet due to
trapped radiation. C. melting of polar ice caps
3341. price jià gé
C. The heating of a solid, such as a rock. A. pain
D. none of above B. price
D. Argon B. wood
C. oil
3337. A greenhouse is
D. batteries
A. a house painted green
3343. which one of the answer is not the solu-
B. a glass building like that is used to tion to fight climate change?
grow plants in
A. use less transportation
C. a house on my street
B. stop all research pertaining climate
D. a glass door change
3338. Coal, oil and natural gas fuels are C. stop cutting trees
burned by humans to D. unplug gadgets
A. add more gases to the atmosphere. 3344. A rise in global temperature makes se-
B. provide energy for their needs. vere weather events, more likely.
3346. What event in history rapidly acceler- 3351. Organisms that need nitrogen to sur-
ated climate change? vive
C. HIGHER elevations = WARMER tem-
peratures C. Radiation
D. none of above D. insulation.
3356. Which of these statements accurately 3360. Which of the following is caused by
describes the climate period the Earth is global warming?
currently in?
A. Earthquakes.
A. A glacial period within an ice age
B. Volcanic eruptions.
B. An interglacial period within an ice age
C. Extreme climatic phenomena (hurri-
C. The Earth is currently not in an ice age canes, storms ).
D. none of above
D. none of above
3357. Temperatures were below average and 3361. Which of the following is a greenhouse
snowfall above average this past April. gas?
This represents a change in A. Ill
A. weather B. CH4
B. climate C. Water Vapor
3358. Choose the correct option D. All of the above
3362. Nation
A. Feeling like everything is spinning or
that you cannot balance
B. What happens when a volcano sud-
denly throws out burning rocks, smoke,
and other things
A. scientist C. To let something come out of a place
B. engineer where it is trapped/kept
B. Penguins
C. Polar bears
D. Morse
A. behind
B. in front of
C. on the right side
D. not there
B. Recycle and control food waste 3369. This is long term patterns of tempera-
ture and precipitation.
C. Increasing food waste A. albedo
D. We can only do big things to make a B. climate
difference C. weather
D. latent heat
3366. Look at the picture. When the Sun is
behind the penguin, the shadow is the 3370. Experts strongly disagree over
penguin A. how to define exponential growth
cut down and the area is permanently C. Seismic activity in the ocean increases
cleared for another use? in warmer temperatures.
A. erosion D. The Earth’s core expands in warm tem-
B. weathering peratures, elevating the ocean floor.
C. deforestation 3376. What chemical is responsible for break-
D. global warming ing up the ozone?
B. Carbon Dioxide
C. Nitrogen
A. crust, outer core, inner core, mantle
D. Oxygen
B. mantle, outer core, inner core, crust
C. crust, mantle, outer core, inner core 3377. What will the weather characteristics of
Thailand be like when there is a La Niña
D. none of above phenomenon?
3374. Which pattern is shown in the illustra- A. It’s raining harder than before.
tion? B. There was more drought than before.
C. There was a tsunami that was more in-
tense than before.
D. It’s raining harder than before. and
there were strong tsunami waves
3378. Which gas in the atmosphere protects us E. Nothing because Global Warming is a
from harmful UV radiation? hoax(fake)
3380. What greenhouse gas do cattle put into 3384. Which layer of the atmosphere contains
the air when they noiselessly burp? the ozone?
A. carbon dioxide A. troposphere
B. methane B. stratosphere
C. neon C. mesosphere
D. aluminum D. thermosphere
A. Kyoto Protocol
B. Montreal Protocol A. Kentucky Fried Chicken
B. Kentucky Fried Chicken
C. Paris Agreement
C. Kentucky Fried Chicken
D. Evans Agreement
D. Kentucky Fried Chicken
3391. Where does Carbon Dioxide CO2, NOT
A. 23 come from?
B. 22 A. Breathing
C. 14 B. Burning Fossil Fuels
D. 15 C. Volcanoes
D. Water Cycle
3389. One area has four wells, with a cross-
section showing the location and depth of 3392. Weather is the change we experience
the wells. Groundwater levels during the from day to day.
rainy season and during the dry season are A. true
shown in the picture. Which two of the fol-
B. false
lowing wells have water in the rainy sea-
son? But the water dries up in the dry 3393. During years, ocean temperatures
season. are cooler than normal in equatorial east-
ern Pacific Ocean.
A. The boy
B. The girl
3406. How is Climate Change predicted to af- 3411. In the past 800, 000 years, CO2 levels
fect New Mexico? have never gone above
A. We will get hotter and wetter A. 200 ppm
B. We will get hotter and drier B. 225 ppm
C. We will be cooler and dryer. C. 260 ppm
D. We will get cooler and wetter D. 300 pm
3412. Which galaxy contains very little gas or
3407. What is the name of Elon Musk’s solar
factory? dust
3416. What things does climate change affects 3420. Select ALL the natural causes of climate
as mentioned in the video? change.
D. ECOSYSTEM D. Agriculture
E. Oceanic Currents
3417. Why is Carbon Important?
3421. True or False:Global warming is the
long-term rise in the average temperature
of the Earth’s climate system.
3424. It guarantees a product’s resource effi- 3427. Which of these is not an environmental
ciency which can help in increasing sales, impact of climate change
decreasing costs, and boosting brand loy- A. Melting polar ice caps
B. Coastal erosion
A. Kyoto Protocol
C. Growth of coral reefs due to warmer
B. Carbon Offsetting water
C. Emission Certificates D. Widespread global species loss
D. none of above
3428. Which variable of the Milankovitch Cy-
3425. A scientist is testing the impact of light cles is most responsible for the different
and dark on the moth behavior by turning seasons on Earth?
a light on and off. The DEPENDENT vari- A. eccentricity (the shape of Earth’s orbit)
able is B. obliquity (the tilt of Earth’s axis)
C. precession (the wobble of Earth’s axis)
D. none of above
A. amount of light
B. moth behavior/their reaction
C. number of moths
D. none of above A. Desert
B. Temperate Rainforest
3426. True or FalseThe Sun is the biggest star
in the sky. C. Tropical Rainforest
D. Arctic Tundra
3442. While greenhouse is covered by glass,
our earth is also covered. Our earth is cov-
ered by
A. Water Management
B. Ocean Pollution
C. Landslide
D. Storm
A. atmosphere
B. glass 3446. Which is the most important cause of air
C. sky
A. airflow abnormalities
D. air
B. Tide abnormalities
3443. Air pollution is like a blanket around the C. Temperature abnormalities
earth. This blanket of gas and dust makes
the earth D. Air pressure abnormalities
3458. What does the word “atmosphere” 3463. Climate change animals. For exam-
mean? ple, the fires in Australia destroyed the
A. the mass of air and gases that sur- homes of many animals.
rounds the earth A. concerns
B. the space between the earth and the B. upends
C. harms
C. the usual weather in a particular place
D. none of above
or region
D. none of above 3464. Where the naturally occuring good
3459. All of the following are evidence of ozone layer is located
rapid climate change except A. troposphere
A. rising sea level B. mesosphere
B. global temperature rise
C. stratosphere
C. ocean acidification
D. thermosphere
D. increase in the size of the antarctic and
greenland ice sheets 3465. The are responsible for the move-
ment of much of the weather across the
3460. Which of the following IS/ARE EFFECTS
United States and Canada.
of climate change?
A. heat being trapped in the atmosphere A. prevailing westerlies
B. more severe storms B. polar easterlies
C. high buildings being constructed C. trade winds
D. drought D. doldrums
E. more greenhouse gases
3466. What is the world’s largest carbon
3461. United States is the second largest con- sink?
tributor to Carbon Dioxide? A. mountains
B. tectonic plates
C. volcanoes
D. oceans
A. A. Walk or cycle
B. Take short showers
C. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 3481. How can extreme events like hurricanes,
drought, & wildfires impact energy infras-
D. Wear a jumper indoors
3476. The greenhouse effect can have an im- A. Water shortages
pact on global warming. The effort that B. Power outages
can be done to reduce greenhouse effect is
C. Higher electricity & gas prices
D. All answer choices are accurate
A. Limit the use of compost
B. Increase factory construction 3482. means spreading or allocation.
C. Limit the use of fossil fuels A. Distribution
B. Precipitation
D. Increase motorcycle production
C. Implement
3477. What are plastics made of? D. Cautious
A. rubber
3483. Which of the following is NOT a green-
B. trees house gas?
C. oil A. Carbon dioxide
D. salt B. Methane
C. Nitrogen
3478. What is climate change?
D. Nitrous oxide
A. How Earth’s temperature is getting
hotter. 3484. How would you describe an area that
has more water vapor or moisture in the
B. How Earth’s temperature is getting
A. Humid
C. When it’s summer.
B. Arid
D. When it’s winter.
C. Temperate
3479. What was causing the hole in the D. Tropical
3485. It is a distance measurement, usually in
A. Ill the vertical or “up” direction, between a
B. Sulfur reference datum and a point or object.
C. Methane A. altitude
D. Chlorofluorocarbons B. elevation
C. magnitude
3480. The heat-trapping gases are called:
D. none of above
A. Venomous gases
3486. This occurs when warm, low density air
B. Dangerous Gases rises above a cooler, denser layer.
C. Greenhouse Gases A. Positive feedback loop
D. none of above B. wedge analysis
perature over the past 100 years
A. Global Warming B. Increased average temperature of our
B. Climate Change
C. Sea Level Rise
C. Greenhouse Gases
D. Greenhouse Warmth Effect D. Extreme Weather Events
3498. What effect will increasing sea levels 3502. Fuel formed in the Earth from animal and
have? plant remains is called
A. Drought A. carbon dioxide
B. Flooding B. nitrous oxide
C. Exrteme weather C. fossil fuels
D. none of above D. climate change
3499. Over the past 200 years, the level of
3503. Why do we need greenhouse gasses?
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has
A. decreased slightly. A. We don’t! All greenhouse gasses are
B. increased steadily.
B. They help regulate Earth’s climate
C. stayed about the same
C. They decrease Earth’s temperature
D. none of above
D. None of the above
3500. What is climate?
3504. choose an image that matches factory
D. none of above
3506. Which sentence best describes how lati- 3510. Before the FloodTrue or FalseIn Miami
tude and temperature are related? Beach, they have sunny-day flooding.
B. As air rises higher up the mountain, its 3514. Tick the Greenhouse gases mentioned in
capacity to hold water vapor increases the video.
3509. what process occurs at label F? A. CARBON DIOXIDE
3517. What image describes the best the In- C. one hundred times
dustrial Revolution? D. fifty times
B. A. heat
B. atoms
C. dust
D. molecules
C. 3521. an international treaty signed in 1997
(entered into force in 2005) that commits
state parties to reduce greenhouse gas
C. The pattern of weather that occurs 3522. Fill in the blank: & increase the
over time amount of CO2 in the air.
D. When Earth’s climate changes A. Photosynthesis
B. Cellular Respiration
3519. Glass can be recycled and remanufac-
C. Combustion
tured how many times before wearing
out? D. none of above
3523. Ice ages occur about every million 3528. For a sun-like star on the main sequence,
years. change will gradually occur as it evolves.
the course of 11 years.
3538. What will Climate Change cause in the
A. True future?
B. False A. Drought
3533. Which natural process helps balance out B. All of the Above
the amount of carbon dioxide present in
C. Disease
the atmosphere?
A. Respiration D. Extinction
B. Photosynthesis E. Flooding
C. Deforestation 3539. An is a long period of cooling during
D. Pollination which ice sheets spread beyond the polar
3534. electrical power
A. ice bath
A. climate
B. climb B. glacial record
3535. to denounce, berate, or scold severely 3540. Which of the following is a human activ-
A. allude ity that can cause climate change?
B. emit A. burning fossil fuels
C. excoriate B. removing greenhouse gases
D. tout C. using alternative energy sources
3536. The population of reindeer has been de- D. increasing particulates from volca-
creasing over the last 20 years in the Arc- noes
tic because climate change has led to more
rainfall there. The rain freezes on top of 3541. The is necessary in keeping Earth
the snow, preventing the reindeer from warm.
getting through the snow to find food. A. Sunlight
Which action by humans has most likely
contributed to climate change? B. Greenhouse Effect
A. recycling materials C. Drought
B. protecting wildlife D. Desertification
3542. Plants absorb which type of gas from 3546. Climate change causes extreme weather
the atmosphere? conditions such as to be more severe
in the future.
A. temperature
B. rainfall
C. Earth
D. none of above
A. Forest fires
B. Destruction of natural habitats
C. Endangered species
A. Turkey D. Flood
B. Syria
3563. There is more CO2 in the atmosphere
C. Iran
now than there has been in the last 650,
D. Lebanon 000 years.
A. climate
3560. How does Climate Change affect the
ocean? B. weather
3564. what is the period for axial tilt 3568. What happens to the temperature if
more greenhouse gases are released into
A. 40000 years
the atmosphere?
B. 4000 years
A. Temperature goes up
C. 40 years
B. Temperature goes down
D. 4 years
3569. What happens to the sunlight when it
3565. Gasses in Earth’s atmosphere that trap enters the atmosphere?
heat. A. Gets trapped by the atmosphere
A. Climate change B. Warms our planet
B. Greenhouse gases C. Lights and warms our planet
C. fossil fuel D. Part gets trapped by gases and part
D. carbon dioxide bounces back to space
3566. How do scientists collect evidence about 3570. What is the Greenhouse Effect?
climate? A. The name of climate change legislation
that passed by congress
B. When you paint your house green to
become an environmentalist
C. When the gasses in our atmosphere
trap heat and block it from escaping our
D. When you build a greenhouse
A. create D. Neon
B. solve
3582. Corn, wheat, and soybeans can be made
C. collaborate into a substance called ethanol. In some
D. none of above places, ethanol is part of a mixture used
to power cars and trucks. What type of
3578. Smoke from a wildfire causes alternative energy resource is ethanol?
A. Hydroelectric
B. Geothermal
C. Biofuels
D. Solar
3583. What does the term “humanity” mean? 3588. Choose the correct option
A. Caring and showing kindness to others
B. Being a human
C. Having a soul
D. The number of people are on earth
A. Save the water
B. Reduce plastic waste
A. Wind C. Recycle the trashes
B. Sunlight D. none of above
C. Warm Water
3589. is a gradual increase in average
D. Cold Water
global temperature.
3585. The melting of polar ice caps is causing A. Greenhouse effect
the ocean level to
B. Global warming
A. not cause a change
B. lower 3590. What is the Greenhouse effect?
C. rise A. Climate change legislation that was
D. freeze passed by Congress.
B. When you paint your house green to
3586. What is global warming?
become an environmentalist.
A. the decrease of average world temper-
ature C. When the gases in our atmosphere
trap heat and block it from escaping our
B. a fancy name for the greenhouse ef- planet.
D. When you plant a tree.
C. The increase of average world temper-
3591. Average weather of a location over a
D. The change in the temp in the ocean long period of time; long-term atmospheric
3587. To means to strengthen or support.
A. Climate
A. Reinforce
B. High-tension B. Weather
ticipated effect(s) of Global Warming? run out in the next several hundred years.
A. Rising sea levels
B. Changing precipitation
C. Expansion of deserts
D. All of the above
3611. How can the effects of globalization in D. Indonesia’s target to reduce CO2 emis-
politics be described? sions
B. False
A. Gasses that help plants grow
3628. Carbon dioxide is measured in
B. Gasses we burn to produce energy
A. puppies per mile
C. Certain gases in the atmosphere block
heat from escaping B. centimeters
D. none of above C. parts per millimeter
D. parts per million
3622. Floating sea ice melts
A. and causes sea levels to rise because 3629. The angle of Earth’s tilt as it orbits the
it adds water to the ocean. Sun is called
3626. Very slight increases in the acidity of 3632. Climates change very slowly, over hun-
seawater marine organisms that make dreds or thousands of years.
shells. A. True
A. doesn’t bother B. False
3633. Includes both human-induced global A. They both are trending upwards
warming and its large-scale impacts on
B. They both are trending downwards
weather patterns.
3645. When seawater becomes warmer, it C. Positive Feedback Loop
expands-decreasing the volume and mak- D. Negative Feedback Loop
ing sea levels fall.
A. True 3650. The main HUMAN activity that releases
greenhouse gases is
B. False
A. using public transportation and there
3646. affects weather because the further by reduce the affects of greenhouse
north or south you go from the Equator, gases.
the less solar energy (heat). B. burning fossil fuels
A. altitude C. texting on cellphones
B. latitude D. eating meat
C. sunlight
3651. What is climate change?
D. atmosphere
A. Don’t know
B. Change in global climate, such as an in-
crease in the global temperature and ma-
jor variations in precipitation patterns.
C. The earth has become sick.
D. Africa
3653. The greenhouse effect is a natural pro- A. They found 1 bis spot in the ocean
cess? B. They found 3 big hot spots in the ocean
A. True C. They found 6 big hot spots in the ocean
B. False
D. none of above
3654. The blanket of gases which surround the
Earth. 3659. Some ways to slow Global Warming are
A. Greenhouse Gases A. Take lots of airplane trips
B. Carbon Dioxide B. Making your bed and cleaning your
C. Atmosphere room.
D. Oxygen C. Buying food and items from far away
(other countries)
3655. Which of the following could increase D. Riding your bike, recycling, save en-
the amount of greenhouse gasses in our ergy, use less water
A. Burning fossil fuels 3660. How do scientists believe plant and ani-
mal life will be affected by increasing lev-
B. Planting trees els of acidity in the ocean?
C. Walking to school and work A. there will be more food for them to eat,
D. Cutting down trees making it easier to survive
D. Carbon dioxide, ozone, water vapor, 3667. As greenhouse gasses increase, what
methane, lead, halocarbons happens to heat flow out?
D. Arctic Ocean
A. climate
B. weather
C. polluted
D. none of above
3680. The city with the coldest climate is 3685. What is the definition of climate?
A. The weather that we experience daily.
B. The average temperature and condi-
tions over a long period of time.
C. The tropical effects of the ocean.
D. The weather conditions that can cre-
ate a storm.
3686. Pollution gasses will remain in the at-
A. Wichita mosphere for about years.
B. Minneapolis A. 70
C. dallas B. 80
D. San Francisco C. 90
3681. What country is building the “Moses” D. 100
Project to protect itself?
3687. How much has the Earth warmed, be-
A. Bangladesh
cause of anthropogenic climate change?
B. Chad
A. 1◦ F
C. Italy
B. 6◦ F
D. Maldives
C. 1◦ C
E. Netherlands
D. 6◦ C
3682. Plastic
A. metal 3688. Multiple sources, including the produc-
tion and application of fertilizer and car ex-
B. plastic, plasticizer
C. wood
A. Carbon dioxide
D. none of above
B. Methane
3683. Match the text and the correct word.A
C. Water Vapor
natural resource that can be made or re-
grown as fast as it is being used D. Nitrous Oxide
A. Carbon footprint
3689. Certain gases in the atmosphere-water
B. Mitigation vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and ni-
C. Renewable Resource trous oxide-help maintain the Earth’s tem-
peratures and climate. These are called:
D. none of above
3684. Worldwide, temperatures have been in- A. ozone gases
creasing for more than 100 years. Is this
evidence of global warming? B. solar gases
A. yes C. greenhouse gases
B. no D. stomach gases
D. the sum/total of all of the radiation C. The temperature would decrease due
from the nearby stars. to all of the carbon dioxide coming out of
the volcano.
3692. Solar energy is best absorbed by what D. none of above
A. dirt 3697. Due to climate change, what is happen-
ing in India?
