Big O, Big Theta, Big Omega

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Algorithms and Complexity

Zeph Grunschlag

Copyright Zeph Grunschlag, 2001-2002.

Section 2.1: Algorithms

Pseudocode Recursive Algorithms (Section 3.4)

Section 2.2: Complexity of Algorithms Section 1.8: Growth of Functions


Big-O Big-; (Omega) Big-5 (Theta)


Section 2.1 Algorithms and Pseudocode

DEF: An algorithm is a finite set of precise instructions for performing a computation or solving a problem. Synonyms for a algorithm are: program, recipe, procedure, and many others.


Possible alternative to text s pseudo-Java Start with real Java and simplify:
int f(int[] a){ int x = a[0]; for(int i=1; i<a.length; i++){ if(x > a[i]) x = a[i]; } return x; }


Pseudo-Java Version 1
integer f(integer_array (a1, a2, x = a1 for(i =2 to n){ if(x > ai) x = ai } return x }

, an) ){

Pseudo-Java version 2
INPUT: integer_array V = (a1, a2, begin x = a1 for(y V) if(x > y) x=y end OUTPUT: x

, a n)

Algorithm for Surjectivity

boolean isOnto( function f: (1, 2, , n) (1, 2, , m) ){ if( m > n ) return false // can t be onto soFarIsOnto = true for( j = 1 to m ){ soFarIsOnto = false for(i = 1 to n ){ if ( f(i ) == j ) soFarIsOnto = true if( !soFarIsOnto ) return false; } } return true; L8 }

Improved Algorithm for Surjectivity

boolean isOntoB( function f: (1, 2, , n) (1, 2, , m) ){ if( m > n ) return false // can t be onto for( j = 1 to m ) beenHit[ j ] = false; // does f ever output j ? for(i = 1 to n ) beenHit[ f(i ) ] = true; for(j = 1 to m ) if( !beenHit[ j ] ) return false; return true; }
L8 8

Recursive Algorithms (Section 3.4)

Real Java: long factorial(int n){ if (n<=0) return 1; return n*factorial(n-1); }
L8 9

Recursive Algorithms
long factorial(int n){ if (n<=0) return 1; return n*factorial(n-1); }

Compute 5!



Recursive Algorithms
long factorial(int n){ if (n<=0) return 1; return n*factorial(n-1); }

f(5)= 5f(4)



Recursive Algorithms
long factorial(int n){ if (n<=0) return 1; return n*factorial(n-1); }

f(4)= 4f(3)

f(5)= 5f(4)



Recursive Algorithms
long factorial(int n){ if (n<=0) return 1; return n*factorial(n-1); }

f(3)= 3f(2)

f(4)= 4f(3)

f(5)= 5f(4)



Recursive Algorithms
long factorial(int n){ if (n<=0) return 1; return n*factorial(n-1); }

f(2)= 2f(1)

f(3)= 3f(2)

f(4)= 4f(3)

f(5)= 5f(4)



Recursive Algorithms
long factorial(int n){ if (n<=0) return 1; return n*factorial(n-1); }

f(1)= 1f(0)

f(2)= 2f(1)

f(3)= 3f(2)

f(4)= 4f(3)

f(5)= 5f(4)



Recursive Algorithms
long factorial(int n){ if (n<=0) return 1; return n*factorial(n-1); }

f(0)= 1

f(1)= 1f(0)

f(2)= 2f(1)

f(3)= 3f(2)

f(4)= 4f(3)

f(5)= 5f(4)



Recursive Algorithms
long factorial(int n){ if (n<=0) return 1; return n*factorial(n-1); }

11= 1

f(2)= 2f(1)

f(3)= 3f(2)

f(4)= 4f(3)

f(5)= 5f(4)



Recursive Algorithms
long factorial(int n){ if (n<=0) return 1; return n*factorial(n-1); }

21= 2

f(3)= 3f(2)

f(4)= 4f(3)

f(5)= 5f(4)



Recursive Algorithms
long factorial(int n){ if (n<=0) return 1; return n*factorial(n-1); }

32= 6

f(4)= 4f(3)

f(5)= 5f(4)



Recursive Algorithms
long factorial(int n){ if (n<=0) return 1; return n*factorial(n-1); }

46= 24

f(5)= 5f(4)



Recursive Algorithms
long factorial(int n){ if (n<=0) return 1; return n*factorial(n-1); }

524= 120



Recursive Algorithms
long factorial(int n){ if (n<=0) return 1; return n*factorial(n-1); } Return 5!

