12 Week Plan
12 Week Plan
12 Week Plan
Note: A lot of the exercises (mainly the major compound
exercises) will stay the same throughout the program
because of not only the great advantages these certain
exercises will have in many different ways (inside and outside
of the gym) but also it’s a great way to track your progression
in gaining foundational strength. The main changes in the
program will be the amount of exercises, sets, reps, and also
weight in the changing weeks. You’ll notice that every major
compound movement will work in a pyramid scheme, going
up in weight as you decrease the reps; this will promote not
only the amount of muscle fibers that are involved in the lift
but also you will reap the benefits of gaining strength due to
the constant increase in weight. Also in the program you will
notice that almost every isolation exercise will stay with the
same rep range throughout the 3 – 4 sets. The reason we
keep higher repetitions in the isolation exercises is that we
want to promote not only hypertrophy but also endurance in
the smaller muscle groups (or isolated muscle group). Our
hypothesis is that when dealing with compound exercises,
you don’t want the smaller (secondary) muscles to burn out
and hold you back from lifting heavy and concentrating on
the major muscles involved in the lift.
Friday Legs
Leg Press 10 sets 15,12,10,8,6 REPS
Drop set 5 times on last set
Hack Squats 5 sets 12,10,8,8,6 reps
Standing Leg Curls 3 sets 20 reps
Single Seated Calf Raise 3 sets 20 reps
Standing Calf Raise 3 sets 10 reps