Synthesis Practice Lesson Plan

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Writing Enriched Curriculum

5-Minute Workshop
Synthesis Practice
Lesson Plan

Overview: This in-class activity introduces students to the components of effective

synthesis and allows them to practice synthetic writing in-class.

Goal: After this activity students will be able to recognize effective synthesis in their
own writing.

Materials: PowerPoint file (with notes for presenter) or word document handout –
either or both can be used. There are multiple student writing examples included in
the PowerPoint, choose the one that works best for your class.

Minutes Activity Outcome

0-1 Introduce students to the Introduce students to the
components of synthetic writing components of synthetic writing.
(topic sentence, evidence from
different sources, conclusion).
1-2 Present students with student Orient students to lines of
lines of evidence. evidence.
2-3 Ask student to construct their own Practice synthetic writing.
synthetic paragraph using these
lines of evidence. Prompt them to
include the key components of
synthetic writing.

4-5 Ask the students to evaluate their Students learn to evaluate and
paragraph. recognize effective synthesis in
Potential prompts: their own writing.
-What is the message of your
paragraph? Is that reflected in
your topic sentence?
-What is your conclusion? Have
you synthesized your own
argument based on the evidence?
-Remember: This paragraph
should not be a summary, but
your own synthetic idea!

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