Cybersecurity Incident Management Guide
Cybersecurity Incident Management Guide
Cybersecurity Incident Management Guide
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The Cyber Security Coalition is a unique partnership
between players from the academic world, the pub-
lic authorities and the private sector who have joined
forces in the fight against cybercrime. Currently more
than 100 key players from across these 3 sectors are
active members contributing to the Coalition’s mis-
sion and objectives.
This Guide and the accompanying documents have been produced by the Cyber
Security Coalition.
All texts, layouts, designs and elements of any kind in this Guide are protected by
Extracts from the text of this Guide may be reproduced for non- commercial purposes
only, provided that the source is specified. The Cyber Security Coalition disclaims any
liability for the content of this Guide.
The information provided:
• Is exclusively of a general nature and not geared towards the specific situation of any
individual or legal entity
• Is not necessarily complete, accurate or up to date
• Does not constitute professional or legal advice
• Does not replace expert advice
• Does not provide any warranty for secure protection.
This Guide aims to draw attention to the importance of planning how to man-
age a cyber security incident ahead of time.
Cyber security incident management is not a linear process; it’s a cycle that
consists of preparation, detection, incident containment, mitigation and
recovery. The final phase consists of drawing lessons from the incident in
order to improve the process and prepare for future incidents. During this
cycle, communication with both internal and external stakeholders is of crit-
ical importance.
Many organisations may not have the necessary in-house expertise and skills
to respond adequately to a cyber security incident. When they are facing an
incident, they may need to call upon experts to contain the incident and/or
to carry out forensic investigations. This does not mean that they cannot do
anything themselves. On the contrary, there are a lot of things that can and
should be done before an actual incident occurs.
Finally, organisations should consider taking out a cyber insurance policy. The
cost of cyber security incidents often amounts to hundreds of thousands or
even millions of euros. A reliable cyber insurance policy will cover at least part
of this cost.
I. Draft a cyber security incident response plan and keep it up to date
II. Content of a cyber security incident response plan
III. Assigning responsibilities and creating a cyber security incident response team
IV. Call upon external experts
V. Equip your organisation to address a cyber security incident
VI. Prepare your communication strategy
VII. Cyber insurance
I. Categories of incidents
II. Methods for detecting incidents
I. Convene your cyber security incident response team
II. Situational awareness
III. Containing a cyber security incident
IV. Eradication and clean-up
V. Recovery
I. Tools
II. Incident-specific communication plan
I. Evaluation of lessons learned and future actions: organise a post-incident review
II. Incident tracking and reporting
The Internet is revolutionising the way we do business: the amount of data
that we transfer over the Internet and our dependency on it being available
keeps on increasing. It is crystal clear that connecting to the world not only
brings great opportunities but also generates new risks. Cybercrime is big
business and even the smallest malicious attack can seriously damage an
organisation’s reputation, productivity, ICT system, etc.
This Guide draws attention to the importance of knowing that one day or an-
other your organisation could be the target of a cyber attack. And when that
happens, you need to be prepared! A good cyber security incident response
plan can make the difference between a cyber security incident and a cyber
security crisis. The pace at which an organisation is able to recognise, analyse
There are only two types and respond to an incident will influence the damage done and the cost of
of companies: those that
Such a cyber security incident response plan should not be limited to technol-
have been hacked and ogy! Processes, people and other organisational aspects are also important
those that will be. elements to take into consideration.
Reading this Guide will not make you an instant expert in cyber security inci-
Robert Mueller dent management. Why not? Because it takes time and experience to build
up the necessary expertise to be able to efficiently handle cyber security
incidents. So, bear in mind that it often involves a growth process of trial and
KEY DEFINITIONS There is no simple one-size-fits-all solution
At the end of this Guide you will Always keep in mind that every organisation is different. When it
find a complete glossary. Hereafter comes to Cyber Security there is no one-size-fits-all solution.
we will highlight a number of defini- What will work for your organisation will depend on its mission and
tions that are key to understanding goals, the kind of infrastructure and information you are protecting,
the scope and content of this Guide. available resources, etc. Finally, recognise that some techniques
will only be learned with time and experience. This should not,
CYBER SECURITY EVENT however, stop you from getting started!
A cyber security change that may
have an impact on organisational Top management’s commitment
(including mission, capabilities, or Cyber security incidents are a risk that should be incorporated in
reputation). the overall risk management policy of your organisation. Further-
more, managing cyber security incidents does not just mean ap-
CYBER SECURITY INCIDENT plying technology. It also requires the development of a plan that
A single or a series of is integrated into the existing processes and organisational struc-
unwanted or unexpected cyber se- tures, so that it enables rather than hinders critical business func-
curity events that are likely to com- tions. Therefore, top management should be actively involved in
promise organisational operations. defining an organisation’s cyber security prevention and incident
response plan, because top management’s explicit support through
CYBER SECURITY INCIDENT appropriate internal communication and the allocation of person-
MANAGEMENT nel and financial resources is key to the success of the plan.
