Acute Care For Burn Patients Fluids, Surgery, and What Else
Acute Care For Burn Patients Fluids, Surgery, and What Else
Acute Care For Burn Patients Fluids, Surgery, and What Else
OPINION Acute care for burn patients: fluids, surgery, and
what else?
Tina L. Palmieri
Purpose of review
Recently published initiatives spanning the burn care spectrum have substantially changed the standard of
care in burn care. The purpose of this article is to describe new impactful concepts in burn first aid, triage,
resuscitation, and treatment as well as their impact on future research.
Recent findings
First aid after burn injury traditionally consists of extinguishing the burn and applying dressings. Recent
evidence suggests that applying 20 min of cool tap water to the burn wound in the first 3 h postburn
mitigates burn injury extent. National burn center transfer criteria have been updated, impacting patient
initial transfer and management. The adverse effects of hydroxocobalamin, a commonly used antidote for
cyanide toxicity, have been delineated. Initial burn resuscitation recommendations for both volume and
potentially fluid type are being reexamined. The emergence of innovative skin substitutes may improve burn
survival by providing a physiologically stabilizing intermediate dressing. Finally, formal clinical practice
guidelines for early mobility in the ICU after burn injury have been defined.
These changes in burn care, triage, resuscitation, and treatment have challenged traditional burn care
standards, created new standards, and are the basis for future prospective randomized trials.
burn resuscitation, early mobilization, first aid, hydroxocobalamin
conversion to full tissue loss [3]. The concept of cool BURN RESUSCITATION: TREATMENT OF
running water (CRW) as burn first aid, introduced CYANIDE TOXICITY
by Galen 2000 years ago, was revived recently in Inhalation injury, burn size, and patient age are the
Australia [4 ]. Initial studies focused on identifica- key determinants of survival in burn injury [17].
tion of the optimal temperature and time for cool Inhalation injury has several different forms: type
water treatment of burn injury in animal models 1 – inhalation of toxic gases, type 2 – upper airway
[5,6]. Subsequent human studies have supported obstruction, and type 3 – lower airway injury due to
the efficacy of 20 min of cool running tap water smoke particulates. Improvement in inhalation
(20 CRW) in mitigating burn injury in humans injury outcomes for types 2 (early intubation) and
[7 ,8–10]. Parameters improved by 20 CRW within 3 (lung protective ventilation strategy) have reduced
3 h of injury include decreased likelihood of hospital mortality. Type 1 inhalation injury survival has
admission [7 ], reduction in hospital length of stay improved with the recognition and treatment of
[8], burn depth [9], time to re-epithelialization carbon monoxide toxicity. In recent years the treat-
[7 ,10–12] decreased requirement for skin grafting, ment of cyanide toxicity with hydroxocobalamin
and reduced ICU length of stay [10]. 20 CRW has has been introduced into the EMS system. Cyanide
been reported to be safe in major burn injuries [13]. is generated when plastics burn. Unfortunately,
These data have prompted Australia, New Zealand, obtaining the results of laboratory serum cyanide
and the British Burn Association to recommend 20 testing takes 3–5 days, precluding pretreatment
CRW as initial first aid for burn injury. The use of 20 testing verification. Hence, clinical presentation,
CRW has implications for ER providers as well as the usually in the form of persistent acidosis despite
ICU, as it is efficacious for 3 h postinjury, and adequate resuscitation, dictates treatment. Hydrox-
providers may need to use this therapy and be ocobalamin, a precursor of vitamin B12, has
prepared to receive patients post irrigation. recently been introduced as a therapeutic agent
to treat cyanide toxicity. The cobalt ion in hydrox-
ocobalamin combines with the cyanide to form
BURN TRANSFER CRITERIA cyanocobalamin, a nontoxic molecule, which is
The criteria for burn center transfer have remained excreted [18]. Despite the paucity of randomized
constant for approximately 20 years [14]. Because trials supporting its use, the administration of
outpatient burn management has become more hydroxocobalamin for burn patients with acidosis
prevalent, medical knowledge and capabilities pro- has increased nationwide. Hydroxocobalamin,
gressed, and challenges in burn center bed capacity however, has several adverse effects which have
developed, particularly during COVID, the criteria implications for critical care management [19 ].
