Lesson Plan in Writing A Research Paper Grade 10
Lesson Plan in Writing A Research Paper Grade 10
Lesson Plan in Writing A Research Paper Grade 10
I. Objectives
At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
a. interpret the primary purpose of an academic research paper.;
b. examine ways to get started with the writing process.; and
c. explain the importance of research in daily lives
B. Motivation
Our lesson for today will focus on
research, the importance of research
in our lives, and it’s basic components
and the steps in conducting it.
1. Innovation
And for the last set, we try to unveil the mystery word
4. Experiment
C. Proper Discussion
Who among you have an idea what is research all Yes Ma’am! I made a short research
about? Have you made research before? before about ancient Egypt.
• .
2. Introduction- To state a clear overall purpose of
the study.
To define the research question in the study. To
give a very brief background of relevant theory
and practices for your topic.
It Provides:
• Brief description of the topic
• Statement as to why the topic is worth
Guide Questions
• What is the present state of knowledge
regarding the topic under consideration?
• How are the studies related to the one
being proposed?
• How will the proposed study contribute to
the existing literature?
A literature review should flow between sentences as
well as paragraphs. One way to connect each theme
to the next, is to use linking phrases to show
agreement and disagreement between studies.
4. Research methodology
• is the specific procedures or techniques
used to identify, select, process, and
analyze information about a topic.
• In a research paper, the methodology
section allows the reader to critically
evaluate a study’s overall validity and
5. Results-
o to present the findings of your research in an
orderly manner, using heading planned in
your methodology or headings arising from
patterns found in the research
o The section of research paper where the
authors provide the data collected during
their study.
The results chapter (also referred to as the findings or
analysis chapter) is one of the most important chapters
of your dissertation or thesis because it shows the
reader what you’ve found
Author, A. A. & Author B. B. (Date of publication,
or n.d. if no date). Title of page [Format description
when necessary]. Retrieved from
A. Evaluation.
Directions: Read the sentences below and
Identify which parts of research describes the
given sentences.
Answer: C
Answer: D
Answer: D
5.This section should also discuss how the results
relate to previous research mentioned in the
literature review, any cautions about the findings,
and potential for future research.
A. Results
B. Methods
C. Discussion/Conclusion
D. Introduction
Answer: Discussion
G. Assignment