B. sand
A. water from the ocean warms on sunny
C. snow
days and floods the streets
D. water
B. people are turning to coal as an en-
3693. Organic carbon can be found in ergy source instead of using cow pat-
ties, crops are flooding during extreme
A. all living things
weather events
B. the ocean
C. glaciers are calving off into the ocean
C. the Earth’s crust
D. people are protesting because of the
D. the atmosphere polluted air to try to motivate the govern-
ment to move to renewable energy.
3694. Liquid ocean water than ice covered
ocean water. 3698. What is a carbon sink?
A. absorbs way-more heat A. Something that adds to the atmo-
B. reflects more heat sphere.
C. neither absorbs nor reflects more heat B. Something that removes carbon from
the atmosphere.
B. False 3705. This prevents damaging ultraviolet radi-
ation from the sun from reaching the earth.
3700. The cleanest burning fossil fuel is
A. Stratosphere
A. coal
B. Hemisphere
B. oil
C. Ozone Layer
C. wind
D. Ionosphere
D. natural gas
3706. Which is not true about salty water?
3701. It is an aspect of climate change, which
A. Floats on top of freshwater
refers to the increase in the Earth’s aver-
age temperature over a long period of time B. Higher density
A. Climate Change C. It has more molecules than freshwater
B. Global Warming D. It sinks at the bottom of a container
C. Greenhouse Effect 3707. to save
D. none of above A. Fight
3702. Selecciona la respuesta correctaSelect B. save/save
the correct answer to complete the sen- C. to recycle
tence.In the the climatic seasons were
D. fly
3708. The is a process by which the atmo-
sphere reradiates infrared radiation back
to Earth’s surface.
A. greenhouse effect
B. desalination
C. neither of these
D. none of above
3709. Which of these are fossil fuels? Select
A. present all fossil fuels listed.
B. past A. steam
3703. How long does it take for carbon diox- B. coal
ide in the atmosphere to disperse? C. gas
A. 50 years D. oil
A. Lines of latitude
B. Greenhouse effect
C. Climatic zones
D. Weather patterns
D. because higher carbon dioxide levels B. 2. Which is the best practice to reduce
mean less heat is retained in Earth’s at- the greenhouse gases? A. livestock rais-
mosphere ing B. burning fossil fuel C. organic farm-
ing D. car manufacturing
3717. Are Fuels Renewable
C. 3. Which of the following statements
A. Yes is correct? A. Greenhouse effect hap-
B. No pens when there is too much carbon diox-
ide in the atmosphere. B. Greenhouse
3718. Where does the Earth receive most of gases absorb heat, allowing them from
the Solar Energy? flowing out of the earth. C. Global tem-
perature decreases when the amount of
A. Subtropics
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere in-
B. The Poles creases D. Greenhouse gases include car-
bon dioxide, methane and oxygen.
C. Equator
D. none of above
D. none of above
3722. Scientists found evidence of a time pe-
3719. The treaty that was designed to reduce
riod 3 billion years ago when less en-
the amounts of CO2 released into the air
ergy entered the Earth system than ex-
the USA did NOT sign it.
ited. What is one change to the atmo-
A. Kyoto Protocol sphere that could have caused this, and
B. Montreal Protocol how did it change the amount of energy
in the Earth system?
C. Dallas Protocol
A. Methane increased, leading to more
D. Climate Change Law energy in the Earth system and more en-
ergy absorbed by Earth’s surface.
3720. Geologic and current data provides evi-
dence that Earth’s temperature B. Methane increased, leading to less en-
ergy in the Earth system and less energy
A. have always fluctuated but is trending absorbed by Earth’s surface.
C. Methane decreased, leading to more
B. have always fluctuated but is trending energy in the Earth system and more en-
upward ergy absorbed by Earth’s surface.
C. have remained the same and then in- D. Methane decreased, leading to less en-
creased during the Industrial Revolution ergy in the Earth system and less energy
D. have remained the same for the last absorbed by Earth’s surface.
400, 000 years
3723. jude
3721. Choose the letter of the best answer. A. fz
Write your answer on the space provided.
B. xz
A. 1. What will happen if there is too
much methane in the atmosphere? A. C. on
Greenhouse effect occurs. B. Temper- D. dx
ature increases. C. Water vapor con-
denses. d. climate changes 3724. Greenhouse gases
3735. In Antarctica, scientists have drilled 3740. Which of these negative effects is most
down two miles below the surface and likely to occur because of global warming?
brought up samples of the ice called
A. rising sea levels
A. Ice Cores
B. shorter growing seasons
B. Ice Cubes
C. Ice Caps C. increased volcanic eruptions
3736. How does El Niño affect weather in Aus- 3741. What is one example of a greenhouse
tralia? gas?
A. make it wet and warm A. Nitrogen
B. makes it abnormally dry leading to wild
fires B. Oxygen
3737. The main human activity that releases 3742. What is the second most abundant type
greenhouse gases is of greenhouse gas?
A. using bottled water
B. burning fossil fuels
C. texting on cellphones
D. eating meat
A. convergent
B. divergent
A. Lines of latitude
C. transform
B. Greenhouse effect
C. Climatic zones D. none of above
3752. Paris agreement came into force in the 3758. In which sequence do the following phe-
year? nomena take place?
A. 2016 A. Climate change → enhanced green-
B. 2017 house effect → global warming
C. 2019 B. Global warming → enhanced green-
D. 2020 house effect → climate change
3753. When there is too much heat on the C. Enhanced greenhouse effect → global
Earth, some of it should be back into warming → climate change
D. Climate change → global warming →
A. emitted enhanced greenhouse effect
B. reduced
C. released 3759. What does energy saving mean?
D. trapped
3754. Which is NOT a type of fossil fuel?
A. Coal
B. Oil
C. Wood
D. Natural Gas
3755. What are fossil fuels made from?
A. Plants and animals that are buried un-
derground for millions of years.
B. They absorb it from the atmosphere.
C. Water
D. Wind
A. water efficiency
3756. Sea or land breeze over a large region B. energy saving
that can bring heavy rain:
A. Windward C. save energy
B. Leeward D. none of above
C. Monsoon
3760. when toxic materials and gases are
D. Sunspots
burned and released into the atmosphere,
3757. What will happen if the balance of such as carbon dioxide and methane.
Earth’s temperature will be lost?
A. industrialization
A. tsunami
B. climate change
B. climate change
C. photosynthesis C. global warming
D. forest fire D. weather
3761. What would happen if greenhouse 3765. The warmest year on record was found
gases destroyed Earth’s ozone layer? to be
3772. What does describes how the atmo- light to pass through them are called
sphere traps energy form sunlight and
keeps earth warm, similar to a garden A. Opaque
greenhouse B. Transparent
C. Light
D. None of the above
A. Greenhouse gases
B. Greenhouse
C. Greenhouse effect
D. Greenroom
A. For the last 800, 000 years, carbon
3773. Which country currently has the highest dioxide levels in the atmosphere have re-
carbon emission per capita in the world? mained steady.
A. Qatar B. For the last 800, 000 years, carbon
B. The USA dioxide levels have steadily decreased.
C. China C. Carbon dioxide has steadily increased
D. India over the last 800, 000 years.
3788. What causes sea levels to rise 3793. What animals are directly affected by
the melting icecaps? (select all correct an-
A. Melting glaciers
B. Melting polar ice sheets
A. penguin
C. Excessive rainfall
B. camel
D. More snow than usual
C. polar bear
3789. Check all that apply. Ocean currents are D. tiger
important to the weather and climate of
our planet because 3794. Energy created by burning organic
A. The ocean holds heat better than land waste material.
3804. to recycle
3799. How might climate change increase the
range of pests? A. Fight
A. Higher intensity weather events B. save/save
B. Increasing number of heat waves C. to recycle
C. Disruption of ocean currents D. fly
3800. Materials that allow light to pass A. The long-term change in the weather
through them are called? conditions.
B. The short-term changes in the
A. Opaque
B. Translucent
C. The day to day changes in the state of
C. Transparent the atmosphere.
D. Shadow D. The short-term changes in the climate.
3806. Animals have caused much of the recent is closely related to the function of green-
global warming house gases?
A. True A. wood
B. False B. iron
C. Not mentioned C. water
D. none of above D. blanket
3807. Which of these is an example of cli-
A. A hot summer
B. a rainy day
C. A windy day
D. A cold day
3811. Greenhouse gases are very important C. All the living organisms in a given area
for our earth. Which of the following word D. types of vegetation
B. We have greenhouse gasses 3832. The energy that is emitted from theSun-
C. Our sun rises and sets each day caus- travels in the form of what kind of wave?
ing temperatures to rise and fall.
D. None of the above
A. Climate devices A. Long wave radiation
B. Climate models B. Short wave radiation
C. Radio waves
3828. If sea ice does not form at the poles,
then we can expect an ice age to start D. Gamma waves
pretty quickly because the ocean conveyor 3833. Global warming refers specifically to an
belt would stop carrying heat to cold ar- increase in
A. the number of storms on Earth.
A. True
B. precipitation from Earth’s atmo-
B. False sphere.
3829. Sulfur dioxide has been known to make C. Earth’s average surface temperature.
our planet D. none of above
A. warmer
3834. How do most power plants make elec-
B. colder tricity?
C. keep the same temperature A. burn fossil fuels
D. none of above B. use windmills
C. use solar panels
3830. Which of the following have been linked
to climate change? D. water wheels
A. droughts 3835. According to the IPCC (Intergovernmen-
B. flooding tal Panel for Climate Change), 1.6 bil-
lion tons of carbon dioxide a year are re-
C. melting of polar ice caps leased into the atmosphere due to defor-
D. all of the above estation. Until the early 1900s, deforesta-
tion was the dominant source of increased
3831. How can Global Warming cause sea lev- CO2 in the atmosphere. What has sur-
els to rise? passed deforestation as the number one
A. by causing it to rain more often. anthropogenic source (resulting from hu-
man activity) of carbon dioxide emissions?
B. by creating bigger and more powerful
hurricanes. A. volcanic eruptions
C. by melting glaciers and ice caps. B. cellular respiration
A. high to low
B. low to high
C. high to high
D. It can travel high to low and low to
A. livestock high.
B. crops 3841. In which year was the hottest recorded
C. grassland in the UK
D. forests A. 1918
E. urban trees B. 2018
A. Layer 1
B. Layer 2
D. none of above
C. Layer 3
D. Layer 4
3845. Which of these areas would the COLD-
EST? 3848. Sunlight is
A. A high elevation area in a tropical zone
3851. What happened in the late 1700’s-early 3856. What are ways to reduce our carbon
1800’s that caused carbon dioxide levels footprint? Please click all answers that
increase significantly? apply.
A. Flooding
3864. Ice at the poles of the earth is
B. Hurricanes
A. rising
C. Droughts
B. getting colder
D. Earthquakes
C. melting
3861. What is the process where gases in D. none of above
the atmosphere trap heat near Earth’s sur-
face? 3865. Which layer in the atmosphere protects
us form harmful UV radiation?
A. Greenhouse effect
A. Ozone
B. Ozone layer
B. Troposphere
C. Climate change
C. Ionosphere
D. Sever weather
D. Exosphere
3862. What kind of galaxy is this?
3866. How can we help in protecting the envi-
A. by turning off the lights when not in use
B. by wasting water
C. by cutting down trees
D. none of above
3867. During volcanic eruptions, large vol-
A. Ring umes of sulfur dioxide released into the
atmosphere can work together with dust
B. Irregular and ash to cause global cooling.
C. Spiral
D. Elliptical
A. True
B. False
3868. natural resources that nature can pro- 3873. Which is a solution to fight climate
duce again, such as tress, plants, animals, change?
water, oxygen, and soil
C. wind
D. french fries
3879. Select ALL the examples of ways you
can help save the planet.
A. Burning fossil fuels
B. Recycling
C. Trying vegan food
D. Riding a bike
3880. Climate changes may be linked to A. True
changes in the number of on the sur- B. False
face of the sun.
A. sun spots 3885. Which is not a source of carbon dioxide?
B. air masses
A. forest fires
C. seasonal winds
D. currents B. volcanoes
3887. True or False? Glaciers worldwide are B. The oceans release heat more slowly
melting due to climate change. than the land.
3896. A volcanic eruption can cause a climate 3901. If polar ice masses melt as a result of
change that lasts climate change, sea levels will
A. a few hours A. rise
B. a few days B. lower
C. a few weeks C. stay the same
D. a few years D. none of above
3902. Climate change is
3897. What was the IPCC created to study
A. Change in time distribution
A. Global Warming
B. Climate change due to pollution
B. Marine Ecosystems
C. Climate change due to the use of or-
C. Earth and Pollution ganic fertilizer
D. Fossil Fuels D. Virus outbreak
3898. Which of the following is NOT a fossil 3903. Before Newtok became a village, it was
fuel? used for late-summer
A. Coal A. fishing
B. Natural Gas B. hunting
C. Oil C. berry picking
D. Water D. camping
3904. How is climate change different now?
3899. Which is an effect of increased flooding?
(more than 1 correct answer) A. Earth is getting warmer now and this
will affect humans and nature
B. Earth is getting warmer because of hu-
man actions
C. Temperature is increasing much faster
than before
D. Green and yellow answers
A. People must move to a new home. 3905. Select the correct answer V or FSelect
B. Hurricanes have more rain. true or false.Nowadays (today) we are
experiencing a several climate change.
C. Glaciers melt
D. More diseases from mosquitoes
3910. Which statement is true about fresh wa- A. gases that are pumped into green-
ter? houses to help keep plants alive
A. There is plenty of fresh water around B. gases in the atmosphere that trap heat
the world energy
B. It is being used quickly, but also regen- C. gases that are highly poisonous when
erates quickly inhaled
C. People are using less fresh water in to- D. gases that break apart ozone
day’s world molecules
D. It is being used up faster than it can be 3915. What are some of the predicted effects
replaced of unchecked climate change?
A. Contraction of snow cover areas, in-
3911. If a farmer wanted to shift to organic
creased thaw in permafrost regions, de-
farming which of the following metrics
crease in sea ice extent is virtually certain
would she have to plan on having a de-
and already happening.
crease in?
B. Increased frequency of hot extremes,
A. Yield heat waves and heavy precipitation is very
B. Profitability likely to occur.
B. Algae Bloom
3916. The , an international environmental C. Coral Bleaching
agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emis-
sions, was adopted in 1997. D. none of above
3917. What percentage of earth is covered by B. More natural disasters like hurricane.
salt water? C. Ice caps melting.
A. 50% D. Displacement of ecosystems.
B. 60% E. All of the above
C. 70%
3922. One human cause of climate change is
D. 80% an increase in the number of cows. What
greenhouse gas do cows release?
3918. in what products the fluorinated gases
A. air conditioning and fridges
B. phones and computers
C. notebooks and pencils
D. in the clock A. Nitrous oxide
3924. This Fossil Fuel is highly flammable 3930. Which of these is NOT an expected ef-
(catches on fire easily) and a leak could fect of climate change? A Sea levels ris-
cause a violent explosion or fire. ing B Flooding in coastal cities C Expanding
3941. What kind of galaxy is this?
C. at high altitudes
D. far from the ocean
A. True
B. False
3953. What do we call large areas of wind- B. is a fossil fuel and a renewable.
mills? C. are both renewables.
A. Wind farms D. None of the above.
B. Hurricanes
3957. Period of time when glaciers are melting
C. Turbines and global temperatures are rising
D. Wind tunnels A. Glacial Period
B. Snow Drought
3954. By cutting down our demand for meat
derived from cattle, we can actually con- C. Interglacial
tribute to less greenhouse gas emissions
D. Dry spell
in terms of
A. Carbon dioxide 3958. The ocean contains about % of all
the water on Earth.
B. Nitrous oxide
A. 97
C. Methane
B. 98
D. Water vapour
C. 96
3955. Out of the 197 Parties to the United Na- D. 95
tions Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC), how many have ratified 3959. How many spheres are there?
the Paris Agreement? A. 10
B. 69
C. 76
D. 5
3960. Landfill
A. 175 A. What happens when a volcano sud-
B. 189 denly throws out burning rocks, smoke,
and other things
C. 197
B. The weather patterns of a place
D. none of above
C. An area where a lot of waste materials
3956. This graph shows the total KWh gener- are dumped
ation capacity of different power sources D. Measurement of how hot or cold a
in the United States. The two biggest thing or place is
sources of power in the United States
E. Any of the gasses that cause the earth
to heat up
3961. What are the two endangered species?
A. Humans
B. Cats and dogs.
C. Fauna and Flora.
A. are both fossil fuels. D. Elephants and Dinosaurs.
D. none of above
A. 2
B. 0
C. 18
D. -18
3981. Which of the following is an example of 3985. Which is not an effect of climate
a natural resource? change?
C. drop
D. none of above D. Change in weather and climatic pat-
tern will not occur.
3991. What is shown in this image?
3995. Which one of the following is not a pos-
sible consequence from enhanced global
A. lower sea levels
B. methane escaping from melting per-
A. The Ocean Conveyor Belt C. extermination of species
B. El Nino / Southern Oscillation
D. Greenland ice melting
C. Milankovitch cycles
D. Fluctuations in albedo in the ocean 3996. Oxygen Gas (O2)
3999. As a consequence of climate change, 4003. During La Nina there are more hurri-
coastal areas could canes in the Atlantic Ocean.
A. True
to reduce your carbon footprint is: D. none of above
4018. How does Earth’s past climates compare 4023. Climate is the average pattern of
to today’s? weather over a long period of time.
A. the same A. true
D. decrease in population due to health A. The formation of dark spots on the sun
threats B. carbon dioxide gas
human activities
B. Humans have nothing to do with global
4030. Which area is currently responsible for 4036. Select the statements that show the
overpopulating the earth, leading to a de- negative impact on food production (which
mand for agricultural and industrial land? causes food shortages) due to climate
A. Global North change
B. Global South A. lengthening of growing periods in
some countries due to higher tempera-
4031. what can we do in our houses to im-
prove the climate change
A. we can take my dog for a walk B. shortening of growing periods in some
countries due to higher temperatures
B. reduce meat consumption
C. melting of glaciers in the Himalayas
C. reduce the energy
due to global warming
D. don’t eat vegetables
D. increased frequency of extreme
4032. Most places on Earth are warmer than weather events
they were 100 years ago.
A. True 4037. True or False:Climate on Earth never
B. False
A. True
4033. How much of the Earth’s surface is cov-
ered in water? B. False
4047. How is climate change affecting people? B. Because the ice is already floating on
A. increased danger of wildfires and displacing the water
CO2 by what percent of the 1990 levels?
A. 2% B. 3
B. 5% C. 4
A. true
B. False
A. cows make methane
B. cows are too cute to eat 4063. Ice sheets in Antarctica are melting and
breaking off into the ocean at a rate that
C. cows eat grass is alarming to scientists.
D. cows are too big A. True
4060. What can you do to fight against climate B. False
4064. The main human activity that releases
greenhouse gases is
A. riding bicycles
B. burning fossil fuels
C. texting on cellphones
D. eating meat
4066. What kinds of pollution contribute to 4072. Obliquity, or the cycle of the Earth’s ax-
global warming? ial tilt become more extreme or less ex-
treme, is a processed described as part of
A. Air pollution
what cycles?
