LR Berg - Introductory Botany (2008) c11
LR Berg - Introductory Botany (2008) c11
LR Berg - Introductory Botany (2008) c11
and Regulation
of Growth
Discuss genetic and
rapes are one of the world's most important fruit crops. They are
environmental factors that
affect plant growth and eaten fresh as table grapes, squeezed for juices and wines, dried
development. to make raisins, and processed into jams, jellies, and canned fruit.
[2 Describe phototropism, The European grape (Vitis vinifera), which has been cultivated for
gravitropism, and thousands of years, probably originated in Europe between the Black and Caspian
thigmotropism. Seas, but humans have introduced it to temperate areas worldwide. More recently,
S List several ways in which grapes have spread into subtropical areas. Today, more than 5000 different grape
each of the following hor
varieties exist, all descended from the European grape (see photograph). These dif
mones affects plant growth
ferent varieties have black, purple, blue, red, pink, golden, pale green, or white fruits.
and development: auxin, gib-
berellin, cytokinin, ethylene, Although more than 90 percent of cultivated grapes are varieties of the Euro
abscisic acid. pean grape, other important species of the genus Vitis originated in North America.
3 Relate which hormone or The North American species have a more robust odor and taste, their skins separate
hormones is/are involved in from the fruit pulp easily, and their roots are resistant to low temperatures and in
each of the following biologi sect and fungal pests. Frequently, disease-susceptible European vines are grafted to
cal processes: leaf abscis
disease-resistant American rootstock to produce high-quality European grapes.
sion, seed germination,
The grape plant is a climbing, deciduous, woody vine with coiled tendrils that
apical dominance.
attach the plant to its supports. Grape flowers are small, green, fragrant, and borne
[5 Explain how varying amounts
of light and darkness induce in clusters. After self-pollination and fertilization, clusters of fruits develop that vary
flowering, and describe the in size, form, and color depending on the variety. Botanically, the fruits are berries
role of phytochrome. and usually contain seeds within a soft, juicy pulp. Thompson seedless grapes, first
[6 Explain how temperature developed in the United States, and other seedless varieties are widely consumed
affects flower induction in because they are easier to eat.
certain plants.
Growers increase the size of grapes by spraying them with a natural plant hor
[7 Define circadian rhythm, and
mone called gibberellin during their development. Almost all Thompson seedless
give an example.
grapes grown for direct human consumption are treated with gibberellin, which
S Give an example of a turgor
lengthens the branches that bear flowers and thereby gives the fruit clusters addi
movement, and distinguish
between turgor movements tional space in which to grow. Another advantage of gibberellin treatment of grapes
and tropisms. is that the longer stems allow air to circulate around the individual berries, keeping
them dry and preventing destructive fungi from attacking them.
In this chapter we consider the role of chemicals called hormones in regulating
all aspects of plant growth (increase in size) and development (progressive changes
during an organism's life). These processes include not only seed germination and
the growth of seedlings into mature plants but also a plant's responses to changes in
various aspects of its environment, including temperature, light, gravity, and touch.
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lated by plant hormones, organic compounds that act
as chemical signals between cells. Environmental cues,
such as changing day length and changing tempera
tures, exert an important influence on gene expression
and hormone production, as they do on all aspects of
plant growth and development.
The initiation of sexual reproduction is often under
environmental control, particularly in temperate lati FIGURE 11-1 Black-eyed Susans.
tudes, and plants switch from vegetative growth to repro This plant (Rudbeckia hirta) produces flowers in response to the
shortening nights of spring and early summer.
ductive growth after receiving appropriate signals from
the environment. Many flowering plants are sensitive to
changes in the relative amounts of daylight and darkness
that accompany the changing seasons, and these plants respond to such an external stimulus by directional
flower in response to those changes (•Figure 11-1). growth—that is, the direction of growth depends on the
Other plants have temperature requirements that induce direction of the stimulus. Such a directional growth re
sexual reproduction. Plants, then, continually perceive sponse, called a tropism, results in a change in the po
information from the environment and use this informa sition of a plant part. Tropisms are irreversible and are
tion to help regulate normal growth and development. positive or negative, depending on whether the plant
grows toward the stimulus (a positive tropism) or away
from it (a negative tropism). Tropisms are under hor
Growth Movements: monal control, which is discussed in the next section.
