Lesson Plan in Writing A Research Paper Grade 10

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Lesson Plan in Writing a Research Paper Grade 10

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade 10

I. Objectives
At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
a. interpret the primary purpose of an academic research paper.;
b. examine ways to get started with the writing process.; and
c. explain the importance of research in daily lives

II. Subject Matter

Topic: The Importance of Research and The Writing of a Research Paper
(Parts of a Research Paper ).
References: https://www.slideshare.net/jam18/how-to-write-a-research-paper-


III. Materials: Power point Presentation, Pictures

IV. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Daily Routine

“Good Morning Class...” “Good Morning Ma’am!”

“Let us pray first...” (One Student will lead the Prayer)

(Checking of Attendance) (Students will tell who’s absent for the


“So how’s your day? Is it good so far?”

“It was great Ma’am!”
“That’s good to know. So, are you to discuss our new
topic today?’ “Yes Ma’am!”

Before we proceed to our Proper Discussion, let me

tell you first what is our learning objectives to know
what is expected goal in our lesson.
a. interpret the primary purpose of an
academic research paper.;
b. examine ways to get started with
the writing process.; and
c. explains the importance of
research in daily lives

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Okay can we attain to this objective?

We could attain these objectives with your “Yes Ma’am!”

cooperation and with your great help.

B. Motivation
Our lesson for today will focus on
research, the importance of research
in our lives, and it’s basic components
and the steps in conducting it.

I will be showing you different sets of pictures and

then tell me what do the images shows. Let’s have
the sets of pictures!

What do the pictures suggest?

1. Innovation


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3. Discovery

And for the last set, we try to unveil the mystery word

4. Experiment

C. Proper Discussion

Ask the students about the relevance of the

activity. Then present to them the next
lesson to be discussed:

Very good! our topic for today is about The

Importance of Research and The Writing of a
Research Paper (Parts of a Research Paper).

Who among you have an idea what is research all Yes Ma’am! I made a short research
about? Have you made research before? before about ancient Egypt.

That’s great! Now class,

the lesson for today is all about the The Importance
of Research and The Writing of a Research Paper
(Parts of a Research Paper). In the activity, you
may have noticed that you are developing a
questions that are related to
the given pictures. Ask the students if what have you
understand in our activity.

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From an old French word “sercher” = To Find
Prefix- “re” meaning Again

Research- Defined as the “intensive search

with the purpose of being certain.”

It is a systematic investigation into reality to

gain knowledge.

Research is a technique to explore new concepts

through proper observation and facilitates to take the
right decision at the right time. research is the
backbone and prerogative to quality work for almost
every field. No matter how competent and
experienced a person is in his or her field, without
proper research, things go wrong and the success
rate declines.

Class, Research is a powerful tool for exploring new

concepts through careful observation and allowing
you to make the best decision possible at the correct
time. For practically every field, research is the
backbone of quality work.
Without sufficient research, no matter how
competent and experienced a person is in his or her
profession, things go wrong, and the success rate

Now class, do you know why research is


Very good! Research is important before setting

your foot into the work and here are 3 reasons why Ma’am it’s a means to understand
research is important for stimulating better results issues and increase public awareness.
and lending success to the people.

1. Research helps to achieve your goal.

2. Research reveals new ideas and facts.
3. Research develops understanding and

Downloaded by Mary Rose Alegria (maryrosealegria.06@gmail.com)

Now this time, I will now introduce to you the
structure or the Basic Parts of a Research Paper.

Abstract- To briefly introduce the reader to the

aims of the study, the methodology, results and
A short summary of your completed research.

• Why did you do this study?

• What did you do and How?
• What did you find?
• What did your findings mean?

• .
2. Introduction- To state a clear overall purpose of
the study.
To define the research question in the study. To
give a very brief background of relevant theory
and practices for your topic.

An Introduction section of the research

It presents the background to your study, introduces
your topic and aims, and gives an overview of the
paper. A good introduction will provide a solid
foundation and encourage readers to continue on to
the main parts of your paper

It Provides:
• Brief description of the topic
• Statement as to why the topic is worth

Downloaded by Mary Rose Alegria (maryrosealegria.06@gmail.com)

• Statement of the objectives
• An overview of the rest of the paper.

Literarture Review- To sumarize what

conclusions have been reached in the research
literareture whether different writers agree or not.

Guide Questions
• What is the present state of knowledge
regarding the topic under consideration?
• How are the studies related to the one
being proposed?
• How will the proposed study contribute to
the existing literature?
A literature review should flow between sentences as
well as paragraphs. One way to connect each theme
to the next, is to use linking phrases to show
agreement and disagreement between studies.