B. Noise pollution
A. Milankovitch Cycles
C. Water pollution
B. Dilankovitch Cycles
D. Land pollution
C. Milankovitch Cycles
4067. Which of the following have been linked D. Wilankovitch Cycles
to climate change? Pick only those that ap-
ply. 4073. coldest ocean region
A. droughts A. horse latitudes
B. flooding B. poles
C. melting of polar ice caps C. equator
D. ocean acidification D. tropics
E. all of the above 4074. what are greenhouse gases
4068. Millions of animals are killed by
A. hurricans
B. heavy rains
C. high temperatures
D. deforestation
C. The natural and cyclical variations in 4080. As you move towards lower altitudes,
weather patterns that are not influenced the temperatures will
by human activities
C. 55% A. severe
D. 65% B. frequent
4077. Which activity is classified as reusing
4082. Which of the following IS a greenhouse
(Recycle) according to the 3Rs natural re-
source use guidelines?
A. Using newspaper to wipe the glass A. Carbon dioxide CO2
B. Making used paper into mulberry pa- B. Carbon C
C. Nitric oxide NO3
C. Donating unworn shirts to others in
need D. Oxygen O2
D. Buying refill bags of dishwashing liquid
4083. If the world temperature rises too much,
instead of buying a new bottle.
glaciers will
4078. How does global warming affect the A. melt
habitats of polar bears?
A. It has no impact on polar bear habitats B. rise
4085. What is depicted in the photo? C. climate change not being real
D. earth is not getting hotter
A. oil rig
C. Read About It
B. pylon
D. Time Travel
C. solar panel
D. power station 4092. What does the blue color on the barcode
4086. What’s the function of the greenhouse
A. Make the sky blue
B. Cool the earth
C. Make sure that the earth doesn’t col-
lide with another planet
D. Make the earth warmer A. Ascent of the temperature
4087. What should we do to reduce global B. Descent of the temperature
warming? C. Ascent of the rain
A. Stop using electrical devices D. Descent of the rain
B. Planting more plants
4093. Which human activity would help reduce
C. Stop using fossil fuels
the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmo-
D. Keeping our planet clean sphere?
4088. True or False:Water vapor and carbon A. increase the number of cars being
dioxide are two types of greenhouse driven
gases. B. decrease the number of recycling pro-
A. True grams
B. False C. decrease the burning of fossil fuels
4089. Global climate change can cause: D. increase the human population
A. Rising Temperatures 4094. What is the primary cause of the green-
B. less Rainfull house effect?
A. Deforestation
4090. It usually snows in December. This is an
example of what? B. Industrialization
A. climate C. Increased CO2 emissions
B. weather D. Overpopulation
4095. Refer to long-term shifts in tempera- 4101. The darkest layer of soil, looser than
tures and weather patterns. other layers. Good for plants.
over time. If this happens, and if energy D. to show support for the climate agree-
coming from the sun and the amount of car- ment.
bon dioxide being put into the atmosphere
otherwise stay the same, what would hap- 4111. Mount Pinatubo is a volcano. It erupted
pen to the total amount of energy in the in 1991 and sent a huge cloud of ash over
Earth system and to global average tem- the area. How did the cloud of ash most
perature? If there is a change, explain likely affect the climate in this area?
how that change would happen. A. The climate got drier because ash
A. There is more energy absorbed by the takes moisture from the air.
surface, so global average temperature B. The climate got cooler because ash
would increase. caused the greenhouse effect.
B. There is less energy absorbed by the C. The climate got cooler because ash
surface, so global average temperature blocked sunlight.
would decrease.
D. The climate got drier because ash
C. There is no way of knowing. stopped precipitation from falling to
D. There won’t be a change. Earth.
4107. What protects the earth from harmful 4112. Why is water vapor not discussed much
UV rays from the sun? as one of the greenhouse gases?
A. clouds A. There is not as much of it in the atmo-
sphere as carbon dioxide and methane.
B. ionosphere
B. It does not trap heat as well as carbon
C. nitrogen gases dioxide and methane.
D. the ozone
C. It has a shorter residence time than
4108. True or False:Oxygen is part of the so- carbon dioxide and methane.
called greenhouse gases. D. none of above
4113. Ocean currents mix global waters due
B. MALI to winds, temperature, and density. This
is called the
4109. What is happening to the temperature
here onearth? A. Global Conveyor Belt
A. increasing B. Coriolis Effect
B. decreasing C. Surface and Deep Currents
C. staying the same D. shaken, not stirred
D. none of above 4114. Approximately, how many people in the
world depend on the ocean to get protein
4110. Look at the photo and caption. Why is
in their diet?
Paris City Hall lit up in green?
A. to show support for Trump.
B. to show support for Obama.
C. to show support for leaving the climate
4124. During the past century, average tem- 4129. What is the greenhouse effect?
peratures on Earth have
A. The trapping of heat in the Earth’s at-
A. Increased mosphere
B. Decreased B. The cooling effect of ice caps and
C. Stayed the same glaciers
D. none of above C. The absorption of carbon dioxide by
4125. I know this much about climate change
D. none of above
A. A lot, I have listened, watched, and
read about it
4130. Global Warming does not affect humans,
B. Good amount, I have heard some infor- only plants and animals
mation about it
A. True
C. A little, mostly what I have heard from
others B. False
4134. What protects Earth from ultraviolet the Paris Agreement is to keep the global
rays from the sun? temperature rise below 2◦ C as much as
possible compared to the pre-industrial
A. France
B. Italy
C. Poland
D. Madrid
4138. What are the variables?
A. the absorption and reradiation of in-
frared radiation by the atmosphere
B. the reflection of ultraviolet radiation
by the atmosphere
C. the absorption of ultraviolet radiation
by the atmosphere
D. the reflection of infrared radiation A. YearsandCo2 Concentration
from Earth’s surface B. YearsandFull record ending
E. the absorption of ultraviolet radiation C. Co2 ConcentrationandFull record end-
by Earth ing
D. YearsandMauna Loa Observatory
4136. Which of the following describes the
weather? 4139. What does carbon footprint mean?
A. Florida is a very warm state on aver- A. how much carbon is in the air
age. B. how much carbon is in the ground as
B. Africa has the least rainfall of all the fossil fuel
continents. C. how much carbon is used by a person,
C. Maine has a temperature of 31 de- town, city, country, etc
grees Fahrenheit today. D. none of above
D. Snowfall in Canada can reach up to 27
4140. Which one of these does not add CO2 to
feet each winter.
the atmosphere?
4137. The Paris Peace Agreement is a contract A. cooking with gas
that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emis- B. planting trees
sions, which is the cause of the climate
crisis we are experiencing today, causing C. burning wood
global warming. The long-term goal of D. riding in a bus
4141. Which pictures shows the correct C. by collecting information from tree
“Global Conveyor Belt”? rings, ice cores, and historical records
D. all of the above
4145. A continuous record from Mauna Loa,
Hawaii, reveals that annual average atmo-
spheric CO2 concentrations have since
A. increased
B. decreased
C. stayed the same
D. none of above
B. 1% D. Reduce the disposable products
C. 87%
D. 78% 4164. Energy from Sunlight that becomes
trapped in the atmosphere.
4160. Label the #12 on the Carbon Cycle. A. Ultraviolet
B. X-rays
C. Infrared
D. Gamma
4169. Why is the increase of Greenhouse 4174. Choose the correct option
gasses a big issue?
4175. ellipse is
A. rotation of the planets and moon
B. shape of Earth’s orbit around the sun
4171. The amount of rainfall due to climate 4176. Recycling is and using them again.
change is expected to
A. wasting things
A. increase
B. collecting things
B. decrease
C. throwing away things
C. stay the same
D. changing things
D. Some areas increase, while other ar-
eas to decrease
4177. Choose all that apply:What are exam-
4172. climate ples of renewable energy sources?
A. change A. Solar
B. car B. Wind
C. mama C. Coal
D. boy D. Gas
4173. Which of the following IS a greenhouse
4178. What type of galaxy do we live in?
A. CFC’s A. Spiral
B. Carbon C B. Elliptical
C. Carbonate CO3 C. Irregular
D. Oxygen O2 D. Coaxial
4179. Which of the following is a natural cause 4184. Public transport contaminates as much
of long term climate change? as private cars.
A. Burning Fossil Fuels A. True
B. Milankovitch Cycles B. False
C. Deforestation
4185. Greenhouse gases are important to our
D. All of them planet’s survival because
4180. the reason something happens
A. Effect
B. Reasoning
C. Cause
D. Claim
4181. According to the Paris Agreement, when A. They create a natural cooling effect
should the world be carbon neutral? that keeps us from burning up.
A. December 2020 B. They fuel the cars we drive.
B. Between 2050 and 2100 C. They create oxygen which we need to
C. 2025 breathe.
D. 2030 D. They keep our earth warm so we can
sustain life.
4182. What are some potential arguments
against the idea that humans are behind 4186. .... Ionosphere is the part of which at-
this current cycle of global warming? mospheric layers?
A. The earth has naturally warmed and A. Upper mesosphere
cooled over millions of years
B. Lower thermosphere
B. Greenhouse gas emission have multi-
plied since the industrial revolution C. Both
A. 5 inches
B. 10 inches
C. 7 inches
D. 9 inches
that human activities are causing climate
change? D. humidity
A. 10% 4203. A report released in 2013 that made a
B. 97% clearer role of human activities to climate
C. 55%
A. The Fifth Assessment Report
D. None
B. The Paris Agreement
4198. Which of the following are impacted by
coral? C. The Global Warming Report
4207. Ice in Antarctica is not melting as that 4212. TRUE OR FALSE?WATER EFFICIENCY
of in Arctic region. means water efficiency
A. Atmosphere C. altitude
D. magnitude
B. Climate change
C. Humidity 4216. Which of these is caused by human ac-
D. none of above
A. The Greenhouse Effect
4211. Which of these countries emit the most B. The Natural Greenhouse Effect
Greenhouse gasses
C. The Extended Greenhouse Effect
A. China
D. The Enhanced Greenhouse Effect
4217. It refers to how people generate and
C. India
manufacture the products they need to use,
D. Russia sell, or consume.
A. greenhouse gases only D. 9 Billion
B. greenhouse gases, ozone depletion, 4223. How do humans cause climate change?
and latitude
A. Using too much fossil fuels like gas and
C. greenhouse gases, latitude, and
sunspot cycles
B. recycling
D. sunspot cycles, ozone depletion, and
latitude C. planting trees
D. driving eco friendly cars
4219. Is my name Karl Mercado?
A. Yes 4224. What are some possible solutions to cli-
mate change? Select all that apply
B. No
A. Use less energy
C. Maybe
B. Choose renewable energy sources
D. I don’t know
C. Plant trees and other plants
4220. In the layer model, the blue colored ra-
D. Recycle and reuse items
diation reflected from the pane of glass is
because of 4225. There was a of thunder and then it
started to pour with rain.
A. hit
B. clap
C. bang
D. strike
C. ozone. A. 1.0
D. albedo. B. 2.3
C. 1.3
4221. what is the greenhouse effect?
D. 1.8
A. the tapping of cold air
B. the trapping of the sun’s warmth in the 4227. Select the greenhouse gas(es)
atmosphere A. Ill
C. the greenhouse gases B. Methane
C. deforestation (cutting down too many
D. not recycling enough paper
4241. A compound that contains only carbon 4245. Which statement is correct regarding
and hydrogen and that produces carbon the rotation of the earth’s axis?
dioxide and water when burned is called A. Perihelion:The Earth is furthest from
a(n) the Sun.
A. binary compound B. Aphelion Point:The Earth is closest
from the Sun.
B. carbonate
C. The seasons of the Northern Hemi-
C. ionic compound
sphere about 13, 000 years ago were op-
D. hydrocarbon posite to today.
A. carbon dioxide
A. Weather
B. dioxide
B. Climate
4256. The ground heats up and re-emits en-
D. methane
ergy as longwave radiation in the form of
4260. In Australia, El nino creates what sort
A. Ultraviolet (UV) of weather event?
B. Visible Light A. Drought
C. Infrared Rays B. Rain
D. Gamma Rays C. Snow
4257. In which part of the water cycle are the D. Lots of wind
molecules speeding up?
4261. What is the process by which carbon is
A. Evaporation moved from storage in rocks in the earth
B. Collection and in oceans to being free in atmosphere
and living things and back again into the
C. Precipitation
D. Condensation
A. carbon cycle
4258. What was the average distance of re- B. greenhouse gases
treating glacier measured per year in Hi-
C. climate change
malayan region?
D. Global warming
4263. Which of the following images shows B. moist mid-latitude climate with mild
the Causes of climate change? winters
D. greenhouse gases A. Shortwave Radiation
4273. The main gases include carbon dioxide, B. Longwave Radiation
methane, nitrous oxide, and water vapor
C. Shortwave Radio
(which all occur naturally), and fluorinated
gases ( which are synthetic). D. Longwave Radio
A. Greenhouse Effect
4278. Calorie is a measure of
B. Greenhouse Gases
A. Energy
C. Global Warming
B. Weight
D. Climate Change
C. Distance
4274. Which of the following is an example of
D. Volume
a greenhouse gas?
A. Carbon dioxide (CO2) 4279. Solutions
B. ear (aa)
C. gasoline
D. solar
4284. the cause of current climate change 4289. Was the Warmest year on record?
A. Second
B. Eighth
C. Fifth
D. 21 st
global warming?
A. a resource that forms much more
slowly than it is consumed A. melting polar ice
C. Texas alleviates the hypothesis out- returned to normal levels of ice and tem-
side the filter. Texas civilizes the histo- peratures in the 1970’s.
rian without a work. Texas cages the leg.
4303. Has the Arctic sea ice decreased? (Se- 4307. Which of these 4 are a sphere?
lect all that apply) A. Archimedes sphere
A. Yes, certain glaciers were melting
B. Hydrosphere
since the 1980’s.
C. Pizza sphere
B. Yes, In the 1950’s the Arctic had more
than a decade of warm temperatures but D. Pyrosphere
ning of the Ozone?
A. cataracts B. X-rays
B. skin cancer C. Infrared
C. increased sunburns D. Gamma
D. destroys phytoplankton 4313. The best way to save petrol is to walk,
cycle or
4310. In the last 5 million years of the Per-
mian period in Earth’s history, carbon diox- A. collect plastic bags
ide in the atmosphere increased. How did B. recycle aluminium
energy in the Earth system change during C. sell your car
this time?
D. use public transport
A. There was more energy in the Earth
system and more energy absorbed by 4314. How does carbon dioxide get into the
Earth’s surface, because less energy en- atmosphere?
tered than exited.
B. There was more energy in the Earth
system and more energy absorbed by
Earth’s surface, because more energy en-
tered than exited.
C. There was less energy in the Earth sys-
tem and less energy absorbed by Earth’s
surface, because more energy entered A. By burning fossil fuels
than exited. B. From the respiration of plants and ani-
D. There was less energy in the Earth sys- mals
tem and less energy absorbed by Earth’s C. From organisms that break down dead
surface, because less energy entered plants and animals (organic material)
than exited. D. All of the above
4311. The picture below is of a(n) event. 4315. A primary reason we know that human
activity is causing global warming is:
A. CO2 has decreased in the atmosphere C. Cold air can hold more water vapor
over the past 10 years than warm air.
A. phenomenon C. Propane
B. revolution D. Oxygen
A. When a volcano errupts, secondary
succession begins C. HAZARD
B. Lava is hot which makes the commu- D. RISK
nity hotter
4332. The earth is approximately years
C. Ash blocks sunlight, causing tempera- old.
tures to drop
A. 3.2 million
D. none of above
B. 4.5 billion
4327. What is the main reason that Climate C. 1.7 billion
Change exists?
D. 6.8 million
A. Eating burgers
B. Working out 4333. Clues to what ancient climates were like
come from all of the following except
C. Human Activity
A. ice cores
D. Driving
B. fossil tree rings
4328. Greenhouse gases produced from the C. thickness of rock layers
agricultural and livestock sectors, such as
burning agricultural residues and decom- D. plant pollens
posing livestock manure are 4334. IS the mention of Tornado ��� correct?
A. carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide It is a violent weather phenomenon. A
B. methane and nitrogen oxide strong rotatingballoon with an upright hol-
low tube forms a large funnelshape that
C. carbon monoxide and methane extends to the ground. It is surrounded
D. carbon dioxide and methane bydust.������������������������������������������������
A. air B. NO
D. desert
4336. What are examples of non-renewable
energy sources? Select all that apply D. RISK
A. it’s the greenhouse effect 4351. Did the Singapore government take a
Reduce Emissions pledge?
B. climate change
A. True
C. It’s my cat
B. False
D. are humans
4352. How does the trend in use of fossil fuels
4347. We need to take care of the Earth be- compare to atmospheric CO2 levels?
cause it is our home.
A. They both are trending upwards
A. Yes
B. They both are trending downwards
B. No
C. Fossil fuel is trending up, but CO2 is
4348. Which statement is true? trending down
A. Temperature is affected by latitude, D. Fossil fuel is going down, but CO2 up.
precipitation, and ocean currents.
4353. Which of the following correctly ranks
B. Temperature is affected by altitude, the top 5 carbon dioxide emitting countries
precipitation, and ocean currents. in the world?
C. Temperature is affected by distance A. USA, China, Russia, India, Japan
from large bodies of water and ocean cur-
rents. B. Russia, India, Japan, China, USA
4350. What is the relationship between fossil 4355. Increased carbon dioxide may cause
fuels and the greenhouse effect? global warming by
A. A Burning fossil fuels decreases in- A. allowing more sunlight into the atmo-
coming solar radiation. sphere.
B. reflecting more sunlight from clouds. 4360. How do scientists collect evidence about
C. reducing the amount of oxygen in the climate?
A. Using remote sensing from space with
A. True
B. False
4363. the act of removing, pulling, or drawing
A. Carbon Dioxide A. excoriation
B. Methane B. paradigm
C. allusion
C. Nitrous Oxide
D. extraction
D. none of above
4364. Sometimes, it is better to ride a bicycle
4359. What are renewable sources of energy? than driving the car.
A. sources that cannot be replaced A. Yes
B. sources that never run out B. No
4365. Why was the Montreal Protocol cre- C. ocean warming and stronger storms
ated? D. deforestation
A. To protect Canadian wildlife endan-
gered by Greenhouse Gases 4371. Which one is NOT a CAUSE of Climate
B. To protect the “good” ozone layer in
the lower atmosphere A. Burning Fossil Fuel
upper atmosphere C. Intensive Farming / Livestock Gas
D. To reduce the impact of Acid Rain on D. Using renewable resources
the environment
4372. Computer model used to predict possible
4366. The Indian ocean dipole when negative future climate change.
can draw more warmer moist air on the A. global climate model
west coast of Australia, rather than across
the middle of the continent. B. homeostasis
C. urban heat island
A. True
D. none of above
B. False
4373. Release
4367. What are some effects of global warm-
ing? A. Any of the gasses that cause the earth
to heat up
A. increase in ice caps and lower sea lev-
B. A country considered as a group of
B. increase in tree growth and melting of
people with similar language, culture, and
ice caps
C. Flooding and melting of ice caps
C. An area where a lot of waste materials
D. none of above are dumped
4368. After the industrial age the tempera- D. To let something come out of a place
ture? where it is trapped/kept
A. Ascened E. Feeling like everything is spinning or
that you cannot balance
B. Descented
4374. Identify a human cause of climate
4369. During El Niño years, ocean tempera-
A. Enhanced greenhouse effect
A. Get warmer
B. Orbital changes
B. Get cooler
C. Solar activity (sun spots)
C. Stay the same
D. Volcanic activity
D. none of above
4375. Very slight increases in the acidity of
4370. What does melting sea ice NOT cause? seawater marine organisms that make
A. Rise in sea levels shells.
B. coastal flooding and erosion A. doesn’t bother
B. is unhealthy and stresses 4380. Select ALL types of fossil fuels below.
C. has no effect on A. coal
4376. “Lady and the Tramp is the best movie C. natural gas
of all time because it earned $210 million D. none of above
worldwide and was the top movie for 42
weeks” is an example of 4381. For our area on the East Coast of the US,
La Nina makes:
A. reasoning
A. Prevention of hurricanes
B. claim
C. justification B. More windshear preventing hurricane
D. evidence
C. Less windshear enabling hurricane
4377. Carbon Dioxide, CO2, comes from formation
D. Dry with humid air
A. increase in the avergae temperature
of the earth
B. the earth gets cooler
C. there is less events of flooding and
A. Fossil fuels
property loss
D. there is no consequence B. Acid rain
C. Car fumes
4386. Climate change brings more harm than
good. D. Greenhouse effect
A. False
4391. What is the main focus of the passage
B. True
‘Understanding Climate Change:A Global
4387. Earth provides us with air, water and Challenge’?
food. A. Impact on ecosystems
A. Yes
B. Effect on weather patterns
B. No
C. Influence on human societies
4388. Global warming causes ice caps to
D. Consequences of climate change tags-
Main ideas and supporting details
4394. Which of the following is the best over- D. They just find them
all description of the graph above?
