Air To Air Heat Exchanger Performance: Dokuz Eylül University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
Air To Air Heat Exchanger Performance: Dokuz Eylül University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
Air To Air Heat Exchanger Performance: Dokuz Eylül University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
April, 2008
April, 2008
Firstly, I would like to thank my supervisor Prof. Dr. İsmail Hakkı TAVMAN for piloting
my research as flexible as possible to widen my point of view on the scope of this research.
I also would like to thank Assistant Prof. Dr. Moghtada MOBEDİ and Associate Prof. Dr.
Serhan KÜÇÜKA for their valuable suggestions and discussions during periodical meetings
of this research.
I also would like to thank ENEKO A.Ş. for supporting me by setting the test system used
in this thesis and Klingenburg GmBH for the support in the modification for the selection
software that is used in this thesis.
Special thanks are also extended to my colleague Yıldırım KOCABALKANLI for his
suggestions and eternal patience on discussions that helped this thesis come upon the earth.
I want to dedicate my thesis to my fiancée Burcu GÜNERİ for her great support. Without
her encouragement, it was not possible for me to motivate myself enough during hard
working hours and days. I also would like to dedicate my thesis to my mother Huriye
ÇANGARLI and my father Engin ÇANGARLI who have passed away suddenly during this
research. I am glad that this research has ended in a way they would be proud of.
Proper ventilation is obligatory in buildings where humans spend 70% of their life.
Humidity, pollutant particles, smoke and harmful gases lower indoor air quality and cause
sicknesses. To create an adequate air inside, dirty indoor air shall be exhausted and fresh air
shall be taken from outdoors. To obtain controlled ventilation, buildings HVAC systems are
designed by using mechanical ventilation. Mechanical ventilation is done with the help of an
exhaust air fan, supply air fan and proper ventilation.
Exhausted indoor air is conditioned air, for summer it is cooled and in winter it is heated to
design temperatures. To transfer heat between exhaust air and supply air, air to air heat
exchangers (heat recovery exchangers) are used in modern ventilation systems. By the help of
air to air heat exchangers, fresh air from outdoors is pre-heated or pre-cooled by the help of
exhausted air thus decreases the energy used to condition indoor air.
Air to air heat exchangers are rated according to their efficiency which varies according to
indoor and outdoor air temperatures. The same heat exchanger shall be evaluated according to
the climate in which it is going to be installed.
In this research, a sample heat recovery ventilator has been examined according to its
energy savings. Outdoor air temperatures received from Turkish State Meteorological Service
has been evaluated by means of average values and hourly values. Energy savings in heating
and cooling seasons are considered in different climates including warm, cold and extremely
cold climates.
Dış ortama atılan hava, yaz mevsiminde soğutularak, kış mevsiminde ise ısıtılarak tasarım
şartlarına getirilmiş havadır. Modern havalandırma sistemlerinde egzost edilen havanın
enerjisini, dış ortamdan alınan taze havaya aktaran “havadan havaya ısı geri kazanım
eşanjörleri” kullanılmaktadır. “Havadan havaya ısı geri kazanım eşanjörleri yardımı ile iç
ortamdan egzost edilen havanın enerjisi kullanılarak, dış ortamdan alınan taze havanın ön
soğutması veya ön ısıtması gerçekleştirilir, böylece iç ortamdaki havanın iklimlendirilmesi
için harcanan enerji azaltılır.
Bu çalışmada, örnek bir ısı geri kazanımlı havalandırma cihazı incelenmiştir. 2005 yılına
ait dış hava koşulları saatlik Devlet Meteoroloji Enstitusunden alınarak, ılıman, soğuk ve aşırı
soğuk iklimlerdeki ısı geri kazanımlı havalandırma sistemlerindeki enerji tasarrufu
Anahtar Sözcükler : Isı geri kazanım eşanjörü performansı, ısı geri kazanımlı
havalandırma cihazı analizi, ısı geri kazanımlı havalandırma cihazlarında by-pass etkisi, ısı
geri kazanımlı havalandırma cihazlarının ekonomik analizi ve geri ödeme süreleri
3.2.1 Plate Type Heat Recovery Exchangers ................................................... 21
3.2.2 Rotary Type Heat Recovery Exchangers ................................................ 23
3.2.3 Heat Pipe Heat Recovery Exchangers .................................................... 25
3.3 Heat and Mass Transfer Calculations ............................................................. 26
3.3.1 Enthalpy .................................................................................................. 27
3.3.2 Efficiency ................................................................................................ 28 Theoretical Efficiency of a HRV ..................................................... 29
3.3.3 Test Procedure of Heat Recovery Exchangers ....................................... 31 Air Flow Measurement ................................................................... 33 Temperature and Humidity Measurement ...................................... 34 Electrical Heater .............................................................................. 34 Humidifier ....................................................................................... 35 Microcontroller ............................................................................... 35 Electrical Measurement................................................................... 35
3.3 Energy Savings ............................................................................................... 37
3.4.1 Psychrometric Chart ............................................................................... 38 Preheating with HRV ...................................................................... 39 Precooling with HRV ...................................................................... 39
3.4.2 Sample Calculation ................................................................................. 40
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................ 69
1.1. Introduction
A heat exchanger is a component that allows the transfer of heat from one fluid
(liquid or gas) to another fluid. Reasons for heat transfer include the following;
Regardless of the function the heat exchanger fulfills, in order to transfer heat the
fluids involved must be at different temperatures and they must come into thermal
contact. Heat can flow only from the hotter to the cooler fluid.
In a heat exchanger there is no direct contact between the two fluids. The heat is
transferred from the hot fluid to the metal isolating the two fluids and then to the
cooler fluid.
