MTI 10-Steps To Cyber Security Guide
MTI 10-Steps To Cyber Security Guide
MTI 10-Steps To Cyber Security Guide
This paper looks at each area, spells out what exactly it means and explains how you can successfully address the issues raised.
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The UK government relaunched its ’10 Steps to Cyber Security’ guide. Originally released
in 2012 by Communications Electronic Security Group (CESG), now part of the National
Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), the information arm of GCHQ, the guide offers practical
guidance on the steps that organisations can take to improve the security of their
networks and data.
On the back of this relaunch, GCHQ said it continues to see real threats to the UK on a daily basis, and the scale and rate of these
attacks shows little sign of abating. Cyber-attacks have become so common that, for many companies, it’s not a question of ‘if’,
rather ‘when.’
Every day thousands of IT systems are compromised. The motives vary but most commonly, they are attacked to steal money or
commercial secrets. In fact, never has the need for robust and rigorous cyber security been greater. Today, an organisation can
lose £50 million in a hack and barely an eyebrow is raised, illustrating just how commonplace major cyber hacks have become.
The Ponemon Institute’s 2015 Cost of Cyber Crime Study: United Kingdom determined that the average annualised cost of
cyber-crime to large organisations in the UK is now £4.1 million per year, a year-on-year increase of 14 percent. These findings
were based on 39 benchmarked organisations in the UK. Each had a minimum of approximately 1,000 connections to the network
and enterprise systems.
However, damage from cyber-attacks isn’t just limited to financial loss; reputational damage can be even more devastating,
destroying a company’s credibility and leading to a loss of business.
The modern cyber threat landscape is such that all sensible organisations must accept the inevitability of a cyber-attack and
prepare accordingly. The UK government’s ’10 Steps to Cyber Security’ offers a blueprint to help guard against it and ensure
robust and rigorous defences.
Today, there is a much greater awareness of the importance of IT security, but it’s taken a long time to arrive at this point, and
some serious cyber-attacks along the way.
The bottom line is that cyber security is not an IT issue, rather it’s a strategic risk management issue and IT is simply the means to
enable this strategy. In an age that is defined by the ubiquity and economic power of the Internet, cyber security is an absolutely
vital foundational step for any organisation.
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Information Risk
Management Regime
For any security regime to be truly successful, it must be
sanctioned and driven from the executive board level to
ensure it sweeps down through the organisation and is
taken seriously. This is the foundation for robust security
The government guide quite rightly suggests that cyber risk Time and again we see instances where cyber security isn’t
should be addressed regularly at board level. This would be taken seriously and the consequences for the companies
a significant step and one that shows cyber security is being involved can be huge. In the US, Target, a national retailer,
taken seriously. suffered a serious breach in which 40 million credit and debit
card details and 70 million customer records were stolen[1].
In the UK, TalkTalk’s[3] CEO Dido Harding was also under With the Information Commissioner handing out fines of up to
pressure following a breach of a customer database. The £500,000 for leaking customer data, it is not a subject to
company had clearly learned lessons from other major take lightly. These points may seem dramatic however it
breaches and didn’t attempt to confuse the issue. It quickly reflects the seriousness of cyber-breaches.
came clean about the breach. It was, however, quite clear the
CEO was out of her depth in talking about the breach and Identifying vulnerabilities that can lead to a breach is
whether data was encrypted or not, which led to a gale of achieved by carrying out a risk assessment. In fact, this is the
media criticism. first essential step in developing and implementing a security
policy. A risk assessment requires a thorough analysis of a
One way to get the interest of board members is to speak to company, its assets and its value. Typically, this is intellectual
them in a language they understand such as potential property and customer details.
reputational damage, the impact on revenues, loss of
customers and other strategic issues.
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It’s important to ask the right questions when dealing with cyber security.
Is the website secure? Where does data travel in and out of the network?
Once you have the answers to the above questions, a security policy can be developed along with an Information Risk
Management policy. This will outline any areas of responsibility, compliance requirements, incident management, monitoring,
reviews and so on.