4397. What is this cloud of dust and gas
4401. This agreement was signed in 1997 and 4406. Which area is more vulnerable to cli-
and it commits signatories to reduce green- mate change?
house gas emissions due to global warm- A. Global North
ing. commits signatories to reduce green-
house gas emissions due to global warm- B. Global South
ing. 4407. Greenhouse gases trap
A. Clean Air Act A. ultraviolet radiation
B. Clean Water Act B. visible light radiation
C. Kyoto Protocol C. wave radiation
4412. Compared to other greenhouse gases, D. Removing or clearing away the trees
carbon dioxide is very effective in trapping from a forest.
heat near the surface of the Earth.
A. true A. eccentricity
B. false B. obliquity
4413. The earth is straight up and down and C. precession
does not have a tilt
D. none of above
A. True
B. False 4417. What is the name of the surface current
that brings warmer temperatures to Eu-
4414. Where is the largest ‘hole’ in the ozone rope?
layer located?
A. Over the United States
B. Over Europe
C. Over Antarctica
D. Around the equator
4415. Deforestation
B. Gulf Stream
C. Big Current
D. California Current
A. nature A. the hole in the ozone
B. environment
B. the greenhouse effect
C. greenhouse effect
C. atmospheric pressure
D. none of above
D. the inversion layer
4420. The largest ocean in the world:
4424. Photosynthesis
A. Arctic
A. absorbs CO2
B. Pacific
C. Atlantic B. releases CO2
4427. Is the Earth heated evenly? 4431. True or false:Volcanoes release tons of
CO2 and have caused our climate to warm
up in the past.
B. 6 billion B. salinity
C. 8 billion C. density
D. 11 billion D. temperature
4437. Why is Carbon Dioxide considered to be 4442. Climate change sometimes occurs in re-
a Greenhouse Gas? peating patterns.
A. It is a combination of natural and hu- A. True
man forces
B. False
B. It has a biogeochemical cycle
C. It is a type of weather that occurs dur- 4443. Why would the loss of mountain
ing a particular season glaciers be especially damaging to South-
D. It absorbs and reradiates infrared ra- east Asia countries?
diation to warm the Earth A. These countries are highly dependent
4438. Which event is inferred by most scien- on plants and animals that live in the up-
tists to be responsible for a climate change per elevations of the mountains
that has recently led to a decrease in the B. Most of the major rivers in Southeast
size of most glaciers? Asia are fed by melting glaciers
A. a decrease in the rate of divergence
C. The economies of these countries de-
of lithospheric plates along a mid-ocean
pend heavily on the export of ice
B. a decrease in the amount of insolation D. None of the above; People aren’t
reaching Earth’s surface affected by the presence of mountain
C. an increase in the amount of green-
house gases in Earth’s atmosphere 4444. The increase in burning of fossils fuels
D. an increase in the amount of vegeta- has led to an in carbon dioxide in the
tive cover in the tropics atmosphere.
4439. What type of heat do greenhouse gases A. increase
B. decrease
A. Shortwave radiation
B. Microwave electromagnetic radiation 4445. Earth has recorded temperatures in
C. Longwave radiation the past than it is today.
4447. If the Great Ocean Conveyor were to temperature more and so on and so
be disrupted by the flow of freshwater on. This is an example of
from Greenland, which of these continen-
B. There will not be any changes. 4452. Which gas is primarily responsible for
trapping heat in the Earth’s atmosphere,
C. This means the amount of energy ab-
leading to global warming?
sorbed by Earth’s surface decreased, and
global average temperature decreased. A. Oxygen
D. This means the amount of energy ab- B. Nitrogen
sorbed by Earth’s surface increased, and C. Carbon Dioxide
global average temperature increased.
D. Hydrogen
4449. What do greenhouse gases do?
4453. Which one is NOT one of the 4 Natural
A. absorb Earth’s outgoing infrared radi- Causes of Climate Change?
A. Changes in Earth’s orbit (shape) and
B. reflect Earth’s incoming infrared radia- tilt of Earth’s axis.
B. Changes in the Sun’s energy due to sun
C. magnify ultraviolet radiation in the at- spot cycles.
C. Carbon dioxide moving into the atmo-
D. block the Sun’s infrared radiation sphere through Photosynthesis.
4450. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere D. Trains, planes and automobiles adding
causes Earth’s ocean temperature to in- carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
crease which releases more carbon dioxide E. Volcanic activity adding carbon dioxide
into the atmosphere and increases ocean into the atmosphere.
4454. How does increasing energy production 4459. What is “Overshoot Day”?
aggravate the problem of climate change?
A. The day the Earth stops creating re-
A. Energy production requires fossil fuels sources.
which increase greenhouse gases.
B. The day we use all of Earth’s re-
B. Extensive use of hydropower depletes sources.
water supply in the world.
C. The day a single person uses too many
C. Increase in the use of energy lowers resources.
Earth’s temperature.
D. The day that we use up all of the re-
D. High demand for energy increases pro-
sources the Earth creates for the year.
duction of goods.
4455. What animal is affected by the melting 4460. What is climate change?
ice caps A. A seasonal variation in weather pat-
A. polar bear terns
B. tiger B. Long-term shifts in temperature and
C. dog weather patterns
4457. Global warming is the reduction of tem- 4462. What are examples of non-renewable
perature in the Earth. energy sources?
A. True A. Geothermal
B. False B. Coal
4458. A natural process that warms the C. Oil
Earth’s surface. When the Sun’s energy
reaches the Earth’s atmosphere, some of D. Hydro
it is reflected to space and the rest is
4463. Which country currently emits the most
absorbed and re-radiated by greenhouse
greenhouse gases?
A. Climate Change A. to. India
4464. During cold periods called , large 4469. Is the Greenhouse Effect a completely
parts of Earth’s surface was covered with bad thing?
sheets of ice.
A. The Sun
A. The more latitude, the higher the tem-
B. The Earth
C. The Atmosphere
B. it does not affect it
D. The Ocean
C. The more latitude, the cooler the tem-
perature 4480. Weathering is caused by
D. The more latitude, the higher direct A. wind and clouds
sunlight B. water and clouds
C. sand and water
4476. Which of the following is not a conse-
quence of climate change? D. wind and water
A. More oil spills 4481. Which of the following is not evidence
B. Rising sea level of climate change?
D. Animals will be able to adapt to the 4493. Which of the following animals migrate
changes. early to cooler regions but starve because
the food they usually feed on have not
4487. Which two factors determine climate? yet hatched when they reach their desti-
A. temperature nation?
A. fog
B. its elevation
C. the ocean west of the city
D. the mountains east of the city
4500. What is climate change
B. increase and there is minimal precipitation. How
C. decrease would you classify the climate of the re-
gion where she lives?
D. constant
A. continental climate
4511. The northern lights can be seen from this B. tropical climate
country. It is located in the northernmost
part of our world. Winter sports are com- C. polar climate
mon. It is famous for its Salmon Fish. It is D. mild climate
the happiest country in the world. What
country am I trying to explain here? 4515. The most effective thing you can do to
help decrease global warming is?
A. Stop using bottled water, use a
reusable cup/bottle.
B. Eat less red meat. Eat more plan
based protein.
C. Car pool to school with your friends
D. Turn off your lights when you’re not us-
ing them.
E. Buy energy efficient appliances
A. Turkey
4516. Changing human behavior cannot create
B. Spain
a more positive outcome with respect to
C. Italy climate change
D. Norway A. TRUE
4512. Livestock is known to produce this type B. FALSE
of gas when digesting grass?
4517. Which of the following are greenhouse
A. carbon dioxide gases?
B. methane
C. nitrogen
D. sulfur dioxide
D. The temperature is lower than outside 4530. According to UN, how much warmer did
because our body has a shield to prevent the Earth get now?
it from fully absorbing the heat.
A. 1.1 ◦ F
4525. What increases the amount of carbon B. 2.1 ◦ C
dioxide in ouratmosphere?
C. 2.1 ◦ F
A. campfire
D. 1.1 ◦ C
B. fossil fuels
C. windmill 4531. What wind belt represents the wester-
D. none of above lies?
A. 30 degrees to 60 degrees
4526. Which climate proxy (or proxies) re-
quire multiple examples to corroborate B. 30 degrees north, 30 degrees south
and create an accurate record? C. 60 degrees to 90 degrees
A. Ice cores D. none of above
B. Paintings and diaries
C. Tree rings 4532. What will disappear with a 2 degree
rise in temperature?
D. Direct temperature records
A. coral reefs
4527. Ozone is formed in the
B. Christmas wreaths
A. troposhere
C. trees
B. stratosphere
D. fish
C. mesosphere
D. thermosphere 4533. There average global temperature had
during the 20th century
4528. Texas has long, hot summers.
A. remained the same
A. Climate
B. increased every year
B. Weather
C. risen some years and fallen others but
4529. Examples of greenhouse gases. Select has increased overall
all that apply
D. risen some years and fallen others but
has decreased overall
D. Use products that don’t burn fos- A. The world birth rate dropped to less
sil fuels like solar panels, electric than 22births per 1, 000 people per year.
trucks/cars/suvs etc. B. The president of the United States
E. We should do ALL of these things. signed a lawthat created one of the coun-
try’s largest natureparks.
4543. All of the carbon in existence is continu-
ally recycled in the carbon cycle C. Farmers increasingly use chemical fer-
tilizersthat allow nitrogen and phospho-
rous to enterwater sources.
D. Humans began using work-saving
technologiesthat release carbon dioxide
and methane.
4550. How much of the global ice store is in 4556. CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) is harmful to
the Antarctica and Greenland ice sheets? oceanic organisms and ecosystems be-
C. Evidence A. True
D. Mitigation B. False
4560. Which of the following is true about D. Human activities have little to no im-
greenhouse gasses? pact on it.
A. They reradiate infrared radiation back Explanation:
to Earth. 4564. For the reaction SO2 + O2 <=> SO3
B. They are not affected by human activ- If the equilibrium position shifts to the
ity. right, the concentration of O2 will
C. They convert sunlight into energy in A. increase
the form of heat that warms the earth. B. decrease
D. none of above C. remain the same
D. double
4561. fuels such as gas, coal and oil that were
formed underground from plant and animal 4565. TRUE OR FALSE:The warming of the
remains millions of years ago Earth’s average temperature in the past
A. Greenhouse gas 100 years is primarily caused by human
B. Extinction
A. True
C. Petrol
B. False
D. Fossil fuel
4566. Each of the following is evidence of
4562. What is B? rapid climate change taking place on planet
A. Extreme events
B. Ocean acidification
C. Declining Arctic sea ice
D. Rain in tropical areas
4567. Why is climate change happening?
A. Evaporation
B. Condensation
C. Precipitation
D. Runoff
B. Cautious ter condensation?
C. Substitute
D. Renewable energy
A. The Humbolt current 4592. Local heat buildup in an area of high pop-
ulation density.
B. The North Atlantic drift
4590. increasing or adding on, especially in a 4594. Minerals are found in which layer of
regular series soil?
A. incremental A. humus
B. decisive B. topsoil
C. insufficient C. subsoil
D. bedrock
D. alllusive
4595. It is considered a greenhouse gas pro-
4591. What is latitude? tecting us from damaging sun rays, effect
A. the measurement of distance west or are usually local than global.
east of the Equator A. Ozone
B. the height of something B. Methane
C. the measurement of distance north or 4596. What is the biggest cause of climate
south of the Equator change?
D. none of above A. Animals.
B. Deforestation.
C. Fossil Fuels.
D. Humans.
B. False
B. Air quality
C. Weather/Climate 4601. Match the text and the correct word. A
mixture of gases, such as nitrogen, oxy-
D. Water Levels gen, and carbon dioxide, that surrounds
E. You the Earth
A. Atmosphere
B. Ecosystem
C. Habitat
D. none of above
4599. In New Zealand generally there are rel- 4603. Rain, sleet, snow, and hail are all forms
atively small variations between summer of
and wintertemperatures, although inland A. Percolation
and to the east of the ranges the variation
B. Evaporation
is greater (up to 14◦ C)
C. Condensation
A. Weather
D. Precipitation
B. Climate
4604. What happens when Carbon Dioxide dis-
4600. Light is a KIND of ENERGY. solves in ocean water?
A. It becomes Carbonic Acid-Acidifying 4610. The main human activity that releases
the ocean carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere
4613. Which is one cause for Global Warming B. Gas that can be toxic to living organ-
we discussed today? isms
A. Burning Fossil Fuels C. Forms at Earth’s surface when high
B. Pollution from factories level of halogens in atmosphere
D. All of these
C. Both are causes for Global Warming
D. none of above 4619. What is something small you can do to
help fight climate change?
4614. Koalas in Australia.
A. Litter
A. only found
B. Recycle
B. are only find C. Keep your electricity running all the
C. is only find time
D. are only found D. Wastefully flush the toilet
4615. What are the long-term effects of global 4620. Check the 3 main greenhouse gasses
climate change? A. Carbon Dioxide
A. Temperatures will continue to rise. B. Methane
B. More droughts and heat waves. C. Nitrogen
C. Hurricanes will become stronger and D. Sulfur Gas
4621. This ecosystem would have many trees
D. Sea level will rise 1-4 feet by 2100
A. wetland
4616. Which of the following can affect how
B. grassland
muchenergy will be absorbed by Earth’s at-
mosphere? C. forest
A. carbon dioxide D. ocean
B. nitrogen dioxide 4622. means parallel or similar in nature.
C. argon A. Proponent
D. nitrogen B. Equivalent
C. Backup
4617. If we cut more trees, what will happen
to the amount of carbon dioxide in the at- D. Grand scheme
4623. policy to reduce the country’s depen-
A. It will increase dence on imported oil to protect public
B. It will decrease health, ecosystems and the environment
C. Nothing will happen A. Republic Act 9729 Climate Change Act
of 2009
D. none of above
B. Republic Act 99367 Biofuels Act of
4618. What is Ozone (O3)? 2006
A. Layer of gas that prevents UV light C. Republic Act 8749 Clean Air Act of
from coming to surface 1999
D. Republic Act 9003 Philippine Ecological 4628. Gases such as water vapor and car-
Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 bon dioxide that trap heat near Earth are
known as
4633. These are examples of a Fossil fuel- 4637. How is Alaska being impacted by global
fuels produced by deposits of ancient climate change?
plants and animals
A. The permafrost is melting and the
ground is not as stable in certain places
B. The towns are being flooded due to
more tidal waves
C. Their igloo homes are melting
D. All of the previous
A. the oceans
B. Ice in the Arctic or Antarctic
C. the ground
D. roads
B. people are turning to coal as an en-
D. Smoke
ergy source instead of using cow pat-
4651. Consequences of climate change include: ties, crops are flooding during extreme
weather events
A. Stronger hurricanes
C. glaciers are calving off into the ocean
B. Increased flooding
D. people are protesting because of the
C. Frequent droughts
polluted air to try to motivate the govern-
D. All of the above ment to move to renewable energy.
4652. What percentage of scientists agree 4656. What is climate change?
that climate change is likely generated by A. Change in the weather patterns of one
human activities? local area
B. Long term changes in temperature and
weather patterns
C. Climate changing into something more
D. When climate gives you a 20 and you
have to give them back 15
A. 37% 4657. This picture shows people walking
B. 97% through a highly-polluted city in China.
From what type of pollution are they pro-
C. 100% tecting themselves based on what they
D. 1% are wearing?
4658. The following are the simple ways on B. Water is continuously cycled between
how we can mitigate climate change, ex- the surface and the atmosphere
4667. Protect
A. protect
B. destroy
C. conserve
D. none of above
A. Sea level rise
B. Higher global temprature
C. Declining air quality
D. More Earthquake
E. Volcano eruption
4685. Weather can quickly change in a day. 4691. Which of these global warming mitiga-
tion strategies would be classified as geo-
A. Planting large numbers of trees to ab-
sorb carbon dioxide
B. Switching all beef cattle to grasses in-
stead of corn to reduce methane produc-
A. yes C. Injecting sulfates and particulates into
B. no the atmosphere, partially blocking some
4686. Name a planet in the solar system with D. Setting legal limits for the amount of
a runaway greenhouse effect carbon dioxide that can be released by a
A. Mars single facility
B. Venus 4692. When water , dew forms on the
C. Neptune grass.
D. Aldera A. evaporation
B. deposition
4687. What describes the atmospheric condi-
tions expected at a specific place at a spe- C. condensation
cific time? D. transpiration
A. Climate 4693. The earth is just the right temperature
B. Weather for the following to thrive (choose 3):
A. people
4688. Forest fires would be considered a
B. swimming pools
A. carbon source
C. animals
B. carbon sink
D. plants
4689. increase z�ngji�
4694. Which of the following is likely to be af-
A. to increase fected by a population of 7 billion?
B. to reduce
C. to avoid
D. none of above
4695. The extinction of species in the polar re- B. Drop the trash to the bin
gions occurs due to
C. Save the water
4702. Why does Minneapolis have an average 4705. Select all the gases that affect Climate
temperature of-12◦ C in January? Change.
A. Helium
B. Nitrogen
C. Carbon Dioxide
D. Oxygen
E. Fluorinated Gas
4710. The substanes addressed to phasing out 4714. Climate change has disrupted natural cy-
the use in this agreement are chlorofluoro- cles and “confused” ecosystems
carbon (CFCs), hydrochlorofluorocarbons
A. Right
B. Wrong
4719. During explosive volcanic eruptions, A. Methane, Carbon dioxide, Water Vapor
large amounts of ash entering Earth’s at- B. Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Carbon Diox-
mosphere often rise to an altitude of 20 ide
kilometers. What is the most likely effect
of this ash cloud? C. Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, Water vapor
stratosphere layer
B. Deforestation
C. an increase in the insolation reaching
C. Forest rain
Earth’s surface
D. none of above
D. an increase in the thickness of Earth’s
stratosphere layer 4725. Montreal Protocol What is the signifi-
cance of the matter?