Although heat exchangers come in every shape and size imaginable, the
construction of most heat exchangers falls into one of two categories: tube and shell,
or plate. As in all mechanical devices, each type has its advantages and
A plate type heat exchanger, as illustrated in Figure 1.2, consists of plates instead
of tubes to separate the hot and cold fluids. The hot and cold fluids alternate between
each of the plates. Baffles direct the flow of fluid between plates. Because each of
the plates has a very large surface area, the plates provide each of the fluids with an
extremely large heat transfer area. Therefore a plate type heat exchanger, as
compared to a similarly sized tube and shell heat exchanger, is capable of
transferring much more heat. This is due to the larger area the plates provide over
tubes. Due to the high heat transfer efficiency of the plates, plate type heat
exchangers are usually very small when compared to a tube and shell type heat
exchanger with the same heat transfer capacity. Plate type heat exchangers are not
widely used because of the inability to reliably seal the large gaskets between each of
the plates. Because of this problem, plate type heat exchangers have only been used
in small, low pressure applications such as on oil coolers for engines. However, new
improvements in gasket design and overall heat exchanger design have allowed some
large scale applications of the plate type heat exchanger. As older facilities are
upgraded or newly designed facilities are built, large plate type heat exchangers are
replacing tube and shell heat exchangers and becoming more common.
As heat exchangers come in so many shapes, sizes, makes, and models, they are
categorized according to common characteristics. One common characteristic that
can be used to categorize heat exchangers, is the direction of the flow of the two
fluids relative to each other. The three categories are parallel flow, counter flow and
cross flow.
Parallel flow, as illustrated in Figure 1.3, exists when both the tube side fluid and
the shell side fluid flow in the same direction. In this case, the two fluids enter the
heat exchanger from the same end with a large temperature difference. As the fluids
transfer heat, hotter to cooler, the temperatures of the two fluids approach each other.
Counter flow, as illustrated in Figure 1.4, exists when the two fluids flow in
opposite directions. Each of the fluids enters the heat exchanger at opposite ends.
Because the cooler fluid exits the counter flow heat exchanger at the end where the
hot fluid enters the heat exchanger, the cooler fluid will approach the inlet
temperature of the hot fluid.
Counter flow heat exchangers are the most efficient of the three types. In contrast
to the parallel flow heat exchanger, the counter flow heat exchanger can have the
hottest coldfluid temperature greater than the coldest hot-fluid temperatue.
Cross flow, as illustrated in Figure 1.5, exists when one fluid flows perpendicular
to the second fluid; that is, one fluid flows through tubes and the second fluid passes
around the tubes at 90° angle. Cross flow heat exchangers can be observed in
applications where one of the fluids changes state (2-phase flow). An example is a
steam system's condenser, in which the steam exiting the turbine enters the
condenser shell side, and the cool water flowing in the tubes absorbs the heat from
the steam, condensing it into water. Large volumes of vapor may be condensed using
this type of heat exchanger flow.
Each of the three types of heat exchangers has advantages and disadvantages. But
of the three, the counter flow heat exchanger design is the most efficient when
comparing heat transfer rate per unit surface area. The efficiency of a counter flow
heat exchanger is due to the fact that the average ΔT (difference in temperature)
between the two fluids over the length of the heat exchanger is maximized, as shown
in Figure 1.4. Therefore the log mean temperature for a counter flow heat exchanger
is larger than the log mean temperature for a similar parallel or cross flow heat
exchanger. This can be seen by comparing the graphs in Figure 1.3, Figure 1.4, and
Figure 1.5.
In actuality, most large heat exchangers are not purely parallel flow, counter flow,
or cross flow; they are usually a combination of the two or all three types of heat
exchangers. This is due to the fact that actual heat exchangers are more complex than
the simple components shown in the idealized figures used above to depict each type
of heat exchanger. The reason for the combination of the various types is to
maximize the efficiency of the heat exchanger within the restrictions placed on the
design. That is, size, cost, weight, required efficiency, type of fluids, operating
pressures, and temperatures, all help determine the complexity of a specific heat
One method that combines the characteristics of two or more heat exchangers and
improves the performance of a heat exchanger is to have the two fluids pass each
other several times within a single heat exchanger. When a heat exchanger's fluids
pass each other more than once, a heat exchanger is called a multi-pass heat
exchanger. If the fluids pass each other only once, the heat exchanger is called a
single-pass heat exchanger.
Commonly, the multi-pass heat exchanger reverses the flow in the tubes by use of
one or more sets of "U" bends in the tubes. The "U" bends allow the fluid to flow
back and forth across the length of the heat exchanger. A second method to achieve
multiple passes is to insert baffles on the shell side of the heat exchanger. These
direct the shell side fluid back and forth across the tubes to achieve the multi-pass
The goal of heat exchanger design is to relate the inlet and outlet temperatures, the
overall heat transfer coefficient, and the geometry of the heat exchanger, to the rate
of heat transfer between the two fluids. The two most common heat exchanger
design problems are those of rating and sizing.
and likely:
For constant specific heats with no change of phase, we may also write :
and likely:
From energy conservation we know that Qc = Qh = Q, and that we may relate the
heat ransfer rate Q and the overall heat transfer coefficient U, to the mean
temperature difference ΔTm by means of
Q = UAΔTm (2.5)
where A is the total surface area for heat exchange that U is based upon. Later we
shall show that
It is now clear that the problem of heat exchanger design comes down to obtaining
an expression for the mean temperature difference. Expressions for many flow
configurations, i.e. parallel flow, counter flow, and cross flow, have been obtained in
the heat transfer field. We will examine these basic expressions later. Two
approaches to heat exchanger design that will be discussed are the LMTD method
and the effectiveness - NTU method. Each of these methods has particular
advantages depending upon the nature of the problem specification.
