Proof. Exercise. ¤
Remark. The equality
SB ◦ SA = T2− →
implies a couple of other useful equalities. Namely, compose both sides of this equality
with SB from the left:
SB ◦ SB ◦ SA = SB ◦ T2− →
Since SB ◦ SB is the identity, it can be rewritten as
SA = SB ◦ T2−→.
Similarly, but multiplying by SA from the right, we get
S B = T2 −→ ◦ SA .
Corollary. The composition of an even number of symmetries in points is a trans-
lation; the composition of an odd number of symmetries in points is a symmetry in a
Remark. In general, it is clear that a composition of isometries is an isometry:
if each mapping keeps distances the same, their composition also will. It is trickier,
however, to see the resulting isometry explicitly; we will prove a few theorems related
to compositions of isometries. To practice with compositions, consider, for example,
a reflection about a line l and a rotation by 90◦ counterclockwise about a point
S = R2 ◦ R1 , in the latter case denote by R3 the reflection about S(AB) and observe
that S = R3 ◦ R2 ◦ R1 . ¤
Compositions of two reflections.
Theorem 8 . The composition of two reflections in non-parallel lines is a rotation
about the intersection point of the lines by the angle equal to doubled angle between
the lines. In formula:
RAC ◦ RAB = RotA,2∠BAC ,
where RXY denotes the reflection in line XY , and RotX,α denotes the rotation about
point X by angle α.
Proof. Pick some points whose images under reflections are easy to track. From
symmetries/congruent triangles in the picture, it is clear that effect of two refections
is that of a rotation. Since we know that an isometry is determined by the image of 3
non-collinear points, the ir no need to consider all possible positions of the points. ¤
Theorem 9 . The composition of two reflections in parallel lines is a translation
in a direction perpendicular to the lines by a distance twice larger than the distance
between the lines.
More precisely, if lines AB and CD are parallel, and the line AC is perpendicular
to the lines AB and CD, then
RCD ◦ RAB = T2−→.
this line with m and n. So, we have to find a point A ∈ l such that the segment
Rm (A)Rn (A) would be minimal.
The endpoints Rm (A), Rn (A) of this segment belong to the lines Rm (l) and Rn (l)
and are obtained from the same point A ∈ l. Therefore
Rn (A) = Rn (Rm (Rm (A))) = Rn ◦ Rm (B),
where B ∈ Rm (l). So, one endpoint is obtained from another by Rn ◦ Rm .
By Theorem 9 , Rn ◦ Rm is a rotation about the point m ∩ n. We look for a point
B on Rm (l) such that the segment BRn ◦ Rm (B) is minimal.
The closer a point to the center of rotation, the closer this point to its image under
the rotation. Therefore the desired B is the base of the perpendicular dropped from
m ∩ n to Rm (l). Hence, the desired A is the base of perpendicular dropped from m ∩ n
to l.
Since all three lines are involved in the conditions of the problem in the same way,
the desired points B and C are also the endpoints of altitudes of the triangle formed
by lines l, m, n.
Composition of rotations.
Theorem 10 . The composition of rotations (about points which may be different) is
either a rotation or a translation.
Prove this theorem by representing each rotation as a composition of two reflections
about a line. Choose the lines in such a way that the second line in the representation
of the first rotation would coincide with the first line in the representation of the
second rotation. Then in the representation of the composition of two rotations as
a composition of four reflections the two middle reflections would cancel and the
whole composition would be represented as a composition of two reflections. The
angle between the axes of these reflections would be the sum of of the angles in
the decompositions of the original rotations. If this angle is zero, and the lines are
parallel, then the composition of rotations is a translation by Theorem 9 . If the angle
is not zero, the axes intersect, then the composition of the rotations is a rotations
around the intersection point by the angle which is the sum of angles of the original
Similar tricks with reflections allows to simplify other compositions.
Proof. We will consider two cases: 1) all three lines are parallel, 2) not all lines are
parallel (although two of the three may be parallel to one another).