4720. Which of these is NOT an effective re-
sponse to climate change A. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
A. Continue business as usual and allow B. Controlling the use of CFC substances
the planet to coll itself C. Plant preservation
B. Mitigate and slow climate change D. Preventing disasters arising from
C. Adapt to climate change weather fluctuations
D. Introduce effective economic incen- 4726. What absorbs ultraviolet rays in the at-
tives to modify human practice that con- mosphere?
tribute to climate change A. troposphere
4721. What effects does global climate change B. stratosphere
have on the water cycle? C. ozone layer
A. Increases the rate of evaporation from D. greenhouse gases
4727. When humans burn fossil fuels, most of
B. Increases the rate of evaporation from the carbon quickly enters the as carbon
the sea dioxide.
C. Increases the amount of water vapor A. Water
the atmosphere can hold
B. Atmosphere
D. all of the above
C. Sun
4722. Factories make (a) D. Ground
A. a products
4728. What gas from the list below is a cause
B. money for global warming?
C. water pollution A. Nitrogen
D. none of above B. Oxygen
4723. Which of the following greenhouse C. Carbon Dioxide
gasses contribute to global warming? D. none of above
C. Educate yourself and talk to friends 4736. Which factor does not influence temper-
and family ature?
D. A. latitude
4733. From the sample data on the sources of B. longitude
4 types of greenhouse gases, which type
C. ocean currents
of greenhouse gas is caused only by human
activities? D. altitude
A. reduce A. true
B. reuse B. false
4741. This Milankovitch Cycle describes 4746. What protective layer in the Earth’s
changes to the Earth’s orbit around the atmosphere blocks 99% of harmful UV
Sun. rays?
B. It removes land from beneath the sur- 4754. What is a good definition of climate
face which can cause sinkhole. change?
C. It can lead to an oil spill in the middle A. A change in the economic habits of the
of the ocean. consumer.
B. Climate change refers to the long term D. decreasing your water and electricity
shift of temperatures and weather pat- usage
C. A change in attitude and mood of the
general population
D. A change in consumer activities
amount of Carbon?
A. Granite
B. Sandstone
C. Basalt 4760. occurs when people cut or clear
D. Limestone forested area to make way for agriculture
or grazing.
4756. earth is getting cooler everyday A. climate change
A. True B. deforestation
B. False C. global warming
4757. Why does our military consider climate D. tropical zone
change a large threat to national security?
4761. Most of the long-wave energy radiated
A. When people have no safe way to live from Earth and lost to space on a cloudless
and feed their families, they may turn to night is
extremist groups to make money as a last
resort. A. ultraviolet
D. none of above
4773. were originally used to pump water A. Oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and water va-
or mill grain. por
A. Solar Panels B. Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous ox-
ide, water vaoupr, and chlorofluorocar-
B. Windmills
C. Dams
C. Helium, neon, krypton, and xenon
D. Water Wheels D. Sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, hy-
4774. As greenhouse gasses increase, what drochlorofluorocarbons, and particulate
happens to heat flow in from the sun? matter
effects? 4797. Many clouds have a high albedo and
therefore tend to
A. Absorb sunlight
B. Reflect sunlight
4793. NZ’s greenhouse gas emissions mainly
4798. Nuclear reaction used in a nuclear power
come from:
A. Enegry and Transport
A. Fission
B. Farms and Agriculture
B. Fasion
C. Schools and Houses C. Faction
D. The ocean D. Fusion
4794. What are the 2 factors that affect den- 4799. Volcanoes release ash and other parti-
sity of water? cles that block the sunlight, so the surface
A. Volume of the Earth will be
B. Temperature A. cooler
C. Salinity B. hotter
4808. What percentage of emitted carbon 4812. What is climate change commonly re-
dioxide is absorbed by the oceans? ferred to as?
A. The World Getting Hotter
B. Global Cooling
C. Global Warming
D. Temperatures Decreasing
4813. What do greenhouse gases like carbon
A. 10% dioxide (CO2) and methane do in the at-
B. 40%
C. 50% A. Trap heat and lead to a gradual in-
crease in global temperatures
D. 77%
B. Cool down the atmosphere
4809. Which is not a source of carbon dioxide?
C. Prevent heat from entering the atmo-
A. forest fires sphere
B. volcanoes D. Have no effect on global temperatures
C. glaciers tagsUnderstanding word meanings
D. use of fossil fuel
4814. Ice core samples taken over the past
4810. People cut down to build cities. 60+ years show an increase in:
A. trees A. oxygen (O2)
B. crops B. carbon dioxide (CO2)
4827. Is there a difference between the cli- 4831. Which country has highest carbon diox-
mate of different regions of India? ide emissions?
B. Russia
C. India
D. China
4832. Climate is
B. A. wildfires
B. hurricanes
C. the four seasons
4828. Forests become “carbon sinks” when: D. a pattern of weather over a long period
A. Degraded of time
B. Burnt 4833. The sun’s rays are least direct near the
C. Restored
A. True
D. Cut down
B. False-near the poles
4829. What is one piece of evidence that sci-
C. False-at high altitudes
entists use to support the idea of global
warming? D. False-far from the ocean
A. The average temperature of the 4834. What generally happens to air pressure
Earth’s surface and the average global as you increase in elevation?
temperature are both increasing A. increase
B. The sun is travelling closer to the Earth B. decrease
C. The Earth is drifting closer to the sun
4835. Organisms that do not decompose can
D. The temperature of the sun is getting be buried and become what?
A. water
4830. How does the Philippine government ad- B. nutrients
dress the issue of climate change?
C. air
A. Our government diligently follows the D. fossil fuels
initiatives of the United Nations in re-
sponding the issue of Climate Change. 4836. Which picture is not the effect of global
B. Our does not plan and implement warming?
enough programs to address the issue of
climate change. A.
C. Addressing climate change is a priority
of local government officials.
D. It relies on the United States to solve B.
the issue on climatge change.
A. livestock
B. crops
C. forests
D. urban trees A. Land
E. wetlands B. Water
4845. Some of the warming that has been ob- 4849. To means to put into practice or ap-
served over the 20th century can be at- ply.
tributed to A. Implement
A. human activity B. Cautious
B. glacial melting C. Substitute
C. drought
D. Renewable energy
D. plant growth
4850. What Is Climate to Change?
4846. How can we conserve energy?
4853. How does El Niño affect weather in 4858. what are the “R’s” that minimize green-
Peru? house gasses?
A. leads to drought A. reduce
4854. Which is NOT going to help reduce out 4859. All of the following are considered re-
carbon footprint? newable energy sources EXCEPT-
A. eating local food A. Wind
B. recycling B. Coal
C. going everywhere by car C. Biomass
4855. The picture represents a(n) event. 4860. What is the main cause of global warm-
A. Volcanic eruptions
B. Release of greenhouse gases
C. Natural climate cycles
D. Deforestation
4861. The most abundant greenhouse gas in
A. The boy the atmosphere is:
B. The girl A. HFCs
C. Non-El Nino (normal conditions) B. water vapor
D. none of above C. carbon dioxide
4856. The rate of change of Earth’s has be- D. methane
come more dramatic since 4862. pain tòngk�
A. World War II A. inconvenience
B. The Industrial Revolution B. joy
C. The Revolutionary War C. pain
D. European settles arrived in the new D. none of above
4863. The climate in a desert is
4857. In which year was the agreement
A. 2013
B. 2014
C. 2015
D. 2016
A. conduction
A. Drought B. convection
B. Acid rain C. radiation
C. Ice caps melting D. none of above
D. Fossil fuels
4869. human activities lead to climate change
4865. What type of evidence is this? and global warming because
A. there are LESS greenhouse gases in
the atmosphere and the temperature de-
B. there is the SAME amount of green-
house gases in the atmosphere and the
temperature stays the same
C. there are MORE greenhouse gases in
the atmosphere and the temperature is in-
A. Historical paintings creasing
B. Ice cores D. none of above
C. Temperature data 4870. what is the leading cause of deforesta-
D. Atmospheric CO2 levels tion?
4871. When it comes to the issue of climate C. Solid or liquid waste that causes land
change, what does the United Nations fo- degradation and alters soil composition.
cus on?
4879. Can Kids help stop global warming 4884. Some propose that ice ages include
changes in Earth’s orbit, shifts in the bal-
ance of incoming and outgoing solar radia-
tion, and changes in heat exchange rates
between the equator and poles.
A. theories
B. laws
C. hypotheses
D. none of above
A. Yes
B. No 4885. Which human activity releases the most
greenhouse gases?
4880. Which human activity contributes the
most carbon dioxide to the atmosphere? A. Transport
A. fishing B. Industry
B. breathing C. Energy
C. burning fossil fuels
D. Agriculture
D. farming
4881. The impact on the planet due to global 4886. Earth’s average surface temperature
warming is called has increased about Fahrenheit over
the past hundred years.
A. climate change
B. the seasons A. 0.5 degree
C. the weather B. 1 degree
D. natural change C. 2 degrees
4882. How can we stop air pollution? Choose D. 5 degrees
TWO answers.
A. Buy a big car. 4887. The Earth acts like a greenhouse that
B. Use trains, bicycles and buses. catches and traps heat from the sun.
C. Use less energy. A. true
D. Eat more hamburgers. B. false
4883. Too many greenhouse gases in the atmo-
sphere may be block heat from escaping 4888. Fossil fuels are classified as nonrenew-
into space and trap too much heat next to able because they
the Earth’s surface causing:
A. require expensive equipment
A. Another ice age
B. take millions of years to replace
B. global warming
C. earthquakes C. can be found all over
D. Volcanic eruptions D. provide all the energy we use
4889. Raising the roads in Miami Beach Florida 4895. What will reduce by 18% with a 2 de-
to prevent the streets from flooding is an gree rise in temperature?
example of a(n)
4899. Which of the following is NOT evidence 4903. What is the name of this graph?
of global warming?
A. Sea level rising
B. Loss of Arctic Sea Ice
C. Less water vapour (rain) in the air
D. More extreme weather events
4900. Anything that absorbs CO2 from the at-
mosphere A. Activation energy
A. carbon dioxide
B. Keeling Curve
B. carbon sink
C. Atmospheric composition
C. spongy
D. Greenhouse gas effect
D. carbon source
4901. Oil, gasoline and coal are all examples 4904. severe impact on issues related to
of this type of fuel. health, food security, employment, in-
come, livelihood of citizens, whether di-
rectly or indirectly
A. Political Aspect
B. Economic Aspect
C. Social Aspect
D. The ice caps are getting big-
4917. What are some possible solutions to cli-
mate change? pick all that apply
A. Use less energy
B. Choose renewable energy sources C.
C. Rising air compresses and warms. 4927. What causes some regions on Earth to
get colder at certain times?
D. Rising air expands and warms.
A. Increased levels of salts and minerals D. 4. The changes of Earth’s climate and
would result in overpopulation of marine its effects
oysters due to strengthened shells.
E. 5. The changes of human’s behavior
B. Methane gas would pollute the ocean and consumption
environment as shoreline organisms be-
gin to die and decay. 4935. When we burn fuels for heat, carbon
C. Alteration in ocean salt levels would dioxide is produced.
cause loss of species and unbalanced pop- A. True
ulations in marine food webs
B. False
D. The local ecosystem would become
less salty 4936. What are the pros of climate change?
4931. The leaking or spilling of chemicals or A. increases vegetation
raw sewage into a body of water is B. makes plants seeds
C. travels to the north south
A. air
D. decreases winter deaths
B. water
C. land 4937. Which of the following adds to global
D. none of above warming bydecreasing the amount of
carbon dioxideremoved from the atmo-
4932. Human activities can cause the planet to sphere?
warm when are released into the at-
A. industrialization
B. burning fossil fuels
A. Cow gas
B. methane C. deforestation
4950. How does acidification of the ocean af- B. Burning fossil fuels
fect corals? C. Industrial pollution
A. They cause an “osteoporosis” that D. Agricultural practices tagsMain ideas
makes the corals brittle. Where there are and supporting details
big storms, the corals break more easily
and struggle to recover. 4954. What climate is cold year-round, mini-
mal precipitation?
B. The algae that live in the corals leaves
the coral both removing the color of the A. dry climate
coral but also removing the corals energy B. polar climate
source. If the algae don’t return due to
C. mild climate
warm temperatures, the coral dies.
D. tropical climate
4951. In a warmer world, we would expect
more 4955. What produce CFCs?
A. droughts
B. hurricanes
C. desert expansions
D. all of these
A. As the years increase, the Carbon 4962. Which of the following is NOT an effect
Emissions Increase of climate change?
4967. It is a type of storm called a tropical 4972. The variety of plant and animal life in
cyclone, which forms over tropical or sub- the world or in a particular habitat is called
tropical waters.
A. Heavy rains A. fossil fuels
B. Heat waves B. biodiversity
C. Hurricanes C. ecosystem
D. none of above D. climate change
4968. The following is an example of an envi- 4973. What is the difference between
ronmentally friendly fuel weather and climate? (CHOOSE 2 AN-
A. Solar
A. Weather is the temperature outside
B. Pertamax now
C. Petroleum B. Climate is total snowfall
D. Biogas C. Climate is the average weather over a
long period of time
4969. have a view of something from above
D. Weather is more accurate
A. witness
B. observe 4974. What causes winds to form on Earth?
D. Install automatic light sensors C. The trees act as a carbon sink and re-
moves CO2 from the atmosphere.
4971. Can global warming be natural D. There are concerns if the ground
cracks, then the stored carbon would be
4977. Methane gas has been known to make B. Get electricity from renewable re-
our planet sources
4978. During the Precambrian period, how 4982. All of the following are evidence for cli-
did the evolution of photosynthesis in mate change except what?
cyanobacteria influence the Earth’s cli- A. Rising CO2 levels
B. The sun becoming more powerful
A. The cyanobacteria did not have a sig-
nificant impact on the Earth’s climate C. Ice core CO2 concentrations
B. Cyanobacteria absorbed carbon diox- D. Record high temperatures across the
ide and released oxygen, causing global globe
4983. In which season in the Northern Hemi-
C. Cyanobacteria absorbed carbon diox-
sphere does carbon dioxide in the atmo-
ide and released oxygen, causing global
sphere decrease as a result of natural pro-
D. Cyanobacteria produced large
amounts of methane, causing global A. spring
warming B. summer
4979. What is Ozone Depletion? C. winter
A. Atmosphere cracking D. fall
B. green house gases
4984. Which of the following IS/ARE NOT
C. The wearing out of ozone in the strato- greenhouse gases?
A. Carbon Dioxide
D. none of above
B. Nitrogen
4980. Carbon dioxide is
C. Carbon Monoxide
A. the most potent (per molecule of gas)
of the greenhouse gases D. Methane
B. the most significant greenhouse gas E. Nitrous Oxide
C. more potent (per molecule of gas) than
4985. During an El Nino event, trade winds are
D. the only greenhouse gas presently in-
creasing in the atmosphere A. Weaker
B. Stronger
4981. Which of the following is NOT a solution
to climate change? 4986. Which of these sets of three items pro-
A. Drive cars less duce CFCs
A. cars, factories, and cardboard
B. spray cans, cardboard, insulation
C. spray cans, refrigerant, cardboard A. Renewable Energy Resource
4995. An increase in Earth’s average surface D. The cores are a complete record
temperature refers to: whereas rock layers are not.
5006. The surrounds the earth and traps 5010. If sea levels rise, places will
heat. A. become dry
A. sky B. get flooded
B. greenhouse C. get hotter
C. atmosphere D. none of above
D. dark space
5011. rain jiàngy�
5007. is the impact of a person or commu-
A. precipitation
nity on the environment, specifically the
land required to sustain and use of natural B. snow
resources. C. starvation
A. Cause & effect D. none of above
B. Ecological footprint
5012. What is the instrument that measures
C. Global warming ground temperature to study permafrost
D. Greenhouse effect A. pvc tube
5008. Would you like to eat a unicorn? B. youtube
A. No, I didn’t. C. snow tube
B. Yes, I would. D. frost tube
C. No, I wouldn’t. 5013. Which of these are major greenhouse
D. Yes, I like. gases
A. Carbon dioxide
5009. Which of these predictions about climate
change does the video make? B. Hydrogen
C. Methane
D. Water vapor
5016. Without the “greenhouse effect” 5022. is a fuel produced by the very grad-
A. Overnight temperatures would plunge ual decaying of animals or plants over mil-
lions of years.
5018. It is the center of the atom 5024. Which two activities produce the great-
A. proton est amount of greenhouse gases?
C. no one B. industrialization
B. False A. 1901
B. 1904
5021. A large volcanic eruption on Earth
causes the temperature to C. 1907
5029. Climate change happens C. Kyoto
A. Over a long period of time D. China
5031. What is climate change? 5036. Clean water is a limited resource. Why
is making safe to drink difficult?
A. Some cities are not allowing water to
come from the ocean
B. There are not enough architects to
help solve the problem
C. Contaminated water is dirty and un-
safe and it is difficult to clean especially
in crowded cities
A. A global variation of the temperature D. Clean water is a precious resource
in the planet 5037. Which of the following does NOT distin-
B. The extinction of animals guishes weather from climate?
C. The lack of water
D. The deforestation of trees
surface of Earth so they are know as
A. chlorofluorocarbons
B. the ozone layer
A. halibut
C. greenhouse gases
B. barrier
C. sled D. none of above
5057. How do scientists measure sea ice posi- 5063. What greenhouse gas do cattle
tions? (ganado), landfills (vertederos), and car-
bon mining (minas de carbon) produce?
5069. a change in global or regional climate 5074. Other than the U.S. what are the other
patterns. 2 countries NOT in the Paris agreement?
A. Climate A. Syria
B. Climate Change B. Mexico
C. Weather C. Nicaragua
D. Temperature D. Paris
5075. What do we call it when weather pat-
5070. What is the function of the Ozone
terns change over a long period of time?
A. It protects the surface of the Earth
from the ultraviolet radiation
B. It protects the Earth’s surface from
the infrared radiation
C. It decreases greenhouse emissions
D. It builds reservoirs of carbon
A. Climate adaptation
5071. What is the contributing factor to Cli-
mate Change? B. Weather change
C. Climate change
A. Ozone layer hole
D. Weather adaptation
B. Sun
C. Greenhouse Gas emission, Fossil Fuel 5076. In December,
Burning A. to space to make the earth cool.
D. none of above B. lots of trees.
5072. Global warming and the greenhouse ef- C. a blanket covering the Earth.
fect are exactly the same. D. I sweat, and I even get dizzy.
E. there will be a meeting of nations.
5077. 4 years
A. 4
B. 4
C. 4
A. True D. 4
B. False 5078. When did the last ice age end?
5073. It affects wind and rainfall patterns all A. 1, 000, 000 years ago
over the world. B. 10, 000 years ago
A. The boy C. 100, 000, 000 years ago
B. The girl D. 100 years ago
5079. Hydropower is power obtained from 5083. The 2007 Nobel Peace Prize winners
the use of moving
A. Al Gore and IPCC
5080. Which season is shown in the northern 5084. Globalization affects International Rela-
hemisphere? tions by
A. Increasing the importance of borders
between countries.
B. Reducing the importance of borders
between countries.
C. Increasing migration between coun-
D. Reducing migration between coun-
5089. Scientist think that climate change are C. Africa to South America
caused by: D. Africa to North America
A. Animals
5095. What can we do to help?What can we
B. Human do to help?
C. All of above A. leave the water on while putting soap
D. none of above on dishes/ deixe a água enquanto coloca
sabão em pratos
5090. Which of the following removes carbon B. eat less meat/ comer menos carne
from the atmosphere?
C. leave lights on while you’re not at
A. Combustion home/ deixe as luzes acesas enquanto
B. Respiration não estiver em casa
C. Photosynthesis D. always use plastic bags when you go
D. Death
5096. Which shows a practice that lessens the
5091. In Lima, it rains much more in spring effect of climate change?
than in summer.