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Secure Configuration
Once a security policy has been agreed, areas of
vulnerability have been outlined and the values
of different types of data and responsibilities are
confirmed, the next step is to ensure the existing
technology and infrastructure is secure.
Secure configuration is a question of maintaining control as software presents an open door for hackers.
the IT environment evolves. Ensuring you know what
applications end users are downloading and that a It’s worth remembering that hackers and cyber-criminals put
comprehensive update strategy is in place to patch software enormous effort into identifying and exploiting software
is crucial. vulnerabilities. In fact, there is a vast underground network
operating largely on the dark web dedicated solely to
When users download and install software, it can conflict with developing malware that exploits vulnerabilities and selling it
existing applications and create vulnerabilities as unpatched to other hackers.
The government guidelines quite rightly point out that, There are a number of unrivalled benefits to this approach:
“Without an awareness of vulnerabilities that have been
identified and the availability (or not) of patches and fixes, the 1. It ensures endpoints and applications are not only
business will be increasingly disrupted by security incidents.” patched, but also properly configured. When
implemented correctly, it also carries out assessments on
A salient point and a nightmare for any CIO is a major system software flaws and configuration vulnerabilities, whilst at
breach, which happens as the result of unpatched software the same time delivering rapid remediation, continuous
or the exploitation of insecure system configurations. validation and policy compliance reporting.
Adopting a holistic approach will help secure configuration 2. Everything that is happening across the network,
and also urge endpoint standardisation. This will help simplify from software downloads to new endpoints that are
and manage what can sometimes feel chaotic. Centralising added can be seen. As a result, potential vulnerabilities
the management approach also ensures industry best are flagged and standards-based remediation is applied,
practice is maintained. ensuring optimum security.
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Network Security
The development and ubiquity of the Internet has
been a great thing. It has opened up the world,
making previously closed shops available on a
global scale. However, as the Internet grows, so
does cybercriminal activity. It’s therefore imperative
to have a robust and rigorous network security
solution in place.
A critical first step is the need for a firewall on the perimeter of your
network that carries out deep packet inspection, monitoring the traffic
coming into the network. This needs to be fortified with robust antivirus
which can also filter websites and inbound emails to guard against
malicious links and phishing attacks.
You need to be looking out for malware that is attempting to Protecting the environment is made more complex by
get into the network, emails that have Trojans hidden in distributed enterprises that have branch offices and remote
them, websites with poison links and any other network or roaming users, or data centres that use technologies like
traffic that may be harbouring malicious software. It’s virtualisation and the cloud.
important to remember, though, that the landscape isn’t fixed,
it’s constantly changing as new attack methods are The Communications Electronic Security Group guidelines
developed and malware mutates to avoid detection. say you need to:
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For any CIO or IT administrator, these are basic first steps. need to consider how to enable and protect applications
The approach taken will, however, be determined by the IT moving across the cloud, how to isolate applications and how
environment. When protecting the perimeter, you need to to eliminate the security lag as your cloud environment
consider that your network is full of applications that a changes.
port-based firewall fails to identify or control.
If you wish to safeguard a distributed environment, another
Blocking these applications may impact on the business. As approach is required. It’s common in these environments to
such, you need an approach to create effective see clients with smaller branch offices, employees working
firewall-control policies that extend beyond the traditional remotely from home, and roaming users. In fact, users often
‘allow or deny’ approach. move from one location to another within a day – while it’s
great for productivity, it can lead to dangerous
Similarly, if you’re protecting a virtualised data centre, you’ll inconsistencies and IT compromises.
Optimise Visibility
Increase Control
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User Privileges
Managing user privileges is an important
aspect of comprehensive information security.
Ideally, employees should only have access
to the data and systems necessary to carry
out their role. The problem is that unmanaged
privileged accounts can lead to all sorts of
problems for a business.
However, despite this, monitoring is not something that is If cyber-criminals gain access to a privileged account, they
standard practice. Cyber-criminals are only too aware that can basically jump over security so whether data is encrypted
many privileged accounts often go unmonitored, unreported or not becomes irrelevant.
and as a result, are unsecure.