1070-5295 Copyright © 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 697
Table 1. American burn association guideline for consultation and transfer for patients with burn injuries
Immediate consultation with consideration for
transfer Consultation recommended
Thermal burn Full thickness burns Partial thickness burns <10% Partial thickness 10% TBSA
TBSA All potentially deep burns of any size
Partial thickness 10% TBSA All potentially deep
burns of any size
Any deep partial or full thickness burns
involving the face, hands, genitalia, feet, perineum, or
over any joints
Patients with burns and other comorbidities
Patients with concomitant traumatic injuries
Circumferential injuries
Poorly controlled pain
Inhalation injury All patients with suspected inhalation injury Patients with signs of potential inhalation
such as facial burns, singed facial hairs,
or smoke exposure
Pediatrics (14 years of <30 kg) All pediatric burns may be net from burn center referral
due to pain, dressing change needs, rehabilitation,
patient/caregiver needs, or nonaccidental trauma
Chemical injuries All chemical injuries
Electrical injuries All high voltage (1000 V) electrical injuries Low voltage electrical injuries (<1000 V):
Low voltage electrical injuries (<1000 V) consultation and consideration to follow-
Lightning injury up in a burn center to screen for delayed
symptom onset and vision problems
First, hydroxocobalamin causes a purplish/redden- “leaky capillaries” generated by the burn injury.
ing of the skin and purple/red urine, making burn Perhaps the most utilized burn resuscitation for-
depth determination difficult. The red/purple urine mula is the Parkland formula, which consists of
may be mistaken for rhabdomyolysis. More impor- administration of 4 ml/kg/% burn, half adminis-
tantly, hydroxocobalamin may cause hypertension, tered in the first 8 h postinjury [22]. This formula
rash, methemoglobinemia (children), or anaphy- has saved countless burn-injured patients. However,
laxis [20]. The colorimetric changes in serum also it also has led to “fluid creep”, in which excessive
interfere with the function of hemodialysis fluid is administered [23]. The resulting complica-
machines, as the pigment causes diffraction of light tions, such as abdominal compartment syndrome,
in the effluent path of the blood leak detector, pleural effusions, pericardial effusions, blindness,
which precludes further dialysis [21]. A recent study (elevated intraocular pressure), have led to a reeval-
by Dang also highlighted the impact of hydroxoco- uation of the formula. A recent burn resuscitation
balamin on laboratory chemistry, coagulation, and state of the science meeting concluded that meas-
liver function testing which could adversely impact ures need to be taken, such advanced monitoring
the patient [19 ]. These alterations are present for and early colloid administration, to reduce fluid
72 h after administration of hydroxocobalamin. creep [24 ]. The American Burn Association applied
Hence, intensivists need to be prepared to change these recommendations to the most recent
treatment strategies, and the clinical laboratory Advanced Burn Life Support Course in the form of
should be consulted after hydroxocobalamin has revised burn resuscitation formulas [16 ]. All for-
been administered. Hemodialysis can only be per- mulas still rely on weight and burn size. However,
formed using the machines that do not have a the new recommendations vary based on patient
colorimetric leak detector. Hence, while there is age and mechanism of injury. (Table 2) Adults
now a simple treatment for presumed cyanide tox- should start with lactated ringers solution at 2 ml/
icity, awareness of its unintended effects is essential. kg/% burn, children 3 ml/kg/% burn, and electrical
injury 4 ml/kg/% burn with all categories then being
divided by 16 to obtain the starting rate. The new
BURN RESUSCITATION: FLUID recommendations emphasize that the calculated
ADMINISTRATION rates are only STARTING rates. Intravenous fluid