A. Plant trees, forest restoration, reduce
A. climate emissions, save energy
B. weather B. People are not aware on proper use of
5092. The increase in the number of motorized energy consumptions.
vehicles results in rising air temperatures 5097. Studies show a possible link between
in urban areas which can disrupt the res- the and global rain patterns.
piratory process of living creatures. Ex-
A. sun cycles
haust gas from these vehicles is a green-
house gas and toxic to the body. One of B. sunspot cycle
the most appropriate alternatives to over- 5098. dangerous
come this problem is
A. Often
A. plant trees in big cities
B. Newspapers
B. make a co2 filter in a certain place
C. governments
C. use public transportation D. dangerous
D. provide education about environmen-
tal health 5099. What does the burning of fossil fuels
have to do with global warning/climate
5093. Recycling, repurposing, and reusing change
items help lessen air pollution. A. Fossil fuels are used instead of the
A. True sun’s energy
B. False B. They create greenhouse gases which
traps too much heat in the Earth’s atmo-
5094. One example of a common migration sphere
route is C. They allow people to drive their cars
A. Africa to Europe faster.
B. Africa to Asia D. The sun is forced to work harder.
A. Atlantic A. A
B. Indian B. B
C. Pacific C. C
D. Arctic D. D
C. pie graph
D. none of above
A. carbon dioxide
5115. How would the carbon dioxide emis-
B. water vapor sions trading bill, cap and trade, impact
C. methane global climate change?
D. oxygen A. Limits would be placed on greenhouse
gas emissions. Permits would be needed
5110. How can we reduce our carbon foot- to produce more pollution.
B. Greenhouse gas production would be
A. By watching more TV banned
B. By leaving the fridge open C. For every ton of carbon produced an
C. By NOT leaving the tap running equal value of trees would need to be
D. By getting the car everywhere
D. Stict limits would be set on the amount
5111. Which human activity ���� contributes �� of greenhouse gas emissions could be pro-
the MOST carbon dioxide ���� to the atmo- duced.
5116. Which of the following human activities
A. Fishing �� leads to increasing global temperature?
B. Breathing �� A. Building more houses
C. Burning Fossil Fuels Burning Fossil Fu- B. Running marathons
C. Burning fossil fuels
D. Farming ��
D. Planting trees
5112. Without any greenhouse effect the
Earth would be 5117. Kiribati is
A. Fine
B. Too Cold to Support Life
C. Very Hot
D. none of above
C. located in the Indian Ocean 5121. What is the most abundant greenhouse
D. an island
B. Reducing the Earth’s albedo, leading B. True
to more absorption of solar radiation and
5131. The oceans affect climate by transport-
ing heat and absorbing
C. Having no impact on global tempera-
A. oxygen
B. ozone
D. Increasing the Earth’s albedo, leading
to less absorption of solar radiation and C. carbon dioxide
heat D. nitrogen
5127. Which of the following types of water 5132. Global warming makes hurricane sea-
would SINK the fastest? sons worse.
A. warm and salty
B. cold and salty
C. warm and fresh
D. cold and fresh
5134. What is the most dangerous Green- 5138. What is released when fossil fuels are
house Gas? burned?
5137. What is the capital of Norway? D. none of these answers are correct
5144. Which continent is being most effected 5149. Which is true about globalization?
by climate change? A. It is long term.
A. North America B. It is a new phenomenon.
B. South America C. It has grown in recent years.
C. Africa D. It has remained the same over the
D. Asia years.
E. Antarctica 5150. The impact of global warming on the hy-
drosphere will include:
5145. Which country produces the most CO2
A. a rise in sea levels
B. floods from melting glaciers
A. China
C. droughts and famine
B. Russia
D. wild fires
C. Brazil
5151. Average global temperature has in
D. Germany
recent decades.
5146. As the troposphere gets warmer, what A. decreased
does this do to the stratosphere? Check
B. increased
all that apply.
C. stayed the same
A. Warms the stratosphere
D. none of above
B. Cools the stratosphere
5152. To keep our city clean we should?
C. speeds the ozone repair
A. Use Dustbin
D. slows the ozone repair
B. Throw garbage on road
5147. Typhoon
5153. alternative energy sources
A. Tropical storm (Meet TBD)
A. fuels made from organic matter
B. Tornado
B. heat energy naturally produced within
C. Drought Earth
D. none of above C. sources of energy that do not come
from fossil fuels
5148. global warming
D. materials in the environment that are
A. The change in weather patterns in a re- useful to people
gion over a long period of time.
5154. What are the components of a carbon?
B. An increase in the average tempera-
ture of the earth over time. A. One carbon and 2 O2?
5158. The area of human activity responsi- 5161. Which of the following activities con-
ble for the second highest greenhouse gas tributes the most to carbon emissions glob-
emissions is ally?
A. Deforestation
B. Agriculture
C. Burning fossil fuels
D. Respiration
5163. What are “holes” in the ozone layer? 5167. climate change caused by burning
A. places where the ozone concentra- A. burning coal
tions are lower than under normal condi-
tions, allowing more UV radiation to reach B. burning rice husks
the Earth’s surface.
5168. Carbon is used in the process called
B. places where the ozone concentra- by plants and algae to make food and the
tions are higher than under normal condi- building blocks for growth.
tions, allowing more UV radiation to reach
the Earth’s surface.
C. places where the ozone concentra-
tions are higher than under normal condi-
tions, allowing lessUV radiation to reach
the Earth’s surface.
D. none of above
B. Hydroelectric A. climate
C. Solar energy B. The girl
D. none of above C. greenhouse effect
5165. Which of the following can help de- D. seasons
crease global warming?
5170. The climate is
A. Eat more ice cream.
B. Keep your freezer door open.
C. Keep your air conditioner on high.
D. Turn off your lights when you’re not us-
ing them.
5171. An increase in the average temperature 5177. What time of year do El Nino and La
of the earth’s atmosphere. Nina events occur?
B. False
5180. Can GCM forecasts and predictions be
immediately compared to real data
5175. Which two are likely to result from
global warming? A. True
A. increase in surface temperatures B. False
B. reduction in greenhouse gases
5181. A cold-water event in the Pacific ocean
C. rise in ocean levels
that brings colder than normal winter
D. decrease in air pollution weather:
C. Oxygen
5182. This gas in the atmosphere does what
D. Sulfur the roof of a green house does?
A. energy from the sun
B. energy from water
A. oxygen, helium, hydrogen
B. carbondioxide, oxygen, nitrogen C. energy from wind
D. energy from plant and animal waste
5183. Put the descriptions in order:Cause→Direct
Effect→Consequences of the Effect In- 5188. We should use bags made of?
creased Risk of Droughts and Fires:a.
Droughts and fires will occur more fre- A. Plastic bags that cannot be recycled
quently b. More water evaporates from B. Use cotton bags or paper bag
landc. Higher temperatures in the atmo-
sphere 5189. It refers to the major changes in the cli-
A. C→B→A mate that last for long periods of time.
B. A→C→B A. global warming
C. A→B→C B. climate change
D. C→A→B C. emission
E. B→A→C D. none of above
5184. How does photosynthesis change
5190. From an experiment to study the re-
Earth’s atmosphere?
lationship between temperature and the
A. by increasing oxygen levels and de- amount of saturated water vapor in the
creasing carbon dioxide levels air. Place two empty glass bottles of the
B. by decreasing oxygen levels and in- same size as shown in the picture in two
creasing carbon dioxide levels areas with different temperatures for one
C. by decreasing both oxygen and carbon night. Observe the water droplets in both
dioxide levels glass bottles. The experimental results
are obtained as shown in the table. Which
D. by increasing both oxygen and carbon
of the following statements is incorrect?
dioxide levels
5185. A is an advocate or supporter of a
particular idea or cause.
A. Proponent
B. Equivalent
C. Backup A. The air in flask A has a higher temper-
D. Grand scheme ature than the air in flask B.
5207. Drought
C. Keep your air conditioner on high. A. flood
D. Turn off your lights when you’re not us- B. drought
ing them.
C. landslide
5202. What country utilizes zai farming due to
D. none of above
prolonged droughts and rare, but violent
rainstorms? 5208. What is the name of the famous protest-
A. Bangladesh ing 12 year old from Sweden?
B. Chad A. Boris Johnson
C. Italy B. Katrina Johnson
D. Maldives C. Greta Thunberg
E. Netherlands D. Serena Williams
5203. Is the (biggest) hole in the ozone layer 5209. What are the main threats of climate
growing or shrinking? change?
A. Growing A. Raining during the Monsoon
B. Not changing B. Shopping
C. Shrinking C. Heat Waves
D. none of above D. none of above
5204. Which of the following events would be 5210. Choose the correct option
MOST likely to add Greenhouse Gases to
the atmosphere?
A. Hurricane
B. Tsunami
C. Forest Fire
D. Ecological Succession
5205. What do fossil fuels need to form?
A. High pressure and low heat A. water droplet
B. High pressure and high heat B. wind
C. Low pressure and low heat C. rain
D. Low pressure and high heat D. evaporation
5212. Both El Nino and La Nina have this in 5217. What plants from the National park of
common Teide are affected by climate change?
A. Influence birds that migrate over the
B. Influence rainy / dry weather world
C. The weather at the polar regions
D. The directions that ships travel in the
A. Teide broom
5213. Divergent Plate movement can create
B. Summit Rosalillo
A. Conduction
C. sweet tabaiba
B. Mountains
D. Canarian palm tree
C. Rifts and ocean ridges
5218. Which fossil fuel produces the least
D. none of above
amount of carbon dioxide?
5214. What us this graph missing? A. Coal
A. y axis B. Petroleum
B. fluctuations C. Natural Gas
C. x axis D. none of above
D. labels
5219. Which area produces the most carbon
5215. When an object blocks the path of light, emissions?
what is formed? A. Global North (economically developed
regions such as USA, Australia, Western
Europe, Japan)
B. Global South (less economically devel-
oped regions such as Africa, South Amer-
ica and most of Asia)
A. A problem 5220. What human activity can have the
B. The tooth GREATEST positive change on global cli-
mate change by helping to reduce the
C. A reflection amount of carbon dioxide in the atmo-
D. A shadow sphere?
A. building homes out of metal instead of 5225. The continuous process by which water
wood moves from Earth’s surface to the atmo-
B. recycling plastics sphere and back
5221. What is depicted in the photo? 5226. How do animals get carbon?
A. By eating plants and or other animals.
B. They absorb it from the atmosphere.
C. From the ground
D. They do not get carbon from anywhere.
D. none of above B. It harms all non-living things.
5242. Scientists think that human activity is C. It harms all living things.
causing climate change.
D. It harms Steve.
A. true
5247. Choose the correct option
B. false
5243. What can we do to reduce the climate
5262. The greenhouse gas with the highest
global warming potential is C. address
A. Carbon dioxide D. none of above
B. Methane 5267. Terrestrial biomes are described by their
C. Water vapor A. types of plants
D. CFCs B. Amount of rainfall and temperature
C. types of plants and animals
5263. Everyone should try to reduce their
D. amount of rainfall and plants
5268. Which of the following is contributing to
an INCREASE in carbon dioxide in the atmo-
A. deforestation
B. photosynthesis
C. oceans
D. the loss of animal species
5269. Climate change automatically mean
A. carbon footprint warmer climate
B. solar footprint A. True
C. global footprint B. False
D. none of above 5270. Predicted impacts from global warming
5264. Which of the following are greenhouse include all of the following EXCEPT
gases? A. melting icecaps
A. Water vapour B. lowering sea levels
B. Methane C. more extreme weather
C. Carbon dioxide D. species extinctions
5272. The release of smoke and harmful gases C. occurrences of volcanic eruptions
into the air is called pollution.
D. amount of sea ice
5273. Most of the carbon dioxide in the at- B. To protect the hydrosphere for present
mosphere was released by human beings and future generations
burning methane. C. To only use it in case of emergency
A. TRUE D. All of the above
5279. Luther Komonasaek is a Sea Ice Expert.
5274. Responsible for 44% of the world’s to- He works as
tal carbon dioxide emissions.
A. Scientist
A. Coal
B. Oil/ Petroleum B. Elder
C. Natural Gas C. Whaling Captain
D. none of above D. Teacher
5275. Why don’t we want to use as much non-
5280. What are the major sources of excess
renewable energy sources?
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
A. They cause pollution and CO2 to be put
into our air/atmosphere A. Burning fossil fuels
B. The cause less pollution B. Decomposition of garbage and cattle
C. They are difficult to get
D. They smell funky C. Agriculture waste
D. none of above
5276. What is the importance of ozone in the
5281. How do fossil fuels affect the green-
A. Support life house effect?
B. keep the earth warm
A. Burning fossil fuels decreases incom-
C. Protect Earth from harmful UV radia- ing solar radiation
B. Burning fossil fuels decreases the
D. affect weather condition amount of heat trapped
5277. Drilled ice cores provide scientists with C. Burning fossil fuels releases carbon
what following types of data from the an- dioxide into the atmosphere trapping
cient past?(Check all correct options) more heat
A. temperature D. Burning fossil fuels causes less heat to
B. atmospheric composition be trapped
5282. How do you differentiate WEATHER and C. use air conditioners in cars more
CLIMATE? D. trap the sun’s rays in the earth’s atmo-
A. Weather is long term. sphere
B. Weather is short term. 5287. Which of the following is a natural cause
C. Climate is short term. of climate change?
D. Climate and weather are both short
Explanation:Weather is characterized by
short-term changes (daily, hourly, weekly)
while climate is characterized by long-
term changes (usually 30 years or more).
5283. About how many lbs of trash do the
A. Volcanoes
population of the world dump in land-
fills?(T=Trillion B. Pollution
A. 11T lbs C. Earthquakes
B. 11.6T lbs D. Nuclear waste
C. 12.1T lbs 5288. What can be seen only in the iono-
D. 15T lbs sphere?
A. Water vapours
5284. When a factor increases (or decreases)
B. Aurora Borealis
when another factor increases, we say
there is a C. Ozone layer
A. cause D. Highlands
B. correlation 5289. How will climate change impact human
5285. This gas is the leading cause of the
global warming. This gas is produced A. Allergy seasons will be longer
when people and animals breathe out and B. Pest such as mosquitoes will increase.
when certain fuel is burnt. It is also used C. The number of emergent diseases are
by plants for energy.Which gas are we re- likely to increase.
ferring to?
D. All of the above
A. Nitrogen
B. Oxygen 5290. Differences in the temperature between
the North and South poles and the equator
C. Carbon dioxide create thermal currents in the atmosphere
D. CNG that form global winds.What is the source
of energy for these currents?
5286. Based on the text, which of the follow-
ing could help stop global warming?
A. Melt the ice at the North and South
B. create less pollution from factories
and cars
5301. What gas from the list below is NOT a 5305. Which agricultural problem is not caused
cause of global warming? by climate change?
A. Methane A. Lack of water for irrigation.
B. Water vapor B. Insufficient funds for farming.
C. Carbon dioxide C. Abundance of pests in the farm.
D. Oxygen D. Changing of kinds of crops planted.
5306. an area’s climate changes and it gets
5302. The document that was posted today
LESS rainfall. what can happen?
was on Climate Change. It was published
for a country. The name of the country A. more hurricanes
starts with the alphabet and the con- B. more forest fires
tinent to which this country belongs ends C. floods
with the alphabet
D. more diseases
A. A, A
5307. Milankovich cycles are what?
B. I, A
A. Changes in the levels of the ocean
C. Z, A
caused by volcanic eruptions
D. P, A B. Cycles of sunspot activity over an 11
5303. Where have some of the strongest and year period
earliest impacts of global warming oc- C. Changes of the earths orbit and axis
curred? over 40, 000, 110, 000 and 25, 000 years
A. In the Tropics D. A Slovakian bicycle factory
B. In northern Latitudes 5308. One of the ways to help the world is by
C. Impacts of global warming are dis- using water energy.
tributed equally all over the planet. A. True
Explanation:In northern latitudesSome of B. False
the fastest-warming regions on the planet
include Alaska, Greenland and Siberia. C. Not mentioned
These Arctic environments are highly D. none of above
sensitive to even small temperature in-
5309. What is a greenhouse gas that comes
creases, which can melt sea ice, ice
from cars?
sheets and permafrost, and lead to
changes in Earth’s reflectance (”albedo”).
D. none of above
C. More trees
D. Earth getting colder
B. Republic Act 9729 B. dead plants and animals
C. Republic Act 8749 C. air and water
D. Republic Act 9003 D. all of the above
5322. Which United Nations Agree- 5326. An elder said that in the past 30 years,
ment/Treaty on climate change generates temperature have changed.
measures to reduce greenhouse gas emis- A. Weather
sions from 2020 onward?
B. Climate
A. Maastricht Treaty
5327. What is a drought?
B. Paris Agreement
A. When a region gets lots of rain
C. Lisbon Agreement
B. When a region suffers from lack of rain
D. none of above
C. A strong storm that destroys homes
5323. The graph above shows global tempera- and buildings
ture changes between the years 1880 and D. A large desert with camels
2011. Which of the following best de-
scribes the changes seen in the graph? 5328. It is the unusually rapid increase in
Earth’s average surface temperature over
A. The graph shows a trend of increasing the past century primarily due to the
temperature over time. greenhouse gases released as people burn
B. The graph shows temperatures go up fossil fuels.
and down, with no trend. A. Global Warming
C. The graph shows the Annual Mean and B. Sea level rise
5-Year Mean have different trends.
C. Greenhouse Effect
D. The graph shows too much fluctuation
D. none of above
to be confident about a trend.
5329. Despite the rising temperature of Earth,
5324. True or False? “One single person can- The Sun has
not have an impact on climate change.”
A. Gotten colder
A. True
B. Gotten warmer also
B. False
C. Stayed the same
5325. Soil is made of D. none of above
5330. What is it called when WATER is 5335. According to the passage, climate
FORMED from an LIQUID to a WATER VA- changes today are
POR or a [GAS]?
5339. Where does ocean water have the high- B. Gases and particles may block sunlight
est temperature? and lower temperatures.
C. Vibrations caused by eruptions shift
A. Subtropics
ocean currents, which in turn affect
B. The Poles
C. Equator
D. They cause a long-term increase in
D. none of above
5340. In winter, the axis of the earth is
pointed away or toward the sun? 5344. Which of the following is a greenhouse
gas that contributes to climate change?
A. Oxygen
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Nitrogen
A. towards D. Helium
B. up
5345. Why do we need to “go green”?
C. down
D. away
5342. Which of these may be caused by lack B. We need to save the Earth.
of water?
C. We need to protect our school.
A. famine
D. none of above
B. floods
C. droughts 5346. Which is NOT going to help reduce out
D. earthquakes carbon footprint?
A. making direct measurements.
B. Precipitation
B. creating computer models.
5355. It specifies timeframes for reduction of C. examining ice cores.
Greenhouse gasses emission of the indus-
trialized countries. D. using proxy indicators.
A. Kyoto Protocol 5361. The Earth is getting because people
B. Carbon Offsetting are adding heat-trapping gases to the at-
C. emission certificate
D. none of above A. warmer
B. colder
5356. CH4, CO2, NO are examples of
C. smaller
A. Noble Gases
B. Greenhouse Gases D. bigger
5358. What is the impact of climate change on 5363. Why isn’t Maldives trying something
marine life? like the Moses project to protect itself?
verse A. Very high, its my future!
D. Galaxy, solar system, planets, uni- B. Medium interest level, too interested
verse in other things
5376. True or False:there is less carbon diox- C. No interest, no worries
ide in the atmosphere now than there has D. none of above
been in the past 650, 000 years.