Processes for preparing, detecting, A well-informed top manager will be aware both of the risks of
cybercrime and of his/her own exemplary role in encouraging all
reporting, assessing, responding
to, dealing with and learning from members of the organisation to assume their responsibility.
cyber security incidents.
Involve every member of your organisation
It is often said that humans are the weakest link when it comes to
cyber security. Having said that, it is also important to realise that
the members of your organisation have great potential to help you
detect and identify cyber security incidents. Make sure that every
member of your organisation is aware of your cyber security in-
cident response plan and of their own role within it, even if this
just means informing the right person about the ICT anomalies they
stumble upon.
Keep an offline copy of the documents you need
during an incident
Bear in mind that when a cyber security incident occurs, you may not always have ac-
cess to the files on your computer. It is always a good idea to keep a hard copy/offline
copy of any document you are likely to need during a cyber security incident or crisis.
Don’t link backups to the rest of your system
When it comes to backups, not only is it crucial to have them, it’s also very important to
have a backup that is not linked in any way to the rest of your system. If your back-
up is linked to your system, chances are that the infection of your system also spreads
to your backup, which makes your backup useless.
isation to get back to business as soon as possible.
relevant competent body for reporting Network and Information Security incidents.
Identify your assets and
potential threats
When hit by an incident, the first ques-
tions that will arise are: which assets are
at risk and which of those assets are vital
for your business activities? You will have
to decide which assets need your atten-
tion first in order to remain in business
and keep the damage to your business as
minimal as possible. MANAGEMENT
That’s why it is crucial to identify, doc-
ument and categorise your organisa-
tion’s ‘vitals’: the assets your organisation
depends on to conduct its core activities. PROCESSES
This will help you identify where to apply
which protective measures and to take ORGANISATION
quick and justified decisions during the
incident management process.
How to identify, document and categorise your
organisation’s vitals, vulnerabilities and potential threats
A. Identify the business and the resources that need to be protected
•Determine which of your core business activities enable your organisation to exist and
achieve its corporate objectives and generate income: produce goods, sell goods,
deliver goods, etc.
• For each of those activities, identify which ICT systems (databases, applications, con-
trol systems) and network connections are supporting them
• Determine also where these ICT systems are located: on your own servers or in the
• When identifying these assets, don’t forget flows of information to third parties (sup-
pliers, clients, etc.) or industrial control system flows.
Network Scheme displaying the network architecture with internal network segmen-
tation and the different gateways to external networks, DMZ, VPN, IP-address rang-
es used. This scheme should also include the different security devices in place that
might contain logging information of network activity (firewalls, (reverse) proxy servers,
intrusion detection systems, security incident event management systems). For larger
companies with complex networks, it is also necessary to have a high level version of
the network architecture so that you can quickly get an idea of the network in case of
Make sure your systems Equipment and services inventory. This inventory will include, for the vital assets in
your environment, all the different servers and the network components used for de-
are not just a bunch of livering the different corporate services. As some of these (physical) servers might be
cables and computers servicing multiple business functions, it is important to know which services are running
on which server.
to you! It is crucial that
Account and access lists. At all times it is important to know who has the right to ac-
your system manager cess, use and/or manage your network and the different systems in it. This will allow you
knows how your to detect any strange or abused accounts during an incident.
1. Who is the internal contact point for cyber security incidents? And how can he/she
be contacted?
2.What are the different incident response tasks? And who is responsible for doing
3. Who is managing the incident from the business/technical side? This should be
someone within your company with decision-making authority, who will follow the
incident from start to finish.
4. Who will liaise with senior management?
5. Who can engage the external incident response partner?
6. Who can file a complaint with law enforcement/inform the regulatory bodies?
7. Who is entitled to communicate with the press and external parties?
You will realise that in order to adequately address a cyber security incident, different
skills are needed to take on the different responsibilities and necessary roles in an effi-
cient incident response.
Incident management Managing the cyber security incident from the moment of its detection until its closure. Cyber security incident
response manager
Business decision capability Assessing the business impact and acting upon it. Engaging the right resources. Taking Management
decisions on how to proceed, e.g. deciding if the internet connection of a compromised
system can be shut down and when is the most appropriate time. Deciding when to
start clean-up activities. Deciding whether to file a complaint.
Network management Technical know-how on the organisation’s network (firewall, proxies, ICT technical support staff
capabilities IPS, routers, switches,…). Analysing, blocking or restricting the data flow in and out of
your network. IT operations, information security and business continuity.
Workstation and server Analysing and managing compromised workstations and servers. ICT technical support staff
administrator capabilities (admin
Legal advice Assessing the contractual and judicial impact of an incident. Guaranteeing that incident Legal department/
response activities stay within legal, regulatory and the organisation’s policy boundaries. company lawyer
Filing a complaint.
Communication skills Communicating appropriately to all relevant stakeholder groups. Answering customers, Communications or public
shareholders, press questions immediately. relations department
Forensic skills Gathering and analysing evidence in an appropriate way, i.e. so that the evidence is ICT technical support staff
admissible in a court of law.
Physical security Handling the aspects of the incident that are linked to Security Officer
• the physical access to the premises
• the physical protection of the cyber infrastructure.