Most growing shoot tips exhibit positive photo-
Tropisms tropism by bending (growing) toward light (•Fig
Plants exhibit movements in response to environmental ure 11-2). This growth response increases the likelihood
stimuli such as light, gravity, and touch. A plant may that stems and leaves receive adequate light for pho
tosynthesis. Blue light (wavelengths between 400 and
PHOTOTROPISM The directional growth of a plant caused 500 nm) triggers the bending response of phototropism.
by light. (You may recall from Chapter 8 that blue light also in
GRAVITROPISM Plant growth in response to the direction
duces stomata to open.)
of gravity. For a plant to have a biological response to light, it
must contain a light-sensitive substance called a photo
THIGMOTROPISM Plant growth in response to contact with
receptor to absorb the light. The photoreceptor that ab
a solid object.
sorbs blue light and triggers the phototropic response
Growth Movements: Tropisms • 2 2 3
Dennis Drenner
Source: From Solomon, Berg, Martin Biology 8/e, Table 37-1, p. 791.
QUESTION: Which part of the grass coleoptile absorbs the directional light that triggers
phototropic growth?
HYPOTHESIS: The coleoptile tip perceives the directional light.
EXPERIMENT: Some canary grass coleoptiles were uncovered, some were covered only at the
tip, some had the tip removed, and some were covered everywhere but at the tip. The cov
ers were impervious to light.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: After exposure to light coming from one direction, the uncovered
plants (a) and the plants with uncovered tips (d) grew toward the light. The plants with tips
covered (b) or removed (c) did not bend toward light. The Darwins concluded that some sub
stance was produced in the tip and transmitted to the lower part that caused it to bend. ■
(a) (b)
FIGURE 11-8 Honeysuckle cuttings treated with various concen
trations of a synthetic auxin.
FIGURE 11-7 Auxin inhibits the development of axillary buds.
Many adventitious roots formed on honeysuckle (Lonicera
(a) When the tip of the plant (the source of auxin) is intact,
fragrantissima) cuttings placed in a higher auxin concentration
the axillary buds do not develop. (b) The tip of the plant was
(left), whereas fewer roots formed in a lower auxin concentration
removed. Because auxin is not moving down from the stem tip,
(middle). Cuttings placed in water (right) served as a control and
axillary buds develop into branches.
did not form roots in the same period.
One of the many controversial aspects of the Viet work, and the hormone was found to be one of a class
nam War was the defoliation program carried out by of compounds collectively called gibberellins. During
the United States in South Vietnam. From 1961 to 1971, the 1950s and 1960s, studies in the United States and
the United States sprayed Agent Orange, a mixture Great Britain showed that healthy plants also produce
of the herbicides 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T, over large areas of gibberellins. ■
South Vietnam to expose suspected hiding areas and Gibberellins are hormones involved in many nor
destroy crops planted by the Vietcong and North Viet mal plant functions. The symptoms of the “foolish
namese troops. The negative impact of these herbicides seedling” disease are caused by an abnormally high gib-
on the environment is still being felt today. Many eco berellin concentration in the plant tissue (because both
logically important mangrove forests and commercially the plant and the fungus are producing gibberellin).
valuable hardwood forests were destroyed. In addition, Currently, dozens of naturally occurring gibberellins
the herbicide sprays caused health problems in the na are known, although many are probably inactive forms;
tive people and members of the U.S. military who were there are no synthetic gibberellins.