A. True 5382. Choose the correct option
B. False
5380. Though CFC production has been re- 5384. Which is an example of a sustainable
duced, the threat to upper atmospheric practice?
ozone continues because CFCs A. Mowing your lawn
A. help people buy electric cars
5395. Approximately how much of the Sun’s
B. give people recycling bins
energy is reflected?
C. help people move to safer areas to live
A. 20%
D. build bigger roads for all the cars
B. 30%
C. 40% 5399. What climate has warm summers, mild
D. 50% winters, high precipitation, humid?
A. dry climate
5396. Choose the correct option
B. polar climate
C. mild climate
D. continental climate
A. region
A. animal
B. decrease
B. plant
C. feel
C. unknown
D. none of above
D. human
5397. A mixture of gases that surrounds the
Earth like a blanket. 5401. What will happen to the Earth if all
greenhouse gases go away?
A. Nothing. The Earth does not change
B. CO2 levels will increase
C. The atmosphere will get so cold that
life cannot exist
D. Temperatures will increase
5402. Which of the following gases does not 5407. What is the “greenhouse effect?”
trap heat? A. Greenhouse gases trap in UV radiation
5404. Choose the correct option B. All areas of the Earth are not getting
warmer every year.
C. It isn’t Carbon Dioxide that is causing
the temperature increase.
D. It isn’t the greenhouse gases that are
causing the heat to be trapped.
this time? During this time, the amount of 5416. Coral reefs are one of the most diverse
energy absorbed by Earth’s surface ecosystems on the planet. All of the fol-
A. decreased. lowing endanger coral reefs except for:
5411. Penguins and polar bears are now C. thinning seashells
D. Respectful snorkelers and divers tak-
A. True ing underwater images
B. False
5417. Which one is not a cause of Climate
5412. Currently, about 10% of Earth is cov- Change
ered with ice year-round. If this ice melts,
A. Fossil Fuel
what could happen to Earth’s tempera-
ture? B. Deforestation
A. Increase C. Intensive Farming / Livestock Gas
B. Decrease D. South Pole Ice melting
C. Remain the Same
5418. is a measure of energy.
D. Not enough information
A. Liter
5413. 1 Greenhouse traps heat radiating from B. Mile
Earth toward space.
C. Kilogram
A. True
D. Joule
B. False
5414. the horizontal number line in a coordi- 5419. What is the effect of ocean acidification
nate plane on marine life?
5429. Beans and nuts have a huge carbon foot- 5433. is the day-to-day state of the at-
print. mosphere, and its short-term variation in
minutes to weeks.
A. climate
B. globe
C. weather
D. latitude
A. True 5434. Which of the following sources of en-
B. False ergy is not renewable?
5430. True or False:Climate change is causing A. Wind
stronger storms. B. Hydraulic
A. TAMA C. Nuclear
D. Solar
5431. Each one of these gases is a greenhouse
gas, except which one? 5435. Trees provide energy for us.
5448. How can we stop climate change? C. The Earth’s surface reflects more of
the sun’s rays back into space. The
world’s temperature is increasing.
D. The Earth’s surface reflects less of the
sun’s rays back into space. The world’s
temperature has decreased.
5452. When solar radiation hits a greenhouse
gas molecule it , which then heats the
A. Walk to close places instead of using
the car
A. reflects heat back into space
B. Turn off the lights when you’re not in a
room B. absorbs only visible light
5456. Which climate proxy gives the longest B. The destruction of Earth’s ozone layer
timescale of data? as a result of certain chemicals’ release.
A. Paintings and diaries C. Environmental issue when the number
A. Traps all of the heat from the Sun 5464. What do the expressions in this table
B. Repels sunlight away from the atmo- describe?
C. Traps some heat and releases some
heat back to space
D. only works in the summer months
5461. overpopulation
A. Producing food with the focus on pro-
ductivity and profit, often by using fertiliz-
ers. A. sustainable development goals
5470. The heating of the lower layer of the at-
mosphere from radiation absorbed by cer-
tain heat-absorbing gases is called
A. A the adiabatic effect
B. B the photosynthesis effect
C. C the greenhouse effect
A. The ice reflects the sun’s light D. D smog
B. The ice absorbs the heat from the sun. 5471. rainforest destruction
C. The ice evaporates and cools Earth A. Environmental issue when the number
D. The ice floats on the ocean. of people on Earth exceeds its carrying ca-
5466. What does not produce carbon dioxide? B. Earth’s total greenhouse gas emis-
A. Photosynthesis sions.
C. It has been affecting the Amazon area
B. Burning Fossil Fuels
and other tropical areas for decades.
C. Animal respiration
D. none of above
D. none of above
5472. A condition when people don’t get
5467. The increase in greenhouse gases in the enough food or nutrients
atmosphere is mainly caused by: A. Famine
A. Volcanic eruptions B. Malnutrition
B. Earthquake C. Diet
C. Human activities D. Ruminant
D. Increase in the number of multi-storey 5473. A greenhouse is very good at:
glass buildings
A. Letting in sunlight, but not letting 5477. This is a renewable energy resource
warmth escape that must be conserved.
A. Process A
A. fish species dying
B. Process B
B. factory waste
C. polluted clouds C. Process C
D. none of above D. Process D
A. ice cap
B. glacier
A. The Earth’s axis of rotation is currently
C. tundra
tilted at approximately 21.5 degrees.
D. winter
B. The angle of inclination of the Earth’s
axis of rotation ranges from 22 degrees to 5486. The average global temperatures are in-
26 degrees. creasing and the Earth is warming. Which
C. Currently, the world is in the process of the following best explains why?
of increasing its tilt angle. A. Increase in greenhouse gases in the
D. If the axis tilt decreases The differ- atmosphere
ence between summer and winter will be B. Deforestation of the rain forest
C. The sun is getting hotter
5482. What should we do with used bottles? D. The moon is getting hotter
A. Reuse it
5487. The most affected by the effects of cli-
B. Throw it without sorting mate change are the urban poor due to the
C. Who cares? lack of opportunity to live in a safer place
D. I don’t know A. Political Aspect
5483. This happens when Earth stops receiv- B. Economic Aspects
ing rain water C. Social Aspect
A. Diseases D. none of above
B. Drought
5488. Reducing the about of trees cut down
C. Flooding could help with climate change
D. Deforestation A. True
5484. In 1976, Congress passed the Resource B. False
Conservation and Recovery Act to in-
crease recycling and conservation efforts 5489. Average wildlife populations have fell
as waste became a bigger problem in an ur- by in the past 40 years.
banized world. The slogan “reduce, reuse, A. 25%
recycle” was used to educate the commu- B. 60%
nity on environmentally friendly practices.
Which of the following is a benefit of such C. 40%
conservation efforts? D. none of above
5490. The average temperature of the surface 5494. The more the humidity is in the air, the
of Earth has increased approximately 1◦ C more sweaty we will feel.
in the past century. Which reason best ex-
5491. When there is urbanisation, there is an 5496. Which particular effect of Global warm-
increase in greenhouse gas emissions due ing that has affected many parts of earth?
to all of the following, except for A. cooler temperature
A. Urban dwellers requiring higher en- B. season changes
ergy consumption for household activities
(eg. heating, lighting, cooling, cooking). C. melting ice
A. toxic fumes
A. movement of tectonic plates
B. plant species
B. volcanic activity
C. soil pollution
C. changes in the earths orbit
D. power station
D. burning of fossil fuels
5500. Isotopes of what element helps scien-
tists look at temperature change in ice 5506. What is the mixture of gases surround-
cores? ing the Earth called?
A. Carbon A. carbon
B. Nitrogen B. concentration
C. Oxygen C. atmosphere
D. Sulfur D. emissions
5501. What are some of the causes of climate 5507. What causes coral bleaching?
change? Select ALL that apply.
A. Unpredictable weather
B. Using alternative energy
C. Burning fossil fuels
D. Deforestation
A. oil spills
5502. Processes that remove carbon from the
atmosphere are called B. warmer water temperatures
A. carbon sinks C. overfishing
B. carbon sources D. red tide
5503. Which of the following can be an effect 5508. Plastic bottles are taken to by lor-
of climate change on the environment? ries.
A. More use of the air-conditioner A. recycling bins
B. More food produced B. the sea
C. More heatwaves C. landfill sites
D. More balanced ecosystem D. recycling centres
A. San Francisco
B. dallas
C. Minneapolis
D. Wichita
A. more
5515. Describes how the weather behaves
B. less over a long period of time:
D. The same as weather
C. current effect
5520. What are two things that can affect cli-
D. none of above mate change on earth?
5517. Thegreenhouse effect A. Tilt of the Earth;s axis and volcanic
B. Earth’s orbit around the sun and hu-
C. Volcanoes and Hurricanes
D. Tidal changes and hurricanes
5521. What type of galaxy is this?
A. change in climate
B. is a natural process that warms the
Earth’s surface.
C. cooling of the Earth
D. short term weather patterns A. Spiral
B. Elliptical
5518. Which of the following are conse-
quences associated with climate change? C. Irregular
D. Irrational
A. The ice sheets are declining, glaciers
are in retreat globally, and our oceans are 5522. Which is the correct definition of mitiga-
more acidic than ever tion?
B. Surface temperatures are setting new A. Reducing the causes of climate change
heat records about each year B. Responding to the changes that cli-
C. More extreme weather like droughts, mate change brings
heat waves, and hurricanes
5523. What causes coral bleaching?
D. Global sea levels are rising at an
A. oil spills
alarmingly fast rate-17 centimeters (6.7
inches) in the last century alone and go- B. warmer water temperatures
ing higher. C. overfishing
E. All of the above D. red tide
5524. Define Fossil Fuels 5529. One of the efforts that can be made to
A. A natural fuel such as coal or gas, reduce CO2 levels in the air is
5528. This is the breaking down a large prob- 5533. If El-Niño is called the warm phase, then
lem into smaller, bite size pieces. La Nina is referred to as the a
A. positive feedback loop A. warmer phase
B. wedge analysis B. cold phase
C. convection currents C. dry phase
D. none of above D. icy phase
5535. Volcanic activity is a natural source of B. Use energy efficient light bulbs.
greenhouse gases
C. Buy animal’s leather bags
A. true
D. Drive less and use more public trans-
B. false port.
5536. True or False? “In the Carbon Diox- 5541. What type of energy sources produce
ide Water Bottle Demonstration, the wa- greenhouse gasses?
ter bottle represented our atmosphere.”
A. hydroelectric
A. True
B. geothermal
B. False
C. nuclear
5537. When we discuss greenhouse gases D. fossil fuels
what is the main one we discuss?
A. Methane (CH4) 5542. Earthquake
B. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) A. flood
C. Nitrous oxide (N2O) B. drought
D. Flourinated gases C. earthquake
D. none of above
5538. Climate is defined as
5543. Humans burn fossil fuels and release
CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) into the atmosphere
A. Breathing out CO2
B. Drinking water
C. Cooking a steak
A. a change in weather/temperature D. Burning coal, natural gas, and oil
over a long period of time.
5544. What is the effect of cutting trees and
B. a change in density over a long period
of time.
A. we have less water
5539. A continuous record from Mauna Loa,
B. carbon dioxide cannot be absorbed
Hawaii, reveals that annual average CO2
concentrations have since 1958. C. oxygen cannot be absorbed
A. been constant D. we have more roads
5545. Reducing waste helps with climate C. Can cause respiratory problems such
change. as asthma and pneumonia
5554. “Resulting from human activity” is 5559. Another piece of evidence for climate
A. Anthropogenic change can come from trees. If a tree has
rings that are wide what does this suggest
B. Carbon Footprint about the conditions in those years?
C. Fossil Fuel A. Warm and wet
D. Global Warming B. Cold and dry
5555. Since the industrial revolution gas 5560. Construction of a building with a roof
has significantly increased in the atmo- topped with soil and growing plants
A. energy efficient vehicle
A. Carbon Dioxide
B. Cogeneration
B. Water Vapor
C. Green Architecture
C. Oxygen
D. Feed-in Tariff
D. Solar
E. Free-per-bag system
5556. Greenhouse gases are important to our
planet’s survival because 5561. what are some natural causes of climate
A. They create a natural cooling effect
that keeps us from burning up. A. volcanoes
B. They create oxygen which we need to B. transportation
breathe. C. industry
C. They fuel the cars we drive.
D. none of above
D. They keep our earth warm so we can
sustain life. 5562. Most of global warming since the mid
1900’s has been
5557. These are harmful greenhouse gases
A. caused by zoos
that can destroy good ozone and were
once found in hairsprays, refrigerators, B. caused by people
and air conditioners. C. caused by cars
A. Chlorofluorocarbons D. caused by the ocean
B. Ozone
5563. Marine organisms make their shells
C. Carbon dioxide from calcium and
D. Methane
A. chloride
5558. What is it called when CO2 is absorbed B. carbonate
by the ocean and reacts with seawater to
C. sea water
produce acid.
D. none of above
A. water pollution
B. ocean acidification 5564. Humans are considered to be a
C. seaweed salad vinegar A. carbon source
D. hydrochloric acid B. carbon sink
5565. A panel of scientists who review the sci- 5570. Ocean Acidification causes animals to be
ence on climate change and make recom- unable to build
A. Temperatures are rising world-wide ecosystems on the planet. All of the fol-
due to greenhouse lowing endanger the coral reef except for:
B. glaciers are melting at a faster rate A. warmer water with less oxygen and
more CO2
C. Droughts are becoming longer and
more extreme around the world. B. acidic water causing the Coral to be
D. All the above
C. Thinning Shells
5577. Which animal would you find in the D. Respectful Snorkelers and divers tak-
desert ing underwater images
A. camel
5582. Which of the following will lessen the
B. lizard impact of climate change?
C. alligator
D. horse
5580. How does global warming affect sea A. The low albedo of ocean water means
levels? the heated water will sink and form ocean
A. More water is being drank by people currents.
B. The albedo of sea ice is lower than the 5588. Which process accurately describes the
albedo of ocean water, leading to the melt- formation of the greenhouse effect?
ing of sea ice. A. The Sun’s rays are reflected from the
5585. Orbit
A. What happens when a volcano sud-
denly throws out burning rocks, smoke,
and other things
B. Any of the gasses that cause the earth
to heat up
C. A path followed by a planet or object A. Bad, Naqa, Sh4, Haqqa, Aa
as it moves around another planet/object B. Bad, naw, nh4, right, aa
D. What happens when a volcano sud- 5590. Allows water to pass through.
denly throws out burning rocks, smoke,
and other things A. impervious
B. pervious
E. An area where a lot of waste materials
are dumped C. homeostasis
D. none of above
5586. why is the NATURAL greenhouse effect
important? 5591. Word to decribe when an animal jumps
A. it protects us from harmful x-rays and attacks another one with claws
A. Scavenging
B. it traps heat and keeps out planet
warm B. Melting
C. it protects us from sunburn C. Pouncing
D. it protects us from meteors. D. Hunting
B. Storm
C. Ill
D. SF6
5605. refers to humans living on Earth and 5610. Katya has a map of a glacier. Katya
their use of resources without depletion of uses the map to learn how the length of
the resources without depletion of the re- the glacier has changed over time. She
sources for future generations. records what she has learned in the ta-
ble. Use the table to complete the sen-
tences.The glacier is melting over time.
This most likely means that the climate in
this part of the world is getting
A. wetter
B. warmer
A. Ecosystem services C. cooler
B. Sustainability D. constant
5611. More extreme weather is an of 5615. If the trees are cut down for buildings
global warming. and furniture, it is called
A. drought
B. climate change
C. power station
D. deforestation
5616. Fill in the blanks with the correct set
of verb tenses in this first conditional sen-
tence:If they hard, they the test.
A. studied, passed
B. study, will pass
C. studied, will pass
A. effect
D. will study, passed
B. cause
5617. Where would you find a coral reef?
5612. The United States releases more A. under the bed
than any other country.
B. under your nose
A. nitrogen
C. in the road
B. carbon dioxide D. under the sea
C. oxygen
5618. Through which objects does light pass
D. nuclear powers MORE?
5613. Nuclear power plants have been offered
as an alternative to fossil fuel power
plants. Why do people consider nuclear
power plants to be better than fossil fuel
power plants?
A. they release more air pollutants
B. they do not release air pollutants A. Transparent objects, like glass win-
C. they release toxic waste dows
D. they have been known to cause nu- B. Opaque objects (not transparent), like
clear accidents a plant
5626. Which of the follwoing causes climate B. A natural occurring phenomenon that
change? keeps the Earth warm enough for life to
C. A naturally occurring phenomenon
that keeps the Sun hot for life to exist.
D. When human activity, such as burning
fossil fuels, releases harmful gases into
the atmosphere increasing the layer of
A. Decreased in the amount of green- greenhouse gases.
house gases in the atmosphere.
5630. What are all of the climate zones that
B. Increased in the amount of green- result from the unequal heating of Earth?
house gases in the atmosphere.
A. tropical and polar
C. Increase in the amount of solar energy
emitted by the sun. B. temperate and polar
5627. Which change in seasons occurs in the 5631. Cow farts are a major climate change
Northern Hemisphere at position D? contributor.
A. True
A. Winter is ending and spring is begin- B. False
ning. 5632. planting zhòngzhí
B. Spring is ending and summer is begin- A. to harvest
B. to plant
C. Summer is ending and fall is beginning.
C. to sow
D. Fall is ending and winter is beginning.
D. none of above
5633. Miami residents often experience Sunny
5628. True or false? Greenhouse gases keep
Day flooding, where areas flood, without
Earth cool enough for living things to sur-
rainfall. Which effect of climate change
does this relate to the most?
A. True
A. The confusion of natural cycles
B. False B. The redistribution of freshwater and
5629. What is the greenhouse effect? growing conditions
A. A human factor that keeps the Earth C. Sea Level Rise
cold enough for life to exist. D. none of above
5634. True or False:Practice planting plants 5639. Choose an image that matches the word
to help address the problem of climate “climate change”
B. false
5644. The international agreement between 5647. What are some of the proposed solu-
governments to ensure that international tions to climate change?
trade in specimens of wild animals and
A. Plant many many more trees globally
plants does not threaten the survival of
because trees store carbon dioxide.
the species
B. Renewable energy sources, especially
wind and solar power are clean, effective
sources of energy without carbon dioxide
C. Less food waste and a more plant
heavy diet could take the equivalent of al-
most a billion cars of the road.
D. Educating girls could take the equiva-
A. CITES lent of 361 million cars of the road.
B. Endangered Species Act
E. Cleaning up chemicals in fridges and
C. Montreal Protocol air conditioners could take the equivalent
D. Kyoto Protocol of 629 million cars of the road
E. Sioux Falls Animal Act 5648. Rainfall is more or less evenly dis-
5645. Are there minerals in soil? tributed type of climate in the Philippines.
B. It passes through anyway 5659. From the food information of each type
of animal in a water ecosystem. Which
5654. Many cleaning solutions are considered
information about this ecosystem is incor-
toxic because they can cause health dam-
A. True
B. False
B. False
A. Weather
B. Climate
5668. What climate is warm year-round, high 5672. Forests are better known as
precipitation? “carbon ”:
A. Carbon Dioxide
B. Ozone
C. Methane A. When solar energy trespasses the at-
D. Chlorofluorocarbons mosphere.
B. When some energy is reflected back to
5671. Climate change started by natural fac-
C. When the green house is burned.
D. When the sun doesn’t emit radiation.
5676. Two pronounced seasons in the Philip-
A. True C. TYPE 3
B. False D. none of above
5677. Which of these is NOT a greenhouse 5682. We have made progress with the deple-
gas? tion of the ozone by not using CFC’s accord-
A. Carbon ing to the Montreal Protocol. What are we
doing that is slowing the progress of the
B. Methane
ozone depletion down?