The composition of this incident response team will be determined by the different skills
that are needed to handle an incident (see also: table on page 11). For smaller companies,
some of these skills may have to be sourced outside the organisation by the first responder.
The person that will manage the incident as soon This person needs to have a good
as it is brought to their attention until it has been knowledge of your ICT infrastructure as
contained and remediated. He/she will liaise the they will be responsible for the investi-
investigation of the indicators, the with management, gation of the indicators, confirmation of
and possibly with other internal staff and with ex- the incident and developing the techni-
ternal resources to handle the incident. This person cal solutions to manage the incident.
has to have knowledge about your organisation’s
business activities because they will be the first to
take business decisions.
Larger organisations. The bigger your organisation, the more differentiated the compo-
sition of your incident response team will have to be. For larger organisations, in addition
to the incident response team, a crisis management team composed of corporate man-
agement representatives might be set up to take over the responsibility for strategic and
business-related decisions and communications when confronted with serious incidents.
This will enable the incident response manager to focus more on the technical issues of
the incident.
The Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive requires operators of essential
services (OES) and digital service providers (DSP) to appoint a contact point for the
security of network and information systems in order to allow seamless communication
with the competent authorities in the case of incidents.
• Professional incident responders with their knowledge of possible threats and scenar-
ios might reduce the time for diagnosing the incident.
• They take a forensically sound approach so that any evidence will be secured and
documented according to a legally valid chain of custody. This evidence can then be
presented later in court if necessary.
• They have experience of doing things in the right order and have the tools for recov-
ering traces from RAM memory, virtual machines, hard disks and networks.
• These experts will help you to identify the causes of the incident and will offer advice
on how to contain, eradicate and remediate the incident.
You can either contract and retain a cyber security incident response partner during the
preparation phase, or wait until an actual cyber security incident occurs. Bear in mind
that establishing such a contract takes time and effort. So if you are sure you will need
external help, it might be better not to wait. This way you will win precious time at
the beginning of the cyber security incident. Several specialised consulting firms for
incident response services and law offices offer subscriptions that keep their incident
response capabilities on retainer for the subscriber. Furthermore, most of these include
training sessions with your incident response team to facilitate cooperation between
them when an incident occurs.
These parties can often help with information on the threat and with practical guide-
lines based on previous incidents they have handled. Do bear in mind, though, that
the objective of law enforcement is to identify and catch the attacker. It is not their task
to get your business up and running again. It is also possible that the most effective
way to catch the attacker is not necessarily the same as the fastest way to get back to
business as usual.
The police might ask your organisation not to shut down your system right
away. If you do, the attacker will notice and retreat, which often makes it
impossible to trace them afterwards. However, for your organisation the
fastest way to get back to business might be to shut down immediately
and start with a clean slate.
Contact information that is recorded should include landline and mobile phone num-
bers, business e-mail addresses (including public encryption keys for confidentiality &
integrity of communications) and physical addresses for traditional mail and packages.
Make sure you also have alternative contact options (secondary e-mail addresses, fax
numbers), because it is possible that the incident response team will not be able to use
the internal network during the incident.
Other (partner) cyber security Communication with other incident response teams can
response team provide technical assistance, thereby offering faster resolu-
tion (e.g. they might have seen/handled this type of incident
before). This type of communication would typically include
technical details on the evidence identified.
Internet service provider Communication with your Internet service provider can
provide technical assistance, thereby offering faster resolu-
tion (e.g. they might have seen/handled this type of incident
before). This type of communication would typically include
technical details on the evidence identified.
Industry regulators What kind of incident? What is the status of the incident?
In some cases there is a legal obligation to contact certain
authorities or the industry regulator (see also: page 27, Re-
porting to authorities).
Organisations should bear in mind that once a party has been informed, they will re-
quest periodical updates related to the incident in question. There is typically no ‘one-
off’ communication and the communication schedule should take these periodical up-
dates into account.
• business exposure: high technology with exclusive production process and in-depth
Research & Development
• type of distribution network: e-commerce
• amount and type of data (critical or not), the existence of a legal framework.
Compensation is paid out above an excess negotiated with the policyholder. The
amounts insured per claim and/or per insurance year are always determined according
to the needs of the company and the capabilities of the insurance company.
To start with, it is a good idea to define ‘cyber security incident’ and related terms within your
organisation. This will make the communication on the incident a lot more efficient. You can find
inspiration for these definitions in the preliminary chapter of this Guide under Basic Principles and
Key Definitions. You should, for example, decide when a cyber security event becomes a cyber
security incident for your organisation. In other words, what kinds of cyber security events are likely
to have an adverse impact on your organisation’s activities?