exposed to them in the Vietnamese jungles. The herbi Gibberellins promote stem elongation in many
cides contained traces of dioxin, which is now known plants. When gibberellin is applied to a plant, particu
to cause birth defects in animals. Reportedly, the num larly certain dwarf varieties, this elongation may be
ber of birth defects and stillbirths in Vietnam increased spectacular. Some corn and pea plants that are dwarfs
during the herbicide spraying. Also, American veterans as a result of one or more mutations (changes in their
who were exposed to high levels of herbicides have more genetic material) grow to a normal height when treated
health problems than do other veterans, including cer with gibberellin (•Figure 11-9a). Short-stemmed, high-
tain types of cancer and skin diseases. yielding varieties of wheat have short stems because
they have a reduced response to gibberellin. Gibberel-
lins are also involved in bolting, the rapid elongation of
Gibberellins promote stem elongation a floral stalk that occurs naturally in many plants when
they initiate flowering (‘ Figure 11-9b).
PROCESSOFSCIENCE In the 1920s, a Japanese biologist was
studying a disease of rice in which the young rice seed
lings grow extremely tall and spindly, fall over, and die.
The cause of the disease, dubbed the “foolish seedling”
disease, was a fungus that produces the chemical sub GIBBERELLIN A plant hormone involved in growth and
development, including stem elongation, flowering, and seed
stance gibberellin. Not until after World War II did
scientists in Europe and North America learn of this
228 • chap ter 11 Growth Responses and Regulation o f Growth
1d w a rf - * I I dw a rf - 1 if. 1
1 *u
(a) Effect of the continued application of (b) Bolting in Indian blanket (Gaillardia pulchella). Many
gibberellin on normal and dwarf corn (Zea biennials grow as a rosette (a circular cluster of leaves close
mays) plants. From left to right: dwarf, to the ground) during their first year (left) and then bolt when
untreated; dwarf, treated with gibberellin; they initiate flowering in their second year (right). Gibberellin
normal, treated with gibberellin; normal, triggers the rapid stem elongation.
untreated. This dwarf variety is a mutant
with a single recessive gene that impairs
gibberellin metabolism.
Gibberellins cause stem elongation by stimulating tion, researchers showed that the release of gibberellin
cells to divide as well as elongate. The actual mechanism from the embryo triggers the synthesis of an enzyme
of cell elongation differs from that caused by auxin, that digests starch in the endosperm. As a result, glu
however. Recall that IAA-induced cell elongation in cose becomes available for absorption by the embryo as
volves acidifying the cell wall. In gibberellin-induced it resumes growth. In addition to mobilizing food re
cell elongation, cell-wall acidification does not occur; serves in certain newly germinated seeds, application
instead, gibberellin increases the cell wall’s ability to of gibberellins substitutes for low-temperature or light
expand. requirements for germination in seeds such as lettuce,
Gibberellins affect several reproductive processes in oats, and tobacco.
plants. They stimulate flowering, particularly in long-
day plants (discussed later in the chapter). In addition,
gibberellins can substitute for the low temperature that Cytokinins promote cell division
biennials require before they begin flowering. If gibber- PROCESSOFSCIENCE During the 1940s and 1950s, research
ellins are applied to biennials during their first year of ers were trying to find substances that might induce
growth, flowering occurs without exposure to a period plant cells to divide in tissue culture, a technique in
of low temperature. Gibberellins, like auxin, affect fruit which cells are isolated from plants and grown in a nu
development. As mentioned in the chapter introduction, trient medium. They discovered that cells divided when
agriculturists apply gibberellins to several varieties of placed in a culture containing coconut milk. Because
grapes to produce larger fruits. coconut milk has a complex chemical composition, in
Gibberellins are also involved in the seed germi vestigators did not chemically identify the division-
nation of certain plants (cereals and other grasses). In inducing substance for some time. Finally, researchers
a classic experiment involving barley seed germina isolated the active substance from a different source.