A heat exchanger analysis always begins with the determination of the overall
heat transfer coefficient. The overall heat transfer coefficient may be defined in terms
of individual thermal resistances of the system. Combining each of these resistances
in series gives:
1 1 1 1
= + + (2.7)
UA (η o hA)i Sk w (η o hA)o
where η0 is the surface efficiency of inner and outer surfaces, h is the heat transfer
coefficients for the inner and outer surfaces, and S is a shape factor for the wall
separating the two fluids.
The surface efficiency accounts for the effects of any extended surface which is
present on either side of the parting wall. It is related to the fin efficiency of an
extended surface in the following manner:
⎛ Af ⎞
η o = ⎜⎜1 − (1 − η f ) ⎟⎟ (2.8)
⎝ A ⎠
The thermal resistances include: the inner and outer film resistances, inner and
outer extended surface efficiencies, and conduction through a dividing wall which
keeps the two fluid streams from mixing. The shape factors for a number of useful
wall configurations are given below in Table 1. Additional results will be presented
for some complex doubly connected regions.
Equation (2.7) is for clean or unfouled heat exchanger surfaces. The effects of
fouling on heat exchanger performance is discussed in a later section. Finally, we
should note that:
UA = U o Ao = U i Ai (2.9)
however ,
Uo ≠ Ui (2.10)
Finally, the order of magnitude of the thermal resistances in the defintion of the
overall heat transfer coefficient can have a significant influence on the calculation of
the overall heat transfer coefficient. Depending upon the nature of the fluids, one or
more resistances may dominate making additional resistances unimportant. For
example, in Table 2 if one of the two fluids is a gas and the other a liquid, then it is
easy to see that the controlling resistance will be that of the gas, assuming that the
surface area on each side is equal.
Plane Wall
Cylindrical Wall ⎛r ⎞
ln⎜⎜ o ⎟⎟
⎝ ri ⎠
4πri ro
Spherical Wall
ro − ri
FLUID h (W/m2K)
Gases (Natural
Boiling 1.000-250.000
Condensation 1.000-25.000
The maximum theoretical heat transfer rate occurs in counterflow with infinite
heat transfer surface area. It cannot occur in parallel flow because the exit
temperature must be between the two inlet temperatures.
In the infinite surface area heat exchanger above, the thermal capacity of the cold
fluid is less than that of the hot fluid. It is kept in thermal contact sufficiently for it to
emerge at the hot fluid inlet temperature.
Qmax = (m& c )H (TH ,in − TH ,out ) = (m& c )C (TC ,out − TC ,in ) (2.13)
It follows that if the hot fluid has the lower thermal capacity:
The log mean temperature difference (LMTD) is derived in all basic heat transfer
texts. It may be written for a parallel flow or counterflow arrangement. The LMTD
has the form:
ΔT2 − ΔT1
ΔTLMTD = (2.16)
⎛ ΔT ⎞
ln⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟
⎝ ΔT1 ⎠
where ΔT1 and ΔT2 represent the temperature difference at each end of the heat
exchanger, whether parallel flow or counterflow. The LMTD expression assumes
that the overall heat transfer coefficient is constant along the entire flow length of the
heat exchanger. If it is not, then an incremental analysis of the heat exchanger is
required. The LMTD method is also applicable to crossflow arrangements when used
with the crossflow correction factor. The heat transfer rate for a crossflow heat
exchanger may be written as:
Q = FUΔTLMTD (2.17)
where the factor F is a correction factor, and the log mean temperature difference
is based upon the counterflow heat exchanger arrangement.
The LMTD method assumes that both inlet and outlet temperatures are known.
When this is not the case, the solution to a heat exchanger problem becomes
somewhat tedious. An alternate method based upon heat exchanger effectiveness is
more appropriate for this type of analysis. If ΔT1= ΔT2= ΔT, then the expression for
the LMTD reduces simply to ΔT.
otherwise, if the hot fluid is the minimum fluid, then the effectiveness is defined
NTU = (2.21)
C min
ε = f (NTU , C r ) (2.22)
where Cr=Cmin/Cmax
Numerous expressions have been obtained which relate the heat exchanger
effectiveness to the number of transfer units. The handout summarizes a number of
these solutions and the special cases which may be derived from them. For
convenience the ε −NTU relationships are given for a simple double pipe heat
exchanger for parallel flow and counter flow:
Parallel Flow
1 − exp[− NTU (1 + C r )]
ε= (2.23)
1 + Cr
− ln[1 − ε (1 + C r )]
NTU = (2.24)
1 + Cr
Counter Flow
1 − exp[− NTU (1 − C r )]
ε= , Cr < 1 (2.25)
1 + C r exp[− NTU (1 − C r )]
ε= , Cr = 1 (2.26)
1 + NTU
1 ⎛ ε −1 ⎞
NTU = ln⎜⎜ ⎟ , Cr < 1 (2.27)
C r − 1 ⎝ εC r − 1 ⎟⎠
NTU = , Cr = 1 (2.28)
1− ε
We would normally know C & NTU, and hence can find E. Hence we can find
the exit temperature of the lower thermal capacity stream. Graphs are often more
convenient to use than formulae.
After the energy crisis in 70’s, new energy considerations have been developed.
The limitation for the decreasing availability of Carbon based energy resources
encouraged scientists and governments to design and use renewable resources like
wind, geothermal and sun. According to the researches made, 70% of annual
electrical energy consumption and 50% natural gas consumption are made add
residential buildings. (Better Building Brighter Future March 2003.)
Investors and constructor companies nowadays pay attention not only to the
installation costs and operational costs but also the advantage of creating high
comfort and productive building in marketing new buildings.