A company receives an e-mail with an invoice in attachment that TYPES OF
looks like one from their suppliers. The company’s accountant clicks
on the attachment and a few seconds later a message appears on his INAPPROPRIATE
screen: “All your information has been encrypted! If you want the key USAGE & FRAUD
to unlock the encryption, you need to pay me 1,000 Bitcoins”. The
company doesn’t want to pay the cybercriminal. After all, there is no
guarantee that they will actually return the lost data once they have
received the ransom. To recover its data, the company decides to
restore from a backup. When the company wants do this, the employ- DENIAL OF
ees notice that, since the backup was linked to the system, it has also MALICIOUS CODE SERVICE
been encrypted... ATTACK
To organise incident reporting by personnel (and other partners), make available the
• A phone number for reporting emergencies
• An e-mail address for informal incident reporting
• A web-based form for formal incident reporting
This data can be used to create rules and trends, which help in detecting unexpected
or invalid traffic (e.g. traffic to uncommon websites, login attempts by non-existent
users, etc.).
In this chapter you will find out what you should do to regain control once you have
detected a cyber security incident. Important decisions will have to be taken about
how to contain the incident, how to eradicate it and how to recover from it. Validation
of these decisions by your organisation’s top management is absolutely vital. Incidents
can belong to more than one category.
A forensic investigation might be required to collect all artefacts and to examine the
magnitude and depth of the attack. Tools to create and analyse full disk images, and
take (remote) memory dumps of a suspicious machine and write-blockers are useful for
performing this analysis.
To detect the magnitude of the incident, the artefacts or the indicators collected as part of
the initial investigation can subsequently be used to search for further intrusions on a large
scale over all managed devices. Having a central management point that is able to query
them can speed up this process. You should also verify if any data have been lost/stolen.
Amount of personal data and This element looks at the amount of information affected by
number of affected individuals the breach and the total number of individuals whose data
has been affected. The more data and individuals affected,
the higher the risks.
Ease of identifying the This element focuses on how easy it will be for a party with
individuals access to the leaked data to identify an individual (possibly
after comparison with additional information available). The
risk depends on whether individuals can be identified directly
without any other personal data, or whether additional infor-
mation from other categories of data is needed to identify the
Seriousness of the consequences The potential harm done to the individuals, and the serious-
ness of the harm must be determined. Data breaches can be
extremely damaging, causing physical harm, psychological
stress, humiliation or reputational damage in cases such
as identity fraud. If the leak concerns the personal data of
vulnerable individuals (e.g. patients, children), a higher risk of
damage can be attributed.
xisting mitigating measures Mitigating measures already in place during the data breach
should be taken into account in the overall risk assessment; by
asking whether, and how, these measures protect the affected
Date and time of the data breach The exact date and time the organisation became aware
of the personal data breach. This information is important
to meet the 72-hour deadline for notification from the data
protection authority, and any data subjects.
Timeline and description of the Descriptions of events related to the personal data breach:
data breach when the breach was reported, when the breach (probably)
occurred, an overview of the affected systems, and other
External parties involved Contains information about the nature and role of the
organisation (controller, processor, joint controller) and the
external parties that may be affected and therefore need to
be informed.
Risk assessment – motivation and Detailed risk analysis and overall risk assessment, based on
conclusion the elements for determining the level of risk (see section
Existing controls and remedial A list of the existing technical and organisational measures,
actions and the measures that will be taken to mitigate existing risks
for the affected individuals.
At the beginning of this phase, your organisation will have to make an important stra-
tegic decision: Disconnect the systems immediately in order to recover as quickly as
possible? Or take the time to collect evidence against the cybercriminal who penetrat-
ed the system?
In some cases returning (directly) to business as usual will not be possible at all. When
this happens, the objective of containment should be to make the best efforts to return
to functionality as usual, i.e. to get the system usable by preserving access for legiti-
mate users, while locking out the attacker.
During an incident, there will be huge pressure to act quickly. But to avoid unnecessary
mistakes, it is very important to take a step back and think before you act!
Your backup may be infected: ATPs can infect your network for a long period without you noticing.
That makes the risk of a backup infection likely. Installing an infected backup could recreate the
Don’t start the clean-up before you have a full picture of the incident! This means that
should start by determining its root cause. This is not an easy task. Furthermore, you
should make sure you have at least looked at all machines with the same vulnerability,
as they may also be infected. Whenever the decision is taken to start eradicating the
incident, it is important to be fast, synchronised and thorough, in order to give your
adversary as little chance as possible (ideally none) to respond.
The eradication can take many forms. It often includes actions such as:
• Running a virus or spyware scanner to remove the offending files and services
• Updating signatures
• Deleting malware
• Disabling breached user accounts
• Changing passwords of breached user accounts
• Identifying and mitigating all vulnerabilities that were exploited
• Identifying security gaps and fixing them
• Informing employees about the threat and giving them instructions on what to avoid
in the future
• Informing external stakeholders such as the media and your customers (see also:
page 26, Communication During a Cyber Security Incident)
It is also important to inform top management about the eradication and clean-up
results and the network situation.
Individual files can be detected, put in quarantine or removed from systems by the anti-virus solu-
tion. This solution must be able to accept specific virus definitions that are supplied by you.
Phishing-e-mails can be held back on the mail gateway by blocking on the basis of sender, the mail
relay or parts of the content.
IP and domain-based indicators can be blocked based on network traffic, by adding them to access
lists, firewall policies or proxy policies. Therefore, it is important to have the necessary capability to
implement these changes ad hoc.