Plant Hormones • 2 2 9
They called it cytokinin because it induces cell division, Senescence is accelerated in cells of plant parts that are
or cytokinesis. In 1963, researchers identified the first cut, such as flower stems. Botanists think plants have to
plant cytokinin (in corn), and since then similar mol have a continual supply of cytokinins from the roots.
ecules have been identified in other plants. Biologists Cut stems, of course, lose their source of cytokinins and
have also synthesized several cytokinins. ■ therefore age rapidly.
Cytokinins promote cell division and differen Despite their involvement in many aspects of plant
tiation of young, relatively unspecialized cells into ma growth and development, cytokinins have not been ap
ture, more specialized cells in intact plants. They are a proved for many commercial applications other than
required ingredient in any plant tissue culture medium plant tissue culture. However, in the mid-1990s, mo
because they must be present in all dividing plant cells. lecular biologists used genetic engineering to develop
In tissue culture, cytokinins interact with auxin during tobacco plants that produce more cytokinin and there
the formation of plant organs such as roots and stems. fore live longer (‘ Figure 11-11). This discovery has the
For example, in tobacco tissue culture, a high ratio of potential to increase the longevity and productivity of
cytokinin to auxin induces shoots to form, whereas a certain crops.
low ratio of cytokinin to auxin induces roots to form
(•Figure 11-10).
Cytokinins and auxin also interact in the control
of apical dominance, in which the shoot apical meristem
suppresses the growth of axillary buds. Here their re
lationship is antagonistic: auxin inhibits the growth of
axillary buds, and cytokinin promotes their growth.
One effect of cytokinins on plant cells is to delay
the aging process. Plant cells, like all living cells, go
through a natural aging process known as senescence.
Illustration Services
Ethylene also has a major role in many aspects
of development, including fruit ripening. As a fruit
ripens, it produces ethylene, which triggers an ac
celeration of the ripening process. This induces the
fruit to produce more ethylene, which further ac
celerates ripening. The expression “one rotten ap FIGURE 11-12 Ethylene and fruit ripening.
ple spoils the lot” is true. A rotten apple is one that Both boxes of tomatoes were picked at the same time, while green.
The tomatoes in the box on the right were exposed to an atmosphere
is overripe and produces large amounts of ethylene,
containing ethylene for 3 days, whereas the tomatoes on the left
which diffuses and triggers the ripening process in were not.
nearby apples. Humans use ethylene commercially
to uniformly ripen bananas and tomatoes. These fruits engineer crops and horticultural plants that are more re
are picked while green and shipped to their destination, sistant to drought.
where they are exposed to ethylene before they are de The low temperatures of winter are also a type of
livered to grocery stores (•Figure 11-12). stress on plants. A winter adaptation that involves ab
Ethylene, along with auxin, is involved in leaf se scisic acid is dormancy in seeds. Many seeds have high
nescence and abscission. As a leaf ages (as autumn ap levels of abscisic acid in their tissues and do not ger
proaches, for deciduous trees in temperate climates), the minate until spring, after winter snows and rain have
level of auxin in the leaf decreases. concurrently, cells washed out the abscisic acid. In a corn mutant unable to
in the abscission layer at the base of the petiole (where synthesize abscisic acid, the seeds germinate as soon as
the leaf will break away from the stem) begin producing the embryos are mature, even while attached to the ear
ethylene, which in turn stimulates weakening of the cell (•Figure 11-13).
walls in this location. Abscisic acid is not the only hormone involved in
seed dormancy. For example, addition of gibberellin
Abscisic acid promotes seed dormancy reverses the effects of dormancy. In seeds, the level of
abscisic acid decreases during the winter, and the level
Abscisic acid was discovered simultaneously in 1963
of gibberellin increases. Cytokinins are also implicated
by two independent research teams. Despite its name,
in breaking dormancy. Once again you see that a single
abscisic acid does not induce abscission in most plants.