The first one is easier; it is pretty straightforward to see (at least in some examples)
that the composition is a translation. However, since the order of reflections matters,
for a precise proof we wouold have to check different cases ( if the lines are all vertical,
the first reflection may be done about the leftmost, the rightmost, or the middle lien,
etc.) To avoid this, we proceed as follows. Notice that Rl3 ◦Rl2 ◦Rl1 = Rl3 ◦(Rl2 ◦Rl1 ),
and the composition Rl2 ◦ Rl1 of two reflections in parallel lines is a translation. This
translation depends only on the direction of the lines and the distance between them,
ie Rl2 ◦ Rl1 = Rl20 ◦ Rl10 for any two lines l10 , l20 that are parallel to l1 , l2 and have
the same distance between them. Thus, we translate the first two lines to make the
second line coincide with the third, ie choose l10 , l20 so that l20 = l3 . Then
Rl3 ◦ Rl2 ◦ Rl1 = Rl3 ◦ Rl20 ◦ Rl10 = Rl3 ◦ Rl3 ◦ Rl10 = Rl10
since two reflections about the same line l3 cancel. Therefore, the result is a reflection
(about the line l10 ).
If the three lines are not all parallel, then the second line l2 is not parallel to l1 or
l3 . Let’s suppose l1 and l2 are not parallel (the other case is very similar). Then the
composition Rl2 ◦ Rl1 of reflections about intersecting lines is a rotation (that depends
only on the point where the lines intersect, and the angle at which they intersect).
So the lines l1 , l2 can be rotated simultaneously about their intersection point by the
same angle without changing the composition.
By an appropriate rotation, make the second line l2 perpendicular to the third line
l3 (which is not rotated), ie replace l1 , l2 by l10 , l20 so that Rl2 ◦ Rl1 = Rl20 ◦ Rl10 , and
l20 ⊥ l3 .
Then by rotating these two perpendicular lines l20 , l3 about their intersection point,
make the middle line l2 parallel to the line l1 . That is, we replace the lines l20 , l3 by
lines l200 , l300 so that
Rl3 ◦ Rl2 ◦ Rl1 = Rl3 ◦ Rl20 ◦ Rl10 = Rl300 ◦ Rl200 ◦ Rl10 .
Now, the configuration of lines consists of two parallel lines and a line perpendicular
to them: l10 , l200 are parallel, l300 is perpendicular to them both. The composition of
reflections Rl200 ◦ Rl10 is a translation by a vector perpendicular to these two lines
(and thus parallel to the third); so Rl300 ◦ (Rl200 ◦ Rl10 ) is a glide symmetry. But the
composition of these three reflections is the same as the composition of reflections
about the original three lines.
Properties of the four types of isometries. We have just seen that any isometry
of the plane belongs to one of the four types. How do we detect to which type it
belongs? In particular, it may seem a bit mysterious that while composition of 3
reflections is a reflection or glide reflection, a composition of two isometries can never
be a reflection, but only a rotation or translation. This can be explained as follows.
Suppose our plane lies in the 3-space (as a horizontal xy-plane), and its top is painted
black, its bottom white. Suppose that the reflections are done by rotating the plane
around the line (axis of reflection) in the 3-space. Then after a reflection, the white
side will be on top, the black side on the bottom. Notice that the colors will flip
this way if we perform any odd number of reflections, but after an even number of
reflections the colors do not flip. (Eg after two reflections, the top will be black again,
the bottom white.) By contrast, rotations and translations do not flip the colors. This
explains why the composition of two reflections can be a rotation or translation, but
never a reflection.
Another fundamental characteristic of an isometry is the points that it leaves fixed.
For instance, a rotation doesn’t move the center (but moves any other point); a
reflection fixes every point of its axis. We summarize these properties in the chart
type of isometry points that stay fixed flips colors?
rotation the center no
reflection every point on axis yes
translation none no
glide reflection none yes
These properties help detect the type of isometry. In particular, the chart shows
that a glied reflection cannot belong to any of the other three types.