When we talk about recovery, we are referring to restoring the system(s) in order to
return to normal operations and (if applicable) remediating vulnerabilities to prevent
similar incidents. There are multiple ways to restore following a cyber security incident.
All of them have a different impact on recovery time, cost limitations or data loss:
Restore from a backup Medium Cost-effective This is only possible if you have a known good
backup. In some cases, it is hard to determine the
timestamp of the initial incident, or the incident
might have been going on for a long time, with no
backup from the period before the incident.
Rebuild the system(s) or Slow, not time- Very costly Chances of data loss This is, however, the only way to be 100% sure of
environment from zero efficient getting rid of the perpetrator.
The type of recovery will not only depend on the time and financial means you have
Statistics show that, at your disposal. It will also depend on the damage the incident has caused to your
very often, incidents infrastructure. For example, you might not have an uninfected backup, because even
your oldest backup was made after the attacker entered your system. Therefore, it is
are only revealed after important to check your backup for viruses, rootkits and backdoors before you restore
from it. If no known good backup can be found, then the system must be reinstalled
several months. How from scratch (including the operating system!). After restoring the system, you need to
far back does your remediate the vulnerabilities that allowed the perpetrator to access your system.
This will include actions such as: installing patches, both at the operating system and
organisation’s backup application level, changing passwords, changing accounts, tightening network perime-
ter security, e.g. changing firewall, boundary router access control lists, etc. and locking
go? down services.
You should also take into account that once a resource has been successfully attacked,
chances are that it will be attacked again, or other resources within your organisation
might be attacked in a similar manner. Therefore, you should consider improving your
defences, for example by applying a higher level of system logging or network moni-
Finally, before the system is put back online, it should be validated for both security
and business functions. In terms of security, your system can be validated by scanning it
with a tool that checks for remaining vulnerabilities. To validate the business functions,
the person responsible needs to check that all functions necessary for the business are
working properly.
Don’t forget: if you don’t have the necessary expertise within your organisation, call
upon external experts. And don’t forget to check if your cyber insurance covers this
When an actual cyber security incident occurs, the cyber security incident response team
should immediately draw up a concrete communication plan for the specific incident. Make
this communication plan based on the general preparations you already made during the
preparation phase (see also page 16: Prepare Your Communication Strategy). You will basically
need to answer the questions below and remember that we recommend coordinating all ex-
ternal communications both with the Legal and Public Relations representatives. Think before
you communicate!
With whom will WHO
What info will When will your
your organisation Who will
your organisation organisation
communicate? communicate?
communicate? communicate?
If you are well prepared, your cyber security incident response team will already have a num-
ber of tools at its disposal. During the preparation phase (see also: page 15, Prepare Your
Communication Strategy), your organisation has drawn up a list of all potential stakeholders to
contact (internal, external and official stakeholders) and their contact details (a specific person
and his/her backup).
When you determine what you will communicate and with whom, a good basic rule of thumb
is to communicate on a need-to-know basis only. There will be stakeholders you want to com-
municate with in order to contain the cyber security incident, and there will be stakeholders
you will have to communicate with, either because they pressure you for information (e.g. the
media) or because you are legally bound to notify them (e.g. National Data Protection Author-
ity, industry regulators, individuals whose data has been compromised).
If personal data are lost or stolen (data breach) it is advisable to notify the National Data
Protection Authority. In some cases you will be legally obliged to do so. For example:
• Providers of a publicly available electronic communication service (telecom providers)
are under a legal obligation to report personal data breaches to the National Data
Protection Authority and to the individuals whose data were compromised.
• Under GDPR there is a legal obligation to report any personal data breach that is
likely to incur a risk for the individuals whose data was compromised, to both the Na-
tional Data Protection Authority (within 72 hours) and the individuals whose personal
data was compromised.
• Availability refers to the ability of users to access the services of the OES/DSP. A
DDoS attack, for example, can paralyse an OES network and jeopardise the availa-
bility of the service.
• An example of a confidentiality incident is, for example, a ‘man in the middle attack’,
in which data between the users and the OES/DSP is intercepted. Such an incident
can also give rise to an obligation to report to the Data Protection Authority (see p.
• An integrity incident occurs when data from an OES/DSP is destroyed during a sys-
tem crash.
• An incident regarding authenticity occurs, for example, when a provider of domain
names can no longer guarantee the authenticity of the domain names with certainty.
It is possible that impact levels and/or threshold values per sector or subsector are
determined by Royal Decree, but this has not yet been the case.
Be aware that severe administrative and criminal penalties can be imposed for viola-
tions of the reporting obligation.
Once you’ve established whom you will communicate with and what you will tell them,
you need to decide when you will contact them. The timing should be based on the
communication’s objectives (see also: illustration on page 18).