activity such as seed dormancy may be controlled by
Instead, abscisic acid is involved in a plant’s response
the interaction of several hormones. The plant’s actual
to stress and in seed dormancy, a temporary state
response may result from changing ratios of hormones
of arrested physiological activity when growth does
rather than the effect of each individual hormone.
not occur even when environmental conditions are
As an environmental stress hormone, abscisic acid
Additional signaling molecules
particularly promotes changes in plant tissues that affect growth and development
are water stressed. The level of abscisic acid increases Biologists continue to discover new plant hormones and
dramatically in the leaves of plants exposed to severe hormone-like signaling molecules. Many of these sig
drought conditions. The high level of abscisic acid in the naling molecules are involved in defensive responses of
leaves triggers the closing of stomata, which saves the plants to disease organisms and insects. Here we briefly
water that the plant would normally lose by transpira consider five groups—brassinosteroids, oligosaccharins,
tion, thereby increasing the plant’s likelihood of sur jasmonates, salicylic acid, and systemin.
vival. As knowledge of cell signals relating to abscisic Although steroid hormones have crucial roles in
acid increases, botanists hope to use this information to animals, we are just beginning to understand their roles
Plant Hormones • 2 3 1
in plants. The brassinosteroids (BRs) are a group of ste tical value in controlling certain insect pests without the
roids that function as plant hormones. BRs are involved use of chemical pesticides.
in several aspects of growth and development. Arabidop- For centuries people chewed willow (Salix) bark to
sis mutants that cannot synthesize BRs are dwarf plants treat headaches and other types of pain. Salicylic acid
with reduced fertility. Researchers reverse this defect by was first extracted in the 19th century from willow bark
applying BR. Studies of these mutants suggest that the and is chemically related to aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid).
brassinosteroids are involved in multiple processes such Recently, biologists have shown that salicylic acid is a
as cell division, cell elongation, light-induced differen signaling molecule that helps plants defend against in
tiation, seed germination, and vascular development. sect pests and disease-causing agents such as viruses.
Oligosaccharins are carbohydrate fragments that Although many animal hormones are polypep
consist of short, branched chains of sugar molecules. tides, the first plant polypeptide with hormonal prop
They are present in extremely small quantities in cells erties, called systemin, was not isolated until 1991. In
and active at much lower concentrations (100 to 1000 response to wounding by insects, systemin may trigger
times as low) than hormones such as auxin. Some oligo- the plant to produce molecules that disrupt insect diges
saccharins trigger the production of phytoalexins (from tion, thereby curbing leaf damage done by caterpillars
the Greek phyto, “plant,” and alexi, “to ward off”), an and other herbivorous (plant-eating) insects. The dis
timicrobial compounds that limit the spread of plant covery of systemin in tomato leaves prompted a flurry
disease organisms such as fungi. Other oligosaccharins of research that resulted in the discovery of additional
inhibit flowering and induce vegetative growth (that is, polypeptides in other plants.
the growth of leaves, stems, and roots).
Jasmonates are lipid-derived hormones that affect
several plant processes, such as pollen development, root PROCESS Progress is beingmade
growth, fruit ripening, and senescence. They are also inidentifyingthe elusive
V___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ J
FIGURE 11-15 How auxin works.
The numbered steps are explained in the text.
day plants. These plants detect the shortening nights of when they are exposed to days and nights of intermedi
spring and early summer, and they flower at that time. ate length.
Intermediate-day plants do not flower when day Some plants, called day-neutral plants, do not ini
length is either too long or too short. Sugarcane and tiate flowering in response to seasonal changes in the
coleus are intermediate-day plants. These plants flower period of daylight and darkness but instead respond to
some other type of stimulus, external or internal. To
mato, dandelion, string bean, and pansy are examples of
day-neutral plants. Many of these plants originated in
the tropics, where day length does not vary appreciably
during the year. (In contrast, short-day, long-day, and
intermediate-day plants are temperate species.)