With the development of new construction material, tight buildings are developed
and the costs of heating/cooling systems are reduced. In such buildings infiltration
between outdoor air and indoor air is minimized to ensure low energy loss to
surroundings. Although this helps to reduce buildings installation and operational
costs for heating/cooling system it also reduces the ventilation rate among
construction material thus reducing indoor air quality. The reduction in indoor air
quality forms well known “Sick Building Syndrome-SBS”. The major factor for SBS
is low/insufficient ventilation. As a result of the oil boycott in 1973, the ventilation
demand per person is reduced 65% to 18 m3/h and the newly constructed building
are designed with this criteria. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
Most of the buildings constructed in that period are now having HVAC system
revisions to fit today needs. Indoor air quality which majorly is dependant to fresh air
rate shall also be regarded with filtration quality, moisture ratio and particles indoors.
So, while realizing indoor air quality, ventilation, humidity control, filtration and
contaminants must be evaluated in common.
Heat recovery ventilators (HRV) are designed to have controlled ventilation for
indoors and minimize energy loss due to ventilation. In winter, the principle of
HRV’s is to transfer exhaust air energy to fresh air, thus decreasing the heating load
indoors and in summer to transfer fresh airs energy to exhaust air and decrease the
cooling load indoors.
The initial cost and the operational cost for HRV’s are studied by Nyman M. and
Simonson CJ for cold climates in 2005. As a result of the research it is shown that
HRV’s are energy saving solutions in HVAC systems and with the increase in the
efficiency of the unit, energy savings increase significantly. (Nyman M. & Simonson
C.J. , 2007)
Also Palin S.L, McIntyre D.A. and Edwards R.E., approved that HRV’s are more
efficient to obtain low indoors humidity ratio than natural ventilation system and
systems with only exhaust fans. (Palin S.L., McIntyre D.A. & Edwards R.E., 2007 )
3.1 Ventilation
Ventilation is a necessity for the health and comfort of occupants of all buildings.
Ventilation supplies air for occupants to breathe and removes moisture, odors, and
indoor pollutants like carbon dioxide. Ventilation design for apartment buildings is
inherently more complex than what is required for single-family homes. Most
apartments have limited exposure of walls and windows to the outside environment.
Additionally, the natural physical forces that move air are more pronounced in taller
When infiltration and natural ventilation systems are inadequate (as determined
either by code or experience), mechanical ventilation should be installed. Mechanical
ventilation systems are capable of providing a controlled rate of air exchange and
should respond to the varying needs of occupants and pollutant loads, irrespective of
climate vagaries. While some systems filter supply air, others have provisions for
energy recovery from the exhaust air stream. In some countries, especially in parts of
Canada and Scandinavia, mechanical systems are being incorporated into virtually all
new apartment building construction and are also being included in many building
renovation programs.
• Weather
• Building configuration
• Access to ventilation
• Tenant behavior
• Cost.
Mechanical ventilation has the disadvantages like initial cost, the space required
for the ventilation system including the unit and air ducts, electrical consumption etc.
There are 3 well known heat exchanger type that are used in heat recovery
ventilation system for comfort applications
Plate type heat recovery exchangers are made of Aluminum, plastic or paper
plates which have a corrugated surface to enlarge heat transfer area. There two types
according to flow configurations.
a. Cross Flow
b. Counter Flow
In the past, plate type heat recovery exchangers are made of metallic material to
have higher heat transfer coefficients, nowadays with the development of new
production methods, paper and plastic materials are also used. Although the heat
transfer coefficient for these two elements are significantly lower than metals, they
can be manufactured very thin which enhances the heat transfer coefficient and also
makes it possible to have corrugated surfaces to increase heat transfer area. Also for
places where there is high humidity difference between indoor and outdoor air, paper
type heat exchangers (membrane type) makes it possible to transfer not only heat but
mass also.
Figure 3.2 Cross flow heat recovvery exchangger
(Aluminum tyype).
Figure 3.3 Counter
C flow
w heat recovvery exchangger
(Aluminum tyype).
Figure 3.4 Crross flow heatt recovery exxchanger (Papper
Heat transfer in an air to air heat exchanger is the energy transported from one air
stream to another due to temperature differences, also known as sensible heat (W.
Kays, M.Crawford and B. Weigand, 2005). The heat transfer increases with the
temperature difference and the ability of membrane to make the transfer.
The nature of the mass transfer are similar to the physics of heat transfer. Mass
transfer in an air to air heat exchanger is the energy transported from an air stream to
another due to differences in humidity. The mass transfer increases with the humidity
difference and the ability of the membrane to make the transfer. The mass transfer
analogy is the same as the heat transfer case.
3.3.1 Enthalpy
Since both sensible and latent heats are exchanged in HRV, the interesting
measurement is a combination of both these measurements. This combined
measurement is the sum of the internal energy of air, which is known as the enthalpy.
The specific enthalpy of the air can be calculated as (L. Z. Zhang & Y. Jiang, , 2007).
The following definitions and equations are based on the same mass flow rate of
the feed and sweep channels ( = ).
∆ | | (3.2)
∆ (3.3)
∆ | | (3.4)
∆ (3.5)
∆ | | (3.6)
∆ (3.7)
The enthalpy transferred in the HRV is proportional to the mass flow rate and the
differential of enthalpy between the inlet and outlet air. Since all energy is conserved
and only exchanged between the air streams, the total enthalpy of feed and sweep air
streams are equal. The total transferred enthalpy is (L. Z. Zhang & Y. Jiang, 2007 ) ;
∆ (3.8)
3.3.2 Efficiency
The sensible efficiency is the amount of transferred heat in the HRV in relation to
the heat difference between the inlets and is calculated as:
The latent efficiency is the amount of transferred humidity in the HRV in relation
to the humidity difference between the inlets and is calculated as:
The enthalpy efficiency of the HRV is the fraction of the total enthalpy going
through the unit which is exchanged between the air streams. The enthalpy efficiency
is calculated as:
It is hard to construct an exact theoretical model for the HRV, but a study made
by Zhang&Niu showed that the efficiency of the HRV can be approximated with the
help of the dimensionless Number of Transfer Units (NTU). NTU reflects the
sensible heat exchanged in HRV and is calculated (L. Z. Zhang & J. L. Niu, 2007 )
Where , are the convective heat transfer coefficients for feed and sweep
channel (kW/m2K). is the plate thickness(m) and is the thermal conductivity of
the membrane (kW/mK).