Timing is important:
• Some stakeholders will need information as soon as possible because they can help
contain the cyber security incident (e.g. your organisation’s top management, em-
• Other stakeholders (e.g. National Data Protection Authority) have to be contacted
within a certain legally imposed timeframe; and, finally,
• Others (e.g. media) may contact you and in such a case you should have your answers
Bear in mind that in order not to alert the perpetrator that you are onto him/her, it may
be necessary to instigate a no-communication phase from the moment the incident is
detected until the moment when you have a full picture of the incident and an action
plan. If the perpetrator is alerted, they will probably retreat and erase all their tracks,
or even worse, do some final damage such as stealing the last of your organisation’s
crown jewels or installing backdoors. In order to avoid a leak during this no-communi-
cation phase you can keep a list of people that are aware of the cyber security incident.
This will make it easier to discover who is responsible when it appears that information
has been leaked. Legal action can be taken against anyone who leaks information.
An NIS incident must be reported without delay. There is no need to wait until all rel-
evant information is available. When it is clear that the incident must be reported, and
therefore when at least one criteria is met, this must be done as soon as possible.
Reporting to authorities is a very specific part of communication. It is important for
various reasons:
• As already mentioned above, in some cases there is a legal requirement to report
data leakage or other security incidents.
• Certain authorities can help you. The cyber security incident you are faced with may
not be an isolated incident. Authorities may have information that can help you con-
tain your incident more quickly.
• If you want to file a complaint against the criminal behind the cyber security incident,
you need to contact the law enforcement authorities. In principle this will be the
• Furthermore, reporting to the authorities is a necessary step, allowing them to inven-
torise and measure cybercrime in the country. Increased knowledge and understand-
ing of the phenomenon and its prevalence will help to improve the overall security
landscape, e.g. through the shaping of preventive measures and counter-measures.
Healthcare Federal Minister responsible for Public Health (FPS Public Health)
Drinking water National Committee for the Security of Supply and Distribution of
drinking water
The report includes all available information that enables the relevant persons to deter-
mine the nature, causes, effects and consequences of the incident:
• the name and contact details of the provider and the service provided;
• the date and time when the incident occurred;
• the duration of the incident;
• the extent of the geographical area affected by the incident and its cross-border
nature, if any;
• the number of affected users;
• information about the nature of the incident;
• the extent of the consequences of the incident, in particular for social and economic
• the importance of the systems or of the information involved;
• the consequences of the incident for international organisations based in Belgium;
• actions taken;
• description of the present situation.
The initial notification, which should be done as soon as possible, is one phase in the
notification procedure. In total, the procedure can include three stages:
• The initial report must be made without delay, even if the OES or DSP does not yet
have all the relevant information. The purpose of this initial report is highlight the
incident and its possible consequences to the CCB, the sectoral government or its
sectoral CSIRT, and the NCCN.
• Additional notifications should be sent regularly or as soon as the OES or DSP has
new information. The purpose of these additional reports is to keep the CCB, the
sectoral government or its sectoral CSIRT, and the NCCN informed of the status of
the incident. The OES or DSP then makes a new report on the platform, stating only
the new data and the reference number of the initial report.
• A possible final report (at the request of one of the aforementioned authorities) con-
taining all information sent to the CCB, the government sector or its sectoral CSIRT,
and the NCCN. The purpose of this final report is to provide an overview of the inci-
dent and to draw conclusions from it.
The OES or DSP must keep the CCB and the government sector, or where appropri-
ate the sectoral CSIRT, informed about the evolution of the incident and the remedial
actions taken.
Judicial authorities need to possess the available information regarding the incident
in order to make a qualification of the offence and to proceed with the identification
of the suspect. The information that should be communicated to the police in case of
Internet fraud (a ‘traditional’ crime committed by electronic means) may not be entirely
the same as the information the police needs in the case of ICT crime (hacking, sabo-
tage, espionage). In the course of the investigation, additional information will be re-
quested, collected and searched for by the investigators. It is of the utmost importance
that your services provide the assistance and input requested by law enforcement, to
help advance the investigation.
The notification obligation concerns breaches that pose a risk to the rights and free-
doms of the data subjects. An example of this is the loss of confidentiality of a com-
munication, as a result of which invoice data, addresses, etc. are temporarily visible to
A notification can be sent to the National third parties. In principle, the notification period is 72 hours after the data breach has
Data Protection Authority via a secure
been identified.
e-form application. All this information is
explained in detail in the manual for the
notification form. When your organisation notifies the National Data Protection Authority, the latter will
be able to estimate the impact of the data breach in cooperation with the person in
charge of processing the data breached and can make recommendations regarding
NL FR the rules on data processing and the need to secure this. In addition, the person(s)
responsible for data processing will have to reconsider the manner in which the data
processing is organised and secured, now and in the future. Organisations from specific
sectors, such as providers of financial services or electronic communications networks,
should bear in mind that they are already subject to an obligation to report to the
National Data Protection Authority any incident involving a breach of personal data.
The notification to the individuals involved needs to be clear and easy to understand.
The National Data Protection Authority recommends providing as a minimum the fol-
lowing information:
• Name of person responsible for data processing;
• Contact information for further information;
DATA BREACH • Short description of the incident during which the data breach occurred;
Rex Mundi has obtained your company’s data. • (Probable) date of the incident;
It contains sensitive information about • Type and nature of personal data involved;
your clients, so their privacy is at stake. He • Possible consequences of the breach for the individuals involved;
threatens to publish everything on the internet • Circumstances in which the data breach occurred;
on his Twitter account.