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: A short-day plant flowers when it is grown under long-
night conditions (a), but it does not flower when exposed to either (c) long nights Phytochrome is involved
interrupted with a brief period of light or (d) long days interrupted with a brief pe in many other responses
riod of darkness. A long-day plant flowers when it is grown under short-night condi
to light
tions (b) but does not flower when grown under long-night conditions (a) unless the
Phytochrome is involved in the light
long night is interrupted with a brief period of light (c). These data indicate that the
plant is actually measuring the dark period, not day length. The original hypothesis isrequirement that some seeds have
disproved. ■ for germination. Seeds with a light
requirement must be exposed to
FIGURE 11-17 Photoperiodic responses of short-day and long-day plants. light containing red wavelengths.
Exposure to red light converts Pr to
Pfr, and germination occurs. Many
duce a particular type of phytochrome. Biologists study temperate species with small seeds require light for ger
ing the responses of plants that do not produce an indi mination. (Larger seeds generally do not have a light re
vidual phytochrome have concluded that the individual quirement.) This adaptation enables the seeds to germi
forms of phytochrome have both unique and overlap nate at the optimal time. During early spring, sunlight,
ping functions. including red light, penetrates the bare branches of over
Each member of the phytochrome family exists in lying deciduous trees and reaches the soil between the
two forms and readily converts from one form to the other trees. As spring temperatures warm, the seeds on the
after absorption of light of specific wavelengths. One soil absorb red light and germinate. During their early
form, designated Pr (for red-absorbing phytochrome), growth, the newly germinated seedlings do not have to
strongly absorbs red light with a relatively short wave compete with the taller trees for sunlight.
Temperature and Reproduction • 2 3 5
jii____ -< P LA N TS^EN VIR O N M EN T I P h y t o c h r o m e a n d S h a d e A v o id a n c e
Can plants sense the presence of Since the 1970s, botanists have Pfr forms. This signal triggers a series of
nearby plants? The answer is yes: They recognized the environmental factor responses that cause the shade-avoiding
not only detect the presence of nearby that triggers shade avoidance: Plants plant, which is adapted to full-light envi
plants, which are potential competi perceive changes in the ratio of red ronments, to grow taller or flower earlier.
tors, but they also change the way they to far-red light that results from the When a plant is using many of its re
grow and develop in response. Many presence of nearby plants. The leaves sources for stem elongation, it has fewer
plants, from small herbs to large trees, of neighboring plants absorb much resources to allocate for new leaves and
compete for light, a response known as more red light than far-red light. (Recall branches, storage tissues, or repro
shade avoidance, in which plants tend from Chapter 4 that the green pigment ductive tissues. However, for a shade
to grow taller when closely surrounded chlorophyll strongly absorbs red light avoiding plant that is shaded by its neigh
by other plants. If successful, the during photosynthesis.) In a densely bors, a rapid increase in stem length is
shade-avoiding plant projects its new plant-populated area, the ratio of red advantageous, because once this plant
growth into direct sunlight, increasing light to far-red light (r/fr) decreases, af is taller than its neighbors, it obtains
its chances of survival. fecting the equilibrium between Pr and a larger share of unfiltered sunlight.
Dennis Drenner
Cross-sectional views
(c) How the folding and drooping occurs. Pulvini occur in three areas: the
Dennis Drenner
base of each leaflet, the base of each cluster of leaflets, and the base of each
leaf. Only changes in the pulvini at the bases of leaflets are shown. (Top right)
A section through two leaflets, showing their pulvini when the leaf is undis
(b) The sensitive plant several seconds after being turbed. (Bottom right) A section through the two leaflets, showing how a loss
touched. of turgor produces the folding of the leaves.