The sensible efficiency for unmixed cross flow can be expressed as:
1 ,
The number of transfer units for the latent heat is similar to the definition in
sensible heat;
And the corresponding latent heat efficiency for unmixed cross flow is defined as:
1 , (3.16)
NTUL can also be calculated as NTUL=β.NTU and β is the ratio os total number of
transfer units for latent to sensible heat.
Where H* is the ratio of latent to sensible energy difference between the inlets of
two air streams and is approximated to:
2501 (3.18)
Niu & Zhang states that the sensible efficiency of an operational HRV is only
affected by the mass flow rate, which is the only dynamic factor (J. L. Niu and L. Z.
Zhang, 2007 ). Increasing mass flow rate would decrease the number of transfer units
for heat and thereby decrease the sensible efficiency. The latent efficiency is more
complex coupled to the operational conditions of the HRV. Unlike the thermal
diffusive resistance, the moisture diffusive resistance is not a constant and that will
influence β. The moisture diffusive resistance is depending on the membrane
material, temperature and humidity difference. A membrane material with a linear
sorption curve will give the highest latent efficiency and have the same ability to
transfer heat and moisture regardless the temperature and humidity conditions (L. Z.
Zhang & J. L. Niu, 2007).
There exist two test methods for air to air heat exchangers that are used in heat
recovery ventilators for commercial use. The first one is developed by American
Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers, ASHRAE with
the standard number 84. According to this standard an evaluation program by Air
Conditioning and Refrigeration Industry, ARI has been developed and the
manufacturers are treated with this certification program 1060-2005. For European
market, a certification program is also been evolved by European Committee of Air
Handling and Air Conditioning Equipment Manufacturers, Eurovent according to the
European Norm, EN308 and named “Air to Air heat exchanger performance”.
Eurovent program requires design software for the whole range of manufactured heat
recovery exchangers. In this program, it is required to calculate;
• Heat Recovered
according to given air flow rate for both air streams, air conditions (temperature
and humidity).
The certification process starts with the submittal of the software to Eurovent.
Eurovent randomly selects a heat recovery exchanger and log the calculation results
from the software. Manufacturer is informed to deliver selected heat recovery
exchanger to Eurovent laboratories. After the tests are made according to EN 308,
the results that are logged by the output of the selection software of the manufacturer
and the test results are compared. If the calculated data is in the range of the test data
then, the selection software receives the approval from Eurovent. This test is
renewed each 6 months to ensure continuity.
Test procedure for air to air heat/energy ventilation equipment has been identified
in ARI Standard 2005.1060 “Performance Rating of Air-To-Air Heat Exchangers for
Energy Recovery Ventilation Equipment”. The test is established to gain the data of;
airflow, pressure drop, sensible effectiveness, latent effectiveness, total effectiveness,
exhaust air transfer ratio, outdoor air correction factor and purge angle and tilt angle.
OA : Outdoor Air
The test system allows gaining desired outdoor and indoor air conditions by the
help of the electrical heater and humidifier installed temperature for both air streams
before and after the unit and the relative humidity is also logged with the probes
installed in the system. As the system is carried out to fit the demanded
measurements, also a pitot tube is installed to measure available pressure after the
unit. Available pressure is adjusted with the regulation damper.
Figure 3.15 Tchebycheff method Figure 3.16 Operation of the air flow terminal.
blade and transmitter.
The sensor information needed for the test bench is temperature and humidity of
the air streams going through the heat recovery ventilator, HRV. The temperature
and humidity are measured in four different locations at the heat recovery ventilator
as shown in Figure 3.14.
1. Feed Inlet (OA) : Incoming fresh air from outside to the HRV
2. Feed outlet (SA) : Outgoing fresh air supply from the HRV to indoors
3. Sweep inlet (RA) : Stale room exhaust air going into the HRV
4. Sweep outlet (EA) : Exhaust air to outdoors leaving the HRV
The readings from the sensors are very sensitive to where the actual sensors are
located in the air streams. To have as little influence as possible from the
surrounding, both air streams are insulated.
To create a differential of temperature between outdoor air and the indoor air in
the test facility, an electrical heater having a capacity of 6 kW has been used. The
electrical heater is control via proportional electrical heater control unit, TTC40FX.
The controller is capable of driving the electrical heater according to 0-10V signal
output from the thermostat, hence creating freedom for wide range of air temperature
with very high accuracy.
35 Humidifier
To obtain the desired humidity ratio for the outdoor air, a vaporized humidifier
with a capacity of 30 kg/h is installed in the test system. Microcontroller
The electrical heater and the humidifier are operated according to 0-10V signals
from the sensors automatically. For the communication and data process Corrigo
EH-E8D-H control board has been used. The desired values -set values for air
conditions- for temperature and humidity are set in the control board, the control
board drives both electrical heater and the humidifier according to the inputs from
the sensors.
Total power consumption of the heat recovery ventilator has been measured with
CA 8220 power analyzer.
The atmosphere is a mixture of air (Oxygen, Nitrogen, CO2 etc.) and water vapor.