= 120



Section 2.2 Algorithmic Complexity

Compare the running time of 2 previous algorithms for testing surjectivity. Measure running time by counting the number of basic operations .



Running Time
Basic steps
Assignment Increment Comparison Negation Return Random array access Function output access etc.

In a particular problem, may tell you to consider other operations (e.g. multiplication) and ignore all others
L8 24

Running time of
boolean isOnto( function f: (1, 2, , n) (1, 2, , m) ){ if( m > n ) return false soFarIsOnto = true for( j = 1 to m ){ soFarIsOnto = false for(i = 1 to n ){ if ( f(i ) == j ) soFarIsOnto = true if( !soFarIsOnto ) return false } } return true; }

st 1


1 step OR: 1 step (assigment) m loops: 1 increment plus 1 step (assignment) n loops: 1 increment plus 1 step possibly leads to: 1 step (assignment) 1 step possibly leads to: 1 step (return)

possibly 1 step

Running time of
1 step (m>n) OR: 1 step (assigment) m loops: 1 increment plus 1 step (assignment) n loops: 1 increment plus 1 step possibly leads to: 1 step (assignment) 1 step possibly leads to: 1 step (return) possibly 1 step

st 1


WORST-CASE running time: Number of steps = 1 OR 1+ 1+ m (1+ 1 + n (1+1 + 1 +1 + 1 ) +1 ) = 1 (if m>n) OR 5mn+3m+2


Running time of
boolean isOntoB( function f: (1, 2, , n) (1, 2, , m) ){ if( m > n ) return false for( j = 1 to m ) beenHit[ j ] = false for(i = 1 to n ) beenHit[ f(i ) ] = true for(j = 1 to m ) if( !beenHit[ j ] ) return false return true }

nd 2


1 step OR: m loops: 1 increment plus 1 step (assignment) n loops: 1 increment plus 1 step (assignment) m loops: 1 increment plus 1 step possibly leads to: 1 step possibly 1 step



Running time of
1 step (m>n) OR: m loops: 1 increment plus 1 step (assignment) n loops: 1 increment plus 1 step (assignment) m loops: 1 increment plus 1 step possibly leads to: 1 step possibly 1 step

nd 2


WORST-CASE running time: Number of steps = 1 OR 1+ m (1+ 1) + n (1+ 1) + m (1+ 1 + 1) + 1 = 1 (if m>n) OR 5m + 2n + 2



Comparing Running Times

1. At most 5mn+3m+2 for first algorithm 2. At most 5m+2n+2 for second algorithm
Worst case when m e n so replace m by n: 5n 2+3n+2 vs. 8n+2 To tell which is better, look at dominant term: 5

n 2+3n+2


8 +2

So second algorithm is better.



Comparing Running Times. Issues

1. 5n 2+3n+2 , 8n+2 are more than just
their biggest term. Consider n = 1. 2. Number of basic steps doesn t give accurate running time. 3. Actual running time depends on platform. 4. Overestimated number of steps: under some conditions, portions of code will not be seen.
L8 30

Running Times Issues Big-O Response

Asymptotic notation (Big-O, Big-; , Big-5) gives partial resolution to problems: 1. For large n the largest term dominates so 5n 2+3n+2 is modeled by just n 2.



Running Times Issues Big-O Response

Asymptotic notation (Big-O, Big-; , Big-5) gives partial resolution to problems: 2. Different lengths of basic steps, just change 5n 2 to Cn 2 for some constant, so doesn t change largest term



Running Times Issues Big-O Response

Asymptotic notation (Big-O, Big-; , Big-5) gives partial resolution to problems: 3. Basic operations on different (but welldesigned) platforms will differ by a constant factor. Again, changes 5n 2 to Cn 2 for some constant.



Running Times Issues Big-O Response

Asymptotic notation (Big-O, Big-; , Big-5) gives partial resolution to problems: 4. Even if overestimated by assuming iterations of while-loops that never occurred, may still be able to show that overestimate only represents different constant multiple of largest term.