Privileged account users can include third-party providers,
They understand that access to a privileged account cloud server managers, systems administrators, application
provides the ability to control the organisations resources, or database administrators, select business users such as
disable security systems, as well as access to vast amounts senior-level executives and social media. Compromising any
of sensitive data. The damage done proportionately can be of these accounts can create considerable problems.
very severe.
There are several ways to control privileged account activity. Introducing layered security such as encryption, tamper-
Some organisations choose to deploy a strategic solution across proof audits, and data protection can also help with
the entire enterprise, while others take a ‘stepped’ approach that protection of accounts, especially when used in conjunction
involves looking at the most vulnerable points first. with other methods. Multiple authentication methods assist
in keeping your files and data protected from both internal
Starting with securing privileged credentials and then moving and external threats.
to monitoring the accounts, once secured, enables the
implementation of the underlying infrastructure. Using analytic Monitoring the actions of privileged accounts
algorithms can also help reveal previously undetectable is fundamental to security. Do not let protection
malicious privileged user activity as it monitors behavioural data. let you down.
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User Education
and Awareness
Education provides the building blocks for
good security. User education is about raising
awareness about the risks and dangers that
can arise from a slack approach to security.
Within this context, the weakest link in the business can be of the recipients eventually opened the infected spreadsheet
employees that lack IT security knowledge. Leading-edge that led to the breach. In this respect, education is crucial.
technology can be irrelevant if employees are not aware or
educated on a comprehensive security policy. None of the recipients were people who would normally be
considered high-profile or high-value targets, such as an
Spear phishing attacks, for instance, can be particularly executive or an IT administrator with special network
damaging. A few years ago, RSA, a high profile security privileges. However, that didn’t matter. The malware had
company, and its cryptography keys were compromised in been unleashed. Once a spear phishing email makes it
spear phishing attack[4]. through filters and other similar technologies, the user
element really comes into play, which is what the hackers
The emails contained a malicious attachment that was were depending on.
identified in the subject line as 2011 Recruitment plan.xls. One
When educating users, awareness is only the first step. Training must
also be used. It provides people with a fixed body of knowledge which
they can be tested on.
Training can take place in incremental steps or be focused on One thing is certain, a trained and educated workforce will
specific business requirements. It doesn’t need to be a dramatically reduce the chances of your organisation ending
sweeping one-size fits all programme, it can be bespoke, up as headline news or seeing its valuable customer
targeting a specific department or focusing on remediating information for sale on the dark web.
certain behaviours.
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Incident Management
An incident management strategy is vitally important
to contain damage, should it happen. In fact, IT system
breaches need to be considered within the context of
disaster recovery and business continuity, as well as
mandatory reporting requirements.
The ISO 27000[5] family of standards helps organisations Incidents then need to be categorised to enable easy
keep information assets secure. Specifically, the ISO/IEC classification. In turn, this informs prioritisation, such as: the
27001 is the best known standard outlining the requirements effect an incident has on business, whether it needs to be
for incident management. It covers people, processes, and IT dealt with urgently or whether can it be managed at a later
systems, all of which are viewed through the lens of risk stage.
When an initial identification has been made and the incident
These standards help organisations manage the security of categorised; diagnosis, escalation, investigation and
its assets, whether it’s financial information, intellectual resolution need to take follow. While some of these
property, employee details, customer details or third party processes can be automated some are also dependent on
information by providing a systematic approach. human processes and intervention such as investigation and
The ultimate goal of ISO 27001 is ensuring
security requirements are met and as such Depending on the incident, this often involves forensics. This
it incorporates incident management as is where a back track process takes place so the cause and
location of the incident can be established. This is important
a central component.
because a hacker can plunder a customer database and
An incident management strategy starts with the have credit card or banking and personal information up for
identification of incidents, typically with users logging them sale before the company is aware anything has happened.
and also automatically generated incident logging based on As such, it’s important to be able to detect the path of the
pre-established conditions. attack and trace it back to a source, date and time.
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Malware Prevention
The scale of malware is enormous.
Approximately 250,000 new malware sites are
brought online every day[6]. While the majority
of these are only alive for around 24 hours,
they can cause enormous damage.