Psychrometry is the study of moist air and of the changes in its conditions. The
psychrometric chart graphically represents the interrelation of air temperature and
moisture content and is a basic design tool for building engineers and designers.
Several terms must be explained before the charts can be fully appreciated.
Enthalpy (H) is the heat content of unit mass of the atmosphere, in kJ/kg, relative
to the heat content of 0 °C dry air. It is indicated on the psychrometric chart by a
third set of sloping lines, near to, but not quite the same as the web-bulb lines. In
order to avoid confusion, there are no lines shown, but external scales are given on
two sides.
Fresh air enters heat recovery ventilator from outdoors X and by the help of
extract air energy it is preheated to Y. Air conditioning system heats it to Z.
Recovered heat is;
A call-center in a building located in Ankara with 130 m2 flow area has been
considered for energy saving calculations. There are 16 people working in the office
for every shift. There exist 3 shifts. Heating/cooling system has been designed for
variable refrigerant volume (VRV) systems. The design conditions for summer
indoor air is 26 °C and for winter indoor air is 22 °C. Fresh air demand for the office
is calculated according to ASHRAE standard Ventilation for Indoor Quality
62.1.2007. The declared combined air rate for office spaces in the standard is 8,5 L/s.
Person. Total population for the office is 16 people. That will result in 490 m3/h fresh
air demand.
For the calculation EVER-500 unit from Eneko A.Ş. has been used, nominal air
flow for the unit is 500 m3/h.
Space : Office
Area : 130 m2
Population : 16 people
Cooling Load (without HRV) : 19 kW
Ventilation Demand : 489,6 m3/h
Outdoor Air Conditions (Summer) : Various each hour
Indoor Air Conditions (Summer) : 26 °C DB, 50% RH
Outdoor Air Conditions (Winter) : Various each hour
Indoor Air Conditions (Winter) : 22 °C DB, 50% RH
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Temp ( C) 3,3 2,3 6,0 11,2 16,2 18,9 24,5 25,0 18,6 10,8 5,9 2,8
For the calculation of recovered heat across the heat recovery ventilator, average
monthly outdoor temperatures have been considered with Klingenburg selection
software. The results are based on average temperatures, not hourly values.
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Efficiency 50,5% 51,4% 49,8% 49,9% 50,0% 50,1% 0,0% 0,0% 50,1% 49,9% 49,8% 50,9%
As seen on Figure 3.25, all months except July and August are cooling seasons for
Ankara. The efficiency of the heat exchanger is very close for each month although
average temperatures are quite different. For July and August the average
temperatures are close to indoor air temperature thus, heat recovery ventilator is by-
passed and fresh air is taken inside directly.
Although heat recovery efficiency is very similar in each Month, recovered heat
differs as a function of average outdoor air temperature as seen in Figure 3.26. For
months July and August recovered heat amount is zero as fresh air is by-passed
through the heat recovery ventilator. Maximum heat recovery is observed in
February as minimum average temperature is for February as seen in Figure 3.24.
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Rec. Heat (kW) 1,68 1,81 1,42 0,96 0,52 0,28 0,00 0,00 0,30 1,00 1,43 1,75
January February March April May June July August September October November December
∑Rec. Heat (kW) 1253,3 1214,4 1054,5 689,4 387,1 199,6 0 0 219 743 1032 1298
Total heat recovery for year 2005 in Ankara according to average outdoor
temperature calculation method is 8091 kWh. Heat Recovery formed only in heating
season. Air conditioning units inside the call-center would consume additional
energy to warn fresh air and this additional energy, which is also total heat recovery,
is 8091 kWh for Ankara. Air conditioning is provided by Natural gas burners and
cassette type fan coils. In Ankara Natural gas cost for 1 kWh energy is 0,037 €.
Yearly energy saving as a result of heat recovery usage is 299,4 €.
The sample heat recovery ventilator (EVER-500) provided by Eneko A.Ş for the
calculation is 750 € including taxes. The unit supplies 500 m3/h fresh air from
outdoor air ducts with a pressure drop of 95 Pa’s and removes 480 m3/h indoor air
from exhaust air ducts with a pressure drop of 110 Pa’s. Instead of a heat recovery
ventilator, to perform ventilation, 2 duct type fans with model number RFA 30/15
TE1 with the brand name ATC can be used which cost 160 € each including taxes.
To filtrate outdoor air a filter box with model number EFB 30/15 with the brand
name ATC can be used which cost 55 € including taxes. Initial cost rise in the
Natural gas burner is neglected. Also the difference in the power consumption
between the HRV system and the duct system is neglected.
Table 3.2 Cost comparison analysis between HRV System and Duct Fan System
Heat recovery ventilators initial cost is 475 € more than the typical duct system
for the sample installation. To calculate payback period, initial cost difference shall
be divided into operational cost difference;
15 months
, ,
Heat recovery efficiency and recovered heat depends on indoor and outdoor air
conditions. (Y.P. Zhoua, J.Y. Wu & R.Z. Wanga, 2008). For non-industrial
applications design criteria of indoor air temperature in winter season is 22°C and
26°C for summer season. As these values are meant to be kept constant with HVAC
system, the main variable for heat recovery consideration is outdoor air for the same
heat recovery ventilator. In the design process heat recovery ventilators efficiency
and the heat recovered is calculated with the peak points for both seasons. This
calculation is not correct to calculate annual savings for the heat recovery ventilator
as it represents only a few period of heating/cooling time for the system.
Also the climate for a whole continent differs in every country, even in every city
(Renato M. Lazzarin & Andrea Gasperalla, 2007). Recovered heat, supply air
temperature and heat recovery ventilator efficiency shall be regarded separately
during economical evaluation.
