Bessel Functions For Engineers. by N. W. Mclachlan. Oxford, Clarendon Press
Bessel Functions For Engineers. by N. W. Mclachlan. Oxford, Clarendon Press
Bessel Functions For Engineers. by N. W. Mclachlan. Oxford, Clarendon Press
quadric surfaces) are discussed in §§14, 15, and 16. The last article, §17, con-
tains indications concerning the differential geometry in the large of convex
curves and surfaces. T h e monograph closes with a rather complete bibliogra-
phy. T h e reading of this remarkable monograph at places is not very easy, but
is extremely suggestive and the total result is well worth the effort.
Being primarily interested in the theory of convex bodies, the authors did
not enter into discussion of the theory of convex j"unctions as such. The ex-
position of this theory, which plays such an important role in the modern de-
velopment of analysis and theory of functions, would require an extended
monograph of its own. Let us hope t h a t such a monograph will appear soon in
the Ergebnisse series, and t h a t it will prove just as exciting as the monograph
by Bonnesen and Fenchel.
J. D. T A M A R K I N