Xie 1997
Xie 1997
Xie 1997
GC/MS analysis
these two peaks were present in the unmethylated pyruvate clearly promoted the growth of strain NOX
extract, this indicated that no carboxylic function in tap water.
groups were present in these compounds. By logical
structural assignments of the EI and PCI mass spectra,
as shown in Fig. 4, these two artifacts were identiüed as CONCLUSIONS
those shown in Table 1. The similar mass spectra and
the same molecular masses indicated the existence of
isomers. These two peaks were also reported as bypro- A GC/MS method combined with PFBHA–
ducts of residual chlorine and PFBHA.12 diazomethane double derivatization was developed to
As reported here, these three keto acids have been identify keto acids in ozonated waters. Three keto
found in ozonated drinking water at a level which is acids, glyoxylic, pyruvic and ketomalonic acid, were
about 5–10 times higher than that of the alde- identiüed in ozonated fulvic acid solutions. Two ana-
hydes.21h23 Since these keto acids are readily biode- lytical artifacts were also identiüed in the derivatized
gradable, they can be removed through a biological extract. Owing to the similarity of the EI mass spectra
ülter after ozonation.22 Owing to the insigniücant level of keto acid derivatives, EI mass spectra together with
of keto acids in the bioülter effluent, they are unlikely PCI mass spectra are needed to identify these keto acids
to be of human health concern. The correlation reliably.
between keto acid and assimilable organic carbon
(AOC) has been reported previously.22,23 The total
keto acid concentration correlated well with AOC Acknowledgements
(NOX) in a variety of waters. This indicates that keto
acid concentration is a potential chemical surrogate for This project was supported by the US National Science Foundation
under grant number BCS-8818468. Dr Edward H. Bryan was the
AOC or biodegradable dissolved organic carbon grant officer. The authors also acknowledge the generous ünancial
(BDOC). Corroborating research was conducted by van assistance from Hewlett-Packard and technical assistant from Dr R.
der Kooij et al.,24 who showed that glyoxylate and V. Rajan.
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