C. Ozone
A. growing our populations
D. Chlorofluorocarbon
B. increasing our CFC use
E. Water Vapour
C. human caused climate change
5678. Which is the warmest year since 1880?
D. technology use
A. 2016
B. 2019 5683. What refers to the day to day changes
C. 2014 in the air temperature and weather condi-
D. 2018
A. Weather
5679. La Nina is when
B. Climate
A. ocean temperatures are cooler caus-
ing flooding east C. Storms
B. ocean temperatures are warmer caus- D. Earth’s Rotation
ing flooding west
C. ocean temperature is cooler causing 5684. describes conditions over the long
flooding west term and over an entire region.
D. none of above A. Climate
5690. What role can individuals play in ad- 5694. Which of the following is NOT evidence
dressing climate change? of climate change?
A. Advocating for sustainable policies A. satellite imagery of glaciers showing
smaller land coverage
B. Engaging in climate activism
B. tidal gauges and satellite imagery
C. Ignoring the issue and hoping it goes
showing increased sea level
D. none of above C. weather balloons showing increasing
temperatures in the atmosphere
5691. What happens the amount of green- D. buoys and floats showing decreasing
houses gases continue to increase? sea surface temperatures
5696. How has global warming made it more B. Changes in solar output
difficult for polar bears to hunt the seals C. Increased cattle
they feed on?
D. Burning of fossil fuels
A. The population of seals has declined.
E. Deforestation
B. Polar bears are forced to swim longer
distances between ice sheets. 5702. What might happen if there is too much
C. Seals now have more places to hide. carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
D. Polar bears are now being hunted A. The temperature on earth may go up,
more by other predators. so there will be global warming.
B. The temperature on Earth may go
5697. high lashing and overflowing of sea wa-
down so there will be global cooling.
C. The temperature may go down and the
A. Drought caused by El Nino
sea level may drop.
B. Bagyo (TropicalCyclones)
D. The temperature may stay the same
C. Earthquake and there may be fewer droughts.
D. Storm Surge
5703. Overall, what do volcanoes do to the
5698. Melting glaciers contribute to the rise of temperature on earth?
around the world. A. Make it warmer
A. carbon dioxide B. Make it cooler
B. greenhouse effect
5704. An increased concentration of green-
C. greenhouse gases house gases in the Earth’s atmosphere can
D. sea levels cause the Earth to become
A. Warmer
5699. Which of the following is an example of
a greenhouse gas? B. Colder
A. Oxygen 5705. Which two are likely to result from
B. Carbon Dioxide global warming?
C. Nitrogen A. increase in surface temperature
D. none of above B. reduction in greenhouse gases
C. rise in ocean levels
5700. Which of the following is an indication
of global warming? D. decrease in air pollution
A. coastal erosion 5706. Is Climate change actually happening
B. decrease of global temperature A. Yes
C. rising of sea level B. No
D. strong waves in the ocean
5707. Which of the following concepts is NOT
5701. Identify 3 current causes of climate discussed in the text as a factor affecting
change. seasonal changes?
A. Orbital changes A. Global warming
5716. What does this flag represent? 5720. Climate change is defined as:
A. An augmentation in weather devel-
oped through a short period of time.
B. A variation in weather developed
through a long period of time
C. A stationary loop in weather devel-
oped through the history of man.
D. All of the above
A. Spain 5721. farmer dóngmín
B. Italy A. the Earth
C. Turkey B. leader
D. eTwinning C. farmer
5717. To reduce the impact of global warming D. none of above
can use renewable energy. What is not 5722. What is a direct cause of rising sea lev-
renewable energy? els?
A. Wind A. Melting Sea Ice
B. Sand B. Melting Land Ice
C. Ocean waters C. Expansion of water molecules due to
D. Coal warming
D. Both melting land ice and expansion of
5718. Melting of glaciers and polar ice caps
water molecules due to warming
E. Both melting sea ice and melting land
A. will result in cooler temperatures in ice
the Arctic
B. will result in sea-levels rising 5723. An unusually warm day in the winter is
an example of
C. Will have no effect on ecosystems
D. None of the above
5719. Increased global temperature is respon-
sible for all but
A. weather
B. climate
5724. Which of the following is a greenhouse
A. sea level rise A. Nitrogen dioxide
B. stronger hurricanes B. Carbon monoxide
C. COVID-19 C. Carbon dioxide
D. catastrophic wildfires D. Oxygen
5725. causes surface currents. 5729. Trees take from the atmosphere and
A. The Coriolis Effect release oxygen.
C. stable C. A geomorphologist
D. unusual D. A paleoclimatologist
C. Rainforests
D. Farming A. The planting of trees
5735. Development of technology should be B. The rebuilding of forests
A. aimed to use all our resources C. When people visit a forest
B. not to use any resources D. The cutting down of trees
C. only use technology irrespective of en-
5740. why cows contribute to tthe climmate
vironmental effects
D. in a positive way that is helpful for en-
A. because they are dumb
B. because they produce methane
5736. If the global temperature rises by over
1.5 C what percentage of species will be C. beccause they are black and white
at risk of extinction? D. because they are ugly
A. 100 percent, all species will be at risk
5741. Which plant and animal would you find
B. 15-20 percent, at least one in six in a marine environment
A. shark
C. 0 percent, no species will be at risk
B. alligator
D. 10-15 percent, one in 10 species will
be at risk C. coral
D. oak
5737. The main way carbon dioxide is is by
plants and phytoplankton for photosynthe- 5742. How have some Bangladeshi citizens re-
sis. sponded positively to increasingly brack-
A. emitted ish water?
B. reduced A. They’ve collected salt from rivers to
sell around the world
C. increased
D. absorbed B. They cook their meals directly in rivers
since it is already seasoned
5738. What is a scientist who studies ancient C. They’ve given up on farming the land
(old) climates called? to try out aquaculture
A. A biologist D. They use it as a tourist attraction,
B. A entomologist since salt helps people float
5743. causes deep ocean currents 5748. Identify the aim of adaptation strate-
A. The Coriolis Effect gies.
5751. Which of the following statements best 5756. Where doesn’t global warming affect?
describe the solutions to climate change?
A. Stop down the cutting of tress
B. nowhere
B. Less use of the fossil fuels
C. More consumption on energy C. SOMEWHERE
5757. Several months during the year that
easterlies? have similar temperatures
A. 30 degrees to 60 degrees
B. 30 degrees north to 30 degrees south
C. 60 degrees to 90 degrees
D. none of above
5753. Which of the following is largely respon-
sible fordepleting Earth’s ozone layer?
A. PCB’s
C. CFC’s
D. Ill A. Season
5754. What has been the average global sur- B. climate
face area increase since pre-industrial tem-
peratures? C. weather
D. Summer
5760. What causes climate change? 5766. How is the EU’s pact on the environment
A. Deforestation and overpopulation.
A. European Pact.
B. Burning fossil fuels and war.
B. World Compact.
C. Burning fossil fuels, Farming, Defor-
C. European Ecological Pact.
estation and more.
D. none of above
D. none of above
5767. Some bacteria produce methane during
5761. The warmest ocean waters are located digestion. If the amount of these bacteria
at the decreased a lot, the amount of methane
A. Equator in the atmosphere would decrease. What
would happen to energy in the Earth sys-
B. Poles
tem if this happened? If methane de-
C. ocean basins creased,
D. Continents A. there would be more energy in the
Earth system and more energy absorbed
5762. The purposeful clearing of forested land. by Earth’s surface, because more energy
A. slash and burn would enter than exit.
B. deforestation B. there would be more energy in the
Earth system and more energy absorbed
C. logging
by Earth’s surface, because less energy
D. conservation would enter than exit.
5763. Which gas is not a GHG? C. there would be less energy in the
Earth system and less energy absorbed
A. Water vapour by Earth’s surface, because less energy
B. Carbon dioxide would enter than exit.
C. Methane D. there would be less energy in the
Earth system and less energy absorbed
D. CFCs by Earth’s surface, because more energy
E. Nitrogen would enter than exit.
5768. Climate change sceptics deny: 5772. Excess sunlight entering the earth will
be controlled by
A. The existence of global warming
B. The adverse human impact on climate A. Gas
B. Ecosystem
C. The possibility of devising appropriate
climate policy C. Climate
D. All of the above D. Atmosfer
5769. In order to show , an explanation for
how one change causes another has to be 5773. To reduce means
A. to go up
A. correlation
B. to make smaller
B. causation
C. to make something
5770. What is Maldives now doing with some
of its islands? D. none of above
A. Moving the majority of people off of
them due to problems with flooding 5774. Climate change can lead to (choose all
B. Using new technology from the Nether- that apply)
lands to help them hover A. Extreme storms
C. Renting them out to other countries to
raise money for artificial islands B. Droughts
A. oxygen
B. nitrogen
C. carbon dioxide
D. methane
A. water vapour
5776. The graph shows changes in carbon
B. carbon dioxide dioxide(CO2) concentrations and surface
C. oxygen temperatureson Earth from the years
1880 to 2000.Why do carbon dioxide
D. methane
concentrations andsurface temperatures
E. nitrous oxide show the relationship seenin the graph?
5778. Identify the effects of wildfire. Choose 5782. The meaning of “Landslides” is:
all that apply A. floods
A. respiratory diseases B. storms
B. air pollution C. rays
C. water pollution D. landslides
D. improvement of habitat of wild species 5783. Pay attention to the description be-
low! 1) Planting trees at home and school
5779. What trend in temperature has hap-
2) Saving on paper 3) Using a bicycle
pened since the mt pinatubo eruption?
to school 4) Using motorized vehicles to
A. The Earth briefly got colder but then school Statements that show the efforts
trended upwards for many years. that students can make to reduce global
B. The Earth briefly got warmer but then warming are number
trended downward for many years. A. 1, 3, and 4
A. litter D. the process by which gases hold heat
B. preserve in the atmosphere.
5800. Which of the following are natural cause B. tout
of climate change? C. spew
A. Changes in solar output. D. emit
B. Increasing use of transport such are 5805. A continuous record of annual aver-
cars, ships and planes. age atmospheric CO2 concentrations from
C. Increasing energy consumption from Hawaii reveals,
fossil fuels. A. a steady increase since 1988
D. Volcanic activity. B. a steady decrease since 1988
5801. Since the beginning of the Industrial C. a steady decrease since 1958
Revolution the acidity of ocean surfaces D. a steady increase since 1958
has increased by about 30%, mainly due
5806. Did Trump call for American domination
to human output of Carbon Dioxide. Which
of global energy supplies?
would NOT contribute to ocean acidifica-
tion? A. No
A. consuming electricity B. Yes
B. coral reef erosion 5807. are made from plants, such as palm
C. deforestation oil trees, sugar canes.
D. transportation A. Fossil fuels
B. rainforests
5802. What causes climate change?
C. Biofuels
A. Volcanic activity
D. candy canes
B. Melting Ice cap (no cap)
5808. Scientists study tree rings to learn more
C. Greenhouse gases about Earth’s past climate. They found
D. all the above a time period when the amount of car-
E. The interesting amount of people cre- bon dioxide in the atmosphere decreased.
ating false information on the media, cli- What happened to energy in the Earth
mate change doesn’t exist, the earth is system when carbon dioxide in the atmo-
flat, and everything is a product of the sphere decreased? Energy in the Earth sys-
monke tem
A. decreased, because more energy en-
5803. The farther you live from an ocean, the tered than exited. This is because less
more likely your climate will be a exiting energy was redirected (bounced)
A. marine climate back toward Earth.
B. Convection
C. Radiation
B. as CO2 decreases, the temperature in-
D. none of above
5822. What is the goal of the 2015 Paris cli- C. as CO2 increases, the temperature de-
mate accord? creases
D. none of these
5829. Climate change is caused by the green- 5833. The major greenhouse gas(es)
house effect. A. carbon dioxide and water vapor
A. Deforestation
C. The process by which corals lose their
B. Changes in the Sun’s activity algae and color under stressful conditions
C. Volcanic eruptions like high water temperature and light in-
D. Using fossil fuels
A. December 21 A. true
B. April 22 B. false
5846. Climate change can lead to A. Melting of the Arctic sea ice
A. sea level rise and floods in coastal ar- B. Melting of land ice in Greenland and
5847. Human activity is adding additional 5851. Warming over 50 years has melted ice
greenhouse gases to the amount that are that used to hold up Newtok
in the atmosphere naturally
A. Weather
A. True
B. Climate
B. False
5848. Ice Core samples taken over the past 5852. What is causing climate change
60+ years show an increase in:
A. Oxygen (O2)
B. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
C. Dihydrogen Oxide (H2O)
D. Homework
E. Netherlands B. less direct rays from the sun
C. longer days and shorter nights
5856. Green house gas effect is the emission
of? D. more direct rays and shorter days
A. Methane 5862. The average weather conditions in a
B. carbon dioxide place for over 30 years or more.
C. both A. climate
D. none B. weather
5857. The spread of disease is the impact of C. carbon footprint
global warming because D. renewable resource
A. Man loses job
5863. How has population growth helped to
B. Crime increases
cause desertification?
C. Climatic conditions affect air quality
A. More demand for homes
D. Humans are losing their habitat
B. More demand for free space
5858. The land of the side of a mountain C. More demand for trees
range is in a rain shadow.
D. More demand for food
A. leeward
B. windward 5864. The energy which is produced by sun is
5859. This called for countries to voluntarily
set their own targets for reducing emis- A. Solar
sions of CO2, CH4, N2O, and fluorine B. Hydro
C. Thermal
A. Milankovitch cycles
D. none of above
B. coriolis effect
C. Kyoto Protocol 5865. Name the biomes which have greater
chance of disappearance due to global
D. none of above warming
5860. The main human activity that releases A. Cold desert
greenhouse gases is:
B. Tundra
A. Using public transportation and
thereby reducing the effects of green- C. Boreal forest
house gases. D. Prairies
5866. Which is the best practice to reduce the 5871. Which of these effects of climate change
greenhouse gases? directly impact to South Florida
A. fog D. it is the changes in water cycle pattern
that are cause directly or indirectly by Hu-
B. its elevation
man activities
C. the ocean west of the city
5879. Global temperatures have been increas-
D. the mountains east of the city
ing drastically?
5876. Warming temperatures cause sea ice to A. since the industrial revolution.
melt. Less sea ice means: B. since the Jurassic Era (time of di-
A. less energy will be reflected by the nosaurs) 65 million yr ago
ice and temperatures will increase even C. since the advent of human kind.
D. Climate change is not real and there
B. more energy will be absorbed by the is not scientific evidence of temperature
dark ocean water and temperatures will change.
5880. What happens in the arctic clamate dur-
C. simply that there is less sea ice; it has
ing global warming?
no effect on temperature.
A. More ice is created and habitats grow.
D. none of above
B. Ice melts and habitat of animals
5877. Can plate tectonics affect climate? shrinks.
A. yes through volcanoes C. Deforestation.
B. no D. Pollution
C. maybe 5881. On tree rings, what does a wider ring
D. none of above indicate?
A. A dryer year
5878. What is the term use to describe Climate
Change B. A wetter year
C. A year with bad growing conditions
D. A year with little sunshine
A. A. Reuse paper
B. Plant trees
C. the hydrosphere
D. gold, silver and platinum
D. the geosphere
5893. About how many plastic grocery bags
do people throw away each year? 5896. How would a rise in sea levels affect
human populations?
A. Many coastal areas will be flooded dis-
placing many large human populations.
B. Fresh drinking water sources will be
contaminated with sea water.
C. Rising sea levels will not impact human
populations because sea walls are being
A. one thousand D. Both a and b are correct
B. one million
5897. What has the lowest albedo?
C. one billion A. snow
D. one trillion B. white paper
5894. What is the main gas that istrapping C. mirror
more heat close to the Earth, acting like D. asphalt
a blanket?
5898. Climate change and global warming are-
A. True
B. False
5899. Which of the following best reflects the
core issue addressed in the text regarding
seasonal change and global warming?
A. carbon dioxide
A. The text implies that global warming
B. oxygen has no effect on seasonal changes.
C. nitrogen B. The text suggests a causal link be-
tween global warming and changes in sea-
D. argon
sonal patterns.
5895. The layer of gases surrounding our C. The text focuses on the role of natural
planet is called climate variability in seasonal changes.
D. The text highlights the cyclical nature C. increase the amount of greenhouse
of seasonal changes. gas emissions
and oceans rises, causing casualties,
property damages, building collapse,
etc.�������������, ������, ����,
D. none of above
A. Tornado Formation
B. The Greenhouse Effect B. ANKARA
C. Hurricane Formation C. OSLO
D. none of above D. MADR�D
5931. The example of animal that can only live 5934. What renewable energy changes would
in a cold area is need to be made to achieve the goal of the
Paris climate agreement?
A. road transportation would need to be
B. Coal and gas plants would need carbon
capture and storage
C. most coal plants will need to shut
A. camel
D. none of above
B. chicken
5935. What happens to plastic waste?
C. whale
D. polar bear
5932. We should
A. It is a biodegradable material so it
eventually disintegrates
B. There is no such thing as plastic waste,
all plastic is recycled
C. It never fully goes away, it just breaks
into little pieces
A. cut down trees. D. It is dumped in the ocean for fish to eat
D. Some of the globally warmest years 5945. The average temperature of the surface
have occurred since 1900 and especially of Earth has increased approximately 1◦ C
in the 1920’s and 1930’s. in the past century. Which reason best ex-
plains this increase in temperature?
5940. True or False:Wasting less food is a way
A. lower levels of ozone in the atmo-
to reduce greenhouse gasses?
A. True B. lower levels of nitrogen in the atmo-
B. False sphere
A. Lithium Mining, polluting local fresh- B. melting of Arctic sea ice
water sources C. collapse of Amazon rainforest
B. Cobalt Mining, using child labor D. massive release of CO2 from a vol-
canic explosion
C. 95% end up as toxic waste in Landfills
D. All the Above 5950. One serious consequence of climate
change, a rise in sea levels, could result
5947. Which of the following is NOT evidence in of beaches.
of global warming? A. erosion
B. increase in size
C. increase in number
D. none of above
5951. Climate change causes extreme weather
conditions such as:
A. Flood
B. Hurricane
C. Heat Waves
B. Loss of Arctic Sea Ice 5952. Which country emits the most green-
house gases?
C. Less Water Vapor in the Air
D. More extreme weather events
B. China
5948. What kind of galaxy is this? C. India
D. Russia
5953. At the end of their life, massive stars
will either become or
A. Red Supergiant, White Dwarf 5959. According to the WMO, by the end of
B. Supernova, Red Giant the century an increase of ( ) in the
Earth’s surface could be expected
B. Increase in greenhouse gases
A. the concentration of carbon dioxide is C. Increased global temperatures
currently higher than it has been in over
400, 000 years. D. Sulfuric and nitric acids
B. the average global temperature is cur- 5970. Climate change is causing health prob-
rently higher than it has ever been on lems for people as well as animals.
C. the increase in carbon dioxide concen-
tration we are experiencing today is simi-
lar in scale to the variation seen over the
past 400, 000 years.
D. none of above
5973. If you increase Earth’s axial tilt (obliq- B. The further away from. The Equator,
uity), what will happen to the seasons? the less amount of insolation received.