All it takes for malicious malware to end up in your network is rootkits that provide full access to a system and passwords
an employee to fall for a phishing email or clicking on a stealers.
poison link and then being redirected to a website where a
Trojan is implanted into the network. As malware has been around for such a long time, everyone
is familiar not only with the damage it can cause, but also its
Malware can lead to blackmail, the deletion of entire ubiquity. As a result, there is widespread understanding that
databases, key loggers that record every finger tap across a it needs to be guarded against, which is positive.
keyboard, backdoors that are used to implant malware,
The most effective way of doing this is via robust and rigorous
antivirus at the firewall. Antivirus needs to dovetail with other defence
methods such as real-time threat detection and forms of detection that
don’t just rely on detecting virus signatures. This is because host and
client machines also need protecting.
While signature detection is important to block the hundreds informs you whether it reached a computer, if it executed,
and thousands of malware variants that swarm the Internet, what it did, when it ran, if it spread or deleted itself and so on.
it’s not enough to detect newly- released malware, so called If the file is malicious, you can automatically stop it from
zero-day threats. executing. This enables you to rapidly prioritise alerts,
investigate events, and remediate incidents.
As more Internet traffic becomes encrypted via the HTTPS
protocol, the need for layered malware protection becomes This holistic, layered approach recognises that malware
more acute. infections are, not only, too common, but the enterprise
needs protecting across the range of its systems. From the
It’s possible to use technology that not only sends an alert perimeter firewall to endpoint devices, protection is needed
that an unknown file has entered your network, but also at every stage.
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Monitoring IT systems is central to the
protection of an organisation, however it
must be comprehensive.
In the past, it was a widely held belief that system monitoring argument as redundant. The need to protect sensitive data,
was not a core requirement for operational effectiveness. whether it’s customer information, financial records or
intellectual property has never been more pressing. At its
However, the dramatic and sustained surge in cyber- core, monitoring essentially needs to track activity as well as
attacks[7] and the threat from insider data leaks, presents this raising red flags if anything out of place happens.
It’s not just a question of looking out for malware; it’s a Detailed analytics help you understand what is
question of having full insight into the IT estate and all its normal organisational behaviour as well as
component parts. It needs to be comprehensive, given that
helping to highlight when something or
some threats are multi-vector advanced persistent threats
carried out by external attackers, while others arise from
someone deviates from the norm.
malicious or accidental behaviour by insiders.
Preconfigured policies are also important in that they allow
A business needs to be able to use data loss prevention you to get up and running quickly and more importantly,
tools to detect even a partial fragment of sensitive data on a effectively. The importance of monitoring data and human
network endpoint, as well as guarding against data loss in behaviour can’t be overstated, especially as it can give you
the cloud and on premise. an early warning system that flags up if something is amiss.
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Removable Media
Removable media is anything that can be
brought into an organisation and plugged
into a computer, ranging from a USB stick to
external memory, smartphones, tablets, iPods,
Bluetooth devices, recordable CDs and DVDs.
It also includes wearable devices such as
smartwatches, which are gradually becoming
more popular.
Some people in the workplace may use a laptop to charge An attack on an Iranian nuclear plant in 2013[8], illustrates the
their smartphone or transfer files using a memory stick tremendous damage that can be wreaked from a small
because it contains something they are working on. memory stick. Stuxnet centrifuges was essentially
However, irrespective of what it is you’re plugging in, there programmed to spin out of control and self-destruct. While
are dangers attached when inserting a USB into your laptop. this was a case of state-sponsored cyber espionage, it shows
Firstly, there’s the risk of the devices containing malware and how removable media can be used to penetrate even the
secondly, there’s the danger that sensitive data can be most comprehensive of security systems. It’s therefore
downloaded and stolen. essential not to overlook removable media controls when
looking at cyber security.
If you have any doubt about the consequences of serious Safeguarding against loss via removable media should
data loss, consider the case of US retailer, Target. [9] It was ideally be planned when a security policy is being
the subject of a hack in which millions of customer records developed. As removable media in the workplace is now all
were plundered and as a result, its revenues plunged by over too commonplace, and is one of the highest areas of
40 per cent. vulnerability, it should be addressed as a matter of urgency.