Turkey, well known for its different climate conditions, is studied by means of
recovered heat, supply air temperature and heat recovery ventilator efficiency for 6
cities, İzmir, İstanbul, Ankara, Antalya, Urfa and Erzurum. To calculate mentioned
values, a calculation software has been used from one of the heat recovery exchanger
manufacturers, Klingenburg GmBH. The software has been approved by Eurovent.
For the outdoor air conditions data has been collected from Turkish State
Meteorological Service, Ankara for every hour of 365 of year 2005. The outdoor data
has been used as input by the help of external software developed by the author
himself. This resulted in precise computation for performance of heat recovery
ventilation annually.
Heat recovery ventilator has been provided from Eneko AS, the unit that has been
used in this study is EVER 500. The unit has 500 m3/h nominal air flow rate, the
same value has been used during computation. The heat recovery exchanger used in
In this study the winter-hour is described as every hour which is cooler than 20°C
for winter and summer-hour is described as every hour which is hotter than 28°C set
temperature for summer. Between 20°C and 28°C heat recovery ventilator operates
in by-pass ventilation mode in which the return air is by-passed across the heat
recovery exchanger so no heat is exchanged.
°C 10,0
İzmir İstanbul Ankara Antalya Urfa Erzurum
As shown in Figure 1 and Table 1 seaside cities like İzmir, İstanbul and Antalya
have similar climate data pioneering the examples of Mediterranean climate. Urfa
which is well known with its desert-like climate has the highest temperatures for
summer season. Ankara located in the middle of the country is neither extremely
cold nor very hot in summer, more like in between. Erzurum, located in the eastern
part is the coldest climate that is studied.
With the design temperature for indoors, the hour studied can be regarded as
heating hour, cooling hour or by-pass hour. If outdoor air temperature is below 20°C
it is called “heating hour”, if it is above 28°C it is called “cooling hour”, if it is
between these values than it is called “by-pass hour”. 8760 hours of the year has
been identified and named for each city in Figure 4.4. Erzurum has the most heating
hours in 6 cities, followed by Ankara and İstanbul. Warmer cities like İzmir, Antalya
and Urfa has the less heating hours, but it is seen that even in the warmest city
heating is required more than 55% annually. For cooling hours Urfa, with its desert-
like climate leads with 2032 cooling hours and is followed by Antalya and İzmir.
Although monthly average temperature for İstanbul is more than Ankara, considering
cooling hours, Istanbul’s cooling demand is less than Ankara. The least cooling
hours is carried out by Erzurum as it is the coldest city in 6 cities. Evaluating by-pass
hours, İzmir and Antalya is with app. 28% of the year. İstanbul, Urfa and Ankara .are
following and Erzurum has only 831 by-pass hours.
İzmir İstanbul Ankara Antalya Urfa Erzurum
Heating Hours 5124 6437 6768 4971 4927 7715
Cooling Hours 1113 299 472 1323 2032 214
By-pass hours 2523 2024 1520 2466 1801 831
As denoted, to perform heat recovery ventilation analysis for the cities, annual
hour temperatures have been received from Turkish State Meteorological Service
and computed in the calculation software. To obtain a better understanding for the
temperature change annually, outdoor temperature graphs have been developed for
each city. Figure 4.5 shows the data for İzmir. Two lines are indicated apart from the
temperature values, heating limit line and cooling limit line. Between these two lines,
by-pass hours are present. In by-pass hours no heat recovery is calculated which
results in 0% efficiency, 0 kW recovered heat and also supply air temperature and
outdoor air temperature are the same. The graphs also approve the relation explained
for the by-pass hours ratio in 6 cities.
Annual Hours
Annual Hours
Annual Hours
Annual Hours
Annual Hours
Annual Hours
Considering the figures for winter and summer separately, it is shown that there
are three groups for winter and three groups for summer. For winter, with warmer
outdoor air conditions, Izmir, Ankara and Urfa is one of the groups, the other one is
colder but still not below -10°C group including the cities İstanbul and Ankara, and
finally the last group for winter includes Erzurum with its extremely cold outdoor air.
This grouping is subject to change when it comes to summer, there are three groups;
the first group includes Urfa with its extremely hot outdoor air which is seen in every
period of the season. The second group consists of İzmir, Antalya and Ankara,
Antalya has also very hot outdoor air but just for some period not the whole season,
Ankara which is in the cold group for winter is in the hot group for summer season,
finally the last group includes Erzurum and İstanbul with their lower outdoor air
temperature than other cities. Although İstanbul is located near the seaside, summer
is colder than Antalya and İzmir which are also seaside cities because it is the north
side of the country.
kW 3,0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Annual Hours
kW 3,0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Annual Hours
kW 3,0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Annual Hours
kW 3,0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Annual Hours
kW 3,0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Annual Hours
kW 3,0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Annual Hours
Although winter design temperature for indoor air is the same for all cities,
recovered heat changes as a function of outdoor air temperature. Heat recovery in
winter season for İzmir, Antalya and Urfa are alike, where heat recovery in winter
season for İstanbul and Ankara has the same characteristic. Erzurum the coldest city
examined has the maximum heat recovery in winter. As a result it is considered that
heat recovery in winter season increases with the decrease in outdoor air. Also it is
considered that, climates that have similar outdoor air conditions result in similar
heat recovery.
kW 1,0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Annual Hours
kW 1,0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Annual Hours
kW 1,0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Annual Hours
kW 1,0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Annual Hours
kW 1,0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Annual Hours
kW 1,0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Annual Hours
Summer heat recovery in İzmir, Antalya and Urfa are alike as outdoor air
temperature for mentioned cities are alike. İstanbul, Ankara and Erzurum’s heat
recovery in summer is very low due to outdoor air temperature, also outdoor air
temperatures, especially in night, allow by-pass ventilation. In these cities by-pass
ventilation is a must as it reduces energy consumption for air conditioning.