Worst Case vs. Average Case

Worst case complexity: provides absolute guarantees for time a program will run. The worst case complexity as a function of n is longest possible time for any input of size n. Average case complexity: suitable if small function is repeated often or okay to take a long time very rarely. The average case as a function of n is the avg. complexity over all possible inputs of that length. Avg. case complexity analysis usually requires probability theory. (Delayed till later)
L8 35

Section 1.8 Big-O, Big-;, Big-5

Useful for computing algorithmic complexity, i.e. the amount of time that it takes for computer program to run.



Notational Issues
Big-O notation is a way of comparing functions. Notation unconventional: EG: 3x 3 + 5x 2 9 = O (x 3) Doesn t mean 3x 3 + 5x 2 9 equals the function O (x 3) Which actually means 3x 3+5x 2 9 is dominated by x 3 Read as: 3x 3+5x 2 9 is big-Oh of x 3
L8 37

Intuitive Notion of Big-O

Asymptotic notation captures behavior of functions for large values of x. EG: Dominant term of 3x 3+5x 2 9 is x 3. As x becomes larger and larger, other terms become insignificant and only x 3 remains in the picture:



Intuitive Notion of Big-O domain [0,2]

y = 3x 3+5x 2 9 y=x

y=x y=x



Intuitive Notion of Big-O domain [0,5]

y = 3x 3+5x 2 9






Intuitive Notion of Big-O domain [0,10]

y = 3x 3+5x 2 9


y=x y=x


Intuitive Notion of Big-O domain [0,100]

y = 3x 3+5x 2 9


y=x y=x


Intuitive Notion of Big-O

In fact, 3x 3+5x 2 9 is smaller than 5x for large enough values of x:
y = 5x

y = 3x 3+5x 2 9

y=x y=x
L8 43

Big-O. Formal Definition

f (x ) is asymptotically dominated by g (x ) if there s a constant multiple of g (x ) bigger than f (x ) as x goes to infinity: DEF: Let f , g be functions with domain Ru0 or N and codomain R. If there are constants C and k such  x > k, |f (x )| e C |g (x )| then we write: f (x ) = O ( g (x ) )



Common Misunderstanding
It s true that 3x 3 + 5x 2 9 = O (x 3) as we ll prove shortly. However, also true are:

3x 3 + 5x 2 9 = O (x 4) x 3 = O (3x 3 + 5x 2 9) sin(x) = O (x 4)

NOTE: C.S. usage of big-O typically involves mentioning only the most dominant term. The running time is O (x 2.5) Mathematically big-O is more subtle.
L8 45

Big-O. Example
EG: Show that 3x 3 + 5x 2 9 = O (x 3). Previous graphs show C = 5 good guess. Find k so that 3x 3 + 5x 2 9 e 5x 3 for x > k



EG: Show that 3x 3 + 5x 2 9 = O (x 3).

Find k so that 3x 3 + 5x 2 9 e 5x 3 for x > k 1. Collect terms: 5x 2 2x 3 + 9



EG: Show that 3x 3 + 5x 2 9 = O (x 3).

Find k so that 3x 3 + 5x 2 9 e 5x 3 for x > k 1. Collect terms: 5x 2 2x 3 + 9 2. What k will make 5x 2 x 3 for x > k ?



EG: Show that 3x 3 + 5x 2 9 = O (x 3).

Find k so that 3x 3 + 5x 2 9 e 5x 3 for x > k 1. Collect terms: 5x 2 2x 3 + 9 2. What k will make 5x 2 x 3 for x > k ? 3. k = 5 !



EG: Show that 3x 3 + 5x 2 9 = O (x 3).

Find k so that 3x 3 + 5x 2 9 e 5x 3 for x > k 1. Collect terms: 5x 2 2x 3 + 9 2. What k will make 5x 2 x 3 for x > k ? 3. k = 5 ! 4. So for x > 5, 5x 2 x 3 2x 3 + 9
L8 50

EG: Show that 3x 3 + 5x 2 9 = O (x 3).

Find k so that 3x 3 + 5x 2 9 e 5x 3 for x > k 1. Collect terms: 5x 2 2x 3 + 9 2. What k will make 5x 2 x 3 for x > k ? 3. k = 5 ! 4. So for x > 5, 5x 2 x 3 2x 3 + 9 5. Solution: C = 5, k = 5 (not unique!)
L8 51

EG: Show that 3x 3 + 5x 2 9 = O (x 3).