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Even if your network is locked down to the point of disconnecting it from the Internet, that doesn’t prevent someone from copying
sensitive data onto a CD-ROM, or to a USB memory drive and walking out the door with it.
Removable media controls fall under data loss prevention and as a result, there is a raft of technologies designed to help protect
the removable devices. The fast-paced business environment of today requires employees to have anytime-anywhere access to
corporate data and business applications, therefore putting the block on removable media may seem draconian and counter-
However, it can be managed. It’s possible to protect critical data from coming into and leaving the company via removable media
with tools that monitor and control data transfers from desktops and laptops, irrespective of where users are and even when they
are not connected to the corporate network.
✓ Defining what data can and cannot be copied onto allowed devices
✓ Restricting users from copying data from specific locations and certain applications will help when managing devices
✓ Endpoint encryption for removable media is also another effective approach. It allows the encrypted device to be used on any
machine without installing any software or requiring administrator privileges. It also allows encrypted files to be saved or
edited safely, which ensures user flexibility is also maintained.
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Home and
Mobile Working
Mobile working is an established fact of life today,
whether you’re accessing corporate data on the move
or connecting to the company network from your home.
Mobile devices now make it easier for employees to do
all they need irrespective of geographical location.
Should you happen to find yourself in a situation whereby remote access to wipe data and also by using extremely
your device goes missing, do not panic. Laptop lapse can robust passwords.
easily be dealt with by encrypting hard drives, enabling
This can result in a network of phones being programmed for In terms of home and mobile working, organisations need to
malicious activity, such as stealing credit card data or secure and manage operating systems in a world of mixed-
malware burrowing into a corporate network. As mobile use devices, while at the same time incorporating identity,
computing becomes increasingly commonplace, hackers are context, and privacy enforcement to set the appropriate level
also increasingly drawn to it. of access for enterprise data and services.
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Device Management
Organisations need to be able to secure and manage a diverse range of mobile devices, automatically enable
enterprise settings such as Wi-Fi and VPN, as well as providing end-users with secure access to corporate email.
Application Management
Business should aim to deliver, secure and when appropriate, retire mobile apps. This provides IT with the ability
to manage the application life cycle from making applications available to employees, securing applications on
the device and when necessary, containerising corporate apps to keep them separate from personal apps.
Content Management
This is the ability to enable end-users to securely access and manage enterprise documents that are kept in
different content repositories, whether on-premises servers or in the cloud. It’s also important that corporate
email attachments are encrypted. Ideally, users should also be able to securely browse corporate Intranet
content without the need for a device-wide VPN.
Policy guidelines also need to be in place in order for a business to dictate actions. For instance, if a mobile device falls
out of compliance, IT can define remediation actions that will either notify the user of policy violations or remotely wipe
corporate information.
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Protecting key information assets is of critical importance to the sustainability and
competitiveness of businesses today.
The UK government’s ‘10 Steps to Cyber Security’ outlines the practical steps business
can take to improve the security of their networks and the information carried on them.
By following these guidelines, companies will benefit from managing risks across their organisations, be able to draw on senior
management support, implement risk management policies and processes, and create a risk awareness culture.
MTI is a global provider of IT security solutions and services. Our Datacentre, Managed Services, and Security practices work
together to deliver tailored services and solutions that help to solve real business challenges for our clients.
We engage with staff at all levels of an organisation – from back office, to boardroom to really understand your business, as well
as your goals, objectives, and strategy. We then leverage the expertise that we have gained over the last 25 years to provide
guidance, and to help your organisation innovate, grow, and drive positive business outcomes within a robustly secure
1. Bloomberg Business Review, March 17, 2014
2. Wall Street Journal, February 26, 2014
3. Guardian, 6 November, 2015
4. Wired, August, 2011
6. Institute of Legal and Finance Management
7. Symantec 2016
8. Business Insider, November 20, 2013
9. International Business Times, September 21, 2015
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MTI takes the time to understand client challenges, goals and aspirations.
Experienced consultants are on hand to provide support and guidance, helping
to ensure that the right strategic decisions and investments are made.
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