Downloaded by Mary Rose Alegria (maryrosealegria.06@gmail.com)

Examples of phrases that you can use to express
• A number of studies located some changes
in the voting patterns of the age group
(Hodges 2012; Leong, 2009;
Magnussen, 2009; Nyugen 2011).
• Ngyuen (2011) and Smith (2016) concur
that …
• Both Ngyuen (2011) and Smith (2016)
have argued that …

4. Research methodology
• is the specific procedures or techniques
used to identify, select, process, and
analyze information about a topic.
• In a research paper, the methodology
section allows the reader to critically
evaluate a study’s overall validity and

AIM:To ensure valid and reliable results that

address the research aim and objectives
It is where the researcher will decide
• What data to collect(and what data to
• Who to collect it from (In research, this is
called “sampling design”)

Downloaded by Mary Rose Alegria (maryrosealegria.06@gmail.com)

• Research method When to use
Experiment To test cause-and-effect relationships.

Survey To understand general characteristics of a population.

Interview/focus To gain more in-depth understanding of a topic.


Observation To understand how something occurs in its natural setting.

Literature review To situate your research in an existing body of work, or to

evaluate trends within a research topic.

collect it (this called “data collection methods”

• How to analyze it “data analysis

Methodology is the actions you took to

investigate and research a problem and your
rationale for the specific processes and
techniques you use within your research to
identify, collect and analyze information that
helps you understand the problem.

5. Results-
o to present the findings of your research in an
orderly manner, using heading planned in
your methodology or headings arising from
patterns found in the research
o The section of research paper where the
authors provide the data collected during
their study.
The results chapter (also referred to as the findings or
analysis chapter) is one of the most important chapters
of your dissertation or thesis because it shows the
reader what you’ve found

Downloaded by Mary Rose Alegria (maryrosealegria.06@gmail.com)

in terms of the quantitative data you’ve collected. It
presents the data using a clear text narrative,
supported by tables, graphs and charts.

Discussion- show your understanding of

what your data suggests.
The section of a research paper whose
purpose is to interpret and describe the
significance of your findings in light of what
was already known about the research
problem being investigated.

There are many different ways to write this

section, but you can focus your discussion
around four key elements:

Interpretations: what do the results mean?

Implications: why do the results matter?
Limitations: what can’t the results tell us?

Downloaded by Mary Rose Alegria (maryrosealegria.06@gmail.com)

o To sum up your findings and highlight the
significance of the outcomes of your study.
o outline any implication or
recommendations indicated by the

The conclusion of a research paper is where you

wrap up your ideas and leave the reader with a
strong final impression. It has several key goals:

Restate the research problem addressed in the paper.

Summarize your overall arguments or findings

Suggest the key takeaways from your paper

Downloaded by Mary Rose Alegria (maryrosealegria.06@gmail.com)

o To list alphabetically all the reference
materials that have been cited in the text of
the report.
o The last page of a research paper that lists all
the sources you used in the study.
o It gives credits to authors you have
consulted for their ideas.
Referencing can be described as giving credit,
with citation, to the source of information used in
one’s work. Research is a buildup on what other
people have previously done thus referencing helps
to relate your own work to previous work. It allows
for acknowledgement of the use of other people’s
opinions, ideas, theories and inventions.

Many more samples of citations presented in the

APA style can be found in the Publication
Manual of the American Psychological

Author, A. A. & Author B. B. (Date of publication,
or n.d. if no date). Title of page [Format description
when necessary]. Retrieved from

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Appendices-To present details of questionnaires,
surveys and other relevant instrument that you
developed for the purpose of the study.

When you’re writing an academic paper, you can

use an appendix to add important information that
doesn’t fit into your paper. You might include your
research materials, raw data, or detailed information
that’s good to know but not necessary for readers to

Downloaded by Mary Rose Alegria (maryrosealegria.06@gmail.com)

o What is the importance of
Research in our daily lives?
o Why must we understand

A. Evaluation.
Directions: Read the sentences below and
Identify which parts of research describes the
given sentences.

1. It is a brief summary of the researcher’s main

ideas and restates the paper's main thesis, giving the
reader the sense that the stated goal of the paper has
been accomplished.
A. Introduction
B. Statement of the Problem
C. Conclusions
D. Recommendations

Answer: C

2. It deals with the description of the research

subject, methods and tools of the study, and
analysis that was used to summarize the final
results of the research.
A. Methodology
B. Background of the Study
C. Statement of the Problem
D. Abstract


3.It is where the researcher introduces the

overview of the topic, the main points of
information, and why the subject is important.
A. Abstract

Downloaded by Mary Rose Alegria (maryrosealegria.06@gmail.com)

B. Recommendations
C. Conclusions
D. Introduction

Answer: D

4.This part is used by readers to quickly review the

overall content of the paper. It should provide a
complete synopsis of the research paper and should
introduce the topic and the specific research
question, provide a statement regarding
methodology and should provide a general
statement about the results and the findings.
A. answer choices
B. Title
C. Introduction
D. Abstract

Answer: D

5.This section should also discuss how the results
relate to previous research mentioned in the
literature review, any cautions about the findings,
and potential for future research.
A. Results
B. Methods
C. Discussion/Conclusion
D. Introduction
Answer: Discussion

G. Assignment

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Downloaded by Mary Rose Alegria (maryrosealegria.06@gmail.com)

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