• Measures taken by the data processor to prevent the data breach;
• Measures that the person responsible recommends the individuals involved take to
limit possible damages.
All cyber security incidents, like any other incident, need to be properly closed. Furthermore,
it is very important that lessons are learned from each incident in order to evaluate future im-
All cyber security incidents should be formally reviewed after the incident resolution to verify if security mech-
anisms or mitigating controls need to be put in place or adapted to prevent similar incidents in the future.
Cyber security incidents can show up serious shortcomings in your security strategy or practice. Every major
incident needs to be analysed to evaluate whether lessons for future improvement can be learned.
All cyber security incidents and their resolution must be documented.
All cyber security incidents and their resolution must be reported to top management and, if this
function exists within your organisation, to the Information Security Officer.
Des incidents similaires pourraient se produire et nécessiter d’utiliser les mêmes procédures, ou un
incident de moindre importance pourrait faire partie d’un incident de grande ampleur découvert
La haute direction et/ou les personnes de votre organisation chargées d’analyser les risques dans
votre organisation (par exemple, un comité du risque opérationnel ou équivalent) doivent être
informées de tout incident de cybersécurité.
APT APT is short for Advanced Persistent Threat. It is a set of stealthy and continuous com-
puter hacking processes. In case of an APT, the perpetrator uses multiple phases to break
into a network, in order to avoid detection, and harvest valuable information over the long
Asset Any Resource or Capability. Assets of a Service Provider include anything that could con-
tribute to the delivery of a Service. Assets can be one of the following types: Management,
Organisation, Process, Knowledge, People, Information, Applications, Infrastructure, and
Financial Capital.
Backdoor In software or a computer system this is a method of bypassing security mechanisms.
It can be used by system administrators or programmers in a legitimate way. But in this
Guide we refer to the illegitimate version, namely a secret portal that hackers and intelli-
gence agencies use to gain illicit access to computer systems, while staying undetected.
Back-up Backup procedures are used to copy files to a second medium such as a disk, tape or the
cloud. Backup files should be kept at an offsite location. Backups are usually automated
using operating system commands or backup utility programs. Most backup programs
compress the data so that the backups require fewer media.
Botnet A collection of computers (often tens of thousands) that are operated by one or more per-
sons (called botmasters) using malware. Botnets can be used to send out spam, to start a
DDoS attack, to spread malware, etc.
Command and
control server A centralised server that can send commands and receive information from the com-
puters that are part of a botnet. The command and control server allows a botmaster to
control the group of computers in the botnet remotely.
DDoS DDoS is short for Distributed Denial of Service. In case of a DDoS, a botmaster commands
the computers of the botnet to access a determined website. The server of this website
will end up overloaded and will stop functioning correctly.
DMZ DMZ is short for demilitarised zone, and refers to the physical or logical subnetwork (zone)
that separates an internal local area network from other untrusted networks, such as the
Internet. The purpose of a DMZ is to add an additional layer of security. The name is de-
rived from the military term ’demilitarised zone’, which is an area between nation states
where military operation is not permitted.
Host A computer that stores a website or other data that can be accessed over the Internet or
that provides other services to a network.
IDS IDS is short for Intrusion Detection System, which is an automated system that aims to
detect hacking or unauthorised access to a computer system or network.
IPS IPS is short for Internet Protocol address. It is a numerical label assigned to each device
participating in a computer network. IP addresses are used both to identify and locate the
Network A telecommunications network that allows computers or other devices to exchange data.
The best-known computer network is the Internet.
Patch Patch is a small piece of software, often developed by the producers of specific software
in order to update, fix (bugs or vulnerabilities) or improve this software. It allows you to
change the software without reinstalling it from scratch.
PGP PGP is short for Pretty Good Privacy, which is a data encryption and decryption computer
program that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication for data communication.
PGP can be used for signing, encrypting, and decrypting texts, e-mails, files, directories,
and whole disk partitions and for increasing the security of e-mail communications.
RAM RAM is short for Random Access Memory. RAM is the most common type of data storage
found in computers and other devices, such as printers. In a RAM device all data items can
be accessed in (almost) the same amount of time, irrespective of the physical location of
data inside the memory.
Rootkit A collection of computer software, often malicious, designed with a double objective: (1)
to enable access to a computer or areas of its software that would not otherwise be al-
lowed, while at the same time (2) masking its existence or the existence of other software.
Rootkit detection is difficult because a rootkit may be able to subvert the software that is
intended to find it. Removal can be complicated or practically impossible.
SNORT Snort is a free and open source network intrusion prevention system and network intru-
sion detection system.
Spoofing A spoofing attack is a situation in which a person or program successfully poses as anoth-
er by falsifying data and thereby gaining an illegitimate advantage. For example, e-mail
spoofing is the creation of e-mail messages with a forged sender address.
VPN VPN is short for Virtual Private Network. This is a group of computers networked together
over a public network such as the Internet. Businesses use VPNs to connect remote data
centres or to allow employees to securely access the corporate intranet while travelling
outside the office.