Find k so that 3x 3 + 5x 2 9 e 5x 3 for x > k 1. Collect terms: 5x 2 2x 3 + 9 2. What k will make 5x 2 x 3 for x > k ? 3. k = 5 ! 4. So for x > 5, 5x 2 x 3 2x 3 + 9 5. Solution: C = 5, k = 5 (not unique!)
L8 52

Big-O. Negative Example

x 4 { O (3x 3 + 5x 2 9) : No pair C, k exist for which x > k implies C (3x 3 + 5x 2 9) u x 4 Argue using limits: 4

x x lim ! lim 3 2 x pg C (3 x  5 x  9) x pg C (3  5 / x  9 / x 3 ) x 1 ! lim ! lim x ! g x pg C (3  0  0) 3C xpg

x 4 always catches up regardless of C.

L8 53

Big-O and limits

LEMMA: If the limit as x g of the quotient |f (x) / g (x)| exists then f (x ) = O ( g (x ) ). EG: 3x 3 + 5x 2 9 = O (x 3 ). Compute:
3x 3  5 x 2  9 3  5 / x  9 / x3 lim ! lim !3 3 x pg x pg x 1

so big-O relationship proved.



Little-o and limits

DEF: If the limit as x g of the quotient |f (x) / g (x)| = 0 then f (x ) = o (g (x ) ). EG: 3x 3 + 5x 2 9 = o (x 3.1 ). Compute:
3x 3  5 x 2  9 3 / x 0.1  5 / x1.1  9 / x 3.1 lim ! lim !0 3 .1 x pg x pg x 1



Big-; and Big-5

Big-;: reverse of big-O. I.e. f (x ) = ;(g (x )) g (x ) = O (f (x )) so f (x ) asymptotically dominates g (x ). Big-5: domination in both directions. I.e. f (x ) = 5(g (x )) f (x ) = O (g (x )) Synonym for f = 5(g):

f (x ) = ;(g (x ))
f is of order g



Useful facts
Any polynomial is big-5 of its largest term

EG: x 4/100000 + 3x 3 + 5x

9 = 5(x 4)

The sum of two functions is big-O of the biggest

EG: x 4 ln(x ) + x 5 = O (x 5) EG: 17x 4 ln(x ) = O (x 4 ln(x ))


Non-zero constants are irrelevant:


Big-O, Big-;, Big-5. Examples

Q: Order the following from smallest to largest asymptotically. Group together all functions which are big-5 of each other:

1 1 x e x x  sin x, ln x, x  x , ,13  ,13  x, e , x , x x x 20 2 ( x  sin x)( x  102 ), x ln x, x(ln x) , lg 2 x

L8 58

A: 1.1 x 2.13  1 x 3. ln x, lg 2 x (change of base formula) 4. x  sin x, x  x ,13  x 5. x ln x 2 6. x(ln x) e 7. x 8. ( x  sin x)( x 20  102) x 9. e 10. x x

Big-O, Big-;, Big-5. Examples


Incomparable Functions
Given two functions f (x ) and g (x ) it is not always the case that one dominates the other so that f and g are asymptotically incomparable. E.G: f (x) = |x 2 sin(x)| vs. g (x) = 5x 1.5



Incomparable Functions
2500 2000

y = x2


y = |x 2 sin(x)|

y = 5x 1.5



0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50


Incomparable Functions
x 10 4



y = x2


y = 5x 1.5 y = |x 2 sin(x)|














Big-O A Grain of Salt

Big-O notation gives a good first guess for deciding which algorithms are faster. In practice, the guess isn t always correct. Consider time functions n 6 vs. 1000n 5.9. Asymptotically, the second is better. Often catch such examples of purported advances in theoretical computer science publications. The following graph shows the relative performance of the two algorithms:
L8 63

Running-time In days

Big-O A Grain of Salt

T(n) = 1000n 5.9
Assuming each operation takes a nano-second, so computer runs at 1 GHz

T(n) = n

Input size n
L8 64

Big-O A Grain of Salt

In fact, 1000n 5.9 only catches up to n 6 when 1000n 5.9 = n 6, i.e.: 1000= n 0.1, i.e.: n = 100010 = 1030 operations = 1030/109 = 1021 seconds } 1021/(3x107) } 3x1013 years } 3x1013/(2x1010) } 1500 universe lifetimes!
L8 65

Example for Section 1.8

Link to example proving big-Omega of a sum.



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