the pulvinus (pl., pulvini). The pulvinus is a somewhat causes the leaf movement. Such turgor movements are
swollen joint that acts as a hinge. When the electrical temporary and reversible. The movement of potassium
signal reaches cells in the pulvinus, the electrical sig ions and water back into the pulvinus cells causes the
nal induces a chemical signal that increases membrane plant part to return to its original position, although re
permeability to certain ions. A loss of turgor (rigidity covery takes several to many minutes longer than the
or distension caused by absorption of water) occurs in original movement.
certain pulvinus cells as potassium ions exit through The mechanism by which the Venus flytrap leaf
the now-permeable plasma membrane, causing water to closes is similar to the mechanism of the sensitive plant.
leave the cells by osmosis. The sudden change in turgor An electrical signal, which moves more rapidly than in
the sensitive plant, induces a chemical signal that causes
a movement of potassium ions out of certain cells, fol
TURGOR MOVEMENT A temporary plant movement that re
lowed by the exit of water. The loss of turgor causes the
sults from changes in internal water pressure in a plant part.
leaf to snap shut.
0) Discuss genetic and environmental factors that affect 4 Relate which hormone or hormones is/are involved in
plant growth and development. each of the following biological processes: leaf abscis
Plant growth and development are controlled by both sion, seed germination, apical dominance.
internal genetic factors and external environmental Many plant processes may be the result of interactions
factors. The location of a cell in the young plant body of several hormones rather than the effect of a single
affects gene expression during development, causing hormone. Ethylene, along with auxin, is involved in leaf
some genes in that cell to be turned off and others to abscission; as a leaf ages, the level of auxin in the leaf
be turned on. Many factors in the physical environment decreases, and the level of ethylene increases. Gibberel-
(such as changing day length, variation in precipitation, lins are involved in the seed germination of certain plants
and temperature) determine gene expression and affect (cereals and other grasses); application of gibberellins
plant growth and development. substitutes for low-temperature or light requirements for
germination in seeds such as lettuce, oats, and tobacco.
42 Describe phototropism, gravitropism, and Ethylene also promotes seed germination, whereas ab
thigmotropism. scisic acid inhibits seed germination. Apical dominance
Tropisms are directional growth responses and are is the inhibition of axillary bud growth by the apical meri-
permanent. Phototropism is the directional growth of stem. In plants with strong apical dominance, auxin pro
a plant caused by light. Gravitropism is plant growth in duced in the shoot apical meristem inhibits axillary buds
response to the direction of gravity. Thigmotropism is near the apical meristem from developing into actively
plant growth in response to contact with a solid object. growing shoots. Cytokinins and ethylene also affect api
cal dominance: cytokinins promote the growth of axillary
43 List several ways in which each of the following hor
buds, and ethylene inhibits axillary bud development.
mones affects plant growth and development: auxin,
gibberellin, cytokinin, ethylene, abscisic acid. 5 Explain how varying amounts of light and darkness in
Hormones are organic chemical messengers in plants duce flowering, and describe the role of phytochrome.
and other multicellular organisms. Biologists have Photoperiodism is any physiological response (such as
identified five major classes of plant hormones (auxin, flowering) to variations in the length of daylight and
gibberellin, cytokinin, ethylene, and abscisic acid) as darkness. Some plants are short-day plants, some are
well as a variety of signaling molecules. Auxin is involved long-day plants, and others are intermediate-day plants.
in growth and development, including stem elongation, In these cases, the plant is actually measuring the
apical dominance, and root formation on cuttings. Gib length of the dark period. In day-neutral plants, photo
berellin is involved in stem elongation, flowering, and period does not affect flowering. Phytochrome is a blue-
seed germination. Cytokinin is involved in cell division green proteinaceous pigment involved in many plant
and delay of senescence. Ethylene is a gaseous hormone responses to light, independent of photosynthesis. There
involved in leaf abscission and fruit ripening. Abscisic are about five different phytochrome proteins; each
acid is involved in dormancy and responses to stress. exists in two forms and readily converts from one form