CERT-EU (2012), Guidelines of the CERT-EU for data acquisition for investigation purposes
Retrieved from DataAcquisi-
FEB, ICC, B-C Centre, Isaca, EY, Microsoft (2013), Belgian Cyber Security Guide
Retrieved from
ISO/IEC 20000-1 (2011), Information technology - Service management - Part 1: Service management
system requirements
Retrieved from
ISO/IEC 27001 (2013), Information technology - Security techniques - Information security management
systems - Requirements
Retrieved from ber=54534
NIST (2012), Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cyber Security – Version 1.0
Retrieved from pdf
NIST (2012), Computer Security Incident Handling Guide – Recommendations of the National Institute of
Standards and Technology
Retrieved from
SANS Institute (2007), An Incident Handling Process for Small and Medium Businesses
Retrieved from dling-pro-
SANS Institute (2008), Incident Handling for SMEs (Small to Medium Enterprises)
Retrieved from
Cathy Suykens (Cyber Security Coalition)
Anneleen Dammekens (FEB)
Daniel Letecheur (FEDICT)
Georges Ataya (Solvay Brussels School)
Luc Beirens (Deloitte)
Ferdinand Casier (Agoria)
Phédra Clouner (CCB)
Walter Coenraets (FCCU)
Miguel De Bruycker (CCB)
Dirk De Nijs (ModuleBuilder)
Pedro Deryckere (FCCU)
Nathalie Dewancker (Proximus)
Steven Goossens (Proximus)
Ann Mennens (European Commission)
Philippe Mermuys (Allianz)
Benoit Montens (Assuralia)
Ronny Tronquo (KBC)
Erik Van Buggenhout (Nviso)
Geoffrey Schreiber (KPMG Advisor)
Kara Segers (KPMG Advisor)
Mathieu Tulpinck (Legal consultant)
Jan De Blauwe
Stuiversstraat 8
1000 Brussels
Unauthorised access When a person gains logical Customer information Credit Password cracked or sniffed Patch vulnerabilities or block
or physical access without card information Applica- Unpatched system vulner- exploitation Check for mal-
permission tions creating or processing abilities Social engineering ware (rootkits, backdoors,
to a network, system, payments Websites and Careless users or weak Trojans, …)
application, data, or other IT services procedures Change passwords or
resource. inactivate accounts Forensic
evidence gathering
Block (network) access to the
targeted resources
Denial of service Any attack that prevents Mail system Network appli- Spam filter weaknesses Block traffic Contact ISP Dis-
or impairs the authorised ances Application servers Unpatched system vulner- connect infected system(s)
use of networks, systems or Websites and services abilities
applications by Weak configuration of sys-
exhausting resources. tems or appliances
Malicious code attack A malicious code attack is Any server or even appliance Unpatched system vulnera- Block malicious web traffic
any (large- scale) infection or in the network could be the bilities (e.g. Flash or JavaS- Apply patches Update
Ransomware: is a type threat of infection by a virus, target of a malicious code cript) Anti-virus not installed, anti-virus signature files
of malware that restricts worm, Trojan horse, or other attack, but some systems not active or signature file Run virus clean-up tool if
access to the computer code-based malicious entity. have a higher risk profile not up to date available Run vulnerability
system that it infects, and (e.g. systems directly or Inappropriate or impru- assessment tool to list
demands a ransom paid indirectly connected to the dent user behaviour (e.g. vulnerable resources Com-
to the creator(s) outside world) using infected USB memory pletely reinstall infected
of the malware in order Any end user workstations device) system
for the restriction to be could be targeted via e-mail, Shut down vulnerable
removed. Some forms of USB storage devices, visits services
ransomware encrypt files to websites and web appli- Shut down or disconnect
on the system’s hard drive cations, etc. infected system(s)
while some may simply
lock the system and dis-
play messages intended
to coax the user into
Data loss or theft This is an incident that Personal information about Improper handling of porta- Assess the level of protec-
involves the loss or theft of employees or customers ble storage tion of the data, if any
confidential information. (protected by privacy laws devices (USB memory stick, (encryption, password
Information can be confi- or concerns) Credit card CD, back-up tape, etc.) protection, specific device
dential because of the value information Customer com- Improper handling of mobile required to read the data)
it has for the company, or mercial information equipment (laptop, PC, Inform and get advice from
because it is protected by Confidential balance sheet smartphone, etc.) Compliance and/or the legal
internal or external regula- information Confidential Improper handling of confi- department or from your
tions. Data loss incidents can information about company dential printed information external legal adviser
have a big financial impact, strategy, on-going projects Breach of clean desk policy Inform Communications de-
due to possible financial and decisions, etc. partment and management,
liability or damage done to define a communication
the company image, should strategy
the information itself or the Inform the owner of the lost
fact that is has been lost or stolen data
become public or known to
the wrong people.
Brand abuse This is an incident where Registration of DNS names Not applicable Inform police (in case of
someone is abusing your containing the brand theft)
brand and registered trade- Spoofing of website designs Request a takedown of the
marks. Spoofing of e-mail address- website Inform customers
es and e-mail templates about its existence