One of the hallmarks of burn resuscitation is intra- resuscitation should be titrated hourly based on
venous fluid administration to compensate for the patient response (primarily in the form of urine
Flame or scald Adults and teenagers 13 years old) 2 ml LR kg % TBSA ¼ ml/24 h 16 ¼ m/h starting rate
Children (12 years old) 3 ml LR kg % TBSA ¼ ml/24 h 16 ¼ m/h starting rate
Plus D5LR at maintenance rate
Electrical Injury All 4 ml LR kg % TBSA ¼ ml/24 h 16 ¼ m/h starting rate
Plus D5LR at maintenance rate
for children 12 years old
output, but other parameters should also be used facets of care, particularly during times of physio-
based on patient condition. Practically, this will logic stress. Excision of the burn wound and split
lower initial fluid volume administered, so intensiv- thickness skin grafting is the mainstay of burn treat-
ists need to be prepared to adjust fluids, particularly ment. However, skin grafts suffer from scarring, lack
if patients become hypotensive. of skin appendages (dry skin, inability to sweat),
The other major change in burn resuscitation in paresthesia or loss of sensation in grafted areas, loss
the 21st century is the gradual inclusion of colloid in or alterations in pigmentation, itching, and hyper-
burn resuscitation in the first 8 h after injury. The trophic scarring. Skin substitutes, which can poten-
administration of colloids is theorized to decrease tially decrease these issues, are currently being
the amount of resuscitation fluid administered, developed, and several new products are being used
decreasing burn edema. In the early years of burn [30 ]. In the past 18 months, two specific new prod-
management, capillary permeability was thought to ucts have been introduced and rapidly adopted by
limit albumin or other colloid utility, as it would the burn care team: Novosorb Biodegradable Tem-
simply leak into the subcutaneous tissue, abdomen, porizing Matrix (BTM) and RECELL [31 ].
or pleural space. However, the landmark ABRUPT
multicenter prospective trial confirmed that albu-
min administration is indeed being used in older Synthetic skin substitutes
burn patients with larger and deeper burns and BTM is a synthetic skin substitute composed of a
organ dysfunction [25 ]. This study is the nidus perforated polyurethane sealing membrane, which
of an ongoing randomized prospective trial of mimics the epidermis, bonded to polyurethane
albumin use in major burn injury. foam. BTM is placed and stapled to a fully excised
Albumin is not the only colloid that has recently burn wound and allowed to engraft for 10 days to
been introduced into burn resuscitation. Fresh frozen 3 weeks (Fig. 1). At engraftment maturation, BTM is
plasma (FFP) has been shown to decrease endotheli- vascularized and has a classic “salmon” color. Once
opathy in burn and trauma patients [26]. Several engrafted, the sealing membrane is removed, the
recent publications have suggested that FFP improves tissue abraded to punctate bleeding, and a thin
outcomes after burn injury [27,28,29 ]. FFP is not meshed split thickness skin graft placed. BTM is
without side effects, such as transfusion reaction, synthetic; hence, no risk for disease transmission.
infectious disease transmission, and transfusion The sealing membrane, when BTM is adherent,
related fluid overload. A prospective randomized decreases fluid loss, simplifies dressing changes,
multicenter trial is in progress to determine if FFP and stabilizes the wound bed. BTM is ideal for
will indeed improve burn outcomes. Unfortunately, patients with large burns, limited donor sites, and
the albumin and FFP trials are separate studies, frail patients. While waiting for BTM engraftment,
so further evaluation of these agents in a single patients can be optimized for surgery, including
study will be needed to fully define which should nutrition and physical and occupational therapy
be used in burn resuscitation. to increase strength and mobility. Although BTM
is resistant to infection, wound infection can occur,
and infection beneath the BTM can progress rapidly.
SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF THE BURN Fluid may collect beneath BTM as the polyurethane
WOUND generates an inflammatory response. The fluid can
Burn injury is singular in that survival of the skin is be expressed through the BTM fenestrations. If,
essential to recovery. The burn patient will succumb however, copious foul-smelling fluid collects in con-
if the skin is not restored. As such, burn injury is one junction with nonadherent BTM, the patient should
of the few disorders treated in the ICU, which be treated with IV antibiotics, topical antibiotics,
requires prioritization of the skin throughout all and BTM promptly removed. BTM has been used
1070-5295 Copyright © 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 699
FIGURE 1. Example of BTM engraftment. (a) Original burn wound. (b) BTM appearance at time of surgical excision and
initial placement. (c) Wound appearance after skin grafting 21 days post BTM placement. (d) Wound appearance 12 months
postgrafting. BTM, Novosorb Biodegradable Temporizing Matrix.
successfully in the elderly, massive burns (with cul- EARLY MOBILIZATION IN BURNS
tured epithelial autograft), face and hand burns, and Early ICU mobilization has been a tenet of burn care
burn reconstruction. A randomized prospective trial for >20 years, as loss of lean muscle mass after major
is currently underway to establish efficacy and safety burn injury is ubiquitous. The American Burn Asso-
of BTM in third degree burns and is the standard of ciation assembled a multidisciplinary expert paned
care in Australia and other countries. to examine the burn literature and formulate Clin-
ical Practice Guidelines (CPG) for early mobilization
and rehabilitation of critically ill burn patients using
Autologous skin cell suspension
PICO (Patient, Intervention, Comparator, Out-
The other major advance in burn wound manage- &&
come) methodology [33 ]. The prolonged bed rest
ment is RECELL, an autologous skin cell suspension and immobilization common in critically ill burn
created from a very small donor site contains fibro- patients due to sedation requirements, analgesic
blasts, melanocytes, and stem cells [32 ]. RECELL is medications, and monitors leads to deconditioning
currently approved for 2 uses in the United States: of the cardiovascular system, atrophy of skeletal
direct spraying of cells on partial thickness burns in muscles, and weakening of the respiratory muscles.
patients 18 years old or older and application (via This is a must-read paper for any intensivist who takes
spray) in combination with meshed autografting care of burn patients, as it is a comprehensive and
for acute full-thickness thermal burns in both systematic review of the literature on the impacts of
adults and children. RECELL must either be used early mobilization and rehabilitation in the ICU on:
in a wound with an underlying scaffold, such as a duration of mechanical ventilation and development
second degree burn wound, or in conjunction with of ICU acquired weakness; development of pressure
a skin graft, as RECELL does not work without some injuries, effects on skin grafts (i.e. does early mobility
form of scaffold. One of the major uses of RECELL endanger skin grafts). This paper highlights the
is in massive burns in conjunction with widely importance of early mobility while acknowledging
meshed skin to maximize wound coverage and the overall gaps in ICU rehabilitation research. The
wound healing. The other use in massive burns is methodology used is sound and is an example of
to spray the RECELL on donor sites to accelerate how guidelines should be developed. CPG in other
donor site healing. RECELL is often not used with important areas of burn care, including resuscitation
topical antimicrobials, as they may injure the cells. and blood transfusion are underway and should
Hence, the intensivist must remain alert to the provide guidance in these areas.
potential for wound infection and treat rapidly
should wounds become malodorous with drainage
or high fevers develop. The use of RECELL is rapidly CONCLUSION
expanding in the U.S., as it may accelerate wound Burn care continues to progress as new technologies
healing and thus decrease burn hospitalization are introduced. Some areas, such as first aid, have
duration. employed methodologies introduced in ancient
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This article describes the methodology and results of the development of the new
it resuscitation fluids or antidotes, is important, as burn referral guidelines. It is designed to simplify the process and allow for
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tation, which are less than the traditional Parkland formula. Adults should start with
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blood gases.
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