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Annua l Hours
For summer season, although outdoor air temperatures vary in examined cities, it
is observed that heat recovery efficiencies are alike. In winter season, heat recovery
efficiency for colder cities like Erzurum, İstanbul and Ankara is considerable larger
than warmer cities, Urfa, İzmir and Antalya. This is because of the condensation in
exhaust air. In colder cities, exhausted indoor air is cooled down to its dew point
temperature and below in the heat exchanger which results in condensation so, the
latent heat comes upon the earth and increases the thermal efficiency of the heat
recovery ventilator.
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Annual Hours
For moderate and cold climates examined supply air temperature for winter after
heat recovery ventilator are close to each other, although outdoor air temperature
varies significantly. For extreme climates like Erzurum it is observed that supply air
temperature after heat recovery ventilator is less than all other cities considered
although it has the highest thermal efficiency for the heat recovery ventilator. For
winter, except Erzurum, supply air temperature is between 14-20°C.
For summer the interval between maximum and minimum supply air temperatures
increases where the temperature differs from 19°C to 34°C. It is also observed in
summer that although outdoor air temperature is different in examined cities, supply
air temperatures are very alike.
16000,0 kW
12000,0 kW
10000,0 kW
8000,0 kW
6000,0 kW
4000,0 kW
2000,0 kW
0,0 kW
İzmir İstanbul Ankara Antalya Urfa Erzurum
Heating Season 4430,4 kW 6355,5 kW 8538,5 kW 3971,4 kW 4960,0 kW 14668,8 kW
Cooling Season 477,1 kW 86,1 kW 197,3 kW 610,7 kW 1310,9 kW 73,5 kW
Annual heat recovery characteristic for İzmir, Antalya and Urfa are alike as
discussed previously. Winter heat recovery for these cities is low than other cities
where summer heat recovery is more. Urfa has the most heat recovery for summer
over all cities. İstanbul is between these 3 cities and Ankara for winter heat recovery
and has the least heat recovery for summer like Erzurum. Erzurum, with its
extremely cold climate, has the biggest amount of heat recovery for winter, whereas
it has the lowest heat recovery for summer.
The previous chapter, annual heat recovery for Ankara is examined according to
monthly average outdoor temperatures. Annual heat recovery obtained after the
calculation was 8091 kW. According to the calculation that is presented in Figure
4.25, annual heat recovery for Ankara is 8735,8 kW. As a result it shall be
considered that using average temperatures for outdoor air, yearly, monthly or daily,
result in calculation errors. To obtain heat recovery accurately, a wide range of
outdoor air temperature shall be regarded in the calculation.
Payback period for Ankara has been considered in Chapter 3. Further analysis
including both heating and cooling seasons will be examined.
Heat recovery during heating season reduces the amount of energy used for air
conditioning indoors. For all cities discussed, natural gas burners are used to heat up
water that is used for cassette type fan coils in the air conditioning system for
heating. For cooling wall type air conditioners with an average COP of 2,7 are used.
Annual heat recovery for both heating and cooling seasons is calculated in this
chapter. To calculate payback periods for each city, additional natural gas
consumption demand and additional air conditioner electrical operational demand are
considered. Electrical cost for residential use is 0,095 €/kW. In air conditioners
thermal electrical consumption can be calculated;
To calculate operational cost reduction in air conditioners formula 4.1 is used and
cost benefit of every kW of cooling reduction is;
, €
2,7 (4.2)
Natural gas cost for the cities are 0,037 €/kW as discussed in the previous chapter.
Cost Effect
600,0 €
400,0 €
300,0 €
200,0 €
100,0 €
0,0 €
İzmir İstanbul Ankara Antalya Urfa Erzurum
Heating Season 163,9 € 235,2 € 315,9 € 146,9 € 183,5 € 542,7 €
Cooling Season 16,7 € 3,0 € 6,9 € 21,4 € 45,9 € 2,6 €
Total 180,6 € 238,2 € 322,8 € 168,3 € 229,4 € 545,3 €
Table 4.1 Cost comparison analysis between HRV System and Duct Fan System
Payback time
İzmir İstanbul Ankara Antalya Urfa Erzurum
Payback Period(Month) 24,9 18,9 13,9 26,7 19,6 8,3
5.1 Overview
In this research, outdoor air temperatures for 6 cities of Turkey have been used for
energy saving calculation of heat recovery ventilators. A call center has been taken
as a sample and analyzed according to average temperature method and hourly
temperature method. For calculations, certified software has been modified according
to multiple outdoor air temperatures input. Supply air temperature after heat recovery
ventilator, heat recovery exchanger efficiency, and recovered energy has been
calculated and evaluated.
In appropriate air conditions, by-passing outdoor air through the heat recovery
exchanger helps to reduce air conditioning load inside, which is called by-pass
ventilation or free cooling. In most summer nights by-pass ventilation occurs. In this
research by-pass hours are encountered and were not put in the calculations.
The starting point of this thesis is to represent heat recovery efficiency differences
due to various outdoor air conditions. 6 cities have been considered having various
climate conditions, one group of warm cities, one group of cold cities and one group
of extremely cold city.
Recovered heat, as foreseen, has the maximum value where heat recovery
ventilator efficiency is the biggest, Erzurum. The following cities are drawn up likely
to the efficiency characteristics.
It is also shown that by-pass ventilation takes place in all cities. A future study
shall be made to consider by-pass ventilation effect in heat recovery ventilation.
Also the sample was considered for 24h running office, whole calculations shall
be regarded for one shift offices which are normally closed in nights which will
reduce energy savings in heating season.
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